Surefoot Ch. 03: Welcome free porn video

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USS Yosemite

One Year Ago:

Captain Gombe wanted to be anywhere else in the universe but where he was now. Fighting Klingons. Trapped in an event horizon. Back at the Academy getting yelled at by the Superintendent. Anywhere else.

Certainly his Chief Medical Officer looked like he’d join him anywhere, Dr Rabin to have aged ten years since they picked up the survivors of the Corvallen freighter. ‘In all my years in this job, I’ve never seen physically injuries as extensive as this on someone who was still alive.

Even discounting the years of malnutrition, theta radiation poisoning, and the extreme trauma he must have undergone when they amputated his tail and removed his claws, there are years’ worth of broken bones that have been crudely reset, as well as second- and third-degree burns, parasites, evidence of exposure to extreme cold, even the vacuum of space… sexual assault…’ He looked like he could down the entire contents of the nearest bar. ‘I remove pain-inducing implants from his spine, they’d stopped using them years ago, but had left them in, and they caused infections in the surrounding tissue and-‘ Suddenly he stopped and wiped his hand across his brow. ‘Sorry, Captain.’

‘It’s understand, Doctor. And the others? Have they been identified? Do they have similar… injuries?’

He nodded. ‘Two of them were former crewmembers of a freighter, the Deirdre, reported missing two years ago. The rest are civilians of Federation and non-aligned worlds, many reported missing. Captain, how can we have let this happen? Slavery, in this day and age?’

‘We didn’t exactly ‘let it happen’, Doctor.’

‘But the ship that was keeping them prisoner was in Federation space! They talked about the Bel-Zon selling slaves to Corvallens, Orions, Boslic! How many others are out there, right now, unseen?’

‘I don’t know,’ Gombe admitted, horrified at the notion of how many ships he may have let slip by without knowing that there may have been slaves onboard. ‘Once word about this gets out, there’ll be changes, changes to procedures, to policies…’ He breathed out, wishing he had a drink himself. ‘Speaking of which, I have a procedure I need to follow now. However distasteful. He’s out of danger?’

‘Yes. He still has many scars, and of course he’ll need to get his tail, his claws and many of his teeth regenerated, but…’ Rabin frowned. ‘You’re not really going to do this, are you? The evidence is-‘

‘I’m not Starfleet Command. I only follow their orders.’

‘Better you than me.’

Gombe didn’t blame him.


Captain Hrelle looked somewhat better than when Gombe last saw him – though not much. He had been cleaned up, given fresh sickbay clothes, and from the look of an adjacent tray, had even eaten something. Now he half-sat up, both eyes repaired and focused on the visitor. ‘Captain- You are the Captain, yes?’

‘Captain Matthew Gombe, yes.’

Hrelle nodded. ‘Still getting used to looking at the collar pips. When did they change the uniforms?’

‘Two months ago.’

‘They look… tight.’

Gombe offered a smile. ‘They hurt your back, too. Hopefully they’ll be listening to the feedback and improve them soon.’

Silence rose, before Hrelle noted, ‘I want to thank you and your crew for rescuing us, and helping us.’

‘It was the least we can do.’

‘You’ve done more.’

‘You’re welcome. Captain, what happened to the Corvallens.’

His gaze narrowed. ‘We happened. We were kept in the waste recycling section, clearing out theta waste. Slowly dying. If we refused to work, then we were denied food, water, hyronalin for the radiation. We never knew where we were, of course, but we knew there were periods when we were in Federation space. Eventually we saw clues that told us when we were, when we were going to be approached by a Starfleet vessel to be scanned. So… we waited, and bided our time, and when the opportunity arose, we sabotaged the reactors, and packed ourselves into a maintenance pod, in the absence of access to a lifeboat. Captain, we didn’t exactly have access to clocks where we were… how long have I been away?’

Gombe swallowed. ‘Six years, more or less.’

The Caitian paled, as if the confirmation of the years had finally caught up with him. ‘That long? I knew it was a long time, but…’ He grunted. ‘Hannah’s gonna finish what the Bel-Zon started when she gets me-‘ Then he looked up again. ‘Did anyone from the Furyk survive?’

Gombe shook his head. ‘The ship was relatively intact, but all the bodies we found had died of massive radiation poisoning. I’m sorry, Captain.’

