Devlin's StoryChapter 20 free porn video

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"... it was like that guy at Emma's a couple of weeks ago," Devlin said. "You know, Henry." It was Saturday morning and they were sitting in Linkins having an early lunch.

"That bad?" Krissi murmured. "Yuck. I take it he was never like that before."

"He wouldn't even touch me down there." Devlin shook his head. "He used to love doing that. Now..." She shrugged. "And he kept badgering me to do it without a condom."

"Look at it from his perspective, Devlin. The one person you should be able to do it with without using a condom is your girlfriend."

"I was only using one because I don't know who he's been seeing."

Krissi looked surprised. "Do you think he's been seeing someone else? You really don't have any proof of that."

Devlin hunched forward, staring at her half-eaten sandwich. "No, I don't have any proof, but I don't know that he hasn't been having sex with someone else, either. I admit, given his church, that it's unlikely he is, but I don't know."

Krissi nodded. "It's funny," she said after a bit. "We're much more aware of our health than people in the straight world are." She laughed briefly. "And they think we're the ones who are at risk."

"Well, in a way we are. Look at all of the studies and reports."

"And how much of what we're hearing is from people who don't want anyone to have sex except to make babies."

Devlin nodded thoughtfully. "One of the girls on my floor is like that. She would have been at home with the Puritans. She doesn't get invited to the late night bull sessions any more, not since she cut loose at everyone whom she thought was having sex."

"Which was probably most of the girls on the floor."

"Most of us," Devlin nodded, "whether they've openly said they are or not. We all generally know who's doing what, though I think what's going on with Danny flies under the radar. People know about Jeff."

"Do they know about us?"

Devlin smiled and shook her head. "No, but that's something I want to talk about, but later. My roommate Connie summed it up best. This was, oh, about a month ago. Nicole was sitting in on one of the bull sessions and Connie went right after her. She said Nicole seemed deathly afraid that somebody, somewhere, was having fun. Said it right to her face, too. Nicole got all red and huffy and stomped off. She hasn't been invited back since."

"Does Connie know about you and Danny?"

"Sort of, well, she knows something is going on with someone other than Jeff, but that's all. She knows about Jeff, though. I really twisted her ear about him yesterday afternoon. She's been telling me to dump him."

"I've never met him, but I agree with her. I think that pretty much makes it unanimous."

Devlin nodded glumly. "You, Sue and Danny, Connie, and nearly every gal on my floor. I guess that's just about everybody."

"I mentioned this to my boyfriend," Krissi said, staring down at her sandwich.

"Boyfriend? When did you acquire a boyfriend?"

"You remember that guy I told you about, the one who first showed me a good time?"

Devlin nodded. "Yeah, I think you told me he was the second guy you were with."

"Well, I ran into him last Monday after my 1:30. Well, we got to talking; I think we talked most of the afternoon and a good part of the evening."

Devlin smiled. "So, did you drag him into bed and have your wicked ways with him?"

"Not exactly. We've done a lot of talking. I haven't gone to bed with him, but I think that's just a matter of time. He's working on a dual degree, Economics and Math, and we were amazed at how many things we have in common."

"You'll have to make sure he's safe before you hop in bed with him."

"I know, I know. Yesterday he got the full range of tests; he's clean and healthy. Like I said, once I got to talking with him he turned out to be a lot more interesting than any of the other guys I've met. His name's Steve, by the way."

"And he wants to go with us tonight?"

Krissi shook her head. "No, I haven't told him about Emma's. I'm not sure I'd want to take a guy to Emma's. That's not exactly where you'd want to take a date."

Devlin laughed. "That would be hoot, wouldn't it? Where did you go on your date, Devlin? It was so romantic. We went to dinner and then stopped by at Emma's where we had sex with everybody but each other."

Krissi had been sipping her coffee; she almost sprayed Devlin as she laughed. "God, that would be something, wouldn't it. If I ever wrote pornography I'd have to write that story. They can have casual sex with anybody but each other. Hah! Try figuring out how to make that plausible." She stopped laughing long enough to pull out a small notebook and make a few notes.

"You're not serious about that, are you?" Devlin asked.

