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"Have you heard of those trollops of Birmingham
And the scandal that's currently concerning 'em?
How they lift the frock
And tickle the cock
Of the Bishop while he was confirming 'em?"
-author unknown

The helicopter lowered close enough to the surface that the blades caused the salt water to soon cover the woman completely. The cool water soaked through her light summer dress and hair as she ignored the water and looked up into the glass canopy. The pilot hovered close enough that his mirrored glasses could easily be seen, and the attractive woman shivered in fright.

From the vantage point of the pilot, she never moved. Sarah forced her fingernails into the palms of her hand to still her fear and her body. She could see that the male pilot spoke into the microphone attached to his bright yellow helmet and then seemed to wait.

Time flowed incredibly slowly as the fearful mother felt her patience disintegrate. Just when she thought she could no longer control her fear, the twin Huey suddenly rose and then rushed over her head. The deep thumps of its rotors loud until it rounded the peak of the low mountain and fell then behind it. The echoing sound soon faded away.

Sarah fell into the foot of water about her ankles, her body now trembling violently and she allowed the tears to come. A half full bucket of clams sat a foot from her, forgotten. It wasn't long until a distant voice yelled out to her - the shrill sound obviously scared for her.

Minutes later, strong youthful arms wrapped about her shoulders and a head was placed next to hers. "Thank God, mom!" The tide was slowing coming in and the sand bar that she sat upon appeared to be slowly sinking beneath her. Her son moved his arms beneath her shoulders and lifted her. "Come on, mom. Let's get back to the Sarah Jane." Years ago, her husband had named his sailboat in honour of his wife.

That had been before.

Sarah tried to help her son and wrapped an arm about his shoulder, yet fear disabled her almost completely. It had been much like this for the last few weeks; her fifteen year-old son had cared for her more than the reverse. She felt proud that he was turning into a man, yet she also felt humble when her young son took the pinnacle position within their relationship. It was supposed to be the reverse, she thought.

"We should move the sailboat, mom, before the helicopter comes back." They reached warm dry sand and continued up the short rise and over the drift wood. "I don't think he saw her but he'll know she's about," he said, referring to the boat.

The young man rushed the two of them through the very dense forest and suddenly the forty-six foot craft sat before them. It had been the pride of her successful husband, and the dread of hers. Sarah hated the ocean, but found refuge on it when she most needed it. Her son grew up on the ship with his father and knew how to sail the Sarah Jane better than even Mike, her husband, though her son's youthful impatience often showed through in his sailing, as it did in his life.

Wading out, David helped his mother up onto the stern and waited for her to safely gain the cockpit. He knew of his mother's fear of the water and respected that emotion. In fact, he respected and admired everything about her. Climbing aboard, he untied the two lines from overhanging branches and then started the engine to back out of the tight confines of the overgrown forest. Usually Sarah helped with crewing the ship, but David correctly assumed she needed time to collect herself.

Within the hour, the craft drove forward under full sail as the sleek craft sliced through the water. Sarah had disappeared below long before the craft had reached open water. David shouted at the wind and spray as he joyfully drove his ship with the wind. It had been like this for several weeks, but it was the first time someone had found them.

North of Gibbons David knew it would take much to find them again. It was simply luck that his mother had been several hundred feet from the shore when the search helicopter had found her, far away from the nearest cover. He had seen his mother's paralysis as she stood bravely before the hovering 'copter. Soon he would be able to anchor the Sarah Jane in another remote and concealed spot while the search continued. David hoped another incident like today would never happen to his mother again.

Sarah woke hours later, her face itchy with the dried tears and her still-wet salty body cold in the chill night air. In the stern main cabin, she lay lonely and wondering if the path her son and she had embarked on had been the right one. She often thought she was doing something wrong, something immoral and even illegal. Yet love made her do things that she would never have thought about.

She sat up in the firm twin bed and shook out her long, straight dark hair before realizing the Sarah Jane was again at anchor. The sound of gentle waves washing against the metal hull and the easy movement of the sailboat told the tale. She may dislike the water, but she had learned a few things in the last few years with her husband.

