Furnished RoomChapter 9 free porn video

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Having been kidnapped and beaten then rescued by a team led by his own father should have been enough of an ordeal for Chuck Moore. Both he and Aziza Khan along with four of their coworkers had been kidnapped and tortured by members of the Taliban. As he watched as Aziza, his Afghani lover, was being brutally scourged then gang raped he was convinced that they would never make it out alive. Surviving this would have made returning to normal life difficult enough. But when Aziza died while trying to shield the leader of the raid, Chuck’s father from gunfire then learning from his dying father that he sired Aziza’s child, Chuck fell into an abyss from which he thought he’d never escape.

Now safely on the way back to the United States he was still in the fog of his ordeal. In that cave in the mountains of Afghanistan the expectation of a rescue attempt, not to mention a successful one, would have only been fantasy. It was a successful action with minimal loss. But for Chuck it was huge, costing the death of his father Craig Moore and his lover Aziza Khan. He would never stop reliving the experience.

The constant noise of the airplane engines seemed to roil his psyche. He was going home but what did home mean to him anymore? His eyes went from the little girl, Emmi, to her seventeen year old aunt Jasmine, who reminded him so much of Aziza. As he looked at the three year old girl sleeping so peacefully in the seat beside him he realized how complex his life had become. What had any female in his life done but complicate it? He imagined Claire, Stacy, Aziza and Sarafina Cortez. Up to this point all but Sara had brought him pain. Eying the child of his father and Aziza he felt like Humpty-Dumpty and wondered, can Sara and I put anything back together again? Or has some older man in my life been fucking her too?

His introduction to Emmi was like opening the door to a driving arctic wind, it took his breath away. The familial traits of the little girl haunted him. Looking at Jasmine—Aziza’s sister who was sleeping in the seat next to Emmi he saw another innocent victim of circumstances that was brought into his life via his father’s indiscretions with Aziza. And what can SHE do to me? All of the women in my life except my mother and Sara have been tainted by someone’s father. “Used goods,” he murmured to himself, “that seems to be all I deserve.”

The Globe Master was towed into the largest hangar at Andrews Air Force Base where, his mother Marvella Moore, Claire Moore and her daughter Stacy awaited. The party was off-loaded along with the casket bearing General Craig Moore’s remains. It was draped with a flag and placed in a black hearse. Behind the hearse was a black stretch-limo in which the younger Moore, the awaiting women and his fellow victims got into. Behind the limo was a black Pathfinder with deeply tinted windows that obscured the passengers. Taken under the wing of Constance Campbell, a motherly woman and employee of The Company, Jasmine and Emmi rode with the nanny.

As the caravan rolled out of the hangar the Marine band, accompanied by muffled drums, played a dirge. The music stopped just as the caravan came to a halt before the platform where the President of the United stood to greet the fallen hero and his survivors. Behind him were the politicians who crashed to make hay on the return of the dead hero and the rescued hostages. Like cats surrounding a hole in the wall a cadre of newsmen waited on the tarmac. They were there to pounce on the hapless mice, knowing they would soon have trophies to drop at the feet of their voracious readers.

For thirty-two minutes the President spoke to the nation, telling of the heinous kidnapping and the beatings. He spoke of the spirit of America where a retired war hero convinced the government of his plan then giving his life while saving his son and four strangers. When he finished the Marine band resumed playing while the somber caravan moved off the tarmac and out the gate.

The government maintained silence about the General’s as well as the kidnapped engineers’ connection with The Company. They posed Charles and his counterparts as civilian victims of the hated Taliban. The caper was being hyped by the government as a valiant father, a former war hero, who had convinced them that he could assemble a team and successfully pull an impossible rescue of innocent civilian engineers including his son ... that he lost his life in the successful attempt. It was the kind of heroics that sells movies, the germ of which was already being discussed in Hollywood. Nothing was said of the Afghani woman who had also been kidnapped and had died. Nor was there any mention of the mysterious Afghani child that had been brought to the U.S. by the survivors.

