Furnished RoomChapter 3 free porn video

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It was Sunday evening just after seven. Standing in front of the living room fireplace Lance was looking at the picture of Claire, her husband and Stacy. In the mirror he saw the reflection of Selena’s silver Aviator stopping in front of the house. He watched the two girls get out of the car. As they walked toward the house they held hands. When they came through the door he asked, “Did you have a good weekend?”

Looking at Selena Stacy said with a grin, “I’m gonna have a lot better time at college than I’ve been having at high school.” Selena’s black eyes sparkled, matching her toothy grin. He couldn’t miss the body language between the two girls.

Recalling Claire’s praise of Selena’s Cortez’s mother, Sarafina, he thought there might just be more to the girls’ relationship than met the eye; the pieces seemed to be falling into place. He visualized their young, naked bodies—one on top of the other—their face’s buried between each other’s legs.

Had he not been worn out from his weekend with Claire the image would have activated the engine of his libido. Since the morning after he moved into the house, the action between Stacy and her mother had his parts overworked. He needed respite. Likewise he thought, Claire and her daughter Stacy must have had their fill of sex for the time being.

As the week progressed there was no further activity with Claire. She made it clear to him that she wouldn’t have sex with him while Stacy was in the house. Under the circumstances Lance thought I wonder what that is all about.

On Thursday night he went to bed before eleven. He had the same dream he had the first night he was in the house: Claire was kneeling over his body on the bed, giving him a blowjob. It seemed more realistic than the first. Just like before, he woke up before he came. As his eyes clicked open he saw the green numerals of the clock: It was 2:43. But the sensation of a mouth on his penis didn’t stop. Raising his head he could see in the dim highlights from the streetlight outside his window what appeared to be a dark haired woman ministering to his cock. “JESUS Claire,” he said, “I thought I was DREAMING.”

“Mmm, hmmg,” came the muffled voice from the woman’s bobbing head.

As her head bobbed her warm mouth gobbled his electrified phallus. The expert flicks of her tongue fluttered on its underside giving him chills as she cradled his balls in her soft hand. Feeling her mouth coming off his sex he could make out in the darkness that she was looking up at him. What a way to wake up, he thought as her face moved back toward his crotch. In the ambient light he could barely make out the light skin of his glistening erection. Claire’s shadowy head closed the distance and took him in again. As he felt the thrill of her warm, wet mouth exciting his excited organ his eyes had become better acclimatized to the darkness and captured her shining eyes looking up his body and staring into his.

“So, you like these little surprises?” she whispered. Not waiting for an answer she took him deep inside her mouth again, coughing slightly as the head of his dick touched the back of her throat. She gripped his hardness as the bobbing of her head fucking his cock increased.

Still dealing with the ecstasy of being awakened in such a thrilling Lance laced his fingers in Claire’s auburn hair and guided her head—Auburn HAIR? Straining his eyes he realized that her hair was blond. The voice wasn’t Claire’s. It was STACY’S.

Most men, even those who are permanently, happily married, while out of town on business have fantasized a woman knocking on their door to engage in gratuitous sex. Unrealistic; true, but a nice fantasy just the same. Some have said they would turn the woman away. Most wouldn’t. But what kind of a man would stop a blowjob in progress, particularly when his balls were exploding into the warm mouth that was sucking him?

“Mmm,” Stacy purred, smacking her lips with the silky sound of unswallowed, wet sperm. Laying her head on his bare stomach she licked the residual semen and whispered, “I love your cock Lance ... and I LUHV cum.”

Feeling panicked he scrambled to a sitting position. “JESUS Stacy, you’ve got to get OUTTA my bed.”

“Don’t worry about Mom Lance; you couldn’t wake her with a stick of dynamite.”

“From your mouth to God’s ears,” came his sarcastic reply.

“What’s that supposed to mean,” she said. It sounded like she was pouting. “Didn’t you like it?”

“I loved it kiddo,” he assured her, “but I haven’t got time to explain.” He pushed her until she stood. “It’s just ... it’s just. You’ve got to get the hell out of here.”

In exasperation she sighed and said, “I know Lance. But I just have to TALK with you about something.”

“Not here. Not now. You’ve got to get the hell out of my room Stacy.”

“Can you pick me up after school tomorrow?”

He didn’t want to but he wanted to get her out of his room as quickly as possible. “What time?”


“I’ll be there. Get out, NOW.”

It was the last sleep for him that night. Had he understood more of what Claire meant when she asked him to “take care” of Stacy he might have been able to enjoy the young girl rather than sending her slinking back to her bedroom. This is more like a strange kind of porn movie, he thought, flummoxed by the weird situation he found himself in.

As she was leaving for work the next morning Claire, following Stacy out the door said to Lance, “I’ll be with Sarafina tonight. Stacy’s going to be working on prom night displays at school. So you’ll be on your own Lance.” He stuck out his tongue, curled it up and licked the tip of his nose. “Mmm,” Claire, with a demure curl of her lips, murmured as she felt a tingle in her clitoris. Winking she said, “Our time’ll come sweetie.”

He held out his hands in a questioning pose and asked, “With Sarafina?”

She rolled her eyes and chided, “Asshole,” then chuckled, “Maybe if you play your cards right.” She flapped her hands for him to go away saying, “Jesus Lance, you’re a horny son-of-a-bitch aren’t you.”

It was 3:33 when Lance slowed his black Porsche in front of the school. Up ahead he could see Stacy leaning against a lamp post. She was alone. When she saw him pulling up she smoothed back her hair, licked her lips and let her hand slide slowly down her breast. As she was getting into the car he thought I’ve never seen anybody like this girl and said, “I thought you’re supposed to be working on prom night tonight.”

“I told them I wasn’t feeling well.”

As he pulled the car away from the curb he glanced over and asked, “So what’s so urgent that you have to talk with me about?”

“You really hurt my feelings last night when you kicked me out of bed Lance.”

“Use your head Stacy. I can’t have you in bed with me like that at your house. I’m out of my mind for even seeing you like this.”

