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I took a long, slow deep breath and pushed the button. The five or six seconds that I waited for a response felt like two or three million years. "Yes?"

"Hi, is Jackie there?" I said through the speaker.

"Um, who is this?"

"My name is Chase."

"Ok, Chase is it? Who are you and what do you want with Jackie at this hour?"

"Well, um ... could I... ," my voice cracked, "talk with her face to face, it's kind of private."

"Listen Chase, I'm not in the habit of letting men I don't know in to speak with ... Jackie at... 1:30 in the morning."

I felt the tears and the emotion beginning to surface. I tried to hold it back, but it was no use.

"Please, I HAVE to speak with her," I cried. "I've spent the better part of the last two years looking for her. Please."

"Two years? What are you talking about?"

"If you let me in, I'll explain everything ... and everything in the briefcase is yours." I saw the camera globe above the door and propped the aluminum Zero Halliburton briefcase on my knee. I snapped open the case.

"How much is in there?"

"Five figures. Please."

She took a long moment before answering.

"Just so you know, I'm a 4th degree black belt in karate, and highly skilled in Krav Maga -- no funny business. Am I clear?"


"I'm in suite --"


The buzzer sounded, the door clicked and my heart almost leapt out of my chest. I opened the gate and entered the courtyard. The courtyard was small and the whole building only had twelve apartments so number six was easy to find. I rang the bell. I was petrified and excited beyond experience.

The door opened to reveal a dark interior.


"I'm Chase. May I come in?"

"Remember what I said."


I opened the screen door and walked inside. The screen door shut behind me and presumably the voice's owner closed the heavier door. A light flicked on.

The woman before me was quite beautiful, with deep brown eyes and nearly as tall as my six feet, with lush dirty blonde hair past her shoulders. From all of my experience, she was showing off as if she had perky D-cups, but that might easily be false advertising courtesy of a push-up bra. Or it could all be her. I didn't know how it worked and I wasn't sure she could affect herself.

"Are you Jackie?" I asked the woman.

"Give me the briefcase and start talking. Wait, what's on your back?"

I handed her the briefcase and told her there were clothes for me in my backpack. I explained that if she could do what I thought she could do, the contents of he briefcase were hers. For the briefest of moments, I swear I saw a twinkle in her eye.

"Well?" she said as she sat on her couch.

"Like I said, I'm Chase. But I would prefer ... um, what I mean is that I..."

I stopped and took a big deep breath.

"You mean, what? Now sit." she asked, clearly reveling in my discomfort.

"I'd prefer to be Barbie," I answered her as I sat next to her.

"I see," she said with a large grin, "What makes you think Jackie can help?"

"You are Jackie, yes?"

She looked at me for a few moments like a lepidopterist looks at a butterfly, and then smiled. "Yes, I'm Jackie. What makes you think I can help you?"

"A lot of research I've done over the past two years. It seems you have some type of power. There have been so-called fictional stories written about you and this power ... I spent a lot of time and money trying to figure if it -- and you -- are real."

"I'm real, that's for damn sure, but a 'power'?" she gestured in my direction, "Didn't you check this out with and the other urban legend sites?"

"That's what is so interesting -- " My vision blurred and I felt like someone just made solid contact with my head during a nasty pillow fight, yet it disappeared as quickly as it arrived.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Yeah. What was I saying? Um?"

"You looked at urban legend sites..."

"Right. There's not a mention of you or this power at all. I took that to be a very good sign."

"Interesting. The fact that you couldn't find anything about me aside from some fictional stories proved to you that I existed?"

"Using negative proof isn't easy, but if you really had a power of this kind and it existed, it wouldn't be talked about anywhere. You'd be buried so deep in some lab somewhere, you'd probably never see sunlight again."

"That's not really a pleasant thought."

"Exactly. So ... do you have a 'power?'"

"What would this 'power' do?" she asked, clearly playing with me.

"I believe it could transform a man into a woman, possibly more."

"That could have its uses," she said as she waved her hand in my direction.

My vision momentarily blurred as my head went all cottony again. And it was once again gone as fast as it came; yet this time I noticed heaviness on my chest and looked down. My brain couldn't process what appeared to be two large mounds under my shirt. "What ... but ... I... ?"

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

"But ... I ... How --" and my eyes rolled back in my head and I promptly passed out onto the couch next to Jackie.

Jackie smiled. "Aw, Chase, too much of exactly what you wanted? This is going to be the most to be the most fun I've had in quite awhile."