Hrelle nodded numbly. ‘It was a trap. The Bel-Zon, they- my Bridge crew and I were taken- I was… questioned about Salem Four’s security- I couldn’t-‘

Gombe held up a hand. ‘Perhaps you shouldn’t say any more, Captain-‘

Hrelle’s expression changed, none of the fragility he had displayed before was there now, only a steely resolve, the same resolve that must have kept him alive all these years. ‘Captain Gombe, what happened to my wife and child?’

Gombe stiffened. He knew it was inevitable, he knew that no one else could do it. Damned if made it easier… ‘The Bel-Zon raided Salem Four for the trilithium resin being stored there. There were casualties. Lt. Hannah Hrelle was one of them. I’m… sorry, Captain.’

Gombe had never seen a reaction like that on another person’s face. He hoped never to see one like that again. No matter what his fellow Captain had done, no one should have to suffer this as well. The Caitian’s voice cracked. ‘They… they died?’

”They’?’ Gombe shook his head. ‘No, not your step daughter. She survived.’

It seemed like the slenderest of threads, but Hrelle clung to it like a lifeline. ‘Sasha? Sasha’s alive?’

Inside, Gombe was eternally grateful to give this man something positive for once. ‘More than that, she… she became the Hero of Salem Four.’


‘When the attack started, her classroom was cut off, her teacher critically injured, air was leaking from cracks in the window, the children were panicking. But she kept her head, used a toy tricorder to lead the children out through the maintenance vents and into the shelters, and then went back in with a medical kit, saved her teacher’s life, and kept patching the cracks in the windows until help arrived.’ Gombe remembered the story well, it had been one of the very few bright spots on that day. ‘She remains the youngest recipient of Starfleet’s Medal of Commendation for exceptional valour.’

Tears welled in Hrelle’s eyes, and he forced a grunt that could have been laughter, had he any amusement left in him. ‘When I was ten, I thought it was a great achievement to touch my nose with my tail… that she could do that… I mean, I knew she was destined to be fantastic, but still…’ He wiped his face repeatedly. ‘Captain, I have to see her- where are we, how far away-‘

‘Captain Esek Hrelle,’ Gombe announced, forcing himself to adopt formality at this stage, there was no other way he could get through the next minute. ‘It is my duty to inform you that, following your disappearance and the attack on Salem Four, an investigation was conducted by Starfleet Intelligence. They concluded that you had colluded with the Bel-Zon, providing them with the necessary intelligence to bypass the station’s security, and most likely were hiding in neutral space.’

‘W-What?’ Hrelle’s face creased in confusion. ‘They think that I-‘

‘You were court-martialled in absentia. There are standing orders to put you into custody should you ever be found. I’m sorry.’ Gombe’s face tightened, how many times was he going to have to apologise to this man? ‘Captain, once the truth is revealed, once they find out what you and the others went through, I know they’ll overturn their ruling-‘

‘Have you got irons?’

‘Excuse me?’

Hrelle rose to his feet, a
nd only then did Gombe realise just how tall his fellow Captain was in comparison. He held up his wrists. ‘Are you gonna clap me in irons, Captain? Got a cell waiting for me? Will I be drawn and quartered? Go ahead, I’m used to worse, believe me-‘

‘Captain, please-‘

Hrelle’s face twisted now, and his hands became fists, and he spoke through clenched teeth as he drew closer to Gombe. ‘Come on, man! Do your duty! It doesn’t matter what I went through. Do you know what I went through? Do you care?’

Gombe found himself backed against the wall of the medical room, his pulse quickening. ‘Captain, I must ask you to control yourself-‘

‘They want to lock me up? Fine! They can even kill me if they want! I’d deserve it, and more! I killed her! I killed them all!’

Gombe was ready to call for security – but then he saw the shift in the emotion of his fellow Captain’s eyes: the rage was still there, but more was mixing into it. Then he saw the eyes well up again. ‘Captain Hrelle-‘

‘She’s dead- Hannah’s dead- my wife- my Beloved- She’s dead-‘

All the strength, all the resolve, bled from him like one of his many wounds. He collapsed, sobbing, held up by Gombe, who waved off the concerned looks of the medical staff who entered the room. He whispered words unclear in content but clear in meaning.

