Surefoot – Imbarrazzo Ch. 01 free porn video

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Thank you to all the kind words and compliments from the readers of my stories! I’ve made slight changes to the names of some of the characters, but they’re recognisable enough.


USS Surefoot, Deck 2, Alpha Squad Quarters:

Jonas was certain he had felt more physically exhausted in his life. Damned if he could think of when.

Alpha Squad had woke up an hour before, at 0630 hours, determined to take advantage of the quiet hours and get a workout in the gym. Which was fine, usually, physical fitness was a necessity the more sedentary Jonas accepted as part of being in Starfleet. But then Eydiir had volunteered to provide the rest of them with instruction – and the Capellan proved to be just as tough as the worst drill instructors back at the Academy, all the while demonstrating how fit she was herself. Even Neraxis was cursing between ragged breaths, and she was the one majoring in Security.

Eydiir was a mystery to Jonas. She came from a primitive society that was exposed to the rest of the Galaxy by early space travellers before the introduction of the Prime Directive, though they managed to retain their cultural identity, living in nomadic tribes and settling disputes with duels. Capella had become a protectorate of the Federation, and many Capellans had joined Starfleet as Security officers, their size, stamina and demeanour seemingly making them ideal.

But Eydiir, Daughter-of-Kaas, had joined to study medicine, with the justification that the fight against injury or disease was every bit as valid as that against Klingons or Cardassians. And, she reasoned, the physical well-being of the fellow members of her Squad was included in that.

But damn it, did she have to be so relentless at it?

‘I am going… to crawl into… that mess hall,’ Neraxis was promising hoarsely as she undressed, her cerulean skin beaded with sweat. ‘And I am going to eat everything. All the food, the chairs, the tables… you too, Scrappy, if I can get a good hold of you.’

Eydiir was nearby, looking none the worse for wear for her workout. ‘Pegging out would defeat the purpose of this morning’s physical training.’

Beside her, Sasha was pulling up the bottom of her T-shirt to mop her brow, revealing a pale pink midriff. ‘It’s ‘pigging out’. Pigs are a Terran mammal with a reputation for overeating.’

Jonas looked away, afraid of being caught watching inappropriately. It had been three days since their arrival on board the Surefoot, working and studying under the AWE Program that took them out of Starfleet Academy and into the real world. It had become the most exciting time of his life, as exciting as his first spacewalk when he was a kid, helping out his mother and her crew in her salvage company.

And his friends in Alpha Squad were the best, better companions than he had known in his first year as a cadet – even Giles, when he wasn’t being a smarmy jerk.

But there were times, like this, when the female members of the Squad seemed so… casual… about undressing, about hopping in and out of the sonic showers… they weren’t flaunting themselves, or doing anything enticing or flirtatious. Far from it, they were professional, and rightfully expecting the same from their male comrades.

And Giles seemed cool about it all as well – but then he was tall, broad-shouldered, blonde and full of teeth, a poster boy for Starfleet Academy. And Kitirik, the only Qarari in Starfleet let alone their Squad, was not bothered by what humanoids looked like without their clothes. Curious, maybe, but not bothered.

It wasn’t fair! Why did Jonas have to be the only self-conscious one among them?

He started at a pair of blue fingers snapping in front of him. ‘Hey, Scrappy, you okay?’

He nodded absently. ‘Yeah, just aching from those shoulder rolls.’

Neraxis grinned, standing there with a towel wrapped around her, leaning in and whispering, ‘Yeah, I’ll have a word with Sasha, see if she can get Tall Dark and Dour to ease up next time.’ She patted him on the shoulder. ‘Come on, better get in line.’

He nodded, waiting until she turned away before dropping his exercise trousers, leaving himself in boxers, he was not prepared to go all the way, and he didn’t care what anyone said about it.

There were twin sonic showers in their bathroom, and Sasha had set up a random rota for their use in the morning, with Kit and herself in first, while others used the time waiting for whatever ablutions they performed at the twin sinks. Jonas felt the vibrations from the shower through the adjacent wall he was leaning against, a somnolent effect that conspired with his fatigue to make him snooze standing up – until he moved, and felt more protests from his shoulder and neck muscles. Who needs to roll on the floor, anyway?


