- 2 years ago
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Part Two: The Major Lift
Okay, Two.
The phone quits on the fourth ring.
Whoever’s been trying so hard to get ahold of me these last two weeks (and I’m pretty sure that it is the repeated attempts of just one person) has long since ascertained just when the machine is going to pick up. Since they aren’t inclined to leave messages, at least not with me, they’ve begun circumventing the device. Instead they simply hang up one ring early, pause, and dial again.
So as the last high-pitched tone drops out, making the apartment seem emptily quiet with its absence, I start counting down from ten. Sure enough, before I hit three, it’s ringing again. He’ll try three more times before giving up to try again later. Yeah, he. I’m putting my money on the idea that the caller is a man by the name of Eric Greenwood. He’s not calling because he’s a huge fan of my work, believe me. You would think pounding the living shit out of me would be considered a sufficient communication of his feelings towards me, but the twin phone calls that I stupidly answered a few weeks back assured me that he still has a little bile left in him.
He’s lucky he’s not in jail. Shit.
I roll over to check the alarm clock, knowing full well from the amount of sunlight battling its way past the flimsy defensive line of my curtains and spilling into the room that I should have been out of bed hours ago. Sigh. I throw the covers off and roll over into a sitting position on the side of the bed. I wince as my right side slides over the mattress, but it’s just habit. After six weeks, my ribs are pretty much healed. Two cracks, no breaks, not even enough damage to get the doctor to prescribe anything stronger than your run-of-the-mill ibuprofen. Here I thought I was dying or something.
The phone cuts out on the fourth ring again, then starts over. The fucker is getting more and more persistent. I wonder how long it’ll be before he shows up at my door. I stumble to the bathroom and piss in the sink, looking at myself in the mirror as I do so. My face still sort of looks like my face. The only change is the beard I’ve been farming, initially because I was too much of a pussy to run the razor over my bruised and cut right cheek but now simply because I like the way it looks. The longer it gets, the less I’m me.
A hot shower, some clothes, and a bowl of cereal later, I notice the phone isn’t ringing. I couldn’t tell you when it stopped. The sound of it is becoming such a part of my life that I don’t always even really hear it. Huh.
Take that, Eric Greenwood. I don’t even fucking hear you.
I step outside onto the shared patio, and there waiting for me is Buck Nelson. He looks up at me as I come out, then turns back to staring at the parking lot. He’s already drinking.
Look, I feel terrible how it turned out for the guy, but you’ve got to know he’s my hero. If he hadn’t swooped in like some sort of avenging vino angel, I probably would have ended up in far worse condition than I did. He really may have saved my life, who knows. So while I’m packed full of guilt for how it all played out, I can’t say I would take his game-changing sudden appearance back for anything. I can’t afford to.
Buck spent two nights in jail for his part in our little party, which he claims was not a big deal. He hasn’t told me much about it, but what he has said makes it sound like it was just boring. What was a big deal to him…to all of us…was that we ended up getting plastered all over the local news channels. Apparently, Nashville didn’t have enough going on that week to keep a love-triangle parking lot brawl with two hospitalized combatants off the telly. Things got a little chilly around the office for Buck after that. Two weeks later, his position was downsized. Blame it on the economy, they said. Right.
My manager, on the other hand, was nothing but excited. I guess, unlike Buck’s coworkers, he didn’t know me well enough to be disappointed. Or it could just be his disposition. He made me retell the story almost every day for a week when I came back to work. And I can’t emphasize this enough: he looooved it. The fat man’s eyes lit up like Christmas every time. Once, he even punched the air menacingly several times as I talked. In front of a customer. Who was there with her toddler. And who immediately left the store.
Yeah, I know.
But the guy loves pro wrestling, too, so what can you do? Mostly, he’s a good guy. And, when he heard that the hero of my story was now unemployed, he offered him a job post haste.
Yeah, it’s a pretty big drop in pay, but Buck doesn’t seem to mind most of the time. He can still afford his apartment, his car, food and all that. He just can’t buy grapes anymore.
