Becoming free porn video

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Becoming by Jack Andrews --- Special thanks to Ed Miller for creating Jackie in his classic "Addicted." This story always screamed MORE to me. It took me thirty years and my entire family fortune...and here it is. --- I took a long, slow deep breath and pushed the button. The five or six seconds that I waited for a response felt like two or three million years. "Yes?" "Hi, is Jackie there?" I said through the speaker. "Um, who is this?" "My name is Chase." "Ok, Chase is it? Who are you and what do you want with Jackie at this hour?" "Well, um...could I..." my voice cracked, "talk with her face to face, it's kind of private." "Listen Chase, I'm not in the habit of letting men I don't know in to speak with... Jackie at...1:30 in the morning." I felt the tears and the emotion beginning to surface. I tried to hold it back, but it was no use. "Please, I HAVE to speak with her," I cried. "I've spent the better part of the last two years looking for her. Please." "Two years? What are you talking about?" "If you let me in, I'll explain everything...and everything in the briefcase is yours." I saw the camera globe above the door and propped the aluminum Zero Halliburton briefcase on my knee. I snapped open the case. "How much is in there?" "Five figures. Please." She took a long moment before answering. "Just so you know, I'm a 4th degree black belt in karate, and highly skilled in Krav Maga -- no funny business. Am I clear?" "Very." "I'm in suite --" "Six." The buzzer sounded, the door clicked and my heart almost leapt out of my chest. I opened the gate and entered the courtyard. The courtyard was small and the whole building only had twelve apartments so number six was easy to find. I rang the bell. I was petrified and excited beyond experience. The door opened to reveal a dark interior. "Yes?" "I'm Chase. May I come in?" "Remember what I said." "Yes." I opened the screen door and walked inside. The screen door shut behind me and presumably the voice's owner closed the heavier door. A light flicked on. The woman before me was quite beautiful, with deep brown eyes and nearly as tall as my six feet, with lush dirty blonde hair past her shoulders. From all of my experience, she was showing off as if she had perky D- cups, but that might easily be false advertising courtesy of a push-up bra. Or it could all be her. I didn't know how it worked and I wasn't sure she could affect herself. "Are you Jackie?" I asked the woman. "Give me the briefcase and start talking. Wait, what's on your back?" I handed her the briefcase and told her there were clothes for me in my backpack. I explained that if she could do what I thought she could do, the contents of he briefcase were hers. For the briefest of moments, I swear I saw a twinkle in her eye. "Well?" she said as she sat on her couch. "Like I said, I'm Chase. But I would, what I mean is that I..." I stopped and took a big deep breath. "You mean, what? Now sit." she asked, clearly reveling in my discomfort. "I'd prefer to be Barbie," I answered her as I sat next to her. "I see," she said with a large grin, "What makes you think Jackie can help?" "You are Jackie, yes?" She looked at me for a few moments like a lepidopterist looks at a butterfly, and then smiled. "Yes, I'm Jackie. What makes you think I can help you?" "A lot of research I've done over the past two years. It seems you have some type of power. There have been so-called fictional stories written about you and this power...I spent a lot of time and money trying to figure if it -- and you -- are real." "I'm real, that's for damn sure, but a 'power'?" she gestured in my direction, "Didn't you check this out with and the other urban legend sites?" "That's what is so interesting -- " My vision blurred and I felt like someone just made solid contact with my head during a nasty pillow fight, yet it disappeared as quickly as it arrived. "You ok?" she asked. "Yeah. What was I saying? Um?" "You looked at urban legend sites..." "Right. There's not a mention of you or this power at all. I took that to be a very good sign." "Interesting. The fact that you couldn't find anything about me aside from some fictional stories proved to you that I existed?" "Using negative proof isn't easy, but if you really had a power of this kind and it existed, it wouldn't be talked about anywhere. You'd be buried so deep in some lab somewhere, you'd probably never see sunlight again." "That's not really a pleasant thought." "Exactly. you have a 'power?'" "What would this 'power' do?" she asked, clearly playing with me. "I believe it could transform a man into a woman, possibly more." "That could have its uses," she said as she waved her hand in my direction. My vision momentarily blurred as my head went all cottony again. And it was once again gone as fast as it came; yet this time I noticed heaviness on my chest and looked down. My brain couldn't process what appeared to be two large mounds under my shirt. "What...but...I...?" "Isn't that what you wanted?" "But...I...How --" and my eyes rolled back in my head and I promptly passed out onto the couch next to Jackie. Jackie smiled. "Aw, Chase, too much of exactly what you wanted? This is going to be the most to be the most fun I've had in quite awhile." -- I woke up on the couch next to Jackie and immediately put my hands to my chest. Nothing out of the ordinary at all. "Hey there sleepyhead. You alright, or are you going to pass out again?" "You did something to me. I swear that I had tits for a minute." "Why would I do that?" "Because you can." "I can? Cool," she crowed as her big brown eyes sparkled and got larger to emphasize her words. "Did I imagine it?" "You tell me," Jackie said with a chuckle as she scooted up next to me on the couch. "Do you find me attractive Chase?" "Um, well, yeah, you're beautiful." Her eyes bored into me as she said, "Thank you, Chase." Jackie scooted even closer forcing me to move in the opposite direction -- a direction that had the arm of the couch in the way. "Did you know you're making me wet?" "I am?" I gulped. "Yes. Very. My nipples are quite hard as well, but you can see that through my shirt." I glanced down to her chest and clearly saw her seemingly rock hard nipples practically calling to me. I couldn't find my voice. "Aw Chase, cat got your tongue?" She reached up and gently stroked the back of my head. "I'm fine, " I said unsteadily. "Why are you telling me this?" "Well, wouldn't you like to feel what that's like? To get wet. To feel your nipples get hard. To want to be filled. To feel these," she hefted her tits, "resting softly in your bra...Among many other things?" The only answer I could give was one where my eyes got wider than dinner plates and my world started to swim. "No answer, ok. I guess you don't -- " "N, no. I do. Really." "Really? Is that why you're all flush? Or maybe it's just a fever. Lemme feel your head." Jackie leaned over, pushing her right breast into me and wiping her hand across my forehead. Now I felt hot, faint and cotton-headed. And intensely horny. "You do seem warm to me." "It does feel warm in here." "Why don't I distract you from the heat?" "Why