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A Vist from o?s Mom

o?s Gamble


After W/we showered, Master instructed me to pack an overnight bag for Him and wait on the porch. i packed and assumed slave?s position on Master?s front porch. He brought the car out of the garage and instructed me to join Him.


Master drove to a little neighborhood deli and went in while i sat in the locked car. A young couple parked next to Master?s car, on the passenger side. As the man got out of thier car, i heard him tell his lady-friend to come around to his side of the car. She did, and he pointed out the naked slave in the passenger seat. They just stood and stared for a few moments and then tore themselves away to go into the drug store next to the deli. When master returned, i told him about the young couple, and He said He was watching from the deli. As always, Master was looking out for His slave.


When W/we started off again, Master drove directly to the freeway and W/we headed northeast toward Lake Tahoe. i immediately asked, and was granted, permission to have Master?s marvelous cock in slave?s mouth. i was only barely aware of the stop at the bridge toll plaza, and then lost slave entirely into the joy of Master?s velvety cock for a couple of hours.


i didn?t even realize that Master had stopped the car again until He nudged me and instructed me to sit up. W/we had stopped at a pull-off at the side of the highway which allowed access to a small picnic area down a slope, next to a river. Master got out with the deli bag, walked around and opened the passenger door. W/we went along the path down the bank to the table nearest the river and sat side-by-side facing the water. It was a little disconcerting because W/we were a couple of hundred yards from the car and clothes, if, in fact, there were clothes for me in Master?s car.


The picnic time passed pleasantly and quickly. Ultimately, Master balled up the sandwich wrap, and the bag, gathered the salad containers, and wine bottle and deposited them in the appropriate receptacles. He took slave?s hand and W/we walked for awhile along the river bank still further from the car and, possibly, clothes. i walked out onto the rocks and sat for awhile enjoying the sun and the sound of the rushing water. i was very careful, coming and going, not to fall in, because the water is very cold and swift.


Back on shore, i took Master?s left arm with slave?s right arm, and caressed His electrifying cock with slave?s left hand, as W/we walked back toward the car. When W/we neared the picnic tables, i could hear voices. i could feel slave shiver and it wasn?t from the temperature of the air.


When W/we walked into the picnic area, two couples were just setting out their food. They looked as if they might be a family of parents and grown children or maybe parents and a married child and spouse.


The younger man looked up and said in a rather loud, clear voice, ?Oh, man, now that?s my idea of picnicking among the beauty of nature.? Of course everyone looked to see what he was talking about. i held onto Master?s arm for support as slave?s legs turned to silly putty, and W/we continued to walk. i could feel the blood rushing to slave?s face, and to that area between slave?s legs. i was sure i was ?blushing? both places.


Master looked over and said, ?Hello. It?s a beautiful day for a picnic.?


The older of the women said, ?Yes, it is. Are you alright young lady??


It surprises me how often people, mostly women, and mostly older women, will ask if i am okay. i guess it is a sign of the times that they feel they need to ask, but it is also reassuring to know that people are willing to ?get involved? a little by asking.


i started to reply, but had to stop to clear the nervous frog in slave?s voice. ?Oh, yes, Mistress, i am just fine. It is hard to be anything else on such a wonderful day.? i hoped that i sounded a lot more secure and nonchalant than i was feeling right then.


As W/we continued past their table the older man, some years older than Master, i would guess, said, ?May i offer an observation, young lady, that you are probably the most beautiful of the many beautiful sights we are apt to see today.?


If i could blush anymore, i?m sure i did. ?Thank you Sir, you are too kind.?


What i guessed to be the daughter, or daughter-in-law, said, ?Yes, Dad, WAY too kind.? i could hear that she said more but could not make out what it was.


Master guided me back to His car and W/we continued on O/our journey.


i had again been enjoying Master?s delicious cock in slave?s mouth for a time when He instructed me to sit up. W/we were on the lakeside road where the hotel/casinos are. Master brings me here a couple of times a year because He knows how much i enjoy playing electronic poker. W/we usually stay at the same hotel each time.



i knew W/we were staying at the usual hotel when Master turned across the traffic and into the valet parking lane of the hotel. There was one car ahead of us, but there were plenty of young parking valets so, almost before W/we stopped, there was a young man at Master?s door, and one at slave?s door. Master released the trunk lid, handed the young man the suitcases and continued around to slave?s door, but it was much too late. The young man who opened slave?s door just stood unabashedly staring, with his mouth wide open, as i stepped out of the car.


As i straightened up out of the seat, it felt as if all the blood rushed out of slave?s head. i was very light headed and actually put a hand on the valet?s shoulder for support. Master arrived and offered me a dress. ?Put this on o, if the young man has seen enough.?


This hotel has some of the best guest service imaginable, and the valet quickly said, ?Oh, I?m so sorry, Sir, I didn?t mean to stare. It?s just that I?ve never seen anyone beautiful so nude? I mean so beautiful, nude. I mean? even the Showgirls aren?t??


?That?s alright, Brad? (Master read his name tag). ?I would worry about you if you didn?t stare at odalisque, and I?m sure she doesn?t mind, do you o??


?No Master.? Was the proper response, so that is what i said, but i was very aware of slave?s nakedness, and all the more so, when i looked over the car and saw a half dozen people standing, waiting for their cars to be brought to the doors. Every eye was on me as i stepped into slave?s dress and pulled it up.


The other valet had Master?s bags on a cart, and W/we went to the front desk. There were only two clerks so W/we stepped behind the couple checking in at the left location, and stood next to a couple waiting at the right location. i was aware of the woman next to me prodding her partner. Getting no response, she leaned toward him and said in a not-too-quiet whisper, ?Look at that woman?s dress; she might as well not be wearing one.? At that her partner looked at me, and smiled very broadly. i smiled back and squeezed Master?s arm.


When W/we moved up to the counter, the woman greeted us like family. Obviously part of the exceptional service is to know the ?regulars?. W/we certainly are not the ?high-rollers? types that get free rooms and things, but they do take good care of us.


?You have your usual room, Mr. L. I hope you and the young lady enjoy your stay with us. If we can be of service, in any way, please do not hesitate to call upon us.? She was speaking to Master, but she was quite obviously staring at slave?s breasts fully exposed by the transparent dress.


Master took the key and led me to the elevator. W/we waited at the elevator with the couple who had waited next to us at check-in, and had so obviously noticed slave?s transparent dress.


The doors opened and Master waited for the couple to enter and then W/we followed. The man pushed number 12 and asked Master what floor He wanted. Master told him as he slipped the shoulders of slave?s dress to the side and let it fall to the floor of the elevator. W/we were almost to the twelfth floor before the man looked away and pushed the button for O/our floor. His wife stared at the elevator doors all the way up.


As they stepped off the elevator the man turned and said, ?It?s been a real pleasure.? At which his wife turned and started to say, ?Oh for Pete?s?? then saw me standing naked in the elevator and gasped, ?Shit, Greg, isn?t it enough you drag me to all the tits-and-ass shows in town without?? At that the doors closed and i couldn?t hear how she might have determined that her poor husband was somehow responsible for me being naked in the elevator.



In the room Master tossed the dress He had picked up from the elevator floor on the bed and snapped a ?quick-link? on slave?s cuffs behind slave?s back without a word. i walked over to the window to look at the view of the lake.


At the sound of a knock on the door, Master opened it and let the young man with O/our luggage in. i turned from the window, i think, before he could see that slave?s wrists were fastened behind slave?s back. i suspect the effect was simply that i was thrusting slave?s breasts out for his inspection. At least that is the way he seemed to take it.


While he explained the various services available to U/us, he never took his eyes from slave?s breasts. i am, little by very little, becoming less sensitive to the stares, but this man?s stare seemed so intense that it seemed to burn the flesh of slave?s nipples. At last, he walked around me to be sure that the TV worked and noticed that slave?s cuffs were secured behind slave?s back. i don?t know if it was this discovery, or not, but he seemed to focus less on slave?s breasts after that.


When the young man left, Master undressed, laid back on the bed, and instructed me to finish what i had been doing most of the day. i lowered slave between His legs and spent another hour devouring Master?s wonderful cock. i love to suck Master?s gorgeous cock with slave?s wrists cuffed behind me; it makes it a totally oral experience. Master came with such force that i could barely keep up and keep it all in slave?s mouth.


Master released slave?s bondage, W/we showered, Master dressed and asked, playfully, if i wanted to dress for dinner. ?Is it a fancy, formal restaurant, Master??


He laughed, hardily, and retrieved a metallic blue dress from His bag. Handing it to me, He said, ?I suspect it may be a little more formal than your present attire, yes, o.??


At first i wasn?t quite sure how to wear the dress. The top is a halter, the ?V? of which begins at slave?s navel with spaghetti straps that hook at the back of the neck. The outside of the halter flows down and joins at the hem in the back, creating a totally bare back to midway down slave?s butt cheeks. At least half of the crack of Slave?s butt is exposed. The effect was to display a great deal of slave?s flesh, but it was really academic because the dress, while not as transparent as some, was sheer enough to clearly see the rings through slave?s nipples.


Master offered his arm, i took it, and He led me out, down the hall to the elevator. i was relieved to see Him push the ?up? button which meant W/we were not going outside. The very lovely restaurant just one floor above us is one of slave?s favorites. Like most of the Tahoe area, the ?dress code? at this restaurant is pretty loose. You may show up in a cowboy hat and boots and a string tie, or shorts and a T-shirt. On the other hand, people go to this restaurant to celebrate and often dress accordingly.


Master planned the dinner so that W/we would be there to watch the sunset and had reserved the table with the best view. The hostess gave slave?s dress a thorough appraisal as W/we walked up to her dais. She asked Master?s name and lead U/us to O/our table. She pulled the chair out for me and when she saw the back of the dress she audibly gasped. In this dress i probably, technically, didn?t have to raise it so that slave?s butt was bare on the chair, but i did. The hostess leaned toward me and whispered ?How do you stay in that dress??


?i?m not sure, i?ve only been wearing it for a couple of minutes. i?ll let you know later.?


The hostess kind of giggled, handed me a menu, handed one to Master, and informed U/us our waitress would be Beatrice. Beatrice came quickly and asked Master if he wanted the window shade closed.?


?I reserved this table specifically so that o could enjoy the view of the sun setting and so that I might enjoy the view of o?s exquisite body. Surely you wouldn?t wish to deprive either of us of our views, would you??

Beatrice kind of stammered, ?N?no...no Sir. I just wasn?t sure, that is I didn?t know, if the young lady realized just how, um, how, well, completely transparent what there is of her dress is in this light. But, obviously she is well aware, please forgive me.? She left U/us to peruse O/our menus.


In a few moments a much younger woman, with a small diamond stud in her nose came to the table. She looked at me quickly, but quite thoroughly. She seemed to ?get it? right away because, after the preliminary assessment, she addressed herself entirely to Master.

?Excuse me, Sir, my name is Summer, would you mind if I served you this evening??


