IntemperanceChapter 8B: Imagery free porn video

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The movie premier that Jake and Matt had been pretty much ordered to attend (their contract stated they were required to make themselves available for public appearances as arranged by the record company — this was without compensation, of course, with only travel being paid for) was for a film called Thinner Than Water. Neither Jake nor Matt knew anything about it other than it starred Mindy Snow and Veronica Julius, two of the hottest young female actors on the movie scene today, though two polar opposites as far as public image went.

Mindy Snow was the epitome of the innocent girl next door. She was beautiful, of course, but in a wholesome, family values sort of way. She had been one of the stars of a popular prime time series called The Slow Lane, which was about life in a small midwestern town in the fifties. She had played the churchgoing, overly religious younger sister of the family. America had watched her grow from a sweet and innocent twelve year old to a sweet and innocent sixteen year old during the four years the series had been on the air. She was now twenty years old and had been in two movies since then, her character always a copy of the sweet and innocent role she'd portrayed in the series.

Veronica Julius was also beautiful, but in a way that was not so innocent. She too had been in a popular prime-time series but she had played a troubled, street-wise teenager in a dysfunctional family. Her movie roles had become ever more risqué since then, with her playing a young drug addict, a young AIDS victim, and the villainous vamp in a horror flick.

"Tell me again why we have to go to this thing?" Jake asked Janice — who, naturally, had been sent to accompany them and act as their babysitter — as they rode in the limousine towards the Bentley Brooks Theater in Hollywood.

"Yeah," Matt agreed, tugging at the bowtie on his neck. "And why do we have to wear these fucking tuxedos? I think I'm breaking out in a rash from this thing."

Janice sighed, her patented why do I have to put up with such uncouth barbarians sigh. "You have to go because it will get your faces in the entertainment magazines and therefore give you publicity," she explained. "And you have to wear a tuxedo because that is simply how it is done in Hollywood. It's a black tie affair."

"Well who invited us?" Jake asked. "Why do the people throwing this gig want us there?"

"This is a film aimed at the fifteen to eighteen and the eighteen to twenty-five female demographic," Janice replied.

"So it's a teenybopper chick flick," Matt said.

Janice actually winced at that description, but nodded. "Yes," she said. "And that particular demographic also happens to be a big part of the Intemperance fan base. Therefore, the girls who will be interested in this film are the same ones who buy your records. Your presence at this affair is helpful to National Records and to Galaxy Studios."

"I see," Matt said, nodding wisely. "So what's this flick about, anyway?"

"It's about two sisters," Janice said. "One is wholesome and innocent, the other is somewhat of a... well, a girl without morals."

"A goody two shoes bitch and a slut?" Matt asked.

Janice winced again. "I suppose," she said. "Anyway, the story apparently centers around their uneasy relationship with each other, particularly when they both become attracted to the same guy. The guy is played by Mark Dennison."

"The guy who used to play the quarterback on that stupid-ass TV show about high school football?" Jake asked.

"That's him," Janice confirmed. "He's quite popular among that particular demographic as well."

"I heard he's a dick smoker," Matt said. "Is that true?"

"Well... yes, he is a homosexual, but that's a Hollywood secret. Don't go saying anything about that to any reporters you encounter."

"It ain't a very well-kept secret if Matt knows about it," Jake said.

Janice was starting to get flustered. "Look, you guys," she said. "This is a high society event you're attending here. Some of the elite of Hollywood will be there. Now just watch the movie and then we'll go into the lobby where a cocktail party has been set up. Try to mind your P's and Q's as much as possible, okay?"

"They gonna have any good blow at this party?" Matt asked.

"How about the bar?" Jake asked. "Are the drinks free, or do we have to pay for them?"

Janice sighed, already trying to figure out how big of a disaster this was going to be.

The limousine pulled up in front of the theater and the three of them emerged into a sea of onlookers. There were dozens of photographers and videographers stationed just on the other side of a purple velvet rope that separated the walkway into the theater from the sidewalk. Flashbulbs began to explode all around them, effectively blinding them as they made they way to the doors. Jake could hear astonished whispers as the crowd asked themselves if that was really Jake Kingsley and Matt Tisdale. A few of the reporters shouted questions at them but they overlapped each other to the point where they could understand nothing being said.

Two doormen were guarding the entrance. They asked for no passes or tickets from any of them. They simply greeted them all by name, including Janice, and stepped aside, allowing entry. Jake was so flash-blinded that it took a few moments for his vision to clear enough for him to make out the details of the room. When it did, he whistled in appreciation.

