SurvivorChapter 05 free porn video

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When Pat moves from Grade School to Junior High School he’s a bit surprised by the change in the student culture. However, soon after he starts the 10th Grade in Senior High School the differences in the student culture to his previous schools is a shock to him! In the first few weeks he learns how important the student social standing is to the majority of the students now, and how it can make school easier or a lot harder than it needs to be. The real shock for him is how so many minor things contribute to how the students evaluate the social standing. As a general rule how well you do in your studies is almost irrelevant to the social standing, except in a negative manner for the more serious students.

The students in Pat’s year aren’t immediately affected by the culture of the Senior High School, but within a few weeks most are indoctrinated into it and are allowing the social standing culture to affect how they relate to the other students. Pat finds it amusing and he ignores the whole issue. Of course this attitude lowers his student social standing. But his refusal to let it get to him angers the older students who feel they must control these things, especially the status conscious seniors and juniors.

Pat decides to play baseball in Senior High School because the times of their practices and games is more suited to his other activities than the other sports. An odd reason to choose a sport, but a good one when he has no real preference for any of the sports offered by the school. At home Sarge and Gunny rate Pat as an expert with all of the handguns and rifles they have, as well as being very good at unarmed combat.

The biggest shock to Pat is how so many of the students change the way they react to students of the opposite sex in their grade. Until now all of the relationships between genders were on the basis of ’keep away’ or as ’good friends.’ While now the pressure from the older students is pushing many students into ’girlfriend / boyfriend’ relationships simply because that’s how the older students are, so not being in a similar type of relationship is bad for your school social standing.

Another shock is how the choice of sport affects your social standing because some are seen as more important sports by those who decree the student social standing values. Being on the bench for the Junior Varsity American Football team has more value than being a starter on the Varsity Soccer team. However, being on any sports team in any way is far better than not being on any team at all.

School social events like dances are now much more important than they were before. Previously it didn’t matter if you went or didn’t, now it’s very important you go to the dances and it’s critical you have a date for the dance. Valentine’s Day cards for classmates were a minor item, but now they’re a major issue. Pat does a little checking with some of the older students and he learns having a steady girlfriend is another item in the near future that’s decreed by the student social standing gods. A part of having a steady girlfriend is going on regular dates with them.

When Pat talks about the social standing issues the adults in his life think it’s funny and talk about such events from their time in high school. Pat sees no need to change his attitudes or behaviours, so he doesn’t. In doing so he learns a very valuable lesson: by stepping aside from all of the fancy dancing decreed by the older students he moves outside of their ability to affect him through it. Sure, some of the other students modify their behaviour to him due to the edicts of the student powers, but most who’ve known him for some time soon drop back into their old patterns. It doesn’t take long for many in Pat’s grade to realise he’s one of those who marches to the beat of a different drummer at his own beat.

Another social aspect is the way groups form at lunch and how the students at the tables hardly varies after the first several weeks. Most of them shake down into groups they stay in while some will also move between tables for a lunch or two to see someone and then back again.

Lunch Meeting

A couple of months into the new school year a new student arrives at the Senior High School. All can tell she’s not happy due to the sad look on her face all the time. After she’s there about two weeks Pat notices she still sits by herself at one of the shorter tables so he decides to talk to her.

Pat is usually one of the first into the cafeteria for meals so this day he sits at his regular table but he doesn’t immediately open his lunch box. When the new girl sits at her table Pat stands, goes over to her table, and asks her, “Mind if I join you for lunch today?” She shrugs her shoulders and continues to eat her lunch. Pat sits down, gets his lunch out, and starts to eat the rice with mixed vegetables he has today.

He’s halfway through the large container when the girl says, “That smells like it’s still hot. Is it?”

Looking up from his meal Pat says, “Not exactly hot, but still very warm. The container is well insulated and it has a small battery powered heating element in it to keep the food fairly warm. I’m Pat Nolan.”

“Sorry, I’m Laura Meeks. How come you have special food?”

“I’m on a strict diet set by my doctor and her nutritionist. I bring my own food in each day. I’m not sure if it’s allowed or not, but no one’s complained about it. Each year I bring in an approval note, just in case they need one to let me do this. I do have to take a school meal because the rules say I have to. However, some of my friends enjoy the extra food they get by eating my school food. How come you’re always so sad?”

“My parents are in the military and we’d just got settled into a new house and school when they both got an urgent posting. So now I live with my grandparents and I’ve another school to get used to. I’d only just started getting settled in there and I get shunted here. I know my parents aren’t close to the fighting over there, but I worry about them.”

“If they’re near any combat you’ve grounds to be concerned. But there’s nothing you can do about it so you shouldn’t worry so much.”

“I know, but I can’t help it. I’ve got so much time with nothing to do except worry about them.”

Slowly shaking his head Pat says, between mouthfuls of food, “Then you need to get involved with other activities for you to think about.”

“I was down to start an advanced first aid course but they’re not doing one here. Dad also had me down to learn self defence but I can’t find a suitable class here I like.”

Pat grins, gets out his cell phone, turns it on, scrolls through to his contacts list, turns it around to show the number to Laura, and says, “Enter this name and number into your phone.” She half frowns, but she does get her phone out, turns it on, and enters the information into her phone. Pat moves to another name and holds it for her to enter those details as well. When she finishes entering the information they both turn their phones off again. He adds, “You now have the numbers of two medically retired service personnel who live in Eagle Pass. The first is a Navy Corpsman who can teach you more than just first aid. The other is a Marine who can teach you unarmed combat. Give them both a call and tell them I gave you their phone numbers.”

“How do you know them?”