That’s right. I have single-handedly taken Buck Nelson out of the wine making game.
Oh, he could afford the kits like I’m using, or the concentrated juice. But buying grapes by the crateful from California? Not anymore. His friend the dentist can’t make up the difference either…it’d put him in too much trouble with the wife. So the batches they’re currently aging are likely to be the end of their journey. Just like I lost the music, Buck is losing the bottle.
And the way we’re working through the remnants his collection, he’s going to have to find a plan B pretty quick.
I run in and grab a red plastic cup, and he pours me a glass without speaking. I sit down, and we stare at nothing for a while. It’s been…awkward…lately. There’s a sort of male bonding thing of having gone through this together, but we’ve both lost some of the skip in our respective steps.
I’m trying to think of something lighthearted to say, but coming up painfully short, when a voice calls to us from the parking lot.
‘Hey! Are either of you Jacob Wright?’ I look down at the figure, squinting in the hot daylight. The voice is familiar, and not in an ‘oh, shit’ sort of way. It belongs to a fairly heavyset man who looks to be in his late twenties.
Buck turns to me, face stone-cold serious, and says, ‘If you’re fucking his girl, too, please leave me out of it.’
I return the stoney look, and he cracks a smile.
‘Well?’ calls the man.
And then it hits me. ‘Paul?’ I call back. ‘Paul Spears?’
I can see him smile, as he starts making his way up the steps towards us. ‘You’re a hard man to reach, Jake,’ he says. ‘They finally had to send me out like a fucking errand boy to find you.’
I shake my head. ‘They never respect the drummers.’
By now he’s at the top of the steps. He turns to Buck. ‘Hi,’ he says. ‘I’m Paul.’
‘Paul is the drummer for the group that got my ass fired,’ I explain. Buck’s uncertainty melts into amusement.
‘Well, hell,’ he says, shaking Paul’s hand. ‘It couldn’t have happened to a better guy.’
‘Yeah,’ Paul says, ‘I don’t watch the news, but sometimes the better stories get round to me anyway.’ He and Buck share a grin, but I’m not amused.
‘So what brings you around?’ I ask.
‘Are you kidding? We’ve been on the road, but our manager has been trying to call you for weeks now. He wanted to give up, but Teddy wouldn’t have none of it. Finally, we had a few weeks in town and we drew straws on who would go and see if you hadn’t killed yerself or what.’
‘Still living and breathing. What’s up.’
He raises an eyebrow. ‘You really don’t know, do you?’
‘Know what?’
‘I would have thought you would at least…’ he trails off. Buck and I share a look.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘Nothing’s wrong. We’re on the radio! As Long as I’m Here is getting played!’
I blink. ‘Shut up.’
‘Yeah! I mean, not a lot or anything. I don’t really know much about that stuff. But it’s getting played here and there, which is a lot more than we’ve ever had before. And it’s selling, too…online, mostly.
Long story short, Teddy wants you to produce his next record. If you’re willing.’
I don’t know what to say to all of this, so I take a sip of my wine. After everything, it seems a little too good to be true.
After evaluating the circumstances and collecting my thoughts, I smile up at the big man. ‘I don’t believe you,’ I tell him.
So Buck gets his laptop and we go online. Sure enough, As Long as I’m Here is number seventeen on the Triple A charts. Triple A is a relatively small format. It has nothing to do with the people who help you out when your car dies, it stands for Adult Alternative…something or other. I forget. Mostly, it serves as a home to acts that are too adult to be rock and too artsy or have too much vitality to fit on adult radio. It also tends to have a spattering of the more universal hits from both those other two formats. And, like I said, it’s a pretty small part of the pie. Being number seventeen means that our song is getting on the order of about 250 plays a week, total. Not a lot, especially considering that a nationwide number one hit single might receive in excess of 20,000 plays in a single week, but it means we’re on the map.
