A Maiden Gamble: Part XI free porn video

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A Maiden Gamble Part XI By Sydney Michelle Chapter Twenty-Five Tomas garnered a door card from the desk, waved off a bellman, and approached Sharon smiling. "Key to paradise, Hon. No kids, no phone, no worries. Just you, me and Willy makes three." Sharon smiled wanly, slipped under her husband's arm, slid an arm around his waist and snuggled his shoulder. "Hey, cheer up! You just pulled off a new project without a hitch and even made a profit." They stepped on the elevator, alone. Sharon turned into her sugar bear, making herself small against him. "I know. I should be relieved and happy. But somehow I feel a little sad." Tomas slipped an arm around her shoulders. "Project let down. Big project completed and so you feel a little empty." He kissed the top of her head. She clung to him, comforted by his closeness. "No, not that. I know that, elation and emptiness. It's more like I feel somehow, somehow guilty." The elevator dinged, the door slid open and they stepped past a waiting couple. Tomas looked at the key card room number as he steered his wife down the hall. Once the door closed, he put one arm around her, tilted her head back and kissed her lightly. "Let's just enjoy ourselves, 'kay? No kids, just you and me." "'Kay." Her head bent back, eyes closed. She nibbled his lips. Her hands slipped around his waist, fingers finding his hips. She kneaded the taut behind, drawing him to her even as his arms slid up her back, pressing her into him. She sighed, relaxed, surrendered to the pleasure of his kiss, the firmness of his body against hers, the inside of her leg pressing his. She arched as his fingers fumbled for the zipper, knowing she would soon be hot and naked, moving with him as he pumped in and out of her fluid. Her eyes flew open and she pulled back. "Is something wrong? Did I pinch?" Sharon pushed back a little, looking into her husband's eyes. "No, you're fine. It's just I need to talk, to shed this nagging feeling. I want the world to go away when we make love, and I just can't yet." Tomas sighed and released his wife. He settled into a chair, legs stretched out on his heels, hands a tent on his chest. "So talk. What's bothering you?" Sharon shooed his knees up, settled into his lap and stroked his temple. She twined a strand of brown hair around her finger, studied the texture and curl intently, feeling the silk slide over her digit. "Uh, I haven't made you mad, have I?" Sharon leaned on his shoulder, settled in trying to feel small, protected. "No, you've been sweet, especially with me so busy this week. I've ignored you and the kids a lot." "Just checking." His arm slid around her back, pulling her close. He stroked her cheek with his nose, planted a butterfly kiss on her cheek. She sighed, her breath soft on his neck. "You keep my attention tank pretty full, it ought to stand a little drought." "It's just, just that, I don't know!" Tomas stroked her neck, gently, long, soft strokes. This is gonna take awhile. His peter retreated. "You said something about guilty. 'Bout what?" Sharon's knees pulled up onto his lap, thighs wrapped across his waist. "Tonight." She nestled her head on his shoulder, blonde curls tickling his neck. "The auction." Her fingers traced his lapel. "Maria." "Hon, you placed a client. You've done it a thousand times. And he was a twerp. You said so months ago." "But everyone I've placed had a choice. Anton was a lout, but Maria has become something else. Vulnerable, wanting to please. And I helped put her in a position to be exploited." "He put himself there. If Marilyn sent him to the pen, he'd have been exploited there, hard and fast." "Maybe. I just feel like I've betrayed a woman. I mean, we're going to make sweet, passionate love, I want to be lost in each other, and I can't help feeling I don't deserve it. I mean she'll just be fucked, not loved." Tomas shrugged his shoulders. "Guys his age usually love that. So he gets a few years of being a wild thing. Fed, clothed, fucked, most guys have to pay for it." He stroked her back, feeling the zipper ridge above her hips. Sharon pulled her head back. "Maybe. But women want to be loved. I mean you're a fantastic lay, you make my body hum, but it wouldn't be the same if I didn't know you would be with me tomorrow, and the day after, and ever after. The security of you makes it even better." "That's the difference between men and women, I guess. We enjoy the uncertainty of the chase almost as much as the act. Maybe more. It takes awhile to appreciate a steady warmth in bed." He stroked her bare shoulder, running his fingers up under her nape curls. "Maybe so. After all, she's not really a woman. And the owners of Azteca Enterprises are not vicious. They said they wanted an acceptable secretary and escort for visiting clients and salesmen. Maybe she'll enjoy the next few years." She slipped off his lap, turned her back. Tomas looked at his trim wife, glittering red material highlighting the swell of her hips. Her bare back invited a touch and her warmth almost glowed. He reached out as she backed closer, his fingers finding the clasp above the seam. The seam fell open, exposing the sheer black shaper. He stroked it with the back of his fingers, moving up onto her bare back. His finger slipped under the band, slid down between her buns, searched for the magic button on her tail bottom. "Stop that! I thought you liked the chase, the pursuit!" "But I've matured. Now I like knowing where to touch you, where to turn you on." "Pooh! You know all you have to do is breathe on my ear and I spread like hot butter. Besides, don't you want a little tease?" "Hon, we just endured nearly an hour of tease. Now all I want is your hot little bod next to mine, touching you, touching me." "You sure?" Sharon's hands slipped behind her neck, below her trailing blonde kiss curls, reaching for the strap snaps. A grasp, a pull, and the bodice slid down, revealing the tops of full globes freed from supporting cups. "If you don't want to look . . ." Sharon half turned, holding the material against her breasts. Tomas gulped, reminded of just how sexy his wife was. "Well, maybe a little." Sharon, let the front fall to her waist, turned profile, crossed her arms over her breasts. She turned her head, looking back at her husband. "I mean a woman can't have her man come to her bed turned on by another, now can she?" She turned a quarter turn, breasts full and pert behind her forearms, the tops of rosy aureoles peeking out. "You like? Or would you rather Maria did another star turn?" Tomas licked his lips, little Pete twitching again. "You know you're the only flavor for me. Come give me a little chocolate." "Hhm. Left or right?" She steeped forward, bent down to offer her teat, firm and taut despite breast feeding two children. The nipple was tight, proud, inviting. Her hand snaked into his brown hair, pulling his mouth forward. "Does-ums want momma's milk?" Tomas nodded his head, the erect nipple grazing his lips. Gentle pressure forced his mouth over the invading teat. He relished its warmth, its hard, salty flavor, sucking on the titbit before swirling his tongue around the intruder. He closed his eyes, savoring the sweetness within, the plump warmth on his chin, the morsel growing under his tongue. His tongue swirled over, under, around, teasing to draw forth her magic fluid. A hand slid around her waist, felt the gentle swell of her hips. He cupped the point, feeling the flesh undulate beneath layers of cloth. Sharon's fingers tightened in Tomas's hair, gently pulling him off her nipple, directing his tongue to the valley cleft in her flesh. He trailed wet kisses over her warmth, tongue tip flicking over the musky blonde surface. She pulled forward, burying his face between soft mounds, his tongue making little circles above her heart. She felt the finger tip slide down her nether crack, press her button, sending a shiver up her spine. "Oh! Oh-h! Oh-h-hh." Tomas pulled back, breathed, fastened on the other nipple, rolling it under his tongue, the aureole steady in his teeth. He sucked, pulled the teat forward, drew it in, working its plumpness. Sharon moved against him, giving up her breast to his ministrations, thrusting the warm melon into his mouth. Incredibly he felt her shudder, heave, heard her moan, felt a warm drop emerge from the tip. He rested his head on her breast, eyes closed, dick throbbing. "God I want you!" His hand shucked the gown over her hips. "And I you, Baby." Sharon barely breathed the words, lost in the sensations of warm caresses on her body. Both hands tangled in his hair, urging him to add liquid caresses to her inflamed tits. She directed his tongue from tender spot to tender spot, holding him to linger under the peachy orbs, the ending strokes teasing her throbbing nipples. She moaned, pressed her naked belly to his chest, feeling the bite of garter belt on her hips. Her hands moved down, peeling the coat over his shoulders. "Get naked for me, Baby, get naked and take me home!" Tomas stood, almost toppling in the narrow space between the chair and his wife. Fingers tore at his tie, fumbled with buttons, giving up after three. He toed off shoes while watching through slit eyes the undulations of stocking clad legs as she promenaded across the room. She slid back the door, blew a kiss off her palm, stepped into the bath, closed the door behind. Gulping, penis throbbing in his briefs, Tomas barely got them off. Damn! Nervous as a schoolboy! You'd think I never did it with her! He lifted a leg, peeled down a sock, lost his balance and half stumbled, half fell onto the bed. Sharon examined her reflection in the mirror. Face flushed, rosy hue spread across the chest, eyes glistening. Damn, I'm hot! She fumbled in the cosmetics case, searching through the layers for her quarry. Gotta hurry. Where is that damn thing? The rubber cup slipped from the plastic baggie. Better safe than sorry. A quick dose of gel and she faced the mirror, spread her legs to open her vagina. Fingers spread sensitive lips, she moaned as she grazed her gently throbbing clitoris. Two fingers stretched her hole, others folded the latex and guided it inside. Warmth engulfed the fingers positioning the shield against her cervix, the entrance to her uterus, her womb. Maybe I should just get tied off? But I like being fertile, knowing I can still give life. She settled the diaphragm in place, tweaking her clit on the way out. A pleasurable shudder ran through her. Damn but I want his bone! Sharon glanced at her undiminished flush, patted her upswept curls, stroked her nipples, inhaled deeply. Perfume? If he can't smell how ready I am, perfume wouldn't help. She slipped on the fuzzy hotel robe, left the ceiling light on. Tomas sat on the turned back bed, eyes glazed, naked, a sock still on one foot. His neck and cheeks were flushed, his eyes slits, his breathing heavy and labored. He held his meat, thick, not solid, the tip stretched half way down his thighs. He looked up at the shadow of his wife, outlined by the faint bathroom light, swallowed. "God, you're beautiful." He tried to rise, hung halfway, slumped back on the sheets. Sharon smiled, drifted across the room, untying the robe. She stood before him, opened the robe, peeling it back and down. Her orbs emerged, rosy tipped, erect from his kisses. The soft material slid down, revealing her trim belly, nipping in below her ribs, her navel dark and deep. The sleeves hung on her wrist, the fold splitting just at her thatch, the delicious curve of her hips tempting him. A shrug, the fold fell lower, displaying the dark blonde hair, slightly matted, releasing the odor of her heat. "Oh, God, my God." Tomas leaned forward, his hands enfolding her hips. Warm lips lavished kisses on her belly, fluttering down the swells of her abdominal walls. He kissed her navel, lingering to caress its folds, inhale her heat. He groaned, moved lower, licking the pelvic ridge, fingering the band of her garter belt. He kissed, licked, barely aware of the pressure of guiding fingers. His tongue tasted the material and he found the strength to stretch, pull the elastic band away from the prize. Tremors fluttered under his touch as he nibbled down the cleft to her bush, parted it with his nose, ran his tongue tip between her lips to her pulsating jewel. "Oh yes, oh-h, yes." Sharon pressed his head to her, rotating her hips, pulsing her crack to present her vulnerability. Her