- 2 years ago
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He opened the guitar case and placed it on the ground, and carefully lowered his Gibson ES347 into it, it was old and worn but the semi hollow body sounded sweet, the sustain, the feedback, the tone, all combined to make it a sweet guitar. It was given to him by his Uncle Ken, Mom's brother, who played back in the day, and was very good, good enough to be professional, touring with several big acts in the early 70's.
He walked out of the music room and made his way to his locker when he almost ran into Mr. Harris, a Physical Education teacher and the school's Baseball coach, when he turned the corner. He is also an idiot, a mental midget, and a bully to any and all that he comes in contact with. "What the heck are you doing here so late Mr. Cummings?" he bellowed.
Trying to be calm and cool he replied, "Uhm, I was working on my college entry with Mrs. Klinesmitch."
Rubbing his hair, or what was left of it he scowled, "Well, okay. Be careful next time, and watch out going home, it's snowing pretty bad outside."
He nodded his head and continued, quickly, on to his locker where he opened it and got out his winter jacket and put it on, he hated snow and couldn't wait until he went away to college, Southern California, he hoped.
He felt an arm around his shoulder followed by a sweet voice, "Hey there studly."
Without looking he smiled, "Right back at you smoochie."
"You know it's snowing like crazy out there!" she said excitedly.
Groaning he said, "I heard but was hoping it was all bullshit."
"Nope! Big ass flacks."
He turned his head and there she was, Jackie Reed, or as her family calls her Jacqueline, the pint sized tornado. At four foot eleven, and three quarters, never forget the three quarters as she prided herself on being shy of five foot, she was tough and uncompromising. That was due to being the youngest, and the only girl of a family of five. She had to be tough to fend off her brothers. Nobody fucked with Jackie, no one.
But with him she was different. Her rough and tumble edges that everyone saw, were just a facade, shielding herself from the fear she had with opening up. Unknown to everyone was she was molested for several years by her Father after her Mother passed away. She was of mixed emotions on this, she hated her Father for what he did to her, hated her Mother for leaving her, but loved them both for who they were.
It took time for her to open up, and it almost hadn't if he hadn't taken her into his confidence about his own problems with his parents. It started after Uncle Ken gave him the guitar when he turned thirteen. He loved his Uncle Ken and looked up to him, and when he got the guitar he began to play it and after a short time he wanted to take lessons. His Father balked, not for cost of the lessons, but that it would detract him from his studies. It took some time to convince his Father that his studies wouldn't suffer, and a lot of prodding from his Mother, before he was allowed to take lessons.
And he excelled at playing guitar, taking what he was taught and building upon it, learning intricacies of how to play as well as learning how to read music, the various scales, and music theory. And within a short time he went from playing simple beginner songs to moderately complex songs that easily astonished his Mother who had seen this before when her brother Ken started playing. His Father was unimpressed, and his only comment was that it better not interfere with his studies.
Within a year of playing guitar he had surpassed all others in the class and was moved to an advanced class, and as the years went by his skills and abilities continued to increase.
When he was a Freshman in High School he met with the Music department head, Mrs. Klinesmitch, a portly middle aged woman who loved music more than anyone he would ever know, who after talking to him for a few minutes saw his thirst in music. She began to slowly guide him moving from guitar to other instruments, from Rock and Roll to Jazz to classical. For his part he ate it up, delving into each new subject put before him, learning to play the trumpet and French horn, then to reed instruments clarinet and oboe, to stringed instruments such as the violin and cello, and finally the piano.
It didn't happen overnight and it wasn't easy, in fact it was the hardest thing he had ever done. But the part that bothered him the most was he couldn't share his accomplishments with his parents, well mostly is Father, but if he would have told his Mother she would surely tell his Father.
It was at the start of his Senior year that things got, complicated. It was a simple question that Mrs. Klinesmitch asked of him, what his future academic plans. It was no surprise that he would continue his education, his Father had it all planned out, attending Harvard as he had and attaining an MBA or a Law degree, either was suitable.
But when he did not readily answer, Mrs. Klinesmitch asked if he was interested in getting a degree in Music. Since his Father had already decided on him attending Harvard and getting a MBA, he never really thought of Music as a profession. It was as if a light bulb went on in his head. He loved music, all facets of it, and if was something that he was going to do for the rest of his life, it might as while be something he loved.
In the next few days he thought about his future, and for the most part he couldn't come up with a plan that he thought would work out between him and his Father. Finally he brought Jackie in, albeit reluctantly as he was embarrassed that he needed help.
Jackie's suggestions were pretty good, knowing that he wanted a degree in music left only a few questions, such as did he want to go to a big school or small school, live at home or go away, and what climate are you looking for.
Once he looked at along those lines it became very simple, school size didn't matter, going away was preferable, and a warm climate was a must.
Her next suggestion was to look online for colleges with the best music program located in warm states, like California, Florida, Texas, and so on.
That night he searched for just that and found several highly regarded colleges, but only a few were in a warm climate, a must for him. There was one that looked perfect, the University of Southern California which is the home of the Thornton School of Music. It would probably kill his Father, going to school in California, the land of fruits and nuts he would yell. There was a little part of him that was overjoyed with the thought of going to USC, it would probably kill his Father, he could hear him know, There is no way you are going to a school in California, the land of fruits and nuts!
