Sharing my Wife A Special Night with Shaun
- 2 years ago
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The island supply boat was an open structure with the wheelhouse well forward. Behind it was a large area for deck-top cargo around the two hold covered tops and seating for ten around the curve of the stern.
Ten people including Straun Duncan took their seats and as the deckhand was about to cast off a woman cried, ‘Wait.’
He waited.
The woman arrived, panting, threw her two bags down into the middle of stern to land on other bags and she climbed down, showing long, tanned legs jutting from her tight denim cutoffs.
She stood looking for a seat and noting all were taken, looked exasperated and swept her golden fringe back into regular place.
Duncan went to the bow and sat on the deck against the front of the wheelhouse.
The twin diesel engines throbbed at a quicker rate and the black painted ‘Ebony Queen’ glided out from the wharf and as it passed between the breakwaters, skipper Marion Street steadily increased speed until the vessel was a cruising speed heading for the Isle of Deane basking in the calm of early summer eighteen miles off the Australian coast.
Duncan heard a soft cough. Opening his eyes he saw the knees below the denim and looked at her crotch for possible wetness but saw none. With the shorts being denim, no peach-like split, more crudely known as a camel toe, was visible.
Such a pity.
‘Hi,’ she offered.
‘Why did you give up your seat for me?’
‘Two reasons. I thought it might improve my chances of getting sex.’
‘Fat chance and god you are foul. I ought to kick you in the nuts.’
‘Go ahead.’
She looked startled.
‘What do you mean?’
‘If you try kicking me you’ll be over that safety rail and into the water before you have time to scream.’
‘You wouldn’t.’
‘Then try kicking me and find out if I’m talking bullshit.’
‘God you a horrible, an asshole,’ she practically spat and began walking away but stopped.
‘You said there were two reasons. What was the other one?’
‘I was aware you’d be tired after flying with two plane changes to get here. I need you fresh to be working with me in the kitchen tomorrow as we have a busy weekend ahead of us.’
‘Omigod, you are my chef, Mr Duncan. ‘If you are a chef, little wonder you’re aggressive.’
‘Oh god, I just meant to think that.’
‘Go back to your seat and rest. May I say great legs and a great ass?’
She left without commenting. He guessed that meant not he couldn’t say that.
Straun knew some senior kitchen hands would have launched into threats, regarding what he’d just said as an employment issue. Yeah, yeah well half the adult female population didn’t know what they wanted and the other half wanted everything. That’s why females were unstable.
He dozed off thinking about that babe. Narene Phillips, twenty-eight, was from a town in South Australia near the border with Victoria. He’d advertised for an assistant chef and chose her because she’d been the only one to have applied in handwriting. The writing was neat, and that told him something: that she was a neat person. Her enclosed photo was clear and she had a body that was biologically interesting. He’d noted one of the other twelve applicants had bothered to send a photo but another reason for her selection she was the only person to have a formal food preparation qualification. In fact she was a diploma graduate from Sydney’s prestigious Cuisine Cooking Academy where he’d tutored for a couple of years.
A blast of ‘Ebony’s Queen’s’ hooter as she approached the wharf on the Isle of Deane, that most Australians called Deane Island, pulled the Scottish-born red-headed Chef Duncan out of his dream. It had Narene Phillips holding his erection and saying in awe, ‘Struth Duncan, you’re a very big boy.’
Ah sometimes dreams had it all!
Straun pulled on his backpack containing four bottles of Scotch and an assortment of new kitchen knives and grinned at the line of people walking up the dusty road to the Castaway Luxury Retreat. The mini-bus had not come down to the wharf because it had engine problems again.
He waved to ‘Skipper’ Thomas, the wharf superintendent (required by State Government regulations at prime tourist destinations) and mounted his 125cc scooter and grinned when spotting his new hand striding out in front of the straggling line of complaining arrivals. He stopped beside her and said, ‘Place one of your soft bags on my knees, the one with all your underwear in. You will then walk easier.’
‘Go to hell.’
‘The hill becomes much steeper.’
Narene put the bag in front of him and scowling said, ‘It’s the heaviest bag and does have my underwear in it.’
