Furnished RoomChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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Unaccustomed to being treated like a lady Stacy Moore felt more special than she had ever felt before. So much of her culture from the time she was a small child had revolved around pleasing a male, then pleasing males, sometimes many of them at one time. Though she had always been extremely popular she couldn’t remember a time when a male wanted to be with her just because she had been Stacy Moore, the girl. It was always because she was more than willing, even eager to give him sex.
The loss of her grandfather Stu and his wife Erline was a double-edged sword. His loss took away her sexual mentor, the man she had lived to serve. It was an abrupt departure. While she didn’t love what her life had become she felt the need to live it as she had learned. Perhaps, had Stu Barr opened her in the pursuit of love and caring instead of manipulation and exploitation his loss would have been greater for her. But the need she felt for her grandfather was akin to the needs of the urchins in Oliver Twist who were in the control of Fagin. At Stu’s demise the burden of being manipulated and used to service his “friend’s” was lifted. No longer did this ugly specter hover over her or her mother. It was only after she got over mourning his death that she began to see the relationship as it was, his demanding, her giving and him taking.
When she started dating Stacy felt obligated to serve her boyfriends the way she had served her grandfather. But if a boy didn’t make the first move she would ply him with a hand job and a blowjob then encouraging him fuck her. Soon a queue of boys confirmed her popularity. Like dogs sniffing after a bitch in heat they were like her entourage.
After Kyle had opened the car door for her (an entirely new experience) she looked at her mom and Lance who were standing on the front steps. She was grinning like the proverbial cat that ate the canary. It was no different at the dance. While other boys would walk in front of their dates, expecting them follow, Kyle stepped aside and let her go first. When she sat down he tended her chair. This kind of gentlemanly conduct was something entirely foreign to her. She didn’t fully understand why but that kind of attention thrilled her.
Kyle Vander Meer was a serious student, a bit of a nerd. He was athletic but chose to play sports that weren’t in the mainstream, sports like Lacrosse and Water polo. The football and basketball coaches pressured him to play their sport but he turned them both down. To the football coach he said, “See this knee?” He pointed to his knee and flexed it. “I’m looking forward to it be working the same way for the rest of my life.” As for basketball he thought the coach was unethical and didn’t like the type of guys with whom he surrounded himself. As far as he was concerned they were thugs. So he declined.
Stacy Moore had been on Kyle’s horizon for a long time. For most of her junior and senior years however she was involved with the hot-shot guard on the basketball team. Kyle compared Stacy to other girls that appealed to him. She appeared to be honest, down-to-earth and extremely quick-witted. She could be compassionate to friends who were in need, a trait that so many other girls lacked, one that Kyle held in high regard.
He’d heard scuttlebutt about Stacy’s sluttish behavior. But growing up with broadminded and understanding parents he had been taught that sex was just one aspect of the total person. Though he was disappointed in Stacy’s reputation his disrespect for Sean, the boy with whom she was going steady, as well as his circle of friends was held in great disdain. He thought a girl like Stacy deserved a boy like himself, one who would treat her like a princess.
The day after it happened, the news of Stacy having taken on the basketball team spread through the campus. Kyle seethed that she could have let something like that happen to herself. He was thrilled though that, as a result of the scandal Stacy completely disassociated herself from Sean and his pack of animals. But he was conflicted. The fact that she’d been fucking Sean bothered him. He realized that most teenage relationships could include sex of some kind. But the visions he had of what might have gone on between those two haunted him. Most of all he hated himself for masturbating with thoughts of them in mind. Because of this he developed an even greater envy and enmity toward Stacy’s despicable boyfriend.
A few days after Stay broke up with Sean, Kyle asked her out for a coke. She refused by holding the back of her hand under her chin and saying, “I’ve just had it up to here with guys. And I’m not gonna date anybody for a while.” About two weeks later he looked out the window of his calculus class and spied Stacy getting out of a black Porsche. The wide grin on her face made him wonder what might have gone on between her and the man in the car. The man appeared older, like he could have been her dad.
Kyle persisted in asking Stacy for a date. She continued to refuse. On the day she was late to help with prom decorating something finally happened. He knew she was supposed to be there and kept watching for her to come in. At one point he went outside to see if he might see her coming. While he was standing his hopeful vigil the same black Porsche pulled up. When Stacy got out of the car the look on her face was like she had just awakened from a delightful dream. He watched as she took a shortcut across the grass. When she saw him she headed directly toward him. There was something different about her. Her walk was an easy gait, as if she had been doing yoga and meditating. And she wore no make-up.
“Kyle,” she said with a broad smile, “I’ve been thinking about you.” Holding his surprise he merely raised one eyebrow. “I was just having coffee with Lance Claridge.” Her hand swept toward the Porsche, which was about a hundred feet from where she got out. It was barely creeping toward the stop sign. She had lied about having coffee. She had actually been frolicking with Lance on a mossy bed in a hidden grove in the park. She had talked with him about Kyle though. And he encouraged her to go after the boy. Kyle noticed that the driver kept turning and looking back at them.
She saw the wheels turning in Kyle’s mind. Wondering if she still carried the scent of her recent sex with Lance she wondered if Kyle might be able to smell it. “He’s renting a room at our house,” she said. Hoping the explanation would suffice she went on, “He just gave me some interesting advice.”
Kyle wanted to blurt out, “OK, OK, will you go to the prom with me?”
But her enthusiasm overrode his opportunity and she said it first, “I wanted to ask you if you have a date for the prom.”
Not believing what he’d just heard he blushed. Confused as to why she was asking the question he stammered, “N-no, I- I was going to ask you. But you wouldn’t even go out with me for a coke. I thought...”
