LeefsticChapter 15 free porn video

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After the meal and a tour of the city from a hundred metres over the ground, we went back to the Great Pyramid. I saw the Pyramid and all the graves of lesser mortals around it in a different light. The better mastaba were structures made of stone. They were mostly buried in the sand and many of those were a lesser variety were made of just sun fired mud. They all felt cheapened now. The area seemed just a bit less mysterious than before I visited the tomb and found perhaps the biggest secret this area had to offer.

We hurried home and got ready for a party. Here it was only 9:30 and we wouldn't even be appreciably late. It was another of the professors early Christmas parties but it was still ok.

Borin had found that the crystal we recovered was probably a memory unit but he was not sure until it went into a computer. This had everybody excited because we may get a clue to the origin of the wreck that showered debris over the entire planet if that is where it came from.

Saturday afternoon was a birthday party of one of Megan's friends by the name of Roberta or Bobbi. Sandra and I were invited too. I assumed that girls this age did not invite other girls as old as Sandra but this one may have wanted me. I would not go without both of my wives.

The party was small with only a dozen guests. Some boyfriends were present but most had found excuses to be elsewhere. Their girlfriends were angry at this and mentioned it to each other for some sort of support.

Most of the girls had been to the sleepover but all knew me. Sandra and Megan ran interference and in a way mentioned that the girls' boyfriends went with them. Megan went so far to say I was more like a husband in the way I treated them. This got the girls in a new round of talks.

The birthday girl got some of the things the girls had bought in China. The silk blouse had to be worn right away and I think if it wasn't for the other males present she would have changed in front of us. Sandra got a kiss and then Megan. This was hurried and I got the biggest kiss of all. The procedure was repeated for the inlayed jewellery box and then for the jade jewellery. The other party goers didn't receive the same amount of affection for some reason.

Roberta wanted a special gift from me but Sandra and Megan had to diplomatically say no. They had learned their lesson about letting the girls take advantage of me. A small group at another time though sounded very good to them. They thought of this openly so I would get a chance to veto it if I chose. So I guess they hadn't learned too much after all.

Some of the boyfriends and even a few girls were drinking alcoholic beverages. Some were inhaling the smoke from burning leaves. I had seen the adults at parties doing this and I felt repulsed. I could cure myself of most medical problems. The people here had much more fragile lives and they wanted to shorten the time available with these types of drugs.

When I was offered some of this kind of drink I was polite but refused. Looking into the mind of our hostess she would not change because of peer pressure.

In a few moments some vocal music was put on from some popular CDs. Megan said, "Leif, Why don't you sing for us. You can do better than those guys."

Roberta said, "You can sing too? What are you going to sing for us?"

"I don't mind singing but I am not going to perform for you and your guests unless they do something similar for me."

"What do you mean?"

"You have a piano in the other room and I assume there are other instruments in the house There must be at least one gentleman here that can play the guitar. Gather the instruments and we will find out what can be done with them."

"You want 'us' to play?"

"Yes I do. My family loved music and I was brought up in that environment. You play and I will sing. This may turn out to be an old time party but I think it will be fun."

Roberta got a recorder, violin and a ukulele. They were set by the piano and a boyfriend was sent home to get a guitar if he wanted to continue being a boyfriend.

The girls got interested in this and started to go through the music books and sheet music available. The people that had taken lessons were listing what they were capable of doing and with what instrument. Some of the instruments were even tuned in preparation of breaking the usual mould for a teenage party.

I made my own suggestions so we could start slow. Peer pressure reared its head again. They didn't want to play the classical songs they had been taught as children. The popular songs of today were only listened to and very few tried to reproduce the songs on their own instruments. If they were to play what they learned as children, they thought they would look immature.

Since Megan had been the one to start all this she was pulled into the group to assist. She knew how to play Fur Elise among others. She claimed the seat at the piano and began to play. I had not heard any words for this piece but only the melody. I just made up the words as we went along. To be completely 'un' modern, I sang in the original German it was written in. My eyes though were on Megan as I sang my heart out to her.

The boy came back with a guitar and a set of bongos his father had used as a teenager. I dragged the boy out the door with the other three males and said, "Girls like a guy to be romantic. They hate feeling that they are being taken for granted. Am I right?"

The boys agreed if somewhat reluctantly. Jerry, the one to bring the guitar was asked, "Let's play some old songs where the lyrics are easier to understand. Most of you, that had music lessons, had to do classical work to learn. Roberta is sixteen and there are many songs that are about that subject. Two happen the be Chuck Berry and his 'Sweet Little Sixteen'. The other is Sam Cooke and his 'Only Sixteen'. Can you play those songs on the guitar?"

"I haven't played the guitar for a year and a half. I did learn those songs to help me understand music."

"Do you remember the words?"

"If I hear the music I can sing them I guess."

I looked at two other boys and said, "Will you two sing the chorus. I will sing the song and Jerry will sing your part. It is really only a few words." I sang alla cappella the first song and Jerry reluctantly did his part. I started again. The third time was for the other boys and they did a passable job. One boy was to keep the beat with the bongos only.

We went through the Chuck Berry song too and got that nailed down as good as we could without instruments and further practice.

When we came in the girls were having a good time playing themselves and even singing. Megan and Sandra were encouraging the group to be good so they could impress me and the boys. The same thing I was doing in reverse. Maybe peer pressure could be used to make this group function.

