Sophie Part 1
- 3 years ago
- 20
- 0
Seeking Enlightenment through Bondage
I am a creature of habit. I do the same thing, the same way, in the same order, every day. Well, work days, at least. When I walk out the door in the morning, I'm carrying a stuffed-full lunch bucket and a mostly-full coffee cup. The coffee cup becomes depressingly empty on the way to work and gets left in the car, but the bucket goes in with me.
When I get home in the evening, I put the half-empty bucket and the useless coffee cup on my spoiler and walk back out to the street to check the mail. I do a quick sort right there at the street, because I'm going to walk right past the trash can where I can dump most of it, before I pick up the bucket and cup on my way to my front door.
Park in the garage? That's for normal people. I've got a two-car garage, but one side is full of stuff and the other side stays empty as a kind of work area. Yeah, I pull my car in there if I'm working on it, but if it's running fine it stays out on the driveway where it belongs.
Now, there's no telling what I'll be doing a minute after I walk in my door with the few bills I couldn't throw away, but from about 7:15 in the morning, until about 4:45 in the afternoon, I do the same thing I've done every day since old man Everett caught my boss Joe buying home equipment with company funds and promoted me to IT manager on the spot.
Friday evening when I got home, my new neighbor across the street completely screwed up my routine, but I don't think I should complain. I was checking my mailbox when I realized that she had come out and was doing the same thing with hers. I looked up at a sound, and saw her walking back up her driveway, so I called out "Wait!"
She stopped and turned around, so I hurried across the street and introduced myself. "Hi! I'm Bill Adams. This is the first time I've had a chance to say 'hi' since you moved in."
She introduced herself as Shauna Bryant, and we did the small talk thing for a few minutes, mostly about how wonderful the neighborhood was. She wasn't a movie star, but she was a good ways more attractive than the people I worked with, so I enjoyed the talk. I didn't have much of a social life, and most of my attention was on not-staring at her breasts.
Soon enough, I told her I needed to see about dinner, and turned to go home. Before I'd gotten across the street, though, she called out to me "Bill!"
I stopped and turned back to look at her, and said "What?"
She seemed to hesitate, and then said "Uh, nothing, sorry" so I shrugged and went on home.
After dinner I went into the garage to do something -I have no idea what it was any more- and I opened the garage door for some fresh air. When I did, I saw Shauna standing in her driveway across the street, still holding her mail and looking like she'd been there the whole time. I waved at her and she waved back, still standing there.
So, I walked back over there and asked "Are you alright?" This conversation I remember much more clearly, because I was so confused at the time.
Shauna said "Yes ... no." so I replied "Tell me what's wrong."
She looked at me and said "I'm getting tired. How long do I have to wait out here? What am I waiting for?"
I looked right back at her and said "I dunno, what are you waiting for?"
"Well, if you don't know, why did you tell me to wait?"
"Huh? What did I tell you to wait for? When was this? I never even met you before this evening." ... and why are you waiting for me, anyway?
"When you got home, you told me to wait, just before you walked over here. I've been waiting all this time, and I'm getting tired and I'm past getting hungry."
"You mean you've been standing out here ever since we talked, because I told you to wait?"
"That's exactly what I mean."
"So why does what I said an hour ago keep you from doing what you want?"
She didn't have an answer to that, so I said "Okay, maybe asking 'why' isn't a good idea. How about asking 'what'? Do you have to do whatever I tell you to do?"
She didn't answer that, either, so I said "Jump up and down."
Shauna jumped up and down, and I admit I did stare at what her blouse was doing when she did it. When she was standing there again, I said "No, keep jumping up and down until I tell you to stop."
So, she started jumping up and down again. While she was doing that, I asked "So, do you have to do everything I tell you to do?" No answer, so "Okay, here is an order: 'Answer all of my questions as truthfully as you can.' Okay? Shauna, do you have to do everything I tell you to do?"
"I don't know. I think so."
"Okay, that's one of the things we'll test. Next, do you know why you have to obey me?"
"No, I don't."
"Okay, you can stop jumping." She looked winded when she stopped, so I asked "Do you need to go get a drink, and maybe use the bathroom, before we continue this?"
"Yes, please. Bathroom, a drink, and something to eat if I can."
"Okay. I want to know what's going on, and you NEED to know what's going on. Go do everything you need to do inside, and come knock on my door when you're ready to continue this conversation. Don't dawdle, but take care of dinner. Oh, yeah. Is it just me, or do you have to obey anyone who gives you an order?"
"I ... I don't know." From the look on her face, she hadn't thought about that yet.
"Okay then, Shauna, here's another order, but this one may be for your own good. Do not talk to ANYONE about this, and try hard to avoid any situation where someone could give you an order, until we know more. People say stupid things, and I don't want you hurt because you had to do something stupid. Are you expecting any phone calls tonight?"
"No, I'm not."
"Good. Don't make any, and don't answer the phone if it rings. I'm going home, and you're going to come see me to clear this up when you're done with dinner. Okay?"
"Okay, thanks."
"So, what are you going to do?"
"As soon as you let me, I'm going to run to the bathroom, and then I'm going to have dinner. After that I'm going to your house and knock on your door."
I smiled. "After you knock, wait for me to open the door. I'll have figured out how I want to proceed by then."
"Yes, sir."
"Okay, go on. I'll be waiting for you." I shooed her away, and she ran inside. She probably had to go pretty bad, and jumping up and down probably didn't help any. I went back home to think this over.
