Furnished RoomChapter 8 free porn video

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When Craig Moore, Chuck’s father, was recruited by “The Company” he was a major in the Marine Corps serving in Viet Nam. When he became Brigadier General people started referring to him as “the General” as if he were a generic entity. Even his superiors began referring to him in this way. The military officers who had recommended the young officer to the espionage agency said that the he could have been the author of book written by Machiavelli. “But,” one of his colleagues said, “he would have been more complete and his concepts would have been much more devious.” One of his favorite sayings was, “When it comes to security assure your future by covering your ass in advance.”

Like all “spooks”(Dark Ops Operatives) Moore was paranoid. For him there were shadows everywhere and every shadow had meaning. He had always been passionate about recognizing shadows even before they were cast. Since he was involved in the undercover business Craig Moore was obsessed with the safety of his family. His capture was always a threat and members of his family could also be used to embarrass the nation which would have been a disaster for The Company. To that end, when Marvella had surgery for uterine cancer he instructed the surgeon to implant an electronic bug in the place where her uterus had been. By the time his son Chuck was thirteen the Company had come up with a tracking device that would fit inside a molar. A company approved dentist created a cavity in one of the young Moore’s molars and implanted the bug in his tooth. Every year during his check-up the dentist “found” a cavity in the same tooth and updated the bug with a more current one.

Moore always hoped that Chuck would attend the Naval Academy and become a Marine officer. But his early marriage to Claire made the plan unsustainable. So he sent him to the University of Colorado to get a degree in engineering. Since The Company required operatives with advance degrees Chuck went on to earn a master’s degree in civil engineering and then a PHD. From the time he left the university, to nobody’s knowledge but those in security, he was in the employ of the agency. His gambling addiction was concocted to cover his surveillance of Emilio Cortez, Sarafina’s husband. Emilio, who actually had a gambling addiction, was being blackmailed by an Arab terrorist organization to provide them with government secrets.

When Emilio had been in the Air Force he held a sensitive position at North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) located deep inside Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs. The reader might remember that this facility was depicted in the movie War Games. Through his surveillance of Emilio, Chuck Moore discovered that his “friend” Emilio was on the verge of leaking information having to do with the security of Cheyenne Mountain. The same night that Chuck discovered the plot Emilio committed suicide by crashing his Lincoln Navigator into a bridge abutment on I-25.

While Charles Moore’s financial trouble was part of the cover neither Claire nor Chuck’s mother, Marvella, knew that it wasn’t a real circumstance. Marvella knew that her husband Craig was involved in a secret life but Claire had no clue about Chuck’.

Applegate Engineering, the firm Chuck worked for in Afghanistan, was a legitimate civil engineering firm. But all of the top echelon executives worked for The Company. Chuck was one of them. Unknown to him, Aziza Khan was another.

Craig Moore, “the General” was Akram Khan’s liaison. When Aziza had accompanied Khan on his fatal trip to Paris it became the General’s job to foster Mrs. Khan through her grieving period then recruit her as an asset for the agency. After Aziza’s husband had been assassinated she had not only been mentored by the General but became involved in a torrid love affair with him.

From the time Chuck suspected that his daughter Stacy was actually his father-in-law’s biological child, his wife and daughter became family in name only. He wanted to divorce Claire and disown Stacy. Because of The Company’s demands however, agency operatives had to maintain their marriages.

When the Applegate/Afghanistan assignment was offered to him Chuck resisted accepting it. But as his affair blossomed with Sarafina Cortez he became intense in his desire to expedite a divorce from Claire so he could marry Sara. When The Company continued pressuring him to take the Applegate assignment he used the divorce as a bargaining chip. The agency agreed that after he returned from his lengthy assignment in Afghanistan they would not only bless the dissolution but aid in its accomplishment.

Craig and Marvella were in their home in Colorado Springs watching a National Symphony Orchestra presentation that was being carried live from the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. It was 9:25 p.m. The video cast was interrupted by a news flash:

Five American engineers, employees of Applegate Engineering, have been taken hostage by Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan ... Details at eleven.