We sat and listened to the singing and the boys clapped their hands after they saw me doing it. The girls sang three other songs and I knew a concerned pair of parents were now listening in the kitchen and wondering what odd things had happened to their daughter's sixteenth party

When the other girls stopped they were red with excitement and a bit of concern that they would look 'uncool'. I kissed Sandra and Megan and this set the standard. The girls now knew that they had done well.

I took the guitar. I saw pictures in my head of how to play it but had never had the opportunity to try. I plucked a string and minutely changed it to what it should be even if Human notes were not the same as mine.

The bongos started when I nodded my head and I began to play the notes and chords of the song in time with the beat. Jerry didn't start to sing on cue and I continued as if this was planned. This time he started and his friends put their hands on his shoulder as a sign of solidarity.

Sandra and Megan clapped very loud after the music and the other girls followed suit. The boys seemed to like the way they were encouraged. The Chuck Berry song was next. When it ended Roberta went up after clapping hard and kissed each of the boys as if she needed to curl their toes. Her boyfriend was in trouble now for not showing up at her party.

Megan wanted me to sing again. From the kitchen I found that the mother liked Bobby Vinton when he sang Mr Lonely. Borin gave me the music and I got Sandra to play the minor piano part and Megan would keep the time with the small set of drums.

I picked up the violin case and took the instrument out. This too was tuned and I moved the bow across the strings in various ways to find out how to alter the notes. Borin fed me some of the techniques she found on the internet and we both extrapolated to find some new or different ones not mentioned.

When the music started I began to sing my version of Mr Lonely. I had not got too many bars and the other kitchen door was opened to allow more sound to enter the room. When the song was ending I asked Sandra to continue with the piano playing a Henry Mancini rendition of the theme from 'Love Story'. She knew this from before and I only played accompaniment along with Megan on the drums.

We were all applauded and I put the violin down and asked Jerry. "Play the Richie Valens' song 'La Bamba'. I will sing. Megan will supply percussion if she can keep the pace."

This song went well because it had been played so many times around the house when Roberta was young. Her mother liked music and this was another of her favourites.

A song that all the boys apparently knew was 'Spanish Eyes'. I got Jerry to sing the lead and tried to get the other boys to sing harmony with me. This went over very well and again the boys were rewarded vigorously by each and every girl on the floor. Sandra and Megan did too and tried to do only as good as the rest when I knew they could stop the boys' hearts.

I got another boy to sing a slow song called 'Love Me Tender' while I played the guitar. He did a very good job. All he had to do was get over his shyness. He was glad the tried though.

Megan knew 'Dance With The Guitar Man' and I played the guitar. She got her sister and the rest to accompany her. When we finished I said to Roberta sing 'I Will Survive' the way Diana Ross sang it.

Megan went back to the drums while I played guitar and Sandra was again at the piano. She was shocked because this was her favourite singer. She knew all of her songs and practised where she knew there was nobody home or in private in a low voice. Her voice was good and possibly could go professional if she tried a great deal more to develop the talent.

When she finished the song everybody clapped very hard including my ladies and myself. Before she got cold feet I said, "Touch Me in the Morning. One, two, three."

Sandra, Megan and I started right out playing strong to force Roberta to sing loudly to keep from being drowned out. Roberta was on a high now and I didn't want to bring her down just yet.

When the song ended I shifted position because she would be usually looking at me. Her parents had come out to see their daughter shine and I didn't want her to freeze. As soon as the wild clapping was half over I said, "Baby Love." Her parents would clap longer and she would then see them standing in the room.

When the song was winding down I knew that she had enough energy for one more. The clapping was thunderous and I said, "I Hear A Symphony. Sing it for me Roberta. I love the song." She looked into my eyes and she sang as if her life depended on it. She wasn't even surprised when Megan and Sandra accompanied her where needed.

When the song was over she was sweating in the cool room. Her eyes were like spot lights with the glow. She smiled at me because she had sung the song thinking of me. I put the guitar down and walked closer to kiss her tenderly the way she needed now. The applause had not stopped but she only knew of it in the background.

Sandra got up quickly and hugged Roberta and gave her own congratulations. This was done to break the hold that Roberta had on me. Her parents had come forward and wanted to give their own congratulations.

James the father hugged his daughter and said, "You did wonderful. I always knew you could sing if you were not so shy. I feel very fortunate to have heard you. Your voice is beautiful."

"Thanks... dad."

Josceline, the mother said, "I always knew you had it in you. Your father and I would listen at night as you sang. We never knew why you didn't show others what you could do. You are very good."

"Mom, I was a child then."

"Roberta, it was only a year and a half ago that we heard you last. Will you sing a bit more for us?"

Roberta was tired but I thought of a way to encourage her. I stepped up on her behest and said to both parents, "My client may consider your request but I think that you should pay her in the same coin she has paid you." To the father I said, "There was an ancient group of musicians called, 'Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young'. Have your heard of them?"

"Yes... they were my favourite group at one time."

"My roving minstrels will play 'Marakesh Express'. You are obliged to sing the lyrics. After that you will sing 'Guinevere' while looking into your wife's beautiful eyes and holding her hands." Turning to the mother I said, "I want you to sing 'The Rose'. Once you have completed that portion of the payment you will have to continue with the Abba song 'Fernando'. While your daughter rests her delicate and pretty throat the boys would play a little of the Animals. I think Jerry will sing and play 'House of the Rising Sun'."

I looked at the startled Jerry and waited for his reply. He had always liked that song and was like Roberta in a way in that he was too shy to sing it where others could hear. I got a weak, "Ok," after a bit of a wait.

"There we have it. Do we have a deal with the loving parents that think their daughter is too shy to sing and needs some encouragement?"

