Crapshoot Ch. 03 free porn video

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“Mrs. Marsh!” sang out Sandy. “So glad to see you again.” Sandy studied Judy’s expression, “Why the frown?”

“I just proved my husband right.” Judy made a wry smile and added, “I lost all my money on the slots.”

“Well, don’t fret! I never win anything either. But cheer up, after we’ve finished with you this afternoon, you will feel divine. This way please.”

Sandy led her to a dressing room. Handing her an oversized towel, Sandy said, “When you are ready I’ll show you to your mud bath.”

“Just what’s in a mud bath?”

“It’s a mixture of special therapeutic clay, peat moss and hot mineral water.”

Sandy showed her to the bath where she handed her off to the bath attendant. Judy looked apprehensively at the bubbling dark mixture. The attendant wrapped her head with a towel and removed the towel wrapped around her torso. With tentative steps, Judy entered the hot mud.

“Ouuuuuu!” she moaned as the hot, thick slime enveloped her.

The attendant directed her to sit and lie back, with the mud coming up to her neck. Reluctantly, Judy did as instructed. At first, it felt somewhat disgusting, like she’d stepped into a hot, fetid swamp. As she became accustomed to the sensations, it felt strangely wonderful to be immersed in the hot, viscous liquid. Soon the bubbling warmth began to relax her.


The knot in John’s stomach tightened as he lost his last bet. He was busted.

“Sir, do you want to place a bet?” asked the closest dealer. “Sir?”

John just stared blankly at the table. His sluggish mind tired to comprehend how it all happened. Where did his system break down? Why didn’t he realize sooner it wasn’t working? He fixated on when Judy had showed up earlier this afternoon. “Stupid bitch,” he muttered, “why didn’t she just stay away?”

Stepping back from the table, he signaled for a hostess to bring him a drink. After downing the bourbon and water in one gulp, he took another from her tray. What in the hell was he going to do now? ‘If I changed tables, maybe…’ He pulled out his wallet and found it bare of all but three dollars. He fingered, then slipped out his platinum American Express and headed for a cashier.

The cashier cheerfully accepted his card. A message flickered up on her computer screen as his card was being processed. She turned back to the guest. “I’m sorry sir. There seems to be a problem.”

Two thuggish looking security guards escorted John up to the third floor. After passing through a maze of hallways, he escorted into a plush office. A pretty girl, blonde with huge hooters, dressed in a too tight miniskirt got up from the lap of the man behind the desk and exited through another door.

“Mr. Marsh, I’m Nick Clametti, manager of the Lucky Dawg Casino and Hotel. We have a little problem, or more precisely you have a big problem.”

John’s gut churned even more.

“We’ve just discovered that the credit card you secured your hotel bill with is no good.”

“There must be some sort of mistake, there shouldn’t be a problem with my…”

“Do you have another card perhaps?”

John knew that all of his other cards had already cut him off. “Uh, uh, well to be honest, there’s been a mix up of some sort. A stolen identity mess…I’ve been trying to get it straightened out, but…”

“Do you have cash?”

“How much do you need?”

Nick handed over the current hotel bill for their two-day stay.

John stared at the bill in disbelief. “Fourteen hundred dollars!”

“Thirteen hundred seventy seven dollars and ninety five cents to be exact.”

“There must be some sort of mistake! I didn’t run up these charges! The rooms are what? Eighty dollars a night? “

“Yes. But you see your wife…”

Looked down at the bill again.

“What did she do?”

He read over the details carefully. Room bill, hair cut, hair styling, manicure, pedicure, massage, ticket to the Ginger Dunaway Show, ticket to the special show, room bill, room service, a mud bath, another massage. He remembered back to this afternoon, she did have a new hairdo. “Stupid bitch!” he muttered.

“Your wife is a very beautiful woman, very sweet, very intelligent. I don’t think she deserves the moniker ‘Stupid Bitch’.” Nick gestured towards the door, “The air headed bimbo who just left, now she’s a stupid bitch.

“Now Mr. Marsh, I’ll ask you again. Do you have cash?”

John searched for a dignified out. “No, I lost all my cash at craps. How about a check?”

Nick laughed and shook his head. “No way! No way would I take a personal check from a…dead beat.”

The words ‘dead beat’ stung. John put his hands to his temples and tried to think.

“We could arrange for funds to be electronically transferred from your bank.”

“Oh, god,” muttered John. “No, no can do. I don’t have enough funds on deposit.”