I woke up on the couch next to Jackie and immediately put my hands to my chest. Nothing out of the ordinary at all.

"Hey there sleepyhead. You alright, or are you going to pass out again?"

"You did something to me. I swear that I had tits for a minute."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you can."

"I can? Cool," she crowed as her big brown eyes sparkled and got larger to emphasize her words.

"Did I imagine it?"

"You tell me," Jackie said with a chuckle as she scooted up next to me on the couch. "Do you find me attractive Chase?"

"Um, well, yeah, you're beautiful."

Her eyes bored into me as she said, "Thank you, Chase." Jackie scooted even closer forcing me to move in the opposite direction -- a direction that had the arm of the couch in the way. "Did you know you're making me wet?"

"I am?" I gulped.

"Yes. Very. My nipples are quite hard as well, but you can see that through my shirt."

I glanced down to her chest and clearly saw her seemingly rock hard nipples practically calling to me. I couldn't find my voice.

"Aw Chase, cat got your tongue?" She reached up and gently stroked the back of my head.

"I'm fine, " I said unsteadily. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Well, wouldn't you like to feel what that's like? To get wet. To feel your nipples get hard. To want to be filled. To feel these," she hefted her tits, "resting softly in your bra ... Among many other things?"

The only answer I could give was one where my eyes got wider than dinner plates and my world started to swim.

"No answer, ok. I guess you don't --"

"N, no. I do. Really."

"Really? Is that why you're all flush? Or maybe it's just a fever. Lemme feel your head."

Jackie leaned over, pushing her right breast into me and wiping her hand across my forehead. Now I felt hot, faint and cotton-headed. And intensely horny.

"You do seem warm to me."

"It does feel warm in here."

"Why don't I distract you from the heat?"

"Why don't you distract me from the heat."

In one motion, Jackie leaned over me and straddled me while pulling her shirt off to display her bra-clad D cups. "Is that better?"

I'd never been so hungry and turned on ... and scared in my life. "Are you going to change me?"

Jackie began grinding her hips into me, up and down and back and forth. "Change? I was planning on fucking you, you're pretty damn cute and I haven't been laid in awhile. What kind of change are you talking about?"

"To make me a girl."

"Don't you want to fuck me?" as she leaned her tits into my chest. I couldn't respond because for an eternal instant, I felt her tits as if they were my tits.

"Can't talk? How 'bout a kiss?"

Jackie leaned into and kissed me. It was a kiss that was so deep and so complete, combined with the feelings of her chest and mine, short circuited my head and ... I was gone.

Jackie pulled away from the kiss and straightened my hair. She was flush all over her chest. Her nipples were visible through her bra and looked as hard as drill bits. She ground into me one last time and then moved off of the unconscious me. "So easy," she said with another glint in eyes.

"Can I help you?"

"Are you Jackie?"

"Yes. Are you Chase?"


"Please come in, quickly." Jackie looked good enough to eat and I would have loved to, except I wanted to be her more than I wanted to do her.

"You have luggage?"

"If you can help me, the briefcase and its contents are for you. The bag is for me."

"Go on."

"I understand you can turn men into women."

"I can do what?" Jackie asked with an amused look on her face.

"I believe you can turn men into women. Is it true?"


"You can?!? I searched you out for years, but I didn't really believe it was possible."

Jackie looked me up and down and back up again. She let the grin face from her face.

"Oh it's possible ... it's just that I'm not sure I want to do it."

"I have a lot of money in the briefcase," I said as I was overcome with a strong feeling of déjà vu.

"Are you ok, Chase?" Jackie asked.

I hesitated and locked onto her eyes. "Have I been here before?"

Jackie laughed. "Not that I know of. Now you were saying something about the briefcase?"

"There is nearly $25,000 in that briefcase for you if you can help me."

Jackie's eyes lit up as she tried to hold her excitement in. "That's a lot of money."

"Jackie, please, tell me what I need to do to convince you."

Jackie looked at Chase, like she was thinking something through and pulled her shirt over her head. She was clad in a beautiful pink bra.

"Put your hands on my tits."


"Chase, most men wouldn't question that command."

"But, um ... this seems familiar."

"Does that mean you don't want to touch me? Do it. Now."

My hands went directly to Jackie's tits. They felt as wonderful as they looked. Jackie sighed a pleasurable sigh.

"Go on, squeeze 'em," she said with a glint in her eye.

