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Disclaimer: This story contains adult language, themes, and the like; it should be viewed only by those of legal age. All other usual disclaimers for stories sent to this newsgroup apply -- we already know them, so there's no reason to retype them here. Any resemblance to anyone, living, dead, or undead, is entirely coincidental. Reposting on archival sites is permitted with the following provisions: (1) I am notified when such a posting is made, (2) this story may NOT be posted to any pay sites -- it is given freely and must remain free. Comments may be sent to: [email protected] Mansion of Mayhem Copyright (C) 1998 by Chilli TNG from a challenge idea by Gunslinger Chapter I: The Mansion Every town has one. You know what I mean -- a _house_. A house of mystery, of fear, of unknown possibilities. The style of the house isn't important. In one town, it might be an abandoned bungalow; in the next, a sprawling ranch that's been vacant for years; or perhaps a decrepit four-square surrounded by a jungle of weeds and fallen tree limbs. What is important is the house's reputation. In Harpers Grove, Illinois, the _house_ is known as the Marengo Mansion. The owner, Wilford Marengo, was rich; he was also crazy, but, when one is rich, the preferred term is "eccentric." Wilford Marengo was eccentric in spades. He shaved cats, claiming their fur was causing his eyesight to fail. He kept a horse, which he named Reginald, inside his house and managed to toilet train it. He liked to snack on chocolate-covered dill pickles. He was also a recluse, which certainly didn't help dispel rumors about his eccentricities. Marengo built his mansion back around the turn of the century, basing its construction upon blueprints he drew after "seeing" the house in a series of dreams. Marengo died exactly six years, six months, and six days after the mansion was completed, which, as you might suspect, added considerably to the persistent rumor that Marengo had been a sorcerer in league with the devil. The mansion has been vacant ever since. And, it has been said that anyone entering the house is never the same *if*, not *when*, they leave. Harpers Grove, in addition to being the home of the Marengo Mansion, is also home to Danforth University, a small, private liberal arts college in the Midwest tradition. DU has its share of fraternities and sororities, as do many college campuses throughout the country. And, like most of these organizations, the fraternities and sororities at DU require those who would join their ranks to prove their worthiness by enduring some form of test. An initiation, if you will. The Sigma Omicron Beta fraternity and the Gamma Alpha Lambda sorority were co-chartered organizations and were considered by most at Danforth University to be the best Greek houses to join. They only accepted a few members each year. And, since they were co-chartered, their initiation rituals were the same, and had been for years: all pledges had to spend a night at the Marengo Mansion and, to prove that they had been there, they had to remove an item from the mansion as a "trophy." All of this explains why, on a still October night, just moments before midnight, five people stood in front of the Marengo Mansion, contemplating their next action. "Will someone _please_ tell me again why we want to do this?" said Susie Hamilton, a cute brunette with an ample bosom and a stunning smile (although she wasn't smiling just at the moment). "You're not gonna chicken out now, are you?" answered Luke Johnson, a tall, handsome, blonde athlete, as he put his muscled arm around Susie's shoulders and pulled her close. "Come on, Suz," said Danny Spellman, a thin, bespectacled youth of average height with a shock of red hair, "we've come this far, and you know what an honor it is to join your sorority." "Besides," continued Amanda McBride, an effervescent blonde bombshell, "if you don't go, _none_ of us get in. It's all or nothing." "Alright," Susie said hesitantly. "It's just that this place is so damn . . . creepy." "You don't honestly believe all those stupid stories, do you?" questioned Danny. "That's all they are, you know . . . stories. It's just a dumb, empty, old house." Suddenly, the screech of rusty metal hinges rubbing against their center pins pierced the quiet, still night, causing nearly everyone in the group to jump and shudder involuntarily. "Hey," called Jerry Bartucci, "I got the gate opened." "Leave it to Mafia-boy to know how to pick a lock," grinned Luke. "Listen up, hayseed," Jerry shot back, his muscles flexing underneath his white t-shirt. He walked over to Luke and stared him straight in the eye. "Not all dark-haired Italians are part of the Mafia." "And not all jocks masturbate to Sports Illustrated," Danny said, trying to ease the tension in the group. "You take that back, you four-eyed hacker geek," growled Luke, the only one not grinning after hearing Danny's comment. "Oh, you mean you DO masturbate to Sports Illustrated?" Danny laughed. "I'm surprised you'd admit it." "Ya know," added Jerry, "there are only two answers to the question, 'Do you masturbate?' 'Yes,' and 'No hablo englais.'" His joke caused Susie to blush. "Gentlemen," cooed Amanda as she walked past the rusty iron gate, "let's lower the testosterone level here and get inside. We've got a job to do." Properly chastised, Luke, followed by Susie, Danny, and Jerry, followed Amanda past the gate and along the path to the mansion. The path was overgrown with weeds; dead branches were strewn everywhere. The air seemed to hang around them, clammy and clingy. "Be careful, Mandy," whispered Susie as Amanda began to climb the porch steps towards the front door. "Those boards don't look very safe." "Will you stop whining, Susie?" Amanda hissed. "There's nothing to worry about." Again following Amanda's lead, the remaining four pledges walked up the stairs and huddled together on the porch. "Now what?" asked Luke. "Now we fan out," Jerry said. "Check the windows and doors. We need to find a way in." Luke started to say something about how it didn't surprise him that Jerry knew how to break into a house, then thought better of it. He was getting along well with Susie, but Amanda had already been on his case once this evening and he didn't need that kind of grief from a woman again. "I'll check the door," he said instead, and broke away from the group. The remaining pledges stretched out along the front porch, each checking a window. "Hey, I think I've got one," said Danny as he discovered that the window he was examining was unlocked. As he lifted the window in its frame, a loud "click" was heard, then suddenly, the porch underneath Danny opened up and swallowed Danny before he could say another word. "Danny!" cried Susie as she took a step towards where Danny had been standing just moments before. One step was all she got to take; the porch beneath her feet suddenly rose, and Susie found herself forced up, into, then through the porch roof. As the remaining three pledges stared at the spaces where their fellow pledges had been, the porch began to take on a life of its own, or so it seemed to the three still there. The door in front of Luke suddenly flew open; Luke, off-balanced by to the sudden movement of the door, fell through the threshold, and the door slammed shut behind him. The windows in front of both Jerry and Amanda flew up and, in unison, their shutters swung suddenly inward, forcing the two past the windowsills and into the rooms beyond. The air was once again still. A lone cricket chirped. And, from somewhere, the sound of a deep, low, basso profundo chuckle could be heard. It had begun. Chapter II: Exploration Danny stood up slowly. The room was pitch black, and he didn't want to hit his head on anything. He shook the cobwebs from his head, then realized that he was covered in cobwebs. Real cobwebs. He rubbed himself down from top to bottom and tried to remove all cobwebs along with any inhabitants of those cobwebs before proceeding further. Putting his arms out in front of himself, he began to slowly walk forward. After a moment, he found a wall. A few moments of exploration later, he found a switch. Closing his eyes, he flipped the switch. Through his closed lids, Danny could tell that he'd turned on a light in the room, so he slowly opened his eyes. He was not prepared for what he saw. ------------------ Luke picked himself up off the floor and went back to the door. It was locked. In the dim light coming through the window on the door, Luke could make out the outline of some furniture. He walked over to what looked like a lamp, then turned it on. Luke found himself at one end of a tremendously long hall. It looked to be as long as a football field; he was familiar with that measurement and so felt qualified to categorize it as such. He didn't know how this was possible, though, since the house simply didn't look that big from the outside. As he walked down the hall, he realized that he had been wrong about the distance. The hall couldn't be more than forty feet in length; it just looked long because it was built that way -- the floor sloped up slightly, and the ceiling sloped down considerably. When he got to the end of the hall, he was practically on his hands and knees. The door, fortunately, was unlocked, and Luke was just barely able to squeeze himself through and into the next room. He was not prepared for what he saw. ------------------ Amanda had examined every inch of the small room and still could not find any door into the rest of the house. The window that she had fallen through was now stuck shut, as were the other windows in the room. Their shutters had also closed, and only a trickle of light found its way in. The room itself was empty save for a chair in the middle of the room. It appeared to be attached to the floor, since Amanda had been unable to move it. "God I need a cigarette," she thought to herself. She walked over to the chair and sat down to relax. Just as her curvaceous bottom settled into the soft cushion, she heard a faint "clack" sound. Metal cuffs popped out from the arms and the legs of the chair, securing her wrists and ankles. As she started to scream for help, the chair turned and slid at a breakneck speed towards the wall. A split-second before impact and certain splinters, a door opened in the wall, and the chair, with Amanda still securely attached to it, whizzed through and into the blackness beyond. Amanda felt the chair gathering speed. It made violent turns and twists as it moved, and Amanda was thankful that she was strapped in, even if she were strapped in against her will. With a loud hiss of escaping air, the chair slammed to a halt. A lone candle provided a tiny bit of illumination to the room Amanda found herself in. Suddenly, the flame grew in size and intensity, revealing the room to her. She was not prepared for what she saw. ------------------ Jerry was amazed that the room he was in seemed to have almost no dust. He was relieved, too, since dust always made him sneeze. The bigger mystery, though, was the room itself. It had walls, of a sort, but they weren't really walls; they were doors. One door next to another, next to another, next to another. Some of them were locked, and some weren't. But not consistently. Jerry thought he heard a voice behind one of the doors. "Mandy, is that you?" he asked quietly. The doors were thick, and he couldn't understand any of the words, but he was positive the voice belonged to a female. He tried the door one more time. With a mighty push, Jerry banged against the door . . . or would have, if it had still been locked. Instead, he found himself stumbling into the black room beyond, then tripped and began to slide down some sort of ramp. The ramp spiraled down, and Jerry slid right along. Suddenly, he bumped into a wall. Reaching up, he found a pull chain. Without thinking about the consequences, he pulled the chain. A light came