Furnished RoomChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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In Afghanistan there were virtually no Anglo women to satisfy his needs. Chuck tried sex with an Afghani prostitute but he was the kind of man to whom such sex didn’t appeal. He craved a woman who would share his bed, someone soft and feminine ... someone with whom he could snuggle and get comfortable enough to do the kinds of things he had been enjoying with Sarafina Cortez.
Within six weeks on the job he met a woman who worked as an interpreter for his employer, Applegate Engineering. After seeing so many women entirely covered by burqas (the long garment that shrouded the entire body with a mesh opening at the eyes) he was surprised by the elegant woman who wore a black business suit and the customary hijab (head scarf). He learned that the woman was the widow of a prominent businessman in Kabul who, it was rumored, had been murdered by the Taliban for views that were considered friendly to the West. He understood that having attended the Sorbonne in Paris the woman was highly educated and quite sophisticated.
She had the figure of a ballet dancer, willowy from her ankles to her shoulders. Her neck was long and graceful, her breasts, from what Chuck could see were petite. She had long black hair which she did in a French braid. Her skin was dark olive, her lips dark (almost purple) and her eye sparkled like black diamonds. One day he had the opportunity to sit with Aziza Khan in the company cafeteria. They had a pleasant conversation. But when he asked her to have lunch with him again she thanked him saying, “It is not appropriate for Afghani women to be alone with a non-Muslim man.” As she spoke though her sparkling eyes told him how much she would like to be with him. At least he would have liked to think so.
He asked a couple of his colleagues what they knew of Aziza. They told him not to waste his time, that a number of men had approached her with the same results. One said, “The women here are all afraid that the Taliban is coming back. They’re afraid to be seen with a Christian—an infidel—any non-Muslim for that matter.”
Each time Chuck and Aziza passed, whether in the cafeteria or in one of the corridors, the woman’s eyes seemed to be saying the same thing. Like Sarafina’s, Aziza’s striking eyes sent exotic messages. He was almost positive that this woman wanted to be with him. But how could he be sure? And if he really knew that she did, how could he make it happen without putting her danger?
One morning on his way to work he saw a woman wearing a black burqa going in the front door of the Applegate complex. Even though the woman was completely shrouded she walked in the fluid way he had become to know as Aziza’s walk. Quickening his step to catch up with her he said, “Looks like it’s going to be a nice day today.”
The woman’s muffled voice came through the mesh in the garment. “Yes it will be, Inshallah (the Muslim expression for God willing).” The muting effect of the fabric made it impossible to recognize the voice but there was no question in his mind that the sparkling eyes beyond the mesh were those of Aziza. The expression in those eyes reminded him of the seductive invitations Sarafina Cortez had given him before he finally approached her at the Brown Plaza Hotel in Denver.
Normal means of developing a relationship with Aziza Khan were not working. As with Sarafina he knew he had to take another bold step. Upon reaching his desk he wrote on a piece of notepaper that bore his name, Charles Moore, Civil Engineer, “Do your eyes lie, Aziza, when they look at me in the way they do? I invite you to knock on my door tonight at 8:00 pm, suite 929, at the Goloban Hotel.” He folded the note, put it into an envelope and wrote the name AZIZA. Later that day when Aziza was out of her cubicle he dropped it on her desk.
Applegate Engineering employees occupied the top floor of the Goloban Hotel in downtown Kabul. When he arrived in Kabul there was just one suite left, a one bedroom. It was the kind of suite Americans find at Comfort Suites in the U.S. As circumstances had it only three Applegate employees had a suite of their own; Chuck Moore was one of them.
The domestic staff at the Goloban was made up mostly of widows, all who wore black burqas to work. A few, while working in the hotel removed their burqas. These women always wore black dresses and black headscarves. Most though worked in their burqas. There were two reasons: First: There was an underlying fear that given the past turmoil in the region, if the Taliban came back into power, those women not wearing burqas could be beaten and even killed. Second: Having become accustomed to the anonymity provided by the all-encompassing burqa most women preferred walking through the streets as totally anonymous beings. Many wore stylish clothes beneath their burqas but waited until they were either at work or home to show off their stylish wear. Others just wore undergarments. Some wore nothing.