I overcame my embarrassment and began to gently knead them. A few seconds into this instant trip to second base, I felt a brief tingle shoot through my entire body. Jackie's eyes bored into mine. I continued touching her tits and a wave of disorientation came over me. I felt like I was touching my own chest. I squeezed them and I couldn't form words or thoughts. It felt like I was perpetually passing out.

"Do you like that?" Jackie cooed. She looked at me like a predator who just caught her prey.

I couldn't say a word. Jackie laughed. "I guess you do from the look on your face. But, too bad."

I managed to make an unintelligible noise.

Jackie smiled at me hungrily and said, "Nighty night." I saw her wave her hand out of the corner of my eye. The feeling of her tits as my tits swallowed me up and I was, once again gone.

I woke up on the couch, feeling very disoriented. Jackie was right next to me and I had a cold compress for my forehead.

"W-What happened?"

"Not telling," she grinned. "I like you, I like how shy you are about what you want, I like how you've been respectful of me -- well other than ringing my doorbell at 1:30 in the morning, but I can understand." She took a few moments. "And you're kinda cute," she paused. "Barbie."

It took me a moment to realize what she called me.


"I've decided I'll help you. I'm a bit bored anyway."

I sat up, a dump of adreneline poured into my system. My breathing got short, my cock gained iron bar status and my vision got swimmy. "Really?! What do I need to do?"

Jackie laughed softly. "My, we're anxious."

"I'm sorry, I guess I am."

"Aren't you embarrassed? I mean, most guys who want to be women don't exactly blurt it out."

"I'm insanely embarrassed, but I'm way past that. And it's not like you're someone I hired to pretend that I'm a woman where I'll feel shame; You're actually going to do it to me. For me."

She tossed me my backpack.

"Go ahead and get dressed."

"Where should I go?"

"Just change right here ... I mean, you're going to change right here anyway."

I dumped the contents of my bag onto the couch. Jackie looked over my girl clothes.

"I see you like Spandex."

I was feeling a little faint; like that kid on Christmas morning who wanted a particular gift but never thought in a million years he'd actually get it. I'm pretty sure I'd never had so much adrenaline in my system.

"Yeah," as my eyes became transfixed on Jackie.

As I was fumbling with my girl clothes, Jackie slid her jeans off to reveal a perfect set of legs and a sexy pair of satin panties. She placed her right hand at the left bottom of her shirt and the same with her left hand on the right side. In one motion, she pulled her shirt over her head to reveal an absolutely killer body, that featured a satin bra that held picture-perfect D cups (which matched her panties) and a flatter-than-flat, perfectly toned tummy. I was nearly at a loss for breath.

"You're absolutely gorgeous Jackie."

"Thank you. Your turn to do the opposite."

I took no measures to insure my clothing wouldn't stretch and showed no pretense whatsoever. I pulled off my clothes as fast as I could. I was naked and excited beyond words. In a moment, I would crossdress in order to become a woman in front of this gorgeous woman and I was about as hard as I'd ever been in my life.

"Damn, you're a healthy boy. You really want to give that up? We could have a good time..."

I couldn't meet her eyes, but drank in her body. I closed my eyes, shook my head lightly and softly said, "I'd love to, but I have to ... I need to..."

My voice died out right there.

"Chase, look at me," she said very softly.

I did sheepishly, and saw a kindness in her eyes.

"It's ok. Really," she gently touched my cheek. "Now get dressed."

I took a deep breath and sat on the couch. I went to pull on a pair of purple satin panties, but had a problem. My cock was harder than diamonds with no sign of retreating.

I looked at Jackie. "Um?"

"What's the problem?" she looked down. "Oh whoa. I see. Seriously, you don't want to... ?"

I pled with her with only my eyes. She gently nodded and looked right at me. Jackie gestured with her hand in the direction of my crotch. Immediately, I felt a charge run through my cock, somewhat like moment just before orgasm but it was gone as fast as it arrived. With it leaving, I felt my cock deflate and my arousal amp up even more. "There you go."

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Revenge of the English Teacher

Revenge of the English TeacherThis story is a sequel to my other story, The English Teacher.  Jodi has just gotten back from her trials at the mall and strip club.  Now she has some ideas of her own.The English Teacher Part II: The English Teacher?s RevengeJodi called in sick for work the next morning.  After the boys had kept her out so late, she needed to spend most of the next day resting.  She was really too excited to sleep.  The whole experience had turned her on and resulted in a sexual...

