Positively Glowing 7 free porn video

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The electric chime sounded as Taylor and Gerry entered Amanda's Boutique during lunch on Friday. "Oh, it's my favorite bride," the proprietress beamed at them. She pulled a garment bag from a rack and handed it to Gerry. "Here you go, sweetheart. Take this out back and try it on. Try on EVERYTHING, though. The panties can go on over what you're wearing for now, but I need to see you in the bra, with the stockings and then the dress. I'll help you with the veil when you come out." Far more excited by the prospect of wearing the wedding dress than he should be, Gerry smiled as he took the garment bag and headed to the dressing room. "Listen, Amanda," Taylor said, confidentially, as she checked that Mila was still napping in her stroller, "I have a kinda big date tomorrow night and I need something formal, but... well, not over done, if you know what I mean." "Oh?" Amanda feigned surprise. "A special guy or a special evening?" "To tell you the truth," Taylor blushed, something she'd been doing a lot lately, especially when considering her impending date with Russ Cahill, "I'm not really sure. It's a first date with a man I only just met and only spoke to for less than ten minutes, but it's at a fancy country club and I certainly want to be dressed appropriately." Amanda smiled, knowingly. "Ahh, something beautiful and slinky and sexy, but elegant and not too suggestive, right?" "Exactly," Taylor smiled. "Well, Ms Wentworth, I am sure that I have exactly what you're looking for. After we get your sister dealt with, I'll show you some things that I think you'll love." Taylor breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. God, I'm so stressed over this date. I mean I hardly know the guy and it shouldn't be a big deal, right? But... it's been a while since I've been on a 'first date.' I mean... well... I was with Mila's father a loooong time and he... I'm sorry. You don't need to hear about that, but... anyway, I do need something nice. Thank you." Amanda smiled at the very professional woman's uncertain demeanor. Obviously, she wanted to look beautiful for her date. How sweet. "Umm, Taylor." Gerry stuck his head into the front room. "Can you button me up? I can't reach back there." "Of course, honey. Just step out here." Not really wanting to be in the front room with the back of the dress wide open, Gerry took a big sigh and steeled himself before stepping out, keeping his exposed back turned away from the door, lest someone walk in. "Oh, Gerry," Taylor gushed as she moved behind her little brother, "you just look so perfect. Ahh... I always wanted to be a beautiful bride, but... well, I'll never be the blushing. A perfect little doll walking down the aisle." She sighed. "I guess I just have to live that vicariously through my beautiful, little brother." Taylor buttoned up all seventy-five, tiny, pearl buttons up his back, then pulled the delicate, narrow zipper up to conceal those. The process tightened the empire waisted bodice around his lush, maternal breasts, decorating them in a snow storm of lace and delicacy and feminine elegance. Then, she stepped back, but hesitated long enough to fluff out the petticoats and skirts that settled again about the hairless, real-silk- stocking-clad legs in the submissive fashion of a bygone era. "Oh, Gerry," she uttered, with a tearful choke in her voice, as one hand moved to cover her quivering lips and the other rested on the skin exposed by the open collar of her silk blouse. "Oh, Gerry," she whispered again, "you're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen." Amanda stepped forward with the veil. "I chose a different veil for her," she said as she secured it to the back of Gerry's head. This new veil was anchored to the hair on the back of his head with a six inch decorative comb that was covered in tiny, white, silk flowers, resembling the edelweiss flowers from the song that Gerry so frequently crooned to Mila. It was soft, and girlish, and delicate, just like Gerry, and the sheer, simple veil fell to the bottom of Gerry's back without being garish, or in anyway detracting from the glorious, feminine beauty of the perfect, petticoated wedding dress. He was the perfect bride from the mid twentieth century. The classic dress and classic shoes were simple, but just right. He was Elizabeth Taylor in 'Father of the Bride.' He was Audrey Hepburn in 'Funny Face.' He was Julie Andrews in 'The Sound of Music.' He was Robin Wright in 'The Princess Bride.' He was Kiera Knightly in 'Love Actually.' He was chaste and womanly and virginal. He was every little girl's dream of the bride she wanted to be when her daddy gave her away and every grown man's dream of the bride he wanted to deflower on his wedding night. "Oh, Gerry, Gerry, Gerry," she just couldn't stop, "you don't even need your hair and makeup done. You're perfect, just the way you are. Stevie isn't going to believe how beautiful you are." "I take it you're both happy with everything, then?" Amanda asked, certain of the answer. When that answer was confirmed, she said, "Excellent. Then, why don't you," she said to Gerry, "get changed," then she turned to Taylor, "while I pull a few things for you to try on." Taylor nodded, then said to Gerry, "Come one, honey. I'll help you out of the dress." XXX "Oh, yes," Amanda gushed at Taylor, "that's just perfect." "Really? You like it?" Taylor asked as she looked at the clinging, sage green sheath that hugged her tall body and fit curves. It was the fifth dress that she'd tried on and, so far, she thought that all of them were pretty, but none of them were right. "Gerry, what do you think?" Her brother was back in his pretty, flowered, sun dress, bouncing Mila gently on his hip while watching his sister as she examined herself in the triptych of mirrors. "I don't know, Taylor," he said, critically. "I like it, I do, but... I think it stretches kind of oddly across your breasts." Taylor examined that area more closely. "You're right. There's something not right here, isn't there. It's stretching like I'm too busty, and let's face it, that has never been my problem. I'm just a 'B' cup. Maybe closer to a 'C' right now, thanks to Miss Mila's arrival." She smiled at her baby, then turned to Amanda. "I'm afraid Gerry's right, again, Amanda. I love everything you've shown me, but... I'm just not seeing 'IT.' You know what I mean?" Amanda gave a small, frustrated sigh, but her smile never wavered. Rich women were always challenging, so were tall women, and tall-rich women were even more challenging. Gay boys who gave their girl-friends advice were usually catty and petty about clothes, too, so when women asked the opinion of their fairy-friends, that could be challenging, as well, and, typically, Amanda was able to tease and flirt with her customers to guide them towards the expensive purchases. The problem with this woman was that she seemed to have a good sense of how to display her body, but didn't seem to have the vocabulary to express what she wanted to Amanda, and the problem with her girlish little brother was that he actually seemed to have a great eye and he was being tactfully honest with his sister. These two had great taste. That was always a problem. Taylor adjusted the material around her breasts and shook her head. "No. I don't think so. Maybe, after my boobs go back to their normal size, but Gerry's right. Well, thanks anyway, Amanda. I think that Gerry and I need to get back to the office." "No!" Amanda said, just a bit too loudly, "I'm sure we have what you need. Let me grab a few things. I'll be right back." Taylor preened in the mirrors and she sighed at the flaws she notice. "Maybe I should just run into Lord and Taylor and get another little black dress," she uttered sadly, as much to herself as anyone else. Gerry had wandered to the rack of clothes that Amanda had taken out. It had Taylor's rejected selections as well as several other items tried on by other customers that Amanda still needed to return to stock. "You wear a size eight, right?" Taylor sighed as she slapped her hip. "I do, but I'm trying to get back to a six." She smiled at her baby. Then, in a playful tone, said, "This is all your fault, young lady." Mila smiled and chewed on her fingers. Gerry pulled a royal blue, silk dress from the rack. It was simple. Nearly a slip. The rich color was dark enough to be conservative, but bright enough to be noticed. It had spaghetti straps and not much else to be described. "Try this on," Gerry held up the dress. "Seriously?" Taylor seemed surprised by the suggestion. "I mean... it just a slip dress. Do you think that's appropriate for a country club?" "I think it'll look nice on you. Just try it." "Ok." Taylor shrugged. "I'll give it a try." She entered the changing room. Moments later, she emerged wearing the royal blue dress. Her bra straps were showing, but other than that, the dress looked lovely on her. The silk material hung beautifully from her curves and was tailored enough to show her fit curves, but loose enough to hide the bits of weight that she hadn't lost since giving birth. The inverted 'V' shapes that formed the top of the dress gave her enough cleavage without being slutty or cheap. It flowed beautifully over her hips, making them appear less boyish and the hem of the narrow skirt fell to just below her knees and had the faintest touch of a flair. She looked in the mirror and smiled. "I like it, but... do you think it shows too much shoulder?" "You have beautiful shoulders, Taylor." Gerry looked over the dress with a critical eye. "Seriously, a little gold jewelry and makeup, and you'll be gorgeous, won't she be?" This last question was directed at Mila who let out a noise that sounded shockingly close to 'yes,' causing both Gerry and Taylor to laugh. Taylor sighed. "I really like it, but I feel a little naked in it." "Oh!" Amanda reentered with two more choice. "Do you like that one? I wouldn't have chosen it for you, but I must say, you look amazing in it!" "You think so?" Taylor was intrigued by the slinky dress. "I feel kinda... naked." "Let me tell you," Amanda smiled, "when you feel that man's hands on your back as you dance..." she let out a knowing sigh. "...you'll be thrilled to feel that naked." Taylor bit her lower lip, anxious to commit to the dress, but needing a little more convincing. "Gerry? You really like it?" "I've never seen you look more beautiful, Taylor." Then he looked at Mila and said, "Tell mommy to buy the dress," to which Mila responded with a happy chirp. "Well, I guess that settles it," Taylor smiled. "I'll take it. Let me just get changed and you can write all of this up for us." When Taylor had gone back into change, Amanda looked at the pretty, pregnant woman playing so naturally with the infant child and wondered at how such a woman could be a man. "You have a great eye for fashion." She complimented him. Gerry looked up and smiled. "Oh, thank you. I usually only get to dress Mila. It's fun to help dress my sister." "And... this is all new to you?" "What? Dressing