Mansion On The Hill (M.O.T.H.) #1: I Dare Ya free porn video

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Mansion On The Hill (M.O.T.H.) #1: I Dare Ya By Andrea Walker Copyright 1998 7/14/98 "That takes care of that," I said dropping my knapsack beside the couch. "Greg, I think you've proven your point, no dare too big and all that. I didn't think you'd take that one." "What, you actually believe that old place is haunted or cursed or whatever Steve?" "I still think it is," My girlfriend Anne cut in. "That place was creepy." "Definitely," June added. "It's just some old house, guys, c'mon." "I heard it used to be a brothel. That would explain some of stuff in there." "Yeah, that's possible Rob. So, we got our souvenirs to prove we did it. Now what?" "It's almost 3 am, I'm going to bed. Coming, Greg?" "I hope so. G'nite folks..." Steve and June headed downstairs to his room, and Rob started making space to pull out the couch. "So," I asked Anne as I threw my shirt on the 'dirtier' side of my laundry pile, "what'dya grab?" "You first." I dumped my knapsack out on the bed. "Cute," she commented as she separated the garments. "But I didn't think green was your colour." She laid the shiny satin panties below the matching bustier. With a laugh I grabbed the bra and held it up in front of me. "Happy Birthday, Mr. President.." I sang in imitation of Marilyn. Anne arched an eyebrow and smiled. "I bet that would fit you." "Yeah, right," I replied tossing it back on the bed. She picked it up and did a quick search. "What size is your jacket?" "Huh? I take a 38, why?" "This is a 36, but I bet it will." "C'mon, Anne, lay off on that, would you?" "Greg, I DARE you to put it on." "Ohhhh maaaan," I groaned. She had to use those words. "Hand it over," I sighed. "Turn around." I did so, and she slipped the straps over my arms and up to my shoulders, quickly fastening the ten hooks behind me. I looked down to see how bad it looked. It was more than a little snug and the short, heavy stays cut into me cruelly. And I came no where near filling out the cups. "Christ, what size was this woman?" "The tag said 36EE." "Wow, I bet she was somethin' to see." "Probably." She started stroking my fly with her left hand, the right moving over the snug fabric. I stood up and turned around undoing my belt, and she beat me to the button and zipper. My pants puddled around my ankles, she quickly yanked my boxers down and went to work on me with soft kisses up and down my length. Without warning, she plunged her mouth down on me while teasing me with her tongue. I felt my knees begin to shake a minute later, and she stopped just as quickly as she'd begun. I almost fell over trying to step out of my clothes, but her hand was quickly there hooking my pants and shorts off my foot. It wasn't until she'd guided my left foot that I realized what she was doing. "Hey, c'mon..." "Do I have to say it?" I felt the cool satin being slid up my legs and into place. It was weird, feeling that smooth fabric snug around my hips and ass, and tight where my cock was straining against the front panel. Before I could say another word, Anne pushed me back onto the bed, and took over. Lying there in the afterglow of orgasm, I first noticed it. My cock wasn't it's earlier hard self, but the panties weren't as constrictive. At least, not as much as I had thought they would be. I began to feel kind of dizzy, and nudged Anne's almost-sleeping form. "Hmmm?" She snuggled closer. "Anne. I feel weird. Like a fever or something." She felt my forehead. "You feel a little cool. And you need a haircut." Haircut? I'd had one the week before. Running my hands over my head, I realized she was right. I was about to say something when my body was wracked by muscle spasms, like having a whole-body charley horse. Anne sat up, pushing down on my breastbone. "Greg!" "I'm. Oh. God." I saw concern and worry on her face. "Not. Pain. Full." I stuttered and gasped. As I lay there I felt my body do more than convulse. My hips spread, broadened; but the worst was my chest. I could see and feel that. My nipples felt like they had hard-ons of their own, and as I twitched around I could feel them growing. All too soon, there was motion on my chest; my hair was in my eyes. I started to moan. The last thing I'd seen was the strangest look on Anne's face. I lay still, finally, and I realized her hand was still on my chest. She slid it softly to the right, and I could feel that my fear had come to be. Her fingers traced their way over the full, round breast that filled the bra, grazing my nipple. I had another whole-body shiver, but this time it was different. It went out like a shockwave from my breast, arcing through my body like a live wire only to ground between my legs. A hot flush spread over me as my crotch throbbed, begging