?Summer, I think that would be delightful. You can begin by bringing us two glasses of the Mumm?s sparkling wine.? Master wasn?t totally surprised, it has happened before that someone is so overwhelmed by who, or what, i am that they feel too uncomfortable to deal with U/us.


When Summer returned with the wine, she said, ?I understand that the sun doesn?t bother you.?

?That?s correct, Summer, in fact I very much enjoy the effect it has on o?s body.? Master was playing with her a little bit, quite sure that she could take it since she undoubtedly volunteered to ?deal with U/us?.


?If I may be permitted, Sir, I don?t know who chose her dress, but if I had her body, I would show it off every chance I got!? Yes she could take it alright.


Master smiled broadly, obviously looking Summer up and down, and said, ?You have a lovely figure, Summer, unfortunately, dressing like a man isn?t too flattering to any woman.?


?Thank you. I know, don?t you just hate this pants-blouse-and-tie jazz? Have you decided on dinner?? Again the question was addressed quite obviously to Master. He ordered a salad for me and duck for Himself.


A woman with a camera came around and asked if W/we wanted O/our pictures taken. Master said W/we did. She spent a long time arranging U/us, so long that Master almost told her to forget it. Finally she snapped a couple of shots and said that she would be back, before desert, with the photo.


W/we ate, drank and laughed, and before W/we knew it the camera-girl was back. Her body language suggested she wasn?t as sure of herself as she had been earlier. When she presented the picture i could see why; between the backlighting of the sunset and the flash of her camera, slave?s dress completely disappeared in the photo. There was the slight cast of blue where the dress was, but it was really just a hint. For all intents and purposes it was a photo of a naked odalisque at the dinner table with Master.


Master looked at it and smiled from ear to ear. ?That?s wonderful. How much did you say it was?? Master paid the price and tipped her very generously. ?You certainly did capture the real o.?


When Summer returned with the desert menu, she had a mischievous look on her face. ?Oh, you got your picture taken. May I see it??


Master handed me the folder to show Summer. i opened it. ?Oh, my, you look absolutely gorgeous. I can see why she didn?t have to show you the other print.? Summer went on to explain that the photographer had ?Photoshopped? the picture so that one came out as this one and one came out with the dress quite a bit more opaque.


When the sun had set, and O/our desert was gone, Master lead me toward the elevator.

As W/we passed the hostess? dais, i gave her a little thumbs up and whispered, ?So far so good.?


She smiled and said, ?You look fantastic in it. Good luck, and have a great evening.?


At the elevator Master pushed the down button, but then not the button for O/our floor. He pushed ?L? for lobby. When the doors opened onto the lobby He lead me to His car waiting in front. Master allowed me to keep slave?s dress on as i sat in the passenger seat.


On O/our way, Master explained that W/we were going to a reception for a politician who wanted Him to contribute to his campaign. W/we wouldn?t stay too long. The reception was at someone?s summer home, overlooking the lake, about fifteen minutes from the hotel. Master drove to the front of the house where there was a young man to check His invitation and park His car. He told us to just go in the front door. i didn?t notice him pay any particular attention to slave?s dress or me.


The ?summer home? was bigger than Master?s home, and it is not small. When W/we walked in the door there was a hall that led to a large room that was filled with people dressed for a party. True to the resort atmosphere of the lake, they were dressed in everything from cowboy boots to Gucci, but no shorts or T-shirts here.


A man walked toward U/us with his hand out a good ten to fifteen feet before he could possibly shake Master?s hand. ?Hello, I?m James, I?m the Assemblyman?s secretary.? Master introduced himself and me. The secretary made no effort to conceal the fact that he was staring at slave?s breasts. ?The guests are pretty much throughout the first floor. The bar is straight ahead, as are the solid refreshments; please, enjoy.?


Master guided me to the bar and ordered two sparkling wines. He then escorted me to a group of two couples, one of which He apparently knew. He introduced me to Shelby and Chris, who then introduced me to Susan and Adid. Master excused Himself, leaving me with the two couples. Shelby looked very obviously at the ring through slave?s nose.


?I am so glad to meet you, o. I have heard so much about you. I used to be an associate of Steven?s and now I have my own firm. Not nearly as influential as Steven?s, of course, but we are working on it. I love your dress. It?s quite daring, but from what I hear you are often dressed in less.?


?Do you play the Master/slave game a lot?? It was Susan.


i answered Shelby first, ?Yes, Mistress Shelby, there are times when i wear less.?


?That hardly seems possible; you?d have to be totally nude, you practically are now...? It was Susan again.


Even looking Susan in the eyes, out of the corner of slave?s eye i could see Adid thoroughly assessing slave?s body, ?Yes, Mistress Susan, i am often naked with Master, and in the company of others. You see this is not a Master/slave game, it is a life-style for Master and His slave.? i slid the cuff on slave?s left wrist up enough that Susan could see the piano-key-white skin in contrast with the well tanned skin of the rest of slave?s body. i saw Adid mouth something that looked like ?wow?.


Adid finally found his voice. ?How did he persuade you to do this thing? What do you get from it??


i am asked that question, or something like it, so often, and yet each time i take a moment to think it through. ?Master didn?t exactly persuade me, so much as He made it available to me. He saw something in me and brought it out. What i get out of it is going to sound silly, and quite naive, but i have yet to think of a better way to explain it. i am in love with Master Steven, being His slave pleases Him, and pleasing Him pleases me. i am sorry that i can?t offer any better, more articulate explanation. i am sure that it is next to impossible for a ?normal?, if you will, person to embrace that concept. Not that you don?t each love each other every bit as much as i love Master Steven, you just have other ways of showing it.?


?That?s enough for me. It was nice to meet you, Shelby, Chris.? Susan turned and pulled deliberately on Adid?s arm.


?Oh, and the sex is absolutely unbelievable.? i didn?t really have to add that, but somehow Susan?s attitude dragged it out of me.


Shelby giggled, ?I think that is a given, o, at least in most people?s minds. What do you wear to work or shopping??


?i don?t work, Mistress Shelby, and shopping i do with Master and i am dressed not too unlike tonight.?


?But you can?t just be nude all the time, everywhere you go?? Chris seemed a little skeptical.


?i?m not really naked, Chris, Sir, as i am not naked now. i rather suppose you think i am naked, but you might be surprised how quite thoroughly clothed i feel now, or at least until someone tells me how naked i am, or says something about slave?s nipple-rings that i know they are seeing, quite clearly, through slave?s dress.?


?Have you known Master long, Shelby??


She smiled broadly in a way i couldn?t quite translate, ?We used to be associates, years ago. Now, as I said, I have my own firm. Nothing like Steven?s, of course, but I am quite proud of it. How long have you been Steven?s uh, sl? uh? um??


?Slave, Mistress? For a few years now.?


Chris excused himself to get refills of our drinks.


?What is it like? I should tell you that, some years ago, I think that Steven might have given me the option of being in your position or my present one. Obviously, I chose the career. What did I miss, odalisque? Were you into this before you met Steven?? Shelby was talking quite rapidly, but almost whispering.


?No, Mistress Shelby, i am totally Master?s creation. i knew essentially nothing of this life-style before i met Master. This is going to sound funny to a powerful, independent woman like yourself, but it is very liberating. i have never felt so free as i have since becoming Master?s slave. i wouldn?t trade places with you for anything in the world.?


Again, almost whispering, ?Some days I wish I could say the same, odalisque.?


Chris returned with our drinks.


i noticed Chris glance over slave?s shoulder just as i felt a hand on slave?s bare ass. It was Master caressing slave?s ass to the point of sliding a finger into the crack exposed above the dress in back. i could feel the flush engulfing slave?s body. ?Hello Master.?


?Hello, o.? He slid His hand up from slave?s ass and stood on slave?s left with His arm around slave?s waist moving up and under the material over slave?s right breast. He cupped it in His right hand. ?Shelby, you haven?t met o before have you.?


?No, Steven, but I have heard a great deal about her, and I must say she is everything I heard, and much more. You are a very lucky man.? Shelby sounded as if she meant it.


?I am in deed.? i love it when Master says things like that. ?May I ask you two to keep her company for just a few moments more, then I will come back and retrieve her, and we will be leaving.?


Shelby smiled, ?You want me to beat back all the men who are just waiting for a chance to come over and jump her??


?I don?t think it will come to that, but, yes, if you wouldn?t mind, please.? Master took out a QuickLink and secured slave?s wrists in back of me, leaving me seeming to thrust slave?s breasts at Shelby and Chris.


?Well, if you weren?t the center of attention before, and you were, you will be now.? No sooner had Shelby said that than two older, quite distinguished looking, gentlemen came over to us.


The taller of the two offered his hand saying, ?Good evening, my name is Stephen, Stephen Beckett.?


i turned enough so that he could see slave?s wrists secured behind slave?s back, ?i am sorry Stephen, Sir, but i am unable to shake your hand, but i am very pleased to meet you.? He looked like he must be a judge, or a CEO or a brain surgeon, so you can imagine slave?s surprise when he said, ?I?m sure you are aware that every man in this room, straight man, at least, would give his right testicle to fuck your brains out.?


i smiled and half giggled, ?i am sure you are exaggerating, Stephen, Sir, but that is very flattering.?


The other man, not quite as old but just as distinguished looking said, ?I hope you will excuse Stephen, he has so much money he thinks he can say anything to anyone. We really just came over to tell you how much your presence has improved this very dull affair. My name is James Collins.?


?Thank you, James, Sir, i am pleased to be of service.?


?Speaking of service??


James interrupted Stephen in mid sentence, ?I know where you?re headed with this, Stephen, and even your money doesn?t give you that right.? He grabbed Stephen?s arm and pulled him away saying, ?You are truly a delight.?


Three men, probably in their sixties, came over and one said, ?I just wanted to say, young lady, that you are, by far, the most stimulating thing about this party so far.?


Shelby giggled and said, ?Oh good, for a moment I was afraid you had a pistol in your pocket.?


?Thank you, Sir, but frankly it?s been slave?s experience that it doesn?t take much to be the most stimulating thing about a political fund-raiser.? W/we laughed and he added, ?True, but I think you would be the belle of any ball you attended.? i nodded a thank you as the men drifted away.


As they left, a group of four women came toward us. i have learned to dread women in groups. Somehow, when more than two or three women are together it seems to encourage at least one to be rather savage. This group was no exception.


The woman who seemed to be ?the leader? of the group was more than twice slave?s age, dressed in a very plain, but expensive, i?m sure, ankle length dark gray dress. She stared at the ring through slave?s nose and then the ones through slave?s nipples. ?You?re quite a ways away from your corner aren?t you, Dear?? It took me totally by surprise. i could see that Shelby was also taken aback. ?Or do you work at one of the ?ranches? in the area?


i could feel the fire engulf slave?s body. It was a combination of anger and humiliation. As far as i could see, i had done nothing to provoke this woman. ?i do not work, period, Mistress, either standing on a corner, or as a cowgirl.? Of course i knew, by ?ranch?, she meant one of the houses of prostitution that are legal in Nevada, but i was going to play dumb while i regained slave?s mental equilibrium.


