Pirates of Caledonia II
- 2 years ago
- 28
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Turned out Emma's dad had reiterated his offer to the Captain as a thank you for my deflowering of his daughter. He asked that the Captain give him a handful of the girls to help him and the rest to help the Chief around the village which she was only too happy to do.
The following morning, Delta (Lieutenants Chrissie and Charlotte, and Seawomen Kathryn, Amanda, Tabatha, Africa and Holly) were joined by Emma's father and his assistant on the jetty. Their first task was to move the ship inland onto the dry dock, but along with all the Lieutenants and Seawomen, I was told to report to the town hall.
Our first task was to help repair the local secondary school. Around 300 kids were taught here, but the wooden structure was decrepit and in need of repair. Aided by the caretaker, we were soon repairing the roof, painting the walls and sanding the floors. Bridget and I moved hundreds of planks of wood, and we both got so hot under the fierce sun that we were topless before midday.
We were not the only people to be stripping and we got quite an audience with the curious teenagers happy to ogle us during their lunch breaks. Sadie and Georgina offered to strip totally for the afternoon if the group would help us paint the wall and by the time the lessons were due to start again, there was one painted wall and two naked pirates, save for a touch of paint on bronzing flesh.
It was good to be doing things again and by the time the lessons finished, a couple of the lads felt confident enough to try their luck with the pirates. This confidence soon spread and before the day was out, half the girls had dates for the evening and the school was almost unrecognisable from how it was earlier in the day.
The Galley staff were not able to cook while the ship was being moved or repaired so we were all treated to a cracking supper at the Town Hall. Sandwiched between Tara and Georgina at dinner, my hands were soon touching the younger girl under the dining table and as soon as we had all helped to clear up the Town Hall, Tara and I were running inland to find an secluded spot.
The small wood on top of the hill provided ample cover and diving into the undergrowth, Tara and I were hastily stripping each other. She had barely pulled my shorts off when I was thrust backwards and her mouth descended onto mine. Her hands gently stroking my fully inflated cock, our tongues became entwined passionately.
I moved my hands up her thighs and began to run them along her slippery gash. She was sopping wet and mewed everytime I touched her.
Tara then adjusted herself and began to lower herself onto me. I waited expectantly for her slide down my expectant cock and was not disappointed. Her breasts juggled enticingly as she rocked back and forth, and I had to fondle them.
She barely noticed my wandering hands as her body pivoted on my erect member powering ecstatic sensations deep into me. Clamping her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, and then rolling them caused her to sigh in pleasure and she began breathing deeply.
'Oh god... ', she cried as she thrust her body forward, her head pushed back. I could feel my own orgasm approaching and began to rhythmically thrust upwards.
'Uggghhh ... Ahhhhnnnn ... AHHHHHNNNNNNN... ', Tara squealed, her passionate vocal emissions escalating in pitch and volume.
With one last powerful rock forward, she froze for a second before exhaling forcefully and slumping forward, panting furiously and mewing loudly.
The feeling of her body squeezing against mine, was enough to trigger my own orgasm and I gleefully pumped my juice into her unprotected body.
Tara looked into my face and then kissed me deeply again.
'Don't tell the Captain', she whispered and I promised I wouldn't, before she happily cleaned my cock with her warm, inviting mouth.
We lay naked in the undergrowth, watching the Sun descend behind the hill opposite. The sky was lit up with a variety of vivid colours and I just enjoyed Tara's company. I was still convinced she was out of my league.
An hour later, and after Tara had made me clean her up with my tongue we were frantically searching for our clothes. The warmth from the Sun had disappeared and a chilly breeze was blowing across the hill. My shorts and shirt were where I left them but Tara could not find her clothes at the entrance to the clearing or strewn in the bushes.
With light fading, I offered her my shirt, but it barely reached her belly button, and much less her pussy. Despite Tara's protestations she has to walk through the village half-naked to reach the ship.
Tara's hope that she wouldn't be noticed was almost fanciful. The streets were awash with activity with every young male hoping to bag a female pirate for the night. Although the girls were feisty and violent on the open seas, the attention paid to them by fawning boys in a foreign land meant that many were happy to offer a night of debauchery.