‘Your underwear will be safe with me. I promise.’
Narene arrived first at reception, hot and sweater, and gave her name.
‘Oh our new super cook, welcome.’
Narene smiled in delight and then frowned, something didn’t ring true.
‘You are doubling up with Chef Duncan. Accommodation is very tight at present.’
‘What, oh no. This is worse than going to jail.’
The woman with the ‘Mary’ nameplate tag smiled and said, ‘Chef Duncan just popped in and told me to say that to you. He likes his little jokes. Here’s your key to a single unit next to his. There’s an inside bolt on your door.’
‘Thank god and thanks Mary. I’m trapped on this isle and Chef Duncan is out to make my life hell.’
‘Chef Duncan wouldn’t do that to you. He’s the nicest guy on the isle.’
Narene sighed. God what were the others like?
She unlocked her cabin door and looked into the tiny room in shock. A CD was playing, the coffee-maker was on, there was a bowl of fresh fruit on the tiny table where a glass of iced water had been poured and there was a note beside it.
Oh one of the maids had been in. She read the message: ‘Welcome and have a wonderful stay. Straun.’
‘Omigod, he’s schizophrenic.’
She went to bolt the door and remembered she should shower. But where were they?
Narene knocked on the door. She heard footsteps and Straun opened the door and stood there nude, holding a glass of whisky.
‘Oh hi, I was expecting you. Come in.’
Stupidly she went in, passing him and taking care not to bump his flaccid dick.
As he shut the door she realized her mistake of coming into the room and closed her eyes tightly, waiting to hear the bolt slam shut.
‘You might think it improper for me to close the door when a lady is visiting but it’s the air-con you know. Keep your door closed to keep out the heat after say 9:30 and thru to 7:30 unless the night is heading to be a hot one.’
‘You have hot nights here?’
‘If I get lucky,’ he grinned. ‘Listen, I admire you for not flipping when you caught me nude. I’ll pull on some shorts.’
‘Um no, it’s okay. I’m used to guy’s dicks.’
‘Oh really?’
Oh god. Why did she have to keep on being so recklessly spontaneous?
‘Are you immoral?’
Narene felt her face temperature soar by the rush of heated blood to his face.
What should she say? Um what her mother would say.
‘My daughter leads a middle of the road life.’
Straun looked surprised and asked did she really have a daughter and she said no. Now he looked confused.
Narene decided to be truthful.
‘You caught me on the hop when you asked was I immoral. I thought I should say what my mother would probably say. But in saying what she might say I forgot to drop off the ‘my daughter’ bit.
‘At that’s perfectly logical to me. May I touch one of your breasts?’
The touch was soft.
‘Ah you didn’t pull away. Yes that does put you in the middle of the road, halfway between a nervous virgin and a robust whore.’
Narene felt faint and grabbed his glass and took a gul
p and choked. It was straight whisky. But the choking appeared to have fixed her shock of being called a half-way whore.
‘I bet you thought I was drinking whisky AND water?’
‘Yes. Sorry about that. I suddenly felt a little faint.’
‘Oh that will because I touched your tit. Look why don’t you remove your clothes and I’ll pour you a cold white wine.’
‘Oh you don’t like wine?’
‘No, I mean yes. I mean I need a shower.’
‘Oh don’t bother. I’m used to womanly odors but just be warned if yours are strong I might get an erection. It will be beyond my control. But please yourself. Keep your clothes on or go for a shower. I was just interested to see your body.’
‘You want to see my body?’
‘Yes, as your mother would say, ‘My daughter has a body to die for’. I wish to check to see if she was lying.’
Narene stripped off completely. She often lost control when sexually aroused and the damn fool had aroused her.
He studied her without comment and went to the frig and poured a white wine.
‘Good health. Sit where I can’t touch you, I won’t mind. I have my nightcap of two fingers of whisky around 3:00 in the afternoon because I have to be in the kitchen by 4:00 and work in the heat until late. I drink lots of water while cooking and when I sit down, with everything finished, I then drink white chilled wine with immense pleasure. I do it that way because it suits me.’
‘I can understand your logic,’ Narene said, seated on his bed.
