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Chapter 15 The following morning found Brenda in Annie's apartment. Annie was reading the Sunday edition of the Times when Brenda knocked on her door. "Good morning Brenda, come in," she said when she opened the door. "Hi Annie," Brenda said as she entered the apartment. "I have something to ask you." "Let me get you a cup of coffee first," Annie returned with a steaming mug and handed it to Brenda. "What would you like to ask me dear?" "Mario asked me to have Sunday dinner with his family this afternoon and I have no idea what to wear." "You're young so you can wear pretty much anything you want as long as it's tasteful." "He said his mother always wears a dress." "The mothers in Italian homes do that, its just tradition." "I don't feel like heels and a dress, I can't decide." "Well, let me think about it. How was your date last night? Your young man certainly is handsome." "It was wonderful, we had dinner at Patsy's and then we saw Yo Yo Ma and Bobby McFerrin at Carnegie hall, it was wonderful. I've never heard music like that in my life, I thought everything was hip hop, but this was so exciting and beautiful, I guess I'm growing up," Brenda said as she fingered the newspaper. "It's hard not to like music when it's played or sung by true artists. I'm thinking maybe you could wear your jeans and a nice sweater with those brown boots you have. You look very nice in that." "Maybe I will, it's not too dressy. What are you going to do today?" "Just lay around like a bum and read my paper, after all it's Sunday." Brenda shuffled the paper around and found the fashion section of the paper. She wanted to see if there were any sales. She looked through the section and didn't see anything she liked and folded the pages together and looked at the back page. It was an advertisement for the Margaret Voss collection with one full page photo of Tiffany in one of Margaret's creations. She was sitting on the floor and viewed from the side, wearing a matching skirt and jacket. Her legs could be seen to mid thigh and the four-inch heels of her pumps were resting on the floor with her toes pointed straight up and her knees were bent. She looked as though she was laughing. The picture was fun and Tiffany was strikingly beautiful. The caption under the photo read 'style with fun'. "Oh my God Annie, this is my friend Tiffany, she works with me." "Let me see," she said excitedly. "My goodness, what a beautiful girl." "I can't wait to call her, I have to run, thanks for the coffee Annie, I'll see you later." Brenda ran to her apartment and grabbed the phone and called Tiffany. "Hello," Tiffany said as she answered the phone. "Tiffany, its Brenda, have you seen the Sunday paper?" "No, I just got up, I had a date last night, if you can believe that." "Go find the New York Times, you're on the back page of the fashion section." "Really?" "Yes really, and it's a full page ad, God I'm so excited for you." "I'll have to go to the corner grocery to get one, I'll call you right back." Tiffany changed out of her nightgown into some sweats and running shoes. She walked to the grocery to buy a paper, she had to see what Brenda was talking about. The grocer had gotten to recognize Tiffany as being a regular customer but he didn't know what she did for work. He only knew she was tall and pretty but didn't have a clue until he opened the paper that morning and saw her picture, Tiffany took a Sunday edition of the Times and laid it on the counter to purchase. "I saw your picture in the paper this morning Miss, I didn't know you were a model." "Yes, I just started." "You are very beautiful in the picture," he said with his middle eastern accent. Tiffany blushed and said, "Thank you." "Will you autograph your picture for me?" the grocer asked shyly. "I would be happy to," she answered clearly flustered. My God, someone wants my autograph, I don't believe it she thought as she took the pen and paper from the clerk and wondered what she was supposed to write. "What's your name?" she asked. "Sammy." Tiffany wrote in her most feminine script, 'To Sammy, a good friend, Tiffany,' and handed it back to him. She opened her purse and removed a bill to pay for the paper. "No," Sammy said, "I don't charge my good friends," and pushed her hand and money back to her. Tiffany was becoming embarrassed, she didn't know how to handle this kind of notoriety, so she smiled and said, "Thank you Sammy," and left the store. She couldn't wait to get home to look at the picture again so she opened the paper to see the advertisement. She found the fashion section and turned it around and saw the picture and gasped. She really hadn't looked at it when she signed it for Sammy but now she saw what Brenda was talking about. Oh my God, I look hot, shit, I didn't think this would happen, I would just model, catch the bad guys and be done, but this, what am I going to do? A mother and her daughter were walking toward Tiffany when the girl stopped. "Mommy look, it's the girl in the paper," she said excitedly. "I think you're right, excuse me miss, aren't you the Margaret Voss model?" the woman asked. Tiffany felt as though she was standing in the middle of Time's Square with no clothes on, it was just a picture of her, shit, did everyone see it? Tiffany didn't like this kind of attention but she couldn't be rude either. "Yes." "My daughter saw your picture this morning and she said you're the prettiest model she had ever seen and I think I have to agree with her. Would you sign an autograph?" "Of course I will, what's your daughter's name?" "Gail." Tiffany signed the paper for Gail and handed it to her mother. "Thank you," she said. "Gail will treasure this," and walked away, with Tiffany's paper. The attention was rattling Tiffany's brain, she had signed two autographs and she had been out of her apartment for only five minutes. Worse though was that she just gave away her paper, 'dumb blonde' she giggled. Tiffany returned to her apartment, she would buy a paper later to replace her gift to Gail. There were no more incidents other than two girls across the street squealing and hitting each other when they saw Tiffany. Tiffany called Brenda back when she entered her apartment. "Hello." "Brenda, it's Tiffany, I saw the picture, oh my God, I believe that's me, what am I going to do?" "Do? You don't do anything, this is perfect. Melissa is going to freak out when she sees that picture. She's going to keep you close to her and the closer the better. This way you might find out what she really is doing behind those closed doors." "I know Brenda, but what about the picture, I look like a pretty girl." "You're supposed to look that way, remember you're a model." 