Cutting him off she said, “It hasn’t been you Kyle. It’s been me.” She thought of the glorious sex she’d just had with Lance in the park. Stacy Moore was a girl who’d been taught by her grandfather that her purpose was sex. At the moment she was neither embarrassed nor guilt-ridden by her actions. At the same time she felt different with this kind of boy, less in control. “I...” she began. Her eyes sparkled with the welling of moisture in them. “I...”
He wanted to say something but had to hear what would be coming from her mouth. Finally she blurted out,”I didn’t think you were the kind of boy who would be interested in a girl like me.”
Thoughts of the rumors about Stacy’s promiscuity flooded his mind. Images of her sucking Jake and Benny and those other guys, while Sean fucked her from behind created a vivid picture. Despite those stories Kyle had been asking her for a date. He knew how other students gossiped about her. But he remembered his mother and father saying, “Always consider the complete person, Kyle ... and the story behind that person.”
He was a normal kid as far as sex was concerned, masturbating incessantly through puberty. For almost two years he’d been doing it with Stacy as his fantasy. Sure, he would like to do those things to her. But he wanted to do them to show her how much he cared for her, not just to fuck her. He didn’t even think he could please her but wanted to try.
“I’ve always been interested in you Stacy,” he said. “I’ve never considered you a girl like you.” She averted her eyes which made him feel uncomfortable but he went on, “I’ve heard the rumors.” She wanted to crawl in a hole. “But I like you because you’re Stacy Moore the person...” He was afraid to say what was on the tip of his tongue and thought; even sluts must have a certain measure of self- respect.
Her eyes were glistening when she looked at him. “Does that mean you’ll take me to the prom?”
“I’m a little old fashioned,” he said. “I’m the one who should be doing the asking. Will you go to the prom with me, Stacy?”
At the dance Kyle Vander Meer and Stacy Moore were the most watched couple on the floor. The students who were considered movers and shakers knew Stacy by reputation. Those girls disdained her because of her reputation and they had always tolerated her in a snobbish way. Most of them actually liked her but were afraid to let their friends know. Stacy was hypocritically accepted by most of them because she was popular with the star athletes that “acceptable” girls had on their wish lists. The allure of living vicariously made Stacy Moore’s naughtiness appealing to those who fantasized that kind of wildness in themselves, although most wouldn’t have put themselves in that position. The second reason all eyes were glued on Kyle and Stacy was that Kyle was classified as a geek. He hung around with socially backward kids—most of whom were afraid to even date girls. To the girls and guys alike the fact that Stacy threw over Sean and was here at the dance with Kyle was inconceivable. Most astounding though, Kyle was an excellent dancer. He was such a powerful lead that Stacy appeared to be an extension of his body. Many girls watched with envy as Stacy, like Ginger Rogers, danced the more sophisticated dances while they stood with boyfriends who played grab-ass with their buddies.
An outstanding student Kyle Vander Meer understated himself. He was brought up to be confident but not boastful. His concern for others who were considered “weaklings” was a trait that had been carefully instilled by his parents. In his group of friends he was the leader and mentor.
The Prom dance was held in the high school auditorium. Afterwards the party would move to the field house, which Stacy and Kyle had helped decorate. Kyle and Stacy walked hand between two groups of couples toward the field house. A noise caused them to look to their right. In the shadows they made out two tall forms, one shouting something which they couldn’t make out. When he yelled again they heard and wished they hadn’t.
“Has Stacy told you how she sucked all those guys’ cocks yet, and how we gang banged her?”
It was Sean! Stacy wanted to melt into the earth. Rafique Butler, one of the black basketball players she had sucked that day, was with him. She hissed through her teeth to Kyle, “I’m SO sorry. Maybe you should take me home. I’m SO sorry.” She tried jerking her hand free but Kyle held tight. To her shock and dismay they changed directions and were walking directly toward Sean and Rafique. The crowd, like an amoeba, changed directions and followed. In a state of panic Stacy asked, “What in the world are you DOING Kyle?”
He was matter of fact when he calmly said, “The time to face a difficult circumstance Stacy is when it occurs.” Frightened that Kyle would be thrashed by the two ruffians, not to mention further embarrassment to hersef, Stacy jerked more forcefully to free his grip. Sean had threatened her when she broke up with him, told her that whoever she went with would be sorry.
“But Sean’s mean,” she said. “So is Rafique. I’ve seen them beat up a player on an opposing team just because he said ‘Hi’ to me.” She was pleased that Kyle was willing to stand up for her but knew he was no match for the two of them.
Firmly holding Stacy’s hand Kyle stood ramrod straight before the two tall boys. “Sean,” he said, “you owe Stacy and all these other people an apology.”
Sean was leaning against one of the playground basketball poles. One hand was in his pocket the other held a beer. Rafique’s was holding a basketball under one arm and a beer in the other. Both boys had on their letter jackets. Sean sneered, “An apology, huh?”
Still holding Stacy’s hand Kyle said, “That’s right Sean, an apology.”
Sean looked at Rafique and snickered, “Like she didn’t suck your cock and four other guy’s while I fucked her, Rafique?”
“She sucked well too,” Rafique said. “And she swallowed all of our cum, like quarts of it.”
For Stacy it was nightmare that was getting worse. She felt like she was being held captive. The boys’ words were making her feel sick. Jerking her hand she said, “Let me GO, Kyle.”
Kyle’s hand tightened while he defiantly stood his ground. “I heard all about it Sean,” he said. “Do you think I’m clueless?”
Stunned, Stacy thought I must have been a fool to think the entire school didn’t know about it. She felt like a fly caught in a spider’s web and, like the fly in the movie of the same name, she wanted to cry out in a tiny voice, “Help me! Help me!”
Kyle persisted. “You still owe Stacy an apology and I intend to see you do it in front of all these people.”
After Sean’s second announcement, when Kyle led Stacy toward the two hooligans, the couples in front and back crowded around the verbal combatants. Sean sneered, “An apology for WHAT?”