don't you distract me from the heat." In one motion, Jackie leaned over me and straddled me while pulling her shirt off to display her bra-clad D cups. "Is that better?" I'd never been so hungry and turned on...and scared in my life. "Are you going to change me?" Jackie began grinding her hips into me, up and down and back and forth. "Change? I was planning on fucking you, you're pretty damn cute and I haven't been laid in awhile. What kind of change are you talking about?" "To make me a girl." "Don't you want to fuck me?" as she leaned her tits into my chest. I couldn't respond because for an eternal instant, I felt her tits as if they were my tits. "Can't talk? How 'bout a kiss?" Jackie leaned into and kissed me. It was a kiss that was so deep and so complete, combined with the feelings of her chest and mine, short circuited my head and...I was gone. Jackie pulled away from the kiss and straightened my hair. She was flush all over her chest. Her nipples were visible through her bra and looked as hard as drill bits. She ground into me one last time and then moved off of the unconscious me. "So easy," she said with another glint in eyes. --- "Can I help you?" "Are you Jackie?" "Yes. Are you Chase?" "Yes." "Please come in, quickly." Jackie looked good enough to eat and I would have loved to, except I wanted to be her more than I wanted to do her. "You have luggage?" "If you can help me, the briefcase and its contents are for you. The bag is for me." "Go on." "I understand you can turn men into women." "I can do what?" Jackie asked with an amused look on her face. "I believe you can turn men into women. Is it true?" "Perhaps." "You can?!? I searched you out for years, but I didn't really believe it was possible." Jackie looked me up and down and back up again. She let the grin face from her face. "Oh it's's just that I'm not sure I want to do it." "I have a lot of money in the briefcase," I said as I was overcome with a strong feeling of d?j? vu. "Are you ok, Chase?" Jackie asked. I hesitated and locked onto her eyes. "Have I been here before?" Jackie laughed. "Not that I know of. Now you were saying something about the briefcase?" "There is nearly $25,000 in that briefcase for you if you can help me." Jackie's eyes lit up as she tried to hold her excitement in. "That's a lot of money." "Jackie, please, tell me what I need to do to convince you." Jackie looked at Chase, like she was thinking something through and pulled her shirt over her head. She was clad in a beautiful pink bra. "Put your hands on my tits." "What?" "Chase, most men wouldn't question that command." "But, um...this seems familiar." "Does that mean you don't want to touch me? Do it. Now." My hands went directly to Jackie's tits. They felt as wonderful as they looked. Jackie sighed a pleasurable sigh. "Go on, squeeze 'em," she said with a glint in her eye. I overcame my embarrassment and began to gently knead them. A few seconds into this instant trip to second base, I felt a brief tingle shoot through my entire body. Jackie's eyes bored into mine. I continued touching her tits and a wave of disorientation came over me. I felt like I was touching my own chest. I squeezed them and I couldn't form words or thoughts. It felt like I was perpetually passing out. "Do you like that?" Jackie cooed. She looked at me like a predator who just caught her prey. I couldn't say a word. Jackie laughed. "I guess you do from the look on your face. But, too bad." I managed to make an unintelligible noise. Jackie smiled at me hungrily and said, "Nighty night." I saw her wave her hand out of the corner of my eye. The feeling of her tits as my tits swallowed me up and I was, once again gone. --- I woke up on the couch, feeling very disoriented. Jackie was right next to me and I had a cold compress for my forehead. "W-What happened?" "Not telling," she grinned. "I like you, I like how shy you are about what you want, I like how you've been respectful of me -- well other than ringing my doorbell at 1:30 in the morning, but I can understand." She took a few moments. "And you're kinda cute," she paused. "Barbie." It took me a moment to realize what she called me. "Barbie?" "I've decided I'll help you. I'm a bit bored anyway." I sat up, a dump of adreneline poured into my system. My breathing got short, my cock gained iron bar status and my vision got swimmy. "Really?! What do I need to do?" Jackie laughed softly. "My, we're anxious." "I'm sorry, I guess I am." "Aren't you embarrassed? I mean, most guys who want to be women don't exactly blurt it out." "I'm insanely embarrassed, but I'm way past that. And it's not like you're someone I hired to pretend that I'm a woman where I'll feel shame; You're actually going to do it to me. For me." She tossed me my backpack. "Go ahead and get dressed." "Where should I go?" "Just change right here...I mean, you're going to change right here anyway." I dumped the contents of my bag onto the couch. Jackie looked over my girl clothes. "I see you like Spandex." I was feeling a little faint; like that kid on Christmas morning who wanted a particular gift but never thought in a million years he'd actually get it. I'm pretty sure I'd never had so much adrenaline in my system. "Yeah," as my eyes became transfixed on Jackie. As I was fumbling with my girl clothes, Jackie slid her jeans off to reveal a perfect set of legs and a sexy pair of satin panties. She placed her right hand at the left bottom of her shirt and the same with her left hand on the right side. In one motion, she pulled her shirt over her head to reveal an absolutely killer body, that featured a satin bra that held picture-perfect D cups (which matched her panties) and a flatter-than- flat, perfectly toned tummy. I was nearly at a loss for breath. "You're absolutely gorgeous Jackie." "Thank you. Your turn to do the opposite." I took no measures to insure my clothing wouldn't stretch and showed no pretense whatsoever. I pulled off my clothes as fast as I could. I was naked and excited beyond words. In a moment, I would crossdress in order to become a woman in front of this gorgeous woman and I was about as hard as I'd ever been in my life. "Damn, you're a healthy boy. You really want to give that up? We could have a good time..." I couldn't meet her eyes, but drank in her body. I closed my eyes, shook my head lightly and softly said, "I'd love to, but I have to..I need to..." My voice died out right there. "Chase, look at me," she said very softly. I did sheepishly, and saw a kindness in her eyes. "It's ok. Really," she gently touched my cheek. "Now get dressed." I took a deep breath and sat on the couch. I went to pull on a pair of purple satin panties, but had a problem. My cock was harder than diamonds with no sign of retreating. I looked at Jackie. "Um?" "What's the problem?" she looked down. "Oh whoa. I see. Seriously, you don't want to...?" I pled with her with only my eyes. She gently nodded and looked right at me. Jackie gestured with her hand in the direction of my crotch. Immediately, I felt a charge run through my cock, somewhat like moment just before orgasm but it was gone as fast as it arrived. With it leaving, I felt my cock deflate and my arousal amp up even