"Holy shit," Matt said. "Look at this fucking place."

"No shit," Jake agreed.

The entire lobby was covered in plush red carpet. Hors d'oeuvre tables covered in silk tablecloths were located in several strategic locations and featured a large variety of appetizers, everything from escargot to expensive salami and cheese to stuffed mushrooms. The smell alone was intoxicating. On the far side of the room a large bar had been set up (the drinks were indeed free, according to Janice, but they had been instructed to "please go easy"). Circulating through the crowd were two lovely young women in cocktail dresses. They carried trays upon which glasses of champagne were sitting. And everywhere were men in tuxedos and elegantly dressed and made-up women, most of them beautiful. Nor was that even the most amazing thing. A sizeable portion of the people were celebrities. Jake saw a multitude of actors and actresses he had seen in television shows and on movies. They were circulating around, sipping from champagne or mixed drinks, talking and hugging and giving fake little cheek kisses to each other. He stared from place to place in wonder, marveling over the fact that many of the actors looked much smaller than they did on screen.

"Oh man," Matt said, his eyes flitting from place to place. "We have got to score ourselves some pussy at this place, Jake. I need to tap me an actress. Talk about the fuckfest coup of the century."

"Matt," Janice warned, "you are not here for cheap fornication. This is a very public event."

"Oh don't worry, Janice," he said. "We'll be sure to fuck privately."

"Oh sweet Lord," Janice muttered, and then closed her mouth as a middle-aged woman in a hideous-looking strapless dress approached them.

"Janice," she said, holding out her hands for a hug. "How are you doing, darling? Thank you so much for coming."

As Janice and the woman hugged and exchanged one of the fake cheek kisses, Matt turned to Jake and asked, "Who the fuck is that?"

Jake shrugged.

"This, is Georgette Minden," Janice said, shooting them a look. "She is Mindy Snow's agent and one of the hosts of this premier."

"Ahhh," Matt said. "I see. How you doing? Nice shindig you got going here."

"You would have to be Matt Tisdale," Georgette said, stepping forward and giving him a hug and a fake kiss. "I'm very glad you could show up tonight, Mr. Tisdale."

"Like I had a choice," Matt muttered.

"Matt," Janice hissed.

Georgette ignored this exchange. Instead, she turned to Jake. "And you, of course, are the somewhat infamous Jake Kingsley."

"That's me," Jake agreed, submitting to her as she pushed her ample bosom into his chest and made a smacking noise near his left ear.

"You know, Mindy is a big fan of your music," Georgette told them. "She absolutely adores you."

"Oh yeah?" Matt asked, a twinkle starting in his eye.

"Of course, we don't announce that to the public," Georgette said. "It would be bad for her image."

"Of course," Jake said.

"Anyway, why don't you all follow me and meet the stars of the show?"

"Why the fuck not?" Matt said.

The three stars in question were standing near the back of the room, just adjacent to the entrance of the actual theater. Mark Dennison was a handsome, exquisitely fit young man with capped teeth and a prize-winning smile. He was decked out in a custom fit tuxedo and wore a Rolex watch on his wrist. Mindy Snow and Veronica Julius, both of whom were wearing expensive and elaborate formal dresses, flanked him. Mindy's dress was very conservative, almost borderline prudish. It was light blue and completely covered her shoulders. Only the smallest amount of her ample bosom was showing. Veronica, on the other hand, was wearing a skimpy red dress that left very little to the imagination. Her back was bare, her breasts were nearly falling out of it, and her legs — clad in black nylon — were exposed well past the knees.

"They're certainly keeping up with their images, aren't they?" Jake whispered as they approached.

"Well, naturally," Georgette said. "Image is everything in Hollywood."

The introductions were made and handshakes were exchanged all around.

"I'm really glad you guys could come," Mindy told them. "I just love your music." She blushed a little. "Especially your voice, Jake."

"Uh... thanks," Jake said. "I'm glad I could entertain you."

"I think you guys are fabulous too," Dennison told them. "I own all of your albums."

"We only have one album, dude," Matt said sourly.

Dennison actually giggled. "Of course you do," he said. "And a great one it is."

Matt took a step away from him, and a step closer to Veronica, who he had been eyeing ever since she came into view. "How about you, Ronnie?" he asked. "Can I call you Ronnie?"

"No, you may not," she said, glaring at him.

"Forgive me," Matt said. "But do you listen to our music too?"

"I don't listen to music," she said. She turned to a woman who was hovering nearby. "Callie, get me a drink, will you? Scotch on the rocks."

