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Life had not been going to well for Cathy Wilmot; the twenty-five year old had been looking forward to a great year. First there had been her new job and then there had been Mark, her fiancée and their upcoming marriage.

Then suddenly in mid April things had started to go wrong, she'd lost her job, the company was downsizing, to cope with the current downward trends in the market and increased competition. At least that had been the excuse of the personnel department and so the last in was the first out. As if that wasn't bad enough, fate had given her another kick in the crotch, three weeks before she was to walk down the aisle Mark had confessed to having an affair. She may have considered forgiving him, but Mark wanted to continue seeing this other woman. He said he'd still Marry Cathy because he new she was looking forward to it, but she must realise he wasn't a one-woman man.

Cathy had stood in shocked silence as he had explained the situation, when he finished she'd stood there for a further second, then in anger thrown the ring at him, calling him a bastard and telling him to drop dead, and further more that she wouldn't marry him if he begged.

Back at her flat she'd cried for two days before slowly trying to pull herself together. The following week was spent phoning family and friends, sending back wedding presents and feeling miserable. Then the week before the wedding Mark had phoned, could he have the tickets for the honeymoon, "after all," he'd said "We can't get the money back and so Jill and I thought we'd use them"

"Got to hell," Cathy had replied, slamming the phone done before bursting once more into tears.

The day of the cancelled wedding dawned bright and sunny, Cathy stood before her bedroom mirror and looked at herself.

"Enough of this self pity," she said looking at her red rimmed and swollen eyes.

Standing naked before the mirror she allowed her eyes to travel down her naked body, she stood about 5 foot 5, long black hair and brown eyes, firm breasts capped with large nipples, slim waist, a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair nestled between tanned thighs.

Reaching up she cupped her breasts feeling the nipples respond to her light caress.

"God, I'm horny," she moaned as her body responded to her own caress.

Backing up she fell onto her bed, as one hand continued to squeeze and caress her aching breasts, she slid the other down over her stomach and between her parted thighs. Her pussy lips were already moist with her juices; she ran her fingers over and through them. Then with a groan of pleasure she brought them to her mouth, licking them clean before returning them to her pussy. This time she rubbed the juices into her rapidly swelling clitoris before licking her fingers clean. Once more her hand dipped down to her cuntal opening, this time she smeared the cream over her breasts, coating the nipples in her sticky excretion. As the hand once more returned to her pussy she used the other to lift a breast to her waiting mouth, she lapped at her hard swollen nipple tasting herself. The fingers of her other hand slipped into her vagina, first one then two, as she fingered herself her thumb brushed her clitoris, causing her to moan in pleasure. A third finger entered her pussy as her hips lifted, driving them deeply into her now dripping cunt. Releasing her breast she moved her free hand down to her pussy as her moans and cries of pleasure and need filled her bedroom. Her room filled with the wet sound of her pummelling fingers as she rubbed her clit and her hips jerked. Faster and faster until with a moan of release her orgasm crashed upon her, her actions become frenzied as she came.

"O god, o god yes cuming I'm cuming yes o fuck yeeessssssssssss"

Her hands jerked in pleasure filled frenzy as her pussy convulsed in orgasmic release.

As her orgasm passed Cathy relaxed on her bed, lifting her cum coated hands she licked them clean, savouring the taste before drifting back to sleep.

It was almost midday when she next awoke; lying in her bed she had an idea. Mark had been right, it would be a shame to waste the honeymoon tickets, and they were paid for. 'I know,' she thought with a smile 'I'll use them, if nothing else I'll have a holiday and fuck Mark off'. With that decision made she slipped from her bed, still naked she flitted around her bedroom packing a bag before heading to the bathroom for a shower.

Eleven o'clock that night found Cathy boarding an airliner and settling in a first class seat. She had decided that she was going to have a great holiday, even if it meant spending all her savings and it had seemed the best way to start was to move up to first class. As the plane lifted off from the runway she looked out the window,

"Goodbye Mark you fucker," she whispered.

It was a long flight and as the plane carried her across the world Cathy dozed, she mumbled slightly as the stewardess covered her with a blanket, before drifting deeper into sleep.