more. "There you go." Now that that issue was taken care of, I pulled on that pair of panties and tucked everything away to create the illusion of a female crotch. "That's a good look for you, but I bet I can make it better. A lot better." I really couldn't respond to her anymore. I still felt a kindness from her, but coupled with my somewhat buried embarassment, I knew she knew what this experience was doing to me and I'm quite sure she was getting off on it. I pulled out a near-black satin 40DD bra and strapped it on my chest by reaching behind me and securing the hooks into their eyelets. I reached for my breast forms. "That was some impressive bra work. I know a lot of women who can't clip their bra when it's behind them. Leave the forms, you won't be needing them." I simply nodded. I needed to focus on dressing and breathing. I pulled on my beautiful shiny lilac spandex catsuit, which covered me completely from the tips of my toes to my neck. I went to reach around to pull the back zipper up. "Turn around, I'll do it," Jackie said. I stood and set my back to Jackie. She zipped me up. "I kind of like the slutty 'look-at-my-bra-under-my-shirt' look. It's a good one for you, but the head really doesn't go with the it." Jackie held her arm out, in a kind of a wave and I once again felt a small tingle run through my body. "Omigod," I squawked as I felt like the world was going to swallow me. Jackie tapped me firmly on the forehead and said, "Enough. You will *not* pass out." Jackie's hands began to gently caress me starting at my shoulders and roaming all the way down my body. I started feeling a ripple in my midsection as Jackie just smiled at me, still looking amazing in her bra and panties. The ripple extended down to my hips, cock, my thighs, legs, calves and feet. It settled in my feet and I felt them getting smaller. There was no pain; it was like a very strong invisible massage. "Tell me what you want." "I already told you." "I know, but say it again. I want to hear it." "I want you to make me a girl." "What kind of girl?" "Like Barbie. Big heavy tits, wide eyes and a tiny waist." "Is that all?" "A pussy. A pretty face. Long hair. Sensitive," as I lowered my eyes and my voice trailed off. Jackie took her hand under my chin and raised it up so our eyes met. "And?" "Horny." Jackie kissed me on the nose and backed away. She gave me a smile that scared the hell out of me. She raised her right hand as her eyes looked into mine and made a gesture as if she was shooing something away. I immediately felt a slight pressure, nearly everywhere. Parts of my mind felt like they were on a Tilt-A-Whirl. Parts of my body felt like they were on a roller coaster. My chest felt decidedly weird: I wasn't used to being dressed in this manner without feeling the weight of forms resting in my bra. The sensations assaulted my body slowly, yet somehow, all at the same time. I continued to drink in the beauty of Jackie and was able to see and sense /her/ arousal. Her breathing picked up and she was getting quite flushed. Her nipples were probably as hard as my cock was just a few moments ago. The first thing that brought it home was the feeling of my hips become more, well...hippy. They started to tingle strongly (well, more strongly than every place else) and within a few ragged breaths, there was more of them. As this was happening, I ran my hands all over my Spandex-clad body (except my chest--feeling the empty cups was still very disconcerting) and could actually feel my stomach tightening and becoming flatter. It was a highly erotic feeling. Jackie stepped right in front of me, but wouldn't touch me. "You like that, baby?" I couldn't respond with anything more than an excited glance. Jackie was running her hands all over her sexy body, continually cupping her bra- clad tits, turning me on even more. I felt as if my entire being was becoming less. My tucked away cock and balls began to give off feelings I'd never felt before. It was like they were becoming malleable, a living, sensitive form of clay. They felt like part of me, but different and no longer what they were. The tingle in my ass cheeks became more focused and it expanded, taking my ass along with it. The couch seemed to move a bit farther away from me as my satin panties began to cup my cheeks tighter in a very sensual way. I reached down between my legs and began to rub my crotch. Jackie eyes were lit up like a pinball machine. "Rub harder, faster," as she slid her hands inside her bra and rubbed her nipples. I complied and felt my cock and balls completely lose their form. I continued to rub for a few more moments when I felt a jolt pure pleasure split me open. My cock and balls were no more. I could feel an indentation first, then an opening form up through my body. There was an electricity I'd never, ever felt before. "Aahhhhhhhh," I screamed and lost my balance. Jackie was right there to catch me. Her body felt warm against mine and she touched my waist. It began to draw in on itself and I continued to lean on her. "Are you alright?" she asked. "Holy..." I replied, breathlessly. "Good," Jackie smiled and kissed me hard on the mouth. She pulled me closer to her. Jackie felt soft and warm and good. Her breasts pushing against my chest was a heavenly feeling. Our tongues dueled in a heated display of lust. I'm not sure who was more turned on by the proceedings. Her hands were all over me and mine were all over her. Jackie's tits felt better than they looked. I had decent sized hands and they were just big enough to not quite fit in them. Soft and firm at the same time. It was turning me on more than I have ever been turned on in my life. I could feel my new lips rubbing against each other under the panties and it was like my insides were melting and running down my legs. The word erotic can't begin to describe the feeling. Jackie ran her hands over my chest and a feeling I have never known overtook my chest and my entire body. I fell down onto the couch and my hands immediately shot to my chest. "My nipples," I squeaked. "That's right." I began to massage my super sensitive nipples and could feel my clit igniting with each touch. My new pussy was hotter than molten steel. I thought I was going to actually have a psychic break and cause permanent damage to my mind. But I couldn't stop. My nipples were giving me more pleasure than anything in my transforming form until I began to feel them expand. I drew in a sharp breath and covered my chest with my hands. Hands that suddenly felt very strange. They felt smaller and more streamline than they had a moment before. My fingers felt slimmer and longer. I felt them being pushed. Pushed by my breasts that had all of a sudden begun to push out from my chest. I panted. "I'm becoming...I'm becoming..." "That's right you're becoming," Jackie placed her hands over mine and as she pushed them into my blossoming chest, "a GIRL." My eyes rolled back into my head. My breasts began expanding. I'd thought gaining a pussy was erotic. It couldn't come close to this. There was no thought for me any longer. It was pure non-corporeal sensation and pleasure. Liquid pleasure pushing out from my body. The skin on my formerly male chest was