We had barely walked the one mile to village and passed two other couplings engaging in outdoor sex in the undergrowth. Tara kept trying to keep to the shadows.
'I am a Lieutenant you know. I should make you give me your shorts', she threatened.
'Acting Lieutenant', I corrected her. 'Do you want them?'
'It's OK. We'll be at the boat in five minutes'
We took a slightly longer route around the village to avoid the revelry, the noise of which carried far in the evening. Tara got a couple of looks from drunken women returning home and even a lewd proposition from some teenage boys playing out the front of their house but it didn't take long to reach the ship.
The Captain was waiting on the deck, staring at the stars when Tara hauled herself over the top and onto the ship. She clapped eyes on Tara's bottomless attire immediately and looked puzzled somewhat.
'They were stolen', Tara answered the Captain before she even asked the question.
'Some trophy for a teenage boy perhaps', the Captain ventured and then sighed as I climbed aboard. 'I might have known'
'Evening, Captain'
'I trust that your rendez-vous was on land and not on this boat', she asked us and we responded truthfully. 'Because, you are not permitted to touch other women on this boat, Cabin Boy'
'Yes Captain', I replied.
'Good. Now help me back into my cabin'.
The Captain was soon laid in bed, although she insisted she would get undressed by herself when I was gone. She ran through a couple of orders for tomorrow and then wished me good night.
The following day, the Captain was keen to get the boat in order, and the first two hours of the day before breakfast, she had everyone cleaning their quarters and shared areas. I was cleaning the Captains quarters, showers and my quarters before she got Holly to come for me and we went inland to get some food. The Captain was insistent she needed no help on the rope ladder but could see she was struggling.
Breakfast was a muted affair. It was 9am when it was finished and the Captain sent Delta to help repair the boat with Emma's dad, while the rest of us was to report to the Chief.
He was a little overwhelmed to have 30 women bearing down on his villa, but before long we were all out on various jobs. The Captain was keen to ensure Tara was at the other end of the village to me, and the Chief asked myself and Seawoman Africa to report to the farm on the eastern edge of the village.
It was warm as we walked down the road. Africa wanted to know what Tara and I got upto the previous night and was a little annoyed when I wouldn't recount the evening. She knew though. We all did. I knew she got roundly fucked on the beach by a couple of teenage boys. She knew I screwed Tara. Why she needed it spelling out, I didn't know.
The Farm was a ramshackle building surrounded by crops. Voices emanated from one field and we tried to locate them in the forest of wheat. Africa introduced ourselves to three topless men scything down the wheat. The elder gentleman identified himself as the farmer, Andrew with his son, Rob and farmhand, Mike.
Rob was a mere younger version of his father. 6ft tall, big burgeoning muscles and strong blue eyes. Mike was black and had big muscles too and a grin that stretched from ear to ear when he saw Africa.
'This isn't women's work', Rob told his father, and I saw Africa well up. 'Give her the hay rake'
'Give her a go. We have a big field to go through', the farmer told her and walked over to the horse-drawn wagon. He pulled out a huge scythe and passed it to me, before getting a slightly smaller one and passed it to Africa.
'You used one before?', he asked and we both shook our heads.
'Right, if you hear "DROP" then you stop scything. We all scythe together, and then we collect together. You're a couple of feet from everyone else and we move up the field together. To scythe you bring it downwards against the wheat at bottom, you see?'
He swung the scythe at the base of the plants and they collapsed in on the scythe. He shook them free and then hit the next clump of wheat, and the next. He then called out 'DROP' and watched for his son and farmhand to rest their tools against some wheat and then began to pick up the wheat, loading it onto the wagon.
A few moments later Africa and I were scything on our own. I was at the end of the field, adjacent to the road that we had walked up and furthest from the wagon. The scythe came down heavily and smashed through the wheat leaving just tiny stalks sticking up from the ground. A few more hits before the farmer called 'DROP' and I was gathering the wheat in my arms. It was heavier than I thought as I staggered to the wagon, which was filling up fast.
I heard horse hooves approach and a girl got down, unhitched the horse from an empty wagon before hitching it back up to the full wagon which disappeared towards the battered farm.
I was soon stripping off, as scything was back-breaking work. I enjoyed being out in the fresh air, and the day was nowhere near as warm as it had been the day before, but I was starving when the farmer said to break for lunch. We had cleared over half the field and had had several wagon loads.