Charles Moore and his co-victims were taken to Langley, Virginia where they underwent a day of debriefing. After that they were taken to the Fairfax Hotel on Embassy row. The four men shared a suite. Charles Moore and his party were ensconced in the presidential suite. Though he and Claire were estranged and he had all but ignored Stacy while she was growing up, he took comfort in knowing that The Company had not neglected them. Yet he was even more uncomfortable in their presence.

When he came through the door of the suite his mother hugged him and whispered, “It was I who insisted that Claire and Stacy stay here with us Charles. The tragedy affects them more greatly than you may realize.” Acknowledging her with a nod he went to his wife, giving her a ceremonial hug, then Stacy who couldn’t hide her icy feelings about the hypocrisy.

Turning back to his mother he whispered, “Can we be alone Mom, just the two of us?” Her agreement was a veiled nod. With his arm over her shoulder he guided her into one of the four bedrooms and closed the door behind them. Together in each other’s arms they allowed grief a small moment of release.

After Charles’ crying played out Marvella Moore, who was stoic dry-eyed as always said, “We have so much to talk about Charles.”

“Yes,” he said, wondering how he was going to break the news of Emmi being his father’s child. Or maybe I should tell her that she is mine. But he knew how ridiculous that would sound; he’d only been with Aziza for three months. Or maybe I shouldn’t tell Mom at all. It’s not the time to shock her with knowledge of her deceased husband’s infidelity. He was still coming to grips with this reality himself.

As if she were reading his mind his mother said, “I know about your relationship with Aziza, Charles.” To him it seemed like her words were coming out of a deep fog. She went on, “And I know about your Father and Aziza as well ... and I know that Emmi is your father’s child.” She sandwiched his troubled face between her hands and kissed him on the forehead. “There are so many secrets we have to share my darling.”

She almost delivered a knockout punch when she said, “I don’t suppose you knew that your dad was dying of cancer.”

He pulled back and gaped at her, his face showing the confusion that was going through his mind. “I didn’t even know Dad was sick.”

She sighed then said, “He’s been getting tired a lot lately; you know how much energy he’s always had. He was diagnosed just three weeks ago. The doctors (and there were many) all concurred that he would probably not live more than six months.”

With a rueful smile she continued, “So dying a hero saved him the indignity he would have suffered in death from the disease.” She pressed her head into her son’s shoulder, caught the reluctant sob that was lodged in her throat then drew her head back so she could look into his eyes. “It’s a fitting that my husband saved the life of my son. He’s always been my hero, you know?”

Through a shy and wistful smile she said, “Your father saved me as a human being Charles ... saved me from a life of total self-loathing. Taking hold of both of her son’s hands she went on, “I’ve always known about Aziza. Your father was in Paris when her husband was shot down right in front of his hotel. He took Aziza in and sheltered her until she was able to recover her sanity.”

In spite of the fact that his father saved him he was unable to quell his anger when he blurted, “I’m afraid Dad did more than shelter her Mom.” Reliving the pain of his father dying in his arms he remembered how his resentment intensified when Craig told him of his affair with Aziza. Then how before Aziza died she told him that Emmi was his child ... that she was living in Kabul with his aunt Jasmine.

These were the kinds of sins that usually went with a person to the grave, unknown to anyone outside of their own intimate circle. Chuck wished that he didn’t have to address the issue and wondered why his mother seemed to be pressing it.

Tearing his arm away from his mother’s grip he stormed to the window and stare out as he seethed. “We can’t TALK about this now Mother,” he said. He already had said too much at a time where his mother was mourning her husband’s death. She didn’t need to know about Emmi being her husband’s child. He would find some way to keep it from her so she could remember her hero as just that. In his mind his mother was the purest example of a female. He needed time to think.

“My darling son,” she said, “Both your father and I have kept too many secrets from you. But we never knew how to talk with you about them. I have to get it out now Charles. I have to get it in the open. You NEED to know.” Shaking her head she sighed, “Sit down Son. There’s so much I must tell you.”

With a huge sense of dread he walked to the bed and sat down. This is just too MUCH. At the same time he felt a sense of relief and fear that a mystery between his father and mother was going to be explained. Sitting down on the edge of the bed he buried his face in his hands.