“I’m going downstairs,” Craig said to his wife. He had no intention of waiting for the eleven o’clock news. Though Marvella knew what was on his mind “downstairs” was off limits to her. In the basement Moore put his index finger into the optical scanner. The lock in the steel door clicked and the door sprung open.

The room, measuring eleven by six feet was little more than a cubicle. Continually awash in a red glow of LEDs it was maintained at a constant temperature of 68 degrees. A counter built at table height started three feet from the opening of the door; stretched eight feet to the end wall and turned the corner to the end of the six foot wall. On the long counter sat twelve black electronic consoles, all dotted with blinking LEDs in colors of green, red, blue and amber. In the center was a 36”x 30” computer monitor. On the end wall stretched a flat screen that measured 60”W x 48”H.

The lock clicked as the General pulled the metal door closed. He sat in front of the monitor, slid out the keyboard and punched in his codes. “Company Situations” came up on the monitor. He clicked on Current. It was on the top of the list.

[[[At 1:05HRS The Goloban Hotel sustained an attack by an as yet unknown number of terrorists believed to be Taliban\\\\\ The desk clerk said he had seen a number of women going into the housekeeping door. All were dressed in black burqas, \\\\\\ At 1:01 a call came into the switch board from rm#1016 ... the line went dead\\\\\\ A security guard was sent to the tenth floor and didn’t return. Police arrived at 1:22\\\\\ Along with the assistant manager five policemen went to the 10th floor\\\\\\In the hallway of the 10th floor the body of the security guard was found\\\\\In room 1016 two dead terrorists were found. The bridge of both of their noses had been smashed\\\\\

The General felt a sense of pride as he muttered, “He hasn’t forgotten everything I’ve taught him.

The occupant was missing\\\\\The occupants of rms 1018 and 1020 were missing\\\\\rms 1022 and 1024 were undisturbed.]]]

He entered a series of numbers. The screen at the end of the room glowed green. He typed a code on the keypad on the console. A white grid map came up on the screen. “Well,” he said in relief, “that’s something at least.”

The map was a grid of the city of Kabul within a map of Afghanistan. About fifty miles from Kabul, on the road to Jalalabad, two tiny green lights pulsed. With a welcome sense of relief the General murmured, “She’s alive too.” After her husband Akram had been assassinated in Paris Aziza Khan had not only been mentored by Craig, she was recruited by the Company to be an operative (a spy). She and Craig also became involved in a love affair. He knew that his son and Aziza had been captured with four other Applegate employees. Based on the transmissions emanating from the chips in their molars he knew they were all still alive.

He dialed a number on the secure phone, waited for someone to answer then said, “Sorry to bother you Pit.”

“You’re not, General”, the voice on the other end of the phone responded. “I was expecting your call. They’re moving towards Tora-Borah. They’ll be in Pakistan within four hours. You know what that means?”

“Yes,” Moore said, “once they’ve reached Pakistan the President won’t authorize a rescue.”

Pitt said, “I’ve already contacted the team General. They’ll all be ready to go at 1200 hours tomorrow.”

Hearing a chuckle on the line Moore said, “You know what this means, dontcha Pit?”

“Yeah General, it means the same it’s always meant. If it works no-one’ll ever know. If it doesn’t we’ll just be as fucked as we always could have been. This time though, those bastards will be holding up our severed heads for the world to see.”

The Team

Clarence Sievers joined the Marine Corps in the mid1960s. He had always been a superb athlete. At the age of 56 he was extremely fit. At 5’ 11” he weighed 195 pounds and was as solid as a rock. His dark brown hair was close cut showing gray at the sideburns. His jaw was under-slung which gave credence to his bulldog name. His craggy face highlighted an oft-broken nose that was crumpled between two piercing green eyes. For unknown reasons (some think that he had been earmarked by the Commandant of the Marine Corps for special service) he had been fast-tracked to the rank of staff sergeant. On Paris Island he served two years as a D.I. It was during this period when, because of his intense training and merciless badgering of marine recruits, he was given the name of Bulldog.