being converted to woman flesh. The stretching and pulsing made it seem like I was stuck inside of a full body orgasm the size of the whole world. I could feel my chest becoming heavier, taking on dimension. I felt Jackie?s hands all over me at the same time as my new girl hands were starting to cup my new breasts. It magnified the eroticism of the moment to a number not yet understood. Going all on sensation, I began to feel them from underneath. I could cup them! The growth was slow and steady and oh so erotically perfect. I felt Jackie kiss me at the same time I could feel my chest becoming my tits. I was actually cupping the beginnings of breasts! I began to shake and I felt something inside of me begin to expand. It was centered in my lower abdomen, but filled me up everywhere. The breasts were gaining more weight and there was no doubt. I could feel my nipples poking hard into the bra and catsuit. I was amazed at how they felt in my hands. Fireworks had gone off in my chest. At some point Jackie stopped kissing me and backed off. I was in the haze to end all hazes, but felt her presence next to me along with her hands all over me. Her hand went between my legs and made contact with my Spandex and panties-covered mound. As she touched me, the roller coaster got to the top of the incline and without any warning at all, it went over the edge. I came and came and came. Then I kept coming, harder. My nipples were so hard I'm sure I thought they would break. The pleasure coming from all parts of my body was indescribable. I'm pretty sure I was screaming in pure ecstasy. As I came, somewhere in the pleasure I could feel my pelvis pumping involuntarily as well as the bra straps biting into my shoulders. With each pelvic thrust I felt the weight of my new breasts in my hands as well as on my shoulders as the bra began to do what it was designed to do. "Omigod Jackie. Omigod. Omi..." "Feels good, doesn't it?" "Omigod. Omigod. Omigod....More." "More what?" "Bigger." "What bigger?" I opened my eyes and looked at her sitting next to me for a moment. The look of lust she had on her face was a huge turn on -- along with everything else. "My tits. Fill my bra. Pleeease." And I closed my eyes again. I felt Jackie's hands cup my breasts and they instantly began to get heavier. I could feel more weight on the bra straps. My hands slid hands over hers, but tweaking my insanely sensitive nipples between our fingers. I kept rubbing and kneading my new breasts. I felt the bra under the Spandex and my breasts under the bra. They were pushing further from my chest wall. My face started to feel a tingle everywhere from the surface to inside my skull. It was a very odd feeling but not unpleasant. It felt somewhat like my cock and balls when they were reforming. My new breasts continued to push from inside as I started to feel the straps push away from my body. My new smaller body. The weight was heavenly. The mini nuclear detonations from my nipples and breasts were immediately telegraphed to my clit, my eyes, my toes. I must have been panting like a dog who'd just come in from a long run in the desert. With a cup and hold of my breasts, the roller coaster was back and without warning, was over the edge once again. This orgasm made the others feel like a sneeze. My toes curled so far, had I been able to think, I would have thought I was going to break my feet and snap a dozen other muscles. The orgasmic electricity running up and down and left and right in my body could have heated Moscow. In January. And with that. It all subsided, gradually and rapidly at the same time. I opened my eyes and saw Jackie's look of satisfaction and lust. Her nipples were still hard and her hand was down her panties. Her panties were visibly wet with her juices and I could smell a lot of woman in the air. "Hi Jillian." "Jillian?" "Yes, Jillian. I made you, I name you." I looked down and realized what was under my catsuit wasn't plastic. They were real breasts. I shook my upper torso and felt my nipples rubbing my bra. The flesh of my breasts moved as I shook. My breasts didn't stop for a second or so after I actually stopped moving. It so the most erotic thing I'd ever felt. Each movement shot a corresponding jolt down to my clit and sopping wet pussy. "Jillian. Jillian. Jillian," I said it a few times to feel the name on my tongue. "Good," she said as she leaned over and lovingly, gently kissed me on the mouth, "You'll have about 4 or 5 days to explore." "Four or five days?!?" I repeated excitedly. "For now. Why don't you head into the bathroom and clean up? You might even want to look at the new you." I didn't answer but got up from the couch and stumbled. My center of gravity was all shifted. My tits /really/ pulled on the bra straps and I loved it. I hadn't realized I lost about four inches in height. I felt sexy, alive and vulnerable. Each step I took was an exercise in eroticism. My ass moved a bit differently, my hips swayed and my breasts - holy shit, my breasts - gently rocked just a little up and down and side to side. Reaching my hands out to the bathroom door, I could feel my breasts and the skin surrounding them being pulled as my arm rose. It went straight to my clit. I flipped the light on in the bathroom and couldn't believe what I saw. I was a gorgeous woman. I cupped my tits through the Spandex and almost fell down. My eyes were wide, my lashes long. I hadn't even realized or felt my hair -- and it was now a very light strawberry blonde than hung down to my shoulders. My lips were in a perfect bow and seemingly were stung by a bee that knew what she was doing. I reached around back to undo the zipper. I just had to see my tits. The feelings that shot through my nipples and breasts just from the motion of reaching behind me almost made me cum again. I had the zipper unzipped and I looked in the mirror as I pulled the catsuit down. My eyes got wider as I saw the tops of my breasts. Actual breasts. Real flesh. I gently poked at the tops of my new breasts. They were really real. I pulled down the catsuit and needed to steady myself as it came over my harder-than-steel nipples. I was overtaken with emotion and could feel tears running down my cheeks. This is what I'd been searching for for a long, long time. I could see my nipples showing through the bra. I reached to cup my breasts and was overcome by pleasurable feelings. Women that didn't like their tits played with were idiots. "Pretty nice, huh?" I hadn't realized Jackie had been standing there. "Thank you." I paused. "Thank you," I said in a breathy girl voice. My eyes went wide. She stepped over to me, kissed me gently on the cheek and said, "You're very welcome, Jillian. You've got such a pretty voice. I'll let you be alone for a bit. Come out whenever you're ready." Jackie smiled and walked out of the bathroom. With my tits cupped in my hands and feeling my own girl juice running down the insides of my new girl thighs, I couldn't really form complex thoughts. "Um...thank you. Jillian. Jillian." The sound of my own voice was now turning me on. I stared at my gorgeous reflection in the mirror cupping my new tits and feeling the electrified pleasure rocket around my new girl body.