He looked up, Eydiir was standing behind him, not appearing sweaty or tired or anything normal, of course. Her usual stoic expression, however, now displayed what looked like sympathy, as did her tone. ‘I realise you are not accustomed to the levels of exertion that some of us are. Yet you persisted without complaint, which was more than Giles did, for a while, I thought his mouth obtained the most exercise.’

At the sink, Giles stopped splashing beard suppressant on his face to note, ‘I’m standing right here while you’re talking about me.’

‘Indeed.’ She focused on Jonas again. ‘I just wanted you to know that I admire your resolve.’ She nodded at his shoulder. ‘But it’s obvious you are in pain as a result. Here, allow me.’

‘What? No, it’s okay-‘

But she reached up from behind and put her hands on him, fingers kneading strongly. A wave of initial pain ran through him… quickly replaced with relief, as her efforts released the tension and knots, making him close his eyes and relax.

‘Hey, I get the next go with those Magic Hands,’ Neraxis quipped.

‘I am not as familiar with Bolian musculature,’ Eydiir admitted. ‘But I will endeavour to learn more. Is this working for you, Jonas?’

A sound from the sink made Jonas open his eyes again, as Giles was staring in his direction, guffawing and declaring, ‘It sure looks like it’s working!’

Jonas blinked, confused – what the hell was he talking about? – just as one of the sonic shower doors slid open, and Sasha stepped out, towel around her. ‘What’s going on?’

Jonas’ heart leaped into his throat, and he didn’t have to look down to know what everyone else was staring at. He caught Sasha’s eyes, saw the embarrassment there, the embarrassment that mirrored his own.

Now Kit emerged, wrapped in his own towel. ‘Respected friends, I-‘ Then he stopped, nonplussed. ‘Friend Jonas, are you suffering from some sort of an allergic reaction?’

That broke the ice, making some of them giggle, or even laugh out loud.

Before he could die of mortification, Jonas dipped out of Eydiir’s grasp and rushed back to the sleeping area to get dressed, not caring if he stank for the rest of the day.

‘Jonas?’ Neraxis followed him in, still clad in a towel. ‘Hey, Buddy, it’s no big deal.’

‘I know.’ He couldn’t look at her, afraid he was now as red as she was blue.

‘I’ve got six brothers,’ she reminded him mildly, putting a hand on his shoulder. ‘It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.’

He pulled away from her, carrying his combadge instead of staying to pin it on, still unable to look at her. ‘I know. Gotta go.’

‘Jonas-‘ She reached out for him again.

But he dodged and almost rushed out, ignoring the others as he exited into the corridor, wishing for an amnesia virus to strike them all, or a spatial anomaly to swallow him up.

The remaining Alpha Squad members looked at each other with mixed measures of confusion and chagrin, the perplexed looking Kit’s throat turning yellow-red. ‘Why did Friend Jonas leave? I thought we were meant to breakfast together? Was he going to Sickbay to see
about his allergic reaction?’

‘We, ah…’ Sasha fought to control her ongoing blushes as she looked to the rest of the Squad.

‘We should get dressed and get ready for our shift. And maybe Eydiir can explain to you what happened.’

Better her than me, Sasha thought. Damn, he screwed up that one.

Deck 1, Bridge:

First Officer Commander T’Varik sat in the Captain’s Chair, hearing the doors slide open behind her, but never veering her gaze from the PADD in her hand as she announced clearly, ‘The 0800 shift begins at 0800 hours, I do not expect you to arrive at that time, but to be ready to begin your duties, is that understood?’

‘Yes, Ma’am,’ came a deep, purring, familiar voice. ‘Sorry, Ma’am, won’t happen again.’

T’Varik looked up, but did not turn around, aware that it might be construed as surprise, other races had an illogical need to ‘catch out’ Vulcans in the alleged display of emotion. ‘Captain, you are unexpected. Have you forgotten that CPO Grev is meant to be senior officer on Alpha Shift?’

He stepped into view, along with several members of Alpha Squad. ‘I switched with him at the last minute.’

‘And he agreed to this?’

‘Well, he was the one who asked – though he still argued about it, of course. He wanted some extra time to prepare some egregiously difficult tests for the Engineering cadets today.’ He rested a hand on the arm of his chair. ‘Status?’

‘All systems nominal. The news updates and messages arrived at 0455 hours.’

‘Thank you. What about our updates?’

‘The systems software updates and Level 3 diagnostic tests have been completed, we are good to go to warp and proceed to Karakol.’