This gets me thinking. I’ve watched these things happen from the outside often enough to know what happens when an eccentric underground artist has a minor pop breakthrough. It’s usually music geek utopia.
‘Google Teddy Fields for me,’ I tell Buck. Sure enough, our little search reveals that a lot of the internet’s critical hot spots are falling over themselves to praise the song. Pitchfork is swooning, All Music Guide calls it a masterpiece on an otherwise forgettable soundtrack album. NPR and Rolling Stone talk it up. Jesus Christ.
My mouth is dry. ‘So is the soundtrack out? Commercially?’
‘Yeah. We were actually something of a last-minute addition, so it was mostly ready by the time our song was requested. Lucky us, though, eh?’
‘Do you know how well it’s selling?’ I ask.
‘I guess physical copies, almost nothing. The soundtrack isn’t selling hardly at all. But a guy from the label told us that we had six thousand purchased downloads on iTunes just last week. I don’t know any more than that.’
I look up at him. Six thousand in a week. Radio adds at Triple A radio. Mass critical drum beating. I wonder if Paul Spears realizes that his song is almost certainly going to top seventy thousand in sales, and could potentially double that if the movie it was recorded for is successful, too.
‘Well?’ he asks. ‘Come on, Jake. Help us make a record! I know you’ve got to be looking for a way back in, and how much better could it be than this?’
‘Help you make a record?’
‘It’s you or it’s nobody.’ He sounds dead serious, and that’s sweet of him. I don’t buy for a minute that this band would risk losing their one big break for me, but I appreciate the sentiment.
How much better could it be than this? That’s a good question, Paul.
Still, I bite my tongue for a minute. Produce a record. Follow-up a successful single. Step up to the big plate. In almost every way, this is exactly the forward career momentum that I’ve been lacking. But I guess I’ve spent the last few months sitting on the edge of the decision to give this dream up. I was just getting to where I could accept that. Now we’re talking about recommitting to it in a big way. It’s big, too. Like giving someone you love a second chance after they purposefully threw you away. Painful, scary stuff.
Am I going to do it? Oh, fuck yes.
But I keep seeing that number seventeen at Triple A, and I can’t help but think that I’ve got a little bargaining power here. If I’m going to do this, what do I want to ask for?
‘Paul,’ I say, ‘do me a favor. Don’t tell your manager about this conversation until tomorrow. But when you do, tell him that he can call me and I will absolutely be picking up the phone. Okay?’
He wrinkles his brow. ‘So…you’re doing it?’
‘Just have him call me. Okay?’
‘Uh, yeah. If that’s what you want.’
‘Thanks. You want to share a little celebratory wine before you go?’ I ask.
He does. So we do.
The moon has a lot more patience than I do. Swollen and yellow, it takes a lazy, arcing route over the city of Nashville. It doesn’t much enjoy my suspense as sneer at it. It knows what it will be doing tomorrow. It couldn’t care less.
Neither of us are getting any sleep.
I can’t be mad. For me, tomorrow will mean the beginning of the biggest adventure of my life. For my lunar friend, it will just mean more of the same. Oh, I imagine there will be tiny changes. Shifts in speed, or arc, that are so unbelievably tiny as to be unimportant to the likes of me. But when I look up at the moon I am impressed, I don’t think the feeling is returned.
I spend half the night pacing, listening to my headphones. Seeking out ideas. If I help make a Teddy Fields record, what do I think I can bring to the table? What ideas, what suggestions, what experiments will I carry with me?
I look to the Rolling Stones, and get I Just Want to See His Face. More than the churchy mess of it, or even the great keyboard sound, the rhythm on that track is something I think might be interesting under Fields’s broken-hearted yelp. The shuffling gospel feel mixed with a hypnotic, grooving-yet understated bassline.The messiness of the recording…the background singers and some hand claps are about the only thing that sound professionally mic’d and mixed here…is also of interest. Some of the legends that came out of the Exile sessions claim that this song was an almost complete accident, a stuttering jam that happened to get recorded. I’m pretty sure that at least some of the instrumentation was overdubbed later on, but that spontaneity is something that I think would work well for Fields. It certainly did for the Stones.