“They used to live and work on my grandfather’s ranch, but when they got married they moved into Eagle Pass to live with their spouses. I know they can teach those subjects well because they taught them to me. The training started while we all lived on the ranch and it finished last year. But we still get together to go over everything to stay current.”

Their conversation moves onto other after school things Laura can do to keep busy, then they go their separate ways at the end of lunch. Over the following weeks Laura does become involved with Gunny and Erin as well as other after school activities available in the area. It all helps to keep her mind off her parents and she stops looking so sad all of the time. Laura and Pat stay good acquaintances in Senior High School, but they don’t become close friends. The only times they see each other are at lunch, some after school activities, and around the town.

The Rest of Senior High School

Pat does well in all of his classes due to hard work. He’s smart and is good at working things out, but he has to study and apply himself to a few subjects just to stay in the top ten percent of the year in all subjects. But not in the top five percent in any of them. Due to being so far out of town his opportunities for dating are limited until he can get a driver’s license. However, Pat does attend each of the major school dances each year with a date, but with a different girl for each dance.

A year or so after Pat joined the crew at the ranch Bubba obtained a 1941 Buick Century Series 60 sedan that had been a staff car during World War 2. The body was in good condition but it needed a new coat of paint and the engine needed a major rebuild. Over the years he and the others worked on it in their spare time. There were many delays while getting needed parts found and purchased or, in some cases, machined. It took a few years to get the car looking and working like new, including some hidden extras of more seat padding plus improved air-conditioning and heating. The finished car is painted in Army Olive Drab with the code numbers and badges of a staff car used by the 82nd Airborne during the war. The car’s first public outing is Pat’s first Homecoming Dance in high school, where it gets a lot of attention when Bubba drives up to drop Pat and his date at the drop-off point in front of the school auditorium. Sarge gets out of the front passenger seat to let Pat and his date out. Of course both Sarge and Bubba have to wear their full dress uniforms for the task. After that the car is often used in local parades as well as for taking Pat to the various school dances. Often his dates for the school dances are the daughters of the families working the ranch’s farmland outside the main fence because they already know each other and it makes sense for them to travel in together.

There’s only three matters worth mentioning about the rest of Pat’s time in Senior High School because most of it went smoothly with little of note. The first is when Pat tries out for the school baseball team, the second is when he has a talk with Sarge, Bubba, Gunny, Erin, and Dave about his future, and the last is just before the end of his Junior Year - a month before Pat’s seventeenth birthday.


During his first year in Senior High School Pat tries out for the school baseball teams. He’s not played organised baseball before, but he does learn the basics from Sarge and Bubba. On some of the days while he’s in town and he has spare time he also plays in scratch games with the other kids. Thus he knows the rules, he has the basic skills, and he has been taught the tactics of playing while watching games on the television with Bubba and Sarge.

Pat knows there was no point trying out for the varsity team because he’s an inexperienced player. So he joins the smaller group because he’s not out to impress the coach of the Varsity Team. Two teachers helping out as junior coaches take the group Pat is part of to the school’s baseball field to test their skills while the head coach has the rest on the football field to test their overall fitness as a way of culling the group down.

At the baseball diamond the coach tells the boys to form into groups by fielding positions. He points at one spot and says, “Infielders to my left,” at another, “Pitchers to my right,” a third spot, “Catchers behind me, and you Outfielders stay where you are.” Pat watches two thirds of the boys go to the ’Infielder’ spot so he decides to stay where he is to be an ’Outfielder’ because he knows he’s not a good Pitcher or Catcher.

After everyone joins a group the coach counts the boys, and sighs. He needs two teams and the best will be on the Junior Varsity Team. For each team they try to have two or three Catchers, four to six Pitchers, eight Infielders, and five Outfielders. He knows he’ll get more boys due to the cutting of the Varsity team, but he has only two Catchers, six Outfielders, fifteen Pitchers, and twenty Infielders. He says, “Year Ten students stand two paces to the left of your group,” and watches how many split out. He watches when both Catchers move left, eight Pitchers move left, along with all six Outfielders, and ten Infielders. The coach thinks, Well, it looks like we’ll have a full First Year Team. He hands the rest to the other coach and they start to organise a practice game between the two groups so they can evaluate the players’ skills. He puts the First Year Team in the field first. He asks players the positions they play, notes them down on a sheet, and then picks some to go field while the others take turns batting. Because Pat has no experience at all he’s listed as the last to go out.

When Pat does get into the field he’s put in Right Field. The coach soon notices Pat is fast to cover the ground and he usually makes the catch when he can get to it, but he’s much faster than the others at getting the ball back into Second or Home, as required. After trying everyone in the different positions for their group the coach has many notes. One note is on the need to teach Pat how to play the outfield properly, and Pat can do well in all three outfield positions.

Later the coach is rotating all of the players through the field positions again when another coach brings a group of varsity rejects over to be tested for the other teams. He stops to watch for a while, and he’s very surprised at the speed and power Pat is putting into returning the balls from near the fence. After watching a few plays he goes back to the varsity squad to steal a couple of players. On the way to the diamond he briefs them on what he wants done. He talks with the lead coach of the junior squads then he sets up for a few plays.

The fielders are in their usual positions when the Pitcher puts a ball on the first base side of the plate in the middle of the zone. The batter from the Varsity Team hits it well, right into the corner of the field just fair of the line. When the ball is hit the coach starts a stopwatch in his left hand, when Pat picks the ball up from the corner the coach starts the stopwatch in his right hand. He stops both when the ball reaches the Catcher, which is where Pat is told to throw it to. The times on both are noted then the other player with the coach replaces Pat in the field to do the same play. Pat wonders why they’re doing it, but he doesn’t say anything about it. Once the play is over the coach has Pat and the other player go to different places on the field to return balls to the Catcher while the coach times them. After the coach has all of the figures listed on the sheet of paper he smiles and leaves with the two players he brought from the other squad.

