- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
We arrived back at camp and overheard Cody talking, and saw him standing there, chewing out Steve. He sounded mad. ‘So you let him go out alone, you-‘ he paused, probably trying to think of a good insult. ‘-you plug. How many times have I gotta tell you things before you actually listen?’
Steve replied. ‘Oh come on! He’ll be fine. What’s gonna happen to him?’
‘I’ll tell you what’s gonna happen. You, are gonna go and find him.’
‘Alright, let me get this straight. You, want me, to go out, alone, to find Nick, who’s also alone, when none of us are supposed to be out alone in the first place. Yeah, that really makes sense, doesn’t it, Cody?’
At this point, Liv and I stepped into view. Cody noticed us and said, ‘Nate told us you were going for a walk. I just sent Nick out to find you. And dumbass here, let him go out alone, as you probably heard.’ He turned to Steve and said, ‘You can take one of these two with you.’
He groaned and said, ‘I’d rather go out alone.’
I replied, ‘I’ll go find him. Leave Steve here. He’s done enough damage for one day.’ I turned and started walking back the other way.
Liv said, ‘Wait! You’re not going out there alone. I’m coming with you.’ She ran to catch up with me, taking my hand.
Cody said, ‘Thanks guys. See you soon!’ and led Steve back to the fire.
Liv had apparently forgotten all about Steve and this morning. She seemed much happier and back to her wild self. We were just chatting about random topics and enjoying ourselves. She suddenly turned around and pushed me against a tree and started attacking my lips with ridiculous ferocity. I was surprised but didn’t resist, and was soon kissing back. She pulled away and frowned and said, ‘Did you feel that?’
‘It felt like a raindrop just hit me on the head.’ She frowned and looked up. She must have noticed something in the tree, because she said, ‘Give me a boost. I think I see something in those branches.’ I still had no idea what she was talking about, but I kneeled and gave her 10 fingers (To boost her up, not the way you’re thinking of! She’s not that loose!). I got a great view of her ass. She paused and said, ‘There’s definitely something up here. It looks like-HOLY SHIT!!’ she screamed, jumping down with a look of horror. ‘IT’S NICK! HE’S DEAD! HIS BODY’S UP THERE! WE NEED HELP! NOW!’ she turned and took off in the direction of the camp, still screaming her ass off.
I wanted to follow, but I wanted to see for myself too. I got close to the tree and looked up. A drop of something warm and sticky hit my forehead (it just occurred to me how dirty that sounds. Sorry). I wiped it off and looked at it. And almost fainted. It was blood. ‘OH FUCK!’ I said out loud, and took off after Liv.
She was already talking to Cody, crying hysterically and rambling, when I got there. Cody was saying, ‘Calm down Liv! What happened?’
‘He’s dead! We stumbled onto his body! He’s dead, hidden in a tree!’ she shouted.
Cody paused. ‘Wh-? Are you serious?’
Liv’s face told him the answer.
‘All right.’ He grabbed a flashlight. ‘I’m gonna go look for myself. Where is he?’
Liv shrieked, ‘NO! DON’T GO OUT THERE! WHATEVER KILLED HIM COULD STILL BE OUT THERE!’ still crying and in hysterics.
Cody bent down so he was at eye level with her (which wasn’t much, considering he was only about 4 inches taller than her). ‘Liv. I’ll be right back. Stay here with Matt. He’ll watch over you. I’ll be fine. Ok?’ he got up and started walking in the direction we came from.
I stopped him. ‘Cody.’ He turned and I threw him my knife. ‘Be careful.’ He nodded and walked off into the darkness. Liv was still sobbing uncontrollably. I took her hand and led her over to the fire. We sat down. She buried her face in my shoulder and continued crying. I hugged her and tried unsuccessfully to calm her down multiple times, but the tears kept coming. Hard to believe she’d been horny and passionate with me only shortly before this.
Cody returned about 20 minutes later, pale and with a look of horror on his face. ‘Shit. Something got him. Get everyone up. We need to check the traps.’
Everyone was up within the next 5 minutes. I gathered the 3 of them (Nate, Bre, and Steve) and told them about Nick. Nate and Bre were horrified. Steve joked, ‘He must’ve had to stick the knife pretty deep to get through all that fat.’
Nate turned to him and said slowly, ‘Dude. The kid just died. It’s not funny.’ He was right. He might have been annoying, but he was still a human being. But Steve didn’t give a shit. I really wanted to punch him, both for trying to rape my girlfriend and for joking about Nick’s death. I think Nate did too.