I seek out Roy Orbison, and get Running Scared. They way it builds up, layering tensions before offering a final, almost silent form of release makes me think of the similar, more subtle build we put into As Long As I’m Here. I wonder if we can’t do something a little more pronounced. I figure I’ll keep it in mind as a possibility when I hear the other songs he’s got written.
I remember that guy on the corner playing Sam Cooke’s Summertime, and I play that. I find myself focusing on the haunting, dreamscapey backing vocals that color the song and redefine it. I wonder about whether Fields’s lap steel playing could be used to evoke the same silvered effect. I also realize that this song is a fine example of how restrained, open-spaced playing can lead to a very fleshed-out sounding track. There’s not a lot of playing going on, but you wouldn’t know it unless you listened carefully. I decide to keep that in mind. I read a book on Sam once. When he recorded Summertime he changed the chord progression to the song around, effectively making the Gershwin standard his own. When he corrected his guitar player on what order to play the chords in, the guy shot back with ‘I don’t PLAY no wrong chords,’ but eventually he came around to what Sam was doing. I’ll remember that, I think. If a song isn’t working, it could be innovative to reverse the structure.
Sometime after midnight as my ears begin to tire from listening, Califone’s Michigan Girls convinces me that we ought to cut the whole thing as live as possible and avoid overdubs if we can. I don’t know shit about how Califone recorded that song, but it sure sounds like a band sitting together in a room playing their track, making mistakes, sterilizing nothing, creating something beautiful. Even Neil Young would be jealous of how jaggedly gorgeous it is.
Later, as the sun finally starts to reclaim lost territory and the moon grudgingly lets me have my little victory, I’m pacing on the deck with pen and paper strategizing how to get what I want out of this contract…or the closest thing to it. I can’t afford to fuck this t
hing up.
Fuck, though, I really should have given Paul a time for his manager to call. As it is, I’m showered and ready by four in the morning, but by eleven nothing has happened. I can’t very well leave, but spending seven hours hovering over the phone waiting for your life to begin is a surprisingly unpleasant experience. Funny, to think that just recently the sound of that phone was a thorn in my side.
I’ve got my speech all mapped out. I know what I want, I know what I’ll say, and I even know what extras I’ll put in so that they can ‘talk me down’ to just the bits that really matter. My metabolism is spiked with anticipation, I don’t need any coffee today. I’m already wired.
So I make myself a pot of coffee.
Look, I don’t know how you deal with your bad habits, but my nerves are getting tickled raw and I’m either going to start drinking wine or coffee while I wait. It’s just going to happen. A full pot of dark roast will at least save me from negotiating drunk.
Half the pot later, the phone is still silent. I’m too tired to keep pacing, I’m too wired to sit down. I notice that I’m picking at my fingernails, scratching my beard, and clicking my tongue. What an idiot.
And speaking of, anybody with half a brain would not be striking any sort of deal without an appropriately-skilled lawyer to help them out. I probably got boned on the contract for the song. No. I did get boned. I got almost nothing aside from a producer’s credit to put on my resume. But nobody figured on the song making any money, did they? I sure didn’t.
There will be a lot more weight resting on this next deal, and one thing is for sure: Teddy Fields, his manager, and his record label will not be looking out for ol’ Jake. Nor should they. They have their own concerns. And all my planning and strategizing is one thing, but the sound of that phone will mean that the battle is joined by big and clever people. Once that happens, I’m outnumbered and outgunned. The anticipation is killing me, I wonder if they’re counting on that and waiting on purpose.
It’s one-thirty. I’m pouring the last cup of coffee, and realizing I haven’t eaten since supper. In fact, I am suddenly aware that I’m fucking starving. And that’s when the phone rings.
I jump to answer it and spill hot dark liquid all over my hand. For a second I try to cure the burn by waving my hand in the air and yelling ‘fuck,’ which doesn’t work real well, and then I take a breath and pick up the receiver.
