IntemperanceChapter 8A: Imagery free porn video

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June 28, 1983
John F. Kennedy Airport
New York City, New York

The limousine stopped as close to the Nationwide Airlines terminal as possible. The driver had been instructed not to open the door for them. That would only attract attention. The hope was to get through the airport lobby and security checkpoint as anonymously and unobtrusively as possible. It was a slim hope at best, but a hope nonetheless.

Jake opened the door and stepped out. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a button up short-sleeve shirt. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes. His long hair was tucked up under a San Francisco Giants baseball cap. He carried a simple duffle bag in his right hand.

Stepping out behind him was Janice Boxer — the National Records publicity department agent who had accompanied the band on their tour, coordinating autograph session and radio station interviews. The end of the Descent Into Nothing tour of 1983 had apparently, and unfortunately, not been the end of the band's association with Janice. It had only been the beginning. She had been named as Intemperance's head publicist. And even though the tour was over there was lots of publicity to cash in on.

Intemperance had the most popular song in the nation right now. After Who Needs Love? had peaked at number four The Point of Futility was released and had shot up the charts like it had been fired from a cannon. It had been at number one for the past three weeks and was showing no signs of giving up its position just yet. Nor was that the only chart Intemperance was atop of. Descent Into Nothing — the album — had been number one on the album sales chart for eleven weeks now and was still selling as fast as National Records could ship copies to the stores. It had gone platinum back in May, just six months after its release, and was predicted to go double platinum around late November.

This popularity, coupled with the morbid publicity that was still going strong from the Spinning Rock article meant that National Records was doing everything within its powers and within the vast boundaries of its contract with the band to keep Intemperance in the forefront of the public's mind. The band members were being flown all over the country — individually, in pairs, and all five at once — to attend everything from record store openings to local television news interviews to nationally syndicated telecasts. The band had appeared on Saturday Night Live and American Bandstand. Jake and Matt had been interviewed for two hours on Rockline. On this particular trip Jake had been sent solo to the seventy-two story NTV building in New York City where he was subjected to a particularly inflammatory and caustic interview by Brad Cummins of the renowned Wake Up USA show. He was still seething from the treatment he had received at the veteran interviewer's hands.

"Don't you believe that this so-called music you produce is a deliberate attempt to foment the corruption of the youth of America?" had been one question. And before Jake could even complete a sentence of his reply, Cummins began retorting. "Oh come now! You make songs about drug use and Satanism. You make videos that glorify protest and serial killers and satanic rituals. Tell me something. Is it all just an act to sell records or do you really believe in all of this?"

And of course, Jake had stammered and stuttered at this point because there was no way to answer that question without seeming to admit that he was either in favor of Satanism or at least pretending to be. The end result of this was that he came across to a nationwide audience like a stoned out moron, which was exactly what Cummins had intended. The interview had only been five minutes but it was five minutes that had been among the longest of Jake's life.

"Can you believe that asshole," Jake asked Janice as they entered the terminal building. "Shouting a bunch of accusatory questions at me and then interrupting while I'm trying to respond? They call that journalism?"

"No," Janice said. "They call it entertainment. That's all television news is. He's not a journalist, he's an actor, and a damn good one at that. He was given his lines by the people who produce the show and he read them off to you, just like an actor is supposed to."

"Did you know he was going to do that?" Jake asked her.

"Well, of course," she said, rolling her eyes a little. "That's his style. Don't you ever watch Wake Up USA?"

"No. I don't."

"Don't feel too bad. He's done that same shtick to presidential candidates, heads of state, veteran actors and actresses, judges, lawyers, you name it. And some of them came off looking even worse than you did up there."

They began to walk through the terminal, heading toward the line at the security checkpoint. Other people milled around, moving in different direction, heading for different parts of the building. A voice overhead announced arrivals and departures.

"If you knew he was going to do that," Jake asked, "then why didn't you at least warn me beforehand?"

"Warn you?" she asked. "Why would I warn you? You performed perfectly. You came across exactly the way we wanted. I couldn't have scripted you any better than that."

"You wanted me to look like an idiot up there?" he asked, grappling with his temper.

"Idiot is not the word I would use," she said. "Disorganized, unremorseful, defiant. That's what we wanted."

"That's what you wanted?"

"Of course," she said. "It not your fans who are watching Wake Up USA — your fans are still in bed at that hour — it's their parents. We need to keep their parents outraged at you as much as possible. The more disgusted with you the parents are, the more albums the kids will buy."

This was an old subject for Jake and the rest of the band. The old image is what sells your music argument. Jake didn't hold to it anymore now than he had when they'd tried to change his name to JD King. They made good music, music that people liked to listen to over and over again. That was why Descent Into Nothing had sold 1.3 million copies. That was why The Point of Futility was sitting firmly at the number one position. Not because Jake had once snorted cocaine out of a groupie's ass or because that moron producer had made some horrible videos. And certainly not because some asshole actor on a television show had made him look like an idiot.

But you couldn't tell that to people like Acardio or Janice or even Shaver, their agent. They claimed complete and total credit for the runaway success of Intemperance — a success that had surpassed even their most optimistic imaginings during the early stages of the contract. In their view a band that was promoted correctly with the proper amount of parental outrage and controversy simply had to produce palatable music in order for success to occur. They would make the admittedly compelling argument of Kiss in order to make their point. Musically, Kiss was beyond simple, edging into the territory of hopelessly mundane. All of their songs used the same basic guitar riffs and employed the same style of bland, formulistic lyrics. If not for the make-up and the blood spitting and the outfits, Kiss wouldn't have sold a thousand albums nationwide. Jake knew this was true, of course. Any real lover of music looked at bands like Kiss with contempt. But Kiss was also an anomaly, the one true example of image overcoming artistic ability. Just because the formula had been successful once, record execs had mistakenly concluded that that was the key and tried to duplicate it with every band they signed. The popularity of MTV and music videos in general was only making this trend worse. When the record companies failed to successfully promote an image-only band successfully, they blamed it on poor publicity or on the public not being quite ready for that particular image. And when a band did become successful because of good music — like Ozzy, like Dio, like Motley Crue, like Intemperance — they assumed that their image shaping had simply been a success this time.

