ObtuseChapter 3 free porn video

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Jason: Girl Loses Boy

It was Saturday evening that I came out of my haze. My mind cleared enough to look at my situation. My work involves solving problems and teaching others to do the same. From Friday night through Saturday, all I did was work. I tried not to think about my situation. I was able to distract myself until I had regained control of my emotions.

Saturday at 7:00 p.m., I realized that I was hungry and tired. I had not eaten or slept since early Friday. It was time to take stock. A check of my wallet showed I had forty dollars and a credit card in my wife’s name that had hitherto been for emergencies. You see; I had trusted my wife, implicitly. She handled the money. My paycheck went into her account. Every Friday evening, she gave me money for the week’s groceries and our miscellaneous expenses.

By Friday, I had just enough left for the pizza dinner; I had planned? Friday is kind of a down day for us. I realized that was why the back of my mind knew that something was up from the way Mary was dressing. I guess I already knew what she was doing and just needed to convince myself. Well, recriminations would not solve the immediate problems.

I had no money and no place to live. First things first, I needed money. The student union was open, so I headed out to see if the credit card still worked. I made the maximum withdrawal of $500.00 dollars and grabbed a burger for dinner. Then I headed over to the bulletin board to see who was seeking roommates. It was a bad time of the year most people were set, but there were a few new ads up. I tried a couple and made appointments for the following day. There was a satisfaction in working on my problem.

Monday came too quick, and Nancy enforced her threat. I had several leads on sharing rooms, but no place I could move into. I would be stuck going home with Nancy. The department secretary kept leaving me messages that my wife had called. I ran some errands. First, I opened an account in my own name at the credit union and then went to the Admin Building to get my paycheck switched to my new credit union account. It was going to take four weeks, but they agreed to immediately stop the current direct deposit and issue me a paper check until the new direct deposit took effect.

I had long been a member of the Midtown Boxing Gym. It was a fairly modest and traditional boxing club-style place until the craze for boxing lessons as a workout hit. Now it occupied two floors of a high rise. One floor was virtually all women taking classes from over-muscled men who would not last one round in a real match.

Manny Silverman, who has run the place within living memory, is a philosophical old coot.

“The way you are beating on that bag, Professor, you would think it had offended you in some way,” Manny said.

“I thought the point was to hit it hard,” I replied.

Manny gave a knowing chuckle and raised one eyebrow.

“When a great technician forgets everything, he knows and just starts wailing away it’s not his body he is working out,” Manny said and walked away.

I stopped; he was right. I needed to get my head back into the game. I was only going through the motion. I needed to concentrate on the rest of my life, the new single life that I was going to have to deal with.

By Wednesday, I had suffered two nights at Nancy’s. She and her girlfriend Betty had a home in Riverdale. It was a nice place with a great guest room, but Betty was smothering me. Nancy chases everything in a skirt. Only current students are off-limits due to University rules. Betty understood my pain and was trying too hard to help me through it. What was least helpful was the belief they both had that somehow Mary and I would work it out.

Returning from my Wednesday morning class, I found my Mother-in-law waiting in the corridor outside my door like a sixty-something undergrad.

“Katherine what are you doing here,” I said.

“Came to see my favorite son-in-law,” she said.

Steven Fitzgerald was her other son-in-law. He was an interesting man, a lawyer, but not at all like my wife. They say he practices criminal law and is very good at it. There is something odd about him that makes him difficult to relate to. I knew Katherine tolerated him only because he married her daughter but otherwise felt uncomfortable around him as do I.

“Well, what can I do for you,” I said as if I did not know the real reason for her visit.

“Come to lunch with me, and we can talk,” she said.

She was dressed as if for a day out in the city shopping. She had on a dark-blue suit with a long over the knees skirt and a bolero jacket. She wore a white blouse against which sparkled her emerald necklace. The necklace did not fit the rest of the ensemble. It cost a fortune. When it was worn on some fancy occasion, it was a conversation-stopping piece. In the hallway of my modest office, it was grossly out of place.

Her waiting limousine took us to an intimate Italian restaurant.

Seated in a secluded booth, she launched into the subject that brought her.

“Can you at least talk to my daughter?”

“Sorry, I’m not ready yet.”

“Ok, take your time, but forgive her and go back to her.”