During a visit by then Major Craig Moore, who was there to look in on his special ops unit, he saw Sievers nose-to-nose with a terrified recruit, holding the petrified marine by his jumper, literally misting the young man’s face with saliva. Major Moore said, “Sievers is more than an ordinary Bulldog, he’s really a pit bull.” From that time on he became known as Pit-bull Sievers, shortened to Pit by those who knew him.

When he was deployed to Viet Nam he served under Major Moore in his special ops unit. When the war was over he joined Moore as an operative with The Company. It was during the planning of Operation Eagle Claw—the failed attempt at rescuing U.S. hostages from Iran—that both Moore and Pit Sievers begged the powers that be to not attempt the operation as a joint service operation. They both lobbied the Department of Defense to let either the Marine Corps or Delta Force undertake the attempt as a sole participant. But the President insisted that a joint attempt would move forward. Eagle Claw was such a disastrous failure that it resulted in the devastating loss of assets and life. It probably cost the Georgia born President a second term in office.

Later, when Ross Perot staged his own private successful snatch of his EDS employees the General and Pit Sievers were asked to advise in planning the successful raid.

Chief Petty Officer Cliff Whiting, a forty-six year old Navy man, was an expert working out of Camp Pendleton Marine Base at the LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushion) training operators on what is commonly known as “Hover Craft.” Though hover craft had never been used in any major military operation there were seventy of them in existence.

With the ability to move troops over both land and water The LCAC can travel at a top speed of 35 mph over water and 28 mph over land. Its main drawback is the noise it generates while operating, plus the tremendous cloud of dust it creates over land. To that end Whiting had been working with former engineers of Lockheed’s Skunk Works, to develop a stealthy Hover Craft. He supervised testing of the LCACOC, (OUTCROP) in the Mojave Desert, which emulates much of Afghanistan’s terrain.

The LCACOC was a customized hover craft that was covered to look like a desert outcropping and had stealth characteristics, which means that it couldn’t be detected by radar. Additionally, to mitigate the noise and visible dust it had skirts that touched the ground and a vacuum that sucked up the dust that it stirred up. The drawback was that it had to stop every four to five miles to jettison the collected dirt, a task that only took about three minutes. On behalf of the Company, CPO Whiting had been interfacing with the General to have the OUTCROP readied for just such a rescue attempt that was presented to them by the Goloban Hotel raid.

Lester Streeble (“Batman”), having never been in the military was folded into the Company prior to completion of his Doctorate at Cal Tech. The epitome of a pencil necked geek he was tall and skinny with a large Adam’s apple. Lester grew up as the only child of two college professors—both eggheads—who were avid spelunkers (cave explorers). On summer vacations his parents took him caving from which he got the bug at an early age. What attracted him most about caving was his fixation on bats. At the age of eleven he became fascinated with them, began studying them in their environment and reading everything he could find on them. By the time he entered college Lester was recognized as one of the leading experts in the world on Chiropterans (bats). While doing his master’s study at Cal Tech in aeronautical engineering he actually made a working, flying model of a bat that earned him a major award from the aeronautical society.

His notoriety attracted the attention of The Company. Under their auspices, working with the group who designed the Predator unmanned aircraft (drone), Lester developed an actual size working bat directed by radio control. It could be used as a surveillance camera as well having the ability to fire darts that could either kill or disable enemy soldiers using narcotics or poison. Though having very poor social skills Streeble, designated by the agency as “Batman” had inestimable value in the espionage business.

By 18:00 hours the next evening the team had been assembled, transported to Andrews Air Force Base and had loaded the equipment, including the LCACOC and a small flock of Streeble’s bat drones. The C-17 Globe Master III, painted dark gray with no markings, lifted off the Andrews runway at 19:17 (7:17 p.m.). Its destination was a 3500 ft. landing strip midway between Kabul and Jalalabad, Afghanistan. Though the team had been assembled on a hasty basis they had been involved in strategy sessions that took the positive aspects of Eagle Claw and melded them with Ross Perot’s Operation HOTFOOT (Help our two friends out of Tehran) which successfully sprung two E.D.S. employees from captivity by Ayatollah Khomeini.