"Dude," a voice said on Jake's left. "Aren't you... like... Jake Kingsley, dude?"

Jake suppressed a sigh and put a smile on his face as he turned and beheld two young men in their late teens. They were dressed like college kids heading off somewhere for summer vacation, which was to say they were dressed similarly to Jake himself.

"That's me," Jake told them, already reaching for the pen he habitually kept in his back pocket for just such occasions.

"Dude," the first young man said, his eyes shining. "This is, like, so awesome. Can I get your autograph, dude?"

"Sure," Jake told him, pulling out the pen. "You got something for me to sign?"

The young man handed over his airline ticket stub. Jake asked his name.

"It's Mike," he said. "Mike Millen."

"How do you spell it?"

Mike looked at him strangely. "Uh... M-I-K-E, dude."

"No, I mean your last name," Jake said.

"Oh," Mike said, hitting himself in the forehead. "Like... duh." He spelled it out.

Jake scratched out a variation of his standard autograph scrawl: To my friend Mike Millen, Keep rockin, dude. Jake Kingsley.

Mike's friend was Jason. Jake signed his airline stub as well.

"Thanks, dude," Jason said. "You really rock, man. I was at your MSG gig. Heard you had a real good time after it, you know?"

"Yeah," Jake said. "I know. Take it easy, guys."

They thanked him, told him he rocked one last time and then wandered off, comparing each other's autographs. Jake hoped that would be the end of it, but of course it wasn't. Others had noticed the interaction and had homed in on it. Many had probably been asking themselves if that could be Jake Kingsley over there but had not been sure enough to approach and ask. Now that they saw him signing autographs for Jason and Mike, their suspicions were confirmed and their fears of approaching a celebrity were assuaged. Within seconds there were more than twenty people clustered about him, all of them chattering away and pushing airline stubs or other scraps of paper in his face.

Jake started signing, asking each person's name and how to spell it and then scrawling out basically the same thing he'd scrawled for Jason and Mike. He passed a few words with each person, shook each hand, and remained polite and soft-spoken. When they asked questions he answered as briefly and as vaguely as possible. And, of course, as always seemed to happen when he stepped out into public these days, the small crowd continued to swell as other people drifted over to see what all the fuss was about, as people leaving the crowd reported to those outside of it that it was Jake Kingsley in there. He began to get claustrophobic as they pushed in at him from all sides, as they all tried to speak at once. His hand began to cramp up after about the thirtieth signing. And, as always also happened, a few people pushed their way through not to get his autograph but to express their disapproval at what he was and what he represented.

"God will punish you harshly come the judgment," said a middle-aged woman dressed in a frumpy ankle-length skirt. "You'll burn in the fires of hell for eternity!"

"Well, at least I won't have to worry about what to wear," he replied blandly.

"Rapist!" shouted another woman, this one college age and wearing a Cornhuskers T-shirt. "Stay away from this pig, girls. He's nothing but a common sex criminal."

Jake didn't have to answer this one. Several members of the crowd spoke up for him.

"He can sex crime me any time he wants," said one young lady.

"You're just mad he won't snort coke out of your fat ass," said a young man.

This led to a shouting match between the Cornhuskers girl and the actual fans, which quickly escalated into something like a pushing match. That was when Jake decided enough was enough.

"Listen, folks," he said, raising his voice loud enough for all to hear. "I really need to get checked in for my flight. Sorry I couldn't get to everyone."

With that he pushed his way out of the crowd and headed for the security checkpoint once again, Janice trailing silently behind him. There were a few pleas from those who had not gotten their autographs and even a few angry words about how Jake was forgetting where he came from. Jake didn't look back.

"You didn't have to be so huffy to them," Janice chided. "They are your fans, after all."

Jake ignored her. If she would've had her way he would've stayed there for six hours signing something for every person in the airport.

There was a short line at the security checkpoint. The people waiting in it all stared at him and whispered among themselves, but none of them talked to him. The two security guards manning the checkpoint, however, seemed very interested in him. One of them spoke into his phone, covering his mouth and glancing over at Jake as he came closer and closer.

When Jake and Janice got to the front of the line and put their bags on the conveyer the guards let them run through the machine and then took both of them off and set them to the side. After they walked through the metal detector the guard who had been on the phone asked them if they could step over to the side for a minute.

"Is there a problem?" Jake asked.

"I don't know," the guard asked arrogantly. "Is there?"

Jake sighed. Janice seemed about to say something but changed her mind.

Within a minute two uniformed police officers arrived, one of them a sergeant. They conferred in whispers with the two security guards for a moment and then walked over to Jake.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to search through your carry-on luggage," the sergeant told them.

"What for?" Janice asked.

"The officers noticed some strange items in the X-ray," they were told. "We just want to take a closer look."

"Bullshit," Jake said. "They were on the phone to you before we even put our bags through."

He looked at Jake mildly. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said. "But even if that was the case, you are subject to search in this airport. I believe you might've seen signs to that effect when you came in?"

Jake shrugged. "Go ahead," he said. "But there aren't any drugs in there. All you're gonna find are my dirty underwear and some shampoo samples I swiped from the hotel."

They went ahead, pawing through everything in both Jake and Janice's bags in full view of the other people making their way through the checkpoint. They held up Janice's panties and even felt the lining. They opened up Jake's electric razor and sniffed the inside of it. When they failed to find anything incriminating they had both of them submit to search of their person.