“You don’t have enough funds?” said Nick angrily. “You just tried to pass me a bad check! You worthless piece of shit!” Nick turned away from John in feigned disgust. “Mickey!” he called waving his hand.

John watched as one of the thuggish men who brought him here went over to confer with his boss. Fear gripped John. The other guy, John had heard Mickey call him Bruce on the way up from the casino, was just as big and mean looking. John cringed as he felt Bruce’s hulking presence take up position behind his chair. Mickey turned and quickly exited the room.

Silence filled the room. John began to perspire profusely. A moment later, John heard the door behind him open and the close. Mickey took up position by the side of his boss.

Nick looked up and stared at John. From his peripheral vision, John saw a white form off to his left.

“Mr. March, I want you meet one of my associates.”

John turned to his left. He nearly lost control of his bladder. There before him was what appeared to be a power-lifter from the old Soviet Union. Dressed all in white. His massive musculature clearly outlined in the tight t-shirt he wore. He had no neck, and a face that would look good only on a bulldog. His thighs were so thick that he had to stand with feet spread apart. His arms were thicker than John’s legs and as he stood, menacingly flexing his large hands, John knew that the brute could easily crush his skull with his bare hands.

“Oh, shit!” whimpered John.

“I hate violence,” Nick deadpanned. “Nobody really wins, everybody loses. Maybe we can work something else out,” mused Nick thoughtfully. Nick leaned towards his desk and pressed a button on the intercom. “Hey Doc, Nick! Come to my office. Bring a specimen cup.”

A moment later, the house doctor appeared, a quack who had lost his practice years ago to booze, gambling and whores.

“Alright Mr. Marsh. Piss in the cup for the good doctor.”

“What?” said John confused.

“I said, piss in the cup! You do know how to piss?”

Bruce grabbed John by the shoulders and lifted him to a standing position.

“Now piss in the cup, or do you want the good doctor run a catheter up your pecker and take it from you!”

John took the treat seriously and whipped out his pecker and pissed in the specimen cup.

“That’s all doctor, you know what to do. Make it quick, but be accurate. Bruno, that’s all for now.” Nick turned to John. “I’m going to have to ask you to wait in another room with Bruce and Mickey. I have other business to attend to.”


“Mrs. Marsh?” said the faraway voice. “Mrs. Marsh!”

Judy opened her eyes and lazily turned towards the soft voice.

“Mrs. Marsh, it’s time to shower and then a sauna.

Judy scrunched her brow. She wasn’t sure how long she had been in the mud bath, but she wasn’t ready to get out.

“Can’t I stay a little longer?”

“Your massage is scheduled for four thirty. It’s already four.”

“I’ve been in here an hour?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Let me just stay here and forgo the sauna. This is wonderful.”

“Yes, Ma’am, that’s no problem. I’ll be back to get you in fifteen minutes.”

In what seemed to Judy to be only three minutes the attendant was back. “Mrs. Marsh, it’s quarter past four. You really must to get out now.”

Judy sighed with resignation. She would definitely have to do this again. She rose from the mud soup, like a curvaceous mud monster and took the three steps to the shower to rinse off the mud and peat moss. The attendant help scrub her down with a coarse sea sponge and brushed under her nails to get all of the clinging mud from her body. After toweling off, she was escorted to a massage room. Standing there waiting, she noticed how her skin tingled from the bath. Like Sandy had said, it felt divine.

“Afternoon, Miss Marsh,” said the gravelly voice.

With a start she looked up to Bruno standing at the door. Upon seeing his brutish mug again she cringed. Without realizing it she looked down at his crotch and remembering the monstrous cock lurking there. She glanced back up. Bruno was smiling broadly.

“Shall we get started?” he said hoarsely.

‘Oh god,’ she thought, ‘what am I doing here with this beast?’

“Please, lie down on the table, face down,” he rasped. “Here let me help you with your towel.”

Judy’s pussy and anus puckered as he reached forward and removed the towel. Her pulse began to race as she stood before him naked. Visions of his enormous cock violating her raced through her head.

Without offering her the option to keep the towel, Bruno discarded the towel. Then he nodded towards the table. “Please lie down Ma’am.”

With trepidation, she lay face down on the massage table. Bruno raised the table to the proper height, then took a bottle of hot oil from the cabinet and began to work, starting at her delicate shoulders. Silently, he kneaded her upper back and then each arm. Just like yesterday, it felt wonderful. Despite her misgivings, whatever residual tensions were leftover from the mud bath now melted away under his powerful hands. Finishing her arms and hands, Bruno began working down her back. He didn’t bypass her buttocks this time. He had been kneading her buttocks for several minutes when he spoke.