The attack on Tora-Bora which attempted to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden was unsuccessful. The Company knew that the main reason for the failure was the inability to get good surveillance into the caves. After Batman had successfully tested his menagerie of bat drones, The Company had confidence that this part of the equation would take care of that obstacle.

The Plan

Under cover of darkness the hover craft would be offloaded from the Globe Master. It would travel the distance to within five miles of the cave which had been identified by GPS. The team would walk the remaining five miles and set up the BBP (Batman’s Back Pack). Just before sunrise, when the live bats were returning to the cave, Batman would send in ten of his bat drones. Once the bats were in place, hanging from the roof of the cave with the rest of native the bats, they could surveil the cave and take out the bad guys with treated darts, after which the team would move in to rescue the hostages. A large helicopter would rendezvous outside the cave and they will escape under cover of darkness.

The weather was good. It was clear with a new moon which would allow the hover craft to move through the desert with a minimal chance of visual contact from the enemy. The C-17 landed without incident, the equipment being unloaded within seventeen minutes of the plane coming to a stop. The cave would be five hours distant. Only five miles from the cave both Chuck’s and Aziza’s electronic implants still flashing, they knew at least that two were alive. The implants of all five hostages were emitting strong signals. Because of the rough terrain it took three and a half hours to negotiate the final five miles on foot. Behind an outcropping of rocks fifty yards from the cave entrance that hid them from view of the cave, they set up their attack base.

At 2:37 am Batman had his “Bat Pack” operational, the bats hanging from a titanium Tee. They would be operated by a laptop with a gaming control. Though each member of the team was equipped with night vision goggles they awaited the harbinger of sunrise, when the native bats would be returning to the cave.

Just before dawn with an ambient glow in the east they heard the returning bats before actually seeing them, their flapping of wings sounding like soft applause. Releasing the first bat Streeble fine-tuned the bat cam. When it entered the cave he directed the drone around the chamber before finding a spot where it would hang upside down and roost. As it flew around the large grotto it sent back images of the sleeping hostages and their captors. There were six captives, 5 men and one woman. The woman was resting against one of the men. Each was clad in a black burqa, their hands bound behind their backs with plastic ties. There were two guards sitting cross-legged with AK47s in their laps. Seven other men, all wearing black Taliban turbans, were sleeping around what appeared to be a wood burning heater made of pottery. Batman parked the drone on a roost in the middle of the cave. He reported the layout to Pitt and the General.

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Sophies Summer Holiday

Today the girl sat at the seat in front of Julia, who watched as the routine continued – the girl shuffled the skirt of her school uniform up an inch or two, so that she displayed just a little more black nylon-encased leg, and ran her fingers through the long dark ringlets of her hair, tousling and teasing them into what she obviously hoped was a more street-wise and sexy look. Julia smiled to herself, all the girl’s actions reminded her so much of herself as a schoolgirl twenty years...

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The Way of WarChapter 24

The pretty WRNS secretary admitted him into Silverman’s office where he was sitting behind his desk in naval whites. He came from around the desk with his hand extended, “Captain Ramage, thank you for coming”. He indicated for Shaun to pull up a chair. Once Shaun was seated, he began. “When I couldn’t reach you at the flat, I guessed you would be at the hotel, hence the message.” He looked keenly at Shaun, “You intend to return to the Oasis?” Shaun nodded. Silverman nodded slowly, “I thought...

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Mardi Gras Slut

I love going to Mardi Gras in New Orleans with my husband. We are both white,41 years old and straight. I'm 38DD-31-39,with long,dark brown hair,green eyes,and as my husband puts it,a pile driving ass. Also,I'm a slut whore for long,thick,black cock.And I always find all I can handle in the Crescent City. This year I went alone as my husband had some business overseas. Well,I almost called this trip off,but reluctantly agreed and took my diaphram along because I was expected to be at my most...