With easy movements, the thirty-six-year-old woman slid out of bed and stood in the only open spot in the cabin to remove her damp clothing. She pulled off all her coverings then, shivering, she quickly pulled on a huge wool sweater and plain white panties. The boat was quiet, so unnatural since her son liked to listen to his music rather loudly at all hours of the day. Sarah opened the thin wooden door to find the rest of the small ship dark. The only light was from the three-quarter moon coming through the port holes along the starboard side of the lounge.

For only a second the earlier fear touched her and she shivered with fear. Then she heard her son's familiar snore from forward. He must be asleep in the fore cabin. It was very much like him to allow her to calm herself and take control of the situation to find another spot to anchor. Stealing through the rest of the ship, the attractive mother slowly opened the door to her son's small triangular-shaped cabin.

She took a moment to admire his sleeping form, so youthful so calming to her soul. At moments like this she knew why she had left her husband, why they lived like renegades. With cat- like grace she crawled into bed next to her son. He normally slept very soundly and never even realized someone was working the thick quilt down his body. Sarah smiled when she saw he hadn't worn anything to bed but she simply tore her eyes away and slid her body down along his before covering the both of them up.

Laying her head onto his shoulder, the woman closed her eyes and felt love for the only man who hadn't treated her as an object. Soon, she also slept soundly.

David felt the smooth warm skin of his mothers legs along his own strong limbs. She was curled up next to him, sleeping. He was surprised that she had crawled into his bed rather than sleep the night through. She wore her favourite thick wool sweater that could easily cover the two of them.

He loved his mother with a passion that had started the first night she had crawled half-naked into his bed. That was when it had started and they had not turned back from the path they both now enjoyed.

They were lovers.

As she slept, he moved his hand down to rest it against her panty- covered bottom. David lifted the edge of her wool sweater to her waist and then moved his hand on top of the cotton briefs. Ever since he could remember, he had been obsessed with her round firm bottom. As a kid he used to hug her leg and press his head into her ass just to be close to it, though he never realized why at the time. And later, when he started to discover his own maturity and temperament he often stole glances at his mother's shapely ass, and though guilty feelings often accompanied these voyeuristic moments, he found his desire more powerful than his guilt. The last few weeks together she had come to realize his enjoyment of her bottom and not once hindered him in any way.

Gently, the young man rolled his mother away from him and onto her back. Her sleep was disrupted momentarily before her breathing again became slow. David rolled onto his side and pushed the quilt down their bodies. The darkness covered her effectively, yet his desire easily pierced it to place his hand again upon her, this time above her pubic mound.

Sarah awoke slowly with the realization that a hand was gently touching her. The manly scent of her son was easily distinguishable and she feigned sleep to discover what else he would do with her. Her legs were slightly apart, enough for him to slide two fingers along her mound down far between her legs. She felt the hand expertly move her clean white cotton panty to the side and the fingers again travelled the same course. This time, they slipped between her outer lips and slid down the length of her sensitive inner pink folds. She could not control the gentle lifting of her pelvis, but continued to feign sleep.

David smiled in the dark as his mother's body reacted to his touches. Besides her buttocks, he had always been attracted to her long smooth firm legs. Not until he was older did he appreciate how youthful they had remained, compared to other older ladies his mother's age. His fingers, now sporting a light coating of her sexual lubricant, gently strolled down her inner thigh to just above her knees. She moaned in her sleep and moved her knees a few more inches apart. Quickly squirming down the bed, David placed a single passionate kiss on the inside of his mother's thigh about half way from her crotch to her knee.

Hands came down and entwined into his long unkempt hair. "Well, dear, couldn't sleep?" She was teasing her son, and her voice told him so.

Kissing again, an inch higher, he continued, "I had this dream, mom." Before she could say anything, he continued, "About a sexy woman who loved hard cock so much she couldn't get enough."

Sarah giggled to her son's amusement. It rarely pleased her when he used vulgar language with regard to their relationship. It made her feel cheap. And the only time he did use it was when he was horny, which was more often than not since they chose not to live a lie. Another part of her was worried that what he said was the truth, that she could not physically imagine living without her son's cock. So Sarah pulled her son's hair upwards towards her sex. Mostly to silence him, but partially to give her body the attention it needed.

