Going Bi free porn video

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My mom died giving birth to my little brother. I don't even remember her, but it affected me. It affected me, if for no other reason than it left my dad as my only parent. I didn't like him.

It wasn't a love-hate thing. At least I don't think so. But he favored Jason, my little brother. Add to that the fact that my dad is a seriously type A personality, and I'm a seriously type Z, and it was easiest for me to just avoid him all I could.

Dad made some attempts to be fair. Like when we moved back to the States and into a big house while Jason and I were still in grade school. When Dad put in a twenty-five meter lap pool because Jason had developed an interest in swiming, he also added a little gym for me in two bays of the garage because I had an interest in gymnastics.

If you hadn't guessed, we had money.

Unfortunately, I outgrew gymnastics -- not because I lost interest, but because I literally outgrew it. I was six feet tall when I was fourteen.

I had always been shy, and being tall didn't help. My aunt was sure that my shyness was because of losing Mom. But I was also shy because I was gay.

I don't know if it had anything to do with it, but while we were overseas, Dad worked for almost two years on a mining project for my grandfather in the Ukraine. The site was remote and the young farm girl we had for a nanny did not worry much about keeping clothes on Jason and me. She would bathe us at night, and not bother with clothes afterward. Jason and I usually ate supper naked, slept naked, and were up and playing around the cabin naked for a while in the morning before she ever bothered to dress us, if she did even then. If it was summer, or we weren’t going to be outside, she didn’t bother and we didn’t care. Dad worked long hours and I don't think he was more than vaguely aware of how we were cared for. Jason and I slept in the same bed, and the first time it got cold, we cuddled against one another under the covers. Even after we moved from the Ukraine down to the Baltic Sea, Jason and I slept naked in the same bed until after we returned to the States. We would have continued sharing a bed even then, but Dad put a stop to it about the time I turned eleven and Jason turned nine. Dad didn't care about us sleeping naked, just not in the same bed, and once you are used to sleeping that way, clothes get in the way. So Jason and I continued to sleep naked, just each in our own bed.. So basically, I'm saying I slept naked with another boy, even if he was my brother, for several years, and maybe it inclined me to look at boys differently.

My being gay really kicked in when I was about twelve. I hit a clumsy stage because of how fast I was growing. I started admiring shorter guys with more compact bodies -- guys who could be gymnasts. When we came back to the states, I was taken by how cute American boys were, and I hadn’t gotten over that. My interest in other boys went nuclear when my hormones kicked in. Girls may have interested me at some point, but not past puberty.

I kept up a false front, going out with girls when they asked me. I hid completely the fact that I was gay, even from my brother who was my best friend. Without a mom, with the dad we had, and all the moving we had done, Jason and I were super close. I didn't dare tell him because if I lost my brother Jason, I'd have nobody.

There wasn't anyone else I could tell, and becausue of my dad, I participated in almost every team sport there was. All my friends were jocks and I assumed that they hated gay guys. Several of them talked like they did.

So I reached the age of sixteen a total virgin, and pretty lonely except for Jason.

Enter, my grandpa. For some reason, he seemed to like me. Maybe it was because I was the oldest of his grandsons. Maybe it was an “heir-apparent” kind of thing.

Dad was probably the asshole he was because of Grandpa. Grandpa was even more Type A than my dad, and he is the one who started all the family money.

Grandpa phoned me on my sixteenth birthday. "I've got something special for you, Brock" he told me. "I know you're busy celebrating today [I wasn't, by the way] but tomorrow is Friday, and well, you don't have anything going on, do you?" He didn't wait for an answer before saying, "Meet me at the lake cabin at six."

I hung up the phone, wondering what he was going to give me. Lake cabin? A Wave runner? It was only March, and the lake was probably still full of ice. Fucked up if Grandpa had a wave runner for me.

What Grandpa called a lake cabin wasn't really a cabin. It was a lake house.

Grandpa met me at the door, with a broad grin and a drink in his hand. After I took off my jacket, he laid an arm over the backs of my shoulders and turned me toward the stairs.

"How does it feel to be sixteen?"

"Okay, I guess. How was it for you?"

Grandpa laughed, and shook my shoulders. "About like yours is going to be," he said, walking me up the stairs.

"Why?" I asked. "What have you got for me?"

Grandpa winked. "You'll see." We reached the top of the stairs and he walked us into the master bedroom. There, sitting on the edge of the king-size bed was an absolutely gorgeous Asian girl. She honestly looked no older than me.