“You must have liked my massage yesterday.”

Judy suddenly realized she had drifted off and that he was mauling her bare buns, his fingers deep into her cleft.

“I’m glad you enjoyed my massage. I’m glad you decided to come back again.”

Judy’s eyes darted around in alarm. Soon his sure hands progressed to her upper thighs and then down one leg, then the other.

“Ma’am, will you please turn over.”

Judy hesitated before rolling onto her back. Bruno was gazing up and down her body, his thick puffy lips curled into an evil smile. She glanced at his stomach. The tight white t-shirt he wore left no doubt as to what the thick bulge, extending up past his navel was, as his massive glans and thick cock tube stood out in relief on the thin fabric. A large grayish spot had formed on his white shirt at the glans. ‘Oh, Jesus,’ she said to herself.

He began again by rubbing her temples. Then he applied more oil to his hands and began working her shoulders and pectorals. All the while she stared up into his horrific face. She nearly died when he said, “I saw you at the show last night with Mr. Calmetti. Did you like the show?”

His hands slid to her sides, at her sweet spot at the edge of the swell of her breast.

“Did you like my cock?” he rasped.

She tensed as his hands swept across her ample breasts.

“Is that why you came to see me today?”

“Oh god!” she squeaked. “I didn’t…”

He squeezed her nipples gently between his thumb and forefinger. The feeling was electric and she cried out again, “Ohhhhhhhhhhh!”

The nerve ending in her nipples became hypersensitive, sending jolt after jolt of exquisite pleasure shooting through her body. Bruno continued to fondle her tits. Her breathing became rapid and her upper torso flushed.

In vain she fought back at the unwanted passion rising within her. “Oh, god,” she moaned as her body betrayed her, “I’m gonna cum.”

The muscles in her stomach began rippling and her hips involuntarily began to move suggestively. Her face twisted in a wild grimace of lust as the orgasm wracked through her body with the force of a torrent.

As the intensity of the moment passed, she realized that he was no longer working her boobs. His strong hands were rubbing her stomach and heading south. She opened her eyes and met his smirking gaze.

With his hand over her pubic mound he said, “You’re some hot babe, Ma’am.” Then he asked, “Do you want me to fuck you, Ma’am?”

The words caught in her throat, rendering her speechless as his thick digits swept across her mons. His banana-like forefinger slipped between the lips of her slickened slit and began traveling back and forth.

“Oh sweet mercy,” she whimpered when she realized his finger was nearly as big as John’s dick.

“Do you like that Ma’am?”

She tried to scream, but as his big finger slid into her vagina, a fresh rush of salacious pleasure swept over her. She was only dimly aware of the smacking sounds made by his finger as he finger fucked her gushing, wet pussy. Tendrils of ecstasy radiated from her groin. Her eyes blurred out of focus as her body twisted and lurched, the fires of desire consuming her body and soul until wave after wave of orgasmic bliss spun her into a swirling vortex of lust that threatened to send her into oblivion.

She didn’t have any idea how long she thrashed about or even how many closely spaced climaxes she had as she coasted back to earth, only that he had withdrawn his pleasuring finger from her cunt and was now working down her left leg. When he finished her left foot, Bruno saw that she was cognizant again. He moved up the table and leered at her.

As his big right hand cupped her heaving left breast, he whispered, “I’d love to fuck you Ma’am. I wouldn’t even charge you extra.” His hand moved to maul her right breast. “But you’re so tight, I’m afraid I’d hurt you. That’s the problem with having such a large penis. Most girls can’t take it. It hurts’em. I won’t fuck you, unless of course if you really want me to…”

Panic welled up and griped her throat.

“I don’t want to hurt you Ma’am. You do understand? I don’t want to hurt you, Ma’am. You’re too little.”

Her mind reeled. That wasn’t what she expected. She had fully expected him to whip it out and split her into. She would have been powerless to resist. Judy panted and squeaked, “That’s okay. Thank you.”

Bruno moved to the other side of the table at her hip and began kneading her right thigh. When he finished with her foot he stood feasting his beady eyes on her nakedness. “You sure are pretty Ma’am.”

“Thank you,” she replied still dazed.