Gombe still would rather have been anywhere else – but for the moment, he was glad that he was here, now, for another person in such terrible distress.


USS Surefoot


‘Well,’ Neraxea muttered. ‘I don’t think much of your Dad’s ship. Looks more like a warehouse.’

Sasha showed her friend how many middle fingers she had on her right hand. Not that she was genuinely offended, she can’t imagine anything bringing her down at this point. Even seeing Giles Arrington looking peeved at being on a ship commanded by Esek Hrelle was only a boost to her enthusiasm.

Their transport had docked with a port on the side of the Surefoot, and the cadets were marched out with their belongings into a large cargo bay, whose walls were lined with containers and crates of various sizes and shapes, stacked and secured. The central area was illuminated from above, and now occupied by the cadets forming a parade square of six by three, leaving their baggage stacked behind them, while Tameris was conversing with Surefoot crewmembers.

Sasha couldn’t stop grinning. She would actually be serving with her father! Just like those days when they would pretend to go off on Away Missions, exploring planets and fighting Klingons! She hadn’t felt this optimistic in a long time!

She looked to Eydir, standing beside her. ‘I can’t believe it! Can you?’

The Capellan woman kept her eyes fixed ahead. ‘You’re meant to be at attention. Show some discipline.’

Sasha frowned. She knew her friend leaned on the formal, stiff-necked side, but she seemed even more like she was, in the days when they first arrived at the Academy together and shared a dorm room, both of them wary and suspicious, albeit for different reasons.

But before Sasha could question her friend’s attitude, Tameris called out to them. ‘Cadets, welcome onboard the USS Surefoot, an Oberth-class starship originally designed for planetary and stellar surveys. It has since been modified for its current multi-mission role, transporting supplies, maintaining communication relays and buoys, conducting customs and safety inspections, and, when necessary, assisting in search and rescue missions. We are based in the Leonis Sector, 99.2 light-years from Earth, further details of this sector and the stellar bodies within are available via your information packs in your cabins.

I will now introduce you to our Captain, Esek Hrelle, who wishes to greet you personally.’ After a moment, she added, ‘I understand that there are those of you with strong opinions regarding him. I will remind you that Starfleet has cleared him of any wrongdoing whatsoever, though some of you might still hold strong opinions on the matter. You are of course entitled to your opinions. But your entitlement should not prevent you from showing anything less than the requisite respect he deserves as your commanding officer.’

As Tameris continued to speak, a door slid open behind the assembled cadets. Sasha didn’t even notice it until the figure who walked through it had already passed her. And though she instantly recognised him, she had to keep the urge to call out to him in check, remembering Tameris’ earlier warnings.

So she watched her stepfather as he… just walked along, like everyone else. He looked… older than when she last saw him. Slower. Greyer. More fragile. He never grew back his mane, or even replaced his tail. He had some more weight back on him than when she first saw him, but…

Anxiety now mingled with anticipation within her. She had been informed of his survival not long after Starfleet, and the Superintendent had arranged transport out to him at the starbase where he was being treated – and incarcerated, pending an extensive debriefing and a subsequent investigation. It killed her to have to leave him and return to Earth after a few weeks to complete her final exams, though they promised each other that they would stay in touch.

Word about the slave trafficking taking place within Federation borders spread like a nova blast. Starfleet Intelligence, who had already come under fire for failing to anticipate the attack on Salem Four, now faced renewed criticism for this oversight. Commander Arrington, in response, had doubled down on his attack on Captain Hrelle, suggesting that his criminal cohorts had betrayed him, or that at the very least, he should have tried harder to escape or resist, and it was a feeling that his family were eager to spread through the organisation.

Sasha had been appalled by the number of people, within and without Starfleet, who agreed with that sentiment. They were typically the ignorati, the ones who had never fought or served onboard a starship but still thought they knew what they were talking about, armchair admirals who believed in death before dishonour and other melodramatic nonsense, the ones who couldn’t or just didn’t understand how terrible real life can be beyond their Utopian bubble – and hated her stepfather and the other survivors for reminding them of those harsh realities. She had little patience for the less scrupulous agents of the public media networks, who seemed to revel in the details of the torture he and the others had undergone.