She awoke hungry, horny and in need of the toilet, the latter was the easiest to take care of. Entering the small cubicle she lifted her skirt and pushed her panties down, she relaxed as she felt the warm flow of urine cascade into the bowel. Finishing she dabbled herself dry with toilet roll, the dabbing turned into a caress as she dropped the paper. She stifled a moan of pleasure as her fingers caressed her aroused pussy and clitoris. With a jerk of her feet she kicked off her panties and spread her legs wide, lifting her skirt she looked at her aroused slit as her fingers slipped through it smearing her juices over her clitoris. The sight increased her arousal, standing she slipped her skirt down before sitting once more. Returning her fingers to her aroused pussy, she used the other hand to open her top, pushing her bra up she cupped and massaged her quickly swelling nipples. Her orgasm was fast approaching when there was a knock on the door,

"Hello, is there anyone in there"

Cathy quickly stood,

"Mmm yes, I'll be out in a sec"

Flushing the chain she washed her hand and pulled her skirt on, rather than try to put her bra straight she pulled it off before fastening her blouse, she looked in vain for her panties.

"Where can they go," she mumbled as she looked around the compact toilet.

In the end she gave up, slipping her shoes on she unlocked the door and stepped out. An irate looking businessman stood waiting,

"About time"

He complained before pushing past her and into the cubical, slamming the door behind himself.

On shaking legs and with a body screaming for sexual release Cathy returned to her seat. She tried to ignore the sensations that coursed through her body, to take her mind from it she picked up the airline magazine, but found she couldn't concentrate on it.

"Would you like something to eat, or maybe a drink?"

Cathy looked up and found herself looking at a petite beautiful Polynesian woman, dressed in the figure hugging uniform of the airline.

"A drink would be fine thanks"

"Tea, coffee, wine or spirits?"

"White wine please"

When the stewardess returned she was carrying a tray with a glass of wine and food on.

"I thought I'd bring you some food, just in case, do you mind if I join you?"

"No I guess not"

"Thanks, it's a quiet flight, everyone else is sleeping"

Cathy drank her wine and at the Stewardesses urging had something to eat, the first taste of the airline food made her realise how hungry she was.

"My names Marie"

"Hi, I'm sorry that's so rude, I'm Cathy, Cathy Wilmot"

Sharing the food they talked quietly while the handful of other passengers slept on.

"I'll get rid of the tray, would you like some more wine?"

"Err no thanks Marie, the couple of glasses I've already had have gone straight to me head"

Cathy watched Marie walk down the aisle, noting the way her hips moved under the tight skirt, she found herself wondering what Marie would look like naked.

'My god,' she thought 'what's wrong with me, she's a woman and I'm not a lesbian, I've never even thought of women in a sexual way before, I must be really desperate'

'Are you sure' another part of her mind asked 'in the dark of night haven't you dreamt of it, when you lick your pussy juices from your hand, don't you wonder if another woman would taste the same'.

She shook her head to clear the images that suddenly filled her mind.

"Are you OK?"

Cathy blushed as she looked at Marie; she found she couldn't help staring at the other woman's breasts and found herself longing to touch them.

"I'm fine, I guess I was daydreaming"

"Want to tell me about it?"

"No that's OK"

Marie retrieved the blanket from the empty seat where Cathy had dropped it on the way to the bathroom.

"Why don't I cover you and you can try and get some sleep, we've a while before we arrive"

Cathy reclined her seat and lay back as Marie spread the blanket over her.

Cathy once more dozed, this time her dreams seemed to be filled with images of Marie. Under the blanket she moved a hand to her pussy, a pussy that still cried out for sexual release. Eyes closed she fingered her pussy, fighting the urge to moan in pleasure and need. Suddenly a second hand joined her own, her eyes flew open as soft lips brushed against hers.

"Can I give you a hand?" Marie asked

"No please I've never..."

"That's OK I have"

With that Marie once more pressed her lips to Cathy's, Cathy froze her body being pulled in two directions. Part of her wanted to surrender to Marie's touch and the promise it offered, but another part screamed in disgust. That part of her conscious was silenced when Marie's tongue brushed her lips and her fingers caressed her clit.

Cathy surrendered to the other woman, parting her lips she felt Marie's tongue enter her mouth, she found herself moaning in pleasure as they kissed. Cathy was amazed at how soft and gentle Marie's mouth felt on hers, smooth and sharing not rough and demanding as Mark had always been. Her tongue followed Marie's as it withdrew from her mouth; it was now her turn to taste Marie.