Shelby jumped in, ?odalisque, this is Corinne,? then indicating the other three women, ? Tracy, and Teresa.? Tracy and Teresa were also older than i, but nearer slave?s age. To the fourth Shelby said, ?I?m sorry, I don?t think I know your name.?


?It?s Britney, we all work in the campaign. That is an exquisite dress. It?s a designer original, isn?t it??


i thanked her and did a slow pirouette, ?Yes, Master has dresses made for me by a wonderful lady in The City.? This time it was slave?s turn to surprise. I could see that the word ?Master? hit, all but Shelby, like a bolt of lightning. Now they all stared even more intently at slave?s collar, cuffs and rings.


?You?re into Master/slave games, huh?? Teresa tried to sound as if she were asking if i played the piano, but it was obvious she was a little shaken by the fact that slave?s slavery was so obviously not a game.


?It is not a game, Mistress, it is slave?s way of life.?


?Oh, please, just wearing a collar and showing off half your ass to the whole world is not a life style.? Corinne had found her voice again.


?Corinne, jeeze, what?s with you. You are being incredibly nasty, even for you.? It was Shelby again.


??Thank you, Mistress Shelby, but she is right. Unfortunately there is probably nothing i can offer that would validate slave?s existence for Mistress Corinne. If i could??


?Oh, cut the crap, you?re just a whore. Call yourself whatever you like, but the fact is you?re a slut.? Corinne?s face was almost as red as slave?s, but her color was from rage, or something.


i guess Master noticed that things were not going well for me. As often happens, just when i need Him, He appeared. He was at slave?s side with His right arm around me and His hand under the halter of slave?s dress cupping slave?s right breast in His hand. Even if the women could not see right through the dress, and they could, they would have known what Master was doing. i love it when He does that.


?Hi, Shelby, what?s up.?


?Hi, Steven. I?m not quite sure, actually. Your o seems to have struck a nerve in Corinne, here. You?d think an Assemblyman?s advisor would be a little more politic.?


Master smiled broadly at Shelby, ?Well, perhaps we can impress upon her the value of, if not tolerance, than diplomacy.? Master reached into His jacket and took out His checkbook. He removed the top check which was already made out to the Assemblyman?s campaign. He tore the signature line off the check, and handed the remainder of the check to Corinne. ?I will leave it to you Karen, or, Corinne, or whoever, to explain to the Assemblyman why his campaign chest will be twenty-five thousand lighter than he expected. Nice to see you again Shelby, it is always a pleasure.? Still cupping slave?s breast, He turned and W/we walked toward the front door. Shelby smiled at me and i think she winked.


After a moment Shelby came after U/us. ?Steven, I am so sorry that I let that happen. I don?t know what has gotten into Corinne. Maybe it is that she just turned sixty or maybe she just can?t stand how incredibly beautiful, and happy, o obviously is. But, you know the Assemblyman is on the right side of the issues and he needs all the help he can get.?


Master stopped with His hand still cupping slave?s breast. ?Shelby, I understand, and respect your commitment to the Assemblyman?s cause, but with advisors like Corinne, I think he is doomed with, or without, my help.? Shelby was obviously listening, but she was, just as obviously, staring, with a sort of dreamy smile, at Master?s hand caressing slave?s breast. The smile made me wonder if she wished it was her breast in Master?s hand. ?No, Shelby, there are other soldiers for our cause who will fight the good fight without the likes of Corrine. That is where my support and money will go.?


?I understand, Steven. I am sure that Corinne will not mention this to the Assemblyman, but I certainly will. It was great to see you, and to meet you, odalisque.? Only now did she move her eyes from slave?s breast to Master?s eyes.


?It was a great pleasure to meet you Mistress Shelby. Good night.?


Master opened the door and led me toward the driveway where a young man waited. Master had to sort of bump the young man?s arm with His hand holding the number of His car, the valet was so intently staring at slave?s out-thrust breasts and Master?s hand caressing one of them.


When the car came, Master again allowed me to leave slave?s dress on, but He did not release the QuickLink so i had a little trouble getting in, but managed.


Back at the hotel, the valets were again ?Johnny on the Spot?, one at each door. Again, i had a little trouble with slave?s wrists secured at slave?s back. i swung slave?s feet out onto the ground but didn?t immediately stand. i don?t know if the valet thought i was drunk or what, but he reached down and took slave?s shoulders and lifted me to slave?s feet.


i thanked him and he said that the pleasure was all his.


Master came around the car and affixed one end of a leash to slave?s collar and held the other in His hand at His side. The valet whispered, not quite to himself, ?Holy shit.?


When Master started to lead me to the doors to the lobby, i could feel slave?s knees turning to jelly. Because of the QuickLink, i couldn?t grab Master?s arm to hold slave up. Master sensed slave?s need and helped support me by taking slave?s arm.


It seemed that every one of the twenty or thirty sets of eyes in the lobby was on U/us. Two young couples were walking toward the escalator up to the casino. They said something among themselves, and one couple turned and followed U/us to the elevator doors.


While W/we waited for an elevator, the women smiled at me and i returned it. She was wearing a very tight, very short, sequined red dress. ?That is a gorgeous dress. It is a one of a kind designer, isn?t it??

?Well, Mistress, it was made specifically for slave?s body, i don?t know if it is one of a kind.? i saw that little flash of, not shock exactly, maybe astonishment is a better word, when she heard ?Mistress? and ?slave?s body?.


The man said ?I know this is kind of rude but, Kelly here just loves your dress; was it terribly expensive? I?m sorry, I should explain. Kelly was kind of a late bloomer in high school and now we are going to her tenth reunion and she has been looking for a dress to make a statement, and that dress would certainly do it.?


i turned to look at Master, ?Master?? i thought the woman?s chin would hit the floor.


?Master looked at the woman and asked, ?What size do you wear??


?Um, uh, a three, sometimes a one.?


Master reached over, released slave?s cuffs from the QuickLink, unfastened the leash from slave?s collar and said ?odalisque is a size one. o take off the dress and give it to this young lady.? The ?young? lady was just about slave?s age but i wasn?t about to quibble.


?Yes, Master.? While the two of them watched in astonishment, i reached up and pulled the spaghetti strap over slave?s head, lowered the dress and stepped out of it. ?Here you are Mistress, i hope you enjoy it.?


One of the elevator doors opened. Master clipped the leash to slave?s collar and pulled me into the elevator car. Kelly, now holding slave?s dress, followed U/us into the car; Glenn, her companion, followed at the last minute.


?I can?t take this.? The doors closed and Master pushed the button for O/our floor. ?I mean, I know it has to be frightfully expensive, and I can?t wear underwear with it. Glenn, we can?t accept this, plus what will you wear when the elevator stops??


Master spoke very softly, ?I think that you would look ravishing in it and I want you to have it as o?s, and my, gift to you, as a blow for all late-bloomers everywhere. I hope it fits? If you can?t bring yourself to wear it, at least you had the opportunity, and it will be your graduating class?s great loss? again.?


?Oh, Master, oh I?m sorry but I don?t know your name, mine is Kelly, by the way, oh, Glenn told you that, and this is Glenn, but, if I have to live on carrots and water from now until the reunion, I will get into this dress. I?ll have to somehow wear underwear, of course, and I won?t look anything as good as your,? your ?your slave, but??


?My name is Steven and My slave, your benefactor, is named odalisque. And I think you will look stunning in that dress.? The elevator had stopped and Master was holding the door open. ?As for what odalisque will wear, well she is quite comfortable as she is, are you not, o??


?Yes, Master.?


The woman stepped out of the car with us, gave me a very tight hug. ?I?ll never be able to thank you, but I will never forget you, honest, odalisque.?


Master led me down the hall toward O/our room and Kelly watched, occasionally saying softly, ?Thank you.? When W/we were about half way to O/our room another door opened and a couple stepped into the hall. Shelby, not so softly this time called, ?Oh, my gawd, I?m so sorry odalisque, I?m so sorry.?


i looked back, smiled, and gave her a little wave. She held the elevator door open for the couple in the hall and i rather wished i could have heard the conversation on the ride back down.


In Master?s room, W/we showered and Master dressed much more casually than before and offered me a dress that covered quite a bit more of slave?s skin than the earlier one, but was stretchy, sheer material so that all of me was clearly visible. He took me down to the casino. Passing through the lobby, every eye seemed to be drawn to Master and His slave. Once in the casino, only a very few gamblers took their eyes off their game to stare at the slave.


Master showed me where the electronic poker machines, i like to play, were located and then pointed out where He would be waiting for me. Master doesn?t like to gamble, nor does He like me out of His sight, so He picks a bank of machines that are visible from the cocktail lounge where He can wait comfortably.


i played for a couple of hours while Master watched whatever sport was on the big screen TV. Actually, He picked a table that allowed Him to watch me and the cocktail waitresses as they picked up their drink orders, so he was in no particular hurry. i am pretty lucky at this game and, with the couple of hundred dollars Master gave me, i won $615.


i cashed out and went to the cocktail lounge where Master was waiting. For some reason i was feeling kind of frisky, so i went to the bar, put a fifty dollar bill into one of the poker machines built into the bar, and ordered two sparkling wines; one for slave and one ?for the man at that table,? indicating, with a nod, where Master was sitting.


When the bartender returned with the drinks, i asked if she could have the one delivered to the man. She said, ?Sure, Sweety, but if you?re trying to pick him up, I?d save my money if I was you. I think all he needs is a wink from you and he?s yours.? She called one of the waitresses over and asked her to deliver the wine to the table.


Someone told me once not to play the machines at the bar because they are tighter than others, because the house thinks the gambler will be tight also, and they will play regardless of losing. i don?t know if that?s true, but i just played a few more hands, cashed out, and walked over to Master?s table. He didn?t invite me to sit, so i stood at His right and bent down and kissed him, long and deep. When i stood back up, the bartender and three waitresses were staring in apparent amazement.


From behind, Master slipped His right hand up slave?s dress and began to fondle slave?s sex. Even if slave?s dress was opaque, it would have been obvious what Master was doing, but through this dress i?m sure, anyone could see His thumb sliding in and out of slave?s sex with the rest of Master?s hand over slave?s smooth pubic mound. i could feel slave?s breathing getting very shallow, and i could hear it. i could feel slave?s body shuddering.


i felt slave?s eye lids getting very heavy and slave?s eyes glazing over. However, through the haze, i saw the waitresses making no effort to conceal the fact that they were staring at me.


Master looked up at me and half whispered, ?odalisque, cum.? Almost instantly i felt a flash of white light come over me and heard slave groan. i could feel slave?s whole body shake and felt slave?s knees buckle and Master?s hand tighten around slave?s sex. He actually held me up for a moment with his thumb inside slave?s sex. i recovered fairly quickly and put slave?s hands on the table to hold me up.