She wore a black teddy. Black looked good on her because her skin was pale and her hair was long and black. She had strikingly large almond-shaped eyes. She sat erect, like an Asian princess, long slender arms out to the side. Her palms rested lightly on the bedcovers. She smiled at me, like a princess who was pleased with a subject.

"Meet Mei Ling," Grandpa told me. "She's expensive; very expensive. You have her for the entire night -- make the most of it. No one else is coming, and I'm about to leave. I've already told your father that you won't be home until tomorrow." He swatted my butt, leaving his hand on it long enough to give me a shove forward.

"Happy Birthday, Brock!" he said, turning to leave. "Wear yourself out!"

The door closed.

The bottom dropped from my stomach.

With a slight smile, Mei Ling rose gracefully from the edge of the bed. She was tall for an Asian girl. She came to me, wrapped her forearms around my neck, and pressed her pelvis to mine. She gazed into my eyes and her smile grew playful."

But then she frowned. "Baby," she said softly. "You're trembling!"

I swallowed hard. I remember being surprised by her voice because I expected an accent, and yet, Mei Ling had none; she sounded American. And yes, I was shaking.

She leaned close, her breasts pressing me softly through her teddy, and she put her mouth to my ear. "It's alright if you've never been with a girl. I'm here to teach you." Her perfume was intoxicating. I'd heard perfumes advertised as intoxicating. Hers really was. Or at least, something made my head swim.

She leaned back to study me, and her brow furrowed deeply. "You've turned white! You better sit down," she said, turning me and backing me to the bed.

I sat and she knelt on the floor beside me. She laid a warm hand on the side of my face. "Why are you so afraid?" she asked. "I'm simply a girl."

I swallowed hard again.

"Baby," she asked, "are you gay?"

My eyes went wide.

"You are!" she said, sounding somewhat surprised.

I felt my breath leave and had trouble getting it back.

But Mei Ling smiled gently and stroked the side of my face. "Have you ever been with a girl?"

I shook my head slightly.

"We're not so bad," she said softly. Then she cocked her head. "Have you ever been with a boy?"

I shook my head again.

"Baby," she whispered, leaning in to kiss me softly on the lips. "I'll make love to you like a boy, and I'll make love to you like a girl. I'll teach you things." She pulled my leg open and cupped my package with her hand. She felt my size and shape, and then Mei Ling purred. She groped me, and she brushed my lips with hers. Her breath smelled of mint.

She gripped the bottom of my sweater and pulled it up. I let her take it over my head and off me. Next she grasped my shirt and pulled it off. Her r eyes widened with delight, and she laid her hands on my chest and sides. She felt over me and traced the seams of my muscles. "Do you work out with weights?"


Her fingers swept my pecs and sternum and over my nipples. "You're smooth," she whispered. Her eyes dropped to my pants. "Are your legs smooth, too?"

I assumed she meant hairless. I had a few golden hairs on my calves (I have dark blond hair), so I shrugged.

"Let's see," she said. She pulled off my shoes and socks. Then she unbuttoned my jeans. "Stand up, baby," she told me.

I stood, and watched as she unzipped me and pulled down my jeans, leaving me in my boxer briefs. I stepped out of my jeans and she pulled them off each foot, setting them aside. She sat back on her haunches and looked me up and down. She closed her hands around my left thigh. "Baby," she said, "you're beautiful!"

She felt up my thighs, running her fingers into the leg holes of my boxers. " You're smooth," she whispered. Inside my boxers, her fingers stroked my scrotum and sought out my dick. "Umm," she whispered. She glanced up at me. "Are you a runner? I knew a sprinter who was built like you.""

"I'm in a lot of sports," I told her.

Mei Ling's eyes fell to the front of my underwear. She went up on her knees and pulled my boxer briefs down to my ankles.

I was gay, and I was scared; so I was about as soft as soft gets. Mei Ling nuzzled into that softness and when she murmured, "Mmmm," her voice vibrated my balls.

"I love the smell of a boy," she said, and took a deep breath. She lifted my balls and dick on her right palm and gently kissed the head of my dick. She brushed her cheek against it and then nuzzled into the crease of my leg. My dick began to lengthen. “I like it,” she said, quietly, watching my cock, “when we start soft and I can watch it grow.”