They’re nearing the end of the practice when the coach of the Junior Varsity Team says to Pat, “You’ve got a strong arm. The timed testing shows you can get a ball back to the Catcher a lot faster than our best senior Outfielder. I expect you’ll be on the Varsity Team very soon. I’ve got to teach you how to play the positions and then we need to see how you play under pressure in a few games, but I think you’ll be moved up as soon as you can prove you can perform during a game.”

Over the following weeks Pat does a lot of studying on how best to play the three outfield positions. He improves with each day of training they have, and the coach’s smile grows with each improvement seen.

When the season starts Pat doesn’t play in the First Year Team’s first game because he’s been put on the Junior Varsity Team. During the first Junior Varsity game a few people note how all of the fly balls to Right Field usually end up in Pat’s glove for an out because he’s so fast in covering the ground to make the catch. However, it’s not until the top of the seventh inning a batter hits a ball up into the right corner close to the foul line. The ball hits the fence in fair territory and drops to the ground. Pat’s team is up by one run, there’s two out, with a runner on First who takes off when the ball is pitched. The instructions given to Pat at the start of the game included, ‘If a runner is on his way Home and you think you can get the ball there in time, do it.’ So Pat scoops up the ball with his glove, spins while grabbing the ball out of his glove with his right hand, takes a step toward Home, and he lets fly with all he has. The ball only rises a little in its flight to Home. The Catcher is watching the ball because his job is to know where it is, so he can see the ball is heading straight for him. He flicks a glance over his shoulder at the runner coming around Third, then he shouts, “Let it go, Jim.” The ball flies by the head of Jim, the fielder at First. The Catcher takes the incoming ball, turns, leans up the line toward Third, and he tags the runner out. The spectators go wild because the out retires the side for a home team win. The opposition coach turns to his assistant and says, “I saw him throw it to the Catcher, but I still don’t believe he got it there in time. He must have a hell of an arm to do that.” The assistant coach agrees with him.

The next week Pat is playing Right Field on the school’s Varsity Team. He does very well in the position for all three years of Senior High School. He’s awarded ’All State’ honours as the best Right Fielder in high school in the state for all of the three years he’s on the team, despite his team not going very far in the state play-offs.

Employment Discussion

During the first semester of Pat’s Junior Year he sits down with Erin, Sarge, Bubba, Gunny, and Dave to talk about what he should study at college, which requires a talk about long term employment goals. Due to a wish to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather Pat asks about joining the military and he asks for advice on what service to join.

All of the others take a moment to glance at each other before Gunny says, “Pat, you shouldn’t join the military at all. You may wish to think about it after you finish college, but not before. Do the right courses at college and you could sign up as an officer. However, there’s no way you should consider signing up as an ’enlisted man!’ No way at all.”

Pat frowns and is about to speak when Bubba says, “Pat, you can pass the final tests for basic training right now. In many areas you’re a long way beyond what they teach in basic. Having to do basic will bore you to tears and you’ll get angry at having to be kept back to be taught what you already know. If you could be sure of getting into West Point or a similar officer cadet course then you should consider it. But you’re smart enough to be an officer, yet not in the IQ bracket where they’ll be sure to put you in for officer training. Even then you’ll have problems because you’re already well enough trained to be a good senior officer, but you won’t do well in the positions they stick green junior officers in.”

All of the others support the view so the talk ranges wider. In the end it’s agreed Pat should look at college courses he’d like to do and to also consider a college with an ROTC unit so he can see what they’re like. If he really wants a military career he can consider joining the ROTC after his first year at college or to transfer to a military college later, even if it means more time in college.

Pat is stunned they consider him to be too well trained to join any of the military services as a basic recruit as the difference between his level of training and the others would lead to problems. For now the decision is to go to a college for a teaching degree and some business management courses.

Alone Again, Almost

During April of Pat’s Junior Year Sarge and Pat are out on a night exercise as part of Pat’s ongoing honing of the skills they taught him when they come across ten armed men with a line of twenty-five mules carrying large bundles on their pack-frames. Although it’s not the full moon there’s enough moonlight for them to see well and to see what the men are doing. Sarge calls the ranch to let Bubba know what they’ve found while he signals for Pat to move off to the side so they can have the smugglers in a crossfire if there’s any trouble.

Pat moves off to the side of the men so he’s looking down their left side when he kneels behind a rock with some scrub just in front of it. He has his .22 calibre version of the M1 carbine ready with one of the long magazines in it as well as a round in the breech. On his radio Pat listens to the conversation between Sarge and Bubba while the men walk a bit closer to the waiting duo.

Sarge sets up in a similar position to Pat on the right side of the approaching column. He sets up with his .30 calibre M1 carbine with a long magazine and a round in the breech. Where Sarge is set different to Pat is he has his torch in his left hand holding it on the top of the rock he’s behind.

When the men reach a suitable point Sarge turns his torch on while he shouts out in Spanish, “You’re under arrest, put your guns down.” The men immediately drop to the ground while they bring their guns up to shoot at Sarge. Both Pat and Sarge return fire by picking off targets at the back of the group first. The firefight is both fierce and short. Only two minutes after the first shot is fired Pat and Sarge are making sure all of the enemies are dead with check shots into them. Sarge says, into the radio, “Pat, cover me.” Both of them change magazines before Sarge leaves his place to go check each of the enemy is dead.

Once Sarge confirms they’re dead Pat stands, turns his torch on, and he starts looking for the casings of the rounds he fired. It takes him several minutes, but he has them all in his pocket about the same time as Sarge finishes collecting his casings.