head dropped back, rotated, the stiffly sprayed hair scrapping pleasurably across her shoulders. "Take me, Lover, take me now!" Tomas swivelled her around, sitting her on the bed, laying her back across the sheets. He bent, kissed her breast, nipple, sway, cleft. One hand intertwined with hers, the other stroked her hip, her belly, her bush, cupped her mound, trapping her heat. His prick stood solid, firm, pulsing with desire for her. He slid slowly off the bed, kisses trailing down her belly, her pelvis, until he knelt on the floor, tasting the warmth of her thighs. He spread her knees, kissing back to her heat, pausing above her, gently lowering his head to kiss her swollen lips, flick his tongue through her crack and taste her preparatory ooze. Sharon arched, moaned, her hips rolled to meet his touch, present her to him. He pulled back, and she raised her head, eyes opening to slits. "Don't leave me, lover." "Turn around. No leverage this way." Sharon groaned, scooted over and up, scrambling for a pillow to slide under her ass. She leaned back, fingered her breast, her twat, stoking the fire, feeling her warmth ooze out of her walls. Oh God I need him! Her legs fell open, ankles drawing up below her. She felt the mattress give, turned her head, dimly saw his form settle beside her. His arm encircled her waist, foot stroked her ankle. Her shoulder dropped in response to nibbling lips, her arm worming under him. Tomas's knee slid between hers. She rolled to him, arm encircling his neck, thigh mounting his hip. Her foot brushed his shin, caressed his ankle. She pressed against him, thigh crowding throbbing penis, guiding the head upward to her tunnel entrance. He pulled her to him, arm sliding under her, lifting her. He squirmed, pushed, clenched, trying to slip the head in the hole. It grazed her thigh, lodged in her pit, brushed through her thatch, split her crack, pulsated on her clit. He pulled back, pushed again, slipped to the side. "Here, let me help." Sharon reached down, grasped the throbbing shaft, steadied the head, positioned her tunnel mouth. She pushed forward, hand sliding behind to pull his hips to her. The head parted her lips, the vaginal ring, slipped inside. "O-oh, good, so big." Tomas reached behind, hand enclosing her buttock. He pulled and thrust, root sliding, rippling into her, spreading her, filling her, stretching her. Hair tangled with hair, mound pressed mound, clit throbbed against him. Her head slipped beneath his, hand clutching, tugging his hair as she melded with him. He felt her tongue flick, caress, taste the hollow of his shoulder, felt her thigh rise up his leg, onto his hip, opening herself to him. She felt him slowly withdraw, relishing the slow friction of him in her, longing for his pressure against her jewel. She pulled back, squeezing her crack to increase the friction. Her channel distended, crept down him, sucked him in as she pushed forward, meeting his thrust. Tomas felt nails dig into his shoulder as he pushed forward, the increasingly slick prong sliding up her channel. He pushed, pulled, pushed, buttocks working against nothing, foot pushing futilely against entangling sheet. He paused, planted a foot, pushed and rolled, turning her onto her back, prong still deep within. Knee between hers, he pushed up, hearing her sigh with pleasure as he drew fully through her. Sharon felt his heat withdraw as she opened her knees. His prick caressed her tunnel walls, velvet friction drawing forth her love oil. She held her eyes shut as he pulled out, reached below for the strong prong. She caressed his thighs, stroked his sac, steadied the ram at her entrance. Cradled by his elbows, she lifted her buns off the pillow to meet him, guide him back inside. His weight fell into her, pressing her throbbing clit, spreading her walls. She arched, rubbing her tits against his chest, sucking him deep within her belly. "Yes, oh, yes, fuck me good!" Tomas lowered himself, wetness oozing through their mingled thatches. He pressed, ground, pumped his rod, enjoying the tightness of her. Now he worked off his knees, hips rising and falling, rod pistoning in and out of her flowing well. With each inward stroke, he felt her shiver, grinding her hips to flex her pussy walls, milking his shaft. Her legs wrapped around his, new perch providing more strength to respond. Sharon arched in time with his thrusts, cunt rocking to maximize contact, walls rippling over his shaft. Her buttocks shivered uncontrollably, the first small orgasm milking the beloved intruder. Her head pressed back, pillowed by her curls, body shaking with small trembles. He increased the pace, shorter strokes, more rapid, grinding her thatch and never losing contact with her jewel. His chin cupped her shoulder, weight supported on his elbows as he humped, engorged prick milked by her pulsating tunnel, growing thicker, heavier with each push, each squeeze. His belly shivered, he shimmied atop her, burying himself deeply within as if to disappear into her loving. Sharon clenched around Tomas, pulling his body into hers. As his ram slid in and out of her, she pushed up onto him, walls distending and extending, sucking back, drawing him in, milking him. Her head hooked his shoulder as her hips pumped, belly shook, orgasm ripping through her. "Fuck me! Fill me! Do me! Harder!" Tomas's haunch shivered in response, unable to breathe, face buried in her neck. He barely felt her hands pull his buttocks against her, her legs stroking the backs of his thighs. All he knew was the tension in his loins, the incredible pressure on his mound sucking forth his essence. His prong slipped through her wetness, his sopping pubes bumping her clit, He could not hold his eruption back, did not want to hold it back, wanted to flood her tunnel, wash through her, fill her, explode her with the sheer volume of his cum. He pumped, strained, pressed, held himself deep within her. Sharon clung to him, arms and legs cramped tightly against his hardness. Her pussy distended, reaching out to suck him in, shivered, shimmed, shook her throbbing clit against his mound. A flood released deep within, rushing down over the plug, meeting the responding rush splashing into her. "Yes! Yes! Oh, my God, Yes!" Her hand flung to his head pressing him to her, as if they could meld, become one, become a new being. "Ai-ee-yah!" Sharon's orgasmic shriek filled the room as she spasmed, shook, froze against him, feasting on his last tremors surging against her mound. Tomas clinched his buns, pressed, driving the last of his climax home, throbbing spear embedded in her. He spurted, squirted, dribbled, oozed, then began to subside inside her. Lethargy stole over him even as he struggled to hold in, thrust forward, and push his tip back to her womb. No, not yet! But he shrank and began withdrawing down the slippery channel, slick with their combined wash. He exhaled, long slow hot breath sliding over her neck. Her fingers trickled slowly through his curls, softly, still wrapped around him, aware of the deflating fullness within her. She felt his liquor splash, spread, permeate her, his sperm wiggle within her, seeking the destiny of her womb, thwarted by the latex. She held to him, her knees lifting slightly as if she could ease their passage to her innermost cavity. She felt warmth spread through her, her limbs relax, fulfilled, the merging of souls and roles. Her head arched back, the pins in her hair biting into her scalp. She breathed, inhaled, felt her cervix push down on his retreating head. She relaxed, snuggled her nose against his neck and inhaled the smell of him. Lips moved by his ear. "Oh, my love, I love you, cherish you. I am your woman, you, my man." As she recognized the leaden weight of inevitable sleep, she raised a hip, rolling him beside her. She snuggled close to him, the first beads of sweat forming from their common heat. Hands traced his chest, feeling the beat of his heart. "Oh, my love, you have made me whole again, lover, mother. Let me swell with your life, bear your child." Sharon felt his cum move within her as she slid closer, content to hold his essence within. Poor Maria, she'll never bear a child, fruit of her love. I hope they are gentle with her. Chapter Twenty-Six DeeDee nestled Maria under her arm, guiding her across the lobby. Maria wrapped the cloak around her, trying to disappear into its folds, to make herself safe, invisible. "Miz Costello said a honeymoon suite was available, Janice." The tall strawberry blonde smiled back. "She held it this afternoon. Suite C. Sixth floor. Enjoy." As they rode up in the elevator, DeeDee held Maria close, arm around her shoulders, hand lightly stroking her arm under the cloak, Maria's head on her shoulder. She felt Maria standing woodenly, unresponsive, so unlike the warm, pliant bedmate she had come to know. The door shut behind them, she turned, enfolded Maria in her arms, pulled her head onto her shoulder. Maria stood against her, stiff, still. "Something wrong, lambkins? Let me make it better." Maria pushed away, face crinkled. "You can't! I've been sold, and in a few days I'll be shipped off to God knows what. How can you fix that?" DeeDee fumbled at Maria's shoulders, trying to decide what to say, trying to offer what comfort she could. Maria pushed back. "Leave me alone!" DeeDee drew back, hurt, disappointed. "Do you want me to go? I will if that's what you really want." "No, please. I don't want to be alone. It's just I don't feel very loved." "But I do love you." "And you let this happen to me?" "I, I wasn't going to say anything, but, well, I tried." "Tried what?" "I went to Miz Costello over a month ago, just after you went ballistic, to see if I could get you out of this, buy your contract or something." "For what? Your fuck toy? Hardly your husband! Your wife? How would you explain me to your precious Debra Anne?" "I don't know. I didn't care. But it doesn't matter. Your bill was more than I could scrape together. All I can do is wait until your contract is up. Or maybe I can buy it out before it's up." "Five years is a long time." "But it will pass. And I will be here, wanting you, loving you." Maria leaned back against the door, crossing her arms over her breasts to create her own space. She stood silent, brow furrowed, trying to envision the future. Finally she shook her head. "No, too much will change, for both of us. In a month or two you'll need another lover. And when I'm done, who knows what I'll be like? You won't want me around your daughter." DeeDee stood woodenly in the middle of the room. "But, but I love you." She stepped forward. "I'm not good with words, but . . ." "No, you don't love me. You've never asked what I wanted, what I needed. You just took, assumed, ordered, hoped a regular roll in the sack meant love." Maria's face softened a little as she stepped forward, placed a hand on DeeDee's arm. "You did try to protect me, look after me some, and four months ago I would have thought that was love. But now I know it's more than that. It's making the other feel she's an inextricable part of you, that you would rather take a thousand hurts than have them hurt. I'm just beginning to appreciate love. I don't believe I could ever truly give that to you. I was your plaything too long." DeeDee's face screwed up in pain. "But I thought, I wanted . . ." Maria stepped in close, stroked her breasts softly. "Let's just say we were victims of circumstance." She tilted her head back. "We only have a short time. Stay with me tonight, make love to me and make the world go away. It may not be true love, but it will comfort me." DeeDee's arms swept around her, drew her close. Her lips tasted Maria's, probing, trying to speak the care she could not. Hands peeled back the cloak, revealing only a knee length full slip underneath. "Lambkins, tell me what you want." Maria put her finger to DeeDee's lips. "Call me by my name, lie quietly next to me. Hold me. Stroke me to comfort me, not just ready me." "You want me to call you Anton?" "No, Maria. It's who I have become." DeeDee guided Maria to the loveseat, seating her slowly on the cushion. Her arm slipped around her shoulder, laying her head over. "Have I been so bad to you, Maria? So clumsy?" She stroked Maria's neck. Maria began to cry softly into the soft jumper. "It's not about you, it's us. The us that wasn't. We were a relief, a release, hardly more. You taught me how to please, and for that I'm grateful, but I always felt I was just a toy, a moment's