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Present – Jens, Yasmeen and Zarika – Traveling back to the cabin

Damn this is taking forever! Yeah, after the cab company disabled the taxi and Yasmeen accidentally shot out the deputy's window we bailed out of the cab and now we had to run to the cabin. Oh, don't get me wrong, I love running but if the e-mails I've been getting from the security system are accurate, all hell is breaking loose. Plus I don't dare push the girls any faster - thank God they didn't bring a crapload of stuff with them.

We finally reach the drive and head down the road for the cabin. When I hear a vehicle behind us, I command, "Quick - everyone hide."

We duck behind some bushes, the vehicle stops and I hear, " Ah wonder if ye three nee' a ride?"

Thank God it wasn't the sheriff or a deputy! I would recognize that accent anywhere. I step out from behind the bush and accept, "Hell yes, we need to get to the cabin as soon as possible. Something weird is going on."

Hammer says, "Hop in burds."

The three of us get into his car and I ask, "Where did you get the car?"

He states, "A mukker ay mine loaned it tae me."

It is obvious from the car and the flower vase on the dash the friend of his is a woman. Which also explains where he's been. I begin to catch him up on things until Yasmeen interrupts, "Excuse me Sir, why do you wear a dress? Are you one of those ... Uh ... What's the damn word Zarika?"

Zarika answers, "A homosexual."

At first I worry Hammer will be offended but then he laughs and says, "Thes is a kilt an' nae a frock. Dae ye ken th' difference atween a frock an' kilt?"

I bite my tongue when Yasmeen continues, "No Sir, I do not know the difference between a frock and a kilt."

He winks at me and replies, "If ye wear underwear 'en 'at makes it a frock."

Yasmeen giggles, "Do you mean you go commandant?"

Zarika corrects her, "She means commando? And doesn't that present problems."

Hammer grins at me and answers, "Nae it lets mah wee jimmies hang free in th' win'. Woods ye loch tae see?"

Yasmeen and Zarika giggle like crazy, we round the corner, approach the gate and it looks like a fucking circus. There's an ambulance crashed into the gate with several sheriff cars and one unmarked car sitting ahead of us.

I exclaim, "Shit, I was worried about that, the sheriff deputies are here for me."

Yasmeen begins to cry, "I do not want to be picked up by the fuzz."

Hammer stops the car and advises, "Yo' three slip frm the car n' I'll see at's going on."

We slip away from Hammer's car, make a wide loop and jump the fence, which of course sets off the alarm. Then we head toward the cabin...

Present – Mira – Heading to the cabin on foot

After I terminate the Puma concolar, Alexi also tumbles to the firmament. My greatest concern is in my haste to save him, I might have accidentally shot him. The pain is still too great to use my bipedal units, so I unceremoniously slide on my derriere toward him.

I approach Alexi and notate something terrible has occurred, then my tympanic units detect a noisy approach. I am between a boulder and a rigid place. I must render immediate aid to Alexi but I must also protect both of us.

I fire a duality of warning bursts in the direction of the noise, reach out to touch Alexi and...

Present – Todd – Mission to the gate

I hear two three rounds bursts from a rifle. I fix the position and head toward the infiltrators. I can barely make out two forms, one lying on the ground and the other sliding toward the supine one. I continue to approach when the form that's crawling fires two bursts in my general direction. I drop to the ground and crawl toward them. However, it's strange because neither of them are moving...

Present – SA Hotchner – Investigating at the gate to the cabin

Finally I get a damn break! The taxi company reports one of their cabs was stolen and the driver was headed here. From the description, the culprit was Ms. Donaldson. Finally, I have her exactly where I want her and there is no way she is going to slip out of a charge of grand theft auto. Besides that, she fired upon a sheriff's deputy. Yeah, her ass was finally mine!

We arrive at her property and there is an ambulance which was stolen from the hospital blocking the gate. We try multiple times to raise the cabin on the intercom but no one answers. Then the alarm sounds at the cabin, and we hear several three round bursts from a weapon. I look at the deputies and order, "Well, if this isn't probable cause then nothing is. I'm heading up to the cabin."