"I will certainly be sending a letter to your chief about this," Janice huffed as they made her turn out her pockets and dump the contents out onto a tray.

"You do that," the cop said as he commenced patting her down.

They did the same to Jake, who dumped his cigarettes, his lighter, his wallet, and two dollars in small change out for them. When it was over they didn't apologize for the inconvenience. They simply told them they could enter the terminal and then they left.

"The nerve of those people," Janice fumed as they made their way into the terminal. "Searching me. We'll just see what my husband has to say about all this when we get back."

"He'll just try to get it written up in the newspaper somewhere," Jake said. "Jake Kingsley suspected of drug smuggling at JFK. Cops unable to find his stash."

"Hey," Janet said, brightening. "That's not a bad idea."

Jake just shook his head and showed his boarding pass to the security agent guarding access to the first class lounge.

They waited in the lounge for about twenty minutes. Through it all Jake could see people pointing at him, whispering about him, much of it, he was sure, disapproving in tone. The other first class passengers were mostly older types wearing suits or business dresses. They probably weren't Intemperance fans. None of them came over to talk or ask for an autograph.

The aircraft was a Boeing 747 and the first class section was on the upper deck, just behind the cockpit. They climbed up the steps and went to their assigned seats. Jake and Janice were in the second row on the left side. Janice claimed the window seat, leaving Jake on the aisle. He stretched out and tried to relax a little as the rest of the first class passengers found their own seats. No sooner had he settled in than a tall, clean-cut man wearing a white uniform and cap emerged from the cockpit and walked directly over to him.

"You're Jake Kingsley, right?" the man asked, glaring down at him.

"Yeah," he said. "I am."

"I'm Captain Simmons," the man said. "I'm in command of this aircraft."

"Uh... okay," Jake said. "Nice to meet you, Captain." He held out his right hand.

Simmons just looked at it. "You're not going to cause any trouble on this flight, are you?"

Jake let his hand drop. "I wasn't planning on it," he said. "What sort of trouble was it that you were thinking I'd cause?"

"Drunken behavior, lecherousness, drugs, Satanism. I won't put up with any of that on my aircraft."

"Satanism?" Jake asked. "You were afraid I'd have a satanic ritual on your aircraft?"

"Don't be smart with me, boy," Simmons told him. "You just keep your nose clean up here. There's any trouble from you, I'll land at the nearest airport and have the FBI take you into custody."

Jake sighed. "I'll keep that in mind," he said.

"You do that," Simmons said. "My flight attendants have been instructed to keep an eye on you."

With that he turned and walked back into the cockpit, closing the door behind him.

He wasn't gone more than ten seconds before one of the flight attendants in question came over to him. She was a redhead, in her early twenties, and possessed a body that filled out her red and white uniform quite nicely.

"Hi," she told him, leaning down so close she was flirting with violating Jake's personal space. "I'm Laura. I'll be your flight attendant. I'd just like to tell you that I really love your music."

"Thanks," Jake said, giving her a smile.

"I tried to catch your show in LA but all three dates were sold out."

"Well, maybe next time," Jake said.

"Do you think you could sign your autograph for me?" she asked.

"You bet," Jake told her, taking out his pen. "Do you have something for me to sign?"

She giggled a little. "Oh I got lots of things for you to sign," she said. "But for now, I guess we'll have to make do with this." She tore off a page from her order book and handed it to him.

"What's your last name, Laura?" he asked.

"Grover," she told him.

He had her spell it and then wrote, To Laura Grover, the best damn flight attendant in the sky. Keep on rockin, Jake Kingsley. He handed it back to her.

She read it and then giggled again and made it disappear into her pocket. "Thanks, Jake," she told him. "Now can I get either one of you a drink while we're waiting for the coach section to board?"

"I'll have a bloody Mary," Janice said. "A strong bloody Mary."

"You got it," she said, noting that down. "And what about you, Jake? Do you want a bloody Mary as well?"

"No, I'll just have..."

"How about some Chivas and Coke?" she offered. "I read in that article your agent put in Rock Star magazine that you love Chivas and Coke."

"Uh... no, thanks," he said. "I'll just have some coffee."

"Coffee?" she said, disappointed. "Just coffee?"

"It's only ten in the morning," he said. "I wouldn't want to get drunk this early. Who knows what might happen. I might start having a satanic ritual or something."

She giggled yet again, casting a knowing look towards the cockpit. "Right," she said, winking at him. "I get you."

When she returned four minutes later and set the steaming cup of coffee down before him she winked again. "Just the way you like it," she said. She then gave Janice her bloody Mary and headed off down the aisle to get more drink orders.

The coffee smelled funny to Jake. He found out why when he took the first sip. It was heavily spiked with whiskey, whiskey that tasted suspiciously like Chivas Regal. He shook his head in consternation and drank it anyway. What the hell? It's what they expect of me.

Ten minutes after they reached cruising altitude Laura propositioned him.

"Do you want to come back and see the flight attendant quarters?" she whispered in his ear.

"Uh... no, thanks," he told her. "I thought maybe I'd just get a little sleep."

"But I'll show you everything," she said. She looked around and, seeing no one paying undo attention, added, "Including the bathroom that we use, if you know what I mean." She blew softly in his ear as she said this.

He, of course, knew what she meant. And, as intriguing as the thought of joining the mile-high club with a stewardess might be, he didn't think it would be a terribly good idea right now, not with the scrutiny the captain had told him he was under. "I don't think that's a good idea, Laura," he said. "We might get caught. And if we did, they'd fire you, wouldn't they? I wouldn't want to be responsible for that."

"We won't get caught," she said. "Trust me. And even if we did, it would be worth it."

"I'll... uh... have to take a rain check on that," he said. "Sorry."