Mila? I've been doing that since she came home from the hospital." Amanda shook her head. "No... I mean... well from what your sister told me, you've only been living as a woman for a few weeks." He nodded and smiled at Mila. "Yes. I guess that is true." "But you've been taking care of the baby since she was born?" He smiled, shyly. "Not many men would do that for their sister." "I didn't do it for my sister," he smiled. "I did it for my niece. From the first moment I laid eyes on this angel, all I wanted to do was take care of her. So, maybe I did it for myself. Anyway - who could resist loving this face?" He kissed Mila, making her giggle. Amanda raised her eyebrows and thought, 'Nearly every other man I ever met,' she said. "How sweet." Taylor returned and Amanda took the blue dress, hung it in a garment bag and went to her desk to write up the sale. "You look happy," Taylor said to Gerry as he strapped Mila into her stroller. "I am happy." "Why's that?" "I just had my first shopping trip with my big sister and I really enjoyed it." "What are you talking about? We were here just a few days ago." "I know, but I didn't go shopping, then. I just tried on the dress you picked out and that was that. I don't even know what I need for. This was different. I got to dress you in something that I thought was pretty and you liked it. I enjoyed this." "Oh, how sweet," Taylor smiled and kissed his cheek. "I enjoyed it, too, sweetheart. I guess you're really becoming my little sister." XXX Gerry stared at the Florida issued driver's license in his hand and mulled over the implications of the letter 'F' that appeared under the word 'Sex' on the laminated face of the state issued document. He might have felt like it had been wrong of him to give up his male-status so easily, but just six inches away from the license, a baby was latched onto his breast, feeding - taking nourishment from the mother's milk that his no-longer-entirely-male body produced. What did it really matter? Mila viewed him as female. His mother and sister viewed him as female. Hell, even his wife viewed him as female. Why shouldn't the State of Florida view him as female, too? Mila released his left breast and he gently maneuvered her to his right, kissing her temple as he moved her. He watched in loving fascination as she latched on, again, and continued to nourish herself from his breast. Her eyes were closed as she suckled and softly grunted in infantile satisfaction. "All of this is worth it, as long as you're happy and healthy, Mila. I love you. You know that, right? And when we have another little girl here to be your cousin, I'm still going to love you just as much as I do now. I promise." "The costume party is this week," Taylor said, quietly, to Stevie as they sat in the screened room. She could see Gerry in the living room, seated in the rocking chair, rocking slowly while he murmured to her daughter. "Do you think that he'll be surprised?" "I do, but I think he'll love it, too. He's such a romantic at heart. He'll adore this." Taylor smiled. "Have you heard anything about the adoption?" "As a matter of fact, I spoke to the agency today. Mother and baby are both doing well, everything seems to be on track for the delivery. The mom doesn't want to see the baby, or be involved with her, so as soon as she's born, she's ours. I told them that there are two people lactating in my household, so the baby will be getting plenty of breastmilk." Taylor laughed. "Well, if I have to continue breasting for awhile longer, I guess I can do that. How about the nursery? Have you figured that out, yet?" Stevie rolled her eyes. "Gerry has been on every website imaginable. He has picked out a soft, pink paint, with glossy white trim and he's got his heart set on several wall decals with Disney Princesses on them. He's also picked out a couple of really elaborate, white cribs and a matching changing table. It's all very pretty, very feminine. These little girls don't stand a chance, you know. I guarantee you that he'll have them in frilly dresses and puffy sleeves every day of their lives." Taylor laughed. "I don't think that Kate ever had any delusions that I was going to be a girly-girl. Dresses were for Sunday school and special occasions - that is, until I got into high school and I discovered the power that dresses and skirts with crop-tops had over boys. Then - well, I was never a girly-girl, but I learned how to utilize the tools I had at my disposal." Stevie chuckled. "I'm still learning about those tools, I guess." "Oh, come on. Yeah, in college you were a little awkward, but now? Steve-O, you are a stone-cold fox, sweetheart." Stevie laughed out loud at that. "No. You taught me how to dress well for work and when a special occasion comes along, you help me get all dolled up, but I'd still rather be wearing jeans and tee shirts." "Well," Taylor looked out at her brother, "I guess that it all worked out for you, anyway. You found a great guy and, as it turned out, he's a girly-girl. Best of both worlds, I guess." Stevie smiled. "We're doing the right thing, aren't we, Tay? I mean, taking this baby and all while Gerry is... I don't even know how to describe it. 'Transitioning' doesn't seem right. 'Morphing' maybe. I don't know, but... it won't be too weird for the baby, will it?" "Well," Taylor brought her right hand to her chin in a thoughtful pose, "let's consider what she would have if she stayed with her mom. Mom would have to drop out of college to take care of her, get a dead end job at Walmart or Costco, she'd live in a substandard environment with an overworked, single mom who resents the fact that her life was upended by a mistake that lead to an unwanted pregnancy." "That's a bit harsh." "Maybe so, but probably true." Stevie considered that possibility and took a sip of her moscato. "Now, if she comes to you. Let's see, two loving parents, not to mention a doting aunt next door and a cold, but well meaning grandmother on the other side." Stevie laughed. "One of those parents is a tall, powerful, hard working woman who provides every material need a child could ask for, and the other, a sweet, loving, beautiful, maternal figure who will drown her in live and attention, treat her like a princess and live to make her happy. Oh, yeah, ok, the maternal one is a guy who wears dresses, but so what? He's kind and loving and looks better in a dress than anyone else in this family..." "Except you," Stevie interrupted. "... obviously..." Taylor laughed. "Which life do you want for that little girl?" Stevie nodded. "We'll make her happy, won't we." "Of course you will, Steve-O. You two are meant to be together and raise beautiful babies." Taylor watched Gerry for another few minutes. She could just hear him singing softly to her daughter. "I thought that Fred and I would make great parents." She shook her head. "How could he have been such an asshole and I didn't even notice? And PLEASE, don't say it was because I was in love with him. I should have seen it." Stevie took her hand. "None of us did, Tay. He had us all fooled. Maybe he isn't an asshole. Maybe he's just... a coward." Taylor shook her head. "What am I going to tell Mila when she asks about her father?" Stevie shrugged. "I don't know, Tay, but just always let her know that her mommy loves her, and so does her Auntie Stevie and Uncle Gerry, and, in her own way, so does her grandmother." Taylor took a deep breath to fight back the emotions she felt building up in her. "Uncle Gerry? Maybe, in light of the fact that Uncle Gerry is currently breast feeding her, we may want to consider having Mila call him 'Auntie Gerri.' What do you think?" Stevie shrugged. "We'll figure that out as Mila starts talking, I guess. Let's let Gerry make that decision, though. I think that getting his new license freaked him out a little." "Yeah. Now, it's all kind of 'official,' isn't it." "It is." Gerry closed the cup of his nursing bra and walked down the hallway as he burped his beautiful niece. "I was just telling Taylor about your plans for the nursery," Stevie smiled. "Lots or pink and white." "Soft pink," Gerry smiled. "Not that harsh, amoxicillin-pink that most people slap on their walls. Baby-pink, for Mila and her cousin." "And what is her cousin's name going to be?" Taylor sipped her cranberry juice and watched Gerry bouncing her daughter gently on his soft little shoulder. Gerry looked at Stevie, who smiled and said, "I think we have. Tell her, baby." "What do you think of 'Marni?'" Gerry smiled as he considered the name, even as he spoke it. "Marni," Taylor said the name and considered it as well. "Marni. I like it. Short, sweet, a little unusual. Marni. Marni Wentworth. That works. Yes. That's a great name. Are you considering a middle name?" "Well..." Stevie looked at Gerry with a sly grin, "... we thought we'd give her her godmother's name for her middle name." "Nice," Taylor smiled. "So, what is her godmother's name?" Now, Gerry smiled. "It's 'Taylor,' of course. Marni Taylor Wentworth." Taylor's eyes opened wide. "Me? I'm going to be my niece's godmother!? Oh... guys! Thank you, so much!" "Then you'll do it?" Stevie wanted to be sure. "You'll be our little girl's godmother?" "Of course, I will! I'm honored! And I'll be a great godmother, too! I'll never miss a birthday or Christmas or anything." Everyone was smiling as Stevie held up the glass of bubbly wine and said, "To Marni Taylor Wentworth and her marvelous godmother." "Here! Here!" Taylor giggled. "Marni... I really like that." XXX The banana clip held back Gerry's hair as he rubbed the moisturizer into his face while inspecting every nook and cranny of his features in the mirror that was mounted over his side of the double vanity in their en- suite lavatory. His beard was gone. Completely gone, as if it never existed. It had never been very full, but his face had become completely smooth and soft. His cheeks were even softer and rounder than before. The face that looked back at him was makeup free and could never possibly be mistaken for a man's face. The strange thing was, though, was that he really liked it better this way. "Almost ready for bed?" Stevie asked as she entered the lavatory wearing a new set of silk pajamas, grabbed her toothbrush and prepared to brush her teeth. He nodded, and looked at his tall, powerful wife wearing her manly bed clothes. Her breasts looked nice with the loose fitting, silk pajama top draped across them. Then he returned his gaze to his own mirror and saw girl looking back at him. That girl's soft, lace covered, cotton nightie hung prettily from her breasts, also, and the apple face, framed in a beautifully sloppy fall of hair, small, fragile shoulders, big eyes and plump lips. The contrast between the two was stark and obvious and would have been perfectly natural were it not for the fact that person in the manly pajamas had a warm, female opening between her legs, while the person in the overtly feminine nightie had a moderately conservative penis tucked between his legs. "Stevie?" He asked as he released the bright pink banana clip, picked up a brush and began his final task of