Kyle coolly replied, “For being such an animal, Sean. For embarrassing Stacy and all of the civilized people who are here tonight. For embarrassing all the other kids here. It’s no wonder Stacy broke up with you, Sean. You’re scum.” Sean lurched from the pole, swinging the raised beer bottle at Kyle’s head.
At birth Kyle was a preemie. His parents worried that he wouldn’t even live. All through his early childhood he was a runt, a sickly child who was bait for neighborhood bullies. To no avail Kyle’s father and uncle tried to teach him to defend himself. Another friend, Kinji Nakamura who was a world renowned Karate Master, took on the young Kyle Vander Meer as a special favor to his father. Through persistent mentoring Kinji toned the lanky child into spring-like wire, molding the shy mouse of a boy to a self-confident, competitive black belt champion.
It was like Muhammad Ali’s “fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” When Kyle’s hand caught Sean’s wrist, he jerked his leg upward as the arch of his foot mashed the attacker’s testicles. The 6’6” basketball player sailed over Kyle’s back and landed on the ground in a quivering mass. Stepping on Sean’s neck Kyle stretched his arm painfully and twisted his victim’s hand.
“I don’t mind doing harm to a bully like you Sean,” he calmly said. As he applied more torque on the arm he ground his heel into his victim’s Adam’s apple. Looking at Rafique he challenged, “Would you like get in on this too, Rafique?” Rafique’s eyes became widened saucers as, holding his palms toward Kyle in supplication he shook his head and backed away.
As Sean writhed on the ground he grabbed his crotch with his free hand and tried to massage some kind of magical comfort into his balls. What he had heard about one severe pain overriding the other proved untrue. The pain he was feeling in his twisted arm became even more intense. As Kyle’s heel threatened to crush his throat he yelped like an injured dog, “Pa-leeze, Pa-leeze. Don’t kill me! PA-LEEEEZE“
Rafique scanned the crowd that seemed ready to give his buddy thumbs down. With headlight eyes he pled, “Don’t DO it man.”
Riveting Sean’s terror-stricken eyes Kyle calmly suggested, “Perhaps an apology would be in order now Sean?”
“I’m sorry, man,” he whimpered in a quavering voice. “I’m SOR-R-R-Y.”
Moving his foot from Sean’s neck and dropping his arm Kyle said, “I’m not the one whose reputation you’ve trashed.” Like a praying mantis Sean gathered his long body into a sitting position and pathetically cradled his balls with both hands. The pain in his scrotum had morphed to a freezing sensation, his nuts having doubled their size. Nauseated he put one hand on the ground and vomited. As Sean finished throwing up, Kyle chided, “Whenever you’re ready big fella.”
With a hateful gaze Sean wiped a disgusting smear on the sleeve of his letterman’s jacket. Looking up at Kyle he swung his contemptuous eyes to Stacy.
Overriding Sean’s menacing gaze with a scornful stare Kyle said, “Everybody’s waiting Sean.” He bent down and reached for his victim’s arm which Sean tried to jerk away.
In a barely audible voice Sean said, “Okay, okay.” Collecting his long arms and legs he rose like a newly birthed foal. Unsteady on his feet he faced Stacy and said, “I-I’m sorry.”
“For what are you sorry, Sean?” Kyle queried with menace in his voice.
“For sayin what I did.”
Rolling his hands Kyle coached, “For trashing - your rep-u-ta-tion.”
Looking around Sean spied Rafique who was slinking further into the shadows. With disbelieving eyes he pursed his lips into an anus-like constriction and with a defeated shake of his head, said, “I apologize for trashing your reputation Stacy.”
Stacy’s hand was being held in Kyle’s again. Feeling like the entire crowd was judging her she would rather have been anywhere else but there. On the other hand, having no clue that Kyle could have turned out to be such powerful young man she loved seeing Sean humbled so effectively. Through her embarrassment she was able to realize that there would be girls in the crowd who would envy her being escorted by a boy with such a powerful presence. Still she thought they all know I’m a slut. With tears streaking down her cheeks she nodded acceptance. She knew she would never forgive Sean for prostituting her to his friends. But Grandpa did the same thing, she thought. So what makes Sean any worse? I’m not only a slut, I’m a WHORE.
“Now,” Kyle said to the recalcitrant cager, “apologize to the rest of the kids for making them part of your disgusting behavior.”
Sean’s eyes surveyed the crowd, a crowd who had frequently cheered his exploits on the basketball court. “I’m sorry,” he said.
“I’m sorry for?” Kyle said, rolling his hands again to coax him.
“I’m s-sorry for making all of you part of my dis (he lowered his head) disgusting behavior.”
“Thank you Sean,” Kyle said with a kind smile. “You may go now.”
As if he were Moses being turned into the wilderness by Pharaoh Sean turned and slinked away. Behind him was complete silence. After walking about thirty feet Kyle’s voice broke the dead calm: “Trouble’s over folks. Let’s all go to the party.”
Leading Stacy by the hand he parted the crowed and took the lead. Among the spectators was a variety of looks. Some of the girls looked upon Stacy with disgust, some with compassion, most with envy. The looks cast at Kyle were of awe and admiration ... from many of the girls, desire. One of the girls (a cheerleader) approached Stacy with tears in her eyes. She hugged her and said, “I’m SO sorry for the way I’ve been treating you Stacy.” A number of boys shook Kyle’s hand and patted Stacy on the back. In and unlikely way they had become kind and queen of the prom.
She wanted to be anywhere but there, “I don’t want to GO to the party Kyle,” she said with hopeful resignation.
“Shh,” he hushed then murmured, “It’s important for you to go Stacy. Everybody knows you’re embarrassed. They’re embarrassed too. I’m embarrassed. It’s important, especially for you, that we all work through our embarrassment... together.
“I just want to crawl into a hole,” she whimpered.