I sat down to check the weather and news and stuff, and of course the first thing I saw was a commercial for some fitness center that will change my life. Shit. What if she turns on the TV, and some idiot says "Come buy a new car from us right now?"
I ran back over to her house -God knows what our OTHER neighbors are thinking- and rang her doorbell. No answer. Okay, is it locked? Yes. Well, she's no dummy. I tried yelling thru it. "Shauna, this is Bill! Come to the front door and let me in!"
After a minute or two I could see her through the window, and she opened the door.
"Sorry, but I turned my TV on, and got a commercial. What would happen if you heard a guy on the TV or the radio telling you to go buy a new car right now?"
"I don't want a new car."
"Okay, but that's not the point. Think about this: Do we know yet if you can ignore other people, or if you have to obey every order you get from everyone?"
She was silent for a moment while she thought that over. "No, we don't know yet."
"Well, apparently you still have to obey me; you came and let me in. Here's another set of orders, for your own safety. Until we figure out what's going on, do not listen to a radio, watch or listen to a TV, or read anything that might have an ad in it. God, I don't even want you reading the label on a box of food. Shauna, would you be okay with me ordering pizza delivery for us tonight?"
"Do I have any choice?"
"Well, what do you think we should do? If you prefer something else, we can do that, but I don't want you exposed to strangers until we get this figured out. Would you prefer Chinese? Or, I can go get you something if you'd be safe here."
"Why wouldn't I be safe in my own home, if you're not here ordering me around?"
"I don't know. If even you don't know who-all can give you orders, you can get in trouble pretty easily. Just off the top of my head, I can see you driving to get that new car the TV told you to go buy, then seeing a billboard that tells you to go get some Ex-Lax right now. So, you stop at a convenience store to buy that, and when you walk in some drunk stops you. You're pretty good looking. What if some drunk asshole steps in front of you and says 'Blow me for a dollar, bitch'?" You start doing that, and you'll have ten other guys around saying 'Blow me, too'. And they won't stop there, either."
She didn't say anything, but she looked pretty unhappy.
"Okay, so you don't want me ordering you around. That's cool; I wouldn't want to have me ordering me around, either. Still, I'm probably better than the next guy who accidentally gives you a stupid order and finds out that you'll do it."
We just looked at each other for a minute. I guess I hadn't given her an order, and she didn't have anything she wanted to say.
"Shauna, come here and give me a hug." She did that, and even though she felt very stiff, it was good for me.
I held her and softly said "Shauna, I don't love you, and you don't love me, but as long as you have to obey me I'll try to take care of you." She softened a little and started to feel a lot better. "Okay, I don't want you trying to cook right now, and I can't cook, and it's not safe to take you to a restaurant, so what's left?"
"Can we do a drive-thru?"
I had to think for a minute. So what, it was an excuse to keep holding her. She was beginning to feel really good, pressed up against me like that. "Tell you what. I don't think it's a good idea, but I won't veto it without discussion. Let's go inside, close the door, and sit and talk about it."
I let her go, and she led me into her den. I told her "If you're thirsty, please fix two of whatever you would fix yourself", and sat down on her couch where I could watch her. I saw an attractive black woman -probably about my age but I'm not an expert on her ethnic group- with hips wider than I would have chosen if it were up to me, her chest smaller than I would have liked -but that's really not saying anything, I would probably say that about ANY woman- and a pleasant face, now somewhat stressed by her situation.
While she was fixing the drinks -apparently she was a wine drinker- I said "Shauna, I know I'm being nosy, but we're going to be together until you beat this. If you have to do whatever I say, then I'm going to keep you pretty close to me. Of course I'll find ways to benefit from having you around, but I'll also try to protect you. We'll need to know each other pretty well so we don't annoy each other any worse than we have to."
As she handed me a wine glass and sat down beside me, I continued "Honestly, I don't think I should let you be anywhere that has other people until we know what the rules are. How do we tell, without letting someone else give you an order, whether it's just me, or everyone?"
"I don't know."
"Well, I'm not going to give you an order to figure it out. Whether that kind of order works is another question, and it's not as important as this. Okay, do you know how long you've been like this?"
"No. You told me to wait this afternoon and I was just stuck there."
"Okay, well, when was the last time you talked with anyone?"
"When I was leaving work, I talked with a co-worker in the parking lot." She laughed. "She told me to have a good weekend."
I had to laugh, too. "So, was that an order that you had to obey?"
"I don't think so. It didn't seem like it. And, it doesn't look like it's going to happen, now."
Now it looked like she was going to start crying, so I said "Come here" and pulled her onto my lap. "Yes you're attractive and yes I'm a normal guy and yes I'm going to take advantage of you, but I also want you to be happy. If we can make it a good weekend, we will."
I pulled her to me and started rubbing her back, well, yeah, I guess I was fondling her, but I can do that, right? "Okay, back to the subject at hand. You want to go to a drivethru for dinner. I want to be selfish, and keep other people from telling you what to do. It's all very well to have an attractive woman at your beck and call, but I don't want to share with anyone else."
She wasn't relaxing under my fingers, so I stopped and pushed her away so I could see her face. "You're all stressed out. Are you waiting for me to make you do horrible things?"
Shauna said "Yes. I hate not knowing what you are going to want me to do."
I pulled her back to me, and went back to rubbing her back. "Well, I'm going to want the same stuff that any man would want from you. Haven't you ever dated? The only difference is that now you actually have to do that stuff."