“I’m bound to forgive her eventually, but I doubt we can go on together. Can’t see that working. I’ve been thinking about our life together in light of my new knowledge. I have begun to suspect that the guy I punched out was just the last in a line, and I don’t even know where the line started, but it sure doesn’t begin last Friday,” I said.

“I came because you and I have the same problem. We married a Singleton. They are not faithful. It is not part of their character. But I love my husband, and I know he loves me. Mary loves you more than her own life, but she doesn’t have what it takes to be faithful.

“I wear these emeralds when I know one of my husband’s paramours will be at a party or a function. They are a present he gave me to buy back my love after one of his more notorious affairs. She was a movie star. She has long since faded from the scene, but my emeralds have not. I have these, and I have the man. It still hurts, but I have my pride, and he paid the price. They are very expensive.”

“I have a price too. I want the life I thought I had. Can Mary buy that back for me?”

“Obviously, she can’t erase the memory of her past mistakes but wasn’t it the good you had together that made the life you had. The love you had and made together. The home and family that you shared together. Are you going to turn your back on your family.”

“How do I get my pride back. What can your daughter do to give that back to me? There is no way she can buy that back for me.

“How do you know if you don’t give her a chance?”

“She made me a cuckold, and you don’t get that genie back in the bottle.”

“You are going to throw away a twenty-one-year marriage over a word?”

“Yes,” I said as I stood up to leave, “Sorry, Kat, I lost my appetite.”

“Jason, Jason, please wait,” She called, but I was not going back.

That began a string of attempts by various parties to intervene. By the end of the third week, I was being driven insane. Then my luck changed.

“Professor, can I speak to you?” she said.

“Of course,” I replied.

Collen Dreyfus was a senior. She was a bit old at thirty for an undergrad, but, like more and more young women, she had spent time in the military. Her red hair and prominent freckles resembled her first name more than her last. She was a big girl more than six feet, and not thin but not fat either. She is more a fullback, than a cheerleader.

“Ah ... Well. You see there is a rumor going around that you are having marital problems and may need a place to stay—” she said, the last words coming out in a rush after the slow start.

“News does get around. Yes, I am looking for a place to live.”

Collen had been standing at the door to my office, and now she came all the way in.

“Well, you see, I lost a roommate and desperately need a replacement, but there are some problems. You see, there were four of us. Two are a couple, and they share the master bedroom. It’s a three-bedroom apartment in Sunnyside. They’re lesbians, just so you know. The third girl dropped out and went back to Kansas. We didn’t exactly split the rent four ways.

“You see the girl who left, and I paid two-thirds, and the couple paid the balance. It was a good deal because we each had a private room and only paid one thousand a month apiece plus utilities.

I would have been shocked by the price of an apartment in a lower-middle-class part of Queens had I not already been looking and already had my dose of sticker shock.

“What do your lesbian friends think about a male roommate?”

“Oh, it was their idea to ask you. It’s Sally Hider and Karen Snil.”

I remembered both of them. They were associates of Nancy’s, my boss. Not friends in the normal sense, and certainly not possible love interests. Nancy liked her women at least vaguely female. I believe these two fall into the category of gay from a mile away. They seemed odd roommates for Collen and even more for me because I always believed that they were of that minority within a minority that hates the other sex.

“Are you sure? Because it seems odd, those two would not mind a male roommate.”

Coleen could not look me in the eye.

“If I’m going to take this deal, I need to know that they will not be a problem,” I said.

She didn’t want to answer, but she did.

“They know all about you how you raised the kids and did the housework so your wife could have a career. They say you’re not like other guys more one of the girls.”

Well, there it was out on the table, a cuckold and a wimp, was that my problem. I had yielded to a strong woman and lost her respect because I had stopped being a man.

I took the deal because it was a good one. They did not need any security because the departing girl had to forfeit that. I gave a check and got a furnished room, an effeminately furnished room, but a place to lay my head. Anyway, when I wasn’t at work, I began to haunt the gym.


I was truly fucked, and I had no one but myself to blame. That does not mean that I did not get angry at Jason. If he would only be reasonable and let me make things up to him, the whole problem would disappear.

Mom came back from her lunch with him in a very depressed state.

“He would not listen,” she said.

“What did he say?”

“Basically, you ruined his life. Made him a cuckold, and he suspects the current guy is not the first. Then he walked out on me. I think he has a pretty good handle on the situation, but can’t come to any acceptance of it,” she said.