for release. Unable to resist, I just laid there as she continued caressing my body until the electric feel of my skin was almost too much to take. "Looks like what I grabbed was a good thing," she whispered in my ear. Laying there at the edge of ecstasy, I couldn't do anything. I felt her movements as she shifted around on the bed. Whenever I tried to speak she pinched a nipple, sending me back into the erotic sea I floated on. I wanted to know just what she'd brought back, badly. Soon she began playing with both of my (MY???) breasts again, and I didn't resist when she slid my panties off. She switched to playing with a nipple and rubbing her hand over my throbbing crotch, until I was almost begging for release. The pressure increased between my legs, as I realized she was back to playing with both of my breasts again, kissing my stiff nipples through the emerald green satin. She looked into my eyes for a moment, and then kissed me hard. As her tongue slid between my lips, I felt her thrust her hips, and the universe exploded. At the time, I didn't care what had happened. All I knew was that Anne was thrusting harder and harder, and she made me feel incredible. I lost track of how many orgasms wracked my body as she kept making me full, plunging deeply into my body. When she came, she cried out, ramming into me until our pelvic bones met. I lost track of everything again as I came, moaning and clawing at her back. I felt her slid out and immediately wanted, no, needed her back. Feeling my way down her body, I suddenly sat up as my hand reached something familiar. Flipping on the light, I looked back at her. "Anne... what the..." "Hmm? Of, I found this strap on. Neat huh?" I stared at it. "Strap on? Where are the straps?" "What? They're..." She ran her hands around her hips. "Greg, what's happened to us?" "I dunno..." I finally managed to tear my eyes away from her and get up. The mirror confirmed my fears. I was shorter than before, maybe 5'6", but the body in the mirror was straight out of a teen boys' fantasy. I should know, I'd had my share of them. Blonde hair flowed over my shoulders to halfway down my back, framing an innocent-but-naughty face. My eyes had changed from brown to a sparkling green that matched my bra. I ran my small, delicate hands over my breasts. They were huge! I already felt my back starting to ache with the weight of them. Down past a narrow waist my hips flared, tapering into gorgeous legs with small feet. My toenails (and my fingernails, I saw) were a similar shade of green, though my lips were a soft reddish colour. As I stood staring at the woman who had replaced my reflection, Anne stepped up behind me. She reached around and cupped my breasts, pulling me back against her own. I began moaning again, unable to help myself, until I could feel something hard pressing against my ass. It took a lot of effort, but I managed to pull away from her and turn around. I couldn't help myself, as I stared at her my mouth began to water. She was still Anne, but a cock that must have been ten inches long jutted up from between her legs. I looked to her face, and she was staring down at it. As we watched, the head began to take on a purplish tone. She looked from it to me. "What...?" I couldn't hold back any longer. I fell to my knees before her and ran my hands and tongue up and down it's amazing length. My mirror image did the same. The gleam in my reflection's eyes was nothing but lust. I tried to wrap my hand around it, but ended up needing both hands to surround it's girth. A shiny drop of pre-come glistened in the lamplight. I was no longer in control as I pulled it to my lips and licked the drop away. Anne groaned and pushed forward, catching me a little off guard, and sliding the head past my lips. That finished any resistance I had against my traitorous body as the desire to take her deep into my throat took over. I was screaming into a pillow, Anne squeezing my tits as she pounded mercilessly into my stretched pussy from behind, when I heard a scream from the living room. Anne pulled out and bounced off the bed. Before I could react, she was pulling on her robe and tossing me my panties. "Better put these on, I'll be right back." She closed the robe around herself, keeping her hands in the pockets of it to hide the huge organ that had traded places with her womanhood. I slid my robe on over my changed body and stood by the door, trying to hear what was going on, trying not to think about what had happened to us. A soft knock, "Greg, I think it's safe for you to come out here." The door opened. "We have a problem." "I know that, you want everyone to see me like this?" "Ours aren't the only problems. Come on." She took me by the hand and led me down the hall. My jaw dropped as I walked into the living room. Rob's