"I was married once. Well, I still am, but we don't ever see each other."
"Then you already know all about it. Cooking, cleaning, incredible sex, you know. The usual."
This time she pulled away to look at me. "That's all? You're not gonna make me do anything else?"
"Shauna, before the women's lib movement, that's what a marriage was. The woman left her father's house, promised to obey her husband at the wedding, and became his property. In return, he promised to cherish and take care of her. So you can think of it as an arranged marriage that surprised us both. You can even tell me I'm an idiot, if you think it's deserved, and I'll get stuffy and say 'Woman, be quiet and obey your husband'. No, that would be bad. I'd better say 'Woman, be quiet and obey me'. We don't want you obeying your husband."
"So when are you going to ask for the incredible sex?"
"Well, we'd be at it right now, but you still haven't had dinner yet. What's wrong with telling me what you want, and sending me out to get it for you?"
"Well, when you put it that way I can certainly send you after dinner."
"Right. Cooking, then cleaning, and then incredible sex. Then, you're okay with me leaving you here while I get you dinner?"
"What do you want me to be doing while you're gone?"
I smiled and moved my hands around in front, and started fondling her breasts through her blouse and bra, the first time I'd touched her anywhere 'inappropriate' since this whole thing started. "Whatever it is that women do to get ready for a dinner date with a new boyfriend, when they really want him to come back for a second date."
She was quiet then, and I didn't have anything to say. I was pretty well occupied playing with her tits, even with her clothes on.
All good things gotta end, though. Eventually I got tired of all the clothes and I undid one of her blouse's buttons, saying "If you don't tell me what you want for dinner soon, we're gonna be too busy and you never will get to eat."
"If you really want to, I can wait."
"What I really want is to spend the entire night with you, and have it be so good that I'll do anything to keep you. Hopefully, I'll please you enough that you want me back, too."
"Am I going to have any choice in that?"
"Well, I hope not, but we still don't know why you have to obey me. For all we know you'll wake up tomorrow and be normal again. If that happens, I want you to remember that I fed you first, and tried to please you, too. Maybe you'll just kick me out, instead of waking me up with a steak knife in my ribs."
"You think this is just temporary? I'll be okay tomorrow?"
"Shauna, I think you're just crazy, but as long as you think you have to do what I want, I'm going to take advantage of it. And, speaking of taking advantage of you, I can't stand it any more. Shauna, take your blouse off."
I took my hands off her while she was opening her blouse up, and then went back to playing while she did the contortion thing to get her arms out. When she had it off, I said "Thank you. Okay, now your bra. My hands should be warm enough" When that was out of the way I put my hands where they belonged.
From this view, Shauna's breasts were full and firm, they looked and felt great, and were plenty big enough. "Mmmm that feels good. Shauna, tell me how you like to be touched."
"I think you're doing it. My husband was never that gentle."
"Well, as much as I like to do this, it's gonna lead to other things. Shauna, we can stay here as long as you want, but when you're ready I'm going to give you another order. Have you ever given head?"
"Yes, but I'm not an expert."
"That's okay, I don't think you need to be right now. Besides, if I get my way you'll get plenty of practice." With that I started licking, sucking, and nibbling on her nipples. They hardened nicely when I did that, and before long she was squirming. Good. Let's see what she has to say...
After a few minutes of really enjoyable playing and nibbling, Shauna said "I'm ready to go to bed now, if you want."
"Nope, gotta have dinner first. I don't want you losing any weight and blaming me. However, before I go get your dinner I do want a blowjob from a beautiful naked lady. Shauna, take the rest of your clothes off."
While she was doing that, I stood up and took my shoes and pants off. Then I sat down again and said "Shauna, give me the best blowjob you know how." I put it that way mostly because I'd never had a good one, and wasn't sure how it was done.
She climbed onto the couch and showed me. I don't think I learned enough to do it myself, but I was pretty happy with the lesson. The only thing wrong with her way was that I couldn't really play with her tits while she was doing it, but I did get to play with her ass. Before long I had to grab her head and say "Don't move" while I shoved my cock down her throat and exploded. When I was done, I let go, stroked her hair, and said "That was wonderful. You know exactly what you're doing." I had to (mentally) take it back, though, because she started licking and bobbing again.
"Stop!" Again I held her head, and this time I told her "It's too sensitive for that. Just hold it." After a couple of seconds I let go and continued stroking her hair again while my woody went away.
Eventually I decided that she'd kept it warm long enough, and pulled her back up on my lap again. I hugged her as tight as I could and told her "That was incredible. After whatever it is wears off and you don't have to obey me any more, will you marry me?"
"Not if that's all you ever let me eat!" She was smiling, though. Good.
"Yeah, that's next. Okay, darling, which steakhouse do you want me to go get your lobster dinner from?"
"Why can't I go with you? You ashamed of being seen with your little black slave girl?"
"Couple of reasons. First off, I'm sure you know how simple a man's mind is. If I have to choose between letting other men see you naked, and letting you put some clothes on, that's ... difficult. So, I could leave you here naked and go out by myself, but that involves letting go of you, and leaving the house with you in here naked waiting for me, and I'm not sure I can do that, either."
"Shauna, telling you to give me the best blowjob you could was a mistake. I don't know whether to shit or wind my watch."
