Furnished RoomChapter 12 free porn video

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When he got dressed Chuck went downstairs and found Sara in the kitchen. Over a cup of coffee he told her about his father’s letter, leaving out Craig’s references to the murders he had committed. When she asked what he would like for breakfast he said, “I’m going to IHOP, I’ll have breakfast there. I need some time alone to think about where my life might be going.” When she questioned him further he said, “I need to figure out the best way for me to make amends to Claire ... to see if there is any hope for us ... and try my best to see if I can become Stacy’s father.”

The series of events that unfolded over the next twelve years started with two phone calls, both from the same IHOP, first to Claire Moore then to Claire Claridge. The first was from Lance Claridge when he called to inquire about the room. The second was from Chuck Moore. Neither Chuck, Clair nor Stacy could have imagined that this blue roofed pancake house would be the spot where four lives would be altered so completely.

It was here twelve years ago, just after he had made the phone call to Claire where they spent the next three hours discussing their relationship. During that conversation he offered abject apologies for misunderstanding the circumstances of the life Claire had led from the time she was a child. And it was here where he told Claire that he accepted the fact that Stacy—their daughter—was indeed his own child rather than his father-in-law’s.

He repeatedly asked if there was any way they could work on repairing the damage that he had inflicted. He remembered how Claire, being overwhelmed by his remorse, finally said, “It’s just too late for you and me Chuck. The hostility that has existed within our marriage coupled with your rejection of our daughter has long ago extinguished the spark that existed between us. I have fallen in love with Lance Claridge. He who accepts me unconditionally, warts and all. We both want to get married.”

Realizing how wide he had dug the gap in their relationship he felt relief at what she expressed as the hopelessness of reconciliation. He doubted that either of them would have had the stamina needed to fill the breach. Stacy though was a different subject.

For years, having been convinced that Stacy was Stu Barr’s daughter, he barely tolerated her existence. He never told anybody that he had been convinced by a relative that she wasn’t his daughter. Having found out differently from his deceased father’s letter, the penance needed to win Stacy’s trust seemed daunting.

“How can I make amends to Stacy?” he asked of Claire.

Through a rueful smile she said, “You’ve lost so many years Chuck; really important years. You’re still a young man though; you’re only thirty-seven. Stacy’s eighteen. Actually, she’s probably more like thirty.” She closed her eyes trying to imagine what it might take. Exhaling a sniff of regret she said, “I don’t think you understand or might ever understand that Stacy, like me, is not a normal female.”

“My mother told me all about that yesterday,” he said. “She gave me a letter my father wrote before he left for Afghanistan ... to save my life.” (Giving a rueful shake of his head) “He was explicit in detailing the circumstances between Mom and her father ... equally so about you and your father, as well as Stacy and her grandfather.”

“Your mother and I are really good friends,” she said, “birds of a feather Chuck.” She gave a naughty chuckle. “She told me about your time in the car, tsk, tsk. We had some wild times in on that overlook, didn’t we?”

“Yeah,” Chuck said, a rueful shadow crossing his blushing face. “Mom told you about everything?”

With a wry smile she reaching out and gave his face an affectionate touch. “When one has gone through what Marvella, Stacy and I have, honesty is pretty easy. We don’t have any problem with it no matter how brutal. And embarrassment about sexual matters just doesn’t seem to be in our DNA. With a knowing smirk she said, “And I bet she was pretty good.”

He rolled his eyes and blushed, turning bright red. God, it must be nice to be so naïve she thought. “Like I said Chuck, Stacy and I are not your normal women, neither is your mother.” A wisp of a smile crossed her lips. “It may be embarrassing for you but from early childhood, because of our fathers, sex has just been a way of life for the three of us.”

Clearing his throat he asked, “When Stacy was born Claire, were you convinced that she was my child?”

“I can’t blame you for accepting the story from whoever it was that told you Stacy was Daddy’s child,” she said. “When she was born I had hopes that she was yours; there was a fifty/fifty chance, ya know? Within a few months though I was sure she was ours—yours and mine; it was more than intuition.”

Absently caressing her estranged husband’s hand she went on, “I just didn’t know how to go about convincing you, you were such a straight arrow.” Casting a crooked smile she added, “still are.”

“I wish I could have told you about my relationship with Daddy when we met,” Claire said. “But I had to do it that way. I couldn’t take the chance of losing the only stable male person I had ever met.”

Chuck arched an eyebrow and asked, “Did you know that my dad killed him?”

Not as surprised at the news as Chuck thought she would be she snorted then sucked air back in through her nostrils and asked, “Daddy?” He nodded.

With an understanding but rueful shake of her head she said, “Had I known it when it happened I might have turned your father in to the police. Daddy was a pervert but, as strange as it might seem, I loved him and loved his perversions. I needed them. I was so confused at the time. I was in denial that Daddy and Earline were abusing Stacy the same way they did me. I didn’t really know it until a couple of weeks ago. Your father told me. He knew that he would be dead before any law could catch up to him.” With a resigned shake of the head she asked, “And you know what? He hugged me and cried when he told me.”