They’re checking the mules over when Bubba arrives in one of their pickup trucks. Pat is busy removing the loads from the mules to stack them in the truck while Bubba and Sarge load the dead into body-bags after checking their pockets. Once Pat has all of the bundles of drugs in the pickup he collects and unloads the guns of the dead while Bubba and Sarge load the body-bags on top of the drugs. The load is tied down and Sarge says, “Pat, take the mules to the ranch while we dispose of the rubbish.” Pat nods, goes to the first mule, takes the lead rope, and he walks toward the ranch house. All of the mules have their leads attached to the pack-frame of the mule in front, so they naturally follow him.

Half an hour later Pat has the mules in their small stables. He had to take the frames off them while outside because the mules fill the stables by themselves. He gives them another check in the better light, sets out some buckets of water and grain along the walls, and he closes the door.

While Pat is busy with the mules Bubba and Sarge drive the pickup to the river, park above the drop to the crossing, dump the dead and the bundles of drugs down the rise, then they start the task of carrying it all back across the river and up the other side. When they’ve all of the drugs across they bring over two five gallon cans of petrol they pour over the drugs. Next is to carry the dead across to stack them in a pile to the side by dumping them out of the body-bags. The last task is to toss two lit flares in the drugs to burn them before they return across the river while they brush out the tracks they made.

The next day Sarge reports hearing gunfire from near the river, so the Sheriff comes out to check on it. When they reach the river he can see the dead and the remains of the burnt drugs, but it’s in Mexico so he phones his Mexican counterpart to tell him of the find and he leaves it at that. The Sheriff is sure Sarge and Bubba are involved but he has no evidence they were, and, anyway, it’s only the destruction of drugs and drug runners.

When he leaves the property the Sheriff smiles and stops to talk to Pat who’s standing beside the road with a bunch of mules. He asks, “What are you up to with all those mules, Pat?”

Pat grins as he replies, “Waiting for their owners to come and collect them. We had them here grazing and now we’re sending them home.”

The Sheriff glances at the nearby stack of pack frames, slowly nods his head, and he’s about to speak again when two local small farmers pull up in their trucks towing stock trailers. Both men of Mexican heritage get out while thanking Pat for looking after their mules. They let down the trailer ramps and lead the mules into the trailers while they call them by name. One man loads two mules while the other loads three. They grab a pack frame for each mule too. They’re just pulling out when three more local farmers pull up with stock trailers. Shaking his head the Sheriff thinks, Oh well, better to have the locals benefiting from the events than having the drugs loose. But I’d rather have the men and drugs locked up. He sits down to chat with Pat while a stream of small farmers in pickup trucks arrive to collect ’their’ mules and take them home.

The next Monday Sarge drops Pat at school before he visits Q to sell him a bunch of guns he no longer needs. Naturally Q pays less than what he’ll sell them for, but it’s still ’found money’ for Sarge. He keeps ten percent to pay for the ammunition expended and he gives the rest of the money to local charities who help the poorer people in the county.


Two weeks later Pat is still waiting outside the school when the last of the school buses leave. Since he’s normally picked up while the first bus is being loaded he knows something’s wrong, so he phones Bubba and says, “Bubba, Pat, was there a delay in Sarge leaving to collect me?”

Bubba replies, “No, Pat. In fact, he left early and he should’ve been out the front waiting for you. Why?”

“He’s not here yet.”

“I’ll lock up and go looking for him.”

“No. Secure the ranch house and wait there. Check the cameras. I’ll call Gunny and we’ll go look for him.”

“OK, I’ll do that.”

Pat calls Gunny, explains the situation, and waits for Gunny to come to get him so they’ll have two people in the car. While he’s waiting Pat phones the Sheriff’s Office to ask if there’s been any problems reported on the road into town from the ranch. He’s told nothing’s been reported.

Gunny arrives, Pat gets in, and they head south. They’re almost to the ranch when they find Sarge’s pickup on the side of the road shot full of holes. They stop, get out, and check on Sarge. He’s dead. The two are quick to remove all of the weapons and gear from Sarge’s truck to the truck they’re in, except for the Beretta M9 in Sarge’s hand.

Both Pat and Gunny put on their body armour and they have their rifles in hand when Pat phones the Sheriff’s Office to report finding Sarge while Gunny starts to circle the area looking for information about the attack. Before the Sheriff’s Deputies arrive Gunny finds four dead men, blood from some others, and a place where a truck was parked on the side of the road for a while. He also finds several other firing positions identified by the footprints and the casings on the ground. Once he’s sure there’s no attackers still around Gunny and Pat put their guns and body armour away again.

When the Sheriff’s Deputies arrive Pat and Gunny give statements before they continue to the ranch. The attack is the main topic of conversation and it ends with Pat saying, “I’m certain this was organised by the people behind the last drug shipment. Can you find out who that is, please?” Gunny simply nods his agreement to see what he can find out about the last drug shipment they stopped crossing the ranch.

The Saturday of the following week is Sarge’s funeral, which is very similar to the funerals for Digger and Hard Ball. One difference is the large number of locals of Mexican descent who attend the funeral. They knew Sarge well and most of them also know Pat well.

After the funeral Pat is surrounded by a group of people offering their condolences when a person behind him pushes an envelope into his hand while softly saying, “Don’t let anyone see you have this.” Pat slips the envelope into his pocket as he pretends like he heard nothing. It’s another twenty minutes before Pat can leave the graveside to go to the VFW Hall where they’re having a wake for Sarge.