Scrunching down in her seat she pouted. “You just don’t understand about my mom and me Lance.”

“So what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Take me someplace quiet where we can talk.”

“And where might that be?”

“Over by the University,” she said. “There’s a park where college students go to make out.”

“I thought things were different now. I thought they did it in the rooms of their coed dorms.”

“Doesn’t be such a dick,” she sneered. “Is it only old people who think they’re romantic?” As they approached the University she said, “Turn right at the next light. About a hundred yards on the right you’ll see the entrance to the park.”

He saw the sign for the park, turned on his directional signal and slowed. Turning into the park he followed the road for approximately two hundred yards.

“See that picnic table on the right?” Lance nodded. “See the tire tracks leading to that big Cottonwood tree?” He nodded again. “Follow the tracks around the tree.” Idling around the tree there was an opening that led to large grove of Aspens. He pulled the car into a small clearing large enough for just one car.

Smirking at Stacy he said, “It seems like you’ve been here before.”

“Pays to get around town,” she answered with a cocky grin. “I went to a party at the Theta Rho house last month. Two of the frat boys brought me here.” She opened her door and started to get out, saying, “I’ll show you something neat.”

As Lance got out of the car he was thinking what kind of a girl tells her mother’s tenant that she had been to this place and had sex with two guys? He followed as Stacy ambled ahead, disappearing behind a thicket of sumac bushes. When he caught up he found her in small opening with a gurgling brook. From the sumac bushes to the spring was a carpet of soft, green moss about fifteen feet across. Stacy sat down and patted the moss beside her. “This is a really good place to...” she grinned, “ ... talk. Rolling his eyes he chuckled, shook his head and sat down on the moss.

Looking over at him with pouting lips she pulled her knees up and hugged them with her arms. “I wanted to tell you when I was in bed with you Lance. But you kicked me out.”

“We’ve been over that Stacy. That’s never going to happen again when your mother’s in the house.”

With a catty accusing voice she rejoined, “You’re never going to do anything with my mom when I’M in the house?”

“What goes on between your mom and me is none of your business.”

She gave him a knowing smile and said, “How did you say it, “from your mouth to God’s ears?”

“What do you mean by that?”

With an “I gotcha grin” she smiled and cocked her head. Brushing her hair back with her hand she sighed, “When you get to know Mom better you’ll understand. In the meantime it’s none of YOUR business.” Her smile was sarcastic. Staring at him she smirked then seductively licked her lips.

He stared back, wishing he could wipe the sneer off the little bitch’s face. As she licked she licked her lips he felt a tug in his grown. Fuck it he thought I might as well enjoy myself.

“So,” she said with an impish smile, “what if I wake you up again with your cock in my mouth?”

“Don’t,” he said.

She wrinkled her forehead, shook her head and replied, “After you hear what I have to tell you maybe you’ll change your mind.”

“I doubt it. But let’s hear the big secret.”

With a broad smile she gave him a broad smile. “I had a good time with Selena over the weekend.”

Lying on his side he placed his elbow in the soft carpet and propped his head with his right palm against his cheek. He asked, “So, is that the purpose of bringing me to your hideaway? After seeing the two of you when you came back Sunday night I had an idea that something hot might have taken place.”

“Oh,” she said with a dreamy look in her eyes, “It was more than something hot, it was FANTASTIC. Selena ate my pussy and I ate hers.”

Jesus, how did I get myself into this crazy situation? When he met Selena that night, when she came to take Stacy to Boulder he sensed wildness in the girl similar to Stacy’s. But with Selena there was a greater presence of sophistication and maturity. It didn’t surprise him that she would be a mentor to the younger girl.

Lance asked, “Did you like it?” He knew the answer but thought if he took a little time to draw out the conversation it might help him understand Stacy a little better. He needed to have an understanding of what was really going on in the Moore family. Like so many conversations he had had with Stacy and Claire this one was leading to another raging hard-on.

“I loved it,” she said. “When those frat guys ate me out I loved what they were doing. Unlike with Selena though, they were doing it for them though, not me.” She rolled her eyes. “There’s something to be said about being eaten by another woman, someone who understands what a clitoris is all about.”

“So,” Lance probed, “Selena’s a pretty good teacher?” Stacy’s intense gaze made an impression on Lance that she was about to tell something out of school.

“Actually,” she said, rolling her eyes back into her head as if she were checking her notes, “I’ve had a better teacher.” She paused, put her tongue in her cheek, bit her lip and went on, “But I’ve never done it with someone close to my own age.” She grinned. “Selena is SO good,” she said with a grin. Cocking her head thoughtfully she added, “It’s not as if she learned it all by herself though.”

“So what’s that supposed to mean?”

Even though they were alone her eyes searched the sumac bushes for spies. In a hushed voice she confided, “She’s been doing it with her mother,” pausing a bit to study Lance’s face before adding, “Since before she went to college.”

Like Curious George Lance became curioser and curioser. He wondered how long Selena had been engaging in incest with her mother. He wondered if Claire knew and if she does, does she approve? Is Claire involved with Selena too? Do they do ménages-a-trois’? Will Sarafina bring Stacy into the group, if there is a group? And who is the better teacher? What kind of a perverted past might this girl have had? The possibilities of these questions, not to mention the fact that they had even become questions boggled his mind.

“Did that shock you when she told you about her and her mother?” He asked.

A look of wonder visited Stacy’s face, the kind that teenagers manifest when they are trying to accept or reject a new idea. “Kinda,” she answered. “There are things that are easy to accept about your own self ... like I’m wild, right? Selena has always been fun but never wild like me.” She contemplated then said, “She sure knows how to eat pussy though.”

As it would be for any red blooded man being with this delicious teenager was an incredible turn-on for Lance. But the conversation and the way it was unfolding was turning him on even more. He was rigid and throbbing. Anxious for her to continue he asked, “And?”

Laying her head on his stomach she sniffled as her hand absently moved to the bulge in his pants. “Selena told me that Sarafina and Mom are having sex together.”