She pouted a little but didn't push the issue any further. At least not yet.

What she did do was keep feeding him drinks. She gave him another cup of spiked coffee and then a Chivas and Coke. By the time he finished these he was starting to buzz, his better judgment retreating towards the back of his brain... again.

It was after his fifth drink, as they were cruising at 38,000 feet over central Missouri, and as Janice was snoring lightly beside him, that he gave in. He exchanged a few words with Laura, receiving his instructions, and then she disappeared. He waited five minutes and then stood up and walked back to the far end of the first class section, past the staircase and into the flight attendant's quarters. There was a warming kitchen, several coffee pots, and a bar back here. The bartender was a fortyish woman who looked at him knowingly.

"I think you need the bathroom, don't you?" she asked him, giving a wink. "It's that door right there. Just go on in."

He went on in. Laura was waiting for him there, her pantyhose and panties wadded up and tossed into the small sink, lust in her eyes. She kissed him hotly, sticking her tongue into his mouth. He let his hands go to work, squeezing her bare ass with one, fingering her wet vagina with the other. She moaned into his mouth and then broke the embrace. She dropped to her knees, unbuttoning his jeans and tugging them to his feet. She took his hardness into her mouth and began to suck, delivering a blowjob with a precision and skill that equaled that of the best groupie he'd been with.

She brought him nearly to the brink and then suddenly pulled free.

"Sit on the toilet," she hissed at him. "I want to fuck you."

He sat on the toilet. She stepped forward and pulled up her skirt, showing him that she was indeed a natural redhead. She squatted over him and started to lower herself down. He grabbed her butt and stopped her.

"Wait a second," he told her.

"What?" she asked, panting.

"I need to put a rubber on," he said, reaching down to extract his wallet from his pants. He never left home without at least two condoms in there.

"You don't need that," she told him, trying to force herself down now that one of his hands had come free. "I'm on the pill."

"Actually, I do need it," he said, pushing her back up a little. "It's in my contract."

"In your contract?" she asked, confused.

"Yeah," he said, finally getting the wallet. "One of those clauses they put in. You know how it is?"

While she puzzled over this he extracted the wallet and then the condom from within it. It was not actually a part of his contract of course, but he'd had enough lectures on the horrors of sexually transmitted diseases and paternity suits to make sure he never rode bareback. He opened the condom and rolled it expertly into place.

Laura sighed a little. Though Jake would never know it, she actually was not on the pill and was in fact in the middle of the most fertile period of her cycle. Her vague hopes of getting herself pregnant by what she assumed was a filthy rich rock star were dashed but at least she still could still get half of what she was after. She sank her body down on Jake's cock, engulfing him within her. She then began to buck up and down, moaning while she kissed him.

Jake knew there was little chance of actually giving her an orgasm in such a cramped and nervous environment. He held on for about five minutes — enough time to qualify as a respectable performance — kissing her, feeling her ass, whispering nasty things in her ear, before allowing himself to let go and fill the condom with his sperm.

When they stood back up he removed the rubber and tied a knot in it. He then personally flushed it down the toilet, adhering to another rule that had been ground into him by National's security experts: If you're going to leave a used rubber lying around where some bitch can pick it up, you might as well just fuck 'em without it. By this point in his career his mind was so jaded by his profession he didn't even stop to think that normal men didn't have to worry about such things.

They cleaned up and then exited the bathroom. The bartender gave them both another wink but said nothing. They did not get caught.

Jake returned to his seat and was soon fast asleep. He didn't wake up until they were on final descent to LAX.

A limousine dropped Jake off in front of the twenty-eight-story Esnob Pinchazo Tower building in downtown Los Angeles. The driver opened the door for him and he stepped out, duffel bag in hand.

"Now remember," Janice told him, "we have that movie premier on Saturday night."

"I remember," Jake told her. As if he could forget. He had been dreading the experience ever since being told about it two weeks ago.

"I'm sure Manny will remind you and see that you're dressed in the tux we're sending over." She was referring to Manny Mariposa, the live-in maid/butler/cook who had been hired for him.

"I'm sure he will," Jake said.

"And do try on that pentagram medallion we gave you," she said. "It would look so... you know... Satanic if you wore it with your tux."

"I threw the pentagram medallion in the garbage," Jake said. "Don't send another one."

Janice feigned hurt feelings. "That was a gift, Jake," she said. "Mr. Acardio himself picked that out for you."

"And deducted the cost of it from my recoupables, no doubt. I'm not wearing a pentagram or anything else besides the tux, Janice. That's final."

She shook her head. "Sometimes you're just so resistant to the image enhancement program we're running, Jake. Don't you know we're just trying to look out for your interests?"

Jake snorted in disgust. "Goodbye, Janice," he said. "Nice traveling with you."

Before she could say anything else, he walked away, heading for the main lobby door.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kingsley," said the uniformed doorman who guarded the entrance to the upscale residential building. "Did you have a nice trip?"

"Did you catch Wake Up USA this morning?" Jake asked him.

"Yes sir, I did," he said.

"Then you know what kind of trip I had."

The doorman nodded, unfazed. "Can I get someone to help you with your bag, sir?"

"No, thanks," Jake said. "I think I can manage."

"Very good, sir," he said and held the door open.

Jake entered the plush lobby and walked directly to the elevators. There were two other residents of the building standing there waiting. One was Steve O'Riley, a flamboyant weatherman on one of the local news channels. The other was Tanya Harrigan, an aging character actress whose specialty was playing a mother in made-for-television movies and after school specials. They both nodded to him, displaying as little recognition as they could socially get away with. Though the building was full of two-bit actors, local television personalities, and other minor league celebrities, most of them chose to snub Jake when they ran into him. They seemed to think that a Satan-worshipping rock musician didn't belong in their beloved high-class building. Jake had been told by one of the doormen he was friendly with that there had even been a meeting of the owner's group in which they had tried — unsuccessfully — to initiate the eviction process on both him and Bill, who also lived in the building. The only time any of them talked to him at all was when they were out of cocaine and couldn't find their dealer and, assuming Jake was a raving coke-fiend, tried to beg some off of him.