The next night, he had to get his courage up, at dinner he brought up his college desire. And surprise surprise, he had called it correctly. His Father hit the roof, yelling that no son of his would go to college for a Music degree, especially to a college in California, the land of fruits and nuts! His Mother listened to the one sided conversation and tried, unsuccessfully, to get his Father from yelling and to reason with him on his Father's wishes. But all that accomplished was for him to be mad at both of his parents, not just his Father.
The discussion fell into a full blown yelling match, his Father accusing him of throwing his life away, while he countered that it was his life and his choice. The only person not yelling was his Mother who sat idly by waiting for the yelling to stop. Which it did, but only after he left the dining room.
The next morning was uncomfortable, to say the least. He did not acknowledge his Father, just as his Father did not acknowledge him. His Mother just left the room, not wanting to get in between them.
"So, did you talk to your Father last night?"
He snickered, "Yeah. It went as I thought, he screamed and yelled and told me not to have any more involvement in music, and that I am going to Harvard, end of story."
She touched his arm and asked, "And what did you say?"
"I told him that I understood his position and that I would be happy to allow him to run my life for me. That ended the yelling for a little while until I began doing my homework, which I gave to him and said, since you are running my life you might as well do my homework. That got me grounded for the week."
Laughing Jackie replied, "So, did he do it?"
"Nope. And neither did I. When Mr. Granville asked where it was I told him my Father didn't do it, and if there was a problem that he should talk to him. I'm sure that when I get home tonight I'll be grounded for two weeks. Want to get some dinner?"
"Sure. Sushi?"
Rolling his eye he said, "Oh come on, since when do I eat sushi?"
"Well, you better get used to it, I hear it's the bomb in LA" she said with a laugh.
He laughed with Jackie as they left the school. Mr. Harris was correct, it was bad outside, the snow was blowing sideways, making walking difficult. But crossing the street was damn near hazardous! When they got to the first street they were almost knocked over by the wind, seems that the buildings have created a sort of wind tunnel that could knock you off your feet. And with the snow pilling up it made doubly dangerous.
But they were able to safely cross Michigan avenue and up a couple of streets to make it to the Japanese Steak House and Sushi Bar. Dinner was good, Jackie had sushi and he had Chicken teriyaki. His philosophy was food should be cooked and not eaten raw, with the exception of fruits and vegetables and such.
Towards the end of the meal the conversation turned to the future as Jackie asked, "So, what will you do if your parents, forbid you to go to USC? What then?"
He shook his head, "I don't know. I'm hoping they will be reasonable and see what I want, not what they want."
"So, best case is you go to USC. What about worse case?"
"I don't know. No way am I going to go to Harvard, or anywhere else, to get an MBA or whatever he thinks is important. I mean, it's my life, I should have some say in it."
She raised her eye brows and said, "Some say?"
He laughed, "Okay, more than some. Hey, give me a break, it's only been a short time that I've thought of myself as a person."
She looked at him sternly, "Don't ever say that again. Not even if your kidding around. You are so much more than what THEY think you are, and you WILL exceed their expectations. And once they see that, well, than they will see HOW wrong they were."
"And if they don't?"
"Then, you walk away. You should not allow people to, take over your life like that!"
"What if they don't pay for college?"
"You'll find a way."
"And if I don't, what will I do? No job, no future?"
"So what's better? A job you hate? A future that's not your own?"
He knew she was right, but, to strike out on his own? No future?
She continued, "If music is what you want, maybe you could get a grant or scholarship. Or you put your music to work for you, get a job as a musician or something."
He shook his head
"Talk to Mrs. Klinesmitch, I'm sure she could offer you advice, or help getting into a college. A good college. And you GPA is what 3.5?"
"Well, 3.65."
"See, you're on your way. All you have to do is ASK for help."
She had a way of making, no not making, but getting him to see things differently. She was a good friend. More than a friend, more like someone that he had deep feelings for, maybe even love. She sees in him something that no one else sees, a successful person.
"I'll talk to her tomorrow and see what she can do for me."
All bubbly she replied, "Great!" and sat back into her chair.
"So, what about you? Where are going to college?"
She cocked her head and said, "Not sure. Depends on what you do."
"Well, if you go to USC, I'll probably go there. If you stay here I'll go somewhere here."
He sat in stunned silence and looked at her.
"Did you think that we were going to split up when we went to college?"
"Uhm, I, well, don't get mad, but I didn't think that far ahead."
"So, now you know."
"Yes I do."
He couldn't say anything else. There was no need to.
They left the restaurant hand in hand. Not a first for them, but after dinner it represented something more than just boyfriend/girlfriend. And though there conversation was not full of content, nor was the word love used, it was the first time that he saw in her something more than friendship. And for her, it was the first time she opened herself up about her feelings for him, which considering her issues with sexual assault from her Dad, was a huge step.
They turned the corner and headed to Michigan avenue fighting the bitter wind and stinging snow when he said to Jackie, "I, don't know how things will work out between my parents and I, but I'm glad that your here, with me. I, uhm, don't know if I could do this without you."
She stopped and turned to him, looking him in the eye and said, "I will always be here for you."