Marvella opened the door and asked Constance, the agency nanny, to bring a bottle of scotch, two glasses and a pitcher of water. Allowing her son to drain some of his emotions she waited by the door until Constance knocked and passed the tray through it. Setting the tray on the dresser she made two scotch and waters.

Holding out a glass to him she said, “It’s difficult enough, Son, to bury a husband and a father. But we have things that must be discussed as the two adults we are. Through it all you’ll gain some useful knowledge of the difficult life your father and I have gone through. Maybe when I explain it to you you will begin to accept what I have experienced along my difficult path. Hopefully, in knowing my story you can begin to find a way to heal the hurts you have experienced with Claire and Stacy.”

With her drink in her hand she sat next to her son and began: “I’ve always loved your father Charles. Though his death is not being reported to the country the way it should be, Craig Moore is a real hero. Even though there was a period of our lives during which I had grave suspicions, your father has always treated me like his princess. I am going to miss him incredibly.” She held up her drink in a toast and sipped. Then she astounded him by saying, “I knew about Aziza and your father, Charles. I even encouraged it.”

“You mean... ?”

Holding up her hand to silence him she said, “This is not the kind of conversation most mothers would ever have with their sons, Charles. But you’re a grown man. Besides, I think you’ve always realized that we aren’t like most people.” He had always known his mother as being a stalwart person. She seemed to accept everything without tears and without complaint.

She went on, “We have to get some things out in the open that have been hanging over us for years.” She chuckled then said, “Even now Charles It’s difficult to realize that you are a grown man, that’s the problem with being a mother.”

“Oh Mom,” he sighed, “I’m so tired. My mind’s not really firing on all cylinders.” Dreading that he had to hear her out he took a deep breath and said, “But go ahead.”

She took his hands in hers and kissed them like she was begging for his forgiveness. Fixing his eyes with hers she said, “Your father and I really loved each other Charles, I mean really, really loved each other.” She sighed. “But my circumstances have always been different than those of most women. Sex has always been more than important to me Charles.” She looked at her son in a way that was like a mixture of shame and grief. “It has been necessary.”

His eyes told it all TMI; he couldn’t believe she was talking to him this way. Taking a slug from his glass he set it down while keeping his eyes riveted on hers. He was a grown man, sure but he didn’t expect this kind of conversation coming from his mother’s mouth. In stunned silence he waited for the next shoe to drop.

Confirming his silence she said, “It’s probably best that you don’t interrupt me Charles; I might get distracted from what I have to tell you. Or I might lose my courage to say what you need to hear.”

There was something in the way she was talking with him that reminded him of his estranged wife, Claire, and compelled him to comment, “But...”

“Shh,” she said touching her finger to his lips. “Just listen to your Mama baby. Why don’t you lie back on the bed hon, it might make it easier for both of us. I’ll sit in the chair.”

When they got settled in their separate places she went on. “After my breast cancer surgery I underwent chemotherapy. Everything seemed okay for about ten years. Then sex started to become painful for me. The doctor told me that the chemo drugs sent me into early menopause which caused the walls of my vagina to become thinner.”

It was strange to hear his mother talking about sex and her vagina.

“It’s not like we didn’t have sex anymore, sweetie,” she said patting his hand. “We did and it was wonderful.”

He wished she would stop talking. He wasn’t ready to hear this.

“When you love somebody as much I love ... loved your father, any expression of sex is wonderful. But your father needed sex as much as I did —all of it. It’s different for a man though Charles, as you well know.”

She got up, refreshed her drink, making another for him and went back to the chair. “Your father took care of Aziza when her husband was assassinated. He took care of her just like he would have taken care of our Emmy (their special needs child who died in her teens) had she been in similar circumstances.”

The distant memory of his little sister flashed through his mind.

“I never met Aziza but he talked about her so lovingly ... said that she was such a sweet and loving woman.” It was a rare occasion for tears that welled in her eyes. “I saw in Aziza a way to satisfy the man who had gone the extra mile to satisfy me sexually, even though I couldn’t totally satisfy him.” She smiled, grasped Chuck’s wrist and shook it. “I knew he could help make a grieving young woman happy. Can you understand Son?”