"Of course, Ms. Julius," the woman said. "Coming right up."

"Six ice cubes," she called after her. "No more, no less."

"Yes, Ms. Julius. Six ice cubes."

Janice spoke up at that point and thanked them for the invite. She then led the two musicians away.

"Bye, guys," Mindy called after him as he went. "It was nice meeting you."

Jake looked over his shoulder and gave her a smile.

"What a fuckin' cunt that Veronica bitch is," Matt said when they were out of earshot.

"Matt, please keep your voice down," Janice hissed. "This place is crawling with print reporters. If they overhear you saying something like that it will be all over the tabloids tomorrow morning."

"Right," Matt returned, sounding anything but sincere.

One of the champagne girls came by and offered them all a glass. Janice and Jake declined but Matt took one.

"Is this the good shit?" Matt asked her.

She looked a little taken aback but answered politely. "It's Dom Perignon," she said. "Chilled to precisely forty-six degrees."

"Yeah?" Matt asked. With that, he swallowed the entire glass at a gulp. His eyes watered and he released a wet burp that resonated throughout the immediate vicinity. He pounded his chest a few times. "Not bad," he said. "That is some pretty good hooch." He set the glass back on her tray and walked off towards the bar while Jake smirked in amusement and Janice suppressed an expression of horror.

"Hey, Jeeves," Matt said to the tuxedoed bartender. "Set me up with a Jack and Coke, and don't be chintzy on me with the Jack."

"Right away, sir," he replied. He then looked at Jake. "And you, sir?"

"Rum and Coke," Jake said.

"What kind of rum would you prefer?"

"The most expensive you got," Jake said.

"Of course," the bartender said. He reached down below the bar and produced two glasses.

"No fuckin' way," Matt told him. "That simply will not do."

"Excuse me?" the bartender asked.

"Those glasses ain't big enough. I'll drink something that size in about fifteen seconds. Bust out the water glasses, homey. I want a fuckin' drink, not a shooter."

"Oh my God," Janice moaned. "Matt, this is not the local watering hole. This is a high society party."

"Then these pricks don't know how to drink," Matt said. "Fire me up, Jeeves. Just the way I asked."

He fired them up, taking down two water glasses, filling them with ice, and then concocting an alcohol to coke mixture with a ratio of about fifty-fifty. "Will these meet your requirements, sir?" he asked Matt when he was done.

"Bet your ass," Matt replied. He turned to Janice, who was still flushing in embarrassment. "Don't just stand there, Janice. Give the man a tip. A big one."

Janice kept her lips tightly pursed but did as she was told. She dug a five-dollar bill out of her purse and dropped it in the bartender's tip jar.

"Thank you, sirs," he said, assuming, as Matt had already figured out, that Janice was their servant.

"Matt," Janice chastised once they were away from the bar, "you simply must maintain some composure here."

"What the fuck for?" he asked. "Aren't we supposed to be a bunch of boozing, drug addict, Satanist badasses? I'm only acting the part."

"You're overacting," she said. "This is not the place for such shenanigans."

"Okay," he said. "Sorry. I'll try to maintain."

"Thank you," she said.

He looked around, as if scoping out the crowd. "So," he asked. "Where can we burn?"

"Burn?" Janice asked.

"Yeah," Matt said. "Me and Jake need to toke up one of these joints I brought."

Janice paled. "You brought marijuana here?"

"Of course," he said. "We're gonna watch a movie, ain't we? I don't ever watch movies without being stoned."

"You can't smoke marijuana here," Janet told him. "Go in the bathroom right now and flush it down the toilet!"

"The bathroom," Matt said. "What a brilliant idea. Thanks, Janice."

"What?" Janice said.

The other one of the champagne girls was passing by. Matt grabbed her arm. "Hey, beautiful," he said.

"Would you care for some champagne, sir?" she asked.

"Uh... sure," Matt said. He took a glass from her tray, quickly downed it, belched again, and then set it back down. "Thanks. But I what I really wanted is for you to tell me where the shitter is."

The champagne girl pursed her lips for the briefest of seconds before answering. "The... uh... men's facilities are located over there." She pointed. "Just down that hallway."

"Thanks, sweetie," Matt said, giving her a little pat on the butt. "Come on, Jake. Let's go burn one."

Jake was suppressing his laughter by now. "You bet," he said. "Let's do it."

"Jake, Matt," Janice hissed. "You can't... I mean... come back here!"

"We'll be back," Jake told her. "Have yourself a drink while we're gone."