I knew it, he thought. “It doesn’t sound like you approve Stacy,” he said and thought Jesus, what else am I gonna find out in this menagerie? The idea of a conversation going on while his cock was being stroked through his pants by a young girl was in and of itself astounding.

“Selena didn’t tell me this ‘til after we did each other,” she said as her fingers worked the zipper of Lance’s fly down. Pulling his cock out of his pants Stacy looked up into his eyes then lowered hers to what was in her hand and mused, “I had more orgasms with Selena than I would have thought possible.”

“What did you think of your mother making it with a woman?”

Thinking about it for a few seconds she said, “Um ... It made me jealous of Sarafina ... and mad that Mom was doing it to her. But I understood why Mom liked it. And when we did it to each other (talking of she and Selena) ... well ... it was really nice.” Her hand moved on Lance’s cock in a slow, steady motion but she stopped when she said. “Her pussy tasted so fucking good ... better than m...” the word stopped in mid breath

Does she mean Mom? JESUS!

With her right hand she stroked his cock ever so slowly. Touching her little fingertip in his slit she stretched a tiny string of Lance’s precum until it snapped. Bringing her finger to her mouth she sighed and said, “I think the taste of sex is so fucking good Lance. Does that make me weird ... or bad?”

He tensed at the sensation of her touch. Ignoring her last question he asked one of his own, “So how does that make you feel, Stacy?” She kissed the tip of his glans and looked up with an affectionate smile, her eyes locking on his as she pondered the question.

“At first I just found it hard to believe that my mother could be doing those things with a woman we know so well; our families are almost in lock step. I wanted to call Selena a liar.” She moved Lance’s cock around like a gear shift lever, scanning its variations. “After I found out how wonderful making love with Selena was and after she told me about her mom ... and after Selena explained to me how lonely Mom really is...”

There was something about Stacy’s nonchalance that was troubling him. She’s just too aware to be beating around the bush like this. Claire told him that wild was wild, “wild like I was at that age,” she had said. He didn’t know what it was but there was something about the Moore women that just wasn’t adding up.

“Selena told me that her mother said that Mom and Daddy haven’t been having sex for a long time.” As she moved the loose outer skin up and down his rigid shaft she continued her original statement, “I’ve known that all along. But hearing it from someone else is really weird. I mean it felt weird ... at first.”

It seemed strange to him that she was telling him all this. It was like she was practicing to tell someone else, like there might even be something else underneath all she telling, like something sinister. “So,” Lance asked, “Do you feel better about it now?”

She contemplated then said, “While Selena and I were driving back home on Sunday I thought about how beautiful making love with her was. I couldn’t hate Mom for doing the same thing with Selena’s mother. It’s not really like she’s being unfaithful to Daddy or anything. But I don’t want to think about it right now Lance. Can’t we just fuck?”

Can’t we just fuck, he chuckled inwardly. Just the kind of matter-of-fact thing every teenager says, ‘Can’t we just fuck?”

Lying back with his head resting on his hands he looked up at the sparkling sun peeking through the quaking aspen leaves. He was thinking about Claire. She had asked him not to hurt her daughter. When she cautioned him that Stacy would probably try to seduce him he remembered thinking, I’ve got news for you honey. Your daughter has already given me a blowjob in my car.

Lance had never met such a wild slut of a girl. He thought about what Claire told him of about her own younger days. It was hard to imagine she could be as wild as her daughter was turning out to be. Maybe her mother doesn’t know how wild Stacy really is. But somehow he doubted it. When he first came to live at the Moore house both Claire and her daughter were strangers to him. There’d been no doubt in his mind the attraction he had for Claire. Claire was married, something he had always shied away from. But as the attraction bubbled he began to rationalize that he wasn’t responsible to a man who left his family in a lurch like this. Besides, the vibes were so incredibly magnetic. But he never expected to have a young girl working him the way Stacy was. He was resisting but between mother and daughter he felt like iron filings being pulled by magnets on either side of him.

Who could have predicted that after spending only one night in Claire’s house that the daughter would have given him a blowjob in the car? He was just trying to be nice by offering her ride to school. The fact that she had not only gone down on him but did it with such ease and expertise hooked him. His moral compass was out of whack. Over the weekend he had made passionate, exhausting love to her mother. She was one of the most sensual, most responsive women he’d ever been with. Just last night, less than a week after he’d moved in, he awoke to this preposterous teenager sucking his cock. And here he was in a secluded glen where she told him that two fraternity guys had eaten her pussy. Then she told him about her weekend with Selena and how they’d feasted on each other’s twats.

Claire said she knew what a wild sexual thing her daughter was. But did she really? When she asked him not to hurt Stacy did Claire really mean that she wanted him to take care of her daughter sexually so she didn’t get into trouble elsewhere? What kind of mother would ask that of a man?

Not only was he fucking a married woman, there was no doubt in his mind that he was on the verge of fucking her underage daughter as well. If I wrote a story about this, he thought, people would think it was so much bullshit that they would not even bother to read it. But Stacy already had his cock out and was giving him a hand job.

In the secluded grove Stacy’s blond hair gleamed in the sun-dappled light. She intensely stroked Lance’s cock yet her face appeared angelic. Having never had children and having always hoped for a daughter of his own he thought, Christ, would I want my daughter to be doing something like this? Unable to deny the pleasure he was feeling he wiggled with excitement. Shit, he thought, knowing he wasn’t going to stop her, what a fucking perv I’ve turned into.

Lying back he pillowed his head in his hands. As he squirmed with the pleasure he thought about Stacy’s mother. Not only did Claire seem to have her act together, she was the most exciting woman he’d ever met. She was a woman with whom he thought he could be comfortably married.

“Do you to eat pussy, Lance?”

Her question shocked him out of his reverie. She’s different today. Raising his head he smiled. She’s not the same girl who grappled for my cock in the car the other day. She wants to talk, wants to be made love to. What has Selena done to her? It’s something more than just eating her pussy.

Answering her question he said, “Anyone who calls himself a man loves eating pussy Stacy. And any man who loves women thinks pussy is like the Ambrosia of the gods.”

