Furnished RoomChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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Chuck Moore savored another letter from his loved one, giving him news, giving him hope and giving him permission to be a sexual human being in his absence from her.
Dearest Charles:
Only you could find a way to be so far away from both the woman you love and the woman to whom you are married. But knowing you my love I am sure you have found a way to at least be with a loving woman. You know that I have never begrudged you the pleasures of the flesh. I only wish I could be there to share her with you, if she might consider a relationship like that.
Claire's tenant, Lance Claridge, seems to be settling in. There's a sparkle in her eyes that tells me she's enjoying his being there. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't more to his tenancy than meets the eye. Perhaps this is the way out of your marriage that you have been hoping for. I can only hope that it will be, unless of course, you can bring yourself to confront your father before a situation like that takes place.
Even though I know the spark died long ago in your relationship with Claire, and that Claire has pretty much washed her hands of you, she and I are friends. It troubles me that I am being devious with her. What kind of a person would have a long term affair with her best friend's husband while still maintaining a close level of friendship? But since you and I have found one another I choose you, if it should come to that. I live for the day you and Claire will part; you both want to. I know how much you resent her, my love. I just wish you could understand how much she means to me as a friend.
To see in writing what I just said makes me realize how loathsome I am. I should tell Claire what's going on but I fear losing her friendship. I wish I could tell you why and why she is so important to me. Perhaps one day I will be able to. When I do I hope you will understand.
I saw your father today at the club. As usual the General tried to intimidate me. I don't know if he'll ever get used to the idea that I'm stronger than most people he knows. He knows that I am angry with you for not divorcing Claire, for not having the strength to stand up to him. I live for the day you can muster the strength that I know you have to confront him. Maybe Claire will do it for you. She is an incredibly strong woman in her own right. But, my love, I would prefer it will be you. Except for your fear of your father I love everything about you. If you ever hope to rise above the subservience I resent you'll have to deal with this issue.
I miss you very much my love. I wish you could hold me in your arms and take me to bed ... to kiss me the tender way that only you can do ... to excite me and fill me with your maleness.
Until you return I will once again drift off to sleep having fantasized our sex together. Come home soon.
Chuck Moore and Sarafina Cortez had been flirting since before her husband died. Even though she loathed the fact that Emilio had become a compulsive gambler and Chuck Moore was his gambling buddy, she had always had a soft spot for this tender hearted man. Though Claire didn't see it his tenderness was just below the surface. Perhaps the circumstances of their marriage made such a discovery impossible for her.
Her affair happened innocently enough, the day the realtors met at the Brown Palace Hotel. An engineering symposium was being held in another meeting room. While she was walking through the dining plaza she heard someone call her name. She knew the voice was Chuck Moore's. He was sitting with a group of men and they were all staring at her. As always she was thrilled at the attention. She saw him stand up and walk toward her.
He'd always felt Claire had trapped him into marrying her. The baby could have been any one of a number of boys'. The rumor mill was rife with gossip that the sexy teenager was promiscuous. He had no way of knowing that she never had unprotected sex with anyone, including him, with the exception of Stu Barr (her father). He knew nothing about Claire's relationship with her father, nobody did.
Chuck was intimidated by his father who never let his son forget his displeasure at him for not going into the service. He wasn't sure what his father did in the service; he never talked about it. But he did become a general. He didn't know the reason that his father Craig Moore, a man that everybody referred to as "the General", disliked Clair's dad so much. But he had no idea of the dirty secrets that were part of his father in law's life, not to mention the dirty secrets in his own father's life.
Within his mother's family, among his extended aunts, uncles and older cousins there seemed to be a dirty secret as well. Chuck had no idea what it was. But within the family whenever there was talk of his mother and her father there were always veiled references with raised eyebrows.
His mother's dad had died when he and the General were on a hunting trip. Though Chuck was curious the subject had too many sinister overtones for him to pursue what he might not have wanted to know. He never brought up his curiosity with his relatives or his father. But it gnawed at him.