The men's restroom was sparkling clean and smelled of lemons. Three tuxedoed men were standing around the sink as they entered, taking turns snorting cocaine from a small mirror. Jake recognized two of them: Michael Quinn, a teen heartthrob who had starred in numerous tough guy flicks, and Anthony Rentworst, a renowned director of such teen heartthrob movies. None of the three even looked up when the two musicians entered the room.

"Wassup, homies?" Matt asked them. "Got any spare blow for me and Jake here?"

Three identical looks of contemptuous disgust met this question. "No," said Quinn. "I think not."

Matt nodded. "I know how it is," he said. "The shit's expensive. You can't be sharing it with just anybody."

"Right," Quinn said. He turned back to the mirror and snorted his fill.

"Pricks," Matt muttered under his breath. With that, he reached into the jacket pocket of his suit and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He opened the box and removed a tightly rolled joint — a fat one. He put it in his mouth, put the cigarettes back in his pocket, and then pulled out a lighter that he used to spark up the joint. He took a tremendous and quite noisy hit.

The actor, the director, and the unknown person with them (we was Conner Bergman, another famous actor that neither Jake nor Matt recognized) all turned towards them as they heard the inhalation and smelled the pungent odor of the Humboldt Skunk Bud being burned. Their mouths dropped open in shock.

"You guys want a hit?" Matt squeaked, still holding the smoke in his lungs. "I'm not a Bogart."

They didn't answer. Keeping the look of shock and revulsion on their faces, they quickly gathered up their mirror, their straw, and their little silver box and made a beeline for the bathroom door. They didn't let it hit them in the ass on the way out.

"Fuckin' squares," Matt said as he passed the joint to Jake.

Jake took it but was laughing too hard to take a hit just yet. "You're fuckin' killing me, Matt," he said. "Oh shit. This is the most fun I've had since we went to that truck stop and you kicked Hathaway's ass."

They emerged from the restroom five minutes later, both of them reeking of skunk bud and red in the eyes, but in the proper mood for viewing a movie.

Even stoned, the movie wasn't very good. It was as predictable as the sunrise, full of lame clichés, and suffered from a myriad of plot holes and suspension of disbelief problems. About the only redeeming quality it featured was the two actresses who starred in it. They really were talented at their trade and the strained and sometimes violent interaction between them came across as the most genuine aspect of the entire production. And they were both quite alluring in starkly contrasting ways. Mindy's character was cute and cuddly, syrupy sweet. The kind of girl who would like puppies and holding hands at sunset, who would wear a promise ring and actually keep the promise. Veronica's character was sultry and tempting, foul-mouthed, a risqué dresser, a girl who thought nothing of giving it up on a first date, or even before a first date. Of course, the predictable aspect of the movie guaranteed that Mindy's character was the one who ultimately ended up with Mark Dennison's character. And, of course, the Veronica character was shown the consequences of the lifestyle she was leading (in the form of an AIDS scare she got when a former lover told her he had tested positive) and vowed to become more like the Mindy character. And of course all three of them became the best of friends and shared a group hug in the end, this despite the fact that the Veronica character had slept with the Mark Dennison character while he was the Mindy character's boyfriend and the Mark character had thought, for a short time, that he might have AIDS because of this.

The audience either didn't notice the film's shortcomings or pretended not to. Everyone applauded wildly when the closing credits began to roll. They even gave a standing ovation. And afterward, when they filtered back out into the lobby and began to sip from their drinks and munch on the appetizers, nobody had anything but praise for the film, especially when in earshot of one of the stars.

Once most of the party-goers had filtered through and congratulated all the cast members who were present, Mindy drifted across the room until she was standing next to Jake and Matt, who were in the process of sipping from their fourth drinks and annihilating the salami and cheese table.

"Hi, guys," she said brightly, her chocolate brown eyes shining in that innocent and endearing way. "What did you think of the film? Did you like it?"

"It was uh... not bad, overall," Jake said. "Your acting was superb."

"Thank you," she said, blushing a little. "And what about the storyline? Just 'not bad'?"

"Well, I'm sure the writers worked very hard on it," Jake said.

"I was disappointed," Matt said from around a mouthful of food.

"Oh?" Mindy asked. "Why is that?"

"There wasn't a single bare titty in the whole flick," he said. "There wasn't even an ass shot."

Mindy giggled. "Is that how you rate your movies, Matt?" she asked. "By how many nudity scenes are in them?"

"Fuckin' aye," he said. "I can't give a flick a thumbs-up unless they show some ass, tits, or gash."