Yet David was learning that he could have anything when it came to this sexy older woman. Holding his face a few inches from her moist and musky-smelling sex, he toyed with her. "Do you know any women that fit that description, mother?" So he played the verbal game with her, something she didn't relish but understood.

She was also experienced enough to know that he would only continue to push until he got his way. It was a trait he had got from his father, something that Sarah loathed. She used a voice that often worked on him, her girlish pleading voice, as she attempted to again distract her only son. "Please, baby!" The renewed tug towards her sex and its message could not be interpreted in any other way.

In the dark, she felt his hand move up to the junction between her legs and a finger surprised her when it wormed its way easily up her vagina. Sarah gasped out and arched her back in pleasure; it wasn't the tongue she had been craving but for the last few years any sexual attention was enjoyed immensely. The finger pumped within her folds several times before being easily extracted. She groaned out, feeling her resolve disintegrate and she whined for more attention.

David smiled and knew how to get his mother to become a desirable sexual slave to her own desires. She often played the dominant maternal role until he suddenly showed any interest in her sexually. Then it was simply a matter of deciding how he wanted her, and he did indeed want her. Right now he wanted her to beg for him. Slowly, reaching up her body, he moved his hand to her face and slide the finger into her mouth.

She knew what he had planned before he did it - her own strong scent preceded the digit and she allowed the finger to enter fully into her mouth. It wasn't the first time she tasted her own bodily fluids, most often upon the skin of her young son and lover, and it excited her realizing where her son's finger had just come from. In fact, she realized she became excited with almost anything her son did to her or around her. Sarah remembered, when she had recently watched her son masturbate, how strong her own orgasm was and the hours of pleasure David enjoyed with her afterwards. She could not say no to her son, or to their incestuous relationship, for when she felt the familiar rush of warmth and electricity flow through her veins, she was a submissive to her desire.

David felt her lips enclose his finger and suck upon it firmly. She pulled his paw from her mouth to moan, "Mommy needs your cock, baby." She resumed her fanatic sucking.

He pulled his hand down again towards the juncture of her legs. Before his hand reached her sparsely-furred mound, he placed a single kiss directly upon her clitoris. As he knew it would, she gasped loudly and squealed with delight. His mother had a hair- trigger clit. "Mommy needs to ask properly!" Her legs had earlier been moved widely apart, so that he now knelt directly below her. The hand again strolled down her sloppy wet vaginal lips to stop against the hard wrinkled hole between the cheeks of her ass.

Sarah tried to relax her anus as the finger firmly pressed into her. She gasped out loudly in surprise and painful pleasure. It was too much, he could have her any way he wished, and they both knew it. He simply wanted to hear those words from her. "Fuck me, David!"

He passed the second knuckle and stopped to enjoy the firm pressure of her spincter muscle about her index finger. Using a surprised analytical voice, he asked, "Where, dearest mother? Where would you like me to fuck you?"

It was simply too much, the game had gone far enough. Sarah needed his cock immediately. She didn't care anymore. "Fuck me anywhere, David!" She was practically shouting within the small triangular fore cabin. Her son rotated his finger within her ass hole and she quickly added, "Fuck my ass baby, is that what you want? Fuck my tight ass hole and make me scream."

Calmly, with the smile which could almost be heard in his voice, David asked, "But what is it you want, mother dearest?"

"All I want is your cock!" She groaned out when he took a long lick from the edge of his invading finger to her clitoris. Even this far gone within her excitement, she knew what her son liked. "And your come, baby! Mommy wants you to come inside me, on my face, in my ass! Anywhere you want to, baby." The sound of her own nasty words also excited the middle-aged woman, and she knew her son may indeed do the things she begged him for, if not this time together, then maybe next time. Everything she asked him for he had delivered at least once since they ran away to be lovers of the flesh. Sarah knew what it felt like to have her son's sperm and his eyes upon the smooth skin of her face.