He couldn't understand the General's dislike for Claire's dad. After all Stu Barr had deeded his house over to Chuck and Claire as a wedding present. How many other people could say their father-in-law had done something like that? Chuck liked his father-in-law. He had taken a few trips with Stu to Vegas, trips on which Stu never breathed a word of his relationship with his daughter. Had it not been for Clair's dad though Chuck would probably have never caught the gambling bug. He never blamed his addiction on his father-in-law. But the General had always cautioned and reminded him that Stu was a bad influence on him.
In high school Chuck had a long term crush on Claire. A cheerleader, she was an extremely popular girl, particularly with the athletes. Chuck was a shy youth and never thought he had a chance with her. It happened during the second term in their senior year. They ended up in the same History class sitting next to one another. Claire passed a note to him. He responded and it became a regular thing. After class one day he asked, "I don't suppose you wouldn't want to go out with me?"
"Maybe if you hadn't supposed so negatively we would already have been going out," she answered. They went for a coke after school that day. After that she never went with another boy. He was a virgin. Although he'd heard rumors that she was an easy make she convinced him that she was still a virgin. Because she played hard to get with him and spurned the weak sexual advances he made, he believed her.
After about a month she let him put his finger her pussy but wouldn't let him go all the way. One night, when he pleaded with her, while she didn't let him fuck her she did give him a blowjob. Too excited to stop he came in her mouth. She spit it out and said, "eew," making him promise never to do it again. He was shamed that he had defiled such an innocent girl by doing a thing that disgusted her so. The next night she gave him another blowjob. But when he tried to pull out she wouldn't let him, hungrily swallowing his cum. Though confused he was pleased.
Within a week they were fucking. She insisted that he use a rubber, always putting it on for him. He had no way of knowing that each time she rolled the condom on she punctured the tip between her fingernails. Two months later she told him she was pregnant.
He told his dad, the General, and asked if he should try to convince Claire to have an abortion. His father said, "Be a man for a change son. You couldn't keep it in your pants so you have to pay the price." He never had the will to go against his father. Besides, he was in love Claire and really wanted to marry her. It was just that the responsibility of being so young made fatherhood such a scary prospect.
The first few years of Chuck and Claire's marriage were good years. Even though it had not been ideally begun he loved Claire and felt fortunate to have her as his wife. After he got over the shock of being a father, until the summer of his family's reunion, he doted on the little girl, Stacy.
At the reunion he was fishing with his second cousin Hal, his father's cousin. They were in the middle of the lake in a boat. They had been drinking and were having a good time until the conversation turned sour. "So," Hal said, "ya got your pretty wife pregnant, huh?" Trying to ignore him Chuck just looked at him and recast his line. Hal looked at him out of the corner of his eye and said, "Same thing happened to your dad." Chuck raised an eyebrow.
"You didn't know that, huh?" Hal smirked. "But that's not the worst of it."
Chuck felt his gut clamp tight. "What are you tryin to say Hal?"
Opening another beer Hal put it to his mouth and missed, spilling beer down the front of his shirt. Belching he said, "Not tryin to say anything son but it's pretty much general knowledge within the family. We all figure that your dad was responsible for your mom's daddy's death."
Chuck knew he had to be in a nightmare. Just like in a nightmare he was helpless to do anything but listen. The pit of his gut felt like it was sagging to his knees.
"A few years after he married Marvella (Chuck's mother)," Hal continued, "the General found out that her daddy had been fucking her since she was a little girl. Adrian (her father) didn't live long after that." Hal chuckled and belched.
The words that came out of Chuck's mouth seemed surreal. They echoed in his ears. "Why would you think that Dad would have anything to do with Adrian's death?"
"Everybody's afraid of the General son," Hal answered. "Do you know what he did in Viet Nam?"
"He was a soldier," Chuck responded, "commanded troops."
"He was a special kind of soldier Chuck. He was a Spook ... commanded a bunch of guys that infiltrated the enemy and assassinated them. As far as he and your grandfather goes? He and Adrian went on a hunting trip—just the two of them. Your dad said the old man choked to death on a piece of meat." He shook his head, took another suck on the beer can and said, "The General's one scary motherfucker. Some father, huh?"