Mei Ling stroked me up hard, then got to her feet and pushed me gently backward. "Get up on the bed, baby," she told me.

I did what she told me, and climbed onto the bed and lay back on the pillows, naked.

"Yes," Mei Ling said softly, looking down at my cock from the end of the bed. "We're both going to enjoy tonight."

Lowering one strap of her teddy at a time, she showed me her breasts. She caressed them, squeezed them, then pressed her pointing nipples with her fingers. Thinking back on it, she must not have been entirely Asian. Her breasts were larger than most Asian girls. They were a size to more than fill one of my palms. They looked firm and her nipples pointed upward. She smiled slyly. "Do you think a gay boy might like these?"

I'd never looked much at breasts. They didn't do anything for me, at least not after I focused so much on boys. Of course, I'd never seen a girl's naked breasts live and in person, and I had the sudden urge to see what they felt like, so I nodded.

Mei Ling shimmied her teddy on down and it fell off her hips and onto the floor. Her pubes were shaved and she had a flat pelvis. If there was a girl to entice a gay boy, it had to be Mei Ling -- at least as far as I was concerned. She was slender and her body had graceful lines. She wasn't muscular or anything like that, but I could make out the soft seams of her thigh muscles and long torso muscles. Mai Ling cupped her hands over her pussy and squeezed. She looked down at me, less like a queen and more like... well, a hungry queen.

Keeping a hold on her crotch with one hand, she circled in the air with a finger of the other. "Turn over. Let me see the rest of you."

I rolled onto my stomach.

Mei Ling grabbed my ankles and spread my legs. "Ummm," she murmured. The bed jiggled as she knelt onto it between my legs. "I'll help you relax," she said.

Her fingers swept over the backs of my legs and down inside my thighs, lightly, barely more pressure than a breath. And then I felt her actual breath on the backs of my balls which must have showed between my legs. The she blew between my legs, up my perineum. She took a deep breath there and I heard her moan softly. Then I jumped because I felt the wetness of her tongue press behind my balls. She laid both hands on my butt and nuzzled in, licking, murmuring. My cock grew even harder. She was arousing me, but was also doing what she said – she was relaxing me. Her breath was soothing as well as stimulating..

Her hands moved up my back, caressing, feeling the firmness of my muscles. She lay down on me -- I don't care whether you're gay or straight, a warm naked body hungrily hugging the back of yours will make you hard even if it's the first time -- especially if it's the first time. I felt the wetness of her pussy on my butt. Her hands massaged my shoulders. "Are you relaxing baby?" She whispered.

I nodded.

She ground herself on my butt slowly, spreading her dampness. She moved hair off the back of my neck and blew softly. She kissed there, then down the side of my neck where she sucked and gnawed. I moaned.

"You like that, baby?" she whispered.

I murmured assent.

She pulled at my shoulder and rolled me onto my back. My hard cock rolled up onto my belly. Mei Ling saw, and pressed the palm of her left hand on the underside. Her fingertips stroked my balls, then she closed her hand around my shaft and smiled down at me. "You've got a nice one."

"You think?"

She nodded. " you're only sixteen?"


Mei Ling lowered her mouth to my left nipple. She sucked hard and I felt her teeth. I felt her tongue. My body shuddered.

She moved to my right nipple, while jacking me with a firm grip. She nuzzled under my neck and wrapped a leg over my legs. She climbed up to straddle my legs, still stroking my cock. She pulled it up against her labia. "Baby," she said throatily, "I will tell you the absolute truth -- I got wet the moment I saw you walk in that door, and that was before I saw you nude and held your cock in my hand. Baby" she said, rising over me. "I want you inside me. Now!"

She eased her hips forward over my dick, rubbed her slit on it, then guided my dick upward, and lowered herself onto it. The warmth and wetness of her vagina slid over my dickhead and down my shaft, and I was virgin no more. Mei Ling settled her weight into my lap, stretching my length up into her. She closed her eyes and ground down into me, and she got this look like she was scratching some deep itch. I barely noticed. All my attention was down where her wiggling worked my dick up inside her. She rocked and I felt the snug lining of her vagina slide on my dickhead and shaft. She ground far down into my lap and onto my scrotum and rocked there. I grabbed her thighs and held on.