Trying to check the traps was a pain in the dark. Nate set them off multiple times, just trying to find them. We finally finished and returned to camp. ‘The traps are good. We sharpened the spikes and rigged some logs to fall,’ Nate said to Cody. ‘No one’s coming in through that way.’
There was silence until Bre spoke up. ‘We can’t stay here. You do realize that, right?’
‘Why? We have traps set up. He can’t get close,’ Steve said.
‘Isn’t it obvious? He has a gun, so he doesn’t need to. He can just pick us off. One by one. And he shot that bird onto our fire, so he obviously knows where we live. Wake up! We will die if we stay here.’
She was right. There was silence until I said, ‘Shit. You’re right. We can’t do anything right now though. We’ll take shifts at standing guard. Two hours each. Ok? I’ll take first watch. You can all decide who goes from there.’ They all agreed it would be Cody, followed by Bre, then Nate. They all went to sleep. I guessed it was about midnight. I tried sitting by the fire, but I was afraid of falling asleep on duty. And we all know what happens in the movies to everyone else when that one guy falls asleep on the job! I ended up standing near the fire, with Liv keeping me company. Ever since she found Nick’s body, she’d turned into a fucking leech with me. Never more than an arm’s length away from me. She kept saying something about protection and how defenseless she was. She was so wrong, easily the toughest girl I’ve ever known, both physically and mentally.
Anyway, we were just standing there, talking about stuff when I realized I’d never got my knife back from Cody. That’s when I heard a voice say, ‘Looking for this?’ We spun around and saw Steve standing there, holding the knife with a smirk on his face.
I instantly went on alert and said, ‘Yeah, I am. Can I have it?’
Steve looked from the knife to me several times and said, ‘Nah. I don’t think so.’
I sighed. ‘Don’t be a dick. Come on, give me the knife.’
He came closer, an evil smile across his face. ‘Ok,’ and slashed at me, missing. I dodged, falling over in the process and lying there helplessly, and Liv screamed. He stood over me with that smile. ‘You should have let me take your girlfriend yesterday.’ With that, he brought the knife down, attempting to gut me.
I reached up and grabbed his arm, pulling him down until he was inches away. I sneered and said, ‘Just like 7th grade, huh?’ and spat in his face. He recoiled and dropped the knife. I reached out and caught it, jumping up. He was bent over, trying to wipe my spit off his face. I kicked the back of his knee, bringing him down. I grabbed him by the hair and held the knife to his throat, breathing hard. Slowly, I grabbed Steve by the back of the neck and held his face close to the fire, making it slowly burn him, and making him yell in pain from the heat. I snarled, ‘You have no idea how much I want to shove your face into this.’ Liv had just stood there, watching in horror. I said to Steve, ‘You just don’t know when to fucking quit, do you? You’re not having her.’
He looked at me with a grin, ignoring the intense heat, ‘Watch me,’ and elbowed me in the balls. I dropped the knife and fell over, yelling
in agony. He grabbed the knife and stood up. ‘Guess what? You’re gonna watch as I screw your girlfriend. Nice. And. Slow.’ The fucker laughed and turned to her.
Liv looked terrified as he approached, licking his lips. She unknowingly backed up into a tree, cornered. Now she was screwed. Steve raised the knife and started cutting off her tank top. She screamed and tried to fight unsuccessfully. Steve had cut up to about half an inch above her bellybutton when out of nowhere, WHAM! Cody tackled him, diving like a fucking linebacker. Steve went down with no resistance. Cody grabbed the knife and tossed it to Liv, who held it, still trembling.
But Cody wasn’t done with him yet. He literally grabbed Steve around the neck and pulled him to his feet, before punching him. Cody wasn’t the tallest kid around, but he had surprising arm strength. He twisted Steve’s arm behind his back and said, ‘No more fighting. Alright?’ Steve refused to stop and struggled. Cody twisted his arm even further, making Steve cry out in pain, ‘Alright, alright! I’m done! Let go!’ Cody finally released him and threw him to the ground. Then he turned to me and offered me his hand, helping me up. ‘You ok?’ he asked.