Her hazel eyes were duplicates of her mother’s but with the clarity of youth. They looked at him with the same intensity as Claire’s had when she was staring over the brandy snifter at him—the night Stacy went to Boulder with Selena.

“When we make love Lance,” Stacy asked, “will you eat mine?”

He rose to his knees, took Stacy’s hands and coaxed her into a sitting position. When she was upright he sat facing her, their bodies almost touching. Slipping his left hand around her waist he put his right hand on her right shoulder and cradled her body across his chest. As their lips melted together he moved his left hand to her right breast and fondled it.

She must have shit-canned her bra, he thought, her nipples are way too prominent. As they kissed and his hand caressed her breast the air from her nostrils washed his cheek. Her muted moans sounded like a combination of sighs and whines. She broke the kiss.

“Everybody thinks I’m a slut Lance ... except for Mom and maybe Selena. Nobody loves me.” Tears filled her eyes and trickled down her cheeks.

I’m such a fucking creep, it’s so wrong for me to be with her like this, not to mention dangerous. He’d never been alone like this with a young girl. He wasn’t a parent and didn’t have a clue how to deal with teenage insecurities. And since she had already sucked his cock in the car, and then again last night, there was no way he could think of her without sex coming into the picture.

He wondered what he would do if Stacy were his daughter. Of course, he thought, if she were my daughter there would never be a situation like this in the first place. He hadn’t met her until she was already a voluptuous young woman. He thought of her mother and the feelings he was developing toward her. Why had she asked me not to hurt her daughter? He pecked her cheek and kissed her tears.

“Daddy thinks I’m a slut too;” She sniffled, “he hates me.”

Conflicted, he wanted to fuck her. Yet his heart ached for such a beautiful girl who felt so devoid of love.

“You’re not a slut Stacy.” He pecked at her tears. “You’re just a girl whose been dealt a strong libido ... and a basketful of curiosity.” It wouldn’t have surprised him if the girl had tried something with her dad. “Did you try to do something to your father like you are doing with me now Stacy?”

She sniffled again and said, “Nuh-uh,” then sobbed.

When she first started crying his hand came off her breast. But she placed it back and held it to her with her own hand. “He caught me with a little boy who lived down the street. We were comparing our parts. We were five.” She sniffled again. Her Adams apple bobbed like she had something stuck in her throat. “He spanked me—hard—and said I was a little slut, just like my mother.”

“All little kids are curious Stacy.”

“That’s what Mom has always said. But no matter what I did or how hard I tried to be good Daddy would find reasons to be mean to me.” A sob caught in her throat. “Every time he got upset with me he would look at me with those you’re ‘just like your mother, you little slut, ‘ eyes.” She sobbed again.

Trying to stop, she looked up at him, her face awash in tears, “I always thought...”(pushing his hand harder against her breast) “ ... if I could do this to Daddy he would like me better. But he wouldn’t even let me get near him.” She took two deep breaths. “He would push me away when I tried to touch him. I never remember him hugging or kissing me. He hates me Lance.” Muted howls came from her mouth as she shook in Lances arms.

He was amazed that even in the throes of her grief she was twisting in his arms so she could reach his cock, this time giving it three hard and fast strokes. It was as if she was beating it in anger. He was surprised that, throughout her lament, his cock never went down. Now it even seemed more sensitized. As her strokes eased he breathed deeply and thought will God punish me for my perverted behavior? Or will he give me a high five for being compassionate? As her shudders continued he took her hand off his penis, pulled her body upright and hugged her, holding her tightly against him.

She breathed against his shirt which was already soaked with her tears, “I wish you were my daddy Lance.”

Giving Stacy’s father the benefit of the doubt he allowed that Chuck Moore might have tried to do his daughter a favor by attempting to quell her libidinous desires. He knew enough about psychology though to realize that her dad had merely kept her in the dark, something that always intensifies the curiosity. Trying to comforting her he said, “There’s nothing wrong with you baby. Most of us have the same feelings that you have. Maybe your sense of propriety has been overridden by the need for your dad’s affection.”

She interrupted him. “I’m not ready to talk about that Lance. Are you going to make love to me?”

Working her hand inside his pants she finally bared his seven and a half inch phallus. His shaft was flushed from the agitation of her stroking hand. In the sunlight his glans took on the appearance of a turkey’s gizzard. Considering the improbability of what had been happening to him since he arrived in Denver he wondered how many times Stacy and her mother would have their hands or mouths on his sex over the next four months?

Stacy’s head was now on Lance’s abdomen as she stroked him. Looking up she captured his downcast eyes. “Daddy says I’m just like my mother,” she said with a sniffle. “He said if it weren’t for me he would have never married her.”

What and asshole he thought and said, “I think it’s time to think of something else sweetie.”

She licked her lips and asked, “May I put your cock in my mouth Lance?” Lacing his fingers in her hair he pushed on the back of Stacy’s head and gently pushed it downward. Her moistened lips opened as it slid slowly over his glans and her tongue flicked the crease on its bottom, sending myriad shocks of pleasure throughout his body.

After bobbing on him for a few minutes her lips came off his glistening helmet. Looking him full in the eye, Stacy said with a rueful giggle, “It’s strange Lance, but all those boys I told you about?” He raised his eyebrows. “I can’t look any of them in the eye. I’m afraid of what they’re thinking of me.” She held her gaze. “I’m afraid they’ll just expect me to do it again ... I don’t want to.” With a look of perplexed she added, “I’m ashamed to say it though, but if they asked me I would do it. I think sucking cocks is all I’m good for. With a disgusted snort she said, “They know it and so do I.”

Petting her hair he tenderly trailed the backs of his fingernails down her cheek. “You’ve just gotta find yourself a new set of friends young lady.” Young lady, he thought. What would my mother say?

“Yeah I maybe,” she said, concentrating on the caressing hand-job.

Caressing the back of her moving arm he said, “So what do you feel about doing this to me right now Stacy?”

