The Mansion House Series free porn video

Chapter One - Hard Times
?What?? Ethan muttered.
The man on the other end of the phone replied, ?Yes, I’m afraid to tell you Mr MacDonald, that you have reached the limit on your credit card. That means, until you can pay off a minimum of ?1,000, you will not be able to use this credit card?.
Ethan sat back and scratched his head in bewilderment. He was already deeply in debt after making some poor ?life? decisions, and this was the last credit card available to him.
Now with no income, no credit, no job – the only thing he could do was to find almost any type of work which would hopefully pay enough to let him finally begin to reduce the debt.
?Okay,? Ethan said. ?I’ll see what I can do?. He then put the phone down – banged it down in sheer frustration!
He sat for a few moments gathering his thoughts, not sure what to do next, not sure where to turn, not sure about anything, really.
?How did I manage to get into this mess? And more to the point – how the hell am I going to get out of it??
No matter what mistakes he had made to get into the financial mess he was now in, he surely had to get something moving along to change his circumstances. And the best way to start the ball rolling was to give a few friends a call and see if they knew of any jobs available in the locality.
After all, this was Glasgow, in Scotland. A decent sized city – over a million people, many jobs available, and even though he was not the most highly qualified individual in the world, he did have some academic credentials in landscaping. ?Time to put those to good use,? he thought.
He picked up the phone, checked out the list of friends in his diary along with corresponding telephone numbers, and began to dial?
?Hey Anne, how’s things? Do you happen to know of anyone who needs a landscaper or gardener? I’m really desperate right now, so I don’t really mind how much the pay is, or the terms and conditions either for that matter. Ah, you don’t. Well, okay, no worries, I’ll give Lorraine a call and see if she should know anyone, thanks Anne!?
Okay, one down, just another 999 to go? or so it felt.
?Hey Lorraine, how’s things? Good, good! Tell me, do you know of anyone who’s looking for something like a landscape gardener or maybe just a gardener or odd-job man? No? Okay, no problem. If you hear about someone or something, then do keep me in mind, dear, thanks! Yeah, I have some issues to deal with Lorraine, so I’m getting pretty desperate. Yeah, nothing new, you got that right! Okay honey, keep good!?
Two down, just 998 to go? or so it felt.
?Jay – what’s up dude? Keeping well? No, I have some problems with money right now and I’m desperate to find a job. Happen to know of anything?? Yeah – like in landscaping or gardening or even odd-job type of thing like a handy-man, you know the score, Jay. Ah geez – you don’t? Okay mate, no worries. Keep me in mind though if you hear about something – I’m really getting desperate. How much debt am I drowning in? Too much! About ?15,000.Yeah, I know it’s a lot – you don’t have to tell me man! I’m finding it hard to sleep these nights.? Okay cool, do keep me in mind, bro, thanks!?
Over and over, time and time again, even after calling 12 friends, no one had any help to offer, other than words of comfort, which were not really much comfort at all.
?Boy, this is really depressing! What am I gonna do? Time for a call to Kat?.
?Hey babe, wassup? Fancy going out for a drink? Yeah, yeah, I know I still owe you from the last time, but I’m outta cash and soon will be thrown outta my house if I don’t find some money fast! Cool, cool babe! I’ll meet you at 7 – in an hour. Where d’you wanna go tonight? Sneeky Pete’s Wine Bar it is then – see you in about an hour, thanks honey!?
?Great! At least I can drown my sorrows in a few pints of the good stuff!? Ethan thought.
An hour later and Ethan was already at Sneeky Pete’s Wine Bar, ready and waiting for his friend to show up. He looked around the bar – not overly busy, but there were some super hot babes sitting just over to the right. One had long brown hair, big eyes, pretty smile, while the other was a blonde – natural blonde or false – Ethan could never tell – only girls and gay men seem to be able to tell these sorts of things.
?Oh my God – she’s gorgeous!? And she smiled at me? She smiled at me! I’m in! But – I can’t even buy her a drink. I can’t even afford to buy her a single drink. I hate money!!?
He looked towards the doorway to see if Kat was hopefully on her way in. ?What’s the point of chatting up a hot babe when I can’t even offer to buy her a drink?? he thought. Kat came through the door just at the right moment, looking as good as ever. ?Why does she even want to spend time with me? She’s sexy, she’s gorgeous, she’s got a great career, and yet what do I have??