‘Hello?’ I try to sound casual. I’m not sure how well ‘over caffeinated, exhausted burn victim’ translates into casual, but I try.
‘H…hello?’ a female voice responds. ‘Is this Jake Currie?’
I know that voice. My mouth goes dry and my heart gets loud. It can’t be. ‘Jasmine?’
A pause. ‘Jake. Hi. I…I just wanted to say…hi, I guess.’ Another pause. ‘I saw you on the news.’
I flinch. Shit. Even though our little battle royal had made local news, I had really counted on the idea that Jasmine would probably never know what a sorry low I’d reached.
‘Uh, yeah,’ I offer lamely. ‘That wasn’t really my finest hour.’
‘Are you…okay?’
‘I’m just about all healed up.’
‘Oh. That’s good.’ More silence. ‘Listen, Jake. I…I need to ask you something. It’s ridiculous, but I just need to be sure.’
‘Were you…I mean…God, this sounds ridiculous, but you weren’t spying on me, were you?’
I can’t help it. I laugh. She thought I was stalking her? When she saw me that night at the restaurant, THAT was her first reaction? ‘Are you kidding me?’ I chuckle. ‘I was out for a walk. That’s all. Believe me, when I moved back you were the last person I hoped to run into.’
‘Oh.’ She sounds hurt, and gives me more silence. I guess that was kind of a dick thing to say.
‘I didn’t mean that I wouldn’t want to see you. I just meant….’
‘I know. How are you, Jake? Besides the thing on the news, I mean.’
Well, that sure is a loaded question, with an answer that is best left to a professional shrink to untangle. ‘I don’t know,’ I answer honestly. ‘I hope to be real good, I just need to get there. What about you?’
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Authentic beauty Scarlit Scandal and her rock hard body teases then pleases Zac Wild in this scene from JulesJordan.com. Adorned in a perfectly picked yellow bikini, Scarlit stares down the camera outdoors. The opening has some great closeups of Miss Scandal’s eyes, tits and rotund behind. Indoors a fully nude Scarlit is in a corner standing as the camera view comes in and out. It’s impossible not to appreciate her luscious round rump and thigh combo…Wild appears and the couple kiss....
xmoviesforyou"Well... we haven't heard anything yet," Estelle said to her lover, "maybe she's too shocked to respond." "Nonsense my dear," Amelia reassured her, "she's just trying to figure out how to word her response. Give it time, you'll see." "I told you we shouldn't have put that last quote in there. She can totally see through it." "Hey," Amelia's voice became stern, "What did I say? She's gonna go for it and she won't suspect anything. So just chill out. Is your faith in me...
"Time to get up, Charly!" Her mother's voice through the door was brisk and cheerful with the new morning. Charlene was annoyed. Not that her mother was waking her. In fact, Charlene had already been awake. She'd slept only fitfully and she welcomed the morning. It gave her an excuse to surrender in the battle to sleep and finally arise. What she resented was the reason for her mother's cheer and her own melancholy. Her mother, after all, had gotten it the night before. Charlene...
During my first term at college, Naomi Kurtz was my fuck-of-the-month. Actually, the fuck of several months. A spoiled, girlie brat in designer labels, Naomi was allergic to studying and hard work. But she had the face and body of a straight A pole dancer, so I wrote papers for her and let her take the credit.Naomi had an idiot BF named Kyle. He called her Princess and she acted like one. His boy band good looks and unlimited cash from Daddy didn't make creepy Kyle any less moronic than he...