“I know Stacy. We all wish it hadn’t happened.” He put his arm around her waist. “You’re not the only girl with things that you don’t want everybody to know. The things that you’ve done, the things Sean has said, the things people have said in disregard of you will be forgiven.” He chuckled, “It’s almost a religious thing, like you will be the one that has sacrificed for others’ transgressions. Believe me Stacy you’re quickly becoming a heroine.”
As they walked Kyle recited words he had learned from his Karate Master, words that had become a solid underpinning of his character. “It’s only by facing diversity and shame with your head held high that you gain people’s respect.”
Stacy heard his words but was still smarting at what Sean had said. “But how can you want to be with such a slut?”
He stopped. Taking both of her hands in his he turned her to face him. Tenderly he held her face between his hands and said, “It was sluttish behavior Stacy, sluttish b e h a v i o r. That doesn’t make you a slut. Do you think a person with my standards would be interested in you if I thought you were a slut?”
Her breath came out in a sob and covered her face with her hands. Wrapping his arms around her Kyle held her quaking body tight. She leaned her glistening cheek against his shirt. The entourage stopped at a respectful distance and waited for the stars of the show to continue. After a few moments Kyle lifted Stacy’s chin with his fingers and kissed her lips. To the collective sound of the crowd’s “aww,” Stacy’s lips accepted Kyle’s. A lone pair of hands started the applause which grew to an ovation accompanied by whistles. The crowd needed the couple to lead the way. Stacy hesitated.
“Believe it or not,” Kyle said, “This is your opportunity to show these kids the strength you have. They want to see it.”
“That’s easy for you to say Kyle. Everybody knows I’m a slut. All I want to do is crawl into a hole and die.”
Again Kyle turned her to him, sandwiched her face between his hands and, staring deeply into her flooded eyes murmured, “Stacy, everybody already knows of your behavior. Did you think I didn’t?”
Her stomach dropped. She’d fantasized that he hadn’t heard it all. She hadn’t realized how many people talked about it. She was a wild girl, sure. But this was the first time she truly came to grips with what her reputation meant. What she didn’t know was how the stories had been embellished. The blowjobs of the five basketball players in the locker room had become a gangbang with the entire team involved, including the coach.
“But Stacy, everybody also knows that Sean’s a bully. They know he took advantage of you, even exploited you. Nobody really likes him. Now they know he’s a coward too. They’re glad he’s been exposed.”
The word “exploited” caused her to think again of her grandfather. She loved Stu Barr, loved how he had awakened her sexuality. In retrospect though, she knew he had used her, as well as having used her mother. Strange feelings of love and hate coursed through her body. She missed him, yet for the first time she was relieved that he was no longer in her life. Tears ran down her cheeks. “They’re amazed at what you’ve just done Kyle. But to them I’m nothing more than a cocksucker, a whore.”
“Shh, shh,” he soothed. Talking just above a whisper he said, “The things you are, Stacy—and whore is not one of them—are behaviors you can change if you wish. Tonight, what you did wasn’t so much on people’s minds as the fact that Sean embarrassed everybody by throwing it in their faces. Now an uncomfortable moment has become something to talk about. It’s added spice to their evening. Believe it or not Stacy, there are girls here who are wishing they could be you. Sure they’re gonna talk about you. Some of the girls will even envy you and wish it could have been them who were the object of the basketball team’s attentions. More boys will want you. Most of all though, if you suck it up and walk to the party with me you’re gonna be amazed at how many people are going to want to get to know you better. By leading the parade you’re going to prove to them that nobody can bring you down. And that will even bring confidence to them.”
As Kyle Van der Meer tenderly coaxed the girl he had longed for along the path she fell into stride with him and asked, “How does a kid like you know so much about people?”
His answer was short, “My Karate master.
She didn’t understand; Kyle was the same age as she. Before tonight he was just a geek but still a nice guy. Now he seemed years older and going to the dance with him was a new adventure, the kind where two youths make discoveries. Now it was as if she were in the presence of a mature adult, the kind of adult her grandfather and her father should have been. But after being called out in the most despicable way she was walking with him as if he were leading a flock of disciples.
It was just as he had predicted. For the rest of the evening she and Kyle were never alone. It was clear that people wanted to be in their presence. She began to experience a new feeling, like she was someone of importance. Girls who had avoided her in the past suddenly wanted to be her friend. For the first time she could remember she started feeling comfortable in a group. She was almost ready to truly trust it but, where before she only felt comfortable with boys now with the exception of a few elite and stand-offish girls she was beginning to feel a comfort level in the presence of other females that she had never felt before.
The party was a lock-in that lasted all night. Everybody changed into casual clothes. After brunch, which ended around twelve, they were free to go. As Kyle and Stacy drove away in his father’s dark blue BMW X5 SUV, Stacy said, “Can we go someplace where we can be alone, Kyle?”
“We’re alone now,” he said, almost afraid to be totally alone with this girl of such besmirched reputation. If what he had heard of her history were true she would expect him to make love to her. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t have loved to; he was a virgin and didn’t have the slightest idea how to make love to a girl. It was strange how he could be so controlled in the dicey situation of the night before; he’d been so confident. Yet the prospect of being totally alone with the girl he had fucked so many times in his fantasies had him in a cold sweat.
“I mean alone,” Stacy said, “really alone.”
Feeling like a complete jerk he answered, “I wouldn’t have the slightest idea where to go.”
Looking over at him she cocked her head and with the vaguest trace of a smirk asked, “Are you afraid to be alone with me Kyle?”
“If you were another girl Stacy, one who I had never heard anything about, it would probably be different. But I’m afraid you will think I’m a complete dork.”
It was the first time she experienced a kind of warmth that completely overcame her. Here she was with a boy so completely different from those with whom she’d hung with. On the surface he was shy. Yet, when presented with a difficult situation, he was in complete control. He was the only boy in high school who’d shown any kind of respect for her as a person. Still, he was a neophyte when it came to Stacy’s wheelhouse—sex. Facing a dilemma she thought. If I go too fast I could turn him off but reasoned every guy loves sex.
