Pirates of Caledonia II
- 2 years ago
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I was ready to wake the Captain up at dawn and hesitantly knocked sharply on her door. There was no answer, so I tried again and again. When I opened the door, the Captain was not there and so I walked up onto the Main Deck and then the Upper Deck.
'Ahh ... Cabin Boy ... I have no need for you this morning', she told me from the other end of the Upper Deck.
'Yes Captain', I told her and went to leave.
'Go and help the crew in the galley', she bellowed and I went off to help Hannah and Julia prepare breakfast. Neither of them were talking to me much even when I tried to make some conversation and began to realise what Tara had said was true ... I was really was disliked all of a sudden. A pariah almost.
Feeling self-aware all of a sudden, I did all the tasks I was given as quickly as I could but was dismissed by Lieutenant Ivana at the end of service.
I found the Captain on the Upper Deck again who barely acknowledged my presence, as she chatted to Tara and Lieutenant Anne. Tara eyed me as I came up the steps but then went back to ignoring me.
'Ring the bell', the Captain told me after a couple of minutes of ignoring me and I descended the open air steps to bell outside the Captain's office.
She descended the steps as the crew assembled on the ship and I stood nervously awaiting my punishment from the court hearing.
Once everyone was together, the Captain spun round in the circle before resting her eyes on me.
'Bridget ... go to my room and get the Cat O' Nine Tails', she ordered.
'Before I thrash you into a messy pulp Cabin Boy, do you have anything you wish to say'
'Yes Captain', my voice quivering nervously. 'I want to apologise to you and your crew, but especially you for my conduct last night'. The Captain peered down her nose at me, and I continued. 'I knew ... we all did ... that Sadie took those items, but I tried to discredit an honest member of your crew in front of you to get her off. I owe you and everyone a lot more loyalty than that... '
'Go on', barked the Captain as my voice trailed away.
' ... I know I have a lot to learn but I really do want to be part of this ship in future voyages... '
'Why?', yelled the Captain. 'Why do you want to be on my ship?'
'Because I want to serve my country, I want to serve you. I hope there is a role for me here and you will let me stay. I know I will fuck up as I learn. And I know I will get punished when I do, like now, but I do want to stay for as long as I am wanted.'
'I am not sure if you are wanted!', the Captain exclaimed. 'And yes, you will get punished. As to your future, I have not decided yet what to do with you.'
I nodded in acceptance as she uttered the words. Bridget appeared with the whip and the Captain ordered me to remove my skimpy shorts and position myself against the rigging.
Thanking Bridget, she took aim with the Cat O' Nine Tails and brought it down sharply across my buttocks. A searing white hot pain slashed through me and I cried out in agony.
'You are... ', shouted the Captain as she brought the whip back down across my buttocks.
' ... a despicable, lying,... ', she yelled over my screams and brought the whip down for a third time.
' ... nasty little shit who I should have... ', the Captain barked as the whip hit my buttocks for a fourth time, harder than it had done before.
' ... chucked overboard when we found you'. She brought the whip down even harder for a fifth time and I felt my rear explode in more pain than I had ever experienced in my life.
The Captain passed the whip to another member of her crew and cackled as the whip was brought down on my rear end. I yelled in agony, as one of the tips curled round my perineum and flicked my balls.
'Go on Tabatha', I heard the Captain say and the whip was brought down again, nowhere near as hard as before, but I still cried out.
After which I lost track of who was whipping me, but certainly Commander Helen, Lieutenant Ruth, Suzanne and Africa all got their chance. As I was being struck I could hear laughter from everyone around me, and yet I wanted to stay on board the ship even more than ever. I had been struck 23 times and I could feel my lower back and buttocks bleeding. Tears dripped down my face in pain and humiliation.
'Tara... ', the Captain barked, ' ... give him one'
I screwed my eyes up in anticipation of the immense agony she would put me through, but the whip barely made contact with my skin and I breathed, and almost audible sigh of relief.
'Cabin Boy... ', the Captain said. ' ... turn and face me'
Wiping my eyes with my hands, I turned round with my cock hanging out. I noticed a small pool of blood had accumulated around my feet.
'Do you know why you were struck 24 times?', the Captain asked.
'Because 25 strikes will kill a man, Captain', I replied, recalling a passage at the front of the book Commander Helen had given me at the start of the voyage.
'Correct! Legend has it that 25 strikes will kill someone so you have been flayed to within an inch of your life. Let that be a lesson to you'
'Yes. Thank you Captain'
The Captain looked around the crew and dismissed then. I tried to look at my bleeding wounds but could see very little. Tabatha and Sandra came over to me.
'You need to get those nasties dressed', Sandra told me and with Tabatha on tow, took me to my room.
'Does it hurt', Tabatha asked rather pointlessly as Sandra, the designated ship nurse, was cleaning the wounds.
For someone who had not been to sea before the feeling of the room going from side to side is an unusual one and guaranteed to wake anyone from their concussed state. There was little light coming into the room, but it was apparent almost immediately that I was not at the bottom of a flight of steps any more, but instead a curled up in room of no more than six foot by eight foot with just a hard wooden floor. There were no windows, and just one sturdy looking door which I assumed was well...