brushing out his hair before bed. "Yes, baby?" She spit out the toothpaste and poured a little mouthwash into a small cup. "Do you love me?" The mouthwash had barely entered her mouth, but she spit out, nonetheless. "What!? How could you ask me that!? Of course I love you!" "I know..l but... I mean, now... like I am, now. Do you love me like I am... now?" Stevie wiped her mouth, then stood behind him, wrapped her arms around his 'expectant' belly and kissed the spot where his slender neck intersected with his narrow shoulders. His skin was soft and both tasted and smelled of vanilla and lavender. "Baby, I would love you, no matter how you looked, but right now, you look more beautiful to me than I could ever have imagined. Of course, I love you. You are the most precious thing in my life, baby. Never doubt that." He sighed and gave a sad smile to his reflection. "I know we've talked about it, but I still need to know that this is all ok with you. The way I look. The way I dress. They way my body has become. The nursing... all of it. I just need to know that it's all ok with you." She kissed that spot again. God, he smelled so good! "It is and I do and," she scooped him up in her arms and headed to the bedroom, "I intend to prove it to you." Gerry squealed a high pitched 'eek' as he was swept off of his feet. "Wait! I'm not done!" "I don't care," Stevie chuckled as she laid him gently on the bed and pulled the lacy folds of the knee length nightie up, displaying his equally lacy panties. She bent and nibbled the smooth silk panel on the font of his panties, then she gripped the waistband with her teeth and drew it down. He lifted his rump to let the gentle elastic pass and soon she had pulled them past his toes and she dropped them on the floor. Then she glanced at the semi hard, hairless appendage between his legs and she smiled. "You have the prettiest little penis I've ever seen." This caused him to giggle. "Yeah?" "Yeah. Velvety soft, no hair... like a naughty little boy's hoo-hoo. So pretty. If women had penises, they'd look just like that." She bent and kissed his thigh. "Let me see your plump, little tush." He rolled over and she covered his rump with gentle kisses, while doing something with her hands that he could neither see nor feel, but he knew she was up to something. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm just getting my new toy ready." Could he have seen her, he would have seen her lubricating a sixteen inch, double headed, blue dildo with large, penis-shaped heads on each end. She kissed his rump once more and said, "Raise your fanny like a good puppy." Gerry obliged, then let out a breathy gasp as the phallus was worked into his rear. "Feel good?" Stevie kissed his bottom cheek, again, while working the latex toy deeper. He gasped again at the sensation of intrusion, but nodded and smiled. "Very good." She pushed it further in until she knew that she was close to his G- spot. Then she knelt close and slide the other phallus shaped end into her sex and slide in close to him, until the sensation of the tube made her eyes flutter. "Ready?" She asked and he let out an affirmative whimper. "Here goes." When she began thrusting, they both let out grunts if surprise at the delight inflicted on them by the toy. Within minutes, Stevie was thrusting and grunting in excitement. Then, her breath caught as she was wracked by her first orgasm. It caused her to shake so violently that Gerry's arms collapsed, leaving his rear thrust high in the air. This new position created a whole new set of sensations in his backside and he wagged his bottom to make the most of them. His new movement brought new shivers of excitement to Stevie and she, again, slammed against him, forcing the dildo further into both of them. Within moments, she had grabbed onto his waist as she humped like a rabbit against his raised fanny until both shouted out in unison and both clenched their openings for one last sensation before each of them collapsed and painted as they tried to make their eyes focus once again. Stevie withdrew the toy from herself, but looked at her little husband for a moment before extracting it from him. She thought about what he'd asked her just a few minutes earlier - Did she still love him like this? Soft, beautiful, brown hair with soft red highlights, bound up in a white, pearled banana clip, plump, soft cheeks, a slender, soft neck, small, smooth shoulders, the adorable, white cotton, lace trimmed nightie covering lush, milk filled breasts with wide, brown aureoles and plum nipples, the sexy baby-bump that lead to the perfectly plump, hairless rear-end and shapely thighs. The sex toy protruding from his anus was almost as cute as the rest of him, kind of like a little tail sticking out of his playful tush, which had been wagging excitedly just a few moments ago. What was there not to love? Did she miss the fantasy of well muscled, he-man who could carry her to bed and screw her brains out? No. That was never her fantasy. This was definitely different than her teenaged sex fantasies, but it was still amazing and she had someone who loved her unconditionally. No - his devotion for her was beyond unconditional. It wasn't sycophantic or worshipful... it was just a pure, devout, chaste-yet-naughty love. He was hers, heart, body and soul and she was his, too. "You're beautiful," she muttered, without realizing she was saying it out loud. He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. "I'm a sweaty mess." "No to me, Gerry. To me, you're the most beautiful woman and the most handsome man I have ever seen. You're my... you're my everything, baby. I know that sounds stupid, but I'm just realized that you're not just my husband - you're everything I've ever wanted, baby. I just want you to know that." XXX "Harvard and Yale!? That's impressive!" Taylor sipped her Virgin daiquiri and smiled at the handsome, successful man opposite her. He smiled back, "Not really. My dad went to Yale and was an active alum, so I was kind of a shoe-In for my undergraduate work. I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but Yale has a reputation for graduating some pretty piss-poor lawyers. Lawyers who don't practice REAL law, but specialize in saving corporations billions of tax dollars. I went to Harvard because I wanted to be a REAL lawyer. You know, fighting for the underdog... all that bull sh..." He stopped and looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Taylor," he smiled. "I haven't really done this in a long time and I'm not being very polite, am I?" "Don't be silly," she smiled. "No," he dabbed at his lips with a napkin, more as a reason to do something than because he had anything on his lips. "I just realized that I've been talking about myself for ten minutes straight and that, not only was I about to say 'shit,' I said 'piss' a few moments ago." He dabbed his lips again as he chuckled. "And... now, I've gone and said both things, again. I'm going to be very honest with you, Taylor... I haven't been on a first date since I was seventeen and, frankly, I'm nervous as hell. I'm sure that you're aware that your are one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, and the way you're dressed tonight... Jesus Christ, am I really saying these things out loud!? What the Hell is wrong with me?" Taylor laughed and reached across the table to squeeze his hand. "Relax, Russ," she smiled, "it's been awhile for me, too. Let's just get to know each other." He nodded. "Ok. Thanks." "Now, May I ask for clarification about something you just said?" "Of course." "I believe you said that I am one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen. Could you clarify?" She smiled, temptingly. He laughed. "You certainly are, Taylor. You are an amazingly beautiful woman and I am truly honored that you've agreed to go out with me tonight. And that dress, Taylor... it's just breathtaking." She blushed and smiled. "Well, thank you for the compliments, but to tell you the truth, I didn't pick out this dress. My brother picked it out for me." "Well," he sipped his scotch, "if I ever meet your brother, I will have to thank him for dressing you so well." "But, you've met my brother, Russ. Gerry. You met him at Maury's Deli. He was the one attacked by Bill Williams." He shook his head. "Gerri, of course. I'm sorry. It's very hard to think of Gerri as your brother." "I know. He is a cutie, isn't he. Thank a God I have him. He's got Mila, my daughter, tonight. With Gerry around, I never need to worry about a babysitter." "Really?" Russ seemed surprised. "He's that... maternal... is he?" She laughed. "You have no idea." They were interrupted as, across the room, the big-band began their first set of swing-era music. The soft, pulsing sounds of Glenn Miller's 'Moonlight Serenade' filled the room. "How about we give my brain a few minutes to get itself in order and we dance?" Russ stood and offered his hand. Taylor smiled as she stood and let him lead her to the dance floor. When Russ placed his right hand against her lower back and pulled her tightly to him, she felt nearly naked in the thin, silk dress, but that was just fine. It was a soft, vulnerable, sexy nakedness and that was just fine. In fact, that was just perfect. As the song continued, she rested her head on his broad chest and closed her eyes, letting the sound of the music, the swaying of the dance, the softness of his hands against the silk, the smell of his aftershave and the beating of his heart take her away. XXX "Good morning," Kate called as she entered Gerry and Stevie's townhouse at ten thirty Sunday morning, "I have fresh bagels from Weintraub's for you." As she entered the kitchen, she noticed Stevie and Gerry in the screened in porch and she noticed that Mila was attached to Gerry's left breast. "Good morning, Kate," Stevie stood and took the bag of bagels. "Can I grill one of these for you?" "That would be lovely, thank you," she smiled, then sat in the third chair on the porch. "Is Taylor not home, yet?" "I don't know," Gerry cooed as if talking to a child so that a Mila would remain focused on her feeding. "Maybe she's asleep." Just then, Taylor entered, still dressed in her blue slip-dress. "Good morning, everyone!" She called from the doorway. "Isn't it a beautiful morning!?" Gerry looked up and smiled as his sister leaned over and kissed his cheek. "How is my girl doing?" "She's doing great." He glanced at the baby. "And how's Mila." She teased, causing Gerry to chuckle. "Morning, mom," she kissed her mother's cheek, too. "Taylor, for heaven's sake," Kate shook her head judgmentally, "I told you to date Russ, not throw yourself at him." "Throw myself?" Taylor laughed. "Are you implying that you think I slept with him on our first date? Mother! What kind of woman do you think I am!?" She smiled the entire time she spoke and showed no sign of being truly offended. "Well, what am I meant to think, seeing you stumbling in here, still wearing that dress..." "This dress!" Taylor interrupted. "Oh, Gerry, you were so right about this dress! He adored it and I could not have felt more sexy or