Furnished RoomChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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Though Chuck was shocked by his mother telling him of her incestual past and the desire she had had for him sexually he had been turned on more than he could have imagined. Though he didn’t consider her “elderly” he had thought that she was a woman whose sexual fires had long been quelled. Prior to their time in the car he had no way of knowing that his mother had similar sexual feelings to a younger woman. His feelings for her were something he had struggled with since puberty. What had just happened at Lovers Overlook, though at first shocking was so compelling that he not only willing allowed it but wantonly enjoyed it.
She had talked about anal sex, something he was still not totally comfortable with. But, based on the dreamy way she had sucked him for well over a half-hour, he felt she could make anal as much an adventure as she had the fabulous fellatio she had just lavished on him. Jesus, he thought, how can any son think about fucking his mother in the ass?
One thing he did know though, it wouldn’t be long before he would be exploring more sex with the mother he always thought so pure. I love my mother, he thought, but I never really thought I would love her in this way. Shaking his head at the thought he considered, I guess you’re never too old to enjoy sex.
As tired as he was sleep was out of the question, at least for the time being. The thick envelope in his hand caused him to wonder what kind of a saga his father had written. Tearing off end of the envelope he slid out the folded sheets of typed paper and opened the letter.
My dearest son,
Life is such that one can do hurtful things before there is time left to right wrongs that might have been committed. In my case it has caught up with me. I just hope that I have enough time little to explain myself and, hopefully make amends. If I am not able to explain myself personally perhaps I can at least make an attempt to repair some of the damage I might have done to you by way of this letter.
Why a letter? During a routine physical my doctor found something for which he ordered immediate tests. The follow-up, including second and third opinions, left no doubt that I have at best less than a few months to live. As I write I don’t know if we will ever see each other again. And here I find myself wishing there were something I could do to prove my love for you.
Something he could do, Charles thought, as if flying around the world and saving my life while losing his wasn’t enough. He thought of the difficult time growing up with the military martinet and how intimidated he had been so many times. He treated me roughshod in so many things but I knew he loved me.
So many times Son I have regretted being such a stern taskmaster. But knowing how you had inherited so much of your mother’s kindness I felt it necessary to harden some of these traits. In some cases I succeeded. In others I failed. But before I get into those I must tackle an issue that pains me to even speak of.I know that you are having an affair with Aziza Khan. In my opinion there are few women who are of such high caliber. As to how I know about it pains me to elaborate. I don’t think I have to tell you about how keen the eyes and ears of the Company are. What I am about to tell you may seem impossible to you. To some it might even seem like a Greek tragedy. In truth I would like to hide form it. But my circumstances provide me with little leeway.
When Aziza’s husband was assassinated in Paris he was coming to see me. It happened outside the Company apartment. She was with him. During this terrible period in her life I took her in and supported her through her period of grieving. Your mother knew about it; she will probably tell you. And before the young woman went back to Afghanistan we had an affair.
Your mother and I have a unique relationship that few would understand. She actually encouraged me to pursue Aziza. In her words it was “to keep the predators away from a vulnerable young widow.” I feel terrible telling you this Chuck, particularly since you and Aziza are now involved. But it happened and I would rather you find out directly from me rather than hearing of it from someone else. If your mother tells you that will be okay, she was intimately involved in the process.
After I am gone she will probably tell you how she grew up with depravities visited upon her by her father. Your mother, like Claire, was abused by her father. Unlike Claire Marvella’s abuse was localized to her father and a few of his friends, including Claire’s father. Claire, on the other hand, was farmed out to many. I didn’t know of Claire’s abuse until your mother filled me in. I was amazed that it went back to the time she was just a child. It takes someone who has been steeped in that kind of lifestyle to recognize a fellow traveler. Your mother has been good for Claire, Chuck. She has proven to me that Claire is a much stronger woman than she. I admire Claire greatly and love her equally as well. Being brutally honest Chuck, in the past I have been greatly disappointed in how you have handled this. But now I take responsibility for the misunderstandings.
Because of my own experiences I should have been a better father and advisor to you than I have been. Your mother will no doubt say the same thing about herself. But both of us really felt that you would do the right thing in the long run. Unfortunately for everybody involved, including yourself, your harshness in this regard has been inherited from me. In this I beg your forgiveness.