'I thought I would look like a model, but not like that Brenda, I'm scared, men are going to be all over me." Brenda started giggling, she wouldn't mind that kind of attention but she knew how Tiffany felt about this whole undercover thing and now to being a model that was going to turn heads was going to freak her out. "Tiffany, men aren't going to be able to get near you unless you want them there, that's why they have big security guys." "I don't like this Brenda, I couldn't even get a paper without being recognized." "That's the price of fame girl friend." "Please don't call me that, you know I don't like being a girl." "I'm sorry but I think of you as one. Tell me about your date?" "I did mention that didn't I? Now I wish I hadn't." "Shit Tiffany don't be such a stick in the mud, you're a girl now so enjoy it, you can bitch an moan about it later when this is all over." "I'm sorry, this fame thing has me in a weird mood. Remember that guy at the show we did at the gallery?" "Which guy, there were lots of guys." "The one that stayed with me the whole time." "That tall handsome one?" "Yes, that's him, well he called me Friday and asked if I would go with him to some business dinner and dance. I thought what the heck, all I ever do is sit at home and watch TV, so I said yes." "Ooh, was it nice?" "At first I thought I would have a terrible time. I dressed in a floor length gown and with heels I was tall, at least six-three and figured the guy would be turned off. I forgot he was taller than me, I even had to look up to see his eyes. I was kind of in a bad mood when he arrived, since I felt it was wrong going out with a guy, you know? Robert shows up and hands me two dozen red roses and tells me how beautiful I am and now I feel like a jerk." "I put the flowers in a vase and he takes me down to a limo, opens the door for me and helps me in. He goes around the car and gets in. The first thing he does is put his arm around me, well I put him straight and moved it off my shoulders. After that he was a perfect gentleman. We went to a dinner in a ballroom and I figured I was eye candy for him so I took his arm and smiled a lot and kept my mouth shut. After dinner we danced until it ended." "Robert took me for a drink and we just talked. He told me all about how he had inherited his money and nobody thought much of him so he went to prove them wrong and has made a second fortune. I felt sad for him though because he really seems to be a lonely person even though he is around people all day. I think they just use him to better themselves and as we talked I just felt so bad for him. He wasn't sad but there was an emptiness you could detect, I don't know how to describe it, it was weird." "It must be a girl thing but I just wanted to hold him and make him feel better, does that sound strange?" Tiffany asked. "No, it doesn't sound strange, I feel like that a lot, but I'm a lot more girl than you are. What else happened after that?" Brenda asked. "We talked for hours, God it was so late by the time I got home, but I didn't mind, I felt different being with Robert than I did earlier in the evening. When he got me back in the limo he put his arm around me again and I wasn't repulsed this time, in fact it felt good to have his hand there. I snuggled against him and it made me feel protected and I felt like a woman, was I wrong feeling that way?" Tiffany asked as her insecurity showed. "Tiffany, you are a woman and you should feel that way about a man." "Brenda, I'm not a woman, you're a woman, but I'm not. I might look like one but I know who I am inside." "Tiffany, let Dirk go, you'll find him later because if you don't you'll make yourself crazy. Be a woman completely for now, it's so much easier. When I let Matt go, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, I felt free." "But that's you, I'm not like that, I can't just let go of my past and that's what scared me most last night, I did let go for a short time and I had fun being Tiffany and now I feel guilty about it." "Why would you feel guilty, all you did was go out with the guy?" "He kissed me." "He kissed you?" "Yes, when we reached my apartment and were still in the car he kissed me." "What did you do, you didn't slap him did you?" Tiffany grew silent for a moment before she answered. "No," she said softly, "I kissed him back." "You did?" "Yes." "Why?" "Because Tiffany wanted to, she liked Robert a lot and when he touched her lips it was like a fire erupted inside of her and she pulled him tight." "You pulled him tight?" "No, Tiffany did." "You're Tiffany." Brenda could hear her friend begin to cry, Tiffany needed to be with someone. "I can't do this anymore, " she whimpered. "I'll be right over, stay there," Brenda ordered as she put down the phone. Brenda removed her flip flops and put on her white running shoes and ran down to find a cab. All she was wearing was a tank top and a pair of cut off jeans. She would put makeup on in the cab. She found a cab and gave him Tiffany's address. She was there fifteen minutes later. Tiffany let her friend into her apartment and they went to the kitchen. Tiffany's eyes were red from crying and Brenda took her in her arms and held her. "Brenda. I can't do this anymore, I just can't." "You're strong Tiffany, why not?" "Because I'm becoming more like Tiffany everyday and I don't like it." "Why don't you like it?" "Because I'm a man, that's why. Last night when I kissed Robert I became Tiffany heart and soul, I actually wanted him like a woman wants a man. Brenda, when we kissed I felt so feminine and girlish, I felt so special and wonderful that I didn't want to leave Robert. He walked me to my door and kissed me one more time and when I came inside I felt alone, I missed him and he had only been gone for ten seconds." "That's your feminine side coming out, that's good." "Its not good, I hate it." "Tiffany, you're being stupid, you're supposed to be a girl and that's how girls feel when they're away from someone they care for." "But I'm not a girl," she whined. "Let me ask you this, what did you see when you looked at the paper this morning?" "Me." "I know it was you, but what did you see?" "A girl." "That's right, a girl, not Dirk and certainly not a man." "But this is so wrong, I shouldn't like it when Robert kisses me." "Tiffany, you're a beautiful young woman. You should like it when you're kissed, take advantage of it and enjoy it, let Dirk go." "I can't let him go, that's who I am." "Then put him away for now. Put him in a box and hide him in your mind and when this is all over open the box and let him be free again." "What if I don't want to be Dirk later, then what?" "Then be Tiffany, there are a lot worse things that could happen." "But what will people think?" "What do they think now? No one knows about Dirk and all they know is Tiffany. Who did the people that saw you this morning think you were?" "Tiffany." "Then be Tiffany and I mean one hundred percent Tiffany. Be the successful woman you are." "I'll try," she sniffled. "Tiffany, I have to go now, Mario is picking me up in a couple of hours for Sunday dinner with his family and I have to get ready." "Mario, you have another date with Mario?" "I went out with him last night, why?" "Never mind, it's nothing, I'll see you tomorrow," Tiffany said with a concerned look on her face. Brenda hugged her friend goodbye and knew why she had that look on her face. Brenda was pushing this dating thing much farther than just a casual interaction with a man. She was building a relationship that could jeopardize the investigation and she was becoming the woman in a man's life. I'm I wrong to feel this way about Mario she wondered? Brenda found a cab and went home to get dressed for Sunday dinner. She found the outfit she wanted to wear. It was classy and had a certain amount of sex appeal. It was a gaucho pant outfit with a vest to go over a blouse. She would wear it with her brown boots. Brenda hadn't showered yet because of her rush trip to Tiffany's so she