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Oh boy what an interesting little meeting we had. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this was going to happen and how my brother really didn't mind. At least he has never told me but we haven't really talked about it either because it just feels uncomfortable to talk about I guess. But I will tell you, it will be something I will never forget. It's about time to start at the beginning. This happened about a year ago now.

I had helped my brother move into his new apartment about a year earlier. I didn't visit much since he was out much of the time but that stuff tends to happen I guess. Well, anyway, my parents went on their yearly vacation leaving me to watch the house and the dog that we had. It's not a bad deal, the house is quiet, you get to do what you and such so I have no problem watching the house. They as usual went through their normal routine of telling my brother they were going away and to watch out for me in case I needed any help even though I was 25. We just play along with my parents since it makes them feel better. One week into my parents two week vacation, I get a call from my brother which surprised me asking me to come over for dinner the next night. I didn't really feel like going to my brother's house for dinner but he was very insistent that I come over. This made me suspicious because he was never like that and he wouldn't tell me why I needed to come over. I finally agreed and he told me he would pick me up on his way home from work in the afternoon and we would go over to his place. The next afternoon my brother picked me up at 3 and soon we were off to his place on the other side of town. We drove in silence since I didn't want to question him about what was going on. About 10 minutes later we drove up to his apartment. We got out of the car with my brother smiling so I was still suspicious about what was going on. We went into his apartment where he put his things down before going to the refrigerator starting to take things out for dinner and it was here when I realized something was up because he was taking all kinds of food out and some stuff from the cupboards. After taking everything out for dinner, he handed me a cock while taking one for himself, before we went into the living room and sat down. I opened my coke taking a sip before looking at him. "What's going on? You have never been so insistent that I come over for dinner tonight so what is the big deal?" I said looking at him. "I have a little surprise which only a few people know. I want to introduce you to someone that I know," he said as he kind of shifted in his chair which made me kind of suspicious. He seemed to be awfully nervous about something and I thought he was going to say something completely opposite of what he would explain to me.

"Introduce me to someone. What is going on here? This sounds suspicious."

"Well Bry (my nickname), I met this girl about 3 months ago and we have been dating off and on. And it's ... uh I think about to turn serious. So I thought you should meet her and tell me what you think. Only my closest friends have met her and you are the first in the family to meet her."

This immediately pissed me off a little bit since he hasn't told anyone in the family that he has been dating someone for so long but this was just like him, trying to keep everything in his life a secret from his family which never made any sense to us. That is why we always thought there was something weird about him. However I got control of my anger and took a sip of coke. When my brother saw this he started to say something and I just smiled which made his stop.

"A girl huh? Well what is she like?" My brother immediately relaxed and slumped back.

"She is a beautiful woman. When I first saw her, she reminded me of a movie star. I know that sounds bad but, it felt like it. She is about your height (5"7) and has beautiful blond hair that comes just below her shoulders. She works at some office downtown so she won't be able to get here until 7 or so. I want you to meet her because your instinct about people is really good."

"Fine. We will see what happens."

We sat in silence for a while until my brother got up and started to fix dinner. I sat in the living room thinking about what my brother just told me and I started to feel nervous all of a sudden for some reason. I started walking around the apartment, fidgeting around until finally my brother told me to sit down on and turn on the television. He started laughing making some comment about I was now more nervous than he was. I started watching a movie losing track of time when there was a knock at the door that made me jump. I looked at the clock on the wall seeing it was just after 7. I saw my brother run from the kitchen then fixed his hair and shirt as I got up straightening my clothes. My brother opened the door and smiled as a blonde stepped in the door and starting kissing my brother. She took my breath away momentarily as she came in wearing a nice red blouse with a brown skirt that went down just below her knees. Her blonde hair came down just past her shoulders as stop kissing my brother and smiled at him. I must admit that I was jealous of my brother at the moment for getting such a beautiful woman to date him. He closed the door behind her as put her purse on the table next to the door and my brother took her coat putting it into the hall closet. My brother then put his arm around this woman and walked her toward me which started making me nervous. "Cathy, this is my brother Bryan. Bryan this is Cathy." I smiled as I extended my hand but she surprised me when Cathy came forward hugging me. I looked at my brother who was as shocked as I was she was hugging me. "It's so nice to meet you Bryan, your brother has told me so much about, I feel like we have known each other for years," she said as she pulled away and stood next to my brother. "Thank You. I wish I could the same about you Cathy but I know very little about you except for the part about being beautiful," I said as we all sat in the living room. I looked up at her and was surprised when I saw her blushing. "That is so nice to say. Your brother was right," she said smiling.