He had ultimately been declared not responsible for revealing information that assisted the Bel-Zon in their raid on Salem Four, and after extensive counselling and physical therapy, was deemed fit to return to duty – the only Starfleet survivor found to do so, the remainder understandably taking permanent retirement or medical leave. Many, including Sasha, thought he might look to return to the Banaris Sector, perhaps to command another frigate and maybe even pursue the remains of the Bel-Zon, most of whom had been either arrested or chased out of Federation space.

Instead, he was here, five hundred light years away from that, commanding a small supply ship.

He had walked around the square, never even looking at the cadets, and was ascending the raised platform to join Tameris, when Giles, standing two rows ahead of Sasha, nudged the cadet beside him and declared, ‘Must have had a hard time on the litter tray, he left his tail behind.’

Sasha felt her face burn, and almost broke ranks to confront the jerk, when her attention was taken by Captain Hrelle suddenly turning in place, descending the steps and retracing his steps, up to the place where Giles was standing, gently pushing aside the surrounding cadets to look directly at him. His voice was low, gravelly. ‘Follow me, please.’

He turned and departed again without waiting – and without even looking in Sasha’s direction, and he must have know she was there, even by s
cent alone! – as Giles followed, his face red and his eyes wide, looking to those cadets around him for support, or even a reaction. No, no help there.

Hrelle returned to the platform, with Giles in tow like he was on a tractor beam, until the Caitian turned and faced him again, regarding him once before he looked at Tameris. ‘Have the standards been relaxed at the Academy since I was there?’

The Vulcan looked to the boy. ‘You are meant to be at attention, Cadet.’

Giles snapped to it. ‘Cadet Giles Arrington reporting as ordered, sir!’

Hrelle folded his hands behind his back. ‘Arrington? That’s a familiar name. And how old are you, Mr Arrington?’

‘Uh, seventeen, Sir.’

‘Seventeen? Are you sure? Because you tell jokes like a nine-year-old.’


‘Your joke about my using a litter box. On those rare occasions when I hear jokes made about my race, they’re usually only made by nine-year-old children who don’t understand how offensive they are being.’

‘I-I didn’t say anything, Sir.’

The group somehow went even more silent than before. Hrelle’s expression stiffened, and his tone changed, only slightly, though he never took his eyes off of the cadet. ‘Mr Arrington, there are many stories told about Caitians, some true, some not. But the one about our having superior hearing is true. It’s as good as Vulcans, I expect. Did you hear what Mr Arrington said about me, Commander?’

‘Yes, Sir,’ Tameris confirmed. ‘I will initiate formal disciplinary


Hrelle held up a hand in her direction, though he continued to speak with a russet-faced Giles. ‘You had a long and tiring journey here, so I’ll overlook you lying to a superior officer just now. The joke, however, is harder to overlook.’ Now he turned to the assembled group, speaking more loudly and clearly. ‘It always was. When I was your age, a group of upperclassmen made my life Hell, and with the open support of the Superintendent at the time too.

As far as I’m concerned, the moment you put on those uniforms, you earned more respect than that. So while you’re on my ship, though you will still be cadets, still be taking classes and exams, you will also be working, earning a salary, earning service time and leave time, and learning the practical side of your various majors and minors. Your rank will not be ‘Cadet’ but ‘Crewman’. If you are prepared to act like adults, I am prepared to treat you like adults.’

‘However,’ Hrelle added, looking at Giles again. ‘If you’re prepared to act like a child…’ He indicated the steps to the platform. ‘Sit on the bottom step, Mr Arrington.’

Giles glanced behind him, bemused. ‘Excuse me, Sir?’

‘The bottom step. That’s our Naughty Step. That’s where children go to sit until they’ve learned their lesson.’

Titters ran through the cadets. Giles stared back in disbelief. ‘Sir-‘ As if driven by the responses from his friends, he straightened up further and declared, ‘Captain, with- with all due respect, you can’t make me do that!’

Tameris stepped closer. ‘Mr Arrington is correct, Sir. This is not an approved punishment.’

‘No, it isn’t,’ Hrelle conceded. ‘But if we did follow regulations, Mr Arrington would be facing a permanent note on his record. Now, my option would allow him to sit on a step and be humiliated for a few moments, and nothing more will be said about it.’ He looked to the group again. ‘Hands up how many of you would choose to take the Step?’