"I'll keep that in mind for my next film," she said, smiling.

"You do that," Matt told her. "In fact, you and Veronica should think about doing a dyke-out scene. I bet that would get you a sold-out opening weekend."

"I'm sure you're right," she said. "But that wouldn't maintain my sweet innocent image very well, would it?"

Same as Intemperance
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A Night In The Desert Chapter I She had planned it all very carefully. The time, the location,weather, equipment, everything was perfect. Now she faced the one last decisionto put her plan into action, the final moment at which she could stop, backout, and change her mind. Little did she realize how a simple weekend outingwould so profoundly change her life. It had all started months ago. During the week Sue Ann Mendelwas an accountant at a bank in one of the more undistinguished office...

4 years ago
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Lust for Lily Part Three

We arrived at the club to find a queue snaking around the corner. “Crap, maybe we should just head back to yours?” I suggested hopefully. “Don’t be daft! I know the doorman...Or rather I will do in a minute!” Lily said with a cheeky wink. I watched as she walked towards the front of the line, her slinky white dress riding further and further up her tanned legs. The lace of Lily’s thong was starting to irritate my pussy as I became more turned on, and I contemplated taking it off inside the...

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Seduced by Sin Ch 02

First of all, thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback! I am happy to find out everyone likes my story! I very much appreciated the suggestions a few of you gave on developing it and as such, this next chapter should help bring more players into the story and develop the character of Sin and Kate. Sorry it took so long to get out, my computer of 3 ½ years crashed and I lost a few important parts. Hope you enjoy the next chapter! Renee * North of London, England, 11 years earlier ...

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Emilys Turn C02

Introduction: What an 8 year old girl wants, an 8 year old girl gets. And when she wants more attention from her daddy, shes learned a few tricks from her 15 year old sister on how to get it. Warning: This sex story contains explicit sexual content with an 8 year old girl and her adult father. If the thought of this bothers you, Do Not Read further and click Back now. Thank you. —– Emilys Turn —– 2 — Emily woke up for good at about eleven oclock. Having to use the bathroom badly, she jumped...

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MyFamilyPies Chloe Couture Hannah Hays Jizzwold Family Vacation Part 1

It’s family vacation time, and this family is about to find that many of their longstanding attractions for one another will lead to dreams come true. When Chloe Couture and her stepbrother Dustin Daring tire of their parents’ antics, they make their own backseat party as Chloe seduces Dustin into letting her blow him while their parents remain oblivious up front. She starts by rubbing her clit over her panties, then strokes and sucks Dustin as he stares in disbelief at his...

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She Got the After Dinner Special

Em had watched all the action. It had taken place deliciously between her legs on the sofa in the man’s hotel suite. She was still tingling all over with the excitement and ecstasy of it all. Em had been half-lying, half-seated on the deep sofa. This position had afforded her a full view. He had first stripped her to her panties. They were little white bikini-cut lace ones through which the attractive darkness of her bushy mound was plainly visible. Her short midnight blue cocktail dress...

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Job Ki Talash Me Chut Mil Gai

Hello dosto me aap ki khidmat me fhir se hajir hu me mukesh meri umar 24 he our mere lund ka saze 7 lamba our 3 inc mota me Abhi sidha kahani pe aata hu 8 dino pehale me bahar gaon job ke enterweo ke liye gaya tha train let hone ki wajaha se me sham ke 7 baje tak waha pahach ne wala tha train meri bagal wali site pe ek lagbhag 30 umar wali ourat bthi thi me bor horahata esaliye mene ek peper leliya tha our padhane laga o dekha kar usa ourat ne mujase pepar manga padha ne ke liye mene use o...

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Getting Pizza Delivered With Kelly

It was March of 2005. Kelly and I were forty-five years old. Kelly and I had decided to go see The Blue Man Group in Chicago. The weather was surprisingly nice on that Saturday. We stayed in a beautiful suite at a hotel near the theater. And, loving Giordano’s pizza, had ordered delivery from them to eat for dinner before the show. Their stuffed pizza takes forever to bake and delivery must have been busy that day. They told us it would be close to two hours. We expected that though and had...

Quickie Sex
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Defloration Of Mithila

When I got to the mall at eight pm and the parking lot was practically full. I had to park on the next to last deck of the far away parking lot of Rifle square and take walk a long way to reach at the shopping mall. I hated shopping during the holidays. I hated the fact that I had delay so much that I had to go shopping the weekend before New Year and feeling like an amateur in rugby free for all. I shopped various stores, pushing my way through crowds of sour-faced, rude people as I picked up...