"An idea is an idea." She finished writing and dropped her notebook in her purse. Her hand hovered over her purse for several seconds, and then she drew out a business envelope. "I did get this in the mail this morning." She passed it across to Devlin, looking down and obviously trying not to meet her eyes.

Devlin opened it slowly, reading through the letter twice. "This is great, Krissi. She wants to see your whole book." She handed the letter back to Krissi, who dropped it in her purse.

"I know, which is why I'll have to take my laptop with me tonight. I want to go through my novel one more time before I send it off to her."

"You're not going to spend your time at Emma's writing, are you?" Devlin looked at her friend and started laughing. "Somehow that just doesn't seem like the thing to do at Emma's."

Krissi shook her head. "Of course not. I figured that since you're going to be seeing your mother tomorrow on our way home, I'd just find a restaurant or someplace that'll let me plug in and write while you're doing that. Maybe the library, if there's a library in Toluca."

"There wasn't the last time I looked."

"Did your mother say why she needed to see you?"

"No," Devlin said, shaking her head. "I suspect she might be considering selling the house. Since I moved down here she's been all alone in the place, and it doesn't really make sense for her to keep it. She probably wants to tell me she's putting the house in on the market or something."

"And you don't mind?" Krissi asked. "Some people do. You know, the family home and stuff like that."

"It's an awfully large house, far too much for one person. It'd only be logical for her to sell it."

"Anyway, that's between you and her. I'll just curl up with my laptop and write. When you're done come collect me."

"Sure. What time do you want to leave?"


"Yes... and no. I've been doing a lot of thinking this week, and, well, there are a few things I want some answers to."

"Answers?" Krissi studied Devlin's face. "Like what's... like between us?"

"That's a lot of it." Devlin picked at her sandwich. "I-I thought I had myself all figured out, and then we... well, the two of us..."

"I don't think you're a lesbian," Krissi said. "I know I'm not. I would have thought your daily with Danny would have told you."

"Krissi, he's like a habit. We've been doing this for more than five years, and a lot of it's the same. We get together, say hi and start undressing. Maybe we undress each other, but not always. And when we've gotten rid of our clothes we hop on the bed and get right to it. And when we've finished we rest a bit, and then do it again. If there's time, and these days there usually isn't, we'll do it again, but we only do that if we have all afternoon. Danny has a lot of endurance, but cumming three times in a couple of hours will wipe out most guys.

"But whether we do it a third time or not, after we're done he showers, dresses and goes back to his office. I'll put on enough clothes that I'm decent, and shower in the Women's Locker Room. Then it's back to class as if nothing happened, well, except I'll be in a better frame of mind for the rest of the day." She shrugged. "Nothing exciting in any of that."

"Sounds like it. You make it sound so mechanical and unromantic."

"In many ways it is. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of passion and heat, just no romance. We like each other, but it isn't love."

"Sort of like how I feel about the guys I meet at Emma's. I like them, but it isn't love."

"Precisely. And after, well, after the two of us, well..."

"I don't think you're a lesbian, if you're worried about it," Krissi said. "I have a very good friend who's a lesbian, and you're not anything like her."

"People are different."

"Not that different. I've seen Lisa around other women. It's like watching you around guys. There's that subconscious flirting that all straight women do around a guy; Lisa does that around women. Most women don't pick up on it, they just think she's being more, I don't know, more feminine than they are."

"And how did you figure this out?"

"It's the writer in me. You learn to take a step back and look. She was coming on to me, and I asked her about it. We sort of got to talking about that and a few other things."

"Have you been to bed with her?"

Krissi smiled, shaking her head. "Believe it or not, you're the only woman I've been to bed with. Somehow I'm just not comfortable with the whole idea of sex with another woman."

"Thanks a lot."

"Any time. You know, you and Lisa should meet. You're both bi-curious."

"Bi-curious? As in bi-sexual curious?"

Krissi nodded. "About a month ago Lisa asked me what it was like to be with a man." She shrugged. "How do I explain it to her? If you've had sex with a guy you know what it's like. If you haven't, you don't.

