Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 78 Educational and Mansion Planning
- 3 years ago
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Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued)
Mom, Vanessa and Julia arrived back at 4pm. Vanessa told Dad and me, "I've got plenty of pictures in my camera of the four properties we looked at today. We're going to go to Mark's study, load the pictures onto his computer, and use his large screens to display them while we discuss our choices. I'll pick up some Chinese takeout for dinner on the way home, to give you time to clean up before you come over. How does that sound?"
Apart from the sad fact that Chinese don't make pizza - it's otherwise a wonderful culture though - it sounded perfect to me. Dad was also eager, so Vanessa and Julia headed off to gather dinner. Dad and I tidied up while Mom inspected the results of our day's work.
I sent a text message to Carol, "Everyone at Julia's house for dinner and talk about mansion. I'll try to save u some Chinese." [I didn't get an answer from her for nearly an hour, and then it was, "I'll come soon."]
Mom called the mother of the girl Donna was visiting. The girls were running around somewhere, and that woman said Donna could have dinner with them.
We took two vehicles to Julia's because I'd probably stay overnight. I invited Mom to come in my car so she could see I was a good driver. Prof had advised me to do that, but I'd never got around to it before now, ironically just after Mom had canceled her driving restriction.
Displaying Vanessa's pictures on eight 24" screens was VERY impressive, even though most of the photos were landscape oriented. Everyone commented on how great my computer system was (it should be too, for the size of the check I'd written!). I was more interested in the pictures than what they were displayed on, especially because the houses looked GORGEOUS!
My excitement didn't last long, as the discussion about the pictures was BORING! It was repeated four times over (once for each property), and with many comparisons between Property A and Property B. It was made even worse because Vanessa was keeping quiet about the women's preferred choice until the end.
I'll save you the four-times repeated tedious descriptions of construction materials, where the sun rose in the morning and set at night, soil drainage, and SO MUCH MORE that was of no interest whatsoever to me. I'll just describe the key aspects of the preferred property, which is the place that we ended up buying.
Corvallis is built immediately to the west of the north-flowing Willamette River - an important river, as the Willamette Valley contains most of Oregon's population. Nearly all the houses in Corvallis, our school, OSU, etc., are in a two mile by two mile roughly square area immediately to the west of the river, but not our preferred property. It is located about 3.5 miles southeast of the main bridges that cross the Willamette River into town, making the house about 4.5 miles from the geographic center of Corvallis. The property is on SE Peoria Road, the same road as the driveway I'd buried the $100 Binion's chip under, although that'd been at the other end of the road. It was the closest of the four shortlisted properties to town, which I hoped would make it easier for Donna's Ducklings and Carol's Cuties to visit. I considered the easy supply of young, teenage girls to be an important criterion when buying a multimillion dollar home. Strangely, none of the adults had mentioned that yet, proving that women aren't perfect at buying a new home for a teenage boy.
The property was flat, as was all the land around the property, including all the way to town. That made easy biking for teenage girls, but gave poor views, other than of the hills immediately north and west of Corvallis. The properly was 5.7 acres (2.3 hectares), making it the smallest of our four shortlisted properties. It was about 250 yards deep (exactly in the north-south direction) by 110 yards wide, and completely level other than a twelve-foot high, flat-topped, artificial mound that the house had been built on. The mound was located about 175 yards back from the road, midway between the two side boundaries.
The house was built on the back (southern) side of the mound, and slightly displaced to the east, with swimming and spa pools built into the front and west side of the mound, sufficiently west that the house shaded them only in the mornings. The house was a large rectangular prism, running east-west, so the long sides faced north to the road or south to the sun. It had three levels:
The top level was mostly bedrooms and bathrooms. There weren't enough bedrooms for all of us, but the solution to that is described below. It had only one full master bedroom but was easily renovated to make a second suite to accommodate both sets of parents.
Ground level (by which I mean level with the top of the mound) had the kitchen, dining, living room and a sizable office. Julia joked that her mom had instantly declared, "Prof and I have first dibs on that!"