pleasure, nothing more." "But I wanted to buy you out. Keep you safe." Maria pulled back, began to unzip the soft velour jacket. "You meant well. But without a word to me. Would I want to be your kept slave? Your concubine?" "But we were so good together, I assumed . . ." "And we know were 'u' is in 'assumed.' If you had, I would have gone with you, cooked and cleaned for you, gone to bed with you. But I would have resented your assuming." The dark velour parted, a black lace push-up bra underneath the open white blouse. Maria stroked the crease lightly, out of habit, knowing it would relax, then excite her lover. "Stop that." "Don't you like it?" "You know I do. But you confuse me. You don't want to, then you start stroking me. Which is it?" Maria collapsed onto DeeDee, sobs coming without restraint. Her body shivered, tears wetting the soft material. DeeDee's arms stole around her, rocking her lightly. "There, there, Baby. Mama's here. You just cry if it makes you feel better." Maria cried a river, four months' tension flowing uncontrollably down her cheeks. She sobbed, inhaled, sobbed, choked, sputtered, cried some more until she could cry no more. DeeDee held her, rocked her, crooned to her. At last Maria rubbed her cheek on the wet bosom. "Better?" Maria nodded, dabbed her eyes. "Oh, DeeDee, what am I to do?" "Right now, we're going to get you cleaned up, blow your nose, dry your eyes. Then you'll put on something soft and pretty and we'll slip under the covers and hold each other as long as you want." DeeDee led Maria to the bath, held a hand towel for her to blow her nose. Five minutes later, Maria's face was clean and shiny, bare of makeup, pink from scrubbing. "Do you want your hair down?" Maria shook her head. "Do you mind if I get comfortable?" Another shake. "Well just sit there. But put this on." DeeDee held out a fluffy terry cloth robe. Maria honked a time or two, warmed by the robe as DeeDee slipped off her clothes, pulling another robe around her nakedness, There was no show, no seductive strip, just efficient shedding by one used to the naked closeness of another. "Now then, ready for something nice?" DeeDee took Maria's hand in hers, softly intertwining their fingers. Maria rose, trailed behind as DeeDee led her into the bedroom. "Miz Costello put some things here for us. Let's see what we have." She opened the closet wherein hung an assortment of flowing negligees. DeeDee took out a black filmy number on its hanger, held it up. She looked at Maria, shook her head. "Not tonight." She pulled out another, a baby blue baby doll. Again she shook her head. This time she produced an ecru double layer negligee, a loose fitting sleeveless shift topped with a flowing floor length robe with full elbow length sleeves. "For your comfort. Perfect." Maria slowly untied the robe, letting it flow down around her ankles. She held up her arms, letting DeeDee drape the shift over her, felt cool satin flow over her body, settle over her hips, flow around her legs. She slipped her hands into the sleeves of the robe DeeDee held for her, knotted the tie around her waist. She stood, blank faced, as DeeDee returned to the closet. "Hhhm-m. Let's see. This, I think." DeeDee produced a voluminous black negligee, three quarter sleeves, hemline billowing over the floor. "Hold this for me." "No waist cincher tonight?" "Just us and enough to stay warm. Now help me into this." Maria held the filmy material to her as DeeDee shrugged off her robe. She noticed DeeDee's brown bush glistened slightly. DeeDee turned, holding back her arms. Maria slipped the negligee up to her shoulders before DeeDee turned, reaching for the breast tie. "Here let me." DeeDee stood still as Maria carefully tied the bow under her breasts. She held the broad waist tie, looking up for assurance before tying it. A nod, her fingers produced a large, loose bow. She stepped close, resting her head on DeeDee's breasts, arms wrapped around her waist. She could smell DeeDee's heat rising from her loins. DeeDee stood still then slowly wrapped her arms around Maria's shoulders. "You've got me awfully confused. One minute, you're all stand- offish, the next you're clinging to me." "I'm being bad, aren't I? I don't know what I want. I want to be alone, to cry, but I don't want to be alone, to be comforted. I'm sorry, DeeDee. You're all ready, aren't you?" DeeDee kissed the top of Maria's head, the stiffness of her curls, the perfume in her hair reviving her arousal. "You were one hot number tonight, Maria, hotter than I've ever known you. I won't lie to you, I want to lie with you, feel you touch me, make me come. But I do love you, though you may not believe it, and I don't want to make you any more unhappy. Do you want me to leave?" Maria clung tight to the only comfort she had known the past four months. "I'm sorry, DeeDee. Don't leave. Don't leave me alone." DeeDee tilted Maria's head back, bent her head, kissed her lightly on the eyelids, the tip of the nose, the lips. A nibble, and she felt Maria kissing back. She pulled back, looked at Maria's closed eye, open lips, expanded nostrils. Left arm encompassed her shoulders, right swept down her flank to her legs. A twist, a lift, and Maria nestled in her arms, safe against her body. Maria's eyes sprang open. "DeeDee! What are you doing?" "Taking my wife to bed. My sweet Maria will lie by me and tell me what she wants me to do." Maria made herself small against her. "Your Maria wants you near her, to have you kiss her softly, sweetly." DeeDee strode to the bed, thrust down the turned back sheet with her toe. Gently she slipped Maria's polished toes under the light blanket, laying her head on the pillow. Softly she pulled covers over Maria's prostrate form, straightening up to move to the other side of the bed. "DeeDums?" "Yes, Maria?" "Kiss your lambkins. Please." DeeDee sat on the bed, stretching out on the edge beside her. Her body covered hers, feeling the swell of the breasts through the covers. Her hand rested beside Maria's head, playing with her curls, her ears. She bent forward, closing her eyes, her lips brushing her ear, her cheek, her mouth. Maria's mouth opened to hers, tongue playing with hers, her arms slipping around her neck to pull her close. Hungrily they embraced, DeeDee's tongue probing deeper into the now willing mouth. At last she pulled back to find Maria's eyes glistening. "DeeDums forgive Lambkins? Bad Lambkins is so sorry." DeeDee felt her heart would burst. "Lambkins makes her DeeDums very happy. DeeDums wants to make her Lambkins happy too." DeeDee stood, loosening the ties as she moved around the foot of the bed. She slipped under the covers, her foot caressing Maria's ankle as her arm slipped under her waist. They turned to one another, fingers intertwined beneath the covers. Maria slipped closer, breast to breast, tilting her head back, offering her face to be caressed, kissed, loved. DeeDee bent forward, kissed her lightly. Maria sighed, squeezed DeeDee's hand. "Maria?" "H-hm?" "Will you forgive me?" Maria's eyes sprang open. "For what?" "For everything, done and undone. I'm sorry I beat you, caught you, took you without asking, hurt you. Forgive me?" Maria drew herself under her, stroked her cheek. "Forgiveness comes from asking. Of course. Now kiss me sweetly and make me your own for a little while." DeeDee bent to the task, kissing her lips softly, then firmly, then hungrily as Maria responded. Gradually she rolled forward until her breasts pressed Maria's, their elongating nipples teasing each other. She felt Maria writhe, slowly worked her way under her, her knee working under her thigh. She reached down, stroked the open thigh, felt heat build beneath her. She pulled at the folds of material, exposing warm skin, stroking the firm flesh up towards the pit of desire. Maria moaned. DeeDee stopped. "Am I hurting you?" "No. Don't stop. It feels so good." DeeDee resumed her ministrations, loosening Maria's waist tie. The material parted, falling to her flanks. Maria reached down, guided her hand to lift the shift, bunching it around her waist. DeeDee's hand brushed the stiff blonde patch, cupped the thick soft member. Slowly she fondled the stub, hoping tonight, with all its excitement, would stiffen it, allowing her to take Maria in once more. She kissed her nape, working down to the sensitive nipple, meanwhile softly stroking and pressing the morsel. "Maria, do you think . . ?" Maria stroked the cheek looming above her, running her fingers behind the ear, stroking the curls. Her mouth formed a thin smile. She pulled DeeDee's ear down to her mouth, whispering, "You know it's been a month since . . . It's not your fault. It's the hormones. Just mount me." "I, I'd hoped, well with tonight . . ." "I know. But just love me. You know I'll come." She undid the knot below DeeDee's breasts, reaching inside to fondle the warm pointed teats. DeeDee pulled apart the waist tie, spreading back the folds of her negligee. Stepping across Maria's body, she shivered, folds falling open, exposing her to Maria's touch. She bent forward, offering Maria her breast. She moaned as Maria's tongue swirled over her nipple. Her nest settled on Maria's hips, sliding down over her thatch, pressing over the thick stub. She reached below, pulling the shaft up, positioning it inside her folds, pressing down, clit to clit. Maria moaned, writhed, responded, slid her hands to DeeDee's shoulders. She began to rock and grind her hips, offering herself to the lover pressing her into the mattress. "Yes, my darling, yes, take me home." DeeDee bent back, weight supported on her elbows, the flow from her tunnel spilling down on their meeting. She hunched forward, squeezed, ground, feeling the stub thicken, pressing against her love button. She pushed, pressed, clenched against the body lifted to her. Maria's finger clenched DeeDee's shoulder, her hips spasmed, she rocked back, head grinding the pillow. Her breaths came in rapid draughts, until she pulled DeeDee onto her, thrusting up as best she could, the tremor of her orgasmic climax spreading through her. Her hips trembled, shook, the thin jism discharging through her, spreading through their bushes. She clenched, clung, held onto the hardness above her. "Yes, oh yes, oh ye-es!" DeeDee pressed Maria's climax against her, desperately grinding against Maria's hardness, seeking release. But Maria tensed, subsided, relaxed beneath her, arms growing limp. "Maria? Honey? Lambkins?" "Hhm-m?" "I need a finish. Give me your leg." DeeDee rolled beside Maria, pulled her to her. She raised her thigh and Maria's leg slipped in the crack. Maria's arm slipped under hers, pulling her tightly to her. DeeDee clamped her thighs, pressing her box against the hot, damp skin. She clenched her buns, rocked, working her throbbing clit. She felt a tremor on her hips, the pry of fingers worming between them. She pulled back, guiding the digit to the slit, the top joint pressing her clit, the tip wedged in her tunnel. DeeDee pulled Maria to her, pressed, ground, closed her eyes and moaned. The first tremors passed over her rump. She pressed and ground again and again as the tremors built, subsided then surged over the top of the dam. She clutched Maria to her as her belly rippled with release. She subsided, released Maria's hand, stroked her cheek. "Thank you, thank you, Darling." Maria snuggled under her, burying her nose in DeeDee's cleft. DeeDee stroked Maria's head, inhaling the smell of her, the odor of her perfume. Gently she traced Maria's ear, smoothed her neck, cherished the touch of her. At last Maria shifted beside her, looked up, smiled, nuzzled her breast comfortably. Softly she murmured, "Thank you for loving me." DeeDee smiled, shifted so they lay nose to nose. Gently her nose rubbed Maria's. "My pleasure. It wouldn't have been so bad being my wife, would it? I hadn't thought about it that way, but I would have been happy providing for you, protecting you, feeling you lie beside me. Would it have been so bad being my wife?" Maria stirred, rubbed her cheek against hers. "No, it wouldn't. To be loved, loving you, content. If it had been just us." DeeDee stroked Maria's cheek with the backs of her fingers, kissed her eyelids. If. Maria's eyes slid open, aware of faint light oozing under the heavy curtains. The faint pressure in her groin told her she had to get up. She stirred, coming to the realization she was not in her cage. She swung her legs out of bed, padded across the floor to the bath. She dropped the