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He opened the guitar case and placed it on the ground, and carefully lowered his Gibson ES347 into it, it was old and worn but the semi hollow body sounded sweet, the sustain, the feedback, the tone, all combined to make it a sweet guitar. It was given to him by his Uncle Ken, Mom's brother, who played back in the day, and was very good, good enough to be professional, touring with several big acts in the early 70's.

He walked out of the music room and made his way to his locker when he almost ran into Mr. Harris, a Physical Education teacher and the school's Baseball coach, when he turned the corner. He is also an idiot, a mental midget, and a bully to any and all that he comes in contact with. "What the heck are you doing here so late Mr. Cummings?" he bellowed.

Trying to be calm and cool he replied, "Uhm, I was working on my college entry with Mrs. Klinesmitch."

Rubbing his hair, or what was left of it he scowled, "Well, okay. Be careful next time, and watch out going home, it's snowing pretty bad outside."

He nodded his head and continued, quickly, on to his locker where he opened it and got out his winter jacket and put it on, he hated snow and couldn't wait until he went away to college, Southern California, he hoped.

He felt an arm around his shoulder followed by a sweet voice, "Hey there studly."

Without looking he smiled, "Right back at you smoochie."

"You know it's snowing like crazy out there!" she said excitedly.

Groaning he said, "I heard but was hoping it was all bullshit."

"Nope! Big ass flacks."

He turned his head and there she was, Jackie Reed, or as her family calls her Jacqueline, the pint sized tornado. At four foot eleven, and three quarters, never forget the three quarters as she prided herself on being shy of five foot, she was tough and uncompromising. That was due to being the youngest, and the only girl of a family of five. She had to be tough to fend off her brothers. Nobody fucked with Jackie, no one.

But with him she was different. Her rough and tumble edges that everyone saw, were just a facade, shielding herself from the fear she had with opening up. Unknown to everyone was she was molested for several years by her Father after her Mother passed away. She was of mixed emotions on this, she hated her Father for what he did to her, hated her Mother for leaving her, but loved them both for who they were.

It took time for her to open up, and it almost hadn't if he hadn't taken her into his confidence about his own problems with his parents. It started after Uncle Ken gave him the guitar when he turned thirteen. He loved his Uncle Ken and looked up to him, and when he got the guitar he began to play it and after a short time he wanted to take lessons. His Father balked, not for cost of the lessons, but that it would detract him from his studies. It took some time to convince his Father that his studies wouldn't suffer, and a lot of prodding from his Mother, before he was allowed to take lessons.

And he excelled at playing guitar, taking what he was taught and building upon it, learning intricacies of how to play as well as learning how to read music, the various scales, and music theory. And within a short time he went from playing simple beginner songs to moderately complex songs that easily astonished his Mother who had seen this before when her brother Ken started playing. His Father was unimpressed, and his only comment was that it better not interfere with his studies.

Within a year of playing guitar he had surpassed all others in the class and was moved to an advanced class, and as the years went by his skills and abilities continued to increase.

When he was a Freshman in High School he met with the Music department head, Mrs. Klinesmitch, a portly middle aged woman who loved music more than anyone he would ever know, who after talking to him for a few minutes saw his thirst in music. She began to slowly guide him moving from guitar to other instruments, from Rock and Roll to Jazz to classical. For his part he ate it up, delving into each new subject put before him, learning to play the trumpet and French horn, then to reed instruments clarinet and oboe, to stringed instruments such as the violin and cello, and finally the piano.

It didn't happen overnight and it wasn't easy, in fact it was the hardest thing he had ever done. But the part that bothered him the most was he couldn't share his accomplishments with his parents, well mostly is Father, but if he would have told his Mother she would surely tell his Father.

It was at the start of his Senior year that things got, complicated. It was a simple question that Mrs. Klinesmitch asked of him, what his future academic plans. It was no surprise that he would continue his education, his Father had it all planned out, attending Harvard as he had and attaining an MBA or a Law degree, either was suitable.

But when he did not readily answer, Mrs. Klinesmitch asked if he was interested in getting a degree in Music. Since his Father had already decided on him attending Harvard and getting a MBA, he never really thought of Music as a profession. It was as if a light bulb went on in his head. He loved music, all facets of it, and if was something that he was going to do for the rest of his life, it might as while be something he loved.

In the next few days he thought about his future, and for the most part he couldn't come up with a plan that he thought would work out between him and his Father. Finally he brought Jackie in, albeit reluctantly as he was embarrassed that he needed help.

Jackie's suggestions were pretty good, knowing that he wanted a degree in music left only a few questions, such as did he want to go to a big school or small school, live at home or go away, and what climate are you looking for.

Once he looked at along those lines it became very simple, school size didn't matter, going away was preferable, and a warm climate was a must.

Her next suggestion was to look online for colleges with the best music program located in warm states, like California, Florida, Texas, and so on.

That night he searched for just that and found several highly regarded colleges, but only a few were in a warm climate, a must for him. There was one that looked perfect, the University of Southern California which is the home of the Thornton School of Music. It would probably kill his Father, going to school in California, the land of fruits and nuts he would yell. There was a little part of him that was overjoyed with the thought of going to USC, it would probably kill his Father, he could hear him know, There is no way you are going to a school in California, the land of fruits and nuts!

