Risky EncountersChapter 11: Sid free porn video

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The phone rang and my Mom called out, "Will you answer that dear? I'm sure it's for you anyway. Probably Jim," she finished.

I answered it and Meg said in a sultry voice, "Hi Steve, how you been? Did you sleep with my panties under your pillow last night like you promised?"

"You know it Meg, they were wrapped in my hand and under the pillow. I sniffed them first to breathe in your scent and then I had erotic dreams all night." I answered.

"Good boy. I hope those erotic dreams were about me," she chuckled then added. "When the scent wears off, just give them back and I will renew it."

"I have them wrapped up with Sid's, in a pair of my boxers for safe keeping right now," I told her.

Off line, she spoke to Sid and in the process let me know she was not alone.

"He has yours and mine wrapped together with his in his drawer Sid," she said.

"Sid blew you a kiss," she said returning to our conversation.

"I was right in my statement last night. My boob is black and blue with four fingernail cuts below and one on top of it," I could almost see the pout on Meg's face through the phone as she told me.

I heard Sid's voice say, "Oh you big baby. Here let mama take care of your owey."

Meg squealed and in delight and then in a voice that purred told me what was happening.

"Sid unbuttoned my top and now she's kissing and licking my boob ... boobs," she added as Sid began to nurse the other one too.

"Damn that feels good," Meg purred and began to breathe harder. "Anyway before I let you go and fuck this woman silly, I just want to add that I am going out of town next weekend on a family outing but Sid wants to know if we want to go back to the 'House' the following weekend?"

I didn't even need to ask which house she was talking about and told her yes.

"Bye Steve. Gotta go for now I'll talk to you later ... Oh God," Meg said interrupting herself as Sid moved her kisses lower. "Oh my fucking God," Meg said with panting breaths, "Gotta go Steve I love you." The line went dead.

Meg called a couple of times that week and then a couple more times the following week to chat. She called again Thursday night and asked me to pick her up at ten-thirty in front of her house. I had told my parents I was spending the night with one of my friends and at ten-thirty, I pulled up in front of Meg's house. She came out the front door and casually strolled down the driveway. She opened the passenger door, tossed her backpack in the back and slid across the seat till she was next to me.

Meg was wearing skin-tight red short shorts, a halter top and white tennis shoes.

She planted an open-mouthed wet kiss on my lips and said, "Damn I've missed you. Sid's working so let's go."

"I take it your parents aren't home and Jim won't be joining us?" I asked.

"My parents are out tonight and as to Jim ... well let's just say that Sid and I wore him out earlier today. Between both of us fucking him and then Sid giving him a blow job, I think he will sleep like a baby all night. I did slip a little vodka in his coke too." Meg batted her eyes at me.

We went to the A&W and ordered. Sid brought our cokes and after she had handed them in, Meg leaned across me.

"Hi honey," she told Sid and when Sid leaned down to talk to Meg, she planted a kiss on Sid's lips while she stuffed a dollar bill in the front of Sid's shorts.

"We'll be here waiting. I hope you are ready to get laid tonight ... by both of us."

Sid turned bright red but as she turned around, she wiggled her ass and as she walked away, she swayed her hips seductively. She resumed a normal walk when she got away from the car where others could see.

"Just wait until you see what Sid has," Meg teased but would not tell me any more.

Eleven-thirty came and Sid walked out, opened the passenger door and slid in next to Meg.

"Hi baby," Meg said as she rubbed Sid's thigh and gave her a quick kiss. I drove to the neighborhood and let Sid off a block away. Just as before, she went inside the house, canceled the alarm system and opened the garage. I drove inside and Sid closed the door behind me. We had already toured the house before so we went straight to the basement. The girls told me to wait just like the last time while they disappeared to get ready. I occupied myself with the pinball machine and drank my bottled water while I waited.

At last, the door opened and Meg came to get me. As she stepped into the light, my breath caught. Meg had on a tiny blue and white pleated mini that barely covered her womanhood and sat very low on her hips. Her breasts were completely uncovered with the exception of the two royal blue pasties that covered her areolas. She was wearing the white boots she had worn to the club. Around her neck she wore a royal blue velvet collar with a shiny black broach in the front center and her lips were painted a glossy blue.

