Barrack Room Betty Chapter Sixteen
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All good things come to an end and the six-week Reduced Operations Period at HMS Chelmsford ended on 15th January 1974.
The Wrens and Leading Recruits were very busy as that day approached. The Depot needed to be de-winterised and preparations made for the return of the Ship’s Company, the other Recruits, and the Wrens from their leave. Even Petty Officer White sobered up for the last week to oversee things.
Knocker was wary around Leading Recruit Jones and the other lads and ran things from his cabin. The Wrens were very sad that they would once again have to become male grommets and the Leading Recruits were sad that they would be losing their lovers.
There was much discussion in the evenings at the wet canteen about where things should go once normality returned.
Michele and Jason maintained their relationship but things had cooled; there was no infatuation between them, it was just sex and Michele was quite relieved; she’d had enough of Jason’s jealousy.
The other three couples still behaved like lovebirds and were lamenting the day when their relationships would resolve.
As usual it was left to Michele to provide a solution. On the final evening before they would have to clean and return all of the uniforms and other female paraphernalia they had purloined from the Wrens block, the subject came up again. The six lovers were stymied as to where to go and what to do; they really wanted their commitment to each other to continue.
“They don’t have to end,” Michele interjected whilst drawing on her ciggie.
“What?” the others chimed in unison.
“Your relationships; they don’t have to end,” she sipped her gin and tonic.
The others looked at her expectantly.
“Of course your days of canoodling on board HMS Chelmsford are gone; but what happens ashore, stays ashore.”
“We all have a five day furlough coming our way as compensation for being the hook rope party while everyone else was on leave. You add in the weekend that’s seven days.”
The others nodded.
“I propose this. I’ll take my three protégés ashore and take them shopping for everything we need to crossdress.”
“I’ve taught you girls enough so that once you have what you need; you can do a decent job of femming up on your own.”
The three Wrens nodded and the three Leading Recruits listened eagerly.
“You get cheap lodgings ashore and you can carry on doing your thing for seven days and then every weekend after,” Michele explained.
“You’re fucking brilliant Michele,” Polly beamed and the others agreed.
“I want one thing in return,” Michele cracked an ice cube between her teeth and the girls and boys saw mischievousness in her eyes.
“What?” they chimed.
“I want a girl’s night out at Pink Pussycats,” Michele smiled at her three girlfriends.
“Oh god yes!” Polly came in first.
“Oh yes please!” Mary followed.
“Really?” as usual Doris was unsure of herself.
“Fuck me Doris I think you’ve lost a stone over the ROP and you know how stunning you looked on New Year’s Eve,” Michele reminded her.
The girls and guys all smiled as they recalled their New Year’s revelry; the party was wilder than their Christmas Party but Michele was disappointed that Lieutenant Winters hadn’t dropped by for a New Year’s shag. When Michele had jokingly bought the subject up on the night, Spike had gone into one of his usual jealous sulks and Michele had to bring him around by paying him undivided attention.
“Great idea!” the lads chimed in.
“Oh fucking no you don’t! It’s a girl’s night out! You can shag these three senseless on the other six nights but I’m having my girl’s only night!” Michele dictated.
“Sounds great!” the Wrens were excited about being out on the town as girls, even Doris was excited.
“Sounds shit!” the lads lamented.
“Oh fucking grow up you lot. It’s just sex! We’re four transvestites and you’re four men; what do you think you’re going to do; live happy ever after?” Michele snapped.
The others looked hurt but Michele was right; their days spent as full time lovers were past. The illusion of the four young men with their four young women would dissolve tomorrow when the Wrens went to cleaning stations on their kit and returned everything back to the Wrenery and the dry canteen.
And so it came to pass, on the morning of Monday 15th January 1974 PO White fell in his hook rope party of four Leading Recruits and four ‘grommet’ new intake recruits. He reported to the OIC of the Recruit Training School who was relieved that the rabble hadn’t burnt the place to the ground.
They were dismissed and allowed to proceed on leave until the following Monday.
The eight Recruits boarded the leave bus and the Leading Recruits made a show of haranguing the grommets, but their heart wasn’t in it. They sat at the back of the bus smoking; they didn’t really want to see their sweethearts in ‘male mode’. They didn’t want Mick, Doc, Brian and Ray; they wanted Michele, Doris, Polly and Mary.