robe on the floor, pulling the shift up as she went. Inside, she hitched the hem above her buttocks, sat, leaned forward for the relieving tinkle. Maria wiped, stood, settling the shift around her hips. She soaped and washed her hands, grateful for the little unaccustomed luxury of soft towels. She looked at her face in the mirror, hair in disarray and skin without makeup. She smiled at her reflection. I am pretty. It's been hard, but I am pretty. She turned away, reflecting on what awaited her in the bedroom. And afterwards. She sat on the toilet, heart bursting, and had a cry, head buried in a face towel. When she could cry no more, she rose, patted her face with water, dried her cheeks. What will I tell her? She passed through the doorway, softly slid the door shut behind her. She felt her way across the room, lifted the sheets, slid in beside her lover. She snuggled up behind, burying her nose in her back, feeling slick silk rub against her cheek. She reached around, cupped the full mound, the warm, life sustaining orb. Fingers slipped softly down, caressing the taut, trim belly, remembering the power that pleasured her the night before. The dark form stirred beneath her touch, shoulder rolled, heaved, settled back into slumber. Maria's hand stole down, fingertips tracing the pelvic ridge. She pushed against the covers, pushing them down and away, exposing DeeDee's bulk. She rode an elbow, leaned over the sleepy form, kissed the neck, shoulder. DeeDee's hand stole up patting her head. "Awake, DeeDums?" "Uhm. Now. Barely." "Just lie there." Maria's lips stole down to her breast, kissing the surface before her tongue swirled over the exposed nipple. "Uhm-m, good." DeeDee rolled toward her, lying flat. On her knees, Maria kissed her way downward, tongue fluttering over the belly, flicking in the navel, kissing the hip points. She sat up, covers falling away, flipped them to the foot of the bed. She shifted down the bed, sliding down DeeDee. She rolled over, kissing the pelvic loin, a wet trail of kisses crossing just above DeeDee's bush. "Wha . . ?" "Just relax." Maria trailed her fingers through the bush, crusty with their fluids from last night. She brushed and fluffed the hairs, traced the vaginal lips, ran her finger tip inside to roll the sweet meat. "Oh, God, yes!" Maria bent down, lips covering pussy lips, bathing them with wetness before her tongue split them to flick over the jewel. DeeDee rolled, lifted herself to open to the assault. Maria's tongue flicked over the pulsing bulb, once twice. She smelt the beginnings of DeeDee's heat flow down inside her. Maria bent forward, head pointed toward the spreading knees, searching for the liquid opening. Her tongue swirled, licked probed, her chin pressing on the now living button. Her tongue entered the cavern mouth, swirled, tasted, drew forth DeeDee's precious honey. "Oh, oh, my God, yes!" DeeDee's legs fell open, her hand found Maria's nape, stroked it, caressed it. "Please don't stop!" Maria licked furiously at the flowing hole, sucking down her sweetness. DeeDee bucked, heaved, clinched, pushed her head against her mound. Maria felt shaking beneath her, DeeDee's hips shivering in orgasm. Fingers crushed her curls, binding head to beaver as thighs shook helplessly. One last surge, hips heaved and poised. Then DeeDee relaxed beneath her. Maria turned, slid up her body, rested breast on breast, kissed her lips. DeeDee kissed back, licking her pungency from Maria's lips and tongue. Her arms embraced her, pulled her to her, and stroked her back. Then DeeDee pushed her aside, sitting bolt upright. "Sorry, but I gotta . . ." As DeeDee bolted for the bathroom, Maria settled onto the mattress, legs pulled up, clutching herself for warmth. She buried her head in the pillow, tears once more beginning to flow. She was not even aware of the flush. "Maria, lambkins, honey? I'm sorry. Don't cry. We've got all day. Let me hold you." DeeDee slid in, putting her arms around the shaking figure. "There, there, let me return the favor." Maria rolled over, tear streaked cheeks gleaming in the faint light of the table lamp. "Go away. Leave me alone. Please." "Maria, Honey, I'm sorry, Don't be mad. I just had to use the bathroom. You were so sweet. Let me take care of you, hold you." "I'm not mad. Just go away." "But Maria, I love you. Let me love you for as long as we have." "If you love me, you'll leave." "But why?" "Because we can't be together. The longer you stay, the harder it will be. Go away. Please." DeeDee sat back, stunned. "Maria, Honey, you don't have to do any more for me. Let me do what I can for you. Bathe you, feed you, rub your back, just hold you, be with you." "How many pieces do you want my heart to break into? We can't be together. Go away and give me time to get used to it." DeeDee began to cry, the first time she had cried since her husband filed for divorce. "Don't do this. Let me take care of you as long as I can." "For what? To take me personally to my new owners? Just leave. Don't make it harder." DeeDee bent over her, wrapped her arms around her, tears wetting the silken shift. "Please let me stay. But if it's what you want, I'll go." Maria unwrapped herself, slid off the bed. "Don't you understand? If you stay, I might fall in love with you, and then where would I be? Just go, leave me alone before you hurt me more than you ever have." She stood there crying, tears running down her cheeks. DeeDee pushed back off the bed, standing across from Maria, tears rolling from her eyes. "You really want me to go?" "How many times do I have to say it? Go, for God's sake, just go! Please?" DeeDee retreated to the bathroom, emerged dressed, wiping her eyes. "Is there anything I can get for you?" "If you'd have them bring me something to eat in an hour. And have Sylvia bring me some clothes a little before noon. I need a bath before she does me and sends me back." "Alright." DeeDee paused at the door. "Anything else?" Maria rushed across the room, throwing herself in DeeDee's arms. They kissed, long and deep, Maria finally pulling back reluctantly. "Go. Before I ask you to stay." DeeDee hesitated, reached back, looked at the figure turned away from her. "You sure?" Maria nodded, shoulders shaking. "Debra Anne would have liked you." The door behind DeeDee. Maria threw herself on the bed, crying into the pillow until there were no more tears. Chapter Twenty-Seven The deliveryman bumped the crate as he worked it through the door into the common room of the apartment. "Imbecile! Do you destroy everything you touch? The contents are fragile, the walls are not made of steel. Be careful, you oaf!" "Si, Don Colorado. The crate is strong. The company will send a painter if there are scratches. Should I move the crate to the bedroom?" Don Miguel Colorado waved impatiently. "No, you might do more damage. Just set it in the middle of the room." Don Miguel signed the receipt, waving the man out the door as Hector sat by the window, foot tapping impatiently. The door closed and Hector Schwartz rose. "Let's get to it. Let's see if what we bought is as good as it looked. For that money, it had better be." "Always the impatient one, Hector. The tools are in the bedroom." Miguel slid the crate under the light while waiting for Hector to return. Was this truly a beautiful blonde gringa? Ready and willing to service our NAFTA clients? And serve us as well? Hector returned carrying a pry bar, power drill with screw bits, and two claw hammers. He inserted the flat end and started to apply pressure. "You're an excellent finance man, Hector, but I'll never understand why someone so careful with numbers never reads the instructions on anything mechanical." Hector shrugged. "I suppose I always thought I could figure it out." "Si, quite likely. But we don't want to damage the contents, and they have provided an instruction sheet." "An instruction sheet for a whore? I think we both know what to do, Miguel." "Once she is uncrated. But it appears the screwdriver will be more useful than the bar. Besides, we wouldn't want her complaining of splinters before we got any use from her." Following the diagram, the screws rapidly backed out of the wood, the sides dropping away to reveal the foam packing. It took but a moment to reveal Maria, naked, face down in her bonds. "There is a box." "Let's see. Oh yes. 'Personal items.' Set that aside." "Let's see what's inside." "No, set it on the dresser while I get her loose." She felt webbing loosen, slip over her body before fingers tightened in her hair, pulling her head back. She was lifted and stretched back, bound hands under her haunches as her bush was examined by her new owners. "A true blonde, as advertised. Satisfactory." A hand cupped one breast, squeezed its nipple, then the other. "Feels real. No surgery signs. I wonder how they did that?" "The miracle of modern medicine, I suppose. But she still has a hose." "We knew that. It's how she uses her holes that will please our contacts. And then there's Paulina, that weird e-com customer exec from Santa Barbara. This ought to make her very happy. Tits to suck and a prong to straddle, both at the same time. If this gets us better service on our maintenance requests, she'll be worth it." Maria was so exhausted she could not cry. I'm just a piece of meat! A hole and hose to be handed to whoever or whatever they please. No Pretty Woman here! The tall, slender brown eyed brunette smiled at her prostrate form. "The instructions say she is plugged. We'd better get that out. And get her cleaned up. She smells of kerosene." Hector sniffed. "Avgas. Hazard of private couriers. Her legs are still locked down." Miguel unsnapped the clasps, swung the board off her ankles. The thigh clamps loosened, he pulled Maria up by her curls, his arm slipping around her torso just below her breasts. Nice botas. Too bad there's no hole under the bush. Hector and Miguel helped Maria to the bath, her legs unsteady from the cramped position during the flight. They sat her on the tub, scrubbing her body with warm hand towels. As Miguel rubbed between her cheeks, he felt the blunt end of the plug. He turned the thick four inch plug in the light, marveling at the sheen of Maria's dampness on the plastic. "Obviously she won't have to be broken in back here." Hector, busied himself with soaping and cleaning the pert breasts. "But she doesn't seem very excited at meeting us." "You be bent over and boxed up for several hours, and you'd be less than fully functioning, too. Do you need something, senorita?" "Agua, por favor." "Pardon, senorita. How stupid of me. Of course you must be thirsty." Miguel brought her a glass of water, which she swallowed greedily, as if the cotton in her mouth would wash down with it. Maria smiled up at the handsome brunette. "Gracias, mi patron." "Nombre?" Maria turned her eyes to Hector. "My mistress called me Maria, mi patron. But I will answer to whatever you choose to call me." "Maria. A fallen angel. Let's keep it, Miguel." "Agreed. But she will need more than that for her identity papers. We will work that out tomorrow. You can type, Maria?" Maria nodded. "Non rapidamente. Y en el anglais. I'm not literate en el espanol." "You will learn. But you will help with our international correspondence. We understand you are a size eight, American, Maria?" "Si, senor." "Bueno, senorita. The clothes in the closet will fit well enough. Tomorrow we can get you clothes that will show off the firm's newest asset. In the office and out. Your hair is not bleached? Or permed?" "No, senor." "Bueno, Maria. Less maintenance. Rosario's will keep it stylish even as your hair grows. We expect you to be beautifully coiffed at all times. Full and up as soon as possible." Maria's heart pumped harder, realizing that even though a slave, she would be pampered and preened, maintained as a prize trophy to be shown off. She wondered how much she would look the slut, how much the lady. Her owners would want her desirable, attainable, but not trashy to be picked up and discarded by every casual visitor. Updos? Mantillas? Lace over a beating bosom? "Do you take any medications, senorita?" "My physician sent a ninety day supply of, of pills. To help me maintain my figure. Other than that, no." "Good. There is a professor Garcia with the University who has a private practice. Very discrete. But it may take a month to get you an appointment with her." "She knows how to treat my, uh, feminine problems? And regulate my hormones?" Miguel smiled. "Her