"You like?" she asked as she slowly spun around before me.

"I love it Meg." I said with a gulp. "Definitely not to be worn in public though," I finished with a smile.

"But certainly tasty looking enough to get me fucked," Meg asked.

"Most assuredly but then, I would fuck you no matter what you wore, given the opportunity," I said with a chuckle.

She reached out for my hand and led me into the next room. She commented, "You must admit though that this outfit is even more seductive and enticing than even my naked body."

I said nothing for I was far too busy watching the exaggerated sway of her hips.

She led me to the center of the dance floor where Sid stood waiting. Sid was dressed just as seductively in red. Her lips shined in the light with the same gloss but bright red in color. A red velvet collar with a black broach in the center circled her neck. Her bright red pasties glittered in the light of the rotating mirror ball. She had a red and white pleated mini that was cut just like Meg's and the black suede boots she had worn to the club.

"So what do you think of our lover?" Meg asked.

"She looks yummy too Meg but then, I think you know that don't you." I said.

Sid smiled and as she watched Meg lick her blue painted lips. "Oh yes, she is certainly yummy."

Sid strolled over to the jukebox stereo, swaying her hips seductively for both of us. Music began filling the room at low volume. We danced to slow and fast music. First, the two of them danced in front of me and when a slow song played, Meg melted into my arms while Sid slowly circled us and then it was Sid in my arms as Meg took her place circling. We danced until all of were hot and sweaty from exertion.

We took a breather and then Meg walked over grabbing a chair, which she placed behind me. She pulled me back into it and leaning forward told me, "Just watch and enjoy." As she was doing this, Sid went to the stereo and put on another tune before taking her place in front of me. Meg joined her and the music started. As the tune started, I smiled. It was a tune played by Herb Alpert called 'Love potion #9' and definitely seductive stripper music. The two of them began to grind their hips and turn slowly in time to the music as they danced. They turned to each other and began to pantomime making love in time to the almost hypnotic beat.

They began a prolonged kiss as they placed their legs between each other and began to undulate in slow motion, bringing their pussies together with their hands on each other's hips. Meg danced behind Sid and grinding against her butt, they slowly worked their closer to me. When Sid stopped, her crotch was nearly in my face. Slowly the two swayed back and forth and forward and back seductively. Meg's hands were low on Sid's hips, holding them together as they went through the motions. Meg's hands disappeared behind and I heard a 'Zip' and then Sid's skirt began to work downward as Meg slowly lowered it. When the skirt was low enough I saw that Sid was wearing the tiniest pair of bikini panties that I had ever imagined in my wildest dreams. They were bright red with a very small triangular shaped piece of materiel that barely covered her labia lips. A thin string circled her waist to hold them up.

It was then that I spotted the rose tattoo that was located between her womanhood and her upper thigh. It was a single red rose with two leaves and a stem.

Meg looking over Sid's shoulder, followed my eyes and commented, "Isn't that neat? I just love it. She delicately stroked her fingers over it and continued, "I can't wait to get one too."

"It's very neat but if you get one Meg, I think yours should be a Devil," I said with a chuckle and Sid chuckling agreed.

Meg smiled and said, "I never thought of that but perhaps you both are right."

Meg hooked a finger beneath the straps on both sides of Sid's triangular covering materiel and pulled them forward then pulled them back, flashing an ever so brief view of Sid's pussy. She did this several times then her hands worked their way up, caressing Sid's belly and then cupped her breasts and alternately lifted them and let them fall back in place as their hips continued to grind around in slow circles in time to the music. Sid spun around and took her place behind Meg. As she spun, I saw that her butt was completely bare with just a small red string running between her butt cheeks to attach itself to the tiny string that circled her waist.