She rocked with her eyes closed, holding her breasts, and it was like she forgot about me for a minute or two. But then her large eyes opened, met mine, and Mei Ling fell onto her hands on my shoulders. Her eyes bore down into mine, watching my face, as she backed herself, over and over, hard onto my di ck. She was fucking me, as truly as ever a girl fucked a guy. Her breasts dangled and jiggled above me. I reached up to see what they felt like. Her eyes closed and she moaned, so I caressed them.

"Yes, baby," she murmured.

She moved faster and my hands dropped to her thighs again. My hips responded. I began to buck.

"Oh, yeah," she grunted. "That's how you fuck."

She sat back up, grabbing the sides of my waist as if to pull me even farther into her. My balls suddenly tightened and I got ready to climax, but then Mei Ling went wild, rocking crazily, whimpering, yelping, and bouncing. I realized she was coming, but I didn't know girls could come like that. It majorly distracted me, and my climax died before it was born.

Mei Ling's skin grew flush all over her body, and damp with perspiration. Eyes closed, she quit moving everywhere, except down inside where her muscles squeezed and milked my dick as if I had come with her. She leaned forward onto my shoulders again and her eyes opened slowly, dazedly. Slowly she ground my dick around inside her, then ground harder. She lay down on me, and whispered in my ear. "Roll us over, baby," she said, "and fuck me hard."

I wrapped my arms around her, and keeping my dick inside her, I rolled us over so that she was on her back with me on top of her. She planted her feet on the bed and lifted her pelvis to me and grabbed me by the ribs. I responded naturally. I fucked and she met my thrusts.

"Faster!" she encouraged. "Go fast."

I sped up, and found that my hips were built for it. I rabbit fucked and Mei Ling started going wild again. This time, I was going to come with her. She pawed at my back, writhing and whimpering. I drove my hips forward particularly hard and made my first squirt. Mei Ling felt it and froze, gripping my shoulders. I pressed in, my dick pulsing, and her insides milked me. I had a long climax, even for me. I shuddered at the end, completely empty.

I collapsed onto Mei Ling, my cheek against hers. She cooed soothingly and her fingers ran into the back of my hair. "That," she whispered, "was lesson one."

Mei Ling liked sex. I was sixteen, and kept up with her night of lessons with growing enthusiasm. We paused for a late supper – or early breakfast -- naked in the kitchen, and then fell asleep after more sex. Funny, but sleeping naked with her, I dreamed I was sleeping naked with Jason again, and I dreamed that he was teaching me about sex. I woke in the morning, spooned behind Mei Ling and sporting morning wood.

Except for the bathroom, we didn't get out of bed until midday that Saturday, and by then, we had been through at least half the positions of the Kama Sutra. Instead of her taking a cab back into town like my grandpa had paid her to do, I drove her in the car dad had given me for my birthday, and she hugged in under my arm as we walked out from the house, comfortably, like girlfriend and boyfriend. I had a new affection for breasts and vaginas and clits and Mei Ling's skilled mouth.

She seemed happy, too. She gave me her phone number and promised me a freebie when I wanted it. She even told me her real name on that drive into town, Carolyn Chang. She was a college student.

I took her up on the freebie offer the very next Sunday, but I had already begun looking elsewhere. Mei Ling - Carolyn had told me all about girls, and after that birthday weekend, I saw them in an entirely new light. I was noticing, too, how girls looked at me. It was different, knowing that they could be as horny as I was.

It's not that I quit looking at boys -- after all, I had been looking at only boys for the four most important years of my sexual development. But horny sixteen-year-old boys have a tendency to pansexualism anyway, as in "fuck anything that moves".

Lisa Jones wasn't one of the aggressive girls at school. She was almost the opposite. A freshman. Quiet, a little shy. But she had seemed interested in me before, and she was on the girls track team and had a great body. I started hanging around her, standing close when we talked, touching her on the shoulder, the back, her hair. I took her to the mall and a movie. On the Thursday afternoon after my freebie with Carolyn, while Lisa's mom was out and her sister was downstairs, I made out with Lisa in her bedroom. It seemed easy to get her onto her back in bed, pressing her body with mine, letting her feel my erection. It seemed easy to kiss down her body and get my face under her skirt ignoring her half-hearted, token attempts to stop me. Once I'd planted my mouth on her panty-covered pussy, it was easy to pull the panties aside for my tongue to reach her clit, and then when she was close to climaxing, it was easy to pull her panties completely away. It was easy to get my own pants down while working her toward a second climax, then to spread her legs and mount her. I popped my first cherry.