It was 8:12 when Chuck heard the gentle knock on his door. Smiling at his clear judgment and good fortune he went to the door, opened it and saw what looked like an apparition. It was a woman in a black burqa, a chambermaid bringing fresh white towels. But unlike any other burqa-clad chamber maid that Chuck had seen at the Goloban the woman’s eyes beyond the mesh sparkled as she held out the towels to him. He took them, pressed the towels to his chest with his left hand and extended his right. As she took his hand the muffled words came through the mesh, “My eyes never lie, Mr. Charles Moore, Civil Engineer.”
In Muslim Afghanistan if a woman has an affair her husband has the right to kill her. If an unmarried woman has sex and is discovered her father has the same right. Were the father deceased the woman’s oldest brother could do the same. If a woman’s husband dies and the husband has living brothers, the oldest is obligated to marry the brother’s widow, creating a plural marriage. During the time of the Taliban prostitution was punishable by death. If any unmarried woman were to be discovered by the Taliban to be having illicit sex she would most likely be judged immoral and executed, usually being stoned to death. Even though the U.S. helped defeat the Taliban the religious laws remained much the same. Most women lived in fear of the penalties of illicit sex. Some though, suffering the pangs of sexual need and fulfilled these needs while hoping that the less restrictive powers in existence would look upon them more kindly than the current regime in power.
Prior to the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan Aziza’s deceased husband, Akram Khan, because of his pro-western sympathies had been executed by the Taliban. In the post-Taliban period however there was no penalty for a widow having sex with another man, assuming she had no living male relatives. But the rule existed only for Muslim men, not infidels. Aziza had no living relatives. Since the religious gap between east and west was so great though, cohabitation with a Christian (an infidel) was still fraught with repugnant consequences.
Thrilled that he had read the woman’s eyes accurately Chuck led Aziza through the door and closed it. Once she was in the room though he didn’t quite know how to deal with the burqa-clad woman.
“Would you like to sit down?” he asked, offering her a chair.
“Thank you Mr. Charles Moore, Civil Engineer,” she answered, using his proper name and title.
The only people who called him Charles were his mother and Sarafina Cortez. “Most people call me Chuck.”
“In our culture, Mr. Moore it is disrespectful to call a person by other than by his given name. I’ll refer to you as Charles,” she said definitively.
“May I offer you a drink?” he asked.
“Muslim’s don’t drink alcohol,” came her muffled reply, “At least those who are true to the faith.”
“Tea perhaps?”
Aziza answered, “It is good to drink tea while getting to know someone. But I can’t drink tea while I’m wearing my burqa. Nor can I remove it until I know you much better. It wouldn’t be proper.” Disappointed by her answer Chuck sat down on the sofa. The woman sat at the opposite end.
Becoming uncomfortable Chuck cleared his throat and asked, “Would you mind telling me some something about yourself Aziza?”
“I am a widow,” she said. “Akram, my husband, was murdered by the Taliban.” She offered no further information.
Waiting a long while for her to continue he finally cleared his throat and asked, “What was his offense?”
“He liked Americans.”
Incredulous he asked, “Just because he liked Americans?”
“For the Taliban that is enough. Taliban feel like they need to explain.”
Chuck feared that if the evening were to continue like the conversation it might end in disappointment. He knew he had to turn it around. “Look Aziza,” he said, “If we can’t talk with one another why did you come?”
“My eyes were not lying,” she said.
Great, he thought, the woman talks in riddles. “Aziza,” he continued, “If I see in your eyes that you want to be with me, I mean with me, shouldn’t we share ourselves more intimately?” She nodded. He knew it was he who needed to share first. Clearing his throat again he began. “I’m a married man. I married my wife because she was pregnant. I thought the child was mine but later found out she wasn’t. In fact I later found out that my wife had been impregnated by her father.”