“Believe me Kyle,” she said, “you’re no dork. There were at least a hundred people who saw you in action against Sean. You not only showed all of us that you knew how to handle yourself physically, you were in total control. You knew what to say and how to make something happen. And once you took charge everybody, even the popular kids, wanted to follow you. As far as I am concerned Kyle I’ve never been treated like such a lady. I’ll never forget that.”
The prospect of being completely alone with Stacy raised the hair on the back of his neck. Moisture seeped in his armpits. The half hard-on he’d been sporting since they got into the car grew to a full erection. With a new kind of motivation he asked, “D-do you have any idea w-where we can go?”
The familiar sensations coursed from Stacy’s nipples to her pussy. She looked over at Kyle and grinned. “Make a U-turn at the light, go back past the school and turn right at the next light. Just before you get to the college there’s a park...”
She knew there would be nobody in the park yet. It was Sunday morning. Anyway most of the people who used it were college students; school was out. It was not that long ago that she had been there with Lance. She felt a gush of wetness when she thought of the glorious sex they had there. After they entered the park she said, “See the tire tracks to the left Kyle? Follow them.”
The fact that Kyle was treating her like a queen, had fought for her, had impressed all the people at the dance and had counseled her like a guru, made the prospect of her eminent task more pleasurable. She looked forward to teaching this wonderful young man how to become an expert in making love to a girl. It wouldn’t all happen today, for her own enjoyment she didn’t want to bring him along too fast. This would just be the beginning.
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SpankingA Friend Ass Fucked by Daddy----------Dad was always providing guidance and support for my friends and me as we grew up. Many were from broken homes where the father figure was missing in their lives and he fulfilled many dreams that they would not have had otherwise. Seldom did a night go by that I had not managed to invite some wayward teen home. Most were my age but that varied, some older and some younger, but always the same premise, they had nowhere to go and no one to turn to for...
Mary kept Lou stretched out on the floor for two, miserable, long days. Occasionally she would stoop to his side and attempt conversation. Her hand might affectionately stroke the lengthening beard on his cheek, or her fingers play with his hair. She acted for the world as if there were nothing unusual in having a man sewn into a blanket laying in the middle of her floor. Lou refused to talk to her. His anger boiled, at himself almost as much as at her. She was sick. He should have guessed,...
I woke up to mums singing, mum would always sing while she prepared breakfast. Reaching to get my mobile to check the time, it was 7:00 am it was time to get up. How much I wanted to put my trainers on to go for a run, but today we had a full agenda planned. Alternatively, I did ten minutes of stretching, then my regular schedule of pull-ups and push-ups. Had a quick shower, then made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Mum was pouring a cup of tea when I walked in. “Good Morning mum.” Mum...
SUSIE CATCHES HER FATHER IN THE ACTCHAPTER 2David and his daughter Susie lay on the bed, their naked bodies snuggled together like spoons, for a full five minutes while they caught their breath and the shock of what they had done had begun to fade. David checked the clock, and sat up."We have to get dressed, sweetheart. Mom will be home soon, and we have to have supper ready! Hurry!"Ten minutes later, they walked into the kitchen at the same time. Susie had dressed in baggy shorts and one...
IncestTeen Fire & Frost ....Sadist Sorority SlaversKara and Tara Bishop AKA Teen Fire and Frost were investigating several disappearances at the state university campus: many freshman girls had gone missing since the beginning of the school year, prompting the super heroines to investigate. The investigation revealed that all of the missing girls had recently pledged the same sorority. Tri Kappa was known to be the most difficult sorority to pledge, their members were the richest and the most...
*The Crush* The first time I met you, a feeling never experienced before came over me. It did not take long to realize that it was called the crush. You were much older than I. A woman whose knowledge and travels were willingly shared with me. I was fortunate enough to spend every weekday from late August to early June with you. Everyday when it was time for me to leave, I came up with reasons for staying a little longer. You were kind enough to let me. For that brief time you opened my eyes to...
Angel's Wood was still, with that curious stillness that precludes the dawn. This stillness had nothing to do with death, but was just a pause before the life and fecundity of the wood burst into a new day, as the nocturnal inhabitants settled into sleep, and the diurnal inhabitants awoke. As the sky got lighter, the wood was slowly filled with birdsong, and it was possible to see the mist that clung to the ground, hiding the underbrush, making the trees that rose above it look somehow...
After getting Rich big and hard with my sexy outfit, I was now ready to put on a show for himWhenever men see me in my panties, they want me like a girl. It follows that whoever wears sexy little panties also likes big hard cocks to suck on and play with. My sexy French maid outfit was especially good at making me feel like a slut for a man. Since so many men had fantasized about being with a French maid, wearing the outfit makes a girl feel extra seductive and slutty.With his big hard boner...
CrossdressingHMS Summer Rose It was a long, enjoyable and very exhausting weekend. Tony eventually staggered back to the ship very early on Monday morning. Leaving Freda getting ready for her shift at the hospital. Just as the bosun's call was making the morning call over the tannoy "Wakey, wakey off cocks, on socks." It was the usual morning call for all hands to turn to for cleaning ship. They had 48 hours, before they were due to sail with the next convoy to Halifax. Local leave would be given...
My wife Kris and I were having drinks one night at a one of our favorite restaurants after a busy day. Kris is 42 and still in pretty good shape although she will tell you not nearly good enough. Fact is she is 5'4" and maybe 140 lbs. She's got shoulder length brunette hair, blue eyes, and a great set of legs topped off with a nice ass. She still turns the younger guys heads and if they miss everything else, her 36D tits usually get them. We were sitting at our table enjoying a drink when the...