Lisa's best friend was Ashley, and Lisa must have told Ashley everything. Not the next Saturday, but the Saturday after that, when it was just me and Ashley on a couch downstairs in the game room at her house, I popped my second cherry.

By the time school ended that May, I was having regular sex with a third girl at school, a girl who hadn’t been a virgin. I thought I had turned the corner on my sexuality and gone from gay to straight. I honestly did. But then summer arrived and my brother Jason brought home a new friend from swim team, Tyler Fitzgerald.


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I was just 18 years old and was fully enjoying the new fought for liberty by growing my hair long and trying to act nonchalant all the time. However there were still some bastions left, and no matter how hard I tried to act free and liberal, there were still certain members of the family I froze with awe and respect for when face to face with them. My aunt was one of them. She has style, small and petite and never smiling. I was at her home almost every day during the summer holidays hanging...

3 years ago
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Gina based on a true encounter

GinaThe story of Gina is true, although I have changed her name. The first thing to know about me is that my name is Vince; at the time I was happily married with two teenage k**s a boy and a girl. I had been using the internet for year or two and had discovered the joys of using chat rooms to make new friends. Occasionally getting to web cam with them or trade pictures. All of this I took with a pinch of salt as I knew there where many fakes. I could usually spot them by their inconsistencies...

4 years ago
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Some People Collect Stamps

So, how did I ever get started on the path of being such an avid cocksucker? That's a valid question, and it deserves a valid answer to it!It 'began' when I went to an adult bookstore in my home town when I was around 19 years old. I'd driven past the place many times, and I'd always been intrigued by it, and I wanted to go inside and see for myself what it was like; but I'd always driven on past each time I'd initially thought I'd go in---except finally, on a very hot and humid summer day in...

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My brothers slow demise chapter 3

Chapter 3 Alex- At around 3am Alex was dead asleep, his phone lit up briefly then started to play soft soothing music. Alex relaxed even further while the sounds drifted into his ears followed by the whispers of a hypnotic female voice that was barely audible. - "You love wearing panties, you can't imagine wearing anything besides panties. You are a sissy and not a true girl, you know it's wrong to wear panties but you can't help it. Panties are for girls and sissies, and not...

4 years ago
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My first time performing at a strip club

I had confessed to him that it would be exciting having strangers see me nude. It started with just someone getting a quick peek, but as we discussed it, the idea quickly grew. Our fantasy quickly escalated from wanting strangers to just stare at me. I wanted to have them grope my chest also. Joe thought a strip club would fulfill the fantasy. However, I was terrified of being recognized, and the gossip wold be very embarrassing. Joe solved the problem. He planned a getaway for us in a resort...

3 years ago
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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 7

Mia set down her espresso, peering at him with an odd look in her eye. "I haven't yet figured out how you've done it, but you certainly seem to have things under control here, don't you." "I ... I don't know what you're talking about." Pete stammered. Was his plot that transparent? If he didn't get control of this woman she could blow the lid off his entire plan. She picked up the cup and as she brought it to her lips he couldn't help but look at it in hopeful desperation - a...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 14 Friends

Elizabeth Grey - Part 14: Friends. By Carmenica Diaz Thinking the best time to telephone Cleo, Mandy and Mel was mid-morning, I waited until the next day before I placed Toby's piece of paper firmly on the table and picked up the telephone. The telephone rang a few times before a sleepy voice grunted, 'hello!' 'I was looking for Cleo Rosser...' 'Who wants to know...' 'Liz Grey.' Suddenly, she was wide-awake. 'Liz? Liz Grey? Is that...

1 year ago
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A half virgin boy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi I am Mahfuz. I am 19 now but when the fact occurred I was 18 then. It occurred in my cousin's house. My cousin was 24 but it wasn't with her. She had a best friend of her named Shila. I was still a virgin then but knew about sex and watched lots of xxx movies. Shila came to cousin's house and then we met and talked about different things. Shila was a little bit naughty I think. When she got me alone she started to tease me but I actually enjoyed...

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JulesJordan Marley Brinx Interracial Gangbang

Marley Brinx takes on 5 BBC’s in this ALL INTERRACIAL gangbang! Pale skinned beauty, Marley, is seductively sexy as she dances on the balcony in a tiny one piece that barely covers her. She makes her way inside and climbs onto the counter top and pushes her ass back and forth before untying her thong to give us a perfect look at her beautiful holes. Marley removes her top, leaving her totally naked with only high heels on. She’s joined by her 5 suitors who get right to inspecting every inch of...