One of the deputies comments, "Well there's no way in hell you're moving this ambulance without a tow truck."

I confidently answer, "Then I'm going to walk."

The other deputy advises, "Suit yourself. All I know is I wouldn't be going walking around on her land at night. Especially not after the whole issue they had with the drug cartel army."

The other deputy adds, "Plus, they have some sort of high tech security system that's not to be messed with."

I laugh, "You two are cowards." I open the trunk of my car, put on my attack vest, grab a rifle and jump the fence. It triggers the alarm system and I suddenly have a few second thoughts...

Present – Jack and Ira – Cabin

I enter the code to open the tunnel door, then the damn alarm goes off and the door's locked again. I complain, "Ira, I thought you said this damn security system is working correctly."

She checks the terminal and states, "General Sir! It is! Someone has just breached the fence."

She enters the code to unlock the tunnel door, I reach for the door again and the damn alarm is triggered and the door locks again.

I order, "Stand the fuck back so I can beat some sense into this system again."

She turns and states, "General, remember what happened last time you did this? Once again someone breached the perimeter of the property and triggered the system. We can not ascertain if the forces are foe or friend so the logical step is to access the tunnel doors, make sure our families are safe and then lock down the tunnels.

I enter the code and this time the alarm isn't triggered. As I open the door, right inside the door are Masha and Ivan. Ivan holds out his hands and says Gapa! I take him and question, "Masha didn't you have any problems with the rats?"

My loving wife answers, "No my Jack, no rats entered the tunnels. But how are you my love?"

I answer, "I'm fine. Oh, I got bit a couple times."

Masha scolds me, "Jack, we need to get you to the hospital because getting bitten by a rat is a serious injury."

I approach Ms. Morgan and question, "Ms. Morgan are you without injury?"

She smiles and says, "Yes Ira, I am fine how are you."

I complain, "One of the vile rodents bit me on my derriere."

Ms. Reynolds overhears and declares, "We need to get both of you to the hospital to be checked out. Rats carry many diseases."

I inform her, "I agree with that statement, however the perimeter has been breached multiple times by unknown forces. We must withdraw into the safety of the subterranean tunnel system until we can ascertain the identity of the forces."

Masha orders, "Then I will make sure to cleanse the bites you both have received. Jack and Irina follow me."

I am surprised that my wife Masha didn't have any problems with rats in the tunnels so on the way to the treating of my bites I decide to take a side trip. I say, "I need to use the can first."

The minute I step into a bathroom I know why they didn't have any rat problems...

Present – Todd – Mission to the gate

The two unidentified persons that fired toward me haven't moved. So I jump up, run toward them and realize it's Mira and Alexi – they are both unconscious! I pull my tactical light from my vest shine it on them and realize that they killed the puma that I had wounded earlier. I note the collar on the puma and realize what happened. One of the rounds that killed the puma damaged the collar. If these were like the collars we used, any damage to them inflicted a deadly shock to the animal.

I use my bow to break the connection between Mira and Alexi but cannot loosen Alexi's hands on the puma's tail. So I take out my knife and severe the tail.

I kneel beside Alexi and do not find a pulse, I move to Mira and believe I find a faint pulse. Therefore, I begin CPR on Alexi...

Present – Jens – Traveling back to the cabin

We're headed toward the cabin when I notice a light and say to the girls, "You two stay here while I go an investigate who the hell is on my property."

As I approach I realize it's Todd and call, "Todd, it's Jens and I'm coming in."

I walk into the light and see that he's performing CPR on Alexi. He motions to Mira with his head, so I drop and check her but I can't find a pulse. I whack the hell out of her chest and begin CPR...

Present – Yasmeen and Zarika – Traveling back to the cabin

Ms. Donaldson has left us alone in the darkness so I question, "Zarika, do you think we should follow her?"

Zarika hushes me, "Yasmeen, someone is coming."

I ask for help, "What should we do?"

Then Zarika comes up with a brilliant idea.

I sit on the ground and pretend to cry, the person walks up and demands, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Zarika springs on him from behind and hits him over the head with a big rock. The man falls to the ground.