Looking up she answered, “I feel good. You seem to understand how much I need to do this. And you talk to me like I’m a worthwhile human being, not a whore or a slut. I don’t know what you are thinking about me but it doesn’t seem like you are judging me. I feel like you are ... well, you’re being very special to me Lance.”

Leaning her head against his chest she squeezed his distended glans, opening his lip-like slit. Studying it she did it again and giggled as she said, “I feel wonderful Lance. And your cock is so fucking beautiful.”

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I had been dating Chloe for 6 weeks when I got the invite to meet her parents. It wasn’t something I really wanted to do – I personally didn’t see a long term relationship with Chloe being on the cards, but at that moment I was enjoying having a 22 year old on my arm and in my bed most nights of the week, so it was a small price to pay. A date was agreed for me to drive down to her parents’ house in Surrey for a meal and overnight stay.The agreed Saturday arrived and I was a little nervous; I...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 32

Chief Younger’s body was discovered in his home by agents. It looked like a suicide but the person, or persons involved made one or two small errors that caused our people to become suspicious. “The Chief used a weapon not issued by MI6 and though his fingerprints were all over the weapon, they did not appear to have gotten there voluntarily. We have much to do before we can unravel the circumstances and reasons for Chief Younger’s death, but there are serious questions about his actions...

3 years ago
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Sex with FTM

I was traveling and decided to go on craigslist to see if I could have some adventures while out of town. I saw this ad that really intrigued me, “FTM Seeks Men for NSA Good Times”. The description defined this as a male to female trans person, a man with a pussy. I am pretty liberal and down for some adventures so I thought why not, worst comes to worst, I’ll just wind up alone in my hotel room after saying thanks but no thanks. We emailed back and forth and decided to meet up in my room,...

3 years ago
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Surprise Bedfellows

by DarkRide Chapter 1 - Nathan in decline COVID had hit hard. Like so many others, I lost my job, and soon my self esteem as well, with the only money coming into our house being from my wife Shona's admin job, and even our son Mike contributing most of his pay check from his job at Mcdonalds to help keep the roof over our heads. Initially I applied for literally hundreds of jobs, but so did thousands of other people. Rejection after rejection followed; not even 1 interview despite years...

2 years ago
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Please Teach Me Lesson 2

Please Teach Me! - Lesson 2: Doubles "Okay, now pay attention. This will be on the test." Jin could feel Kigumi's breath against his hard cock. It was a little hard to focus with her kneeling between his knees, but he had asked for this, so he did his best to listen, and not just enjoy the view and feel. The day after his first sexual encounter with Ookawa sensei, Kigumi Ookawa, Jin struggled to push the experience from his mind. Somehow he made it through the day, though not...

1 year ago
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How to Become a Nymphomaniac

How to Become a NymphomaniacMay 14, 2016_______________________________________________It's a beautiful Sunday morning and here I am sitting with an ice pack between my legs. It's the beginning to what could be a potentially great day and here I am sitting in the house bored with no hopes of going out and continuing a weekend of debauchery. I answered my phone. "Hi Carole! It's Kelli.""Hey Girl, what's going on?" I asked."Nothing much, I couldn't sleep so I thought I would bug you. I am...

2 years ago
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Cold Cold Heart

This story is based on the song 'Cold, Cold, Heart'. It was hard picking a category. I hope you enjoy it. A big 'Thank You' to PennLady for taking the time to edit my story. She makes it a much better read. My name is Ray Harman and I'm an over the road truck driver; I have been for twenty-five years. I'm often gone for days at a time, sometimes even a week or more. I try to stop home as often as I can and spend a couple of days at home before heading out again. I was in Indiana...

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Kelly Bundys Saturday Morning Surprise Part

Saturday morning came early for the younger Bundy family members; Buck asusual was humping Marcy's poodle; Bud had just screwed Amber and she wasstaggering back to her aunt's house butt naked and tired; Bud has nowcrawledback into bed to cuddle up with his other warm piece of ass for themorning,he had started out fucking her, but duties called for him to service Amberand to keep her pussy happy.Kelly sleeps soundly as usual as she normally gets back home around 2amfromone of her boy friends,...

3 years ago
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The cow girl A week before school

DAY 1 The week before started The story starts from a little town in Nebraska call Crisfield. MY name is Amy Jo I was 5 foot 7 and 135 lbs. measurements 44-30-38 I well-built cowgirl going off to the big city in the Irish Hills of Michigan. Where I met an attractive redhead that was 5 foot 9 140 pounds with measurements of 38-24-38. We were both going to college the redhead name Ginger was much more experience than Me. Ginger was bi she loves to eat pussy but she also likes a good stiff...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Jade Kush Some Neighborly Guidance

Mr. Pete is on his couch when he hears a knock at the door. He gets up to answer it and is met by Jade Kush. She smiles but looks alittle upset. They greet each other. She says that she hopes it’s ok that she is stopping by unannounced, she’s just looking for someadvice. Of course, it is, that’s one of the many benefits of living next door to her guidance counselor: he’s always easily accessible foradvice, he says with a smile. He invites her to sit on the couch and...

3 years ago
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Macks ProgressEpilogue

Well that just about brings things up to date, although it wouldn't hurt to add that Mackenzie and I have discussed Codi, and the weird things she did, very often since she's been gone. Mackenzie has come to her own conclusions about why Codi behaved as she did and has tried to explain them to me many times. It appears — or so Mackenzie has been trying to convince me — that Codi really did love me, but she had always had a sort of self-destructive streak. She'd been an extremely...

2 years ago
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Chloes Story

It had been another boring day and the thought of getting out of the office in just a few minutes and to the supermarket, had Diana dreaming whilst she added mentally to her all ready long shopping list. So much so that a polite “Bye see you tomorrow” was ignored for a moment until she realised that her friend Judy was on her way home. “Bye” she replied. Diana all ways parked her car in the same spot reserved for staff members and had not noticed the plain brown envelope on the passenger...