The next night, he had to get his courage up, at dinner he brought up his college desire. And surprise surprise, he had called it correctly. His Father hit the roof, yelling that no son of his would go to college for a Music degree, especially to a college in California, the land of fruits and nuts! His Mother listened to the one sided conversation and tried, unsuccessfully, to get his Father from yelling and to reason with him on his Father's wishes. But all that accomplished was for him to be mad at both of his parents, not just his Father.

The discussion fell into a full blown yelling match, his Father accusing him of throwing his life away, while he countered that it was his life and his choice. The only person not yelling was his Mother who sat idly by waiting for the yelling to stop. Which it did, but only after he left the dining room.

The next morning was uncomfortable, to say the least. He did not acknowledge his Father, just as his Father did not acknowledge him. His Mother just left the room, not wanting to get in between them.

"So, did you talk to your Father last night?"

He snickered, "Yeah. It went as I thought, he screamed and yelled and told me not to have any more involvement in music, and that I am going to Harvard, end of story."

She touched his arm and asked, "And what did you say?"

"I told him that I understood his position and that I would be happy to allow him to run my life for me. That ended the yelling for a little while until I began doing my homework, which I gave to him and said, since you are running my life you might as well do my homework. That got me grounded for the week."

Laughing Jackie replied, "So, did he do it?"

"Nope. And neither did I. When Mr. Granville asked where it was I told him my Father didn't do it, and if there was a problem that he should talk to him. I'm sure that when I get home tonight I'll be grounded for two weeks. Want to get some dinner?"

"Sure. Sushi?"

Rolling his eye he said, "Oh come on, since when do I eat sushi?"

"Well, you better get used to it, I hear it's the bomb in LA" she said with a laugh.

He laughed with Jackie as they left the school. Mr. Harris was correct, it was bad outside, the snow was blowing sideways, making walking difficult. But crossing the street was damn near hazardous! When they got to the first street they were almost knocked over by the wind, seems that the buildings have created a sort of wind tunnel that could knock you off your feet. And with the snow pilling up it made doubly dangerous.

But they were able to safely cross Michigan avenue and up a couple of streets to make it to the Japanese Steak House and Sushi Bar. Dinner was good, Jackie had sushi and he had Chicken teriyaki. His philosophy was food should be cooked and not eaten raw, with the exception of fruits and vegetables and such.

Towards the end of the meal the conversation turned to the future as Jackie asked, "So, what will you do if your parents, forbid you to go to USC? What then?"

He shook his head, "I don't know. I'm hoping they will be reasonable and see what I want, not what they want."

"So, best case is you go to USC. What about worse case?"

"I don't know. No way am I going to go to Harvard, or anywhere else, to get an MBA or whatever he thinks is important. I mean, it's my life, I should have some say in it."

She raised her eye brows and said, "Some say?"

He laughed, "Okay, more than some. Hey, give me a break, it's only been a short time that I've thought of myself as a person."

She looked at him sternly, "Don't ever say that again. Not even if your kidding around. You are so much more than what THEY think you are, and you WILL exceed their expectations. And once they see that, well, than they will see HOW wrong they were."

"And if they don't?"

"Then, you walk away. You should not allow people to, take over your life like that!"

"What if they don't pay for college?"

"You'll find a way."

"And if I don't, what will I do? No job, no future?"

"So what's better? A job you hate? A future that's not your own?"

He knew she was right, but, to strike out on his own? No future?

She continued, "If music is what you want, maybe you could get a grant or scholarship. Or you put your music to work for you, get a job as a musician or something."

He shook his head

"Talk to Mrs. Klinesmitch, I'm sure she could offer you advice, or help getting into a college. A good college. And you GPA is what 3.5?"

"Well, 3.65."

"See, you're on your way. All you have to do is ASK for help."

She had a way of making, no not making, but getting him to see things differently. She was a good friend. More than a friend, more like someone that he had deep feelings for, maybe even love. She sees in him something that no one else sees, a successful person.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow and see what she can do for me."

All bubbly she replied, "Great!" and sat back into her chair.

"So, what about you? Where are going to college?"

She cocked her head and said, "Not sure. Depends on what you do."


"Well, if you go to USC, I'll probably go there. If you stay here I'll go somewhere here."

He sat in stunned silence and looked at her.

"Did you think that we were going to split up when we went to college?"

"Uhm, I, well, don't get mad, but I didn't think that far ahead."

"So, now you know."

"Yes I do."

He couldn't say anything else. There was no need to.

They left the restaurant hand in hand. Not a first for them, but after dinner it represented something more than just boyfriend/girlfriend. And though there conversation was not full of content, nor was the word love used, it was the first time that he saw in her something more than friendship. And for her, it was the first time she opened herself up about her feelings for him, which considering her issues with sexual assault from her Dad, was a huge step.

They turned the corner and headed to Michigan avenue fighting the bitter wind and stinging snow when he said to Jackie, "I, don't know how things will work out between my parents and I, but I'm glad that your here, with me. I, uhm, don't know if I could do this without you."

She stopped and turned to him, looking him in the eye and said, "I will always be here for you."

"And I will be there for you" and leaned in and kissed her. It was not their first kiss, but it was the first time that there was meaning behind it, something that was more than sexual, it was something that was on a whole new level.

They broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes, knowing that something had changed between them, that what they once were was no longer what they are now, and both felt relief, and fear. But there was nowhere else that they wanted to be.

As they turned and headed across Michigan avenue he heard several loud pops before being blinded by light.

Susan Carter was beside herself with fear as the home pregnancy came back positive. She didn't want a child, not now, but in the future when she was ready. When HE was ready. The He being her boyfriend Nathan Cobb.

She was an Executive Assistant, and a damn good one at that. She was twenty nine, though if you checked her driver's license it would show she was thirty, and was happy with what she was doing. She enjoyed it so much that she could see her doing it for the remainder of her career.

Nathan Cobb is a Financial Analyst with a prestigious Commercial Bank, one of their top earners, working with their largest accounts. He made a name for himself for guiding his Customers to the highest dividend generating securities stocks and bonds. His aspirations are to start his own financial planning company catering to top tier Executives. He also was planning on leaving Chicago for New York or Los Angeles.

They met two years ago at a Christmas party at the Ritz Carlton that their two companies were having there. It was pure happenstance as they walked into each other as one exited from the bar as the other exited from the lobby. There was an attraction right off the bat, and spent several minutes talking before each was pulled away to their prospective parties, but not before exchanging phone numbers.

A few days after the party Nathan called Susan, they spoke for close to an hour before agreeing to meet the next day for dinner after work. Susan almost said no, she didn't live in Chicago, but in a near west suburb called Oak Park, a place that she could afford and had good transportation in and out of the city. Her main concern about meeting for dinner was getting home at a decent hour, though Oak Park was a nice area and she always careful, but coming home at night after potentially drinking was a little out of her comfort zone.

Nathan lived relatively close to where he worked in a neighborhood called Streeterville, a very nice area bordered by Lake Shore Drive on the north and east, Michigan Avenue on the west, and the Chicago River on the south. He lived in an older high rise, on the 5th floor in a single bedroom condo.

They met at a nice Italian restaurant on Rush Street and had a very pleasant dinner with stimulating conversation. They talked of many different things, but mainly about themselves, where they came from, and how they got to where they are. But nothing intimate, first date and all.

They agreed to a second date the following Friday after work on January 5th, at Harry Carry's Italian Steakhouse on Kinzie Street. Another thing they had in common, the love of Italian food.

The date, as before, was great with stimulating conversation, but much more personal. Both were from the Chicago area, she was from the western suburb of Wheaton and he was from Chicago, a neighborhood called Lincoln Park. Susan's parents were middle class, her Father worked for DuPage County as a caretaker for the parks and public buildings, her Mother worked part time at the elementary school as a secretary, while Nathan's Father was a well respected Psychiatrist and author, and his Mother was a tenured Professor at Loyola University.

Over a shared desert they talked about their careers, what they did for a living, what they liked about what they were doing, what was missing in their professional lives, and what they would like to do in the future. The major difference between them was Nathan's plan to move from Chicago to the East or West coast at some future date.

The warning bells and whistles went off in her head. Normally a cautious person, she had been in serious relationships a few times but broke it off when differences between them grew so much that she suspected that if they married that divorce wasn't far down the road. But she disregarded it, it was only their second date and if it got serious and moving was still in his plans she would break it off, just as she did in the past.

After words they dated every couple of weeks, always on a Friday until May 5th, Cinco de Mayo. This date was the turning point in their relationship as it was their first sexual tryst. Being that their date was on Saturday, she decided to come down early and the two would make a day of it. They started at Lincoln Park Zoo and ended up walking down Michigan Avenue before heading back to his condo to change for dinner at Shaw's Crab House on Hubbard St.

After dinner both were uneasy as they walked back to the condo for what they thought, or hoped, would be their first time together. As the they entered the condo and closed the door Susan leaned in and kissed Nathan. She was nervous and the kiss was awkward but Nathan didn't care and returned it with the passion of a first time teenage boy. Neither were virgins, or as sexually active as many single people their age, but that did not diminish, or inhibit, the passion they felt for one another.

Their kissing progressed to touching and feeling each other before they moved from the doorway to bedroom where they made love, several times throughout the night. Sunday after the woke up they went out for brunch and upon returning made passionate love again.

Later that evening as Susan took the train home she fell back into the seat and let the giddiness of a school girls first crush run through her body.

Susan and Nathan fell into a grove, twice a month they would spend the weekend together, once at his place and the other at hers, other weeks they would meet for dinner on Friday nights. In 2002 they went on a surprise vacation together to St. Barts in the Caribbean. The week they spent together solidified their feelings for one another and when they came back home Susan moved in with Nathan, and began the next part of their relationship.

As fall turned to winter they began to talk of marriage. The old demons from Susan's past crept back into her mind as she began to feel the walls closing in upon her when in early December Nathan came home and nervously mentioned that an opportunity had opened up in New York. An investment firm that his former manager and mentor James Marsden had called him to ask if he would be interested in a lead position within his group that would be responsible for managing investments for their tier one customers.

If he was interested he would setup interviews between him and the Head of Personnel followed interviews with two members of the Board of Directors, and the firms COO. It wasn't exactly what he wanted but it could get him to where he wanted to be ten years earlier if he was as successful in New York as he was in Chicago.

She sat in the bathroom and sobbed quietly while Nathan was on a plane to New York for the interview that would pull him away from her.