Vanakam enathu peyar Maala, naan Bangaloreil it niruvanathil vellai paarthu varugiren. Ennaku vayathu 24 aagugirathu, innum thirumanam aaga villai, veetil maapilai paarthukondu irukiraargal. Naan muthalil oru gramathai serthaval kalluriyil padithu mudithu vittu bangaloril vellai seithu varugiren. Naan gramathil enth aangaludanum pesa maaten en endraal en thanathai miga kovakaaran athanaal naan migavum bayapaduven. Niraiya aangalai sight adika aasai paduven aanal en thanthai meethu irukum bayam...
This is the end of the series. Please comment, as, again, I always appreciate feedback. Thanks!“Dad we need to talk…” I said to my father as he was eating his breakfast. “What is it son?’ he asked. “There’s something I have to tell you..and…. I don’t know exactly how to say it” I said. “Well just spit it out son” he said. Funny all this time I had been swallowing, now came the time for spitting. “Well…, here it goes” I responded. I told him everything. How Artie made a video of me wearing moms...
Phoenix Rising ------------------------ An adult tale by Miss Irene Clearmont. Copyright 2011 (Nov) Henry is a rich layabout who is just waiting for his twenty fifth birthday so he can claim his inheritance. A massive blowout in a Bahamas casino finds him looking for a little cash and something to allay the boredom. The deckhand job on the small cutter, the ‘Phoenix’, turns out to be just the ticket; a ticket on a ride that assumes a serious turn when he starts to...
Every day is good for an Asian blowjob, but when sexy Chinese teen Alina Li shows up on the PervCity doorstep in nothing but her lacy lingerie, it becomes an awesome day. The sweet young beauty teases Mike Adriano with her tight ass and small tits, and then kicks off her high heels and gets down to oral sex. She starts in on his sack, sucking his balls with her sensual lips, then slips the head of his prick into her mouth with slow sexy fellatio. With her big brown eyes fixed in POV, things...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! Abby was so excited thinking about going to the party, she could hardly contain herself. She was a 15 year old sophomore and she was going to a senior party with one of the hottest boys at school. She was also happy that now she would be able to spend more time with Melissa. Melissa was two years older than Abby but they had been friends since they were six and four. Melissa and her family lived next door, and they had become almost as close as sisters...
First Time"No, I don't want any other woman," I protested in all sincerity, "I just thought it really unfair that you never experienced sex with anyone but me. And while I can't explain why, the thought of you spreading your legs for another man just really turns me on. I'm sorry." I thought I'd primed her for the request, routinely fucking her with a big dildo and even managing to double penetrate her pussy with it. She amazed me by taking its inch and a half girth along with my cock. She went...
The clock on the dash read quarter to nine. Lia exhaled slowly in an attempt to get a handle on her rattled nerves. Within the next ten minutes she would arrive at the designated spot. The place they’d agreed to meet. The notification tone on her cell phone chimed, she looked down hastily at her phone. It was a text from him. The text read that he would be there in twelve minutes. Lia was anxious, but semi-relieved that he was running later than herself. She tapped the breaks, as her car...
Doosre din khet se lota to dekha ki zooni mere intezar mein haveli ke gate par khari thi, mujhe dekhte hi sarmakar andar gayi aur khana khilane ke bad mere bistar mein hi mere sath let gayi aur boli thak gaye ho meri banho me hi so jao, 15 sal ki kamsin ladki ek rat ki chudai mein hi chudsi ho gayi thi aur zeenat bahut dukhi thi ki aisi kamsin alhad jism ki mallika ko chod salman uske paas to badi mushkil se ayega. Mein jaise hi uske sath leta to zeenat bhi mere bistar par mujhse chipak kar so...
Carla is a college student who is your neighbour. She was a very pretty young woman who didn't have the greatest level of intelligence or had the best of luck in life. More of that later. Your paths had crossed a few times as neighbours since you moved into your house down the street last year. She always seemed pleased to see you and her smile was like a pinball table when you hit the jackpot. You'd chatted a number of times and she knew a little about you and visa versa. You had a huge crush...
TeenI recently posted some pics of my wife, Anna, taking cock after cock at a dirty, run-down swinger’s club a couple hours from where we live. COVID has given many people cabin fever, with Anna and I being no exception. A couple weekends ago, however, we decided we weren’t letting anything get in the way of some kinky fun.Many of our traditional hang-outs are still closed, but after a long search we found an old, run-down looking “club” about 2 hours away. I called the owner just to make sure they...
Mature white wife was visiting a secluded nude beach in Italy. She received many stares as she walked along the beach, few bathers here and there. They loved her curvy figure, 44EE-37-45, gorgeous long blonde hair (okay, it's dyed now, she can't stand grey), stunning blue eyes, chiseled jaw, basically a gorgeous voluptuous mature woman!She notices a young handsome black man lying in a semi-shaded area on his towel facing upward. She stops to say hi to him, makes sure her towel is over her far...
Van Wylde needs a new employee for his babysitting company. He interviews Raven Right for the job. She has previous babysitting experience, so she seems like a good candidate. But just to be sure, he needs to ask further questions. He describes several different scenarios, asking her how she would react. From the way Raven answers the questions, it’s clear that she is patient and has an open mind. So far, so good. Just to be sure he’s going to like working with her, he has one more...
xmoviesforyouhi readers, aap sabhi ko mera sadar pranam. aaj main ISS par apni khani sunane jaa rha hoon. khani sunaney se pehle main aapko kahni ke mukhya patron se introduce krva doon. to pehle khani ka main hero Pavan kumar smart, dashing, inteligent, ek no. ka ladki baaz jindagi mein ladki badlna yaa gadi badlna ek smaan. 5-11 height 68 weight. aur sabse badi baat mera dost. khaani ki heroine Sonia Jain, much more inteligent one of the beautiful most girl of our college, slim nice figure, step cut hairs...