Chuck ached for his mother for sharing such personal, intimate information. He also ached for himself as he thought, can she possibly know about Emmi?

Once again she answered his thoughts. “Your father told me that he knew you and Aziza were in love with one another.” She saw the amazement on his face and grimaced. “Come now Charles,” she chided, The Company is in the business of spying,” then shrugged her shoulders. “He wasn’t supposed to tell me that but...”

“But... ?”

“I could tell by how much Emmi looks like your sister, she is actually.” With a pained smile she went on, “She’s the girl-child he longed for since your sister Emmy’s death. That was easy for me to figure out.”

“But he didn’t know that until Aziza told him. It was the last thing she told him before she died.” Overcome with emotion he stifled his tears, breathing heavily to keep them from spilling. He told me, Mom. It was the last words he spoke to me. How could you POSSIBLY have known?”

“I knew she couldn’t be your child, Charles” she answered with a smile. “Though she is darker complected and has brown eyes she looks so much like your sister.”

Taking three deep breaths he went on, “Oh God Mother! I loved Aziza so much. And she DIED. Then, as my father lay dying in my arms he told me that he was the father of her CHILD” Covering his face with his hands he gasped, “For Christ’s sake Mom, how much more does anybody expect me to take?”

There was so much more that Marvella had to tell but she realized that this just wasn’t the time. It would have to wait until he was ready to come to grips with reality ... back home. “Why don’t you take a shower Charles? We’ll have time to talk when we get back home.”

It was a hero’s funeral: A horse, with an empty saddle and backwards boot in the stirrup, being led by a Marine. The Marine band was behind the horse, followed by a small entourage of mourners, including the Vice President of the United States. After the body was interred Chuck, his mother Marvella, Claire and Stacy were walking back to black limo that was waiting below the grave. A cordon of newsmen and photographers had formed between them and the car. One of the reporters approached ahead of the others and asked, “Is it true there is a child?”

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Is there anyone else who fucked a woman and will never tell anyone else about it?My friend, Travis and I had been running out 10 K run as we normally do every other day. We biked and swam too, so our goal was to be competing in Iron Man races.It was early Friday evening and we got back to his house drenched in sweat. His parents had a big house with a swimming pool and gym in the basement of the house. They also had a sauna and a hot tub outside. Our legs were really sore so we jumped in the...

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The Woman Next Door

Bill and Rose were sitting watching television. Rose sat on the floor between Bill's legs; Bill's hands were mechanically stroking and lifting Rose's large tits making her smile and squirm, pushing her back against his cock. That didn't seem to be having any effect on Bill.But it did have on Barry, the little boy from next door, who was spending the night with Bill and Rose. He was supposed to be watching the television but was taking sly, furtive glances at what Bill was doing to Rose's tits....

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One Night One Soul

Friday MorningThe heat was almost unbearable but that’s why I had come to Ibiza. I had left rainy London behind and with nothing more than my three piece suit I had taken a taxi to the airport and bought a last minute ticket to the island. While waiting for my flight to board I went online and booked a hotel room, I am a kind of last minute guy, I suppose.The flight was uneventful and I had arrived the previous night around midnight. The airport was humming with people and after a short wait I...

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Most exciting night of my life Part 4

When I get back on the bed with the two glasses, she takes my cock in her hands and begins to stroke it as she moves her body to me. Her legs cross my thighs and her snatch touches my cock. She feels it jumping with excitement. As I hold the two glasses, she moves her hand pushing the skin on my cock back making my dick longer yet! The head of my cock is now directly against her cunt hole. With a easy thrust of her hips, she moves her body up further on my thighs and the head of my cock slides...

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The Femchurian Candidate

It was a month before the election and I had a seven point lead in the polls. My conservative opponent didn't even seem to be trying to get out the vote. Many of the voters were energized by my message of bipartisanship and consensus-building. My opponent was a bronzed trust funder named Levi Rush who had great hair and who I had known in law school. He just repeated old conservative talking points about god and family, backed by the usual rich business interests. Still seven...