She called into work that she would be late and went to the doctor to confirm what she already knew. The Doctor's office was crowded with most of the woman visibly pregnant, not surprising for an OBGYN's office. She waited for only a small amount of time before the nurse called her name and escorted her to an examining room. The nurse took her complete medical history and recorded her height, weight, and blood pressure. When that was complete she asked her to disrobe and put on the robe she provided and said the Doctor will be with her shortly.

Another ten minutes went by before the door opened and an older woman entered carrying a clipboard and asked, "You are, Susan Carter?"


She smiled and extended he hand and said, "Hello Susan, I'm Doctor Jane Ward, how can I help you today?"

She shook her hand, "I took a home pregnancy test and, uhm it was positive, but I want to confirm it. That I'm, uh, pregnant."

"Okay, well, HPT's are usually accurate. If you want confirmation the best would be to take a blood test, the results will take a day or two, will that be okay?"

She nodded her head and the Doctor said, "My nurse will come and draw blood. When we get the results we will give you a call, and if it's positive we can setup another appointment to give you a full physical and get you on vitamins."

"Thank You that sounds good Doctor."

The following day, late in the afternoon she got the call that confirmed she was pregnant and made an appointment for Friday morning knowing that Nathan would be back Friday late afternoon. She also made reservations at the restaurant they went to on their first date and crossed her fingers.

The next day she woke up and had a small breakfast before heading out to the Doctors office. As before the Doctor's office was crowded and she waited twenty minutes before the nurse called her name and walked her back to an examining room. The nurse, as the previous day went over her medical history and recorded her height, weight, and blood pressure and asked her to disrobe and put on the robe provided and said the Doctor will be with her shortly.

Twenty minutes later the door opened and Doctor Ward walked in and said, "So I see by the results that you are indeed pregnant, congratulations."

The half smile changed the mood of the Doctor quickly, "Well, not the news you were hoping for?"

Shaking her head she said with some sadness, "No. I was hoping for a negative response."

The Doctor sat down and asked, "Are you looking to, end the pregnancy?"

She felt her throat tighten stopping her from talking. She had put the thought of what she would do out of her mind until she knew for sure if she was pregnant. Now that is was looking her right in the face the first thought was to keep the baby, regardless of what would happen between her and Nathan.

Clearing her throat she said, "I'm going to keep the baby."

"Are you sure?"

"No. But, if I have an abortion and change my mind later, I don't think I would be able to forgive myself. So, yeah, not totally sure, but not willing to do the alternative."

She smiled and said, "Okay, so now we can move forward." She went over her medical history and Nathan's health, and the health of her family and Nathan's family, and then she went through a complete physical exam that included checking her thyroid and breasts, and listening to her heart and lungs, and finally an internal exam, checking her cervix, ovaries, vagina, and uterus. At the end of the exam the Doctor calculated her due date to be August 4th.

After the examination the Doctor handed her several data sheets containing information on diet, exercise, weight, over-the-counter medications that are safe during pregnancy, and a list of over the counter prenatal vitamins easily picked up at the local drugstore, a guide for scheduling regular appointments (every four weeks for the first four months, then every two weeks for months five through seven, then every week thereafter until the baby comes), and lastly contact information for when the doctor's office is closed.

Loaded with information she thanked the Doctor, got dressed, and left the office in a daze. On the way home she stopped at a book store and picked up a couple of books on pregnancy before heading home.

With the pregnancy confirmed she began to feel relieved. Gone were the what-ifs, now there only was the what to do now. Abortion was NOT something that she could do. Others could, but she couldn't. So the only question was, will Nathan be there.

At 3:30pm Nathan called her from the airport, he had just landed.

She hid the prenatal information from the Doctor and the books she had bought and prepared herself for what was to come.

With the snow starting Nathan didn't get home until 5:30 a smile on his face that told her everything she needed to know.

He smiled and said "Hey sweetie" as he took her in his arms and kissed her after walking in the door.

"Hey back at you. How was the trip?" she asked nervously, she was fine until the door opened and then the butterflies came back.

"Great. But I missed you."

"I missed you too. So, how did it go?"

"Great would be an understatement. I nailed the interview, it was shaky at first talking to the Head of Personal. But when I talked to the Board Members and the COO, it all came together and, well, all that's left is for the two Board members to submit their report to the other Members, who will rubber stamp it and send it to the COO, who will bless it, and then it's a done deal!"

"Wow. That's great."

"Yeah! This is what I've been waiting for. What an opportunity."

"Uh, I've made dinner reservations, so, if you're ready we should go."

"Great! We can celebrate!"

They put on their coats and carefully made their way to the restaurant, which on a normal day would have been a quick walk but with the snow and wind it took three times as long. It was good, she thought as they walked, it gave her time to relax and get her thoughts straight.

They walked into the restaurant and removed their coats. It was quiet and very much empty, only half a dozen tables were taken. The hostess came up and asked, "Good evening, dinner for two?"

"Yes. Something in a quiet place?" he asked.

She smiled, "Certainly. Please follow me."

They were led to a semi secluded area in the back of the restaurant and were seated in a booth.

Just as they sat down their waitress came up and asked, "I see your just sitting down, would you like something to drink?"

"You know this is a celebration, so a bottle of champagne please."

"Oh, none for me. A glass of water would be fine."