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Arlene and JeffChapter 209

Jeff and his wives had just gotten out of the shower. He had bent over to dry his foot when Arlene intentionally bumped the back of his knee, causing him to stagger. He snapped his towel at her as she squealed and ran out of the shower area. When he caught up with her near the bed, she sang out, "Wait. Wait. I need to ask you something before I forget. Did you let the Sergeant know that I would be there in the morning for training?" "Yep," he responded as he stopped a few feet away with...

1 year ago
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traveling wife

some time ago her friand a lady.that her brother was dating told my wife if she wanted to work for her, she told her brother about it and he said go for it and you can keep an eye on her also and tell me if you see something suspiciuos. my wife ask me what i think, she said the money is good but i have to travel one weekend a month and she ask what do you think? i said i had no problem with it. i know my wife loves to travel, could be good for her since she spend most of the time with the...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Christina Shine 10152019

Christina is a true Queen of Spades! She and Louie Smalls have a long distance relationship and Christina has come out from Budapest to visit Louie in his beautiful LA home. After their date, he brings her to his bedroom and soon enough, Christina’s delicate face is buried deep in his ass, long licking his parts. It’s a striking contrast not only between skin tones but also in size. Louie comes in at 6’8 and petite Christina is a solid 5’0. That’s a 20 inch size...

2 years ago
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Living in Your Sisters Shadow

Just before noon on a Wednesday, you drag yourself out of bed. You put your slippers on and head to the bathroom. You almost don't recognize the out of shape and soon to be 19 year old staring back at you in the mirror. It's been a while since you shaved and you desperately need a haircut. Mom calls it your "homeless" look. But it doesn't really matter. She's usually the only one that sees you. You don't have a job and all of your college classes are online. You head back to your room and plop...

4 years ago
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Year OneChapter 7

Tuesday February 1st I got a phone call about half way through the morning. That was unusual in itself, normally if anything needs doing Lucy just puts her head round the door and tells me. A voice at the other end, which I didn’t recognise, just said, “Are you coming to the cafe at lunchtime? They’ve got some interesting specials on.” I guessed it had something to do with Harry, so I said, “Yeah, that sounds interesting.” I spent the rest of the morning feeling as nervous as hell and...

2 years ago
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The Cats Meow

Disclaimer This story is a works of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. The author asserts all legal rights to this work. You are not allowed to copy anything without authors permission. By continuing on you are agreeing to the statement above. * * * * * Cat All of a sudden I hear the best words over a speaker that a drunk woman who loves to dance can hear. ‘Dude looks like a lady.’ OK this song is on my friggin A list for make a fool of yourself...

3 years ago
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Naukar Ki Rani Mom

Hello dosto to title dekhkar hi aap samaz gaye ki story ke do main character hai mom raveena aur naukar ramu kaka . Mom ki age 45 hai .Par wo ek sadharan housewife hone ke bawjood na usko dekhkar uspe marne wale kam huye nahi uski figure me koi fark aya.Sabse khas to uski gand jo sabhi ko sabse jada pasand aayegi.Mom badi hi gussel hai koi bhi use ghurake dekhe ye use bilkul pasand nhi.Mom aur papa roj chudai karte the magar papa ki death ke bad mom ne shayad hi chudai ki hogi.Usne pura time...

1 year ago
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The sight of Candy lying on a sunlounger by the pool was driving me crazy. It always amazes me that there is not more sexual activity on beaches and poolsides, because everybody’s out there almost naked. You wouldn’t sit in a room with a woman in just your underpants and she in just a bra and knickers – or if you did, you would be expecting to get lucky very soon. And yet in sunbathing mode we are expected to behave “like adults”, which, in that case, means not getting excited, or even not...

Straight Sex
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My Friend8217s Pregnant Wife

My Friends Pregnant Wife * (a woman’s husband finds her unattractive when she’s pregnant but a good friend of his thinks entirely differently.) Rachael struggled to get up off the couch. “Let me get that for you,” Jason said as he jumped up quickly. “Don’t be silly,” Rachael laughed. “Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’m an invalid.” “I know,” Jason offered. “It’s just that…...

2 years ago
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At the movies to accompany our video as told

My interactions with Ken and Keiko started when she sent me a quip about being disappointed that she's too young for my preference. I retort back that if she read the fine print in my profile she'd notice that I make exceptions for pretty women with her measurements. Keiko is beautiful, there's not that much more description needed. She's of Asian descent but doesn't fit the stereotype of the petite boyish figure. Her small frame houses a round tight butt and uber sexy 32DD breasts. They...

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His first time

Lee sat down in the dark theater and rubbed his eyes. The change in light between the outside in the sun and the dark room made him blink. Gradually his vision came back. He noticed there was only two people in the theater, him and a younger hispanic guy. The guy was dressed nice, medium build, clean and immaculately groomed. He was standing behind a half wall watching the movie. Out of the corner of Lee's eye he noticed the guy step back a bit from the wall and reveal that he had his pants...