“In my country,” Aziza interjected, “incest is not uncommon.”
Maybe I’m getting somewhere he thought. “I haven’t loved, nor have I made love to my wife since I found out. Her daughter is now seventeen years old. I’ve been having an affair with another woman. I may even be in love with her.”
“And you still live with your wife?”
“Yes,” he answered.
“In Afghanistan a husband could kill his wife for having sex with another man. He could also demand that her father take her back for having given him damaged goods. If her father took her back he could kill his daughter.” She chuckled. “And Charles you could have been killed by your wife-to-be’s father for violating his daughter, even though he had already violated her.” She laughed again, “It’s a strange world, isn’t it?”
With that she told of how she met her husband, how he and she were chosen for one another at birth. “Did you love him?” Chuck asked.
“Very much,” she answered. “He was very kind. He treated me like a princess. He took me to Paris and London when he did business there. Most Afghani men leave their wives behind, Akram always included me. He insisted that I learn French and English. Akram said it might save my life someday.”
Chuck asked, “Are you in danger now?” She looked at him through the mesh in her burqa and chucked softly. He wished he could see more than her eyes. It was like talking with an invisible person, eerie.
“I am only in danger from the Taliban if they come back into power. I hope to leave Afghanistan before that happens, Inshallah.” (Another silence) “Since I am a widow without family I am not spoken for. That is why I can be here alone with you.” There was a long silence. “If I had a father living, or a brother; they would be within their rights to kill me.” (More silence) “But there are still religious extremists who could take it upon themselves to kill me just for being and immoral woman.” Taking a deep breath and letting it out she said, “That it doesn’t happen, Inshallah.”
Trying to penetrate beyond the mesh Chuck said, “But we haven’t done anything.”
The muffled words came through the mesh, “I am alone with a Christian... an Infidel. That itself is a crime.” Trying to make sense of body language Chuck studied her shrouded frame. All he could see were her imprisoned, yet sparkling eyes. The words wafted through the mesh, “You were very bold, Charles Moore, Civil Engineer, to give me your note.” She clasped her hands almost like she was in prayer. “I too have been hoping for someone with whom I could fill my needs. You have seen in my eyes that I desire to be with you. I have seen in yours that you are kind.”
Though relieved that the cards were on the table he had no idea how to proceed with this strange specter. Aziza solved the dilemma by saying.” May I ask a favor of you before we precede Charles Moore, Civil Engineer?” He nodded. “I have no running water where I live. May I shower in yours bathroom?”
Standing up he responded, “Of course.” He offered his hand which she took and led her to the bathroom door. In the doorway she bowed at the waist, touched her head with her hand, then her heart and then her lips before going inside and closing the door behind her.
She had been in the bathroom for a long time. Had he been in his house in Denver he would have been concerned that the hot water would run out. When the water stopped he imagined the willowy woman drying her naked body. He wondered if she had used his razor to shave her legs and under her arms. Or do Afghani women do that? The scream of his hair dryer interrupted his thoughts.
As the door opened he expected to see the mysterious woman covered by her black burqa. He had been wondering how he would go about uncovering her if he indeed had the opportunity. Will she want me to do that? Or is she merely using me for the shower? When she came through the door her naked body moved toward him in a sensuous bearing. His eyes didn’t know where to start first.
She was tall and lean, about 5’7”. The luxuriant black hair of her head tapered out like a pharaoh’s headdress, framing her smooth, angular face. Between her sparkling black eyes was a prominent, but not large, rounded Arabic nose which led to full, pouty, purple lips. The whites of her eyes set in her shadowy face contrasted with her black hair and irises, making her look like a work of Egyptian art. Her neck, like that of a graceful swan, led to her shoulders which, not broad, they matched the width of her gracefully curving hips. Around her neck was a necklace of large amber beds, her only adornment. Her body was olive toned, slightly darker than Sarafina’s.