He looked at her quizzically, "Are you sure?"

"Yes Nathan, water is fine."

"Okay, well in that case, I'll have a glass of Merlot please."

She walked away and the two settled down for what Susan hoped would be a, nice productive, dinner.

"So, New York. Are you, uh, okay with moving there?" he asked with some concern in his voice.

There it was, the question. She cleared her throat, "Nathan, I, uhm"

"Susan, before you answer, I want you to know that, I'm not asking you to move as my partner, but as my wife. Let's get married, next week and start a new life, together."

Her eyes welled up with tears, this is going to be bad she thought. With a cracking voice, "Nathan, I know that this job is important to you, that you have wanted to move from Chicago, but, my life is, here, my family is here, and I want our, child to be born here."

"I know that your life is here, your family, heck my family is" and he stopped and blinked a couple of times before saying, "Our child?"

"Yes. I'm pregnant."

He was stunned. Confused. And terrified. A minute went by before he could continue, "Uhm, how?"

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“I’m sorry sweetheart. Your father and I have had this trip planned for almost 5 months now. We have been talking about this and you agreed. You need to start saving up for college. You promised me. No ifs, ands, or buts. Pack your things. You need to drive over there before dark.” Her mother said defiantly. Haley let out a frustrated shriek before stomping up the stairs to her bedroom. Her parents had been planning a 3 month tour of Greece for their 20 year anniversary. They had...

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Tales of a Bullying Victim Part 2

A short journey later, after the girls waved goodbye to Molly who needed to be back at her home before 4, I arrived at a small housing estate, my captors practically frog-marched me towards Clarissa's home. We marched up the cold stairs and came to a stop at a front door on the 7th floor."Bring that bitch in." Clarissa ordered her minions as she opened the red door.I was forced into the little poor looking flat and taken to a bedroom at the back. It was mainly decorated in a pink and black...

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INTERNET RELAY CHAT When Predator Becomes Prey

I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the...

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Guilt To Glory Making Out With Married Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hi, guys! Barney is back! I hope you liked my previous story. There is more to that story and I will share it someday. I am going to share with you another story involving I and my married elder cousin Ashmita (name changed). And for the sake of the story, I’ll call myself Nayan. This story is going to be long so if you are in a hurry to get hard then sorry but if you’ll be patient, I promise you’ll fap your brains out. Obviously, I don’t recall all details like conversations or clothes so I...

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My Best Friend Randy

Me and Randy (not his real name) first met in the summer of '74 when we moved to the same city. We have been very good friends ever since. We went to the same junior and high school. We spent a lot of time together throughout the years. As young teens, we would spend the night over each others house and would spend vacations with each others families. This is a true story of the first of one of our many encounters.Randy and I were out of school for the summer and we had been out earlier in...

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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 6

JANUARY LUKE'S VOICE Christmas had come and gone. We'd been merry, eaten and drunk to excess, faithfully done our lessons, gone out in the days and done simple touristy things. I didn't know Vienna well and Uli had delighted in showing me her city. We'd held hands as we walked, kissed each other goodnight, and I'd gone back to my habit of not wearing clothes unless I was cold or in company; we hadn't had any further sexual contact. On the other hand we had talked a hell of a lot. Her...

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Lady CharlotteChapter 9

Jenna had masturbated three times last night, each time forcing the ivory dildo between her thighs and each time clinging to the hard rod as if it were a real prick. She had an orgasm each time, but she was left wanting more. She desired to feel a man between her thighs. She barely said anything to Lord Michael, the carriage carrying them off to the mysterious location of the Flagellation Society. But she saw the way he looked at her, his eyes almost able to see through her clothes at her...

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Life Lessons part 2 before church

When we first started dating all those years ago when I was, what 16, 17 years old thinking back than I should have realized what kind of freak Doug was and what I truly enjoyed when I was with him those nights. When we would go out on Friday or Saturday heading over to make out point, I little area in our local woods where you could drive around and find these parking spots where trees would surround you, it almost felt like someone designed the area just for this type of activity. I later...

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I don't know what the hell prompted me to do it ,but on New Year's Day I decided I wanted a black hooker bad to keep me company while I watched the football games. I'm not such an addicted fan that I don't like to take a little break now and then. What better way to celebrate your team's victory or forgot their loss than by fucking? I drove downtown to the strip where I knew I could find a sexy whore for not too much money. My luck was really running that day because the first one that came...

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Sameer Se Sameera 8211 Part II

By : Sameerlko Heya everyone. This is Sameera back to entertain yuh. Well, in my last story “ sameer se sameera” I told yuh how I became a whore of my two cousins. Now this story is about my journey from then till today. For those who dont know me, I am sameer from lucknow. I’ve turned 18 last month. I m very sexy masculine boy. But I have girl like legs. I always keep my body free from unwanted hairs. So I m quite chikna. Height: 175 cms. Weight: 59kg. waist : 30. so lets begin. after...

Gay Male
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Pour Hlne

This is my first story. I hope that it will please many of you! I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Ceci est ma premi?re histoire. J'esp?re qu'elle plaira ? beaucoup d'entre vous! Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Pour H?l?ne Avez-vous d?j? connu le coup de foudre? Je parle d'un amour si fort et inconditionnel qu'il vous pousse ? faire des choses compl?tement folles... Simplement pour voir un ...