Once seated in the hall Pat slips the envelope to Bubba under the table while saying, “Someone with a Mexican accent gave me this at the funeral. I didn’t see who it was, but they told me not to show I had it.”

Bubba slips the envelope into his pocket while saying, “I’ll read it a bit later when I’m sure no one is watching me.”

Pat nods agreement, turns to Dave, and asks, “Dave, how did you keep the state child welfare people out of my hair?”

Dave grins as he replies, “The Sheriff forgot to tell them you’re an orphan. He knows you can look after yourself and you’ve Bubba to help you. I also told him I’m filing for an Emancipation Order for you so you can be a legal adult at seventeen. I expect it’ll be approved.”

Same as Survivor
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Getting out of the shower, Lacy wraps a towel around herself and putters around the room trying to find a good outfit for a third date. She’s seriously trying to impress Michael so picks out a short and low cut dress and the tiniest silk panties she can find. She puts them to one side and starts to dry herself. The feel of the towel grazing against her nipples really turns her on so she fumbles around in her toy box and lies back in bed. She lubes up her dildo and pushes it in slowly before...

2 years ago
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Coward Little Housewife 8211 Part 9 Pumped At The Petrol Pump

This is a fiction story, so enjoy it. Let me introduce myself. I’m Geeta Singh Anant, age 21, fit body, slender legs, especially curved thighs especially thicker than normal. Firm and straight boobs as especially noticed by everyone, fair skin, height 5 feet 5 inch. About 10 days later, my mother-in-law got sick again, including my sister in law and father-in-law altogether due to contaminated water. It wasn’t home water of college or office water or somewhere else. All were admitted in...

2 years ago
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2 for 1

Just thought I would share one of my earliest memories of being a slut. I was in my late teens and already a dirty little anal slut. 2 months ago I had lost my virginity to a dirty old man and I was craving cock ever since, but at the time, my options were kinda limited. Eventually, I got a message on a local site from an older guy, asking if I had ever been fisted before and if not, would I like to try it. Admittedly, I had tried to fist myself but found it too damn awkward. So I replied and...

3 years ago
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Neha Fucked In Her Bedroom

It was a stormy night raining heavily and the power supply was off. Rajesh invited me to his place for a bout of drink and candle light dinner that will be prepared by his beautiful wife. Though I had decided to go home and watch some porn movies along with drink, I had to change my plans only because of Neha, wife of Rajesh. She is a absolute gorgeous looking and profoundly gifted sexy lady. I wanted to see her smiling face looking at me…and therefore I could not refuse the offer of...

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Five Hertz of Separation Chapters 6 through 10

CHAPTER SIX "I am sorry, Alex, I just do not understand how this 'anarchist paradise' of yours would work in the real world." "It's simple, Johnathyn. There would be no organized government of any kind. People would be free to go about their daily lives with complete autonomy. Every man would be free to do what is best for him, to live by his own rules." "And what about women?" "Unlike your world, it would be the same for women. The same freedoms, across the board." We were...

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Runaway TrainChapter 130

I had almost made it to my feet but I dropped back on the couch. The fact I was wearing the soft sling didn’t do my arm any favors. “Wait!” I said. “What?” “I’m not comfortable with her working out here any longer,” Liz said. “She’s been on vacation all week!” I said. “That’s part of the problem,” Liz said. “She’s missed a lot of work recently and I ... I’m not happy with how she’s come to view her job here.” “First off, she was sick for two days,” I cut in. “The vacation has been...

3 years ago
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My Mom and Sisters are my Nurses

This story is part of a series, please start reading chapter one before going through this if you are new to it!Welcome to the final chapter of My Mom and Sisters are my Nurses! I think this piece of work has the longest sex scene I have written so far, over seven-thousand words!As usual, sit back, relax and enjoy it!*****I watched and listened to them.I watched as the three most important woman in my life laid completely naked around me on mother's king-size bed, listening to them talking...

2 years ago
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Agent of Lust

It was a very normal day, until you made the wrong turn, and ended up in alley. “Crap.” you think to yourself, but then see a glowing ring. You move towards it cautiously and touch it, and it sparks once, before fizzling out. Then, the world started spinning, until you collapse, and then, blackness. You wake up in the same alley, but something was different. Your arms, once skinny, are now nicely toned and muscular, as was the rest of your body, so your clothes actually fit a little awkwardly....

2 years ago
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Ride For The Sun Ch 02

Please read Chapter 1. It will help continue the flow of these characters and events. As usual constructive comments, critiques, and emails are welcome and appreciated. ******************** ‘Would you do something for me Marshal?’ Henry Johnson nodded. ‘Send a telegram to my folks in San Antonio and let them know I’m okay and that I’ll write them when I get settled somewheres.’ Johnson nodded again and Rafe mounted Bowie. He touched his hat brim in a salute, turned westward and continued...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 6

Craig and I boarded the jet to Oregon. He understood the role of the newly designed trucks and he'd already visited the plant. I didn't like to talk in public so we talked about life in Nashville. He actually lived south of the City in Brentwood where he had a small farm. Near his farm there were many main interstate highways going in all directions, which placed him at a major crossroads in America where he could monitor the system working first hand. He told me that he had a little girl...

2 years ago
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Summer Can KillChapter 12

Wednesday 9.00pm She felt as if she should still be hurting, but she wasn't, and couldn't quite believe it. The Englishman had told her she looked better, and when she'd checked herself in the mirror she'd realised he was right. Nela was fiddling about in the bathroom again, playing with her hair and examining her face. She breathed slowly, trying to calm herself. She'd been alone with a man today, and she'd said what the doctor suggested and nothing awful had happened. In fact he'd...