had to hurry, Mario would be here in one hour. Brenda was just slipping on her boots when the bell rang. She buzzed Mario in and heard him climb the stairs. He sounded like a herd of buffalos because he was skipping every other step. Brenda was giggling when she opened the door. "Hi," she said, "I'll just be a minute, I have to put on my earrings." "Wow, you look nice. What's so funny" he asked. "You sounded like a herd of buffalos coming up the stairs, and thank you for the compliment" she giggled. "Did you see Tiffany's picture in the paper?" "No, who's Tiffany?" "One of the girls that works for the agency, you'd know her if you saw her." "I only see you when I'm there." "Your nose is going to grow, I know you've seen the other girls." "Maybe, but you're the prettiest." "Stop it, now I know you're lying, I'm ready, lets go." Brenda locked her door and went down the stairs holding Mario's arm for support. They climbed into the taxi and it was off to Mario's mother's home. "Can we stop and buy a copy of the Times on the way?" "My mom will have one at her house, we can have that one." The taxi arrived at the address given and Mario sent the cab on its way. "Home sweet home," he said. Mario's mother's home was in an attached brownstone building with several flats, theirs being the on the top floor. Mario opened the front door and the aroma from the food made Brenda's mouth water. "Mario, that smells so good, what is it?" "I'm not sure, I think mom made osso buco today." "What's that?" "Veal shank cooked for a long time in the oven, I love it when she makes it. She only does it for special occasions." "Is today special?" "Yes because I'm bringing you here." "Stop it, you'll make me blush." Brenda giggled as she slapped Mario's arm. Brenda could hear many voices, some from women, some from men, but mostly from children, it was a happy sound. I hope they like me and I hope I'm dressed properly, she thought. "Does my makeup look okay?" she asked, her nervousness was showing. "You're beautiful, don't worry, my mom doesn't bite." Brenda and Mario reached the top of the stairs and Brenda heard a scream," Uncle Mario," and the sound of running feet. A little girl, maybe five years old launched herself in Mario's direction and was caught before she fell to the floor. "Tina, how's my favorite girl?" "I'm fine Uncle Mario," she said as she hugged Mario around his neck. Mario put Tina down and she ran off to join the other children. "That was Tina, one of Sal's kids, she's a sweetheart, come on lets find mom," he said as he took Brenda by the hand and led her to the kitchen. The stairway entered the flat past the living room but in a hallway with what Brenda assumed were bedroom doors and at the end was the kitchen and dining area. The kitchen was large and had been remodeled years before. The center island was where the preparation work was done and the massive range had two large ovens. There were five women in the kitchen, each with a chore to do. They were laughing and talking. When Mario made his entrance the conversation stopped. "Mom, ladies, this is Brenda Watson, Brenda this is my mom, Marie Puccinelli and this is Louisa, Sal's wife, Nola, Judy and Irma." Marie went to Brenda and took her by the hands and pulled her into the kitchen. "Come in, come in, you're much prettier than Mario said you were. Mario take a beer to your father in the living room and watch the game, leave Brenda here with us ladies," Marie said. Mario knew better than to argue with his mother. He knew Brenda would be in good hands and he did want to see the rest of the football game, the Giants were playing the Eagles and it would be a good test for his team. Brenda felt fearful. She was alone in a room with five women whom she didn't know and she didn't know what was expected of her. Her training hadn't covered this. "Brenda, don't be shy, here's an apron. What a lovely outfit you don't want to ruin it. You don't mind helping Louisa do you?" Marie asked. "No, I don't mind, except my mom never taught me how to cook. I'm a quick learner though and I'd be more than happy to help if you'll show me," Brenda answered with a nervous giggle. "I'm making the salad, it's easy, here let me show you what to do and don't mind Marie, all us girls went through the same thing and were still here," Louisa laughed. Louisa had a nice laugh and it put Brenda at ease, but now it was time for the inquisition to start. "Mario says that you work with him?" Marie asked. "Just in the same building, I work for Universal Modeling." "Are you a model?" "Heavens no, I'm too fat, I'm the receptionist." "A skinny thing like you too fat, just wait until you have babies, that's when you get fat. I still haven't lost the weight I gained when I had Mario," Marie said. "You look good," said Brenda. Marie looked like a woman that knew how to cook and taste to make sure what she was cooking did taste good. She was pleasantly plump but not grossly over weight. She looked like an Italian mother. "My sister always complains about her weight, I wish she would give some of it to me," said Irma. Irma was Marie's sister and Sal's mother. She was pretty for a fifty-five year old woman and rail thin, she almost looked anorexic. "What about me mom? I work out all the time and still have this little tummy," responded Louisa, to her mother-in-law. "That's the sacrifice you make having babies Louisa. How did you meet Mario?" Marie asked. "He came into my office and we hit it off, he was fun to talk too." "He's a flirt, I know my cousin," said Nola. Nola was around twenty-five years old and very pretty. Her hair was long, almost to her waist and her eyes shined like brown glass. She had a pleasant smile and was very petite. Brenda would like to have a girl like this as a friend. "You're right Nola, I know my brother better than anyone, Brenda, you'd better save yourself before it's too late," laughed Judy. Judy was Mario's sister and the aunt of the little girl that had greeted Mario earlier. She had a radiant smile and sparkling eyes. Her hair was short making it easy to tend to while raising her three children. She once had hair like Nola's but after the birth of her second child she had it cut, it was just too much work to care for. "Here's a knife, you can cut the lettuce," said Louisa. Brenda took the knife and started cutting the lettuce. What have I gotten myself into she wondered. Two years ago I was just a surfer dude without a care in the world and look at me now, standing at the sink in high heeled boots, in an apron cutting lettuce and trying to make my boyfriend's mother like me, God where did I go wrong? "Mario really likes you a lot," said Louisa as she washed the salad greens. "How would you know that, this is just our third date?" "Because you're the first girl he's ever brought home to meet his parents." "We hardly know each other." "Mario's a very good judge of character, he sees things in people that most other people would miss, and bringing you here says a lot about you." "I don't know what to say?" "You don't have to say anything, have a fun time, come on lets meet the rest of the family. The salad can wait." Louisa took Brenda by the hand and led her down the hallway to the living room where the men were watching the game on television. Brenda could hear groans as they reached the room. "I can't believe it, McNabb is killing us," Brenda