post-graduate work was at Stanford. She is a diplomat in both the gynecological and reproductive fields. She has seen and done virtually everything, male or female. And can get a second opinion from virtually any medical center in the world if she needs it. She will take good care of your needs for us, senorita, never fear." Maria brought their hands to her cheeks. "Gracias, mil gracias mis patrons. Su esclavo es complacido muy." Hector brought her a thin robe, a shimmering azure silk. "Put this on and return to the common room, muchacha." Maria stood, slipping her arms through the holes, wrapping the cord around her waist. She adjusted the top carefully, covering her nipples but leaving the swell of her breasts showing. They paid for the merchandise. They might as well enjoy the view. "Is there makeup, Senores? I feel naked without my face on." Hector guffawed. Miguel indicated the vanity. "There are a few things in the drawer." Maria turned, found a tube of ruby lipstick, bent close to the mirror to apply a light coat. She felt the fine material pull over her ass cheeks, filling the crack. In the mirror she saw both her masters eye the firm roundness. She capped the lipstick, applied a couple of dabs of perfume, walked unsteadily through the door, long hips swaying under the filmy material. Hector leaned over to whisper to his partner, "If those feel as warm as her breasts, I will enjoy replacing that plug." Miguel smiled. The swaying silk did promise a pleasurable ride. "We will have to decide who has the first pleasure." Hector wet his lips. "I would want her all night. Lucia is up in Houston for the week." When the men entered the room, Maria was seated at the small marble table by the window, her glass refilled. The soft reflected light from the window spilled across her body, deepening the shadow between her breasts, enhancing the perception of their fullness. "Do you smoke, senorita?" "No, senor. It is not healthy. Or good for my teeth." "Very good. Can you cook?" "Si, senor. Un pacquito. But I am not very familiar with Mexican cooking." "La cocina ranchera, muchacha? We just need to know if you need a servant. And when someone is with you, you can provide for all his needs." Maria looked at the thinning Hector, broad, starting to jowl. That one will be satisfied with a meal, a massage and maybe a hand job. Maria shuddered. To be owned by that one! Maria forced herself to smile. "With a cookbook containing your favorite dishes, I could learn. A good meal, a fine wine, gracefully served to please you." And a sleeping pill in the wine to knock you out. "Ah, muchacha! I'm beginning to believe you may have been right to have us buy her, Miguel. But the proof is in the pudding, eh, muchacha?" He leaned over and stroked her breast with the backs of his fingers. "Cooking in la cocina con Maria, eh, Miguel?" His finger slipped under the silk to pluck the nipple like the thinnest string of a guitar. Maria inhaled despite herself. He is skilled, even if he doesn't look it! "But to business, Miguel. Which of us will test her first? Flip for her? Paper, scissors, rock? Odds and evens?" "We could let the lady decide." Miguel smiled into Maria's blue eyes. "She is ours, not we, hers. Come, man, choose your weapon." People who help people are good people, I'm helping people. I'm a good person. "Por favor, mis patrons, but does the house have a deck of cards?" Miguel nodded. "We thought you might pass the time with Old Sol til you begin work." "Do you prefer high card, or a hand of poker?" Maria smiled at Miguel. To be with the handsome one. You will not regret it, Don Miguel. "What would you suggest, senorita?" "High card, the gentleman's gamble." "High card it is. Bring the deck, Hector." Hector ambled into the bedroom, searching for the cards. Maria smiled at Miguel, stroking his hand with polished fingertips. "If you let me cut for you, Don Miguel, we will not regret it." Miguel's eyes glistened as he nodded agreement. "Where did we put them, Miguel?" "In the night stand." Miguel squeezed Maria's hands. "Do you feel up to this?" "With a little rest, if you can be so patient, and I will try my best to make you very pleased with me." Hector returned, unwrapping the fresh deck. "Here. Let me." Maria fanned the cards, displaying the full set. Expertly she withdrew the jokers, flipping and spreading the cards rapidly. In the process, her nail nicked the Ace of Hearts ever so slightly in the side. "You seem to know what you are doing, muchacha." Maria smiled into Hector's black eyes. "Not so much. That's how I got into this predicament, paying off a marker." Not entirely untrue. She shuffled and trued the deck, placing it before Hector. "Would you like to cut, Senor? Or make your choice?" Hector wiped his lips, reached out, felt the deck. He looked at Maria's smiling face, inhaled, exposed a card. "Knave of Spades! Looks like my drill gets lubed tonight." "Perhaps." Maria gathered the cards, turned and fanned the deck. "All here?" Both men nodded. She gathered the deck, shuffled, squared it, making sure the nick was to her right, presented the cards to Miguel. "Senor?" "If the lady would be so kind." Maria gracefully extended her arched fingers, grasping the deck lightly, nail lifting under the nick. "Ready?" Hector nodded. Maria turned the section, exposing the red Ace. "Another night, Senor? Tonight, Hearts reign." Hector rose, bowed stiffly. "Enjoy yourselves." He turned on his heel and left. Miguel took her hand, raised it to kiss the back gently. "Gracias, senorita." "I have not made an enemy, have I? I wouldn't want to displease mi patron so easily." "Hector's no fool. I suspect he suspects that you rigged the draw. But he will get over it. After all, he will be with you another time." Maria rose, moved around the table, slipped her arms around Miguel's neck. "But I wanted to be with you tonight." "Why?" "Because you showed me some respect. And asked about my needs. Don Hector just saw money spent. I know I am yours to do with as you wish, but your gentleness makes me want to give it to you, not yield it." Miguel's arms settled around her waist, pulling her too him. His lips covered hers, demanding an entrance willingly given. He felt her breasts against him, warm and soft becoming taut and hard. Maria pulled back, fingers stroking his tie, fumbling with the knot. "Miguel?" "Si?" "Take me to the bedroom." An arm swept behind her knees, lifting her into his arms. Maria cradled her head against his shoulder as he carried her through the door, laid her on the conjugal bed. He stood and Maria reached for his belt, opened and dropped his pants. The rod peaked through the crack of his boxers, the head engorged but not full. Maria's fingers slipped down the cloth, reached inside to grasp the base, draw it toward her. "I thought you were tired?" "I am. But a woman can pleasure her man once before she sleeps." Maria lay back on the bed, head over the edge, her fingers surrounding the growing prod. "Magnifico!" she whispered. Her lips grazed the underside of the glans, warmly teasing the hardening underside. Miguel moaned above her, his hips thrusting slowly forward. Her fingers rippled over the shaft, her palm cupped his heavy balls. She smelt his ardor as his rod bucked, quivered, heaved. White, viscous fluid shot out, splashing on her neck as he came, spurting helplessly in her grasp. "Madre de Dios, usted es muy bueno. Por que?" Miguel slumped against the bed, struggling feebly to shuck his clothes. Maria sat up, untying his tie, unbuttoning his shirt. "Because it pleases me to please you. Por favor, Miguel, may I clean up?" Miguel slumped back against the bed. "Of course. And bring a towel for me." Maria slipped into the bath, wet a hand towel and wiped the cum from her body. A thick clump rested on the cloth and she could not resist a taste. Salty. Yeasty. Powerful, A real man. Maria brought two face towels back with her, cleaning Miguel's groin before helping him into bed, slipping between the tightly woven sheets. She placed the other on the night table as she rolled on her side, presenting her derriere to her master. He snuggled up to her, burying his nose in her nape, his arm lying along her flank. "Gracias, mi bonita, mi linda senorita." His breath came warm and regular on her nape as she slipped into slumber. The last words she heard mumbled were, "Gracias, Olga, cherie, gracias." Maria awoke in a darkening room, dimly aware of a hand cupping her breast. She stirred, becoming aware of the warmth behind her. "You are awake, my pretty dove?" Maria half rolled, eyes lidded,. "Uhm. Barely, master." "Don't call me that." "Why? You do own me. I am your slave for the next five years." "But it makes what you did feel bought, cheap. You did want to pleasure me, didn't you?" Maria rolled over, snuggling her nose into his chest. "Very much." Her hand slipped down over his belly, pausing to stroke the flatness, then moving to scratch through his brush. His wand was thick, semi-erect. "You were not pleased, Don Miguel?" "It has been three hours, my pretty dove. Long enough for me to recharge." Maria kissed a nipple, swirling her tongue over the erect teat. "Then this woman must please her man again." Maria kissed the teat, then fluttered her tongue down his body, sliding and scrunching beneath the sheets until her mouth tasted his warmth. Carefully she drew her chin through his bush, along the top of his hardening rod. Her mouth covered the thickness, a full two inches in diameter. If he sticks that in me, I'll die! His fingers slipped among her curls as she engulfed the tip of his popsicle, her tongue loving the tender meat. Rapidly he grew in her mouth, ever thicker, longer, firmer. She drew him erect, her mouth covering the head, tongue swirling over the tip. His finger dug into her curls and shoulder, he moaned as his hips began to move upward. His knees drew up, he began to quiver. Maria cupped his ball sac, felt it grow in her hand, then surge, sending his cum shooting through his pipe. The first spurts splashed against Maria's throat before she was able to reposition, sucking the base of his shaft to encourage the hot cum to empty from his sac. Maria sat up, eyes sparkling as he sheet fell from her shoulders. She bent across him, reaching for the towel to clean up the wet mess. "Did I please you, my love?" Miguel lay back, face flushed, eyes closed. "Yes, oh yes, my pretty dove. Why do you like sucking me so?" Maria stretched out on him, her small, hard prick carefully positioned away from him. "I have to use what I have to pleasure you, my love. My mistress trained me to give pleasure with my mouth. So I use what skill I have to please you." "It does not bother you to go down on a man?" "It is my fate. I have been trained to accept it. I could wish that I were a virginal girl, trembling with anticipation and desire." Maria shrugged. "It does not bother you to have me lick you?" "You are not really a man. Not a woman either. I'm beginning to wish. Not now, but how can I pleasure you?" "It feels good when my clit is stroked. I can be brought to a climax by it. And I can let you use me from behind." "In your bung hole? I couldn't." "You are married?" "Happily. To Olga Isabella, the mother of my child." "When she was pregnant, did you ever make love to her from behind? So the baby would not bear your weight?" "A few times. On her knees, reaching around." "Then think of me as pregnant, filling a convenient hole while you play with my clit." "Perhaps." Maria rubbed down his thatch, sopping up the last of his cum. "There. All tidy. Now, my love, let me snuggle close to my lover and enjoy the closeness of him." Her round hips nestled in the curve of his loins, the tight crack between the firm ripeness settling against his member. He reached around, feeling her hard nipple beneath his finger tips. She is almost a woman. A man could do worse for a mistress. Perhaps Teresa Garcia could remove a small imperfection? "You are excited, my dove?" Maria nodded. "My future is no longer uncertain. My man is pleased with how I serve him. I will be kept beautifully, groomed, dressed, fed and cared for. Yes, I am ready for my man." Miguel lay quietly behind her, soaking up her warmth, her softness, her smell. He moved softly against her, feeling her soft rump smoothly fit against him. Amazed, he felt his prod twitch and grow. Not hard, not even soft, but responding to the nearness of her. Softly he nuzzled her nape, stroked her breast, aware of her obvious arousal. Hi