Like Sarafina’s, Aziza’s nipples and lips were dark, almost purple. Her breasts were small—probably B cups—but perfectly formed ski-jumps that curved to large nipples. Her breasts below her nipples curved in artfully rounded arcs to her torso. Her areolas, slightly lighter than her nipples, were a ½” border that elongated into a ¾” oval at the top and bottom. Her well-formed abs were almost six packs, sinuously corrugating to her flat, tight abdomen. In the middle of her flowing hips was an abundant, untrimmed black bush. She had the legs of a ballet dancer, long and flowing, with well-developed thighs that were broken by attractive knees which warped into muscled calves and tapered to thoroughbred-like ankles and delicate feet. Flashing a brilliant smile with her perfectly white teeth the exquisite nude said, “The burqa is a perfect way to walk the city to shroud my nakedness.” Demurely lowering her eyes she continued, “In my country Mr. Charles Moore it is the duty of a woman to please her man.“
Standing barefooted in his tan cargo shorts and blue polo shirt Chuck puzzled at how quickly this woman considered him Aziza’s “man.” His cock was quickly confirming his new designation. In a flowing balletic movement the graceful Afghani woman dropped to her knees. She looked up into her “man’s” eyes, placed the flat of her right palm against his groin and asked, “Shall I serve you, Charles Moore?”
The moment she had walked toward him from the bathroom his eyes had darted from purple nippled breasts to her rich black pubic hair. Her “Scheherazade” eyes flirted as she felt his hardness and said, “I feel your readiness.” In a flowing movement her fingers deftly undid his belt and manipulated the button through its eye. Fluidly working down his zipper Aziza coyly looked up and asked, “Are you ready to be pleased, my master?”
Barely able to keep his knees from shaking Chuck looked down at the beautiful kneeling figure and nodded a smiling approval. Sliding his Bermudas over his hips she dropped them to the floor then tugged at his boxers. The waistband caught his stiff cock making it go slap up against his belly. Stepping out of the crumpled garments around his ankles he kicked them aside.
Riveting Chuck’s eyes Aziza pointed finger and coyly hooked and waggled it, beckoning him to flex his knees so her mouth could reach. When he complied she stretched higher, dragging her breasts on the back of his neck and taking hold of the hem of his polo shirt, pulled it up and over his back and arms. As he stood upright Aziza sat back on her heels, admiring his rigid erection and cooing, “Your uzoo (cock) is magnificent, my prince.” She grasped it with her right hand. With her left she cupped and hefted his loosely hanging balls. As her fingers closed on his bag she tested the fullness of its contents. “You’re goliyan (testicles) are like plump olives,” she whispered. “They are almost bursting with your fertile seed my Charles.”
Having never been worshipped in such a way Chuck felt self-conscious. The beautiful Afghan woman’s inflating words were making him feel like such a man. Electric currents flowed through his body as he watched the exotic, olive-toned naked woman’s right hand fondle his veiny penis. Her left arm extended between his legs which hid her hand from his view. The woman’s cooing adoration turned him on so totally that in denying his urge to come he felt like he would have a cramp the cheeks of his butt together.
Aziza opened her hand and pressed Charles’ hardness against her cheek. “Uzoo, uzoo,” she purred, “uzoo, uzoo, uzoo.” As the palm of her hand came to the purplish bull-nose of his head she milked a dribble of crystal clear precum that left a glistening smear on her dusky cheek. “Ooh,” she purred, “Your manly essence thrills Aziza so.”
As if compelled to talk the same as she he said, “Aziza is exciting Charles as well.”
As she closed her hand on his cock, pulling the skin tightly back, the side of her fist buried itself in the abundance of Charles’ bush. She could have been milking a goat: tightening her pinky finger then closing all of her fingers in series which caused a crystal string to ooze. She caught it in the hollow of her left hand. Eager to please him she looked up hungry eyes, her nostrils flaring as she parted her sensuous lips and asked, “Does Aziza please my Charles?”