3 years ago
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Giving A Good Show Revised

I jumped, feeling a hand slide slowly up my side. I tried to pull away, but the restraints held me still. I whimpered again, but quickly relaxed when I recognized your voice whispering in my ear ?be a good girl and give our guests a good show.? My breath quickened, unsure of what you have planned, and I yelped loudly as you give my ass a hard smack, the guests laughing in amusement. For a moment I don?t feel you, and I don?t know where you are until I feel a sharp pinch on each nipple, as...

2 years ago
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My Blindfold Scheme

Introduction: How I changed my wife and our sex life forever. ONE As I write this my wife is taking a shower. Soon she will get herself ready for her night out with her girlfriends. Once or twice a month they will hit the Kiez, the legendary party and red-light district of our native Hamburg. Theyll have some wine, girl talk, exchange the latest rumors, and have a good time. Most of them are in their thirties, like us, and they are all nice middle class women whose idea of doing something...

3 years ago
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I had returned home from a two-year active duty stint in the Army in the mid-eighties. It was late Spring and I was looking forward to the summer before going off to college the following fall. My Dad let me borrow his old truck and some ladders so that I could earn money that summer painting houses. I had printed up some fliers to place in the neighbors' mailboxes indicating that I was available for both interior and exterior work. When I came home from this endeavor, as I got out of my car, I...

4 years ago
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(First Name = Your Name, Last Name = Your Love/Sex Interest's Name) There is little that gives a man greater pleasure in life than fucking a very beautiful, and very willing, woman. It is therefore unsurprising that you are as close to ecstasy as can be as the girl in front of you, who is on her hands and knees on the bed, presents her tight pussy to you beneath the perfect sphere of her ass cheeks. Kneeling behind her, you press the head of your cock against her entrance. She whimpers in...

1 year ago
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Sponsor a Drag Queen

Sponsor a Drag Queen My husband and I had always been keen on charity work. We had done sponsored head shaves, sponsored beard months (him anyway but rather modest outcome!), sponsored walks, runs and swims, sponsored fasts, the ice bucket challenge, sky dives, and pretty much anything you can think of that could be sponsored. Typically, we would give the money to cancer research as cancer was in my family genes and we had lost several close relatives. Mainly breast...

2 years ago
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InjusticeChapter 2

Characters appearing in this chapter: Sara Max’s wife and the children’s mother, 5’-7’’ tall, 140 pounds, 34C-26-34, 30 years old, dark blond hair, gray eyes, and a minor Talent that she is not aware of Rob Sara’s brother, he is a little taller and couple of years older than Sara with similar features. I stood in the dark driveway of my house for several minutes after the driver dropped me off wondering what I was going to tell my wife, but finally decided to just explain it as best I...

2 years ago
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Dorm Room A Cocksuckers Journey part 3

After John had mentioned fucking my ass, I knew I would have to start fingering my ass a bit more in the shower to get used to it. We had community bathrooms with a few different shower stalls. Most of the showers had doors, but one had just curtains on it.One day Ryan had a late class so I wasn't going to be able to suck him for awhile, and I was horny so I figured I'd go take a shower and work on my ass a little bit. The bathroom was empty and I don't know why I decided to use the curtain...

4 years ago
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That evening, 18-year-old Troye managed to sneak out to take his new humanoid robot Rambo for a test. He ran down the block with Rambo following. Troye then hid around the corner of one of the buildings which stretched up majestically, lost in the misty city night-sky. Rambo stopped at the corner and looked around for Troye. After a few seconds, he discovered where Troye was hiding, and walked up to Troye. Troye smiled. Slowly and gently, Rambo grabbed Troye and pulled him close protectively,...

2 years ago
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First Experience

I thought I would share our experience with you. Please let me know what you think. My introduction to bestiality came about purely accidentally. As these things often happen, until it occurred, I had never given a thought to including an animal in sex play, but when it presented its self, the result was to be life changing. I had been married for some time. Two children were the result of some inept sexual excursions with my wife. We had only really discovered the pleasure of each others...

4 years ago
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Looking for a Dry Spot a Day of Destruction Aftermath StoryChapter 6

We made it to the barn and inside. I was erect. She let her body rub against mine gently but thoroughly all the way over. Once inside, she removed the umbrella and gently tossed it to one side. She pulled me into her arms and mine went around her. She kissed me hard rubbing her body against mine and leaving no doubt in my mind that I had an erection and that she knew it. We came up for air. "Wendy, I, uh, I mean, uh, we haven't." She didn't give me time to form a rational thought. She...

2 years ago
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A Portrait Of A Lady

"Lorenzo. So good to see you. I was wondering when you would be so good as to call."I am Lorenzo. I am an artist. I am Hispanic and my family have lived here in California for longer than any Anglos present here today. Only the Native Americans have been here longer. I am proud of my heritage. It had been a year's time since I painted Lady Gwen portrait. Always since then I had wished to come by her brothel and observe my work in its permanent home. My work is shown in many homes and salons...

2 years ago
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BurrChapter 8 Growing Pains

Friday and the end of the school week finally arrived. Charlie and I walked together to our waiting rides. He must have pointed me out to his mother because she waved to me as I was getting into the Volvo and Charlie hopped into the passenger's side of a Volkswagen Rabbit Convertible. It looked new, but out of place among the larger American and Foreign built automobiles. It took Ned a few minutes to get me to talk but once I opened up I told him everything that had happened over the past...

3 years ago
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Barney Bangs Becky

‘Dr, Barnard Steele’ read the brass plate on the heavy wooden door. The name was correct but Barney wasn’t even close to having a doctorate and, in fact, was a high school dropout. He called himself a Doctor of Hypnosis and, since there is no such thing and he had no phony diplomas on display, he could get away with it. Actually, Barney wasn’t really as big a phony as it might sound like. He learned hypnosis from a book he sent for using a coupon from a comic book and took such an interest...