Chuck was thought back to his senior year in high school. Claire was a popular girl. He was shy, nerdish and very insecure. He remembered fantasizing about this special girl. Though she had been in many of his dreams, both wet and dry, he considered her out of his league. When Claire Barr started flirting with him he didn’t know what changed or why. But he was flattered that she was doing it. It was she who asked him to take her out. Over a period of time she was the one who introduced him to sex with a real person and he was in heaven. Then she got pregnant. Though shocking and life changing, it was still exciting. They never talked about an abortion. Claire was eager for him to marry her and he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life.
To his surprise his father and mother encouraged the marriage. Claire’s father didn’t. But after his own father had a talk with him Claire’s dad made a rapid turnaround to support them. Just before Claire and Chuck got married, Stu Barr did the most extraordinary thing; he turned over the title to his Denver house to Chuck and Claire as a wedding present. Then he married Erline, a casino dancer, and moved to Las Vegas.
When Stacy was born Chuck became a doting father until, when she two years old, Chuck’s cousin told him stories about Claire and her father. This happened at a family reunion. He told her that Stacy was actually Stu Barr’s child. From that time on Chuck began distancing himself from both his wife and child, tolerating Claire but virtually ignoring Stacy.
Your mother and I were both relieved and overjoyed that you married Claire. I can’t fully explain to you how I knew of the young woman’s past. But your mother, because of her understanding of incestual abuse, had much to do with it. It was like she had antennae for that kind of thing. Your mother’s father was a pervert. Stu Barr was even worse. When you and Claire married I made it plain to him that if he wanted to go on living he had to deed his house over to you and Claire then leave town.When Stacy was born we were thrilled at what a doting father you were. Something happened along the way though—I don’t know what. But I have an idea that someone in the family told you that Stacy might have been Stu Barr’s child—I had questions about that too. When you were born I had thoughts that you might have been Marvella’s father’s child. But as you grew I recognized many of my own traits in you and have always been convinced that you belonged to me.
Stacy inherited most of Marvella’s family’s traits. Personally I could see some of your traits in her, mainly the dimple in the same spot of her cheek when she smiled, and the way she puckered her lips and leaned her head to the right when she was puzzled or upset. Your mother and I thought you would work through you doubts, just as I did when I was beset with the same kind of doubts. We both failed in not telling you bits of our knowledge as she grew Chuck. And we were wrong.
You may wonder how I can be so sure of Stacy’s parentage. When my doctor diagnosed my disease and the prognosis was confirmed I wanted to be absolutely sure. If I had found out differently I would have taken the knowledge to my grave. But I found out that I was right and wanted you to know of the injustices she has suffered by your misinformation, and by your mother’s and my silence in the matter. As it turns out I want to do everything I can to provide you with proof to set things right. So I had Marvella get a sample of Stacy’s soiled underthings from her hamper. The Company lab did a DNA test. There is no question about it son, Stacy is YOUR child.
In retrospect Son I feel that I abused you in my own right, I should have taken a stronger position on this when I saw you distancing yourself from your child. Having been guilty of treating you similarly when, for a short time, I had doubts of your paternity. I was a person who went through the same experience with Marvella’s father. The most I can hope to accomplish Chuck is, with this knowledge you will take steps in trying to remedy the situation. I know Stacy aches to have you as a father.
When he read of his father’s proof his stomach dropped. He read it over and over again, each time feeling more nauseous until he finally had to go into the bathroom and vomit. For the next hours he relived the past and kept trying to find scenarios when he could have understood the injustice to his daughter. He replayed his cousin’s suggestion that Stacy wasn’t his child, asking himself over and over, “How could I have been so wrong and how can I make things right?“
The eighteen years of marriage to Claire, with the exception of the first couple of years, had been joyless. What he had thought was the joy of his life—Stacy—turned out to be the keystone of his failure. He wanted to divorce Claire but the Company wouldn’t give their approval. To make matters worse his father backed them up, for which Chuck resented him.