Under ground (inside the mound) was a large basement which contained a "Guys' Room" and a garage capable of holding four cars. The garage was entered by driving around the east side of the mound and in from the rear.
The house was 5,300 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms. Every time I'd heard of half a bathroom I'd always thought it sounded silly. My face must have given me away, because Vanessa explained, "Upstairs has a master bedroom with an en-suite, so that's the first bathroom. There's another large bedroom with an en-suite they're calling a second master bedroom, but that's claiming too much for it. We'd knock down a wall into the next bedroom and make a full master bedroom, en-suite and walk-in closet for your parents. So that's the second bathroom and three of the advertised bedrooms accounted for. There are two other normal-sized bedrooms upstairs, with a normal bathroom between them accessed off the hallway, all three of those rooms on the north side. There's a full bathroom on the ground floor, making four. And there's half a bathroom just inside from the garage, also accessible off the games room. It's got just a toilet, washbasin and shower. That's intended for when people have been working outside and they're too grubby to walk through the house."
"Thanks Vanessa."
The house was the least luxurious of the four, but FAR more luxurious than my existing home, and even noticeably better than the Williams'. It lacked a lot of the "mod cons" expected in an almost $3 million dollar house - most of which, I must confess, I didn't understand. Why would we need a "Butler's Pantry" when we wouldn't be having a Butler? And even if we did, why would he need his own pantry? I was amused by one of its features though: an elevator from the garage, up to the ground and top floors. I'd never known anyone who had an elevator in their home.
The male owner was a very enthusiastic "boutique winemaker", another phrase that confused me, as I thought boutiques sold trendy and horribly overpriced clothes. I heard many dozens of terms that confused me during this discussion, so I'll stop mentioning them. About half the land was planted in vines, and he had his own little winery in a separate building on the site and several casks in storage in a cellar built into the mound (which was probably another reason for the mound). The storage room was earmarked for conversion to Dad's workshop, as it was next to the garages and had a doorway large enough to drive a car into.
The female owner ran a "Bed and Breakfast" type business. Several years ago they'd had two single-level modular homes trucked in and installed near the front of their property. They were both the same and quite small, each with one large bedroom with a king-size bed, a second bedroom with one double bed and a three-high stack of bunk-beds, exactly 1.0 bathrooms, a living room, a small combined kitchen-and-dining room, and an even smaller laundry. They were each about two-thirds the square footage of my current home, which is somewhat small itself.
The property had been on the market for nearly a year because the sellers were asking too much for it: $2.9 million. Its being quite a large properly for one so close to town, and having two income-generating businesses with their assets, were the sellers' justifications for the high price. Unfortunately for the sellers, people looking to spend $2.9 million on a home were rarely looking to have to operate two businesses on the property, and were looking for more luxury and upmarket features than this house provided. Also unfortunately for the sellers, Mrs. Seller was getting too infirm to be unable to look after such a big property and three houses, so they were increasingly eager to sell so they could move somewhere much smaller and easier to maintain.
Our plan for the property, I was told, was to move the two modular houses so that one of them was on the west side of the mound. It'd be placed so it ran east-west (same as the mansion), with the front of the modular house level with the front of the mansion. There'd be about a twenty-foot gap between the two buildings. To help you visualize the layout, imagine your keyboard is the mound, looking north to the road. The mansion covers the area from the "N" to "/" keys. The first modular house will be put where the left "Shift" to "X" keys are. The swimming pool is "W" to "R", the spa pool is "Y". That's not very accurate or to scale (e.g., the mound is more oval than the keyboard is, and the mansion is wider than the modular houses), but it should give you an idea of the relative positions.
The second modular home would be placed in line with and to the west of the first modular home, putting it on the ground beside the mound. It wouldn't be exactly in line, as the west-most end of it would be pulled south a bit, so it'd be angled outward to face 10 or 11 o'clock. This was because the mound wasn't large enough for both modular houses, and it'd take too much time to enlarge the mound for it, so the building had to be placed at ground level. If it faced directly north like the other two buildings, it'd have a twelve-foot high earthen wall (the west side of the mound) badly obscuring its view. By turning it away slightly, its outlook improved considerably.