on. He was not prepared for what he saw. ------------------ In a dark, cramped, hot crawlspace, Susie was counting her blessings. Above her she could feel exposed nails, yet, somehow, she had avoided being skewered on them. Susie was beginning to panic; she detested tight spaces, she detested being in the dark, and she was beginning to detest this house. Slowly, to avoid any exposed nails or splinters, she began to inch her way towards what she thought would be the center of the house. She could detect a very gently rising of the roof above her head, which encouraged her to move forward a tiny bit faster with each movement. As she crawled along, placing one hand in front of the other along a floor joist, she discovered that, abruptly, the joist no longer was there. If she had been crawling along at her original pace, she would have been fine, but, at her new pace, such was not the case; Susie lost her balance and tumbled headfirst into the inky blackness. She could feel the wind begin to rush past her, and she was certain that she was picking up speed. Mentally, she added heights to her list of things she hated. This fall was sheer torture; the blackness of the hole prevented her from knowing when the floor was going to rush up and greet her. Her perception of time was terribly skewed by the darkness as well; she had the strange sensation that she had been falling for several minutes, which she knew was utterly impossible. Some inner sense caused Susie to put her arms out in front of her, almost as if she were trying to grab ahold of the ground below. To her utter amazement, she felt something. It was wire. She began to explore more and more, and discovered that the wire was in fact a mesh, much like chicken wire, but far sturdier. She grabbed ahold of the wire and began to pull herself along. She bumped into the wall, and found a handrailing around which she wrapped one arm and began to feel along the wall with the other. She hit a button and heard a faint "hiss" as the wind decreased in intensity and a panel just past the button opened, shedding a faint glow into the room. Susie noticed that, just below the wire grid, a fan blade was turning; looking up, she saw the hole through which she had fallen, some ten feet above her head. She stepped through the doorway and into the room beyond. She was not prepared for what she saw. ------------------ Outside the mansion, the shutters snapped back into place, the curtains all rose in unison. The deep laugh, like a far-away rumble of thunder, began once more. Everything was going as planned. Chapter III: Discovery Luke could not believe his eyes. He was in an enormous room, at the center of which stood a lamp and a glass cabinet. The light from the lamp was extremely bright, but the room was so large that Luke couldn't see the ceiling or the walls. Just the lamp and the cabinet. There appeared to be something on the door to the cabinet. To Luke, it looked like a piece of paper with some dark scribbling on it. His curiosity piqued, Luke ventured from the small door through which he had just crawled and walked, cautiously, to the center of the room. As he approached, he was able to read the writing on the note. In flowery script, it read: Luke, Please take the contents of this case as proof that you were here. Enjoy it with our compliments. Sincerely, The Management "I knew it," Luke shouted to no one in particular. "Those goddamn Sig-o's rigged this whole thing. Pretty funny, guys." He examined the glass case. It was filled with some kind of mist, which obscured his view of the contents. As near as he could tell, the case was made up of one solid piece of glass; there were no openings, no hinges. It was too tall for him to reach the top, and too wide for him to put his arms around and pick up. Luke was tired. He was tired of the games, of the bullshit required to join this damn frat, and especially of mind games. The more tired Luke was, the shorter his temper. After spending nearly an hour examining the case and still not having any idea how to open it, Luke had reached his breaking point. He quickly pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around his right hand and arm. "Alright," he screamed, "I'll show you how to open this goddamn case." He lashed out with his wrapped fist against the case, shattering it into millions of tiny shards that piled themselves around the base of the case. The fog that had been inside the case was now freed, and began to fill the room. Luke inhaled the fog several times before it completely dissipated and found the sensations quite pleasant. With the fog now gone from the case, Luke was able to see the previously obscured contents. It was a magazine, and not just any magazine, but a copy of Luke's favorite magazine of all time, Sports Illustrated. He noted with glee that it was their famous Swimsuit Edition. "That's odd," he thought, "I don't remember this one. I thought I had all of these." Upon further examination, he noticed that the date of the magazine was for the coming year. "Cool!" he exclaimed. "I got a pre-release copy. The rest of the guys are going to be so jealous!" He stared at the model on the cover; she was the best looking cover model yet, in Luke's opinion. Her large breasts dangled down, her large nipples clearly visible through the thin fabric. "I can't wait to get you back to my room," Luke said with a sly grin on his face. "I've got plans for you, baby." Luke unwrapped his jacket from around his hand and put it back on. He noticed now a faint light coming from the far side of the room. "I got what I came in here for," he thought, "so I might as well leave." He headed towards the light, noticing as he got closer that it was a small lit sign. As he approached, he was able to make out the words -- "This Way To The Great Egress." Below the sign was a door. Luke opened it and stepped through into the hallway beyond. ------------------ Jerry found himself inside a round room. In the center of the room was a large round bed, made up with red satin sheets. Everything in the room was a shade of red, from the bed to the thick plush carpeting to the wallpaper. Even the lightbulb was red. Jerry looked more closely at the bed. He was somewhat shocked to find, carefully concealed at the top and bottom of the bed, red velcro restraints. "I'm in a hooker's bedroom," Jerry thought to himself. He tried to remove one of the restraints, but they proved to be quite attached. He then went over to the red lacquered dresser and began to search through the drawers. Only one of the drawers opened, though. Inside the drawer, Jerry found a note. Jerry: Please take the contents of this drawer as proof that you were here. Enjoy it with our compliments. Sincerely, The Management Underneath the note, Jerry found a bra. And not just any bra, but a red bra. A sexy, underwire, push-up, red bra. And it was enormous! "I didn't know they made these things in 60 HH!" Jerry exclaimed as he examined the tag. Jerry looked again at the bra. "I can't believe that I'm taking this," he thought. "I hope those assholes at the frat don't make me wear this thing." With a start, Jerry realized that there was one thing he hadn't seen yet in the room -- a door. In a panic, he turned around and began to search the walls closely. "There's got to be a door here _somewhere_," he thought. As he moved along the walls, he tripped over something hard at the edge of the floor. He bent to examine it. "Who in the hell would put a doorknob on the floor," he said to himself as he gave the knob a turn. Behind him, a door, hidden by the seams of the wallpaper, popped open. "Alright," Jerry exclaimed, and bolted for the door. As he stepped through, the door swung shut soundlessly behind him. He found himself in a dark hallway with a faint light at the end that he began to walk towards. As he neared it, he realized the light was a small sign: "This Way To The Great Egress." And below the sign was a small hinged door. Jerry knelt and crawled through. ------------------ As the metal straps on the chair withdrew, Amanda simply stared around the room, a shocked expression on her face. She found herself in a dungeon, straight out of the middle ages. The stone walls looked cold and damp; moss had encrusted itself between the rocks. There was a faint "drip . . . drip . . . drip . . ." sound coming from somewhere, but the echoes from the stone walls kept Amanda from determining the source of the sound. Around the room, various implements of torture and restraint were prominently displayed and, Amanda noted with a hint of bile in her throat, they all appeared to be in working order. "Who was their interior decorator, the Marquis de Sade?" Amanda wondered out loud. She stood from the chair and began to look around. There was a massive iron bar door on one end of the room that appeared to be her only exit. Everything in the room was either stone, dark metal, or well-worn wood. Except, Amanda noted, for something shiny in the corner of the room. Amanda had an affinity for shiny objects, so she went to investigate. What she found surprised her. There, just below the pedestal for the rack was a small piece of paper that had been taped to a small golden tube. The note read: Amanda: Please take this item as proof that you were here. Enjoy it with our compliments. Sincerely, The Management Amanda examined the tube. "I know what this is," she said excitedly. "It's a lipstick tube." She opened the tube; sure enough, it contained lipstick. And, from the smell of it, it was very fresh. Amanda was put off by the color, though; it was fire-engine red. "How tacky," she said in disgust. "Who'd ever buy 'Fuck-Me Red,' let alone wear it?" Still, the note had told her to take it, so she put it into her pocket. As she did, she heard a faint "click" come from the iron door. Curious, she went to investigate. She put her hand upon the door and was surprised to find that it swung open easily. "What kind of dungeon is this?" she thought to herself, "where the prisoners can just walk out when they want to." Not one to look a gift-horse in the mouth, however, Amanda went through the door and into the hallway beyond. She noticed that, about twenty feet from the iron door, there was a small lit sign. As she approached, she was able to discern the writing: "This Way To The Great Egress." "What the hell is an egress," she wondered as she continued down the hallway of twisty little passages, "and what makes it so great?" ------------------ Danny stared in shock at the room he was in. There were shelves around three of the four walls, all entirely stocked with dusty, cobweb- covered mason jars. Tentatively, he blew the dust off of one and stared at the label. "Dead Man's Hair," he said. "Who believes this shit?" As he continued his exploration, Danny was thankful that none of the cobwebs seemed to be currently inhabited. He was a major arachnophobe and didn't want to embarrass himself by screaming if he found a spider. Everything in the room appeared to be basically the same -- row upon row of strange, dusty jars, filled with cobwebs. Except for the jar he had already examined, that is. And, Danny noticed, there was one other jar that had also been recently dusted. He bent over and picked up the jar from its home on a bottom shelf. "Why didn't I notice this before?" he wondered. Strangely -- as if there were anything _normal_ about what he'd found so far -- this jar was unlabelled, but it contained an envelope on which someone had written a note, and which he was able to read through the glass: Danny: Please take this envelope and its contents as proof that you were here. Enjoy it with our compliments. Sincerely, The Management Danny opened the jar and removed the envelope, then opened the envelope and examined its contents. In the envelope was a small card -- it was a pass for one free membership at the "Change Is Good Health and Fitness Center." Danny was both offended and pleased; offended because he was somewhat ashamed