The man was shy himself and now he was on the spot. He had sang in a family setting as a child and to his own family. He did like the choice of songs because he sang them to himself when they came on the oldies stations he listened to.

"I can give it a try. I haven't sang to others very much and I don't have the words."

"Just give it your best. Your daughter will appreciate the effort and I am sure she will reciprocate."

My girls went through the first part of the song twice before James started. After twenty bars he just closed his eyes to keep everyone out and began to mimic the song as he had heard live a great many years ago.

He was almost rudely awakened when the song ended and he suddenly found himself in a room full of his daughter's friends. His wife kissed him in public now and he did respond to this. The music started soon for 'Guinevere'. He closed his eyes for a while then remembered the stipulations. He looked at his wife and held his wife's hands while looking into her shining eyes. The kiss this time told him that he was going to get lucky tonight.

'The Rose' was a quiet song that was easy to sing. Josceline did so fairly well gathering strength from the reaction of those around her. At the end her daughter hugged her which she hadn't done in years.

The music soon started for 'Fernando' and I quickly found the recorder thrown to me. I played my part and Josceline started to sing. She beckoned her daughter to her side and Roberta came close. They held each other and then Roberta sang with her mother. After putting down the recorder, I played the guitar. James stood before them and both women sang passionately to him as if he were the revolutionary in the song.

The applause was the loudest yet and both mother and daughter bowed to their audience. They wanted to stop now but I stepped in once more. "You sang that with your daughter. That was against my clients wishes. You now must sing 'Mamma Mia' by yourself before your obligations are complete."

Before she had time to complain the girls and I started to play. This didn't get off to a good start and we began again. This time Josceline sang as if she were on stage herself. When she finished she was breathless and very excited. James would get very lucky tonight. When the applause died down Jerry took the guitar. He just hoped what little accompaniment he needed would be provided.

Jerry used all the facial expressions and body language he had practised since he first tried to learn this song. He too was breathless when it was over and his eyes too were very bright. I knew he would try to get some time with his girlfriend to work the excitement off.

When they settled down for a moment to rest, Megan got up and whispered in Roberta's ear. I was polite and didn't listen in. We talked a bit more about music. The boys now were not afraid to talk of their old favourites that were not mentioned to their peers before. The girls though were all whispering. Each of the boys at one time or another had their hands go across their fly to see if it were open.

At a break Roberta said, "I found a song I want to sing. Megan begin please."

The drums started and soon the piano joined in. Josceline and Roberta sang together 'Sweet Talking Guy' by the Chiffons. The remainder of the girls sang the harmony even if they didn't sing well. They were all looking at me when they sang to let me know that I was the reason for this particular song's choice. When the song ended I clapped the loudest and even bowed to them.

Roberta said, "Now you give us a song."

Josceline's mind gave me a Glenn Yarborough song called, 'Baby, the Rain must Fall'. She liked the sound of the man's voice especially the vibrato. It added an extra dimension in her estimation.

I gave the selection verbally to the girls and when they started to play, I began to sing They applauded and I bowed. "I want to do one with the boys now. "Come over here guys." James didn't come so I said, "Ladies will you check to see which gender group James belongs to." He got up very quickly and came over with the sound of giggles in his ears.

"Rick Nelson sang 'Hello Mary Lou'. Will you sing with me? If you don't know it; fake it." Before an objection came I said to the girls, "Rick Nelson's 'Hello Mary Lou."

We didn't sing that well. The boys, even the big one hammed it up but it was fun.

When it was getting late Roberta came to us as we were about to leave and said, "This was the best birthday party I ever had. Thanks so much for making it that way." She kissed all of us and especially me.

Her parents came too and thanked me for not only making their daughter's day beautiful but their own too.

On they way down the street the girls held my arms tighter to them and I could see that they enjoyed their time too. Megan's friends were more friendly to each other and this made all of us a bit happier.

Parties continued on the weekends but I stayed very busy during the week. The new crystal and the large processor crystal naturally made a five dimensional field. This very necessary for the production of more crystals. It had to be done by me in the boat for the other fabricator would not function without at least some assistance from a computer.

The change in ownership of the real estate properties I wanted to acquire had not materialised. There was a diminishing chanced that the present owners were waiting to see how much I really wanted the land.

The two Humans trying to gather the elements I needed for the engines had very little success as of yet. Negotiations took time and they could not appear too anxious. Probes now were sent out to a few sites that had high radiation. The Russians abandoned old reactors in the depths of the ocean as did the Americans and even the British. Atomic weapons had been lost all the time and these the probes looked for these sources. With enough nuclear material I could make this type of reactor and produce my own heavy metals.

The hunt for debris continued and expanded into other museums and collections. Many things were locked up tightly and even a probe could not get close enough to check the difference between crystal produced normally and the kind that produced the five dimensional field if it were locked behind the doors of a safe.

The computer was only five percent done on Christmas Eve. Tom wanted his own present very badly but has to wait a further two days. Christmas to me was like our naming day but here nearly everybody's naming day came at the same time.

The knives and weapons I found in the pyramid were mounted with care and some were given to Tommy and his father. When you considered where they were found and under what conditions, they knew the value in money would be high.

Margaret received her share of the things we bought in China, Egypt and a document that said that their home was now theirs and not the bank's.

I put a considerable effort to make rings for Sandra and Megan. They were on occasion given to a mate by one of my race. It signified not only marriage the way my race understood it but a life long commitment. They both broke down and cried for they knew exactly what the rings meant. Margaret did too and she had a tear in her eye as well.