‘Well, we will be as soon as you’ve vacated my chair.’

T’Varik offered a look at some of the cadets who’d sniggered at Hrelle’s remarks, before rising and stepping aside. The Caitian settled into the padded cushion. ‘Ahh, nice and comfy, you must see about warming all my seats from now on, Commander.’ He looked around, winking at his stepdaughter Sasha at Ops (though Sasha looked distracted for some reason, which he put down to her wanting to act professional), Neraxis at Tactical, and Eydiir and Kit at one of the Science stations, next to the enticing – and annoying – Counselor Kami, acting as his instructor, at least today she had chosen to wear a standard uniform instead of the minidress. And – ‘Who’s this at Helm?’

The figure turned in her seat and rose to attention, a slim, earnest Terran girl with soft, dark features, her arms straight at her side. ‘Cadet Rina Chaudri reporting as ordered, Sir!’

Hrelle blinked. ‘At ease, Chaudri, I once saw a cadet snap in two doing that.’ He looked to T’Varik. ‘Where’s Giles?’

‘Mr Arrington is spending Alpha Shift in the hangar bay with Lt. Velkovsky preparing for his shuttle pilot certification.’ Her expression narrowed, slightly. ‘It appears my counterpart at the Academy Annex where Mr Arrington was based was negligent in completing this before the start of the Program. I of course would not have allowed such an oversight.’

‘Of course.’

‘Cadet Chaudri has agreed to cover for him for Alpha Shift.’ To the nervous-looking young woman she added, ‘Which she will be unable to do if she continues to stand there.’

‘What- oh, yes, Ma’am, of course, Ma’am.’ She returned to her place.

Hrelle leaned back in his chair, suppressing amusement, remembering being just as nervous on his first assignment. ‘Very well, Ms Chaudri: set a course for the colony on Karakol, Warp One, proceed when ready.’

He watched the girl at the helm console in front of him move her fingers over the panels.

Then again.

And again.

She was tensing now.

Hrelle could feel more eyes on her as the expected signals did not come about. He wanted to say something, but thought that would only make the girl feel worse.

T’Varik had no hesitation, however. ‘Cadet Chaudri, is there a problem?’

The girl didn’t look up, and Hrelle could almost smell the anxiety from her as she stammered, ‘N-No, Ma’am, I’m-‘

The Vulcan started to approach, but Hrelle held up a hand to stop her, before rising himself and approaching, kneeling down beside Chaudri as the girl was beginning to appear stressed. She looked to him, eyes wide, almost teary-eyed. ‘Sorry, Sir, I- I’m just-‘

‘Shhh.’ He kept his voice low, friendly, showing no anger or anxiety. He still remembered his outburst with Giles the other evening, and how that might have left some of the new arrivals intimidated by him. ‘Put your hands on your lap. Take a deep breath. Come on, do it.’

Chaudri bit her lip as she did so.

‘Now,’ he continued, ‘Just remember your Asides.’


‘Asides. The mnemonic. Don’t they teach that any more?’ He looked to T’Varik, before returning to Chaudri. ‘A-S-I-D-E-S. You’ll know it as we go through it, and I want you to take the appropriate action at the appropriate time, okay?’ When she nodded, he started with , ‘A: Astrogation plotted, so we’re going to the correct destination.’

Her fingers moved over the navigation panels, breathing out. ‘Astrogation plotted, Sir.’

‘S: Structural Integrity field online, so the ship doesn’t rip apart when we hit warp.’

She moved more confidently now. ‘Structural Integrity field online.’

‘I?’ He asked.

And Chaudri picked it up. ‘Inertial Dampening field online.’

He nodded. ‘So we don’t turn into paste inside the ship. Then there’s D-‘

‘Deflector dish online,’ she finished, her hands moving swiftly over the panels. ‘E: Engineering alerted that we’re about to go to warp.’

‘Excellent. And finally the second S.’

Chaudri started, but then stopped and looked to him in confusion.

‘Smile,’ he replied warmly. ‘You’ve made it to where you have wanted to be: at the helm of a starship, about to outrace light itself. This is what your ancestors and mine dreamt about when they were planetbound and looking up at the stars.’ Then he leaned back. ‘What’s more, you have me as your Captain! And I’m *amazing*! I’d be delighted if I could serve with myself!’

That made her grin, and then blush at her own reaction.