"And I will be there for you" and leaned in and kissed her. It was not their first kiss, but it was the first time that there was meaning behind it, something that was more than sexual, it was something that was on a whole new level.
They broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes, knowing that something had changed between them, that what they once were was no longer what they are now, and both felt relief, and fear. But there was nowhere else that they wanted to be.
As they turned and headed across Michigan avenue he heard several loud pops before being blinded by light.
Susan Carter was beside herself with fear as the home pregnancy came back positive. She didn't want a child, not now, but in the future when she was ready. When HE was ready. The He being her boyfriend Nathan Cobb.
She was an Executive Assistant, and a damn good one at that. She was twenty nine, though if you checked her driver's license it would show she was thirty, and was happy with what she was doing. She enjoyed it so much that she could see her doing it for the remainder of her career.
Nathan Cobb is a Financial Analyst with a prestigious Commercial Bank, one of their top earners, working with their largest accounts. He made a name for himself for guiding his Customers to the highest dividend generating securities stocks and bonds. His aspirations are to start his own financial planning company catering to top tier Executives. He also was planning on leaving Chicago for New York or Los Angeles.
They met two years ago at a Christmas party at the Ritz Carlton that their two companies were having there. It was pure happenstance as they walked into each other as one exited from the bar as the other exited from the lobby. There was an attraction right off the bat, and spent several minutes talking before each was pulled away to their prospective parties, but not before exchanging phone numbers.
A few days after the party Nathan called Susan, they spoke for close to an hour before agreeing to meet the next day for dinner after work. Susan almost said no, she didn't live in Chicago, but in a near west suburb called Oak Park, a place that she could afford and had good transportation in and out of the city. Her main concern about meeting for dinner was getting home at a decent hour, though Oak Park was a nice area and she always careful, but coming home at night after potentially drinking was a little out of her comfort zone.
Nathan lived relatively close to where he worked in a neighborhood called Streeterville, a very nice area bordered by Lake Shore Drive on the north and east, Michigan Avenue on the west, and the Chicago River on the south. He lived in an older high rise, on the 5th floor in a single bedroom condo.
They met at a nice Italian restaurant on Rush Street and had a very pleasant dinner with stimulating conversation. They talked of many different things, but mainly about themselves, where they came from, and how they got to where they are. But nothing intimate, first date and all.
They agreed to a second date the following Friday after work on January 5th, at Harry Carry's Italian Steakhouse on Kinzie Street. Another thing they had in common, the love of Italian food.
The date, as before, was great with stimulating conversation, but much more personal. Both were from the Chicago area, she was from the western suburb of Wheaton and he was from Chicago, a neighborhood called Lincoln Park. Susan's parents were middle class, her Father worked for DuPage County as a caretaker for the parks and public buildings, her Mother worked part time at the elementary school as a secretary, while Nathan's Father was a well respected Psychiatrist and author, and his Mother was a tenured Professor at Loyola University.
Over a shared desert they talked about their careers, what they did for a living, what they liked about what they were doing, what was missing in their professional lives, and what they would like to do in the future. The major difference between them was Nathan's plan to move from Chicago to the East or West coast at some future date.
The warning bells and whistles went off in her head. Normally a cautious person, she had been in serious relationships a few times but broke it off when differences between them grew so much that she suspected that if they married that divorce wasn't far down the road. But she disregarded it, it was only their second date and if it got serious and moving was still in his plans she would break it off, just as she did in the past.
After words they dated every couple of weeks, always on a Friday until May 5th, Cinco de Mayo. This date was the turning point in their relationship as it was their first sexual tryst. Being that their date was on Saturday, she decided to come down early and the two would make a day of it. They started at Lincoln Park Zoo and ended up walking down Michigan Avenue before heading back to his condo to change for dinner at Shaw's Crab House on Hubbard St.
After dinner both were uneasy as they walked back to the condo for what they thought, or hoped, would be their first time together. As the they entered the condo and closed the door Susan leaned in and kissed Nathan. She was nervous and the kiss was awkward but Nathan didn't care and returned it with the passion of a first time teenage boy. Neither were virgins, or as sexually active as many single people their age, but that did not diminish, or inhibit, the passion they felt for one another.
Their kissing progressed to touching and feeling each other before they moved from the doorway to bedroom where they made love, several times throughout the night. Sunday after the woke up they went out for brunch and upon returning made passionate love again.
Later that evening as Susan took the train home she fell back into the seat and let the giddiness of a school girls first crush run through her body.
Susan and Nathan fell into a grove, twice a month they would spend the weekend together, once at his place and the other at hers, other weeks they would meet for dinner on Friday nights. In 2002 they went on a surprise vacation together to St. Barts in the Caribbean. The week they spent together solidified their feelings for one another and when they came back home Susan moved in with Nathan, and began the next part of their relationship.
As fall turned to winter they began to talk of marriage. The old demons from Susan's past crept back into her mind as she began to feel the walls closing in upon her when in early December Nathan came home and nervously mentioned that an opportunity had opened up in New York. An investment firm that his former manager and mentor James Marsden had called him to ask if he would be interested in a lead position within his group that would be responsible for managing investments for their tier one customers.