Lunchtime at the farm was a chaotic affair. The farmers' wife, a stout woman welcomed everybody into a stuffy barn where there was a huge spread of food. Bread, apples, cheese, cooked meats, vegetables and a few pots of cider were on the table, with upturned crates, barrels and haybales being used as chairs.
Over lunch Mike and Rob teased me about my muscles. Nowhere near as prominent as either of them, but still topless, we got some wolf-whistles from the girls at the table. One of them weighed up, Rob's superior physique against my warrior status, and not getting a decision, we left to continue working.
Africa and I kept up with the Mike and Rob but by the time afternoon was giving way to evening, we were knackered. We had cleared two fields in total and Andrew returned quite impressed with the amount of wheat scythed down.
He asked if Africa and I would be back tomorrow, and we both said we didn't know before I turned and went down the lane. Africa wanted to stay for a bit, and was eyeing up the lads so I didn't stay to watch her tout herself and ambled down the hill.
The Captain was happy to see me in the morning with my breakfast tray and accepted my humble apology for disobeying her. She gleefully teased me about it (and the drinking of Holly's piss) before checking the nightly reports and having her morning shower. By the time the Captain had completed her inspection, including a random pubic hair examination (of which all the girls that she checked passed), the Sun had disappeared and was hidden by dark thunderclouds. A few of the pirates eyed the...
The following day started weirdly. I folded the Ceremonial Uniform up and put in the bottom drawer in my room. Amanda was still sleeping there, but I managed to get in to get a spare change of clothes without disturbing her. Walking through the ship it was clear that I was the only one awake and the Captain asked me to 'fuck off' when I brought her some breakfast and two tankards of cold water. I left them on her bureau before descending the ships ladder and walking into the village. There...
The Captain was awoken at dawn by myself and massive spread of food. I was preparing myself for a hiding for bursting into her room, but she said nothing and was in a good mood so I wasn't going to drop myself in it by apologising and reminding her. Tara and I had heard the Chief and the Captain at it for the most of the evening and it had me incredibly horny but Tara could not spare the time to go inland for a quickie. By the time the Captain was fed, showered, shaved and then dressed it...
Putting Commander Helen's hostility from the back of my mind, I tried on the uniform. It was, surprisingly a good fit. I had a skimpy white T-Shirt, a pair of very short black shorts, a jacket like Tabatha and the girls had, short socks and calf-high boots, that were probably a size too big but fit well enough. There was a small mirror on the wooden wall and I admired myself. I have never looked so smart in all my life. I noticed the jacket was a little dusty and brushed it off before...
For someone who had not been to sea before the feeling of the room going from side to side is an unusual one and guaranteed to wake anyone from their concussed state. There was little light coming into the room, but it was apparent almost immediately that I was not at the bottom of a flight of steps any more, but instead a curled up in room of no more than six foot by eight foot with just a hard wooden floor. There were no windows, and just one sturdy looking door which I assumed was well...
The Captain was awake when I entered her room. She was busy reading the reports that had been left under her door by the night crew and my first thought was that I was late, but she didn't say anything and I was awoken by the night crew at dawn. I had with me a breakfast tray for us and she nodded at my arrival. 'Morning, John', she called out and passed me the reports. I took them and skim read them. We were to hit Hamilton within eight hours and there had been no ill discipline during...
Holly seemed to avoid eye contact with me all day, which suited me fine. I think she must have thought that I had arranged her being woken from her bed, stripped, whipped and then abandoned, but I knew nothing about it. The Captain accepted that morning when she asked me again about the scenes we had witnessed the night before, that I was genuinely not involved, and was earning some sort of respect with her crew. She seemed happy at this, but was still not happy with the actions of the Gang...
The following day started for me with a shower, getting dressed, getting breakfast, getting the Captain fed and dressed. She read a navigation report before Commander Paula came into her cabin and updated her on the work done during the night crew. Suitably content with these two updates, she stepped out of her office and rang the bell to signify inspections were due to begin. A brief moment passed and all the crew were lined up on the deck. 'I shall conduct the inspections with just my...