Cathy moaned into Marie's mouth as she felt Marie's fingers brush her clitoris before sinking into her hot wet pussy. Turning in the seat she moved her own hand onto Marie's thigh, she rubbed it gently as they kissed and Marie's hand probed her womanhood. She eased it up but found her way constricted by the tight skirt that Marie was wearing.

"Here let me give you a hand"

Cathy almost cried in loss as Marie's fingers withdrew from her hot pussy, but her disappointment turned to pleasure as Marie stood, glanced around the airplane cabin and then raised her skirt until it was around her waist. Her pussy was bare and Cathy caught a glimpse of swollen, moist, pink flesh before Marie sat down.

Marie pulled the blanket across them both and slid closer to Cathy, they kissed once more as their hands searched and found each other's mons. They kissed with passion and desire as they fingered each other's hot pussies. Cathy couldn't believe how hot and aroused she was, the feel of Marie's breasts pressing against hers was driving her wild. She sucked on the other girl's tongue as she fingered her pussy and rubbed her clitoris.

They came together, their orgasms shaking them both; they pressed their mouths together to stifle their cries of pleasure and release as their pussies convulsed on the rapidly jerking fingers that filled them.

Pulling apart they lay together in post coital bliss, removing her fingers from Marie's dripping pussy she lifted them to her mouth and licked them clean. The clean fresh taste sent shivers to her pussy, turning she saw Marie watching her. She then watched as Marie licked her cum from her fingers.

"That's nice," said Marie with a glint of pleasure in her eyes "but I bet it tastes better from the source"

Cathy blushed as she realised Marie had spoken aloud the thoughts that filled her mind.

"Thank you"

"It's not over yet"

Suddenly the curtain at the front of the cabin twitched and another stewardess walked out. Quickly Marie stood up trying to straighten her skirt. The other stewardess smiled knowingly at Marie as she caught a glimpse of the other woman's pussy. As she came closer she also caught the aroma of aroused pussy and then she noticed the wet patch on the vacant seat.

"Everything OK Marie?"

"Fine thanks Suzy, everyone's asleep"

"Look we'll be landing soon so you'd better wake everyone and make sure everything's stowed away"

Cathy sat up and under the cover of the blanket straightened her clothes. By the time she'd nipped to the toilet and freshened up the other passengers were all awake.

As the plain came into land the Sun rose over the island bathing it in golden light, the white beaches and deep blue sea contrasting with the greenery of the swaying palm trees and forest covered hills.

As she stepped from the plane Cathy had hoped to see Marie, to give her the address of the hotel she was staying at. However neither of the stewardesses that stood at the cabin door was Marie, one was woman that had come looking for Marie. She thought about asking her about Marie, but such thoughts flew from her mind because as Cathy reached the door the stewardess stepped forward and held her arm, a strange glint in her eye.

"Are these yours by any chance?"

So saying she held out Cathy's missing panties. Cathy blushed quickly looking round to make sure nobody else was watching and then grabbed them and fled down the stairs.

It wasn't until she was waiting for her bags that she realised the panties she held were wet. Carefully when no one was watching she lifted them to her face and breathed in, she caught the fragrant odour of pussy. Grabbing her bag she headed for the restroom, once in a cubicle she once more smelt the wet panties and then feeling very aroused she pulled them on, savouring the feel of the wet cotton against her aroused pussy.

Leaving the restroom, she walked towards the exit, the feel of the wet cotton on her hot cunt made her juices flow. A warm breeze and the light of the risen Sun greeted her as she stepped outside. Looking around she was heading over towards the Taxi rank when a bright red jeep pulled up beside her.


Cathy looked into the smiling face of Marie and felt herself blush.

"Can I give you a lift?"

"Err that would be great, thanks"

Lifting her bag into the back of the jeep, she sank into the seat beside Marie.

"Don't you have to work?"

"No, that was my last flight for a few weeks, so where too?"

"The Bay Ridge Hotel"

Cathy watched Marie out of the corner of her eye as they pulled away from the curb, in no time they were driving along a road that hugged the coast, the airport falling behind them.

As she steered the jeep Marie glanced at Cathy,

"Look I want you to know, I don't normally seduce passengers"

"I guess I should ask why me then?"

"I don't know, you just seemed... I guess it just felt right"

"Where are you staying?"

"I have a friend who has a beach house, I'll probably stay there, why?"