of his slight build and hated to be reminded that he was rather frail-looking, but pleased because this gave him the perfect excuse to make good on a promise he'd made to himself to start working out. He put the pass back in the envelope, then folded the envelope and put it in his pocket. "That does it for me, I guess," he thought, then turned his attentions to the lone door in the room. It, too, was covered with cobwebs, and Danny was hesitant to even touch the doorknob. But, he mustered up all of his courage, reached out, turned the knob, then pushed open the door. As he did, a large spider that had been resting peacefully along the top of the door found itself suddenly airborne. It sailed down on a gossamer thread and landed on Danny's hand. Danny let out a shriek that would have made any b-grade movie scream queen proud, then dashed through the door and into the dark hallway beyond. He ran blindly, bumping into walls as he did, until he ran into a lit sign. The sign read: "This Way To The Great Egress." "Well, I should certainly hope so," Danny thought as he continued to run past the sign and into the little twisty passages beyond. ------------------ Susie felt very uncomfortable, and with good reason. She was standing in what appeared to be a doctor's office, and not just any kind of doctor's office, either, but a gynecologist's office. Susie _hated_ going to the gynecologist's office. The room was antiseptic white everywhere. The lighting, though dim, was harsh, and imbued the room with a sterile, cold, feeling. "I have got to get out of here," Susie thought. But, try as she might, she could not find a doorway. Even the door she had just come through seemed to have disappeared. Susie took a deep breath to calm herself, then began checking the drawers and cabinets, looking for some way out of the room. All of the drawers appeared to be locked, much to Susie's dismay. So, too, did the cabinets. Susie sat on the ground and started to cry. "I can't be stuck here," she wailed, then struck her palm against a cabinet door in frustration. She felt the door give beneath her palm, then heard it "click" open. Her tears subsided, and she looked inside the cabinet. On the inside of the cabinet door, there was a note, which read: Susie: Please take the contents of this cabinet as proof that you were here. Enjoy it with our compliments. Sincerely, The Management She removed the note and put it in her pocket. Then, tentatively, Susie reached inside the cabinet and removed its contents. She tried to stifle her laugh at what she found, but it was just too funny to not laugh at. She had found the most enormous dildo she had ever seen. It was flesh colored and had been molded in the shape of a penis. But if any man had been endowed with a penis like this, he would never have been able to walk. It was nearly three feet long and was easily four inches thick. On the bottom, in raised letters, was the phrase "For Dilation Use Only." "'Enjoy it with our compliments?'" Susie laughed out loud. "The only one who could enjoy this monster would be a horse." She closed the cabinet, stood, then picked up the dildo. "If I could just find a way out of here," she thought. "Maybe I can use this as a battering ram." She laughed again as she imagined herself beating down the door with the giant dildo. The door? "Where did that come from?" she wondered. "I'd swear that is wasn't here five minutes ago." Worried that the door might somehow disappear, Susie rushed over and flung the door open, then bolted through. She ran down a short brick hall that turned left, then right, then right again. She came to a door; above the door was a small sign that read: "This Way To The Great Egress." Since it was at the end of the hallway, she had no choice but to open the door and enter into the small twisty passages beyond. ------------------ The deep laughter returned. The nearby neighbors -- those who were awake at this late hour, that is -- thought that the thunder they were hearing was getting quite close. "Such simple minds," the house laughed to itself. Chapter IV: The Great Egress Luke had been wandering around for what seemed like hours. "It had to be hours," he thought to himself, since his stomach was rumbling so much. Every time he thought he'd found an exit, he simply found more passages. Suddenly, he heard something. Footsteps, coming from behind him. "Who's there?" he called. "Luke," came back a voice, "is that you?" "Hey, Jerry! Man, am I glad to see you!" "You find a way out yet?" "Nope. You?" "Nada. This has long since lost its charm." "Hey guys, wait up," came another voice from behind them. "Hey, Susie!" shouted Luke. "Glad to see you aren't hurt." "No, I'm fine. What have you guys been doing?" "Tryin' to find a way out," Jerry said. "How 'bout you?" "Looks like she's been havin' a good time," Luke laughed as he pointed to the dildo in Susie's hands. "Takes a big prick to know one," Susie shot back. Luke instantly quieted down. "You guys find a way out yet," called Danny has he trotted up to the rest of the group. "Not yet," said Jerry. "Hi Danny," said Susie. "Did you get hurt by the fall?" "Nope, I don't know what I landed on, but it was pretty soft." "Well, you had me pretty worried," she said, and she hugged him and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek. Luke seethed as he watched Danny getting some attention from Susie. "What about it, Geek," he said, "have you figured out how to get out of here?" "I've got a theory," Danny said. "It sounds dumb, but, from everything I've experienced tonight, I'd say that we'll find an exit when the house wants us to." "You're right," Luke snapped back, "it is dumb." "No," Jerry said, "Danny's making a lot of sense. I couldn't get out of the room I was in until I found what it wanted me to take." "Me, either," said Susie. "I know there wasn't a door in that room before I found this . . . thing." "I'll bet," said Danny, "that we'll find the exit just after we find Amanda." "Or she finds us," finished Susie. "Well, then, that exit ought to be popping up any second now," Amanda said as she approached the group from the front. "Hi, Mandy," Luke said as he put his arm around Amanda. "You look none the worse for wear." "Mr. Johnson," Amanda replied curtly. "I'm not in the mood, so either remove your arm or you'll pull back a stump." Luke quickly did as Amanda instructed. "Are you PMS-ing?" he said. "You've been one hostile bitch all night." In response, Amanda simply looked at Luke and rolled her eyes. Turning to Danny, she said, "Now, about your theory." "Well, it just stands to reason. The four of us came from down that way, and you came up the opposite direction. There clearly has not been an exit so far. I think we need to wait and see what happens." They did exactly that. They stood around, waiting, for several minutes. Luke was rapidly loosing patience with the entire situation. He walked over to Danny and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Got any more bright ideas, punk?" "Let go of him," Jerry shouted and rushed to Danny's defense. "Luke, stop it," Susie said as she drew closer to the fight. "Everyone, calm down," Amanda said as she, too, stepped closer to the rest of the group. As she did, all five of the students felt the floor beneath them drop slightly, then begin to move slowly down. "I was right," Danny said. "It must have required our combined weight to set off the next step." "This had better lead to the exit," Luke blustered, "or you won't see the outside." "Just back off," Jerry said. "We're in this 'together,' remember?" "Yeah," Luke muttered. The floor continued to drop, slowly at first, then began to speed up with each passing second. Suddenly, it tilted sharply to one side, and the five students found themselves being propelled down a long ramp. With a shuddering thud, they hit a bump on the ramp and were flung into the air. As they sailed along in mid-air, the wall ahead of them opened to the outside. They could feel the cool morning breeze and could just make out the faint glow of the sunrise. "Brace yourselves," Amanda said, "this looks like it's gonna hurt." With a loud "whumph," the quintet landed in a rather soft pile of leaves at the rear of the house. Beyond, the sun was indeed rising up over a hill. The few birds still in the area were beginning to chirp and twitter with the rising of the sun. The group stood and checked themselves for injuries. Finding none, they started to walk towards the front of the house. "Guys," said Jerry, "wait a second. Don't you realize what we've done? We _did_ it!" He gave Luke a big hug. "Yeah!" cried Danny, "we did it. We beat the house." He hugged Susie, who warmly hugged him back. Soon, the entire group was hugging each other. Luke even apologized to Danny and Jerry, and they accepted his apologies without reservation. "So," Susie said. "You've all seen what I got. What did the rest of you get?" "I found this," Luke said as he proudly displayed his magazine. "This is was I discovered," Danny said, holding his gym pass up for all to see. "I found this slutty lipstick," Amanda said. "What about you, Jerry?" Susie said. "It's, um, kind of embarrassing." "It can't be any worse than this dildo!" "Wanna bet?" Jerry said as he produced the enormous bra. "Probably belonged to the woman who used Susie's dildo," Luke laughed, and the others all joined in. "I just want to get back to my room," Danny said, "get some sleep, then get over to the frat house with this proof. Man, we are so in now!" The others agreed, and, in a jocular mood, passed through the iron gate and headed back to their dorms. None of them looked behind them, which was a shame; if they had, they would have noticed the mansion "smiling" at them. Sure, they would have claimed that it was just an illusion - - the way the morning sun was coming through the house made the various windows and doors look like a smiling face. But, they would never have been able to explain how the house was able to blink. Chapter V: Jerry Jerry Bartucci lied on his bed, exhausted but unable to sleep. His thoughts kept turning to the enormous red bra he had taken from the house. He thought about how silky it felt in his hands, how sweet it had smelled. He wanted to try it on. "What am I thinking?" he said out loud. "There is no way I'm putting that bra on. No fuckin' way." Minutes went by. With a start, Jerry realized that he was still holding the sexy red bra. He wondered just how the straps would feel as they brushed over his shoulders. "Alright," he thought. "I'll just put it on for a second. Then, maybe I will be able to sleep." He took off his shirt and set it aside. He put his arms through the straps, then grabbed the ends of the bra. He reached behind himself and clasped the bra together almost as if he had been doing it all his life. "How did I do that?" he wondered. He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked ridiculous; a guy in a huge bra. He held the cups away from his chest and wondered just what breasts big enough to fill these cups would look like, would feel like. He noticed an itchiness on his chest and began to rub it. His nipples were sore. And he was certain that he could feel a slight swelling as he rubbed. Jerry looked again at his reflection. "Oh my God," he said. "What's going on?" He had noticed that his washboard stomach no longer had any definition to it. Not only that, but it was narrowing, or maybe it was his hips that were widening. Maybe it was both. "This thing's changing me," he croaked out and reached behind his back to undo the bra. It was stuck! He couldn't get it off! Jerry watched in the mirror as his breasts indeed began to grow. They were tiny at first, but were unmistakable as female breasts. They continued to expand, and Jerry marveled at their firm, full shape. His nipples continued to stretch out as well. The moment Jerry felt certain that his breasts couldn't grow any larger, he felt a tingling in his groin. "Oh no, not my