We search his clothes, find a flashlight, turn it on then I realize we might have made a mistake. The back of his vest says FBI. I worry and ask, "Zarika if he is FBI then we might be in big trouble."

Zarika says, "We will not be in trouble if we are not here when he wakes up."

We take his guns and run toward the light and Ms. Donaldson...

Present – Ira – Cabin

We prepare to lock down the tunnels, then my chest suddenly experiences pain and I realize my sister Mira has been injured. I look at everyone and state, "Mira has severe physical problems and I must go to her."

Ms. Morgan declares, "There's no way in hell you're going by yourself."

I look at General Pain and request, "Sir, might you detain Ms. Morgan. If she comes with me she will only slow me up."

He replies, "Liz she's right, I'll go instead."

Masha complains, "Jack, we need to promptly treat those rat bites."

He laughs, "Hell, the team is more important than my tired old butt."

We leave the tunnels and I suggest, "We should stop by my room for some medical supplies."

We acquire the trauma kits from my room and proceed rapidly into the night. It is almost like I can perceive Mira guiding us...

Present – Jens – Traveling back to the cabin

As we're doing CPR on Mira and Alexi, Todd pauses a second and signs to me. I pull out my phone and make a call since we need a helicopter here to transport these two to the hospital.

I return to doing CPR on Mira when I hear someone headed our way, I look and determine it's the girls. But where the hell did they get the weapons? I question, "Where did you two get the guns."

Zarika quickly provides an explanation, "Ms. Donaldson, we are sorry. But a man was sneaking up on us. We didn't know who he was so I hit him over the head with a big rock."

Yasmeen adds, "Then we realized he was an FBI agent. So we took his guns and came here to tell you."

I think that it's probably that damn SA Hotchner - he's been after me forever. I get ready to answer the girls when we hear from the direction of the cabin, "Mira we are coming!"

Ira and Jack arrive but they look like they've been over hundreds of miles of bad roads. Their clothes are covered with blood and something that smells even worse. Ira drops beside Mira, checks for a pulse and announces, "I will prepare and injection." She prepares Mira and gives her and injection right into the heart and orders, "Ms. Donaldson, please monitor her pulse."

I check and can now feel a faint pulse. She moves over to Alexi, prepares another injection, cleans his chest and injects it right into his heart. Then she monitors his pulse and says, "Thank God I perceive a faint pulse."

Jack pulls me to the side and starts telling his story, "Jens you aren't going to believe what happened to the cabin! Someone dumped thousands of rats into the septic system and they came up into the cabin and attacked us. We killed all the fuckers but the cabin is a mess. By the way it was a smart idea to make the toilets in the tunnels incinerating toilets. If they had been connected to the septic system then the rats would have gotten in the tunnels."

I interrupt Jack, "We have several bigger problems to deal with: First, I stole a taxi to get here faster and the cab company quickly disabled it. Then Yasmeen accidentally fired a shot into a deputy sheriff's car, Zarika clocked SA Hotchner and the girls stole his guns."

Jack states his opinion, "Jens, they are going to fry the three of you if they catch you."

I explain my plan, "Well, I was hoping we could hide out in the tunnels until I can get my lawyer to fix things. Is the house livable?"

He shook his head, "Hell no! The place is a blood nasty mess!"

I think for a moment and order, "Okay, let's move everyone into the garage and set up bunk beds. We will get a professional cleaner in to take care of the house and the girls and I will hide out in the tunnels."

Jack adds fuel to the fire, "Jens, you might also want to check the security system, I'll swear it acted like it was possessed. The damn house even tried to kill us."

Todd comes up beside us and signs, "He is right Jennifer, someone has hacked into the security system. Until I forced it to reboot using my stun gun, it was going to kill us."

That pisses me off and so I growl, "No one hacks my system and gets away with it! I'm taking the girls and heading to the tunnels then I'm going to totally purge and reinitialize the security system. A chopper should be here soon to transport Mira and Alexi to the hospital. I will make the calls for the cleaners and also the call to get the ambulance removed from the front gate."

Todd signs, "What ambulance?"

I explain, someone tried to crash through the front gate with an ambulance."