"That's an old George Carlin quote. You didn't listen to George Carlin growing up? We'll have to fix that. Anyway, my whole purpose in life is now centered around making sure you do that again, whenever I want, forever. What's the best way to do that? I don't know which way to go. Be nice to you so you'll like me and do it? Be mean to you so you do it out of fear? Tie you up so you can't get away? I dunno. One thing I do know is that, if you're married, your husband's an idiot."
"What? I mean, I know, but what do you mean?"
"Shauna, next year you can burn the house down, wreck the car, and accidentally poison the dog all on the same day, and I won't care as long as you tell me I still get my blowjob that night. What's wrong with you, that he doesn't feel the same way?"
"I don't know. Apparently, whatever it is, isn't wrong with his girlfriend."
"And, how did he come to be looking for a girlfriend, if he had you to come home to? Doesn't matter right now. What do you want to eat?"
"It depends. Do I get to go with you?"
"Isn't this where we started? We still don't know anything, and the question is a lot more important now."
"What question? And, can I get up now? I want to add 'stiff' and 'cold' to 'horny' and 'hungry'."
I let go of her, and she climbed off me and got to her feet. I just sat there staring at her while she stretched. When she noticed me, she turned her stretching into a show and I just sat there staring. Somehow, she looked a lot better than she had earlier. I was probably drooling.
"Do you see anything you like?"
"I want you to stay naked for the rest of your life. I want you to stay in front of me where I can watch you, for the rest of your life." I sighed. "And, I don't want any other men to ever touch you or even look at you again. I don't know how to do all that at once."
I stood up and started putting my pants back on. "Okay, I'll let you come with me, but we've got to compromise. I'll let you wear your blouse and pants, but no underwear. Whatever shoes you want, and a jacket if you want." By then I was done with my pants, and I stopped to watch her get dressed. Very depressing and unnatural.
"Shauna, here are some more orders. They are all about keeping me stable and happy, and they are forever. Stay with me. Never leave me without my express permission. Never do or say anything to let anyone know that you have this problem. Pretend that we have been dating, and you are with me because I make you happy. For my part, I'll try to make that true. And the last order for now is, ignore any order anyone else gives you. I don't know if that works, but I hope so."
By this time she was putting her shoes on, with her bra and panties still on the couch where she'd left them earlier. While I was putting my shoes and socks on (Why is it always said that way? Shouldn't it be 'socks and shoes'?) I asked "Do you want a jacket, or is that good enough? I think you should at least take one."
"It's not cold out. Where are we going?"
I smiled at her. "I don't know. My 'little black slave girl' hasn't told me yet where she wants to go."
"Well, where do you want to go?"
"I'm not sure I should say what I want. I don't know how this works yet, and I wonder if I tell you what I want, if it might somehow magically become what you want, too. I think you should tell me where you want to go, first."
"Well, how much money are we spending?"
"However much whatever you want costs."
"So, if I want fresh Maine lobster at Louie's that's okay?"
"After what you just did? You'll want a jacket that you don't mind having to wash. Those things are messy."
"You mean it? We can go to Louie's?"
"If that's what you want, sure. Grab a jacket and let's go."
"Should I bring my purse?"
"Yes, of course. And we need to lock up; we'll be gone for a while."
We had some confusion about whether "Never leave me" applied to leaving the room to get her jacket. I decided that, for now, it did. I told her that until I felt secure in our relationship, I didn't want her to go anywhere without me. So, I had to walk around with her while she locked up, got her purse, and selected a jacket.
After that we walked across the street to my car, but first we had to close up my house, too, because I'd left it wide open earlier. I mean, most of the doors were closed, but the garage door was still open. This time, Shauna had to walk around with me as I closed doors and locked up.
When I locked the front door on our way out, I opened the passenger door for Shauna, and closed it for her once she was in. I thought I might as well treat it like a regular date, with a guaranteed payoff at the end. Shauna wasn't acting like she could say goodnight and close the door on my face.
The drive was pretty quiet; just small talk about if she'd ever been to Louie's before (no), and then if I'd ever been (well, no, I haven't, either, but it's just another steak house, isn't it?). Dinner was very good. We both got a lobster and steak combo and spent the meal arguing about the rest of our respective orders. I had a great time, much better than most 'first dates' I had been on. Of course, both of us were on our best behavior. We both had very strong incentive to keep the other happy and calm.
Shauna likes her steaks rare, as it tastes best that way, with maybe some salt and pepper. I want mine cooked until it is dead, dead, dead, with a variety of sauces. She likes her potato with "nuthin' but butter" because, again, that's how it tastes the best. I have them put everything they can find on mine because a potato doesn't HAVE any taste; it's just an excuse to eat all the other stuff. She says I'm going to die of a heart attack before I'm 40. I say I'd better enjoy life now, since I'm 34.
We both agreed that the lobster was good. And the service was VERY good. The wait staff made suggestions when requested, but never told us what we wanted. That would have been awkward, of course, and I was becoming very sensitive to all the little things that people tell each other to do. The bill was outrageous, but with everything all together it's a great place to go to celebrate a milestone like a graduation, a birthday, a promotion, or even a new girfriend (I didn't actually say "that does what she's told and gives awesome head" but I think she heard it anyway). She got darker at that, proof that blacks can blush. Or, maybe, that their faces can flush in anger. I hoped it was a blush.
We had a glass of wine each, because I thought it would help calm us down, but Shauna reminded me that the bathroom would be awkward if she could not leave me, so we didn't have any more.