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xmoviesforyouMy daughter's Julie's friend Lindsay had spent time at our house, had come over for pool parties, and had stayed the night. She had always been an enjoyable part of our evenings. Earlier in the summer when Lindsay spent the night, Julie had gone to bed, my wife had gone to work, and one thing led to another. I found out just how outgoing and persuasive Lindsay could be. I also found out how sexual she was at seventeen-years-old.What we'd done passed any expectations I'd had of a friend of...
TeenI think back and realize it was the best of times. I don't mean high school, or the fumbling during those early dates or even graduating from university years later. No, she was the least likely target for my heart and it may have started as lust but it certainly settled into a deep caring and loving relationship. That woman is my mother. We certainly shared a maternal-child love for the total of my life. But early in my pubescence I realized she was a woman, with curves and breasts and...
David Miller glanced up from the pages he was feeding into the photocopier, taking note of the time on the clock on the wall. The nineteen year old had been working in Mail and Reproduction for nearly eighteen months now, just long enough for his job responsibilities to have become routine. Actually tedious might have been a better word, as even putting together copies of the 1977 first quarter report for nearly six hundred employees was more time consuming than difficult. It was just a matter...
Well this is a bit gory, so I decided it was best to tell this tale or anecdote separately, I'm John Hanson by the way, I managed a bank in Harare for a while, before I came home to the UK, you may have seen me on TV racing the Aston Martin, or in the House of Lords, bloody good value that peerage only half a mill, thanks Gordon. Sorry, back to the plot. It was at Manser Smythe's place, back in Zimbabwe, sort of a game reserve, I had agreed to let Manser have my old native girl Msala...
Read death name first please I know I'm a bad writer As Sheriff Webb walked in with his wife an daughter . Please have a sit. I said as I moved to the couch. Let me go get Lisa. I walked in and threw the bedroom to the bathroom. Lisa was getting dress. A pair of blue jeans and a Alabama shirt . I could watch her all day. Sheriff here with his wife an all. I told her watching her and smiling . What is up with you? You have never really wanted to have kids and then you did thing we have...
There were four luscious bridesmaids in the house this evening, the night before my sister's wedding. One, the beautiful maid of honor, who was too old and fat to interest me, was in her bed and sound asleep, two were wide awake in my bed chatting and the fourth and youngest and cutest was in the basement under me, gasping and creaming as I plowed her juicy silt and brought her to her third climax in ten minutes. She was supposed to be sleeping on the living room couch and had been a true...
Chance is an amazing thing. I don't think of myself as lucky, but coincidences and good fortune have followed me, even if I sometimes don't realize it at the time. Take my wife, Kaila. I know that's usually followed by a "please", but hear me out. Honey blonde, blue eyes, talented, intelligent, and tall. She has exceptional legs, and tits that just scream, "Hey! Look at these!" She plays tenor sax in a little jazz combo that works the corporate event circuit in San Francisco. And to add to all...
After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...
"There is no doubt that you are the man for the European expansion enterprise Tom. It is high time that we moved you over there full time to begin to bring this to a successful conclusion. I would like to offer you the position of Vice President of European Operations effective immediately. I would expect you to pick your team, make all of the arrangements and move to Brussels effective as soon as possible. Will you accept?" "Gladly and with gratitude. It is no secret that this is what I...
“Why don’t we go out tonight?” Adam suggested to his wife, Keri.”If you want to,” Keri agreed. “Any special reason or place in mind?””Actually, yes,” Adam replied. “It’s a special sort of place, private.””What’s it like?” Keri asked, intrigued.”I don’t really know, except that there are special costume requirements for women,” Adam told her. “I heard about it at work from some of the guys.””What kind of special requirements?” Keri asked.”A special mask,” Adam explained.”Where do we get it?”...