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Emily and DanielChapter 7 After Dinner

Evenings in the tropics are made for quiet conversation, a drink or perhaps tea, and contemplation of the horizon and the sky above. The heat is softening, helped by a breeze when there is one, even if it never gets really cool. After a day or so we settled easily into an after-dinner routine. Captain Drescher and Signorina Beatrice almost always joined us, while whichever crewman had the duty cleaned the galley to Beatrice's requirements. One evening, maybe the fourth or fifth day of our...

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Zema Nov Chapter 1 A new life

These creatures had come to this world during its infancy when their world was on the verge of its own death, so through the portal they came. Through them the humans of this realm became civilized, brought out of living in caves and fear of the shadows. Now time and man thought them to have out lived there usefulness. Truth be told it was more for greed than anything else, for they held the balance amungst the world. The Dragonites once again opened a portal for the creatures, once an...

4 years ago
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Wet Night

Yuki and I stood in the motel room looking like drowned rats. Our day-trip by plane to visit a customer had turned into a nightmare with our flight diverted due to terrible weather. There was a mad scramble to find a room for the night as the heavens opened with torrential rain, thunder and lightning. We had got absolutely soaked getting into the motel, only to find that it was fully occupied - just like all the others that we had tried. Lucky for us the young lady on the desk at this motel...

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Angels Story Chapter 72

I'm woken by the sensation of kisses to my neck, lovely soft kisses, making me purr softly around my gag, making me squirm in my bonds. "Morning my little sissy slut," Mistress Thorne whisper in my ear, making me groan. "Still a dirty little bitch?" I nod my head sliding against the silk pillow, brushing against the dampness from the drool from my mouth. I wriggle my ass against her, guessing from her greeting she's horny... wanting to show I'm receptive. "Hmm.. really?" she says...

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The Friendliest NeighborhoodChapter 6 Gone

Monday dawned grey and bleak, without the benefit of sunshine to brighten the day, just a lessening of the darkness rather than a full daybreak. Having taken the day off to take Carol to the airport I rose later than usual but still failed open at about 6 a.m. I let Carol sleep another hour while the kids got up and ready for school. After seeing them off for the day I moved to the bedroom and quietly told at Carol to wake up... that it was time to get up for her trip. As usual, she didn't...

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Furniture Anyone

My wife Krista has always had a penchant for teasing and flashing herself in public. While subtle about it, she nonetheless gets a tremendous rush from showing herself to men when they can least do anything about it – and usually when they’re with their wife or girlfriend. She says it’s a public service since the guy probably gets turned on, goes home and fucks his lady like never before. I know, but hey, that’s her theory. Her first experience with it occurred when she was just 19. After a day...

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Olivers Twist

I hope Becky gave me the right place… Becky and I are in the same co-ed business Fraternity at Gennecho University. She’s one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever laid eyes on. She’s got dark brown hair that barely touches her delicate shoulders. A body that only angels could compare to. Petite is another word that could describe her. But she does have what one could describe as a bubble butt. And legs that go on for days. Even though she’s more than a couple inches taller than me, that...

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Trailer Park Girl Gives Good Head

By Jennifer Kilmey First... a word or two of caution. I have noticed my stories have generated a bit of negative feedback. This story, (like all the tales I have to tell you) is a SNUFF story. It is a work of fiction... of fantasy... (I trust you know the difference between fantasy and real life.) If you find the thought of pretty young girls dying in exquisite terror and agony to be arousing, you might enjoy this humble offering. If such dark thoughts offend or repel you, please save...

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Another First Time Story1

I met "Dan" on a site like CL (back when you could do that) and we chatted via IM for a couple of weeks. We seemed to be very much the same: concerned about cleanliness, discretion and both divorced. While I had never done anything sexual with a man, he had more experience and considered himself bi. After all this chatting, we felt that we knew each other pretty well and arranged a meeting at his apartment... I showed up at his apartment, nervous and scared but horny as hell. Dan had sent...

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Captains Choice Ch 0102

This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. It was previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 1 The Resurrection I’d always imagined a life where I could retire early and do only the things I wanted to do. Maybe I would win the lottery, or maybe someone would recognize my special skills and pay me an insane amount of money to work for them. Or maybe the tooth fairy would leave me a few gold bars to tide me over. So much for...

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teacher humiliation

Mr. Smith is in his early 30th. He teaches history in Montgomery's School For Boys. It's his 2nd year and he finds the school really enjoyable place to be. Teaching can be hard though, especially in a boys school, but he loves his job so he could make it. First day of the year, he gets up and goes to work early, probably one of the first people to arrive, he went to his class room and prepared for the new year. He heard noise outside and knew students are already in the school. Mr. Smith was...

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The Switch part 1

I have been married to Jill for eleven years now and our life has been nice. Nice and stable with enough money to do what we want. We have no kids, but that's OK because we never really had a big desire for kids. Our friends with kids always say “I couldn’t imagine my life without them” Well, I feel pleased to let the others have their kids, and we will have our "personal time". Jill and I used to hang out all night together when we were newlyweds. Either with our friends, or she...