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The Creature chapter four

CHAPTER FOUR When I woke up the next time, he finally allowed me to wake up. I was lying on the coffee table in the TV room, and the room was very bright. He was sitting on the couch beside me, watching both me, and a TV program. It took me a while to get my eyes open, keep them that way, and to fully wake up. But I finally did so. He looked at me and winked. Then I noticed that my shirt was rolled up around my chest, just underneath where my sports- bra ended - showing my entire stomach and...

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Almost Damsel Almost in Distress 6

Almost Damsel, Almost in Distress 6 Shawna Summers [email protected] (M/t - threesome, oral, anal, chastity, creampie, prostitution, bondage, spitroast, watersports) Candy attacked me like she was hungry for my soul, or at least my ass. She kissed me with a hunger that was contagious, and I quickly found myself trying to devour her right back. Alex somehow managed to drive safely even with all our kissing and fondling going on in the back seat. I did occasionally glance up...

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Robbing the BunkerChapter 18 Michael Arrives

Three days after we arrived in Fry, Andrea and Augie noticed a man who matched Michael's description. The town was in a flurry of activity. People were stocking up on basics, getting ready for the impending arrival of the French. Planning quickly, we decided to capture him as he met with John Foster. Sue showed me how to get into the Sheriff's bedroom. We hid in the same armoire Sue had used earlier and waited for our prey. Soon after we settled into our hiding place, we heard Foster and...

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Jared and Jennifer Part 2

My mind was racing. Did that really happen? Did Jared really kiss me? Why would he do that? And why did I kiss him back so passionately? I wasn’t falling for this kid was I? I was. As I drove home I started to put things together in my head. When we had our first tutoring session, I was in a bad place. My life was falling apart and I didn’t even want to be a teacher anymore. Jared brought something out of me. I could tell he truly cared about me and was also glad I was helping him pass his...

3 years ago
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Ravaged A Village Girl Like A Beast

Hi, I am Rahul. I am reading ISS from the past few years and this has given me courage to narrate one of my sexual experiences. Let me first tell you something about me. I am Rahul Sharma aka DEATH BY CHOCOLATE originally from Delhi, currently staying in Bangalore .My height is 6 ft 2 inches, age 23,slightly dark and my “buddy” measures around 9 inches. Lost my virginity at age 16 to my first love in school. This is my first story so please excuse me for any mistakes. It happened 6 years ago...

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Ragni8217s Threesome With Amit And Dev

Hi, my name is Ragni. I am a hot sexy woman from Delhi. Amit is returning to the area in December and ragni will finally be able to have the threesome she has wanted for sometime. As soon as amit tells her when he will be back in town, she contacts dev and they set up how the three of them will get together. It is decided that since amit and dev don’t know each except what ragni has told them about each other, that it would be a good idea to meet for drinks. They pick a place that is close to...

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Mabels fun weekend

Mabel’s Fun Weekend-Part Two All Night long poor Mabel lay on the hard cold barn floor.  The poor woman was tied in such a way that every breath she took seemed to bring her excruciating pain somewhere in her body.  Mabel was conscious for most of the night.  As she fell asleep her over-taxed muscles would relax and she would wake up quickly, moaning and squealing from deep throbbing pain.  The poor woman lay on her side, with her ankles cuffed and chained together, and pulled up to the cuffs...

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HunterChapter 47

Mike and Cathy returned home from work to find Bob waiting outside for them to show up. Making the Marines guarding Mike a little nervous, Bob walked over to the car carrying a bottle of wine with him. Mike got out of the car and said, “Hello, Bob.” “Hello, Mike. I wanted to thank you for accepting our offer on your house,” Bob said. In a very natural reaction to being jerked around over the price of the house, Bob and Ellen had not been happy with Mike. Ellen had been getting angry at what...

4 years ago
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My First threesome

We were going to a friend’s 30th birthday party at a local hotel, now we are both in our forties but keep ourselves fit and enjoy a night out from time to time. My husband enjoys me flirting and showing off my figure when we go out, I’m no longer twenty-one, but I have a firm pair of pert 36B breasts and good size twelve figure with firm toned legs.I’m not a slut by any means, but I do get a kick out of dressing up for him especially if we are going somewhere nobody knows us.I was wearing a...

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He Removed the Rubber but Wasnt Ready for th

Absolute true story. You can see the same titled vid recently posted. I found this old vid from a few years ago after my now-wife Sophie and I just remodeled the house. On the night of this vid, I was in another marriage going southward and Sophie and I were already dating then. She was not the reason for my marriage failing in case you're wondering, but she's dangerous enough to be a reason. We we're previously friends for 2yrs before dating. Anyway, we both decided that we'd try E for the...