“I was so blind about Daddy. He was really an evil man. Your father had written a long letter to your mother before he left for Afghanistan. I guess he knew that, one way or the other he was on his way to meet his maker and need to go to confession. Marvella read most of the letter to me. He killed your grandfather too.”

Sighing she said, “As painful as life has been Chuck I finally take comfort in knowing that someone like your dad was there to mete out justice—no matter how much I would have hated him at the time, or how much society condemns that kind of justice.”

Chuck asked, “Did my mom tell you that Dad ran tests that gave inconclusive proof that Stacy is my child after all?”

“Yes, “she said, her gaze fixed in his, “neither of them mentioned that Marvella (Charles’ mother) had filched a pair of Stacy’s dirty panties from the clothes hamper which Craig had tested. Your mom told me that too.”

Nothing was said in Chuck’s father’s letter about the evidence of another man’s semen being soaked in the panel of the panties. Claire thought about that. Since Lance had moved into the house he had been masturbating in either Stacy’s or her panties on an almost daily basis. Chuckling inwardly she thought, my husband-to-be marks his territory like an alpha male wolf. But there’s no reason for Chuck to know about such things; he just wouldn’t understand.

“I have so much to make amends for Claire. Do you have any suggestions about how I should deal with Stacy?”

“For you and Stacy, you mean?”

Gazing into her eyes with such imploring intent he sandwiched her right hand tightly between his and said, “Unless you’ve had a change of heart in the last few minutes I realize that it’s finished between us. I’m so sorry Claire.”

She placed her hand on top of the sandwich and shook it. With a tender smile curling her lips she said, “The funny thing is that I still love you Chuck.” She shrugged. “It’s just that there’s no passion in it.”

“I know,” he sighed, “But do you think there might be a chance with Stacy?”

“I don’t know too many daughters who don’t fantasize about their Daddy. Whether their fathers are in the picture or not or whether they have been tender or harsh or neglectful. Daddy is always stuck in a daughter’s mind. Stacy’s no different. But she’s been so badly hurt by life Chuck, and particularly by you. It’s going to take a consistent, loving effort from you to get any kind of a foothold of trust.”

“How do you think I should begin babe?”

“She’s at home getting ready to go to Boulder, to go to college. I suggest that you take a half hour or so, go for a walk to get the numbness out of your butt then come back here. I’ll send her in out in thirty minutes or so. Just start from the beginning Chuck. She doesn’t know the reason you have ignored her all these years. Perhaps it would have been easier if she did. But I wouldn’t try to break that news anytime soon. You’ll just have to play it by ear hon.” He nodded. “I have to warn you though, as she gets to know your intentions uh...” She paused, uneasy about how her naïve husband would take what she was going to say. “Stacy is going to come on to you sexually.”

He remembered the times when Stacy was growing up, when she put her head in his lap and purposely rubbed her cheek on his cock. Each time it happened he pushed her away and scolded her. Each time he was angry with himself for getting sexually aroused. He blushed as he thought about his mother going down on him in the car yesterday. How can I be caught in such a fucking spider web?

His shocked reaction angered her. “For Christ sake Chuck, grow up. Daddy made certain that sex became necessary in my life to please him. He did the same to Stacy. You have to accept the way it is and deal with it. I just hope to God that you don’t hurt that girl any further.”

The painful look on her husband’s face caused remorse. “I’m sorry Chuck; it’s just been so hard. Above everything I know, despite what we have gone through in our marriage, you’re an honorable man. That’s why I chose you in the first place. I know you’ll do your best for her. But please try to understand, we’re different. Now get out of here for a while so I can talk with Stacy.”

As he was walking he remembered how often he had pushed his little daughter away. He could have handled things more kindly like, when she would walk around the house, or watch TV, her hand absently playing with her pussy, he was harsh when he scolded her. He didn’t know at the time that she was a sexually centered child and was only fondling that special place she had been taught was attractive to men.

As the IHOP came into view he saw Stacy pacing outside the door. For the first time he realized what a truly beautiful woman she was becoming. Much to his dismay her hot female form, coupled with what Claire had been telling him about her, triggered an erection in his fickle organ. When he was aware of it he slowed his walk, trying to make his engorged member recede.

As he approached he could see how nervous she was. He smiled. She lowered her head. He opened his arms in a conciliatory manner but she turned away. “Stacy,” he said, “I don’t expect that you like me very much. But...”

As she looked down and away her response was firm but barely audible. “I hate you, you sonofabitch.”

“I can understand why you’re saying that Stace, I’ve failed you as a father. I-I don’t know how I’m ever going to make up it to you.” He was lost. “Um we can stand out here and talk, we can go inside and have a cup of coffee; or lunch; or maybe we could go for a walk.”