‘I’m fine,’ I said, stumbling and grabbing my balls in pain. Cody quickly put my arm around his shoulder and helped me over to the fire, sitting me down on a log. Liv followed, still holding the knife. Steve stayed where he was on the ground. Cody walked over to the rain catcher and scooped some water up in a makeshift cup, actually a hollowed out piece of wood, and came back, handing it to me. I drained it and sat there, breathing hard and still in pain. Cody sat across from me and looked at me. ‘Are you two ok? I woke up to take my shift and saw that asshole attacking you,’ he sighed and looked over at Steve with intense dislike.
Liv sighed and said, ‘I’m alright. Thank God you stopped him.’ She looked down at her mutilated tank top and continued, ‘Fuck. I liked this tank top. Oh well.’ She took the knife and cut the whole lower section of it off, turning it into a cutoff shirt/tank top, exposing her stomach and bellybutton piercing.
I wolf whistled and said, ‘That would be so hot if that jackass hadn’t started the job.’ Liv smiled and Cody laughed.
Cody got up and said, ‘Could I have the part you just cut off?’
Liv frowned but handed it over, asking, ‘I guess so. Why?’
He replied, ‘You’ll see in a second.’ He turned to Steve, ‘Hey asshole! Come over here.’ Steve frowned but got up and came over. Cody grabbed his arms and swiftly tied them together.
Steve noticed too late and said, ‘Hey! It’s too tight!’
‘Shut up!’ Cody snarled. ‘Do I look like I give a fuck? After what you did, you should be glad I’m not gagging you too.’ He finished and let go. ‘Now get out of my sight before I change my mind.’ He turned to us. ‘You guys should go to bed. I mean the sleeping and resting kind, not the type you have in mind, Liv!’ he smiled at her. ‘Go on. I’ll finish your watch and take mine.’
‘Thanks man. Appreciate it,’ I said. Liv handed him the knife as I walked to our shelter, trying to hide the pain of my balls, with her in pursuit. I gave in upon entering the lean-to and collapsed on the ground, holding them. ‘There’s nothing worse than a cheap shot to the balls,’ I groaned, crossing my legs and holding them tighter.
Liv stood there, watching with sympathy on her face before laying down facing me. ‘Aw, I hate seeing you in pain. Want me to kiss it better?’ she asked, half seriously and half seductively, before adding with a wink, ‘Or in this case, suck it better?’ She honestly had a bigger sex drive than me sometimes.
‘No, that’s ok. I’m tired and in pain. A simple kiss goodnight is enough.’
She looked surprised, ‘You’re actually saying no to one of my blowjobs? Wow. I’m impressed. You’re showing restraint. Either that or it really hurts.’
I smiled weakly. ‘It’s a bit of both. It’s a constant dull ache that will not go away. It’s a lot like blue balls. Not that you’ve given me them before. Fuck, it’s painful!’
She nodded and smiled. ‘I’m not that type of girl. Especially not to my boyfriend. And definitely not after you just saved my ass from Steve. Twice!’ she sighed and continued, ‘I understand. Goodnight,’ she pecked me on the lips. However, I wanted more. I pulled her in and started tonguing her. She was surprised but returned the kiss. She slowly reached down and started stroking and rubbing my cock and balls through my pants. I moaned softly as she broke off the kiss. ‘Aww, does that feel good?’ she breathed, before resuming the kiss. The stroking got faster and harder. I bit my lip and squirmed as I came violently in my pants. She obviously felt it and smiled. ‘That’s my boy. Not feeling a mouth right now? Just a hand?’
I smiled and whispered, ‘I never said I wasn’t horny, did I?’
‘When are you not? Honestly,’ she laughed and rolled over on top of me so we were at eye level, and stroked my hair. ‘Feeling better? The pain’s gone?’
I nodded and yawned. ‘I’m tired now. Thanks babe. That really helped. Night. Love ya.’
She leaned in and kissed me goodnight. ‘Goodnight.’ She was soon asleep. She was still lying on top of me, with her head on my chest. I smiled, feeling and listening to her steadily breathing and was soon asleep too, my aching balls gone.
To be continued in part 5, when the body count starts racking up…
Copyright© 1996-2003 "Have you heard of those trollops of Birmingham And the scandal that's currently concerning 'em? How they lift the frock And tickle the cock Of the Bishop while he was confirming 'em?" -author unknown The helicopter lowered close enough to the surface that the blades caused the salt water to soon cover the woman completely. The cool water soaked through her light summer dress and hair as she ignored the water and looked up into the glass canopy. The pilot...
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HUNTT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. Any comments are gladly accepted and encouraged. Erin stood out in their backyard,...