If he was interested he would setup interviews between him and the Head of Personnel followed interviews with two members of the Board of Directors, and the firms COO. It wasn't exactly what he wanted but it could get him to where he wanted to be ten years earlier if he was as successful in New York as he was in Chicago.
She sat in the bathroom and sobbed quietly while Nathan was on a plane to New York for the interview that would pull him away from her.
She called into work that she would be late and went to the doctor to confirm what she already knew. The Doctor's office was crowded with most of the woman visibly pregnant, not surprising for an OBGYN's office. She waited for only a small amount of time before the nurse called her name and escorted her to an examining room. The nurse took her complete medical history and recorded her height, weight, and blood pressure. When that was complete she asked her to disrobe and put on the robe she provided and said the Doctor will be with her shortly.
Another ten minutes went by before the door opened and an older woman entered carrying a clipboard and asked, "You are, Susan Carter?"
She smiled and extended he hand and said, "Hello Susan, I'm Doctor Jane Ward, how can I help you today?"
She shook her hand, "I took a home pregnancy test and, uhm it was positive, but I want to confirm it. That I'm, uh, pregnant."
"Okay, well, HPT's are usually accurate. If you want confirmation the best would be to take a blood test, the results will take a day or two, will that be okay?"
She nodded her head and the Doctor said, "My nurse will come and draw blood. When we get the results we will give you a call, and if it's positive we can setup another appointment to give you a full physical and get you on vitamins."
"Thank You that sounds good Doctor."
The following day, late in the afternoon she got the call that confirmed she was pregnant and made an appointment for Friday morning knowing that Nathan would be back Friday late afternoon. She also made reservations at the restaurant they went to on their first date and crossed her fingers.
The next day she woke up and had a small breakfast before heading out to the Doctors office. As before the Doctor's office was crowded and she waited twenty minutes before the nurse called her name and walked her back to an examining room. The nurse, as the previous day went over her medical history and recorded her height, weight, and blood pressure and asked her to disrobe and put on the robe provided and said the Doctor will be with her shortly.
Twenty minutes later the door opened and Doctor Ward walked in and said, "So I see by the results that you are indeed pregnant, congratulations."
The half smile changed the mood of the Doctor quickly, "Well, not the news you were hoping for?"
Shaking her head she said with some sadness, "No. I was hoping for a negative response."
The Doctor sat down and asked, "Are you looking to, end the pregnancy?"
She felt her throat tighten stopping her from talking. She had put the thought of what she would do out of her mind until she knew for sure if she was pregnant. Now that is was looking her right in the face the first thought was to keep the baby, regardless of what would happen between her and Nathan.
Clearing her throat she said, "I'm going to keep the baby."
"Are you sure?"
"No. But, if I have an abortion and change my mind later, I don't think I would be able to forgive myself. So, yeah, not totally sure, but not willing to do the alternative."
She smiled and said, "Okay, so now we can move forward." She went over her medical history and Nathan's health, and the health of her family and Nathan's family, and then she went through a complete physical exam that included checking her thyroid and breasts, and listening to her heart and lungs, and finally an internal exam, checking her cervix, ovaries, vagina, and uterus. At the end of the exam the Doctor calculated her due date to be August 4th.
After the examination the Doctor handed her several data sheets containing information on diet, exercise, weight, over-the-counter medications that are safe during pregnancy, and a list of over the counter prenatal vitamins easily picked up at the local drugstore, a guide for scheduling regular appointments (every four weeks for the first four months, then every two weeks for months five through seven, then every week thereafter until the baby comes), and lastly contact information for when the doctor's office is closed.
Loaded with information she thanked the Doctor, got dressed, and left the office in a daze. On the way home she stopped at a book store and picked up a couple of books on pregnancy before heading home.
With the pregnancy confirmed she began to feel relieved. Gone were the what-ifs, now there only was the what to do now. Abortion was NOT something that she could do. Others could, but she couldn't. So the only question was, will Nathan be there.
At 3:30pm Nathan called her from the airport, he had just landed.
She hid the prenatal information from the Doctor and the books she had bought and prepared herself for what was to come.
With the snow starting Nathan didn't get home until 5:30 a smile on his face that told her everything she needed to know.
He smiled and said "Hey sweetie" as he took her in his arms and kissed her after walking in the door.
"Hey back at you. How was the trip?" she asked nervously, she was fine until the door opened and then the butterflies came back.
"Great. But I missed you."
"I missed you too. So, how did it go?"
"Great would be an understatement. I nailed the interview, it was shaky at first talking to the Head of Personal. But when I talked to the Board Members and the COO, it all came together and, well, all that's left is for the two Board members to submit their report to the other Members, who will rubber stamp it and send it to the COO, who will bless it, and then it's a done deal!"
"Wow. That's great."
"Yeah! This is what I've been waiting for. What an opportunity."
"Uh, I've made dinner reservations, so, if you're ready we should go."
"Great! We can celebrate!"
They put on their coats and carefully made their way to the restaurant, which on a normal day would have been a quick walk but with the snow and wind it took three times as long. It was good, she thought as they walked, it gave her time to relax and get her thoughts straight.
They walked into the restaurant and removed their coats. It was quiet and very much empty, only half a dozen tables were taken. The hostess came up and asked, "Good evening, dinner for two?"