Same as A Maiden Gamble: Part XI Videos

1 year ago
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A man should never gamble

I will not get out before July 4th 2023.It is not so bad now knowing that half my debt is paid; I think I have maintained most of my sanity.  I have asked Philippe to write and publish this story.  My name is Lester Franks and the best hand of poker I ever had got me in the most trouble.I started playing craps in the back room of my uncle’s barbershop when I was 8.  By high school I was part of their regular poker game every Thursday afternoon and I would win.  I was the best poker player at...

2 years ago
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Maiden Goddess

Where is my cock Maiden the Goddess roars through the mansion. Her heels click, clack on the hard wood floors. The men and women in their various cages and rooms shiver with both excitement and a pang of fear. The leather clad warrior goddess, just back from the Bondage Ball Hollywood has had a night of fun and games and is ready to play. She has hundreds of rooms with hundreds of slaves, but she wants cock...now if only she can remember where she has stored him. Frustrated she retires to her...

2 years ago
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Be Careful What You Gamble

Sarah and Jason were newlyweds that had gotten married in the past year. They thought it would be for a lifetime, but as we all know life can change in an instance. They planned on spending every waking moment together, and hope one day to start a family of their own. Jason had just turned twenty four, and had graduated from college a year ago. His wife Sarah was twenty one, and was going to school to be a dental assistant. They seemed to know what they had wanted in life, but like a lot of...

4 years ago
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A boyfriend gambles away everything he has, including his girlfriend.I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd - watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too. I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn't concern me when he stopped winning at poker and...

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I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd - watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too.I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn't concern me when he stopped winning at poker and started to lose. It didn't concern me that the new car I was promised...

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I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd - watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too. I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn't concern me when he stopped winning at poker and started to lose. It didn't concern me that the new car I was...

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A Maiden Gamble Part VI

A Maiden Gamble Part VI by Sydney Michelle Chapter Thirteen Sharon settled into the large wing chair by the mahogany round table in Marilyn's office. The mountain view was spectacular, bare peaks still bearing snow behind the dark green tree line. She sipped her herbal tea while waiting for Marilyn to arrive from the casino floor. She heard the door open, more the air move, looked aside to glimpse Marilyn's reflection in the window. "How's your project doing? Will she be...

3 years ago
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O Gamble

A Vist from o?s Mom o?s Gamble After W/we showered, Master instructed me to pack an overnight bag for Him and wait on the porch. i packed and assumed slave?s position on Master?s front porch. He brought the car out of the garage and instructed me to join Him.  Master drove to a little neighborhood deli and went in while i sat in the locked car. A young couple parked next to Master?s car, on the passenger side. As the man got out of thier car, i heard him tell his lady-friend to come...

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Maiden of Rome

Maiden of Rome by ShannonQ A noble Roman Tribune is captured in a battle with the Germanic tribes. He is given to a witch and eventually turned into a woman. She is given the name of Penelope. She is sent back to Rome. What will her family do? What will her father say? What is her future in the greatest Empire on earth? Rated R ONE The rains intensified as the XVII...