College SexGia Derza is in her bedroom, trying to take some sexy selfies, when her bubbly stepmom, Joanna Angel, visits. Gia’s an aspiring pornstar and Joanna is so proud of her! In fact, as she tries to find out more about Gia’s experiences so far, she can’t help but to brag about her OWN experiences within the industry as well. Since Joanna’s seen it all, she just wants to help guide Gia — even if some of her advice is a bit outdated. Gia appreciates Joanna’s...
xmoviesforyouDying was no fun. Being dead, however, may not be much of a picnic, but I had hopes that it beat being enslaved to the need to eat, breathe, drink and ... ummmm ... eliminate. So there I was, freshly dead, stepping away from my body, like a butterfly escaping its crysalis, left lying on the hospital bed. Looking outside the room, I could see the nursing staff frozen in the act of running towards the room I had just been occupying, when I heard a voice behind me. "Hello, Henry." Well,...
I am one lucky man I met my petite young beautiful wife Carol at an office party. We dated, fell in love and we were married nine months later. We lead a usual life, house, two cars, three k**s, dog and Barbaques with the neighbors. My wife turns head most places we go. She acts and looks the part of the perfect rich suburban housewife. You might even say she is a little snobby about her looks. The truth is she is prim and proper during the day and a whore in the bedroom at night. There is...
I came back inside with the final load. Both ladies were in the living room. Eve said, "Why dresses?" I grinned. "Your legs will show off better." The two looked at each other with that unspoken communication that only women can do and headed for the bedrooms. I took my case into my bedroom and set it down. Eve opened one of her cases and pulled out a dress. Laying it on the bed, she stripped, including her bra, and shimmied into the dress. What there was of it was tight and low cut at...
High School Flasher Club I wanted to start a photography club in my high school but no one wanted to join. I was always considered a nerd and photography just wasn’t cool. Their loss. I got my sister to help me out. Natalie was a year younger than I was but she was certainly no nerd. In fact Natalie was part of the cool group. She was very pretty, well built, and quite popular too. At fifteen and in the ninth grade Natalie was always good to me. I was sixteen, in the tenth...
No matter who it is, everyone always has that one person at work that is just knock out gorgeous. I'm no different, and at my place of work... her name is Candace. She's twenty-three years old, but has the slender and sexy body of an eighteen year old. With her long black hair and pouty lips, she's a sight to behold and a woman that I am sure most men would jump without hesitation. I would sit at my cubicle for hours, watching her working at her own, wondering what it would be like to wave my...
EroticI am a regular reader of sex stories and some of the readers known to me Hello horny and cool gals, I am back again I would like to introduce my self for the new readers I am from Hyderabad a software engineer working as a system admin and I am 6 feet in height, well built this is my second experience, first one I wrote my experience with Parvathi and this incident happened with Sita about Sita she is very fair and white in color. She is 21 and doing her medicine in Hyderabad, she had a pony...
IncestBased on a true story. My first post, so please comment! I would love constructive criticism and opinions. Otherwise, enjoy!!! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved the outdoors. There's something about being alone with nature that can still me to the core, filling me with a peace that cannot be found in any other venue. So here I remain--in my secret hiding place. It didn't take me long to find. An hour and a half of hiking the course I'd created so many seasons ago led me to my...
MasturbationXander Mallory was feeling happy. The sale of the stolen Faster than Light (FTL) drive equipment had gone smoothly. Xander had used the portal to steal the FTL equipment without being detected and then sold the technology to the other big corporate combines trying to take over numerous galaxies. He was looking forward to relaxing safely out of the way while the combines fought each other for control of vast planets and resources. He laughed to himself knowing the sale would make it difficult...
Love StoriesMike didn’t know what to do with himself. At 48, this was the first time in decades that he had nothing to do on a weekday afternoon. Mike was the Executive VP of Sales for a mid-sized tech firm. He just returned to Chicago from London where he closed the biggest contract in his company’s history. If all went according to plan, the company would make hundreds of millions of dollars on the deal, and Mike was in line for a high six figure bonus. As a result, the Company president said the least...
The dress I've been ordered to wear to school today wouldn't have been a problem if all the boys at school didn't already know they have permission to do just about anything they want to me. Because I can't defend myself I know these damn snaps will quickly become a problem. The boys at school are going to start messing with them as soon as they see me. I know all too well the harassment will start from the moment I step onto the school grounds. By now every boy in the building knows...