The following day started for me with a shower, getting dressed, getting breakfast, getting the Captain fed and dressed. She read a navigation report before Commander Paula came into her cabin and updated her on the work done during the night crew. Suitably content with these two updates, she stepped out of her office and rang the bell to signify inspections were due to begin. A brief moment passed and all the crew were lined up on the deck. 'I shall conduct the inspections with just my...
A rap of knuckles on my door signified dawn and sleepily I got up. The Commander promised that she would have one of the night crew knock on my door and if I didn't get up she would ensure that I was 'thrown into the sea'. Having not been provided with any nightwear and knowing that sleeping in the uniform is forbidden (Page 16 of the rulebook), I slept naked. In the room there were some towels and a razor and so I grabbed one, wrapped it around me, and headed for the showers for the...
I knocked on the Captain's office and was duly summoned into the room. 'I have moved Suzanne's uniform into my quarters, Captain' 'Good', replied the Captain beaming and sent both Suzanne and myself on our ways with a list of jobs. The first one was for Suzanne to hurl her illicit drugs into the ocean, and then we started on cleaning the main deck which had accumulated a surprising amount of grime and dirt from only three days on the open sea. Suzanne wasn't prepared to talk much and...
The Captain woke Tara and myself up by storming into my little room and throwing off the covers. We had slept little that night, and Tara had had several orgasms (and I even managed a couple myself) 'Come on Cabin Boy', she bellowed. 'Stop fucking my crew. We have work to do.' I came round quickly and she was holding out my razor and towel. 'Get showered, get dressed and get downstairs', she told me and have my naked rear a painful spank as I left the room. Tara quickly joined me in...
Tara, and indeed everyone except Sadie, shunned me after the Court and I was left to ponder my future alone. I was very aware of the ship docking in Hamilton tomorrow could spell the end of my time on the ship and if I ever needed a friend, now was it. She left to go on duty and I was left naked in my quarters with Suzanne for company. Suzanne was not in the mood to chat and as I lay naked in the bed, nightmare visions of years in prison whirring round in my head. I needed to speak to Tara....
My cell was a small room with a bed and a toilet in it. Hanging on the wall was a prison uniform and the guard told me to get changed. She brought me a meal a few minutes later of spaghetti bolognase and I then changed into the blue jumpsuit. My pirate clothes were collected by the guard and I settled on my bed in the cold room to sleep for the night. Breakfast was also served in my room, alone and consisted of some lukewarm milk and cereal with a cup of tea. I had barely time to finish...
Chapter I: Getting into trouble Even though at the time I didn't know any different, growing up in Caledonia weird and eventful. The island nation, around 50,000 square miles big, had understandably few allies in the region. The female supremacist ideals that governed the nation, insular approach to International relations and perceived low morals hindered any negotiations between other nations that found little in common with us.The capital town, and principal port of Hamilton on the east...
Turned out Emma's dad had reiterated his offer to the Captain as a thank you for my deflowering of his daughter. He asked that the Captain give him a handful of the girls to help him and the rest to help the Chief around the village which she was only too happy to do. The following morning, Delta (Lieutenants Chrissie and Charlotte, and Seawomen Kathryn, Amanda, Tabatha, Africa and Holly) were joined by Emma's father and his assistant on the jetty. Their first task was to move the ship...
The last few boxes of the cargo was moved down into the hold as the ship made steady progress through the waves. The wind and waves were much stronger, and it was harder to carry heavy boxes down narrow stairs as the ship bounced across the sea. Morale amongst the crew was noticeably buoyant. The Captain smashed open the last box to be loaded and proudly held aloft a nine-inch long slab of gold metal. 'An ingot. A gold ingot. This is our greatest ever haul', she declared triumphantly. A...
'Cabin Boy. WHERE WERE YOU?', the Captain bellowed as I entered her quarters. 'Sorry Captain. Tara asked me to drop off some binoculars to the Crows Nest', I replied honestly. 'SHE DID WHAT?', the Captain replied and looked at me. I shifted nervously as her eyes bore through me. 'Is there anything else you want to tell me, Cabin boy?' 'Yes Captain. Jacqueline was naked in the Crows Nest and playing with herself', I answered. 'And you did what?', she asked. 'I gave her the...
The Captain leafed through my minutes and read them for a moment before putting them down. I was still standing by the door so she told me to bolt the door from the inside and take my jacket off ... I turned around to see her throwing her jacket onto the floor. 'It's time to see if you can satisfy me in the other way I need you to. Time to earn your reprieve', she told me seductively. 'Certainly Captain', I told her with a smile on my face and she held her hand out and pushed me onto...
We were interrupted when Suzanne appeared, looking bedraggled and exhausted. There was a slightly awkward exchange as Tara said her goodbyes and got dressed, while Suzanne pretended to not care that we had been enjoying ourselves in the bed she shared. 'You OK?', I asked her to break the stony silence. 'Fucking knackering being up there. All my leg muscles are in agony. And its just started lashing it down', she moaned. I resisted the urge to remind her that it was her own fault, and...