2 years ago
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The Love Of Family

Prologue As Cathy lay on her bed, gently sliding the vibrator in and out of her wet cunt, the sounds emanating from the bedroom next to hers set her mind racing with memories. In there her father and youngest daughter were happily fucking, enjoying the love only a true family can share. Her mind went back 18 years to ………………………….. Chapter 1 – Earlier Times Just after her twelfth birthday she had heard her dad in his room. She crept over the landing and listened closely. His breathing...

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My First Sex Experience With A Married Lady

Hello Everyone. I am Sameer Ahmed, age 25 living in Hyderabad, doing a job as a design engineer. This is a story as to how I lost my virginity recently to Sumaiya, my neighbor. Sumaiya was a married woman who stayed diagonally opposite to my PG. She also used to work in a BPO and used to work the 2pm-11pm shift. As we stayed in a very conservative area, most of the women wear a burqa and walk around. Even Sumaiya did the same. She used to wear a burqa and go in a cab and later removed it in...

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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 1 MomChapter 5 Mom July 2nd 2011

My mother started to complain the second we were safely back inside our room. Of course I wasn't going to let her get away with that! "You loved it," I scoffed at her first words. "I did not!" "And no wonder, you were the most beautiful woman on the ride or on the beach." "I was not." "Admit it. It was fun." "It wasn't!" "You loved all the attention." We both had and we both knew it. There is something almost inexplicably exciting about showing yourself publicly after...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 37

The house wouldn’t look odd at all in the suburb of an American city. In a suburb of Paris, it did. As would the others around it. Three story clapboard with a garage part of its structure. Joe rented a Citroen, and had the limo driver, who had been approved by those that had given them the information about the place, drive them to the location. A limousine would be far too obvious in the neighborhood. The house’s owners didn’t need that. They had waited for the car’s arrival and opened the...

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inside of her pt4

i replied to my mom that i was trying to get back to the bathroom to grab my towel, she looked at me like i was lying to her , she asked why i had not been to work? and why didnt i answer when she sent the police over? i was baffled i didnt know what to say every thing that had been going on flashed before my eyes when she was asking me these things. i finally replied i didnt know i told her that i had not been filling to well so i had to call off , for a month she replied SHE YELLED LETS GO!...

1 year ago
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Kaise Mai Apne Dost Ki Wife Bana

Mai engineering kar rha hu abhi aur ye mera 4th year hai. Aur first yr se he mai apne room mate jo baad me mera husband bann gya us k sath rah rha hu, uski biwi bann kr. Mai apne husband k liye khana banata hu, us k kapde dhota hu, har wo kaam krta hu jo ek biwi krti hai. Baat tab ki hai jab mai first year me apne college hostel aya tha. Hostel me mujhe ek kamra diya gaya wo kamra double bed wala tha.Aur mera hubby yani vicky mujhe as a room mate mila. Suru suru me hum kam bate krte the wo...

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Saga 2 The Lesbian Encounter 8211 Sravya8217s Tale

Hie all, This is Sravya penning down my experience for the first time is ISS. Lemme give you a brief introduction about me. I’m what many people like to call a bitch, and beware I’m not a slut(if you know the diff). I’m actually from Hyderabad but studying in Vizag and let’s keep the rest of my personals in private. This is a pure fiction and none of this ever happened. So, tagging again. I AM THE SLUT,aiming to raise your dicks(well, at least one) with the story. This is about a 22 yo girl(...

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The Case Files of Cindy Masters Dyke DetectiveThis Episode A Chance EncounterPart 1

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part One by Trapper Jock McIntyre Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I was sitting in my office trying to figure out how to get lipstick stains out of a silk tie, or preferably onto one, when I heard the clickity-clack of high heels coming down the hallway toward my door. I looked up to see a silhouette through the frosted glass that...