Moving past him she said, “A walk.”

Her tight shorts enhanced her well defined bottom and her breasts filled her pink T-top, the back of which was brushed by her swaying ponytail as she walked. On her feet were pink tennis shoes—no socks. When she realized Charles had not followed she turned. She knew the look which she loved from other males. But from her father it just pissed her off. “And just what the hell are you looking at?”

Stung by the rebuke he walked faster to the girl who seemed to be running away. She turned and fixed him with a killing stare. Their eyes locked. She refused to look away.

“I have so much to apologize for Stacy,” he said.

The girl’s eyes didn’t move. Her countenance was frozen in a hateful glare, tears welling. Suddenly her fists were beating his chest. “Why,” she gasped, “why, why, why?”

He tried to embrace her but she pushed herself away, standing with her fists clenched as if she were going to start swinging. “Grandpa Barr loved me, Grandpa Moore loved me and Lance loves me. Why is it that my own father can’t love me?”

She made it about fifty yards nearly on the run before stopping. Leaning forward against a tree she laid her head on her arms and her body quaked with sobs.

Jesus he thought breaking into a trot, how am I going to make this work? The ravages of failure wrenched at his heart. As put his hand on her shoulder the girl’s body stiffened.

“Stacy,” he said, “I’ve failed you as a father. I’m so ashamed. You have every right to feel the way you do about me. But from now on I will do everything in my power to make up for the way I have ignored you and neglected you.”

She started walking. He caught up and walked beside her. They moved forward for close to a hundred yards in silence. “Stacy,” Chuck said, “If you don’t want me to be here we can walk back to the IHOP and you can go home.” The girl said something that he couldn’t make out. “What did you say,” he asked?

She repeated it just loudly enough for him to hear. “I’ve wanted to be with you like this since I was a little girl.”

For Stacy this was unknown territory. She had learned to control males by asserting her sexuality, by making herself available to men’s cravings. To most males she was like catnip to an aggressive tom. But since childhood her father had rejected her; she never understood why. She had tried to offer him what other men craved, what her grandfather had taught her was her special gift. But her father just scolded her and pushed her away, then ignored her. Now he was trying to make amends. She didn’t know how to deal with her confusion.

“No one can change the past Stacy,” her father said, “I can only tell you that the future will be different. I promise that I will do everything in my power to show you that I’ll treat you the way you should be treated. From the depth of my soul I want to be a good and loving father to you.”

Fine, she thought unkindly, I’m a grown woman and you want to be my daddy.

IHOP was within sight. “Maybe we should just sleep on it and have breakfast in the morning. I’ll pick you up; okay?”

She didn’t answer. As they neared the parking lot she shyly reached out and touched his hand. When he took it she started to jerk it away but relented. He took it and they walked hand in hand toward her car. Opening the door for her he asked, “Will you have breakfast with me in the morning?” She looked sideways at him and nodded. “Eight o’clock?” Nodding again she got into the car.

He and his wife of eleven and a half years had been coming here every year for the last ten to meet Claire (his ex-wife) and her husband Lance Claridge. This unusual relationship started as a joke that developed into a tradition. When Laura and Charles Moore came to town they would eat breakfast then place a phone call to the Claridge’s and would be invited to Lance and Claire’s house—his old house—to spend the weekend, sometimes the week. They were not only best friends they were family.

Chuck and Laura came to Denver twice a year, once just he and Laura as a couple and once with their three children, Emmi (13), Craig (10) and Sam (7). The Claridges visited them in Whitefish, Montana twice a year: skiing in the winter—in the summer—visits to Glacier National Park and the annual Fourth of July celebration at the lake.

Chuck Moore began re-establishing his relationship with his daughter: breakfast the next morning, a drive on Sunday, on Monday going with Claire to take Stacy to Boulder and help getting her established in her new dorm. He realized how much he had missed taking part in her childhood, so many wasted years. Out of the nest now she would meet somebody along the way and start her own life and family. He was desperate to make up the years he had wasted when his daughter was growing up. Now it all seemed so impossible.

Despite their failed marriage, for the first time in years, Chuck and Claire were acting like good friends. In the short time since his epiphany she had been trying to grease the skids of the difficult situation that might help reestablish a relationship between the estranged father and daughter.

At the point of her second year in college while Stacy was still not cuddly with her father, they were at least more at ease with one another. After getting her settled into the dorm they all went to an Italian restaurant. It was there where things became tense.

While they were eating a girl they had seen at the dorm walked in with a gray haired man. The girl, though college age, looked quite young. When they walked into the restaurant the man’s arm was draped over her shoulders. Both Claire and Stacy noticed when he dropped his arm behind the girl’s back and patted her bottom. The way he did it triggered thoughts in both of their minds that begged for more than a prolonged glance. Mother and daughter exchanged raised eyebrows. The expression was caught by a questioning father. Chuck hadn’t seen the man fondling the girl’s behind. At the women’s reaction he asked, “What?”