It was 10pm and I had been backstage all evening. 31 balls were numbered and in a velvet bag. Every ten minutes or so, a bell would sound and the aged gentleman would pick a ball from the bag and call it out. I was number 31, and only me as well as a middle aged man with no teeth were left. I had seen all 29 men go, many needing the services of one of the two naked fluffers who were in the room. I was dressed in the ceremonial army uniform of the islanders, which was even more exposing than...
The Navigation Room was not designed for comfortable sleeping, but Tara and I managed to use some old bedding, the towels and a musty duvet to fashion a mattress and bed and we settled down for the night. Tara was not in the mood to talk to me, being tired and so all I really got was a warm cuddle. The following day, Tara and I were awake and up before the rest of the crew. We had a quick shower, used the lavatory and got breakfast before I woke the Captain, whose wound was still weeping. I...
I woke up at dawn and got ready without disturbing the Captain. I was concerned at first by her complete lack of movement but her breathing indicated that she was fine and so I sought out the toilet, then a shower, then breakfast. The Captain stirred as I came into the room carrying two trays laden with food. 'Before you ask, I am fine', she told me as she swung her legs out of her bed. The Captain was a little exasperated with me trying hard to look after her, and when I offered to help...
I awoke at dawn and eagerly got myself ready. I had a good feeling about the day and was raring to go. My muscles were aching slightly after the exertions of yesterday but after a quick stretch in the shower I felt rejuvenated. The Captain ate her breakfast in silence and I did not feel comfortable bringing up my issue of being the only person who got punished for Holly. Surely, Holly getting punished for Holly would be fair also! I cleared up the breakfast things and was outside the...
Tara and I knocked on the Captain's door and upon being called in, two naked members of her crew burst in her office dripping wet. She burst out laughing and got up from her bureau. Looking down at Tara's thighs that had my cum dripping down it she scraped her finger up her leg and held it out in front of Tara. 'You have been a busy boy, haven't you', she said looking at me. I nodded, cold and self-conscious. It was irrational. I was often naked in front of the Captain but this time it...
The Captain was awake when I returned naked from the shower with my clothes under my arm. Amanda was still in my quarters and I still had to go in for clean clothes. I had forgotten to do that prior to my shower and didn't want to get changed in front of Amanda who was beginning to stir. The Captain leered at me while I did get change and made a number of rude comments before dispatching me downwards to get her breakfast. I returned with a tray of toast with jam and two steaming mugs of...
The sail proved to be a nice distraction for the Captain who seemed at ease ordering her crew around while her juices dripped down her legs and she was half-naked. I brought her some clothes and her boots out to her after tidying the room, which she did put on eventually. Tabatha gave me an all-knowing look but the amount of noise the Captain makes when orgasming I was sure that the entire ship knew she got herself off. Not that it bothered her, or indeed anyone else. It was after-all...
I was dressed and ready to continue my training in the afternoon, when Tara failed to appear on the Upper Deck when she promised. I gazed out over the unforgiving, choppy ocean when she re-emerged five minutes later with a small box and a bag on the Upper Deck. 'I have the afternoon off', she explained, 'So its some weaponry training for you. These are training swords, but the end is blunted' Tara removed two wooden weapons from the box and the ends of the blades were cut off and...
A rap of knuckles on my door signified dawn and sleepily I got up. The Commander promised that she would have one of the night crew knock on my door and if I didn't get up she would ensure that I was 'thrown into the sea'. Having not been provided with any nightwear and knowing that sleeping in the uniform is forbidden (Page 16 of the rulebook), I slept naked. In the room there were some towels and a razor and so I grabbed one, wrapped it around me, and headed for the showers for the...
I knocked on the Captain's office and was duly summoned into the room. 'I have moved Suzanne's uniform into my quarters, Captain' 'Good', replied the Captain beaming and sent both Suzanne and myself on our ways with a list of jobs. The first one was for Suzanne to hurl her illicit drugs into the ocean, and then we started on cleaning the main deck which had accumulated a surprising amount of grime and dirt from only three days on the open sea. Suzanne wasn't prepared to talk much and...