When the bus hit Cheltenham High Street the grommets got off and Mick Nyland led his cohorts through a maze of backstreets to a nearby lodging house that was only a few doors down from Pink Pussycats. Michele had found the place advertised in the phone book and called ahead and the lady who answered professed that the place was ‘tranny friendly’.
“Oh we get em’ all ere’ luv.”
“Trannys, crossdressers, tranny chasers, homos, queers, sailors the lot!”
“I don’t care what they get up to as long as they keep the noise down and they pay for their lodgings up front,” she sniffed.
“Perfect,” Michele replied and booked four rooms.
They checked into their dodgy lodgings, stowed their kit bags and met in the lounge which sported an old black and white TV, two stained and ripped overstuffed couches with matching lounge chairs, a cigarette burned coffee table with out of date magazines on it, and a fly-specked window draped with greying net curtains. It smelt of stale cigarette smoke, stale beer, old farts and mould.
“What a fucking dump!” Polly lamented.
“It’s perfect! And it’s cheap,” Mick replied and they all grinned.
“Right let’s get cracking lads; we’ve some shopping to do,” Michele led them out the front door.
The first stop was an Oxfam shop where they bought cheap second hand jeans and shirts, they could get away with their navy issue black shoes but as Michele explained, they couldn’t go shopping for women’s clothes in their navy uniforms could they? They would stand out like the proverbial dogs balls.
They went back to their digs and changed into their cheap civvies and went back to Oxfam. Mick helped the self-conscious lads pick out some nice female attire and even went into the fitting rooms with them to help them try them on.
“I’m so nervous; those old biddies are watching us,” Doc Holliday whined.
“So long as we pay for everything they won’t care Doc. It’s Monday afternoon and no one’s out shopping so they’ve got nothing else to do,” Mick explained.
“I’m scared too,” Ray Maine whined.
Mick walked over to the counter and addressed a lady who looked to be in her sixties; she had a blue rinse in her hair.
“Excuse me. My friends and I are crossdressers and were looking for nice outfits to wear to Pink Pussycats.
The other three young sailors baulked; their faces crimson with embarrassment.
“Of course you are dear, I could tell. We get your type in here all the time. Now let me help you. Come on Velma lets help these young fellows choose some nice dresses.”
Velma went to the door and flicked the sign over to ‘closed’ and locked it.
“There, now have some privacy; let’s get you lot sorted,” she beamed.
The four ‘girls’ and the two old biddies had a great time trying on various dresses, blouses and skirts. They tried on shoes too. The good thing about the demographic that use Oxfam is that they are often larger sized ladies and the girls managed to get two pairs of high heels each. They also scored slips, brassieres, and nightwear. They even got a clutch-purse each.
For about twenty pounds they each had three outfits each and foundation garments. They had kept the wigs they’d purloined from hairdressers on board HMS Chelmsford, now they needed makeup and a few other purchases.
Having dropped off their bargains at their lodging they made their way to Debenhams on the High Street. Emboldened by their victory at Oxfam the four sailors did not hesitate and went straight to the lingerie section and purchased knickers, suspender belts and stockings; lots of stockings. Stockings seemed to get laddered and snagged quite easily during their canoodling sessions.
They allowed Mick to select their cosmetics because as ‘Michele’, he was the expert when it came to selecting and applying makeup. They stopped at the costume jewellery counter and bought accessories.
It helped that being Monday; Debenhams wasn’t particularly crowded so they breezed through, selecting their purchases and paying for them at the counters.
The four were very excited as they walked back to their digs.
“I’ll say one thing; it’s fucking expensive being a crossdresser,” Mary Maine was known to be a spendthrift.
“Maybe you can sell your arse at Pink Pussycats to make back some money,” Polly Perkins joked.
They stopped off at an off licence and bought lager, gin, and bottles of Brit Vic tonic water.
Back at their digs they crowded into Mick’s room, excited at the forthcoming evening’s entertainment.
“Ok you grommets. Someone pour me a G and T and light me a ciggy and sit down here one at a time so I can do your makeup,” Michele pulled her room’s only other chair in front of her; the makeup laid out on the side table.
Two hours later, Mick, Doc, Brian and Ray had transformed into Michele, Doris, Polly and Mary. The girls preened, giggled and nattered, drinking and smoked; waiting for day to become night and for Pink Pussycats to open.