?Hey honey, great to see you! You look fantastic? as always,? Ethan chuckled.
She was wearing what appeared to be a designer cocktail dress under her coat. ?Hey, is that a new dress you’re wearing?? Ethan asked.
?Yup – well spotted. Its an Oscar De La Renta. You like??
?You bet I like! I like all your stuff. But then, maybe that’s cos you are in it, darling,? Ethan said mockingly, although he meant every word.
?Kat always looked gorgeous, but she liked to hear everyone actually say it. I mean, I guess most women like to be told they look hot. And no doubt most men appreciate it too, truth be told,? Ethan pondered.
Kat had long dark straight hair that reached past shoulder length. Her eyes were dark brown in colour, with speckles of green. Her nose was long, but thin and elegant, her high cheek bones adding to her elegant appearance. She stood around 5 foot 6 inches. Her figure was to die for – she regularly worked out at the gym and you could tell that she did so. Her breasts were large, but firm. Her trim waistline actually helping to accentuate her chest even more.
?Hey Ethan, what’s going down with you? It’s been such a long time since I last saw you? I mean, what? one week ago, was it? And funny – it was me who was buying all the drinks on that night too. Here we go again then! Tell me – why do I need your friendship?? she laughed.
To be honest, Ethan did not truly know why, but she liked him and liked him a lot, even though he was almost always begging from her for one thing or another. How degrading, but heck – she was happy to always oblige, so he had little to lose here.
?She’d be near-perfect as my wife,? he thought. ?As if!?
For many women, Ethan had this ?cute thing? going on. He came across as the sort of guy who needs to be mothered. He sure did need to be mothered right now – mothered to get himself out of the messy situation he was in!
?Well, Kat, you need my friendship because ye're deeply in love with me. And that’s why you need my friendship, right??
?Bingo! I do love you, and I want you in my bed right this moment,? she scoffed.
?I bet you do, lover girl!? Ethan replied, in an equally scoffing manner.
?Let’s get us some drinks honey, I sure do need a drink right now, I can tell you! Bartender,? she called??Hi, can you get my friend a pint of Guinness please, and I’ll have a Long Island Tea, thanks!? She turned back to Ethan.
?Gee Kat, on the hard stuff straight off the bat today, are we?? Ethan said.
?Yeah, guy,? she quaffed, ?I’ve had a hard day at work and I could use the pump-me-up, know what I mean? Well, I guess you don’t know what I mean cos you just sit at home all day doing, erm, nothing much,? she laughed.
?Honey, you are cruel! I know I’m in the shit right now, but I’m trying to put things straight?.
?You are trying, are you? Just how hard are you willing to try?? Kat asked.
?Well, I’m even willing to get back into my old game – landscaping would be good or even just basic gardening, or how about a handy-man – a do it all sorta guy??
Kat replied ?Should have told me dude – my Aunt is looking for a guy to help her with her garden – you know, the rich Aunt that lives on the east side of the city, going out towards Edinburgh.?
?She is, is she?? Ethan was suddenly really interested, but this time around it was not due to the hot girls in the bar! ?Well, can you perhaps put my name forward to her, Kat? You know I’m desperate and I’ll do whatever she needs me to do. Anything!?
?Anything?? Kat asked, with a mocking and somewhat quizzical look on her face.
?Yup, anything at all, no joke!? Ethan replied.
?Well, okay, I’ll ask her. You do know she’s regarded as a real task master, don’t you?? Kat said.
?What d'you mean?? Ethan retorted.
?What I mean is, when she was married to Uncle Tom, she had him totally and entirely at her beck and call. I mean? he was always running around trying to please her and keep her happy. Some people even said that he was her sex slave.? Kat laughed. ?Not that they know much at all. But its true that he adored her, and she used to walk all over poor Uncle Tom. Probably literally too and while wearing spikey high heels just for added kicks.?
Ethan’s interested was really piqued now. Really, really piqued!
?Sex slave, Kat? You mean like he did stuff in bed to make her happy or what??
?Well yeah, and more than that, I would imagine. Like, real kinky stuff – I think my Aunt Jane has a proper fucking kinky side to her character, although she tends to keep it well hidden when she’s with the family, as you would expect. There’s something about her that suggests she’s got ulterior desires, if that makes any sense.?