All hands rose.

Hrelle looked back to Giles. ‘So… what’s your choice, Mr Arrington?’

Giles looked as if he would have given his soul to be able to beam out of there and not come back. Turning redder than it should be possible for a human, he faltered as he replied, ‘I’ll, ah, I’ll take the Step, Sir.’

‘Excellent. Oh, and for the record: I don’t use a litter box, I don’t chase mice, I don’t drink milk from a saucer, and I don’t lick myself.’ To the group he added, ‘Though I would if I could.’ As they laughed aloud, he returned to Giles, waving him towards the step. The laughter grew as Giles descended, his gangly legs looking ridiculous as he sat down on the bottom step, finding an excuse to look anywhere else but at the group.

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“Are you ready?” whispered Jessie from under her sheet. “Yes, I am. But shhhhh! I think I can hear them coming” whispered back Bjorn from under his own sheet. Jessie suddenly heard the same sound Bjorn had just heard and couldn’t resist the temptation to pull back the top of her sheet and peek out. She had just heard that slow roll of car tyres over gravel and now she could see a car proceeding in under the entrance sign into the Camp Starkers car park. That car was soon followed by another...

4 years ago
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Tesoros Special Welcome

Standing and stare across the room seeing old and young all waiting, forever waiting. The time comes closer, as more people pass through the doors we all focus on, but not you. I search around the cold white walls for the time, finding you should be here by now. The simple joy of our child shouting ‘Daddy!’ alerts me to your arrival. I turn brushing back the curls from my face, in time to see you spinning her around and showing her, how you have missed our little drama queen. Even as ours eye...

4 years ago
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Eros Academy Chapter 1 Welcome

The limousine pulled through the imposing rod iron gate, the words “EROS ACADEMY” emblazoned above it. As the wheels rolled up the long driveway, past the manicured lawns and fountains, Michael felt his heart flutter as he looked at the tremendous building on the other end of the grounds. He could see other cars and gaggles of people milling about. He swallowed hard. “Darling please, you seem so nervous, try to relax. This should be a happy day for you,” came a slow, slurred voice from across...

4 years ago
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A Very Warm Welcome

Walking into my room, I see you waiting for me. As commanded you are bent over my bed, naked, presented, and rubbing, the moisture visibly running down your thighs from the work of your busy fingers. I was a little later than I expected, and I wonder just how long you’ve been like this, exposed, vulnerable, and eager for my touch. I see your legs trembling and I have my answer—it’s definitely been a while. I can see that you’re close to the edge but I know that you’ll follow my rules and won’t...

4 years ago
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A Warm Welcome

'Stop looking at the clock,' I tell myself.The day crawls, the minutes creep by so slowly. I long not to be here, willing the five o'clock rush for the door. The office is quiet, the weekend beckons. I look at my phone, re-reading your message. "Meeting cancelled. Will be home when you get here xx." I knew you will be asleep, You always seem to be sleeping. Well, when you aren't working, or playing...Grabbing my coat, noticing rain on the window. The bus is full, cramped, steamed up. Rubbing a ...

4 years ago
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It didn't matter how much i pleaded with my parents they just wouldn't listen, they never listen. There was no point anymore the conversation would just turn to yelling then it would be my fault once again, never the perfect son for them. The bastards didn't even have the decency to hide there happiness at shipping me off to some hospital to fix my apparent behavioral problems. I didn't know at the time i should have been savoring the way the sun touched my skin, the freedom i had just to move...

Mind Control
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Dawn of the Gods MultiQuest Storytellers Welcome

Dear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin to the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...

3 years ago
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Ponyville After Dark Contributors Welcome

Disclaimer The characters, locations, mannerisms, descriptions, expressions, and identity manifests in this story are the property of Hasborough and It's affiliated companies; with the exception of OCs and other original content: the 'owner' of the story, other contributors, and the website on which it is hosted make no claim or challenge, express or implied, to that status. This is a work of derivative fiction intended purely for the enjoyment of the visitors to this website and it's...