This time David groaned. Sarah felt his unbalanced movements in the dark and knew what he was doing and shivered in excitement. Her son straddled her head with his knees before bending over his mother, his breath blowing upon her hot sex. His own hard phallus pressed into the side of her face and she moved her head enough so her hungry mouth could engulfed him. It was one of the most degrading things she could do, and the most exciting - to suck upon her son's hard penis.

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It’s Codey Steele’s birthday, but his stepsister Paige Owens is only concerned with herself. She comes to Codey to complain about what a bitch his mom is. That leads to Paige calling Codey a bitch, too. Later, Kyler Quinn sneaks in to see her friend and Paige shares that she feels bad about being so rude to Codey. She decides to give Paige to Codey for his birthday since they share a mutual crush. Kyler agrees to be tied up naked so Paige can use her as Codey’s gift. Then...

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I knew it was wrong, but it felt so good. The thin cotton of my panties was all that separated his hard cock from my ass. He fit behind me perfectly and I don't think he had any idea who he was pressed so tightly against, and right this minute I didn't care either. I should have cared, but liquor has a way or erasing our common sense and loosening our inhibitions. I am ashamed to admit it, but I was drunk and I was horny and right now, any man would do.I wiggled and rubbed myself against him,...

2 years ago
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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 9

Scarsdale, New York: Friday 19th January 2018As Sue’s FaceTime call was cut-off by Mikey I felt like a man in Purgatory. The excitement of watching Sue with her three young, college-age black lovers had been a huge and intense high. And now it was gone. It felt like a huge hole had been ripped in my chest. The blank seventy-five-inch screen, so full of life just seconds ago, seemed to now mock and torment me. It felt as if I could only stick my head in the screen I’d be able to see the goings...

Wife Lovers
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Oops my Bra fell off

I remember…It was Friday; that hot sweaty summers evening as you made your way home with your Husband and his work colleague; Phil. The birthday drink had gone well in the restaurant and the “only one drink” turned into two, three, four and who knows how many after that? It was along that dimly lit road that I stood at the bus stop and watched as you caught your foot on a paving slab and fell against Phil; his face already covered in lipstick from your kisses and his neck covered in your love...

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Falling for Angie

Falling for Angie - by: R. Gold Every summer, my family gathered in Philly and migrated to the Catskills to a place called the Evan's Hotel. Evans was a resort. Located deep in the mountains of New York state, it had the grand entrance, trees galore, abundant natural settings. The main building was a stately hotel. The ground floor was a lobby as big as any in the city. Attached to that lobby was a grand dining room with hundreds of seats. Upstairs were ten stories of hotel...

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Paradise Island Part 1

29, Single white male seeks similar age female with good looks and vibrant personality. I’m getting tired of writing that on internet dating sites. I started this journal to release my inner thoughts on paper but so far I've only confirmed my sexual inadequacies and personal hang ups. I’m creeping ever closer to 30 and I’m yet to find ’The one’ I've had 3 relationships in the past 10 years and had sex about as many times. I’m beginning to realise life isn't like the movies. I've read plenty of...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 16 The Instructor

The Grand Duke returned to the castle in a foul mood. During his trip he had discovered the awful news that the entire western half of the Duchy was under threat and that most of Horkustk Ris province was not under Danubian control at all. The only enclave remaining was the provincial capitol, and the only reason that city was still under the Duchy’s control was that the Kingdom of the Moon had not yet sent an army large enough to conquer it. Horkustk Ris was the only major Danubian city to...

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busty 20yo maid

this incident happen during summer work break when i was at home alone with the maid as all of my folks had gone to work .... it was pretty hot day and i was sitting outside having a drink and she was working around the house . she was a ok looking young bitchy maid and i used to make fun of her huge ass and she used to laugh off sluttily and i used to purposely bump into her nice firm 32ddd tits and it was really nice . i was also into feet and her's were really sweet looking ones it...

1 year ago
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A Work PartyChapter 3

Ron was true to his word, and Tony got a promotion. From an area sales representative to a District Sales Manager. I think he would have eventually gotten the promotion, anyway, as he was good at his job, but now he was a manager. With it came some nice benefits. A raise, and he got a company car, better health insurance, and his retirement benefits increased. He had access to stock options, and better bonuses, too. With it came perks and responsibilities. Sometimes he could come home early,...