“I hope that you will ask for me again next time,” he said with a grotesque smile that suddenly didn’t seem so menacing any more.


John sat nervously in a sparsely furnished room. Bruce and Mickey were playing cards, keeping an eye on the deadbeat.

“You play Hearts?” asked Mickey nonchalantly. “Dollar a point.”

John answered haltingly, “I, I don’t have any money.”

“I’ll spot you twenty,” said Bruce not looking up fr
om his cards, “for a blow job!”

The two security thugs roared in laughter at John’s humiliation and growing fear.


Judy watched Bruno work his way down her right leg to her foot. She began to feel safe again and began relaxing. After massaging each toe he looked across her nubile body. He cupped his ear and for several moments just stood and grinned.

Then to Judy’s horror, Bruno striped off his t-shirt. His cock was still hard and did in fact extend beyond his navel. He quickly unfastened his pants and stepped out of them.

Judy wanted to flee but felt powerless to move. Bruno moved up the table, running his right hand up her body, her eyes fixed on the huge organ as it bobbed and swayed until it was a mere few inches from her head.

“Do you like my cock?”

Judy was awed by it. The sheer size of the thing was unbelievable, like something out of ‘Ripley’s Believe-It-Or-Not’. Certainly no human begin could have a dick that big, but there it was.

Bruno made an adjustment to the massage table. The support under her head fell away and her head rotated back. Bruno poured more hot oil into his hands. Then straddling her head he began massaging the oil into her ever-sensitive tits. His mammoth balls hung down into her face, filling her nostrils with the smell of his heady musk. As he molested her, he moved about, dragging his genitals across her face. Almost in self-defense Judy reached up and suddenly she was holding onto his donkey-sized cock, neither hand touching the other, neither hand able to fully encircle his girth.

“Yes Ma’am, you do like my big ole cock,” he growled.

Once again her body betrayed her as he played with her sensitive nipples. Without realizing it, she was kissing his bloated testicles and licking the base of his huge penis. She barely heard him as he croaked, “I love your tits Miss, they make you so responsive.”

Suddenly he pulled away from her. He adjusted the head support, this time so that her head was slightly raised and then lowered the table a few inches. Bruno climbed onto the table straddling her, his cock nestled in her cleavage. He poured some oil onto his cock, gently squeezed her breasts together, and began titty fucking her with long strokes. On each forward thrust, the huge purplish-red head of his cock, oozing salty pre-seminal fluid, pressed into her lips.

He stopped thrusting for a moment as he released her breasts. He reached down and took her hands, placing them on her breasts, forcing her to squeeze her tits around his cock.

“Play with your nipples Ma’am,” he ordered.

In a near trance she began tweaking her nips while the beastly cock sawed between her breasts.

His hands now free, Bruno leaned back to give the camera hidden in the ceiling an unobstructed view.

“Now play with her clit,” said the voice in his earpiece.

Bruno reached back with his right hand and slid his meaty hand over her sparse public hairs and down between her legs.

The sensation of Bruno’s cock sliding between her fleshy orbs, the delightful self-tweaking of her nipples and the talented dick sized finger sliding around her fully engorged clit, soon swept Judy away in a wildfire of unleashed passion. She kissed the enormous cock head each time it neared her lips. No matter that it would be impossible for her to get her lips around the head of the thing, the smell of his organ and the taste of his lubricant added to the load on her senses.

At the touch of his thick finger as it traveled through her gushing slit, her mouth opened in a silent moan of pleasure. After a few swipes and several trips around her excited clit, her chest became mottled. Bruno knew she was about to cum, he had seen that signal earlier. His own excitement growing, his cock began to tingle signaling his own imminent climax.

Judy consumed with lust, watched as the meatus of his glans opened up, revealing the dark narrow passageway to his internal genitalia.

The great cock swelled appreciably between her breasts. Lustfully she cried out, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,” then her orgasm broke over her.

Bruno grunted as a blast of milky white semen shot from his cock and onto her face. The second blast landed across and in her eye. Bruno grabbed the back of her head, and pressing his pulsating cock to her opened mouth, delivered the third and forth copious shots directly into her mouth. He then pulled her head back and delivered the issue of his final contractions around her gasping, cum dribbling mouth, over and on her luscious lips.

As she coasted down from her pleasure, Bruno spread his semen across her lips with the broad head of his dick.

“Fuck me,” she moaned, “please fuck me. Oh, god, I need you to fuck me.”