"This was meant to be my honeymoon, I've a chalet booked at the hotel with a private pool, if you like you could join me"

Marie's face light up with a smile,

"I'd love to"

Ten minutes later Marie pulled into the driveway of the Bay Ridge Hotel, slipping from the passenger seat Cathy turned towards the entrance.

"I'll book in and be out in a sec"


Cathy entered the plush foyer of the hotel, Marble floors stretched to a large winding staircase; she walked over to the large wooden registration desk. A middle aged man smiled at her as she approached,

"Good morning, may I help you?"

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My Sissy Husbands ToDo List

My Sissy Husband's To-Do List By Cheryl Alison (Sequel to My Sissy Husband's Shopping List) My wife Sharon had exerted her power over me so strongly in my payment for losing a simple bet that I had gone to a department store and purchased a whole array of feminine garments. Now it was Friday afternoon, and it was time to complete the second of my lists. She handed it to me, her perfect burgundy lips set in a slightly smug expression. MY SISSY HUSBAND'S TO-DO LIST -Go to...

1 year ago
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The BookChapter 3 A Weekend by the Book II

Saturday morning, a dreamy semi-spring day crept up on Bob. He managed to get out of bed anyway. He knew the morning would give him little time to get chores out of the way... Bob could feel the detergent powder against his skin after putting the bed clothes in to wash. The odor of sex had turned sour during the night, and he had felt obliged to get his house into a more pristine condition before Betty showed up. Randi had left her panties and bra behind. He felt like a teenager, finding...

3 years ago
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Missing Summer Swimming

I was recalling one of my favorite times swimming with my first boy I ever had sex with. We were both younger, loved to run with each other and swim together. He had a swimmers body, mostly from jogging but obviously from swimming as well. Mostly smooth with the exception of a narrow trail leading to his nice cock.After some jogs, sometimes we would shower together to clean up prior to hitting my pool when nobody else was home. We would takes turns lathering each other up, caressing but...

2 years ago
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Getting Laid At The Festival With Kelly

It was August of 1977. Kelly and I were going to be seniors when school started back up. But before then our little town had its annual summer festival celebrating our local crop. Kelly and I had made our first trip to Milwaukee’s Summerfest several weeks ago and we knew that nothing in our little town could compare to that experience. Kelly’s sexuality was beginning to boil. She had dressed like a slut at Summerfest and loved the attention and the sex that it had brought her.Even though her...

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Katheryn and Son

Kathryn checked her calendar, yes, this was the day that she was to pick up her son at the airport. He was coming back from college for winter break. This was the longest Derrick and her had been apart. She didn't realize how much she would miss him when he went away to college. He had to go to Colorado to school; if only he had gone to a local school, they could have spent more time together. Since she kicked her husband out, over three years ago; Derrick was the man around the house. Matthew...

1 year ago
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Loris Brother

"I think your brother's kinda cute", Ashley exclaims, as she watches Jim go through the patio door. Lori looks at her in disgust. "You gotta be kidding". "No, I mean it, he's got a pretty good body". "God Ashley, he's not even 17 yet". Lori flips over on her towel and undoes the top of her swimsuit and rubs some suntan lotion on her chest. "I didn't say I wanted to fuck him Lori, I just think he's cute, that's all". "He's a pig", Lori grumbles. "All he does is sleep, eat ,and download porn from...

3 years ago
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LeashChapter 2

Recalling our introduction to Sarge through the impressive video had me painfully erect and caused me to leak profusely inside my trousers as I faced him with the leather ball stretcher and leash in hand. “The agency let you know about the device, correct?” He nodded. “Have you had experience with one like this before?” He nodded. “Good, then you know how it works ... Just so you know, I’ll be the one setting you ... Oh,” I exclaimed, shaking my head at my forgetfulness, “I almost forgot...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abella Danger Luna Star Extradition Part Two

US DEA captive Kat Dior is held for questioning inside a cartel-run compound in Central Mexico’s Sierra Madre Mountain Range. She can provide intel on the evasive cartel boss La Luna Star who forced Kat into prostitution the day the kidnapped daughter of a US Senator purportedly went missing. Kat was brought to the facility with a blond-haired prostitute, where they entered the main house to fuck La Luna in a lesbian threesome. La Luna and her lieutenant took off with the escort and her...