The two modular homes would be about twenty feet apart horizontally (maybe a little more, the architect was yet to decide), and necessarily twelve feet apart vertically. That gap was going to be fully enclosed, joining the two modular homes together. The room that'd be created by enclosing that gap would contain the staircase between the two modular homes, the new front door, and new back doors.
The lower modular house was going to be left very much as it was, even including the furnishings as the sellers didn't want to take them when they left; they'd only take the furniture from the mansion. The only suggestion the parents had for changing the lower house was perhaps fitting a fireplace, but they were lukewarm over that idea.
The top modular home was going to be gutted and re-fitted out. The stair's top landing, which would be in the northwest corner of the top modular home, would have three doors off it:
One, turning left at the top of the stairs, would lead outside the front of the house onto a path that'd lead the short distance to the pool.
Straight ahead from the stairs, the door would lead to the master bedroom, which would be a HUGE bedroom taking the entire length and the front half of the house (apart from the small landing). Julia had plans to do something very special with the master bedroom, decoratively speaking. I had plans to do something very enjoyable IN it, with as many girls as I could lure therein, that being my idea of how best to decorate my bedroom.
Turning right at the top of the stairs would go into an ordinary-sized second bedroom. Mom and Dad thought of it as the "spare bedroom", as they still thought Carol and Donna would be living in the mansion. When they were convinced to let Carol live with me, that room would be publicly called "Carol's Bedroom", not that she'd use it.
Looking at the top modular home from the road, the small front corner on the right (the house's NW corner) would be the stair's top landing, with the entire rest of the front half of the house being the master bedroom. The back half of the house would have three rooms in it. The back right corner (SW) would be Carol's bedroom, the back center would be the master bedroom's very large walk-in closet, and the back left corner (SE) would be the master bedroom's en-suite bathroom, with a shower large enough for several friends, Julia promised, because we enjoyed having fun squeezed into sharing her house's shower. Essentially, that modular home was going to be turned into "Mark's Master Bedroom," which sounded great to the Mark it was named after.
In a moment when the adults were talking noisily (there were plenty of such moments) Julia quietly told me that there'd deliberately be only one obvious door into the second bedroom, the one from the landing. So if someone came up the stairs and knocked on my bedroom door, there'd be no obvious way "for anyone" (Julia then whispered "Carol" very quietly) to get back to the other bedroom. Julia had the idea of having a secret door between the two bedrooms, or maybe between the second bedroom and the walk-in closet. That way Carol could get back and forth without any visitors to the property knowing.
There was an uncertainty over our study. One option was to have it at the far end of the master bedroom. That'd work fine, provided I didn't want a very big study, because that'd block access to the en-suite. Another option was to build it inside the other modular house, probably by converting one of the bedrooms. The third option was to build it inside the "Staircase Room" - the room we'd be creating to connect the two modular homes. Once it was explained to me, I realized the Staircase Room was going to be a substantial room, about twenty to twenty five feet long, and similarly wide.
How long the room would be was the result of how far apart the two modular homes would be placed. The architect needed to do some more work before he could decide on that, especially in getting accurate ground levels for that area. The pitch of the stairs was relevant too, as we didn't want the stairs to be steep. The width of the Staircase Room was also flexible, as it would extend south to protrude past the southern walls of the two modular houses. This was so it could provide covered access to "Mark's Garages" and "The Tunnel" (which I'll explain shortly). It'd also have a backdoor to the outside.
Assuming the Staircase Room was about twenty feet by twenty feet (which was reasonably likely, and if otherwise it'd probably be larger), then it'd be a very big room, easily large enough to contain a study. Or we could build a couple more bedrooms in there, or if we threw caution to the winds, even a wine cellar, for when I bought a bottle of wine. After some thought and discussion, I easily preferred using it for our study.