"So what do you do Cathy?" I said leaning back on the couch. "I work at a bank downtown where I help put together some of the bigger accounts and then keep track of the bigger accounts. It's a lot of hard work but the pay is very good I must say. So your brother told me you are about to graduate from college," she said while taking a glass from my brother who went to set the table.

"That's right. Then I have to do a half year internship before I am free to get a job which hopefully I will find but I honestly don't know if there will be one when I get out." She nodded like she knew exactly what I was talking about as she took a sip from her glass. A few seconds of awkward silence followed when my brother finally called that dinner was ready. I sat on one end of the table while my brother and his girlfriend sat on the other. We made idle chit chat but my brother felt the tension.

"You know, it's not like there is a whole weight of the world here. Just relax and have fun tonight," my brother said while laughing.

Soon things started to loosen up, as we were laughing, telling jokes and trading some stories. Soon dinner was done and we had some dessert. I told my brother I would clean up the dishes as he and his girlfriend went into the living room. Soon I saw her walk down the hall and into the other room when my brother came into the kitchen to help. "So how do you like her?"

"She's nice, very pleasant and nice. You are a lucky one."

He smiled and smacked my shoulder as Cathy came back into the room. My brother then disappeared into the other room as Cathy turned and leaned against the counter making idle chit chat with me as I continued to clean the dishes, putting dishes in the dishwasher. Before too long Cathy was standing right behind me almost putting her chin on my shoulder which startled me for a second but then I relaxed as she was telling me one of her jokes. Soon though things turned when she kissed the bottom of my ear making me turn and look at her. "Oh come on. I don't think there is anything wrong with what I just did. We are probably going to be family someday," she said as she backed away and I turned around doing the dishes again. Things were quiet for a little while until Cathy came up behind me again but this time she put her hand on my cock rubbing it back and forth through my shorts. I tried all the power I had but my cock started to get hard which made Cathy start rubbing it more. I tried to say something but she put her mouth next to my ear.

"Shh, it will be OK Bry," she said kissing my ear like she did earlier. She turned me around still rubbing my cock through my shorts. Soon she leaned in whispering again. "I have a surprise for you," she said kissing my ear again. She rubbed my cock for a little longer until she kneeled in front of me and unzipped my fly before reaching in and grabbing my cock. She took my cock out of my shorts now jacking my cock off as I closed my eyes and gripped the edge of the counter. A few seconds later I opened my eyes when I felt her engulf my cock while she was looking right up at me. I smiled at her as she used her tongue over my cockhead and cock. I shivered at the sensations she was giving but the best part was that we never broke eye contact with each other. She moved her hands, putting them on my ass pushing me forward. I started moving my hips face fucking her as Cathy was moaning. She started going faster, soon slurping on my cock when I felt cum rising. "I ... I'm ... going ... to..." She started sucking quicker now as it appears she was on a mission when I exploded in her mouth. Cathy swallowed and swallowed and swallowed as I can't remember even cumming as much as was then. When I was done cumming, she smiled at me while opening her mouth showing me all the cum was gone before reaching for a towel on the county. She cleaned my cock up making me shiver some before putting it back in my shorts. She then cleaned her face as I helped her up. Cathy smiled as me as she grabbed a glass off the counter, filling it with water and washing her mouth out. Then just like that she was leaning against the counter again talking about something when I turned and did the last of the dishes. It was like nothing happened between us. Just then my brother came back into the kitchen saying he had to make a quick phone call. Cathy kissed my brother on the cheek telling him not to worry about.

It was about 10 when Cathy announced she should leave since there was work tomorrow. She kissed me and my brother on the cheek before leaving. It was 15 minutes after that, when my brother gave me a ride home. "So how did you like her?" "Mike, I have to tell you, you are a very lucky man. How about the two of you come over for dinner this weekend to pay you back before the parents come home?" "Sure I will run it by Cathy and let you know."