I was given clothing for the most part but Tommy got me a gift that cost him quite a bit of his money. An antique shop had a plastic structure that held an inverted plastic beverage container in its grip. The device was partially filled with water and air was injected into the bottle under pressure by a foot pump. At some point the device was tripped and the water was forcefully ejected out the bottom and the bottle flew into the air. My rocket was dear to me and we went outside in the cool damp weather to try it out.

A few important parties had to be attended to by the Claystones and this meant that I went too. Most people saw me as somebody much closer than a simple boyfriend to my girls. Tom and Margaret were constantly asked about me. Their replies were usually around that I was a family friend. They mentioned that I was both young but very committed to both of their daughters. They let the listener deduce that I would one day ask one to be my wife.

The adults without exception thought me much too young for this kind of commitment. They simply didn't understand that a person's personality and aura were strongly linked. By understanding an aura you could understand a person It was just too much of an effort to search out the aura of a Human for they were hard to see and difficult to understand.

Sandra, Megan and I had found some needy charities. The girls liked to give to the poor and I let them do as they wished. It felt good to give but the money I knew could be better spent on education. Many of those recipients thought that education was not really necessary for they could live on the welfare of others for their entire life. What Humans needed was a change in their various cultures. This had shown time and again that some individuals could work hard toward a goal and drag the rest of their people with them.

The time for Tom's advancement came the night of the twenty sixth. He had eaten a good meal for he would need his strength. Margaret had done the same thing and also worked on her body to withstand the rigours she would have to go through. She was just as anxious for this as Tom was. The fringe benefits alone made her shiver every once in a while when she thought of it.

The med unit had been preparing Tom for the last few days. His body was encouraged to develop a bit more. His skin was much more sensitive but it was his mind that was worked on the most.

In the master bedroom the couple walked in naked. The rest of us came in too the same way but this didn't bother Tom like it would have only a few days before. Margaret tied her husband up so that in his mindless state he didn't hurt her or himself. She began a long session of foreplay. Soon Tom was begging for release.

Tommy had not seen this before and especially not his parents. Since he had been induced to enter puberty early he already had an erection. Sandra and Megan were aroused too, and although naked refrained from doing anything yet.

Tom was soon going out of his mind and Tommy was concerned. I held his shoulder and said, "Your dad is ok. He is just so excited that his instincts have taken over and his reasoning mind has retreated. Your mother will do a good job of even getting the cave man in all Humans to come out and play. If she makes that cave man crazy with lust then his mind will have been scrambled enough to put together the right way. Now watch. You father will not be hurt but he will think he is being killed by the time your mother is done."

Margaret kept Tom at a razor's edge for half an hour. He pled, he begged, he tried to demand and finally he even cried for release. Margaret finally put the block in and swallowed her husband. He thrust his pelvis into the air trying to get just that little bit extra that he desperately needed when Margaret withdrew. Margaret stopped a few minutes later and pulled completely away from Tom. He was still thrusting into the air.

She had to push him down onto the bed and hold him there as she climbed on and seated herself. Tom stared thrusting madly but Margaret stayed stationary just a bit above him. She was thrown about and her daughters got beside her and held her stable.

Their father was now grunting like an animal exerting himself to the fullest to fulfill his instinctual urges. The bed creaked with the effort and it was a good thing that his bonds were as strong as they were. The grunts turned to almost a death cry as his frustrated mind tried everything it could to do what was needed.

When it looked like he was going to go into cardiac arrest Margaret removed the block completely. The scream of satisfaction could be heard far away. He thrust even harder if that were possible to deposit his seed as deeply as possible. When his orgasm was only half complete Margaret entered her husband's mind. She was assisted by her daughters and together they quickly worked to make the mind the way it needed to be.

After close to an hour Margaret lay down beside her almost comatose husband and we covered them up with a blanket and let them both rest. We left the room and turned off the light.

Tommy had many dry orgasms and now had tender skin over his small erection. He unashamedly stayed still as the med unit treated him. The sensations that had just gone through him made him feel different than he had ever felt in his life before. I had allowed him to join the minds of all the other participants to let him know what his new life would bring to him. He went to bed tired now. He felt good that one more hurdle was out of the way for his turn would be next but when that was he had no idea.

Sandra and Megan had their own ideas and they were exactly like mine. We were still at it hours later when Tom recovered and Margaret again did what she could to make her husband as good as he could be.

I woke up late the next morning but I was still the first one up. I made a hearty breakfast for six and took it to the master bedroom. This time I found a tired Margaret and a very virile Tom trying to give his wife and himself one more orgasm. He saw the food but he wanted his woman more and I just put the tray down and left. I knew that a med unit would have to work on Margaret to assist her in healing her body for I knew that her opening was sore as was Tom's penis.

The parents stayed at the house while the rest of us went to the main base to continue the work. Sandra and Megan kept tabs on their parents to see if they needed anything. It took only a short time to travel back and forth anyway. The parents seemed to be getting along just fine. For the next few nights we began to sleep over at what was starting to resemble an established base.

The building of our home was begun even if it was going to be temporary. The girls and even Tommy made lists of what we should get. Much of this was purchased. One day there may be some visitors to our home and I didn't want them to see off-world construction or design. The much larger portion that was the base would have to be kept hidden.

The girls and I again discussed their own increase in consciousness that would come with the improvements they could do to their bodies. I think it was my own wish that convinced the girls to work even harder for me. I was still a boy by Seffra standards and not even fully trained at that. The pressure I was under here made me want the changes to be done as soon as possible.