‘I suggest you don’t cross your legs like that. It will be cooler to sit with them apart.’
She opened herself to him and fought the temptation to slam them shut.
‘Right I suggest you end your nervousness by finishing your wine and get dressed. You’ll find our showers we share with other staff by turning right when you leave here and walk until you see the sign Staff Bathrooms. They are unisex but it’s rare to see anyone having sex in there. If you do have sex in there bolt the door shut.’
‘You want me to go now?’
‘Yes. The whole purpose of this was to get you used to being with me intimately. We’ll be working together in the heat and often under extreme pressure. If you think you would cope better wearing only an apron I want you to feel free to do that. Some of the girls use bad language and say filthy things when talking about sex. You are my right-hand man, er woman. I believe it would be useful to me talking to you boldly.’
‘I can see what you are trying to do. I bet none of that’s in any commercial kitchen textbook.’
‘Perhaps not yet. I’m halfway through my first draft of my textbook. Now you don’t think I usually drink nude do you?’
‘Oh no.’
‘Well actually I do in warmer weather but only when alone unless I have a lady friend who’s into that sort of thing. That’s not your sort of thing.’
‘Um isn’t it?’ Narene said, unsure where she now was with mixed nude drinking.
She dressed, flick-kissed the surprised Straun who by then had pulled his shorts on and she went off to grab fresh clothes and to shower.
She heard Straun leave for the kitchen at two minutes to 4:00 and followed two minutes later.
‘Oh hi,’ he said, turning on the bottled gas fed ovens. ‘You don’t start till the morning.’
She asked, ‘How many people are here for dinner tonight and how many are booked for tomorrow?’
‘Ten guests and twelve staff. Tomorrow night it’s 70 guests and twelve staff.’
‘Then it’s better that you and I work on our rhythm this evening.’
‘Oh you’re an advocate of the rhythm method? I like that,’ he leered.
She giggled and decided she really liked Straun but it had been a bumpy journey getting there since meeting him.
After being introduced to everyone, Narene was impressed by how organized the kitchen was. Straun had three other assistants preparing food and placing plates in the warmers and then working on gravy and sauces and getting the preparation and cooking utensils to the person washing up and operating the two dishwashers.
Straun said to her he’d cook and she could utilize her expertise in arranging the meals on plates and controlling the pace at which the two waitresses were working.
‘We are running two dining rooms concurrently,’ he said. ‘If anything comes out less that up to standard it’s put aside and later goes to the staff dining room. We cook and serve ourselves when the public restaurant food service ends,’ he said.
That all made sense and as the pace picked up as more orders came in, Straun thrilled her when he eyed two of the meals she had ready to go out and he simply said, ‘Perfect.’
That told her Straun was impressed. She couldn’t have asked for more.
When work in the sweatshop ended, the chefs and assistants sat around eating what they’d ordered and helped to cook and present.
‘That went pretty well tonight,’ Straun said. ‘Good practice for when the heat comes on tomorrow evening.
There was no discussion by people who accepted he was stating the obvious.
When Straun and Narene reached her room, actually it was more like a small cabin, she was disappointed when he patted her on the shoulder and said, ‘Once again I say well done. Good night.’
He then went to the door of his room and was inside and shutting the door before the disappointed Narene had only moved one step forward. She couldn’t believe it and thought defensively, perhaps he was gay. If not, why was he keeping her on edge? In her experience a guy was never too tired to have the first round of sex.
Margaret her mom called.
‘It’s not too late to call is it?
‘No I’ve just got in. Anyway had I said yes it wouldn’t make any difference at what time you call?’
‘Don’t be cheeky. Were you out walking or chasing men?’
‘I’ve been working, to learn the systems before tomorrow night that will be a big one for a wedding party.’
‘But you were not due to start until tomorrow.’
‘Like you mum, things change.’
‘Don’t be cheeky.’
Narene smiled and asked after her father.
‘He’s tired because he’s been up and down the rows most of the day spraying grapes.’
‘But he wasn’t due to start until tomorrow.’
‘This morning was windless. You know very well… oh I say, was that a sly dig?’