At nine o’clock the four attractive transvestites sauntered into Pink Pussycats. There had been some trepidation about going out dressed but the four ‘girls’ had had plenty of practice walking in high-heels, developing a womanly gait. No one paid much attention to them except for a group of lads outside a pub on the corner who gave them a ‘wolf-whistle’.
The trannies all giggled.
“Show us yer knickers love!” one of the young revellers yelled.
Polly obliged and turned to face them and lifted the front of her dress and gave them a panty flash.
“Fuck me boys; she’s a stunner!” one of them gasped.
While the rest of the lads preened, joked and strutted, one of the group eyed the four girls intently.
“Four trannies off to Pick Pussycats,” the dark eyed, longhaired, brooding young man pronounced.
“You think?” one his cohorts challenged.
“I think,” he replied and finished his pint and licked his lips.
Pink Pussycats was a dive. The club was situated on the second floor over a dodgy souvlaki restaurant serviced by a rickety staircase. Shag carpet stained an indiscriminate colour after years of spilled beer, ground in cigarette ash, and god knows what else. It never really dried and sucked at the patron’s shoes like quicksand. The yellow nicotine stained walls were lit by sconces, every second bulb blown, the ceiling was supposed to be white but it had long ago turned yellow; the plastic chandeliers were cobweb riddled. Mirror balls hung from the ceiling, reflecting the coloured lights from various spotlights, the bar was long, dirty and had suffered thousands of cigarette burns. There was a line of booths along one wall and low tables attended by tatty couches and armchairs scattered around the room and a small dancefloor of polished wood with a discotheque booth at one end. It smelled of stale beer, cheap spirits, disinfectant and perfume.
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Ten - Sea Daddies and Sea Mommies Seaman Michael Nyland graduated from Recruit School in March 1974 and was immediately posted to HMS Raleigh to commence training as a Writer; a sailor specialising in pay, personnel matters and administration. He was glad to see the back of HMS Chelmsford; Spike and the three other Leading Recruits had passed out at the end of January and had posted off to other establishments to undertake their...
Ark Royal sailed for her deployment in a small Task Group of three ships and on the first night Barrack Room Betty’s opened for business and was an instant success. At first the main earner was gambling and booze but as the ship got further away from her home port the temptation for the punters to ‘tap’ the attractive transvestite hostesses became more frequent. Michele divided her four ‘Betty’s’ into two watches. As they had no other duties on board other than to run 6QDA Barrack Room...
“I’ve fucking had it with Jason!” Michele spat at Rod Latham “That fuckwit tracked me down and found me in a bar in Naples and created an absolute shitfight. And every night I’m here in the club he carries on like a petulant child whenever I work a punter and in particular Lieutenant Steve Winters who is one of our best customers.” “When is that fuckstick going to realise what happens on board this ship is just business and what I do ashore is my own affair!” Michele seethed. “Either he...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Eleven - An Offer You Can't Refuse! Michele remained on her knees and waited for Chief Writer Rod Latham to come over to the bunk to see what he wanted of her. It turned out he wanted a quick fellatio session, which she provided. After the three sailors had satisfied their urges with Michele it was time to talk business. "So as you can see compartment Six Quebec Delta Alpha has been put to uses other than for those intended when...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Fifteen - Bettys Down Under Michele had an emotional last day with Ying. As well as lovers they had become good friends. Michele promised to write to Ying and vowed that one day she would return to Thailand and they would reunite. Their last night together was a sex charged boozy affair and Michele rose early the next morning and left Ying fast asleep in the hotel. She was emotionally drained and didn't want an extended farewell. She...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - A Turn For The Worse And so the Wrens and Leading Recruits settled into a routine. They knew that if they just spent their days jollying, drinking, having sex, and carousing that HMS Chelmsford would soon deteriorate into a shitfight, so they agreed to apply some discipline and stick to strict routines. The Royal Navy has run on routines from time immemorial; the day is divided into watches separated by the sounding of the...