1 year ago
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Maiden Kisses A Poem of Foreplay

Maiden KissesA Duet Spiritual Romantic Poem and Erotic Psalm of KissingJohn, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist“Viking Gladiator”AndChristine Elaine HarrisRomantic Psalmist/Spiritual Poetess“Spiritual Poetess”www.eroticpsalms.comI am th[/b]e Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,And no declaration is more divine and profound than this:To be enchanted by a lovely maiden with seductive girly kisses,Is so incredible beyond leaps and bounds.For being tremendously...

4 years ago
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Winning The Gamble

By : Jonesreagent Hi this is Jone here and I am 19 years old good looking male. I had many affairs in school life I had my first girlfriend in 4th ok friend’s I will tell you my true experience which I had in my 12th standard. I and my friends organized a trip to Shimla in our summer vacations of which my cousin was also a part. Her name is Niharika and is so sexy that you can’t resist yourself from touching her here and there. Few days of trip went very smoothly and we all enjoyed a lot! I and...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 1

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter One A Really Bad Mistake or, Is this Knight nearsighted or what? Derek reached the tournament grounds and followed his sister, Ilene, into a tier of rough wooden benches with a heartfelt sigh of relief. At fifteen years of age, the young man was still willowy with few visible signs that he was ever going to mature into a well muscled...

3 years ago
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Maiden Lane

An Anniversary to Remember The harvest had given way to the last month of winter in San Francisco. A young couple walked along the old pier, a pier which is simply called the Muni pier by most locals. The fisherman cast out by the rocks which contour the shoreline area. The seagulls, wheeling and crying calling out to one another as they dove, wings skimming the surface above the foam in search of food. The chill of winter glistened with salt spray over the Pacific Ocean. “Excuse me, would you...

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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage (Part One) K. Moore "Of course, we limit our cruise ship passengers to 100...50 of each sex," the sexy travel agent continued. I was sitting in an overdone office filled with oversized posters of exotic places, wondering just exactly what I had signed on for. It had begun when I became interested in a brochure I had seen stuck in one of my fancier TV/TS magazines. It was one of those things that fall out of...

4 years ago
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Maiden of Rome 2

Maiden of Rome II By ShannonQ It is seven years after leaving Rome for Spain. Maximus, Penelope, and Attia are enjoying their sunset years as Tiberius dies and the new Emperor Caligula is reeking havoc on the people in the capitol of the Empire. Rated R In part one Druses Marcellus was a Tribune in the XVII Legion which was attacked by the Germans under Arminius the chief of the central tribes. This was the battle of the Teutoburg Forest when...

2 years ago
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Maiden by Decree Chapters 13 14

Maiden by Decree Chapter 13 What? Or: Oh, no Frigging Way! I'm not going to Do It! Oh, well, I suppose that pretty well tells you all what the character reactions to living through this chapter were. They're currently on strike and close to being in open revolt here. Sigh. Come to think of it, with all the problems our heroines, heroes, and villains are coping...

2 years ago
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Maiden by Decree Chapter 15

Maiden by Decree Chapter Fifteen By Maggie Finson Chalmnessa or, So This is Where You Grew Up ... "What were you thinking?" Garret asked almost plaintively once he had gotten Deirdre back to her cabin and in relative private. "Risking yourself in a shipboard battle? You could have been captured, or worse, killed!" "It seemed like the thing to do at the time?" she...

1 year ago
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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage Jennifer ronald Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Starting at a young age, I had always liked to dress up as a girl. Then, as time went on and I could no longer stand the pain, I began to go out. My first foray out of the house as a girl came when I was 14. Nervous and edgy, I managed to walk around the block and make it home without any complications. When my sister went to college, she left behind a lot of her older clothes, most of which fit me. Wearing these...

2 years ago
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Maiden Maid

Author: Powerone Title: Maiden Maid Part: Chapter 8- New Girls from the Orphanage Summary: This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and whatthey are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Keywords: M+F, nc, anal, reluc, humil, oral Copyright 2002, 2003 and 2004 by Powerone. The author can be contacted [email protected]. This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they areforced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old...

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Maiden of the Sea

His lighthouse sat upon the highest point of cliff and he tended it alone, with no one anywhere near him. The nearest farm was a day's walk east, and the nearest village another day further. The beach near him continued up the side of the cliff and led to his home beside the lighthouse. He like this life, despite its lonely nature, with all the beach he could want to walk, and all the breaking surf to trudge through, and the deepest ocean in which to swim. Blowing bubbles with his nose,...

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Maiden of RomeChapter 4

The Roman guards were shocked to see a remarkably beautiful redheaded maiden ride out of the edge of the forest to cross the bridge into Roman territory all alone. She looked to be unharmed. She was taken to the new commander of the new Legions. His name was Germanicus. Brother of Tiberius and related to Augustus by marriage of his mother Livia to the Emperor. Germanicus was an intelligent general with a good heart. He patiently listened to Penelope as she wove her tale about being a captive...

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I Gamble and Lost

It started about 6 months earlier when I went to the casino with a friend for the afternoon. I had a very exciting time that day and I couldn’t believe how good it felt to win. I ended up going several more times to the casino after that time. I could feel my adrenalin surge every time I won. I made a few bucks the first couple of times I went. I was finding myself wanting to go back to the casino even more. The next three months I went back about 2 or 3 times a week. I was slowly turning my...

1 year ago
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Taking a Gamble

About one thing, we must be absolutely clear. The club was not Becky's idea. She had lost a bet with some of the girls in her dorm, and the price was that the loser had to visit this club and gamble at least $100. To be honest, she couldn't even remember what the bet was about anymore. All she could remember was feeling like she couldn't let those bitches win, so she went.Becky was shocked at the sight as she entered. There were people there in clothes she had only read about on the internet on...

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The Naked Gamble

I lay on my front, hands bound behind me, legs spread. Mistress had yanked my hair back, forcing my head up to make me watch her fucking me. I was desperate to cum as she had been edging me for what seemed like hours, but she was holding an ice cube against my clit.Maybe it hadn’t been such a good bet, after all…~~~~~The condo in Monaco was beautiful. It was spacious, airy, modern, well-equipped, with a gorgeous view of Port Fontvielle, and within sight of the Palais des Princes de Monaco, the...

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I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd – watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too. I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn’t concern me when he stopped winning at poker and started to lose. It didn’t concern me that the new car I was...

2 years ago
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A Maiden Gamble Part 1

A Maiden Gamble: Part 1 By Sydney M. O'Henry (c) Omphale Press, 2001 Chapter One Maria shifted on the blanket, the small cage scarcely providing room enough to move to keep blood flowing. Thirsty, the wheat blonde head turned to the water bottle tube. Crimson lips encircled the tube, coaxing fluid onto the tongue. Maria sucked only a small amount, not wanting to mess the bedding. Hunger panged, so the lips encircled the knobbly, thick, bulbous tube, sucking forth a measured...

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A Maiden Gamble Part II

Maria gets made over, the works. Then there's the little matter of something to wear so she's presentable for her photo set. Sharon's on the job, earning her commission. Security likes a few perks on the side, and Maria plays for time. Can she escape her fate? A Maiden Gamble Part Two By Sydney Michelle Chapter Four "What can you do with her, Mistress Sylvia? I want her hair as long as possible in three, four months. But I need some nice photos today." Sylvia turned...

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A Maiden Gamble Part III

A Maiden Gamble: Part III By Sydney Michelle Chapter Six Marilyn twisted the keys in her hand as she strode down the dim hall. She locked the door behind her before walking to the table and setting the tray down. She glanced at the lump under the blankets by the back wall, taking in the crumpled baby doll nightie. Her toe prodded Maria's prostrate form. "What are you doing off your leash?" Marilyn asked unhappily. Maria scrambled out of the blankets, throwing her head...

4 years ago
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A Maiden Gamble Pt IV

A Maiden Gamble Pt. IV by Sydney Michelle Chapter Nine Maria huddled on her pallet aching, but her leg was propped against the wall, stretching the tendons. 'How can they do this to me? How can they do this to anyone? I might as well just let Marilyn kill me and get it over with. Miss Rania was not pleased that I was so stiff.' Maria rolled her head over at the sound of the door lock. "Hi, pussycat are you ready?" "What now, Miss DeeDee? I thought I could...

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A Maiden Gamble Pt V

A Maiden Gamble Part V By Sydney Michelle Chapter Eleven Maria lay against the back wall, leg up, working on her stretches. Already her leg could rise above her waist, a long way from KiKi's goal of a high kick above her head, but still progress. She pushed back against the wall while rolling her shoulder, intent on making enough progress to please Mistress Rania. Today had been a good day. Miz Costello had awarded her permanent spoon privileges and she had been cleaned...

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A Maiden Gamble Pt VII

A Maiden Gamble Part VII By Sydney Michelle Chapter Sixteen Sharon juggled the portfolio under her arm as she walked down the hall. The cold hallway still gave her the creeps, even after having walked it several times. When she twisted the handle, the door opened, unlocked for a change. Inside she saw Marilyn sitting in a chair, legs crossed, watching Mercedes hold a video camera while Lyra Fredericks directed Maria. "Chin up, dear, project and let us see your face."...

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A Maiden Gamble Pt VIII

A Maiden Gamble Part VIII By Sydney Michelle Chapter Nineteen "Honey? You really O.K. with this?" Tomas glanced at his wife as they drove to the Silver Palace. "Sure? Why not?" "It's not every woman who wants her husband to get blow job. I mean it's business, but it's still personal. And how do I know less isn't going to come out of his mouth than went in?" "It's not that I want you to have a blow job, I could handle that myself, it's that Maria needs to learn how to...