We hear Alexi weakly state, "I am sorry Ms. Donaldson, that was my mistake."

I look and see that Zarika and Yasmeen are taking care of Alexi while Ira is taking care of Mira.

Todd signs, "Jennifer, these were not your ordinary rats. They had been trained so that human flesh was their primary food source."

Jack complains, "How the fuck..." Then he stopped and muttered, "Those sick fuckers."

I look at everyone and announce, "Okay, we've underestimated Megan and her damn drug boss too many times and we've paid too high a price for it. If this fucker wants a war, then he's going to get the damn biggest war of his life! Jack, rally everyone that you can, get on the horn with Thom and tell him we need as many of the TSIFFTS teams as they can spare and find out what the hell they've been doing. But the most important thing is that we need to have guards posted twenty-four seven."

I look at the girls and explain, "We're going to hide out in the tunnel until my lawyer can fix the legal problems."

Present – SA Hotchner – Investigating at the gate to the cabin

I wake the fuck up and I hurt like hell! What's going on? Then I realize some damned rat is biting the hell out of me. I reach for my pistol but discover it's missing, so is my rifle. I jump up and run like hell for the gate but the damn rat is hot on my heels...

Present – Ben – Austin Texas

It's getting close to dawn and I do need to catch some sleep before practice today. I head back to Margarita's apartment while the damn little dog follows me. We get to the door, I knock, Margarita opens it, looks pissed for a minute until she sees the damn little dog then she picks her up and begins talking to her and says, "PavErast where did you find such a nice little dog."

I answer, "Well, she sort of found me."

The dog goes over and begins to nose the golden cat that I stole. I plug it into the wall then she sits in front of it and nods her head in time with the waving paw. Margarita gives me a hell of a hug and kiss and says, "Thank you for bringing Motita to me?"

I question, "What the hell is Motita?"

She laughs and says, "It's Spanish for little speck."

I wave my hand and say, "Well, it's been a long night and I need to get some sleep before practice today."

Margarita says, "Yes your exploits tonight were all over the news. However you burned down the old Donkey Kong playground."

Damn, now I know why it seemed so familiar to me - I was physically playing Donkey Kong! I head over to the couch and fell asleep right as my head hit the pillow.

Present – Stacy and Samantha – Escaping from the vets

I wonder how the hell Ben ever put up with me since I was as bad as Sam when I was first together with Ben. At least she listens! I check and find she's finished with Bo and has moved on to Patches without being asked. It's a good thing for her that she made her curry comb mistake with Bo first. If she had done that to Patches, Patches would have bit the hell out of her!

I finish heating the MREs, open the packets and add some wine like Ben used to do. Then I call out, "Sam, it's time to eat."

She comes over and says, "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."

Bo nickers and Sam seems astonished, "Did that horse just understand what I said?"

I mention, "Bo and Patches are pretty damn smart as horses go so I wouldn't be surprised if he understood at least some of what you said."

She takes a bite of her MRE and exclaims, "Wow, this is really good! From the way the Mossad guys talked these were barely edible."

I explain, "They are unless you add a few extra things to them."

She asks, "Was this something else that Ben taught you?"

I nod affirmatively then say, "Well, I need to get the hammock setup for the night." I take a tarp, some rope and tape, climb up in the tree and make a hammock like Ben had done. Then I come down and say, "I will take the first watch while you sleep, then it's your turn."

She says, "Goodnight Stacy and thank you for everything." Then she climbs up in the tree and crawls into the hammock. I'm thankful for the silence and wonder ... No, I decide that Ben felt the same way about me ... No wonder he left me, I was every bit as annoying as Samantha! Well, when I find him, and I will find him, things will be different.

I take out Sam's mobile phone and make a very important call...

Present – Byron, Thom and Inga – Reconnaissance, otherwise known as terrestrial foreplay for successful ground warfare

Something didn't feel right about the sailboat so I spun the dingy around and headed back toward the shore and my feelings are right! The sailboat explodes in a huge fireball, pieces of sailboat are flying everywhere and the wave causes the dingy to capsize.