Michele remained on her knees and waited for Chief Writer Rod Latham to come over to the bunk to see what he wanted of her. It turned out he wanted a quick fellatio session, which she provided. After the three sailors had satisfied their urges with Michele it was time to talk business. “So as you can see compartment Six Quebec Delta Alpha has been put to uses other than for those intended when the ship was built,” Rod Latham began. “We use it for our own little business on board. We have...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Thirteen - Naples - Whores and Princesses The Ark continued her voyage through the Mediterranean Sea, exercising with the Task Group as she went and arrived in Naples a week after she left Gibraltar. Lieutenant Steven Winters, RN became a regular at Barrack Room Betty's whenever there was no night flying. He entered into an arrangement with Michele that she would always be available for him at thirty pounds per week. In 1974 that was...
The voyage back to Portsmouth was via Fremantle Western Australia, Colombo Sri Lanka, with a final fuelling stop at Gibraltar. It was uneventful until the last night at sea. Barrack Room Bettys had been filled to capacity every night as the ports on the return voyage were not particularly conductive to the sort of carousing that the sailors liked to get up to. The girls of BRB literally worked their arses off but they made a fortune. But all good things must come to an end and Michele and...
Seaman Michael Nyland graduated from Recruit School in March 1974 and was immediately posted to HMS Raleigh to commence training as a Writer; a sailor specialising in pay, personnel matters and administration. He was glad to see the back of HMS Chelmsford; Spike and the three other Leading Recruits had passed out at the end of January and had posted off to other establishments to undertake their category courses. Jimmy Lovejoy, Jean Burgess and Billy Marron caught the train to Chelmsford...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Eight - The Christmas Party Lieutenant Steven Winters was an extremely good-looking Navy fighter pilot whose last posting had been aboard the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal. There was some unpleasantness when, after a wardroom ladies dine-in night on board the ship, the rather portly Executive Officer had opened the door to a hangar workshop and found his glamorous wife bent over a workbench with her sequined evening dress hiked up and...
Michele had an emotional last day with Ying. As well as lovers they had become good friends. Michele promised to write to Ying and vowed that one day she would return to Thailand and they would reunite. Their last night together was a sex charged boozy affair and Michele rose early the next morning and left Ying fast asleep in the hotel. She was emotionally drained and didn’t want an extended farewell. She left an envelope with a considerable amount of cash on the bedside table; kissed the...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Wren Division Ho! The four Leading Recruits were hungover and hungry and in the grey dawn and cold bleak light of day they weren't sure that their prank was really worth it. They entered the cabin and found the four 'Wrens' stood at attention and immediately began to break down in laughter. "Of my fucking god you guys look stupid!" Jean Burgess burst out laughing. Leading Recruit Spike Jones however was not so amused. His...
And so the Wrens and Leading Recruits settled into a routine. They knew that if they just spent their days jollying, drinking, having sex, and carousing that HMS Chelmsford would soon deteriorate into a shitfight, so they agreed to apply some discipline and stick to strict routines. The Royal Navy has run on routines from time immemorial; the day is divided into watches separated by the sounding of the bells, the routines of colours and sunset, and determining which rig is to worn, dress of...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Seven - Retribution And so Michele's ordeal began. Every day at 1030 Michele and Jason left the administration building to conduct rounds of the Establishment, each going their separate way. But Michele snuck back in the building as soon as Jason was out of sight. She would go to the ladies heads and dig around in her handbag and pull out her makeup, lingerie and heels. She applied heavy makeup and lots of perfume and took off her...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Wish I Was Wren "Wish I was a Wren," Recruit Brian Perkins mumbled under his breath. 'Fuck! I wish he hadn't said that!' thought Recruit Michael Nyland. He knew that no good would come of it. "Your wish might come true," Leading Recruit Jason Jones (Spike to his friends) sneered. Michael Nyland shivered, and not just because he was standing at attention (or at the 'Ho' as it was referred to in the RN) on parade in the...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Nine - Pink Pussycats All good things come to an end and the six-week Reduced Operations Period at HMS Chelmsford ended on 15th January 1974. The Wrens and Leading Recruits were very busy as that day approached. The Depot needed to be de-winterised and preparations made for the return of the Ship's Company, the recruits, and the Wrens from their leave. Even Petty Officer White sobered up for the last week to...