"Yes. Something in a quiet place?" he asked.
She smiled, "Certainly. Please follow me."
They were led to a semi secluded area in the back of the restaurant and were seated in a booth.
Just as they sat down their waitress came up and asked, "I see your just sitting down, would you like something to drink?"
"You know this is a celebration, so a bottle of champagne please."
"Oh, none for me. A glass of water would be fine."
He looked at her quizzically, "Are you sure?"
"Yes Nathan, water is fine."
"Okay, well in that case, I'll have a glass of Merlot please."
She walked away and the two settled down for what Susan hoped would be a, nice productive, dinner.
"So, New York. Are you, uh, okay with moving there?" he asked with some concern in his voice.
There it was, the question. She cleared her throat, "Nathan, I, uhm"
"Susan, before you answer, I want you to know that, I'm not asking you to move as my partner, but as my wife. Let's get married, next week and start a new life, together."
Her eyes welled up with tears, this is going to be bad she thought. With a cracking voice, "Nathan, I know that this job is important to you, that you have wanted to move from Chicago, but, my life is, here, my family is here, and I want our, child to be born here."
"I know that your life is here, your family, heck my family is" and he stopped and blinked a couple of times before saying, "Our child?"
"Yes. I'm pregnant."
He was stunned. Confused. And terrified. A minute went by before he could continue, "Uhm, how?"
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She's in the tub, bubbles everywhere, candles scenting the room with vanilla; a flute of champagne rests by the tub. It’s the champagne he sent her, saying how much he desires her and wants her. She loves the way he makes her feel - schoolgirl giddy. He's the handsome varsity linebacker, she's the hot little cheerleader ~ "oh we'll role play that, baby," she thinks in her mind. And she wants him so desperately, passionately she wants him. Taking a sip she hears the door open and she smiles. The...
Here at our lovely massage parlor, we sometimes secretly record sessions with our clients and sell the footage to try to make a little extra on the side. (It’s a tough economy, who can blame us?) Not only does it help the bottom line, but it also gives our hardworking masseuses the chance to let loose and have a little fun… This particular tape is of a very handsome gentleman, Donnie, who was just coming in for a regular ol’ massage… and got the surprise of his life! As...
xmoviesforyouPart 20We stepped out of the car and inside. Such an old yet classy place. Noah came with the suitcase. Lauren was talking to the receptionist and was handed 2 keycards. She turned around and gave me one.“Here, Caroline. The room number is on the card. Do what you like. I need to go with Jonas and Noah to their tuning factory to check up on some things. It's very important that this racing deal goes smoothly. So don't wait up for me!”I nodded “Ok miss. What about your suitcase?”“Take it into...
Shortly after our return from south of the border, my sister and I decided to go to the country and visit a farm to get some “pick it yourself” fruit for our healthy smoothies that we both loved so much. When we finally arrived at the farm which was down a deserted highway without evidence of a single living human, male or female, we arrived at the entrance to the farm. The sign was somewhat crooked and had a couple of holes in it that I suspected were from a 30-06 rifle rather than some...
We would often chat at home about what direction our lives were going. She told me when I felt indifferent to her; that she would visit glory holes and give random guys head until she felt happy again. Sometimes it was all night, sometimes only a couple of hours. It was her new hobby. She also told me that she only gave them head; and that was it. While I would visit the local watering hole and shot some pool; while blowing my pay packet on beer and watching strippers perform. On one...
It was the summer of 2005. I sat in my hot apartment. The A/C had been out for two weeks. I sat on the hot black leather couch. With the windows open and a fan in each window. I sat there in only a bikini top and shorts. They were doing work on the apartments and while fixing the new apartment next to me, they messed up the unit. I groaned and got of the couch. I slantered over to the fridge and opened a bottle of water. My dad and mother shipped me off to college and bought me an apartment to...
So it begins: Part 2: It didn't take me long to come to come to a decision as, although I found wearing a bra was humiliating, I was very eager to move in with my girlfriend Sarah (and her friend Tracey was not bad looking either). "Ok," I said, "I will wear a bra for the rest of the week." So on Tuesday morning I arrived at their flat with my stuff. "Show us your bra, lover boy!" Tracey challenged me. So I took off my tee shirt and stood there in a bra and shorts whilst...
Hi this is Halim I m a very innocent young boy, my age is 28 and this is my story about when I was 24 till than I ‘ve not masturbated or didn’t know anything about sex, I would have my cock hard as stone, everywhere, at many times, let me come 2 story, my family was going for a tour and someone needs to see the house so I was left out, and not alone but with a close family friend of my family a Hindu aunty who name is Revathi She is 38 years old busty women, short, black haired, her husband too...
IncestIt was early morning. I was sitting at the table eating quickly as I could just so I can hang out with fellow friends of mine, that's what we do, a girl sleepover, but not just any sleepover, a desireable one as well. My friends and I always plan for these meetings. We first would go to the cafe at about 4 o'clock pm and then head to Stacy's house and wait till her mom was gone to work, then the party really began. We would usually start out by watching porn, playing with wild toys and later...