romantic. Thank you, so much." Kate was confused by her daughter's sudden dismissal of what she was saying. "Taylor Wentworth, are you even listening to me?" "I am, mother, but do you remember our recent conversation about how you are to treat Gerry and me? No more snap judgements, right?" "Well, yes, but..." "And besides, Russ and I had a wonderful night. We danced until the band stopped at two this morning, then we drove down the coast, watched the sunrise, meandered back to town and had breakfast back at the country club before coming back here. We had a lovely time, mom, just talking and getting to know one and other. And I will give you this - you were right about one thing. Russ is a very charming man." "Well," Kate was calmer, now, mostly due to Taylor's use of three words, 'you were right,' "I guess you two really hit it off, then." Taylor shrugged. "We shall see. The best part was that he wasn't at all phased by the fact that I had Mila. Turns out he was a six year old girl, himself." "Really?" Kate seemed surprised. "She must have been born right around the time that his wife passed away. What a tragedy for a little girl to grow up without a mother, BUT - that may be good news for you, Taylor. Maybe he's looking for a good mother for his child." "Oh, mother, please... I'm not going to marry a man just to be his nanny. We got along very well on our first date. That's all. We'll take it from there and see where it goes. We both have our own child to deal with - separate from whatever may develop between us. Let's not rush things, ok?" Kate shrugged. "Ok... but..." "But what, mother?" Taylor sighed, knowing the answer. "Well... you're not as young as you used to be, dear." Taylor rolled her eyes and turned the conversation back towards Gerry. "Was she good for you?" Gerry moved the baby to the cloth diaper that he had draped across his left shoulder, discreetly sliding his breast back into his nighty, and began to burp her. "She was perfect for me. She only got me up once." "But Gerry was up a half dozen times to check on her," Stevie smiled as she reentered the room with a few grilled bagels covered in cream cheese. "Here you go, Kate. Have a seat. I made you some tea as well." She returned to the kitchen to retrieve tea cups for all for of them. "I wasn't 'checking on her,'" Gerry explained. "I was just watching her sleep. I will never get tired of watching her when she sleeps. She's so beautiful. And it was only like four times." Stevie handed Kate and Taylor cups of tea, then returned to grab two more. "Thank you, Stevie. Now," Kate sat and took a petite bite of the bagel, "are we all set for Friday night?" "About that," Taylor said, "is it ok if I have Russ join us as my date? We're going to have dinner on Tuesday and possibly Thursday, as well, but... well... I didn't want to say 'no' to Friday, so, I invited him." "I don't see why not," Stevie said, sitting in a chair she'd brought from the kitchen. "Can we include him in our theme, though?" Kate was a bit concerned. "Oh, I'm sure we can," Taylor smiled. "And, would anyone like to share the theme with me?" Gerry asked as Mila let out a mighty, little burp, causing everyone to smile. "Honestly, baby," Stevie chuckled, "I think you'll get a bigger kick out of it if you just show up and enjoy yourself." He just shrugged and moved Mila so she could see her family seated around the screened-in room. All three woman smiled and thought the same thing, 'What a wonderful mother he is.' XXX On Thursday, Gerry said his goodbyes to the women at the office. Friday would be his last day, but he'd been told that he'd be spending it with Taylor at a salon preparing for Friday night. "Oh, I'm going to miss you," Erin said as she hugged him. Then she bent to touch Mila's cheek before kissing it. "And I'm going to miss you even more." She smiled at Gerry, happy tears in her eyes. "And when you get your own baby, you'd better bring her to the office so I can see her." Gerry smiled. "I will, I promise." On Friday morning, when Gerry kissed Stevie goodbye at the door to their townhouse, she was smiling deviously and carrying a garment bag that he'd never seen before with her. "Is that your costume?" He asked as he stood in his nightie and robe. His own garment bag had been kept at Taylor's since they brought it home the week before. "It is." "May I see it?" He smiled like a little girl, excited for Halloween. "No, you may not," she smiled. "You'll ruin the surprise." "Oh, come on..." "No, and stop being a brat. You'll see it tonight." "A brat!? I'm not being a brat! I just want to know what's going on!" "And you'll find out tonight," Taylor interrupted as she and Mila appeared in the doorway. "You'd better get going," she smiled and kissed Stevie's cheek. "There's a lot to do here." "Oh, alright, LADIES," she teased. "You two enjoy your day of feminine bless while I return to the coal mine to earn enough money to keep you in your silk and lace finery." She kissed Gerry again. "Bye, baby. See you tonight." When the door was closed, Taylor smiled at her little brother. "Alright, young lady, this is the biggest day of your life so far. We've got a lot to do, so let's get you into something pretty and sweet so we can go make you the prettiest bride the world has ever seen." "Taylor, I haven't even had breakfast, yet, and besides, it's just a Halloween party. That hardly qualifies as 'the biggest day of my life.' You said we weren't due at the salon until noon. What's the rush?" Taylor smiled. "Alright, listen - I have a surprise for both of you and we need to get to our first appointment at ten. So, let's make you as pretty as we can, then we'll go have breakfast at The Montreaux." Gerry took a double take at his sister. "The Montreaux!? That's a little pricey, isn't it!? I mean, the last time I was there was to celebrate my graduation from college, and the last time you went there..." Taylor smiled. "That's right. I took Stevie there the morning of your wedding. I did that because I wanted her day as a bride to be perfect and I'm bringing you today for the same reason today. Today is all about making my baby brother feel like the most important girl in the world." She grinned at the confused look on Gerry's face. "So, come on, my beautiful, little sister, let's get going." She pushed Gerry into the bedroom, instructed him to take off his nightie. She placed Mila on the floor and hustled to the closet, where she grabbed a pink bag she'd hidden in the back. When she turned, she saw Gerry standing by the bed, wearing just his panties and his arm folded modestly across his breasts. "Panties, too, honey. I have some delicious undies for you to wear today." "But, Taylor..." "No butts, Gerry. We're all girls here and I guarantee that there is nothing you have up above or down below that I haven't seen before. Come on, now. Look at these." She held up a pair of sheer, lace boy shorts that were obviously cut to expose a great deal of fanny. "Adorable, aren't they!? And I have the bra to match. Here, I'll start you off with the bra." She pulled out the bra and held it out for Gerry's arms to enter the straps. Then she walked behind him and attached the band in the back. "Nice, isn't it?" "It is," he smiled. "It's very comfortable, but I won't be able to just open a cup to feed Mila." "Oh, so what. It's too beautiful not to wear. We can take turns with Mila today. Now, drop your prego-panties and put these on. They're sexy!" "Umm... could you, maybe, turn around?" "You're not serious, are you? Gerry, I changed your diapers when you were a baby. I bathed you till you were eight or nine years old. I've seen your breasts grow and even seen them express milk. What difference does it make if I see your penis at this point? Come on, you're my little sister, now. No more silly bashfulness." "Oh, yeah," Gerry teased, playfully skeptical, "so you'll show me your vagina?" "Sure, why not?" Taylor said as she pulled the sheath dress she was wearing over her head. "No, no," Gerry held up his hands, "I was kidding." "But I wasn't," she smiled as she dropped her rather plain panties and stepped out of them. "Ta da! Look, well trimmed and not looking too bad considering a human being pushed her way out of there not so long ago." "Oh, Taylor," Gerry laughed, "don't be so graphic." "Listen, Gerry, being a woman is a miraculous and messy thing. The breasts, the hips, motherhood, the clothes - all wonderful. The periods, the aches and pains, the bloating, the recovering from childbirth- all messy. You're lucky. All the fun parts, none of the mess." "I have plenty of messes, Taylor. I wake up with wet nipples every night." "Oh, you poor baby. After you've woken up in a puddle of blood because your period started while you were sleeping, then we'll talk about messes. Now, come on, drop your panties and put these on. No baby belt this morning, but you'll wear it under your dress tonight." "Ok." Gerry pulled down his panties and stepped out of them. Taylor felt his leg. "When did you shave last?" "I used that cream that mom's beautician gave me last night. I've actually used it every night since I got it." "Hmm, very well done. Your legs are softer than mine. More shapely, too. Step in." Gerry did as he was told and his sister slid the sheer, lacy panties up his legs. When she reached his crotch, she gingerly tucked his penis back and pulled the garment into place. Gerry flinched just a little at her touch, but she moved right along and stood up. "Let me take a look at those." The panties were very sheer all around, with just a slightly thicker pattern on the front panel to offer a bit of modesty. They road up high on his fanny cheeks displaying the soft, girlish curve of his rear end. "Perfect," she smiled. "Now, I have another pretty surprise for you." She went to Stevie's closet and pulled out a pale yellow, sheer dress that would hang loosely from his shoulder and bloom loosely around the wearer's body. It slid easily over his head and its sleeveless bodice was adorned with a just a few inches of lace before falling loosely around his little body. "Not really a maternity dress, but that's ok for our first stop today, and the salon won't matter either. We just want them to make you a beautiful bride." She admired the way that the dress hung down to just above his knees. It looked precious on him. Soft, sweet, feminine and, despite his baby- bump, virginal. She smiled as she spoke to him. "You know, Gerry, back when we were kids, I used to wish I had a kid sister. Not that I ever wanted to lose my wonderful little brother, but... I think every girl wants a little sister. Someone to teach about being a girl. How to dress... do her makeup... her hair... how to behave with boys... you know... everything. Now... it's like my wish came true. Not only do I have a little sister, but I'm even closer to my brother, too." She smoothed the dress. "There. My beautiful little brother who is also the best little sister a girl could wish for." She hugged his head to her breast and shoulder and kissed his forehead. When she let him go, she said, "Ok, just do some light makeup and we'll