The process was repeated with Meg and as Sid slid Meg's skirt down, I saw that Meg was wearing the same type of ultra skimpy panties but royal blue in color. She slid her fingers beneath the attaching strings of Meg's panties and dipped them forward quickly for just enough time to draw my eyes to the exposed womanhood underneath but far to short of time to really get a good view. For the umpteenth time, I gulped and stuck my finger under my collar in an attempt to let the sweat trickling down my neck by.

Meg saw this and commented to Sid, "I think our little dance is having the desired effect."

She then spoke to me. "We're not done yet. We're going to tease you some more before you are allowed to join us," She laughed a wicked throaty laugh as both she and Sid stepped back from me just slightly.

They turned to face each other and began to go through the motions of making love to the beat of the music which, I noticed, was playing the same 'Love potion #9' song over and over. Slowly Sid and Meg swayed back and forth and Sid twisted her way down, taking each of Meg's breasts in her mouth alternately and then kissing her way down Meg's belly. When she reached Meg's womanhood, Sid cupped her hands loosely over Meg's butt cheeks and pretended to be giving her oral. Meg ran her fingers through Sid's hair, pulling it upward as her hips slowly rocked back and forth in apparent ecstasy. Her hips then began to rapidly rock back and forth and her hands twined in Sid's hair as she pretended to climax. The song started over and the roles were reversed. With Meg pretending to give Sid oral this time.

"Jesus you two, I'm going to cum right here in my pants if you don't stop it," I whimpered.

They both laughed and came over to me, Meg pulled me to my feet while Sid took the chair back. Meg pressed her lips to mine and Sid began unbuttoning my shirt from her position behind me. She finished by sliding it slowly down my arms and tossing it to the side. Meg broke her kiss only to have Sid replace her by kissing the back of my neck and my ears, sending instant shivers up and down my spine. With my attention diverted to Sid, Meg unsnapped and unzipped my pants slowly sliding them over my waist and letting them puddle to the floor. I stepped out of them and then stepped out of the slip-on tennis shoes I was wearing.

Meg hooked her fingers under the waistband of my boxers and slid them down to the floor and then stood as I pulled her bikinis down. As I did, I saw that she not only had an all-over tan, but her womanhood was shaved

I arched an eyebrow in question and Meg laughed. "Sid has a spray-on tanning gun, so we sprayed each other. 'Fake bake' I guess you would call it and then we shaved each other ... between fucks, I must add. It took us all day to get each other done as we did each other more than once." Meg and Sid almost roared in laughter.

"Sid's turn," Meg chuckled and Sid swayed in front of me to stand the same as Meg had waiting for me to slide her panties down.

"I'll be right back but Sid will keep you entertained while I'm gone." Meg whispered in my ear. She vanished and her receding steps told me she was headed for the rest room.

I slowly slid Sid's panties down and saw that she too had a all-over tan and was cleanly shaved. When her panties had fallen to her feet on the floor, she stepped out of them and stepped closer to me in tight embrace. Her mouth covered mine and her tongue darted into my mouth. We were still locked in an embrace when Meg returned. Meg reached around my back and wrapped her hands around my erection. She dabbed her finger on the end, scooping out some of the pre-cum.

"Oh look Sid, it's spitting already." Sid broke the kiss and looked just in time for Meg to place her finger to Sid's lips. Sid opened her mouth and sucked in the offered finger. Her eyes twinkled in merriment less than six inches from mine as she sucked my cum from it and enjoyed every bit of my discomfort.

"My turn for the restroom," she said breaking the gaze, sliding to the side and vanishing toward the restroom.

Meg stepped in front of me and pinched my cheeks together locked her eyes to mine and said, "Poor baby, all this bare pussy parading around in front of you and you haven't been allowed to fuck any of it. That's gonna change soon, I promise." As she was gazing into my eyes, her other hand wrapped around my erection and began to slowly slide the very tip of it up and down between her labia lips.

When I tried to thrust forward, she backed off and said, "Uh uh. Wait until Sid comes back."

"Sid's back," a voice said behind me.

Meg slowly got to all fours in front of me. "Kneel behind her," Sid requested. I dropped to my knees and Sid knelt to Meg's side.

"Meg has something stuck in her pussy and wants you to pull it out," Sid said and smiled.