heard a voice say. "Mario, would you introduce Brenda to everyone please," Louisa said, as they entered the room. Mario rose from his chair and went to Brenda. He took her hand and stood proudly beside her. "Dad, guys, this is Brenda, Brenda, this is my dad Bruno, you know Sal, and these animals are Tony, Martin, and Lorenzo." "Hi Brenda," they said in unison. "So, you're the little girl that stole my boy's heart," Bruno said, with a twinkle in his eye. "Dad, come on, you're going to embarrass Brenda," Mario said. "Ah, she knows I'm just teasing, welcome to my home Brenda." "Thank you Mr. Puccinelli." "Call me Bruno, Mr. Puccinelli was my father. Come sit next to me and watch the game, you're too pretty to be working out there with all those chattering hens." "Thank you anyway, but I should help in the kitchen," Brenda said. "Now you know where Mario gets his flirting from, his dad," Louisa laughed. Brenda noticed that there was a lot of laughing and interaction between the family members, something that never really took place back home. Brenda and Louisa returned to the kitchen to help with the dinner, there were more questions and learning where Brenda was going to fit in the family order, would she fit in or would she be one that was kept to the side. Mario's brother's wife was kept to the side. His brother's name was Guido and he was married to Kimberly. They had been married for four years and hadn't had children yet. Kimberly was a business woman and didn't have time for pregnancy or the inconvenience of children. She was a driven woman and didn't want anything to do with the family traditions of the Italian family she had married into. She hadn't lifted a finger to help from day one, which soured the feelings Marie had for the girl. Kimberly was a spoiled child and it showed when she was around. These deep feelings explained why they weren't here with the rest of the family. Brenda was cutting the green onions and nicked her finger with the blade of the knife. No one had taught her how to cut with a knife and she had held her fingers straight out as she cut. "Ouch, I cut myself," she exclaimed. "Quick, put a towel around it so the bleeding stops," said Louisa. "Here's a band aid, let me see Brenda," said Marie Marie took Brenda's hand and held her finger out to the side. The bleeding had slowed, it was really just a scratch, but Marie showed concern anyway. Mario had brought his girl friend to dinner and now she cut herself and Marie felt responsible. "I'll be alright Marie, it's just a scratch." Marie put the band aid on Brenda's finger. "Are you sure you're okay?" she asked. Marie was using Kimberly as a reference and wasn't sure what kind of girl Brenda was. Kimberly had scraped her hand against the doorjamb once and didn't even break the skin. From the reaction you would have thought she had been shot. She screamed and cried and had a hissy fit as though she was dying. Marie was starting to like Brenda and was seeing what her son saw in this girl. She wasn't afraid to pitch in, she wasn't a baby and from what she could see Brenda was a strong woman. "I'll be fine," she said as she returned to making salad. "Before you cut yourself again let me show you how to use a knife," Louisa said. "Take the knife like this and then hold what ever your cutting like this, see my knuckles are ahead of my finger tips and the edge of the knife rubs against them, kind of like a guide and that way you don't get cut." Brenda did as instructed and found that after a little practice she was cutting with the best of them. The conversation turned away from Brenda and onto more family oriented topics like kids and the family. Brenda just listened and learned what it was to be a woman in a family like this. Brenda liked what was happening to her, she was being included in the family structure and the family liked this new girl that Mario had found, she was a keeper as far as they were concerned. "Bruno, is the game over yet?" Marie yelled down the hall with a small amount of irritation in her voice. "Keep your skirt on the game will be over in a couple of minutes," came the reply. "Men," she said with exasperation in her voice. Suddenly a cheer came from the living room and you could hear the excitement, the Giants must have done something good. Brenda smiled to herself, she had a warm fuzzy feeling from all that was happening and her boyfriend's team had just done something right, it was a good day. The game ended and dinner was served. The adults sat in the formal dining room and the children sat in the kitchen. Bruno said grace and then everyone ate. The conversation was light and fun, with most of the verbal jabs aimed at Mario for finally finding a girl friend. Dinner was finished and Brenda was the first to help clear the table and wash the dishes. She was making major points with Marie and it wasn't something being lost on Mario, he liked this girl, he liked her a lot. It was time for Brenda to leave and she went to each person and said goodnight. Marie was the last one. "Goodnight Marie, I had a wonderful time, thank you so much," she said and embraced Marie. "Thank you Brenda, you're a wonderful girl, you come again next Sunday," Marie said. "Mom, maybe Brenda has something else to do," Mario said. "I, I'll try," Brenda responded. She wanted nothing more than to come here again and be part of this wonderful family. A girl named Brenda was finding a new life and it might be one that she might not want to leave when it was over. Mario had called for a cab and the couple was soon on their way to Brenda's apartment. "Mario, thank you so much for taking me to meet your family today, they're so wonderful," Brenda gushed. "Did you really have a nice time?" "I loved it, your mom is so sweet." Brenda moved closer to Mario, she wanted to be held. "Please hold me," she said. Mario put his arm around her shoulders and held her tight. Brenda had found a family and she was being held by the man, she, not yet Brenda, don't say it, she liked an awful lot. Life couldn't be much better than this. The taxi arrived and Mario walked Brenda to her apartment and they gave each other the goodnight kiss they knew would happen. The kiss was filled with love, the love a man and woman have for each other that says forever. "Good night Mario, and thank you for sharing your family with me." "They're your family too." "Good night," she said and kissed him once more before closing her door. Brenda removed her clothes and makeup and found her flannel pajamas to wear. She got into bed and turned off her light and stared at the ceiling. What had just happened to her, she wondered? She had gone to dinner with a man she likes and met his family. She had been accepted as the woman she portrayed, actually she had become as one with the other women and now she was falling in love with Mario, there she said it, love, the word and feelings she wanted to avoid. Yes, she was in love with this man, he made her feel all warm and squishy inside when he touched her, she had become a woman, and had found her man, her man, hers, that sounded so good, hers. Brenda felt the tears fill her eyes, what am I going to do after this is over, how can I ever go back to my old life, I won't be able too and Mario expects to have a woman to marry, one that will bare his children, God what have I done, and she dissolved in tears