go have breakfast. You're getting 'The Works' at mom's salon, so there's no point in going crazy this morning. XXX "Ms Wentworth?" The woman in the lab coat held the door open and waited. "That's us," Taylor smiled and stood. She was excited and helped Gerry to his feet. "Come on, sweetheart. This is going to be great." "Right this way," the woman in the lab coat led them down the hallway and into a ten-by-twelve, clinical-looking room and began typing into a computer. "Gerri Ann Wentworth?" The woman asked. "Yes," Gerry replied after a moment's hesitation. "Date of birth?" Gerry confirmed that and answered several other questions before the woman asked, "Are you currently pregnant?" He glanced at Taylor who shook her head, 'no.' "No," Gerry replied. "Breast feeding?" He glanced at Taylor again, who nodded. "Yes." The woman stopped for a moment and glanced at Mila, sitting on Gerry's lap and gurgling happily. "Your daughter's beautiful." She smiled. Before Gerry could explain, Taylor said, "Isn't she just?" "How old is she?" Gerry answered this time, "Nearly seven months." "Alright," the woman smiled, "this will take about an hour and a half. I'm going to have you lay back on this table, I'll lay this gel pad on your abdomen, it's just like the gel pads that your OBGYN used when you had your ultrasounds when you were pregnant, and then I'll place the cold-laser on you stomach. We'll do two areas today and each will take about forty-five minutes. Initially, you'll feel just a little heat, but then it'll just feel like you've got an ice pack on your belly. There should be no pain, but you'll probably feel like you did a hundred sit- ups for the rest of the day." Gerry nodded. She continued, "Now, the cold lasers will freeze your excess fat cells and they should just flush out of your system after that. You should see some improvement even after just one treatment, but it does take several treatments for substantial loss of fat and we do emphasize that diet and exercise are the only way to ensure prolonged body maintenance. Are we all on the same page?" "Yes," both Gerry and Taylor nodded. "Now, I see here that you are going to have daily treatments, that is excellent, and provided you react well to the treatment, you should have your pre-mommy body back in ten to twenty days, but, again, exercise is going to be the key to your success. Ok?" "Ok," Gerry smiled. Was this even possible? He might lose his baby bump this easily? "Great!" She smiled. "So, let's give that little princess to her auntie and have mommy jump up here on the table and let's get you started!" XXX When they arrived at the salon, Gerry did feel a bit as if he'd been punched in the stomach, but the technician had assured him that this feeling would pass in a few hours. "Taylor!" The woman at the reception desk smiled at the sight of her. "I just heard that your little sister is getting married tonight. A Halloween wedding! How exciting! Is this your sister? Oh, my goodness, is this Mila!? I've heard so much about her! Come here, baby! Oh, I love babies, especially baby girls! Come see Auntie Josie!" Taylor, knowing Josie's enthusiastic conversational pattern, waited until the other woman had finished her explosion of words, before she smiled and said, "Yes, this is my baby sister, Gerri, and she is the bride, and yes, the child that you just abducted from Gerri, is my daughter Mila. I'm sorry that we're a couple of minutes late, but we are here to get Gerri ready for her big day." "Oh, of course," Josie grinned and bounced the baby. "And we need to get you ready, too, right? I mean, you are the maid-of-honor, right?" "I am," Taylor said as she placed her hand on the small of Gerry's back and guided him to follow Josie into the salon. "I don't remember asking you to be my maid-of-honor," Gerry whispered. "Well, who else would be?" Taylor giggled. It was true. Who else would be? So, Gerry let it drop. Xx The curlers pulled his hair in a strangely pleasant way and Josie insisted that Gerry needed at least a little height on top. Nothing ostentatious, but 'a girl needs to be a little fancier than usual on her wedding day.' "Ok, let's talk makeup," Josie held her hand to her chin as she inspected Gerry's face. "What are going for, today? Is it Halloween themed? I mean, are we looking 'Elvira eyes' or something like that?" "No, no, no," Taylor laughed, her own hair in curlers, as well. "We're looking for the perfect, virginal bride. Something young and fresh and pretty." "Ok," Josie smiled. "So... big eyes, round cheeks and plump lips, right?" "Right. Not a kewpie doll, and not too overdone. Just a perfect, plump, virginal, fresh, girl-next-door look." Josie winked. "You got it." "Let me just clean up your eye brows a little before I do your eyes," she said, almost more to herself than to Gerry. "They're pretty good, but I'll thread them to get rid of the strays." "Thread them?" Gerry had never heard the term. Josie smiled as she snapped off a long length of string. "Don't worry, sweetie, it's painless and it won't make your skin puffy around your brows." Without warning, Josie formed the string into a powerful bow-shape and began snapping around the area over his eyes. As she worked, she babbled, not expecting Gerry to respond. "Halloween weddings are so popular, now, but usually the theme for the wedding is 'goth,' you know what I mean? Like, the groom is dressed as Dracula or Frankenstein and the bride is The Bride of Frankenstein or The Corpse Bride, or Elvira, or Morticia Addams, or something like that. I'm glad you're going with a traditional look, though. You're too pretty to cover yourself up with Comic-Con makeup. Besides, I bet all those Halloween brides regret it later - not that they got married, mind you, but that they wore the silly make up. Imagine, years later, showing your children your wedding pictures and having to explain why you look like a cartoon character at your wedding. It's absolutely stupid, if you ask me..." Without taking a breath, Josie dropped the thread into a waste basket and picked up a small plastic case of base coat makeup she began brushing that onto his face, but the chatter never stopped. "And your fianc?, what's his name?" "Stevie," Gerry managed to mutter as she continued. "Steven? Oh, that's a nice strong name, isn't it? I like strong, butch names for guys. Steven, Michael, Raymond, William... I hate trendy names for guys. Jamie, or Brandon, or Camden. Oh, my God, I dated a guy named Camden one time and my father kept saying, 'Jesus Christ, Josie, the guy is named after a ball park, for crying out loud! Why not go all the way just date a guy named Fenway!?' He never liked him, just because of his name and couldn't understand why I stayed with him. Of course, I couldn't tell him it was because Camden was hung like a bull. Then he really would have hated him! Anyway..." Gerry just let himself get lost in the blather that came from Josie and concentrated on the feeling of brushes tickling his face. "Ok, now, eyelashes..." Josie was suddenly inspecting his face in a new way. "I've curled her lashes, but if you really want her eyes to pop, then I'd go with accent lashes on the top and bottom. What do you think?" Gerry was about to answer, but he realized that the question had actually been directed at Taylor. "That's a great idea," Taylor replied, "but she's never worn false lashes before. I don't think that the magnetic ones are a great idea. The first time I wore those, I ended up looking like a crazy-lady." "Oh, I hate those," Josie scoffed and waved the idea away as she grabbed a box of different length lashes from under her counter. "A little adhesive won't bother her." She pulled a long set of lashes out and opened a small tube of adhesive. Then, to Gerry, she said, "Don't worry, honey, they only hurt a little coming off. Not even as bad as a bandaid. Think or it as suffering for your beauty. It's all part of being a woman, right, Taylor?" "She's right, Gerri. You're going to look so pretty, though. I promise that you'll be glad you did it." "Ok," Gerry shrugged, pretty sure that his opinion wasn't really going to be part of the decision. "Ok, sweetie, look up." XXX "Did your clothing arrive?" Kate asked Stevie as their meeting ended. "Last night. Everything fit just fine. I'll get changed after work. Erin is going to help me with my wig. She has some experience in theatre makeup from working with some regional theaters. I think we're good to go!" "Good," Kate stood. "I'm going home for a couple of hours to meet my hair dresser and change. I'll be back by five-thirty. You're in charge for the rest of the day." Stevie smiled and nodded. "Ok. I'll try not to bankrupt the company before the end of the day." "See that you don't," Kate shook her head and grabbed her purse. XXX "Well?" Josie smiled as she stood on Gerry's right side facing the mirror. "Oh, Josie, she's just perfect!" Taylor gushed. "Her eyes are just huge! And those rosy, round cheeks...! Oh, Gerri, you're just perfect!" For his part, Gerry was speechless. Weeks ago, when he'd first had his hair colored and his brows plucked, he'd been astounded at the transformation, but this was something very different. His hair had been recolored and his brows replucked, but there was more... much more. His hair was wavy and curled on the ends to imply more fullness, and a group of curls was piled prettily on top of his head where his short veil would be pinned later, but even that was not as disconcerting as the face that stared back at him. His apple-shaped face was softer than it had been when he was a child and his cheeks were rosy and plump, like those of a child as well, but his eyes were enormous. They were wide and sparkling and his eyelashes fluttered, huge and childlike. Even the thin, loose fitting, yellow dress that hung loosely from his shoulders had the result of infantilizing him by downplaying his plump breasts and belly. All in all, he was looking at a teenager. A little girl done up as a child-bride. The effect was at once desexualizing and incredibly enticing. A child goddess who could enrapture any man with a glance. There was no maleness left. There was no Gerry left. Just Gerri. "Is that really me?" He finally managed to mutter. Taylor giggled. "Well, of course it's you, baby. Who else would it be?" "I... I don't know, but... that is a child. That's not me... that's a little girl! Stevie won't even know who I am!" Both women laughed at that. "Of course he will, honey," Josie said. "I just brought out the beautiful bride that was hiding inside of you. I guarantee that when your Steve sees you, he'll want to explode into his boxers. Trust me, honey, you are every man's wet dream, right now. Wait till you see yourself in your wedding dress. You're mother is going to be in tears when she sees you. You're absolutely perfect." "Really?" Gerry stared at the reflection, still shocked that the reflection was his. "Are you kidding?" Taylor laughed. "Josie's right. Stevie is going to lose control at the site of you. Come on, baby sister, let's go. We still have to get dressed and get you to your wedding on time."