‘Yes mother. Aren’t I cheeky? You were correct. Straun was born in Scotland, near Aberdeen.’
‘Aye then that makes him truly a Scot.’
‘And like you he has red hair.’
‘A true Scot but my red hair color has all but gone as your father keeps telling me.’
Narene laughed and said to reply his hair has all but gone and her mom laughed and they chatted on and Margaret said Narene’s sister Rosa was pregnant.
‘Ah when’s the wedding.’
‘The guilty party has fled. He’d probably left Australia or is way up north-west and disappeared into obscurity at a mining camp.’
They chatted on.
Narene slept nude with the door unlocked, thinking Straun might visit, but she was out of luck.
Guests were not permitted to use the pool until 7:30 so she swam fifteen lengths from 6:00 and then felt ready for… well anything, even a run if Shaun invited her.
She read until 9:00 and then went to breakfast in the staff dining room.
Shawn was there eating bacon and eggs and she sat opposite him and he said, ‘Ah a late riser?’
He yelled ‘Cathy’ and the on-duty waitress came running.
‘Take Narene’s order.’
‘Oh hi Narene. I saw you swimming just after 6:00. You have the style of a trained swimmer.’
Narene thought Straun might bawl her out for lying to him but he was grinning.
‘Coffee and one scrambled egg beside two lightly done pieces of toast, whole meal bread if available. Thanks Cathy. How’s Nick?’
‘You know I have a son?’
‘Yes and he’s seven and is staying her
e with you because it’s school holidays.’
‘I’d like you to meet him. He’d really like you.’
Narene smiled and nodded and Cathy looked pleased.
‘I don’t swim,’ Straun offered.
Narene eyed him and said, ‘Oh another thing we don’t have in common.’ She meant he didn’t appear to like sex.
That tease mystified Straun who ate quietly while appearing to attempt to work out what other differences existed between them.
Finally he said, ‘You know your start time?’
‘Didn’t you read the roster?’
‘No because you didn’t show me where the roster is posted.’
He sighed. ‘You are in charge of the kitchen from 11:00 till 2.30 and then work your second shift from 4:00 to 10:00, a total working time of 9½ hours of which 1½ will be paid at overtime rates.’
‘That’s fine. I’ll ask where the roster is. Remember I don’t official begin work until today.’
‘Yeah well find the boss’s wife and sign on this morning. I’ve already logged your working hours for last night.’
‘Oh Straun, how sweet of you. I thought I was sacrificing myself.’
Her obvious delight with him appeared to embarrass Straun and he looked around and snapped, ‘No fucking paper. The supply boat was due over half an hour ago.’
Cathy came in with Narene’s coffee and handed Straun the newspaper.
‘Struth Straun,’ she said, ‘It’s only a newspaper.’
‘Oh yeah, well take a look at this.’
Ignoring the front page news he turned to the ‘Local Tourism’ section and under a heading, ‘New On Dean Island’ was a big photo of Narene, resting from picking ripe table grapes, dressed in a blue bikini, and drinking water from a bottle, the action pushing her breasts forward.
‘God Narene, you’d easily win the Miss Holiday Coast Beauty Contest.’
‘Great photo,’ Straun leered. ‘I emailed your mom to send a decent photo of you to the Echo because I only possessed a formal one of you.’
Narene snatched the newspaper to see the picture and shrieked, ‘Oh no, I’ll kill my stupid mother over this.’
Others in the dining room came over to see what the fuss was about while Cathy and Straun rocked in laughter.
After breakfast Shawn took Narene on an inspection tour of the facilities and then introduced her to the Mrs Curtis, who was co-owner of the resort with her husband Colin.
‘Ah our Beauty Queen,’ Mrs Curtis smiled. ‘Call me Tess and I trust you will represent our resort in the beauty contest.’
‘Are you kidding Tess? Sleek 18-year old babes win beauty contests. I’m old, twenty-nine.’
‘Yes well you try being forty-nine. We want you in it for the publicity for the isle and yes, to win it if you can to maximize publicity for our resort. It’s a straight hair, face, tit, legs and bum contest… judged in the morning, the parade in the afternoon, oh and a formal cocktail party on the night before, Friday. We’ll dress you up for that because we know that’s where the judges focus on formality and style, speech and deportment and social graces. Talk softly, keep those breasts up and pushed out and you’ll have the mail judges drooling or my name is not Teresa Curtis.’