‘Now,’ he finished up, ‘Since the folks on Karakol are probably waiting for their medicines and mail and ice cream and such, maybe we should get going, yes?’

Chaudri smiled and nodded, showing none of the anxiety she had displayed moments before. ‘Aye aye, Sir! Karakol, Warp One!’

He straightened up, watching the screen and feeling the subtle shift as the space outside the Surefoot warped and propelled them forward.

‘Warp One achieved, Sir,’ Chaudri announced proudly.

He patted her on the shoulder. ‘Keep us at Warp One for an hour, and take us up a warp factor at hourly increments until we reach Warp Four, and then hold. The old girl deserves a bit of foreplay.’

‘Yes, Sir.’

Hrelle smiled and started back to his chair – but not before catching a glimpse of Kami, who was sitting there, arms crossed over her ample chest, staring at him with wide eyes and an enigmatic grin. He frowned at her, what was up with her?

He was almost started when T’Varik drew up to his other side, her voice low. ‘Captain, if I may have a word in private?’

‘Of course, Commander.’ He walked around to the outer ring of the bridge and towards the doors to his adjacent office, but not before he stopped and looked at Sasha. ‘Ms Hrelle, you’re in command until further notice.’

She had been pretending not to be eavesdropping on the adults, but now straightened up, her jaw almost dropping open. ‘Sir?’

‘Just don’t leave sticky child’s fingerprints all over the seat, and you’ll do fine.’

As the clearly-delighted Sasha moved from Ops to the Captain’s chair, Kami rose as well. ‘Do you mind if I tag along for this as well?’

T’Varik looked to her archly. ‘Your presence will not be
necessary, Counselor.’

Kami smiled. ‘If I had a credit for every time someone told me that…’ She brushed past them and towards the corridor outside.

Hrelle just shook his head. ‘Best not try to argue with her, T’Varik, believe me.’

In his office, Kami took a seat, sitting on it backwards and resting her arms and chin on the back of it, her tail swishing gently behind her, while Hrelle leaned against his desk and gave T’Varik his full attention, having worked out that something was bothering her – and that he was probably at fault. ‘So, what’s up, Commander?’

‘Captain, our arrangement onboard your ship was that I would remain in charge of the cadets, their behaviour and development. Your actions with Cadet Chaudri were in violation of that arrangement.’

He nodded, as if considering her words, and then replied with, ‘I’m afraid you’re in error, Commander.’

She raised an eyebrow.

Watching them, Kami quipped, ‘If you had a coat, T’Varik, right now I’d be asking if you want me to hold it for you while you two fight it out.’

The Vulcan ignored her. ‘Would you care to enlighten me as to the nature of my error, Captain?’

‘Errors, actually. Firstly, this is not ‘my’ ship… it’s ours, you are as much a part of this crew as the rest of us. Secondly, you are quite right about our arrangement. When the cadets are doing cadet work – taking instruction, exams, planning their careers and reviewing their work to date – you have the final say, though I might kibbitz from time to time.’


‘Never mind. As I was saying, when they’re being cadets, they’re yours.’ Now he straightened up, indicating the door. ‘But when they’re out there doing the grown-up things like bridge duty and other real work, they’re members of my crew.’

‘Then I must question your approach towards your crew. I have observed you at length. You are overly familiar, both with the permanent members and with the cadets. It is not professional.’

‘Oh?’ He folded his arms across his chest.

‘And if you had a coat, Hrelle…’ Kami remarked.

Now he acknowledged the Counselor. ‘Do you have something more than jokes to offer here?’

‘Yes, actually. The Commander is right, you are overly familiar.’ Then she looked at T’Varik. ‘But then you’re too distant, so it all works out.’

‘Indeed?’ The Vulcan did not sound at all convinced.

Kami chuckled. ‘Merely the opinion of someone who’s been a Counselor for as long as you’ve been an instructor, and for as long as the Captain’s been a commanding officer. Your approach is obviously successful back at the Academy, dealing with hundreds of cadets on familiar ground.

But this is different. They’re smaller groups, they’re far from home, and expected to work and live like adults, some of them for the first time in their lives. It will be stressful. Hell, it’s stressful for the more experienced officers and noncoms, smaller crews like ours will naturally gravitate towards familiarity. They need us, and all our individual approaches to them.’

‘And when they’re with me,’ Hrelle declared, ‘Then my approach is to be Papa Bear. And that’s non-negotiable. Is that clear?’