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My Aunt and I The Beginning

I was always close to my Aunt, even if I did see her once or twice a year, we got along well. She was funny, knew how to have a good time, and she's very good looking for her age. But she's always been a little too strong with the physical showing of affection. When I was a lot younger, we had to share a bed and she wrapped her body around me. Another time we were sat on the sofa and she wrapped her arm around me, resting my head against her breasts. Of course, you'd think nothing of it; but a...

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Cold War Pt 01

She always called him Jesse. She hated the way her Russian accent pronounced his Irish surname. She was never embarrassed by her culture before, she was literally a figure of Russian pride, the picture of her standing ready with her particle cannon distributed widely across the nation. But sometimes she wanted her voice to sound smooth and clean, unlike the hard Slavic languages. Now they were both walking back to their quarters at the outpost, she a few steps behind him. She wanted to say...

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Duke Dana pt 3

Part 3 She had known Karen since grade school but they hadn’t become really good friends until half way through high school. Dana thought she knew everything about Karen but apparently not. “Well when was your first time?” Dana asked. Karen didn’t answer immediately. She considered what may happen if her friend new the details of her first encounter with a canine, but then she realized what they had just shared. Why would it matter if she knew? “Back during the summer before we went to...

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> > > Thirteen year old Maya had already been fucked by her brother when she came downstairs to breakfast. Sometimes she only had to give him a suckjob, like if he was late for school, or not in the mood to fuck, or had just fucked his girlfriend the night before. But on this morning, he has wanted to pound her little pussy really hard. As always, he tried to hurt her when he fucked her. Like Father like Son. Maya had learned to than k her brother for his big fat wonderful dick. She...

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The CavemanChapter 51

Linda says she wishes for our ceremony, our wedding, to take place in religious house. “I want to do it up proud,” she tells me. “Just like most girls, I’ve always dreamed about walking down the aisle in a flowing white gown to meet my man at the altar. I know you don’t think a lot of religion, but the only place I can do that is church, so could we?” I say that it is not religion that troubles me. She has told me, and I have read, of the teachings of religion, and they seem to me very...

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Friends mom footjob

Jason was 18 years old and just graduated high school. As kind of a light celebration, he would be spending a few days at his best friend's house before they both had to go their separate ways for college at the end of the summer. The visit would serve a dual purpose, both a celebration for having graduated and also to say their goodbyes. Jason called it a celebration but really, he spend the whole time playing games and stuff like that, sort of a last chance to be k**s again before they had to...

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my story with my friends mom

can i please fuck you? ive seen your tits when you were drunk and you pulled them out and sucked a nipple into your mouth.and all i think about is your amazing big ass and i can only imagine how sweet your pussy taste's. you flirted with me alot and i rubbed all over your ass and boobs. my dick is calling your name.ill fuck you like you have never been fucked in your life. i stare at your ass all the time and you have caught me doing it and i just smile =) ive stole your worn panties and your...

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Mr Nelson

you're shivering... because you've been in this fucking place... literally... for weeks now... quickly turned out... and made into a whore... a black Man's whore... and now... today... another indignity... because you've been switched out... as part of some fucking deal... literally... to Someone Else's cell... another black Inmate... of course... since you're already black owned anyway... He won't shut the fuck up... or leave you alone... even for a moment... it's as though... you're...

4 years ago
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My Stepdaddy

My Stepdaddy By: Bernice 14 Synopsis: Tyra, is a very troubled teen. With a lot of guilt and a lot huge secret that's bigger than her having been born as Terrance. When her mother brings home the latest boyfriend and she discovers that they are getting married all hell breaks loose. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Standing in the kitchen in just my panties and bra, I was thinking back to how all this began. It was only three years ago and I guess you...

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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter seven

Weeks later when the date of her appointment at the fertility clinic was looming closer, Brittany knew she would have to discuss it with Dave. She thought long and hard about how to go about it, agonizing over the guilt of not telling him straight away, she finally settled on a plan. She still felt guilty about the way she had manipulated Dave into not coming on this trip to the doctors but she also knew that it would be a lot less stressful having Lisa with her. Lisa was fine in the city, in...

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CuckoldSessions Mellanie Monroe 08142022

Mistress Mellanie Monroe deserves only the best, from a dutiful slave to tend to her every need and multiple Big Cock Studs to fuck every hole she has. First we find Mellanie with her rubber slave kneeling and rubbing her stocking clad legs in a whorshipful manner and then helping her on with her sexy boots. All the while she is telling that sissy cuckold bitch that she has two Fat Cocked studs on their way. Before that though she expresses her sexy sadistic urges by spanking her slave with a...

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Wet Work

My Dad taught me to shoot when I was about 14 years old. He was a lovely man, gentle and popular. He had learned to shoot during a long and highly decorated career in the army and it was a passion of his, one he could not share with my mother who was always unkind to me, mainly I think, because she resented my relationship with him. I was good at shooting pistols and long guns and he encouraged me a lot. At University I joined the gun club and became even more proficient. When I was old enough,...

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The Houston Flea Market Encounter

Authors note: This story is different than any of my other stories or series. Although almost all of my stories contain some element(s) of an actual event in my earlier life, this story is completely true except for the names of the characters. As they used to say on the old TV series, Dragnet, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. These events took place in the early 1970s. It all started on an unseasonably hot Saturday morning in June at the Houston Flea Market. I traveled to...