Sarafina Cortez had been right when she continually reviled him for kowtowing to the General. He had been living “in silent desperation,” hoping that Claire would get tired of him and just leave, taking her “bastard” child with her.
When Stu Barr and his second wife, Erline, returned to Denver Claire began spending time with them again. Chuck was made aware that Stu and Claire had been having sex before they were married. But his naiveté kept him in denial of further sexual activity between the two. He remembered his father making comments that he should be taking care of his wife. But because she took Stacy with her when she visited Stu and Erline he assumed that nothing would go on because the child was there. He wasn’t aware of the true extent of his father-in-law’s predatory behavior. Nor did he understand Claire’s desperate need.
Chuck’s reading of his father’s letter thus far was unsettling and tiring. He wanted to go to sleep but was too wired. He was afraid of what more he might find in his father’s letter. But he had to get through it.
After realizing that you had married an incestually damaged woman I failed you. Knowing what I did about your mother I should have made every effort to help you understand. But I thought Claire was a strong enough person to win you back. You mother never had that kind of strength. Most women who have lived in that kind of life don’t. I thought Claire did. But she didn’t have either you or me to help; she was alone. I must have expected a miracle. I don’t know what will happen between you and Aziza. As I said, in my estimation she is an incredibly fine woman. If you and Claire can’t become reconciled you couldn’t do better.As much as I have always loved Marvella I recognized early on how much she needed me. Claire is a different kind of woman. Even though she went through more depravities at the hands of her father and his “friends (including his wife Erline),” she came through it. She didn’t need you as badly as Marvella needed me. Perhaps had she shone that kind of need you would have recognized a need within yourself to be more nurturing.
I know you have gone through emotional ups and downs lately: the ongoing question about your leaving Claire, your infatuation with Sarafina Cortez, a beautiful and exciting woman in her own right and your involvement with Aziza. I only know of Ms. Cortez casually, and by reputation. I know Aziza at least as well as you. But for her complications with Immigration and the fact that she works for the Company she will be complicating factor in your life that I don’t think you need. Only you can determine whether or not the juice is worth the squeeze.
On the other hand I know Clair very well. To me she is probably the classiest and most well rounded woman I have ever known. Considering her upbringing and the complications thereof it is nothing short of miraculous. If I could relive my life, Son, I would have spoken out more forcefully before you cooled your relationship with her to such a point. Sadly, I have so little time now. I owe it to you as a beloved son to make a case for her now, but you are the one who is in position to let the chips fall where they may.
I have a confession to make son. Your mother knows about it, she figured it out by herself years ago. It was during the time I was on my second deployment to Viet Nam. She was lonely and her father took advantage of her loneliness to seduce her back into their old lifestyle. As a result of the pressure he was putting on her combined with her guilt and fear of my finding out, she had a complete mental breakdown. Through the process of her therapy after I returned I learned what her father had been doing with and to her. Thankfully your mother got better and was able to sort out his abuse. I acted in a different manner: You know the Company business Son. And you know the methods of covering such an act. To my knowledge nobody even suspected that I killed him.
As regards Stu Barr though, I made clear to him when you and she were married that he was to leave town and give you the house.
Only people in the Company knew that Craig was a spook for the CIA. One of his specialties while “in country” was assassinating high ranking enemy officers. His actions usually took place while the officers were having intaglios with women, quite often little girls. No one ever suspected that the accidents which befell these men—sometimes women—were caused by an enemy agent.
I didn’t think Stu would ever come back but he did. One night when you and Claire were away for the weekend, you on business and Claire on a Church Retreat, I went over to check on Stacy. She, as you may remember, was being baby sat by a girl from church, Lisa Kirk. The poor girl’s dad, as you probably recall, committed suicide a few days later.
Upon arriving I saw Stu and Erline’s motor home parked outside. Rather than going in I did a little scouting. Peeking through a crack in the living room window I saw a naked Lisa Kirk (the babysitter) being humped by her father Barry Kirk. Going to the back bedroom window I discovered Stu and Erline doing unspeakable sexual things to Stacy. Within moments Barry and Lisa came in and they all had a group “session” together.