The Ark continued her voyage through the Mediterranean Sea, exercising with the Task Group as she went and arrived in Naples a week after she left Gibraltar. Lieutenant Steven Winters, RN became a regular at Barrack Room Betty’s whenever there was no night flying. He entered into an arrangement with Michele that she would always be available for him at thirty pounds per week. In 1974 that was quite a considerable sum but Steve came from a wealthy family and was comfortably well off, plus he...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Boys Will Be Girls The three Wrens and three Leading Recruits were sitting engrossed in the movie. Michele rested her head on Jason's shoulder and they were still holding hands. Jean was reaching into Mary's popcorn bucket every few minutes, chewing popcorn around swigs of beer; he was enchanted by her perfume and found her very attractive but he had no idea how to woo her. Then he reached for some popcorn and misjudged and...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Michele's Story The four Wrens of Collins Division woke at 'call the hands' at 0640. Doris had got out of bed at 0600 to prepare breakfast and was in the galley. She'd tried her best to do her makeup and dress like a Wren but she still looked like a 'scranbag'; not that it mattered, in the steam filled, greasy kitchen. Her hair was matted and her makeup ran as she sweated over breakfast. Michele, Polly and Mary shaved and...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - A Night at the Flicks Michele was confused; she didn't like Leading Recruit Jason Jones one bit, he was a bully but he was also handsome, strong and actually quite intelligent. She knew he had a thing for her as soon as the Leading Recruits made the grommets crossdress, and of course last night he had ejaculated in his pants when he was spanking her. Michele was no prude, she liked having sex as a transvestite, her Uncle had...
And so Michele’s ordeal began. Every day at 1030 Michele and Jason left the administration building to conduct rounds of the Establishment, each going their separate way. But Michele snuck back in the building as soon as Jason was out of sight. She would go to the ladies heads and dig around in her handbag and pull out her makeup, lingerie and heels. She applied heavy makeup and lots of perfume and took off her ‘granny’ knickers and tights and slipped into sheer stockings, silky panties and...
Lieutenant Steven Winters was an extremely good-looking Navy fighter pilot whose last posting had been aboard the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal. There was some unpleasantness when, after a wardroom ladies dine-in night on board the ship, the rather portly Executive Officer had opened the door to a hangar workshop and found his glamorous wife bent over a workbench with her sequined evening dress hiked up and her knickers around her ankles whilst she balanced on her high-heels and encouraged...
The three Wrens and three Leading Recruits were sitting engrossed in the movie. Michele rested her head on Jason’s shoulder and they were still holding hands. Jean was reaching into Mary’s popcorn bucket every few minutes, chewing popcorn around swigs of beer; he was enchanted by her perfume and found her very attractive but he had no idea how to woo her. Then he reached for some popcorn and misjudged and his hand fell in her lap; he looked at her startled and snatched his hand away. “Oh my...
The four Leading Recruits were hungover and hungry and in the grey dawn and cold bleak light of day they weren’t sure that their prank was really worth it. They entered the cabin and found the four ‘Wrens’ stood at attention and immediately began to break down in laughter. “Of my fucking god you guys look stupid!” Jean Burgess burst out laughing. Leading Recruit Spike Jones however was not so amused. His brain began to tick over. “Stow that bilge Leading Recruit Burgess!” he snapped and...
The four Wrens of Collins Division woke at ‘call the hands’ at 0640. Doris had got out of bed at 0600 to prepare breakfast and was in the galley. She’d tried her best to do her makeup and dress like a Wren but she still looked like a ‘scranbag’; not that it mattered, in the steam filled, greasy kitchen. Her hair was matted and her makeup ran as she sweated over breakfast. Michele, Polly and Mary shaved and took their time applying makeup, pulling on and brushing their wigs and dressing in...
Michele was confused; she didn’t like Leading Recruit Jason Jones one bit, he was a bully but he was also handsome, strong and actually quite intelligent. She knew he had a thing for her as soon as the Leading Recruits made the grommets crossdress, and of course last night he had ejaculated in his pants when he was spanking her. Michele was no prude, she liked having sex as a transvestite, her Uncle had taught her all sorts of tricks, and then they had learned quite a few of their own during...
This is a true story about my first time meeting up with a CD. Names and places are either omitted or vague intentionally. I had just got off work at my unit on Camp Lejeune. I was in my truck, still dressed in my cammies, and I was horny as hell. I was idly browsing my phone, seeing if anyone around me felt the same way. On CL personals (RIP) I saw the usual ads for mostly older men offering up their mouths for anyone willing to stop by. I scrolled past. I had nothing against that, in fact my...