3 years ago
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Vampire LifeChapter 3

I spent months moving from place to place. I generally stayed in empty warehouses and office buildings when I could find them, but I’d occasionally spring for a ‘no tell’ motel. I pondered going home, but every time I thought of knocking on the front door, Robbie’s words came back to me. What was I really going to say to my parents anyway? I followed Robbie’s example, except I preferred women to feed on. I’d generally jump on drunken people when they left bars. I hoped that their...

1 year ago
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My shemale sister1

Shemale sister enters my life and changes it forever. Welcome to my story.Bich me saare characters ko situation ke hisaab se introduce karunga.Doorbell rings- Reina-Hii bhabi kaisi ho,bhut der kar di darwaja khol ne me.(Reina 6.2 height, muscular body,32 boobs I can imagine from her dress)Sreya- Sorry maine aap ko nehi pehchana.Risu(me)- Reina bhut dino baad.(I was also surprised).Fir sab ka introduction hua.Reina meri step sister hai.Wo rarely kabhi milti hai mujh se.2/4 saal me ek baar...

4 years ago
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Kinks Are Made Not Born

KINKS ARE MADE NOT BORN? by Lewis Chappelle Bradley Duncan Springstadt Milikan, III was the only child of his namesake and Mildred Milikan, one of the most influential and moneyed, yet unheralded, couple in the adultmovie business. His parents were private people and took extraordinary measures to protect their young son, including having him schooled by private tutors, coddled by hovering nannies, and protected by uniformed guards. His childhood playmates were also from well-to-do...

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Room Serviced

I fantasize about being in the arms of a man, having him slide his hand into my panties... things like that. As time has gone on, I've added a dildo to my activities. I started with a tiny butt-plug and have gradually moved up to the big black rubber cock that's up my ass as I write this story. It's held in place by my tiny panties when I stand up, but while I sit here... feeling it inside me... rocking my body over it as I type... feeling it deep inside... stretching me. I love how it...

3 years ago
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The Jade Box

The Jade Box By Genni Smith 'Phone Susan,' Emma, the receptionist told her. 'It's your daughter.' Susan Denton looked at her watch and frowned. With a mother's intuition she knew something must be wrong. 'Jade. What's up?' 'You better get home mum.' Jade's voice betrayed her normally stoic approach to all emergencies. 'What's wrong? Is it Stuart?' 'Sort of. Just come home. Please.' On the twenty-minute drive back to her house all manner of possibilities ran through the...

4 years ago
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Dance of the Year

As far as my wife knew, I was at a bar somewhere having a drink, catching a ballgame, and taking a break from what had been a hectic family reunion. For the most part, that was true. I had a cold beer in my hand and there was a baseball game on a static plagued television in the corner. What she did not know was I ended up at a gentlemen's club on the outskirts of this resort town. This club was no must-see destination, but it was better than hanging with the in-laws. The interior was outdated...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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The Curse of the Inbox

The Curse of the Inbox Where do I begin? How do I explain something so utterly bizarre? What words can I use to describe the surreal, no, make that unreal events that have overtaken my life?!?!? My name is Jonathan Bell. Up until a week ago I was what you would call your average, everyday, normal, boring, sixteen year old guy. I have short brown hair, a pale complexion that just recently cleared up, and I wear a pair of thick framed dark glasses. I was a skinny little guy, (my Mom...

3 years ago
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The Picnic

Kelsey sat quietly in the passenger seat of Dillon's car, smiling at the thought of what she was about to do to him. Dillon didn't know it, but she had a plan for him that day. She had read about having sex at the park, but she wanted to take it a step farther. Dillon drove carefully; he was sneaking glances at Kelsey's cleavage and legs. His desire to not get in an accident at the moment was only slightly higher than his desire to stare at her beautiful features. Step one was complete...

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TV Listings for the TG Network

If you would like to archive this story elsewhere, please contact me and ask permission first. However, any story ideas that appear in here, or in the review section, are "Free Game" for development (Unless the author specifies otherwise in their "review"). "Thanks for your support" (Hey, there's an idea for a TG commercial...) gregri [email protected] "TV" Listings for the TG Network By Gregri Copyright 2000 The TG Network: "Television for New Women". (Lifetime is a...