There was a story in the Southern Illinois Edwardsville school paper about fifteen students, from 19 to 21, all being pregnant at the same time! Mary assured me that they were all of age and consensual. Mom and dad had requested us to come home for a couple of weeks, so we packed up! We drove the over three hours it took, discussing how we would find time to fuck in the same house our parents were in! I offered to fuck mom and she could fuck dad then everything would be OK in our...
Mr. Oldham took me back to school on Sunday afternoon. His attempt to meet with Colonel Travis was unsuccessful as were succeeding visits to the Commandant's office. Telephone calls were not returned. As time went on and Mr. Oldham's pursuit became relentless, the reasons given by nervous staff for the Colonel's absences from the school became more and more fictional. The jury verdict was presented but never acted upon. As the weeks passed without my hearing anything about my trial I...
The following Saturday morning Ken showed up with a load of wood and supplies in his pickup truck. He took apart the old deck and determined that the place where it attached to the house would still be usable. Per our agreement, I kept him supplied with iced tea (my special blend, one bag of Sleepytime tea added to the pot for flavor), and that afternoon we all went to the dump to unload the old wood. Becky thought it was great fun. Sunday, he seemed to spend almost the whole day measuring...
~~Antoinette~~ Her Black Hall had more faces than she’d expected. Wonderful, that meant tensions had lessened between covenants and individuals alike. There would be lasting peace in her city, even if it meant she had to drag the idiots into the peace like kicking, screaming children. She took a moment to look around. Garry, Jacob, Maria, Michael, and Julias up on the balcony. Delightful, all the primogen were there. It was the first time in a long time the primogen had come to a ball of...
Chapter Seven - Almost Ready to go Home. A few days before Missy's much anticipated homecoming Trudy breezily announced that "we" were going on a rare "little outing." Missy had been on only two previous "outings." The first, shortly after the commencement of this "re-education" was merely a little window shopping in the small town that was local to Trudy. On reflection it was a test that she'd behave ladylike, and not attempt "anything silly." Missy had vowed to herself to run...
My Mom was always nice to me, i was an only child and we lived an an apartment… My dad left when i was 12 so my mom didnt have someone to love… My dad was the provider and when he left me and my mom moved to a 1 bedroom apartment… We slept together normally for the first few years… But then i started finding out about sex and love… And i realised that i loved my Mom… And one day when we were sleeping, i decided to make a move, like i see in the movies…I moved closer to her, and said the i was...
IncestNamaskar mere sabhi pyare dosto. Mai iss ka regular reader hu. Is site par ye meri pehli kahani hai umid karta hu ki apko ye pasand ayegi. Mera man Manish hai. Mai Puna ka rehnewala hu. Mai ek athelete n basketball player hu. Body ekdam tagadi hai jise dekhke koi bhi ladki ya aunty fida ho jaye. Aur ha sabse jaruri baat mera loda jo ki 7″ mota n 2″ jada hai. (ladkiyo bachke rehna isse) Baat un dino ki hai jab mai Puna se kisi kam ke silsile me Mumbai gaya hua tha. Waha ka kam khatam karke wapas...
9:30 AM Arkansas, Entrance to the Crater of Diamonds State Park: Matt: I cursed as the SUV almost made me crash. I watched as the teenagers screamed out the windows, waving beer cans. One even threw one at me, and I watched the spray hit the windshield as I straightened out the RV. The SUV overcorrected and I watched in horror as it went off the side of the road and into the gully that ran the length of the road. "Fucking idiots!" I said as I applied the brakes and stopped near the...
Today we have the honour of introducing you to Eyla Moore, a wild blonde who has come to Private Specials, Forever Young for her www.private.com debut where she looks to take advantage of any opportunity for a good fuck. Today the lucky recipient is stud Joohn Syx who’s in for a real treat as he gets a taste of Eyla’s perfect tits and sweet pussy just to warm up. Then watch as this horny babe returns the favour with a quality blowjob before spreading her legs and going on to enjoy and...
xmoviesforyouThe problem as Lisa saw it was no longer her. Mike was becoming more erotic than when they started fucking. She should have known it would happen. He was young, very young. And so impressionable. Certainly anything she came up with, he would go for. He was not only urged to exercise his erotic desires, but he had his mother to provide not just assistance but her body as well. But Mike was becoming bolder and bolder with her. Once, as they shopped, he had attempted to feel her up and the...