As slave?s head cleared, i could see the waitresses talking a mile a minute among themselves and the bartender just staring. Very quickly one of the waitresses came over to the table and said, ?Okay, ok, wait a minute. Did what I think happened, just happen here. Did he just twittle you off right here in the bar??


?i?m not really familiar with the term ?twittle?, Mistress, but if you mean did Master just manually bring His slave to orgasm, yes, that is exactly what just happened.?


?Oh? my? god. I?ve been working in this place for? well quite awhile, and that is the most incredible thing I have ever seen. You said, ?slave?, so you had no choice about that? You had to just stand there and let him do it??


Now another waitress came over with a few napkins and handed them to Master. He took them and wiped slave?s juices from His hand. The first waitress asked, ?Does he do this to you all the time??


?Actually, this is the first time. i thought it went rather well, and i hope Master will consider doing it again sometime soon.? There was no way that i could say that with a straight face and i didn?t. W/we all laughed.


Master thanked the waitress for the napkins and asked me if i had had enough gambling. i said i had. He stood, put His arm around me and cupped slave?s breast in His hand, unfortunately, outside of the dress. He guided me through the lobby and back to O/our room.

In the room, before i settled in to oil and powder Master?s awesome cock, i asked Him about Shelby the woman at the fundraiser. ?Did you want Shelby to be your slave, Master??


He looked a little surprised, ?What makes you ask, o??


?Just something she said tonight, and the way she looked at You, and me. Was i your second choice Master??


?Well, I suppose the thought, about Shelby, crossed my mind some years ago. But I didn?t even know you then, so you couldn?t be my second choice. Besides, even if you had been my tenth choice when I proposed the arrangement to you, given the way you have turned out, I wouldn?t trade you for a dozen other slaves. I love you, o.?


?i love you, Master.? With that i spent the next hour or so demonstrating, to the very best of slave?s ability, how very much i love Master.


The next morning W/we showered, Master dressed and W/we had our room service breakfast. i thought i was dealing with the room service guy?s furtive stares pretty well until he said, ?Ma?am, may I just say that guest services told me about you, but they couldn?t possibly describe how beautiful and sexy your are. I apologize if this is rude of me, but you are just totally mind-blowing.?


It?s funny how it works, a tipsy old woman can almost shout that i am a whore in a room full of overly-respectable people, and i am less flustered than when a young man tells me that he thinks i am pretty in front of just slave?s Master. ?Thank you, Sir. That is not rude at all, in fact it is very sweet. i am flattered that you think i?m pretty.?


?Oh, no, not pretty, Miss, not beautiful, not? well, I don?t know, I think they?d have to invent a new word just for you.?


?You are very kind, Brad, Sir.? i read his name tag, a habit i am acquiring from Master. ?i hope you have a wonderful day.?


After breakfast i packed Master?s bags and He called for the valet. Again the stares and smiles. When he left with the bags, W/we inspected the room for anything W/we might have missed and then Master took the terrycloth robe from the closet and held it for me to put on. i could feel slave?s stomach warning me; this was not a good thing.


Master walked me, holding hands, down the hall and to the elevator. W/we were joined midway down to the lobby by another couple. They said hello but the woman looked at the robe rather inquisitively. When the doors opened at the lobby Master let the other couple out first. As W/we walked up to the desk to check out, i saw Master?s car being brought to the front doors.


i felt a little awkward, and conspicuous in the robe, but the clerk didn?t seem to care. She went through the formalities with Master. Master said to just use the same credit card He had given them yesterday and W/we started to leave when the clerk said, ?Oh, excuse me Sir, did you want to put the robe on your room bill??


There it was; slave?s stomach had been right, as usual. ?Do you want to keep the robe, odalisque??


i knew what the answer was supposed to be. i started to speak, but had to kind of clear slave?s voice, ?Um? uh.. no, i don?t, thank you, Master.?


Master reached out, untied the belt around slave?s waist and pulled the robe open for me to slip out of it. Master laid the robe on the counter and said, ?Thank you for reminding us.?


Slave?s legs were literally trembling to the point that i thought i was going to collapse on the lobby floor. i turned so that i did not have to see the horrified look on the clerk?s face.


Out of the corner of slave?s eye, i could see that the clerk made no move to retrieve the robe, or speak; She just stood staring at slave?s naked body. Master took the leash from His pocket, clipped it to slave?s collar and led me to the front doors and out to His car.


The valet opened the passenger door and Master helped me into the seat. The valet closed the door, rather slowly, and said, ?Have a fantastic day!?


The drive home was uneventful, except that i got to devour Master?s long cock for the whole ride. i don?t even remember the state border crossing; i can only assume that they just waved U/us through, as they often do, when they see local license plates.


When W/we got near home, Master asked if i wanted to cook or take home pasta. i usually love to cook for Master, but it had been kind of a long emotional couple of days so i asked if W/we could take home pasta.


Master called ahead and ordered O/our favorite pasta and bread from the little take-out-only Italian restaurant in town. He pulled into the ?pick-up only? parking place and told me to pick up O/our order. He knew that Danny was working so He was comfortable letting me go in alone.


It was early evening and the sun was just turning the sky pink. There were half a dozen people on the sidewalk as i got out of Master?s car. None was close enough to say anything, though i did hear a whistle that i thought might be for me. Inside was a young couple just picking up their order.


?Cripes, Colie, look at her.? The young man said to his girlfriend. She turned and simply stared, and stared and stared.


?Hello,? i said as casually as i could.


?You?re nude!? the young lady?s voice was shrill. ?You?ve gotta be nuts.?


Danny turned around, smiled and said, ?Oh hi, o, your order will be up in just a minute.?


?You know her? Does she come in here a lot, nude?? Miss shrill again.


?No, I?m sorry to say, I don?t really know her, but she does come in occasionally for a pizza or pasta.? Danny was smiling from ear to ear and staring at slave?s body while answering the shrill girl?s question.


The young man paid for the food and started for the door, looking back he said, ?Colie, come on.? The girl was sort of paralyzed staring at me.


i could feel the red blush flowing over slave?s body as i watched her watching me.


?How did you get here like? like that?? her voice was a little less piercing.


?Master dropped me off.? i said as i stepped around her to the counter. ?Hi, Danny, busy tonight?? The title Master seemed to cause her to stare more ardently at slave?s rings and collar and cuffs.


?Colie! It?s gunna get cold.? Her boyfriend tried again. ?I told ya we shudda went to Pizza Hut, cum on.?


With that ?Colie? finally moved toward the door, ?Yur sick, ya know that, right!?? With that they went out the door.


?I?m sorry about them, o, but i guess you must get that every once in a while, huh?? Danny was very sweet and sounded genuinely ?sorry about them?.


?Yes, Danny, i get them every once in awhile. Actually, that type doesn?t bother me as much as the ones who seem to want to understand, but just can?t get their mind to comprehend it. The righteous ones i can just sort of let role off.?


Danny came around the counter to hand me the bag with O/our dinner in it and said he?d take it off O/or balance. i thanked him and turned to leave just as two young women walked in.


?Oh my gawd, Danny, what are you doin??? the redhead yelled.


?Cool it, Barb, i?m not doin? anything. This is odalisque, she and her Mas? her? partner come here all the time??


?I bet she?s not dressed like that ?all the time?.?


?You?d lose, actually, she is,? Danny introduced me, ?odalisque, this is Barb and Viv; they go to school with me.?


?Hello. Obviously Danny hasn?t mentioned me to you; how discreet of you Danny. Thank you.?


?Oh that?s okay, o, nobody would believe me anyway. ?Hey, guys, this drop-dead gorgeous woman comes in for pizza, naked!?, yeah, right!?


i couldn?t help but smile at the ?drop-dead gorgeous? description. i started for the door when the brunette said ?Where the fuck do you think you?re going??


i wasn?t sure if it was a question or a challenge, but Danny settled that. ?She?s going anywhere she wants??


?No, i mean where CAN she go dressed, or NOT dressed, the way she is??


They were both staring at slave?s rings, collar, etc. ?i am going to Master?s car, just outside.?


Barb took command of the situation, ?Viv, get our pizza, I?ll walk this lady to the car.? She turned around, opened the door and stepped outside holding the door open.


i walked straight from the doorway to the car and Barb opened the door for me. She looked in and said, ?Hi, I just wanted to see what her ?master? looked like.?


Master smiled, ?I hope I passed inspection.?


?You?ll do, although you?re a bit older than I expected.? Bard was standing in the way of slave getting into the car as she and Master chatted.


?Excuse me Mistress, may i get in??


?Oh, yah, sorry. So, do you play this game a lot??


i had grown a little tired of this woman ?i am Master?s slave twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Mistress.?


Master sensed slave?s impatience, ?Now if you will excuse U/us, W/we must be going.? She stepped back from the door and i closed it, just as the other girl was coming out of the pizza shop.


Master pulled into traffic and drove U/us home.


At home W/we ate and then i spent another hour or so devouring Master?s gorgeous cock, finally enjoying His delicious cum, and then oiling and powdering His wonderful cock.


Fortunately today was a quick day to write in slave?s journal because, in spite of doing very little other than sucking Master?s marvelous cock, i was spent by the end of the day.


i love you Master.

o?s Gamble


After W/we showered, Master instructed me to pack an overnight bag for Him and wait on the porch. i packed and assumed slave?s position on Master?s front porch. He brought the car out of the garage and instructed me to join Him.


Master drove to a little neighborhood deli and went in while i sat in the locked car. A young couple parked next to Master?s car, on the passenger side. As the man got out of thier car, i heard him tell his lady-friend to come around to his side of the car. She did, and he pointed out the naked slave in the passenger seat. They just stood and stared for a few moments and then tore themselves away to go into the drug store next to the deli. When master returned, i told him about the young couple, and He said He was watching from the deli. As always, Master was looking out for His slave.


When W/we started off again, Master drove directly to the freeway and W/we headed northeast toward Lake Tahoe. i immediately asked, and was granted, permission to have Master?s marvelous cock in slave?s mouth. i was only barely aware of the stop at the bridge toll plaza, and then lost slave entirely into the joy of Master?s velvety cock for a couple of hours.


i didn?t even realize that Master had stopped the car again until He nudged me and instructed me to sit up. W/we had stopped at a pull-off at the side of the highway which allowed access to a small picnic area down a slope, next to a river. Master got out with the deli bag, walked around and opened the passenger door. W/we went along the path down the bank to the table nearest the river and sat side-by-side facing the water. It was a little disconcerting because W/we were a couple of hundred yards from the car and clothes, if, in fact, there were clothes for me in Master?s car.


The picnic time passed pleasantly and quickly. Ultimately, Master balled up the sandwich wrap, and the bag, gathered the salad containers, and wine bottle and deposited them in the appropriate receptacles. He took slave?s hand and W/we walked for awhile along the river bank still further from the car and, possibly, clothes. i walked out onto the rocks and sat for awhile enjoying the sun and the sound of the rushing water. i was very careful, coming and going, not to fall in, because the water is very cold and swift.