I didn't try to get serious again until we were driving back. I reached over and held her hand, and asked "How are you doing?"
"I'm a lot calmer. I think you are right; if I think about it as an old-times arranged marriage before women's lib, I'm not much worse than those people were. Worse off, I mean. And you were a very nice date. I can't remember the last time I went out with a man that he didn't try to paw me. And you paid the bill, too, without saying a word."
"Well, I asked you out. I should pay. If you ever ask me out, I'll expect you to pay for it. And, I certainly AM planning on pawing you tonight, I just didn't want to do it in front of everyone else. You look much yummier than any of those desserts, and I'm not going to wait any longer than I have to. You may as well resign yourself to getting naked as soon as we close your front door. You may well be all better in the morning, and I'm not going to kick myself for the rest of my life because I didn't do you when I had the chance."
"So, what happens if we wake up in the morning and I tell you to get out of my house?"
"You can say that right now, can't you? You just can't make it stick. You tell me to get out of your house, I tell you to get on your knees and start licking, and we'll see what happens. If you stay on your feet and slap me, we'll know you're cured."
"We'll have to see. Maybe it can be a daily ritual."
"Well, I'd certainly like that. You can try to get rid of me at any time; I will see if I can stay."
And, that ended that conversation. I left my hand on hers, though, and she didn't move away. Did that count as pawing, or was she afraid of what I'd do if she moved? I was thinking so hard about reaching into her blouse I was having trouble driving, but I wanted to be polite until we got home. If this lasted long at all, I wanted her to remember that I was nice to her when I didn't have to be.
After a few minutes she asked "Yummier?"
"Is that a word? 'Yummier'?"
"Of course it is. Yummy, yummier, yummiest. That dessert tray looked yummy. You just look yummier. I hope you don't mind."
Eventually we got home and I parked in my normal spot. I helped her out, and then realized that we should be discussing plans so I leaned against my car and asked "Shauna, I'm sure I made it obvious that I plan on us sleeping together for as long as this lasts. Can you think of any reason for it to matter whether we are in your house or mine? I've got some fish but they don't seem to notice me as long as they get fed on schedule. Do you have any pets that need attention?"
"Not yet. I was going to get a cat or dog or something as soon as I was settled in."
Something about that made me ask. "Have you ever had a dog or cat before?"
"We had a dog growing up. And, there were always cats around."
"Hmmm. I had a dog growing up, but I haven't had one since I've lived on my own. It just wouldn't be fair, since I was never home to play with it. But, if there's the two of us maybe we can. We'll have to see."
Saturday - Day 29 As I woke up, I knew that it was Jamie giving me a blowjob, and I felt Becky's head on my chest. I was surprised, because after not allowing her to wake me with a blowjob all week, I expected Becky to be jumping at the chance. I opened my eyes and said, "Good morning, tiger." "Good morning, sir," she said, kissing me gently on the lips. "I'm surprised to find you here and not in Jamie's place," I told her. "Sir, you punished us for bickering over you, but I...
‘Yes Tim,’ I spoke into the telephone to my friend, partner, occasional helper and drinking buddy. ‘You rang earlier. What can I do for you on this bright and sunny day?’ ‘You might think it’s bright and sunny, Sam,’ he groaned back at me. ‘But I’ve got myself in a bit of a pickle, and could do with some help mate.’ What? Sam got himself into a pickle? Another one? Nothing new there. I could just picture the poor tortured soul, sitting there without a hair in place and his big, black-framed...
Chapter 15 “Evan?” “Yes, my darling?” Evan looked up from the papers he was reviewing prior to the resumption of classes on Monday. “You know that I love you, don’t you?” Evan was curious, but still confident as he responded. “Of course I do, Emily.” She nodded. “I was remembering how we met and began our relationship. The love I feel for you just fills my heart so much that I feel like it will explode.” He smiled gently at her. “I’ve never doubted that you love me fully and completely.” Emily...
NovelsMera naam sanjay hai,umar 24 saal or delhi me rehta hoon maine medical science se related padai kar raha hoon ye incident 8 months pehle ka hai ye story meri taiji (badi mummy) ki chudai ki hai jo ki relation me dur ki.vo hai to village ki par lagti bahut sexy hai vo hamare sath bahut pehle se reh rahi hai kyo ki unke husband ki death ke baad mummy papa ne unhe hamare sath rakh liya or meri dekh bhaal Bachpan se wahi karne lagi.unki ek ladki bhi hai jo ki meri hi age ki hai.vo dusri city me...
This was the longest day of at least the last month. If something could be annoying, not necessarily wrong, it was. Always something that needed a little more attention or a tweak here or there. Let's just say I was glad to be heading home where I could relax with a drink and my comfy pajamas. I park my car in the driveway and enter the house. On my way upstairs I start to shed my work clothes. My jacket gets hung up on the hook as I walk by. Starting with the bottom button of my blouse I work...
Straight SexBlack Muscle Daddy and his Stepson 3 - Jail TimeMusic was blaring, booze was free flowing and the faint small of weed wasin the air. Welcome to a high school keg party! Declan was making the mostof his summer and was kicking back and enjoying himself with hisfriends. The last few weeks had been intense for Declan who had beenpushing himself extra hard at the gym and the diving pool. In the last 3week?s he had cut his body fat percentage down to 6% and gained an extra5lbs of muscle. Half the...
That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that’s why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copper blond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...