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Dr Visit

I turned 50 and the Dr. called and said I needed to make an appointment for my birthday physical. Well my birthday fell on a Friday and my appointment was the doctors last one of the day. I was sitting in the waiting room and saw all the employees left the office. I asked the last one exiting if I had been forgotten? She laugh and said no, then she said that I was the last one of the day and that the doctor was running just a few minutes lat. I thanked her as she was walking out the door. About...

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The Red Fang Ch 3 Pt 1

Introduction: When in Rome….. I would like to once again remind readers that I put tags on these parts according to what the themes are of the OVERALL story line, not individual parts. For those who are registered users of XN, please feel free to vote for this story if you enjoyed it. If you are following this saga then you may want to bookmark the page so you can keep check for new parts as they are posted. As always I would like to thank everyone who has given this story a chance by reading...

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Two StrikesChapter 10

It didn't take Paul Sr. very long to decide that his son had excellent taste in lady lawyers. Their early dinner Friday evening was lively with a four-way running conversation, designed to acquaint Lois with Elias family history, and to provide Paul's parents with a detailed portrait of Lois and her family. The Elias parents had a lot of questions. Although it soon became clear that, economically at least, the Silverthorn family was a couple of worlds away from the folks Paul had grown up...

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The Devils Pact Side Story Rachels Honeymoon Part 4Sunday

Introduction: Rachel is torn between returning to her husband, Jacob, and running off with Leah, the vivacious blonde Rachel has fallen in love with. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 4-Sunday Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. I was kissing Leah as a group of men cheered us on. We were in some loft with some of the guys from the club. We had partied with...

1 year ago
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Madam MILF

The message in my mail was pretty simple. One picture and some text. The picture was a woman’s ass as she was bending forward away from the camera. Her spandex shorts riding up a bit to show her cheeks. I could not see her face."This could be the ass you worship. Interested?" was the only text in the message. It was sent from MadameMILF.Naturally I replied. "Yes, please."I anxiously waited for a reply, which took two weeks to arrive."You're polite, that's nice. I need someone to worship my ass....

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Ranmas Boyfriend

Sanity...it was truly a word that didn't apply in the district of Nerima. There could never be any concept of peace in the place just as long as a certain pair of teenagers fought over their unwanted engagement. But this story in particular, though, is about ANOTHER certain set of people. Now this couple, however, was entirely one-sided; not to mention the one that was in love with the other was a half deluded moron that believed that he could tame any girl's heart with his much lacking...

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LoveHerFeet Natasha Starr Lick My Wifey Feet

Sliding off her smooth white sandals that fit that sweet, soft sole just right, Natasha slips into something more comfortable after she gabs with her husband’s work partner on the living room couch. She goes into the bathroom, getting up on her tiptoes as she slides back and forth on the edges of her sexy feet, stripping down to just a matching black bra and panty set. Her glittery bra cups her gorgeous tits as she bounces back and forth seductively in front of the mirror for her husband’s...

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Surprised Touch At Cinema

It was Sunday after noon. I used to get a nap after lunch on holidays due to busy schedule of the weekdays at the working place. Washing cloths and cleaning the room were done in morning. Therefore, I could get a rest in evening. My daily routings were typical because I lived in a rented room alone close to the working place. Once in a month, I went to see my parents who lived far away from the town. One Sunday, as usual when I was sleeping, the ringing tone of my hand phone woke up me. It was...

1 year ago
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Michelle and Jeri Part 4

Michelle and Jeri, Part 4 I stumbled out of bed and decided to make Jeri breakfast. I brought a tray with fresh coffee, juice, scrambled eggs and bacon into his bedroom where he was passed out on top of the covers, spread eagled and naked. I licked my lips at the sight of his hairless, muscular body and perfect ass. I had come a long way incredibly quickly but here I was, wearing a little apron carrying breakfast into the bedroom for my lover, a large, powerfully built man. "Knock...