3 years ago
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Park after Dark part 2

Having discovered my initials on the table at shelter #3 left me paranoid. I stopped going to the park at night and found myself looking around to see if anyone was looking at me funny. It helped having college homework to keep my mind off it. I still masturbated every night of a guy stuffing his long hard throbbing cock into my tight ass and shooting his cum inside me. Fingers were no longer good enough in my ass and I began to experiment with larger objects. I moved up to using the handle of...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 45

The next day we were talking about how to tell his parents, when I found myself confused over a small, yet important detail. ‘Jeff, did one of us propose?’ He thought about it. He started shaking his head slowly. His shoulders came up in an unhurried shrug. Finally, he answered. ‘I don’t think so.’ ‘Hmmm,’ I hummed. ‘Ashley, will you marry me?’ I smiled. ‘Jeff, will you marry me?’ We both laughed and I buried my head in his chest. ‘So, how do we do this?’ I asked. ‘Dinner at my house....

2 years ago
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My Wife Fucks Black Men In Our Garage 2

visit on to see more stories like theseThis is our true story of Memorial Day 2012. Today was Memorial Day, and man it was hot. Ninety six degrees of hott. My wife and i recently purchased our first home. Three Bedroom, Two Bath, and a one and a half car garage. On the half car side i have an old washer and dryer being stored and i made a space between them and laid some old sheetrock over the top of them, sort of like a little tent under the sheetrock in between the washer and...

4 years ago
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4 years ago
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Just What She Needed

The snow crunched under Leah's steel-toed EMS boots as she walked from the ambulance bay to her yellow Jeep. She avoided the slick ice patches spotting the parking lot, a rough task seeing as her mind was stuck thinking about the call she had over the weekend. Leah responded to her first gunshot call. She was the only one to see the patient. The patient was pronounced by the cops who went in to secure the scene. Leah tried to hide the shaking in her body as she carried the monitor into the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A Cute Mom

I was thinking about one of the things I often think about. Why do we do things? I was also thinking about my mother…pornographic thoughts. The strange thing about it is that I really didn't want to do pornographic things to her. I wanted to do loving things to her. I wanted to have her warm lips pressing on mine as I gently massaged her bare breasts.Where did it all come from? Perhaps from other actions or desires or maybe just a little shot of electro-chemical stuff hits the brain at exactly...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Game Night

Betty reached to look at her hole cards. The motion was incredibly awkward; moving her left arm out to grasp the cards meant that she needed to cradle her naked breasts with just her right arm to avoid exposing herself. She pulled the cards towards herself but stopped to look at the reactions of her fellow players before examining her own hand.The tanned-skinned young man to her left studied his cards for a moment, then threw a furtive glance around to the others. He shuffled in his seat,...

3 years ago
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Missing Ray

            Ray was hot.   Even now, years after our affair ended, I could think of him and get wet.   There is no two ways about it.   Ray was hot.               I’m Anne.   I’m a mom to two kids, college student, and general housewife.   I have a figure I am normally quite pleased with, although the necessary surgeries left their marks over my abdomen.   Even so, I’m a petite blonde with a 34D chest, a slightly chunky waist, but still about 28”, and full 36” hips.  ...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 6

The dream was fuzzy, like looking thru a misty morning haze. I stood at the foot of my bed and watched my sister, Peggy and Lilly sit up, each of them eyeing me guardedly. 'Ike, what's going on?' Lilly asked me. I stood there unmoving, simply watching. 'Ike, honey? Say something, please?' Peggy begged me. I couldn't speak. I wanted to, very badly, but I couldn't make my mouth open. I wanted to tell them that everything was fine and that I loved them, even though I knew nothing was...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Kendra Lust Kendra Gets Fucked Hard

Kendra Lust came to visit Preston Parker. He bought her some flowers. Good thing he got back into shooting POVs. So obviously his camera was running. He brought Kendra some cool Bangbros clothing. Two sexy t-shirts and a bathing suit. She put the bathing suit on. Wow that looked sexy! Obviously this was bulging his pants visibly so he took his dick out, put it into Kendra’s face and started to suck it. It was big! Then they started to fuck. Some doggy, some missionary. Some cool positions on...

3 years ago
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First suck from a man

When I was about 16 we moved right down the street from a park. Again this was back in the sixties. i started hanging out there a lot. One evening I was still there Mom and Dad must have been having one of their fuck fests and had forgotten I was out. I had to take a piss so I went into the nearest bathroom. This was on the other side of the park from where I normally hung out. The urinals didn't have partitions and there were no doors on the brick stalls. I was taking a piss when a guy...