Sandra started a disturbing conversation. "Leif, we have been thinking about the improvements we have been doing to our bodies. You have said that Humans would contribute to the crew of the ship and to the people manufacturing it. If we change our bodies to conform to Seffra standards we will be Seffra. Humans would not have any part other than some of the raw material. You mentioned that humans are aggressive, conniving and greedy. These are not necessarily bad traits if they can be controlled. We would like to discuss how some of the better attributes of humanity could be added."

I had to think on this. The Seffra had changed their bodies untold millennia ago. When the standard had been reached the race had remained stable. My feelings on this suggested that some faction must have pushed as hard as they could to change but the race had not gone as far as they could. This was still reflected in how we were not supposed to artificially improve our bodies. Hard physical labour was the only accepted method of putting on muscle mass. This was good in a way and allowed our race to proceed at a slow pace and make fewer mistakes.

Same as Leefstic
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Tokyo SymphonyChapter 6

The shoujo magazine's office was a world removed from the cramped bedrooms and convention halls that Terry associated with comic production. It was on the eighteenth floor of a towering dark green office building, and staffed by the same army of cubicle-dwelling salarymen as all of the other businesses. As he passed by their workstations he noticed that every one seemed identical: computer and phone in exactly the same spot, pictures of families that all looked the same all facing at the...

3 years ago
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My Own 7th Heaven with Beverley Mitchell

A couple years ago I was going to UCLA for a semester on an exchange program. I had a fairly light load and did extra work once or twice a week for some extra cash. On one Tuesday I was working on 7th Heaven on location. They were shooting a scene outside of a high school with Beverley Mitchell and Jessica Biel. The 2nd Aissistant Director was in charge of placing extras and he grabbed me and had me doing some repetitious crosses near the two female stars. After numerous takes and angles,...

2 years ago
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Padosan Ko Choda Seduce Karke

Hello friends…..Mera naam lucky hai, aur mai b tech 2 nd yr mai hun. Meri body kafi achi hai, meri height 5.6 hai. Ye meri pehli story hai. Mai kafi mhino se ye iss ki stories padh rha hun meri bhi icha hui ki mai bhi apni schi ghtna btaun apse share krun……Ab jyada bore na krte hue story pe aata hun. Ye baat mere 1st sem ke exms ke baad ki holidays ki hai. Main apne ghr gya hua tha. Hmare pados mai ek bhabhi rhti hai unka name sanjana(changed). Unke sath unke husband aur unka ek beta hai krib 5...

2 years ago
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Forge of StonesChapter 23

Flares of light flickered on and off, casting monstrous shadows on the sleek gray metal floor. Huge sparks seemed to fly from unfathomable contraptions that seemed to be hard at work, showering the improbably high walls with fiery fragments. Light was at a premium, its sources the by-products of the industrious machines: sparks like lightning, hot rivers of metal, red and yellow fires and blue-hot flames; green and violet beams of light against stark gray metals, the mirror sheens of gleaming...

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Regular Sex Session With Vinay Turned To Group Sex Encounter

Hi guys and gals!!! I am back (Kamini). I am overwhelmed with the response I got for my previous post “I lost my virginity on a dark rainy night!!!” I thank all my wishers. Just for new readers I am 24 years old. I am fair and 5’11” having a reasonably sexy figure of 32-26-34. Anyone who wants to have sex chat you can connect to me on This story is of the period after I lost virginity with Vinay and how I further enjoyed with him and his friends. After I had my first sex with Vinay our...

3 years ago
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Tutoring Is Hard

At the end of a long week, I opened up my email to find a message in my inbox with the subject "Feedback." I clicked it open. It was from someone who called themselves "DeLuxious." In the message, DeLuxious introduced herself as an admirer of my erotic short stories. She said she was an English and art major, and she wanted to know if I could help her with a story she was writing for one of her classes. I had never thought of myself as a tutor, much less an accomplished wordsmith, but I...

1 year ago
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Even A God Can Love

Thanks, Ken, for your wonderful editing abilities. The check is in the mail... A gentle breeze skimmed over her naked body, playing through the long grass beneath her and calling her from her dreams. She woke, confused by the sight of a canopy of green leaves that stretched far over her head, intermittent glimpses of pale blue early morning sky between their verdant growth. Thinking back, she could remember climbing into her own bed last night, the chill of winter's frost coming through the...

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Lost Virginity To A Junior Boy

By: Superhothd Hi! Friends I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories and developed the courage of sharing the real incident that happened to me. I have lost my virginity just 5 days back. For a girl loosing virgin is a great thing and everyone remembers this throughout her life. Friends, it is not any story but the real thing happened. Now I am going to share with you what has happened. I am 21 years old, 5’5 height with almost fair complexioned female. With 34 28 32 I look too sexy and...

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Sarge revisited

Given recent events (and the fact that it has been frankly a disgraceful length of time since I’ve blogged) I think it would be a good opportunity to update you all.Please do not be mistaken in assuming that because I haven’t blogged, I haven’t been ‘playing’, as that it not the case … at all! Also please don’t think that if you were one of those… erm… ‘players’ that you were in anyway ‘unblog-worthy’ because that may not be the case either (… may not).Unsurprisingly, one of my...