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Having Her Ass Again

On Tuesday morning, I told my supervisor Fatima's husband Alhaji Engineer Sule Galadima that I won't come to work on Wednesday that I really need to relax and write my report on the work progress and submit to my boss, he gave me the go ahead to during mid afternoon, I called Fatima and told her about my arrangement on Wednesday, he was happy and told me that she looks forward to it.On Wednesday, during the late morning when I know her husband would have gone to work, I called her, but she...

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Story Nine Cum Slut Broken

I heard Bernard's car pulling away on the gravel. I kept my eyes down awaiting the next thing that my new master would be doing. I didn't have to wait long as he placed a collar around my neck and attached it to a long chain. Without a word I found myself being dragged by the neck across the yard. The big man walked rapidly causing me to have to jog to keep up with him. I looked up briefly and saw that we were heading towards an old barn. We stopped at the door and the man unlocked a padlock...

2 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 36

Penny stared at Victor, unable to move. "But ... V-Victor, I don't understand, why are you--" Victor stood and stepped up to her. She drew in a sharp breath and let it go as a hot, quavering sigh as her body was flooded with powerful sensations of both lust and guilt. "That is not something a whore would say, is it?" Penny trembled, and her pussy flared hot. Her guilt did not abate, even as misplaced as it seemed. She could act without shame as needed before anyone, even the reverend...

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Diary of my Emergence

Diary of my emergence Susanna says: This is how lucky I was with my neighbour, it could've been so much worse. Where is this club I talk about, well if I told you then I'd probably start losing money to more competition! Monday Dear Diary, over the weekend my whole life changed, things shifted ever so slightly away from my normal routine. My dear diary, although I was really scared at first, once things happened I was in absolute heaven. It all took place on Friday night. I...

3 years ago
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The Best SistersChapter 13

Melissa awoke feeling an arm flung over her waist and a hard on at her ass cheeks. Furious, she threw the covers off the bed to see Charles still sleeping, drooling on the pillow which sickened her. It was an early Sunday morning. Still sleeping, Charles unconsciously pulled the blankets back over his head. She still felt the spot where his erection poked into her ass cheeks. It was pleasant but irritating feeling since she still detested her husband. 'We'll have a little talk later' she...

3 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 22

I woke up to a hand gently stroking my back and felt a warm, soft body against me. Jerking away, I let out a yelp as I rolled onto my back and the pain in my bruised ass brought back my memories of yesterday. Rolling back into Kiera, I snuggled in and tried to block out the pain. “Would you like to nurse on me, Gianna,” Kiera asked quietly. “It might help distract you.” I smiled up at her and nodded before scooting down and latching on to her nipple. I’d been fantasizing about sucking on...

1 year ago
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Flashing for Hubby

I wish I could say I've been as sexually adventurous as some of you have been but I've been monogamous for the past 15 years.  My adventures have always been restricted to my fantasies.   Until the past few months… When my hormones shifted into high gear making me constantly wet and aroused and oh so hungry for adventure.     It's been a bit of a trial for my husband, which is understating things a bit to say the least.  He's been struggling to accept my desire to correspond with others about...

4 years ago
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A man and his maid Part 3

Chapter IIIDuring the ten minutes grace that I mentally allowed Alice in which to recover from the v******e of her struggles, I quietly studied her as she stood helpless, almost supporting herself by resting her weight on her wrists. She was to me an exhilarating spectacle, her bosom fluttering, rising and falling as she caught her breath, her cheeks still flushing, her large hat somewhat disarranged, while her dainty well-fitting dress displayed her neat comely figure to its fullest...

2 years ago
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It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

Yes it really was a dark and stormy Friday night, and I was driving home to my lonely apartment glad to have a free weekend ahead of me after a grueling week at the Bank. My mother was away on a world tour with her sister, and I was home alone, and looking after myself. I knew that the house would be warm and I the thought of a quiet evening in front of the TV after a nice hot meal was wonderful. My so called girl friend Tracy of two years was also away with her parents for a month in Ibiza....

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Angie Chap 1

Angie, Chap 1 I first met Angelica De Camp, when I was four and a half years old. I was exactly four and a half. I later called her my half year birthday present. She was the first black woman I ever met. At first I was afraid of her, not going near her…she was different. But as time went by (all of about fifteen minutes) I warmed up to her and soon we were inseparable. I thought of Angie as a woman because I was four and she was so much older than me, a whopping eight years older. Everyone...

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It wasn't really Scott's fault. They tricked him. You see peer pressure can be a very powerful thing, and what is normal is almost entirely decided by those around you. Looking in from the outside one might say he was an idiot, but how could someone judge properly when they weren't there? Inside the world his "friends" made up for, it all seemed weird of course, but at the same time normal.Scott was still in college, just turned 21. He went from skinny to toned and muscular in those three years...

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A Family Feud

During the course of this story reference is made to a play written a few years ago by one Wm. Shakespeare Esq. In fact the perceptive reader will recognise some aspects of the storyline have been ‘borrowed’ from that work. I make no apology for that, for it might be said, ‘if the wheel ain’t broke, why build a new one.’ I am not the first, and indeed will not be the last, to have borrowed that same storyline. CM PS: The perceptive reader will also notice a few new words in this story. These...

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Bhabhi Ko Nhane Ke Badh Choda

Hello friends i am nirmal frm jaladhar meri age 19 saal hai… Aur mai 1 student hu mai 12th stnd main parhtai hu aj mai aap ko 1 sacchi story batane wala huuuh….. And thanx tusi meri pisli story nu bohut pasand kita yeh story hamare pados main rehne wali bhabhi ki hai toh frds main aap ko jyada boor nah krte hue sida story par aata huuh yeh baat kush 5-6 mahine purani hai.. Mai apni pados wali bhabhi ko chata tha aur main hamesa uski gand marne ki sochtai rehta kbi-kbi toh main apni bhabhi ko...

3 years ago
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The silken robe slipped off her creamy shoulders as the dial for the shower was turned on, jets of water raining from the shower head and hitting the tiles below, saturating them. She closed the shower door and let the water run for a moment as she piled her curls on top of her head and removed the last of the night’s makeup, though she was kidding herself if she thought her lipstick would fully remove itself. If there was one thing on God’s beautiful earth that would not budge; it was red...