Her expression shifted, and she clasped hands behind her back. ‘I… believe it is, Sir.’

‘So, to recap: when they’re crew and not cadets, what am I?’

‘You are the commanding officer.’

He shook his head. He wasn’t prepared to let her go that easily. ‘That’s not what I said. What am I?’

She drew a breath before finally replying, with as much chagrin as a Vulcan could manage, ‘You are… Papa Bear.’

He held out his arms magnanimously. ‘Thank you. Now, Commander, I know you’ve just finished your shift, but would you mind going back in and telling Sasha that I’ll be in here doing paperwork and probably having a nap, and that she’ll have to stay in charge for a little while longer?’

‘I cannot imagine she will protest overmuch about that.’ She nodded and started towards the door.

But not before Hrelle said, ‘Commander T’Varik?’

She stopped and looked at him one final time. ‘Sir?’

He regarded her with genuine feeling. ‘The cadets are the finest group I’ve ever seen, and they will make exemplary members of Starfleet – and a big part of that is due to your hard work and expertise. You have my appreciation and gratitude, neither may be logical, but I promise they’re both deserved.’

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Group Sex
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My First Time

This is my first story, and the first time telling people about my first but not last sexual experience.I had been having bisexual urges for quite some time; because of this, I was going onto text and chat sites. This was about ten years ago now, so there were not as many websites back then.I'd been chatting to quite a few older men. On most occasions, the chats just helped me get off, as I kept chickening out from meeting the guys.I went out drinking with my friends one night and got extremely...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Adding a Third Person

Introduction: An anniversary present she will never forget Adding A Third It all started with innocent comments on Facebook one evening. My friend Louisa was flirting back and forth with me like we have done since weve known each other. This time though Ty joined in and made a few comments hinting that we should have a threesome. I played along, knowing how much the thought if it would drive her crazy and knowing that just using it to fuel her mind would bring on a new experience for the two...

2 years ago
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Subjugation of a Siren Pt 2 The Office Party

Minidevilette© 2012 “I’m having a quiet affair at work.” Grant said. “I’ll bet you are,” I answered sarcastically. “Behave,” he admonished. “I’d like you to play hostess for me.” It had been five days since he had demonstrated to me just how ineffectual my defiance was in the face of his determination and I had relived that afternoon over and over in my mind as I waited to be with him again. “Nothing major, just a small business thing at the office on Thursday evening. Few drinks and a lot...

3 years ago
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Sanias Second Chance

When we first met, she was the uber bitch friend of a friend. I found out that she was going through a divorce and can’t say I was surprised. I began to see her more often as the days and weeks went on. She would show up to our happy hour sessions and at the occasional BBQ. She was forceful and mouthy, and increasingly sexy. As 42 she was a delicious cinnamon complexion Asian American with one of those rare delicious full bottoms that make me instantly melt. Her sassiness began to meld into...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Donna my love part 1

He was alone in his bedroom. Browsing on some magazines, he heard noise coming from downstairs. He opened the door and saw the most beautiful girl he could ever see in person. Surrounded by her parents, the girl smiled to his parents and saluted them respectfully. He was intrigued. Who is she? He closed the door and hundreds of thoughts went trough his head. WHO IS SHE???!! Suddenly two knocks on his door. He jumped. He opened the door and saw her and his parents.- Honey, look who came!- Aaaa,...

3 years ago
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My first time with a teacher

I have this problem. I have to fuck men that have power over me. I HAVE to. Not that I want to, I literally NEED to if I want to continue to be sane. And once I get it in my head that I’m going to have someone, I WILL have them. I will do whatever it takes to have sex with the person I set my goal on. I will do things most people wouldn’t even fathom doing to get what I want. I really don’t know why I am this way, but I have accepted it, and I’m okay with it now.

1 year ago
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Mixed Metaphors IX

Becky awoke at 3:00am. She was having a difficult time remembering how they got to bed. The last thing she recalled was the smile on Tony’s face when he lay prostrate on the front room chair. Tony was close behind her. She wasn’t sure what caused her to awaken, until she felt his hard cock between her butt cheeks. She thought of all the years she had slept alone and craved the comfort of a man’s arms around her. Becky had not realized how painful loneliness could be, until this wonderful...