SupernaturalPatricia “Trish” Warner was elated when the call came. She knew her references were good, but the Roosevelt was decidedly middle class. The interview was for the Plaza—Central Park South and 5th Avenue, across the street from Central Park, Grand Army Plaza, and a block from Bergdorf Goodman. The interview itself was disillusioning. Though Trish wanted F. Scott Fitzgerald, she knew a prince in India owned the hotel. Still, Passage to India would suffice. Mr. Patek, the assistant manager who...
Chapter 1 I really can’t say that I invented the idea but when I moved to Chicago about a year and a half ago, I didn’t know anyone, especially anyone of the opposite sex which is, in my case, female. Look, it was a new city, a very big city, I had a new job, a new apartment, a new car and now I wanted someone new to share it with. Well, okay and somebody to fuck. Yeah, I admit it. Who’s surprised, right? I’m a twenty-two year old single guy, okay? So, I thought I’d advertise for a female...
Whenever I look at Julia I wonder where that rule about not sleeping with your roommate comes from. It makes no sense, you are comfortable enough to share a flat, split the bills and see each other day in and day out, that is more than I can say about any of the women I have slept with.But for some reason we have stuck to that unwritten rule, for over a year now. It's weird, especially considering sex is not a taboo topic between us, we joke and tease all the time and if one of us has a date...
After I woke up from my nice little nap, I began to wonder if what had happened earlier had just been a dream or not. When I saw the dry cum on myself, I began to realize that it had been very real indeed! It had been so much fun having those two 9 year olds with me earlier. It was clear that we were destined to have a lot more fun! That assumed, of course, that someone didn’t find out and call the cops on me. It was a very dangerous game I was playing. But that was also the part that...
Story Title: "Mike, don't be so cocky!" A Spells-R-Us story inspired from the fantastic stories at Author: Fafhrd Written: 29th - 31st July 2002 Author comments: This is my first draft of this, my first story. I hope you like it. I will probably read through a few more times correcting any typos I've missed and changing things here and there, but as it stands it reads as something like the tale I had in my head. I may well add or subtract or change...
"How many times must I do this, Mr Jeeves? My parents were pressured to hand me over, but it hurt them. They would have lost their land holding otherwise." "I cannot answer your question, girl. Speak to me later. I will listen." Half an hour later, he escorted the softly sobbing girl back to the women's quarters, trying not to react to her distraught sounds. The elderly woman at the door looked upset, but said nothing. Jeeves departed, inwardly seething. He made up his mind, and began...
In the Beginning, Chapter 3 @Brenda Goodwin In the comfort of my home I stripped out of my outfit and threw on a pair of shorts. After checking for phone messages and my email I had some leftovers for a late snack and then took a nice warm relaxing shower. In the shower I examined my crotch and realized that there was no way to free myself from the powerful surgical cement that held it between my legs. But I did find relief by wiggling it between my first two fingers, much like I...
The phone rang and i jumped out of my seat. I had been waiting for a call from Master all day and i hoped this was he."Hello?" i said."Be at my home by 8PM and be ready to be used really good" said my Master, and he hung up before i could speak.I was so happy when he called and felt so wanted when he gave my orders.It was already 6:30PM and i decided to get ready. In the shower all i could think about was what master had in store for my tonight. I didn't care, all i wanted to do was, please...
The next day started out wonderful, they had no idea where the turn of event would lead them that night. After talking for so long only using meaningless words typed on a screen. Conversation was mostly slow at first. It was more like they were taking each others physical characteristics in. Such as the way the morning sun reflected off of her hair, the way she smiled constantly. .And Erik, the way he watched Jess in amazement, the way he looked at her. They had spoken of hidden fantasies,...
My Company had sent me to another city; I was supposed to attend some boring conference and it really was making me crazy.Worst of all, my loving hubby had not fucked me during the last two weeks; so, I was uncomfortable and very, very horny.The first night after the conference, I squeezed my body into a gorgeous short black strapless mini dress, stepped into a matching pair of high heels, and wore my curly hair down. I went to have a drink at the hotel lobby; I knew I just had to wait for...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I have always looked at my 23 year old sister in a sexual way. My sister is about 5'4" 34b tits, brunette with tan body and belly button piercing. It was July 14 my sisters birthday when it all started my parents had gone on vacation the beginning of July for a trip to Europe for a month.So it was my sister and I, well on her birthday my sister went out with her friends to a couple of bars for some drinks to celebrate. While she was gone I a 18 year...
Incest….Then it was my turn to draw a card…..nervously I reached to the top of the pile and lifted the card from the sex board game on the table. “You must masturbate, turn upside down and ejaculate on your own face!”…. Steve, my very good friend said…”oh yes…this is gonna be awesome!” He was aware that I was a very heavy cummer….”Wait till you see this guys. Bill can shoot a bucket of come. He’s gonna drown himself in his own jizz”. “Not fair”, I said. “I come way too much. And if I flip over, it...
MasturbationI was on my way home from work, I had to stop by the Red Cross and donate blood which I do about every three months. I had my appointment time set and went in and registered waiting my turn. They ran my card through the computer and asked all the silly questions... well, I guess they're not really silly but I always sat there and said, No, no, no... until we made it through the whole list. I was a six gallon donor so it was almost always the same. I have never been in the hospital or overseas...