1 year ago
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Sitting Down

Sitting DownI touched the tip of the knife to her breast, just below the nipple. If she moved suddenly, any cut would be hidden once she put a bra on. I pressed more firmly, the sharp edge pressing into but not actually cutting her skin. She breathed in sharply but didn’t move.To be fair, she couldn’t move far. The beauty of a maternity chair is that not only is it quite low, to allow the user’s thighs to angle upward to support the infant, the raked back encourages the user to lean back,...

3 years ago
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Idolization part 3

Breath came roughly to Rose. The scent of semen permeated her nose with every shaky breath and her throat hurt from the recent invasion. And none of that hurt as much as the hole that was steadily opening in the ragged brunette pop idol's heart. The voluptuous redhead with an incongruous cock hanging from her femininity spoke slowly, picking her words deliberately, as if searching for whatever combination of diction may cause the most impact. "The Angel's Embrace skinsuit project is...

1 year ago
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Vampire at Uni

You're name is Constantine but everyone calls you Dean for short. You are a freshman in college and finished up your first semester with a 4.0. Obviously you made the Dean's list-- it's even in you name. You decided to treat yourself last Friday for a semester well-done and went with a few friends to one of the frat parties at your University. The frat was Delta Iota Kappa, also known around campus as "DIK House" You remember walking into DIK house with your friends, the smell of beer and sweat...

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community work

I was completing my college degree and my resume lacked some community or charity work to be even co considered for graduatingSo i end up helping disabled , i had a car and twice a week i had to drive and help for whatever this older black guy i was assign to needed help withHe was a construction worker and had lost his sight temporarily , a operation to his eyes would take a year to heal and i spent a great week just driving picking grocery and stuff for him, this work was easy the next year...

3 years ago
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Our new friend Bisexual threesome story

One The night I met Steve I knew there was something special about him I liked. "I just about always get what I'm after," he'd said with a smile. "Sometimes I have to work hard for it, but I get it." I don't remember how I happened to stop into the bar after work, unless it was that Lil and I hadn't been hitting it off too well. After a year of marriage I guess the honeymoon was wearing off a little. Not that Lil wasn't damn good in bed; and she loved my big dick. A few times lately I'd gotten...

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Jodie Sweetin

Jodie Sweetin sat in the outside office waiting to see the producer of Dancing With The Stars. The pretty blonde former c***d actress had been invited to be on the upcoming season of the very popular show and was asked to come in and speak with the producer. She’d been waiting for about 10 minutes when the door opened and out came Mischa Barton. She looked up and couldn’t help but notice the large wet stain on Mischa’s silk blouse. Mischa hurried past her and then the secretary told her she...

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EvilAngel Holly Hendrix Troy8217s Anal Slam Piece

Petite XXX superstar Holly Hendrix grinds her delicious, little butt for legendary porn director Jonni Darkko’s skilled lens. The dainty tart teases in a knit sweater and lace panties … oops, there go the panties! She licks studly Troy Francisco’s oiled meat. Troy shoves his big Black cock right up her rectum for a bouncing anal ride. ‘Let me use that fucking prick!’ demands Holly as he plows her sphincter. Holly offers up a deepthroat, ass-to-mouth blowjob. His...

2 years ago
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I Hate You Chapter Two

It was also raining outsideagain. My eyes had been aching since about four o’clock today and it’s nearing seven p.m. now. I had to get home to Elaina. Ever since I have been driving for more than a week at a time, she has been very irritable. Once she even gave me the silent treatment and slept in her room for the first time since our first night together. I don’t ever want to go through that again. That was the loneliest night I’d had since her mother died. This time I drove down the Alcan...

3 years ago
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Magic InkChapter 17

New characters that appear in the next several chapters: Sean Patrick Martin O'Hennessy Senior Sorcerer, head of the Boston council, 5'8" tall, a thin old man with a long white beard and hair At home, Katie and Margie started dinner while I unloaded the pickup. The sandwiches that Mom had provided had been very tasty on the way home. At least I thought so. My wives had only nibbled at theirs. We had stopped for gas and coffee on the way home. Dinner was a very quiet affair, and our...

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The Asian Trip Report The Rough Filidrama

A couple of hrs ago i was banging some skanky donna summers looking bitch who was trying to become "a singer in a band." I guess she thought this was a casting couch of some sort. Lol fuck if it was, that was a long audition. I listened to her belt out aerosmith and bon jovi covers lmao. But anyway i told her that filipina chicks are violent and get angry easily and that's why i don't get serious with a filipino girl - her response, straight face (with my cock still inside her i think), "yeah....

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Dawn and the Foreman

The following story is about consensual, informed, extramarital sex. If this is a subject that offends you, please stop reading now and seek out one of the thousands of other stories available on this website that would be more to your liking.All events depicted in this story are absolutely true and accurate, or at least as accurate as my memory can reconstruct. With that said, the names of the guilty have been changed for their protection. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale. I have a...

Wife Lovers
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New Order

NEW ORDER By Heather Alexander Prologue I stood in front of the washroom mirror, I ran my hands through my platinum blonde hair reaching over I opened my handbag and took out a lipstick. Pulling the cap from the tube I slowly spiralled the phallic tip out of the tube it was a bright pink colour as I lifted it to my lips I stopped and stared at my reflection, "How did I get here?" I said to myself. Standing in a washroom about to apply lipstick to my full pouty lips, with long...

3 years ago
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Discovering Our Housemaids Secret Part 2

It was Friday afternoon and I managed to escape from work early again. My wife Brenda was busy at the gym focusing on her usual long afternoon workout and I knew she wouldn't be home for at least two more hoursbecause she texted me that she was heading to the gym just as I was finishing up at work. What happened Wednesday was... completely unexpected and yet very much a turn on! I had been thinking about our housemaid Kim a lot for the past two days and I was anxious to know what she was up to...

4 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 5

Earlier that morning, while wearing only a worn dress shirt and panties, Ashley had sat down to breakfast with her stepbrother Brad. From there, things had progressed rapidly. Before the morning was over, the shirt was unbuttoned, the panties were gone and she had danced, nearly naked, with Brad and two other guys. It was now almost noon and Ashley was alone in her room. The way she had started the morning, wearing nothing more than a shirt and panties while having breakfast with Brad, was not...