Same as Intemperance
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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 14

SAL THE SUPER THE NOOKIE KING OF THE BRONX XIV UPDATED My aunt Gina was back in Italy for some kind of family reunion. I wasn't involved because she was not really my real aunt just my mama's best friend from the old neighborhood. We had been living together for almost four years now. She invested her dead husband's money in an interest in this huge double building apartment complex with over a 100 units. We were the live-in team that managed the building and kept it shipshape for the...

3 years ago
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Desperate at the Museum

Chapter 1 -Becoming a Victorian Mel looked at herself in the mirror, the long black dress, the corset that made her feel so slim. Sometimes she wished she could dress like a Victorian all the time. It made her feel so glamorous, so special, even if it was only for a six hour shift at a time. When she’d got this job at the open air museum it was like a dream come true. So many of her fellow graduates were still filling in mountains of application forms and getting precisely nowhere. Mel had...

4 years ago
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My First Sex Experience

Hi this is my first story in ISS which happened to be real. If you like my story, please comment reply, feedback email me at I am 26 year old guy, 5.10 slim, fair, medium looking guys from Kolkata. I am a student in one of the reputed university outside India as I stay abroad; gals’ takes lot of interest in me. During my school days I used to like a gal staying in my building but I was very shy at that time and never expressed my feelings for her at that time. After almost 8 year I found that...

2 years ago
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Our First Experience At A Swingers Club Tru

Being Friday afternoon, my wife and I wanted to do something fun, erotic, sexually charged. We decided to post an ad on our local website to see if we could drum up another man for our sexual appetite. Tonight we were looking for a man with a very large cock. So I wrote up an ad, put in the pictures, and had my wife approve it. This is what we said, “We are a couple in search of a third for sexual fun. She is 40wf, BBW, redhead, 42DD's, shaved smooth, and loves oral (giving and receiving. I am...

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The Old Chandelier

The reception room was elegantly decorated. Above me stood a high corniced ceiling and a candelabra chandelier. To my left, if I had been able to observe it, was a fireplace and imposing mantelpiece. The carpet was Paisley type weave of blue and beige and the wall paper Herbert Morrison. Behind me was a wood panelled screen that enabled the room to be opened into a still larger one. This screen normally functioned to allow the adjacent space to serve as an office. As such,...

4 years ago
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Making the Most of Our Second ChancesChapter 11

I woke up Sunday morning feeling wonderful. I looked over to my right to see Jenny still sleeping with her head on my shoulder and my arm wrapped around her. She appeared to be smiling while she slept soundly. The arm that she was laying on went completely around her and was cupping her left breast. It felt soft and tender. It had been a very warm night. That meant that neither of us had reached for the sheet to cover up with. I took advantage of her nakedness to look her over completely. I...

2 years ago
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07 French

Kissing, and you can guess what kind. Yeah, this one is going to take some work, if it can be done at all. Well, I’ll see what I can do. French 4:17 P.M., Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Honolulu, HI The two children, Paula Claire Akron and Paul Clare Macon, didn’t hold hands or hug in public, and they certainly never kissed, nor did they call each other “Darling” or “Sweetie” where others might hear. They were best friends and everybody knew that, and many had suspected that they were girlfriend...

3 years ago
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"Lori, number 3." The voice comes over the little speaker and a grin traces its way across my lips. I am Lori and my owner is behind door number 3. I am sitting at the little makeup desk in my office. I pick up the black leather collar and buckle it around my neck. I love the way it feels, just snug enough that if my owner tugs, it bites a bit. I like that. Pain is a good reminder, a good teacher. Are you going to watch me? Here, sit here in my dressing room and watch the television. See,...

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Seema Ki Masoom Gand

Hey friend’s apke samne firse la raha hu dhamakedar chodkar story. apko pata hi he meri pichhli story seema mera pahela dosto apko pata heki mene pichhli story me likha tha ki mene seema ko uski gand marne ke liye mana liya. hey friends mera email id hai. meri story part 2 padhne wale ko pata heki mera nam aur mere land ka pata.lekin naye dosto ko bata du ke mera land 6 inch lamba aur 1.75 mota hai.aur me muslim hu aur bilimora ke gauv se hu aur kisi bhi ladki ya bhabhi musje chudwa...

4 years ago
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Marwari Wife to Open her Thighs Wide

They were a Marwari couple and were my neighbors in the apartment. Husband Vishal was a middle aged guy and wife Shraddha was pretty young lady in her mid 20s. Shraddha is a very attractive housewife, healthy in build, with good height, milky white complexion. But her sex appeal lies in her ¡§In the face kind of breasts¡¨ and nicely rounded ass. Every time I see her, my eyes invariably either get drawn towards her navel or her beautifully round boobs. Many a times I even shagged thinking of her...

3 years ago
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Sloop to Immortality

Rainy grew up on Martha’s Island off the coast of Maine. His parents owned a marina, he’d been around boats his whole life. He’d had some hard times, as is common with many a young man, but he’d grown up, and women found him attractive. Emily had a hard time not staring at Rainy. Her parents kept a boat at the Marina, and Rainy worked there. He saw her too, and when he looked she didn’t turn away, but he thought she’d be unreachable. He also though she was ravishingly cute, he had a hard time...

2 years ago
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DEEK Shooter3704 Watching people is what I do. I'm a cop. She first caught my attentiona few days earlier. I was watching a pawnshop that we thought was involvedin a fencing operation. I saw her get out of a car and make her way downthe sidewalk toward me. She was young, that was obvious, but she moved asif she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. I guessedher age at maybe eighteen or nineteen, but I recognize I am the worldsworst age guesser. By the way, my name is...