3 years ago
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Creampie Training

My wife, Carol, was 5'4", 115lbs, short brown hair, blue eyes, and nice 34C breasts with beautiful round pink nipples that stood out against her milky white skin. My name is Tony and I am 5'7" 128lbs, hairy guy, from my Italian decent, brown hair, brown eyes. Carol was just going to school at the time. I like my job as a night manager at a big chain grocery store, my hours were mostly set at 2pm to 11pm during the weekdays and Saturday, and I had the 11am to 8pm shift on Sunday. The time and...

4 years ago
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When You Go Down In The Woods

All heads in the area turn as she marches past. The graceful, elegant figure she cuts through the crowd cause all and sundry to admire the swish and glide of her step. She’s beautiful and confident, radiating an elegance most women could only hope for. There’s a purpose to her gait, her mind focussed on her destination – on her prize. Her long dark hair billows out behind her as she walks. Her small red dress clings to her tight, hourglass frame. It ends halfway down her smooth, tanned thighs....

1 year ago
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BoundGangBangs Jay Taylor DP8217d in First Gangbang Ever

Cute girl next door Jay Taylor is chilling at home when she hears a loud knock at the door. She opens the door to find a flustered Zachary Wild who needs help reaching his friends and their tow truck. She invites him in to use her phone and wait for his buddies. When his friends arrive, they are immediately distracted by Jay’s gorgeous tits. They pull up her top to kiss, lick, and smack her full breasts. Soon, Jay finds herself on her knees with cock in her mouth! This slut couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 32

It was now two weeks into the term. Harry and his Gryffindor friends headed out from the common room, on their way to their second Dueling Club meeting with Professor Flitwick. There they would be seeing a number of other students, most from Slytherin, the balance made up of those former members of Dumbledore's Army who had decided to stay with Harry when he'd terminated the DA. The last meeting of the defence against the dark arts club had been most unpleasant, for Harry had faced a...

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Spice PlantationChapter 4

When we finished the food, I carried the tray back to the kitchen, dumping the garbage and putting the rest into the dishwasher. Judy was right. While I enjoy cooking and while Judy and I have spent several interesting evenings preparing semi elaborate meals, this convenience form of food preparation left a lot of additional time for more interesting activities. When I returned to the bedroom, Judy had built up the fire and put on her wrist and ankle cuffs again. She was lying on the lounge...

4 years ago
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Fucking Maid Led To Fucking Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, I am coming directly to the story because I know you all are horny and don’t wanna read bullshit To mai pehle apne bare me bta du, mai ek 19 sal ka ladka hu height 5’9″ hai. Mai regular football khelta hu aur gyming bhi krta hu jisse meri body ekdum shape me hai. Meri girlfriend to hai lekin uske sath kbhi sex nhi kiya Maine. To iske bad kahani pe ate hai. Mera ghar bhut bda hai, is me 3 floor aur 7 kamre haihai. Mai 1st floar PR apni bdi been Ke sath rehta hu. Mere mummy-papa ground...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Daddy Sam Part 4

After I returned from my trip, Sam and I settled into a routine where we met every evening after work and ended up spending the night at either his house or my house.  I looked forward to spending time with him and finally curling up with his gorilla body every night.  Our bond grew more and more and our sexual escapades expanded.Sam’s construction business started to take off and he had hired a couple of men to work for him.  The Chamber of Commerce in our town organized an evening trade show...

Gay Male
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The Once and Future King

Pennants and flags fluttered in the wind; as far as the eye could see, north to south, greens, reds and whites on one side. On the other side, white crosses flew predominantly on a black field; though there were plenty on green fields. Some were bright as the day they were first fitted to the head of a lance or raised upon their pole. Some were dull and torn spattered with blood and mud; evidence of the battles they had been carried into. Soldiers and knights lined the field, brandishing...

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A walk in the woods

It was a gorgeous summer day, the kids were out, my husband at work and too nice to stay in so I decided to take the dog for a walk in the woods. I showered and got dressed after finishing the ironing, white knickers and a shortest white dress, so light it was semi see through, I decided against a bra, my tits are nice and firm so I had nothing to be embarrassed about and anyway who would I see in the woods on a weekday?. I parked up in a small shaded car park just inside the woods, opened the...

Cheating Wifes
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Missing the moans

Her moan sounded like a cat. She also clawed my upper back like a cat. But she jiggled back and forth on the pillow that day like the prettiest girl I had ever know (which she was) who had cried in my arms the week before about how she loved me, whom I had told that we should ‘see other people’ after the summer, provoking her to cry. Was I being manipulative to this woman? Hadn’t I hurt her feelings? Yes and yes. But I did still love her. It’s just complicated. And it made her want me more....

3 years ago
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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 8 The Devils PostOffice

Of all these events the public knew only of the attempted suicide of Mme. Fauville, the capture and escape of Gaston Sauverand, the murder of Chief Inspector Ancenis, and the discovery of a letter written by Hippolyte Fauville. This was enough, however, to reawaken their curiosity, as they were already singularly puzzled by the Mornington case and took the greatest interest in all the movements, however slight, of the mysterious Don Luis Perenna, whom they insisted on confusing with Arsène...

2 years ago
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Oscar MeyersChapter 29

Sandwiched between Georgia and Debbie in bed, Oscar was in heaven. Debbie was running her tongue around his nipple with great effect. No one had ever told him that his nipple was an erogenous zone. The sensations her tongue produced propagated directly to his cock. Even if they hadn’t, Georgia’s hand around his erection would have been sufficient to drive him out of his mind. He raised his hand and held Debbie to his nipple. Georgia noticed his action and slipped down to tease his other...