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Position Filled

You get home at around seven in the evening after another hard day at work. Your wife Emma has prepared your diner but is sat on an armchair sobbing; she has her face in her hands, unaware you have arrived home. You quietly walk over to her and with a hand on her shoulder you ask her why she’s crying. She tries to speak but she makes no real sense. You try and lift her head as you ask, “Emma, what’s wrong, what’s up, why the tears?” She lifts her head and the tears streak down her rosy pink...

3 years ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 9

Early the next morning Jack woke up to see Anne fastening the dress she had on the night before. She noticed he was awake and watching her. Smiling she padded over to the bed and bent down to kiss him tenderly. "Thank you," she whispered. "No, thank you," he whispered back. "Where are you going?" "I want to get back and into my bed before Beth wakes up," she said. "Whatever you want," he assured her. Then he reached out and grabbed her hand and looked her in the eye. "But you...

2 years ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 5

The drive back to the hotel was made in silence with the exception of some quiet sobbing and whimpering coming from Lynn. For Lynn's part the world had become a blur, a fog, something not quite real. All she could think about ― and even then she couldn't hold a particular thought consistently ― was that the man she had loved had needed more than she could give. She wasn't enough for him. She had given him everything she had, the best she could do and it wasn't good enough. She hardly...

1 year ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 6

"I don't know," Jack admitted with a shrug after they put the question to him. "I'll have to study it some. Give me a little time and a perscomp with access to the web and I'll let you know." "You'd be willing to do that for me?" Anne gasped in wonder. "What? Have another beautiful woman enslaved and at my beck and call?" he said with a grin. "It's a sacrifice but we are family; a strange family I admit, but still family." "But I'm not your family," Anne stated. "Yes,...

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Position of Trust

I love laundry day. Sure, it’s an easy job, as far as housework goes, and I have the uncanny ability of making a few loads seem like I’ve cleaned the whole house. Although the smirk my wife gives me every time I declare the family’s clothes to be clean makes me think she might be onto me. But more than anything, it’s the perfect excuse to get my hands on my stepdaughter’s dirty panties. Last Saturday began the same way as all the others of late. My wife, Liz, had taken our twelve year old...

3 years ago
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Positive Thinking

“I don’t think I ever could, Mistress.” My fingers flitted across the keyboard, my bottom lip captured tightly between my front teeth. “So you’re comfortable with spending your life in the closet, admiring girls from the far and settling into a relationship with a guy you’ll not even like that much, just to keep up with the illusion, little one?” That was cruel, stabbing her finger into the wound I had laid bare. The smiley with a raised eyebrow she sent didn’t make it better. “Yes!” I sent...

