IntemperanceChapter 8B: Imagery free porn video

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The movie premier that Jake and Matt had been pretty much ordered to attend (their contract stated they were required to make themselves available for public appearances as arranged by the record company — this was without compensation, of course, with only travel being paid for) was for a film called Thinner Than Water. Neither Jake nor Matt knew anything about it other than it starred Mindy Snow and Veronica Julius, two of the hottest young female actors on the movie scene today, though two polar opposites as far as public image went.

Mindy Snow was the epitome of the innocent girl next door. She was beautiful, of course, but in a wholesome, family values sort of way. She had been one of the stars of a popular prime time series called The Slow Lane, which was about life in a small midwestern town in the fifties. She had played the churchgoing, overly religious younger sister of the family. America had watched her grow from a sweet and innocent twelve year old to a sweet and innocent sixteen year old during the four years the series had been on the air. She was now twenty years old and had been in two movies since then, her character always a copy of the sweet and innocent role she'd portrayed in the series.

Veronica Julius was also beautiful, but in a way that was not so innocent. She too had been in a popular prime-time series but she had played a troubled, street-wise teenager in a dysfunctional family. Her movie roles had become ever more risqué since then, with her playing a young drug addict, a young AIDS victim, and the villainous vamp in a horror flick.

"Tell me again why we have to go to this thing?" Jake asked Janice — who, naturally, had been sent to accompany them and act as their babysitter — as they rode in the limousine towards the Bentley Brooks Theater in Hollywood.

"Yeah," Matt agreed, tugging at the bowtie on his neck. "And why do we have to wear these fucking tuxedos? I think I'm breaking out in a rash from this thing."

Janice sighed, her patented why do I have to put up with such uncouth barbarians sigh. "You have to go because it will get your faces in the entertainment magazines and therefore give you publicity," she explained. "And you have to wear a tuxedo because that is simply how it is done in Hollywood. It's a black tie affair."

"Well who invited us?" Jake asked. "Why do the people throwing this gig want us there?"

"This is a film aimed at the fifteen to eighteen and the eighteen to twenty-five female demographic," Janice replied.

"So it's a teenybopper chick flick," Matt said.

Janice actually winced at that description, but nodded. "Yes," she said. "And that particular demographic also happens to be a big part of the Intemperance fan base. Therefore, the girls who will be interested in this film are the same ones who buy your records. Your presence at this affair is helpful to National Records and to Galaxy Studios."

"I see," Matt said, nodding wisely. "So what's this flick about, anyway?"

"It's about two sisters," Janice said. "One is wholesome and innocent, the other is somewhat of a... well, a girl without morals."

"A goody two shoes bitch and a slut?" Matt asked.

Janice winced again. "I suppose," she said. "Anyway, the story apparently centers around their uneasy relationship with each other, particularly when they both become attracted to the same guy. The guy is played by Mark Dennison."

"The guy who used to play the quarterback on that stupid-ass TV show about high school football?" Jake asked.

"That's him," Janice confirmed. "He's quite popular among that particular demographic as well."

"I heard he's a dick smoker," Matt said. "Is that true?"

"Well... yes, he is a homosexual, but that's a Hollywood secret. Don't go saying anything about that to any reporters you encounter."

"It ain't a very well-kept secret if Matt knows about it," Jake said.

Janice was starting to get flustered. "Look, you guys," she said. "This is a high society event you're attending here. Some of the elite of Hollywood will be there. Now just watch the movie and then we'll go into the lobby where a cocktail party has been set up. Try to mind your P's and Q's as much as possible, okay?"

"They gonna have any good blow at this party?" Matt asked.

"How about the bar?" Jake asked. "Are the drinks free, or do we have to pay for them?"

Janice sighed, already trying to figure out how big of a disaster this was going to be.

The limousine pulled up in front of the theater and the three of them emerged into a sea of onlookers. There were dozens of photographers and videographers stationed just on the other side of a purple velvet rope that separated the walkway into the theater from the sidewalk. Flashbulbs began to explode all around them, effectively blinding them as they made they way to the doors. Jake could hear astonished whispers as the crowd asked themselves if that was really Jake Kingsley and Matt Tisdale. A few of the reporters shouted questions at them but they overlapped each other to the point where they could understand nothing being said.

Two doormen were guarding the entrance. They asked for no passes or tickets from any of them. They simply greeted them all by name, including Janice, and stepped aside, allowing entry. Jake was so flash-blinded that it took a few moments for his vision to clear enough for him to make out the details of the room. When it did, he whistled in appreciation.