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Fucking Sister

Hi Friends this is kiran 22 male. Am hear with a story which happened in my life about an year back.my cousin sister name is rani (name changed) 24 years 5′ 5” height with 38 boob size. She is very nice to look have good body structured. This happened on the day when my sister visited my home for small trip. As she likes we very much she shares every thing with me and spend lot of tie with me.I have good software skills so my sister asked me explain some doubts she had PC. While i was...

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Angel with a devil inside

ANGEL WITH A DEVIL INSIDE Chapter 1 - When I first met her We met about two years ago, in the mall. I still remember the first time I saw her. She was walking ahead of me in the mall, and I noticed her hair. She has beautiful waist length red hair. It is somewhat thick, and it just flows from her head. She was wearing it loosely and it was all I could see. I caught up with her, and her face was just as beautiful as her hair. I noticed her deep blue eyes as I looked at her and said, ?Hi. I saw...

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Pounding Bindiya

By: Surmamail I am Sabuj 28 years old 6 feet medium physical structure I have been married recently. My wife is a pretty lady. My wife had to go to her parents for some emergency, leaving me alone and hungry for sex. I am an asstt manager of a corporate tea garden. I had to stay back because our manager was out of station. I was in charge of everything. My maid cooked and worked few hours in the morning and left. It was raining very hard. I drove back home from my office in the nasty...

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Scallyboy memoriespart 2

So now we'd established we were both up for a spot of nasty raunchy sex I suggested we head back to mine & unsurprisingly I guess,he hesitated." Mate,I know ya did a great job of gettin' me off an' all,& wivout ya even touchin' me knob... but it aint like I know's ya.Fuck,yer cud be a soddin' psycho...know wot I mean,like?"Well ok,I'll give him that,fair play to him.But fuck,I sooo wanted to be tongueing his shitter.I had to do something so,stupidly on reflection,I says how about I...

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Tushy Nikki Hill Not Sorry

Nikki planned a vacation with her best friend and her boyfriend. But right before the trip, Nikki, and her boyfriend break up. Nikki decides to go on the trip anyways with her best friend and Alberto. The only problem, Nikki is really horny – without the regular sex she had with her boyfriend, she is sexually frustrated. So one day when her best friend goes out with her boyfriend, Nikki decides to stay behind and masturbate by the pool. She wanted to fuck out in the open with her...

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NubileFilms Evelyn Claire Milana Ricci Veronica Leal Ladies Night

Three hot girls are having a slumber party with snacks and movies in bed. Milana Ricci is absorbed in the movie, but Evelyn Claire and Veronica Kirei can’t seem to keep their eyes off one another. After a few sensual moments of teasing, Evelyn leans in for a deep kiss. Milania is initially oblivious to the way her girlfriends are making out behind her, but when she turns around to see Veronica pinching Evelyn’s nipple to hardness she wants in on the action. Evelyn and Veronica are...

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ManoJob Cory Chase Our Little Secret

You would never have suspected what a freak Cory Chase was when she married your dad. But almost immediately after she moved in, the flirting started. You also thought it was kinda weird how your stepmom would comment about the girls you brought over to the house. And then, sure enough, one day it happened: you walked into the front room, and there she was, legs spread wide, cunt hanging out, vibrator in hand, orgasming on the sofa. She knew you were watching, too…but she didn’t...

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My fathers Story

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Greg Adams. I am 40 years old, in reasonable good shape, well, maybe a little flabby around the middle. I am guilty of one of the most heinous crimes in society. Incest. Try not to judge me too harshly until you have read my entire story. I am not trying to mitigate my crime so much as to explain it. I, like most men, love sex. I visit porn sites on the net. I masturbate a lot while watching these beautiful women get fucked by these huge...

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A Wedding Night Cuckolding Part I

Carol and Noel stood at the foot of the steps of the Civic Hall awaiting their wedding car driver to open the car door for them. Her Dad called out and Carol turned round to receive one final hug from him before being whisked away to their hotel for a two day break before jetting off to Martinique for a two week honeymoon. “I’m glad that you have made an honest man of him at last,” her father joked. Carol laughed, “Shouldn’t it be the other way round?” Her father laughed, “Listen, I am...

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The day my love of cum was put to the test

After years of accepting that I loved the taste of spunk in my mouth and the thrill of men cumming in my face, on some occasions big ropes of cum hanging from my chin was to me very exciting and something I couldn't live without, I'd managed to find an excellent location for all things gay, it was an area of outstanding beauty but to me the beauty was a toilet block that had a big glory hole and an area of woodland that was dimly lit and extremely busy after dark, and this was my hangout for...

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The Gym Story 21

Hi, Im Lucy and Im 24. I like to think of myself as a good girl, but the truth is Im a cumslut and I love it. I guess if youve read any of my previous stories youd know how little control I have over myself when Im horny. Its like a wave of heat that runs through my entire body and I become desperate, desperate for the feeling of a warm body pressed against mine, a hard cock sliding inside my and the warm flow of spunk filling one of my holes. My inability to control my urges has got me in...

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My wife Mary

Up until a few months ago my wife and lived a pretty uneventful life, filled with the normal routine of work, weekend errands, and paying the bills. We have been married for almost twenty-five years and were moving into the same kind of rut that most people fell into as they reached their mid-forties.For most of the time we have been together I have been trying to get Mary to open up a little bit sexually in the area of other lovers. I've never stopped to analyze why the thought of her with...

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