1 year ago
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Here Comes Joni There Go Johnny TestChapter 17

The youngest Test in the house woke up in a sweat from dreams of being turned into a girl and getting knocked up. The youngest Test threw off the bed covers and looked down. Letting out a big puff of air Joni quietly said, “It wasn’t a dream. I really am a pregnant woman.” Dukey sat up, and Groggily said, “You forgot hot. You’re a hot pregnant woman.” “Go back to sleep,” was all Joni said before she felt one of the babies kick. After that, she looked at her new full-length mirror. She...

2 years ago
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New York College Adventures BukkakeHorror Movie Guy

And so – I am continuing my stories because of the positive response to my last one! Thanks for supporting me guys! You have NO idea how much I appreciate it! If you havent read my last story (which you should), then you would know that Im an 18 year old college student in New York, experimenting with sex of all sorts (mostly the gay sort – but well see where that goes). If youre interested in seeing these stories as they are churned out, feel free to visit my blog: ...

3 years ago
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Do You Like To Hear Wifes Sex Stories I Do

We married very very young. She was 19 and I had just turned 20. A chance meeting of two people "just passing through" led to a whirlwind 6 month romance and now 38 years of marriage. On her first visit to my Dallas apartment, our third "date," at bedtime she dropped to her knees at the side of the bed and proceeded to suck my dick and lick my balls until I came in her mouth. She swallowed every drop. It was fucking amazing! I had had a couple of blow jobs before but Kat was awesome. She would...

1 year ago
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First Gang Bang

I've been married for twenty years now. We're very happy together.My wife, Lauren, is forty-two. She has auburn hair, a curvy body and huge breasts. She has a little belly now, adorned with beautiful stretch marks. They're kind of decorations that remind me of when she was pregnant. Pregnant sex was always a special interest of mine.Neither of us believe that women should shave; hair adds interest to a woman's body. Lauren's body is definitely interesting. I notice young guys looking at her...

1 year ago
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Nerdy Neighbour

The overweight loser next door needs a babysitter for a few weeks. Being the pushover that he is Richard agrees to have him, even if the kid does revolt him entirely. Richards girlfriend, Amy, is ecstatic with the idea of watching over the greasy pervert, she regards as a nice young man. Bryan, the perverted creep packing a fat cock, has his own agenda. By the time he leaves, Amy will be an obedient cock sleeve. Maybe some other loved ones of Richard will get swooped up by the giant cock of...

1 year ago
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Love Cruise

Your name is Jane Doe and just got married two days ago. Your husband Jeff Doe got you both tickets to go to Jamaica for a honeymoon. Your cruise started out great, the food, the dancing, swimming, but you were horny. Your husband wanted to wait until night. But at 7:43 p.m. he was left in the Caribbean. You saw him enter a whore house so you told the crew he was on the ship. While you were in the crew deck you noticed everyone staring at you. It might have been your 36C-24-32 measurements. But...

2 years ago
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Plaything for a Night part 2 the spanking

(This is a direct follow-up to Part 1)I lay on the bed feeling spent from having just come. I surprisingly feel fully comfortable with having let Sir take full control of me up to this point. However, I can already feel the hunger growing in me to keep playing and not have that be the only orgasm for the evening. In this selfish thought, I also realize that I will have serve my Sir as well. Although I am naked, freshly shaven, and only wearing the ribbon he tied around my waist and looped...

2 years ago
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Milking Time B2 Chapter 9 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 9: Clyda & Jordan Part 3For a few moments, Jordan lay on the bed and simply gasped in astonishment at what she'd just done, and the incredible glowing feeling of sexual excitement that was rushing through her. Clyda's cum had tasted more delicious and more satisfying than anything Jordan could recall, and she had loved every second of the blow job she had given Clyda. Clyda lay down next to Jordan, and for a moment, they simply held each other. Clyda had let her cock soften and...

2 years ago
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Helping the Old Folks

My husband and I went to the old folks home to visit my great grand mother. This is one of those fancy homes where they have some assisted living and then some is the more traditional with the constant monitoring. My husband is a good looking guy nearing 50. He is a great fuck with a nice size dick and some balls that always deliver a good amount of cream that always make me feel satisfied. As we walked thru across the grounds this woman called us into her small house. She was probably around...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 5

We spent most of the afternoon “practising” releasing my excess energy. To practise, we first had to refill my internal reservoir. We put my ability to maintain an erection and my endless supply of cum to the test. I passed with flying colours. But practice makes perfect as they say. When we finally stopped, we were both covered in sweat and each other’s cum. Amara did her thing, and in an instant, we and my room were clean. I can’t imagine how many bed sheets we saved and showers we...