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SparksChapter 24

12:15 Wednesday, July 31st, 1991 La Pila de Ladrillos Medillin, Antioquia Colombia The Brickhouse was an interesting Colonial home, a mish-mash of many architectural styles. In his explorations when he wasn't working, Ruben found the odd corners in the place fascinating. Keeping away from some of the hired help was a priority of his, and he quickly finished his reconnaissance of the terrain, cataloging places of refuge and places to avoid. One good place was the exercise room. Not quite a...

2 years ago
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Making Her Daddys Baby Girl

I stared at Shay as she finished her dinner, shocked to realize that she was looking like her mother more with each passing day. It made my heart ache still to think of my beautiful deceased wife. She had lost her battle with breast cancer 5 years ago but the wound on my heart still felt fresh. I hadn’t starting seeing anyone in the years following her death because every time I thought about it I felt like it would be cheating. That isn’t to say there had never been anyone interested since,...

3 years ago
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Released from Duty

Tap, tap, tap, tap. Eight steps down, turn and eight more. The long July night has come to a close and I flee from my responsibilities. I can hear the elevators running, carrying their cargoes of people from the sixth, the seventh, the tenth floors, and those in between. Others like myself are running down the stairs. I'm following a dark headed man clad in a long lab coat; hand on the rail, feet under the edge galloping down the stairs in counterpoint to my own. Ta-tap ta-tap ta-tap ta-tap....

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 26

I had to appear at a press conference the night before to give an update. It sucked, but the hospital switchboard was getting inundated with calls, so I agreed. The doctor urged me to keep everything vague, and since I didn't know shit anyway, it wasn't hard. At the least the girl who stayed at my bedside seemed to know enough about the 20-year-old me to help me write my comments. She seemed really nice and it gave me hope that I had truly turned out better than I had expected. I did my...

3 years ago
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Living the dream

My Wife and I have always enjoyed a very active and adventurous sex life,she is a real exhibitionist and not shy about showing herself off and has always loved being filmed or photographed naked and one day we got a girlfriend of hers to watch and film us having sex,this ended up with her friend so turned on that I licked her pussy afterwards while my wife watched,this was the first of many more sex sessions involving other people,sometimes another girl and other times another guy, her biggest...

3 years ago
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Insitute Play

Institute Play By Razor7826        ?What the hell?? I yelled as I stumbled backwards into the chair, shocked that a woman so tiny could kick me in the shin so hard.        My boss, the head of the Math department at Serenity Falls High School, stood in front of me, her right hand resting on her hip between her black skirt and white blouse.  ?I’m dead serious when I say that you have to take care of your own class.  You can’t come to the department whenever a student acts up.?        ?I’ve tried...

2 years ago
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Hot Nude Photo Shoot Of Married Lady

I moved to Hyderabad recently due to my job requirement and was getting bored here like hell as the place was new and I was not much familiar with the city. So I was not going out a lot but soon, the boredom made me get back to my hobbies to pass my time.I am a photographer by hobby and I love it. Though I was not completely settled in the new place, I still tried to spend some time with my camera to live what I always wanted.So, on one Saturday, I was getting bored and I thought to do some...

2 years ago
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A drunk Slut Mother

Joel stalked home from his girlfriend's house. It figures. He is finally gonna get the little tease to fuck him, and what happens? Her fucking parents come home. His 19th birthday present from her, ruined. 'Least her room is in the basement. They would've freaked,' he thought to himself. The thought of her bible-thumping parents catching him and her naked together made him laugh. The aching in his balls quickly brought him back to his pissed off reality. He couldn't wait to get home, go into...

2 years ago
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Dost ki biwi

Hi friends, agar koi unsatisfied female satisfy hona chahti ho to mujhe mail kare. Mera email address hai main ek baar fir se haazir hu apni nayi story k sath. Mera naam Uzair hai or main 22 saal ka hu or Mumbai mein rehta hu. Ab main apni story starta krta hu. Baat un dino ki hai jab mere ek friend jo mere pados me rehta tha uski saadi paaki ho gayi or 18 dino me uski saadi ho gayi. Uski saadi me nahi ja paya tha kyoki me Bombay mere uncle ke yaha tha. Jab me vapas aaya to voh mila saam ko...

3 years ago
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Feather and Scale

Aris finished tying his shoes and turned his eyes back to Tiassa. The Lamia Queen’s huge, impossibly perky breasts were partially hidden beneath an out-of-fashion bikini top. Her serpentine lower half was concealed by the waves, and an illusion, giving the impression that she was a normal woman relaxing in the surf. Albeit, a stunningly beautiful woman with green hair. After finishing his first year of college, he had returned to the hometown of his distant relatives. There he had spent two...

3 years ago
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Daughter in law 12continuation

Dan let his daughter-in-law in, "My better half isn't here right now." Shit, Cheri thought, now I have to ask him and he doesn't like me. She sat in a chair opposite her father-in-law. "Adair and I need about a $1000 to get some stuff." "Of course you do, why else would you fucking come here?" Cheri felt her face burning with embarrassment, "What do you mean by that?" "The only time you or my fucking useless stepson comes here or calls is when you want something." "That's...