‘Well I don’t know…’
‘Darling there will be two male judges and two females plus the chief judge who this year is female. Be aware those females at the cocktail party will see those pretty young things begin to squawk as they drink too much and their shoulders will slump and their bums will push out. I was selected as a judge for three years and was chief judge two years ago. Believe me, I know how it works.’
‘When do you need my decision?’
‘Oh there’s plenty of time. Entries close in three days.’
‘I’ll let you know.’
Tess smiled, ‘Oh you’ll only be setting a new record for the oldest competitor by a year. Hope Mason’s daughter was twenty-seven she entered for the third time about ten years ago.’
Narene groaned and Tess patted her on the shoulder and said, ‘There now. Find you courage.’
That afternoon Narene met Nick, a bright kid with freckles, and he wanted her to come down to the sandy cove reserved for staff with him and his mother. She went and she and Cathy had a great time chatting and watching Nick on his yellow inflatable mattress on the water, taking turns to call him back closer to the shore when he got out too far laying on his belly and hand-paddling.
Narene thought why not when Cathy said it would be great for staff morale to have one of their own in the beauty contest.
‘But I’ll look like I’m the youngest contestants’ mother.’
Cathy giggled, ‘Some mother. You know even before I had Nick I never had a body like yours. You are a Greek goddess.’
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InterracialSeeing her the first time, I didn’t object. I joked with my mom that she’s perfect, now let’s go home. My mom told me to stop being funny and talk to her nicely. Aishwarya was extremely good looking. She was wearing a peacock color silk kurta with white salwar. Her straight brown hair was till her mid-back, in a ‘U’ shape. She was beyond fair, almost pale white in color, with brown eyes. She had a round face and a perfect figure with no excess fat anywhere. She spoke very formally with mom....
I turned 19 in the summer of 2011. I had just ended a relationship with a skank who cheated on me after couple years of being together. I didn’t care too much, why waste my time on a whore? It wasn’t long before I was back on the prowl. I didn’t want a relationship. I was finished with those for a while. I was looking for a bitch who would suck my dick – anywhere, anytime – a slut that I could have coiled around my finger. No emotion. No attachment. That’s exactly what I found in a old friend...
You know it’s going to be one of those days when you have to hurry and rush around straight from the word go in the morning. I’m Jet, I’m forty five, five foot six inches tall, black hair (what’s left of it), brown eyes and slim to medium build. What else do you want to know? Ah yes, I live alone, divorced for six years and I’m a college lecturer in mathematics, I think that’s it. Oh, most of the students I teach are foreign, mainly European. As I said, I had to rush around; I was trying to...
InterracialHi there! My wife and I have been married for close to 4 years now and I must say that the best sex we ever have is when she recounts her previous sexploits to me while we are doing it. I can't seem to explain why but whenever she shares with me her past sexual escapades with other men, it gets me really aroused. One such experience that my wife shared with me was when she went for a night on the town with some of her friends. The club she went to was jam packed with sailors in town for R&R...
I was now openly crying as Brad held my face and made me suck his penis, Brad shot another load all over my face and told Joseph, 'your turn, make that bitch suck you good, We ain't no where near being finished. You're having fun aren't you.' Joseph looked at Brad laughing and said 'I get to fuck a good piece of ass and get my dick sucked, what you think.' Joseph came round and took hold of my head, I looked over at Brad and pleaded 'Mister Brad, this isn't right. I thought it would just be...
Introduction: Boyfriend/Girlfriend… Typical stuff really. She was curled up on the couch, watching TV. It was some CSI episode that she had probably watched a million times before. The characters were all being annoying and self absorbed, and they were all beginning to irk her. She was dressed in her boyfriends boxers and a stretchy vest top. She heard the door shut, but she hadnt heard it open. He was home. She looked at the door to the front room, waiting for him to come in. He did. His...