“Mrs. Marsh,” came a voice through the fog of her lust addled brain as she licked at the delicious cum-coated dick that was teasing her lips. “Mrs. Marsh?”

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Mera nam Ritesh hai, M/28/delhi, working in MNC Company, Love to enjoy my life with every bit of second. Mai Delhi mei rahta hoo aur 15 housewife ko chod chukka hoo aur we meri chudai se bahoot satisfy hoti hai kyunki mai chudai sirf chudai ke liye nahi karta balki pura satisfaction dena meri aadat hai.Sath hi 100% Secracy meri mai maintain karta hoo.Yadi aap call/phone talk/chat karna chahe to mujhe e-mail Karen, mai jawab dunga. Dosto aaj mai aapko ek aisi kahani bata raha hoo jo bilkul real...

2 years ago
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The Centaur Expedition

November 2011 While handsome in every respect of physique and striking in appearance - they were not very bright, although in contradiction, they were skilled artisans in stone working and also in creating exceptionally detailed glazed story tiles and murals. Not having much intelligence beyond a nine-year old human child gave them signal minded focus upon the immediate task on hand, allowing creation of incredible works of art in stone, tiles and murals. Centaurs also were very aggressive...

3 years ago
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Honey and CreamDay 4

They lay together, spent and sweaty, as the dawn broke. When they finally arose and dressed for the day, he admired the chain about her waist. Helena asked, at last, what the Dancer's name was. "Nandi. You should feel honored; she rarely gives such a gift." Helena looked down, "I wanted to give her something but I have nothing so fine..." He kissed her then and striped off her shift. "Sire! What..." she was mortified when he stuffed it into his pack, "Sire, no! 'Tis old and worn....

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Bobbies New Partner

Bobbie's New Partner. Hello everybody. This is Bobbie again. I have a new partner, and he was a total pain in the ass. This is how I made him more bearable. Major Jackson said, "You are about to lose Nicole. Howie was drafted by the NFL and is moving to Buffalo. I am writing job recommendation for Nicole to the Erie County Sheriff's Department. I want some of your input. I know Nicole was ready to be on her own, but I hated to break up a good team." I said, "Their gain will be...

3 years ago
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Shooter Bitch

Terry was a good friend of mine. I believe her as we have been friends since childhood and I have been to the place where she worked a lot. She was 18 at the time. She worked in a crazy large bar and was a shooter girl or shooter bitch as some call it. The bar she worked in could hold 300 plus people and was wild. It was a country style bar. Things got especially rowdy there on Friday and Saturday nights. Her job was to dress pretty slutty and of course the sluttier you dress the...

1 year ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 63 The Oraclersquos Prophecy

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Forbidden City, The Empire of Shizhuth I panted from the pleasure of pumping my seed into the Serpent Oracle, waiting for her to deliver her prophecy....

2 years ago
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SkinFlick SlutChapter 6

The limo pulled up; it was small for a limo, but beautiful and steel-grey. I smiled as I thought that it probably wasn't meant to hold more than two passengers -- except in special cases of course, when everyone would be pretty close together anyway! The driver parked and got out. I looked the limo over and saw that the windows were smoked glass and nothing could be seen inside. I smiled at Richard; he knew I was pleased with it. The driver came around and opened the door for me; I caught my...

2 years ago
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Hot and Bothered

Hot and Bothered By Roy Del Frink Marla Porter was fifty-eight years of age, and felt like she was seventy. Every fashion model's twin enemies, time and gravity had ravaged her once shapely figure. Though she had once been a respectable five foot six, she'd lost a couple inches in height to old age. All her hair had turned brown, then gray, then white. That's what happens to natural blondes. She'd raised three happy children who'd since become successes in life. Poor Marla, on...

3 years ago
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Wifes Sexting Gangbang

My wife had a longtime friend of hers’ that was roughly 10-15 years older than her, but they were always close. They were always there for each other, even though they were separated by state lines and then some. She’d come stay with us when my wife needed her and vice versa. One day my wife, Jessica’s phone rang with her friends’ ringtone and I half listened to the conversation. Her friends’ daughter was getting married and she needed help with the rehearsal the weekend before the wedding. I...

1 year ago
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Collecting rent 6

I knocked on the door of apartment 14 and waited, a moment later the door opened and Steffi stood there, she was a young woman in her twenties, with black and red dyed dreadlocks, several tattoos all over her body, and for the first time I was seeing it, fairly pregnant.I stared at her round bulging belly sticking out from under her black vest and the plump boobs that were pressing against the tight material for a moment before saying "Oh hello Steffi, where's Hans? I've come for the rent i'm...