2 years ago
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His Girlfriend Is My Fuckbuddy

Hey girls, it’s me Raj. I am back with another awesome real incident that happened 2 days back. I am sure you guys are aware of the app “happn”. Those who are unaware of it, it’s a social networking app which shows people with whom you have crossed paths. So it happened a week ago when I got a match from a 26-year-old girl named Priyanka (will call her ‘P’). I remember sending her a secret crush. Although she was not that good looking, she had a figure to die for. Anyway, our chatting started....

4 years ago
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Sex with wife8217s sister

Hai I am very new to ISS but I was reading the stories and I also wanted to put on my Experience on the page. My wife’s Sister Savithri she is really hot with 5 feet 7inches, fair, healthy, black eyes and sexy body not less to any heroine in tollywood my wife introduced her to me saying that she came to stay here for studying her Bsc Nursing course, I was pleased to hear that good news, one day she wanted me to guide her to the Osmania Hospital campus as she was very new to the City, I took her...

1 year ago
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Seat 23E

Seat 23EI walked down the jetway reading the ads for global banking and its appreciation of different cultures. At the cabin door, we were greeted by a threesome of cabin crew, all smiling with their pearly white teeth as they checked boarding passes.“Seat 23E, just beyond the curtains,” announced the rather too perfectly coifed male as he indicated with his hand. Nodding my thanks, I shuffled after my fellow economy passengers towards the centre of the aircraft.Squeezing into my seat, the...

2 years ago
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One failing student

My name is Tonya, I’m 5’3 with C-cup breasts and red hair. I’m 28 and I teach math at a community college. I have one student who keeps failing quizzes. I handed back a quiz and he didn’t do so well on it, but I came up with an idea on that Tuesday when I gave it back to him. “OK class dismissed,” I said to the whole class. Then he came up to me wondering about his grade. “I can’t believe it, I could have sworn I got all this down,” the student, Jack, said. Jack was 22 and he was 5’11 with...

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Jessica Black Femdom

I was at a red light on a sunny day waiting in my car, I had long blonde hair with a cute face and I was lost in my thought. I tried to resist my fantasy so much it became more and more strong. I was 27 years old and a beauty; I took my medium latte Starbucks coffee and drink some thinking about the Black girl I saw at the Starbucks. How beautiful she was, how I wanted to make love to her. Why thought? Why having that fantasy I never was attracted to woman. I had a boyfriend for so many years...

2 years ago
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Grandmas Will

Steph grimaced as she peered into her grandmother's room and wondered, once again, just what on earth she was doing here. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," she muttered to herself, and groaned. She did not belong here. Even the younger nurses eyed her suspiciously, and as for the residents ... The looks on their faces perfectly matched the look on Steph's own face as the insidious smell seeped into her consciousness. Why did every old-age home have the same stinky smell as all hospitals? Briefly...

3 years ago
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Night of the Living Pussy Chapter 2

Stephanie woke on the floor and slowly began to rise. She turned her head to look at the clock, which read 11:23pm. “Shit…..” she muttered as she slowly picked herself up off the floor. Once on her feet she yelped as she felt a familiar stir between her legs. “About time you woke up, haha. Did you have sweet dreams?” Her pussy taunted. “Oh god….no no no no no”, this can’t be happening to me. I mean, I must be going crazy. You… can’t be alive I mean it’s impossible. It doesn’t...

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My Sexcapades With Shalini Mam

Dear Readers, Some are fantastic and really make me feel erotic. I keep storing my cock as I read these stories and often it very difficult to control. I feel like reading at least 3-4 stories everyday. Often I manage but at times I can’t control and the hot fantasies and may be real experiences of people make me cum. I so far have mostly enjoyed all the bhabhi and ‘Sali’ stories as that is my most cherished fantasies. Recently I also ready some office sex stories and they aroused me too very...

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Gulaam Aurat ka

Hi, my name is raaj patel and i like to do FEMALE DOMINATION and die for it i am 18 years old and average looking person hight 5’7″… and now i am giong to write about my another experiance about femdom after the fist in hindi…. ye sab do din pehle hua thamuje mail pe ek aunty ne kaha ki woh aur unki ek friend muje bulakar apna femdom salve banana cha hati hai, to me fix kiye hue din par unke ghar pahuch gaya woh aunty karib 33 saal ki thi unka naam Susma tha aur unki friend bhi 33-34 ke karib...