"Lisa told me that an affair between two women is such a hothouse emotional roller coaster--those were her words, not mine. I asked her about it, and told her I was asking as a writer, not somebody who wanted to experience it. She told me, and this is her view, that women, being emotional creatures, are more intense when they love each other, far more than what she's seen between a man and a woman."

"Do you think she's right?"

Krissi shrugged. "The only guide I have is what happened between the two of us. It was, I don't know, supercharged. Whatever you felt I seemed to pick up and amplify and give back to you. Things spiraled out of control pretty quickly."

"It's made me think that we should stay out of the bedroom," Devlin said. She'd thought this for several days, and it was just as hard to say as she thought it would be.

"I think so, too," Krissi said. She glanced at the other tables, then her foot caressed the inside of Devlin's leg. "I love what happened, but I think we need to keep things separate. You're emotionally on edge because of Jeff, and I'm obviously in the market for an intimate friend, and I may have found him in Steve. I want to keep seeing you--"

"I do, too."

Krissi nodded. "But I think we need to limit the intimacy." She gave Devlin a lop-sided smile. "There, how's that? Is that what you wanted to talk about?"

"You just said it so much nicer than I did," Devlin said, smiling.

"Hey, what can I say, I'm good with words."

Devlin picked up her sandwich, then put it down. "I still want to find out for myself. There's this thing back in my head that needs to know."

Krissi resumed eating. "Emma's is just the place to find out that sort of thing."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. So, what time should I pick you up?"

Krissi looked at her watch. "It's 11:45 now, how about 4:30? It'll take at least an hour to get there, and we'll have to stop and pick up something for the buffet."

"Sounds like a plan," Devlin said as she resumed eating. She felt better than she had since the last time she and Danny had gotten together. She had been dreading how to tell Krissi that perhaps they shouldn't sleep together, and Krissi had agreed! And Krissi had known why, too. If that wasn't the best thing, she didn't know what was.

She walked to the Athletic Club practically humming to herself out of happiness. The weather had warmed up and the snow was melting, though the weather forecast was for another cold snap and more snow. But that didn't matter. The day seemed marvelous in just about every way she could imagine.

She openly knocked on Danny's door at the Athletic Club. Danny was there, but more important, so were Sue and the kids. In seconds she was dealing with two squirming little girls climbing all over her. Sue was in her wheelchair by the window while Danny was sitting at the desk next to her.

"All moved in?" she asked Sue as she balanced their youngest on her hip.

"Aunt Devlin, mommy's getting better." That was Diane, the oldest, who was tugging at Devlin's shirt.

Devlin gave Sue an apologetic smile and knelt to hug the little girl. "I know. Isn't that great?" She carefully put down the youngest, Anna, who promptly ran to Danny.

"So, all settled in?"

Sue nodded. "Pretty much. This was a great idea."

"I thought so. Danny has the room, you might as well use it."

"What are you two going to do about... ?"

"We'll think of something," Danny said. "I've been looking around."

"There's a pool an' all sorts of stuff," Diane said. "Have you seen it?"

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Devlin said, as Diane grabbed her hand and tugged it.

Thirty minutes later, after a tour of the pool, the sauna and the exercise machines, and especially after a stop in the cafeteria for a 'treat'--Devlin made sure to get something for Anna--they returned to the room. Anna was sitting on Danny's knee; her eyes lit up at the treat.

"Where are they staying?" Devlin asked as she deposited the two girls on the bed.

"Diane has school during the day," Sue said. "Anna is staying at a day care here in town."

"It gets a little complicated," Danny said. "We're still feeling our way with this."

"This is only for a couple of weeks," Sue added. "I spend most of my days at the rehab facility at the University Hospital. I'm wiggling all of my toes, now; we'll see how it progresses in the next two weeks." She smiled ruefully. "I've got more monitors taped to me while I'm exercising than I thought possible."

"You should see it," Danny said. "She's in this hospital gown, and she's got enough wires coming out of that robe that you'd think it was hair of something."

"They're monitoring everything." Sue stared at her foot, which was encased in a sock. Slowly the toes bent down and back up. "Goodness knows what'll happen when I start to walk."

"You'll probably trip on the wires," Danny said.

"Yeah, and then they'll play the video of me falling time after time, and somebody'll write a paper about it."