Ye kahani hai kaise maine meri bhatiji pinki ko choda.Pinki bahut hi intelegent ladki hai aur 12th ke bad hi engineering me admission ho gaya electronics me us samay uski umar 18 sal thi abhi to uske ubhar bhi nahi aaye the.Thodi savli jarur hai par mast slim girl hai.Ab to pinki 21 sal ki ho gayi hai lekin abhi bhi cute bachhi jaisi ha uske ubhar ab thoda dikhne layak ho gaye hai.Pinki mere dork e mama ke beti ki beti hai.Hua aisa ki usko vocation training karni thi so un logo ne mere se...
Dear all and I am sassy from Cuttack. Ye mera pehela story in ISS main ISS ka regular reader hnu or me aaj mera pehela experience likh raha hnu main kyese first time sex kiya tha ek yasi ladki ke sath uski ghar me apni mumy ke presence me jo ki dikhne mai to sundar thi per us se jyada sexy thi. Aub kahani me chalte hai. Ye ek Sachi ghatna hai ye undin ki bad hai jub mai mera MBA khatm karke new job join kiya tha CTC main. Main bahut hi Handsome tha aur attaractive bhi. Par har insan ke pas...
Pinkie woke up from his nightmare. He had a dream his sister had stopped him naked at school and his mother spanked him over her knee in his classroom. the whole classroom laughing, his little nub of a cock poking out for all to see, his bare ass red with the imprint of his mother's hand. the idea was horrifying but even so Pinky's little pinky was stood upright, at a full 3 inches and throbing as he pulled back his covers slowly with a groggy moan. He was starting to remember. He was Pinky, he...
FetishPinkie woke up from his nightmare. He had a dream his sister had stopped him naked at school and his mother spanked him over her knee in his classroom. the whole classroom laughing, his little nub of a cock poking out for all to see, his bare ass red with the imprint of his mother's hand. the idea was horrifying but even so Pinky's little pinky was stood upright, at a full 3 inches and throbing as he pulled back his covers slowly with a groggy moan. He was starting to remember. He was Pinky, he...
Hi everyone! I’ve been an avid reader of ISS for a good number of years now. During that time i’ve had some memorable sexual encounters with a number of hot women. One of them was with a lodger who was staying with us by the name of Pinki. She was a 26 year old university student, originally from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Pinki was a real stunner! From the moment she took up residence in our home (albeit temporary), I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She had dusky features, sexy mascara laden eyes with...
"You know what we called it when I was in high school? Huh?"Beaver, for Christ's sake. Sounds silly now even just to say it."I was sitting in my editor's office. He was ranting and raving as usual. Probably his boss had been on his case about something and he was taking it out on me."After that, all of a sudden it's Squirrel. Can you believe that? 'Squirrel this,' and 'Squirrel that.' 'Hey, man, I got me some SQUIRREL this weekend.'" Shaking his head. "If you got a look up a chick's mini-skirt...
Straight SexHi, I am Sonu 28 yrs old male hails from Chandigarh, 157 cm height, athlete build, 5 inches, fair complexion and a senior software engineer currently posted in Indore. I am on a very descent salary and every Saturday night is my wedding night. I treat sex as the most beautiful gift from nature given to humans, and it my “most favorite sport”. I don’t have any hesitation to say that whenever i get leisure, i masturbate, I take all good cares of my tool, with expensive oils and creams and always...
IncestAfter that day incident, I became totally sex starved. One day when no one was there in my house, I became naked and observe my entire body. My small white penis, pink scrotum, and my ass with black holes. I am still not sure, how I got the idea, I started moving my penis foreskin in and out, and with each movement was giving me a big electric shocks. I don’t know why, but I was feeling very happy after getting naked. I closed my main entrance door of my house, and went to my parent’s...
IncestAfter that day I was not the same little Sonu anymore. Next day I had school, and I tried my level best to bunk school, but my entire attempt got wasted. I had my final examination in a month so my parents, wanted me to attend school every day. I was pissed, but i went to school. I saw my Arti Miss,in blue saree at the first bell as she was my class teacher but for the first time i noticed her big boobs. She was around my Pinki didi’s age only I guess. She was taking the attendance of the class...