The Captain was happy to see me in the morning with my breakfast tray and accepted my humble apology for disobeying her. She gleefully teased me about it (and the drinking of Holly's piss) before checking the nightly reports and having her morning shower. By the time the Captain had completed her inspection, including a random pubic hair examination (of which all the girls that she checked passed), the Sun had disappeared and was hidden by dark thunderclouds. A few of the pirates eyed the...
The following day started weirdly. I folded the Ceremonial Uniform up and put in the bottom drawer in my room. Amanda was still sleeping there, but I managed to get in to get a spare change of clothes without disturbing her. Walking through the ship it was clear that I was the only one awake and the Captain asked me to 'fuck off' when I brought her some breakfast and two tankards of cold water. I left them on her bureau before descending the ships ladder and walking into the village. There...
The Captain was awoken at dawn by myself and massive spread of food. I was preparing myself for a hiding for bursting into her room, but she said nothing and was in a good mood so I wasn't going to drop myself in it by apologising and reminding her. Tara and I had heard the Chief and the Captain at it for the most of the evening and it had me incredibly horny but Tara could not spare the time to go inland for a quickie. By the time the Captain was fed, showered, shaved and then dressed it...
The Captain was awake when I entered her room. She was busy reading the reports that had been left under her door by the night crew and my first thought was that I was late, but she didn't say anything and I was awoken by the night crew at dawn. I had with me a breakfast tray for us and she nodded at my arrival. 'Morning, John', she called out and passed me the reports. I took them and skim read them. We were to hit Hamilton within eight hours and there had been no ill discipline during...
Holly seemed to avoid eye contact with me all day, which suited me fine. I think she must have thought that I had arranged her being woken from her bed, stripped, whipped and then abandoned, but I knew nothing about it. The Captain accepted that morning when she asked me again about the scenes we had witnessed the night before, that I was genuinely not involved, and was earning some sort of respect with her crew. She seemed happy at this, but was still not happy with the actions of the Gang...
It was 10pm and I had been backstage all evening. 31 balls were numbered and in a velvet bag. Every ten minutes or so, a bell would sound and the aged gentleman would pick a ball from the bag and call it out. I was number 31, and only me as well as a middle aged man with no teeth were left. I had seen all 29 men go, many needing the services of one of the two naked fluffers who were in the room. I was dressed in the ceremonial army uniform of the islanders, which was even more exposing than...
The Navigation Room was not designed for comfortable sleeping, but Tara and I managed to use some old bedding, the towels and a musty duvet to fashion a mattress and bed and we settled down for the night. Tara was not in the mood to talk to me, being tired and so all I really got was a warm cuddle. The following day, Tara and I were awake and up before the rest of the crew. We had a quick shower, used the lavatory and got breakfast before I woke the Captain, whose wound was still weeping. I...
I woke up at dawn and got ready without disturbing the Captain. I was concerned at first by her complete lack of movement but her breathing indicated that she was fine and so I sought out the toilet, then a shower, then breakfast. The Captain stirred as I came into the room carrying two trays laden with food. 'Before you ask, I am fine', she told me as she swung her legs out of her bed. The Captain was a little exasperated with me trying hard to look after her, and when I offered to help...
I awoke at dawn and eagerly got myself ready. I had a good feeling about the day and was raring to go. My muscles were aching slightly after the exertions of yesterday but after a quick stretch in the shower I felt rejuvenated. The Captain ate her breakfast in silence and I did not feel comfortable bringing up my issue of being the only person who got punished for Holly. Surely, Holly getting punished for Holly would be fair also! I cleared up the breakfast things and was outside the...
Tara and I knocked on the Captain's door and upon being called in, two naked members of her crew burst in her office dripping wet. She burst out laughing and got up from her bureau. Looking down at Tara's thighs that had my cum dripping down it she scraped her finger up her leg and held it out in front of Tara. 'You have been a busy boy, haven't you', she said looking at me. I nodded, cold and self-conscious. It was irrational. I was often naked in front of the Captain but this time it...
The Captain was awake when I returned naked from the shower with my clothes under my arm. Amanda was still in my quarters and I still had to go in for clean clothes. I had forgotten to do that prior to my shower and didn't want to get changed in front of Amanda who was beginning to stir. The Captain leered at me while I did get change and made a number of rude comments before dispatching me downwards to get her breakfast. I returned with a tray of toast with jam and two steaming mugs of...
The sail proved to be a nice distraction for the Captain who seemed at ease ordering her crew around while her juices dripped down her legs and she was half-naked. I brought her some clothes and her boots out to her after tidying the room, which she did put on eventually. Tabatha gave me an all-knowing look but the amount of noise the Captain makes when orgasming I was sure that the entire ship knew she got herself off. Not that it bothered her, or indeed anyone else. It was after-all...
I was dressed and ready to continue my training in the afternoon, when Tara failed to appear on the Upper Deck when she promised. I gazed out over the unforgiving, choppy ocean when she re-emerged five minutes later with a small box and a bag on the Upper Deck. 'I have the afternoon off', she explained, 'So its some weaponry training for you. These are training swords, but the end is blunted' Tara removed two wooden weapons from the box and the ends of the blades were cut off and...
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To be continued...
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Love Stories