“Nothing,” Claire said, looking out of the corner of her eye at Stacy who was doing the same thing to her.

Charles looked at Claire who wouldn’t accept his gaze. He looked at Stacy who was looking down and to the side. He looked again at the man and the girl who had then been seated in a booth sitting side by side. The man dipped a piece of bread into a plate of olive oil and fed it to the girl. She ate the bread then took the man’s hand and licked olive oil from his finger, sucking it in and out between her lips. The meaning was clear.

As Chuck’s face clouded he said, “I have to go to the men’s room.”

As he walked by the table where the man and girl sat he noticed the girl’s hand under the table cloth. The man, with a pleased countenance, was wiggling. Chuck knew that the girl was giving him a hand job. In the restroom he went into a stall and closed the door. The only thing that entered his mind was Stu Barr, Claire’s father and Stacy’s grandfather, sitting in a similar booth with Stacy, her hand wrapped around the old man’s cock.

When he came back to the table he could see the Stacy was troubled. “Chuck,” Claire said, “I’m gonna stay at the dorm tonight with Stacy. You can go back to Denver by yourself ok? I’ll take a bus back in the morning.”

“I have to go to the restroom,” Stacy said.

When she got out of earshot Claire said, “I’m sorry Chuck that scene over there is just bringing back some rather intense feelings.”

“I understand,” he said. But he didn’t. He really couldn’t.

“You don’t understand at all my love,” she said. But I know how upset you were with that man and his daughter. Stacy picked up on it too. I’ve decided to tell her the real reason why you have treated her the way you did when she was growing up.”

“I thought you said you wouldn’t.”

“I did say that. But that was two years ago.” Patting his hand she said “This is a ‘strike while the iron is hot’ kind of thing. Stacy is having an incident Chuck and needs to be shocked into reality. There may never be a better opportunity to answer questions that have never been answered for Stacy. You’ll just have to trust me on this. Hopefully it might be a bridge to clear up a major problem for her. Just maybe you’ll be the beneficiary.”

It was early the next Monday when his phone rang. “Daddy,” the voice on the other end said, “Will you come down for the weekend? I have to talk with you.”

During his drive to Boulder on Friday afternoon he remembered Claire saying, “And I have to warn you, as she gets to know your intentions uh; Stacy is going to come on to you sexually.” He wasn’t ready to believe she would. But he couldn’t forget the times when Stacy was a child, when she would try to touch his penis with her hands ... or when she laid her head in his lap when he was watching TV and rubbed her cheek on it. Always pushing her away he was nonetheless filled with shame as he almost always got an erection as a result.

The anticipation of going to Boulder for the weekend filled him with a perplexing sense of anxiety. He had been alone with Stacy before but never for more than a couple hours. Now he was looking at a full weekend. He felt out of place when he picked her up at her dorm but he was buoyed by the energy and enthusiasm of the students on campus and in the town of Boulder.

There had been no coed dorms when he had gone to college and he found this aspect of modern education curious, imagining a free reign of sex taking place on a continuing basis. He wondered if his daughter was involved in it. Of course she is you asshole. Why wouldn’t she be?

As a father it shouldn’t have been difficult to spend time alone with his daughter. However, he had been absent without leave as a parent during her formative years, virtually ignoring her. For the last couple of years he had been working on reconciliation but, not convinced that he wouldn’t abandon her again, she was still withdrawn. Conversation between them never flowed the way he would have liked. During that weekend the first night at dinner he said “I have to tell you Stacy, I find it uh, different walking into a coed dormitory.”

Her laugh was not derisive, merely curious. “Sounds like you lived in the stone age Daddy. How did you ever meet Mom?” As close as she had been with her mother in the shared experiences with Stu Barr and others, Chuck thought his daughter would know a lot more about her mother and him.

“It was in high school. I was kind of a nerd. I loved your mother from afar but was too shy to do anything about it. She was a very popular girl—like you in so many ways.”

Stacy’s voice was laced with sarcasm when she said, “I’m surprised you noticed.”

Wincing at her comment he replied, “I had that coming Stacy. There are so many things I have to make up for. No matter what I do or say maybe you’ll never forgive me. I can’t blame you. All I can do now is try to prove that my behavior is based strictly on my love for you and my desire to make things better.”

“I’m sorry Daddy, you were saying?”

“Your mom pushed the issue. She actually asked me to take her out. I didn’t know why but I was thrilled.”