He visualized his grandfather from pictures he'd seen ... imagined his father doing his grandfather in, cramming meat down his windpipe. He looked at Hal and shook his head. "Nah, Dad wouldn't do anything like that." But he thought of all he went through growing up, one scary motherfucker is right.
"The General hates child molesters."
Having always considering his mother to be pure Chuck wondered what relevance child molesters had in relation to his grandfather.
"A number of them (child molesters) in the area have gone missing," Hal went on. "We all have our opinion of what happened to them." Hal winked.
Not wanting to hear anymore Chuck asked, "So why are you telling me this after all these years?"
" ... just thought you should be aware of some of the scuttlebutt that's been part of the family lore." Hal winked again as he gave a lopsided smile, took a long swig and produced and equally long belch.
Feeling a hot rush in his chest Chuck wanted to poke Hal in the eye. He didn't want to ask the question but felt compelled. "W-What are they talking about?"
"Oh, other things that might pertain to you and you pretty young wife, like: How come your father-in-law gave you and your wife his house, then up and left town? Or, how come your daughter has none of your characteristics? Absolutely none; haven't you ever noticed?"
At first he was livid at Hal for just suggesting such a thing. When his cousin persevered though, he felt sick at his stomach. The picture of Stu Barr fucking Claire (in his and Claire's bed) during the same time he was fucking her in the car found a place in his mind that couldn't be dismissed. For the rest of the weekend he questioned how much of a willing pawn he been in his wife's deceit. He didn't have sex with her that weekend.
After the reunion he looked at his as well as his wife and child, in a completely different light. Having loved and doted on Stacy he began distancing himself from her. For Claire he felt nothing but emptiness. How could she have tricked him into marrying him when her father was screwing her? Could Stacy indeed be Stu Barr's child, both Claire's child and sister?
When Stu and Erline came back to Denver It was natural for Claire to find solace and sexual satisfaction with the father. Before her marriage he had been her constant sexual partner. Having stopped paying attention Chuck had no idea it was happening in h is home. Nor did he realize that his wife had been enticed into a bisexual relationship by his best friend's wife, Sarafina Cortez.
The General, Craig Moore, had a peculiar sense of morality. On the surface he seemed practical. With his wife he was totally tender. With his son he was a difficult taskmaster. Though his son was unaware of it at the time he was starting to mentor him in to the world of the secret Ops community.
When Chuck told his father that he wanted to divorce Claire and his reason for it the General told him that what had happened before he got married was all water under the bridge. He said that it should be forgiven ... that Claire had been damaged by a predator and needed the care of a kind human being. The "lore" flashed through Chuck's mind though, along with the words scary motherfucker. Truth be told, he was too intimidated to pursue the conversation further with his father.
After the third time that the Moore's and Cortez's had socialized as friends Chuck noticed that Sarafina's eyes were spending a great deal of time on him. When he gazed back into hers they never moved. Whenever they sat side by side her knee always seemed to find his. Sometimes he noticed that while her eyes were sounding the depths of his her nostrils flared.
When Craig Moore, Chuck’s father, was recruited by “The Company” he was a major in the Marine Corps serving in Viet Nam. When he became Brigadier General people started referring to him as “the General” as if he were a generic entity. Even his superiors began referring to him in this way. The military officers who had recommended the young officer to the espionage agency said that the he could have been the author of book written by Machiavelli. “But,” one of his colleagues said, “he would...
Having been kidnapped and beaten then rescued by a team led by his own father should have been enough of an ordeal for Chuck Moore. Both he and Aziza Khan along with four of their coworkers had been kidnapped and tortured by members of the Taliban. As he watched as Aziza, his Afghani lover, was being brutally scourged then gang raped he was convinced that they would never make it out alive. Surviving this would have made returning to normal life difficult enough. But when Aziza died while...
“I’ve come to take my son for a ride.” It was Saturday morning when Marvella Moore showed up on Sarafina Cortez’s doorstep. Charles was still in bed. After Sara had awakened him, she and Marvella talked over coffee. “You’ve talked with Claire I suppose,” Marvella said. Sarafina’s eyes expressed sad awe as she looked at Marvella and said, “I’ve known about Claire’s past for quite some time. We...” Reaching out and touching Sara’s hand to interrupt her, Marvella said, “I know all about...