"You'll be famous." Danny chuckled and picked up Anna, who had scooted off the bed and come over with her arms up so she could be picked up. "You'll be in all of the medical journals."

"It'll be the most widely documented pratfall in history," Sue said. She looked at Devlin. "See what I put up with?"

"I think of it as better than the alternative."

"True." She flexed her toes again. "Much better than the alternative."

Eventually the kids ran out of energy and went down for a nap. Devlin took her leave and went shopping for something for the buffet. She had mixed emotions about the coming night. Krissi had assured her that she didn't act like a lesbian, but how did a lesbian act? It wasn't like they walked around with their preferences tattooed on their foreheads. She figured, what with one thing and another, that she'd find a couple, take care of the guy, and then find out from the woman.

Seven hours later she squeezed her breasts together while a man thrust his cock between them. His name was Sam, her name was Rita, and Rita was fondling Sam's balls as he thrust.

"God, baby," Sam muttered, "so soft, so hot."

"Give it to her," Rita said. "Show her your spunk. Cum, damn it, cum."

"I'm trying."

Devlin stared in fascination as the head of his cock turned a darker shade of pink. The hole in the end seemed to expand, and then Sam was cumming, shooting gobs of white jism across her face and chest.

After several thrusts he slowed, pulling his cock back as he collapsed on the side of the bed. Rita dove down on Devlin's chest, licking up Sam's cum. She also took time to suck Devlin's nipples and squeeze her breasts.

Devlin dutifully mimicked the woman, squeezing her tanned breasts--the product of a week-long cruise in the Caribbean--and trying to caress her face. But there wasn't the turn-on and excitement she'd felt with Krissi. And as Rita's hungry tongue lapped up the last of Sam's jism she realized that there wasn't that sense of electricity she'd felt with Krissi and numerous men.

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Teachers Pet

Moving and having to transfer during your senior year of high school is quite difficult to do. I had to leave all of my friends behind and start in a new school which would be difficult for anyone but when you are pretty much just an average guy ( not an athlete or anything like that ) you pretty much just blend into the surroundings. I did have one advantage, I was a good student in a private school which made me an excellent public school student. I was getting straight A's without much...

3 years ago
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Learned Experience With ExGirlfriend

Hi ISS reader, this is my first and real story, I am from Tamil Nadu and I used to read ISS regularly. My life was going with fun and happiness, I used to crack lot of jokes and so many people like to spend time with me. I always used to mask the place a fun filled one, I dint have any experience in sex and was living happily until this girl came in my life. She was working with me in same office and always used to tell that she likes my company, one day she told that she want to visit her...

3 years ago
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Trip Home Part three

I was sitting on our back porch drinking a Dr Pepper when I heard a faint noise from next door at the Craters. The Craters were an elderly couple who had a daughter late in life. Sable was 22 and in her 3rd year in college. I knew the Craters were in Hawaii on vacation. That meant that the voice had to be Sables. Sable was a tall blond with a fine body tight ass and long legs she was made for Mini Skirts. I went over to the fence and looked over, the first thing I saw was a green MG...

4 years ago
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NatalieChapter 6

Life went on; Natalie was offered, and accepted the post of administrative manager for the charity; she worked at riding the motorbike, finished the CBT and began riding on the road with L plates; of course, having passed the driving test for a car she had a head start on "Roadcraft" and the Highway Code. She put in for the test, but it wouldn't be until March. The both regularly visited the stables, and if Charles would never be an expert horseman, at least he knew what to do with the...

2 years ago
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Namita my love

Hi, this is Saheb from Kolkata. I am 40, good physique, and a very high sex drive. Just recently I had to go to Durgapur for some office work and was to stay there for about 15 days. My company arranged for a flat for me and luckily I got a maid to clean the flat and the dishes right away. Her name was Namita, about 35, dark in complexion, nothing very attractive about her, never a maid with huge boobs by any means, but still I was happy I had a chance to spend some time with someone during my...