Hi, I am Raveendra. I am thankful for all huge response from you. As I promised I will publish next part based on the feedback. Please read the first part of the sex story. Now let me introduce again. I am Raveendra. My age is 22. I completed my B.Tech from reputed college in Mumbai.It might be lengthy but a real story. Please read with patience After the foreplay, she kissed me on my lips and said that it was late for home. As our houses are near to each other. I accompanied till her house....
Mike sat in his bedroom, his History book lay open on his lap, but his mind wasn't on any school work. He was having difficulty believing that Jennie and he had actually done some things together in his garage. It had gone far beyond anything that he'd ever imagined as possible. If he hadn't actually been there himself, even he wouldn't have believed it. That Jennie Taylor had been in his garage at all. would have been difficult enough to believe, but her letting him play with her tits,...
Chapter Three: Hot Futa Ghost Threesome By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My body buzzed as I returned from the onsen. My body was freshly washed, and my spirit was freshly cleansed by the soft lips of Mitsuko-hime. Today, as I washed her back in the steamy waters, my Ōjo-sama had turned, her gaze meeting mine. Our lips had come together, sharing a perfect kiss, a wondrous moment of taboo love. It could never be. We were both women. And she was the daimyo's daughter while I was a simple...
Maiden Fairby SpectreOfHellWhen Wallace rang the bell of apartment 19G, he was alarmed to notice that his hand was shaking. He heard the patter of unshod feet running across the carpet, and the door opened before he had a chance to compose himself. June saw him and a smile exploded onto her young face. It was the kind of smile that made a man's heart soar and melt at the same time, and Wallace grinned stupidly at her, momentarily unable to remember why he was there."Wally," she said...
Sophie has been married for a little over three years, but never has she had a fight as big as this one with her husband. It started when her mother-in-law "forgot" to invite her to the Thanksgiving dinner and did not seem to be ending any time soon. In preparation for his short trip, her husband packed his bag silently. He did not spare her a look and although she knew she did nothing wrong, Sophie was begining to have her doubts. The next two hours passed as she was trying to build up...
The house felt warm and the air clean and fresh as they entered. Before Dan was completely inside the door, Bern ran, jumped, and clamped her legs like a vice around his waist. Planting a hard kiss on his neck, she turned up her nose and pulled her head away. "You stink, and taste, like a bonfire," she said wiping her lips "I know sorry love. Some kids had set fire to some tires, I think, and we were down wind" "Well go and have a shower, both of you, and I will sort some...
Tokyo, in January, was fantastic. Tess was kept busy, but her schedule with TESLA wasn't unduly demanding, and we had time to see the city and, occasionally, to get away from Tokyo and visit other beautiful and historic places. It was a far more enjoyable foreign travel experience than any we'd had, during the season. Tess played some golf, but it was mainly to socialize with the TESLA brass, and to continue her trial period with their equipment. I was pleased to hear her say that she was...
Friday rolled around, and I started my meetings with the members of the Research Group. Beth was with me, so we brought them in one at a time. I wanted them working as a team, but also wanted them to feel comfortable one on one. The schedule called for Tony to speak first. After the initial greetings, and small talk, we got down to business. Tony said, "Wind power has been around for over a century, and they initially used it to drain the low ground in Holland. There are many companies...
She occupied Seat 11A on the long, red-eye flight from San Diego to Pittsburgh, while I was in 11C and the seat between us was vacant. Twenty-five years later she still occupies my mind from time to time.The last words she spoke to me were, “I’ll never forget you.”Whether she has, I’ll not ever know but she remains burned into my memories like a brand into a hide. If someday Alzheimer’s eats my brain, I sincerely hope that those precious cells where she is stored remain intact until my last...
Quickie Sex