4 years ago
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Night Skies Hotel XIII Humanitys Birthright III Twilights Sword

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

1 year ago
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A fun day in the sun

I am writeing this days after it happened. Being summer time I thought it was best for me to take a break from college and stress so I googled some fun places to go and went to Spain. When I got to Spain I learned of a nude beach in Vera Playa, Spain. That sounded fun so I went to an hotel to get set up near the beach. That's where my delema went into play."Should I bring them or no" I said to myself as I wa decideing to bring trunks or just walk there naked. Decideing that the beach is...

1 year ago
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The Duel

The year is 1820 and a relative peace resides in Europe. It is a time where the Nobility of a handful of Continental families rule over the millions of common people across borders and barriers of language. Living in decadent opulence, their lives consist of balls, operas and hunting parties, an endless series of social gatherings across the great cities of Europe, every man assured in the knowledge that the world and everything in it is placed purely for his own pleasure.. Marie de Solle, now...

4 years ago
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Holiday Threesome With Mother in Law

We came to that time in our life when the ki ds are to growing up to come on holiday and it falls to you to start and take your parents away with you instead. We decided to take the mother in law Jenny away, seeing she was newly widowed from Kelly’s step dad and couldn’t face going anywhere by herself.It was one of those late arrivals at the hotel, time the bus travelled around the island a few times by the length of the journey. A quick drop off of bags in the apartment and change of clothes,...

3 years ago
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The good girl

My ass had such a strong penetration that I couldn’t avoid resulting pain and aching off my already enlarged small hole. This had been my first year of career at college, and I was late on my first day.  As I got there, I stepped secretly into the classroom, a little ashamed, but ignored, and stayed put while trying to catch up with the class.  This professor would be talking about subject contents, perhaps, but seconds later, I was followed by another student -who was late on his way to class...

1 year ago
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My Sexual Diary 8211 Part 2 8211 Our SwingSwap Story Part 1 And Part 2

(There may be mixing of past & present so please ignore grammatical mistakes. It is just for sharing and fun) As you, people know we both are into forbidden sexual activities now to reveal our sexuality more. We discussed a lot about kinks during our almost daily sex acts. I got the result of all these kinky chats with hubby that he has no restrictions on any of my sexual encounters. He just wants that I told him all what I want and what I want to do. I got more confidence after sexing with his...

3 years ago
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It Was Easy To Fuck Mother 8211 Part 1

Ours is a small nuclear family. It constitutes of my mother alka, father vikram, elder sister abha and me. Beside there always has been a part time servant or maid. I am going to narrate a story about short affair between my mother & a young man. That time mother was of 43 yrs of age and that young man was in late 20s. Let me first describe my mother alka. She was a very beautiful & attractive lady of 5’6” height, weighing about 60 kgs, having slim & slender figure. She was having breast full...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 12

Monday morning the remnants of the latest hurricane to hit the gulf was now dropping rain over the entire central Texas area, and Megan was somewhat disappointed that Mother Nature was keeping her from her recent after school activity, lying by her uncles pool and enjoying the sun. She instead, went home and began to search the Internet for more videos. Within in an hour, she had seven short videos downloaded. As she watched each one, Megan did notice something, something she didn't pay...

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The Amputee Fuck Slut Family

1. Players- Mr Grotto, former surgeon, had been got fired after an i*****l surgery, now the dominant master of his family members. - Kathy, his wife, quadruple amputee (DAE, DAK), lost her limbs due to disobedience. The lack of limbs was a punishment. Finally she adopted well enough, maybe even enjoyed her helplessness. Faithful sex slave. - Tommy, son, congenital QUAD amputee (DBE, DHD) He is forced to meet of girls sexual wishes. - Lucy, daughter, QUAD amputee (LAK, RHD, LAE, RBE) due to her...

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Summer Games

This is my first attempt at fiction, so please be gentle with me! Comments, criticism, or questions are welcome, just send them to [email protected] or [email protected] I'm well aware that my characters are flat and the plot is near nonexistent, but I'm just writing for fun. I'll let Morpheus and Stephanie write the good stuff! Thanks for reading it! This story may be posted on any free site. Summer Games By Allison Voorhees We get together for one...

1 year ago
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Perks for a Salesman

l was snogging a 75yr old woman who started unbuttoning my shirt / Sally’s tits slapped onto her belly l lifted the right tit and sucked her nipple / l felt her hot breath first on the head of my cock / she was yelling “yes!, yes! oh, oh yes!”.I started a new job going to people’s houses to show them carpets samples and furniture catalogues, yes boring your thinking, well so did l till the second week when l was sent to a Mr and Mrs Wilson’s to show them samples of carpets. Mr Wilson (Colin)...

2 years ago
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Zombie Leza9 Walking Among the Deceased

Taylor scanned the assembled zombies as they approached, Phillip flexed his fingers, ready to leap into action, but Jefferson calmly surveyed those ahead of them. Leza’s song kept her undead humming, but none of the humans knew what to expect. Leza’s history with human volunteers wasn’t entirely reassuring. The human volunteers could follow Leza’s lyrics, a mixture of reassurances and simple instructions. The zombies seemed unsure of the humans, but as neither reacted negatively, they grew...

2 years ago
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Sister takes the Dildo

Okay so my sister, Madi, came into my room asked me to go swimming and let's just say if she asked you you say yes. Now my sister Madi is a cute blonde with 36B Breast and a smoking butt. But don't get me wrong with her body frame and curve her tits fit right in. So now to myself I am a average built guy I do sports and all black hair and about 6inch dick and I was 14 she was 15. I got changed into my swimm trunks and went down stairs. When she came down she was wearing a two piece bikini...

3 years ago
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Bend over

Bend overTwo weeks ago I came home early from my office.First thing strange I could note, the front door was wide open. There was some dust floating in the air and also a weird smell around.I thought we had been robbed. It struck me, thinking that my wife Ana was home alone during my absence. I called out her, but got no answer.I looked inside the living room... and stumbled upon her. She was there; face down onto the coffee table, with her hands and legs handcuffed to it, her bare round ass...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood NymphoChapter 7

Within a few weeks of meeting Ted, Tammy and Chris had become his favorite models and he used them for all of his important photo projects. With their stylish good looks and their terrific bodies, they were perfect for modeling everything from lingerie to evening gowns. As Ted's business picked up, so did their modeling jobs, until they were making more money than they knew what to do with. When Tammy introduced her younger brother to Ted, the photographer quickly seized the opportunity to...