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The aftermath0

"So was I good at that?" Jason asked. "Hell that was the best I've had." I said, "Never had a lass that managed to get the whole thing in." "Ha! Thanks." he replied "You're not half bad neither for a straight guy." I laughed. I was getting turned on again by the video. I turned to see that Jason was already rock hard. He grinned, looking slightly embarrassed. I went and sat next to him, and he sat up. Absent-mindedly I started to jack him off as I watched the computer...

3 years ago
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New Experiences

I had never considered having sex with another man before. It had crossed my mind but I always came to the conclusion that it would not be for me. Then one day---- I was riding my motorcycle down the road, happy as can be when the urge to find a restroom came upon me. The two lane highway in Alabama I was on had a rest area not too far ahead and I sped up to get to it. Fortunately it was right where I thought it was and I parked and got to the restroom. It was not a modern rest area like you...

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Extreme oral session

This is a story my Friend Amy ( name changed for privacy) wrote to me telling me her fantasy that she has about me. Her and I are always pushing each others limits to see where we can go. “Amy” I hear you say. “Amy, come on” as you grab my hand and pull me along. I feel my heel catch on the carpet as I try to keep up with your long strides. I sneak a peek at your crotch and I see your pants are bulging out. My mind races and my forehead begins to sweat as I try to hurry. My eyes move over...

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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 1

John Derek was looking for a new movie for his beautiful young wife, the ravishing Bo Derek. He needed something to show off her beautiful body to the world once more. Ever since she was first presented to the world in her first movie, '10', Bo Derek had been the source of many fantasies for thousands of men. And a fair share of the woman population as well, I would suspect. Her chiseled features and firm body was a rare find indeed, even in the world of movie stars. Yes, Bo Derek is a...

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Patrick and RachelChapter 1

It was nearly the end of term. Rachel and I were sitting in the yard. Our dads were at their offices and our mums had taken Sarah and Al to get new shoes. We were reading. I had Maiwa's Revenge and she was into Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence. African Zulus and Australian Aborigines. It was hot, over 30C, but Dad had said he was hoping the "Fremantle Doctor" would arrive in the late afternoon. (The Fremantle Doctor is a cooling wind that comes to Perth from the southwest.) We've had very...

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With My Nephew Had Sex

Hi, My name is subha, I am 34 years old. I lost my husband When I was 30. I am extremely good looking and very sexy even at this age. I have maintained a tight body and terrific figure as I have not been touched for last 2 years. I have fair complexion with reddish cheeks. I am about 5’10″ with 40-28 -42 size body.But only thing was that had no children. I wear light colored transparent sarees with blouse. I tie the sari much below the navel and when I go out like this, people watch my boobs...

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One night at the Club

It was Charles and Anns first time at the swingers club and both were a little nervous and at the same time excited. After filling out some paperwork for the membership, one of the hosts took them on a tour of the establishment. There they were shown the different types of rooms and areas of the club. Charles was a little set back by the amount of rooms they had. One room was the Domination Room. The room was designed to look like a medieval dungeon, where the was a leather table with a four...

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Janey and the Wildcats Part Three conclusion

Janey and the Wildcats - Part 3 (Conclusion) The following morning I woke with my head nestled in the crook of Mick's arm. He was snoring softly, a sheen of dry, iridescent matter, like a butterfly's wing, coated his lower lip; his dark hair, loosed from its ponytail, was splayed over his pillow. I though he looked achingly cute. I rose carefully so as not to wake him, and removed by bra and panties, replacing them with clean ones, then put on the same outfit I had on the night...

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The Sight Pt 01

PROLOGUE…. ‘They say that in every generation there is a child born unto the world with the ability to foresee the future. Not ‘THE FUTURE’ but a possibility of one that might happen if the path of man stays on course. They call it, THE SIGHT. ‘Destiny is part of that, we are all given a chance to prove ourselves, to lay in a course and let the wind guide us. However, things change, and change is what creates new futures, and new possibilities,’ the man said in front of the class of over a...