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Wir küßten uns innig, zogen uns ganz aus und ließen uns auf den Badezimmerteppich sinken. Ich führte meinen mittlerweile großen und harten kleinen Freund in ihre feuchte Höhle ein, wo er sich pudelwohl fühlte und ihr nicht nur Freude spendete. Nachdem ich mich so erleichtert hatte, sagte Gaby: “Nun mußt Du mich aber auch mit Deinem Sekt verwöhnen.“ Wir stiegen beide in die Badewanne und meine inzwischen randvolle Blase entlud sich in einem strammen Strahl, der sich in ihren Mund, über ihre...
It was the first day of our holiday on the beautiful Central Coast of NSW and we were off to the beach.I'm Sean, a 50 year old middle manager with two teenage k**s who spend half their time with their mother.Kasey and I have been together for two years and have explored a lot of sexual avenues that hadn't been open to us in our marriages. Kasey is in her mid forties and her sexual prime. While the years and gravity have had an effect on her body, I think it makes her even more desirable. Her...
My girl friend Geeta call me so many time for date but, I was busy with my office, for few days I was out of city and then with Fareedha yesterday night she call me at her home the parents of Geeta was not at home and late she told me they are out of city for one night as Sonia cousin of Geeta is leaving on upper portion of there house there for her family left her with Sonia. Geeta call me at 9:00 PM I visit her house at that time she was alone in house and watching new movie “Josh” she told...
It took me ten days to craft the lyrics. If it was important to Amelia, it was important to me. Amelia bugged me daily asking if I’d finished and wanting to look at what I’d written. However, her constant pestering wasn’t curiosity. She was very serious about it. I refused to show her my draft, which only made her more curious, so I took to locking the draft in the desk drawer. But, on an early Thursday afternoon, as Amelia played the piano, I finished the lyrics to my satisfaction, and took...
Shen had spent much of the day learning how to cook some of her master’s favorite dishes. The Maid was glad for the help since with Shen cooking, the maid could focus on some of her other tasks much easier. Of course Shen was inexperienced with Western Cuisine, and it finally took the poor girl Two tries to finally get the recipe right, it was almost heart breaking to see Shen brought to tears from burning the roast. The maid however was quick to point out that Mistakes are usually forgiven if...
InterracialRalph sat on the hood of his car and looked up at the night sky. "Lots of stars out tonight," he said to himself. It really was clear, and as he looked up, he saw a plane flying over. Suddenly, the plane seemed to be getting bigger, and he noticed that the lights looked odd. Ralph suddenly realized that the plane was going down, and not far from him! He watched it come down about a mile away--no explosion, just a big thump sound. He hopped in his car, and headed down a dirt road towards the...
Mind ControlI walked up the High Street that Friday night, still mumbling in my mind about the stupid boss I used to have. And wondering what I would do for a job after I was sacked on Monday. I decided to leave it to them to sack me, that way they would have to pay me off, and that should be more money than if I resigned. Well, I guess Davinia won't be around after tonight, so I will be a completely free agent to move on anywhere for a new job. But it was a pity, I really did like living here. The...
With a Sunday afternoon unexpectedly free – many thanks to Richard’s rabble of students, to a man seemingly unable to cope with the dual pressures of actually doing work and handing it in on time, leaving Richard with piles of marking to do – I decided to hit the bookshops. Sounds sad, I know, but I find little to compare with the simple pleasure afforded by wrapping myself in a good book! Internet sites are all terribly convenient, but for me book shopping should be a tactile, sensual...
I made New York strip steak rubbed with crushed garlic. I used rubber gloves because I didn't want him smelling it on my hands. I also made candied sweet potatoes which I learned from my grandmother one Thanksgiving when my parents were in Europe. A growing boy needs his green vegetables my mother used to say, so I added buttered green beans. Actually she used to say growing girl, and it might have been the cook instead of my mother, but you get the idea. I told him I would clean up and...
The clock on the dash of the big diesel RV that I was driving, as well as my stomach were both reminding me it was well past noon and I had not taken out time to eat before hitting the road early this morning; a single cup of coffee apparently wasn’t enough to satisfy the appetite that my stomach seemed to think it was entitled to.Although officially retired with no schedules to meet or for that matter anything else better to do than pick out a destination on the map and point the RV in that...