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Cindytranee meets the maintenance crew

This is a true story that happened a few years ago when Iwas living in an apartment complex while looking for a house. I had taken a small one bedroom on the 2 nd floor. It was very nice and private and I really enjoyed being there. This was the first time in years that I had lived alone and I loved it. It gave me the freedom to enjoy my favorite thing, cross dressing and having sex with as many people as possible. I had settled into a routine of dressing up every night and all weekend and...

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There and BackChapter 97 Bad Acting

We left a camp with the Dalish and Circle emissaries just south of Denerim; Dariel stayed with them, having barely spoken to any of us since we'd returned from Orzammar. I gathered he was to become Keeper Lanaya's First, and it seemed he'd already found himself a mate, based on the single tent shared between him and Mithra. We arranged runners to come to the gates of Denerim daily at noon, where we could meet with them if we needed to each day. The rest of the trip to Denerim was...

1 year ago
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The TrainerPart 2

The voice on the other end was very gruff when he said "Hello!" Lloyd was a little taken back by the gruffness but took a small pause as he took a breath and said, " My name is Lloyd Davis and I'm calling in regards to your ad that says you have 20 years experience and can train any submissive in the D/s lifestyle?" The man with the gruff voice replied, "Yes I can! I would like to ask you something though." Lloyd replied, "Ok sure ask me anything." The man with the gruff voice...

2 years ago
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Becoming Mistress slave 1 The prostate orga

I'll never forget the day I first spoke to Mistress as that day would be the start of the most excruciating, painful, humiliating and rewarding sexual experience of my life. I had recently moved into a new city for work and decided it was as good of a time as any to pursue my kinky side and see where it could lead me. At the time I was 20 year old, tall, built and somewhat chubby guy, not the type you might think would be into being a slave. And to be completely honest I'm still not that type...

3 years ago
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Making love to my girl friend

Hi, This is vikram 24 yrs old, 6’ ft tall, well built guy from Hyderabad. This is my real experience with my girl friend madhuri, which happened in march 2005.she is 21yrs old fair girl from andhra, 5’7 ft tall and well built. Her stats were 36 – 28 – 36.she was a really hot looking girl, she looks like kareena kapoor. Her as was swinging left and right when she walks. I met madhrui through one of my friend at a party .she was awesome and looked hot in a blue salwar .her boobs were really big...

4 years ago
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Erins Husband Learns to Dress Up

Erin's Husband Learns to Dress Up By Pat-in-Panties Chapter I Erin glanced at her husband lying tied to the bed. As usual when she denied him sex for a week he'd been quite horny. It hadn't taken all that much teasing on her part to get him to the point of letting her tie his wrists to the headboard. Poor Tom. That was a big mistake. But he was tied up for a reason. Erin rummaged through her bureau drawer and found the bag with the bra and panties she had bought for him....

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Family Of Lust 8211 Part 4 Family Foursome

Last time I came up with a story was a long time ago. Happy new year 2019 folks. How are you’ll motherfuckers been here? I hope it’s all fine over there and down your dicks and pussies. Horniness always has time to blow out. So I’m back again. This time I am gonna tell you another dashing one. Previously it was how I and my cousin sister fucked over and mom joined us. Later my mom had great sex with her thinking we were asleep. Okay so my basically my family is an incest group. My family and my...

2 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 25 Truth and Consequences

As I watched Linda and Li drive away, another car pulled into the spot they had just vacated. I turned to go back to my other guests and a voice called out to me. I turned to find Chloe bounding in my direction. She nearly bowled me over as she leaped into my arms, wrapping her legs around me. Her lips locked to mine and her hands clung at me like a life line. I held her for a second, letting her maul me while I steadied from the imbalance. Chloe pulled her lips from mine long enough to ask,...

4 years ago
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PART - 38 IT IS FUCK TIME AGAIN I was in my home town Goa for two months after my pregnancy was confirmed by my lady gynecologist. I was having nonstop fuck with my husband as usual after my pregnancy. But when I was not feeling well for few days and I went for my regular checkup. I told about my uneasiness to the doctor. The lady gynecologist has asked me about the size of my husband's cock and shown me some different sized artificial cocks. I have selected and shown the cock which was...