It was around noon on Saturday when Deb woke me up. I didn’t see Kelly or Jack. Deb and I scrounged for some food. I found out that she was thirty-seven years old and that Jack was forty-eight. Deb could have passed for ten-years-younger without question. I came up behind Deb and she leaned onto the counter as I fucked her from behind. I brought her to orgasm and then dumped a load into her. It felt so great to cum a nice decent size load. She turned around and we embraced and kissed. Deb's...
Office Sexjust as i get myself a cup of coffee u walk in2 the kitchen & i can feel the extreme sexual tension that i always feel whenever u are anywhere around me...u press yourself against me as u push me back 2 the counter & guide my hand down 2 your crotch... i moan as my palm slides down over the substantial bulge in your pants & u groan as my fingers grip your thickening shaft & i stroke u slowly through the thin material...u laugh & whisper " wanna have sumthing creamy with your...
Teen with braces Khloe Kapri is desperate to learn her lines for her PervCity high-school play. Fortunately, her athletic step-brother Oliver Flynn is all too willing to take on the role of Romeo to her Juliet. But when he kisses the nubile schoolgirl, she jumps in shock. Oliver convinces the nubile actress to immerse in her role. After a hairy pussy licking, the hot step-sister falls to her knees and slurps, slobbers, and gulps his big dick into her gagging deepthroat, before devouring his...
xmoviesforyou(Two years transitioned ) With my second anniversary just having passed since I came home, I went out with Andy and Leslie and celebrated. They called it a celebration, but I didn’t see what the big deal was. To me, that part of my life was long over now. I got rid of nearly everything from then, and what I didn’t trash or donate, I packed away. My house resembled my current life, personality, and feelings, and that was all I needed. I understood that Andy and Leslie were happy for me,...
Andrea,my young wife,is a teacher,slightly stuck up,she does not talk to strangers unless she has to,tall and slender with medium size firm breast,vegan diet and dally yoga keep her very fit.She and our toddler just came back from eastern europe,where they spend the summer with her parents and beloved family.During that time i was able to get a few things done,one was installing micro security cameras throughout home,invisible to a naked eye ,Andrea hate cameras so i had to do it without her...
Geoff did indeed give her ten years, as he promised. Amy threw an eightieth birthday party for him at their favorite restaurant, and all their friends attended to honor the old soldier – and to eat the best steaks in town. Amy’s parents, of course, were among the guests, but one of the survivors of those two terrible days on the hilltop had passed on, though his wife was there. Another attended in a wheelchair. Johnsty, too, was gone, and so was Carolyn, his wife. The annual gathering was...
I was 19 and I’d taken 30 driving lessons and I knew I was ready for my test. The day dawned quickly and as I made my way to the test centre it was warm and sunny perfect conditions for the test. After waiting around ten minutes the test examiner introduced himself. Mr. Jones, he was wearing a shirt and slacks, we shook hands and then made our way outside to the car.I sat in the driver’s seat and Mr. Jones, Ted, said to move on when I was ready. As we drove he made small talk and gave me...
I had met him several times before, and now that he and his new wife,June, had moved into our neighborhood, we interacted more frequently. Ihad actually dated her for a while before she and Jeff married, so I wasaware of more intimate aspects of her as well as their relationship. Ihad always found it strange that they got married, as they seemed an oddpair. He was not particularly attractive, nor personable. Also, Junecomplained a lot about him, in particular his tendency to be rude to herand...
I don't know, either I'm the luckiest or unluckiest guy on earth. Sometimes I get lucky and things seem to be going my way. At other times, I find myself in odd and compromising situations. Most people think it's my fault. They say I'm careless. Okay, they could be right, but from my point of view, these things just happen like in the song, "everything happens to me." My first memory of stumbling into an embarrassing situation was when I was in kindergarten. My teacher's name was Mrs....
Straight SexHe caught me before I could make it to the elevators and said, “I’ve been waiting for your call, I really have a lot to delivery, if you know what I mean. I certainly wouldn’t want to have to make a call ‘cause you’re dodging me,” and he chuckles. I had to think quickly so I said, “Not dodging you, I’ve just been out visiting with friends. Maybe I can order something when I wake up.” Then to set his mind into overload, I leaned into him and whispered, “Have you ever done anal? I’ve got an...
Eliza Ibarra, Emma Hix, and Gabbie Carter are feeling a little bummed. They had planned to have their annual water fight but the weather put a damper on their plans. Once they’re inside, they try to figure out something else to do to honor their friendly competition… and that’s when a pillow fight breaks out! As the girls giggle and duke it out with each other, Emma suddenly becomes inspired. To make things interesting, why don’t they turn it into a strip game?? Each...
xmoviesforyouSo began the most memorable summer of my life. Jeanie and I had fallen for each other. It was quick and passionate, and it would forever change the way I felt about love, friendship and destiny - for better and for worse. The roller coaster ride had begun, and so would come the highs and lows, the thrills and chills, that came along with it.It began with the high of being drawn to Jeanie. Though we knew it could be problematic, neither of us could quell the unquenchable desire we had for one...
Here goes some considerations: - Even having good normal sex scenes and some romance, this story is tends to get darker as it goes, involving torture, extreme sex and some other stuff. This chapter is just the introduction. - I'm not an English speaker and I know I make a lot of mistakes, but I have no one to proof-read for me in time to post, cause I'm really busy and the only time I have I write and I post, so, sorry for any mistake or error. - All the characters follows the...
His reddish goatee and startling blue eyes were so different then I have ever seen. An odd combination to say the least, but attractive nonetheless. I had never been one to like "bikers", although I had dated one for a few months. But he was a lawyer and wore Armani when he rode. The guy with the reddish goatee was different. He looked every inch a "biker", although it was hard to tell if he had the tattoos or piercing to go along with it. I guess I watch too much TV to think that all bikers...