3 years ago
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How mom made him state champ pt 3

"So how was the hand-job?" Gail asked her sister as they spoke on the phone."You mean hand-jobs?" Michelle answered."You got him off more than once?" Gail asked."I got him off twice in the shower, twice in bed last night, once this morning and twice on the car right home. I believe that makes seven if I'm not mistaken." Michelle said proudly."Holy fuck, Michelle. Seven orgasms? Are you serious?" Gail exclaimed."He's like the energizer bunny. He just keep going and going and going." Michelle...

1 year ago
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Billy on the run

They cased the old bank for a month. Gus a prison hardened career criminal with a nasty streak, and Billy his younger fresh faced accomplice embarking on his life of crime. Today was the day as they donned their balaclavas and stormed the premises. Gus screamed for everyone to hit the floor, brandishing a gun. Billy ran behind the counter with a sports bag scooping in wads of notes. Rather than running back out the door the plan involved going up the stairs onto a landing, where they would jump...

2 years ago
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Muscle Encounters 3 Meeting Rhonda Lee

Muscle encounters 3-Meeting Rhonda leeBy lilguy Man meets Rhonda Lee and sex happens of course.I was staying at a near by hotel for a comic convention one day. I rode therealone to stay for 3 days. It was night time and the crickets were chirping. Ihad to get my box of stuff out of my car.I struggled with the box. It had all my clothes, food, and items. The box wasextra heavy sense I tended to over packed."Need some help" A sultry voice saidI turn around. I saw her. She looked gorgeous, like...

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School Boys Romance

No one knows that I’m gay because I don’t want the hassle that would come with it, even Max didn’t know and the worst part about that is that I have a massive crush on him. Max is taller than me at just over six feet tall and muscled enough to be obvious that he works out. He has scruffy shoulder length brown hair, light green eyes and a smile that could melt the hearts of anyone he turned it on. He is nice, kind and like me he is fiercely protective of his friends to the point that it has...

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Romantic Love Making With Married ExGirlfriend

Hi Everyone, I am Nick coming out with my another experience with my Ex-Girlfriend. I just came here to pen down my experience and share my enjoyment with all people all around the world. Well for guys its obvious how would the girl look like? She is good fair girl, little short 5.5 ft., nick basically from Chennai. If u wanna contact me can ping me at Let’s come back to my experience which happened recently. I just went to my hometown to meet my Grannies, Grandpaas and other relatives. I was...

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The Sorority Christmas party

The fraternity guys and I had trudged out into the snow on a brisk December afternoon to cut down a Christmas tree for the Alpha Kappa sorority house. By the time we got the tree back to campus and unloaded it off the truck, a cold wind was blowing and snow was falling steadily. We carried the tree into the sorority house common room and stood it up on a stand. A roaring fire had been lit and its warmth was welcome after being outside in the cold. As a reward for our efforts the sorority girls...

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Latin Wolf Pack

Manada de LoboThis past June I was cruising up Interstate 15 out of San Bernardino. There is a great cruising spot on the old section of Route 66 down by Lytle Creek. Having not been there in quite some time I thought it might be worth a swing through to see who was there and what was going on. I had hopes of reconnecting with some of the married and mildly bi guys who cruise that area for quick head on the way home. It was early evening so my timing was perfect to hit the head while heading...

4 years ago
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Fat Girl Fucks Good 1

Derek was the popular guy, he had the chiseled physique, the gorgeous eyes with the long eye lashes, the perfect ass and of course a monstrous dick. It was no secret that the young man was blessed in both length and girth and most girls (and a few guys) on the collage campus would almost throw themselves at him but he would always refuse, there wasn't many things unknown about Derek but one thing that wasn't known was that he loved big women, and I mean BIG women... Thunder thighs, wide hips,...

2 years ago
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Why I got addicted to BBWS

This story is fiction, it didn't actually happen, but I wish it would have!It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don't know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that's my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I...

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The Meeting Chapter One How it began

Chapter One: The Beginning First let me say that the events that happened in our marriage are as accurate as memory serves. Now I will tell you a little about us and what led up to this adventure. My husband and I met in college and were married right after graduating. Neither of us were virgins when we met, but he had much more sexual experiences than I did. I was a shy girl that only had sex with those I fell in love with while he would fuck anyone that appealed to him sexually with no...

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