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One aspect of living my life as a female that I had not counted on was that girls get horny just as much as guys do. I had been able to suppress the urges up until now, but the longer I lived in this body the more my feminine side was taking over. I really wanted to get laid. I didn't have to worry about getting pregnant; the only thing that was holding me back was the thought of being with a guy. Even though I had given Jason a blow job; that thought was still bothering me. The more I...
I walked toward the living room and stood in the doorway, allowing the sheet wrapped around me to make as much noise as it wanted, and hoping she would respond if she were awake. Dimly across the room I saw her rise and look toward me. "Speedy?" "Yes," I answered. "It's me." "I thought you were going to sleep?" "Are you awake?" "What do you think? I was worried about you." I told myself: Do something, show her some fight. In the faint light I saw a pencil on the lamp table...
Location: An all-boys Military Prep School for young men ages 18 to 22. Cast: The Head-Master, Mr. L., is fifty five years old. He is a masculine, six foot, two hundred pound, short haired bisexual who rules the school with an iron hand. Timmy is a slightly built, eighteen year old, 5’8” tall, 145 pound virgin male, who wishes he was really a girl. Timmy hides the fact that he wears panties and sometime crotch less pantyhose. Timmy masturbates four or five times daily thinking about being force...
Gay MaleShe was directing men and women on board her bridge as they received warnings that someone was hacking their systems. Their collective fears were confirmed as they were dropped from warp speed and directed to a nearby asteroid belt. She could not believe what was happening as they were trying to figure out who or what was doing this, as their current ship did not have the best computer in the Star Republic but still it was impossible to hack through their internal defense layers. But...
I was devastated by the sudden presence of the young black stud at our front door. After I finished relieving myself, I walked out of the bathroom with the front of pants partially wet. I looked over to my wife, Julie, who was still passed out cold on the bed.Numerous black ink spade stamps were strategically placed all over her body and face, and they were a blatant show of disrespect for me by the young black. It was a humiliating and demoralizing reality and I feared hearing what her...
I apologize for the long display in between chapters, I hope you haven’t lost interest in our naughty innocent! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the weather remaining stifling over the next three days, Rose decided to continue with her nightly bathing ritual, the French doors always being wide open to allow a clear view to Jake’s room. She varied her ‘performance’ a bit each night, one evening pretending to consider her naked figure in her bureau mirror, angling the mirror...
She let him go, and he took the opportunity to get at those pieces of art bouncing in front of him. One hand on her upper back, he pulled her closer to the ground and, dragging her up a little, began to tease her nipples with the tip of his tongue. She responded well, pushing herself onto his face and thrusting even harder. His other hand, meanwhile, was exploring the region nearer to their mutual interests. He grabbed her rear and pulled it against him each time she drove him into her, trying...
Susan and Molly were sisters who shared everything. They shared clothes, they shared the same apartment, they had similar interests in movies, art, and hobbies. They had even shared a man or two. They were in their early 20's and had a brother, Derek. Derek was two years older than Molly, who was 18 months older than Susan. The sisters, like many do, looked enough alike that it was easy to tell they were sisters. Both were about 5'6", around 120 lb., D-cup tits and hour glass figures that...
I was watching my friend and his band play some terrible rock n' roll when she walked down the stairs into the basement. She was around 5'3, brunette, and weighed around 110 pounds. I normally preferred women with curbs, but the combination of the way she walked in her blue high heels and her short blue dress caught my eye. Her name was Payton and she was my friend's sister. I could not figure out for the life of me how she was related to my friend Ben. Ben was a dirty long haired mess, but...
First TimeWhen he came into the bar, he appeared huge, he was tall and rotund, a massive beer belly, grotesque would have been a cute word to describe him, if you were comparing him to something ugly, but thats girls for you, we always judge on appearances, and he made me wretch.'Is that him', I asked Jim, my boyfriend, he looked up and waved to him. I watched him shuffle towards us, he appeared popular as many were calling out to him. I looked at my boyfriend when he stopped at a table, to say something...