cock too!" he cried, his voice now higher in pitch. He reached between his legs and found nothing but air. He pushed up a bit further, and discovered a newly formed opening where his cherished cock used to reside. "This simply cannot be happening," he said. He looked into the mirror, and was startled to see not himself, but a gorgeous woman standing there. Her face, which used to be his face, was lovely, with dark brown eyes and a perfect olive complexion. Her hair was still his same short brush cut, but, instead of looking masculine, it gave her an exotic air and brought out both her huge eyes as well as her dainty ears which hugged the sides of her head. Jerry wondered, though, if anyone would ever notice his face; he doubted if they'd ever get past his chest. His tits were huge. And they were firm as well and appeared to be completely natural. His body frame had gotten somewhat smaller during his transformation, and his newly narrowed waist and enlarged hips simply added to the apparent size of his bust. "Oh my God, I'm a hunchfront!" Then, her mind overloaded with what had just transpired, Jeri fainted, sinking slowly to the floor. Chapter VI: Amanda Amanda McBride stood in front of her mirror as she finished drying her hair. She'd gotten a chill while walking through "that stupid mansion," as she thought of it, and wanted nothing more than to take a hot, relaxing shower, which is just what she had done. She examined herself in the mirror and was pleased with what she saw. "I am _such_ a hottie," she thought. "And I bet this new lipstick would make me look even hotter." She reached over and opened the lipstick she had taken from the mansion, then quickly dropped it. "Gross," she said. "No one would wear such a tacky color." But, the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to try it. "Maybe I'll start a new trend," she thought as she again opened the lipstick and examined the familiar contents. The color jumped out at her. With her porcelain complexion and light blonde hair, the intense red of the lipstick would be a shocking statement. "This is insane," she muttered to herself as she began to spread the lipstick across her lips. "I'll just put it on quickly, see what I look like, then take it right off." But, as she began to apply the lipstick, Amanda found that she love the feel of it on her mouth. It was so slick, almost sinful in its richness. She examined her reflection. "Oh wow," she said, "that _is_ hot." She stood, staring at her reflection in the mirror, blowing herself kisses, for at least an hour. She was transfixed by the image. She was also getting herself quite turned on and wet in the process. Slowly she began to think again. But her thoughts were certainly not normal. "If this feel this good on my mouth, I bet it would feel even better on my pussy lips." And, with that, she began to apply the lipstick to her labia. "Ohh, yeah!" she moaned. When she finished, she recapped the tube and set it down, then sat on the floor to examine herself more closely. As she bent forwards, she noticed that her labia looked different now, kind of swollen. But the color on them was so exciting; she found herself getting all turned on once again. This time, she decided to keep on pleasuring herself, and stuck several fingers into her wet pussy. It didn't take her long to build up to a thundering climax, then another one, and yet a third. Exhausted, Amanda removed her fingers from her pussy and noticed an odd "slurping" sound as she did. "Hey," said a voice, "put those back here. I wasn't done cleanin' 'em yet." "Who said that?" Amanda said, quite startled that someone had spoken. "I did," said the voice. "Now put your fingers back down here now." Transfixed, Amanda did as she was instructed. As her fingers neared her pussy, she felt her lips actually move -- they actually reached out and pulled her fingers in. Then, they began to run over the surface and caress her fingers. It was, without a doubt, the strangest thing Amanda had ever felt in her life. "Ummm, that was good," said the voice as her fingers were released. "Got a cigarette?" "Yeah," she said. "Good idea." She shook two cigarettes from her pack, placed one in her mouth and lit it. The other, she moved towards her pussy. She felt it move as her lower lips grabbed it, and she applied the flame to the end. She saw her stomach swell out slightly, then a cloud of smoke streamed from her crotch. "Thanks, toots," said the voice. "Nothin' like a smoke after sex." Amanda reached up to her dresser and grabbed a hand mirror. She held it between her legs and looked at her pussy. Well, what used to be her pussy. It now appeared to be an actual mouth; the outer lips looked like real lips. And she was certain that there were now teeth there as well. "This is too much," Amanda said, and she passed out. "Oy," said her pussy. "Hey, toots, wake up. Wake up!" But it was no use; Amanda was out like the proverbial light. Chapter VII: Susie Susie Hamilton woke from a horrible dream. She had been running down a dark hallway, and giant snakes had been following her, trying to force their way between her legs. She had been terribly frightened, but also terribly turned on. When she woke, one of the snakes had been pressing its head against her vagina. Slowly, Susie realized that she wasn't alone in her bed . . . she had somehow grabbed the dildo that she'd taken from the mansion and had placed it between her legs as she slept. "Oh God," she said, "what am I doing?" She pushed the giant phallus away in disgust. Susie closed her eyes and drifted back off to sleep. Her dreams returned, but this time, she was licking an ice cream cone. This was the most wonderful ice cream cone she had ever tasted. She just couldn't get enough of it, and, the more she licked, the better it tasted; also, the more she licked, the more turned on she got. She opened her mouth wider, and wider, and wider still, trying to get as much of the ice cream cone into her mouth as she could. With a start, she awoke, only to discover that she had placed the tip of the dildo in her mouth while she slept and was sucking on it furiously. Although her first reaction was to yank it away, she was still feeling quite horny from the dream and so continued to suck on the head of the latex penis. "This thing is huge," she thought to herself. "I can barely get the tip into my mouth. How would I ever get it inside me?" That thought, which normally would have repelled her, now seemed very intriguing. She removed the saliva-slicked dildo from her mouth and pressed it against her quivering vagina. She slowly applied pressure to it and it began to enter her. "Ooooohhhh," she moaned as she felt herself stretch out wider than she imagined was possible. The feeling was incredible. Stretched out this way, every nerve along her vagina was being stimulated more intensely than they'd ever been stimulated before. Susie was able to get a foot of the dildo into herself before she found it would go no further. She began to move it in and out as rapidly as she could. After a few seconds of this, she was in complete bliss and felt more satisfied than she ever had before. Well, almost satisfied. There was one thing she wanted to try again - - putting it back in her mouth. She pulled it from herself and brought it up to her mouth. Her own juices were now covering the dildo, and, to Susie, they smelled wonderful and tasted better than the ice cream she had been dreaming about. She opened her mouth as wide as possible, then began to suck on the dildo. "This is incredible," she thought, still in the throes of sexual passion. She pushed down further and further on the dildo, bringing more of it into her mouth. She suddenly snapped her head back, lifting the dildo high into the air. With a mighty "gulp," she began to swallow the phallus. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her image reflected in the mirror; she only had six inches of the thing in her mouth at the moment, but she could see its length decreasing. She could also see her throat swelling as the head passed further into her. "What am I doing?" Susie thought with a shudder. "How can I be doing this? It's physically impossible." But, impossible or not, Susie was continuing to swallow the dildo. Soon, only a few inches of it remained outside her gaping mouth. She reached her hand up and gave the end of the dildo a gentle push and it slid the rest of the way into her mouth. She closed her mouth and felt the muscles in her jaw practically sigh in relief. She could still see her image in the mirror. Her neck was still horribly distended, but she could see it move back to a normal size as the phallus continued its descent. Soon, she was able to bend her neck again. The realization of her actions hit her, and she began to panic. "Oh my God, I just swallowed three feet of hard latex! How am I going to get it back out?" She stood and started to run to the bathroom, but she didn't get two steps past her bed before a massive pain wracked her stomach, causing her to double over. The pain seemed to move from her stomach to her crotch. "What is happening?" she choked out. Then, suddenly, she could feel it. Something was pressing against her crotch . . . from the inside. She looked down and was shocked to see a bulge forming just above her vagina. She felt the area and was even more shocked to find that her vagina was no longer there; the opening was sealed shut, and her labia were swelling rapidly. With a loud "plop," the bulge above Susie's former vagina opened and revealed a huge penis; not as big as the dildo had been, certainly, but quite large in its own right. The pain began to subside, and Susie was finally able to breathe again. She stood and looked at herself in the mirror. She saw her familiar face, her large, firm breasts, her rounded hips, and a semi-erect cock where her pussy used to be. Tentatively, she touched the cock; it was quite warm and pulsed beneath her fingers. She was barely able to wrap her hand around its thickness. She began to move her hand up and down along the shaft; instantly, it became fully erect. Susie sat down and continued to masturbate her new cock. Once erect, it must have been a foot long, maybe longer. She marveled at the new feelings she sensed coming from her groin. She'd had many orgasms as a woman, but this feeling was totally different. More localized, she thought, and certainly more intense. Suddenly, she had reached the brink and began to erupt huge gobs of hot, white semen. It went everywhere, but Susie didn't care, not when she was feeling something this good. Soon, her orgasm was over. She looked at the mess she had made. "I'll clean it up later," she thought as she pulled on a robe. "I've got to talk with Amanda!" She rushed down the hall and knocked on Amanda's door. "Mandy," she called, "it's Susie. I've got to talk to you. Open up." When no sound came from within, Susie decided to let herself in anyway, figuring that Amanda was sleeping. Once inside, she found Amanda on the floor. "Mandy, wake up. Are you alright?" Amanda slowly woke up with a moan. "What a dream," she said, then noticed Susie standing in front of her. "What's up, Suz?" "You aren't going to believe this," she said, "but something weird just happened with that . . . thing I got at the mansion last night." "The word is 'dildo.' What did you do, play with it?" Susie's deep red blush answered Amanda's question better than words would have. "You've got to be kidding; that thing would have split you in two." "It might have, if I'd gone in more than a foot. But that isn't the weird part." "What, don't tell me you went down on it, too. Susie!" "I deep throated the whole thing. I swallowed it." A look of concern crossed over Amanda's face. "Then we'd better get you to a hospital immediately." "No need," Susie said. "That's the weird part -- it came out. Like this." With that, she opened her robe and showed Amanda her new cock and balls. "Holy Shit!" Amanda said. "Hey