"Gently babe, wouldn't want it to break off and get stuck," Meg added, settled her arms to the floor and laid her face sideways with her butt still sticking in the air. Sid grasped Meg's butt cheeks and spread them wide.

"See," she said calling my attention to the small brown speck sticking from Meg's pussy.

"Pull it out babe, but gently," Meg said.

I reached down with my thumb and forefinger and started to pull. As the piece slid from her, I saw that it was a stem of some kind. I continued to pull until with a final 'plop', a Bing cherry popped out.

Sid and Meg laughed and then Meg said, "That's the only cherry you will find in there babe but you can at least say now that you popped my cherry. Just remember that if you say it to anyone except those present though, I'll turn you into a eunuch, because a lady has to protect her reputation."

Sid and Meg laughed again.

"Now eat the damn thing and do me because I long to feel you inside me." Meg said and wiggled her butt invitingly. I popped the cherry in my mouth and with Sid still holding her open, began to slide my shaft into her slowly.

"Now who's teasing babe?" Meg asked as she felt my shaft ever so slowly sliding into her warm wet sheath.

When I was all the way in, Sid released Meg's cheeks and transferred her attention to Meg's clit and boobs. She gently caressed the boobs and rubbed the clit in circular motions as I began to slide in and out.

"You feel wonderful Meg," I said in a low voice.

"Thanks. You feel damn good yourself," she returned.

Their suggestive dancing had affected Meg just as much as I and it was not long before we both had a strong climax at almost the same time. I felt her start to tremble and shake and Sid grinned as she felt the tremors roll through Meg's belly and breasts. I exploded in her.

"Oh, fill me babe," she moaned as she felt my seed pour into her. When her constricting pussy had milked me of every last drop, she slid forward with a grin on her face.

"That felt great," she purred. "Now let's do Sid," she said moments later.

She stood up and walked over to a couch. She grabbed several throw pillows from it and returned.

"Lie on your back please," she told Sid.

She raised Sid's butt up off the floor and began sliding pillows under her back until Sid was at almost a forty-five degree angle. Meg grabbed Sid's legs and spread them apart almost impossibly wide.

"Oh look," she said with a smile, pointing to the brown speck that was sticking out of Sid's pussy, "she has one too. Pull it out Steve."

I positioned myself between Sid's widespread legs and eased the stem and cherry out. On a whim, I stuck it in Meg's mouth. She smiled and began chewing it until she could remove the seed. She removed it and then pulled my lips to her's sharing the pulped cherry.

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Chapter 11: Sid Videos

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Risky Unprotected Sex

It was a fall day widweek and a fuck buddy of mine decided that he wanted to hang out. I wouldnt object of course so we packed up our stuff and headed down to Atlantic City. He is a bit of a romantic and basically decided that he wanted to stay in for the night. We got room service and watched Prometheus together in the hotel room. One thing lead to another and I had gone to the bathroom to change into a sexy laace babydoll lingerie. As I walked back to the bed he just eyed me up and down and...

3 years ago
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Risky for us

This is the first time sharing so hopefully you like it. After diner and drinks with friends over the weekend we were driving home and my wife decided to start playing with my cock. It looked like she was just leaning on my shoulder, but she had her hands down my pants caressing my tip. After getting my really hard I could tell she was getting really turned on. She then went back over to her seat and opened her pants, just showing me the front of her pink thong. My heart started pounding being...

1 year ago
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Risky Affair Of Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, I am Renish once again came up with fifth part of the sex story. Those who haven’t read my First four stories, please read it from here first which give better idea about the sex story. First of all, introducing the character of my story. My mother is so hot bombshell with good asset aged 39 years. she has big boob size of 34DD. Ass is so big that any one fall in love with this big round ass. she always wear saree along with blouse and petticoat. All the society member lust on my...

4 years ago
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Risky Behavior

It was on one of my outings, from school, that I found myself in front of the adult book store, well it was what used to be the adult book store. It seems that it had closed and was boarded up since my last visit. As I walked away a guy approached me and asked 'is the store still opened,' I replied 'no it's closed for good I think.' The guy turned and began to walk with me back towards the motel. I stopped at the corner and looked at the fellow rather closely ' are you staying at that motel,'...