The five young women sat at an outside table at a nice restaurant in downtown Sarasota named Maurice’s: Edie, Kat, Amber, and their new friends Crystal and Melody. They were more upscale than the restaurant, and their looks and demeanor captivated the attention of everyone that walked by. Each of the girls had ordered a salad. There was some talk about the summer jobs that the latter two girls had taken: Crystal as a part-time waitress during the dinner shift at TGIFridays restaurant, and...
I turned back to the TV and as she walked behind me she stopped and put her hand on my head and said “So, how’s my friend’s handsome little brother?” “I’m good, just a little bored. . .” She leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Well, if you weren’t my best friends little brother . . . umm, what’s that I smell? You smell like sex!” “What do you mean?” As she moved her head forward past me ear and towards my lips, she inhaled deeply and said “Oh yeah, you smell like pussy! Have you...
My questions about the grandchildren allowed me to learn that they were not infants at all but grown men and a woman. The four of us went into the house and Bernadette looked around in wonder. This was not the mansions made of marble but much cruder. It was still very good especially for this time period. Bernadette though was used to only a hut or a sky above. I said to her, "You deserve a home like this one day. It will not be me giving it to you but somebody will." It was a sexist...
The buzzing of the alarm jolted me out of sleep. Damn it, I had been so close... I lay there gasping as the remnants of my dream slipped from my mind. My body was tense, thighs slick and nipples hard. I slapped at the alarm irritably and rolled out of bed, cursing the fact that my husband had left for work hours ago. Slipping a silk robe over my naked body, I stumbled to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee into the waiting cup. I smiled as I took my first sip. My husband always leaves it...
ToysSeit drei Wochen habe ich einen neuen Freund. Unsere Liebesspiele sind zunehmen härter, er ist sehr fantasievoll. Er hat oft ganz besondere Wünsche, es wird nie langweilig, ich bemühe mich, ihm alle Wünsche zu erfüllen, ich bin furchtbar verknallt in ihn. Heute hat er wieder etwas ganz Spezielles mit mir vor. Mir ist etwas mulmig, denn wie ich erfahren habe steht er auch auf schmerzhafte Praktiken, dennoch werde ich schon bei dem Gedanken an den kommenden Abend ziemlich feucht. Ich zittere, in...
Alice awoke first. It took her a few minutes to recollect where she was and why. The hint of a rosy glow remained with her and Sue, sleeping benignly next to her. A smile etched on her lovely face. Alice slowly leaned down and with just the very tip of her tongue touched just the extreme tip of Sue's nipple. The electric shock brought a wave over Alice and she squirmed. She continued her interest in the sensitive nipples of the sleeping beauty, although Sue began to stir after that first...
My name is Adam Ferguson, a 22 year old who has generally had a bad life and what I'm going through right now would have to be one of, if not, the toughest time in my life. I was broke and had nothing to go on due to me blowing my savings on a gamble. My career was young and I wanted to make a name for myself but to my bitter disappointment my gamble hadn't payed off and damaged the company's reputation. As a result of this, I'd been fired by my boss and was looked down upon by my colleagues....
Mind ControlThey had now been meeting most Thursdays for several weeks with Reginald going directly to Frederick's address; so it was a surprise when Frederick said they should meet again at the duckpond. Their relationship had matured into a real friendship. They shared so many interests and the sex had become so easy and natural that Reginald could hardly believe that it was still so new to him to have sex with a man. One mutual interest was playing chess, which was a good excuse to Beth. She had her...
BisexualI guess what I want you to understand is that at a minimum most foster homes are there simply to collect a check. Typically they pay little attention to you and look to spend as little money on you as is possible. You’re A#1 store for shopping is the Goodwill store or Salvation Army store. You are fed the least expensive food money can buy and of course are signed up for every government food plan in existence. Typically you spend most of your time in your room, with another foster kid...
Suddenly, the clock started to belt out a little classic rock. Through the blurs of morning vision, I made out the time formed by the glowing red numbers on the clock’s face. I did a little quick math (the best kind). Coming up with a number I liked, I reached for the snooze bar. Inches away from the button, my hand hovered for a moment as something by Fleetwood Mac flowed from the small cheap speaker. It ended soon enough to be followed by something perky by the Byrds. I swatted the clock...