Ethan replied, ?ulterior desires, like what do you mean?? He was na?ve about this sort of thing, like many 25 year olds would be.
?Ethan, you must know what I mean? Kat said. ?I’ve heard from some folks that she’s well up for the handcuffs style sex scene. I’ve heard she’s got a collection of whips and God only knows what else – various toys, but I don’t think they would be toys in the proper sense of the word – my Aunt would not use toys – she’d be much more focused on the real hardware. Or should I say – the real hardcore? Kat laughed.
?Oh fuck, Kat!? Ethan exploded, ?You are telling me your Aunt Jane is a? sadist? is what you are saying here??
?That’s what I heard. It’s only what I heard, I’m not saying it’s the truth. You know how folks can be – they chat and the chat turns to be gossip, and the gossip gets spread around. For all I know she’s a fine lady with proper morals and scruples and that’s it, end of story!?
?Sounds like a fine lady to me – my sorta woman!? Ethan laughed.
?Well, you best be careful what you wish for Ethan MacDonald. Because as you know, wishes can and do come true!? Kat replied.
?That sounds ominous darling, now let’s drink to your Aunt’s good health, shall we??
?Here’s to my Aunt Jane!? Kat toasted.
?Cheers to your Aunt Jane!?
Fact is, even though Kat was intent on warning Ethan that her Aunt was a slave driver, for want of a better term of expression, not only did Ethan desperately need some work, but he was also and definitely intrigued by this lady called Aunt Jane.
?It may seem a bit odd, but there's something, erm, attractive about women who are dominant.? Ethan thought. ?Women who know exactly what they want in life, and they also know just how to get it too! I mean, you hear about men who are in very high profile jobs – at the top of the tree – earning vast salaries, and in control of thousands of employees. But yet, they have this other side to them. A side that NEEDS to be dominated by an attractive individual – be that a woman, or a man.?
?Ethan, Ethan, are you still with me?? Kat asked with an inquisitive look on her face. ?You seem to have drifted off for a moment. What – are you fantasizing about my Aunt Jane or something like that? You’re such a naughty boy, Ethan MacDonald, which is probably why I love you so much? she laughed. ?Now, get that down you and let’s get another. No harm in starting the night with a bang, is there?.
?What sort of bang do you mean, my darling Kat?? Ethan sneered back at her. ?I know you want me in your bed, but now you have competition – your Aunt sounds like she’s a real hottie!?
?I think you got that right on both counts, babe,? Kat sneered back. ?My desire for you is effervescent and ever-growing, but you are right – my Aunt’s desire for a young stud like you could put me in the shadows,? she laughed. ?I’ll no doubt be second best to Aunt Jane! Cheers, Ethan – get it down you, man!?
?Effervescent and ever-growing – what does that mean? Remember, I’m the guy who's struggling in life, and you are the clever one here, so you have to keep on my level where our conversation is concerned,? Ethan smiled.
?Well, ever-growing - you know what that means, right? Means that the longer I know you, and the more I know about you, the deeper I fall in love with you, know what I mean, stud?? she jibbed. ?And effervescent – well, that means something like this - my love for you will persist even though you are a fucking disaster, LOL.?
?Cheers and let’s drink to that!? Ethan sniggered.
Kat was great fun, and he really did love her. How could he not – she would do pretty much anything for him – even spend a small fortune in a posh wine bar in central Glasgow just so she had his company for the night. But, this Aunt Jane – she already had a grip on his attention and intentions, though he had never even met her.
?Isn’t it odd how you can be drawn to certain types of people merely because of your fantasies?? he thought. ?I mean, how can you fall in love with someone – or, perhaps in this case – something – just because of your own fantasy world? Totally primitive that is! Foolish young man that I am, but I know what attracts me the most where women are concerned.?
The night progressed. Ethan got drunk on Guinness, and then moved on to straight single malt whiskies. Lagavulin single malt, to be exact. Kat also got out of her head drunk, as she always did when they were out on the binge together.
After the night was done in terms of drinking excessively, they got a taxi back to Kat’s place and the night was complete.
Chapter Two – Kat Goes Dom
To read the rest of this story, please visit

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