It was a little after noon when I heard the car pull up the driveway. This would be the first time I saw Karmen again after our night at the hotel. Even though the days were getting warmer, there was still a chill in the air, so I waited till the last second before opening the front door, making sure not to let any of the warmth inside the cottage escape. She hurried inside and I shut the door before I said hello. ‘Hey you.’ Karmen smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek like she usually did.
Note: If you are looking for rampant sex to jump off each page at you, this story is not for you. I do not write for prurient interests, I write stories, that may involve sexual situations, as part of the plot. Chapter 3 has less of these situations then Chapters 1 or 2 had, it just worked out that way. I am new at this art form, this story being only my second attempt at writing. I have no idea where this story is heading, from chapter to chapter, I only have it outlined for the next two...
Note : This story is completely fictional! “Hello Nika speaking.” “Hey Nika thank god your still here. I really need your help!!!! Me and the guys were just pissing around when some pretty dad ok.” “Umm I see what I can do ok.” “Ok hurry up ok!!!” Nika a young 20 year old brown headed, boobs round as cirlces that would pleasure any man and a big boobs. Nika kept thinking and thinking, but nothing came as she was confused and soon started to stress, then Nika suddenly saw a book written by some...
IncestHi, all! This is Shankar again. Here I’m with the part of my last experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me for my previous experiences. I am really glad to see such feedback. Indian Sex Stories is a great platform to deliver my experiences I got a huge response after sharing . I am Shankar from Delhi, age 25, hairy chest with an average body. Coming to my fresh experience, this happened all about 7 months back. I was a little busy and so unable to upload my...
At breakfast the next morning, the storm having blown itself out, both Kitsu and Niomi had difficulty finding words. Both had much to express, but neither felt comfortable in view of the fact that Niomi remained a married woman. "I ... I would like to see you again," he said quietly. "Do you really think that wise?" "I simply know that last night..." "Last night should not have happened. If it hadn't been for the storm..." "We both wanted what happened last night, and it was...
Guests at a 21st and a 40th join together for an orgy.My god she is beautiful. My wife Sharon has just got out of the shower and her long dark curly hair is cascading down her back. At 39 and three k**s later she is still a stunner. A small mummy tummy is all that can be seen, and that only by a trained eye.This morning before we arrived for our friend June's 40th birthday I shouted her a facial, wax and massage at an exclusive beauty parlour here in the Blue Mountains. I won't pretend for one...
Hi Friends…..This is my first post on the website. After reading many stories from different authors that consisted fictional, imagined, assumed & real experiences, I thought finally I would share my personal experiences with all the readers of this website and get feedback on I am looking forward to receive genuine, decent & appropriate feedback from Females/Couples in and around (Mumbai Preferably if you planning for real meet/conversation only after exchanging general chat on yahoo/gtalk) &...
Something woke me up suddenly and I laid on my back for a few moments until my eyes came into focus. Glancing across to the glaring red digits on my alarm clock I could see it was just 9am, much too early to be waking up on a Saturday morning. I turned over with a groan and snuggled back into the bedclothes. Suddenly it hit me, Shauna had got back yesterday! I sat up abruptly and swung my legs out of the bed pushing aside the dirty work-clothes I had dragged off the night before. Working as a...
Straight SexThe three of us had been skiing all day and we’ve been having a good time. The weather was great with no cloud to be seen and the sun was high. It was warm. Too warm actually too keep the snow quality good enough. The snow got quite watery making skiing much more tiring. We could all use a rest but still we pushed on, until in the afternoon from behind the trees, a café appeared. Located in the middle of an open space, surrounded by forest, like in a fairy-tale. The café had a wooden terrace...
– 51 years old mother of 3 – Is 100% Latina from Mexico City – She is married and has been for 31yrs – They often invite men over to fuck her – She loves getting tag teamed by 2 guys – They enjoy public sex, road head, flashing – She is Bi sexual and likes her some pussy too – Has a female friend, they watch porn and fuck – She loves having her pussy sucked and licked – She has always been a sexual person – Husband likes to watch her in action – He was in the room for the shoot spectating –...
xmoviesforyouNancy stepped out of her bikini panties, at last, and wiggled closer to Carl Nash. His big, thick penis looked better all the time, she was turning on in a different way than she had with him earlier, she was feeling deeper and sweeter. It was still fun, but a warmer kind of fun that was heating her entire body, a rich glow. Her pussy was swelling out more, too! Moving her ass and rocking her cunt toward him, opening her legs in the age-old gesture of sex need and invitation brought her clit...