We sat in silence all the way to my parent's house. The next day my brother called telling me that him and Cathy would love to come over for dinner and would like for it to be on Saturday since they both had Sunday off and could enjoy themselves. For the next couple of days I cleaned my parent's house for their return and my house as well. All week I continued to think about what happened at my brother's and wondering whether I should tell him or not but decided for the moment not to say anything. Finally Saturday came around and again for some reason I was nervous knowing they were both going to come over to my house. At about 6 I say my brother's car drive up with Cathy in the passenger seat. I opened the door as they were walking up the sidewalk, my brother shaking my head as he walked into the house and Cathy hugging me and kissing me on the cheek before walking in. "Please have a sit and relax," I said closing the door. The both smiled as I took Cathy's purse and just looked at her for a moment. She was wearing another brown skirt but this one came down mid-thigh and wearing a nice green shirt to go along with it which looked like she wasn't wearing a bra but quickly pushed that thought out of my mind. I put Cathy's purse down in the other room before coming and going into the kitchen bringing out some snacks to the living room and getting drink orders from my brother and Cathy. I came back with the drinks and stat down as we all started talking about our weeks, telling a few stories and having a good time. Things seemed a lot looser than they were earlier in the week at my brothers. We had a couple of drinks when I announced an hour later that dinner was about ready. My brother got up and went outside as Cathy and I went into the kitchen. "I think we should tell my brother what happened the other night," I said getting the meat from the oven. "Oh I don't think we need to tell him. Trust me besides I have a surprise for you tonight," she said while taking a seat in the dining room. My brother walked in with a bottle of wine he bought for dinner tonight pouring everyone a glass. Things went well with dinner as the three of us were having fun but one thing I picked up on was that it seemed both my brother and Cathy were drinking a bit much. After dinner we sat in the living room for a little while before I got up to do some dishes then would come back and keep the evening going. While I was washing the last dish I heard a noise in the living room. I put the dish down and walked into the living room where I saw Cathy with her skirt hiked up showing off her purple thong and giving my brother a lap dance. I don't know if either knew I was there but I just watched as Cathy expertly moved her hips on my brother's lap. It was few minutes later when Cathy was just dry humping my brother now, my brother gasp as he grabbed Cathy's hips and held her there. Cathy finally looked up at me smiling and blowing me a kiss. Cathy stood up as I walked back into the kitchen while out of the corner of my eye I could see my brother running to the bathroom. A few seconds later Cathy walked into the kitchen smiling at me before coming up to me kissing me on the cheek and putting her arms around me. I couldn't help myself as I put my arms around her and we just stood there in the kitchen hugging. "I love your hugs so much more than your brother, I don't know seems more caring more loving or something," Cathy said into my chest.

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I was so scared ,Dad had caught me several times dressed up in my sisters clothes but the last time he told me that the next time he caught me the punishment would make me never disobey him ever again,and that was less than a week ago.Now here I sit on the foot of my bed wearring my sisters satin lace panties and bra,her stockings,heels and her favorite slutty skirt and top.I had skipped school just so I could dress up and had just finished putting on my lipstick when dad walked in and caught...

2 years ago
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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 31

Slim Jones turned out to be a total contradiction to his name, the man was colossal, easily weighing in at over 300 pounds and standing well over 6’6”. When he exited his vehicle you could actually hear the springs singing in relief. Jim had been working with him for many years and swore by the guy. That alone was good enough for Jon, although the bear hug he received as a welcome nearly crushed all the ribs in his chest and the guy was being friendly. Carl, who had arrived by chance at about...

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We start, as we so often do, by tasting, kissing. I kiss your cheek, then your mouth, then part my lips, as you part yours, and caress your lips with my tongue. And while we are kissing, my hands and fingers are lightly exploring and caressing the graceful curves and hollows of your neck, your shoulder, your upper arm - and where my hands have gone, my lips and tongue soon follow, with touches even lighter and softer than my gentle fingers. Then I touch your breasts through your clothes,...

3 years ago
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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

Introduction: Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special guests and realize their full potential Prologue People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected, it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to...

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Kimiko Ch 03

Please read my story of Kimiko from the beginning. It will make a lot more sense to you then! ——————– Kimiko and I had set out to do a little sightseeing before we returned to Osaka. We spent that day touring ‘J-Town’ in San Francisco and the Golden Gate area before going up to Muir Woods and ending up in Napa. We had booked a room at the River Terrace Inn and had just returned to our hotel room after gorging ourselves on a feast at the Celadon restaurant in town. ——————– ‘Anata (dear),...

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Dark Nights Dark story

It was a late Friday night when Lisa had just finished her work at the local store. She hated working late cause it meant she couldn’t go out with her friends, but tonight she was glad that she was working, she really couldn’t be bothered putting up with their gossip and weekly slag of others. Getting home took an hour with having to wait for the train, the actual walk to her apartment took only 10 minutes. On the train she got her book out and started to skim through it with ease after all it...