“What am I going to do?”

“My advice, based on the personal experience of being in his place, is let him stew a while. But keep the pressure on. Maybe when he sees what life is like on his own, he will come back? Loneliness is a great persuader,” she said,

Two weeks later, I was having lunch with his boss Nancy. She invited me.

“Well, he has moved out of my place,” she said.

“Oh, where did he go?”

“Got himself a one-third share in a Queens’ apartment. I will give you his address. However, don’t tell him where you got it.”

“I know you are his friend, not mine, so thank you for your help,” I said.

“Just looking out for my own interests, can’t afford Jason to go elsewhere.”

“Oh, he would never do that. He loves Columbia and working for you,” I said.

Nancy began to laugh, “Don’t get it, do you?”

I could only shrug. I had no idea what she was talking about.

“Jason is the most valuable member of my department, but he is paid the least. He is the jewel in the Math department’s crown. Any school would grab him in a minute. Some would pay him double what we do. But he could also go to industry at four or five times what we pay.

“Nobody has come calling because they knew that he had this rich wife who was locked into a big job in Manhattan. The local schools didn’t want to rock the boat, especially since money wasn’t a factor with Jason. However, now as the news of your breakup begins to leak the vultures are circling,” she said.

“You mean he could move away and do it for a lot more money.”


I began to cry in spite of myself. Events were moving against me. I needed to do something. I just didn’t know what.

It’s funny you live in a city for most of your life and see so little of it. They call this part of Queens Sunnyside, and it is right across the East River from Manhattan. It must be less than five miles from the apartment we own.

The house wasn’t much to look at, a two-story two unit with one apartment on each floor and a double entryway to one side of the building. I rang the bell for the upper apartment. The buzzer sounded opening the outer door. I entered to be confronted by the steep stairway to the second floor and a voice from above.

“Hello, can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m looking for Jason,” I said.

“He’s not here right now, but he usually gets home by seven,” said the voice from above.

“Who is it,” said a second voice.

By this time, I reached the top of the stairs. I was confronted by two women with short boyish haircuts. They were both shorter than me and in desperate need of cosmetics. Dykes, there was no room for doubt.

“Oh, she’s the wife,” said the more masculine and stouter of the two.

The other took a step back as if I had some contagious condition.

“May I come in?”

They backed away from the door and let me enter. A few minutes later, I was seated in a living room furnished from the thrift store and looking like the student apartment it was. My hosts were seated opposite gazing at me with something between a leer and a smirk. Introductions were made. Sally was the taller, more feminine one, and Karen was the smaller clearly male of the pair.

Sally had offered refreshments, and I had a glass of spring water. The door opened, and a very tall and good-looking redhead entered. This girl was clearly a female and proud of it.

“Oh shit! What is she doing here?” the new entrant said.

“She’s waiting for Jason,” Sally said.

“Mrs. Sullivan, I’m Colleen,” the redhead said to me.

“Nice to meet you, Colleen,” I replied.

“Do you really think you should be here?” Colleen asked.

“I just need to talk to my husband.”

They did not seem to know what to do. They were too polite to throw me out, but they clearly knew that Jason would not be happy to see me.

We spent an awkward twenty minutes, staring at each other until the door opened, and Jason walked in.

He looked great. He was fitter and more handsome than any middle-aged man had a right to be. I knew I missed him, but in that instant, my body and soul felt a yearning that was truly intense. The mere sight of him made my heart skip.

“Jason I—”

“Please, Mary just go,” he said.

“No, not until you speak to me. Give me a chance to explain,” I said.

The others in the room were silent, just watching with a fascination the little drama that we were playing out. Jason was the injured husband, and I was the fallen woman pleading for his compassion, but it wasn’t coming.

“There is nothing you can say that will make the slightest difference to me except that your continued lies will make our lives much more difficult,” he said in a rehearsed manner.

Well, at least, he had been thinking of me enough to plan his opening line.

“Then please give me a chance, to tell the truth. So, it doesn’t help you, but at least, it gives us closure after twenty-plus years. Don’t we owe the marriage that much?” I said, having my own argument ready.

He sighed, realizing, I guess, that I was not going quietly away, and that I did have a point. We owed each other the truth after twenty-one years.

“Alright but not now and not here,” he said, aware of the fact we had an interested audience.

“Ok, when and where? But soon,” I said.