“She told me she trusted you more than any boy she ever met.” Stacy said, “ ... that she wanted to have your baby. Then,” rolling her eyes, her face clouded, “she got pregnant with me”

There was no way he could avoid contention. And there was no way with Stacy that he could gloss things over and get away with it. If he wanted to regain her trust he had to be absolutely honest with her. But it was still hard for him to relate to her as an adult. Touching her hand he captured her eyes and said, “I was so much in love with your mom Stacy that I never thought of not marrying her. And when you were born, I was a kid with a new toy.”

The previous weekend she had heard the entire story from her mother but wanted to hear it from Chuck. “So what happened to change your mind?”

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The note was direct, to the point."One in skirt, panties and blouse blindfolded hands bound before her. The other in a dress and panties. Be ready by 6:00 pm. NO playing!"They smiled at one another.He had called looking for Bob, a wrong number. Trying to be funny, she asked what he was wearing and the fantasy had begun.They talked by phone and e-mail. His sexy voice causing both their pussies to drip. After his calls it always ended in the same way their tongues fucking each other. They had...

1 year ago
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He found online a book that the library didn’t have, and went over to her desk to inquire about an inter-library loan. She was very helpful, perhaps even intimidated by his confident manners and his rugged good looks. She even took him into the office in the back to rush the delivery of the book from the other location. As she typed, out of the corner of his eyes he caught her looking over at him. He turned and smiled at her, their eyes locking. She looked down, embarrassed by his bold stare....

2 years ago
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Carrying OnChapter 17

The phone rang loudly, waking both of them from their slumber with a jolt. Bryan grasped it, knowing full well who it was. "Bryan?" the man's voice on the other side asked, just a bit of tension in his voice. "Yep," Bryan answered sleepily. "This is Rob Henkel," the voice said again. "I got your email." "Ah," Bryan said, rubbing at his eye wearily. "We have fourteen acres. We're two hours north of the city. Come up, camp out and let things blow over from here." There was...

3 years ago
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Brief Encounter

Brief Encounter Even sprawled on the pavement the young woman looked quite lovely. "Are you alright? Here, let me help you." She lent on my arm and raised herself rather unsteadily to her feet. "Thank you! I must apologise. It was these heels. I'm still not used to them." "No, it was all my fault. Sorry, I shouldn't have bumped into you." I stooped to retrieve her bag. It was leather, with a gold chain shoulder strap. The heels were spikes on leather boots that came to...

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Expect Me When You See MeChapter 5

I disconnected the call to Recon and called Rodney Strong. “Mick?” “Hi Rodney. I need to ask a favor.” “Sure. How can I help?” “I need to meet with a group of friends that are going to help me out with the situation with my wife. Can I use your office?” “You are not going to do anything against the law are you?” “It is not in the plan, but in the end, I am going to do away with the threat to my family. I will do everything I can to stay within the law, but if my family is in danger, I...

4 years ago
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Someone Was There 4

I frequently run late on a Friday. Today is no exception. Now that I am finally home, I have time to think. I can regain my space after being on a crowded train. My brain slows, as it eases into a less frantic gear. I decide to make a nice cup of herbal tea and then have a quick shower.Freshly showered, I sit down to drink the lemon and ginger infusion.The first sip I take brings a mild nirvana. My moment of bliss though is soon shattered by the shrill ring of the phone.Answering the call I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Good Neighbours

I saw Miranda across the street as soon as I came around from the backyard. It was a hot, muggy Saturday afternoon on an August long weekend. My neighbour was dressed for the steamy weather in tight little shorts and a string bikini top. Pausing, I drank in that sight with a soft sigh.Miranda was standing over her lawn mower with a sour look on her pretty face. As I watched, she pulled the ripcord hard a couple times with no response from the machine. My neighbour stopped, scowled, then cut...

2 years ago
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My Masters Request

I waited patiently outside the door for my master. It was exactly 8pm and he had requested I turn up on time wearing an outfit consisting of tight black pencil skirt, white shirt, French knickers, matching bra and stockings. My heels were higher than what I was used to and my hair was loose round my shoulders. This was hidden under a knee high coat. I rang the door bell and the door opened, I had never met this man in person before, only ever online. The pictures I had thought were not real,...

3 years ago
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Escape from Buggery Ch 17

Neither Tracey nor Buttercup went to work in the factory the following day: the excuse being that they needed to exchange the proceeds of their day’s labour for more immediately edible items. Neither of them could live on chicken alone. They sought out Theta Seven Six Seven Five. She was very impressed by the wealth of returns the girls had got from their single day there. In fact, she seemed very envious. “I’ve never done as well as this!” she exclaimed. “The men obviously took quite a shine...

1 year ago
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Screwing my way to the top

Sweat dripped from his forehead and splashed down onto my chest. Trickling past my clavicle and down my sternum as it hid between my cleavage. I couldn't help but roll my eyes back as I felt the sensation of him entering me with such fervor. I could feel my body rocking back and forth as his hips continued to thrust forward between my legs. The sound of the table scooting across the panel flooring echoed in the glass room, which paralleled the vast metropolis outside. My hair kept tapping my...