"Holy shit," Matt said. "Look at this fucking place."

"No shit," Jake agreed.

The entire lobby was covered in plush red carpet. Hors d'oeuvre tables covered in silk tablecloths were located in several strategic locations and featured a large variety of appetizers, everything from escargot to expensive salami and cheese to stuffed mushrooms. The smell alone was intoxicating. On the far side of the room a large bar had been set up (the drinks were indeed free, according to Janice, but they had been instructed to "please go easy"). Circulating through the crowd were two lovely young women in cocktail dresses. They carried trays upon which glasses of champagne were sitting. And everywhere were men in tuxedos and elegantly dressed and made-up women, most of them beautiful. Nor was that even the most amazing thing. A sizeable portion of the people were celebrities. Jake saw a multitude of actors and actresses he had seen in television shows and on movies. They were circulating around, sipping from champagne or mixed drinks, talking and hugging and giving fake little cheek kisses to each other. He stared from place to place in wonder, marveling over the fact that many of the actors looked much smaller than they did on screen.

"Oh man," Matt said, his eyes flitting from place to place. "We have got to score ourselves some pussy at this place, Jake. I need to tap me an actress. Talk about the fuckfest coup of the century."

"Matt," Janice warned, "you are not here for cheap fornication. This is a very public event."

"Oh don't worry, Janice," he said. "We'll be sure to fuck privately."

"Oh sweet Lord," Janice muttered, and then closed her mouth as a middle-aged woman in a hideous-looking strapless dress approached them.

"Janice," she said, holding out her hands for a hug. "How are you doing, darling? Thank you so much for coming."

As Janice and the woman hugged and exchanged one of the fake cheek kisses, Matt turned to Jake and asked, "Who the fuck is that?"

Jake shrugged.

"This, is Georgette Minden," Janice said, shooting them a look. "She is Mindy Snow's agent and one of the hosts of this premier."

"Ahhh," Matt said. "I see. How you doing? Nice shindig you got going here."

"You would have to be Matt Tisdale," Georgette said, stepping forward and giving him a hug and a fake kiss. "I'm very glad you could show up tonight, Mr. Tisdale."

"Like I had a choice," Matt muttered.

"Matt," Janice hissed.

Georgette ignored this exchange. Instead, she turned to Jake. "And you, of course, are the somewhat infamous Jake Kingsley."

"That's me," Jake agreed, submitting to her as she pushed her ample bosom into his chest and made a smacking noise near his left ear.

"You know, Mindy is a big fan of your music," Georgette told them. "She absolutely adores you."

"Oh yeah?" Matt asked, a twinkle starting in his eye.

"Of course, we don't announce that to the public," Georgette said. "It would be bad for her image."

"Of course," Jake said.

"Anyway, why don't you all follow me and meet the stars of the show?"

"Why the fuck not?" Matt said.

The three stars in question were standing near the back of the room, just adjacent to the entrance of the actual theater. Mark Dennison was a handsome, exquisitely fit young man with capped teeth and a prize-winning smile. He was decked out in a custom fit tuxedo and wore a Rolex watch on his wrist. Mindy Snow and Veronica Julius, both of whom were wearing expensive and elaborate formal dresses, flanked him. Mindy's dress was very conservative, almost borderline prudish. It was light blue and completely covered her shoulders. Only the smallest amount of her ample bosom was showing. Veronica, on the other hand, was wearing a skimpy red dress that left very little to the imagination. Her back was bare, her breasts were nearly falling out of it, and her legs — clad in black nylon — were exposed well past the knees.

"They're certainly keeping up with their images, aren't they?" Jake whispered as they approached.

"Well, naturally," Georgette said. "Image is everything in Hollywood."

The introductions were made and handshakes were exchanged all around.

"I'm really glad you guys could come," Mindy told them. "I just love your music." She blushed a little. "Especially your voice, Jake."

"Uh... thanks," Jake said. "I'm glad I could entertain you."

"I think you guys are fabulous too," Dennison told them. "I own all of your albums."

"We only have one album, dude," Matt said sourly.

Dennison actually giggled. "Of course you do," he said. "And a great one it is."

Matt took a step away from him, and a step closer to Veronica, who he had been eyeing ever since she came into view. "How about you, Ronnie?" he asked. "Can I call you Ronnie?"

"No, you may not," she said, glaring at him.

"Forgive me," Matt said. "But do you listen to our music too?"

"I don't listen to music," she said. She turned to a woman who was hovering nearby. "Callie, get me a drink, will you? Scotch on the rocks."