“Saturday morning at your place, I can pick up my bicycle at the same time,” he said.

“Very good Saturday morning at OUR HOME,” I said unwilling to let him discard our mutual residence so easily.

I held it together down the stairs and out the door of that student abode. I ignored the pitying looks as I left. Was I so pathetic? These women who on their best days had not the fraction of my looks, intelligence, or wealth could now look down on me because, in my stupidity, I had lost what to a woman must be the most precious thing in her entire existence. I had lost the love of my husband. Even those two obvious lesbians knew how great a loss; I had suffered. My death would have been easier.

On the way home, I thought of the bargain I had just made. I rode the elevated train, so I could think. I made a devil’s bargain. Jason demanded that I tell the truth, and I agreed to provide the truth in exchange for his listening.

I suddenly thought of the Oscar Wilde novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” If I revealed all the ugly truth, how could anyone love me? All the makeup and designer clothing cannot hide what I am. Like some soap opera TV bitch, I would be exposed as the vile slut who men fuck and replace like the condoms they keep in their wallets, but with less real value. All the skin-deep beauty, all the trappings of success, and all the wealth I possessed could not gain me the one thing I desired, Jason’s love. However, I would try for it with every faculty I possessed.

The trains are slow after the rush hour, and I was in no hurry, so it was well after nine when I arrived home. I had a surprise waiting for me, my daughter Tina. I had been lying to her telling her everything was working itself out and that her father would be home soon. I had begged her not to call or contact Jason. As far as I knew, she had complied.

“What are you doing here?” I said.

“I had to come this concerns me most of all. Kate confessed the real truth when I threatened her,” Tina said.

“What are you talking about?”

“That Dad has left you, and is probably not coming back because he finally caught you with another man,” she said.

I broke down. All the pain that I was in came to the surface. She had said it so matter of fact, “Jason caught me, and he wasn’t coming back.” Tina, my fifteen-year-old, put her arms around me and held her weeping mother. She let me cry myself out before she delivered the heaviest blow.

“I’m going to tell him about me—”

“What! You can’t!” I pleaded.

“I called Uncle Jack. He agreed, and he got me released from school for the next week because of the family crisis. We all agreed it was time to voluntarily come clean as we are bound to get caught anyway,” Tina said.

Uncle Jack and Aunt Ann are how we referred to the Cardigans. Jack was her natural father due to my poor use of birth control. She was Jack’s only child, and he had over the years surreptitiously played father to Tina. Somewhere along the line, she discovered the truth. I recognized this fact, although neither she nor I, had spoken about it.

“No, no, I can bear all the rest, but not that it will hurt Jason too much. I would rather die.”

“Sorry, but I need Dad to know the truth, and Uncle Jack says only a blind divorce lawyer would fail to see two blond light-eyed parents do not have a dark-haired brown-eyed daughter,” Tina said.

It was that moment that I was sick. There wasn’t much in my stomach as I had not eaten all day, but what there was came up on the carpet. Tina put me to bed, and I guess she cleaned up the mess. After that, she lay down in the bed with me, put a cool cloth to my brow, and told me the new facts of my existence.

“Dad has to be told the time for lying is over. What is done can’t be undone. If we get it all out, we stand a chance. He is the best man any of us has ever known. Certainly, no one ever had a better father.

“I need to tell him that I love him as I break the news. I know that it will be like stabbing him in the heart. It’s the worst thing you can tell a father. It is the most evil thing you have ever done my Mother, but I have come to love you for it.

“As Uncle Jack says, you had a choice. You could have been safe, but you chose to give me life. You gave him and me the greats gift you can give life. We love you for it, and our dearest wish must be to help Dad understand that he is still my father, and I love him.”

“Oh baby, I don’t know whatever I did to deserve you or how I can ever make this up to you,” I said.

“It’s not me that you have to make things up to. I hope that somehow you can put your marriage back together. Uncle Jack, Aunt Ann, and I agreed to do whatever is necessary to help you. But we need to come clean and make clear that Dad is my true father, and Jack will always be nothing more than he is now,” she said having worked out how she was going to handle things.

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I’m a 42 year old professional. I’m 5’9 and about 175, I consider my size and looks to be about average. I knew there would be no problem finding men who would want to do my wife. After much internet searching we found a swing club about two hours from our house. We didn't want to risk seeing anyone we might know in our town, so two hours away was a safe bet and we could have dinner out and spend the night in the other town. The place we found was located in an older brick building in a...