Back on shore, i took Master?s left arm with slave?s right arm, and caressed His electrifying cock with slave?s left hand, as W/we walked back toward the car. When W/we neared the picnic tables, i could hear voices. i could feel slave shiver and it wasn?t from the temperature of the air.


When W/we walked into the picnic area, two couples were just setting out their food. They looked as if they might be a family of parents and grown children or maybe parents and a married child and spouse.


The younger man looked up and said in a rather loud, clear voice, ?Oh, man, now that?s my idea of picnicking among the beauty of nature.? Of course everyone looked to see what he was talking about. i held onto Master?s arm for support as slave?s legs turned to silly putty, and W/we continued to walk. i could feel the blood rushing to slave?s face, and to that area between slave?s legs. i was sure i was ?blushing? both places.


Master looked over and said, ?Hello. It?s a beautiful day for a picnic.?


The older of the women said, ?Yes, it is. Are you alright young lady??


It surprises me how often people, mostly women, and mostly older women, will ask if i am okay. i guess it is a sign of the times that they feel they need to ask, but it is also reassuring to know that people are willing to ?get involved? a little by asking.


i started to reply, but had to stop to clear the nervous frog in slave?s voice. ?Oh, yes, Mistress, i am just fine. It is hard to be anything else on such a wonderful day.? i hoped that i sounded a lot more secure and nonchalant than i was feeling right then.


As W/we continued past their table the older man, some years older than Master, i would guess, said, ?May i offer an observation, young lady, that you are probably the most beautiful of the many beautiful sights we are apt to see today.?


If i could blush anymore, i?m sure i did. ?Thank you Sir, you are too kind.?


What i guessed to be the daughter, or daughter-in-law, said, ?Yes, Dad, WAY too kind.? i could hear that she said more but could not make out what it was.


Master guided me back to His car and W/we continued on O/our journey.


i had again been enjoying Master?s delicious cock in slave?s mouth for a time when He instructed me to sit up. W/we were on the lakeside road where the hotel/casinos are. Master brings me here a couple of times a year because He knows how much i enjoy playing electronic poker. W/we usually stay at the same hotel each time.



i knew W/we were staying at the usual hotel when Master turned across the traffic and into the valet parking lane of the hotel. There was one car ahead of us, but there were plenty of young parking valets so, almost before W/we stopped, there was a young man at Master?s door, and one at slave?s door. Master released the trunk lid, handed the young man the suitcases and continued around to slave?s door, but it was much too late. The young man who opened slave?s door just stood unabashedly staring, with his mouth wide open, as i stepped out of the car.


As i straightened up out of the seat, it felt as if all the blood rushed out of slave?s head. i was very light headed and actually put a hand on the valet?s shoulder for support. Master arrived and offered me a dress. ?Put this on o, if the young man has seen enough.?


This hotel has some of the best guest service imaginable, and the valet quickly said, ?Oh, I?m so sorry, Sir, I didn?t mean to stare. It?s just that I?ve never seen anyone beautiful so nude? I mean so beautiful, nude. I mean? even the Showgirls aren?t??


?That?s alright, Brad? (Master read his name tag). ?I would worry about you if you didn?t stare at odalisque, and I?m sure she doesn?t mind, do you o??


?No Master.? Was the proper response, so that is what i said, but i was very aware of slave?s nakedness, and all the more so, when i looked over the car and saw a half dozen people standing, waiting for their cars to be brought to the doors. Every eye was on me as i stepped into slave?s dress and pulled it up.


The other valet had Master?s bags on a cart, and W/we went to the front desk. There were only two clerks so W/we stepped behind the couple checking in at the left location, and stood next to a couple waiting at the right location. i was aware of the woman next to me prodding her partner. Getting no response, she leaned toward him and said in a not-too-quiet whisper, ?Look at that woman?s dress; she might as well not be wearing one.? At that her partner looked at me, and smiled very broadly. i smiled back and squeezed Master?s arm.


When W/we moved up to the counter, the woman greeted us like family. Obviously part of the exceptional service is to know the ?regulars?. W/we certainly are not the ?high-rollers? types that get free rooms and things, but they do take good care of us.


?You have your usual room, Mr. L. I hope you and the young lady enjoy your stay with us. If we can be of service, in any way, please do not hesitate to call upon us.? She was speaking to Master, but she was quite obviously staring at slave?s breasts fully exposed by the transparent dress.


Master took the key and led me to the elevator. W/we waited at the elevator with the couple who had waited next to us at check-in, and had so obviously noticed slave?s transparent dress.


The doors opened and Master waited for the couple to enter and then W/we followed. The man pushed number 12 and asked Master what floor He wanted. Master told him as he slipped the shoulders of slave?s dress to the side and let it fall to the floor of the elevator. W/we were almost to the twelfth floor before the man looked away and pushed the button for O/our floor. His wife stared at the elevator doors all the way up.


As they stepped off the elevator the man turned and said, ?It?s been a real pleasure.? At which his wife turned and started to say, ?Oh for Pete?s?? then saw me standing naked in the elevator and gasped, ?Shit, Greg, isn?t it enough you drag me to all the tits-and-ass shows in town without?? At that the doors closed and i couldn?t hear how she might have determined that her poor husband was somehow responsible for me being naked in the elevator.



In the room Master tossed the dress He had picked up from the elevator floor on the bed and snapped a ?quick-link? on slave?s cuffs behind slave?s back without a word. i walked over to the window to look at the view of the lake.


At the sound of a knock on the door, Master opened it and let the young man with O/our luggage in. i turned from the window, i think, before he could see that slave?s wrists were fastened behind slave?s back. i suspect the effect was simply that i was thrusting slave?s breasts out for his inspection. At least that is the way he seemed to take it.


While he explained the various services available to U/us, he never took his eyes from slave?s breasts. i am, little by very little, becoming less sensitive to the stares, but this man?s stare seemed so intense that it seemed to burn the flesh of slave?s nipples. At last, he walked around me to be sure that the TV worked and noticed that slave?s cuffs were secured behind slave?s back. i don?t know if it was this discovery, or not, but he seemed to focus less on slave?s breasts after that.


When the young man left, Master undressed, laid back on the bed, and instructed me to finish what i had been doing most of the day. i lowered slave between His legs and spent another hour devouring Master?s wonderful cock. i love to suck Master?s gorgeous cock with slave?s wrists cuffed behind me; it makes it a totally oral experience. Master came with such force that i could barely keep up and keep it all in slave?s mouth.


Master released slave?s bondage, W/we showered, Master dressed and asked, playfully, if i wanted to dress for dinner. ?Is it a fancy, formal restaurant, Master??


He laughed, hardily, and retrieved a metallic blue dress from His bag. Handing it to me, He said, ?I suspect it may be a little more formal than your present attire, yes, o.??


At first i wasn?t quite sure how to wear the dress. The top is a halter, the ?V? of which begins at slave?s navel with spaghetti straps that hook at the back of the neck. The outside of the halter flows down and joins at the hem in the back, creating a totally bare back to midway down slave?s butt cheeks. At least half of the crack of Slave?s butt is exposed. The effect was to display a great deal of slave?s flesh, but it was really academic because the dress, while not as transparent as some, was sheer enough to clearly see the rings through slave?s nipples.


Master offered his arm, i took it, and He led me out, down the hall to the elevator. i was relieved to see Him push the ?up? button which meant W/we were not going outside. The very lovely restaurant just one floor above us is one of slave?s favorites. Like most of the Tahoe area, the ?dress code? at this restaurant is pretty loose. You may show up in a cowboy hat and boots and a string tie, or shorts and a T-shirt. On the other hand, people go to this restaurant to celebrate and often dress accordingly.


Master planned the dinner so that W/we would be there to watch the sunset and had reserved the table with the best view. The hostess gave slave?s dress a thorough appraisal as W/we walked up to her dais. She asked Master?s name and lead U/us to O/our table. She pulled the chair out for me and when she saw the back of the dress she audibly gasped. In this dress i probably, technically, didn?t have to raise it so that slave?s butt was bare on the chair, but i did. The hostess leaned toward me and whispered ?How do you stay in that dress??


?i?m not sure, i?ve only been wearing it for a couple of minutes. i?ll let you know later.?


The hostess kind of giggled, handed me a menu, handed one to Master, and informed U/us our waitress would be Beatrice. Beatrice came quickly and asked Master if he wanted the window shade closed.?


?I reserved this table specifically so that o could enjoy the view of the sun setting and so that I might enjoy the view of o?s exquisite body. Surely you wouldn?t wish to deprive either of us of our views, would you??

Beatrice kind of stammered, ?N?no...no Sir. I just wasn?t sure, that is I didn?t know, if the young lady realized just how, um, how, well, completely transparent what there is of her dress is in this light. But, obviously she is well aware, please forgive me.? She left U/us to peruse O/our menus.


In a few moments a much younger woman, with a small diamond stud in her nose came to the table. She looked at me quickly, but quite thoroughly. She seemed to ?get it? right away because, after the preliminary assessment, she addressed herself entirely to Master.

?Excuse me, Sir, my name is Summer, would you mind if I served you this evening??


?Summer, I think that would be delightful. You can begin by bringing us two glasses of the Mumm?s sparkling wine.? Master wasn?t totally surprised, it has happened before that someone is so overwhelmed by who, or what, i am that they feel too uncomfortable to deal with U/us.


When Summer returned with the wine, she said, ?I understand that the sun doesn?t bother you.?

?That?s correct, Summer, in fact I very much enjoy the effect it has on o?s body.? Master was playing with her a little bit, quite sure that she could take it since she undoubtedly volunteered to ?deal with U/us?.


?If I may be permitted, Sir, I don?t know who chose her dress, but if I had her body, I would show it off every chance I got!? Yes she could take it alright.


Master smiled broadly, obviously looking Summer up and down, and said, ?You have a lovely figure, Summer, unfortunately, dressing like a man isn?t too flattering to any woman.?


?Thank you. I know, don?t you just hate this pants-blouse-and-tie jazz? Have you decided on dinner?? Again the question was addressed quite obviously to Master. He ordered a salad for me and duck for Himself.


A woman with a camera came around and asked if W/we wanted O/our pictures taken. Master said W/we did. She spent a long time arranging U/us, so long that Master almost told her to forget it. Finally she snapped a couple of shots and said that she would be back, before desert, with the photo.


W/we ate, drank and laughed, and before W/we knew it the camera-girl was back. Her body language suggested she wasn?t as sure of herself as she had been earlier. When she presented the picture i could see why; between the backlighting of the sunset and the flash of her camera, slave?s dress completely disappeared in the photo. There was the slight cast of blue where the dress was, but it was really just a hint. For all intents and purposes it was a photo of a naked odalisque at the dinner table with Master.


Master looked at it and smiled from ear to ear. ?That?s wonderful. How much did you say it was?? Master paid the price and tipped her very generously. ?You certainly did capture the real o.?