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A Maiden Gamble Pt IX

A Maiden Gamble Part IX By Sydney Michelle Chapter Twenty-One "Three, two, one. Open your eyes now, please." Maria's eyelashes fluttered, eyelids lifted heavily, the room was a blur, out of focus. "How do you feel?" "Stiff." "That's natural. You've been still for quite a while." Maria focused on the voice, blinked, squinted into the dim light. A figure across a desk swam into view, a dark brown suit coat, a blurry face above a dark green tie. Another blink. The face...

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A Maiden Gamble Pt X

A Maiden Gamble Part X By Sydney Michelle Chapter Twenty-Four Sharon paced nervously around the studio, re-checking countless details, camera and light placement, backdrops, her dress and makeup. She stopped by Tomas for the umpteenth time. "Are we ready to go?" "I'm still uploading and setting up the links. I'll be ready before we go live, at least if you stop interrupting me." Tomas glanced at his wife, a twinkle in his eyes. "Take a deep breath and settle down. It will...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 5

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Five A Small Gathering and Some Revelations Or: I May be Tipsy, but I?m NOT Stupid Ilene and Katrina were waiting for Deirdre in the chambers assigned to the new lady with pleased smiles on their faces. Deirdre ignored those for a while as she ? another jolt, but a description of gender that the youth would have...

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Maiden Voyage of the Amethyst Dream

Man: As I drive along Shoreline Drive, enjoying the cool breeze off the bay, I am a bit nervous. Thinking of her waiting for me at the hotel, I am hopeful that she will enjoy the evening I have planned for the two of us. It has been so exciting these past few weeks since I first met her and I really want tonight to be something special. I pray that all of my preparation and planning will make the impression on her that I desire. As I slow the car to turn into the hotel parking lot, I am...

2 years ago
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Maiden Fair Mf TG cons rom

Maiden Fair by SpectreOfHell When Wallace rang the bell of apartment 19G, he was alarmed to notice that his hand was shaking. He heard the patter of unshod feet running across the carpet, and the door opened before he had a chance to compose himself. June saw him and a smile exploded onto her young face. It was the kind of smile that made a man’s heart soar and melt at the same time, and Wallace grinned stupidly at her, momentarily unable to remember why he was there. ‘Wally,’ she said...

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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage By Brian [email protected] It's a horrible thing never to know where you came from. Not to know who your parents were, not to know what city you were born in, not to know your own birthday. If you've had any sort of childhood whatsoever, then I envy you. As you may have guessed, I was born an orphan. Dropped off at some Atlanta welfare society. No name, no past. 'Infant Doe.' Malnourished. About two months old. Traces of heroin in my system. Things went downhill...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 2

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Two A Proposition or "You want me to do WHAT?!!" "But I can't. More, I have no desire or inclination, or even the proper anatomy for this," Derek nearly exploded in the faces of the ladies sent to supervise his makeover into a decently attired and mannered lady companion to a knight of the realm. "Read my lips. I. AM. NOT....

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 3

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Three Looking the Part Or: How am I supposed to move around in this stuff? Deirdre twitched at his long, encumbering skirts for a moment to rearrange them into a more comfortable fit as they settled into place with a soft, feminine hiss of silk and satin. After that he gave his bodice a little tug to straighten it and move the scratchy, tickling...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 4

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Four A Potential Sister-in-Law, Others, and a Royal Decree Or: What was I Thinking of When I agreed to this?!! He was almost used to being on horseback when they reached the palace gates and were ushered inside by respectful grooms, one of which helped him dismount. The man's hands on his waist as Deirdre was easily...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 6

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Six On Learning to be a Lady Or: I'm stuck with it, and a deal is a deal Deirdre awakened without a great deal of disorientation but a lot of trepidation as she felt the smoothness of silk both clothing and covering her. Events of the previous few days were so completely burnt into her memories that the...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 7

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Seven False Smiles Or: That dirty, double dealing, two faced, four flushing... "OWW!!! That was my leg!" "If you'd hold still and stop fidgeting..." Katrina muttered through a mouthfull of pins. "You wouldn't get stuck while I get this hem pinned up. I'll never get this Gown properly fitted if you insist on...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 8

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter 8 Life in the Palace Or How Am I supposed to Remember all this stuff?!! "Sheesh!" Deirdre protested. "I had to learn needlepoint, knitting, and fortunately I already knew how to sew. Then there was meeting a bunch of fluttery little ladies who are supposed to be the cream of the nation and remember all...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 9

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Nine The Royal Grand Ball Or "The Things I do just to Keep People Happy." "So how am I supposed to act tonight?" Deirdre nervously questioned Jessica resplendent in her gold gown, as the pair waited for their men to arrive. "Just be yourself, dear," the other answered with a shrug then rearranged the...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 10

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Ten How Much Longer Do I Put Up With This? Or: Does Gritting my Teeth Count as a Smile? Cedric King of Jhalmar chuckled quietly between formal presentations as he observed Deirdre's dance with Laddin, and her 'clumsiness' during that dance. "What has you amused tonight, dear?" Evaine, his wife and...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 11

Maiden by Decree Chapter 11 Reconciliation Or: I Didn't buy Into This But I Seem to be Stuck with it "I'm really worried about her." Garret looked towards the door to Deirdre's bedchambers - thankfully quiet now, but that was worrisome, too. "She was doing so well for a while, then suddenly went berserk." "It isn't your fault, brother." Jessica tried to reassure him. "You had no more control over what...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 12

Maiden by Decree Chapter 12 Assassins Lurk Or: Pardon Me. Did You Drop This Poisoned Dagger? By Maggie Finson Dierdre glared at both Garret and Jessica then realized she was still standing in front of them without clothing. Snatching her robe up and hastily wrapping it around herself, she slowly and deliberately walked across the room to pour herself a large goblet of...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 16

Maiden By Decree Chapter 15 Kidnapped Or: You Guys Are in SOOO Much Trouble! By Maggie Finson "They have safely arrived in Serai," Roric told his co-conspirators with the displeasure he felt about that clear in his posture and voice. "Your pirates, Lord Jentis, failed miserably." Jentis, a representative, though covert, from Cardasia...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 17

Maiden by Decree Chapter 17 Captivity Or: I Really Need to Find a Better Class of Kidnappers "Tell me how this happened." Garret surveyed the splattered gore, and disheveled bed then turned to Chalmnessa's Guard Captain with a look that would have cracked granite. "How did anyone, let alone more than one person, get in here to do this without being spotted before they reached this point or when they were...

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Maiden Naked Experience 8211 Part II

Hello friends, I am continuing my fantasy of Maiden Naked Experience, Please read that part before getting in to this. I started running naked towards the building; it was a cool breeze making me go crazy even at that high tension period. My ass wants me to push it back to feel the curve by myself. I approached the gate and there was a light in the cellar. It was 1 am in the night and I can see somebody sleeping on the floor in the cellar. I am totally afraid now as he was facing towards the...

Gay Male
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Maiden Fair Mf TG cons rom

Maiden Fairby SpectreOfHellWhen Wallace rang the bell of apartment 19G, he was alarmed to notice that his hand was shaking. He heard the patter of unshod feet running across the carpet, and the door opened before he had a chance to compose himself. June saw him and a smile exploded onto her young face. It was the kind of smile that made a man's heart soar and melt at the same time, and Wallace grinned stupidly at her, momentarily unable to remember why he was there."Wally," she said...

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Maiden Sex With Aunty

By: Buffalohunk Hello everybody this is my second story in ISS but this s maiden experience into world of sex here I lost my virginity to my aunty who is mother of a kid. It was during my internship period this incident also took place. This is true life incident which turns my life upside down. It also kindled my sexual desire up. Here, I start narrating that incident. As I was doing internship period I have to talk to more people. One day I went to collect blood from blood bank there I met a...

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Maiden MaidCh 6 John Teaches Sara

Maiden Maid Chapter 6 John Teaches Sara The next morning, Sara walked slowly into the kitchen, her body still aching from the punishment and the fucking she had endured. She had gone back to her room after Michael had fucked her hard and lay on the bed, naked. She allowed her legs to spread, wider and wider as if forced to do so, until they hung over the edge. She let her fingers trace down the flat plane of her stomach until she reached her flaming red bush. She could fill the heat from...

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Maiden Maid Ch 5 The Punishment

This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old orphan during the depression and life is hard. In Chapter 1 and 2, Sara is given a job as a maid for Michael. In Chapter 3 she is spanked for breaking a glass and is forced to masturbate Michael’s cock. In Chapter 4, Michael takes further sexual liberties with her young body including teaching her how to suck his cock. Maiden Maid Chapter 5-The...

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Maidens pageant

Maiden's Pageant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I went out that night I knew I was taking a chance, but I simply couldn't help myself. That yearning to go out, dressed as a girl, the one that had nagged at me for so long, finally won the argument between my fear, and my desire to do it. The minute I stepped out into the night, a wave of relief washed over me. The twinkling stars, the warm night air and the moonlight was nothing to the feel of fresh air on my newly...

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Kelly Gambles

Kelly Vance sighed as she drove through the night. At least she had a full tank of gas. She had heard horror stories of what a woman had to do to get gas on the Atlantic City Expressway after losing all her money at the casinos. The chill of fear raced through her once again. All her money! The young bride didn’t dare use her credit cards to recoup her losses. She had sworn to her husband that she would never gamble again. How could this happen? Her system had been foolproof. Still, the cards...

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A Gamble Too Far

‘Well, shall we go in, or not?’ The two women looked at each other and giggled nervously. The betting shop was tucked away down a side street of the East Yorkshire coastal resort they had spent such an enjoyable day exploring, and to the middle-class mother and daughter combo, it looked enticingly decadent. Annabell and her 17-year old daughter Emily had driven from their affluent Cheshire home to visit the seaside town of Whitby to fulfil a long-held ambition. Both women had long been...

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