Group Sex
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Love Family SingersChapter 20

The next morning, with both Ty and Dad taking a few days off, the ten of us took the bus to scout out a place to practice. I was allowed to drive, with Nevina in the navigator’s chair. Our first appointment was in a part of town called Chickasaw. There was an empty shell of what used to be a Walmart, albeit a rather small one. The building was open, and a man was standing outside, apparently waiting for us to arrive. April and I were first out of the bus, and I extended my hand, “Hello, my...

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MyFriendsHotMom Richelle Ryan 23169

Richelle Ryan gets home from a long, hard day at work to find her son’s friend Lucas sitting around, with her son nowhere to be seen. Lucas tells her that her son took off to go pick up something from his girlfriend’s house, but that it’s taking him forever, so he may leave soon. When Lucas does decide to go, he finds Ms. Ryan in her bedroom, masturbating! But she catches him peeping on her, just like she had hoped for…and invites him in to join! Lucas is hesitant at first, but when the MILF’s...

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SkinFlick SlutChapter 7

The room was gorgeous, it had steps leading down into a beautiful lounging area with a plush carpet that just begged to be fucked on. And up higher was an enormous round bed with lots of room for lots of people. There was a hot tub in a tiny cubicle to one side; Richard mentioned that we'd use it later when we needed to relax for another round. "I thought I'd take a look at those pictures," he said as we moved toward the bed. "I want to know what to expect out of you." I smiled. We...

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Sleeping With Office Mate 8211 Part II

Hello friends, lets continue with the second part where I had a sex with Akash my Office mate. After almost 3 weeks of Desperation after our first incidence, I allowed him to fuck me whole Night. After our First incidence, I used to kiss him and let him feel my body in office toilets until these day. He was completely desperate and willing to do anything for my body. He completely got involved in me and I used to tease him with my moves. I am not sure whether he arranged it or by his luck his...

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I Did Not See AnyoneChapter 3 School days revisited

For the next two weeks, Jim relived the experiences with Tabatha every night, but every time the thrill grew less and less and he knew soon he would have to experience a new adventure; unseen of course. For the last three days he had been thinking who would be his next victim, the blonde from the locker room, he even contemplated tackling a male as he had found playing with someone else's penis such a great thrill, he kept telling himself he was not gay, but then a really wicked idea hit...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Six Diane And Pauline Punish

Pauline Manson smiled as she wiped the cups and plates, which she took from her dishwasher, with a tea towel. The seventy-year-old retired School Mistress tried to keep herself busy in order to help the time pass a little quicker before Zofeya and her boyfriend arrived. She hummed to herself as she placed her things back in the cupboard. Pauline Manson was looking forward to spanking Diane’s eighteen-year-old daughter that afternoon. It had been far too long since she had smacked the...

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A Blank Page Ch 02

**Extra thanks to CopyCarver for helping me polish all of the chapters of this tale. You’re the man!!** * Forty-five minutes later, Nathan stepped out of his bedroom freshly showered and wearing a white pullover that he could have sworn fit him loosely last week, but now was gripping him tightly across the chest and arms. Dismissing it, he saw dad right where he had been when Nathan went to the shower, at the table, depressed. So Nathan wordlessly sat in the living room chair, and thumbed...

3 years ago
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Betty Takes Three

My career as a watcher started when I was a young lad and came about because I was worried I might lose a friend or two. My parents had died in an accident two years before and I was living with my oldest sister Marie. Much as I loved her I still got to be honest - Marie was a drunken slut. She'd go out boozing, bring home some guy, fuck him and pass out. One morning two of my buddies stopped by to pick me up for a weekend camping trip and as we went to my room to grab my stuff we walked by...

4 years ago
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A Very Romantic Sex With A Girl I Fell In Love With Sunburn

Hi. I am Arch and i am 20 years old. I am from Mumbai. And i am a regular sunburn goer. I attend all the dance music concerts in Goa & Mumbai. And i met my love Shrushti at one such festival recently. Speaking of Shrushti, she is also 20 years old. And she is smoking hot. Anyone guy will want to fuck her if they see her. Even i wanted to fuck her. But i fell for her finally. She has a very curvy figure. She has nice round boobs and a little bit big ass in contrast to her body. She have this...

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An Intoxicating Experience In Woods

It is about my first sexually experience with a girl name Kavita, she was 17-year old dusky beauty. The depth of her eyes was fascinating enough to make anyone fall in love with her. I was in love with her or it was just a passionate attraction, I didn’t know the only thing I knew was ‘I was unable to resist myself to praise her beauty ‘. She was my crush for past one year and I was unknown that god is going to be that much merciful on me and my darkest desires. And one day we met on an...

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Little Girls are Curious

Note : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! It all started back when my daughter was 18 years old. One day while I was sitting in the living room my daughter came in from school. "Daddy, can I ask you a question?" "Sure sweetheart" "You promise you won't get mad at me for asking?" "Why would I get mad?" "Because it's about sex" "Wouldn't it be better if you talked to your mother about that?" "I tried to but she say's I'm to young to know, I don't think I'm to...

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The Trinket Ch 02

Chapter Two: The Indian Reservation Station A car sliced through the heavy hot air, roaring across the desert highway. Blasting past a rickety and wind worn sign, that read, Indian Reservation Station, one mile ahead. The wind slapped at the sign, vibrating it at a loose screw. It then settled into stillness, after the vehicles passing wake, subsided. In the Desert, on a hot sweltering afternoon, the sun literally bakes the Earth’s crust. An unclear horizon lay in ripples of distorted...

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The Best Blow Job

We went told her that was the best blow job he had ever had. She thanked him and asked him if he wanted to the local bike and car show to see the new models and look at all the custom bikes. Dot was dressed in a very low-cut, see through blouse, and low rider jeans. She looked like a million dollars. As we walked through the show looking at all the beautiful bikes and cars, Dot saw a leather vendor and wanted to stop and look at the leather goods. She found a pair of chaps that fit and also...