NovelsHi & welcome,I am Niel from Nagpur,Maharashtra,Mai ISS ka regular reader hu,Mai sex ko bahot chahta hu,aur specially mai aunties ko pasand karta hu.Mai yaha aapko mere jivan ka pahla sex ke bare me batana chahta hu,aur sochta hu ki aapko meri stori bahot pasand aayegi.Ha to bat hai 2 mahine purani,mai pahle sex ke bare me kuch nahi janta tha par un dino muze mere ek friend ne muth marna bataya tha,jab maine pahli bar muth mari thi to muze bahot maza aaya tha,aur tabse leke aaj tak mai ek din me...
Grabbing him tighter she held him as if her life depended on it, to her it almost did. She'd been ready to end it all unable to take anything without Jonathan ever again, Jonathan was the smartest male she knew but apparently he too was lost when it came to love at least seeing it in a woman's eyes. "Damn it Jonathan! Don't ever do that again! Do you realize how upset your sister was? Plus Gregor? They refuse to marry 'til you are found! As for me," here she sighed, "I have been...
After getting Rich big and hard with my sexy outfit, I was now ready to put on a show for him Whenever men see me in my panties, they want me like a girl. It follows that whoever wears sexy little panties also likes big hard cocks to suck on and play with. My sexy French maid outfit was especially good at making me feel like a slut for a man. Since so many men had fantasized about being with a French maid, wearing the outfit makes a girl feel extra seductive and slutty. With his big hard boner...
Joan Simmons was a 48-year-old mother of two, who had been married to John Simmons for the last 22 years. In the beginning they had a wonderful sex life and frequently made love two or three times a night, although over the last five years it had been more like once a week. Joan was not one to complain although she did miss the physical contact from her husband. Both are c***dren were now in their late teens Robert being the oldest at 19 and James Younger by three years. Reasonably comfortably...
Based on true events I awoke to the sound of my cell phone vibrating impatiently, I rolled over and snaked my hand out just enough to grab my phone and retreat back into the warm cocoon of covers. I answered the vibrating phone, my mind still hazy with sleep. “Hello?” I said not fully comprehending the name I had read on the caller id. “Hey babe” said Jacob. His musical voice cleared my foggy mind and put a smile on my face. “Hi” I said, “What made you call?” Half hoping and half knowing...
They filed into the room. It reminded Jahn of a bank vault with lots of boxes in little Pigeon-holes. Each wall displayed a different set of boxes. Since he was on the right side, he stepped up to the boxes and laid a hand on one. “Novices boxes,” he told the group. They were not what he needed. He moved to the back wall and touched a new box. “Boxes for shield mages,” he told them. “Why does that one glow?” Snorre suddenly said and walked close to one of the boxes in the wall near where...
After our 4 some with Dan and Lou (see The House Warming) nothing happened for a while. We saw a lot of each other and caught glimpses of them walking around naked in their house and having sex.In fact meeting them seemed to reduce mine and Pete's inhibitions as we now often walked around the house naked. It is really liberating.At about 10 am one sunny morning I was in the kitchen totally naked having a cup of tea when the door bell rang. I could not answer due to my state of undress. Suddenly...
December 5, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, I have Kristin Cicilioni for you,” Kimmy said, showing a very pretty dark-haired woman into my office. “Thanks, Kimmy. Good afternoon, Ms. Cicilioni.” I extended my hand and we shook. “Good afternoon! You can call me Kristin.” “And you can call me Steve. Are you OK with Japanese style chairs?” “I’ve been doing yoga for eight years, so I’m pretty sure I can sit down and get up again!” “Tea?” Kimmy asked. “For me, yes. Kristin?” “7-Up or...
M-Hentai has such a familiar name that I was absolutely sure I’d whacked off to it recently, browsing dirty parodies of Naruto where everybody has giant tits and a giant dick. It turns out I got a little mixed up, but can you blame me? Slap a letter in front of “Hentai” and you end up with a big handful of doujin libraries I’ve reviewed here at ThePornDude, from E-hentai to ExHentai to WHentai to half a dozen sites claiming to be the original nHentai.It sounds like kind of a crowded market,...
Hentai Manga SitesAs I was sucking the third guy's dick (I did't know his name so lets call him "James".),I started to like the feeling of cock in my mouth. The soft skin thrusting between my jaws and against my tongue felt amazing, but I still needed some practice. This was only the 4th dick I've ever sucked and even though every guy seemed to enjoy the way I sucked them off, I felt that I could do a little better."James" kept asking me questions but I couldn't understand what he was saying so I tuned him out....
First Time