4 years ago
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The Teddy Text Trouble

She was at home waiting for HIM to come home from work. She was wearing a new lace teddy that hugged her curves just right. It showed off her ample breasts, hugged her tight waist and well lose across her hips, showing her ass when she moved the slightest bit. She knew she was supposed to leave him alone when he was at work. His job was very important and he had to focus, but she was lonely, bored, and horny home alone. She sauntered into the bedroom and admired herself in the full-length...

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The Gray Dove Ch 03

Even before he opened his eyes, Luke Morgan knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’d died and gone to heaven. After six weeks on a cattle drive, eating dust and sleeping in a bedroll at night, he realized that his belly was full and he was lying in a soft bed on top of the woman who had occupied his thoughts for the last four years, with his head pillowed on her warm, inviting breasts. Life could not possibly get any better. Raising his head, he smiled as his eyes took in her face. He...

2 years ago
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Slave to My EX GF and Husband

I awoke early Tuesday morning to my phone ringing a number that was unknown to me, wondering who could be calling at such an early time. Hesitantly answering, I heard a seemingly familiar female voice saying, "Hello stud, what are you up to today?"My god, it was Mandy, wife of the man who had recently turned me into his most eager cock whore. After telling me she got my number from her husband, she dropped a bomb that caught me completely off-guard!She told me that she knew all about Bill's...

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An employment change Chapter 4

Lisa reports to the secretary, Ellen, who she now knows is her bosses wife. She is also aware that Ellen is against Barry having her as an escort for his business clients. She finds Ellen somewhat frosty to say the least. Lisa, in her forthright way, tries to put her point of view. “I am employed to take care of your husband’s clients” Lisa says protesting Ellen obvious dislike of her and her role. “Listen Lisa I object to Barry employing a prostitute. Simple as that”. Lisa just smiles “I...

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My Cuckold Sissy Fantasy

OK, So here is my fantasy:I am 48-year-old man in good condition and I am married to a wonderful sexy woman who is 43 years old. Sex has always permeated my life with strong undertones of dominance and submission from as early on even before puberty. While I struggled with my sexual explorations I remember trying on my mother’s panties and spanking myself with various objects. I would be submissive then I would do my best to fight those submissive tendency’s and become the domain man I thought...

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The Lesbian Card

Shortly after graduating college, I had a co-worker friend ( Jen ) that we would hook up on occasion. Just because we were single. Jen was by no means a "hottie". She was stocky, small breasts that were dwarfed by her large belly, had short thick thighs, muscular calves, but did have a nice round shaped butt. She always wore conservative professional clothing at work and never flirted or said anything not politically correct in the workplace. Jen had a reputation for being kind of stuck up, not...

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Private Selvaggia Francesca Di Caprio Anal Threesome

In Private Gold, Erasmus Orgasmus 2, Selvaggia’s stay has come to an end, but this girl has just one more thing on her mind, she wants to go out with bang, literally! She has been lusting over the well-endowed stud Chris Diamond and finally gets her wish when she is joined by the saucy Francesca di Caprio for a fantastic threesome. Selvaggia kicks things off with some deepthroat before inviting Francesca in and they take turns drooling over that cock. These teens then get down and enjoy a good...

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The OutsiderChapter 6

Jenny cornered Brock before school on Monday morning. “What’s all this shit about?” she demanded. Brock looked at her with a bored expression on his face. “You’ll have to be a little more specific,” he said. “I have a lot going on right now and your little dramas are far down on my list.” Jenny’s face turned crimson. “Fine, I’ll be specific,” he snarled. “What is that shit with you threatening to beat up my date? What is that shit with telling my mom and sister your big secret but...

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Forcefully Fucked My Girlfriend In Her Bedroom

Hello everyone , this is my first story. I am a big fan of iss, so I decided to share my experience also. I am raj from lucknow. This incident was , when I was 18 years old. I was in 12th. In my class I met sakshi, (she have 32 figure but her ass was big) which become my good friend. We use to talk daily on phone a lot. Sometimes whole night. One day she propose me on valentine day and I accepted. We were very happy. Sakshi’s mother and father was a bank employee and her younger brother was in...