lady, there's no way you're gonna slide that putz into me," said Amanda's pussy. Susie stared at Amanda's talking crotch in shock. "Oh shit," she said before she fainted. "Oy," said Amanda's pussy. "Can't anyone stay awake around here?" Chapter VIII: Danny After getting some much needed sleep, Danny Spellman felt much better. He was quite pleased with himself from the night before. He had managed to keep his head through most of their adventures; he only screamed once, and that had been at a spider; he'd even gotten a nice hug and kiss from that fox Susie Hamilton. "Yes," he thought, "things are definitely looking up." Danny was so pleased with himself, in fact, that he decided that this was going to be the day he started to change his life. And he was going to start by using that pass he'd gotten from the mansion to go to the gym. He picked up the phone and dialed the "Change Is Good Health and Fitness Center." He was amazed that he was able to get an appointment for an hour from when he called. "That's pretty good service," he thought to himself. Not quite an hour later, Danny found himself at the gym. He was amazed at the people in there. They were the most stunningly beautiful women he had ever seen. "Must be ladies day," he thought. He presented his gift pass to the perky redhead at the counter, and she looked him up and down with a big smile on her face. "We're really going to be able to help you, Danny" she said, introducing herself as Lana. She smiled as she handed Danny a bag. "Here are your complimentary workout clothes; the locker rooms are ahead on your right." Danny walked down and went into the locker room. He was surprised that it didn't say "Men" on the door, just "Lockers." "Everyone must know which is which," he thought to himself. He picked out a locker and changed into the clothes in the bag. They were very stretchy, he noticed, and thought they looked a touch effeminate, but just shrugged his worries away and went back out to the lobby. Lana was waiting for him and asked him a bunch of questions about what he hoped to get out of working out; when he told her he wanted to be "buff," she smiled and said, "I think we can arrange that." She wanted to start Danny with some aerobic exercises to get warmed up. Before they started, she gave him something to drink. It smelled kind of strange to Danny, but Lana assured him that it was designed to help him get the most out of the workout. As they began to exercise, Danny discovered that Lana was quite a taskmaster. She pushed him harder than he'd ever been pushed, and he found himself not only enjoying the exercises but feeling as though they were already making a difference. "That's impossible," he thought. Next, they went into the weight room. Lana had set the machines for Danny and showed him how to correctly perform each exercise. As he did, he felt that the muscle groups he was working were growing rapidly. The experience was a heady one, and Danny began to push himself even harder; his efforts were not wasted on Lana, who was all smiles and praises. As he continued his workout, Danny noticed something else changing. He was starting to feel strange, almost like things were changing inside him as well as outside. When he mentioned this to Lana, she dismissed it with a smile, saying that all first-time customers felt the same way. After an hour or so of hard exercise, Lana finally allowed Danny to rest for a moment. She told him to close his eyes and walked him over to a mirror. "Open your eyes now," she said, "and take a look at the changes you've already made." Danny did so and got the shock of his life. He was staring back at a well-muscled, very buff, person. Unfortunately, that person also happened to be a woman. She was very attractive, though, and Danny continued looking at her in awe. Her long red hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. The woman in the mirror was mimicking every move Danny made; when he flexed his biceps, the woman in the mirror did as well, and she had very impressive biceps. She was also very well endowed, Danny noticed, and reached up to touch his breast. He had expected it to be hard, like his muscles, but he was happily surprised to find it firm but yielding. And, boy, was it sensitive. "Well, Dani," Lana said with a smile, "what do you think?" "I think I'm a total fox," Dani replied as his mind switched genders to match the rest of his now-female body. "I couldn't be happier. I wonder what Susie's going to think of the new me?" Chapter IX: Luke Luke Johnson locked his dorm room door behind him, then went over to the window and pulled the curtains shut. He did not want to be disturbed. All evening, ever since he'd found that magazine, Luke had been thinking about one thing and one thing only -- masturbation. The model on the cover was so incredibly hot, he nearly came in his pants when he first looked at her. He had been afraid to look at the rest of the magazine in the mansion, fearing that he wouldn't be able to help himself. And he suspected that the assholes from his frat-to-be had rigged cameras in the place, hoping to catch him playing with himself; he wasn't going to give them the satisfaction. He stripped out of his clothes and laid down on his bed, magazine in one hand, his dick in the other. Luke had learned, after years of practice, how to turn a magazine's pages with one hand, and he did so now, looking for additional pictures of this incredible model. There she was! Luke felt himself jerk with lust. She was wearing something even skimpier and more see-through than what she wore in the picture on the cover. He searched the credit page for her name. "Lucy Johnson," he said. "Never heard of her. Neat, though, that we've got the same last name." He turned back to the cover. "Lucy," he said to the picture, "nice to meet you. I'm Luke. And this is Gilligan, my 'Little Buddy.'" Luke picked up his pace as he continued flipping through the pages. Every new picture of Lucy was hotter than the previous one. He couldn't imagine how Sports Illustrated was going to get these pictures past the censors, let alone the wives or girlfriends of the subscribers. But, for that matter, he didn't care, either -- "I've got my copy," he thought, "let 'em get their own." As he continued to fantasize about Lucy, he imagined what her skin felt like. He pictured wrapping his hands around her breasts, kneading them until she orgasmed. He imagined what her sweet pussy must look like, expecting to find that it was completely shaved; none of the pictures had revealed even the slightest hint of pubic hair in Lucy's crotch, even with the skimpiest of bikini butt-floss bottoms. Luke began to feel jealous of Lucy in a way. "It's not fair," he thought. "She gets to feel herself up any time she wants to." He imagined then that the hands kneading Lucy's breasts were her own, and he tried to imagine how that must feel. He imagined sticking one of her lovely, long- nailed fingers into her pussy and brushing up against her sensitive clit. The thoughts he was having were driving him wild, but he was still unable to release. He looked back at the cover, feeling his orgasm so close, yet still unreachable. "Oh Lucy," he moaned as he stared at her emerald green eyes, "I wish I was you." As Luke said those words, his orgasm finally arrived. He erupted all over the picture of Lucy. Sperm was running down her gorgeous face. In a panic, fearing that the ink would run, Luke reached for something with which to wipe off the photograph, but he couldn't find anything. Frantic, not knowing what else to do, he quickly brought the magazine to his face and began to lick all the sperm off the page. He lapped quickly, not even thinking about what he was really doing. He also had not yet stopped furiously stroking his penis. With a loud "schlupp," Luke suddenly found his penis in his hand; what made it unusual now was that it was no longer attached to his body. The realization of what he had just done sobered Luke immediately and he began to scream. "Oh my God, I've ripped off my own dick!" His scream sounded funny, too. It was too high, almost like a girl's scream. A girl? Luke sat upright immediately and felt a strange weight on his chest, a weight that hadn't been there moments before. He also felt hair brushing his shoulders and back. He looked down and saw two beautiful, full, firm breasts now adorning his chest. They were bare and showed no trace of the chest hair that had been on Luke's body moments before. "And why should they?" Luke wondered to himself. "Women don't have hairy chests." He looked down further and saw his long legs were no longer the heavily muscled ones he'd had when he lied down; instead, they were smooth and supple, with tiny ankles, adorable knees, and soft, creamy thighs. His hand went to his crotch; it was smooth and hair-free, as well as penis-free. His new pubic area sported large labia and a tight pussy. Luke stood up, unaccustomed to his new center of balance, and made his way over to the mirror. Lucy's adorable face was reflected back at him; he confirmed this by looking at the magazine, then at the mirror, then back at the magazine. "I'm now a model," she thought as the realization of her transformation came over her. Lucy was oddly calm and seemed to be at peace with what had happened. "This is turning out to be a very strange day indeed. I wonder how I'm going to explain this to the guys at the frat." Chapter X: Confessions Later that night, at a joint meeting of the Sigma Omicron Beta fraternity and the Gamma Alpha Lambda sorority, the five new pledge inductees had just finished telling their stories to their fellow brothers and sisters. "So," said Dani, "now what do we do? How can we tell our parents about this?" Biff Ward, the SOB president, stood up. "What's to tell? As far as your families, friends, even your teachers are concerned, this is the way you five have always been." "But how?" asked Susie. "Magic," replied Biff. Mr. Marengo was a full-fledged warlock. He's never done anything to harm anyone, mind you, at least not permanently. He just likes playing practical jokes." "You talk about him as if he were still alive," Amanda observed. "He is," Biff said, "in a way. He's become the house. And it is sort of alive; it is self-aware, and is aware of its surroundings." "But why do this to us?" Jeri asked. "For the fun of it," said Shannon Stein, the GAL president. "We provide Mr. Marengo with some yearly fun, and, in turn, he does lots of nice things for us. His estate pays for our houses, our meals, even our tuition and books. He helps us with our classwork -- somehow, he makes it easier for us to learn and study. Almost everyone here has a 4.0 grade point average, and nothing below a 3.85." "All we have to do is provide him his yearly fun," Biff continued. "He'll even change you back after you graduate, if you want." "I think I'd like that," Amanda said. "I'm not sure I want a talking pussy going into business meetings with me." "Don't worry about that, toots," her pussy said back. "I didn't have a chance to tell ya, but I only talk around people that Marengo has changed. I'm not here to get ya in trouble." "But what about me?" Lucy asked. "I've been turned into a supermodel, but I haven't even been discovered yet." "I think that's supposed to happen sometime next week," Shannon answered. "Are there any more questions?" Biff asked. The group was silent for a moment. "Alright then. Congratulations! You've passed your initiation." With that, the assembled men and women began to celebrate their good fortune. And, several miles away, loud, low rumbling could be heard. Mr. Marengo was quite pleased with himself. This year's batch of pledges had provided a lot of entertainment. He wasn't sure if he could wait a whole year, though, to do it all again. He'd have to talk with Biff and Shannon; maybe they'd want to switch back to their original genders a year early in exchange for some new pledges, maybe around Sadie Hawkins Day?