1 year ago
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New office new patients

This time Joan told me to setup the office with cameras and mics so she can watch how I make things happen with my patients. She always wanted to watch me work back then as I told the stories in so much detail, she almost felt like she was there watching us she told me a few times. Now this way she can review the sessions at her leisure or if she had time she can watch in a one way mirror room that I made sound proof, so no one would know about her being in the room. I was thinking she...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Aftermath

BABY BOOM BLAMED ON BOOKSTORE IMBROGLIO Dateline: June 17, 2003, Upper Knocksville, WV Innocence Fecunda In a startling development straight out of the fertile imagination of noted author Homer Vargas himself, a recent wave of pregnancies -- overwhelming local hospitals -- has been traced to a personal appearance by the same Homer Vargas at an Upper Knocksville erotic bookstore approximately nine months ago. "I had no idea this was going to happen," said the beaming author; "One minute I...

1 year ago
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Total ecstasy

It was a hot summer in Queensland, Australia. I was on my business trip to the north installing some new printers for one of our major customers. On the third and last day of my trip I was totally exhausted. I had only one installation to do and I would be on my way home, 4 hours drive south along the beautiful eastern coast of Australia. My last appointment was at 4 pm. It was to be a home office of a marketing company. When I got there I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw. The owner of...

2 years ago
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Erins comes home

you couldn't describe it any other way! Like a cartoon character confronted by something they could comprehend, she stood in the doorway with her mouth open and her eyes wide, almost popping from her head. Only a minute earlier she had arrived home from school, an afternoon of playing rounders on the field under the hottest sun of the summer had worn her out. Letting herself in without her usual burst of 11 year old energy, she had dropped her school bag in the hall and wearily climbed the...

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GingerPatch Aria Carson Ginger Chick Craves Man Milk

Bright red hair, pert tits, brilliant blue eyes, and sexy braces – ginger chick Aria Carson has it all. But Aria also has a sweet tooth, and when she runs out of milk for her cereal, she’s shit out of luck! Fortunately, our stud offers her a helping of his man milk, and Aria graciously accepts. She pokes her ass up on the couch and yells, “more!” as he fucks her dripping pussy from behind. She shows off her braces while she sucks his thick cock and jerks voraciously. This girl is desperate for...

4 years ago
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A Lifetime of Valentines

‘Happy Valentine’s Day Maddie,’ I said softly as I leaned over and kissed my wife of forty-nine years. Maddie was oblivious. Morphine did that to a person, morphine and the last stages of cancer. ‘And Happy Anniversary,’ I added, kissing her again. I couldn’t stop the tear from falling and landing on her cheek. I wiped it, but another took its place. ‘I put your roses on the credenza near the window,’ I said, sitting in the chair I’d come to think of my own over the last month. It only...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Friend8217s Girlfriend At His Flat In His Absence

Hey girls… This is rohan from bhopal!! Keep your fingers/ dildos ready because you are going to need them… So coming to the story,, this happened to me few days back. I had to go on an official tour to bangalore. As it is a costly place and I needed to save money for booking hotel rooms for banging my sex partners, I thought of staying with my friend. So I called him up and told him about the situation.. My friend, being a helping guy readily agreed.. So there I was, at his 1 bhk flat.. He told...

3 years ago
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Morgan MckennaChapter 1

June 1975 Central Illinois I had just finished pitching hay flakes to my two horses when the radio in my Jeep went off with that high-pitched squeal that meant I was being paged. It was overcast and dark and we were under a tornado watch, one of the reasons I'd decided to feed the horses early. If I was called out, there was no telling when I could get back to them. Their nervous stamping and huffing told me they didn't like the weather either. I walked over to the Jeep and heard, "Unit...

2 years ago
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Pastro John Visits School Teacher

Pastor John enjoyed his success and decided he would try his luck with a harder target.He selected Janet, a school teacher who would be available during the long summer holidays. Janet was unmarried and that caused John to wonder why. Could she be a secret lesbian or had she been hurt by a man? Still, in order to find out he had to get closer to Janet. She was part of his charm hug on meeting in all circumstances.Janet was probably about 39 - 45, naturally blonde hair, slim (so slim she had no...