3 years ago
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my best friend my lover

it was another cold night, id gone over to my best friend edonas house we were sitting and chatting.we talked about everything from recipes, movies and even sex. i always thought she was amazing looking, large breasts, fine ass and amazing eyes. i always wished i was like her. i was insanely attracted to her and i wished we were more than this. she left the room briefly and just the thought of her made me wet. i couldnt resist i dove into my panties massaging my clit. it felt so good i needed...

4 years ago
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Perfect Moment

They say that a perfect moment remains with you forever…and I believe them. I walk into your room and am met with an overwhelming aura on my senses. My chocolate eyes take their time to adjust to the darkness. The only light emanating from the few candles around the room. It’s a standard room, decent sized, a desk, dresser, shelves, books, and a stereo. Soft music is playing, wafting over me, and I start to feel relaxed and calm. I smell vanilla and strawberries, coming from the incense I can...

3 years ago
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The Neighbours Chapter 2

Almost every night for the past week, I had stood at my window looking across at the window and watching this beautiful woman slowly undress, and reveal her curvaceous body for me. Each night, I stood and stared, stroking my thick hard cock in my hand and jerking for her as she danced and stripped knowing full well I was watching her every move. Each night, stroking my cock harder and faster until I exploded a wave of cum that spewed across the window in front of me, before she would blow me a...

2 years ago
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Things can happen when you least expect them

Things can happen when you least expect them. This was very unexpected. This is a true short story, slightly altered by rose tinted glasses. It all takes place in Rock City in Nottingham, we ( a big group of friends) had travelled to this great venue to watch our one of our favourite bands, Megadeath, in the late 90’s. We were all excited and full of anticipation for the show we were about to watch. We were drinking in the bus and the atmosphere grew and grew. For most of us this was the first...

3 years ago
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Pass It On

'Buses are such wonderful inventions, ' thought Sidney Q. Wickington as walked from the ticket counter toward the departure area. 'Where else do you get to spend hour upon hour with total strangers, none of whom particularly cares to know you, none of whom will even think about you after they disembark? It's absolutely perfect for me!' Taking his small carry-on into his left hand, Sidney walked outside the depot, quickly spotting his transport. The silver bus with its blue and white sign...

2 years ago
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ComrieChapter 12

2000 Day 639 Afghanistan – 1230 Day 639 Comrie In Afghanistan it was approaching dusk when Adam's Platoon reached an abandon building that sat slightly higher than the immediate surrounding area. The building's walls were thick and made from stacked rocks filled in with packed mud. The windows were small. It had a sloping roof with a packed dirt floor. From all appearances, it appeared to have been abandoned for some time. They had only been there a few minutes when Theo said, "It looks...

1 year ago
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Cruise Encounter

We got the kids showered to wash off the sand they had tracked back from the beach. Then we managed to get them ready for dinner, shuttling back and forth between our adjoining cabins. Our daughters had one with a Queen and a bunk bed setup, while Katie, Reagan, had been staying cozy but comfortable in the other. We were headed to dinner in the main dining room a bit early, hoping to catch a show in the showroom afterwards. We enjoyed our meal and our banter with the wait staff. We...

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The Lusty Month of May

Tra la! It's May!The lusty month of May!That lovely month when ev'ryone goesBlissfully astray.Tra la! It's here!That shocking time of yearWhen tons of wicked little thoughtsMerrily appear!It was about ten in the morning and the dew had been burned off when I walked barefoot into the meadow to celebrate the Sabbat. It was May 1st - May Day, or Beltane, and truth to say, I should have been here in time to see the sun come up; but I’m a lazy bastard, and only the fact that getting dressed had been...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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As Good As It Gets 8211 Season 2 8211 Episode 3

Hello readers…This is Anand Back. Let me get back to the story straight. I helped Priya up holding her hand around my shoulders and I held her hip. She couldn’t take the pain and started crying. Still, she was unable to walk . So, without a second thought I raised her by her thighs and held her on my arms. I carried her inside. I couldn’t misuse the situation but I was happy to feel her soft thighs. Rani: what happened? Me: oh…nothing…just a cramp. I put her down on the couch.I took her leg...