3 years ago
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Risky Endevors Vol 1

There are a number of things I've always dreamed about doing but never had the courage to try or ask my wife Beth to try. I'm sure most people (including Beth) have similar lists. She always asks me if there is anything I want her to do or if there is anything I want to try, but I usually just smile and say "I love everything you do". Every once in a while my courage level goes up enough to drop a hint or get a little adventurous, and through the years I've found that she is almost always...

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Risky is better and Kimmy is oblivious

My friend Kimmy came over to pick some stuff up. She's got a great ass: Big but shapely, soft yet firm. The kind of ass made for butt-fucking. Any other time (as anyone that has read my other stories can tell you) that's exactly where this story would be going, but not this time. Trust me, you DON'T want to fuck her. She is crazy, needy, and is still stalking her ex like two years after they broke up. I usually beat my dick dry before I see just on the off-chance my brain stops functioning I...

2 years ago
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Risky And Dusky

I graciously opened my eyes that morning with a smile. Although I couldn’t rouse back everything from the dream, I had a flickering memory of how passionate, arousing one it was. As soon as I woke up, I had an intense urge to rub my dick. I headed into the shower, brushed my teeth, and stepped into a frosty shower. My body shivered with the leading droplet of snowy water. I closed my eyes in the shower as I imagined myself again with her absolute hard dick. It was not the first time I had a...

4 years ago
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Risky EncountersChapter 2 Hiking

Jim, Meg, and I arrived at the parking lot that was at the base of the mountain trail we intended to hike. Meg was with us even though Jim had protested her accompaniment to their mother repeatedly. His protests had fallen on deaf ears, Beth, their mother, had said she was going with us and that was final. When Beth was not looking Meg had put her hands on her hips and stuck her tongue out at Jim, quarreling as brothers and sisters frequently do. We put on our packs and started up the trail....

1 year ago
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Risky EncountersChapter 3 At the Mall

Saturday, I picked up Jim and Meg and headed for the shopping mall. Meg was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a frilly pink and white halter-top. Jim and I both wore loose fitting knee length short pants and pull over cotton shirts. The mall was a favorite hang out for a lot of teenagers. We walked around saying hi to a number of other kids we knew. We looked in the windows and were always on the lookout for chicks. Of course, Jim didn't know it but I was not looking, I already had my...

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Risky EncountersChapter 4 At the Movie Theater

The next weekend arrived and Jim called me asking if I wanted to go to the Mall again. I told him sure and when I picked him was not surprised to find that Meg, wearing a pair of tight blue jeans, a pink Tank top, and carrying a purse that was much larger than the one she usually took, was going with us. I didn't think anything of it and once she had slid in the back seat we left. When we got to the Mall Jim told me that we weren't really going shopping or hanging out. Meg had talked to...

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Risky EncountersChapter 6 At the Lake

Even though I was tired the next day from our nocturnal adventures, we set out for the lake. I was driving my parents Dodge truck since we were going camping. We had the bed full of camping gear. We had only driven about a block from the house when Meg asked me to turn right on the next corner. I turned on the street she indicated and after driving for another two blocks, we came across Sydney standing in front of a house on the corner. "Stop," she ordered. When I pulled to the curb Meg,...

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Risky EncountersChapter 7 Sid and Meg

The girls began to stir and sit up. Meg had me tie the strings to her top at the same time she tied Sid's. Jim finally awoke, climbed to his knees, and then feet. "Well, shall we have some fun on the boat?" I asked. "Sounds like a plan," Jim said and the girls nodded their heads in agreement. The three of them got on and I pushed the boat off the sand. I slowly cruised out to the cove's entrance while my Meg and Sid coated each other and Jim with sun block. I chuckled as I noted that...