Group Sex
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Unknown WarChapter 3

“Gentlemen, let’s get started.” I sat down at my desk, with five chairs on the other side. “Proceeding into the future, this is the format of our meetings. You will each give me a summary explanation of how your world is, related to your leadership positions. In turn, I will provide feedback, to help boost your ideas. Once the sharing session is over, I will go over existing projects, and maybe add new projects. Lastly, I will open the floor for you to discuss anything that pops into your...

1 year ago
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The Passion of the PossessedChapter 2

The ancient female Ghoul was quite content in Debbie's pretty young body. She had already enjoyed depraved sexual relations with Debbie's married boss who was overly obsessed with female posteriors. It had come as a shock to her that the shy passive girl was into such sordid activities. Even the spirit world often underestimates the capacity of humans to delve into such dark and disgusting nocturnal dirty deeds. She had already found the collection of dildos and the condom boxes in...

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BlacksOnBlondes Alex Coal 02162021

Alex is a door to door carpet machine salesperson. She knocks on Rich Gentleman Prince Yahshua’s door and tells him she’s got the deal of a lifetime for him he can’t refuse! The world’s Best Carpet Cleaning Machine! She asks “Wouldn’t you like to see how it works?” Since she’s dressed in a slutty upscale nightclub dress he says sure and lets her in. She proceeds to pour colored liquid all over his light colored carpet and then says “Watch...

2 years ago
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Prison Camp

This is the first chapter of a very long story, with connection to a North Africanprison camp. In this first chapter we follow half a day in an inmates life.She has been there for a long time, and through her we get a impression ofa modern prison system for foreigners in this region.    The story of Linda and Lajla Hard labour The whistle sounds and 311991 lets herself drop hard down on her knees, puttingdown the heavy sledgehammer carefully at her side. She knows that toolsare much more...

2 years ago
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Panty Raid

We sit on my bed, watching TV. Some reality show is on, barely holding my attention. I get up suddenly and switch off the TV. You protest. “I’m bored,” I say. “Let’s play a game.” Intrigued, you agree. I open my dresser drawer and reach inside. I come up with my hands behind my back. “Pick a hand.” You choose and I drop a pair of plain cotton briefs on the bed. “You chose well,” I say. You frown. “What’s in your other hand?” “You’ll see…” I disappear into the closet. A few moments later, I...

1 year ago
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My first time

I have been thinking about writing this up for a couple of months now and have decided to share it.I had never booked or hired an escort before but had always wondered what it would be like to hire a person for sex. Also I thought it would be the only way at my age that I could get to have sex with a lady who I would normally consider to be “Out of my league” Well, just before last Christmas I decided to go for it.I signed up to an escort site and looked for escorts local to me. I was quite...

1 year ago
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Making Sexy Memories

She took my hand and we both walked down the hall. "Damn, you look good in that bikini. Pink looks really good on you, Faith." "We're on our honeymoon, so you are guaranteed to get laid at least fifty times," she reminded me before she brought me to the wall by the door. "We love each other, Dante," she stated before she kissed me. We made out for a moment and I brought my hands to her thighs. I rubbed them ever so softly as her hands came onto my crotch. Her lips slowly parted from mine. "Your...

Oral Sex
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The Odd Job

I just turned seventeen. I was a junior in high school and lived in Hollywood, Florida. Hollywood is a small city right outside of Miami and there were hot chicks everywhere! My hormones and puberty were in full swing. I am gifted with a nice eight inch cock and at age seventeen, that was truly a gift as my body was filling out. I loved my cock. I couldn't stop playing with it. I jerked off two, sometimes three times a day. I also had a girlfriend. She was my age and we took each other's...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER ICould Masturbation Really Be A Sin? Emma and I had known each other since we were kids. We met at Sunday School at St Paul’s Cathedral, our local church. We attended Confirmation Classes together and later joined the youth group, the Fellowship Of St George. In our early teens we were invited by the Dean, Father James McLean, to become Alter Servers, helping officiate during services. Emma was a pretty girl about five foot six with shoulder length brown hair, freckles and beautiful...

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Copyright 2000, 2002 by E. Z. Riter. The attached work of fiction is intended to be entertainment for adults in locations where it is legal. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read. This is a copyrighted work. Reposting or any other use strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder, except may be posted as part of a review or posted to free-access, noncommercial archive sites. The works of E. Z. Riter are archived at www.asstr.org and...

3 years ago
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Winter Break

Molly owns a beautiful mountain woodland cottage. I built it for her, Off-grid, 1800 square feet in the middle of a hundred acres. It has hot and cold running water, central heating and cooling, modern appliances, and a zero-carbon footprint.When there is enough snow Molly invites several girlfriends to meet at her cabin and travel with her to a private ski slope. There have been some nice falls early this year, so we are getting a pre-Christmas jaunt.While we wait for the last straggler...