3 years ago
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Degrees of Attraction

There have been fantasies for hundreds of years about what can be done through hypnosis – especially erotic fantasies, especially of a man taking absolute control of the minds of dozens of young and nubile women. This is nonsense. And yet… The modern belief is that a person cannot be hypnotized into doing a thing which they would object to doing if not hypnotized. There are three problems with that, first is the possibility that someone could be gradually conditioned into doing a thing which...

1 year ago
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part 2

The beginning of the end was when my wife started to see a guy who was in our social circle, actually he was a friend of my best friend Tom. Everybody knew what was going on. Nobody said anything to me (I knew as well) and things just sort of went along. However one night I got a call from Tom, usually I didn't pick them up as I would either be in the middle of or about to indulge in my new sexuality. Anyway, this night I was just sitting watching the football match having a beer, so I...

3 years ago
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Galti Se Mistake

Papa k death k bad jaise ghar me sab kuch badal sa gya tha.Mummy papa k office me job karne jane lagi thi aur me bhai k saath ghar me rehti thi.Mera bhai sam hamesa apne dosto k saath ghumne jata tha aur roz ki tarah ghar me akeli sapne dekha karti hu.Us din bhai mujhe market le jane wala tha. Me ek black skinny jeans aur blue top pehen k bhai k pichhe beth gae aur woh bike chalane laga.Hamesa ki tarah me sam se chipak k bethi thi jis k karan usko maza bhi aa rha tha aur bike me thik balance...

3 years ago
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My name is Sara and I like porn. I like porn for men, the real smut, no germ-free high-gloss productions. Only that turns me on. I like deep throat and gangbangs, slaps and humiliations, big breasts and anal scenes. Nothing is more erotic than a woman who gives everything without being boring and perfect. I hate fake excitement. Gargling and bubbling it should, the saliva must flow and the eyes can be in tears.And of course, I love to see cocks. Cocks that are getting rubbed, that slip through...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary 3

Monday Another week starts. Why does the weekend flash by so quickly? Nice suny day today... hate the idea of sitting around in the office. Must find a reason for going out and visiting some customers. Had a look at who wants what and found several customers who are in need of a site visit, so I decided to book myself out for the day. I could have asked someone to go out for me, but why should others get the fun of being out in the sunshine. Anyway, sometimes people want to discuss...

4 years ago
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Hiking in the Mountains with Mom

Mom had promised me that she and I would celebrate my eighteenth birthday at our cabin by the mountainside. I was eagerly looking forward for the occasion. I had always loved to visit our old little cabin, situated at the foothills. I also knew that perhaps it would be our last holidaying together for this season. With the winters were about to go, but the whether was still very cold. We all were looking forward for the upcoming summers. Within weeks the weather would slowly start getting warm...

2 years ago
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Aunty Teaches Virgin Nephew 8211 Part 3

This story is fantasy and never happened and is only written for the enjoyment of the readers. Please read and enjoy Part 1 and Part 2 of this story. Greetings ISS readers, the story will for the most part be written as a narrative since I am not an expert in writing good conversational English. My name is Raj and am 18 years of age, slender build, tan colour skin, and an average student attending school in Pune and staying with my mum’s sister Anita (I call her aunty) in Pune. Aunty is...

1 year ago
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>>>>>> I did talk to the girls, lining them up as I cooked a pound of bacon before frying two eggs for each of us. After my “discussion” they all understood to mind their own business and not Amy’s and mine. I kissed everyone goodbye afterwards and drove off to work. Fridays are always hectic. The men turn in their time sheets then Carolyn and her assistant Barbara review them, compute their wages and withholding for taxes and benefits using a payroll program I had bought last year. ...

1 year ago
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The Beauty of Buses

The Beauty of Buses.txt I had made a Commercial Bus trip to North Carolina to be with my Mother for a few days. What would’ve been a nine-hour drive became a thirty-four hour trip. Mother needed an immediate surgery for a blockage in one of her corroded arteries, but she survived the operation and was all right when I had to leave. I remembered that SEPTA (South East Pennsylvania Trust Authority) had a bus that went out that way. I could be home before the Commercial bus arrived at the Philly...

4 years ago
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The Last Bookshop Omega and Alpha

Their black eyes shimmered as a dark terror rendered him immobile.  An existential cry for help drowned in the deluge of panic that filled his mind.  His paralysed vocal chords felt so numb and useless, and his leaden limbs refused to move.Forward they advanced, self-assured with each step, their impassive faces certain they had their transgressor.  Digging deep, the tardy swell of adrenaline fuelled his need for flight.  He turned and ran; his sluggish legs moved but felt disconnected and...