I watched her skirt tighten over her tight round ass as she bent to put some papers in the lower drawer of the file cabinet. Everything about Candace made me hard and it tore me up that I would never be able to do what I wanted which was to spend hours, days, weeks and months making love to her. She knew I wanted her and I was pretty sure that she'd had a few licentious thoughts about me, but I was cursed. A wicked spell had been cast over me and that spell prevented me from having Candace....
I am not really a regular ISS readers.Off late I have been reading most of the new posts in Desi segment and I found most of the stories are bullshit and seems fake the way they narrate incidents and try to establish the fact that woman are easily accessible for sex I just thought of putting some real incidents of my life which will help you figure out what a real story is all about Since this is a desi segment I will try to use some hindi words as much as possible.. I am sure everyone of you...
By : Sharmamanendra Hi friends my self manendra or main Iss ka regular reader hoon. Ab main jyada bakvaas na kar ke seedhe story par aata hoon. Ye abi ki hi baat hai meri jaipur main nayi nayi job lagi hai or mai ek company main clerk ke post par hoon. Maine yahaan maansarovar main hi room liy hai. Mera makan malik bahut hi seedha or accha admi hai uska naam abhishek hai uski age koi 30 ke kareeb hi hogi wo saadi suda hai or uski bibi bhi mast Item hai. Or unka ek chota baccha bhai hai. main...
The couple walked along the beach stopping here and there as they saw something that interested them and letting the warm water run over their toes. They walked along the wet sand hand in hand, people who had seen them had thought it wonderful that a couple their age were still so romantic. As they had walked along the beach had become progressively empty and their was little in the way of development at this place. ‘Well there are advantages to being retired,’ the man said as he wiped his...
Maryanne looked up at me, smiled and said, "Derek. I hope you don't make me go to that rehab center. I promise to work hard." "Promise? If you work like you did today, I will have no reason to." She reached her arms up and brought my head down for a warm kiss. "I won't get kisses in the rehab center." "Our next task is to stretch your hamstrings. Normally, this hurts a lot. I have watched you and Sis do your yoga. Both of you stretch well. So, get your walker and go to the massage...
Secretes By Mistress Kay Most nights at the motel are non eventful, But this Friday night was different. JoMarie was at the counter waiting for her friend to get in from Texas. Now JoMarie has a past with him (John ). She can never tell him NO. And this night was no different. JoMarie and John has been playing around with BDSM and they have been taking turns being the top. JoMarie didn’t feel right dominating John but he seamed to enjoy it. JoMarie had gotten herself a Master and over the...
How little we really know when we are “young, dumb, and full of cum”. I was a horny sixteen-year-old boy when a German exchange student came to spend her first year of college with us. It was my mother’s idea, figuring it would be help with the housework. Dad always went along with Mom’s ideas for the home. None of us expected someone so gorgeous. Blond, dark eyes, with face, shape, and aura like she could be an erotic model. When we met Krystal at the airport there were raised eyebrows on our...
January 1978 Mom seemed to have given up. Dad said that because he had told Mr. van Hoek that I could have dinner at their house, and because it was Mr. van Hoek who had the real complaint, and he wanted me to come to dinner, Dad failed to see how he could refuse. Dad also said he felt I should be able to decide whether or not I went to church and because the priest had basically told me not to take communion, he didn’t see the point of making me go. I offered a compromise. I would go at...
He was an old man, frail and unsteady. The few other passengers on the local train, watching as he tottered to a seat, may have felt some concern for him. Sallow faced and feeble he was truly a candidate for public sympathy.Sitting back in his seat, as the carriage doors closed, and the train jerked into motion on its circuitous route, old Harry Dayton, felt a spark of weird excitement. This would be his first journey on this line for many, many years. Once it had been his, daily, mode of...