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A Dish Best Served Cold or Bryans Revenge

(The sequel to Spring Break Broke My Heart) By rutger5 (An Original Story - Copyright 2012) My bleary eyes stared at the computer screen as I watched some Asian girl expertly sucking some guy’s cock. The moans sounded tinny to my ears though that was due more to the video’s poor production values than my sound system. For the past sixty hours since arriving from my family’s vacation cabin I’d alternated wracking my brain trying to think of...

4 years ago
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A Return to Where it All Started

Number 18 of a series of individual stories. A Return to Where it Started By SONIA e-mail [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!! Chapter 1 - The Anniversary I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. My dressing up started when we were away for a weekend and Sally Anne dared me to go to the pub looking like a...

2 years ago
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First Lesbian Experience

My name is Bonnie; 5 ft. 7” longhaired brunette, Nice figure. 36C’s 24-38. I took my vacation to Calgary, Canada to go to the Calgary Stampede Rodeo. I had heard a lot about the fun and partying and I was going to take part in that this year. My flight left Dallas to Calgary and arrived at 09:20. I rented a car and headed to the hotel where I reserved a room for the10 day run. The next day I went down town to watch the parade. The parade floats came by one by one. I spotted this cowboy acting a...

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et me start by telling you about my mother. Her name is Brenda and she taught the third grade at a nearby school. She was thirty-eight, then, but she looked younger. Outwardly, at least, she was very conservative, very proper, exactly as a teacher of eight and nine year old c***dren should be. But I always thought there was another side to her. She had shoulder length, honey blond hair which she normally wore up, in a bun, on the back of her head. Her face was very pretty, large, blue eyes, a...

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DSL dck sucking lips

DSL (D*ck S*cking Lips) the central idea of DSL was taken from a story called "sometimes life sucks" by Mr. Mistique. although it was a cliffhanger, it was never finished. i loved the story so much i thought i would write a story that takes place years later. i would encourage you to read the original story, and email the author. as for me, if i can think of some situation that would be fun to put dee in, i will write another. so... if you like this, or have ideas of what situations...

2 years ago
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Have A Good Feel She Loves It Part Two

“Fucking Hell, have they all come on the same bus?” I said laughing as we walked into the bar and main room.In the twenty minutes since leaving the bar to go onto the patio the place had transformed. I left with the lone Franco holding the fort and returned to find around a dozen people milling around. Linzey was behind the bar and her husband was busying himself setting up the DJ stand in the opposite corner to the television screen, which was now playing some soft porn. “Not quite, the...

3 years ago
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Dont Shoot the Messenger Chapter 1

Julie Goddard stepped out of the shower needing to be fresh. She sprayed a little of her favourite perfume and allowed herself a moment to settle. She took a swig of coffee and picked up a slip of paper from the chair in her dressing room that doubled as an office.She scanned the printed text message. It had been such a clever idea, and it worked every time; get the client to text what they want; you get their phone number and you avoid all those awkward conversations. If they want bondage,...

1 year ago
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The Ballad of Zachery CarsonChapter 3

"Kathleen ... Kathleen wake up," Zach said softly as he shook her shoulder. She sat up quickly and was about to scream. Zach quickly put his hand over her mouth. "Shush," he ordered in a low voice. "The Comancheros are camped about three miles from us." She nodded her understanding and Zach took his hand away. He went to Buck and gave him another hat full of water. Kathleen rolled up the ground cloth and blanket. "Leave it," Zach ordered. He was speaking in a low voice but not a...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 16 Birthdays

Savannah, Georgia November 1984 The audition was scheduled for the following Wednesday. At everyone's urging Tina had convinced Beth and her committee to come to the house. As bands go, Chaos was pretty large. They currently had 3 keyboards, 6 guitars, and Jerry's double bass drum kit, as well as his veritable menagerie of percussion devices. Rebecca ended up with most of those as well as a small xylophone that was Tina's. Whenever needed she doubled as a percussionist, even having a set...

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The Perfect Night

Driving in my car I felt free. No one was there to judge me. No one was there to bicker at me. I was level headed, and free of stress. I felt the breeze go through my hair as the top of my convertible rolled back. I smelled in the Autumn air and turned on the radio. Smooth Jazz played on the radio and I could relax. Finally. After three years of bitching, one could only take so much. Yes I’ll admit I was at fault to some things. I mean I did look at others, but I didn’t touch. Unlike him. I had...

3 years ago
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How my BBC fantasy for My Wife Went Wrong CH3

Melinda and I had done our research so we knew a few good places to go to meet a black man to fuck her. The first place was a loss. There was only one black man and he was already with a beautiful brunette white girl. The second bar was different. There were a number of black and Spanish men. We got a seat and ordered strong drinks. As we sat there, Melinda made note of a group of black men sitting in one corner. The central figure was a dark black man with a muscular build and about 25...