3 years ago
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Me bahak gai thi

Hai me leena main 39 saal ki hoon. Shadishuda hoon. Kismat achhi hai ki me aaj bhi bahoot sunder & saxy hoon, 10 saal purani ghatna yad aa gayi main apse apna ek experience share Karti hoon baat 10 saal pahle ki hai meri Nand ka ladka (ajju)jiski umer 17-18 saal thi exam dene ke liye hamare ghar aaya mere pati un dino tour per jyada rahte they isliye me sex ke liye pareshan rahti thi ghar me sirf do room they jis karan ajju se muzhe chid ho rahi thi ki iski bazah se mere jeewan ka aanand ja...

4 years ago
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Brandi and Her Step Dad Freaky Friday

It hadn't taken very long. Just three months after her new stepfather had moved in, and Brandi was having an illicit affair with him, and all right under her pretentious mother's nose. She would have never imagined such a thing possibe; For one, she had despised the intrusion Jason and his young daughter Stephanie had brought to her home. Her mother was a workaholic, rarely at home, and that had suited the dirty-minded preteen just fine. It gave her all the free time she needed to...

4 years ago
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JewelChapter 3

It was a little bit past 7pm when our folks came home. The store usually closes at 6pm and they are home by 6;30! They looked very tired. I decided dinner tonight would be Jewel's and my treat. "Mom — Dad, take a shower and relax! Dinner is on Jewel and me tonight! I'm ordering a pizza, along with some chicken strips and fries. You two relax and one of us will come and get you when the food is here, OK?" "OK, honey! Thank you ... you can tell us about your trip today, did you have...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kiara Cole Lily Larimar Only One Night A Year

Kiara Cole and her boyfriend Seth Gamble have come home from a long night of Halloween partying with their friend Lily Larimar. Lily excuses herself and Seth tries to get busy with Kiara, but Kiara isn’t interested while Lily is there. She tells Seth no and then lays down on the couch and falls asleep. Wandering away from his girlfriend, Seth comes across Lily in the bedroom stripping. Lily knows that Seth is there peeping on her, so she gives him a bit of a show, caressing her tits and...

3 years ago
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New soldiers ride the Pat Train

New soldiers ride the Pat TrainMy wife had always had a fantasy of being gangbanged and loved to role play being ****d… not the violent anger filled **** but one where she was taken and had no control over what, who or when she was forced to do. This story is about my helping her fill both fantasies.Her name was Pat, she was 35, brown hair and eyes, about 5’ 6” and about 130 lbs. There was nothing she loved more than fucking… when she saw a hard cock she thought it was destined for her cunt and...

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The Package DealChapter 9 Floral Arrangement

Lily is flat-chested. Rose has B-cups, but Lily gives only hints of her future potential. She is also still wearing clothing, something none of the rest of us is encumbered with, as we lie on the bed. She has a pair of shorts and a t-shirt top. Her hair comes down to her shoulders and is, as with all Filipinas, black and straight. Compared to me, at her age, she is a little slip of a thing. I had felt like a sausage. There is no sausage appearance to Lily. She is thin and probably weighs...

1 year ago
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Everything is Better with Coke

It was mid September and I had just finished my annual Fall decorating around the house. I was exhausted but taking in the colors around my living and dining rooms back dropped by my Mustard Yellow walls it was worth it. Fall has always been my favorite time of the year. The vibrant colors of the trees and decor around town, the feel of the cool breeze in the air, and the strong aroma of pumpkin spice everywhere you turn, which happened to be one of my favorite scents ever. People are also...

3 years ago
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NuruMassage Charly Summer One Weird Trick Get Pregnant By Nuru

Dante Colle and his wife Charly Summer are disappointed when a pregnancy test they took comes back negative. They’ve been trying to start a family for so long, but with no luck. Dante cheers Charly up, insisting that they’ll keep trying. Charly then tells Dante about something she heard from a friend – there’s an erotic massage called NURU, and her friend claims that it can help couples get pregnant. Although slightly incredulous, Dante agrees that they should give it a...

1 year ago
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Punished by daddy

100% fiction! I never really knew my dad when I was growing up. He was in the military and I was sent away to boarding school so it was only on very rare occasions that we were both at home at the same time. I remember him being a very strict disciplinarian, even with my mum but I didn’t realize just how much discipline he liked. “I like your father being strict” was all my mum would say. After my mum’s funeral dad lived alone in the family home and I lived alone in my house several miles away...