IncestHello dosto, I hope aap sab achhe honge. Aapke liye Pinki lekar aayi hai ek nayi kahani. Isme aap janoge ke kaise Aslam ke sath rehte hue Pinki mein physical changes aaye. Aur fir mera pehla Gangbang hua. To dosto, unke flat par shift ho gayi thi unki girlfriend banke. Waise bhi meri family mein koi nahi tha. Bas ek dur ke mama the jinhone mujhe junior college tak padhaya tha. Uske bad main unka ghr chor kar apni padhai ke liye aa gayi thi Aslam ke sath shift hone ke bad maine unse contact...
Hi dosto ye meri 1st kahani hai isliye agar galti ho to maf kar dena, mera pahla sex anubhav mai yahan pe aap logo ke sath bant raha hun, i hope aap log pasand karenge. Baat un dino ki hai jab mai 11th class me tha, class me sabse sidha bachha jise sex ki abc nahi aati thi, Mere ghar me do kiraye dar aaye ek ka naam pinky aur dusri ka naam sweety pinky bahoot gori aur sweety sawali thi, dono hi kafi jaldi mujhse bahoot ghul mil gayin, vo log mujhse 2-3 sal hi bade the, isliye koi bhi baat...
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Mailroom Slut By kimmie oh It was nearly half past noon. I glanced nervously at the clock. I always got butterflies before he came. I pushed my chair away from the desk, crossed my office, and quietly shut the door. The lock clicked. If I had only listened for that click a week ago I wouldn't be in this predicament. I reached under the desk and slid out the overnight bag I had brought from home. Then I quickly undressed. When I was completely naked, I pulled a tiny...
Deidre Simmons gets a lot of attention in the office. A lot of . . . inappropriate attention. It's not uncommon for her to find a pair of amorous eyes zoned in on her tits or ass, or have a superior whisper something in her ear that would have him out on his ass faster than he could blink. But it doesn't bother her, either. In fact, she welcomes it—revels in it, and will even get a little piqued when someone ignores her. Her friend, Samantha, chalked it up to the nasty divorce...
Straight SexRachel had, originally, been wearing leggings with unicorn panties that morning. As she had been making her breakfast, she couldn’t help but think of that unicorn laughing at her desperate attempts at masturbation, and just couldn’t focus. Smiling unicorn HAD to go! She ran to her room and yanked open her closet. Rachel decided on a skirt and a button up white dress shirt. Her skirt was her absolute favorite thing she owned. Rachel began to smile, just at the thought of putting it on....
Chandler paced back and forth in the kitchen. He was fretting over Rachel's choice of Ross to be her groomsman in Phoebe's wedding that day. It was a last minute decision, and Chandler was trying to figure out how to get Rachel to change her mind. He stopped in mid-step, as she walked in."Hi," Rachel said, nonchalantly. She was wearing her green floral bathrobe and little socks, obviously in the middle of getting ready for the evening ceremony."Hey, can I talk to you about this groomsman...
It had only been a couple days since my wild photo session with Bob and his beautiful wife Krystal. It had started out as a glamour photo session (even though I've mostly only done nature stuff as a hobby) and ended up with a three-way. Krystal, shy as I've always known her, really let loose when she had her husband in front of her and me behind, servicing her at both ends, so to speak. Anyway, my phone rang, and I went to answer it. I was surprised to hear her voice on the line since she...
Fir Usman aur Abdul waha baki ke plates lekar aaye aur bole – Lao bhabhi hum aapki kuch help kar dete hai. Main – Nahi, Usman bhai main kar lungi. Aap log aaram karo jakar. Usman – Arey nahi main karwa deta hu. Main – Nahi, its okay, main kar lungi. Aap dono jao. Mere itna bolne par Usman ne Abdul ko hall mein bhej diya aur khud vahi par side mein khada ho gaya. Jab main kitchen saaf kar rahi thi to maine apna pallu apne kamar par daba liya tha. Jisse mera pura belly aur navel dikh raha...
''fuck you ill do the dishes when i want''i said clapping my door to my roomate. that ficker keeps playing vasketball and thinks he can come home and critics meI had to rent m room for only 4 month and god it was going to be a long tie with hi always telling me how to do stuff, that haitian perfect student grade and good at sport was getting on my nerves''you better do it by tomorrow this is your last chance nerd''''yeah yeah whatever''i spent the night playing pc games and i didnt do it, going...