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Risky EncountersChapter 8 Rangers

It was not long before Sid was able to push the thought of having sex with his sister to the back of Jim's mind. Her supple body all over his, her wet kisses and probing tongue did wonders. Meg got to her knees and stretched being sure to display her beautiful naked body to me and then said, "I'm a little tired so I guess I will turn in." All of us agreed and crawled into the tent. There was no pretense this time as Sid and Jim crawled into his sleeping bag. Meg crawled into mine. When...

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Risky EncountersChapter 9 The House

The next day we broke camp and put up the boat. Meg and Sid slept most of the way back to town with Meg snuggled against my side and Sid snuggled against Jim's. Jim and I talked a little but mostly we just listened to the stereo. It was after dark when we dropped Sid off and she snuck back across the yard and into her window. Meg and Jim grabbed their stuff from the bed of the truck and said goodbye with Meg promising to call later in the week. Thursday night my phone rang and it was Meg....

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Risky EncountersChapter 13 The amusement Park

I parked my car in Cliff's parking lot and paid my way through the gate. I wandered around the grounds looking for Meg and Sid and finally spotted them on the bumper cars. They were having so much fun colliding into each other that they did not even notice me watching. The ride ended, they exited, and then they spotted me. Each of them kissed me on the cheek and said "hi" casually. Meg was wearing loose black shorts that were very short and a white tube top that was pulled down to nearly...

4 years ago
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Risky EncountersChapter 14 Sids Party

Meg returned from her preparations and came to a stop behind Sid. I opened my eyes and saw her as I looked over Sid's shoulder. I was still locked in tight embrace with Sid as Meg stepped closer, winked at me and then slipped blinders over Sid's eyes. "Come dear, I have things all ready for you," she told Sid. She spun Sid around, took her by the hand and led her toward the bedroom with me following behind Sid. The three of us walked into my bedroom and I saw that the bed had been...

2 years ago
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Risky EncountersChapter 15 Tragedy

I did not hear from Meg the following week and when I tried to call and speak with Jim, his Mom always told me he was not there. Two weeks went by and I was frantic to talk to her. My Mom called out and told me I had a phone call. She said it was a girl. My heart leaped to my throat as I picked up the receiver in my room. It was Sidney on the other end and what she had to say caused my world to come crashing down. Megan and Jim were both gone. Meg had managed to call her in the middle of...

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Risky EncountersChapter 16 Reunited

The three of us spent the rest of the evening talking about old times. Meg did not say anymore about her current life but only talked about times past. We separated when last call arrived and I carefully drove home, not wanting to get a DUI. I tossed and turned the whole night unable to sleep. Bright and early the next morning, I packed my bag. I told my parents I had run into an old friend and been invited to go visit. After a tearful goodbye with my Mom, I had gotten a ride to the airport...

1 year ago
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Risky Sex With My Girlfriend8217s Horny Aunt

Hello friends, this story is based on a real-life incident that happened to me. It was an incident that changed my life completely. Let me tell you about my girlfriend’s aunt. Let’s call her ‘M’. She is 5’8″, fair and her figure is 34-30-38. Her ass is so huge if I slap it on Christmas, it’ll keep shaking till the new year! :P Now, coming to the story. This was around December during the English holidays. I and my gf were in a live-in relationship as we have been together for 5 years. As it was...

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Risky Public Maturbation

Not too long ago I was cought masturbating to a picture of my girlfriend's room mate by my girlfriend's room mate. Ever since I have found myself wanting to be cought again. I want to be cought by one of my girlfriend's sisters or the sister of one of my girlfriend's room mates sisters, but whenever I get into a situation where I might be cought by one I get to nervous of what my girlfriend would do when she found out and so I don't allow myself to get caught. The other day, though, I was at a...

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The Seduction Of Cassidy

First story. I have always had a thing for my sister. It was a small crush that has been growing since my second year of high school. She is 19 and I am 18. This is the story of how that crush turned to love. I live in the Rock-chester home. A nice, 2-story, 3 bedroom house. I slept on the first floor, along with my sister, Cassidy, who was on the other side of the hallway that held our rooms. Our parents lived upstairs in their own room. My dad is 46 and my mom is 45. They still have a lot of...