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Pyx 4 VacationChapter 8 Walter Edith

If you have seen the restaurant scene from "Pretty Woman", you have some idea what dining on the ship is like. There were two waiters standing five feet from us, waiting on us hand and foot. I don't think my water glass was ever under half empty. There were tables for two, and tables for eight. Since there were always three of us, we sat at the large table all the time. That was nice, as we got to meet people from all over the U.S. The Japanese passengers tended to keep to...

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The Chameleon 6

Author's note : For all the readers who have been reading my story, please know that I'm sorry I haven't poseted a story more than a month. But here is the new chapter. It is my humble request to please let me know what you think about the story by leaving reviews/comments. I'd really appreaciate it. CHAPTER 6 Her body couldn't move. She froze at the sight of the person approaching her. The real Ivy hasn't seen her doppelganger yet. Max had promised he wouldn't take her face and...

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Sally Anne was Naughty

Number 22 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne was Naughty by SONIA e-mail [email protected] Please send comments!!! Chapter 1 - The Invitation My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We were extremely happily married although Sally Anne has some slight lesbian interests. She generally satisfied these needs by dressing me...

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Second Time Through Book IIIChapter 5

Tuesday, June 22, 1971 "It seems that we have two different puzzles to solve," Catherine said, summarizing. "First, what is this codex that Michael is supposed to find? And second, what made him disappear in front of your eyes?" We had been meeting for more than an hour, having connected everyone, and then walking step-by-step through what had happened in the Dining Car earlier this afternoon. Penny had each person telling it from their own perspective, including what they saw, heard,...

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The Society Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Therapy I had many feelings of doubt about what I had said prior to my results meeting, I was a little scared to know what the truth was and some of Dr Croft's questions had me worried and I was not sure if the result would seal my fate in a direction that I was ready for, or even send me off on a path I wanted to take. So it was that I sat down in front of Tina and Dr Shaw, both women tried to put me at ease but I was quietly shaking inside as Tina opened the folder in...

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Sleeping Sisters

It's 1 a.m. as Ray rolls out of his bed. He scratches his head as he yawns and makes his his way out of his room and down the hall to the bathroom. When he turns on the light he isn't surprised to find a bra and pair of panties in the middle of the floor. He steps over them to the toilet and takes a piss. Then he steps on the scale next to the tub. The digital display flashes 265 lbs., as an semi-pro wrestler Ray like to keep track of his weight. At 6' 5" his goal weight was 280 lbs. Looking...

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Nursing Angel or Horny Devil

The story I am about to relate took place some years ago. I had badly hurt my spine in a motoring accident, this led me to spend three weeks in hospital having a bone graft done, to prevent further damage to my spine. On my first day of the hospital stay, I met Nurse J. Johnson or Jo as she preferred to be called. She came to take all my details upon my arrival. Immediately I noticed her accent was not from London, in fact it sounded a lot like my own being from South Yorkshire, It turned out...

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Party At The Watchtower

**All characters in this story are at least 18 years old** Tim Drake, the third Robin and formerly Red Robin, eyed the invitation in his hands as he made his way to the teleporter into the Watchtower. This was the first one of these parties he'd been invited to. He had recently turned 19, and the past year had been a wreck for both him and the League. He'd heard some wild stories about these parties from Dick and some of the older Titans. Apparently Bruce had joined in on the festivities once...

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Visit to a Porn Shop

I acted like I was lost but I knew exactly where I was headed. The previous night, my wife Nicole, had asked me to buy her nipple clamps while in the the throes of passion. So as I pretended to be lost and drove erratically through the streets of Providence, I actually was headed right to the porn shop that I knew to be at the state line. "Hey, Nicole, look at that adult bookstore. I'll bet they have nipple clamps for you." Now you have to understand that Nicole is a wonderful wife and lover...

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First HybridChapter 3

I stayed in the village for a couple of weeks to heal up and rest. But then my restless nature and thirst for revenge made me antsy, wanting to get going again. I said goodbye to the people in the village who had become my friends and with a quick jump into the air I started to continue my flight northward. I didn't go straight north though, I made a slight detour through Colombia. I planned to go to the Embassy there, to send another message. Underway I rested a few times on hilltops and...