IncestHello readers mera name raj hai meri age 21 saal hai.aj main jo kahani sunane ja raha hu vo ek hadsa hai jo mere or meri behan ke bich main hua.main apni behan ke baare main bata du meri behan ka name shelly hai or vo muj se teen saal choti hai vo dikhne main bahut sunder hai usske boobs ka size 34 hai or gaand ko dekhte hi lund khada ho jata hai ab main apni story per aata hu pehle mere man main essa koi vichar nahi tha aphi behan ko chodne ka lekin vo din bar din Nikharti ja rahi thi ek din...
Kendra Cole is a tall, skinny, brunette babe who is ready to get her ass stretched open. All her holes are on the menu in this hot POV scene. She starts by stripping down and spitting all over the cock before getting her face fucked. Then she spreads her long legs and gets both her pretty little holes pounded until she cums. She begs for a hot, white load and she gets all of it all over her slutty little face. This beautiful brunette knows how to suck a cock and how to get into all the...
xmoviesforyouI think it was seven o'clock, or maybe it was eight. My eyes couldn't exactly register. I had a smile on my face anyway. We had a great time the night before, enjoying Daytona, the local clubs, and ourselves. A really great night. I slid from bed and walked out into the living room. Bear was out on the couch. He had never pulled it out. Crystal was sitting with her head propped on one of his thighs, sound asleep. There was dried cum all over her face and neck. I knew what they were doing...
It was a quiet night at the gym. Megan always liked to workout in the evening because the gym was less crowded and she could get more work in. She was standing in front of the mirror doing her dumbbell curls with her 20 pound weights. Another reason she came this late was because she could wear whatever she wanted. She wore her yellow sports bra and her black compression shorts and tennis shoes. As she was looking in the mirror checking herself out, she noticed another girl in the gym doing...
The moment I had been dreading didn't happen for two weeks. Mentally, I had been working on the idea that it was all a bad dream. I couldn't have really been the porno slut star of my own video. It's just not the kind of thing I would do. So when the phone rang, two Fridays later, the voice on the other end was like getting a phone call from a nightmare. "Hi Petra, it's great to hear your voice again." I could hear Rico's Cheshire Cat grin through the phone. I was stunned and so...
I sniff it; It smells great; It smells wonderful; It smells brilliant; His underwear; It is my obsession; It is my craze and mania; It is my tingling lust and craving; Stian loves black underwear; I like black underwear on him; I slap his bum clad in sexy black; I sniff black in our closet; His underwear; It is sexy; It is ever clean and newly; It is ever black and lusty damn; His underwear; He has me wash it; He has me iron it; He has me pack it nicely; Calvin Klein; Gucci; Dolce and...
No more Dr Nice Guy - Part 2 I crashed heavily and violently into the firm ground of the grassed nature strip beside the road, Kevin's inertial mass toppling me over and sprawling on top of me. The truck thundered by less than 2 feet from my face. I was momentarily winded and pinned beneath him. I found myself even more scared, and increasingly aware of my vulnerability. Seemingly new emotions I was hereto unfamiliar with. I know what he wants to do to me, and I'm not sure he isn't...
This time when morning came it was without the old sense of displacement. I wasn't startled to find myself in that little pink room in that little blue bed. The realization both pleased and petrified me. It showed that I could adapt to this new world I lived in, but it also demonstrated how weak the ties to my old one were. At least I was finally at peace with myself. Nobody is ever completely happy with who or what they are, always wanting to be a little smarter or a little bigger or...
“Mrs. Marsh!” sang out Sandy. “So glad to see you again.” Sandy studied Judy’s expression, “Why the frown?” “I just proved my husband right.” Judy made a wry smile and added, “I lost all my money on the slots.” “Well, don’t fret! I never win anything either. But cheer up, after we’ve finished with you this afternoon, you will feel divine. This way please.” Sandy led her to a dressing room. Handing her an oversized towel, Sandy said, “When you are ready I’ll show you to your mud bath.” “Just...
JASON You would think that with the requirement to run around naked for the whole week that everyone would be so used to it that you’d see more than just The Program kids running around naked. Well, there were; but not many. To be fair, winter was coming and it was too cold to casually run around everywhere clothing-less. Later in the spring there would be more which is usual here. Someone nude who didn’t have to be was still a novelty. So I was taken aback when a topless girl stopped me in...
While going out for dinner and drinks, we spend several hours talking and telling stories, just getting to know each other. After dinner we get into my car. As our eyes meet I lean over and kiss you deeply and soulfully. I run my hand up your thigh and gently squeeze. I break off the kiss and start the car to drive home. I continue to caress your inner thigh as your hand rubs my stiffing cock through my pants. I pull up into the driveway and we kiss again. I go around and open the car door for...
"...now the expiration date," the operator asked? "Uh, 10-02," Mark replied nervously, "what happens now?!?" "I will put you on hold for maybe a minute or two and then your "date" will come on the line," the operator answered, "and thank your for using our service," and before Mark could get in another word the operator was off the line only to be replaced by some elevator music! "What am I doing," Mark muttered to himself, "good grief, have I lost my mind," as he watched the second hand on his...