When Summer returned with the desert menu, she had a mischievous look on her face. ?Oh, you got your picture taken. May I see it??


Master handed me the folder to show Summer. i opened it. ?Oh, my, you look absolutely gorgeous. I can see why she didn?t have to show you the other print.? Summer went on to explain that the photographer had ?Photoshopped? the picture so that one came out as this one and one came out with the dress quite a bit more opaque.


When the sun had set, and O/our desert was gone, Master lead me toward the elevator.

As W/we passed the hostess? dais, i gave her a little thumbs up and whispered, ?So far so good.?


She smiled and said, ?You look fantastic in it. Good luck, and have a great evening.?


At the elevator Master pushed the down button, but then not the button for O/our floor. He pushed ?L? for lobby. When the doors opened onto the lobby He lead me to His car waiting in front. Master allowed me to keep slave?s dress on as i sat in the passenger seat.


On O/our way, Master explained that W/we were going to a reception for a politician who wanted Him to contribute to his campaign. W/we wouldn?t stay too long. The reception was at someone?s summer home, overlooking the lake, about fifteen minutes from the hotel. Master drove to the front of the house where there was a young man to check His invitation and park His car. He told us to just go in the front door. i didn?t notice him pay any particular attention to slave?s dress or me.


The ?summer home? was bigger than Master?s home, and it is not small. When W/we walked in the door there was a hall that led to a large room that was filled with people dressed for a party. True to the resort atmosphere of the lake, they were dressed in everything from cowboy boots to Gucci, but no shorts or T-shirts here.


A man walked toward U/us with his hand out a good ten to fifteen feet before he could possibly shake Master?s hand. ?Hello, I?m James, I?m the Assemblyman?s secretary.? Master introduced himself and me. The secretary made no effort to conceal the fact that he was staring at slave?s breasts. ?The guests are pretty much throughout the first floor. The bar is straight ahead, as are the solid refreshments; please, enjoy.?


Master guided me to the bar and ordered two sparkling wines. He then escorted me to a group of two couples, one of which He apparently knew. He introduced me to Shelby and Chris, who then introduced me to Susan and Adid. Master excused Himself, leaving me with the two couples. Shelby looked very obviously at the ring through slave?s nose.


?I am so glad to meet you, o. I have heard so much about you. I used to be an associate of Steven?s and now I have my own firm. Not nearly as influential as Steven?s, of course, but we are working on it. I love your dress. It?s quite daring, but from what I hear you are often dressed in less.?


?Do you play the Master/slave game a lot?? It was Susan.


i answered Shelby first, ?Yes, Mistress Shelby, there are times when i wear less.?


?That hardly seems possible; you?d have to be totally nude, you practically are now...? It was Susan again.


Even looking Susan in the eyes, out of the corner of slave?s eye i could see Adid thoroughly assessing slave?s body, ?Yes, Mistress Susan, i am often naked with Master, and in the company of others. You see this is not a Master/slave game, it is a life-style for Master and His slave.? i slid the cuff on slave?s left wrist up enough that Susan could see the piano-key-white skin in contrast with the well tanned skin of the rest of slave?s body. i saw Adid mouth something that looked like ?wow?.


Adid finally found his voice. ?How did he persuade you to do this thing? What do you get from it??


i am asked that question, or something like it, so often, and yet each time i take a moment to think it through. ?Master didn?t exactly persuade me, so much as He made it available to me. He saw something in me and brought it out. What i get out of it is going to sound silly, and quite naive, but i have yet to think of a better way to explain it. i am in love with Master Steven, being His slave pleases Him, and pleasing Him pleases me. i am sorry that i can?t offer any better, more articulate explanation. i am sure that it is next to impossible for a ?normal?, if you will, person to embrace that concept. Not that you don?t each love each other every bit as much as i love Master Steven, you just have other ways of showing it.?


?That?s enough for me. It was nice to meet you, Shelby, Chris.? Susan turned and pulled deliberately on Adid?s arm.


?Oh, and the sex is absolutely unbelievable.? i didn?t really have to add that, but somehow Susan?s attitude dragged it out of me.


Shelby giggled, ?I think that is a given, o, at least in most people?s minds. What do you wear to work or shopping??


?i don?t work, Mistress Shelby, and shopping i do with Master and i am dressed not too unlike tonight.?


?But you can?t just be nude all the time, everywhere you go?? Chris seemed a little skeptical.


?i?m not really naked, Chris, Sir, as i am not naked now. i rather suppose you think i am naked, but you might be surprised how quite thoroughly clothed i feel now, or at least until someone tells me how naked i am, or says something about slave?s nipple-rings that i know they are seeing, quite clearly, through slave?s dress.?


?Have you known Master long, Shelby??


She smiled broadly in a way i couldn?t quite translate, ?We used to be associates, years ago. Now, as I said, I have my own firm. Nothing like Steven?s, of course, but I am quite proud of it. How long have you been Steven?s uh, sl? uh? um??


?Slave, Mistress? For a few years now.?


Chris excused himself to get refills of our drinks.


?What is it like? I should tell you that, some years ago, I think that Steven might have given me the option of being in your position or my present one. Obviously, I chose the career. What did I miss, odalisque? Were you into this before you met Steven?? Shelby was talking quite rapidly, but almost whispering.


?No, Mistress Shelby, i am totally Master?s creation. i knew essentially nothing of this life-style before i met Master. This is going to sound funny to a powerful, independent woman like yourself, but it is very liberating. i have never felt so free as i have since becoming Master?s slave. i wouldn?t trade places with you for anything in the world.?


Again, almost whispering, ?Some days I wish I could say the same, odalisque.?


Chris returned with our drinks.


i noticed Chris glance over slave?s shoulder just as i felt a hand on slave?s bare ass. It was Master caressing slave?s ass to the point of sliding a finger into the crack exposed above the dress in back. i could feel the flush engulfing slave?s body. ?Hello Master.?


?Hello, o.? He slid His hand up from slave?s ass and stood on slave?s left with His arm around slave?s waist moving up and under the material over slave?s right breast. He cupped it in His right hand. ?Shelby, you haven?t met o before have you.?


?No, Steven, but I have heard a great deal about her, and I must say she is everything I heard, and much more. You are a very lucky man.? Shelby sounded as if she meant it.


?I am in deed.? i love it when Master says things like that. ?May I ask you two to keep her company for just a few moments more, then I will come back and retrieve her, and we will be leaving.?


Shelby smiled, ?You want me to beat back all the men who are just waiting for a chance to come over and jump her??


?I don?t think it will come to that, but, yes, if you wouldn?t mind, please.? Master took out a QuickLink and secured slave?s wrists in back of me, leaving me seeming to thrust slave?s breasts at Shelby and Chris.


?Well, if you weren?t the center of attention before, and you were, you will be now.? No sooner had Shelby said that than two older, quite distinguished looking, gentlemen came over to us.


The taller of the two offered his hand saying, ?Good evening, my name is Stephen, Stephen Beckett.?


i turned enough so that he could see slave?s wrists secured behind slave?s back, ?i am sorry Stephen, Sir, but i am unable to shake your hand, but i am very pleased to meet you.? He looked like he must be a judge, or a CEO or a brain surgeon, so you can imagine slave?s surprise when he said, ?I?m sure you are aware that every man in this room, straight man, at least, would give his right testicle to fuck your brains out.?


i smiled and half giggled, ?i am sure you are exaggerating, Stephen, Sir, but that is very flattering.?


The other man, not quite as old but just as distinguished looking said, ?I hope you will excuse Stephen, he has so much money he thinks he can say anything to anyone. We really just came over to tell you how much your presence has improved this very dull affair. My name is James Collins.?


?Thank you, James, Sir, i am pleased to be of service.?


?Speaking of service??


James interrupted Stephen in mid sentence, ?I know where you?re headed with this, Stephen, and even your money doesn?t give you that right.? He grabbed Stephen?s arm and pulled him away saying, ?You are truly a delight.?


Three men, probably in their sixties, came over and one said, ?I just wanted to say, young lady, that you are, by far, the most stimulating thing about this party so far.?


Shelby giggled and said, ?Oh good, for a moment I was afraid you had a pistol in your pocket.?


?Thank you, Sir, but frankly it?s been slave?s experience that it doesn?t take much to be the most stimulating thing about a political fund-raiser.? W/we laughed and he added, ?True, but I think you would be the belle of any ball you attended.? i nodded a thank you as the men drifted away.


As they left, a group of four women came toward us. i have learned to dread women in groups. Somehow, when more than two or three women are together it seems to encourage at least one to be rather savage. This group was no exception.


The woman who seemed to be ?the leader? of the group was more than twice slave?s age, dressed in a very plain, but expensive, i?m sure, ankle length dark gray dress. She stared at the ring through slave?s nose and then the ones through slave?s nipples. ?You?re quite a ways away from your corner aren?t you, Dear?? It took me totally by surprise. i could see that Shelby was also taken aback. ?Or do you work at one of the ?ranches? in the area?


i could feel the fire engulf slave?s body. It was a combination of anger and humiliation. As far as i could see, i had done nothing to provoke this woman. ?i do not work, period, Mistress, either standing on a corner, or as a cowgirl.? Of course i knew, by ?ranch?, she meant one of the houses of prostitution that are legal in Nevada, but i was going to play dumb while i regained slave?s mental equilibrium.


Shelby jumped in, ?odalisque, this is Corinne,? then indicating the other three women, ? Tracy, and Teresa.? Tracy and Teresa were also older than i, but nearer slave?s age. To the fourth Shelby said, ?I?m sorry, I don?t think I know your name.?


?It?s Britney, we all work in the campaign. That is an exquisite dress. It?s a designer original, isn?t it??


i thanked her and did a slow pirouette, ?Yes, Master has dresses made for me by a wonderful lady in The City.? This time it was slave?s turn to surprise. I could see that the word ?Master? hit, all but Shelby, like a bolt of lightning. Now they all stared even more intently at slave?s collar, cuffs and rings.


?You?re into Master/slave games, huh?? Teresa tried to sound as if she were asking if i played the piano, but it was obvious she was a little shaken by the fact that slave?s slavery was so obviously not a game.


?It is not a game, Mistress, it is slave?s way of life.?


?Oh, please, just wearing a collar and showing off half your ass to the whole world is not a life style.? Corinne had found her voice again.


?Corinne, jeeze, what?s with you. You are being incredibly nasty, even for you.? It was Shelby again.


??Thank you, Mistress Shelby, but she is right. Unfortunately there is probably nothing i can offer that would validate slave?s existence for Mistress Corinne. If i could??


?Oh, cut the crap, you?re just a whore. Call yourself whatever you like, but the fact is you?re a slut.? Corinne?s face was almost as red as slave?s, but her color was from rage, or something.


i guess Master noticed that things were not going well for me. As often happens, just when i need Him, He appeared. He was at slave?s side with His right arm around me and His hand under the halter of slave?s dress cupping slave?s right breast in His hand. Even if the women could not see right through the dress, and they could, they would have known what Master was doing. i love it when He does that.