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I’d gone to the airport to pick up a friend who was flying in from Germany, I got there 45 minutes early and after having a look around the shops and getting a drink I went to the monitors to find out if he was on time, his flight was delayed another hour, so I then went to the toilet feeling randy as fuck.Finding the booths all empty I sat myself down in the end one and thinking from memory started to feel myself up. I was soon hard and was feeling my cock when I heard the cubicle next door,...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Richelle Ryan Big Tit MILF Is Ready For Dredd8217s BBC

Richelle Ryan shows off her amazing booty in this hot scene with Dredd! Richelle has been waiting for this day for a long time now and is finally getting to fuck the new MONTER cock in town. She shows off her perfect ass and huge tits in a tiny cut-out body stocking that barely covers anything up. Jules has her shake her ass for the camera then Dredd makes his way over to inspect the goods. Richelle does some inspecting of her own as she drops to her knees to get a better look at that giant...

2 years ago
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Alicia and Ron Dressing Room

My fourteen-year old sister was in a dressing room trying on some jeans and shirts. She had to get some bigger clothes because her belly was growing. She was pregnant. Who the father was, none of us knew. It could be me and it could be one of the many guys she had seduced. It could also be that her horniness day in and day out got herself pregnant and that what was growing in her was a clone of herself. Shit, I hoped so. Despite being fourteen years old, Alicia was very good looking. She was...

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Caribbean VacationChapter 5

Her husband Stephen, had begun his search by looking through all of the Count's papers. Most of his correspondence was to his family. Some was to various women he had fathered children with who wanted money for their children. Nothing political was ever alluded to except the letter from his father that had told him that he would not have to serve in the armed forces of his nation. He had bought Joe an exemption. He had finished his search surprisingly fast and was stumped for a short time...

4 years ago
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Send in the ClonesChapter 4 Finding the Future from the Past

It had been more than three months since the young ones injuries received from the Anaviper and Raptaurs. They had obediently accepted their punishment and were about the receive training on new weapons for their group to increase their protective ability. X-bows, compound powered given them extremely powerful penetration and the ratchet cocking system made them faster and easier to load. After an hour of training and practice all of the young ones were hitting bull’s eye 98% of the time. A...

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Missing the Cut

                                                                                                          Missing the Cut                                                                                 By                                                                           Lex Ludite                                    Chapter 1 (revised)        At  nearly 14 Micky, short for Maxine, Wilson was getting more coverage on the men's tour than they were. Using sponsor exemptions, her father was...

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WebYoung Chloe Cherry Jane Wilde Untouched

Jane Wilde is in her room reading when she hears a knock at the door. Chloe Cherry walks in and introduces herself as the new roommate. Jayne jumps to her feet and hugs her and they sit back on the bed and talk about school. When Chloe confesses to being overwhelmed at being an only child and not being used to being around so many people, Jayne reassures her that she’ll grow to love it; after all, it is college! When Chloe leaves Jayne’s room to continue unpacking, Jayne feels like...

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Wishbone Good Neighbors

High above the firmament, the Son of Morning's flesh was wrent Struck by Michael's flaming sword, a finger fell from Hades' Lord The rebel angels all were smote, the fallen digit escaped note Down to the new formed earth it fell, imbued with the power of heaven and hell In a barren, sunny spot, the severed finger lay to rot Chard flesh fell away from bone, as God descended from His throne Creating plants & fish & fowl, the raven & the spotted owl One raven found a finger bone,...

3 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 39

I woke to Dawn whimpering and nudging me. She needed to go and I was her morning partner. I got up and dressed for the day before taking her outside. We went for our morning run and she was delighted at being able to strain against the leash a little more than normal. We were back at the house and she was crunching on her breakfast when the girls started coming upstairs. Tabby wasn’t moving all that well and neither was Emma. I’d been pretty rough on them and I felt bad, but they were...

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LimitsChapter 7

Session 19: “I start to jerk off again. What do you do?” “I ... I...” There was a slight struggle to her voice, like repeating the action was somehow worse than agreeing to it, but after a worrying minute or two of twitching, she settled down, and spoke in her familiar, almost soothing monotone. “I masturbate as well.” “You can hear my breathing, you can feel every movement that I make. You’re so used to seeing and feeling me get off that you can tell exactly how I’m feeling, exactly how...

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Gotcha Ch 01

Steven sat at his desk and looked around at the stacks of papers that were building up in his office, some sitting on top of file cabinets, others falling over the sides of trays marked ‘in’ ‘out’ ‘working’. He had formed Gotcha! years ago when he discovered that the local banks were using companies from other bigger towns to repossess vehicles from delinquent payers. He had a good rapport with the managers of most of the banks, as he had been quite successful in retrieving the vehicles that...

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Sex Games 9

Our last adventure was with the two young men we had picked up cruising. We took them to a local hotel and Carol had sex with them while I watched. Now that we were at home our adventurous sexual lifestyle had to be more discrete. We were both socially active people in the community and held somewhat prominent jobs. We continued to go to parties and community events, looking to see if an opportunity for an adventure would present itself. Our sexual adventures had become very important to us and...

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Sapphic Love Ch 01

This story is a work of fiction, though it has some sense of base off of personal experiences. Oh she was such a gorgeous girl. Her face was pale, as the rest of her body was. She had a very light shower of freckles across her nose that had faded with age. Her nose wasn’t small, but instead rounded to match her gleaming large green eyes. Though, to most people having glasses hide to beauty of ones eyes, or crowded the face, but not her. Oh no, they brought out the round pattern of her body and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 48 Pascha and Parties

April 18-19, 1987, Carol Stream, Illinois The Paschal service at Saint Innocent was the same as it had been the previous years. Father Basil had talked to me about the cycle of feasts and the consistency and order that they brought to otherwise chaotic lives. They served as touchstones in a crazy world, and I could see how people would be comforted by the unchanging in a world that was non-stop change. I’d talked to Jennifer about bringing Jesse, but we decided that it really didn’t make...