4 years ago
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Rio Grande Games Part 2

Rio Grande Part 2 In Part 1, I was fucked by a couple of bisexual students and left with just a pair of boxers and my shoes after a rather intense session. My friend Jim and I plot to play a trick on them in return. Unlike some of the first part, this really is wishful thinking! The idea that Jim had planted about playing a trick in return on Jo and Pat had been at the back of my mind for a couple of days now. Part of the planning was to try to find where they were in a wilderness of over...

2 years ago
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Three Pathan Story 8211 Part III

Part II of my story: Phir mein ney Nawaz Khan sey kahi theekh hai abb mein Fuck kerna shoorooh kerdoon abb tau dard khatum hoogaya hooga. Nawaz Khan ney chupkey sey kaha aap ney tau meri Gaand poori tarah sey pharh dee abb kuch aaram hai abb appp fuck kerna shoorooh kerdein nahin tau Mohsin nay utth jaye aur who mujhey fucking kerte huwey na deikhley mein ney kaha. Mohsin koo chooroo who tau gahree neend sooraha hai usey kuch pata nahee key mein thumey fuck ker raha hoon Phir mein ney khoob...

Gay Male
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Best day at work ever? Close to it anyways. My business takes me to the lovely bowels of Detroit, Michigan several times a week. I park in a private structure where maybe my precious car will be unharmed while i run here and there. As fancy as the outside of this building looks, the inside lacks security, employs slackers, has minimal lighting and head clearance issues for someone my height.. (6'7"US) i.e. low hanging pipes and exit signs. The corner 4 spaces i lease are deep within the...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 86

Not only did Jere Joe and Jonny Bill ride to the Cheyenne village to get extra horses from their grandfather. They requested their grandfather send thirteen of his finest fillies. The two brothers met Eli and the men out on the trail with the horses so they wouldn’t lose time on their way to Little Tree. When Eli saw the Cheyenne brothers already on the trail ahead with the thirteen horses, he waved to the Mexican vaqueros and pointed to the horses. The four young Mexicans raced ahead to...

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Widowed Mom And Her Son

This story is the life of a young widowed mom and her adolescent son. Read the story as if you’re Sulav and your mom is Nisha. Enjoy it. At the early age of 27. When just her son Sulav was 7 years old. Nisha lost her husband in a plane crash. Rajesh, her husband used to work in a multinational company where he had a huge salary. But now after his death, Nisha had to work herself to raise her family. Being a widow at a tender age, lots of men used to prey on her beautiful body. Many lusted on...

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HelpChapter 6

As soon as mom and Patty had pulled out, Karen gave me a five alarm kiss. It certainly got my attention. It got little Ed's attention as well. "You know we don't have to do this today," Karen said. "If you're upset about your dad, we can wait until another time." I gave her a kiss that was just as hot as the one she had given me. "Does that seem like I want to wait?" I asked. Karen giggled, then wiggled her butt on my erection. "No, and neither does that." We kissed and caressed...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 16 Monday March 7 While The Cats Away

It was after bowling and I was lying on my bed awake with my eyes closed waiting for the next vision to start. They were so regular now they were becoming a constant part of my life. Beside me Anne was asleep, a state of affairs that was definitely unusual considering how randy she was feeling earlier in the evening. It seemed to me that only one person could be responsible for that state of affairs. 'Naturally! And don't worry she won't wake up until we're finished. Better for both of...

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Undercover RoseChapter 63

I stopped for lunch on the way to pick up the bike. When I got there the welding shop owner met me at the car. "As I said on the phone, I made a few changes to make it even more sturdy," he said. "I also made the trailer easier to remove if you want to store them separately," he informed me. I sat on the bike and saw that it was easier to recover than I expected. I could actually sit on it with my feet on the pedals without it leaning. "I have to admit that I like it," I said. "So...

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New rules 4

The month was almost over. Fred was in San Francisco and would be boarding his flight home in a few hours. We were talking on Skype again. “Fred,” I said, “I'm really looking forward to having you home.” “I'm relieved to hear you say that. After all the wild sex that you have been having I wasn't sure that you would welcome me back.” “You're still the man that I love, Fred. I look forward to having your magnificent cock inside me soon. I also look forward to sharing with you some...

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