Son of a bitch! The damn dingy capsizes and we are in a hell of a fix. With all the gear we have hidden under our fake drunk clothes, we begin to sink like rocks. I start to struggle to drop my gear but I can't get out of my damn tactical vest, I look over and see Byron is in the same damn fix that I'm in.

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by Philip Johnson Prologue It’s my position that cats make lousy pets. They don’t come when they’re called. They almost have to be declawed and kept indoors, and have a litter box that we humans have to clean. We have to feed them what they want, and pretty much when they want it. They come when they damn well feel like it and ignore us more often than not. Pet them when they aren’t in the mood? Forget it, they’ll just walk or run just far enough away to be out of your reach. Let’s face it,...

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Family Vacation 2

I was in bed spooned up against my sister when I felt someone tugging at my shoulder. I opened my eyes and realized it was morning, the sunlight coming in through the window. I turned my head to see who was tugging on my shoulder only to look into the eyes of my mother. She was standing there in a short robe with my gym shorts hanging from the end of her finger. “Morning Rick. Would you like to explain yourself?” she said, in a surprisingly calm voice. Without thinking I flung the sheet...

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Dick Dangler I met him @ a PC convention and he showed me how to navigate etc. As he leaned over me he touched my shoulder & stroked my arm when I got things right on the computer. He was handsome tall & black but he smelled so good. As he was touching me I felt my cock begin to swell so much so that it was becoming uncomfortable. Sure enough he noticed my embarrassment although he didn’t take any further at that time. He suggested we adjourn to the bar & we spent the evening getting to know...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 108

If you remember the ‘70’s, tobacco companies were under fire by those claiming that cigarette smoking was addictive and damaging to our health. They were defending themselves as best they could from these charges. While this was happening, an animal behaviorist wanted to remove the human factor, thus removing much of the emotional component, from examination of the issue. He planned and designed a research program to study the effect of cigarette smoke on laboratory rats. He began by...

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Daddys boy

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam stood motionless by his bedroom door. He had just gotten up to get a glass of water before noticing a feint glow creeping around the hallway corner; someone else in the house was up. Normally he wouldn't give it much thought, his dad had the habit of being unable to sleep. He would work in the wee hours of the night till he got tired and then went to bed, but that was always...

2 years ago
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The Blue Flame Of Love Chapter 3

Vince took his mother out for a late breakfast.“Thanks for bringing some of my clothes over. I appreciated it.”“You’re welcome, Vince. How’s everything going?”“Classes are good; I should have a three-point-six, maybe a little higher. If you don’t mind, what are you and dad’s thoughts about Abby and me?”“We were very surprised, your father more than me. I knew you two liked each other. We think a lot about Abby, after what she’s gone through. I like her, dad well, he respects her and isn’t sure...

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A story of one of my night dreams am Me as Bobby

Over the next few days, Bobby and his mother settled into a routine. Every morning she would wake him for his shower, and he would feign sleep for as long as he could so he could view her magnificent hanging breasts as they swayed in her neglige. Bobby came to realise that her nightwear must have been bought for her by his dad as all her outfits were silky and featured low necklines that showed off as much of her breasts as possible. Today's outfit was red and lacy and hung particularly low at...

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Lady in Waiting

Dusk settled over the trees, and she watched the gravel driveway from the big bay window, waiting. He had given an estimated arrival of late evening, and as darkness fell, the moon rose above the horizon… she paced the floor, listening to music on a very expensive stereo system – speakers were positioned inconspicuously about the house for the ultimate in environmental sound control. She had an interesting collection of compact discs – all specially selected to enhance a relaxing, mood-altering...

3 years ago
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The morning after the night before

The morning after the night before. Peter fucked his daughter Meg faster and faster as he knew he was also getting close to coming. His daughter wrapped her legs tightly around her father and her thighs tightened rigid around him. Susie inserted a finger into Peter's asshole and wiggled it with the result that his ass muscles bunched and he groaned loudly cumming in ecstasy cumming the most he had ever came inside of anyone even his wife Lois. "That's it Daddy come inside me give...