The existing front and back doors into both modular homes would be removed. The main entrance into "Mark's House" or "Mark's Wing" - as the collective construction was inconsistently called - would be the front door into the Staircase Room. Less grand entrances would be the back door into the Staircase Room, the door from the stair's top landing to the front of the mound near the pool (the only entrance to the top modular home),, and the living room in the lower half of my house could have ranch-sliders onto a deck, if we built one. The front door into the Staircase Room would be on the west side of its front wall. Coming inside and then:
Walking straight in a couple more yards then turning right, would take you into the lower modular house through its original front door.
Turning left immediately inside the front door would take you up the stairs. They'd be against the front wall of the Staircase Room, and lead up to "Mark's Master Bedroom" (a.k.a. "The Den of Iniquitous Delights").
Going straight ahead would take you across the Staircase Room and out one of the three rear exits, to the outside, the garage or tunnel.
Assuming the stairs to be four feet wide allowed for a study which was sixteen feet front to back, and potentially up to seventeen feet wide if we accepted having only a hallway from the front door through to the back doors. Assuming that 30" screens get invented by someone soon, my computer screens will occupy a wall area about 6 feet wide by 4.5 feet high, so 27 square feet. If I set up facing the mansion, that wall would be nearly twenty feet tall: its normal eight feet plus twelve feet for the mound, unless we chose to have a lower ceiling on it (the ROOF would slope down at the rate twelve feet vertically over twenty feet horizontally, but the CEILING could match the roof, or have a uniform 8-foot height, or something in between).
I liked the idea of an angled ceiling, so assuming 17 feet of usable height (above the desk) by 16 feet of usable width, gave 272 square feet, ten times more than the 27 square foot area I'd need when I upgraded to the first 30" screens that come out. In other words, I could merge three more times and still fit enough screens on the wall for all of my minds to study (sixty four of them!). I had no intention of merging even once more, so only running into space problems after four more merges was not much of a worry.
Saturday, September 3 to Sunday, September 25, 2005 The days that followed were hard on the females, and obviously had been on the moms during the time we'd been away too. There was a GREAT deal to be done (I was told, as I wasn't actually involved in much of it and didn't see much happening). Julia and Carol both got frantic over their respective areas of responsibility, with Mom and Vanessa having even more to worry about. One good thing was that my Lower Half was fully furnished (my...
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I remember my first trip to Daniel Thorn’s beach mansion well; he was an extremely rich man, wealthy to the point there’s no point talking about it. I went for a party, and loved every minute. I had a great time during that weekend, and made ever so many new friends (it’s amazing how reminiscing on the past can make you feel younger, isn’t it?). This was only the first of many times I spent with the Thorns, both at his island retreat off the coast of France and the place in the Hunt Country, I...
by BD Long -------------------------------------- It was a dark and stormy night…. But that’s skipping ahead. The day had actually been quite pleasant. The Wilder family’s station wagon was parked on the side of the road, and Howard took a knee by the passenger-side wheel. “Yep,” he said. “Definitely a flat.” “Howard, we’re in the middle of nowhere,” his wife Donna said, leaning her head out the window. “Forget that,” said Jane, their younger daughter, who leaned against the hood...
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter a misunderstanding about unachieved sexual connection between Hayden Carrington and Kitty is resolved. Chapter 3 Kitty flopped on her bed, kicked off her shoes and swore in frustration. Angry at Hayden’s odd behavior and feeling...
After breakfast it’s back to filtering ashes. Pat speeds this up a little by putting the scoop on Kelpie to pour the contents of two wheelbarrows into it. Once loaded he raises the scoop to hold it just over the screens and they use the hand scoops to push the ash out and into the filter to make it a lot faster and easier to do the filtering of the ashes. Mid-morning Serge arrives in a ute, and grins when he sees what the two are doing. He walks over and says, “No wonder you don’t answer the...