Tara, and indeed everyone except Sadie, shunned me after the Court and I was left to ponder my future alone. I was very aware of the ship docking in Hamilton tomorrow could spell the end of my time on the ship and if I ever needed a friend, now was it. She left to go on duty and I was left naked in my quarters with Suzanne for company. Suzanne was not in the mood to chat and as I lay naked in the bed, nightmare visions of years in prison whirring round in my head. I needed to speak to Tara....
My cell was a small room with a bed and a toilet in it. Hanging on the wall was a prison uniform and the guard told me to get changed. She brought me a meal a few minutes later of spaghetti bolognase and I then changed into the blue jumpsuit. My pirate clothes were collected by the guard and I settled on my bed in the cold room to sleep for the night. Breakfast was also served in my room, alone and consisted of some lukewarm milk and cereal with a cup of tea. I had barely time to finish...
Chapter I: Getting into trouble Even though at the time I didn't know any different, growing up in Caledonia weird and eventful. The island nation, around 50,000 square miles big, had understandably few allies in the region. The female supremacist ideals that governed the nation, insular approach to International relations and perceived low morals hindered any negotiations between other nations that found little in common with us.The capital town, and principal port of Hamilton on the east...
The last few boxes of the cargo was moved down into the hold as the ship made steady progress through the waves. The wind and waves were much stronger, and it was harder to carry heavy boxes down narrow stairs as the ship bounced across the sea. Morale amongst the crew was noticeably buoyant. The Captain smashed open the last box to be loaded and proudly held aloft a nine-inch long slab of gold metal. 'An ingot. A gold ingot. This is our greatest ever haul', she declared triumphantly. A...
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I was ready to wake the Captain up at dawn and hesitantly knocked sharply on her door. There was no answer, so I tried again and again. When I opened the door, the Captain was not there and so I walked up onto the Main Deck and then the Upper Deck. 'Ahh ... Cabin Boy ... I have no need for you this morning', she told me from the other end of the Upper Deck. 'Yes Captain', I told her and went to leave. 'Go and help the crew in the galley', she bellowed and I went off to help Hannah...
We were interrupted when Suzanne appeared, looking bedraggled and exhausted. There was a slightly awkward exchange as Tara said her goodbyes and got dressed, while Suzanne pretended to not care that we had been enjoying ourselves in the bed she shared. 'You OK?', I asked her to break the stony silence. 'Fucking knackering being up there. All my leg muscles are in agony. And its just started lashing it down', she moaned. I resisted the urge to remind her that it was her own fault, and...
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Leanne found herself glancing sidelong at such a pair of Ulani, haggling over some trinket or another in their low rough voices and caught the eye of one, the rugged Ulani man eying her over briefly, appraisingly before looking away, seemingly satisfied. He had been eye level, she noted. Which was in impressive feat, given that she was on a horse. The Ulani typically ranged from nine to even ten foot tall and despite their peaceful nature and reputation, put the fear of the gods into her....
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestSummer of 2016 and what should happen but a miracle seen by me of my good friend while we were taking a day of vacation photoing anything odd or different in Northern Indiana. My friend, names not necessary owed his fun fetish with taking photos of farm animals, and usually when the beast was in some manner of compromising state. We were seated along what was the Baltimore and Ohio railroad mainline crossing through the state of Indiana, me on one side of the ravine where the track lay,, and he...
FantasyThe story is fiction but based on a fantasy my wife and I share. The characters are based on actual people we know. Yes, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. My wife and I have always known our relationship is more than most. More exciting. More intense. And most certainly more inclusive than your average couple. Our relationship is above average for many reasons. My love for her has no boundaries. I live for her happiness and pleasure, and as a man, I realize women last...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Fair TradeByMichele NylonsDavid Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger."You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn't you? 'Don't worry Chelle, it's a back road but it's fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.' Which numb-nut told you...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
TRADE Part one: Dissorientation The night had begun normally enough; a quiet evening alone with my girlfriend, Vanessa. We inevitably ended making love languidly in the bedroom. She was beatiful, and I smiled at her, looking into her eyes as we moved in unison. We rolled around so that she was on top, her dark and curly hair falling over her face. I took a second to admire her athletic body with its pert tits and well-formed abs. I slid my hands over her smooth, curved hips as she...
David Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger. “You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn’t you? ‘Don’t worry Chelle, it’s a back road but it’s fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.’ Which numb-nut told you that? “ Michelle...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...