3 years ago
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A Day in the Life

Donna opened her eyes and yawned. She was still entangled with Lisa who was still asleep, their arms and legs wrapped around each others’ nude bodies. Donna squirmed a bit but, not wanting to wake her lover, closed her eyes and fell back to sleep. Donna woke some time later to to meet Lisa’s gaze. “Good morning, girlfriend,” whispered Lisa. “Good morning, baby,” whispered Donna as she kissed her lover. The two women kissed passionately for the next half hour under the warm blankets. “So,...

4 years ago
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Big Brother

The woman sitting on the hard chair, blinked. It made no difference how uncomfortable the seat was, her eyes, her whole body was tired, she yawned, made a loud ‘hey... ‘ sound, and looked around guiltily, but everyone else was just as tired as her; she could no longer focus on the monitor in front of her. She hit pause, and a picture of an empty classroom froze. She took a sip of her now-cold coffee, and spat it back into the cup. Monica, the woman at the console next to her, glanced up. She...

2 years ago
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Wie Yvonne eine Trkenhure geworden ist

auch bekannt als „Potenz überzeugt" ~ Prolog ~ Es ist ein lauwarmer Frühsommertag in den letzten Tagen des Mai. Zwar weht dann und wann noch ein kühleres Lüftchen, aber dennoch haben die Mädchen die warme Jahreszeit längst mit ihren knappen Tops und kurzen Miniröcken willkommen geheißen. Kneipen stellen ihre Stühle raus und die ersten richtig hart Gesottenen trauen sich auch schon mal in ein Freibad. Meine Freundin und ich haben uns daher kurz entschlossen mit einem gemeinsamen Freund...

2 years ago
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When I got home late Saturday night, Mom was sitting at the kitchen table. Isaid to her "Geez, Mom I'm 25 years old now, you don't have to wait up forme." "I know, son," she said. "I went to bed, but I had trouble sleeping. Icouldn't relax"Judging from the half empty bottle of scotch in front of her, she was probablygood and relaxed now. Mom was 46 years old but still quite attractive. Shehad put on a few pounds but not much. Her ass was a little bit bigger than itused to be, but then...

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Unerwartete Reise Teil 1 Die Schlange

Jule spielte verlegen mit dem Schloss ihres großen Koffers. So hatte sie sich das nicht vorgestellt. Klar, sich per Anhalter von Stuttgart bis nach Hamburg durchzuschlagen war kein einfaches Unterfangen, das war ihr von Anfang an klar. Aber das es so enttäuschend werden würde, damit hatte sie nicht gerechnet. Und es ging dabei nicht einmal um irgendwelche Triebtäter, die sie entführen oder verstümmeln (eine panische Angst ihrer Mutter) würden, nein. Es konnte ja erst gar nicht soweit kommen, da...

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Business Trip Part 2

Business Trip Part 2 His hand is caressing my leg slowly going higher each time. He reaches the top of my stockings, feeling my garters. My mind is caught up in a fog of the moment. The multiple sensations of what a woman must feel in her man's arms. The blissful desire to submit oneself to her lover. "I love a woman that wears garter and stockings, Your legs are so nice and smooth." He pulls me closer and closer as we kiss. He guides me to the bed spreading my legs apart with...

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Runaway TrainChapter 103

We arrived in San Diego on the Fifth of July. It’s not as famous as the Fourth of July but there promised to be as many fireworks as the previous few days had offered. Liz had hosted a rare party at her home Sunday afternoon (July 3rd) to celebrate America’s independence. The guest list had been small and exclusive. Once word had gotten around the Nashville community many people had started to angle for an invitation (either on their own or as a guest to one of the few people Liz had...

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Rich Bitch0

Tarzan was quite fed up with his life. He could never go out and screw bitches, he hated his boss. She was never affectionate to him. He was sleeping when he woke up hearing Lola screaming. But this screaming wasn't like yelling, it was more like fear. He decided to investigate and what he saw was his mistress tied up and with her nude pussy right in front of him. Even being a dog he knew what that was, he had often been present while Lola was screwing some guy. He did know that it was a place...

2 years ago
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A Pound of FleshChapter 4

When we arrived at my place, I knew that I wanted to fuck Chelsea right off the bat, just as I could tell that Nicky wanted another go at Monica. It didn't take long, in fact, for me to bring out the beer and help those two relax a little more to prepare for the act. I could see how hot and heavy Nicky made Monica, not that I could blame either of them. In relatively short order, those two were rolling around on the carpet, Monica pulling off articles of Nicky's clothing with her teeth....

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