2 years ago
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My sexy maid Rupa

Hello Kerala Erotica Fans. You would have already read my stories about my sexy and horny sister in law Suni in Seduction by Sister in law Part I & II. Today I am going to narrate a true incident about our maid – Rupa. Well Rupa happened to be working with us for last more than a year now. She is almost 5feet 7 inches tall, has a beautiful face , very fair, dresses up nicely (read Sexy), almost 34 years old and has a very sexy walk. I was eyeing her for a very long time, but since presence of...

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6 dicas para ela atingir o ORGASMO

No auge da paixão na cama, ela curva as costas e solta um gemido gritando que ecoa pelo quarto inteiro. As mãos dela estão apertando suas costas, mas o que você consegue sentir somente são as apertadas e súbitas contrações musculares dela, enquanto ela se perde em meio ao prazer.Logo após, ela sussurra no seu ouvido “Wow, isso foi incrível…”.Mesmo que isso pareça mais um sonho do que a realidade neste momento, existem alguns “botões mágicos” que você pode apertar para fazer sua parceira atingir...

2 years ago
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Senatorial Secrets Ch 12

Author’s Note: Thanks to all the reader’s that have taken the time to read this short series. I have enjoyed it and will miss some of the characters. . . but not all. *grin* Please leave a comment and vote, or send me your comment via Lit. All in all though, please enjoy this final, yet short end to what I think was a neat project. ~ Red Mitch sat in the back of the limo that would take Savannah, Gina and Gail from the cemetery and then to the private lake cottage that the Scholastic family...

4 years ago
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My Wifes a Slut for BBC Blacken

My wife and I have known each other since high school. She's 44 and I'm 48. She is extremely attractive with a beautifully proportioned body. She is moderately conservative. Open to a wide array of sexual fun.We enjoy sex its one of our favorite activities. My wife is very sensual and an incredible turn on in bed. She is multi orgasmic and loves to come. I love to make her cum. I love seeing the intensity of the orgasm over take her body.I think I have a big dick and I know it satisfies her,...

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Fools in LoveChapter 8

Cal had Maureen’s right hand in his left. He led her back to the bedroom. He wasn’t wearing anything. She was wearing the same cute little nightie she’d worn earlier. It just covered the very tops of her thighs, then it plunged low in the front giving him a scenic view of her large breasts. He wanted to make love some more; but he wanted to do other things too, he wanted to keep talking, he wanted to cuddle, he wanted to fondle those deliciously soft but firm orbs, he wanted to feel himself...

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The Kim Chandler Prison for Women

The Kim Chandler Prison for WomenBy the Bitchfinder GeneralSynopsis: Linda Marshall, now Mayor of the new town of Eastminster, has set out to transform every aspect of life within the town and its environs into a living hell for women, especially beautiful blondes. This is the story of her prison for women, named after one of her oldest enemies.The Kim Chandler Prison for WomenBy the Bitchfinder General1Linda Marshall, Mayor of Eastminster, smiled happily as she thought of the way in which,...

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The Self Bondage Punishment Website Chapter 1 D

The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 1. DiscoveryDave came across his dream website. He couldn't believe it was true, but sure enough, there it was. The url was: selfbondageenforcement dot com, and it had everything Dave had ever dreamed about. Once one signed up, they could download, for a fee, everything needed to put yourself into inescapable bondage. And what made this special, was that the site sold a local transmitter that was installed into your home, and connected to the...

3 years ago
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Ricks RevengeChapter 3

Life couldn’t be any better for us as newlyweds. There were far too many choices for our honeymoon destination, and one of the guys at work happen to mention he and his wife had twice stayed at the Grand Isle Resort and Spa in the Bahamas. He lent us the pictures they had taken, and it gave us a good idea of the Resort beside their website. We decided to give it a try and didn’t regret it for one minute. Donna wore either her sexiest bikinis or her usual sexy low cut tops and short skirts....

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I sucked her

I liked the feeling when taking Mel’s cock in my mouth while it was still limp and allowing it to slowly harden inside. The feeling of the growing penis is hard to be explained! To feel it getting stiff with its pulsations and at the same time slowly filling my whole mouth. And I had nothing special to do except teasing it with my tongue and maybe giving a few sucks from time to time. This is an instant turn-on for me. ‘Do you want to play our game?’ Mel’s soft voice ripped me out from my...