Assisting in Barry’s “suicide,” when he shot himself, I saw to that justice was done in his case. A week later Stu and Erline’s bodies were found in their motor home submerged in the Lake of the Ozarks in Arkansas. They were on their way to Branson. Funny, I feel guilty telling you this now ... not guilty of what I did, just guilty that I have taken so long to tell you about it. So I’m sure you can see Son why Claire and Stacy have not led normal lives.
Chuck couldn’t help repeating the phrase, “unspeakable things.” He didn’t even want to imagine what these things were that were being done to his eleven year old daughter. But sexual perversion being what it is he couldn’t help picturing the little girl being molested in such a way by her grandfather. Had he known the complete story he would, no doubt, have plotted and killed the culprits himself
When Craig met Stu he noticed how the elder Moore and his daughter were fawning over each other. Through his experience with Marvella’s relationship with her father he recognized the same manifestations that had been symptomatic of their incestuous relationship. Wasting no time he confronted Claire’s father with his suspicions. He told Stu that if he ever found out that he became involved with Claire he would be a dead man. Then he suggested that since Stu had spent so much time away in his luxurious motor home that it would be appropriate to deed his home to “the kids” as a wedding present and get out of town.
Stu and Erline went on a non-stop tour for about a year then came back to the Denver area where they bought a retirement home. Over the next couple of years Craig watched carefully but never found proof that he might be doing things with his daughter again. When Stacy was eleven years old, when Chuck and Claire were away for a weekend, Claire on a church retreat and Chuck on business, he decided to stop by the house on Saturday night to look in on how the babysitter was doing with his granddaughter.
In Afghanistan there were virtually no Anglo women to satisfy his needs. Chuck tried sex with an Afghani prostitute but he was the kind of man to whom such sex didn’t appeal. He craved a woman who would share his bed, someone soft and feminine ... someone with whom he could snuggle and get comfortable enough to do the kinds of things he had been enjoying with Sarafina Cortez. Within six weeks on the job he met a woman who worked as an interpreter for his employer, Applegate Engineering....
When Craig Moore, Chuck’s father, was recruited by “The Company” he was a major in the Marine Corps serving in Viet Nam. When he became Brigadier General people started referring to him as “the General” as if he were a generic entity. Even his superiors began referring to him in this way. The military officers who had recommended the young officer to the espionage agency said that the he could have been the author of book written by Machiavelli. “But,” one of his colleagues said, “he would...
Having been kidnapped and beaten then rescued by a team led by his own father should have been enough of an ordeal for Chuck Moore. Both he and Aziza Khan along with four of their coworkers had been kidnapped and tortured by members of the Taliban. As he watched as Aziza, his Afghani lover, was being brutally scourged then gang raped he was convinced that they would never make it out alive. Surviving this would have made returning to normal life difficult enough. But when Aziza died while...
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My wife and I were agonizing over what to get the kids that year. They were boys ages five and eight. We watched all the ads on television, took note of all the hottest toys out there on the market, and finally decided on a few high tech toys we thought they would absolutely love. There were a few things they asked for we knew we had to get them. There were the action figures from Beasties (a retake from the original Transformers), we bought two each for them. They were pretty wicked action...
Lily woke to find that Rich's seed was still sticky between her cheeks, and that Rich had buried his face into her bosom at some point during the night. She felt his breath on her chest, his hand on her hip, and his hard-on pressing against her thigh. Rich woke to find that something was moving under the sheets, and that his cock was in something wet, and warm. He subtly shifted his leg, not wanting to let her know that he was awake, and he watched the figure bob up and down underneath the...
Me and Jason are best friends, we have been since school. I’m about 5 foot 8, medium length hair, skinny/twink build with about a 6 inch cock and he is slightly taller, more muscular with an 7-8” in cock. We are both 18 years old, I live with my parents and he lives with his father. We have a pretty good understanding of each others kinks and fetishes. We had experimented with our sexuality a few years ago and discovered new fantasies along the way. I’m a complete sub, I love getting told what...
conceive kan-'seev v. 1. To bring a thought or idea into being; to imagine. 2. To become pregnant, or to cause a baby to begin to form. Casey had tried on some shirts after he took off the bra. They hadn't looked quite right. His shirt budded out ever so slightly where his breasts were. He tried another shirt, then another. It must have been the bra! The pressure had probably caused some swelling or something. This wouldn't do, he had to go to school tomorrow. It was...