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Popeyes Untold Tale

I will admit I got this story from watching The Cartoon Network late one night. All characters are owned by King Features and Max Fliesher. It is told in the spirit of pure fun only. Popeye's Untold Tale It was a sunny day in Fairport. Popeye was walking down Main Street. Popeye was on his way to see Olive Oil. He was in a good mood and was singing his favorite song. (Off Key as his norm.) Out of Wimpy's 'A Burger and A Brew', walked both Brutus and Bluto. (Boo Boo Hiss Hiss) They...

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Kimmies Fantasy 1

As my 19th birthday was approaching, I started to really hear it from a couple of my friends. “I can’t believe you are almost 19 and you still haven’t done it.” Julie would taunt. “You don’t know what you’re missing, there’s nothing like riding the high hard one to relieve all of this stress during finals.” Someone else would chime in. I wasn’t completely naive about sex. I had several serious relationships with guys and had done nearly everything except let them fuck me. It’s not like...

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My Girlfriends Roommate

Back in college I was dating this girl Shannon. She was on the school volleyball team so she was in incredible shape. The only problem was that, during the season, she was often busy, and when she wasn’t busy she was tired. This often left me lacking when it came to sex, and I would often be left to take care of myself. When she wasn’t in season, though, she could and would screw me until I couldn’t take it anymore. I think it was part of her off season training plan to stay in shape. After a...

College Sex
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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 30

I awoke in the late afternoon. Margaret was fully dressed, lying on the duvet facing me, watching for the moment I woke up. When I opened my mouth to speak she put a finger to my lips just like she always used to, and then put her arms around me. We lay like that for a long time. When I rose from the bed and followed her downstairs, the gun was no longer on the table. Still without speaking, we began to clean the house. I called the office and in a curiously calm voice told my colleagues...

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Maine Kaise Apni Virginity Lose Ki 8211 Part 1

Hi! Mera naam Akash hai me 23 yrs ka hu, mumbai me rehta hu and dad ke sath business me hath batata hu. Agar meri chudai story pasand aaye toh ladkiya, bhabiya and aunties mujhe contact kar saqkti hai enjoyment and pleasure.And me massage bhi aacha deta hu only for ladies. Baat aaj se 1 saal pahile ki hai jab me virgin tha, ladkio ko nude sirf mene porn-sites and magazines me he dekha tha, and mere sath walay friends logo ne apni apni virginity college life me loose kar li thi. Mujhe bohat bura...

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Kayla and Tracy The Layover

Hey, everyone! This is a return to an old friend of mine, an alter-ego character of sorts. I would like to give special thanks to the long- time fan who gave me the inspiration for this story (and who is featured as a character herself). I reserve all commercial and electronic rights, so don't copy without my permission, OK? And hopefully, this is typo free. =) KAYLA AND TRACY: THE LAYOVER By Brett Lynn Kayla and Tracy strode across the marble-floored lobby, their...

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The Taming of Tara

Chapter One Darkness. Darkness and pain. That had been her world long? Shehad lost all sense of time, almost all sense of self. Sensations. The blindfoldcovering her eyes, cutting out all light. Arms crushed together behind herback, tight hemp ropes at elbows and wrists, secure enough to keep her armsutterly immobilised, but not enough to affect her circulation. He was considerateabout some things.... A supple leather collar buckled around her neck, witha short chain bolted to a...

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Graduation and Ch 19

‘Oh, wow! Look at this place!’ Bobby exclaimed when he and Paula pulled into the driveway of their weekend hideaway. The beach house was very modern and jutted out from the bank, set on top of pilings driven into the beach sands. Behind it, built into the bank, was a concrete parking area and two-car garage. The minute the car stopped, Paula got out and started walking toward the house. Bobby watched her for a second, then got out of the car, too. Paula took the key out of her pocket and...

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Nyou Booru is an erotic image board site that features animated drawings of women in different ways of farting a.k.a fart fetish. It is a kinky kind of porn that some people may think has no business being on the internet. I personally don’t get off this kind of stuff, but I’m old enough to know some people do. Nyoubooru allows users to submit their own kinky drawings of women of all sizes and builds in their farting business, because, you know, there are people who find the lingering wafting...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 24

After the initial jolt she'd received, Tonya was starting to get used to the stimulation; anything that had started out causing her pain was getting to the point where it became pleasurable. Her consciousness was being drawn into a trance state by the soothing tones and pulsating lights coming from the headset she was wearing; she was drifting into a strange, mystical dreamland... A few hours later, Nancy awoke with a start, as the Doctor poked his head into the break room; she grabbed her...