2 years ago
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Caleb and Samantha Part 1

I couldn’t help but stare at Caleb, my best friend’s son, as he helped my husband with some yard work. He was nineteen and I was old enough to be his mom, but I didn’t have any maternal thoughts towards him, I was glad he was legal.“Hun, I need to go into work, there’s a problem with a transformer, Caleb is going to stay and finish up; I left money for him on my dresser.” My husband ran into the house to quickly change and he was gone.I continued watching as Caleb pulled weeds, edged the yard...

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How i became a slut

Hi. My name is Nisha, and i am 32 yrs, slim built and am married to hubby Suren for 7 yrs now. My hubby was the first man i ever undressed and had sex with. Since marriage over the years i realised that my sexual desires was not being satisfied for some reason. I discussed it with my White friend Brenda from work and eventually realised that the problem was not with me but with my hubby Suren – his penis was having erection difficulties. When i tried to discuss it with Suren, he became very...

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Losing My Virginity to My Mothers Best Friend Part 2

Sunday morning was a late wake-up. I slept in until ten in the morning and didn’t want to get out of bed. I would have stayed in bed if it weren’t for my bladder telling me that I really needed to go to the bathroom. I sat up, my cock hard with morning wood but knowing I really had to go. I grabbed my football shorts and slipped them on before making my way to the bathroom.I almost ran into my mom as I opened my bedroom door and entered the hall. She was clad in her thick long white terry cloth...

4 years ago
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Innocence Of Mom And Sister 8211 Part I

My name is kiran and this is the real story of my innocent mother and sister in my village. My mom’s name is radhika and she is village lady nicely plump and clearly innocent. I never knew her boobs size as she never wore a bra but i jst knew that they were really more than what my mouth and hands could together take. My sis urvasi is very much younger to me.I left my house when i was 10 years old to be with my uncle in malayasia as my dad had passed away and he was not married so he liked me a...

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The Island Chapter 3

The Island – Chapter 3 Day 35: I woke up when it was still dark. I heard the sound of tropical insects and a slight breeze brought in the smell of forest. I opened my eyes, but it was pitch black. The island had been covered with a dense cloud the day before, and it not had lifted. The milk from Sheely’s breast yesterday had been incredible. Was this the reason I slept so well? When I woke up I felt so refreshed, even though it was still before dawn. The reason why I woke up was the tingling...

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Turning Gold to Silver

For many generations the dwarves of the Tolek Kingdom have awaited the return of their king. None actually expected him to return, but they waited nonetheless. They kept to themselves, mainly, crafting their fine goods in the mountain fastnesses. When they had to, they would trade with men, and with even elves, if the need was great enough to drive them to it. However, they were mostly self-sufficient. They idolized tradition above all else, and one of those traditions was slavery. Slavery to...

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Mom and MeChapter 6

When Betty gave her younger daughter two dollars and told her to take her friend to the movies, Nikki grabbed the bills and flew out of the house without argument. Danny looked after her, and said, "She's going to get suspicious, after a while." "We'll worry about that when it happens," Betty said. "Right now, we have to get the situation ironed out with Linda. Danny, are you sure--" "Sure as I can be," he said. "did you call Linda?" "While you were taking a bath. She's on...

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MyPervyFamily Jessie Saint Hot Sister Jessie Wants To Taste My Cum For Practice

It was just another average day for me… until my sister Jessie came into my room to bother me. I can tell she wants something by the way she is talking to me, she finally gets to the point. She has been dating this chubby guy and he really wants to cum in her mouth, she is afraid it is gonna taste gross but doesn’t wanna hurt his feelings by making a gross face. Jessie wants to taste my cum for practice! At first, I am blown away but I can tell my sister won’t take...

4 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysMr Nice Guy

Once they dressed and had eaten, the girls all asked if they could go with him as they’d never actually been to an Earth city ... they’d only seen them on the Internet and in movies. Mark said they could all go, but they had to wear their personal shields, which really was a moot point since everyone wore their belts all the time anyway, even Liyana, Gyges and Maren always wore their belts, which looked just like the standard Federation belts. This was going to be the first time they would...

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Motel receptionist and security guard shhh don

Ok I love this motel.Like I said in my last story, my company has me in New York and they put me up in the cheapest motel they could find, but I’m getting some of the best “personal” service so I’m not too bothered.About 12ish tonight I came back from having a few drinks with our potential new clients. There reps are a couple of 20 something girls, one was supper slim, blond with pert breasts. The other was thick, with a ass that just bounced as they danced. Shall we just say that the more they...

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My first BBC

Hey guys this is the first time writing my story so bare with me and I hope you enjoy! This story is 100% true and happened two years. I have always enjoyed having in public places, nothing gets me wetter than people watching me! Once I told my husband (boyfriend at the time) he suggested we go to our local adult theater/gloryhole. I wasn’t so sure about that at first because I didn’t know if I wanted other people touching me. That fear went out the window our first trip but that’s another...

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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 35

Rob puttered around the apartment at loose ends with himself. He shuffled through his DVDs hoping to find something to distract him, but nothing appealed. He knew he was being ridiculous. He had been fine before she came into his life ... but his life was so much better now. All he had to do was fall back on old habits. First thing was to find something to eat. When he opened the refrigerator he found a set of plastic containers, each marked with the contents and instructions on how to...