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Hijab Girl Meets American Soldier

Alright, I can finally admit it to myself. I am a Muslim. I used to be one of those people who felt a strong dislike of Muslims, until I fell in love with one. It’s funny how these things happen, huh? My name is Solomon Kingsley Henderson, although many of my friends have taken to calling me ‘King Suleiman’ in recent times. It’s my Muslim name, though it’s not on my passport or anything. My wife Khadija Abdullah certainly likes it. She’s a lovely lady of Somali descent who saved my life back in...

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QVC Julia The Affair Part 6 Revenge of the Mrs

QVC Julia: The Affair Part 6 – Revenge of the MrsFrom the view of the Mrs.As I closed my hotel door and walked across the corridor to open her door, the anger was still there, but what had surprised me was how turned on I was. Ever since I watched that video and Charlie and Claire, and even bought some lingerie. I felt different somehow. I’d even bought a tool kit and was turned on about what I was going to do with.When I entered the room, I was very quiet. I could hear Julia resting, she was...

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ConfessionsFast Forward

After a very uneventful summer it was time for me to begin the process to make my move to Med-School. The college at which I had completed my undergraduate studies was five hours northwest of my hometown, so it was no big deal convincing my parents that I had to live on campus. However, the medical college I was attending was only a couple hours north, so it took some pretty desperate begging for them to sign a lease with me. We shopped for apartments on the weekends for a month or so until I...

Group Sex
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Tortured Tits

We’re finally here, I thought to myself as we pulled into the parking lot of an adult bookstore a few miles from our house. Samantha, my twenty-eight year old wife, had been asking questions about it for some time now. She wanted to know what was in there, who was in there, what went on in there, what might happen if we went in there. She had heard about glory holes, especially as they were used by the gay community for anonymous oral sex. But she also wondered what...

4 years ago
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Jalsa With My Neighbor Aunty

Hi everyone this is my first story in Indian sex stories. I am very excited to share my story with you all. This is happened between me and my neighbor aunty her name is Geetha and this is my real story. My name is Rakesh and I am living in Coimbatore and my age is 25 now and right I’m working and going to share you a incident that happened when I am studying 12th. About my aunt geetha she belonged to rich family her husband is business man. She looks very beautiful average body and fair in...

2 years ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 5 Dragonstone and Damsels

Training is in the eye of the beholder, like many other things, I guess. Being trained by a semi-imaginary six foot tall blue lizard? That's just a little strange, even for me, and I've seen some strange stuff. River has spent a good bit of time in the Imhur, so I know she's seen some stranger stuff than I have. What I found truly interesting was the lizard's continual use of what I would have called 'Earthisms', phases and attitudes that seemed to have been drawn from the...

2 years ago
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Rocket Pop

It’s only the first weekend of spring and today it is ungodly hot outside. I have all the windows open. A light breeze flows through the house and relief covers my body. That breeze is the only relief thats drifted through this house since about 9am this morning. It’s so hot I don’t hear kids playing around outside and it’s only 11:30. I’m sprawled out on my bed with nothing on. Peter, my boyfriend, will be coming over in a little bit to fix my A.C. I thought I could go without one for a...

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So not a camper but I might be warming up to it

How the heck did I let her convince me to go camping, I hate being outdoors! The things we do for love, I kept reminding myself... oh well."This camp site is lame, there's nobody around for miles, my cell phone reception sucks, and I forgot my pillow," I complained to my girlfriend. She wasn't listening, she was too busy giggling with her girl friends as they left me and the "gay" friend James (he wasn't gay, he confessed that he got laid way more often pretending to be gay than when he acts...

3 years ago
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JLA From Batman to Call Girl

JLA: From Batman to Call Girl by BobH (c) 2010, 2014 With the aid of Kryptonian technology, Batman undergoes his most amazing transformation ever in order to track down the serial killer targeting the call girls of Gotham City. An LGBT Justice League of America tale. (First posted 06/02/10 - now rewritten) All characters herein are owned by DC Comics. ************************ 1. Alien Technology The Man of Steel watched thoughtfully as his friend paced the great...

4 years ago
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Perverted Ghost Possesses Family Members For Fun

It all started as a normal day, when all of a sudden I felt a chill go down my shoulder. Aslo my name was Roy, and I didn’t think today was going to be as weird as it was. Boy was I ever wrong, today was gonna be so weird. I brush it off as nothing but little did I know our house was haunted, and the Ghost was very perverted. The Ghost then scans the house for the perfect target, "oh you’ll do very nicely" she says smirking.

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How I Made Love With The Love Of My Life

Hi my name is john and this is my story. Not sure if I should tell the story but I miss her and hope she reads this. As the best way to tell my story from the start so here goes. Four years ago I was on a part time job for a medical card company at total mall hal and yes selling medical cards not something I planned I would be doing when I am 20 and doing my degree in business management but stuff happens and you need all the extra money you can when you are in college. So it was a sunday not...

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The Flickering Flames of LustCh01

This is an attempt to blend certain super-natural powers and eroticism into one. As such, the first introductory chapter might seem a bit lengthy. I assure you that the future chapters might be crisper.    **************************************************************************** “Par~kaya~Pravesha” is the first of Nine main “Siddhis(Accomplishments)”. The Sanskrit word if translated means one’s soul entering into the body of some other person. Any one who is capable of this accomplishment...

First Time
2 years ago
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No FutureChapter 57 Sinners Poor and Wretched

Olive 2083 This wasn't how it was supposed to be, thought Olive. It was supposed to have been a quick transaction. She'd pay the cash, get a discount by offering a blowjob as collateral and then take the packets of brown crystal back to Oz who'd pay her double what she paid for the stuff. And maybe after that she'd treat her daughter Emily to a burger and fries after school. Instead, she was writhing around in a filthy back alley outside the decrepit slum where she'd just been robbed,...