Not that it mattered that the desert winds blinded him as he struggled towards the shelter of the cratered foothills. Nor did he find refuge in the locaters steady hum as its powerful beacon saturated the heavens with it's powerful signal. He assumed his rescue was imminent, but his survival until then was in serious doubt. For even now, as his tortured genitals released yet another spurt of his dwindling seed, his knees gave way and he crumbled into the sand. Not far behind, a pack of...
My name is Gavin, I am 20 years old I have lived with my family in an apartment which was recently constructed a few years ago. From the time I’ve spent here I’ve found that my landlord’s wife keeps staring at me at times when I pass her. Her name is Swetha she is 41 years of age and has two children one is 24 and other is 21. She is mostly alone at home every day and spends most of her time cleaning the garage and stairs every day. At one point in time, I was returning back from college when I...
IncestThe True Part: My name is Cathy. I have been married to the same man since I was nineteen, and I now have four c******n. I am pretty much the normal monogamous soccer mom except for one thing . . . I get off on exhibitionism and so does my husband. I first found this out when I was in high school. My family had moved to California from the East, and I rapidly adjusted to being a (modest) two piece swim suit wearing denizen of the beach in the Summer before my Senior year. I was quite...
Cute, little Adria Rae has long, dirty blonde hair, lush lips and tattoos (including a world map on her shoulder). She teases in stylish bikini lingerie, fishnet stockings and high heels, showing off natural tits, tiny waist and big smile. Climbing stairs, Adria flaunts her cute, oiled ass. She oils her winking butthole and shaved pussy. Director/stud Mick Blue shoots POV-style as kneeling Adria sucks his big cock — her dramatically made-up eyes make intimate contact with the camera. The...
xmoviesforyouThis is my true story that happened with I was 26 yrs old. I am currently 28, married for 4 yrs now. I have been a horny guy every since I was in my 6th class and was always turned on by girls. I even made full use of the opportunity of co-ed and used to have fun with most of the innocent girls. I got married when I was 24 to a girl who was two years younger to me. She was a typical traditional girl with a very reserved and religious view of sex. She hardly liked variety and soon I discovered...
School began the next Monday. Kyle soon discovered that there were many very attractive girls in this school, most of whom he had not yet met. Of course that would all change following the first pep rally of the football season. As was tradition, the coach introduced all the senior year players, including Kyle, and made special mention of his high hopes and expectations for what he could do for the team. The next day, during every class change, girls would stop him in the hall to introduce...
“Whatever the two of you decide - YES - I want to be a part of it. Leslie, I would love to have my cock inside your pussy – and Deb’s too, before morning - but I’ll be happy a observer, if that’s what you and Deb decide.” Leslie told me, “I want more – I want it all and I can already tell, so does Debra.” Deb responded, “Yes, I want it all too, just as both of you. I don’t know anything about boy-girl sex, except the boy’s cock goes in the girl’s pussy. Will you help me learn?” “There’s...
Hi friends this is Raj from Bangalore aged 32 years and married to Rashmi all names changed aged 28. We are a happy couple and used to enjoy sex a lot. Coming to the story, this is about a true incident which happened few months back with my wife’s best friend Sneha. One day my wife got a call from Sneha and she told that she is coming to Bangalore for her official work for a week though the company was providing her the guest house to stay, but my wife suggested her to stay at our home since...
I only, went down the shop to buy some, porn, but when I got there I couldnt take my eyes of the , are you intersted in that the really cute man behind the counter asked, no i repiled thats a shame i could have taught you a few things never mind. Just then i got a huge eriction, Wait I said I am intrested, well then, he walked up and put the closed sign on the door, walk this way, he led me up into his bedroom. Up there he layed on the bed unzipped his jeans and took out his cock, suck on it...