4 years ago
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A Warm Welcome

The frigid air was the first thing that greeted me upon opening my driver side door. It was a little after 6 PM on a Thursday night in Pennsylvania. My wife Lexi and I had bought our first house just inside of the city, and it had a wonderful quaint country feel to it. I had just gotten off work and was exhausted, but more than happy to finally be home. I walked up to the front of the house, keys jingling as I unlocked the door. Once I was inside, I was immediately greeted by the warm,...

2 years ago
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A Game of Gods Players Welcome

The Universe is without form and void: thus it has been created by AO and OM, and into it they have made 8 lesser deities, The Great Gas Pump, Sarenrae, The Ebon Dragon (TED), The Over-Toddler, Charon, Dog, Mystic X, and Olok, from these 8 would arise all things, and one day there would be sapient life, to worship the gods and occupy their attention, but for now there was a universe to build for it to inhabit, and it held only a handful of concepts, without even true patterns to their...

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Black Ball Contributors Welcome

It was spherical, obsidian-black, the size of a small plum. Hillman polished it within the folds of his shirt. Despite having found it amongst a scattering of rocks and brambles, the ball's surface bore no scratches or scuffs. Instead it shone like a drop of dark translucent liquid. "Cooool." Hillman palmed the ball. He pushed himself upright and winced. He'd almost forgotten he'd just been thrown down a steep hill. "Hillman! Hill!" Hillman crossed his arms and watched Becca pick her way down...

Mind Control
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RPGs In Heaven Contributors Welcome

You Died. This was not the end however, it was just the beginning! You, like almost everyone else, went to hell: and were punished for your sins in the most appropriate way possible: you had to live through all the negative consequences of each of them unto the seventh generation, over and over again, until you finally truly repented and were contrite for all of them! Eventually, when that happened: you were washed clean in the blood of the lamb and taken to heaven, where you waited in a kind...

2 years ago
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Pyramid Mall Contributors Welcome

Your name is Jess (Jessica) G.M. (Gertrude Maurine) Doorman and you are a fairly normal single mother of three who is just just trying to get by and raise your two sons and a daughter to adulthood with no income but government subsidies. You are checking your e-Mail one afternoon when you come upon a bemusing and strange message. Congratulations! You have won a free 50,000.00 Credit, three day maximum, (3 minutes in your home time-line), no strings attached, shopping spree at Tartorika...

4 years ago
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the apartment warm welcome

I've been living for some years now in the apartmentbuilding where I live, a nice duplex apartment where I live alone. When I bought it I first had to do a lot of work on it, painting, a bit of remodeling and that all took longer then planned, because of the delay I couldn't celebrate my birthday in my new home. Luckily a move is always a good moment to have a housewarming party, so when all the work was done and I had moved in for the most part I had a double party. I invited all my friends...

3 years ago
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A Very Wifey Welcome

"Can she hear us?" The wife asked. "Oh yes, I thought this would be all the more delicious if the only sense she was robbed of was her sight," answered her husband. "Where do we start?" "No rush ... you go freshen up after work, be girly for a while and all that ... I'll keep this one safe and ready until you are done," said the husband and sent his wife off with a quick kiss and a slap on the ass. The girl was naked apart from the blindfold, a cuff attached around each wrist and...

3 years ago
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Pissed Off but Welcome

I was taking a bag of rubbish from the kitchen to the bins at the rear of my house in Highfield, Southampton when I saw what appeared to be someone crouching in the shrubs next to the path. There was a stretch of grass bordered by trees and undergrowth on both sides between my house and the one next to me with concrete walkways on both sides. The shrubs and trees were dense enough that it was difficult to see through them from either side. As I was headed to the house, I caught sight of someone...

2 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 2 Heros Welcome

Matthew Reid - Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 Four days had passed and I hadn't seen a hair nor heard a word out of Sara. My roommates didn't believe a word of the story. "I saved a woman!" I had said. "I swear to god if you mention lesbianism..." Craps let the joking threat speak for itself. "I saved a woman." I had told Joe. "Is that your way of telling me you chickened out from talking to another girl?" I had great friends. The story wasn't much of a tale. I opened the door...