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Michelles Final Afternoon of Bittersweet Mayhem

By early Wednesday evening, plans were in place for Friday's final erotic activity. Michelle could see, as soon as Randy came through the cottage door, that he was excited. He was definitely flying on the wings of anticipation. That Wednesday morning, she had encouraged him to attend a special meeting with the other husbands. She knew from talking to Sora, their little Maid, that it was during that meeting her husband and another husband would decide with whom she and Randy would spend their...

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Monster Mayhem

Halloween Special Come to me Melinda. I heard his purring voice in my mind, before he said it out loud. Soft, velvety, almost hypnotic tones echo my name. Like an alluring whisper of magic, they streak down my spine. I shiver. Someone’s just walked over my grave. And I like it. I put the kettle on for the coffee I promised him after he drove me home from the party. He knew I hadn’t been in the neighbourhood long, and wouldn’t allow me to hail a cab at this time of night. Too dangerous he...

3 years ago
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M Is For Mayhem

"Ring-g-g-g!" came the insistent sound of our doorbell. I looked questioningly at my wife, sitting across the dinner table from me. She shrugged and returned an 'I have no idea' look to tell me she wasn't expecting someone. "Probably a salesman or some kid wanting to mow the lawn," I said. "I'll get it." I got up from my half eaten dinner and started to the front door. I glanced at the hall clock, verifying that it was a few minutes after seven-thirty on a Thursday evening. I...

2 years ago
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Iron ManChapter 10 Managing Mayhem

"Kansas City Star Subscription Desk, This is Cef," "Keith Graham here Spider, how are you?" "I'm good Doc, how are you?" "Good as well," he told me, "Listen, we've got two open spots where we can insert you for the management program, and I thought I'd give you your choice." "Okay," I agreed. Meantime, my real thoughts were on Becka, and what it would mean to both of us. "Alright, the first one is Flint, Michigan, the Flint Journal." Doc paused there, to let it sink in,...

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ShilohChapter 40 Mercenary Mayhem

Monday morning Kyle is in the office checking over the events of the last week. What is surprising is a number of hot issues he’d expected to handle this week are no longer on the list since some sorted themselves out and some of the recently promoted staff sorted others. Much of the day is spent going over the different proposals for the new corporate structure. Some of the division heads had the sense to involve Personnel staff in the review of job descriptions and duty lists while they...

4 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 40 Mysteries and Mayhem

BOB POV: Our little ‘Adventure’ has suddenly turned into a most curious mystery. We’re looking all around, trying to figure out how this tiny baby got to this island. She was just lying here, wrapped in a furry skin of some kind, and crying. Ed and Greg, while admittedly not expert trackers, are looking to see if they might find some evidence of this child’s mother. There’s no way she could have survived here for more than a couple of days without her mother’s milk, or food or water. She...

1 year ago
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Movie Mayhem

Hi. My name is Alex. Let me tell you about the time I went to the movies that I will never forget! Even though I'm only 18, my parents are pretty loose on the rules and don't really care what time I come home just as long I get up for school the next morning. Anyway, after football practice ended at 8:00, my friend Chad and I decided to go to the cinema and watch a few movies. We didn't know it at the time, but watching movies wasn't the only thing we would be doing. The first movie we watched...