"Of course, Ms. Julius," the woman said. "Coming right up."

"Six ice cubes," she called after her. "No more, no less."

"Yes, Ms. Julius. Six ice cubes."

Janice spoke up at that point and thanked them for the invite. She then led the two musicians away.

"Bye, guys," Mindy called after him as he went. "It was nice meeting you."

Jake looked over his shoulder and gave her a smile.

"What a fuckin' cunt that Veronica bitch is," Matt said when they were out of earshot.

"Matt, please keep your voice down," Janice hissed. "This place is crawling with print reporters. If they overhear you saying something like that it will be all over the tabloids tomorrow morning."

"Right," Matt returned, sounding anything but sincere.

One of the champagne girls came by and offered them all a glass. Janice and Jake declined but Matt took one.

"Is this the good shit?" Matt asked her.

She looked a little taken aback but answered politely. "It's Dom Perignon," she said. "Chilled to precisely forty-six degrees."

"Yeah?" Matt asked. With that, he swallowed the entire glass at a gulp. His eyes watered and he released a wet burp that resonated throughout the immediate vicinity. He pounded his chest a few times. "Not bad," he said. "That is some pretty good hooch." He set the glass back on her tray and walked off towards the bar while Jake smirked in amusement and Janice suppressed an expression of horror.

"Hey, Jeeves," Matt said to the tuxedoed bartender. "Set me up with a Jack and Coke, and don't be chintzy on me with the Jack."

"Right away, sir," he replied. He then looked at Jake. "And you, sir?"

"Rum and Coke," Jake said.

"What kind of rum would you prefer?"

"The most expensive you got," Jake said.

"Of course," the bartender said. He reached down below the bar and produced two glasses.

"No fuckin' way," Matt told him. "That simply will not do."

"Excuse me?" the bartender asked.

"Those glasses ain't big enough. I'll drink something that size in about fifteen seconds. Bust out the water glasses, homey. I want a fuckin' drink, not a shooter."

"Oh my God," Janice moaned. "Matt, this is not the local watering hole. This is a high society party."

"Then these pricks don't know how to drink," Matt said. "Fire me up, Jeeves. Just the way I asked."

He fired them up, taking down two water glasses, filling them with ice, and then concocting an alcohol to coke mixture with a ratio of about fifty-fifty. "Will these meet your requirements, sir?" he asked Matt when he was done.

"Bet your ass," Matt replied. He turned to Janice, who was still flushing in embarrassment. "Don't just stand there, Janice. Give the man a tip. A big one."

Janice kept her lips tightly pursed but did as she was told. She dug a five-dollar bill out of her purse and dropped it in the bartender's tip jar.

"Thank you, sirs," he said, assuming, as Matt had already figured out, that Janice was their servant.

"Matt," Janice chastised once they were away from the bar, "you simply must maintain some composure here."

"What the fuck for?" he asked. "Aren't we supposed to be a bunch of boozing, drug addict, Satanist badasses? I'm only acting the part."

"You're overacting," she said. "This is not the place for such shenanigans."

"Okay," he said. "Sorry. I'll try to maintain."

"Thank you," she said.

He looked around, as if scoping out the crowd. "So," he asked. "Where can we burn?"

"Burn?" Janice asked.

"Yeah," Matt said. "Me and Jake need to toke up one of these joints I brought."

Janice paled. "You brought marijuana here?"

"Of course," he said. "We're gonna watch a movie, ain't we? I don't ever watch movies without being stoned."

"You can't smoke marijuana here," Janet told him. "Go in the bathroom right now and flush it down the toilet!"

"The bathroom," Matt said. "What a brilliant idea. Thanks, Janice."

"What?" Janice said.

The other one of the champagne girls was passing by. Matt grabbed her arm. "Hey, beautiful," he said.

"Would you care for some champagne, sir?" she asked.

"Uh... sure," Matt said. He took a glass from her tray, quickly downed it, belched again, and then set it back down. "Thanks. But I what I really wanted is for you to tell me where the shitter is."

The champagne girl pursed her lips for the briefest of seconds before answering. "The... uh... men's facilities are located over there." She pointed. "Just down that hallway."

"Thanks, sweetie," Matt said, giving her a little pat on the butt. "Come on, Jake. Let's go burn one."

Jake was suppressing his laughter by now. "You bet," he said. "Let's do it."

"Jake, Matt," Janice hissed. "You can't... I mean... come back here!"

"We'll be back," Jake told her. "Have yourself a drink while we're gone."