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A House in Disarray12 Facing a Fury Worse Than Bullets

Em slid her key into the lock and twisted it slowly while holding the handle firm. It was late, after one in the morning, and she hoped not to wake anyone. If she did, they’d discuss the shooting all night, and both she and Becky needed their beauty sleep. Otherwise Em would be a royal bitch-on-wheels in the morning. She eased the door open and noticed the kitchen light was on. As she slipped through the doorway, she observed Francine sitting on the couch, primed and ready for bear. “What...

3 years ago
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A Penny for Your Thoughts Ch 02

It seemed weirdly familiar. Waking up, finding myself once again laying in a hospital bed. The only difference being, I hadn’t been in a coma. Out for a while yes, obviously, though it couldn’t have been that long. For one, Gayleen was the one standing outside my room talking to the doctor, mom and dad hadn’t even shown up yet, which meant I couldn’t have been here all that long. I sat up, feeling fine…better than fine actually, though my head hurt, had a bit of a headache, and was still a...

2 years ago
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My dream about you

I dream that I come in to your house, you have left the door open for me, and I hear your shower running. I walk to the open door of the bathroom and see your shape, unfocused by the rising steam of the not shower, s you wash the length of your arms, you bend to run your hands over your calves and thighs. Slowly, as the sunlight streams through the steam, and casts a golden glow over you, I feel the rising of passion in my heart and the swelling of my erection in my pants, you are so beautiful...

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BednBrunch Ho

When I married my dream goddess I had no idea that she had been such a nympho slut before college. I only knew that she’d been the prom queen, and head cheerleader in her high school. In college she became a member of the most elite sorority on campus. And why not, what with her angelic face, long flowing silver white mane that fell in waves down to around her waist that did little to hide her firm lush figure, why wouldn’t every male on campus fall in love/lust with her instantly. Gillian, or...

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Unclaimed Cargo

I glanced at the captain when she stepped into my office, "ma'am?" She leaned against the hatch, "what was that business with the small cargo transport?" I smiled and leaned back, "two crates going to Melborne. He paid in advance and in full. He did not even kick about signing the waiver if his contact fails to pick the cargo up." She nodded, "and the cargo of power cells?" I grinned because power cells were made here and not very expensive, "a full cargo and I was able to get...

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I heard my mother and twin sister Natalie talking in the living room that Friday afternoon. She was getting ready for her big date with Keith Reynolds, the captain of the wrestling team. At that time my sister and I had just turned 18 and were both seniors in high school. She was a cheerleader and very popular. I on the other hand was more into the academics but still had a good amount of friends."Oh sweetie you look beautiful. That Keith guy is going to drool when he sees you," I heard my...

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True Story Finally got it in with SILSo My SIL has been helping take care of me ever since my accident. I finally got to see he Perky tits a while ago and her Nice little bubble butt. Well things have since heated up and I have to share it because besides my MIL my SIL has been what I've been trying to get after and my persistence and timing finally paid off in a huge way.To set the stage since our first time playing. She has been flirting like usual but a little more then usual. Ever since we...

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Night of the Raven

Raven in black and grey waiting for someone who doesn't show. He doesn't know how he knows this. He just does. It's one of those feelings that just as easily turn out wrong, but in the moment everything feels like the obvious truth. He feels the tiny shame in the way she props her elbows on the table and her eyes search the fringes of the plaza without moving her head. Her broad mouth is set, full lips smiling too much but not enough. The first time he scanned the plaza for an obscure...

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The Gathering Book 2Chapter 8 Ann Meets Robert and Alice

The phone rang as Ann was coming out of the shower. Holding a towel to her hair and ignoring her nudity, she answered the phone and was surprised to find that Alice and Robert were inviting her over an hour ahead of the scheduled time if it was not inconvenient. "Of course," she replied, almost purring. "I have the directions and it's not an inconvenience at all, Alice." 'Certainly not an inconvenience, ' she thought, putting the phone back down. 'My God, they want have the...

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Surprise Lunch Turns To Surprise Sex 8211 Part 2

She picked the phone and told me in a low tone, “Wait, Vinay.” I waited on the phone, I heard her say, “Karan, Vinay, he is not able to reach you.” Karan came online and told me, “Yes, buddy, tell me.” I was surprised by the way she played it to inform me that Karan was still at home. I told Karan, “Trying you for almost 30 minutes. I am not able to reach you. Anyway, can we catch up for lunch today?” He said, “No yaar, I have a client meeting today. I am just leaving, have to travel for more...