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Husbands HobbyChapter 2

Natalie rose from the cushions almost as suddenly as she had sat down. The demanding tingle up between her legs refused to be quieted, tormenting her with its fiery, unfulfilled insistence. Oh, Lord, dear God, she groaned silently. I'll never be able to stand this... She paced the living room of the staff cabin nervously, glancing every so often at the intercom switchboard that had so rudely interrupted her quest for orgasmic release. Her inner thighs seemed to be burning as she rubbed them...

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The Spirit of EcstasyChapter 6

Tuesday 6 January 1976, 7.15pm We visited her hubby Eric at least once a week and occasionally twice where our busy schedules allowed, for almost four months until the courts finally ruled on Thursday 6 January that life support could be switched off on Wednesday 14 January 1976 at 5pm. The Judge ruled that there was no appeal to his decision but would allow just over a week of life support to allow all parties to brace themselves for the inevitable. Then, the very next day, on Wednesday...

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BBC Cums to Stay Part 3

Reggie had been in lots of shoot outs over the years but when the cops and Feds first surrounded the abandoned garage where his latest d**g deal was going down, and then raided it, shots firing, it was still a big shock for him, particularly when a bullet grazed his leg. Reggie somehow managed to get out the side door of the garage and in all the confusion in the darkness slipped away without being caught. Damn that rich white asshole Gary who still owed him a hundred grand. If Gary had paid up...

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Family Affair

The camera was rolling. It was gathering awesome images. Four men restrained in a sitting position on a large green leather couch nude from the waist down. Standing facing directly in front of them were four stunning looking women, the men’s respective significant others, nude from the waist up. Let the games begin. How we got to this point. My surveillance over the past two weeks was paying off. I had discovered a very hot looking mom at the gym, found her name thanks to a talkative lady at...

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african takeout

Suzie and Steven have been married six year and are enjoying a sun drenched holiday in the Mediterranean. with just two days left they look for a new restaurant to try and they happen on a lovely looking place by the ocean. Suzie... look at this place it looks amazing and its not to busy. Steven... wow its just right I wonder why it's not full? Suzie... never mind that let's get in. They walk in and are greeted by a waiter who shows them to a romantic looking table overlooking to bay and...

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Little FoxChapter 6

While the International situation was a mess, Little Fox's inner emotions were a mess as well. She seduced her husband nearly every night to prove to herself that she was the woman she always thought to be. If this were at the beginning of their marriage, she pictured troubled ahead. Now she could solve all problems by sending Rhonda all over the United States on White House errands. Out of sight, out of mind. This proved to be true. Rhonda now had enough money to update her military...

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Sandra changed my life

I guess most people would have considered me somewhat nerdy. Growing up with five sisters, I don’t recall ever having seen any of them in the nude. Thoughts of incest never entered my mind. I studied hard in school and thought maybe I would be come a doctor or a famous scientist. I played baseball throughout my school years which kept me in pretty good shape. I was satisfied with that schedule and the thought of girls never entered the picture. I was kind of shy around the girls and even...

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XMen Staring into the abyss

Professor X had made one of biggest choices of his life, and he prayed it was the right one. There was a new drug called 'Edge' that had spread like wildfire in Mutant communities everywhere. Little was known about the gang that was spreading it, they had caught a few small timers, but all they learned was that the main gang was called 'The Muties'. That lack of information changed when they nabbed a small time dealer who let it slip that one of the members occasionally hung out at 'The...

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Recycling Day

If this story seems like a jumble of interwoven threads that are somewhat related but not really - if it sounds like the ramblings of a woman trying to express feelings she doesn't understand - well, that's about right. If you find it difficult to follow and you get annoyed with me, just imagine borrowing the paddle from my husband and taking a few extra swats with it. You'll feel better, I promise. It began when I asked Bill to give me something that needed to be done on a regular basis,...

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 01

Prologue Everything begins with pain. Many people believe beginnings start with other things, love, chaos, etc. the universal truth of beginnings is pain. This is not a negative or positive thing, pain is a catalyst, and it motivates every living thing into action and with action comes beginnings. The pain of unspoken love moves us to speak with the object of our desires. The pain of virginity abandoned for the hope of love opens the way for conception, the aches and pains of carrying a child...

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History Lessons

I’d like to thank Daniellekitten for being my sounding board on this story. I never would have gotten it off the ground without her! ********************** I heard someone come in the room, but it didn’t register in my brain until she spoke. ‘Excuse me, Mr. Thompson?’ she said. Looking up from my desk, I saw the biggest, most beautiful pair of brown eyes in the world. It took me a second to recognise the face. ‘Angelina Benardo!’ I made sure to pronounce the g as an h in her first name....

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Friends for ever

He boobs ware very big in her early stages i always thought of catching them and squeezing them once i got a chance it was when i was in +2 we all use to play together in group of 8 people 5 girls and 3 boys And all our parents know about our friendship and they treat us with respect as we never gave any chance to prove our self (wrong ) we ware good in studies and games. Once we ware playing the blind game ( one among us will be tied with a cloth on you’re their eyes and then he should catch...

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Kamsin Sali

Mere lund wale bhaiyon aur choot wali pyari pyari aurato aur ladkiyon ko mera lund utha kar kadak salaam. Jaisa ki aapko malum hai ki mai achcha choot chodne ka mauka kabhi nahi miss karta. Aur agr kisi bulbulaati choot ki smell mere lund ko mil gayi to ye fir jab take use pyaar se chod kar suja nahi deta shant nahi hota. Aisa hi kuch is baar bhi hua tha. Mai aapko apna exprience batane ja raha hu lekin batane se pahale mai aapko ye bata du ki ye story 100% sacchi story hai so is story ke naam...

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