5 years ago
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Between The Soul And Soft Machine

The following story contains some mildly harsh language. It is otherwise wholly lacking in sexual situations, sadomasochistic bimbo-ism, theft of giant spaceship components, general delinquency, oral sex obsessed ex-presidents with linguistic issues, or old-fashioned rock 'n roll. Those bothered by the former or searching for any of the latter are advised to move on to the next story - these aren't the 'droids you're looking for. This story also contains one of my Patent...

2 years ago
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A Slutty Halloween

Stacy and I had been having some adventures. She had come into her own after finally fulfilling my fantasy of watching her with another man. In the time since we had a bit of a sexual revival. We could barely keep our hands off each other, even going so far as to meet up between her classes to fool around. With the increase in our sex drive we were constantly looking for another opportunity where she could be a shared. We finally got our chance when October rolled around. Stacy had a good...

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Virginity Gone In Vain

Hi indian sex story readers, andaru bagunara nenu mi vinisha ni, nenu share cheskuna na last story ki response baga adirindi thankyou all. Chala mails vachayi kani konitki reply ichanu time saripoka. Nenu hyderabad lo untanu nadi last year graduation complete aiendi. Naku sex ante chala istam and na structure gurinchi chepkovali ante nenu chamanchaya colour lo unta height 5’7 inka 36-30-38. Pachiga chepali ante shruti hassan lanti boobs, iliana lanti todalu unayi Nanu contact avali anukunte na...

3 years ago
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An Exciting Time

This was an exciting time for me: it was the first time I'm moving away from home and my parents. I just finished my third year in university and I was finally qualified for an intern job in the field I’m studying. I jumped on the first chance to move away from home. My heart pounded every time I thought of the freedom I will have living by myself. A wide grin spread across my face when I thought about being able to masturbate without having to worry about my parents bursting into my room...

First Time
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Adams ApplesChapter 3 Down to Earth

JACK ADAMS GOT BACK TO EARTH after rendezvousing with the freighter at the ISS and switching command of his repair shuttle to Lee Burke. “You got the easy stuff,” Lee groused. “I’ve loaded guidance for the shuttle from satellite to satellite in the deeper ranges of LEO. Sometimes it will take me three days to get from one to the next.” “Watch out for those black ones. After I boosted that last one and reset it, all hell broke loose. I went back and it was completely fried. I towed it back...

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A Summer Reunion

(( NOTE to the impatient: if you MUST get to the RIGHT AWAY, scroll way down and skip the first 23 paragraphs ))***Fictional setup: the story below is based on a briefer one told to me by Anna, a close female acquaintance of mine. I’ve tried to record her words as closely as I could.A Summer ReunionOne June weekend my boyfriend Marc and I visited his family’s cottage, situated on a secluded point of land on a northern lake. Since a few of Marc’s lifelong buddies would likely be dropping in, I...

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Marvelous FatherInLaw

Hi this Priya. I am from Mumbai. I am 28 years and i am married for the last 2 years. I stay with my husband, and father-in-law. My husband is good but he is not that sex starved person. One day i noticed my father-in-laws laptop open as he was taking his bath, i noticed that he was watching lesbian porn. I was really shocked and i could not believe this. One day i made an excuse and said to my husband that i am not going for work today as i am not feeling well. I decided to take a chance if my...

2 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 71

Time: Friday, April 1, 2019 12:25:00 PM, reset plus00:11:57 “I knew it!” cried Tom. He was standing with Carla, Suvarna, and Tajana in the far back entrance room. They were by the elevator, and its four-meter sliding door was open about ten centimeters. Tom stuck in his fingers and with a moderate amount of effort pushed the door aside. All of this was possible because Carla had been playing withMadison’s old Leophone. She had popped it out of the power cradle and discovered the phone came...

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Wedding Crasher

I crashed a wedding party and got lucky.I hadn’t intended on crashing the Party, but I needed to take a wiz in the worse way, so I parked across the street from this small boutique restaurant where a friend of my teenage son worked during the day. There was a private event going on and I knew the restaurant owner, so I saw no harm in sneaking in the back door to the restaurant and into the men’s room to relieve myself.I was surprised to find a young couple in the men’s room, doing some serious...

Quickie Sex
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Aroused by Men

I will never forget that day when all of my inmost dreams came true! While Rolf was still asleep, I left the phone to get charged and hit the showers...I'm soaking up under the caressing sprays of hot water now, my hands sliding all over my wet body foaming up the fragrant shower gel. Behind the tender whisper of water, I hear my cell phone ringing. Weird but no one has ever called me while my phone was getting charged before. Damn, that's bad! I'm playing with myself right now and don't really...

3 years ago
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Teenage SorceressChapter 5

Mark never tired of watching the seemingly endless string of nude teenagers Luci kept running around their house. Suzi loved the extra attention she got from the girls. Some of them were willing to play dolls with her for the longest time and she also had no problem getting them to watch her play dress up. She was happier than she had ever been before. Mark was as happy as a pig in shit, as well. In addition to all the eye candy, he had three of the most gorgeous, sexy creatures imaginable...

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Three on a Greek beach

We all have principles. I am not the exception to this rule. Some of my principles change or are abandoned over time, but some have remained with me for as long as I can remember. One of those is: always carry with me at the beach sunblock, a beach volley ball and a lighter. Not life saving items, but in several occasions they made my life more pleasant.I am a fanatic nudist. I adore heat as much as I hate the cold. Feeling the sun on every part of my body-including my junk and ass-is an...