Gayhi all, apologies for lack of updates I've been mega busy. This Particular incident happened when i was on a friends hen do (not the bride in my pictures unfortunately). i decided to stay at Emma's house after this particular hen as she lived close to the town we were clubbing in and it was just convenient if I'm honest. Emma in my eyes is a beauty of a woman long thick mousey coloured hair that reached down to her lower back she isn't fat by any means but she has got some curves shall we say...
"John!" Claudia called as you opened the door of your house. "So good to see you!" "Yeah, you too," you say, trying not to look too eager as you throw your arms wide and offer a hug, one she accepts before pulling away a little too quickly for your liking. She smiles at you, reminding you why you have such a crush on her. The smile is shy, a little awkward, and attached to an uncommonly beautiful face, framed by dark hair that cascades in waves over her shoulders. "May I come in?" she asks,...
“Fuck, that’s tight! But nice and wet ... damn, girl! You’ve been holding out on me!” I teased Melanie as she rode me harder and harder with each stroke. There were some moments when I feared that she’d break my cock for a second. Luckily, before that might even be a risk, she squirted all over me and tightened up on me with such a vise-like grip that I exploded inside her twat. Pulling off me, Melanie leaned in for a deep tongue kiss and I was happy to give it to her. There was real...
We both woke up early, dressed, and hurriedly cooked breakfast. Paul and Linda came down and saw we were dressed to go. Linda said, “You would think they had somewhere to go today.” She and Paul laughed at our discomfiture. Lisa said, “If you two don’t get moving, we won’t let you help.” Paul said, “Where is the loss here? I can hurry to work my butt off or take it easy and get there in time to watch.” Linda and he grinned. They grabbed coffee and went upstairs and quickly came down dressed...
Penny Barber tells her stepson Billy Boston that his stepcousin Hayley Spades is visiting so he must do everything possible to make her feel welcomed. Billy knows exactly what that means so when Hayley gets there he immediately starts fondling and touching her while she talks to Penny about different things that they can do together. Penny runs a free use household, and Hayley is ecstatic about Billy using her body whenever and wherever he pleases to fulfill his naughty cravings. While having...
xmoviesforyouI was so excited to sign online and see a message from my sexy college boy. We hadn’t spoken in a while and I guessed that we would never get the chance to finally meet. Many a night had I masturbated thinking about his lovely cock, though I had only pictures to please me. It turned out that he had been thinking about me too. ‘I can’t get you out of my mind,’ he said. ‘I need to meet you. Let’s go on a date sometime.’ He knew that I wanted so badly to have a sweet man take me out on a real...
I spent a lot of time with, as I began to think of them, My Indians. The pond was teeming with fish and we spent a lot of time spearing and netting the fish. One day I had waded out in the pond to set a net. Before I could even begin a trout weighing about a pound snagged in the net. I removed it from the net and holding it by it's tail I looked up and an Eagle was diving for fish. It was coming my way. I tossed my arm up in the air and the Eagle took the trout out of my hands. The...
Chapter 4: Companions are chosen When I woke, it was morning. A young girl came to my door and led me to the privy. After I finished, I thought, "You don't know how much you appreciate modern toilets until you're somewhere without them." She then led me to a small dining room, and I grabbed a quick bite to eat, making sure she had some, as well. Once we were done, she said, "Lady, the king asked me to give you a tour of the city." "That sounds wonderful. Lead on." Our tour took...
I’m on my way to a PTA convention, my husband’s idea, I think to get rid of me for five days and for me, it’s like a vacation. My husband rules the roost, makes all the decisions, which is fine with me as I am basically a submissive type and enjoy being told what to do, so I don’t have to make a decision about anything. I checked in at the hotel, went to my room to meet my roommate, they had assigned two to a room and she was in her mid forties, tall and kind of reminded me of a school teacher...
Lesbian“Being a diplomat is not just about knowing the laws as they are written,” Jules said as he paced before the holographic fireplace, Zuki watching him intently as she took notes. “Nor is it limited to interpreting and understanding how those laws are applied. It’s also about forging connections between people and governments, knowing who talk to and how to do it, navigating the bureaucracy in order to get the information that you need.” “What kind of information?” she asked. He considered for...
MY TWO WIVES PART I Chapter 1 JACKS NARATIVE I first met Carol when she was a virginal 16 and I 19. We got on well together and after dating for a couple of years got married when she reached 18. She was no stunner, but was very attractive, 5 feet 6 inches tall, slightly over weight but not fat, with a beautifully proportioned figure. In fact she had the best breasts I had ever seen, or felt – beautifully firm and shapely. She had always been a bit of a flirt, ever since we met. Even on our...
This is a follow up to Vacation Road Trip where I met Danny. My wife and I were vacationing in Yellowstone Park and getting ready to journey back to Texas. I had driven for nine hours and was beat. I set up the RV in our campsite and Danny and my wife started making us some dinner. We ate some pulled pork sandwiches with chips and the ladies had sodas while I just had water. My wife generally spends the evening going over the next day’s route then playing Facebook for the evening. It was a...
This is AndroTechs automated custom fembot order system. Please input data for the robot you wish created. Base physical parameters. Options 1.Externally totally human (will appear totally human on the outside) 2.Marked (Will appear primarily human but will one or more small things marking them as not{Example: Corporate logo, Tattooed serial number, data port, etc.} 3.Hybrid (Will look human but have clear machine features{Example: sensors for ears, bits of metal or plastic here and there,...