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Dyanna my neighbor and her daughter

My neighbors were a younger couple with a young daughter. By young I mean about 6 years younger than my wife and I. A couple of weeks after I retired I was working in my back yard when I overheard my neighbor Dyanna talking to what appeared to be a friend, stating that her husband Ron and her were getting a divorce and he had moved in with his father about 75 miles south of us and closer to his job. Dyanna went on to say how they have not had sex in months and when they did it was...

2 years ago
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I Told You I Quit

‘That’s it, I quit.’ I sighed, my sighing breath continued until Ryan, my partner, cleared his throat. ‘You quit? Just like that?’ his eyebrows arched as I kicked my shoes off and watched them hit the leg of the bed. ‘Yes,’ I nodded as I spoke. ‘I’m sick of being treated like some no-purpose bit on the side,’ I sighed once more as I sat onto the edge of the bed. Lifting both my legs up, I crossed them in front of me. ‘Here,’ his voice broke the hollow silence. His hands reaching out as he...

4 years ago
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Dancing with Alison

She would always invite me to go to her school dances. For a few we went as girlfriend and boyfriend, as no one ever knew we were cousins. We had a lot of fun at the dances and slow dances were the best. I let my hands roam up and down her back and a few times my hands went to her ass but she didn't mind. One night during the final dance of the night, it was always “Stairway to Heaven”, she whispered in my ear that she wanted to kiss me. I looked her in the eyes with a questioning look....

3 years ago
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Oppressive Compulsive Disorder

Oppressive Compulsive Disorder by Choker Guy Chapter One - Illusion Day 1 Dan: So, how did your important 'mission' go? Carl: Would you stop trying to ridicule me? Stop making such a big deal about it, and most importantly, don't do it here. D: Ooh right, forgot the Agency spies are hunting you for your porn collection. I don't know, setting up a switch to wipe your computer seems like a big deal to me. C: What did I just say? I see no reason why we couldn't chat about...

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We had met Pauline socially a few weeks previously and she had made it obvious to both of us she was interested in us sexually as Sarah reciprocated and flirted with her with my tacit encouragement. “Pauline is a lipstick lesbian, she has had three male husbands and my girlfriends tell me she is very talented,” Sarah told me in the afterglow of magic sex on the Thursday night. “Remember, no more sex until Sunday, I want us both to be horny for her so we enjoy her to the max.” No sex on the...

3 years ago
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Caught by Mommy Part 2

Caught by Mommy Part 2 By Princess Panty Boy "Mommy do we really have to go get ice cream? I feel so silly dressed this way like a little girl, and now with my haircut is like a girl's style I feel so weird." I start playing with my hair as if I was a lil girl. I see mom bending down and looking into my eyes. "Well sweetie your hair is not like a girl's style, your hair is a really girly style. Remember you are the one that was wearing your cousin's panties while you were...

1 year ago
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Life is Slutty

Welcome to the Life is Strange universe. Pick a character see their sexual exploits. Or add some if you feel like it. All are aged up legal age.

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Why should men have all the fun

Mr. Pranab Moitra is 33 year old. He worked for a big multinational software company in Calcutta as a project manager. Pranab was an average looking Bengali guy like any other normal middle-class executive in India. His wife, Sukanya Moitra, was just 27. Sukanya was a full-time stay-at-home housewife. One must admit that she was a ravishing beauty. A gorgeous 5’5″ tall woman with perfect 36DD boobs, 28″ waist and 38″ butts. She had an angel like face, dense curly hair and butter glazed skin....

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BangBrosClips Sloan Harper Sloan Harper8217s Sexual Beach Vacation Day 1

Sloan Harper and her boyfriend planned a romantic vacation and it’s finally time to go! She missed him so much, but more importantly, she missed his dick. A long road trip is ahead, but she’s too horny to wait till they get to the hotel. She starts to finger herself on the car ride and he rubs her clit. They eventually pull over so she can give him some amazing road head. They finally get to the hotel and walk down an amazing forest to get there. It’s beautiful and romantic....

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The Other Side Of The Secret

January 2019Half an inch from clearing the history, the cursor skids to a halt when five forgotten downloads rivet her attention. What was an innocent routine of moving some trip photos between devices takes a disturbing twist as a seaside day's souvenirs are eclipsed by the radioactive, quintet wink of his name. Their viewer's carefully applied cosmetic calm dissolves as if the screen's icy flicker were a bank of thousand-watt floods, and she, the soloist whose voice had cracked on the...

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Neighbor Kid Seduces Me

Hi this is my first story to this site. Forgive my mistakes if any. My name is Latha. I live near Cochin in Kerala. I choose not to disclose my exact place. I am 42 years old and am happily married to Mukesh. We have one daughter Kavya who is doing her Engineering in Calicut. She went to Calicut last year and is staying in a hostel. My husband owns a restaurant and he is usually out of home all morning and most times he arrives by 8 in the night back from the restaurant. What I am about to...

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Fucking Good Time

This story is true and happened not so long ago. I have intentionally not mentioned the ladies name. It is all my own work and I don't wish for it to be copied or used anywhere else!I walked down the stairs and headed to the door. No need to knock as she was ready for me and the door slowly opened. “Hi” said a sexy voice from behind the door and in a walked. “Hello” I said, “thanks for seeing me”, “you’re welcome” she replied and we headed into the living room. It was very spacious, with a big,...

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The Evening Part II

The two men walked into the room and stopped short when they saw her. She looked up, smiled and shrugged her shoulders. ‘Well, guys, now what?’ she said. Her husband stepped back slightly, put his hand on the shoulder of the guest to invite him to step forward. ‘Well, if you were wondering where this evening was going, I guess this is a pretty good clue.’ The guest stepped forward, and stood before her. She smiled, even more broadly, and rose up onto her knees. Her top slid off her...