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Being HumanChapter 10

It is messed up. Even after nearly a week on the open road, with nothing to do but listen to the radio and think, Ghok is still at war with himself. When he started out, he just assumed that one way or another he would have settled on a course of action by now. But reality isn’t that simple. He has passed countless towns since he started out and he continues to barrel onward without deviating. His straight course belies the anxious knot in his stomach. The past few months have been difficult...

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Brother SpyChapter 10 Marthas Boyfriend Roger

I woke up too late to watch any of the morning shows. All of the bedrooms and bathrooms were empty. I switched to Jacqui's bedroom. Jane and Jacqui were still asleep. Jane had one arm draped over Jacqui. I could see one of Jane's flat breasts. It was probably just as well. My balls still ached from the night before. Jacking off right now would not help that one bit. I switched on the VCR and switched off the monitor. I could check the tape later. After my balls stopped aching. I sniffed...

4 years ago
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SovereigntyChapter 11

Alan appeared not far from the Queen's palace reaching out he started to search for Hopix. Ah! There she was safe and ... not all that sound after the dream, but Alan would soon fix that. Reaching out again, he began to search for the Lizard guy shaking his head Alan thought this guy really had lost his mind to go against Alan who obviously had far superior power than his? Alan decided that this needed to end once and for all, though he didn't kill unless he had no choice this was the one...

2 years ago
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More Girlfriend

So after my girlfriend had experienced my licking her pussy and ass, she was horny for more. The problem was that her over protective mom was always hovering around us. I had to struggle to get a quick feel of her boobs or my hand down her pants, and she was always grinding against me when we hugged and talking dirty. It had been a couple of weeks since that great encounter in her room. We had decided to go for a walk in the woods again near our houses. Another nice day, and it wasn't long...

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A Summer Job

Introduction: My second story. Based on a true story, but certainly embellished a bit. To be relished, not rushed through. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter I The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put flyers in the mailboxes of my neighborhood offering my services for yard work, pet care, etc. As it was summer, a number of people had called me to care for their pets while...

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Emma the Beautiful Girl With the Suckable Bonus

I had picked up this chick from the club and thought I'd bring her back to my apartment. Her name was Emma. She was so hot. She was about six feet tall, she had shoulder-length blonde hair and nice big tits. She was wearing a short black tube dress, showing off her beautifully tanned legs and wore black, open toe heels, showing off her soft, feminine feet. When we got to my door, she couldn't keep her hands off me. She rubbed her hand on my crotch and on my chest, softly kissing my cheek. I...

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Am I Going CrazyChapter 14

Sam an' I arrived at the train station an' was met by Buford an' Susan. The relief on Buford's face was evident. Man, was he glad ta be rid of them whores. We showed up at the Diamond H an' was met by 15 happy women an' several dejected cowboys—we was stealing their free nooky. I called a meetin' that afternoon an' explained what was about ta happen. Tomorrow mornin', we was gonna catch a train ta Austin. All of the women what wanted a job as a whore in the new house would go with...

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Show Girl

Darin spotted the young gal up on the stage the moment he walked into the bar. The gaudy sign outside clearly showed that this was a dancer bar, so having some time to kill, he wandered in. One thing Darin liked most of all was watching girls on stage putting on a show. Often he could see just as much out at the beach, but it just wasn’t as much fun. On stage they were teasing, it was deliberate. The girl up there at the moment was slender, muscular like most dancers were if they had been at...

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Beautiful StrangerChapter 21

The door. The window. The door. The window again. Each as it had been before, neither moving nor changing. The square, blocky frame. The rough hewn sill. And a deep rut worn in the white sand floor between the two. Kristin Gholla traced her path across the room once more, glancing out of the open doorway on the South side, then dragging her feet back to the East facing window. It was the hundredth time she had completed her desperate cycle in the past hour, and the weak shadows cast in the...

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.419.A VERY STRONG ADULT story of Female Domination... Not for the squeamish!This work is copyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2012 .419.Preface by Irene.The following is a genuine E-Mail (the first E Mail of the story, anyway...) of the Nigerian 419 variety. They are ?phishing? for your money. Of course they could be fishing...What if it was not money that they were after? What if they wanted you? Yes, you... all of you...What if they wanted your body, your soul, your service and your cringing...