GayNatasha Nice loves gloryholes. No joke! She actually seeks them out by searching online for them, just like you do! Natasha has found a “dinosaur” — an old-school, brick-and-mortar, mom-and-pop video store…just like one from back in the 80’s! The mainstream movies are in the front of the store, while the customer has to walk through a door to a back room…where the adult titles are located! There’s preview booths, too, so you know Natasha is going to do...
xmoviesforyouHi, i am regular reader of this website and this is my first story, hope you will enjoy and masturbate while reading. Monday morning 10:30am my eyes opened with the noise of the traffic, I saw my lovely wife Jyoti came out from having a bath wearing only dark brown sleeveless blouse and a matching petticoat. Before we proceed here is her description , she is 5-5 tall with round pretty face fair spotless complexion weighs approx 90 kgs with vital stats of 46d ( full of milk )breast 38 (fleshy...
As soon as I wake up in my coffin I know something's wrong. It's serious. The worst thing that's happened since five years ago. That's when they replaced my left upper arm with this plastic prosthetic. The forearm is still mine. I got extra hazard pay that time. It's dark as usual. Always dark in a spacer's coffin. Soon they'll open it. Opened. It's light. A tech removes my body. It's against regulations to try to get up or speak. Medical and Security directives together are an unbeatable...
by Lubrican Author's Comment: This story is dedicated to Gene, who thinks I can't write a piece of trash. Here's the proof I can. =============================================== Bob Loni was in trouble and she knew it. Her rebellious nature had finally gotten her in real trouble. She'd taken a necklace out of old Wauna's hut while Wauna was out gathering fruit and she'd gotten caught with it. Now she was being called in front of the village wise men for punishment. Loni...
In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately and we were...
FetishThis happened in 2007We had become close friends with another couple. Their son and ours were best friends at school and with him going to their house and him coming to ours it was probably unavoidable that we'd become good friends. We'd been close for three years at the point of what happened here, she, Brenda, was ten years younger than me and she'd been married six years.Brenda and Donna became particularly close as they had a lot in common. Many times she'd come on to our house and she and...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Two: The Twins Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Monday, August 10th, 2071 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun was hot as I crossed the mountain meadow. One of the cows had broken through the fence and wandered far from the cabin. The long summer had begun drying out the grass, turning greens to golds. I wiped at my brow and scanned the tree line a mile away for the missing cow with a pair of broken binoculars. One...
I was bar hopping in San Francisco and had already been to a drag bar where I was luckily still sober enough to recognize an Adam's apple on an otherwise feminine looking person who was hitting on me pretty hard, when reached a club called Deception, a club I recalled my colleague Fran, one of the few who had so far resisted my charm, had said I had to visit if I was in San Francisco.I asked, "Why?""It's a bar where you are guaranteed to get fucked like you have never been fucked before," she...
Hi my name is Rahul 26 years old and a frequent reader of the sex stories of this site now I would like to share my story with you all. I recently had hot sex with my very very distant cousin Meghal living in Delhi, we are not even said to be cousins and she is my great grandmother’s husband’smother’s sister in laws brother in law’s wife’s daughter’s husband’s brother in law’s grand daughter’s sister in law’s brother in law’s brother in law’s cousin. I am an orphan living in Chennai I don’t...
Cornering By Dimelza Cassidy Synopsis: It's all about going in slow and coming out fast. 'What do I do?' I thought, sitting behind the steering wheel of my car, in the parking lot at the headquarters of Southern State Bank. Anthony Mitchell and the powers that be at Southern State Bank had offered me my dream job. It was exactly the one I had lusted after since entering the management-trainee program at Merchants, Farmers, and Machinists Bank after obtaining my MBA. Not only...
The fact that I did not have a change of clothes nor swimming trunks certainly did not bother Frolic, but I wondered how things would go over with the other two girls. From what she had said, there were younger and maybe even u******e. As I walked with Frolic out of the barn and toward the side of the house, it did not seem the least bit odd to her that she was carrying her clothes and wore only her boots. I had slipped my pants on without underwear but I was assured there were no neighbors for...
Hi everybody, this is Gopi from Chennai. Am here going to narrate a very real, hot and sensual story to make you all hot and feel erotic Yeah am working in a IT based company in Chennai. There are some erotic incidents & stories happened in our office but I will post those stories by next week or so. Now am going to tell my story when I was doing my engineering final year. That was the most exciting year in my life which made my life fulfilled most sexually. As we all know, from 2nd year of my...