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In His Arms Instead

copyright August, 2010 Just a quick little ditty that will hopefully grab your interest. As usual there are no graphic sex scenes in my work. Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully constructively comment on this latest piece. Please enjoy. ***************** Alyssa was dancing with another man. The love of my live was dancing with, hugging, and kissing another man. She responded eagerly to his romantic overtures, in fact Alyssa instigated some of the kisses and hugs. Watching...

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Uncle and me

I am currently 25 year old. Since I was married very young I already was married for 4 years when I underwent a divorce. Actually my bastard husband left me for another woman and since then I started working as a life insurance agent with a private life insurance company. Since then I am a big success but I have paid a price for it. This story details that price. Let me tell you something about myself. I am fair and in middle age not doubt will have a weight problem. Right now however I am in...

3 years ago
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Black Daddy Cock Master

There was an adult theater on my way home from work, I'd gone in once just to see what it was like. I'd since read about these theaters on the internet that you could get a hand job or maybe a blow job, sometimes see women in there playing around. So one Friday night, my wife was out of town, I thought I'd check it out again.I sat down about two thirds of the way back. After a few minutes I saw a guy walk through a doorway I hadn't noticed and a few minutes later a another guy come came out....

1 year ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch04

Chapter: April “Dirty Dancing” *** If you have any talent for bullshitting, there are some torpedoes you can see coming and prepare for with a little well-intentioned manipulation. Evil questions like ‘Do these pants make my ass look fat?’ or ‘Do you think that girl’s hot?’ can be deflected with a casual compliment to the fine derriere of the former, or the snarky comment about dime-a-dozen looks to the latter, because unless she’s really looking for a fight, she’ll accept the validation....

2 years ago
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My Wife is a Slut

My name is Rob. Candice and I have been married for nine years. We met in college and have two children now. Ages five and six. They spend alternate weekends with their two sets of grandparents. Candice is 5'1" tall, weighs 103. Blonde and well-endowed on top with nice full milky white tit's a narrow waist and full hips. Her ass is to die for. Full looking round ass and further down she has what I like to call. Thunder thighs. Candice is always saying they look fat but guys are always starring...

Wife Lovers
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Wifes friends dont beleive her

I have always been a man who can cum multiple times. I realized it at a young age, that simply shooting my load, in no way made my cock lose it's hardness. When I was first with my wife, I never really let I could cum multiple times. I am not sure why, I guess because I figured most people assume when the guys cums, the sex is over. So I always held out and would wait a long time to cum. But then after a long drought in our sex life due to pregnancy, I came inside her within like a minute of...

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The Teacher The Slut

Brad was sitting with his tablet in his hands and his mouth was hanging open. There on the screen was a familiar face. It was Heather! He looked carefully at the face and he knew that the picture he was looking at was definitely his student but he had never seen her dressed like this. None the less there she was on XHamster.Brad had always loved Heather's dark looks with those lovely brown eyes. Now though he was getting a look at her hot body. Brad pulled out his dick and started to stroke it....

1 year ago
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Change of Heart

Chapter One Evelyn sat by the phone, turning the card over in her fingers. Daniel F. Alexander Joiner & Home Handyman No job too small it read, followed by a telephone number. She remembered their last meeting. Nearly a year ago. She and Adrian had only been married a few months. They had decided to have a mahogany shelf put into an alcove in Adrain's study and one of Adrian's friends at work had recommended Dan Alexander. He had told Adrian how Dan had done a lot of jobs in...

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Surviving the DivorceChapter 5

We spent the rest of Sunday mostly resting in the way most people do, though there were a number of pleasant interludes. We lounged around the suite in robes and the memory of one of those interludes stands out: Patricia had asked the driver, whose name, I finally learned, was Walt, to pick up some food from a local restaurant, which we ate in the room. I was cleaning up the mess, when Patricia ambushed me from behind. My sexy lover bit me on the earlobe and said, with a pretense of threat...