I didn’t know if it was a wise idea to go home with a stranger, but Anne had hurt me, and I had ruined Helen’s dress, and if I was honest with myself, all I wanted was something intense to take my thoughts away from reality for a while. The sound of the key turning in the door’s lock promised that intensity, and I felt excitement bubble up inside. I was pushed inside before I could think about taking a step and almost ended up on my knees. Helen turned on the light, and after blinking a few...
Well, ..I am a happily married wife of 21 years to a husband whom gives me anything I want. We have a very strong sex life and fantasize quiet a lot about all the things we would like to try. We have an understanding that if our fantasy can be fulfilled then go along with it and I did just that. A few years ago while on holiday while in the shower we had an amazing time and I managed to experience sex with another woman for the first time. I really enjoyed the little fling but didn’t really...
Carlo was playing video games in the living room. Aunt Jackie was shopping with Kelly, and Martin was reading a book. Carlo wanted to share his good news with his brother."Martin, I became a man the other day.""Yea, sure. With who? You never leave the house.""If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell.""Okay, I promise. Who did you have sex with?""Aunt Jackie and I had sex together.""Why would Aunt Jackie have sex with a dork like you?""I guess she wanted to have sex. Man. You should...
IncestHi hello. My name is jack, 35 years. I am from central Kerala and into business. This is an incident which happened a month back with my SIL (sister in law). Her name is Suma. She’s been married for 5 years but doesn’t have kids. She is 31 years old. She is my wife younger sister. I never did have any feelings for her until a year back when I came to know that she is not getting pregnant through her hus. He has some problem. That’s when I got the idea of taking the advantage and seduce her. But...
IncestI walk in the door, and I'm instantly amazed at how luxurious his house is. It's weird, for him being my best friend, this is the first time I've ever set foot in his house. He takes off his shoes and kicks them to the side, but if I were to do it, it'd feel too informal for such a grand house. He nods to the stairs and I'm guessing he's telling me to go to his room. "I'll be up in a minute, do you want a drink?" "Anything will do me." I say smiling at him. I walk up the stairs and as I'm doing...
Gay MaleHeloo friends, mera Naam Love Jot Hai mein Chandigarh ka Rehne wala hu . Meri Age 24 saal Hai . Mein Govt job karta hu mera chandigarh mein apna ghr hai . aur hum ne apna upr wala set ek uncle , Aunty ko diya hai. Aunty ka naam Rita Choudhary hai . aur uncle ka naam samarvir Choudhary hai . uncle HDFC bank mein Job karte Hai .Uncle ki age 40 hai . aur aunty ki 37 age hai . Dono ka ek beta v hai jis ka naam makku hai uski age 9 saal ki hai . uncle aksar job ke karan bhar he rehte hai aur aunty...
Most people realize that their occupation and resulting pay level determines the location and type of housing they can afford. Some of those just starting out in life don’t have the resources or earning power to buy a home and end up living in apartments. I was fortunate that even with just an associate degree in medical technology; and a little help from my parents, my salary was just barely enough to allow my young family to buy a starter home.My name is Ryan, and I lived with my parents in...
Cuckold"How long before we can do it again?" My God! That was ignorance for you! Here I had given that woman all that I had, and she doesn't want to wait for me to recover. Oh, I know. Females don't have to work as hard at fucking as men do when it's done like we just did it. I'm tempted to tell her to do it cowgirl style just to see how long she lasts. No, I can't do that. This is supposed to be a birthday present, so I have to bend over backwards to make it good for her. I just hope that I...
Part 1: 2: sat waiting at the table as she watched her mum walk over the fridge. What was she going to tell her? What was Mark saying? So many thoughts were rushing through her head. She didn’t dare ask as then her mum would know she had been listening in to her private phone calls.“MUM! Its not even 9am!” Katie said as her mum walked toward the table with a cold...