BisexualDavina Davis and her stepbrother Logan Long argue over breakfast, causing the milk to get spilled. Logan puts in his headphones and kneels on the floor to clean up the mess. When he reaches up to hang on to the stool, he slides a finger into Davina’s creamy twat and starts finger banging her. Although it feels good, Davina slaps his hand away and adjusts her panties and miniskirt. Then she peels off her shirt and demands that Logan wash it. Later, Davina walks in on Logan stroking his...
xmoviesforyouThank you all for the overwhelming response to my previous sex stories. It was a great feeling to see so many feedbacks. I am back with my another true incident which happened very recently. For the readers who are reading this for the first time, myself Rahul from Bangalore. As usual I always welcome feedbacks / critics. Please pass on your feedback about this real life incident @ Sit back, relax and enjoy the story!!! With me learning the fine art of massage and a deep dive learning...
Judy hadn’t done much lately due to some health issues. She used to jerk me off once every couple of weeks telling me what she had done and that had been less lately. One morning she walked into the family room and told me to be ready tomorrow morning as it was her turn to watch me. I laughed and said, “doing what?” She just smile back.The next morning she told me we needed to run some errands. We stopped at the craft store and the pharmacy and then se said let’s stop at the office so I can...
After Jack left, I fell back into a deep sleep. Surprisingly, I didn’t wake up when my husband crawled into bed. The room was filled with light when my eyes opened. Logan was next to me asleep, like any other Sunday morning. But this was not any other Sunday morning. It had been just a few hours ago that Jack had been in my bed fucking me and Logan had been in the bed of the hostess of the party we attended.As I cuddled up with Logan, I could smell her pussy juice on him. He started to stir...
Wife LoversCurling up in my bed warm and cozy propped against a pillow book in hand ,glass of wine on the night stand,settled in for the night .Reading one of my favorite authors ,drifting off to sleep ,was soon to be awaken with a soft whispering Wake up,soft caresses up and down my leg ,up my stomach,my breast ,pinching my nipples ,causing me to moan stretching opening my eyes smiling up at my lover pulling him down kissing him gently ,whispering your not due in until tomorrow,as his hand roams over my...
The movie premier that Jake and Matt had been pretty much ordered to attend (their contract stated they were required to make themselves available for public appearances as arranged by the record company — this was without compensation, of course, with only travel being paid for) was for a film called Thinner Than Water. Neither Jake nor Matt knew anything about it other than it starred Mindy Snow and Veronica Julius, two of the hottest young female actors on the movie scene today, though two...
As she slowly opens her eyes, she wonders how long she has been asleep as she notices the sun has set and the room is dark with just a single light on. She can’t believe she fell asleep, she is never able to actually sleep with a man their first time together and very rarely in a hotel room. Maybe it was the long cross country flight, or the amazing sex, or maybe just maybe she finally met someone who was right for her. She sits up and she notices him gazing at her. He tells her she is...
Oral SexReddit ChangingRooms, aka r/ChangingRooms! We all love to see women wearing realign clothes or whatever the fuck, and that is why there are loads of subreddits dedicated just for that basically. Well, r/ChangingRooms is one of them, as here you basically get to see chicks in changing rooms… changing to lewd outfits, taking pictures or videos, and posting them for everyone to enjoy. Ain’t these sluts nice?I am sure we have all wondered what the fuck do women do for so fucking long when they go...
Reddit NSFW ListI had a long day at work and was glad to get home and strip down and put some shorts and a shirt on. I sat down on the couch and my dog Sal comes to join me. He lays his head in my lap, his long golden fur tickling my bare thighs. I look down at him and say, "Hey Sal, do you want to go for a walk with me down to the lake? It should be quiet seeing that the sun is almost gone from the summer night." Sal looks up to me as I talk to him and its almost as if he can understand what I am saying...
Part IIIt is 5:45 now. Where are you? You haven’t called. Thoughts racing though my head, my heart pounding; you’re going to make me wait tied up like this until 8, or the next morning, or I didn’t tell you the right hotel address. I look around the room as much as I can in my tightly constrained position – I can’t even see the keys anywhere. Where did I put them? Maybe they are on the bed, or are they on the dresser? If I do find them, will I even be able to move enough to reach them...
Richard the Sissy gets Caught by Sis by Joney Cunningham Gina is making keep a diary of my sissy training. She says all girly sluts keep a diary of their training. It was the ending of a long day, so Gina told me to wash up and put on a pink baby-doll nightie. I was really sore from my ass to my mouth. My jaw really ached because of all the pussy eating, asshole licking, and cock sucking I had done that day. Gina made sure there was skin softening liquid in the bath water with...
A Maiden Gamble Part XI By Sydney Michelle Chapter Twenty-Five Tomas garnered a door card from the desk, waved off a bellman, and approached Sharon smiling. "Key to paradise, Hon. No kids, no phone, no worries. Just you, me and Willy makes three." Sharon smiled wanly, slipped under her husband's arm, slid an arm around his waist and snuggled his shoulder. "Hey, cheer up! You just pulled off a new project without a hitch and even made a profit." They stepped on the...
I have seen her often around the neighborhood. She wore tight-fitting blue jean shorts, with a short sleeve boat-neck blouse. Her blouse is white with blue horizontal stripes. She wore a light cream-colored open-knit sweater loosely hanging off one shoulder. That is how she looked the first time I saw her at the cafe. Who am I? Well, I'm just your average something sidewalk café girl watcher. I love the outdoor cafes that are so plentiful in this neighborhood. The coffee is good, and so is the...
I‘d met David through my (now ex) wife. He lived in the Twin Cities with his partner Dennis. His being gay made it very easy for me to talk openly about being Samantha. He hosted a drag show on Saturday nights at a small gay bar so he’d invited me to come along, meet the ‘girls’ and see the show. I could stay the night so I could go dressed and have a fun ‘girl’s night out’ while he MC’d the show. I got dressed at David’s before we left for the show while David waited and changed at the bar. I...