My husband Mark and I had finally reached the point of financial security we had been working so hard to achieve. We had been married a little over five years and we were elated because our offer had been approved on the house of our dreams. We were scheduled to move in a few weeks after the New Year. When Mark and I got married we sat down and talked long and hard about what goals we wanted for our future together. We had both come from middle-class families...
She sat at her desk, working away quietly in the night getting some morework done working late againShe sat at her desk, working away quietly in the nightgetting some more work done working late again.?She was alone in the building, except for the security guards, everyoneelse had gone home.? Suddenly she felt acloth pressed over her nose and mouth before everything went black.When she woke up again, she was still in her seat at theoffice, except now her arms were bound to the arms of the...
Chapter Twenty-NineGrace insisted that Mac shower first so that he wouldn’t have to wait until after she got ready. That way, he could go down a little early and be there before his guests. She’d selected the Mount Vernon Room, as there would be about sixty people in attendance. Several waiters were finishing setting the tables when he entered the room. Mac went to the bar to get a drink as he waited for people to arrive.“Ah, Mr. Stewart,” an older gentleman said, extending his hand. “Welcome!...
NovelsDriving along the straight, deserted road on my own, I freely begin to turn up the radio and start singing my heart out to keep myself from falling into the pit of boredom and loneliness. Buckling up I begin doing 150mph flat out until I realise that I’ve become lost within the mist of some town. Parking up I reduce the volume and get out, hoping to find someone who could give me directions. Spotting some girl walking along the road I had parked on, I caught up with her and asked her if there...
Although I was hoping I'd be able to come up with enough ideas and time to use every character that Gunslinger offered for use in the story (what a story that would have become!), I settled on four characters resulting in a three part story. Please note that the first TG takes place in part two, so please don't stop at part one if you don't find what you're looking for there. I certainly hope that a few things will come about from this story, a) you will enjoy reading it, b) I...
my name is zen im 16 and my dad was an highly paid assasin it was his pride in life and he always tried to bring me into the family business starting from when i was only 4. i've learned alot of tactics, how to handle and fire a firearm with precise pinpoint aim, and i am extremly good at martial arts it just came naturaly to me. before i was old enough to know what my dad was training me for he'd always bring me with him to his client meetings and show them what he called...
It was a little more than a year since they had last met: in that time since she had remarried there had been sporadic email and phone contact, always initiated by her, until today he had received the phone call asking him to meet her, and giving him the address of her new home. As he waited on the doorstep after ringing the bell, he wondered if she would have altered, be different, but her ready smile of pleasure at seeing him as she opened the door suggested little had changed, and as the...
I FELT LIKE A REAL BITCH Hi this is Ramya again. I am 26F staying in Chennai. I am married and my Hubby is very Loving and very Hot. He is a software engineer. This incident happened during my post college days. It was during my post college days while I was with my parents for more than a year before my marriage. During that time, I had put on some weight since I did no real physical activity. One day as I looked my weight, I was startled to see I had put on a extra wait of 9 kgs. Though I...
Slamming the door as she gets home, Melissa lets out a huge sigh. Thank God today is over. I do not know if I could deal with another second . I can not believe that I have to deal with bull crap. Is there an off switch to this man’s mouth? I really do not need all of this advice and for that matter I really do not want it either. Sometimes I wish that I could lock him in the freezer and let him freeze. She thinks to herself. ‘What is wrong?’ her mother said as she came down the stairs. ‘What...
Hey guys. I am back with the next part of my story. Apologies for the long delay since I got busy with my work. Finally, I got the time to write the continuation of my story. If you didn’t read my previous part of the story please do so. Like I mentioned in my previous part, I am not great in writing so kindly bear with me. After myself and Harini flirted and masturbated on the phone for hours we went to sleep after our session. The next day from the morning I was waiting eagerly for her call....
Can you retrieve Aesia's ship, Cassiopeia? No, Tristan, the ship has too much mass for a long-range transport. Are any life signs on board? Yes, four Siccieans. Is one Aesia? I'm sorry, I can't tell the difference. Um... Tristan's face started to burn. There should be Guardian DNA present. How? ... Oh! One moment. No there is no Guardian DNA. Then set the self-destruct. We can't afford that technology falling into the wrong hands. Yes, Guardian, self-destruct is activated. As...
The next morning, I was sitting at the table, drinking my coffee. I heard Christie’s door open, as I turned my head, I saw her beautiful smile. She walked over to me, kissing me.“I dreamed all night, about yesterday,” she said.Then she walked toward the kitchen. I followed her, with my eyes glued to her sexy ass.“I had a couple of ideas last night,” Christy said with a smile.“Please tell me, what are they,” I replied.“Well, you already know, I love to be watched. I love to be recorded,” she...
TabooWhen it comes to sex, I’ve always been open trying new things. As I see it, I don’t know what I won’t like it unless I try it at least once, and I’ve often found that I’ve ended up enjoying them in the end. The one thing I have always been against is anal sex. I have never even been remotely interested in trying it. There are many reasons why. Mainly, I just don’t see the reason for it. My husband and I have been married for six years, and after six years of telling him no, I’m finally willing...