3 years ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 3

Life settled down into a comfortable routine. Lynn found she was actually enjoying herself more now that she wasn't worrying about money all the time. She avoiding going out any more unless she had to but other than that it was still pretty comfortable. She did worry that Jack was working too hard. He still had his schoolwork and the odd jobs he would pick up now and then, but he spent a considerable amount of time with the deskcomp or hooked into the net with his perscomp. "Its research,...

2 years ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 4

Lynn was surprised, relieved and maybe even a little disappointed when Jack didn't try to take her up to bed. She knew the night had been more than a mother and son dining out but she certainly didn't intend for it to go past the "fun" stage. For the next few days she had been apprehensive about how Jack would react to their "date" but she lost those uneasy feelings quickly when he acted no differently than he ever had. Well maybe not entirely the same. Lynn noticed he rarely called...

1 year ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 7

The next morning at breakfast Jack noticed Beth was unusually quiet and kept giving wide-eyed glances back and forth between Lynn and himself. "What's up, Squirt," he finally asked. "She heard screaming last night," Anne said blandly. "She came into my room to ask if you two were hurting each other." Lynn was at the sink and Jack could see her face blush a bright red; he thought it was kind of cute. "We weren't hurting each other, Squirt," he said. "We were just playing Mommy...

2 years ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 8

Jack walked on eggshells for the next few weeks. Lynn hadn't said anything else about the subject and acted like nothing had happened. Anne also appeared to act normally around him although he did catch her giving him furtive glances fairly often. Of course the only reason he knew she was doing it was because he was doing the same to her. Beth pretended to be oblivious to the heightened sexual tension but Jack could tell she knew something was up by the knowing looks she gave him at times....

3 years ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 10

"Mr. McDonald, I'm glad you could speak to me." "My pleasure, Mr. Daniels." Evan McDonald smiled leaning back in his chair. Jack's face floated in the holo screen over his desk. "To what do I attribute the honor? Is everything all right? I hope you haven't had any trouble since that, ah, misunderstanding we had. That was bad form on my part," he said with a shake of his head. "No excuses. I should have learned by now not to take anything for granted." "No problem with that,"...

2 years ago
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Belfast RulesChapter 23

BRIGHTON – 1984 Danny was not happy that they called him in on the whole sordid Brighton affair at the last minute. His suspicion was that the hierarchy was in a state of confusion because of changing circumstances and the threat of retribution after the assassination of a ruling Prime Minister was pushed front and center with shocking realization. When he first was read into the operation, it was his cautious nature that kept him from standing up in the small room filled with frightened...

2 years ago
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Jessicas NipplesChapter 4

We walked from the mall and went into the woods. I said, "Sluts, get naked." All three girls stopped. Jess immediately started removing her little bits of clothing. Leslie and Edwina did their best to catch up. I walked over to each girl and bundled their clothes under my arm. "Newest slut, bend over and suck Jeremy's cock. Swallow. Stay bent over." She bent at the waist. Jess, get her virgin ass wet for my cock. Ron, fuck your sister's pussy. Chase, you can have her ass or do one of...

4 years ago
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JuniorChapter 15 Back to school

The neighborhood consisted mainly of small, well maintained bungalow-style houses. I parked on the corner where I could watch the house from a distance. I waited fifteen minutes without seeing anyone on the street until Loretta came out of the house and ran toward me, dressed in white pants, black top and white sneakers. Her hair was tied in the back, accenting her high forehead and pronounced cheekbone. She was out of breath when she got into the car. At the end of a silver chain around her...

1 year ago
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I dont think you can do it

First, just a little background information for you. At the time of the story, my wife was 5'8” tall, 120 pounds, B cup bra size, long sexy legs and a great ass. She also has brown hair and blue eyes. I would classify my wife as athletic, but definitely not rippling with muscles. I was 6 feet tall, 165 pounds and also have an athletic build. For this story, I will give my wife the fictitious name of Joyce. My wife and I had been dating for over a year. Joyce was fairly...

3 years ago
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Johnny was sitting in his room watching his Mom and Dad drive away for a weekend without the k**'s. Johnny was the youngest at 18; he had two older sisters Jana 22 who attended college and Kara 20 also in college. The thought of a weekend with his two sisters in charge made him angry, Jana acted like she was the man of the house, she though of herself as being as good as any man. When she instructed a bunch of guy's at soccer camp, she liked to demonstrate her abilities, she talked and acted...

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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 8

Mmmmmm... , oh yeah... , that feels so good." A good looking guy was kneeling between her legs, his hands cupping her butt cheeks, hoisting her pussy onto his generous cock slowly but surely, filling her pussy with his throbbing manhood. He was smiling down at her with his big blue eyes, his rippling muscles flexing as he worked her body on and off his tool. She could feel his hands gripping her ass cheeks tightly, lifting her hips up to meet his, their bodies locked together in time with...

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Teenage Chat Friend Ruta Became Girlfriend

I met Ruta in yahoo messenger chat. She was studying in engineering 3rd year that time, age 19. She was innocent initially but wanted to be modern because her classmate friends were calling her Bahanji (sister). When we initially started chatting, she started liking discussion with me. She wanted more and more chat with me. One day she asked my phone number, which I shared. After a couple of days, she gave me a brief call with some hesitation. I responded positively and encouraged her to call...

1 year ago
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RuneswardChapter 42 From Death Life

Bena found Yren just after dawn the next day. The night had been sweltering and the bright sunlight of the day without a single cloud in the light blue sky suggested there would be no respite from the heat. The early morning smell of dew and grass trickled over the barest of breezes but all she could smell were the remembered odors of death and decay from days earlier. She shuddered at the memories for a moment, then set her shoulders in defiance. Yrin was seated outside the blacksmith shop,...

4 years ago
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me and mom 3

Khvshglyh her mom too. When I was younger I always wanted to have a woman like my mom.Bknmt tell me! The first time I had sex with my mom and I was 4 years ago when I was junior high school. She still was not good Srmakhvrdgym and I can get a shot so sick I'm completely out of my body. After closing the school decided to give it a Mpvlm Tzryqaty and bromine. But unlike the rest of the day instead of 3 am Avnrvz 1.30 us shut down.When I reached home I saw my mom in front of the stand in his...

3 years ago
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Retro Rookie CopsChapter 3

Arvin Allhigh was the next criminal higher-up on our list. His specialty was armed robbery and his phobia was music. Well, not actually music as such, but rhythmic noises. I suppose he could tolerate rock-and-roll, but swing would have killed him! Allhigh was a sphere with arms and legs, 3 of each. He also had 3 eyes and 3 ears, equally spaced around his equator. His nose and mouth were at his north pole and his waste elimination system was at his south pole. Don't ask about his genitalia,...

3 years ago
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The Dark StoneChapter 2

Joyce looked around her room. She was in her bra and panties since a little while ago Sam had nearly ruined her dress. That was total madness. She wore sensible underwear, as she did almost always. Except for a few frilly numbers she had tucked away for special occasions with her husband Paul. The t-shirt she’d slept in last night was still on the dresser. She pulled it on. Something had to be done about Sam. Joyce knitted her brow and chewed on her bottom lip. Things were spiraling out of...

3 years ago
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My New Neighbours Part 3

I didn’t have much to do today so decided to go for a walk in the nearby park, have a seat by the pavilion and watch the joggers hobble by, there is a little café to get a cold drink and an old toilet in case you need to recycle quickly.When I got to the park there was a few joggers which I had pleasure in looking at as I walked round to the pavilion, I was always intrigued as to why guys would wear tight shorts if only to show off their bulges, mind you I would probably do the same if ever I...

3 years ago
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Ana at the stripper pub

Ana at the stripper pub.That business trip to Chicago had ended one day before schedule and I was flying back home. My cell phone was out of order, so I decided it could be nice to surprise Anita arriving home early.The strange thing was I could not find her at home…. on Friday late evening. It was really strange.I spent a long while calling some of her friends, asking if she was there, but it was useless. Nobody knew about her since that morning.I found a kind of business card on the floor,...

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 83 Join the Club

Michael's grip on Kathy's neck was so tight she couldn't make a sound. She kicked at the bed in hopes it would rouse Christi from her revere, but her beloved's azure eyes were as vacant as marbles. What to do? Michael had her pinned. She clamped down on his organ, but, despite her years of sex-ed training, it didn't do any good. And the voices were pleading with her now, begging her to surrender and go. She was moving toward a brilliant white light when the door burst open. "Ho, ho,...