3 years ago
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The Taste of Honey

Donna waited for a response. She felt fairly certain that she was correct but under the circumstances she just couldn't be sure. The delay, a few seconds that felt like minutes, increased her apprehension. Was she right? What was going to happen? She felt his tongue gently licking at her nipple. A sense of relief came over her as a warm glow spread throughout her body. Her guess was right. She smiled. Everything else faded out as she experienced the joy of having her sensitive...

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Better late than never

My husband (who I will call Andy) and I have been together since we were teenagers, and are each other’s first everything when it comes to sex. When we started sleeping together we quickly became experimental, wanting to try everything together. We would spend a small fortune in Ann Summers on sex books, porn dvds, flavoured lubes, cock rings, vibrators/dildos, handcuffs and blindfolds, condoms, adult games etc, you name it – we tried it. We were very comfortable with each other as neither of...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Ailee Anne Brooklyn Gray Female Officer Take Over

Suspected thief Ailee Anne gets brought to the backroom by security officer Jack Vegas who intends to do a strip search but Ailee demands to see a female security officer. Officer Vegas calls officer Brooklyn Gray who turns out to be way more ruthless during the strip and cavity search! After finding a bunch of stolen sex toys in her backpack, Officer Gray makes sure to deeply search all her cavities. Since Ailee is clearly in trouble, she must now do everything Officer Gray and Officer Vegas...

1 year ago
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A New Style of Education Part 17

A New Style of Education Part 17 By Karen Page "My hair is such a mess," moaned Helen as we got dressed. Jill and Anna had already disappeared for breakfast. "How's mine?" I asked, now I no longer required a wig. They had worked wonders before the trip. "You could do with a touch up," she replied. "I wish I'd thought of this before. Do you recon that Disney has a hairdresser's?" "Not in this hotel," I replied. "However, there might be a salon at one of the different hotels. If...

1 year ago
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My Sex Wrestle With Boy 8211 Part I

Hi all, this is one of my best experience of sex with boy hardly 18 years a few days back. I’m a very horny female of 38 yrs of age. Since my schooldays I love to wrestle with other gals. I also wrestle many boys during this period. Needless to say that all this mix wrestling turns bit erotic at times. When I grew up my sexual hunger also increased. But I’m not such type of females who do sex straightway. As I’m a wrestler I also love to combine sex with wrestling. So whwnever I feel an urge...

1 year ago
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Private Scarlet Latina Maid Screams For Anal

Scarlet is a saucy little Latina who has come to Private Specials, Sensual Maids 2 willing to give her all and best service to master Potro. It doesn’t take long for things to heat up as this hungry teen gets down and dirty on her knees for a taste of cock, gagging, deepthroating and getting things wet and ready for a good fucking. Then watch Scarlets petite body in action as she moans and screams whilst taking a nice pounding in her tight little pussy before enjoying some great anal action...

3 years ago
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Cliffs Birthday Party With Kelly

It was Friday, July 4, 1997. Kelly and I had been invited to a surprise fortieth birthday party for a friend of ours. Cliff’s wife Shelly had been planning the party for several weeks and it was quite a shindig. Shelly had a great spread catered in. A co-worker of Cliff’s moonlighted as a bartender and he volunteered to bartend.With a bartender, most of the twenty or so invitees were drinking his delicious (and strong) concoctions instead of slamming cans of beer. The net of it was that...

Group Sex
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AllGirlMassage Julia Ann Dana Dearmond Lexi Lore Unfriendly Competition

Lexi Lore walks into the massage parlor. When masseuses and co-owners of the parlor Dana DeArmond and Julia Ann see her (and see how hot she is), they both rush to greet her, trying to push each other out of the way so the other can greet her first. The vibe between the two masseuses is clearly competitive. Finally, they both reach her at the same time. Lexi seems sweet and a little naive, telling them that she’s never gotten a massage before. Her dad is always telling her she should...

1 year ago
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Hi! All of you. Sapna is back, with a ever most exciting real event: Dare. It happened to me one time when we had gone for a picnic. As you all know, now as I had been fucked by many boys, everywhere, it had became normal thing for me. But, I didn’t know till this time, that such a thing can occurs even in crowd. Even though crowd was known to me, but still, it’s shy full to do in crowd or crowded place alike. It happened like this. We had went to school picnic. I had wore long white skirt and...

2 years ago
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Some Evening Relaxation

It had been a busy day, but the evening was looking up. Laura and I had been IMing during the day, and I know she had a long day at work. I also know she wanted me to take her in hand tonight since she had been teasing and naughty in the afternoon with some of her messages, sending me some naughty peeks up her skirt or down her blouse along with some quick snippets about how “bad” she was being. So I thought we both needed some fun, and I setup my massage table for her. The massage table was...

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