1 year ago
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Travels of Nate Woods 1

Nathan Woods stepped out of London's Heathrow airport excited to begin his trip. He got a cab into central London where he found his hotel. The hotel was a large, ornate building and even Nate - who had stayed in many nice hotels, could not help but be impressed. After checking in, he was tired but eager to explore London. After seeing the London Eye and Big Ben, he decided to change clothes and hit the clubs of the darkening city. After much decision making, he decided to wear his striped,...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 53

Sunday after Becky headed to work, I went home and went back to work on my earlier adventure I had put on hold to write the still-untitled Kaos one. I had completed several levels of Fyta and was rather pleased. The majority of them were “fixed”, and would spend their entire lives where they were rooted in the ground. These were the first lines of defense and alert, acting more or less like sentries. Their only attack was weak, and as they could not move at all relied upon a member of the...

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Rachel checked her coupons and let out a sigh. At least turkey is still cheap. I'll be eating it until New Years, though. As if the economy wasn't tough enough, she was still trying to recover from her divorce a year earlier. Fortunately, she hadn't given in to her ex-husband's near demands to quit her job. If not for that, she might very well be living in a homeless shelter instead of squeaking by to rent her modest home. Rachel tugged a strand of shoulder-length, dark blonde hair from...

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Annie Gets a Surprise Part 2

Part one can be found here; Again credit the original writer for the inspiration. Annie Gets a Surprise: Part 2 To Annie's delight the answer was immediately, with the right encouragement. That was easily provided, as this encounter had awoken a desire in her she had never before experienced. After James pulled out she turned to face him, and with three words guaranteed his further participation. “I want more,” came out of her in a...

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Teenage sweetheart and Mom

Introduction: I was 16 she was 15 and we were best of friends. We learn how to treat each other under the eyes of her parents I was 16 she was 15 and we were best of friends. At 15 Sue was a sweetheart. She had long dark hair, big brown eyes, a wide bright smile, and flawless skin. Her slim body was most teen age girls wished to have. Athletic legs, firm tummy, perk maturing breast with puffy youthful nipples, and a petite adolescent rear with a summer tan flawless skin with a hint of delicate...

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Lasting Impressions The Melting Pot

L.I. - The Melting Pot It was just another day in college to me or so I thought. The spring semester had started about two weeks ago and I was in a hurry again. I was just a normal guy in the mix of things. I am 5'10" with a medium frame. I had a flat stomach, but I was not cut; actually there was not much muscle to me at all. I have dark black hair that was only kept the first few days after I got a haircut. I come from a middle class family from northern Michigan. I was a...

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The Au PairChapter 11

"What am I going to do about Tim?" Kathy stomped back and forth across the back yard, working out her frustrations by aggressively cleaning out the accumulated brush and trimming back the trees around the pool and patio. "I can't be in love with him," she reasoned to herself. "I just can't! One date ... I mean, it was just one date!" She picked up a pair of hedge clippers and started to attack the bushes which bordered the pool deck. "Life just isn't fair! Why did he have show...

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The Lost Valley of Ishtar

The Lost Vale of Ishtar By: Lyrissa The wind howled across the jagged rocks of the mountain cleft as a lone figure cautiously descended the winding mountain path towards the edge of the cliffs. The pass appeared to be a natural formation created when some ancient cataclysm violently tore the mountains apart to form a long, winding canyon which allowed for passage through this inhospitable region of the Kezankian mountains. They sky overcast by ominous slate- grey clouds and somewhere...

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Rebel PrincessChapter 2

Safely hidden underneath the nondescript clothing assigned to her when she entered the remote castle, Alice was certain the only one who suspected her true identity was the blade tutor Anton and he was sort of fellow that would take a secret to the grave and never issue a whisper of a hint to a living soul. She followed her two guides to the next chamber without lifting her head. The young swordplay student never gave her a second glance because her form was completely hidden under the...

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Anita aunty

Hi guys this vivek from VIZAG and I will be relating to you all my sexual experiences with my next-door neighbor. I live in an apartment with my parents. I am the only child of my parents. My next door neighbor is a small family just like ours consisting of 3. Anita aunty (my neighbor) is a lady in her mid 30’s. Her inst exactly beautiful but she has a fair complexion, two huge boobs and a pair wide ass. A perfect body to be fucked by me. I never eyed Anita aunty from that perspective. I...


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