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Mansion in the Wood

Thanks to Kanga40 for her wonderful editing skills on this story. * We met in college. After dating for several years we finally got married. Tricia was my life. We had been married for a year when the house came up for sale. It was a dream home for just about anyone. The house had been built in 1939 as a mansion for some rich socialite. She’d been married and raised their children there. Her husband passed on yet she still lived in that big old house. It was huge, sitting on ten acres of...

2 years ago
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Don't forget to change the characters names and start the game. It'd ruin the point of the story if you don't... btw, everyone is aged over 18... Each choice you make effects what other characters think of you so keep that in mind before making drastic choices. And you might also need to get items too. For example, if you're going out, be sure to grab a condom just in case. You're also going to need a certain amount of points on a character to do a certain thing with them. For example, you're...

4 years ago
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Mansion maid

My grandfather was still young when he passed away. He was a cruel joker, and had the sense of humor of laughing gas is what his friends always said. He took care of me when I was young, my mother passed in c***d birth, and no knowledge of who my father was. So my grandfather took care of me, with the help of the maid. Until I was in college he lived in the city, so I could take the bus and go to school, but once I left for college I became busy, and he moved out of town, up on a hill with the...

4 years ago
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Mansion On The Hill MOTH 1 I Dare Ya

Mansion On The Hill (M.O.T.H.) #1: I Dare Ya By Andrea Walker Copyright 1998 7/14/98 "That takes care of that," I said dropping my knapsack beside the couch. "Greg, I think you've proven your point, no dare too big and all that. I didn't think you'd take that one." "What, you actually believe that old place is haunted or cursed or whatever Steve?" "I still think it is," My girlfriend Anne cut in. "That place was creepy." "Definitely," June added. "It's just some old...

2 years ago
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Mansion In The Wood

Thanks to Kanga40 for her wonderful editing skills on this story. We met in college. After dating for several years we finally got married. Tricia was my life. We had been married for a year when the house came up for sale. It was a dream home for just about anyone. The house had been built in 1939 as a mansion for some rich socialite. She'd been married and raised their children there. Her husband passed on yet she still lived in that big old house. It was huge, sitting on ten acres of...

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John and Joan

1. In the writers forum of Literotica, there was at least one complaint that no one ever wrote a story about ordinary people. Here is my attempt. All persons, usernames, and internet sites in ‘John and Joan’ are completely fictional and any similarities to any persons or sites living or dead is completely coincidental. *** John arrived home from the office at six-thirty, his usual time. He had left that morning at the usual time. As a double entry accountant for a fast food organization, he...

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Fun with Dick and Jane

(this is the continuing adventures that were begun in "Gee Spot Run." In that story, Jane and I meet in the park and talk about Jane's disappointing sex life. We both end up at my home, where I teach Jane how to truly enjoy the fine art of masturbation) I didn't hear from Jane for a week, and I wasn't sure how to interpret her silence: was she boggled and speechless by the turbulence of her newly awakened lust;.... or was she beginning to think about publicly branding her neighbor as...

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My First Coloured Lady

I went to my neighbors house again, becoming a routine it seems. I knocked on the door and his wife answered, she told me to come in and have a seat she had something she wanted to tell me. SoI sat on the couch and she sat beside me and told me that Jim's sister was ill and he had to take a drive to think. Mary-Ellen then started to cry.I put my right arm around her and pulled her into a hug and started trying to comfort her.Mary then took my left hand and put it on her breast. I pulled back a...

2 years ago
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A Prize Unlike Any Other

"A prize unlike any other," they advertised. "Take a test and receive a prize. The first person to receive a Perfect Score gets a mystery prize unlike any other." You expected something the likes of details pertaining to Einstein's contributions to Physics and the things that stemmed from said contributions or the finer working of Chaos Theory with such a billing. You were even expecting something insulting, like a test on the history of the United States being held by some smug Europeans whose...

2 years ago
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The Video Store Part 2 of My Sex Slave Neighbor

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....Part 2 - The Video StoreRecap of Part 1(Found my Married next door neighbor masturbating to a movie I left in her house. Then she spent the whole day sucking my cock around her house. Then I left her instructions to wash my clothes, not kiss her husband when he got home from work.)Part 2~~~I watched Brenda naked body jiggle as she walked out of my view. A few minutes later, I saw her husband Frank walk by his kitchen window. He reached into the fridge to get...

5 years ago
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Male Order Bride Part 2

Please read the first part of Male order Bride or this will not make as much sense... ... after several hours bouncing around in the box... his heart was pounding ... he was hot... sore from being bound in the box... his jaw was sore from the metal brace... his head was pounding from the strap encircling it... he was sweating from rubber wedding dress he was encased in... and he was incredibility sexually frustrated as his member was engorged and held firm and curved downwards in the...

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Remembering Tracey Part Seven

This is chapter 7 of a series. It is based on a true couple, but 90% of the stories, except for the first-time flashbacks, are fantasy. I loved it when I was awakened in the morning to the feeling of Tracey sliding into bed with me. It was the morning after her web cam performance and I was sleeping late. It was around 11 a.m. when she quietly lifted the comforter and slid into bed with me. She snuggled up against my back. I could feel the heat of her body through the thin t-shirt as she...

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Daughters Horny Urge Section 2Revised

Her mother was shaking and rocking her hips, grinding her cunt up into Jerry's face, obviously enjoying his tongue. Fiona wondered what to do as she watched. Somehow they'd come back while she'd dozed off, and hadn't seen her out here. Her father made her mother come in a gasping orgasm which made Fiona very wet, and she wanted to finger her pussy, but she didn't dare. She didn't want them to catch her watching them, let alone masturbating while she did! Her parents swapped places,...

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Jenny and the Wild Boar

By: kangaroo08 The old man had been making claims for years about a large pig, perhaps many, who had been making foraging attacks on his farm land that bordered on the swamp country. Not many people believed old Joe after listening to a lifetime of tall stories told at every opportunity and to anyone who would listen. Still he persisted with his larger than usual pig stories. “I tell him!” he would insist, “Them pigs is huge, one big boar must be seven or eight hundred pounds. Huge he...

4 years ago
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Herakles the Hero

Kalliste Periakes was humming to herself as she pushed through the door of the bar. "The Cubs need pitching," she announced to everyone in the bar... She was a young-looking woman with a thick mass of black hair, wide eyes and a generous mouth. Today she was wearing a Chicago Cubs jersey and jeans, not the usual attire for a graduate student at Northwestern University. "Amen, sister," one man said. "The starting pitching looked pretty good, but the relievers..." He shook his head sadly...

3 years ago
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Mom Wants What Daughter Gets

As I dated my current wife, she frequently told me stories about how her mother liked to flirt with men. She was married but that never seemed to stop her. I witnessed her behavior one day while at a lovely brunch. I was still getting to know my future in-laws and throughout the brunch I caught Dorothy frequently looking at me and at one point when we made eye contact, she would not look away. She stared at me with a look of longing. It was I that finally broke the contact. I must admit,...

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My first time performing at a strip club

I had confessed to him that it would be exciting having strangers see me nude. It started with just someone getting a quick peek, but as we discussed it, the idea quickly grew. Our fantasy quickly escalated from wanting strangers to just stare at me. I wanted to have them grope my chest also. Joe thought a strip club would fulfill the fantasy. However, I was terrified of being recognized, and the gossip wold be very embarrassing. Joe solved the problem. He planned a getaway for us in a resort...

4 years ago
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My New Gigalo Client In Pune

Coming to the introduction. My name is sam. I am a gigolo. Meri current location Pune hai. Meri age 27 hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. Koi ladies or bhabi any female jikno mari gigalo service chaye contact me.…now jyada bore na krte hue apni story pe aata hu Start story Me apko mere ek client ki kahani sunata hu jinke sath me pure 2 din bityae or sex karke unko satisfy kiya unko…. Itna khush hue ki unho me 10000 ki jaga15000 diya or ab bhi o biche biche me...

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Bill Lauren Ch 4

When we last left Bill and his girlfriend Lauren, Bill had taken his beautiful sister Michelle’s virginity after Lauren approved first though. Bill looked down at Lauren watching her sleep. She looked like an angel, her blonde hair let loose around her shoulders her soft breathing and that little smile that was always there if you looked. Just holding her like this was all Bill ever needed from her. There was such a nice feeling in the room with her resting on top of him letting out soft moans...

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Unexpected Encounter With Deepak My Neighbor

Hi ISS readers… thank you so much for your comments about my previous story…I am Parvathy from tamilnadu… a married female in her late 30s… this is another fantasy about having sex with my neighbor Deepak Raj my next house neighbor…. Leave your comments at Story begins here… Like every summer we teacher for +2 class in tamil nadu don’t have much time as vacation…. But my daughter wants to go see her grandparents… so my husband took her to see them and said he too will spend a week time there...