It has been a few months of heavy torment for pregnant Pinkie and her udders. She kept spending most of the time on that truck, fucked in the ass and being fed strictly with nutritious sperm and water. The vixen was often cuffed behind that truck, constantly in a state of bliss from the pain and pleasure. Her belly started to expand 3 weeks ago and was now hanging down bellow the Outlaw's slave ribcage. Still not nearly as low as the large pendulous jugs dangling off the...
A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...
At twenty-five, everyone Brad knew said he looked a lot younger, more like nineteen. He'd still get carded at bars which both intrigued and annoyed him. He had a good if boring office job and had his own apartment. Like most guys, he also watched a lot of porn at home and would jack off. At first, it was just the usual stuff, large breasted women sucking and fucking big stiff cocks, drinking their cum or getting facials. After a while though, he'd ventured into more what he considered bisexual...
CrossdressingVenerable Stables Half the Holiday break was over and I had caught up on my stable work. Jennifer had requested some dressage training with the old horse, so I had my favorite and old Bess saddled and waiting when she got there. We went past the paddock to the open field. She was excited by the amount of horseback riding she had been doing lately. I practiced with her and corrected her where needed. But to try to get her to look stoic while doing well on a horse was hopeless. The girl just...
Hello Pussycat Hermione clutched the small handbag tightly as she entered the hotel. She had to walk slowly, and on her toes, because she had never developed the skill of walking in ridiculously tall heels like these; being a little drunk didn’t help either. Fortunately her belly dancing classes had taught her how to undulate as she walked, which helped her keep balance as long as she kept her hips and shoulders moving in opposite directions at the right time. Somewhere behind her someone...
THE MAILROOM CLERK A TAIL OF COERCED FORCED FEMINIZATION PT.1 I am 27 years old at the time this happened. My name is John Allen and I am from Cape May ,New Jersey. Shore boy all the way. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 165. I know, small for a man. But I could do things on a surfboard or jet ski. It wasn't to bad being a little small. And as with many others, I have a fetish for women's items. Everything that makes a woman a woman. I was never gay nor interested in men...
Mr. Harrington was my favorite teacher in high school. He was twenty-three and in just his second year of teaching. He was only six years older than me when I was in his English class. He was the most handsome man, with the most incredible sparkling blue eyes, I had ever seen. I still clearly remember how I used to fantasize about running my fingers through his sandy-blonde hair while I sat in his classroom, staring at him for the entire period. In this fantasy I would kiss his lips as my hands...
TabooThis is a work of fiction based on a fantasy I developed over some abandoned pictures here on XH. It is a shame to have such wonderful pictures of a beautiful young woman and left in a long since forgotten gallery. I hope you enjoy.“Please call me Pinkie,” the young woman said to me as I stood at the open door to her apartment. “My parents named me Polly but schoolmates teased me with “Polly wants a cracker, you know the parrots that are named Polly.”Leaning on one elbow and showing me her...
Mellissa was a freshman and was taking the photography class because it was a requirement for her major. Her boyfriend was also in the class and I always saw them smooching in the hall before class and they always walked in with his hand on her ass. I was jealous of her boyfriend. I wanted Mellissa. Mellissa was a little plump but she was not fat. She was about 5’5”, and I would say about a 150 pounds. She had a beautiful round ass. She had long curly red hair, blue eyes, and few...
BackroomCastingCouch! The casting couch is a mainstay of the adult entertainment industry. I mean, think about it … the directors and producers of all your favorite porn studios have to find and audition new porn stars somehow. And the only way to audition a new porn star, to know that she has what it takes to star in porn, is to fuck her! Before a girl ever gets cast in a proper scene, she gets fucked on the casting couch. You gotta test drive a car before you buy it, right? Well, the same is...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesIt had been the strangest and yet the most exhilarating time in Sandy’s life, these last two weeks. She looked at her naked body and was pleased with her tall, slender body with her small breasts. It was a good body. She could hardly believe she had been a repressed, inhibited librarian just two weeks ago, afraid of sex and feeling dirty whenever her own strong urges overcame her and she rented pornographic videos and played with her pussy until she came, often eight or ten times in an evening....