By BD Long When Tina had seen her little sister incapacitated, ice had filled her veins. Cold fire had covered her hands and bled from her eyes, and she had felt the urge to destroy. But her brother had urged her back. He had been right: she had just discovered magic, but didn’t know if she could control it, let alone fight an untold number of zombies. So they had fled, not up thirty flights of stairs, but just one. When they reached the top, they looked down and saw that the atrium now led...
Anna is the sexiest girl in her whole school. She is 18 years old and has a pair of DD cup tits and a very sexy figure. She studies in a college for female models and she always tops the class. She has a best friend named Amy. Amy is also busty with a pair of D cup tits and has a sexy figure like Anna. She seconds their class of models and is the richest of all the students. It's the first day of the summer vacation. Amy has a huge new mansion and wants her friend Anna to live there with her...
LesbianChapter II He: When you wake up the next morning panic strikes almost immediately as you notice that while you were sleeping your dress has been taken away. There is another thing: next to the gate is a large bordeaux-red leather covered cushion with some sort of a note on it. You sit on the bed for a while, the sheets wrapped around your body, suddenly feeling extremely naked and vulnerable. Finally, holding the sheets around yourself as tight as you can, you step out of bed and pick up the...
The Mansion I had a friend Charley at work who always seemed to have more money than what one would expect since we both did similar office work. One day I asked him about it and he told me he would tell me his secret if I promised to never tell anyone else about it. He invited me over to his apartment so we could have absolute privacy. First he wanted to make sure I understood that he was not gay and that he did what he did only for the money. He cut to the chase and explained...
Perhaps it was by accident, but I'm kinda glad it happened. I saw on his phone a message to some kind of orgy, with a bunch of buddies of his. Assholes even sent pics of the girls they'd be bringing over, as well as ones expected to be there. Can't believe how often I put up with this kind of crap from men. It was practically instilled in their minds, to stick their dick in whatever hole they could find. Needs, they called it. Needs that seemed to constantly rise to their convenience, and...
The bus dropped off the twins at the end of their long driveway. They talked about classes and friends as they walked back to their new house. Once home, Brittney went off to the main living room to do some homework. There was a couch in there and Brittney liked to imagine a roaring fire in the fireplace, which was a cozy thought. Daniel said goodbye to his sister and hunted for his parents. This proved difficult as the mansion was quite expansive. Eventually he found them in the west tower...
In the lead up to the prom Pat found Marsha, Jasmine, and Robert suitable period clothing for the prom without telling them why they’re to wear the fancy dress. The girls think the old style gowns are nice and are happy to have them so Rob just accepts his fancy period clothes to fit in with the rest of the group. On the day of the prom Eve is letting everyone know they should see the couples off so the main lounge room is full with all of the tenants in it when Pat walks in to collect...
The black limo pulled into our driveway filling nearly the entire drive. Even before the vehicle had been taken out of gear, I had my suitcase waiting by the trunk. I had a feeling that this was a different vehicle than the last one I had ridden in, but there were no exterior markings to indicated this besides the license plate which I hadn’t taken note of. A different driver got out, came around to the rear passenger door and opened it for my father. I nearly dropped my suitcase. Not only...
"Dynasty Mansion, Tyree residence, Iesha speaking." It was Mr. Omar telling me that he would be about two hours late. I decided to waste some time by going through his stuff. I went in his room and sat on his bed, trying to decide where I should start. Where would a man keep anything he had to hide besides the place where he knew he would be most of the day? I thought to myself. His office. I went into his office and sat in his big desk chair and looked around. His office was pretty...
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter Kitty’s character-forming youth is detailed and Hayden begins thinking about her beyond her vulva. Chapter 4 Annoyed at the arrogance of Hayden, Kitty pounded seven miles of sidewalk that evening trying to get her head around him. Just...
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this final chapter Kitty delivers everything to Hayden and he performs as the stallion she desires after she agrees to his proposal. Chapter 5 Returning from Chicago next day, Kitty waited outside the airport and watched the 1976 ex-Army Land Rover...