2 years ago
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My girlfriend dances with another

My girlfriend Cristy had enjoyed becoming a tease to other men and I allowed her to because I found it extremely erotic. I encouraged her to show off and work up other men to an erection. She got off on this and it usually lead to a kinky sex session. Cristy is 5'2" with cherry blonde hair and brown eyes. She may be short but she has a sexy body with 34Ds and a bubbly perky butt. We are both 22 years old and very horny all the time. This particular night, Cristy and I were drinking at a local...

Wife Lovers
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Meeting Sam

Being a recently divorced 32 year old female, I was looking for some fun with no strings attached. I had enough of married life, and now being 4 long months since I had sex, I was hornier than ever. I am 32 years old, short and on the plump side. My tits are large, but still perky. As I was shopping at a home improvement store, I had the pleasure of being waited on by the most beautiful black man, Sam, I had ever seen. Although he was 23 years old, he seemed so young to me! He was almost 7 feet...

First Time
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How Not to Embellish a Resume

The senior executives of Sabre Corps sat patiently as the next interviewee entered. After Donald Donaldson took over the company two years previous, Sabre Corps had gone from being the runt of the weapons manufacturing business to being the go-to company of the US Military. Such massive expansion of course required a pretty dramatic increase in personnel and for this reason, Zoe Shepherd was now sat across from Donald and his two associates ready to interview for the position of PR...

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Just One HourChapter 5

Debbie had been with the man in the cellar for just under thirty minutes. She thought back to the young guys she'd blown out that night. How she wished she was with one of them now. This man had been methodical in his humiliation. Her firm tits had been cruelly handled, clamped and wanked between. Her mouth had been choked full of his dirty cock and... oh god she couldn't even bring herself to remember; her pussy had been fucked with a love toy, then inflated wider than she could believe...

2 years ago
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Reversal Rings Im Sorry

This is a possible continuation of "Reversal Rings II: Jamie's Story." I thought Jamie's fate was a little harsh so I decided to try and continue his part of the story. I felt Jamie was basically a pretty good kid who acted impulsively, not stopping to realize that what he was doing was wrong. I'd like to thank Morpheus for his okay to do this story. While it isn't necessary to read the whole Reversal Rings story line before reading this, to understand this story, you should at least...

3 years ago
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We Do Bob Amy Part 2

RebeccaWhen I finally released Amy's probing face, she drew in a deep breath before going back to sucking up my flowing juices. "Can I... taste you... now," I panted.Amy mumbled something as her face pressed even tighter into my pussy. I figured it was a no, given that she had a death-grip on my thighs, and she ate me like a starving child. But, knowing that she wasn't going to stop for a while, I began working my nipples again. It wasn't long before I felt a much stronger orgasm filling my...

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Mom Son In Heaven 8211 Part II

Hi everybody I am back. That I slept with my finger inside my mom pussy and morning my mom got and was shocked to see her son finger inside her pussy. Then she slowly started to rub my finger inside her pussy still she cum then she slowly without waking me up she pulled my hand outside of her saree and went to get ready for office then I got up then I thought my mom will scold me for yesterday night thing. So if I hugged her from what she will see and I went and hugged and my mom did not say...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Mind Control ExplodesChapter 6 Brotherrsquos MindControlling Passion

Deidre Icke, President of the collapsing Institute of Apotheosis Research, shuddered as she slipped off her Master and ex-husband’s face. Robert Icke had licked her pussy while their sixteen-year-old daughter had licked her asshole. Deidre buzzed from her orgasms. Her large breasts swayed, her black hair danced about her face as she trembled. Her children gave her orders now. Alex and Alexis were gods now. Not the correct gods, but it was too late to do anything about that now. Deidre had...

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BSC01 The True Meaning of BSCChapter 10 Are My Eyes Deceiving Me

Several months after that first visit Danny found himself back at Blanke Schande College. It wasn’t an open day or anything like that. He was in Los Angeles with his parents visiting his mom’s sister again in Redlands. Danny said he wanted to visit some friends and asked his father if he could borrow the car that they had all come down in. His father didn’t need the car that day and said it was OK, so here he was once again standing in the car park of BSC. Peter and Becky were expecting him...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Bunny Colby 01152022

Bunny just got engaged and should be thrilled to marry such a rich and powerful man but when it came time to be intimate she found out he was hung like a squirrel, like a baby squirrel. And at her engagement party it hit her how she is going to deal with a lifetime of tiny dick in her life and a Pre Nup to boot. Her best friend suggested the best anonymous hookup spot in town. The Glory Hole behind the adult book store at the edge of town. Knowing she has to figure this out before she seals the...

3 years ago
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Sexual Encounter In Bangalore Over Brunch

Hello readers, I am back with my another real sexual encounter with a married lady who was deprived of sex and was so sad in her life. My name is Akhil and I have been actively reading stories on Indian Sex Stories from a long time. Recently I submitted one of my stories and received great feedback. I never thought that women/girls reach out to a stranger on mail. Thanks a lot for your feedbacks and I will be very happy to help you and your desires. Privacy and discreet sex are my priority, so...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 616

The Lounge on the Pocket Planet Aboard Ship ... Jeff took a slow look around the big room. Granted, I don’t know what these ... people do for relaxation, but none of them look as if they’re relaxing, and all the games are standing vacant. Even though the women have a long way to go before they’re fully with it, I still expected them to be in here too. Come to think of it, the First acted odd when I told him that Ship had provided a rec room with several of our games and a counter where they...

3 years ago
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Felicity Ch 25

I was in a small neighborhood plaza in Seville when a painter at his easel caught my eye. He was painting a woman sitting on a bench with a small fountain behind her. She was dressed in white and was surrounded by pigeons, she looked fabulous. She also looked sad, resigned to her fate. She had a white cane at her side, she was blind. I walked up to the guy painting her and told him, ‘Muy bonita,’ in broken Spanish. ‘Ah, American right? The painting is for sale and will be ready soon.’ ‘I...

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