couch was still folded out, but sitting in the center of it with the sheets wrapped around her was a woman I'd never seen before. Her frightened blue eyes told me this was probably Rob, but the glossy black hair falling to her waist was nothing like Rob's own short-cut dirty blonde. "Rob?" "Greg?" "What happened to you, man..." "ME? Have you looked at yourself?" I sat on the end of the bed. "Yeah. What did it to you?" He pulled a magazine out from beneath the pillow. I saw immediately, he resembled the woman on the cover. I took hold of the sheet and pulled it away slowly. It was phenomenal, he was like her in every detail, and even his usual T-shirt and shorts had changed into a leather bra and panty set. A matching garter belt was connected to the tops of his still-covered stockings. "Wow. This is incredible. Anne, maybe we'd better check..." "Yeah." She headed down the stairs to the basement, where Steve and June slept. Rob and I kept staring in shock at each other. "What did it to you?" I stood and removed my robe. It was too long anyway, and I was almost tripping over it. "Incredible," he sighed, reaching out and running red painted nails over my bra. Another electric shudder raced through me as I leaned into his touch. "Maybe I'd better get a bucket of cold water," Anne quipped as she climbed into view. "They're on the way up," she added. Rob withdrew his (her?) hand quickly and flushed with embarrassment. Rob and I watched as June came up the stairs. Her lips were crimson red, and she appeared to have changed beneath the robe she wore, but subtly. Her previously slightly-heavy figure at been redefined, she seemed a little taller, maybe a little thinner, but just as well endowed as she had been. Possibly more so. I pretty much expected it, but it was still a shock when I saw the figure behind her. Lithe yet muscular, there were no mistaking Steve's emotions as the slim woman stepped fully into view. I couldn't guess at his figure beneath the oversized robe. An awkward silence settled in for a few minutes as we kept looking from one to the other. Realizing I was the only one not wearing something more covering, I reached for my robe only to find that Rob had already slipped it on as he'd climbed out of bed. Anne finally spoke up. "I'm going to go put on some coffee." Well, someone had to do it. Rob was trying to lift the bed, to fold it back up. I stooped to help him, feeling the strange weight of my breasts pulling down. By the time Anne got back, we'd all taken to our usual places and silence prevailed again. "I knew that place was cursed or something," Steve sulked from his recliner. "I guess you're right, it must have been. For what it's worth, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, man." "What did it to you?" "Okay, everyone. I'll start." I stood and turned a circle. "Anne ended up getting me into this get-up that I found there. Next thing I know... voila. Rob?" Rob stood up, wobbling slightly in his high heels. "I, ah, found this magazine. I fell asleep with it under the pillow, now I'm the centerfold." June looked at the two of us, then at Steve. "I found this lipstick. It was the perfect colour, must have been discontinued years ago. I had to have it, and before bed, I had to see what it looked like on me. And I didn't think Steve would mind a few lipstick prints." She blushed. Steve had sat through all of this, the look in his eyes like the eyes of a rabbit I once ran over as it was caught in my lights. "I, ah, I had this gym membership card. I forget the name. 'Finest gymnastic facility in the world', it said. I grabbed it 'cause thought I recognized the name on it. "But what about you, Anne?" June looked over at her. "You didn't change." "Oh, but I did. Trust me." "How are we gonna change back? I can't live like this, I..." Steve's voice cut off as Anne dropped her robe. I glanced around the room and saw the same look three places. It was the same look I noticed on my face when Anne had turned me around and I saw her fully. "That can't be real," June said reaching for it. "It wasn't, to start with." Anne's voice caught as June's nails lightly scraped her balls. Rob was almost visibly drooling as he moved in for a closer look. Steve watched, fascinated, and then crossed the room for a better view of his own. I stepped in behind Anne, and began playing with her breasts, as she'd down with mine. She leaned against me as three hands caressed and stroked her swelling member. I don't know whose it was, but someone's hand strayed back between her legs and began caressing the crotch of my panties. My lust was released again as Anne and I moaned together. Before long, I knew, we'd be taking turns riding the only cock in the room. I just hoped Anne was still 'up' to the challenge by the time it was my turn again. The end