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This story, unlike many of my others, is completely fictional. It derives from my story, ‘Rebecca,’ but only in that I received requests for a sequel, a Part II, or whatever. I release my stories when I consider them finished, but this seemed a good subject to take from a similar starting point, through a completely different plot, and end in fresh, new territory. It contains no sex. Things are a little confusing right now. I have decisions to make, some of them potentially life-altering, and...

3 years ago
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TyballaChapter 15 Consultations and Plans

I changed seats and moved next to Ms. Day. After I sat, and after I'd adjusted my skirt and blouse, she smiled at me warmly. "So Tyballa, do you understand attorney-client privilege?" "No." I cast her brief glances. "It means that everything you say to me is secret, and that I won't – in fact, I'm not allowed to – repeat any of this to anyone without your permission." "Alright." "So, what can you tell me about these girls: Madison and Amy Shelton?" Her voice was soft and...

2 years ago
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Another Experience In Kerala Theater

Hi everyone, this is Krishnan again, I got great response to my first story “First time with old man in Kerala bus”. Thanks for all your feedbacks. Keep mailing me. Please give your valuable feedback to Here I am narrating my another gay experience which happen unexpectedly. I already mentioned in my previous story that I am not completely gay but I have supported and enjoyed some gay activities. One day I took my bike and went to service center. They told that it will take more than 3 hours...

Gay Male
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First Black CockSequel

I stepped around the corner to the kitchen and saw her on her knees in front of him, her jeans were unfastened and pulled down to her thighs along with her panties and she was slowly and deliberately stroking his cock while bobbing her head up and down as his cock was sliding in and out of her mouth. Her red nails looked so sexy with her fingers wrapped around his black cock. She was moaning a pleasurable sigh each time she slid his cock into her wet mouth. She would stop sucking long enough...

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They had been talking excitedly about their outing for weeks. Whenever Jill, Ariadne and Xenia went for lunch in the university cafeteria, the subject of their wild weekend would soon come up. I usually had lunch with them, so I followed their discussions and made a few suggestions. Jill was big and sassy, Ariadne was small and athletic, and Xenia, my favourite, was quiet and clever. I referred to them collectively as Jax. We were faculty, but young and single, and still fooled around like...

3 years ago
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flit tire

As I was driving through Georgia on I75 I had to stop for gas and bite to eat. I pull out of the gas pump went and parked by the restaurant The was a lady setting in car on the phone i looked down she had flit tire I went on in and set down at the counter.I saw the lady came in and set down at a booth . She looked worry I pick up my coffee and walked over .I ask if she needed help can i set down with you . She looked up with a small smile she said sure . i ask her if she has anyone coming to...

1 year ago
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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part 3

Emma was exhausted! The previous night of fucking and sucking with Judge Jeff had left her physically and mentally drained. At least Jeff found someone to drive her home in her own car. She barely made it into bed where she took a good long nap, awakening only long enough to have a light dinner and a long hot bath. She was in bed again by ten PM where she slept through the night.Emma woke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. It was Ray. He had been talking to the two witnesses. “Emma! The...

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The Knock on the door1

I had already slipped out of my clothes for the night and sat in my recliner, writing on my laptop; it was a short story about my childhood. Since my divorce three years earlier, I spent a lot of my ‘alone’ time writing; mostly on the subject I know more about than anything else… me. I’ve written hundreds of stories about my old hometown and my family. My nine siblings provided tons of memories that I want to, someday, share with my children and grandchildren. “Hold on a minute!” I...

2 years ago
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Blue Eyes Dead Skin

Blue Eyes, Dead Skin by Alyssa Amene Palin 2001 [email protected] *** It was late summer. We sat on the wall at the end of the estate, holding on to the crumbling bricks and looking out into the woods. It was a strange mirror of ourselves as children; we used to play here on the way home from the local primary school. We were older now and living in different villages, but Andrew had asked me here to this exact spot. And who am I to deny my best friend? We sat there...

3 years ago
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After shower visitor

I just got out of the shower when I hear a knock on the door. I wrap a towel around me to go see who was there. Imagine my surprise when I look through the peep hole and see your smiling face. I open the door to let you in and you smile even more seeing what I'm wearing. I offer to take your coat so you can relax while I go get dressed. You say "That won't be necessary" as you drop your coat to the floor, revealing what you have on underneath. Or more precisely don't have on. This of...

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