The men's restroom was sparkling clean and smelled of lemons. Three tuxedoed men were standing around the sink as they entered, taking turns snorting cocaine from a small mirror. Jake recognized two of them: Michael Quinn, a teen heartthrob who had starred in numerous tough guy flicks, and Anthony Rentworst, a renowned director of such teen heartthrob movies. None of the three even looked up when the two musicians entered the room.

"Wassup, homies?" Matt asked them. "Got any spare blow for me and Jake here?"

Three identical looks of contemptuous disgust met this question. "No," said Quinn. "I think not."

Matt nodded. "I know how it is," he said. "The shit's expensive. You can't be sharing it with just anybody."

"Right," Quinn said. He turned back to the mirror and snorted his fill.

"Pricks," Matt muttered under his breath. With that, he reached into the jacket pocket of his suit and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He opened the box and removed a tightly rolled joint — a fat one. He put it in his mouth, put the cigarettes back in his pocket, and then pulled out a lighter that he used to spark up the joint. He took a tremendous and quite noisy hit.

The actor, the director, and the unknown person with them (we was Conner Bergman, another famous actor that neither Jake nor Matt recognized) all turned towards them as they heard the inhalation and smelled the pungent odor of the Humboldt Skunk Bud being burned. Their mouths dropped open in shock.

"You guys want a hit?" Matt squeaked, still holding the smoke in his lungs. "I'm not a Bogart."

They didn't answer. Keeping the look of shock and revulsion on their faces, they quickly gathered up their mirror, their straw, and their little silver box and made a beeline for the bathroom door. They didn't let it hit them in the ass on the way out.

"Fuckin' squares," Matt said as he passed the joint to Jake.

Jake took it but was laughing too hard to take a hit just yet. "You're fuckin' killing me, Matt," he said. "Oh shit. This is the most fun I've had since we went to that truck stop and you kicked Hathaway's ass."

They emerged from the restroom five minutes later, both of them reeking of skunk bud and red in the eyes, but in the proper mood for viewing a movie.

Even stoned, the movie wasn't very good. It was as predictable as the sunrise, full of lame clichés, and suffered from a myriad of plot holes and suspension of disbelief problems. About the only redeeming quality it featured was the two actresses who starred in it. They really were talented at their trade and the strained and sometimes violent interaction between them came across as the most genuine aspect of the entire production. And they were both quite alluring in starkly contrasting ways. Mindy's character was cute and cuddly, syrupy sweet. The kind of girl who would like puppies and holding hands at sunset, who would wear a promise ring and actually keep the promise. Veronica's character was sultry and tempting, foul-mouthed, a risqué dresser, a girl who thought nothing of giving it up on a first date, or even before a first date. Of course, the predictable aspect of the movie guaranteed that Mindy's character was the one who ultimately ended up with Mark Dennison's character. And, of course, the Veronica character was shown the consequences of the lifestyle she was leading (in the form of an AIDS scare she got when a former lover told her he had tested positive) and vowed to become more like the Mindy character. And of course all three of them became the best of friends and shared a group hug in the end, this despite the fact that the Veronica character had slept with the Mark Dennison character while he was the Mindy character's boyfriend and the Mark character had thought, for a short time, that he might have AIDS because of this.

The audience either didn't notice the film's shortcomings or pretended not to. Everyone applauded wildly when the closing credits began to roll. They even gave a standing ovation. And afterward, when they filtered back out into the lobby and began to sip from their drinks and munch on the appetizers, nobody had anything but praise for the film, especially when in earshot of one of the stars.

Once most of the party-goers had filtered through and congratulated all the cast members who were present, Mindy drifted across the room until she was standing next to Jake and Matt, who were in the process of sipping from their fourth drinks and annihilating the salami and cheese table.

"Hi, guys," she said brightly, her chocolate brown eyes shining in that innocent and endearing way. "What did you think of the film? Did you like it?"

"It was uh... not bad, overall," Jake said. "Your acting was superb."

"Thank you," she said, blushing a little. "And what about the storyline? Just 'not bad'?"

"Well, I'm sure the writers worked very hard on it," Jake said.

"I was disappointed," Matt said from around a mouthful of food.

"Oh?" Mindy asked. "Why is that?"

"There wasn't a single bare titty in the whole flick," he said. "There wasn't even an ass shot."

Mindy giggled. "Is that how you rate your movies, Matt?" she asked. "By how many nudity scenes are in them?"

"Fuckin' aye," he said. "I can't give a flick a thumbs-up unless they show some ass, tits, or gash."

"I'll keep that in mind for my next film," she said, smiling.