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Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * Kokata was searching. He had probably carried the idea longer, but in the end it was Lei who had spoken the suggestion. So here he was, searching the forest as swiftly as his legs would move him. He needed to find a healer. He wasn’t panicked. They didn’t need one yet. There was still plenty time to find one. Kokata’s body felt light. Happy as he was it was almost as if his legs needed nothing but air to keep him afloat. Lei had said she felt pregnant. It...

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Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * ‘Hello,’ yelled a woman’s voice. ‘Who lives there?’ ‘Beggars at this time of day?’ moaned Brevila and tugged her blanket over her ears. ‘What are they thinking?’ Valo mumbled something which was unintelligible even to himself, laid his arm around his mate and went back to sleep. He had no trouble sleeping through the calls from outside. ‘Valo!’ His mate’s voice was quite another matter, though. ...

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Submitted to by the author. * ‘Lei,’ screamed a loud, hoarse, voice, and Zoa could hear the sounds of hard body-plating ramming against metal bars. ‘Where is she?’ ‘How long has he been at it?’ asked Zoa. ‘A few hours, Officer Zoa,’ replied the guard. ‘He is getting stronger and faster every day.’ ‘So I can hear,’ commented Zoa. ‘The woman isn’t much better. But her we can tie down.’ ‘May I ask how the baby is, Officer Zoa?’ asked the guard hesitantly, she wasn’t supposed...

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Submitted to by the author. * ‘Are you sure your new friend is fine?’ asked his Lei. Even though she hadn’t yet seen the spider-woman there was concern in her voice. ‘I didn’t expect her to be gone this long,’ said Kokata. The sun had set and the sky was greying over. ‘I can go look for her,’ offered his Lei. ‘No,’ snarled Kokata, holding a leg out between Lei and the open air next to the ledge. ‘If she is safe she is safe, if she isn’t she is dead.’ It wouldn’t be safe...

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MCUAgent Hills Lewd Training Class

Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow, was in training room twenty-four aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, surrounded by a group of muscular male S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in gym tights, ten in total. As always, she commanded and received the group's rapt attention. After all, it wasn't every day that you received training from someone who was part of the Avengers.She was dressed in her usual leather uniform -- black, tight and hugging her voluptuous curves to the point that worried the other male...

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Mrs Hill

She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...

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Mrs Hill

She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...

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The Lavender Hill Ladies Luncheon Club

The Lavender Hill Ladies Luncheon Club by enduringshades Author's note: a brief description of each of the Ladies can be found at the end of this story. "I'm off now Audrey," I called upstairs to my wife. She comes rushing down and gives me a kiss. "Oh, Alec, I do wish I could come with you." I reply with a smile. "Sorry, you know the rule - no spouses!" I know she doesn't expect to come, it has been going since before we were married. I turn, leave the house and get it to...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 8 The Courtship of Phillipa Goddard New Years Eve 1987

Pippa picked me up in her car outside the barracks at about 5pm on New Year's Eve. The party was being held at the home of a Frank and Peggy Sinclair, near Farnborough. "The Sinclair's place is a mansion" Pippa informed me. "Frank made a fortune in South Africa, diamonds I think. The Sinclair's are big benefactors to the charity and some of the guests will be my fellow workers, quite harmless," she laughed and spun the wheel past a slower car; she was a good driver, fast but careful,...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Dark Hill

My name is Ted Howard and my wife's name is Beth. We have three children; Carl aged 10, Mike age 8 and Beth age 5. It all started so very innocently with my wife and me enjoying our first vacation by ourselves in over ten years and evolved into something that seems like a fantastic dream than reality. Over the past ten years we have had three children and every vacation had included each of them as they came along. Now, with the children staying with my wife's parents for the summer, we were...