1 year ago
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Same sex sex slave part two

Following on from the first part of the story, we both stayed naked while we drank our coffee's chatting about almost anything - we both felt that the " chemistry " between us was strong and that we were a good match, we went on the discuss kink in all its forms , what really appealed and what did not, he went on to explaint that he had always felt submissive from an early age, but for him he said he only got ultimate pleasure from being used and abused, on hearing him say that was music to my...

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My Dear Sweet Slave Chapter 3

“Just a tad bit more,” Isaac said. Holly lowered the gallon bottle of milk over the bowl of Raisin Bran, letting a small white splash soak down under the brown flakes. “Perfect, just like that. Now, onto Cheerios…” It was an interesting scene taking place in Isaac’s kitchen; it was like he and Holly were preparing a buffet. Isaac had originally started out simply trying to list things Holly could cook for breakfast and dinner, but with a sudden drive of perfectionism, Holly...

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Daniel Effeminate College Student

Chapter 1The BeginningDaniel, an Italian boy in his late teens is starting a fine arts program at a college in the US. He had been awarded a full scholarship as part of an exchange program with the international arts community. He arrives before classes begin and has to stay in a hotel at his expense as the residence on campus in not available for a week. He is happy to be there as this is freedom for the boy as he can now begin to express his true desires to be gay and effeminate. At home it...

3 years ago
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Spring Breeze

Ah Spring, when a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of … well … sex actually. Or baseball, but that is a completely different story. Washington seasons suffer from ‘mood swings,’ especially when it comes to the temperature during the spring and fall. This spring was no different. Yesterday, the weather gurus had been calling for a high in the mid to upper sixties, yet it had struggled to get to fifty. Today, they were calling for highs in the upper sixties to lower seventies, so it was no...

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Strangeness at Fellows Part 1

Part I Denis Denis Robson was the floor manager of Fellows department store and ever since his promotion eighteen months ago, had been wrestling with a problem. The problem was that his responsibility was for the mens and ladies wear floor and every day he went to work, he was forced to walk through the ladies section, past the dresses, skirts and blouses that sparkled and shimmered in the carefully placed lights. He'd walk on past the shoes in pretty, bright shades, past the...

4 years ago
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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 5 The Red Room

You are about to make your first choice at the end of this part. (But lets be honest you will probably do both) This is the first time I have created a multiple path piece of written work and though I will try to keep everything smooth and consistent. Well some things may seem odd if you make one decision in part six where you burn a characters cloths but in part seven they still have them because I wrote part seven trying to make all paths flow tougher correctly. So please forgive and bear...

1 year ago
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Holiday with the lads Part 1

Beep! Beep! Beep! I jumped as the sound of my alarm woke me from a deep sleep. As my eyes began to focus on the room around me and my body moved gently from the position it had been stationary in for the last eight hours, my stomach suddenly began to spin, it was like the ocean crashing into the rocks in my stomach. It couldn't be possible the day had arrived, it had always been in the future and now suddenly it was upon me, my stomach gave another larch. I am usually a fairly confident...

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40SomethingMag Esmerelda Esmerelda8217s private fuck

Esmerelda, a 44-year-old divorcee and mom from Prague, Czech Republic, is dressed to fuck in her first on-camera sex scene. She’s wearing a bra, panties, stockings, a garter belt and heels, and there’s no questioning what she wants: She wants to suck and fuck cock, which she does very well. Her guy bones her every which way before shooting his load on her sweet ass. Esmerelda has a tight, bangable body. Esmerelda, who’s not a swinger or a nudist, told us she doesn’t like...

4 years ago
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Fucking the Swim Coach

On Tuesday night I went to a Masters Swim Squad training session. This was the second time I’ve gone along and I’m enjoying it. Most of the people are in their forties training for triathlons and I’ve been the youngest guy there both times. While I don’t think I need much motivation to get me to the pool to do laps, the training is different to what I do when I train on my own. The first week I thought I was getting hit on by this married couple (guy and girl). They asked me to join them for a...

2 years ago
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The Lady in Blue Ch 15

Chapter Fifteen: Where no man has gone before. Lisa’s point of view After Hawk went into the bathroom, I sat down on the couch and ran my hands over my face. The last few days were taking a toll on me. My world was turned upside down and now my boss was somehow involved. There wasn’t enough to go for a warrant without him pushing it, but he was part of it. I felt like pulling my hair out by the roots. I was angry, upset and wanted to break down, but that would gain us nothing. Hawk had a...

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