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Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 14

It was obvious she’d done this before. Obvious. It was also obvious it had been for shithead Rodney before he knocked her up. I tried not to think about that and concentrated on how very good she was at it. She explored my penis almost eagerly and handled it as if she’d found a new favorite thing to fondle. I lay back with my head on the backrest of the couch and groaned. Not only was she good at it, she could tell when I got close. I felt her tense up and stop, freezing as if she was afraid...

1 year ago
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Inside me Ch4

I was quietly reading my book on the recliner in the living room. Ean was off probably in his room. It was the summer, quiet, lots of free time. Mom was at work. Dad was still in the hospital. He was getting better. That’s all I knew. I was a year over a decade old though. Adults like to lie to children.  My peaceful reading was disturbingly enough interrupted by the phone ringing in the kitchen behind me. By the end of the first ring, Ean was bouncing from his room. Probably expecting a call...

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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 3

She said, "As you have seen, I'm not a poor grad student. I am a grad student though. I'm working on a doctorate in English Literature. My dissertation will be on images of New Testament Christianity in the Lord of the Rings trilogy." "Wow! That's not a small subject." "Let me finish." She hadn't released my arm with her hand nor my hand with her other one. "I've been pursued; usually for my body or for Dad's money. The first is not too surprising. I'm not stupid. I'm...

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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 8

It's early about 8:00 I wake up to the sun just peering through the bedroom window. I turn over and see Holly isn't there. I leave the room in my boxers and walk to the bathroom where I see Holly leaning over the sink washing her hands. She's wearing a bright red vest top, that's tight around her body and pink panties. Even if im not fully awake my cock sure is. She looks at me in the mirror and smiles at me as she says good morning. "morning." I say as I walk up behind her and place my...

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One For The Team Chapter Five

Chapter Five - The Cottage May 1986 Detective Sergeant Archie Sanders and his partner Detective Constable Sandra Tingle had stopped at a layby on the A12 near Mountnessing and were drinking tea purchased from the take away food van and smoking cigarettes. "This is the worst cup of tea I think I've ever had," Archie Sanders poured most of his drink onto the cracked asphalt. "Shouldn't we get a wriggle on Archie?" Sandra Tingle tossed her styrofoam cup into an overflowing...

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The Snow Maid 1

This, he thought, will have to go. There was no sign of a safety razor anywhere in the room, but he did turn up an old straight razor, still sharp. Coating his face with the soft soap from the tub, he lathered his whiskers, then carefully shaved, scr****g his face clean.When he was finished, he examined his face, startled to see a reflection that reminded him of how he had looked in college, before a sedentary lifestyle as a weatherman had put too many pounds around his waist. His hand dropped...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 11 Trade for the Cat

"Mother Liss, do you have some hard drink about? I need to calm the girls down and get them to bed." And I add hopefully, "and maybe a few real beds for the night?" "Oh for goodness sake girls, you just stop that catawaullin'." Liss chides them. I share a look of exasperation with the Protectors. "I'll get it." Howle says heading out of the room. He comes back in a moment, carrying a stone crock and some little bowls. He opens the crock and splashes some clear liquid into the...

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Two Mothers With Benefits

Hi, my name is Kim. I thought that you might like to hear about a recent encounter that I had. I just love a good, hard, sweaty work out. At 5- feet, 10-inches tall, and 140 pounds, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, I have what is called by my dates a "Smokin’ Hot" body. Not too bad for 41 years old and three kids. You see, I am a HOTWIFE. My husband is my Cuckold, he allows me to date other men freely and bring them home, if I wish to fuck them our own bed, or stay out with them and spend...

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High School Reuinion

I was on my way home from work stopped to pick up the mail to find an invitation to my high school reunion. That night I talk to my husband about how I would like to go and he was all for me going, he said he would stay home with the k**s. I booked my flight, hotel. I was looking forward to seeing old friends.Back in high school I was quite popular, I played on different sports teams. I was a tall blond bigger girl not fat, athletic. I had a few different boyfriends all white, my Dad would not...

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