3 years ago
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My Kinky PartTime Jobs

Peggy Moran was strapped for cash. She did surveys online but that did not pay the bills. She sold her blood sometimes and that paid well but still did not pay her rent.She was tired of always having sex with her landlord. He was a horny bastard who was very slick and sneaky. She had been having sex with him for the last year. She loved her apartment, but it was too expensive for her. She made a deal with George her landlord and gave him sex whenever he wanted it, which seemed to be about three...

3 years ago
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Poolside BBW Fantacy

I go to the pool around lunchtime and sit myself down next to her guessing she is asleep lying on her belly. I get out my book and start reading. 30 min minutes or so go by and she rolls over in my direction sitting up she glances my way. Naturally I had already taken in an eyeful of her very full, round, plump ass. Her skin looked soft and sensual like she applied lotion often. To my excitement, when she sat up, her tits were as large as her ass. Huge, round and with massive cleavage from her...

1 year ago
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new boyfriend and first sex with him

Turns out the guy I sucked in the faculty (college) toilet actually suspected I was a trans and that turns him on. And not only he's into trans he also told me he loves BDSM. I don't have to tell you how great this is, but let's start at the beginning.The other day after the "toilet incident" I met the guy again. I had white leg warmers, a schoolgirl skirt (I wear these as much as I can), a black tank-top, and a gray hoodie. I heard a voice behind me telling me how beautiful I am today. As I...

1 year ago
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Her Ladyship Is at the Dog Park Sir

I hadn’t seen my Aunt Winifred since the accident and I hoped that my cast would not make any marks on the beautiful red brick pavers at the curved front steps. I had to be careful with the steps because of the curvature and I retracted my steps down to my motor car with infinite care. In all honesty, I should admit that I should have been half as cautious when trying to pass the lorry on the post road not being fully aware of the depth of the dreadful pothole right out on the highway. My blue...

2 years ago
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The Taking of My Prize

The Taking of My Prize The Taking of My Prize I remember the night I took you. I was nervous as I entered your room. Getting into the house had been easy. I often wonder why single mothers with children do not double check all the locks before they go to bed, but I was glad that you were one that did not. I had crept up the stairs and found the door to your room open, perhaps to help you here if your son got up in the night. I did not want him to disturb us so I had pulled his door...

4 years ago
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An Office Fantasy Part 2 Dinner

 After our sexual romp in my office, the three of us dress and walk arm in arm out to the limousine. The chauffeur is standing there with the door open. She is wearing a short gray skirt with a slit on the left side, reaching just below her hip. The matching self-supporting thigh high nylon is clearly visible when she moves. Her gray shirt with black tie and gray suit coat compliment her caramel skin."This is Tammy, our new full time chauffeur."Melissa walks over to the Tammy and kisses her,...

Office Sex
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My Latin Maid

Hi there, my name is Jennifer Bridges and I’m a housewife living in Miami. I’m brown haired and 5’7 with 34C tits that fit my frame perfectly. Now I had never considered myself lesbian or even bi, but with my husband away on business all the time, I constantly felt horny, most of the time I could satisfy myself with a dildo or my fingers but lately I developed a longing for the same sex, and that was when we hired Mariana. She was a 20 year-old latin girl working here to pay for college, so she...

2 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 22

After being pelted by clods of sand and being high-step running in tandem side by side on the beach as our school nurse told us we were lazy sluts who needed to bounce our tits more the last person I wanted to see was Betty Finch. Betty had long blonde hair, huge tits, and a perfect body. She exuded sexuality like the 9th-grade version of Samantha Fox! She was with a handsome older man who was different than the last guys I had seen her with that she called “Daddy.” “Hey, wow! those...

4 years ago
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Beebi Badli Chalaki Se

Hiiiii…………. Friends mera naam roshan hai aur main 32 saal ka hun aur married hun. Mera rang wheatish hai aur mere lund ka size 8.5 hai.Meri patni ka naam jyoti hai aur woh bahut hi khubsurat hai.Uski umar 30 saal hai auruska figure 34-28-38 hai.Humara ek beta bhi hai jo 4 saal ka hai.Main behad hi chudaai pasand aadmi hun aur kam se kam apni bibi ki ek week men 10 baar toh jrur leta hun.Jyoti kehti hai ki tumne toh mera poori khubsurti ko nichod liya hai.Humder raat tk chudaai krte Aur fir main...