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A New Life

A New Life It all started when I won the lottery. You decided that the first thing you would do was build the house of your dreams. 3 car garage, 5 bedrooms, 6 1/2 baths, full basement, the works. You've always had a thing for watching women dominate other women, so you had a secure room built in your basement for private shows. There were 2 entrances to the basement, one through the house, the other from outside. The inside entrance was for you only; the other one was for everyone else. The...

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my first time cross dresser

It all started when 13.when I on a chat room talking to this really nice guy and he sounded hot so I added him on msn. He went on cam and he was stunning he was clean shaven thoses jaw droping abs and huge 8 and half inch cock I woz dribbling just looking at him. I told him that I loved wearing girls cloths he love it too he told me he love young boys cross dressing so I got dressed up in my sister slutty outfit that was black lasce g string thong matching bra grater and fish net stocking...

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Pages of a Day Ch 01

[Prologue: Sandra and Marshall first meet at a bookstore, where they had blind dates with other people. In the middle of a lightning storm, their dates, Randall and Jessica, sense each other, drifting among the aisles, dressed to impress. And impress they do – each other. The attraction is obvious, even as Sandra and Marshall struggle to keep their attention. Randall finally takes the initiative by strolling over to kiss Jessica. They soon leave. Sandra and Marshall, humiliated, storm out,...

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Chucks Chicago Assignment V An evening at the Taylors

Briana listened intently. Her head cocked toward her brother in acknowledgement of his concerns. "Maybe you're reading to much into this or maybe you're over complicating things. I mean it's just sex, I mean she fucked you, I fucked Chuck, Mom ate my pussy, it's not like they asked us to drink blood and become vampires, or join a cult or anything. You and I have been sexually involved for over four years, since I was twelve. We are still involved, that hasn't changed, and the fact that...

4 years ago
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Punished by Horsewomen

The Photograph  The Photograph This story is all a reaction to a photograph I saw in National Geographic Magazine. Sometime in the 1980 NG did an an article on modern Japan. The purpose of the shot was to illustrate how the impact of population density and the scarcity of open land impacts the society. It showed two women in formal equestrian attire seated atop mechanical horses on front of a large projector television. The shot featured the mechanical equines with the image of a green...

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Tim And Abbie 42 Three conversations One topic

After all six celebrating Tim’s promotion, they all gather together again a couple of days later.  It is the first Thursday suppers at Tim and Abbie’s home.  Dinner fixed by Tim is delicious, and they were having a wonderful time enjoying the food and conversation.During dinner, Tim turns to Abbie and says, “Honey, Microga is having a reception and then dinner tomorrow night to formally acknowledge my new position.  We will have time to come home and change before it.”Abbie says nothing in...

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SparksChapter 24

12:15 Wednesday, July 31st, 1991 La Pila de Ladrillos Medillin, Antioquia Colombia The Brickhouse was an interesting Colonial home, a mish-mash of many architectural styles. In his explorations when he wasn't working, Ruben found the odd corners in the place fascinating. Keeping away from some of the hired help was a priority of his, and he quickly finished his reconnaissance of the terrain, cataloging places of refuge and places to avoid. One good place was the exercise room. Not quite a...

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The Room

I was standing next to the door of the Hotel lobby.  I was seventeen years old and spending my summer working for my uncle at his luxury hotel resort in Florida.  It wasn't exactly the highlight of a teenage boys life.  Sure there were plenty of girls running around in next to nothing, but they were all rich snobs who where there spending their daddies money and they all looked at me like I was some kind of cock roach. I wasn't a bad looking guy.  I may have been a little too skinny and a bit...

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Identify Chapter 9 of 10 Time Passes

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. A huge thank you to Oklaliz for the editing help. If you enjoy this, it is largely thanks to Oklaliz making it much more readable. Mistakes are mine, not his. Thank you to everyone who commented on the previous...

3 years ago
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Inappropriate Surprise Incest Requirement Story

Inappropriate Surprise Incest Requirement StoryDescription: In this story, Liz discovers that, much to her surprise and chagrin, her father has expected that she be sexually satisfying her brother on demand. He discovers she has not been doing this, and, together with her brother, he punishes her with much torment, sexual humiliation and and raping.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely...

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The Unexpected Encounter

Hi I am “xyz” Presently living in Bangalore and would like to share my experience. You can also send in your appreciations/feedback’s to depending on the feedback I will post many other stories. And guys if you want me to send the pics of the girls involved in this story, please don’t bother mailing me and wasting my time. Anyways coming back to the story… This incident happened when I joined an IT firm in Bangalore. Had a lot of friends here, every weekend we all guys and girls used to go...

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“This is the worst idea anyone has ever had.” Alexis said as she slid a cold beer in front of me. “When are they coming?” I looked at my watch. “Soon.” Alexis had been one of my closest friends for almost a year. She was a lesbian gal that I had met thru my former land lady. She was also a bartender at a beach spot called The Tiki Hut, which is where I decided to stage my final move in this wicked little game of chess. “Do you really think you’re gonna get out of this mess...

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Failure to Comply

Where is that report I asked you for? I’m most displeased, Mary, that you didn't see fit to do as I asked. You said that your pants got soaking wet when you read my letter but you didn't say whether this was entirely because of any erotic content to the letter, because you were frigging yourself with your fingers or because you were sliding your black vibrator in and out of your moist pink cunt. Next time I ask you to touch yourself, and your pants get wet, just give in to the sensations; take...

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Omorashi story about wetting my jeans female despe

During rush hour the LRT train is always packed to the brim, not as bad as it is in Japan where they have designated people to help cram you in, but it was close today! Cynthia ( Cyn for short ) & I were coming home from a girls afternoon downtown where we had manicures, went to the mall & window shopped, tried on clothing & the usual girlie stuff. Earlier we had a large coffee and I also had a bottled water since I’m trying to learn to keep hydrated & healthy, but we wanted to...

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The ProtectorChapter 60

When Kat and I came down to eat, Maurice had already arrived and was sitting and talking to the others. I noticed that another table had been pulled up so that we could all sit together and not have to shout between tables. The small talk went well until we finished eating. Then I told everyone that Maurice had some important news for us and that he would tell all of it to us before we discussed anything. He sat back and then looking a little embarrassed, started to speak. When he finished...

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Telephone Blitz

I don't usually listen in on other people's conversations and have no idea what possessed me to listen in on this one. It was Sunday afternoon and I was in the basement working on the hot water heater when I heard the phone rang. I didn't know what my wife, Janet, was doing at the time and since the basement phone was close I picked it up. Before I could say anything I heard my wife on the upstairs extension. "Gary you shouldn't have called here. What if John had answered the...

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The Misunderstanding

THE MISUNDERSTANDING My name is Jeff and I'm writing this down because I think I may need to have something to remind me of exactly what has happened. I believe this may come down to legal proceedings and I must be certain of my facts. My best friend is Victor West, more normally Vic (at school he was called Beetle, just look at his initials) and he is married to Christina who everyone knows as Tina. They married a couple of years ago and I was Vic's Best Man. I must admit that I...

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Doing the neighbour

This is my first story please comment and rate I'm Katie, I'm quite tall around 5 ft 7'', curvy with short dark hair. At sixteen, I am only learning about my body really and recently started masturbating. I started to become more aware of men around me. I loved it that I could smile and watch guys drool over me. My neighbor Greg is a hot guy for a 38 year old and very into his sports. I've always thought he was hot, but only recently I've seen the way he looked at my cleavage as I walked by. I...

Quickie Sex
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Fifty Shades of Cum

“Anistagia Steel” I said as I shake the hand of my future sex master Christian Gay. “Nice to meet you ms. Steel, I’m Christian Gay” he said. He then walked over to the door to his office and locked it and then he called his secretary and told her to cancel his appointments for the rest of the day. “Take off you clothes ” he said. “Um excuse me” I said surprised. I stripped down to my underwear and he started to take his own clothes. “Underwear too” he said now full nude “I want to see how well...

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The Day After

Feels great to be finally 21! It was my birthday, and my friends threw me a huge party at this great bar. The bar is small but cozy, has an awesome atmosphere – perfect for socializing. The owner, Bill, had always been cool and he wished me a happy birthday, kissing my cheek. It is Friday night, so I had no responsibilities tomorrow. All of us were prepared to drink, drink, drink, and drink some more. I’m a pretty light weight, so after 3 shots, I was toasted. As the night turned to dusk, the...

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Mere Pahele Massage Ke Client Mumbai Mein

Hello dosto ye meri real life story hai. Mai Mumbai main rehta hu. I provide complete body massage to ladies and couples. In case you are interested, you can ping me on . I’m available in Mumbai any day. I can come to Pune also. Main gigolo service bhi deta hun. Main ab story pe ataa hu. Mai actually MNC me job karta hu, but extra income ke liye massage bhi karta hu. Main regular gym me jaane ki wajah se fit aur good looking hu. Mumbai me job ke liye aane ke baad maine Locanto pe add dal di...

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