?Hi, Shelby, what?s up.?


?Hi, Steven. I?m not quite sure, actually. Your o seems to have struck a nerve in Corinne, here. You?d think an Assemblyman?s advisor would be a little more politic.?


Master smiled broadly at Shelby, ?Well, perhaps we can impress upon her the value of, if not tolerance, than diplomacy.? Master reached into His jacket and took out His checkbook. He removed the top check which was already made out to the Assemblyman?s campaign. He tore the signature line off the check, and handed the remainder of the check to Corinne. ?I will leave it to you Karen, or, Corinne, or whoever, to explain to the Assemblyman why his campaign chest will be twenty-five thousand lighter than he expected. Nice to see you again Shelby, it is always a pleasure.? Still cupping slave?s breast, He turned and W/we walked toward the front door. Shelby smiled at me and i think she winked.


After a moment Shelby came after U/us. ?Steven, I am so sorry that I let that happen. I don?t know what has gotten into Corinne. Maybe it is that she just turned sixty or maybe she just can?t stand how incredibly beautiful, and happy, o obviously is. But, you know the Assemblyman is on the right side of the issues and he needs all the help he can get.?


Master stopped with His hand still cupping slave?s breast. ?Shelby, I understand, and respect your commitment to the Assemblyman?s cause, but with advisors like Corinne, I think he is doomed with, or without, my help.? Shelby was obviously listening, but she was, just as obviously, staring, with a sort of dreamy smile, at Master?s hand caressing slave?s breast. The smile made me wonder if she wished it was her breast in Master?s hand. ?No, Shelby, there are other soldiers for our cause who will fight the good fight without the likes of Corrine. That is where my support and money will go.?


?I understand, Steven. I am sure that Corinne will not mention this to the Assemblyman, but I certainly will. It was great to see you, and to meet you, odalisque.? Only now did she move her eyes from slave?s breast to Master?s eyes.


?It was a great pleasure to meet you Mistress Shelby. Good night.?


Master opened the door and led me toward the driveway where a young man waited. Master had to sort of bump the young man?s arm with His hand holding the number of His car, the valet was so intently staring at slave?s out-thrust breasts and Master?s hand caressing one of them.


When the car came, Master again allowed me to leave slave?s dress on, but He did not release the QuickLink so i had a little trouble getting in, but managed.


Back at the hotel, the valets were again ?Johnny on the Spot?, one at each door. Again, i had a little trouble with slave?s wrists secured at slave?s back. i swung slave?s feet out onto the ground but didn?t immediately stand. i don?t know if the valet thought i was drunk or what, but he reached down and took slave?s shoulders and lifted me to slave?s feet.


i thanked him and he said that the pleasure was all his.


Master came around the car and affixed one end of a leash to slave?s collar and held the other in His hand at His side. The valet whispered, not quite to himself, ?Holy shit.?


When Master started to lead me to the doors to the lobby, i could feel slave?s knees turning to jelly. Because of the QuickLink, i couldn?t grab Master?s arm to hold slave up. Master sensed slave?s need and helped support me by taking slave?s arm.


It seemed that every one of the twenty or thirty sets of eyes in the lobby was on U/us. Two young couples were walking toward the escalator up to the casino. They said something among themselves, and one couple turned and followed U/us to the elevator doors.


While W/we waited for an elevator, the women smiled at me and i returned it. She was wearing a very tight, very short, sequined red dress. ?That is a gorgeous dress. It is a one of a kind designer, isn?t it??

?Well, Mistress, it was made specifically for slave?s body, i don?t know if it is one of a kind.? i saw that little flash of, not shock exactly, maybe astonishment is a better word, when she heard ?Mistress? and ?slave?s body?.


The man said ?I know this is kind of rude but, Kelly here just loves your dress; was it terribly expensive? I?m sorry, I should explain. Kelly was kind of a late bloomer in high school and now we are going to her tenth reunion and she has been looking for a dress to make a statement, and that dress would certainly do it.?


i turned to look at Master, ?Master?? i thought the woman?s chin would hit the floor.


?Master looked at the woman and asked, ?What size do you wear??


?Um, uh, a three, sometimes a one.?


Master reached over, released slave?s cuffs from the QuickLink, unfastened the leash from slave?s collar and said ?odalisque is a size one. o take off the dress and give it to this young lady.? The ?young? lady was just about slave?s age but i wasn?t about to quibble.


?Yes, Master.? While the two of them watched in astonishment, i reached up and pulled the spaghetti strap over slave?s head, lowered the dress and stepped out of it. ?Here you are Mistress, i hope you enjoy it.?


One of the elevator doors opened. Master clipped the leash to slave?s collar and pulled me into the elevator car. Kelly, now holding slave?s dress, followed U/us into the car; Glenn, her companion, followed at the last minute.


?I can?t take this.? The doors closed and Master pushed the button for O/our floor. ?I mean, I know it has to be frightfully expensive, and I can?t wear underwear with it. Glenn, we can?t accept this, plus what will you wear when the elevator stops??


Master spoke very softly, ?I think that you would look ravishing in it and I want you to have it as o?s, and my, gift to you, as a blow for all late-bloomers everywhere. I hope it fits? If you can?t bring yourself to wear it, at least you had the opportunity, and it will be your graduating class?s great loss? again.?


?Oh, Master, oh I?m sorry but I don?t know your name, mine is Kelly, by the way, oh, Glenn told you that, and this is Glenn, but, if I have to live on carrots and water from now until the reunion, I will get into this dress. I?ll have to somehow wear underwear, of course, and I won?t look anything as good as your,? your ?your slave, but??


?My name is Steven and My slave, your benefactor, is named odalisque. And I think you will look stunning in that dress.? The elevator had stopped and Master was holding the door open. ?As for what odalisque will wear, well she is quite comfortable as she is, are you not, o??


?Yes, Master.?


The woman stepped out of the car with us, gave me a very tight hug. ?I?ll never be able to thank you, but I will never forget you, honest, odalisque.?


Master led me down the hall toward O/our room and Kelly watched, occasionally saying softly, ?Thank you.? When W/we were about half way to O/our room another door opened and a couple stepped into the hall. Shelby, not so softly this time called, ?Oh, my gawd, I?m so sorry odalisque, I?m so sorry.?


i looked back, smiled, and gave her a little wave. She held the elevator door open for the couple in the hall and i rather wished i could have heard the conversation on the ride back down.


In Master?s room, W/we showered and Master dressed much more casually than before and offered me a dress that covered quite a bit more of slave?s skin than the earlier one, but was stretchy, sheer material so that all of me was clearly visible. He took me down to the casino. Passing through the lobby, every eye seemed to be drawn to Master and His slave. Once in the casino, only a very few gamblers took their eyes off their game to stare at the slave.


Master showed me where the electronic poker machines, i like to play, were located and then pointed out where He would be waiting for me. Master doesn?t like to gamble, nor does He like me out of His sight, so He picks a bank of machines that are visible from the cocktail lounge where He can wait comfortably.


i played for a couple of hours while Master watched whatever sport was on the big screen TV. Actually, He picked a table that allowed Him to watch me and the cocktail waitresses as they picked up their drink orders, so he was in no particular hurry. i am pretty lucky at this game and, with the couple of hundred dollars Master gave me, i won $615.


i cashed out and went to the cocktail lounge where Master was waiting. For some reason i was feeling kind of frisky, so i went to the bar, put a fifty dollar bill into one of the poker machines built into the bar, and ordered two sparkling wines; one for slave and one ?for the man at that table,? indicating, with a nod, where Master was sitting.


When the bartender returned with the drinks, i asked if she could have the one delivered to the man. She said, ?Sure, Sweety, but if you?re trying to pick him up, I?d save my money if I was you. I think all he needs is a wink from you and he?s yours.? She called one of the waitresses over and asked her to deliver the wine to the table.


Someone told me once not to play the machines at the bar because they are tighter than others, because the house thinks the gambler will be tight also, and they will play regardless of losing. i don?t know if that?s true, but i just played a few more hands, cashed out, and walked over to Master?s table. He didn?t invite me to sit, so i stood at His right and bent down and kissed him, long and deep. When i stood back up, the bartender and three waitresses were staring in apparent amazement.


From behind, Master slipped His right hand up slave?s dress and began to fondle slave?s sex. Even if slave?s dress was opaque, it would have been obvious what Master was doing, but through this dress i?m sure, anyone could see His thumb sliding in and out of slave?s sex with the rest of Master?s hand over slave?s smooth pubic mound. i could feel slave?s breathing getting very shallow, and i could hear it. i could feel slave?s body shuddering.


i felt slave?s eye lids getting very heavy and slave?s eyes glazing over. However, through the haze, i saw the waitresses making no effort to conceal the fact that they were staring at me.


Master looked up at me and half whispered, ?odalisque, cum.? Almost instantly i felt a flash of white light come over me and heard slave groan. i could feel slave?s whole body shake and felt slave?s knees buckle and Master?s hand tighten around slave?s sex. He actually held me up for a moment with his thumb inside slave?s sex. i recovered fairly quickly and put slave?s hands on the table to hold me up.


As slave?s head cleared, i could see the waitresses talking a mile a minute among themselves and the bartender just staring. Very quickly one of the waitresses came over to the table and said, ?Okay, ok, wait a minute. Did what I think happened, just happen here. Did he just twittle you off right here in the bar??


?i?m not really familiar with the term ?twittle?, Mistress, but if you mean did Master just manually bring His slave to orgasm, yes, that is exactly what just happened.?


?Oh? my? god. I?ve been working in this place for? well quite awhile, and that is the most incredible thing I have ever seen. You said, ?slave?, so you had no choice about that? You had to just stand there and let him do it??


Now another waitress came over with a few napkins and handed them to Master. He took them and wiped slave?s juices from His hand. The first waitress asked, ?Does he do this to you all the time??


?Actually, this is the first time. i thought it went rather well, and i hope Master will consider doing it again sometime soon.? There was no way that i could say that with a straight face and i didn?t. W/we all laughed.


Master thanked the waitress for the napkins and asked me if i had had enough gambling. i said i had. He stood, put His arm around me and cupped slave?s breast in His hand, unfortunately, outside of the dress. He guided me through the lobby and back to O/our room.

In the room, before i settled in to oil and powder Master?s awesome cock, i asked Him about Shelby the woman at the fundraiser. ?Did you want Shelby to be your slave, Master??


He looked a little surprised, ?What makes you ask, o??


?Just something she said tonight, and the way she looked at You, and me. Was i your second choice Master??


?Well, I suppose the thought, about Shelby, crossed my mind some years ago. But I didn?t even know you then, so you couldn?t be my second choice. Besides, even if you had been my tenth choice when I proposed the arrangement to you, given the way you have turned out, I wouldn?t trade you for a dozen other slaves. I love you, o.?


?i love you, Master.? With that i spent the next hour or so demonstrating, to the very best of slave?s ability, how very much i love Master.