1 year ago
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Fucking close friends wife

Hi this is my second story which happened last year, this is a true story, that you will find I rec. ok let start it as I came across this site when I was in 8th by one of my friend, I would like to share my experience with u people, I have moved in to Delhi a year back. I was living with one of my friend who was married and has a baby boy. His name is Hemant. And his wife’s name was bobby, both of them were very friendly to me, I like kids so I always used to play with his son sometimes I used...

3 years ago
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Hot Fuck With Booby Sister 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, I am Raj back with a next part of “Hot Fuck With Booby Sister”. Thanks for your replies and feedback. Here goes what happened after fucking sister in store room. Next day my BIL and his family along with Preethi left to Bangalore and my parents left to some relative’s house. I and my sister know that they will back only in evening. My sister went to kitchen to prepare something. I was reading news paper in hall. I finished reading news paper, but she was still in kitchen in her...

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Mosley StationChapter 12

“Tonight, a special report on FN court TV, the long-awaited trial of Colonel Hezekiah Montgomery, also known as the butcher of Windemere crater. The Admirals Court is being held in the FN chambers on Phobos.” “At issue are the actions of Colonel Montgomery and his pirate gang, Colonel Montgomery, known as Captain Ernest Sheridan, is accused of taking over the famous asteroid belt outpost of Mosley Station. Then when relief efforts organized by Senator Johnson of the Federated Nations Grand...

4 years ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 9

Jim let out a breath in a whoosh and sat on a nearby chair. His knees had suddenly felt like water they were so weak. Kim and Blake hurried down the stairs as JJ stepped to him and put her arms around him. The girls joined her in hugging Jim as he sat slumped weakly on the chair. "That man scares me," Jim said in a shaky voice. "How do you stand up to someone like that?" Blake asked with a mixture of fear and awe in her voice as she pressed against Jim and her mom. "He's a bully...

4 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 21

"Trouble till the end."#English- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: we arrived at Carl's club around 22:30 pm that evening there was already a long line of people waiting to be let in. Robin and Rik saw me and Erik-Jan coming toward the club and rushed up to meet us. "Hey guys! How are you two doing?", they asked concerned. "We are doing just fine. But why...

3 years ago
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Goes Without SayingChapter 20

As was his wont, David slept in on Saturday morning, since Celia was at home until mid morning. When he eventually emerged the children were playing and happy, and Celia’s weekend bag was at the door. “Everything’s sorted,” she said, coming down the stairs after him. “I’m off now.” “Celia, we need to...” Without waiting for a reply, or saying goodbye, she had picked up her bag and left. He cursed inwardly, aware of little ears close by. As always he enjoyed his time having the children to...

1 year ago
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The Driving Exhibitionist Part 4

As we lay on our sides still licking and lightly sucking each other’s softening cock, I wanted to please Sam even more. Sliding down a little further, I gently sucked his hairless balls into my mouth and caressed them with my tongue until I noticed that his cock was starting to harden. Wanting to make him really hard and ready to give me a great fucking, I released his balls and slid my tongue towards his ass. As my tongue lightly traced towards his hole, I slowly spread his cheeks with both...

Gay Male
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The Hollywood Files

Nicolas Brandon sahs im Flieger nach Amerkia und dachte darüber nach was als nächstes passieren würde. Er dachte aber auch darüber nach was bisher so alles passiert war. Er dachte über die Konsequenzen seiner Handlung nach. Er wusste natürlich so in etwa was denn passieren könnte, aber man kann ja nie wissen. Man kann die Situation einfach nicht einschätzen. Man kann nie wissen was das Gerät denn noch alles anstellen konnte. Denn so etwas gab es noch nie. Bisher noch nie - bis jetzt zuminddest....

1 year ago
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Falling In Love With Kyle Chapter 2

Introduction: Heres the part two. Its got a little more sex-related stuff, but no full on sex. I hope you like it. Please leave comments, I love to read them! His lips against mine, kissing me deep and slow as I straddle his waist, gently grinding against him. He pulls back and his lips brush along my jawline, moving down my neck. His breath against my neck and in my ear, as he whispers I want you. He bites my earlobe, gently, sending chills down my spine. His hands are roaming all over my...