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Childhood Sex With Jyothi

Hi everyone this is Ravi here and this is my first story here and I wanted to write my own story in own words after reading lots of fake stories and may be quite a few real stories and one thing I will and wanna clear you guys I don’t fake it here and the things which I want to write here is all fucking reality because why to fake it wen we have our own stories and guys without extending much lets come to the story guys please wank yourself after reading it if not read other stories too and...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Diana Grace Judy Jolie Stepdaughter Makeover Muff

Ever since Diana Grace and Judy Jolies stepdads got dumped, they have been lying around the house looking like slobs and farting up a storm. As a result, the concerned stepdaughters decide to give their moping stepdads a makeover. But they do such a good job that by the time it is over they want to sample each others dads cocks! They whip their fat dicks out on the couch and suck them side by side. Then they turn around and get their pussies pounded from behind in a daughter swapping orgy. The...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Bella Rose Sex Icon

Cute blonde Bella Rose is almost too good to be true. And on top of incredible looks and a bubbly personality, this babe also wants to get dirty on camera, which is something we can definitely get behind. The pouty-lipped princess makes her debut in high black stilettos and a cute skirt. She lays back on the couch and lets our stud work his magic. He penetrates her inexperienced cooch, making her gasp as he slides inside. Then, she gets on her knees to take a big load of cum right on her eager...

3 years ago
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Sitting on My Sons Lap

It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things.I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

1 year ago
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The Lee Odyssey chapter 1

The Lee Odyssey. Chapter 1I was a junior in high school when it began. I lived in inner city of Detroit and our high school was integrated. We all got along fine though except for the few catty girls both black and white. There were a lot of cliques and it could sometimes get nasty. I was held back a year due to an illness so I was 18 and a year older than most of the girls in my classIt happened at a basketball game. Lee was the star of the team. He wasn’t that tall but he could really play....

2 years ago
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slut Dara

Dara had left a subtle trail of bread crumbs as bait for her man on a wicked whim, but as she arrived home this day, a rush of panic shot through her and she began to second-guess the wisdom of her own devious devices. There was a look on Mick’s face as he sat in front of her screen, one that she had never seen on him before, and Dara cursed herself for possibly having gone too far before testing the waters further.There was a sense of danger and lewd betrayal in the air, as Mick kept a quietly...

4 years ago
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District 2Chapter 2

The lithe woman in a hooded cloak slides over the large stone wall surrounding the Inner Sanctum’s Research Center. The courtyard is dark except for the few streetlights stationed here and there. The night is fairly clear except for the still massive cloud of dust and debris hanging overhead. There are enough shadows cast about to avoid any kind of detection. “Son of a bitch,” the woman mutters and draws a sword out from the sheath strapped to her back, sensing the danger before it...

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PornWorld Eveline Dellai Takes Ass Destroying Punishment From Teacher After Caught Skipping Class

Eveline Dellai walks into the classroom waiting for her next lesson and is already bored at the thought of school. She heads into the locker room and with no one around, this horny babe takes out a glass dildo and sucks it seductively before she slides it into her juicy pussy. Evelineis toying her ass when she is interrupted by her teacher, Vince who has caught her skipping class. He decides to give her some real punishment and spanks her ass before they head back into the classroom where Vince...

3 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 14

Candace blinked. 'Where did THAT come from?' she wondered. Because she hadn't been there for Beth's prep, she had no idea that it had been done... "Well, Hon, it could get messy, but if that's what you want..." She flicked a glance at Toby, but he didn't even wince; Ma had done that kind of thing before, and aside from a couple of pictures, she probably hadn't gotten her humiliation fix, he figured. Candace glanced down at Beth and murmured, "Keep sucking, Hon -- I'm gonna want...

1 year ago
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Sex with Facebook Friend

I am prav 28 years old from Bangalore, 5.10 height with an good looking face. Anyone interested in secret relationships in and around Bangalore can reach me at [email protected] and I can assure you full pleasure with utmost secrecy.

4 years ago
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Getting To Know The New Bosses

She flopped down on the couch, legs spread, arms across the back of the couch, all parts of her taking in the breeze from her overhead fan. She was hot, annoyed and tired. It had been a hell of a day. Between bitchy coworkers and demanding out of town bosses, she had had about as much as she could take.  On top of it all, the air conditioning in the office was on the fritz. So it was uncomfortably hot most of the day. Finally, the repairman had gotten there sometime after 2:00. She gave him a...

Group Sex
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Fantasy Night

I can't move, I can't see. All my other senses heightened. My skin feels cool, but on fire with need. My hands are shaking as I slowly approach the motel door. I can hear my footsteps echoing in the darkness. I swallow hard, nervous, playing with the paper I have in my hand that has the room number and time on it. It was given to me at my office earlier, excitement flowed between my thighs from seeing the dark numbers scribbled harshly into the paper. I knock softly, hesitantly. Knowing that my...

1 year ago
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Kaamwali Vaishali Aur Chachi Part 8211 2

Hello I am Badshah and this is my recent story of how I had sex with my aunty Vidya. We used to stay in same building she was wife of my father’s brother. She is 20 years older than me. Unke baare Mai puche toh wo rang Mai kaali Hai aur height 5’2″ hi hogi. Unke chooche toh jyada bade nah Hai par unki gaand behad badi Hai. Unko puchke hi Mai apni story yaha post Kar rha hu. Umid Hai aapko achi lagegi. Baat tab ki Hai jab mere nanaji bimaar padd gaye the aur maa aur papa ko gaon Jana pada. Ye...

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