I haven't had the chance to fuck around with a guy in a couple of years. The last time was before craigslist personals got shut down. That was always my go to. I found a married guy who traveled from Chicago to Raleigh regularly for business. I let him be my cocksucker in his hotel room. His request was that I walk in, Drop my pants and sit down on the couch. I was to let him have control of the situation from there. It was cold outside and I remember sitting in the parking lot for a while...
The Corruption of CeCe, Part V by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting persons. I received a nice email from a fellow reader. Her dream girl is a sexy bimbo type by the name of Sophie Dalzell (mine was Courtney Stodden) and after seeing pictures of her I can only say that she is exactly like someone I...
That first October weekend Sarah rejoined me back in 1969 was magical. Neither of us wore a stitch of clothing the entire weekend and spent most of it sucking and fucking each other only taking breaks to rest eat and drink or watch some boring tv. Somehow her expensive perm stayed in place though it certainly got a strenuous workout and I think there was a few bits of dried sperm in there, but she managed to comb it out. She confessed Sunday night as I prepared my uniform for work that her...
What’s up, Team Skeet fans? We’ve had a lot of fun with our hit series, Freaky Fembots, so far, and we can’t wait to keep the good times rolling for future videos. The thought of having an ultra-realistic sex robot who bends to your every whim and fucks like a maniac is just incredible – what could be better?! We’ve put together some of our favorite moments from the series for this Selects update. You’ll see the hottest lineup of fembots sucking and fucking, whose greatest ambition is to please...
xmoviesforyouIt was nearly a month since we had last met. Her training lecture got done less than an hour ago. The airport was ten, maybe eleven kilometers away. I had a feeling she would be tired after a long day. Yet she looked and smelt fresh as if she took a hot bath a few minutes ago. I hugged her tightly and we kissed. I felt her body go stiff. Her cheeks slowly turned to a soft shade of pinkish red and flushed. We got into the cab. I tried engaging her in a conversation, but her responses were very...
Hi folks. I have no idea what happened last week with the double posting. It was supposed to be another roughly four or five pager. This one is even shorter than last week and should be less than five pages, that is for all of you who actually bother to read the story. I'd like to thank as always mikothebaby for her usual editing prowess. SS06 Like most guys, during my lifetime I've looked at some porn ... okay, I've seen a lot of porn. But I've also been on the internet and read some of...
Reddit AmateurCumsluts, aka r/AmateurCumsluts! When we look at some of the subs out there, it always looks like they concentrate on the fucking, and don’t give enough credit to the finisher. I think that the finisher is the most important part of any sexual encounter, and that’s why I always make sure to be creative when it comes to creaming the babes who I fuck. Listen, if you aren’t in a position where you can fuck babes all day long like me, then you might want to watch them get creamed...
Reddit NSFW ListFirst, I’d let you in the house and guide you to my room. Then we’d sit on my bed and start an awkward conversation. A few minutes after we get comfortable around each we’ll start kissing and cuddling. I’ll tease you and you’ll tease me. Our short and sweet pecks turn into long passionate kisses. Your hands begin to wander all over my body. First at my arms, then slowly drift down to my stomach and soon make it to my hips. You grab my ass as you start kissing my neck. I start moaning softly as...
Let me tell you about this one older woman that I have met. Her name is Simone and has the freckled face of an angel. She is a 55 year old divorcee, 5’1” tall, 32c-23-34 body frame, shoulder length red hair, the legs of a dancer and an ass that is so firm, smooth, creamy and so desirable that you would almost want to fuck it before you do her pussy. When she walks in a crowd the men would stop and look at her; she is one hot looking piece of eye candy. I have even seen younger woman stop...
"Kim, we need to talk." I said rather sternly.My wife of five years had just walked into our house. Her long dark brown hair had red and blond highlights that contrasted with her deep blue eyes. She was wearing a white blouse that showed lots of cleavage, a black knee length skirt, black stockings and high healed pumps. Turning to me she saw me sitting on the couch rather agitated and holding a manila envelope.Hesitantly she asked, "What's wrong?""How long have you been cheating on me?" I asked...