Be Creative and Have Fun!!! Who are the intruders to the house? Intruders: Group of Stuck-Up Sorority Girls Being Hazed Description - The ghost has about eight sorority girls to play with, luring them down into his basement of horrors little by little. Intruders: Couple Looking For a Place to Fuck Description - The ghost gets to humiliate the large-breasted Maisy, in some paths in front of her boyfriend Mark. Intruders: A Punk Girl With Body Piercings Description - A punk girl with more than a...
FantasyPrologue: You are 19 year old Karen Steen. You are blonde, you are young and you come from a country nobody cares about. (That is why this story is written in a strange foreign way with expressions, no native speaker would use) You have come to the US to study engineering and to see the landscape. That is why you started a road trip with your friend Jackie (also student, but with brown hair) through the country and ended up in a crowded bar in a small town. After some drinks and some dancing...
Mind ControlFrank Gifford awoke suddenly. It was 2am. He looked over on Kathie Lee's side of the bed and she wasn't there. He waited awhile thinking that maybe she had just went to the bathroom but that lingering memory of back when he had his affair and she got even with him by spending the night in the guest room with Kevin Costner while he stayed with them as a guest. He remembered standing outside the guest room listening to the bed squeak furiously and hearing his wife's moans of pleasure as Kevin...
It was your stereotypical stormy night and Nathan just happened to be driving down a long stretch of road that was originally blocked off from the public but his GPS said it was a shortcut to where ever his destination. Eventually his car decided it had enough and broke down near the front of what looked to be an abandoned mansion but it was hard to tell due to the weather. There was a little bit of light coming from a few windows but the rain was doing a really good job at drowning...
Chapter XShe: I reach out to the woman, to pull her close and The Man smiles. He steps back a bit and watches. Then he whispers something to the woman and she touches my bare wrists.. For the first time in days I am unbound. The warm sunlight sparkles on my soft oiled skin. I am free, but never really free. She touches my lips, and I touch hers. My heart is pounding and I want nothing more than to lie on this blanket with her. I want to taste her lips, her sex, her essence. I have a need to...
The foyer of the Smash Mansion was rarely an empty place with all the contestants traveling between modes. Hardly a day went by where half the cast didn’t crash into each other. But busy as it was, that meant rumors between the residents spread quickly. If anyone snuck off together, people would take notice— a relationship couldn’t stay unknown for long when so many nosy characters passed by. But being found out rarely stopped love in the mansion, and even the oddest couples kept kissing,...
The foyer of the Smash Mansion was rarely an empty place with all the contestants traveling between modes. Hardly a day went by where half the cast didn’t crash into each other. And it was surprisingly common to crash into a competitor who wasn’t wearing any clothes. But busy as it was, that only meant rumors between the residents spread quickly. If anyone snuck off together, people would take notice— and a relationship couldn’t stay unknown for long when so many nosy characters lived close...
The farm around her seemed to extend for miles and miles. Julie, in an antiquated, long flowing dress, walked toward the barn. She cradled her swollen belly in her hands. The clouds glowed pink on the horizon, but she didn’t know if that was east or west. Was the day in its infancy or at its end? A rhythmic sound of water splashing caught Julie’s attention. She wandered through the barn door. Not water, but milk. A farmgirl sat on a stool, milking a cow with bloated udders. The girl was...
Starting the second week of December Pat is able to concentrate on finishing the Mansion by doing the actual rebuilding work. However, the work to finish the grounds is all planned with Eve, Alice, and Dean focusing on doing the fences. Serge has a crew arriving later in the week to work on the car park and driveways. The turf from their work will replace the grass damaged by the plane crash after the dirt they dig out fills up the hole. Pat’s first task is to go through all of the...
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who’d exceeded their expectations. Chapter 1 In late spring the Mornington Daily News reported at length the death of the Duke of Beaulieu in the county of Hampshire, England, aged eighty-seven. The obituary was noted with considerable relief in the small city of Mornington-on-Test...