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The RA App writers welcome

As you stepped out of the shower before wrapping a towel around your wet body you would then head to your bedroom to find that your phone was glowing a blinding light, it would soon darken and a new app you had never heard of before was on the screen. As you would opened the app there was one text box with a massage on the screen "do as you wish this world is yours now" Soon the text box would disappear leaving a user interface its place options are endless. (Please select start game in the...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Straight White Girls A Welcoming

Introduction: Black seductress turns racist white woman community greeter. Straight White Girls: A Welcoming Summary: Black seductress turns racist white woman community greeter. Note 1: This story is part of a series of white women submit to black women stories&hellip,although each story stands complete on their own. The first one was Straight White Girls: A Pet Teacher which introduced our black seductress Janet as she seduced her daughters teacher&hellip,me. Note 2: Thanks to Robert,...

4 years ago
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A Warm Welcoming

Excited about the new job, Sarah laid out her best clothes. Being summer and all, her attire consisted of a long flowing sleeve-less top and a narrow fitting skirt, showing more skin than she realized when she first bought the outfit. Loops of gold decorated her chest, a great deal of which was visible, thanks to the plunging neckline of her dress. Looking one last time in the mirror, she shrugged and was on her way to the new corporation. Sitting in the manager’s office was bad enough, but her...

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A Warm Welcoming

Excited about the new job, Sarah laid out her best clothes. Being summer and all, her attire consisted of a long flowing sleeve-less top and a narrow fitting skirt, showing more skin than she realized when she first bought the outfit. Loops of gold decorated her chest, a great deal of which was visible, thanks to the plunging neckline of her dress. Looking one last time in the mirror, she shrugged and was on her way to the new corporation.Sitting in the manager's office was bad enough, but her...

5 years ago
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exploring my female persona all help welcom

well i started dressing i female close when i was around 12. then when i was 17 i had a sexual relationship wit an older guy for almost a year.i had known him for a couple of months, he made passes tward me from day one. so one day i showed up at his apt, with submission on my mind. we played a couple games of chess, during which i would accidently knock pieces off the table then make a big deal about picking it up bending over with my ass pointing his way.i would flash a glance at him then...

3 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 8 Danielle

In was late afternoon when Mel and David gave their formal statements to the police detectives. David's testimony took longer because he had actually spoken to Brentano, and the detectives wanted every little detail. When he was finished and rolled out of the interrogation room, Melanie rushed to hug him. "Are you okay, Baby?" He made a face. "Let's stay with Davy, okay?" She blushed. "Sorry, I was worried. I was finished almost an hour ago." "Yeah, well, I shouldn't have talked...

3 years ago
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Friend of the Wood Part Two of Two

Terra looked at her phone, saw that it was just after eight, and tossed her book away with a scowl. I can’t believe he’s doing this again.His slow responses to her texts and the occasional missed call were something she’d grown to accept, but the last few days were too much. She popped out of bed and stomped down the hall.“Honey, are you okay?” her mother asked as they met each other near the back door.“I don’t want to talk about it,” Terra grumbled as she walked outside.She purposely steered...

2 years ago
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Beauty and te Beast warhammer ed One Year Later

Nearly a full year had passed Maelill thought, as they were marching further north, the tribe now numbering in the thousands due to it's growth the last six months. She was surrounded by four big b**stmen that were known as Bestigors, which had the duty of guarding her when the big Minotaur Doombull was not nearby. She had become a valuable tool she realized, even if her sorcerous powers were laughable at the best of times due to the collar she now wore. She had become a status symbol for the...

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Newcastle and the age of consent

Sorry if the title is misleading, but young sex and i****tuous sex are the turn-ons for girls like myself and horny guys wanting a dirty female for fun. Of course as a girl on the legal limit, getting a man inside you is just a nod or a wink away. Drinking from a beer bottle and noticing a guy eyeing you, is fun when you give the bottle an extra push into your mouth and withdraw it with a lip sucking extraction, slow and deliberate, to get the message across that this could be your cock and...

4 years ago
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Pakathu Veetu Akka Agalya

Vanakam friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil pakathu veetu akkavai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. En peyar Faisel, vayathu 24 aagugirathu, enaku kama padam paarkum pazhakam irunthu vanthathu. Naan thinamum kai adipen, kai adikamal irunthaal enaku andru iravu thukame varathu endra nilaiyil irunthathu. En pakathu veetil oru akka irunthargal, engal veetirkum avargal veetirkum periya sandai eer pattu irunthathu. Antha veetil mothamaaga 5 pengal irunthaargal, athil 4 pengaluku...