Hi ISS readers I hope you all remember me from Fucking in Office. I am Aboli the hot call centre girl. LAtely there is one incident that I felt I should narrate in ISS. It was 3 in the noon when I returned to my flat in downtown Pune. I was sharing this flat with another call centre girl called Shilpa. Shilpa was a dark slim girl from rural Maharashtra who had enjoyed numerous sessions after joining our company. When I entered the flat I saw Shilpa my supervisor Karan and an unknown man sitting...
You know how in life we all want to get laid by our crush? I mean, we at least think about it more often than we admit. Well, I got my wish around my third year in college. It was an accident actually. I wasn’t even trying to impress him. If anything, I was actually trying to avoid him. Anyways, let me give you a rough idea on how I and some of the other people look like before continuing with the story. I was a rather average height girl, with ice blue eyes and straight blonde hair which...
ReluctanceThe holiday hadn't started well-- no rep with a hire car to meet us at the airport, so we had to get a rental car. And then we had to ring the holiday company back in the UK for the combination lock code for the villa. They were very apologetic and promised us compensation on our return. But it was fine now. We were determined to enjoy this treat to ourselves, celebrating my retirement. The villa stood some way above and overlooking the little Spanish seaside town, with the mountains soaring...
OutdoorHi guys, Sorry I had to leave the earlier part in between. Thanks for your responses and love. Keep supporting. There’s lot more to come which includes fantasies, love makeouts, drunk sex and lot other. Girls, you can ping me on I have a 6 inch cock and believe me, you wont regret going ahead. As far as privacy is concerned, that’s guaranteed. I live in Delhi and open to girls and aunties in Delhi. Now, coming back to story. Arun, who had dominated Kara and Tara (his long time crush), was...
Hi Sweetheart,This will scare you I'm sure. Warning: There are some "bad" words below.Casandra, you say you don't want to hurt me. And so, you say that we cannot have a sexual relationship. How about this idea. Not pressuring you but think about it, please.Why don't you allow me to Serve you or put another way, to Worship you. You come over to my place and take your clothes off. I get to see you in all your glory. Then you lay down on my bed. I will then explore your body; I will caress you, I...
Series 9, Episode 2: Yvonne Batty (57), from Folkstone After the excesses of the last episode, it’s time to return to something a little more sedate ... And it doesn’t get more sedate than Folkstone on a Wednesday afternoon... We open with an establishing shot of a very narrow street, with three- and four-story buildings jutting up on either side of us and curving away from us. The road is barely wide enough for two cars to drive in opposite directions, and the sidewalk on either side...
"We're going to play a game," Gary said, his voice light and mocking. He had shoved his hands into his pockets, and was staring off into space. "You can win it; it will have rules and an object. If you do win, we will give you all copies of the video tape and pictures. If you lose..." Stacy sat in stunned silence. The whole world - her world - had changed dramatically in the last half hour. Nothing was the same. That morning, she had woken up an intelligent, free young woman. No clouds...
[Note: If you have your dick in your hand, skip this boring shit and go to “Begin masturbating now!” below.]I am 45. I am a gym teacher at a high school. I like my job because I get to look at hot cheerleaders all day. There was this one cheerleader who was so hot!!! her name was Katilyn. She had brown hair and huge tits.There was another cheerleader. She was blonde and man she was hot. Her name was Cassie. Her tits were even bigger than kaitlyns, and very juicy. But all the cheerleaders were...
Hey, myself Pradeep from bhiwani, haryana . Doing my bca final year. M 21yrs old. This is my first story on ISS so forgive me for any kid of my mistakes. I wont take your too much time. One fine day i was traveling from Delhi to Hissar in a passenger train. Got a window seat and started listening songs. Time passed and Gurgaon station came. From there a sweet,innocent girl came and sits besides me. I guess i had never seen a girl like her. She looks like an angel. After sometime she asked me...
Doctor's Daughterbymreblack©Sean Wilson was extremely tired as he entered the front door of his home. Wilson, a doctor, was at the end of double shift at St. Agnes Hospital, and all he wanted to do was get in his very expensive car, drive to his very expensive home, and get in his very expensive bed. As he entered the door of his home, however, Wilson’s fatigued body was soon brought to attention by a muffled groan eminating from his daughter’s room. Alarmed, he ran up the stairs and was about...
Thirty Minutes Earlier... "There's one more thing I need to tell you." Said Lulu. "What is it?" asked Annabelle. "Lester knows I am here, he followed me to your apartment." "What!" "Please don't panic. You are safe. It's me he is after, but just in case I need to give you this." Lulu reached into her bag and pulled out a needle. "What is that?" asked Annabelle, starting to panic a little. "I told you that my friends from Venus gave me a keepsake or...
James was waiting for me in the bedroom while I got ready. The steam in the bathroom from my relaxing bath had fogged up the mirror, but I really didn’t need it to see, I know my body in such intimate detail that I could get dressed with my eyes closed, blindfolded and in the dark. Luckily, I had candlelight to help me as I unwrapped my terrycloth robe and began applying my Amaretto Truffle Coconut Body Oil from head to toe. I loved the feel of the slippery substance between my fingers as I...
She advertised in the personals column for a man. It read...Wanted: single male, must be endowed, willing to be the sub, live in...Send nude pictures.She received three that she was interested in of all the applications. One was an eighteen year old boy, the second was a forty year old man and the last was a seventy year old man who was wanting to be a sugar daddy to a young girl. All three were good looking sexy and very endowed. She made arrangements to have them each come to her home one at...