Straight Sex
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Girlfriend likes forced sex

I used to go out with this girl, she was beautiful, she wasfull figured, not fat, made life fun and it was the best sexof my life. Our sex life got even better after she made me take it from her.For some people sex is a little dull, not for me, I love missionaryusually called vanilla sex I love the intimacy involved.Kissing touching grabbing ass and pounding her pussy.But I have also learned to love trust. The trust that's neededto not go overboard and not to push the limits too far overthe...

3 years ago
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Hi story readers me Gujarat ke rajkot sahar se hu meri age 27 sal he aur mere lund ki size 8” he Aaj me jo apko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo aaj se karib 6 month pahale ki he muje office ke kam se ahmedabad jana tha to vaha me apne papa ke dost ke ghar thaharne vala tha me karib subah ke 9 baje ahmedabad pahucha aur vaha se me auto rixa me papa ke dost ke ghar pahucha vo apartment me rahate the maine maine doorbell bajayi to papa ke dost ka ladaka jiska nam amit he usne darvaja khola aur mera...

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Fun in Indore with Saali

Hi, My name is Jeetendra, I am from Indore, M.P. and I am 30 years of age and married since last two years. To get my ID please read this story and at the end you will find my e-mail ID. Today I am narrating my own real true story. The incident I am going to narrate happened on the 25th November 2006. It was around midnight when me and my sis in law (Saali) Nishi (Not her real name) came over for winter vacation to stay with us. She was in her final year of M.B.A. from symbiosis, Pune. My sis...

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Fantasy Island Day 3

Fantasy Island Day 3 (The Farewell) Darren’s story 6:00am Awoke to find Katrina was snuggled up to me on the rug by the fireplace with my arms around her. I looked down at her and as I stroked the hair off of her eyes and smiled as her nose wrinkled up when I leant down to kiss it. We had both slept naked and I could see that she must have been having a good dream as her nipples were hard and her hips were moving against my legs. The feeling of her pussy slowly grinding against my leg was...

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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 8

_______________________________________________________ “You freeballin’ today?” I smiled as Tommy playfully slapped my sleepy face. It was a lazy Sunday morning, still somewhat overcast outside, yet the mood still seemed cheerful. His face was already painted blue and yellow and he begged me to come downstairs to have some breakfast because we would be leaving soon. It was Football Sunday and we were heading down to the stadium to see our favourite team play. I wasn’t much of a...

2 years ago
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The Queen of the NileChapter 2

THE TIME: 2011 B.C. THE PLACE: The Valley of the Pharaohs (A Royal Sister Betrayed) The shadows created by the revered Sun God RA marched across the desert floor east of the largest of the pyramids at the sacred site of Hawara. The young girl in the flowing white gown of a royal virgin sat petulantly on the granite plug intended for the newest resting place for the royal Egyptian elite. She did not know what day it was. She did not even know what year it was. Her calendar was her emotional...

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A Night of Fun

But a guy gets lonely. And out of this loneliness I joined one of those find-a-date sites. My profile appeared somewhat popular, but every time I tried to chat with one of the ladies on it, I got nervous. It was seriously looking like I’d never get laid again. Then I took a gamble. I found a gorgeous woman on the site and started an IM chat with her. And it seemed to go fine. Hell, it seemed like she enjoyed what she heard, enjoyed enough to even invite me over. Practically with a...

3 years ago
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Sharif Sister

Hi i m fr Surat , aaj me aapke liye nahi real story laya hun dosto mene apne didi k nadand k mama sasur k ladki ki chudaii kese keri wo aaj bataunga dosto 1st to wo hamre baju k ghar me rehte the mene usse meanz dipali ko kabhi buri nazar se nahi dekha tha 1st to mujhe yeh jab pata chala ki wo didi k relative s the to hamre pariwar & unke pariwar me realation kafi or ache ho gaye the … Sso aage ki baat me & dipali k pitaji hum dono Share[bse] ka kaam kerte he so meri unse achi patathi thi so...

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Tail of Mina Katie Alfie and Mickey pt3

I should have known better. I thought the boys had had enough excitement. But their sap was still rising. John has arranged two arm chairs alongside each other, about a metre apart. Dave took me by the collar and chain and half dragged me to one of the chairs where he sat I I knelt. Harry did likewise with Mina, who followed his lead (her lead I guess). Men love that feeling of power and me, and I could see Mina was the same, was happy to be controlled, added to the fun. I watched as John...

1 year ago
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Wie es begannhelliphelliphellip

Hallo Freunde der Disziplin und der brennenden Körper.Heute, im Alter von fast 50 Jahren könnte ich hier Bände mit Geschichten füllen. Ich weis nicht wie oft mein Körper dran glauben musste und derartig durchgestriemt wurde das ich tagelang nicht sitzen konnte oder keinen BH tragen konnte. Ob auf der Arbeit oder Privat, ich scheine den Männern, und Frauen zu signalisieren, bitte benutz mich auf die harte Tour und bring mich zum Schreien. Hier möchte ich mich aber einmal darin versuchen euch zu...

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Deputy MorpheusChapter 20 Roving Commander

I shifted the carrier with my infant son on my chest and glanced at Amanda as she pushed the stroller with our daughter. She smiled and ignored my look, “You are a commander and can carry your son.” I snorted, “Just because the empress has me roving for the next year does not mean you and...” She lifted an eyebrow, “We are not staying here and playing house.” I growled, “I knew I should have staked you out on the beach with Samantha, Domino and Simon.” She grinned, “Now I might have...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 5 Mother Comes a Calling

After we had cleaned ourselves up and tided around the place some we felt we were ready for the arrival of our mother. We were having breakfast in the kitchen and Bridie was telling us how the phone had rung and knowing we were probably still asleep she answered it and ended up having a long conversation with mother about how long she was going to stay and how she wanted her to stay on full time as cook and head of household while she was here. Bridie said she had a daughter that she had to...