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Fanden Hus Fuck House

Part One: The Arrival Gillian stopped at the counter inside the small, dark adult novelty store and presented the shiny access card to the woman attending the register. Wordlessly, the clerk nodded and held up a finger indicating to wait a moment. She opened the register and, from the back of the cash box removed a key before closing the drawer and motioning Gillian to follow her. Gillian picked up her small gym bag, tossed her brown hair over one shoulder sneaking a glance around the...

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My First Time With Jackie The End

“Ok Jackie you don’t have to tell me, but trust me, you will leave here feeling very satisfied, because I’m going to tear that cootchie up girl.” I laughed, but kept my eyes on her. I needed her to know that I meant it. She just blushed and opened her legs wider…   I left her panties on and asked her to lie on her stomach. I began to gently massage her back, while giving her soft little pecks… I loved her reaction to my touch, her skin all goose bumpy and her soft moans were driving me...

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Holy Godfather Of My School

Its Seema . so much to tell about Godfather. Its old story of my school days. Some where in 2005-06. I was in seventh standard. So much excited to tell this story that I forget one thing. Many asked for my all stories links. Click on author name , in my case seema930, you will get all my names. So where we were …….. Old school days. Wow !!!! What days were those. All freshness in atmosphere, cool head, no knowledge of sex and bad things. I was so decent in those days. I love those days for many...

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Game of Love Ch 05

All rights reserved. by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) Chapter 5 – Many Happy Returns We had not remembered to pull the shade in our Oxford Hotel room, and the late morning sun finally drove us to get up. It felt too good cuddling there, so after we ordered room service, we hopped back under the covers for a few more minutes. ‘You can start telling me the story now, before brunch gets here…’ Sophia coaxed, running her hand up inside my thigh as added...

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Desperate Roommates Turn To Lovers 8211 Part 1

Hi guys! My name is Paul and I am 20 years old. I wanna share with you an incident that took place some time back in my life. I am currently doing my engineering in a Mumbai college. Since I am not from here I have to stay in a hostel. This is an incident that happened between me and my roommate. My roommates name is Jack. He is also 20 years old and happens to also be doing engineering in my college. Since we are from the same college we see a lot of each other and as time passed, have become...

Gay Male
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Theatrical …….4This story is called theatrical because of how I first met my friend, if you haven’t already done so I would suggest reading that series first.I woke the following morning still tingling from the previous night’s activities, I reached out sideways across the bed and found nothing, I looked around and there was no sign of my friend, then I heard the sound of the shower and breathed a sigh of relief, I had lost contact once before after he turned my world upside down, I had no...

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PenthouseGold Tiffany Rousso The Insatiable Stepmom

With husband out of town, busty MILF Tiffany Rousso needs some help with a little R&R, and hunky stepson Josh is more than happy to step in while his father is away. The Penthouse cougar melts under the young stud’s hands as he slips off her high heels and massages her pantyhose-sheathed feet, and soon they are French-kissing and he’s sucking on her big tits. The insatiable stepmom now extremely horny from getting her pussy licked and fucked by the handsome cub hungrily drinks...

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The CEOChapter 8

The next day Becca immersed herself into the business. Her personality meshed well with the French employees. She had taken two years of French in high school and two years of conversational French in community college, so she could converse with the other employees well. She kept her eyes open and listened. After the first day she had a basis to build an understanding of the ins and outs of the division's inner workings. She started to take on more of the day-to-day tasks that bogged down...

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Paying the Coach

He lay on his back and summoned me to him, his rock-hard cock bounced from side to side as he adjusted himself up towards the headrest of the bed.“Time to pay the coach, Dave,” he said, continuing, “If you do a good job, I might even give you an extra treat.”I hesitated a little, I looked at his glistening muscular body, his broad chest, his flat stomach, and his throbbing erection. I paused to take it all in for a moment. When we made the deal and he promised me that I would have a body just...