"You do that," Matt told her. "In fact, you and Veronica should think about doing a dyke-out scene. I bet that would get you a sold-out opening weekend."

"I'm sure you're right," she said. "But that wouldn't maintain my sweet innocent image very well, would it?"

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Kevin And Dean Go Camping

Kevin and Dean, were best friends, grew up togetherand have been very close all there lives. When Kevin’s parentsagreed to let him go up to the mountains to stay with Dean atDeans parents cabin, the boys were ready for a rocking Weekend.After all, they were very eager to go and Dean just got his driverslicense three months ago. This was the first time that theywould have a weekend of fun and relaxation away from there par-ents.They planed this weekend perfectly. The made sure that theybrought...

1 year ago
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Why’d I check out Flirty Mania Plus? Well, every day I turn on the news and hear about more shit the pandemic has fucked up. Weirdly, the talking heads on the tube never seem to address my main concern: getting my rocks off in the age of social distancing. The usual Tinder fatties in my town have been replaced by conspiracy theorists and pneumonia-plagued hospital patients, so naturally, I’ve been spending a lot of time on the webcam sites.FlirtyMania+ is a webcam site where you can beat off to...

Live Sex Cam Sites
2 years ago
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AmlieChapter 20 The Child

[Undated entry] Martinique / Oxford, Oxfordshire RAPE WAS INEVITABLE. On the island of her birth she knew this hard truth from the moment she entered the salon at her first master’s invitation to greet his guests after their dinner. It wasn’t really an invitation. Slaves are instructed, they are ordered. They are not invited. This would not be the first time Sandrine had joined her master and a guest or two. She accepted it because she had no alternative. Her master was an attentive lover,...

3 years ago
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Fucked Whole Family Lovingly Part I

Hi friends, this is amit for the first time uploading my experience of incest,but i am a regular reader of iss,,,,,,,,,,,,,first of all i thought all the stories are imagination but now i came to know that they all were real.Highly obliged for the spelling mistakes………Now story…….. I am a boy of age 20,with a normal body,fair complexion,captain of my college team,and a 6″ long and 2.5″ in diameter penis when erect. Before 12th i didn’t like watching blue films at all,,,but after passing 12th...

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Urban Legend

We all know the type of stories, they start with "it happened to a friend of a friend." This is a story about an ordinary guy named Bob. Bob married his high school sweetheart shortly after finishing school and getting his first job. They were reasonably happily married but come year seven of their marriage and his wife got the itch and got it bad. Bob drove trucks for a living and while most of his work was around town he took at least one longer job a month to make some extra money. His...

1 year ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 34

The final two weeks before the girls' fifteenth birthday were the most hectic time I could remember. The Fifteen-Year hormone, as I called it, increased tremendously, whipping the girls into a fever pitch. For most of the girls it was a very enjoyable time. They were clearly polygamous, so they had no problems jumping the bones of any male in the house they caught alone ... or together. Being the night-prowling voyeur I was, I saw just about every combination of male and female you could...

1 year ago
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My Sister Inlaw

Every couple of years my wife's family has a reunion of sorts-I like them and we all get along for the most part so I have fun at these things. We all get along except for my sister inlaw and her husband. She is a real snooty bitch. Kate is her name and she thinks she knows everything, everything she has is better than anyone else's. Her k**s are better. Here husband is just like her. I get a headache just thinking about her. And she is ugly too, while my wife is hot. I can't believe these two...

4 years ago
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The Aunty Diaries 8211 Shobha Aunty

Hello friends. Throughout my growing up years I have been imagining and making up many stories of having sex with a lot of real life people I had lusted (mostly aunties). Most of these aunties are our neighbours, family friends or neighbourhood girls. I would imagine about them and then run to toilet to throw out my load. I was a very shy and decent boy from outside but a sex maniac from inside. Now I am 28, but still imagining those stories makes me hard and I masturbate. Here I am sharing...

1 year ago
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Play time is over

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey all have a good read and don't worry your pretty little heads this story is just that a story. My sister was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen when we were growing up. Gina was only a little older than me, but she matured long before I did. By the time my cock started reacting to female flesh, my sister had a body that was driving older boys and men crazy. To me, it was pure torture in my own home. My first hard-ons were caused by her. I don't know...

1 year ago
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Forbidden FantasiesChapter 11

Bill was at work and Taylor was out with Ken. Bobby and Karen went to her bedroom and they took turns taking each other’s clothes off. They had done this a few times. Karen loved the feel of her son stripping her naked. She got chills when he would remove her panties and she would finally be completely naked and displayed herself to her son. Karen always felt a little guilty that Bill wasn’t home but she could not help herself when Bobby would ask her if she wanted to play. She hadn’t told...