Straight SexHi Gals and guys I am vaibhav once again come to share my another sexperience with you. First of all I want to thanks all who appreciate my first story” Sex with office maid in store room” published in office-teacher category. Although this story is different still I feel that you first read my previous story. The queen of story is mrs. Archana age 48 my senior colleague in office. Let me describe her first she is mother of two child age 24 and 21. She is typical Marathi married woman. She is...
### DN-328 ###Wife Gone WildBy Marvin CoxFOREWORD"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." So wrote American poet and essayist Henry David Thoreau in the Nineteenth Century. This statement appears to be just as true today as it was then. Perhaps it is even more valid today, considering the pressures and frequent monotony of modern society.The majority of today's men and women live in an overcrowded, competitive, noisy world. Most are put into slots and walk on a treadmill-going to...
slave is born in a poor family. In order to tie up the debts family had, slavewas sold to a wealthy woman. She is very sexy, gorgeous and beautiful. Shehad three lady friends staying with her. They didn't know how to use aslave. So slave was made to wash dishes, scrub floor, clean clothes etc. Oneday they brought a slave trainer and slave was shocked to see the trainer.The trainer was my cousin sister whom slave secretly worshipped as a Mistress.slave felt so embarrassed. But she didn't show...
I had no doubt the moment I arrived in Toyland. The quality of the light there is simply amazing. And there's a perfume in the air that somehow manages to shout "fun". There also seems to be a tune playing just at the edge of hearing, like a distant merry-go-round just over the hill. Toyland has its dark side to be sure. Fortunately The Highway was nice enough not to deposit me there. I barely needed a glance at my now-blank Map to know I'd arrived. The blank map didn't worry me....
Hi dosto mera naam pankaj hai.. Mein iss ka 2 saal se reader hu,aaj mein bhi apna kuch experiance yaha share karne wala hu.. Mera naam pankaj hai,mein 22 saal ka hu or mere lund ka size 7″ hai .Mein dilli ka rehne wala hu or hisar(haryana) mai padta hu or wahi hostel mai raihta hu ..Meri 1 gf hai jiska naam hai swati or ouska figure size hai 36-28-36 wo bohot hi sexy hai.. Ye kahani issi dushere ki hai. Mein apne ghar dilli aaya hua tha dushera celebrate karne k liye to mujhe meri gf se miley...
Hi doston mera naam rishab hai main delhi ka rhne wala hun meri height 6 ft ki hai aur main 23 saal ka hun main ye sachi ghatna aapke samne leke aa rha hun main logon ki tarah yahan jhoot nhi likhta ye ek sachi ghatna hai mera lund ka size 8 inch hai aur 4.5″ inch ka hai ye mujhe isliye pta hai kyunki maine khud napa hai ise ye jab soya hota hai tab ye 2 inch ka hi rhta hai isse aapko pta lag jayega ki main sach bol rha hun ab jyda na bor karte hue story pe aata hun ye baat aaj se 6 mahine...
It was around 1998, I had been in my new house for about 6 months now. The gardens were all very private with large bushes defining the boundaries. I lived alone, was 27 and was always horny....just like most guys.The house next door had sold 3 months earlier and I enjoyed the fact that there wasn't any noise coming from there. I was just driving up the road when I saw a removal van parked next door to mine, I was intrigued. I parked the car and saw a couple of about 70 directing the removal...
Neha told her entire story to her husband, Sundar. Neha continued her story The attendant said, “That’s good. I will go and close the main door and you can remove your clothes. We won’t take long.” Sameer asked if he has any condoms to fuck. He said jackpots like this don’t come daily and he went to close the door. We were discussing what to do. He came back and started removing his dress. I did not say anything. He asked Sameer to remove my clothes and make me lie down on the table. Sameer...
Emi Nakamura is nothing short of an innocent, likable girl. Smart, shy, and easy on the eyes, she tends to attract attention to herself without trying. This attention has tended to clash with her shy nature, and Emi has always wished she could overcome this hurdle. To that end, the young woman decided this year to try something bold. Leaving her native Japan behind, she'd spend a year studying abroad in the United States. The US was certainly a culture shock to the shy girl, with so many things...