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Wolf Creek Ch 15

In many ways, the six years Ada spent with Stanfield in diplomatic service in tropical Kuala Lumpur were the happiest of her life. As rich and official Americans they lived like royalty, and every whim was seen to by someone else. Although they were physically closer to the gathering world war than anyone in the United States was, in terms of its effect on their lives, they were as far away from trouble and concern as they possibly could be. Still though, Ada had some reason to regret that she...

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Older Couple in a Porn Cinema

Very often I will pop to my local porn cinema and find there are just a few guys in. I may get a blow job or hand job off one or even suck or wank a cock a two. It makes it worth the entrance fee but I prefer it when it gets a bit more kinky.But porn cinemas are hit and miss. You have to accept that sometimes it's great and sometimes it's not. Some people think it's better if a woman turns up but even this can be a double edged sword. 20 guys surrounding one woman doesn't help. Then all those...

1 year ago
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Ellen Steve

He pushed her inside with a forceful kiss and she could already feel the expectant boner in his pants pressing up against her. He pulled himself to her and met her tongue with his. Ellen was already quite damp from her anticipation and now, with Steve right in front of her & the pressure of his erection against her as they kissed, she became even wetter with the knowledge of what was soon to cum; that his hard-on would soon be servicing her every need. After closing the front door, kissing &...

4 years ago
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Jessicas Story

Jessica's Story By D.J. Fox My mind was exploding. I shook with pure pleasure with a steam of sticky white goo squirting from the tip of my penis onto the stiff white lace petticoats and embroidered garter belt, the frilly satin maid's skirt pulled high over the water ballooned mounds jutting from my chest, tightly secured in my lacey bra. The scent of the perfumed sweat filling my nostrils, with my testicles tucked inside my French cut satin lace trimmed panties. I rubbed...

2 years ago
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nmdwji writes a horny story

The ten amazons form a circle around me. They are huge and my mouth is at the same height as their asses. One by one they demand that I clean their asses with my tongue. "We ran out of toilet paper", one says, "and we need you to clean our asses. Now get that tongue in there deep slave." I place my hands on one amazons muscular thighs and begin to probe her ass hole with my tongue and the others laugh out loud and mock me in a humiliating tone. By the time I'm done cleaning the last one my...

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Bahan Ki Shalwar 8211 Part I

Mera naam wasim hai.meri ek badi bahan hai jis ka nam shabana hai.shabana itni khoobsurat to nahi hai par woh bahut sexy hai.uske dhodh bahut bade hai aur piche us ke chootad bhi bahut bade hain.mujhe woh bahut sexy lagti hai.shalwar kameez main us ke dhodh aur chootad saf dikhte hain.dil chahta hai piche se achanak uske chootad itni zor se dabao ke woh tadap uthe. Meri bahan ko sex main zara bhi intrest nahi hai.lakin main uske sath sex karna chahta hoon.kiya karo kuch samajh main nahi a raha...

2 years ago
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The Privileged Life

Adrian looked hastily at his Rolex “I don’t want to be late!” he chided himself. He didn’t realize that he had stepped off the curb until the screech of tires and a blast from a taxi’s horn made him jump back. “Easy, Old Man” he thought to himself, “focus on what’s waitng for you down the street.” It took most of his will to not run full-tilt to the boutique, but he hurried across the street and turned toward the shop. A brisk couple of minutes later he paused outside of the tall, gleaming...

Group Sex
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The Class Outing

by pete, June, 2006. Chapter 1. My name is Paige Wilson, I am an English Lit. and Geography teacher at a well known private school for girls in Toronto, I am just twenty-six years old, and I have a knack for getting on with my students. All of them are around fifteen, pushing sixteen, a difficult age bracket to teach, I have been told by my peers, myself, I didn’t feel that way. Of course my fellow teachers were right in a way, young female hormones were rampant, and my two...

3 years ago
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Prostate Exam

Prostate cancer runs in my family so my wife had been pressuring me to go get checked. After reading how the procedure would go I was freaked out. While I've always been a bit curious I was nervous to go and let another man have me bend over a table and put his lubed finger in my ass. Finally, my wife found a doctor who was a female and said that if I went to her, she wanted to sit in on the exam. She finally said, "If you hate butt play as much as you say you do then it shouldn't matter." So I...

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