2 years ago
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Laura 1

The kids have grown up thinking that nudity in the house is normal. This has occasionally caused minor problems, such as when they started to go on sleep-overs with their school friends, or when they invited friends home after school, but they accepted our explanation that what we were comfortable with was not acceptable to most other families. I kissed my wife, yelled “Hi” to the kids, then walked back into the house to take off my clothes. Back beside the pool I handed Cathy a glass of...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 133

As with Ekaterina, Irena was gone by the time Adam emerged from the shower. The site owner was happy with the scene and Adam and Karlie went on their way. "What a weird set up," Karlie remarked on the drive home. "What do you mean?" Adam asked. "The translator is Irena's aunt," Karlie said. "I mean, that's just odd, don't you think?" "She's probably part chaperone, too," Adam guessed. "That part makes sense. But I'm not sure I would be cool with my aunt coming to a...

3 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 15

Earth Lehua, Hawaii August 13, 2019 15:02 HST (21:02 EDT) My sisters were very excited, and I think Omar, Yuki and my mom were as well. They’re just better at hiding it. I found that with my long neck, I was able to get a good look at myself. Where Ilnod was a carmine red like his mother, my scales were varied in color. I wasn’t quite rainbow colored, but it was close. There were small swept back spines running along my back and all the way down my tail where they tapered off into a large,...

1 year ago
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BangBus Misty Quinn Misty8217s Big Ass Rides The Bus

The Bus is working hard for you and came up big today. While cruising the beach we came across Misty. She was of Brazilian mix and the prove with in that big juicy of hers. She also had a pair of amazing tits and gorgeous skin color. As usual, she was hesitant when we approached her until she saw the wad of cash we had. Her eyes literally lit up. We had her do a few sexy stunts for us and she started racking up the money. We knew we had something special when she actually flashed a boat passing...

2 years ago
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Seduced And Had First Anal Sex With Cousin

Hi readers…. Like lot of you I am a vivid reader of Indian sex stories and have a lot of fantasies… Today I am going to share my sex experience which I had with my cousin. Hey guys this is my first story here it’s a real story. Myself arjun I am 23 years old typical south indian guy…This story s between me and my cousin sister she s 3-4 years elder than me…She s my mother’s brother daughter… She is from our native village. She came to our home for her higher studies.. When she came to our...

3 years ago
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Please Help Me Out

Ujala lives across the hall. She and her husband moved in a few months ago and I visit with her in the hallway or laundry room once in a while. She is noticeably pregnant with their first child and hopes it is a boy to make her husband happy. One day not too long ago she and I were alone in the laundry room. She seemed anxious so I asked her if something was wrong. Her English is getting better but I have to listen carefully when she speaks because of her accent. She was too polite to...

3 years ago
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Ride to fullfillment1

tonight is different... you got on later than I did, and you looked round the carriage, I’m the only other person in it.... you surprise me by coming and sitting opposite me... as I look up at you, you glance at me and smile...... even trying to concentrate on my book I can feel your presence..Smell your perfume... you cross your legs and I can see your skirt slide up your thigh... I can’t take my eyes off your legs, and I can see your wearing stockings and suspenders!! The train is moving...

2 years ago
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Project Worker

Armed with a clipboard, I would have the keys to each flat in a big bunch, which I could use if no one answered my knocking or bell ringing. Most of the flats were usually empty, people out to work or at college. One flat though,Flat 3, I was expecting to be occupied. it was rented by a guy called David, along with two other people. They shared the kitchen and bathroom, but each had their own bedroom. Knew David would be in because he didn't much care for working or studying, preferring...

3 years ago
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Sluty hot MIL AND SIL visiting for the weekend qu

So my mother in law and s*s in law our in town. They are both smoking hot and sluty. Mil is 56 5"5curvy frame lbs big 36Ds nice legs wide hips and sexy ass short brown hair, Sil 20 5"6 135 sexy b cups phat phat ass so we all went to dinner and our the girls were pounding drinks all night long as the night went on they trashed and being extra flirty well sluty towards me when my wife wasn't around or paying attention. Teasing me when they could I even danced with the my MIL my cock was growing...