2 years ago
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Balls. Fuck. I didn’t know I would have to deal with balls. I finally decided to go down on this guy I like for the first time – really, the first time, as in my first time, ever – and here I am having to encounter balls for the first time. I mean, I finally got up the nerve to give a blowjob, months and in some cases even years after my friends, had just begun to get a little confidence about the idea of me with a dick in my mouth for the first time, when this douchebag has to lift up his...

Oral Sex
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Flights of Consciousness Book II Time TrippingChapter 15

Joe glanced toward his daughter cowering against the passenger door of the Escalade. They'd just passed through the gates to Carol and David's estate en route to Nora's apartment. Careful to avoid eye contact with him, Nora hadn't said a word about her blatant exhibition. She felt his eyes on her, and without looking at him, and in a meek tone of voice, said, "I'm sorry, Pops. I went too far again." "Yeah, you did." "For what it's worth, I didn't plan what happened....

3 years ago
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Her Husbands BossChapter 2

"Mr. Alexander is engaged right now, Mrs. Cummings, but he'll be free to see you in a few minutes, if you'll be kind enough to wait here." Lost in her own thoughts, Kathy Cummings was startled by the sound of the blonde receptionist's voice, but after a moment, she murmured absently, with embarrassment, "Oh yes, of course, I'll wait. I know he's a very busy man." By the time Henry Cummings' young wife had collected herself sufficiently to speak, the pretty receptionist had already...

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Just A Walk In The Park

It was a stupid argument, and Jenna had stormed out, just wanting some fresh air and a clear head. Her anger was still with her as she walked into Soapstone Park, she walked down the trail as the sun began to set, oblivious to her surroundings. The small lights beside the trail came on as she ventured further into the park; her anger starting to subside and she wondered why she even put up with his shit at all. She was attractive, had a good career and didn't need him, nor any man for that...

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The Electricians HaremChapter 9

Clarice called Jarvis to check in. She told him she was in love. He reminded her to be careful. “You are so sweet to worry about me JarJar. You know why I know Paul is the one? He never thinks about taking, only what he can give me,” Clarice said. Jarvis apparently made some pointed comments about all the things I could give her like STIs and babies. She laughed and told him he needed to get laid and get a more positive outlook. “If you have any candidates in mind, Miss I do hope they...

3 years ago
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Their date

It had been a little more than a year since they had last seen each other but a few words was all it had taken for them to re-connect and make plans to meet up again tonight.A 'date', a simple word that did nothing to convey the making up for lost time that was planned but they both knew what they wanted, what they both needed without anymore than that, apart from a simple instruction from him setting expectations for the night to come.“I want you dressed in something naughty, and heels”, he...

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The Blizzard

I had volunteered to take Mrs. Macy to the doctor but then it started snowing. I got to her house about half an hour before we were to leave. Mrs. Macy, Laura, was a very pretty and nice lady I am guessing in mid to late sixties. She was skinny, nice skin tone, blonde hair and white straight teeth. She had rather large boobs and she and I got along very well as well as her husband. They seemed to be well off. I was home on break from university. She was dressed up, maybe over dressed for a...

2 years ago
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Cold Feet

By: DamonX ([email protected]) I was almost asleep when the phone rang. I rolled over in bed and grabbed my cell phone from the bedside table. It was dark in the room but the light from the ringing phone flashed into my eyes, making me squint with discomfort as I struggled to see who was calling me. ‘PRIVATE' was all my caller ID would say. At first I was about to ignore it and go back to sleep, but something told me that I should answer it. I flipped open the phone....

3 years ago
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Two Sluts Under a Roof

I had a cousin sister, sneha ( older than me by 5 years) she had wheatish complexion with large 34 round boobs, and quite bubbly ass, it was back when I was an in 12 th. My lap had broken down, I had no way of watching porn or spending my time. I went to my cousins home. Days were spent by watching tv, and playing some games. One day I was shaving of my pubic hair and had small cut on th pelvic region , had a devilish idea. I called on sneha told her that my dick was paining she was nurse so, I...


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