4 years ago
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A Wifes Submissive JourneyChapter 2

Susan had a few days to reflect. She thought about her young neighbor and how Nadine appeared strong and overpowering. Sue could practically feel the young woman standing in front of her and staring into her bewildered eyes. A shiver went up her back when Sue recalled how easily Nadine seduced and gained complete control over her. She remembered Nadine's parting remarks after the sexual episode the other night. The young woman ordered Sue to refer to her as Mistress when they were alone or...

3 years ago
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Imaginations Needs Expressions

After the daylong business when I retire at home after my dinner, I usually sit back to relax puffing few cigarettes keeping my laptop open before me and spend some time browsing and goggling. Usually, I go to news, and then some technology based information related to my business and at times when I feel loud shrieks of the silence of night I feel that silence speaks and it’s too loud to encourage you get out of your formal life. I ask what is it all about, and it says ” i am the instinct, the...

1 year ago
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Joan Goes to Palm Springs Part 3

We woke up happy and contented the next morning. We had breakfast in our room. Joan went on and on about what a great fuck Tony was. She said, "Can we take him home? I'll fuck him until that big beautiful cock falls off." I smiled at her and told her I had work to do. Before I left Joan said to me, "Dick if you ever want to stop our sex games I will. You are my life."I put on some business clothes and headed for the conference where I was to speak. The Palm Spring's Convention Center is a world...

Wife Lovers
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Sarah Disciplined at the Bridge Evening

Sarah had been looking forward to the monthly "Bridge" evening. She loved to be humiliated in front of others and on these evenings there was humiliation in abundance. 'Bridge' wasn't played of course, but instead, there were normally ten or twelve mainly women split between those who were natural doms and those who were natural submissives.There was no set way of doing things. You could stick to the partner you went with, or the submissive could be passed around to various doms who could do...

4 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 15

Tim stood back as Frank opened his daughter’s bedroom door and said, “Karen, can I see you for a minute?” The teens were lying across Karen’s bed. Both were barefooted and had on pull-over tops and shorts. “Sure dad,” Karen replied, as she got off the bed and came out into the hallway. Frank bent down and whispered the small teen’s trigger phrase in her ear, putting her into her altered state. Tim walked into the bedroom. Wendy hit the remote and turned off the CD and sat up on the side of...

3 years ago
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Trading UpChapter 28

“That’s her problem,” I commented lightly. “I made sure she knew about it and I’ll make sure she knows if I hear of him doing anything else that’ll piss her off.” “Still looking out for my big sister?” Jane asked playfully. “Maybe a little,” I admitted. “She’ll never be my wife again, but she’s going to be my sister-in-law. I don’t want to see someone take advantage of her. I’m not gonna lie though. It would bring a smile to my face to find out that she’d kicked him to the curb for lying to...

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A Balmy SpringChapter 10

"I still don't know why they want me along," Jeff said, as he fidgeted in the passenger seat. "They like you," I replied, "Plus, they said it sounded like fun. I mean, we hang out together a lot of the time as it is." "That's HANGING out, not GOING out." He nervously scratched at the back of his neck. "This is a whole different animal." "Relax, Man," I said, as we pulled onto Cassie's street. "It's not like we've never gone a double date before, either." "Sure, but...

3 years ago
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The Good YearsChapter 74

Sunday, the flight back to Birmingham was much different than the flight to Bolling had been. Cindy seemed quite happy, and spent most of the flight time flirting with me shamelessly. I wasn't able to figure out what had caused such a change in her. I could only take not knowing for so long before I decided to ask her about it. "Cindy, what's changed to make you seemed so carefree and happy?" "You've changed. Joyce has changed now too. The whole atmosphere around you is starting to...

1 year ago
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Escorting Or Swapping 8211 It8217s Fucking That8217s Fun

Hi all, This is Sanjeev here again after a long time submitting new experiences. Like I mentioned earlier I am a 50 year male from Punjab who is well endowed and likes to meet ladies for some fun. I live in Chandigarh and if any Ladies want to enjoy, please send your emails at and I will reply immediately. Swapping has been going on in India for a long time, first, it was in the upper class and then it slowly came to the middle class and now it is rampant all over the country. Most of you...

2 years ago
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STARSTRUCK   Contest entry: VIP   By K_Finn64, 7/26/12   (This is a work of fiction. The usual disclaimers apply)   ---*---   I gripped the seat with excitement as the driver turned off of Thomas and into the crowded parking lot of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix Arizona. It was a warm August night in 1982, and the spotlights from the arena caught the flinty dust in the air, creating a sparkling light show above the gravel parking lot as the sleek white limousine...

Group Sex
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Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 9

This was very different for us than the relationship we’d had in the past. It’s hard to describe. If you could interview young married couples about the difference they feel between having “married sex” and “having sex specifically to make a baby” I suspect you’d learn some interesting things. Generally, of course, we don’t do that kind of interview in this culture. Or anywhere else that I know of. Most people have heard anecdotal evidence, however, of how trying to get pregnant and not being...

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NubileFilms Riley Reyes Morning Desire

Brad Sterling makes coffee in the morning as he contemplates dressing and leaving, but Riley Reyes has other ideas. She struts into the kitchen wearing nothing but sexy lingerie and a smile. Brad accepts the gift Riley is offering with a kiss before he turns Riley around to remove her bra and fill his palms with her full breasts. Then she sinks to her knees and pops Brad’s hardon from his boxers so she can start sucking. Her deep throat BJ is enthusiastic and passionate, especially when...

1 year ago
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getting steamy

After leaving a late Friday night party at a friend's apartment, two guys noticed a very large-breasted tenant enter the complex's private sauna with a glass of wine. Not scoring at the party, and hitting on several ladies, these guys were very horny and decided to go for it. They entered the sauna with a few bottles of unused wine from the party. Without swimsuits they told the lady they were going to strip down to their boxers and get in. Seeing their huge bulges she felt a bit nervous but...

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the ultimate cuckold

The ultimate cuckoldIt's coming up on the one year anniversary that this hot young couple have been going out. Both 20 and actually similar build, small and petite. They could almost be twins. She is a bit smaller but nice tits and ass, smooth all over, both blond. 10 months going out and not only has she not put out yet, she is still a virgin and teases him all the time. Though he is very horny and tries to get her to cave in and let him into play all the time. She is so hot so he waits for...

3 years ago
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Werewolves ReturnChapter 4

Linda woke the next morning, again feeling great. When she opened her eyes and looked over the edge of the couch, she saw the wolf. He was lying on his back, with his feet in the air. She could tell he must be dreaming, as his legs and tail twitched. Linda wanted to reach down and give him a good belly rub, but she knew the wolf before her was a wild animal. If startled, he could bite her. So keeping her arms tucked in close, she blew out a soft whistle. The wolf did get startled. He jumped...

2 years ago
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The GiftChapter 15

I must have dozed off for a couple of minutes. The softest, sweet kiss and a hand caressing my naked chest awakened me. "Hi. You're home early, dear." "Yes. I finished a meeting at two, so I persuaded myself I wasn't needed any more. Have you been out for a spin?" "Not really. I had some shopping to do. Of course I left an hour early to have a little fun on the small roads, but only a little." "You can have all the fun you like, love. I'm glad you like your car." "Like? I...

4 years ago
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Sequel to A New Thing

A New Thing Sequel The buxom blonde and the equally buxom brunette are straddled on the bed. Their long hair hangs almost to their middle backs. It’s obvious the blonde is in control since she is on top. Their tongues war with a vengeance as the blonde bounces her pussy against the brunettes. What seems like a long time comes to an end as she reaches for the thick double ended pink dildo. She moves back a bit before she pushes it home inside the brunettes soaking slit then moves it in herself...

3 years ago
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Aasma 8211 Part III

Dear folks I had to break this story in parts because software of ISS that is word press is not accepting larger story. I rolled on the bed and pressed her under me and started kissing her. Suddenly I asked her” Aasma tum virgin nahi ho isse pahle tumne kitne bar chudwaya hai ?” She thought for a while and said “ 9 bar.” I further asked “with whom and when?” She replied “my uncle did when I was in class 11, he came to our house for 2 days and within 2 days he fucked me 9 times, he is the person...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 4

I woke to the early morning sun streaming through the windows casting its light on the empty spot in the bed. James left in the wee hours of the morning for a day-long fishing trip he had planned. Normally I would have joined but this morning was our quarterly budget review at the office. Who the hell holds meetings on a Saturday morning? I guess four times a year isn’t bad, but still, it’s Saturday, ugh!I pushed my frustration out of my mind and let my thoughts drift back to last night with...


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