4 years ago
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My Best fantasy py2

Firstly Thank you for the comments it means a lot to me, i will now try and improve….lol So i have just sucked and swallowed my 1st cock, and wow it was amazing. I got up from the bed gave the mans wife a quick kiss again saying ‘thank you’ left the bedroom and made my way to the kitchen for a drink. As i poured my Drink a voice said ‘That was some performance you gave, well done you’ It was the Hostess, ‘sorry i did not speak much when you arrived only as you could see i was a liitle busy...

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My Gorgeous Khalas Sexual Endeavors

My Khala (mums sister) is 34 years old with a figure of 36, 30, 38 she is one gorgeous, warm heart, kind, open minded and dam hot. She’s the favourite person out of the family; everybody loves to be around her, particularly me as she is my favourite aunt. My Khala has two daughters however she’s been having issues with her jackass of a husband for a while and seeks to speak to me about anything and everything that bothers her as she feels most comfortable with me. Khala’s been in the search for...

4 years ago
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Widowed Mom Son 8211 Part 2

Ek baar phir se swagat hain dosto main deepak aapka phir se welcome karta hoon jaisa ki aapne meri pichli story me padha tha ki meri mom widow hain or mere sath rehti hain or main bank me job karta hoon Maine aapko meri pichli story me bataya ki kaise maine meri maa ko sleeping pills dekar unke sarir ke sath khela tha unko choda nahi tha sirf ek footjob liya tha or unko nanga karke dekha bas ye story uske aage likh raha hoon Maine phir meri mom ko jagaya or wo bathroom me chali gai dosto main...

2 years ago
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Your sister is 19 years old and a sophomore in college. She is very athletic and plays on the woman's volleyball team at D1 level. The volleyball has given her a really nice butt and a overall athletic body. She also has a nice pair of tits, you sometimes wonder if they don't slow her down. Even tough she plays volleyball, she's not very tall, only standing a 5'4". If that wasn't enough she also has a really cute face with the most beautiful blue eyes ever seen and nice brown hair that she...

3 years ago
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Prijateljicin napaljeni sin net

Imam 46 godina. Poprilicno sam niska – negdje oko 164 cm. Imam bujne grudi i smedju kosu. Poprilicno mlada sam ostala sama bez muskarca. Cesto sam se druzila sa svojom veoma dobrom prijateljicom. Ona ima sina mladjeg od mene 17 godina. Cesto smo se vidjale i naravno cesto je sa nama bio i njen sin. Primijetila sam da me od malena nekako pohotno gledao. Kada dodjem kod njih on malo posjedi sa nama – zagleda se u mene i onda se izgubi u WC-u. Narocito sam primijetila da se cesto zagleda u moja...

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The SmithChapter 4 Eagle

“Starting today and continuing for the next month, this is your list of daily duties. You may ask for my advice at any time.” Thirty minutes of swimming twice a day, once before breakfast and once in the afternoon or evening. Attend breakfast at 8:00. Clean up after all meals. Complete assigned homework Prepare lunch and dinner. Lunch needs to be served between 12:05 pm and 12:30 pm and dinner between 18:00 pm and 18:30 pm. Write up a paper on each station in the workshop. You have...

2 years ago
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A Girl Who Desires Part 2

Part 1 of this story is called "A Girl Who Knows" it can be found here on my profile page inferis.A Girl Who DesiresBefore her was a lush green field speckled with the deep purples and pinks of wildflowers. Beyond the field stood a tall tree line of dark boding evergreens. Despite the size and grandeur of these trees the mountain loomed over all. The mountain looked like something Julie could only expect to see in a movie or some far off land. None the less there it stood before her with its...

1 year ago
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Good Solutions Part 7

It was totally unexpected when it happened. Laura was at the table chopping the peppers when she turned around to get a bowl for the salad. Right behind her, Cathy was just getting up after stowing the Basmati Rice in the bottom of the pantry. As Cathy straightened up, Laura turned directly into her. It happened so fast that neither woman had any time to adjust their respective paths. Laura was turning and, on impact, both women gasped in shock. Cathy’s eyes closed and she caught her breath....

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HandsOnHardcore Lola Fae Hot Teen DPed By Her Stepfather And His Friend

Being at college all day long can be boring from time to time, and it’s no wonder why Lola couldn’t wait for the final bell to ring to run away towards her neighbor. The look on his face was priceless when he saw a but plug in her ass. This kinky slut was horny all day long, and she couldn’t wait to be filled up in both holes. Double penetration is something she fantasied about for a long time, and guess what? Her stepdad appeared and came up with an exciting proposal she...