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Friends mum 100 true story

Right first of all this story is 100% the truth i assure you. I wasnt going to post because under rules it said "fantasys" which means made up but anyway....I was at my friends house having a chat as i havent seen him for a quite a long time, we used to be very close we used to go on holiday together etc. So we was having a pizza and just a chat to see what hes bin upto over the months, then he gets a phonecall from his mum asking him can she pick him up from the pub as shes been out with her...

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Were Not Here For The Movie

I can feel my cock straining against my pants as I open the car door for you. I had been teasing you all week, and tonight I plan to finish what I started.I offer you my hand and help you out of the car. The touch of your soft skin is enough to make my heart melt. I look into your big, beautiful eyes and momentarily lose myself. Your silky black hair enraptures my attention and I imagine the intangible pleasure of sweeping it back behind your ear. A loose-fitting sweatshirt matches the dark...

1 year ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen 8211 Part 3

Andru kaalaiyil manaiviyai nirvanamaaga oothu aval pundaiyil kanju vara vaithu irunthen. Pinbu en sunni muzhuvathum aval pundai kanjaaga irunthathu, manaivi ennai paarthu en pundaiyil thaan vinthu vanthu vitathe pinbu en sunniyai innum pundaikul vitu kondu irukiraai endral. Naan sunniyai veliyil eduthen, manaivi unaku en soothil ooka aasai irunthaal oothu kol endraal. Ilai enaku soothil ooka aasai ilai endren, pinbu manaivi sunniyai pidithu adithu vital. Iru murai adikum pozhuthe en sunniyil...

1 year ago
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Cherish What You Got While It Lasts

When all of this happened, I was 23 years old and living in my own flat but in the same house as my parents and 15yo sister Nicole. Doors were never locked and everybody could freely go in and out. To be honest, we never really were a family in the normal sense. Sis and I were practically all we got. Parents were both alcoholics. Our mother was working in the morning and started drinking as soon as she got home and our father had his first beer for dinner. He was quite abusive. If we misbehaved...

3 years ago
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Daughter and Friend pt 3

Introduction: Nothing like a nice shower to freshen up. I went into the bathroom, turned on the shower and undressed. I looked into the mirror and saw my cock was more red than usual and still dripping my leftover cum. I rubbed my cum around my cockhead and slowly down my shaft. I was getting hard again, thinking of what has taken place. I shook my head and reluctently let go of my cock. I jumped into the shower to wash up and relax. I tried to avoid washing my cock too much but it was...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 37

"Aggy" commed Slow, "Navy local have just informed me that the covering BC squadron has gone off to the southwest investigating reports of some marauding force taking out merchies. Gorgipest is uncovered and they request we send out our VWs as scouts. I didn't tell them they were tasked and out of the area." "We could send out some UVAs but you have already thought of that, haven't you;" replied McCock, "you want to sortie in "Vector". What is the status of that third...

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my story with my friends mom part2

before i start id like to say that in the future my stories will be much longer but im just starting out and if you guys like my stories i will right more.1 new text messagelisaoh god josh i didnt expect this from you. your always so nice to me, i thought you were just a flirt but as i can see you want much more from me and i think i want the same with you. when i was drunk i remember showing my boobs and trying to get in your pants, but you wouldnt let me cause josh was in the other room. i...

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A Night at the Metro

Before the inevitability of gentrification set in, Toronto's Metro Theatre stood for many years as the city's last full-screen porn cinema. And while more recent innovations in pornography (such as home video and later, the internet) had taken their toll, the Metro had things to offer which could not be had elsewhere. Living on the other side of town, I was an infrequent visitor to this one-time temple to sleazy entertainment, but on the occasions that I did, I'd usually have myself a good...

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Horny Maid

Hi ..My name is Sagar (28 now) and this incident happened when I was 18.As I was going through the stories in this site..I also felt an urge to share my experiences with you guys..It all began at my ancestral home……where i used to stay during my graduation years as the college was near there.So I was staying away from my parents with my grandmother. And there was a maid..more of a home nurse to look after her.And this maid was not really a servant..she was a neighbor who used to stay with my...

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Just Another Day In Paradise Final Days

Day 11 -Tuesday A beep. Another beep, followed by another. Was there beeping in the afterlife? If so, heaven wasn't all it was cracked up to be, it was a pretty annoying sound, all things considered. I felt my eyelids fluttering, trying to open, but all I could see beyond them was a bright white light. I heard a noise beyond the incessant beeps - voices maybe? It was difficult to tell, my senses were acting sluggish, and if they were voices, the words weren't making any sense...

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