2 years ago
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My Lesbian Girls

It was a boring night so I decided it was time to go for a walk. As strolled through the neighborhood when I suddenly heard a strange sound. It was a girl moaning. I looked in the direction of the house it was coming from but I couldn't see anybody. I decided to investigate and moved closer. As I reached the house the moaning grew more and more intense. Thinking someone was injured I followed the sound to the rear of the house. The sound was coming from inside. I noticed a light on through a...

1 year ago
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Threesome Fun

I've got a very horny story to tell, i've always wanted to swap with another couple, would really love to watch my husband fuck another girl while i'm sitting on another guys cock..... or even take part in a bit of 3some fun with another couple, I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to fulfill my fantasies but luckily for me I was wrong..... Let me tell you what happened last weekend............ I was out with a couple of girlfriends, we were having a bit of a pub crawl in town, we were all...

3 years ago
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Innocent But Sexy Mom 8211 Part 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, I am a horny teen boy. I have a hot sexy mom who is innocent. She believes everything I tell her. I fantasize all perverse things with her, even while standing with her she doesn’t know. I will explain some of such events here. Once my friend was with me in my room. We were supposed to study. We were fooling around on his laptop watching some porn etc. He had a boner and wanted to jack off. I showed him the washroom. That’s...

2 years ago
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My Smoking Fetish

You know I love a woman who smokes. It doesn’t matter if she’s blonde, brunette, red head, if she has a thing for cigarettes I have a thing for her. I just love to watch a girl’s big tits heave up and down as she draws on her smoke. I love to watch her exhale and the creamy white fog surround her head. I once knew a girl who trained herself to get wet while she smoked, like a sex primer and by the time she was done you better be naked. Kristen was her name and she was quite the little...

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Dinner and a Killing

"AHHHH!" I groanedThe water is nice and cool in my fur as I slid into it the Nanobots that were apart of me since the beginning had altered my body structure in different ways stronger muscles thicker bones they seemed to rewire my brain my hearing sight and the fact that I could see in all directions was due to their influence getting my body deeper into the water dunking my head till my ears finally went under the surface then I allowed my body to free float there in the nothingness of the...

2 years ago
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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 21 Harry Medical and Gayle

It was time for "Harry Day". Elaine and Kim had encouraged Charlie Owens, Bob's son, who was fascinated with photography, to organize the other interested children. Kim opened it, "Fellow Sa'arm fighters, there are some damned useful and obscure skills that I hope you can learn. Harry was there for the creation of the development of imagery intelligence. His insights on the history and their use in the broader intelligence context, are going to be jewels." Elaine took over; the two had...

4 years ago
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The Needy Hottie 8211 Lucky Night

Hey there guys, this is Rahul and this is my first story on here. Doing this because of the hottie that forced me to write up my experience on here ;). Any replies would be appreciated and can be mailed at So I’m from London an expat Indian, and I recently moved back here to study medicine in a medical institute in Karnataka everything was going well and I had a friend of mine that also moved back here for his studies but he was in an outback kinda place somewhere near Hyderabad apparently. So...

2 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 9 the African Queen

We stood entwined for a moment. We unwrapped like my sister unwraps a present. Very carefully. Gingerly, unwillingly. Grace doesn't want to spoil the paper ... she could use it in her dollhouse. Not like I unwrap. I'm tearing paper and ripping ribbons to get at the ... TEE SHIRTS??? IN A RED RYDER BB GUN BOX?? Mom!?! She's like that, yup, she is. We looked at each other with lovers eyes. We shivered. Looked away. "Let's go find out who you are. I'd like to know who I'm going to...

4 years ago
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First BDSM Chapter 4

-          Wake up, you lazy bum – came the voice of my wife. I retorted, whaaaat, it is Saturday, let me be . . . . -          No, we need to go places, we have things to do and you are coming with me. -          Can’t we do it later???? Was my poor pleading for mercy . . . . -          No, wake, wake, and with that she slapped my ass . . . .   We had a bit of a breakfast and off we went. – Where are we going? I managed to ask while she was driving. – We are going to the mall first. I...

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Karen AO

I was attending a film opening, one which I did part finance for my good friend Richard. We were good buddies from school and both have just turned 20. Richard was the curly hair musician and I was the class nerd. The four of us which included Keith and Paul were good friends in school. When I left school at 17. Planning on nothing actually, I ended up writing a computer game that went ballistic. This did make me a millionaire many times over. I never told anyone of my success fearing the loss...

2 years ago
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Hard Bodies Gym

The wife and I(Jane and John) recently moved to a new neighborhood, and amongst other things we had to find a new gym to workout at. I really loved my old spot, it was my home away from home, and i never thought I would be able to find a better facility. My doubt was quickly supplanted by a surprisingly welcome and new gym experience. We entered the gym and was approached by the owner, Rob, a large muscular built man, with a great looking face. He was bulging all over and my wife couldnt...

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Growing Up chapter Eight

autoclave and wear rubber gloves and stuff. Christine pays extra to have two people pierce each nipple at the exact same time. She yelps. I get to watch. She's wearing a bustier with a detachable bra that pops right off so it gives perfect access to her breasts. Her tits look great with two barbells threaded through her dark pink nipples. "Oh my GOD! It's like there are wires going from my nipples to my clit now." She seems horny and enervated. "Yow! my panties are soaked! That was such...

4 years ago
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Addicted to JimmyChapter 4

She had 'Shot a Blank' ! She read the want adds, there were jobs for waitresses and taxi dancers and nannies, jobs that paid nearly nothing were all she found. She had gone to her job Monday morning thinking, " I can handle an old guy that only needs a sucking and a fucking now and then ". That Monday evening her Boss's brother was there. He got " Sloppy seconds" ! Fay realized that she was just a fuck toy to them and it was not going to be now and then, it was going to be...

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