3 years ago
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The Big Sandwich 2 Pussy Posse

This is a story jointly written by myself and my partner in crime, Mazza. Mazza woke, her head was pounding. She opened her eyes and the room swam in and out of focus. What a mess! Champagne bottles, empty glasses and food wrappers were strewn everywhere. “Where the hell am I?” She thought as she began to sit up on the sofa, which was a mistake, as her head immediately began to spin so she lay back down and closed her eyes. “Fuck!” The sun was streaming through the blinds onto her eyelids...

3 years ago
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Hawk Chapter 4

Chapter 4 “Good evening, Mr. Hawk,” a tall, handsome man said as they entered. “I see that you’ve brought a beautiful woman to dress up my shabby restaurant.”Reaching his hand out, Tommy said, “That’s exactly what I’m doing, Dominic. This place needs a little help, and I think when the word gets out that Elizabeth eats here, your business will improve.”“No doubt,” the man replied as he unashamedly checked her out. “Let me assume that with someone so lovely, you’ll not be sitting at the bar....

3 years ago
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An Erotic Saga Of Love And Incest

Hi, I am Anmol from Jaisalmer studying BBA. I am of 5’8″, with an average build body. This my real story of a fatefull night with my elder sister Anu in a hotel. (Its a long story, because its real and takes time to build the erotica–so have patience, u won’t regret) My 12th boards were over, and I was free. Anu, 2 years older than me had come home from college in Sikkim. When were vacations were about to be over, Dad asked me to leave her to her college in Sikkim. Since I was free, I...

4 years ago
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There I was, lying on the beach, stranded on an island. I was recollecting recent events which ultimately led to the situation I'm in. It was a lovely summer morning, so I decided to go fishing at sea, try my luck, and also get some free food, why not? After the last of the preparations had been made, I put on my "lucky" shirt and set sail. It was very warm, and I could feel the Sun massaging my skin. I finally found a nice spot, far from the shore where I thought should be plenty...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Whitney Wright Undressed

Whitney Wright is dressed to kill, but the point of this hottie’s seduction relies on getting undressed. Strutting along on her high heels, she peels off her evening gown and leaves it on the floor. That’s followed by her sheer bra, and then her thong. Down to just her garter belt, Whitney crawls into bed and waits for Codey Steele to join her. When Codey comes home from work, he spies the trail of clothing and follows it. When he finds Whitney laid out on the bed like a...

2 years ago
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Business Trip

I had been at my new job for about six months when my boss called me in to his office and told me he needed me to travel to Tampa and spend a week or two sitting down with a management team of a company we had been working with. I was happy to be out of the cold for a couple of weeks and the job seemed easy enough so i gladly accepted and began making arrangements. The company i was visiting was a small but profitable family business that managed several dozen self storage facilities and was...

4 years ago
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My wife at work

My mobile rings. “Hi. John?”“Yes”.“Hi John, it’s Chris”.I should explain that Chris is the man who employs my wife, part time. He’s a sole practitioner with his own professional services firm and other than him, she is the only other person in the office. She only goes in two or three times a week but they have an ‘arrangement’ which needs some explaining. Basically, she has agreed to always wear seamed stockings and high heels when she’s in that office and he further insists that she either...

4 years ago
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Two Sons Two LoversChapter 6

As we had agreed, John, Tim and I went on vacation. I knew of a very beautiful cottage close to the wonderful beaches of the Mexican bay. It was in a somewhat deserted town, but it was very beautiful and romantic there. I remember the day Michael had taken me there, when we were on our honey moon. We had spent most of the time making love together, in bed, in the water, on the beach, everywhere... It was the most wonderful time of my life... Even though it was early month of July, I found...

4 years ago
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Choice Points Pt 02

I heard Cassie come back late that night, and the next morning I heard Kate and Cassie talking her room. I heard tears at one point, and loud laughter too. Then they went off-campus to get some brunch. I debated when to bring it up with Kate, but couldn’t decide. For several days, nothing happened. Whenever I caught Kate’s eye, she shook her head, either unwilling or unready to talk about it. She asked me to have dinner with her Tuesday night though, in a different dining hall than we usually...

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