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Anna Nagar Aunty In Theater 8211 Part 1

Hi friends this is my first story ever in ISS so please bear with any mistakes only name has been changed for identity purpose.first let me introduce myself Vinay(name changed) a 23 year old teenage boy finished my bachelors in cse from a well reputed college in Chennai lives in adyar looking after my dads business and live with my family.I myself call as the “king of sex” no offense due to my high appetite of sex because i started to watch porn from the age of 11 during 6th std itself cos the...

1 year ago
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Seduced By My Boyfriends Sister10

I have been dating this guy his name is Zayn he is slightly younger than me by a couple of months he is a sweet and down to earth guy he’s not exactly the hottest guy alive he can be very shy or very wild its one or the other with him, we’ve been dating for roughly 5 weeks now and the furtherest we have gotten sexually is that one time i made out with him and could feel his dick poking me and grinded on his erection but that’s as far as we got i know he has had sex a couple of times i have had...

4 years ago
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Going white for the first time

We lived in a nice apartment complex, in a very upscale neighborhood. The wife and I have been married for just over four years. We were one of the original people to have moved into the complex. “ Have you seen the new lady in the next building?” she asked. Alexis my wife, was the neighborhood watch dog. She had recently been asked to notify the community leaders of any rule breaking that happened. Little did they know she would take that bone and run with it. There were others around that...

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After things settled back in, I decided it was my turn. I was looking at a songbook of Queen music falling asleep the previous night. None of it is in the official songbook yet, but all I need is a piano, TC on the drums and Strings on the electric guitar... MICHAEL as FREDDIE MERCURY Tonight I’m gonna have myself a real good time I feel aliiiiiiiiive And the world I’ll turn it inside out And floating around in ecstasy So don’t stop me now, don’t stop me ‘Cause I’m having a...

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Bree 3 A Trip To The Mountains

Introduction: Wifes First Time With a Dog This is the third of the eight related stories involving my wife Bree and their friends. They are all in sequence and should be read in this order, The first story is actually a prequel involving my then long-term college girlfriend, Kate, (Bree 1 – Kate) which lead to Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise, this (Bree 3), the third story with Bree being the main participant, The fourth story is the sequel: Bree 4 – Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey,...

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The Winsome WidowChapter 4 Club Night

I was too sore to have sex for a couple of days after our first successful experiment with light bondage, but I got out the spreader bar and scarves on a few more occasions, sometimes surprising Evan like the first time and sometimes letting him tie me up in positions that appealed to him. One time I talked him into taking me by surprise, tying me up and 'raping' me; I contributed to the fantasy by struggling and crying, although I stopped short of screaming and trying to hurt him. Even...

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Its a cool morning

It is a cool morning. I have no need to get up. Lying here, I think about loving you. I can see your eyes looking at me, smiling at me. I can feel the warmth building in my pussy already. I slide my hand gently over my breasts as if your eyes are following them. My nipples immediately respond, becoming hard. I lift my head to suck one gently into my mouth. I feel your lips closing around the other nipple and a deep moan escapes my lips. I feel the juice as it starts to slide down from inside my...

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Tommy Part 22

"Tommy"By GentilePart 22---------The surprise did indeed turn out to be the strawberry rhubarb pie. Absolutely scrumptious. I wolfed it down as I waited the arrival of the duchess & duke of Bellevue, Nebraska.He looked damn impressive in his uniform. As Tommy strapped on his gun belt big mouth Girl, in her gorgeous new top & $100 jeans briefed us on a number of issues:"Now listen up. I want us to have a good time. This is like our first date as a unit, the nucleus. Let's be extra kind...

4 years ago
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Working late was great

I was working very late with a coworker on a Friday night. My coworker is a Polish American in her early 50’s with C size breasts. We were alone except for the cleaning lady. The cleaning lady is from Poland, was in her mid 20’s and with DD breasts. My coworker and I were in her office and the cleaning lady was cleaning the office across from us that had the blinds closed. We were going over a stack of reports when a few of the papers fell onto the floor. When my coworker got up off her seat...

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