3 years ago
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Black Sidhe

My father was Ashtear and my mother a clone of a sidhe queen. The Ashtear have changed a great deal since they met. They have a lot more contact with the sidhe and even the humans. Now that a wizard has come to our lands he has brought even more change. From the time I could walk I have learned from my father. Only in the last few years have I learned from the wizard. His teachings and the feeling and urges were different and strong. Only my will and what my father taught kept me from giving...

4 years ago
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Turning Helen To The DarkSide

It had taken me a full ten minutes to realise that my girlfriend and I had wandered into a den of lesbian iniquity. It was disguised as a pub come nightclub and was populated by around ninety-nine per cent gay people, not that I minded because I didn’t. I considered myself the one per cent that was not outright gay, but I was considering my options at that time and had dabbled a little with my hands and lips.The pub seemed to be divided into discrete areas. The walkway between the bar and...

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The Outsiders

This story was inspired from the Highlander movies and TV series but takes place in a separate world with its own rules. The Outsiders By Morpheus It was a dark and windy night as I staggered home from the bar, more than a little drunk. I staggered just a little with each step, enough to reveal to anyone who saw that I wasn't completely sober. However, I made a straight line home, eager to climb into bed. I only dreaded going to work in the morning with the hangover I was bound to...

4 years ago
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Be Still My LoveChapter 3 Kit Cassidy

That evening Bahn drove to the Hotel Novotel and parked in the lot adjacent to the Sears store across the street. Entering the hotel, he walked past the front desk and into the bar of the Trio restaurant which was lightly crowded with patrons. Bahn scanned the faces in the room and easily spotted her, sitting at one of the high tables and nursing a red-coloured drink in a stemmed cocktail glass. She was wearing a sheer, form-fitting evening dress that showed off her thin waist and wider...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 7 New Residences

At the beginning of the week, they got their next influx of new residents. Two families of Pixs and a clan of Prols, all sixteen of them, turned up from the entrance to the plains. Ten of Iain’s cousin’s kids, some by marriage and some by blood all of working age also arrived with Iain on his sailing boat. It wasn’t long before the new residents were all gainfully employed. Aegeus, the leader of the Prol clan and his four oldest sons and his brother Alum and his two sons, were all soon...

3 years ago
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Date of first publication: Friday PM, September 21, 2007 Special thanks to ‘oldfart‘ for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing. There is nothing in life that I enjoy more than a two hour layover at O’Hara in Chicago, other than perhaps, a double root canal. Just another wonderful screw up by the logistics department of my employer; they caught me unaware, blindsided me. The urge to kill comes to mind every time I think of them. It all started out innocently enough. There were a...

1 year ago
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Down By The Seaside

Down by the Seaside By: Jo Jo ([email protected])My name is Joanne, that's my real name, the rest of the names and placeshave been changed. I'm 30 now, this was when I was at Sixth Form. I was going out with a Mike and had been for a while. He was madly in love with me, and he was really gorgeous, but he was really young and really jealous, and I kept finding myself looking at men, rather than boys. One bank Holiday weekend, May I think, Mike said he was going campingwith his mates....

1 year ago
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Coming Down Off My Hillside

I married Paul’s and Ann’s eldest daughter Linda. Linda is so open, loving and playful, I often wondered what her adult examples were like. Paul and I became friends as the years rolled by. Over too much beer, he told me how he and Ann first got together. The story seemed incomplete. Over many years, I pieced together why he had a darkness about him, what bonded them closer than any couple I know and why the son they had together is pursued by every girl at his school. —————- What Paul told...

2 years ago
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Circumstances Lead To Two Caned Female Backsides

It was now two days since Yvonne and Tony Marsh had spent the Friday night at the home of Sheila and Jim Butcher. That night and the evening that preceeded it had involved wife swapping and the spanking of both women's backsides.All four of them were currently aged sixty but Sheila was fast approaching her sixty-first birthday.All participants had thoroughly enjoyed the evening and night but now, some forty-eight hours later, they were putting things into perspective. There was a conversation...


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