1 year ago
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Before blessing my fantasy Part 1

Blessing Opara worked as the Librarian at the local high school. She worked there since college. She and her husband Jude moved to this town after the birth of their first child. Blessing was 27 and kept her 5-foot, 4-inch frame in excellent shape. Eleven months ago she had her third child and continued to breastfeed. This helped Blessing maintain her low weight at 135 pounds. Blessing felt that most of that weight was in her 38D breasts that had grown to 42DD since breast- feeding. Her husband...

Erotic Fiction
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Her Inner Slut

Introduction: Wife and husband live out fantasy Her Inner Slut I should have known when my wife told me that I really didnt want to release the inner slut in her that I should have listened. But I was blinded by her newfound sexuality in our relationship and I was just having a good time. I guess I should begin this tale with some background about our relationship and us. I had moved to Las Vegas and met Carol when she was 32 years old. She was a beauty, blonde, 5ft, 115lbs, small perky...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Pet Part 1 Slut Puppy editio

You wake up your very own dog bed, on the bedroom floor next to daddy's own double bed. You're naked, apart from your tagged little collar with your name tag on it, and you're wearing a decent size plug in your tight little ass.. A plug with a long, fur tail on it... You've been sleeping well. Having some wet dreams... The room is hot enough that you can sleep comfortably naked, just like daddy does on the bed. You can feel the sticky wetness on your fingers, and you know you've touched...

3 years ago
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Holiday Slavery

H O L I D A Y B O N D A G E Chapter 1: Introduction and Arrival A vacation on a tropical cruise ship sounded like a great idea to me! Andeven more so when my Mistress added, "As well as swimming, sunbathing and visitingsome islands, we could have some fun by ourselves in the evenings, becauseI'll book us into a private stateroom!" It was this "fun by ourselves" thatreally excited me -- as her bondage slave (and loving it!), I needed littleimagination to know exactly what she meant! The first...

4 years ago
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Boxing Clever

It’s unbearably hot as the mid afternoon sun beats down onto the garden. We certainly made a bad decision to re-lay the lawn on this particular Sunday. The sweat is pouring out of me as I lay down another roll of grass. Thankfully, the job is nearly over. “One more roll should do it, Alf. Will you do the honours mate?”Alf nods and heads off in the direction of the garage where the turf has been stored. I decide to take a breather and pull up a seat at the garden table. Alf is soon back, a huge...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 23

After returning home I drifted into a boring routine. I tried to be patient, but it was impossible. I checked the mail three times a day. I was looking for anything from the Controller, or the Phone Sex Lady. I had two super secret Email accounts, and two separate burn phones. It was complicated but manageable. I loved the fucking intrigue, if the truth be known. Neither of the two people I was working with sent small talk emails so I got no email at all in either file for almost a week. I...

3 years ago
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My Night With Dianna

It was about 2:30am. Dianna wasn't home yet. That's my wife. She's 5'4", 38-28-37. Rubenesque to say the least. Red curls and green eyes. The silkiest skin I've ever fondled. I'm sure every man feels that way. At least any man she's ever met. Dianna is a fucking slut-whore. And it makes me hard just thinking about it. At 2:35 I heard the front door open. I heard Dianna's sparkling giggle. There seemed to be a bumping and stumbling commotion. I got out of bed and went down the hallway. I turned...

3 years ago
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Cars make me wet

It was a warm day and as I turned off into the car park, the urge to have a quick masturbation almost mad me pee myself.I was as horny as hell, so my inhibitions were so low I did not give a shit, I just wanted to have an orgasm.I am a woman who likes her sex, but if I am honest, I love a good pussy rub more, I control the where, why, and how, throw in the timing, tempo, and pace, and you have the ultimate in 'Frigging', not to mention the being caught in public, where again I control the if's...

2 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 88

Flashback – Ben – Back at the formerly captured hospital I called my improvised sniper team, complete with the M25s, over and ordered, “The fucking towelheads are using the remaining piece of that building to hide behind.” I pointed to the wall which was about five feet high. I continued, “I’m going to use the M107 to start blowing some fucking holes in the wall and the fragments from the wall should kill most of the towelheads. The ones who try to escape will make great practice targets for...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Katy Jayne British MILF Beauty Katy Jayne Gets Anal Facial Action

Katy Jayne GAPES her ass for Manuel’s huge cock! Katy’s a seasoned slut from the UK that knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to beg for it. She’s topless, wearing only black lace panties, matching stockings, and high heels as she stares at herself in the mirror and shows off her curvaceous body. Katy plays with her giant 32G tits then turns around to reveal that her panties are actually crotchless! We gaze at her bulbous booty and through the slit in the middle of her panties we can see a...


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