The next morning W/we showered, Master dressed and W/we had our room service breakfast. i thought i was dealing with the room service guy?s furtive stares pretty well until he said, ?Ma?am, may I just say that guest services told me about you, but they couldn?t possibly describe how beautiful and sexy your are. I apologize if this is rude of me, but you are just totally mind-blowing.?


It?s funny how it works, a tipsy old woman can almost shout that i am a whore in a room full of overly-respectable people, and i am less flustered than when a young man tells me that he thinks i am pretty in front of just slave?s Master. ?Thank you, Sir. That is not rude at all, in fact it is very sweet. i am flattered that you think i?m pretty.?


?Oh, no, not pretty, Miss, not beautiful, not? well, I don?t know, I think they?d have to invent a new word just for you.?


?You are very kind, Brad, Sir.? i read his name tag, a habit i am acquiring from Master. ?i hope you have a wonderful day.?


After breakfast i packed Master?s bags and He called for the valet. Again the stares and smiles. When he left with the bags, W/we inspected the room for anything W/we might have missed and then Master took the terrycloth robe from the closet and held it for me to put on. i could feel slave?s stomach warning me; this was not a good thing.


Master walked me, holding hands, down the hall and to the elevator. W/we were joined midway down to the lobby by another couple. They said hello but the woman looked at the robe rather inquisitively. When the doors opened at the lobby Master let the other couple out first. As W/we walked up to the desk to check out, i saw Master?s car being brought to the front doors.


i felt a little awkward, and conspicuous in the robe, but the clerk didn?t seem to care. She went through the formalities with Master. Master said to just use the same credit card He had given them yesterday and W/we started to leave when the clerk said, ?Oh, excuse me Sir, did you want to put the robe on your room bill??


There it was; slave?s stomach had been right, as usual. ?Do you want to keep the robe, odalisque??


i knew what the answer was supposed to be. i started to speak, but had to kind of clear slave?s voice, ?Um? uh.. no, i don?t, thank you, Master.?


Master reached out, untied the belt around slave?s waist and pulled the robe open for me to slip out of it. Master laid the robe on the counter and said, ?Thank you for reminding us.?


Slave?s legs were literally trembling to the point that i thought i was going to collapse on the lobby floor. i turned so that i did not have to see the horrified look on the clerk?s face.


Out of the corner of slave?s eye, i could see that the clerk made no move to retrieve the robe, or speak; She just stood staring at slave?s naked body. Master took the leash from His pocket, clipped it to slave?s collar and led me to the front doors and out to His car.


The valet opened the passenger door and Master helped me into the seat. The valet closed the door, rather slowly, and said, ?Have a fantastic day!?


The drive home was uneventful, except that i got to devour Master?s long cock for the whole ride. i don?t even remember the state border crossing; i can only assume that they just waved U/us through, as they often do, when they see local license plates.


When W/we got near home, Master asked if i wanted to cook or take home pasta. i usually love to cook for Master, but it had been kind of a long emotional couple of days so i asked if W/we could take home pasta.


Master called ahead and ordered O/our favorite pasta and bread from the little take-out-only Italian restaurant in town. He pulled into the ?pick-up only? parking place and told me to pick up O/our order. He knew that Danny was working so He was comfortable letting me go in alone.


It was early evening and the sun was just turning the sky pink. There were half a dozen people on the sidewalk as i got out of Master?s car. None was close enough to say anything, though i did hear a whistle that i thought might be for me. Inside was a young couple just picking up their order.


?Cripes, Colie, look at her.? The young man said to his girlfriend. She turned and simply stared, and stared and stared.


?Hello,? i said as casually as i could.


?You?re nude!? the young lady?s voice was shrill. ?You?ve gotta be nuts.?


Danny turned around, smiled and said, ?Oh hi, o, your order will be up in just a minute.?


?You know her? Does she come in here a lot, nude?? Miss shrill again.


?No, I?m sorry to say, I don?t really know her, but she does come in occasionally for a pizza or pasta.? Danny was smiling from ear to ear and staring at slave?s body while answering the shrill girl?s question.


The young man paid for the food and started for the door, looking back he said, ?Colie, come on.? The girl was sort of paralyzed staring at me.


i could feel the red blush flowing over slave?s body as i watched her watching me.


?How did you get here like? like that?? her voice was a little less piercing.


?Master dropped me off.? i said as i stepped around her to the counter. ?Hi, Danny, busy tonight?? The title Master seemed to cause her to stare more ardently at slave?s rings and collar and cuffs.


?Colie! It?s gunna get cold.? Her boyfriend tried again. ?I told ya we shudda went to Pizza Hut, cum on.?


With that ?Colie? finally moved toward the door, ?Yur sick, ya know that, right!?? With that they went out the door.


?I?m sorry about them, o, but i guess you must get that every once in a while, huh?? Danny was very sweet and sounded genuinely ?sorry about them?.


?Yes, Danny, i get them every once in awhile. Actually, that type doesn?t bother me as much as the ones who seem to want to understand, but just can?t get their mind to comprehend it. The righteous ones i can just sort of let role off.?


Danny came around the counter to hand me the bag with O/our dinner in it and said he?d take it off O/or balance. i thanked him and turned to leave just as two young women walked in.


?Oh my gawd, Danny, what are you doin??? the redhead yelled.


?Cool it, Barb, i?m not doin? anything. This is odalisque, she and her Mas? her? partner come here all the time??


?I bet she?s not dressed like that ?all the time?.?


?You?d lose, actually, she is,? Danny introduced me, ?odalisque, this is Barb and Viv; they go to school with me.?


?Hello. Obviously Danny hasn?t mentioned me to you; how discreet of you Danny. Thank you.?


?Oh that?s okay, o, nobody would believe me anyway. ?Hey, guys, this drop-dead gorgeous woman comes in for pizza, naked!?, yeah, right!?


i couldn?t help but smile at the ?drop-dead gorgeous? description. i started for the door when the brunette said ?Where the fuck do you think you?re going??


i wasn?t sure if it was a question or a challenge, but Danny settled that. ?She?s going anywhere she wants??


?No, i mean where CAN she go dressed, or NOT dressed, the way she is??


They were both staring at slave?s rings, collar, etc. ?i am going to Master?s car, just outside.?


Barb took command of the situation, ?Viv, get our pizza, I?ll walk this lady to the car.? She turned around, opened the door and stepped outside holding the door open.


i walked straight from the doorway to the car and Barb opened the door for me. She looked in and said, ?Hi, I just wanted to see what her ?master? looked like.?


Master smiled, ?I hope I passed inspection.?


?You?ll do, although you?re a bit older than I expected.? Bard was standing in the way of slave getting into the car as she and Master chatted.


?Excuse me Mistress, may i get in??


?Oh, yah, sorry. So, do you play this game a lot??


i had grown a little tired of this woman ?i am Master?s slave twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Mistress.?


Master sensed slave?s impatience, ?Now if you will excuse U/us, W/we must be going.? She stepped back from the door and i closed it, just as the other girl was coming out of the pizza shop.


Master pulled into traffic and drove U/us home.


At home W/we ate and then i spent another hour or so devouring Master?s gorgeous cock, finally enjoying His delicious cum, and then oiling and powdering His wonderful cock.


Fortunately today was a quick day to write in slave?s journal because, in spite of doing very little other than sucking Master?s marvelous cock, i was spent by the end of the day.


i love you Master.


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A Step Up

London, England. July 2008. "I'm glad you know this city," one shapely dark-haired girl said to the other as they danced. "I never would have found this place!" "Oh come on!" the other laughed. "It stands out!" "No, really, Bluntz," Anne Hathaway countered, "it doesn't. No sign, old furniture outside- if not for the line, I wouldn't have even known it was a club!" Emily Blunt smiled in agreement. For her and many other customers of Inside Out, that was part of the place's...

4 years ago
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Family PerversionChapter 4

The beautiful mature auburn-haired Liz Rouelle, tipsy as she was, felt a momentary flicker of remorse after disrobing, but it quickly faded as Kevin moved his mouth down her neck, planting warmly sucking kisses along the smooth curve of her hairline. She was still partially clothed in a pair of transparent nylon panties and a brassiere that covered her lusciously uplifting titties thrusting into the cups of his lewdly kneading hands. He released one hand suddenly. With an experienced snap of...

4 years ago
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Finally My First Tranny

I just came out of the doctor's office in downtown Philly from my 3 month check-up. I was pretty horney since my doctor is a female and I had a complete physical so she and her nurse were in the room with me. I got to the train station to go back to Willow Grove and was standing on the platform when I saw this beautiful brunette haired woman about 10 feet from me. She was wearing jeans, and a spagetti top shirt. I could see that she had a real nice pair of tits and my cock started to get hard...

1 year ago
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strip monopoloy

emma invites you round for a couple of drinks and dinner and you invite chloe and hayley round cause you have a crush on them both.They all turn up chloe brings a bottle of wine and hayley brings a box of chocolates. You start talking to chloe.You say "you're looking nice today" chloe says "i thought you would like this dress " you reply "the way it shapes your beautiful figure is amazing "(she was dressed in a white shirt with short ripped jeans with a leather jacket over the top) top and...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Slavegirl Island 51

Chapter Five (Part One)PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF 17 YEAR OLD SLAVEGIRL TANIACan you imagine what it is like to have to kiss a woman's asshole? Then to have to thrust your tongue into it...again and again and again? Making her squirm and gasp with the pleasure of it?It is, I assure you, quite revolting.Men are revolting enough to have to serve but, in my view, women are equally so. What is more, they are more dangerous. More vindictive...and liable to have one punished even if one doe not deserve...

2 years ago
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Becoming PerfectionChapter 7

Emma follows Heather home using the stolen Audi. She parks it’s a few houses down from the girl’s house as to not look conspicuous. When Emma does reach the house, she finds that Heather is already inside with the door tightly shut. She steps back and begins to wonder if there may be some other way in when the disembodied voice speaks out. ‘This isn’t a problem for us,’ it says. ‘You are a part of me and I apart of you. I became the sheets that ravished you, so you can become what you...

1 year ago
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Late night rescue

I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It was 2:25 am! I had only been asleep since about 11:00 pm! What the fuck? “Hello?” “Hello. Is that Daniel Black?” “Yes. Who's this? It's the middle of the night.” “This is Sergeant Smith from Surrey Hills police station. We have here a Susan Dobbs. She desperately needs a friend and she gave us your name and number. Can you help her?” “Susan and I are workmates. I'd like to do whatever I can to help her, but she lives with her...

2 years ago
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A Time of Learning

I was lying down taking a nap when I recalled how I discovered my love for using things inside myself. (Funny how things pop into your head when you are drifting off to sleep.) I sat up and decided to come here and write you to share my experience; I know how much you enjoy learning about me and my unusual sex life. I already told you about my brother and how we both learned about doing it. Well, it was about 7, maybe 8 months later that something happened that has had an effect on my sex life...

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