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SleepwalkerChapter 70 Here We Go Again

The night monitoring system had turned out to be a complete bust so far. Dream activity is not particularly regular in a lot of people under the best of circumstances. Made me wonder that we all seemed to fall into it so easily and spend so much more time at it with no ill effects. I made a mental note to talk to Bob about it next time I talked to him. School had been out for almost three weeks and there had been no trace of activity since Elizabeth Street's little adventure. For some...

2 years ago
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Hypothetical HitchHiker Part 2

We both positioned our respective underwear in front of us – the outer and less intimate surface of the gussets facing towards us – and Dane lifted mine up to his nose first. I followed his lead, applying the outside of his shorts to my nose even though I would have strongly preferred to have done so with the inner lining, and we both took a few gentle sniffs of the material.To my surprise, almost immediate, I saw through the corner of my eye that Dane's member was starting to twitch to life....

Gay Male
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DanicaPart 4C

Danica heard a knock on her door not long after she had risen from her bed the next morning. She answered it and saw it was Celes. She opened the door wide and let the woman in. Danica grabbed her up in a hug once the door closed. "I was worried. I haven't heard from you in so long." "I'm fine dearie," Celes said, breaking the hug after a few moments. "I was jus' about business an' away." "I'm so glad you're back," Danica said with a smile. "I want to show you something,"...

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Wife Catches us

It started about ten years ago when my neighbors first moved into the neighborhood. The husband and wife were in their mid-fifties. I had an immediate attraction to the husband. He had salt-and pepper hair and was a little chunky but in shape. His hair has since turned silver, which drives me insane wanting him. Over the years, I have become friends with both the husband and wife with nothing funny between any of us. Then one day, that changed. As I was out doing yard work, I heard the wife say...

1 year ago
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A stranger in need tribute to John4u23

It was supposed to be a mad night out. A stag do in Skegness that was supposed to get wild. It was for a guy from work that I didn’t know that well but who turns down an excuse to party? At 31 years old you look for any excuse to have a bit of fun. I had got my nice shirt on and I was knocking a pint back in the Marine Boathouse pub, waiting for the others to turn up. It was then that I got a text from my mate Steve, “the stag is off, Dave’s future Mrs has thrown a fit because we booked a...

4 years ago
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a long time ago

when i was 16 my mom and i went to a boat party in london the party went well and as it happened my moms hot friend was staying over at our was summer and the friend lets call her jane was wearing a sexy short dress.alot of drinks were drunk and my moms friend got very moms friend was about 5'7 slim with 32c brests and she was to sleep in my bed while i got the sofa so i went upstairs to get ready for bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth i heard her go into my room...

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"Knock knock""Ah, that must be her..." he said to himself. He'd been waiting for her to come over for about an hour. He was annoyed that she was late, but figured he would get even with her later."Come in!" he yelled, and she opened the door slowly and peeked in. She looked great. She was wearing a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt and a nice blouse. He knew because he had seen it before. But even dressed casually she looked really good, and what was underneath made his mouth water.She walked into...

4 years ago
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Seducing my Masi

My Name is Andy I am 21 years old now. This happened to me when I was 18. That time I was in MUMBAI and studying B.Com in a college. I was staying in my Mom’s sister’s (Aunt) house. My Uncle is a Sales Representative. He will be out of town for at least 25 days a month. My aunt is 28 years old. She is really beautiful and sexy. Especially I love her boobs. She is fair in color and her boobs are really huge and those two cannot be kept within her Bra and Blouse. Most of the time when she is...

1 year ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 50 Rabbit Out of a Hat

A few days after Fiona announced her relationship with Jeff, she spent a weekend at his apartment in Pyrmont. She was back home on Sunday evening, a huge smile on her face. “I think, well, I’m almost a hundred per cent sure, I’ll move in with him before Christmas,” she said. “He said he would love to meet you both, particularly Will, he knows of you, at least by your professional reputation.” “Sounds good to me,” Lisa said. “When and where?” “There’s a Vietnamese restaurant not far from...

2 years ago
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Mardi Gras Galveston Style

Galveston, Texas. I decided to make a trek down to Houston for some business and decided to stay at a local downtown hotel, not knowing this past weekend there was a huge Mardi Gras celebration. What a nice little surprise.I was wandering through the massive street crowd, watching young ladies and a few older ones as well. Some of whom were drunk or on their way to being drunk, baring their breasts to people hanging over railings, tossing out all kinds of beads and plastic trinkets to any girl...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Hot And Cute Neighbor Girl

Hello everyone, this is Chandu. Today I’m going to share my sex experience with Shivani, my neighbor. This all happened when I was 19 years old and Shivani was 18. We used to stay in the same locality and we both were family friends. She was short and hot, fair in color and had flesh in every sexy part of her. Her measurements made me crazy. I started to masturbate by watching her pics every time. Her breast was measured about 36 inches which are huge for an 18-year-old girl. Her ass was about...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 174

Maria was upset over seeing her daughter come from the "bushes" with Al. Then she saw the fresh cum, and the droplets of blood on her inner thighs, and it was more than she could stand. She screamed at the two youngsters, and fighting back her tears. Althea and Floyd took it quite differently. Floyd stood patiently waiting for Maria to get it out of her system, and Althea stood trying NOT to laugh out loud. She knew that if she did, her Mom would direct her attention on her. She was playing it...

3 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 8 Would you go on a skinny dip with me

"You have a point. Maybe we can get everyone to share blankets around the fire. In fact, that might even be the best thing for the first evening when all the girls' clothing is wet; you know, basic survival techniques– snuggling together under a blanket, sharing body heat." "That's a good idea. Does anyone know anything about survival techniques?" Nobody answered until Samantha said "I don't either but I saw a book on it on the bookshelf in the staff office. I'll ask to borrow...

2 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book TwoChapter 5

“So what brings you here, old friend?” “Curiosity, in the main. You appear to have a foot in both camps, speaking to both armies and being happily and profitably used as a go-between. What brought this about, I wondered, and still wonder.” “So you came to ask. Understandable. What exactly do you want to know?” “Some detail of what you really know, instead of what you feed me. Where are the northern army based? They attacked in lightning raids and left without a single man lost or left...

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