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The Lavender Hill Ladies and the Kenton Manor Maids

THE LAVENDER HILL LADIES AND THE KENTON MANOR MAIDS by enduringshades This is the second Lavender Hill Ladies adventure, the first was the 'The Lavender Hill Ladies Luncheon Club'. For new readers, or as a reminder, I start off with a brief description of each of the Ladies. Otherwise you are welcome to skip to the beginning of the story. THE LADIES The Lavender Hill Ladies started as the Lavender Hill Girls, when four straight crossdressing undergraduates shared a student house...

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Gregor of Hartshorn Hill

Note from the author: Jarrod of Hartshorn Hill is the First of this Series. Druesha of Hartshorn Hill is the Second of this Series. Fallon of Hartshorn Hill is the Third of this Series. Evan of Hartshorn Hill is the Fourth of this Series. Avalon of Hartshorn Hill is the Fifth of this Series. * * * * * Gregor had been born a slave. Usually when you are born a slave, you never know your parents. Slave babies are sent to the slave nursery until they are old enough to perform simple...

4 years ago
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3 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 3 Truth Or Dare

A lot of things changed in the time that followed. My girlfriend, Chloe, went to another state to attend college. I chose a college in our home town. I was kinda lost. Chloe and I were still in love, at least I was with her... but I assumed she was seeing other guys at her new school.  Without Chloe, there wasn’t a legitimate reason for me to hang out at her house anymore. I would drop by to say “hi” every now and then, but it felt rather pathetic to hang around her family when we were...

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Indian paying guest girl used as a surrogate mothe

Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) with my new story of my college friend Lavanya, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on ISS too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts.Girls and Ladies can mail me at [email protected] am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34B-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s love making in bed, but still yearn for a...

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Journey from Mangalore to Bangalore drinking mothe

Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now.. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex books and watching porn, but never had any chance to see a woman naked, but was longing to see a naked woman and masturbating myself thinking about it.This is an incident which happened when I had been to Mangalore to attend a marriage...

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I took teen Patricia in both holes while her mothe

Introduction:This is a story written by request of a reader. Contains: Lesbian, threesome, teen, domination, submission, b********y, cum covered, cum swallowing, cum gushing, double penetration, stretching, strapon, anal, i****t.For Patricia.The area I cover as a social worker is mostly rural, so I get to visit quite a number of small villages with their typical rural problems. One of those visits led me to a small farm, which had allegedly fallen into debt and disorder after the death of the...

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Hardman Hill

"We'll leave the smell of the sea in your bed, Where love's just a job and nothing is said." ELTON JOHN - Sweet Painted Lady "Webster", she said, standing on tiptoe so that she could speak into the intercom set high and to the right of the door. "Tina Webster. I'm supposed to start today". "Of course you are. Come up". The voice was young, light, cheerful. Tina felt the tension in her stomach lift a little. "I can't get in", she told the disembodied voice. "There's no door...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 17 Technical Support

Present Day “I’ve got one stop to make before we can go home,” said Mike Dubois as his daughters climbed into his car. His oldest daughter, Tamara, groaned silently and rolled her eyes. Her father didn’t normally take them on work calls, but it had happened in the past and would probably happen again. At sixteen she was surprisingly mature about that sort of thing. Her one-year-younger sister, Samantha, was not as sympathetic. She groaned loudly and complained, “Daddy!” “Hey, it wasn’t my...

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A Swim at Bunker Hill

“Hey Mikhail,” she said. “How are you?” “Good thanks. What are you doing here?” I asked, scratching my head. “I was bored,” she said. “I heard a bunch of people would be here so I came. Didn’t know you would be here though. Let’s go walk around.” “Ok,” I said. Rachael and I had been friends since as long as I could remember. People that don’t know us tend to think we are brother and sister because we are always together, but also because we look alike. Rachael has long, shoulder...