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Meat Acquisition Technologies

Meat Acquisition Technologies? Spitman March 19, 2008It was early when the limousine cruised up to the main entrance of the factory, and the chauffeur opened the door for his passenger.‘Thank you, Harry,’ the passenger told him graciously.‘It was my pleasure, Mr Wang. I will be here when you are ready to leave.’Li looked around. From the outside, the main building looked like an aircraft hanger, with an office block at one end, but there was enough evidence of meticulous care to convince him...

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A New Kind of Lesson

An original story by Starrynight Enjoy. I stepped over to the front door as quietly as I could and inserted the key into the lock. It was almost six o'clock in the morning on a Sunday, and my sister was right behind me. We were still slightly buzzed, and I had to steady myself before turning the key and opening the door. I tiptoed into the house, the early morning light shining in through the windows. We walked in, quiet as mice, and gently closed the door behind us. I felt a small sense of...

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My dominant Mother

MY DOMINANT MOTHER My father left my mother, just after I was born. When I turned 8 my father told me that he had left my mother and divorced her, because she was too domineering! I was born Harry, then when I turned 6, my mother changed my name to Heather. All the time that I was growing up, she dressed me as a girl. She let my blond hair grow out to below my ears, and kept me dressed as a girl, even after I started into school. I always wore dresses, and girls flat shoes, with...

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Prom By RogerGirl Charles was sitting in his room after classes finishing some homework when he heard a knock on his door. He got up and opened it and saw his friend Stan waiting nervously outside. Stan was much taller and muscular than he was and played for the school's lacrosse team. Even though they were both 18 and seniors, Charles was much shorter and thinner and had to look up when he talked to his friend. "Hey man," Charles said, "what's wrong? You look nervous." "There's...

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A Southern WarmingChapter 29

"I'll take a look," I said, as I opened the door of the van. I discovered about six inches of snow around the back tire, but it didn't look that bad. "Do you have any sand?" I asked my brother. "No I don't. I used it up a week ago. I don't have any idea where a person could even find sand around here," he replied. We tried shoveling the snow out from around the tires and pushing the vehicle, but it wouldn't budge. My brother spotted some other guys on the lake and suggested...

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Nudists have sex part 3

Once again Ron awoke with a feeling of excitement. It was another beautiful day outside, and Julie had bought Ken home Friday evening, planning to take him to “Bare River Bend” nudist resort for a week of vacation before school started. Ron’s weekend job had ended, so he too was preparing for another year of school. Life would be better now that he was going into his junior year of high school. No longer was he going to be a kid, but one of the more esteemed class. In addition, he knew...

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My First Cock Chapter 3

I replied “Sure.” And headed toward the steps to get out of the pool. As I got to the steps, Gary had already reached them, I looked up at his firm, but not hard cock, and balls. Interesting perspective. I realized that I could still taste his cum in my mouth. It was very agreeable. When he shot into my mouth, it was so fast and such a large volume, that I hadn’t really caught the flavor. I liked it. Climbing up the steps, I became aware that we were both naked. Essentially exposed to...

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My true story

This is my true story and it was not happened a month ago or a year ago it happened yesterday and today I am posting this on this website. First of all I want to describe my self I am 18 years old nice slim girl but have bulky hips and figure. Only one week before I never had sex in my life but this week changed my life completely as I am happy what happened with me not blaming to any one. So here we go it started on last Friday night, I am living with my mom and dad included one 28 year old...

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forc to be female

forced to be FemaleCHAPTER ONE The last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account. I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me. Then everything went...

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Harley Screwed0

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I stretched my five foot, eight inch body as I walked out the back door of the building I was working in. Groaning as my back made a few popping sounds. Shaking my head I cleared the brown hair that had fallen out of place in my face. Walking to my car I sighed, consigning myself to the fact that I would be alone for another weekend. Maybe I thought, I ought to try out the bar...

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Harder Mom SaidChapter 4

As she soaked her heated body in the tub, she completed to herself what she was going to say to her son. She hoped he would not make her do something horrible. Yet she sensed somehow, that her son would soon force her into doing things that would truly humiliate her, make her feel shame. If he did, there was nothing she could do to prevent it. She had given herself totally to him, committed her body to him, as he had said. Sabrina knew, despite the shame she would feel, that she wanted her...

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The babysitter

This happened a few years back. My wife had gone out of town to be with her sister and I was left at home watching my young son. Saturday night came fast and after a long week at work I needed to go out for some drinks with the guys. I called my wife to see if her friend could watch my son but I was out of luck so she gave me the number for the k** next door who was home from school on break. It was a fairly cold night and he showed up at my door in overly trendy and strange fashion from...