Gay Male
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Bosses New Toy July 2010

I could tell I wasn’t liked by the other girls, as they had their own little clique. When I was told to meet the Boss after work one Tuesday, I thought my time here was over. Now it’s 3 months since that day and I’m still here. The other girls in the bar still don’t seem to like me as much, but one in particular who really has it in for me, Rachel. This is probably the reason why, I had been secretly fucking the Boss Michael, after work on Tuesday nights now for almost all of my 3...

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Spring Breakdown

Spring Breakdown "Spring Break, woohoo!" Jay shouted as he saw the edges of the beach city in the near distance. He has going to have the time of his life, the first spring break vacation from the drudgery of college life. He looked over to the driver's seat, where his best mate Matt Williams was driving steadily above the speed limit, looking a bit downcast. Jay swept a hand through his short sandy hair, and spoke up again. "Hey man, cheer up, it's gonna be a week of sunshine,...

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Son You Know We Shouldnt Part One

Son You Know We Shouldn’t – Part 1By Michele NylonsMichele Cashmore had raced home from work early to tell her son the good news. She had not only been promoted; she was going to get a huge pay raise. She raced inside their small two-story cottage and quickly climbed the stairs, her high-heels clattering on the wooden treads. She snatched at the doorknob and flung open the door to her son’s bedroom.“David! Guess what? I got a pro…………..” Michele failed to complete the sentence.Her mouth agape,...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 5 Friends and Enemies

Chapter 5 A young fox pawed its way hurriedly through the snow and undergrowth in pursuit of its quarry. The density of the trees became less and less as suddenly, the fox emerged into a clearing. The rabbit it was chasing stared back at him wide-eyed, frozen to the spot. The fox knew this area well, even in the dark and snow. A small pool of water lay semi-frozen at the foot of the clearing, surrounded by tall, forbidding trees. The constant gushing of water broke the silence as the fox...

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A Midnight Encounter Part 2

2Jake is kneeling on the floor while I’m on all fours on the bed. He’s licking my ass and it feels amaaazing. Out of nowhere he grabs me by my ankles and lifts me in the air, moving me forward to make space for him to climb behind me. “Damn, this dude is strong…” I think excitedly to myself. He pushes me down flat onto my belly and inserts three fingers into my pussy…drilling me so hard and fast that I feel like I’m getting fucked by a machine. I love that this man knows to do this to me. The...

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Im The Bosss Daughter

"Well, this is the office, Jaclyn," he said as we both entered."I can see that, Dad," I added, looking around."And this is Nathan and Tommy, they both do the boring stuff, so nothing you'd be interested in, so don't bother them," he warned me as we strolled into his office.I couldn't resist, but to peek at them anyway. 'Oh, a handsome brunette and a dark-haired guy too,' I thought, before halting. "You're not gonna introduce me, Dad? I mean, I am the boss's daughter.""Okay," he said, turning...

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I never planned on Mandy Part I

I Never Planned on Mandy - Chapter I by Tabitha The ironic thing of all was that Brian had not even been interested in going to the party at Nick's house anyhow. However, when he overheard his sister, Louise, talking to her friend Michelle about it, he had decided to prevent her going. At fourteen, Brian was a bright but socially unnoticeable individual. It was not that he was unable to make friends or get involved in activities - he was after all one of the school's top...

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Advanced Fantasy

The Age of Wonder is dead. The Age of Progress is now upon us. Ancient races of Man, Elf, Dwarf, Goblin and Orc have put aside their long standing embittered grudges to stop a terrible evil from ravaging the land and in this following new found peace they have produced feats that had been previously the jurisdiction of the Gods. Modern miracles are now so common that they’re available to everyone in this fantastic new era of learning and understanding. Cities have sprawled across the land, vast...

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First College Romance Part 1

This is my first story. The characters and story are fictional. Hope you like it! Thomas and I had been friends for a while. We met in my first ever college class, physics. We were randomly selected as lab partners and hit it off quickly. We talked for hours that night and soon became inseparable, especially when we found out we lived in the same apartment complex, neither of us wanted to live in the dorms because we were focused on school. Most of our friends thought we were dating, but we...

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