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My Addiction To My Boss Chapter 3

I sit in the airport and watch the planes land. It's 6:32 AM and Lara's plane should be here in three minutes, if it's on time. The board says it is, but you never know. I grab my purse and walk to the nearest Starbucks to grab a coffee while I wait. I have to go to work after I drop them off at their apartment, and to be honest I don't really want to go. Damien's acting weird towards me. He took Monday and Tuesday off, and when he came in yesterday he seemed... different. I'm not sure how to...

Office Sex
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The Half LilinChapter 3

The two figures on the bed rolled around. The man with the handsome face and toned muscles groaned as the woman with large wings and pointy tail rested her body on his while squeezing his testicles with her fingers. No words were exchanged between them, but they both knew what each other wanted and both wished to gain the most from each other. He kissed her lips. His hands roaming all over her body. As his hands grabbed her buttocks, she cooed in delight. Her own hands busy rubbing and...

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Some Relations Goes Beyond The World

Hi Friends, my name is Sanket and I am a regular ISS stories reader. I like to read all the stories posted here on daily basis. About me: I work in MNC in Pune with average build and sexy looks ;) Now without wasting your further time let me share my real life experience with you: We live in a joint family here in a building where my family lives on 1st floor, my uncle and aunt family lives on 2nd floor. Once my uncle and aunt shifted to their new purchased home as they always wanted to stay...

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A Visit to a Fan Ch 06

‘I don’t believe it.’ Gale winced, hearing the laughter in Jenny’s voice. He took a long pull on the cigarette and reached for his drink. ‘She has cojones.’ ‘Yeah. I can’t believe that she threw me out.’ ‘I can. You tell a married woman that you want her to seduce you? How selfish of you!’ Gale sat up on the hotel bed. ‘Selfish?’ ‘Can you imagine how shocked she must have been, to see the infamous Gale Harold on her doorstep? And then her hero asks her to seduce him?’ She laughed, a tinny...

3 years ago
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Megan’s parents had moved house yet again and that meant another new school to fit in to. This will be her sixth school in seven years and each time she has struggled to fit in. This time was going to be different though. Over the summer she had developed a gorgeous curvy body, perky C-cup breasts and tight round bum that is often so tempting to squeeze and now she is actually looking forward to joining her new school. She arrives in her new school and immediately causes a stir with her...

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first dream of sex slave

Ok years ago I dreamt I wanted to see how a sex slave life would be. So I asked my hubby to get me some videos it took him some time but he managed to get me one called the story of and training of O. well I was flabbergasted to see what she went through but it turned me on that much I wanted to try it out but how.? We decided to put an advert in a contact mag so of we go . it read couple wanting to be taught by a master into sex slave /bdsm. Wow the replies we got were very interesting...

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Relief Is Just A Phone Call Away

I have always been extra friendly toward a longtime friend of mine called Dwayne. He’s one of my past lovers. John and he have also become close friends. However, we do keep in contact thanks to the internet and cell phones. I also know that my feelings fuel John’s ultimate fantasy a threesome. Although we have yet to do a FMF, he loves watching another man fuck me. I’d do that in a heartbeat with Dwayne, but he lives out of state. It has never happened, until now. One Friday, while...

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Breed Beach 5 All American1 3 videos

America hosts dozens of agents, who work secretly exclusively for me. Although all-American applicants think they are for porn.America's agencies are in all major cities, which house hot tasty teen or twen beautiful brides to be. We will mention all towns.Professor Poet-PETER erotic experiments interestingly include his agencies world wide. Together a dozen of dozens capitals.Professor Poet-PETER prayed his dear great granddaughter Princess Petra to go the other side of the 'big drink', to...

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Cuckold Sissy Sisters

SISSY SISTER CUCKOLDS by Throne George and Tom were in the recreation room of George's suburban home. At the moment, however, the two husbands had to be referred to as Gina (short for Georgina) and Tina. Why? Because their wives had dressed them like pretty girls for an evening of fun. It wouldn't be any fun for those guys, however, because the ladies had invited over their hunky lovers, who they cheated with regularly. In fact, the cuckolds had lost all right to any sexual...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 37 The Final Conditioning

THE FINAL CONDITIONING Laura's time at the Mayim Clinic, Amy told her, was approaching its end. Even as Laura approached her graduation, her friends were starting their own path of conditioning. Amy had arranged for Taylor and Erica to join Laura at the clinic and begin having training sessions to make them into good little hetero fuckdolls at a more fundamental level. Shortly thereafter, Alistair added his own harem of sluts, by invitation of the clinic, and Candy and Hayley and Katy,...

2 years ago
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Mon Papa

The sweltering sun at noon baked the cobblestone pavement a dirty grey. Little beads of sweat trickled down my forehead, causing my hairline to stick. I pulled out my vintage uchiwa and gently fanned myself. I tilted my head back a little and let out a small sigh of relief. The cool air whirling around my body felt great. It was an absolutely beautiful day in Normandy, and I was standing outside of the villa waiting for my dad. I watched as the front door slowly opened before my 6' 3" tall dad...

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Equal Shares Ch 07

Elizabeth was, of course, all over him on Tuesday morning, wanting to know how the dance lesson had gone. ‘Well, thank you, Elizabeth. I actually enjoyed it.’ ‘Good. So, what’s it like? What did you do?’ So, Stan briefly described the hall, and told her that they’d begun learning the Foxtrot. ‘Ah, yes. My mum and dad used to do all of those. She tried to teach me once, but I never really got it. I was more into rock’n’roll,’ she said. Then, ‘Did you meet anyone?’ she asked ‘Well, I met...

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Im One Happy Black Cum Slut Cuckold

"Because all black guys have really big dicks." "You've never seen a black man naked before?" I added."No"Half jokingly I said, "Maybe we should watch some porn with some black guys in it."My wife and I watched porn regularly. She even enjoyed watching some pretty dirty stuff and was more than willing to act it out afterwards. I was very happy when she smiled and said OK.Later that night I got on the Internet and started looking around. There were so many different adult movies with black men...

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