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The Adventures of Brian BethChapter 5 Breakfast at Bethrsquos

There is a lot of background information in Chapters One and Two. Chapter 3 has a lot of set-up info for future chapters. Chapter 4 covers the Brian and Beth’s first sex together in 10 years (last night, in story time). However, you don’t need to read the previous chapters unless you want to. ;) Prologue This is the continuing story of Beth and Brian, two ex-lovers and old friends who find their long-time platonic relationship changing. Brian is resisting the change and Beth is trying not...

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dirty old neighbor 2

after my first encounter with david the dirty old man from next door I couldn't get the image of his big cock out of my head and went to sleep with one hand down the front of my red panties frigging myself and wondering what his cock would feel like deep inside me. I woke up in the morning to another hot sunny day I'd promised mother that we'd do some shopping down in the town,but on noticing that the neighbour was busy carrying bags of compost into his house this gave me an idea .I apologized...

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Rogues Story Part One The Awakening

Rogues Story – Part One -The Awakening This story couldn’t have been written without one man, you know who you are! She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress. “This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 10

X ‘Nice top’ I wanted to get to the office early since there was bound to be a lot of work to catch up with, to say nothing of Connie and Fran, so instead of walking the mile to the station I caught the bus. This meant that I saw her before she saw me. There she was, standing outside the station, oblivious to the admiring glances she attracted from each passing male and peering anxiously at every possible approach route. I was shocked to recognise none other than my girlfriend from the...

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Changing Jimmy

Changing Jimmy By Margaret Jeanette Jim and Carol Dawson had a pretty good marriage. The only downside was Jim sometimes expressed a macho side that would upset Carol. Jim was on the slim side and only five eight in height. Carol passed it off as him trying to make up for his build, but it was getting harder and harder for her. She was having lunch with her best friend Beverly when she complained. "Some times Jimmy makes me so mad with his macho posturing. Yesterday I had a ton...

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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 8 Saturday EARTH DAY

"C'mon, what should I wear?" Nikki asked in her whiniest voice. It was eight thirty in the morning and she was calling from her place. I was still in bed. My father was next to me. We were both naked. "I asked daddy last night and he told me we're truly going to get back to nature today. We're going to go nude – all day long." "Emily!" "And you should probably trim your pubes too. Daddy said he prefers a neat pubic bush." "Shut up!" Then the Nikkster hung up. Dad and I...

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My First Gangbang

I was so excited to go to a barbeque at my fuck buddy Brian's house. He said it was going to be a fun evening of grilling out, beer pong, and fun. I figured it was just a good excuse to show me off to his friends for the first time. Brian and I had been hooking up for a couple months by this point and I was his dirty little secret. Seeing as how I was 18 and he was 42 I can see why he would keep our "relationship" quiet.After school and hitting the gym that Friday I went home, cleaned up and...

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The Smell of SexChapter 6

'Well aside from feeling incredibly naked, by not wearing any panties and losing the natural protection of my hair down there, whatever it was that Monique did, really has helped keep me from getting horny so far today.' Laura thought. However, as her third class ended, she slipped up, and began again to notice other girl's panty lines. Then too, there was the dreaded thought of having to sit in Dr Adams office, naked, with her bare sex spread wide open drying before that damn fan....

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Irsquom a Slut A Dare to Fuck A Stranger On The Highw

I got a dare to fuck a stranger on the highway, but I got two men to help me complete my dare.“Would you like to fuck me?” I asked, bending over the car’s window, showing lots of tit, and looking into the eyes of the man sitting in the driver’s seat. He was in his mid-thirties (kind of young for me) and dressed in a formal black suit with white shirt.“Sorry, I don’t have sex with prostitutes,” he said looking at my big tits.“I’m not a prostitute,” I said. “You see those people over there,” I...

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A servant amd Mistress Part 3

Part 3It was a complex game we played, the Mistress and I. I was not certainof the rules or if there were any, but soon after I became her personalservant I realized there was something unique in our relationship. Shepunished the other servants as much as always, the perfectionist in heralways demanding the most from her staff, but I noticed she punishedthem coldly, routinely, almost grimly, as though there was littlepleasure in it for herself, or perhaps not as much as she would like.Many...

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