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A Swim at Bunker Hill

Introduction: This is a true story written to the best of what I can remember. Names havent been changed because I do not think it will matter. Comment please and expect more stories in the future. It was the third day of softball finals. My cousin was playing in the league and I was stuck at the park in the more than 90 degree weather because my aunt never let me stay home alone. While walking around I saw Rachael. I walked up to her and said hi. Hey Mikhail, she said. How are you? Good...

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Bluebell Hill

Bluebell Hill By Paul1954 Prologue Rochester University, Kent, England : October 27th, 2000 Elizabeth Geddes watched the backs of the three young men as they departed from her office and then closed her eyes tightly. Despite the hard facade she had just had to show to them she knew, more than they could ever be aware of, just exactly how they had felt. She heard a muffled curse as the door slammed shut behind them, and experienced what she might have thought of as a feeling of...

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A trip to the Mall changes the Hill family forever

Sandra is a 5'8" blonde that has long curly blonde hair. Her tall frame carries her 135 pounds well and shows off her shapely hips and ass while her 36C tits are the focus of many mens attention. She married as a 20 year old virgin and has only known her husband’s 7" cock. Samantha is tall like her mother. She is pushing 5'10" and has a look that draws boy’s attention when ever she is out and about. She has slimmer hips than her mother, but her tits are just as large and have the...

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After a night at the Mall the Hill family suffers a fate worse than death

Sandra is a 5'8" blonde that has long curly blonde hair. Her tall frame carries her 135 pounds well and shows off her shapely hips and ass while her 36C tits are the focus of many mens attention. She married as a 20 year old virgin and has only known her husband’s 7" cock. Samantha is tall like her mother. She is pushing 5'10" and has a look that draws boy’s attention when ever she is out and about. She has slimmer hips than her mother, but her tits are just as large and have the...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Milk of Desire Book II Chapter 2 Jake Jen went up a hill but not before I got my fill

By EFon Chapter 2 : Jake & Jen went up a hill, but not before I got my fill. So I woke up, still half dressed, on top of my covers, with dried cum all over my groin. It's a good thing it was Saturday or Mom might have come in to wake me up and gotten quite an eyeful. I tend to sleep pretty heavily, and even sleep through my alarm clock blasting for quite a while. Luckily I'd been left to sleep in. Last night I had a plan and a scheme, but then Jen, my sister who had been the...

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Boob Hill

John ‘Long’ Johnson held up a weather-browned hand,bringing to a halt the six horsemen and women trailingbehind him. He pushed back his dusty, ten-gallon cowboyhat and shaded his brow, squinting stinging sweat out ofhis blazing blue eyes as he gazed down at the ramshacklecollection of wood frame buildings and homes that wereDike City, Kansas. Shimmering waves of heat rose off thesun-baked land below, and the sluggish Little Snake River,which regularly overflowed its banks and the town’scrudely...

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The Perfect Episode of Benny Hill Story not my ow

This is something I pulled off one of the Yahoo club sites. It says it was written by someone named Wallace Mason. It's a dream edition of the Benny Hill Show. All I can say is, "Bravo, Wallace!"The Ultimate Benny Hill Show No. 1 by Wallace MasonIt’s the mid 1980’s. British policewomen still where the white and black caps with chequered bands and nurses still wear blue uniforms and caps. The unaired Benny Hill show is about to start. It does include some of Benny’s real sketches, some stolen...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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The House on Sorrow Hill Lane

The House on Sorrow Hill LanebyDr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DPART ONEIt was an icy February night in 1910. Emily could see nothing from the bedroom's leaded window but upper branches of skeleton trees lit up by the full moon's light. Below this the gardens were shrouded in fog. She had seen one fine day blessed with sunshine since she had come to Nine Acres and had remarked that she was sure the sprawling gardens looked beautiful in summer. The back of the house led on to a large lawn...

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A younger woman gets fucked up the hill

I was about to start the last week of my residential course from work, and I hadn't heard from Jo for over a week, since she hinted that she might be up for introducing me to her friend.  I was busy with coursework anyway and with 30 or so co-students all living together there were other fish to fry, so to speak.I had been sailing through the work, but it could get stressful, career advancement was on the line and some people were coping better than others.  This was how I found myself helping...

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