This work is copyrighted to the author � 2006. Please don’t remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial “free” sites, or in the “free” area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. It was easy to notice that Mrs Graham our high school senior teacher was constantly looking at the black boy’s crotches in class. The only problem was she finally looked at the wrong one. I stayed after the other kids left class that...
Hi dosto, mera naam Azim hai. Bohut saalon se main aisi sites par stories padh raha hu. Aur apni bhi aap logo ke saath share karta hu. Yeh story kuch hafte pehle ki hai aur yeh ek gay kahani hai. Toh agar aapko gay story nahi read karni toh meri aur bhi stories hai joh aap read kar sakte hai. Meri age 22 hai aur main bisexual hu. Mujhe sex ka bohut craze hai chahe ladki ke saath ya ladke ke saath ho. Main abhi kuch mahino pehle UK se waapis aaya hu apni education poori kar ke. Aur main...
Bobby’s fingers fumbled awkwardly with the buttons on my shirt. I knew he was as nervous as I was. We had been skipping study period for the past few weeks to sneak away to the band equipment room to make out. Usually, we just kissed but today we were both feeling a bit friskier.Maybe it had to do with me not wearing a bra. My nipples had been poking at the material on my shirt since we first entered the room. Bobby kept looking down at them since we began kissing. I, too, was aware that they...
ReluctanceOne day after school Holidae wasn't going to do her homework right away she diecided to go on the internet and play on facebook. The next day was her graduation day before she went off to college. Holidae didn't know what kind of college she wanted to go to. More then ever she found a college that she liked but it was on a different planet billions of light years away. Her parents didn't go to her gradutation because they where to busy working on a project for a big labatory that they...
I finished my Saturday morning yard work about twelve-thirty; grass mowed and edged, water-feature cleaned and water added; barbecue scrubbed down for steaks, later; patio hosed off, and the few weeds along the fence-line, pulled. Ruby and Roxy, my two, three-year-old basset hounds, romped on the new-mown lawn. Roxy took off running, Ruby close on her heal, baying for all she was worth. Up the hill they went, around water-feature and back down to swarm around my legs. Roxy ducked under the...
IncestI would love to make you my dirty sex slave. I would dress you up in a tight lingerie dress where your big tits are exploding out of the top and your ass covered up tight. You would wear thigh high socks that nearly reach your the bottom of the dress but a little skin is exposed between your ass and the top of your thighs. You would wear a sexy choker neckless that highlights your beautiful neck and throat. I would meet you after work with you dressed up like a pretty sex slave waiting for me...
Hello doston, main Anant phir ek aur story lekar aaya hoon aap logo ke liye. Meri pichli story ke liye bahut logo ke mails aaye. Un sab mein kuch log bahut hi acche the kuch bahut hi jyada ajeeb log the. Guys who encouraged me there thank you so much. Please guys fake people stay away. And I don’t want any kind of time pass. I would like to talk with real persons. I don’t believe in just sex chat. Coz it’s like you are insulting sex. Sex is not about only internet sex chat. It’s all about...
“Stop arguing, I’m not sure if I would even have stayed in the nurse’s office with you even…” she says. I take the piece of gum, and put it in my mouth, she does the same, “So what if he is… It’s not like I’d know…” Almost as if to answer my question, Pat appears and sits next to me, as well as another kid. I’m assuming he’s from the football team as well, he has really nice eyes, and the UnderArmor shirt he was wearing did his pecs justice. Sitting down next to Kelly, he was the first to...
The following is a true account of one of many wife-sharing adventures that we have had over the years. A short history: I have been sharing my wife for over ten years. Her chief playmate is a co-worker of mine. Since we cannot play at the home of either party, we get together every few weeks at our workplace after closing. I do not recommend this, but our hormones got the best of us and here we are.The following is one of my favourite jerk-off memories. It seemed like a typical (cuckold)...
Morning Eddie found he couldn't sleep past 3 AM. He rolled around the bed half asleep from 3 AM until 5 AM, then finally gave up. The motel was so cheap he heard the water run in Wes' room when he flushed the toilet. Eddie dressed then went outside in time to catch Wes before his walk. Eddie: So let get on to it. Wes: Right, you want to lead and set the pace. Eddie: You set it, I'll keep up. Wes: Good luck with that one old man. Eddie: This coming from a man with a hangover. Wes: No...
I sat frozen in place, staring at my phone. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the picture of his hard cock. I got up from my seat and walked quickly to the toilet, locked the door and wondered how I was going to calm myself down. I looked over the sink at my reflection. Without really thinking about it, I pulled the clip from my long, dark hair, letting it cascade over my shoulders and down my back. I remember him telling me in one of our flirty exchanges that he preferred my hair down. At that...
The Starshrike moved above the clouds, the sun sparkling on her hull, and cold wind whipping past the shimmering shield of deflective mana as the Unconquered stood, a foot raised, his hands planted before his chest as he tried to concentrate while his wife Xora and his wife Ceaith had extremely energetic, oil slicked sex. Ember opened one eye to peek as Xora – her normal fashions having slipped due to the swiftness of her stripping – threw one muscular leg up, her toes curling as her gasping...
Tabitha did end up calling the guy. During the day, George spent his time playing the slot machines, even doing a little gambling at the card tables. Being an architect without a wife and kids, he had a lot of money. When the little snotling offered for things to be paid for, he didn’t argue because where he could save he would, especially when he is supposed to be retired and Tabitha’s money is supposed to help out a little. Of course neither pays the bills, but no one knew that or needed...
Hello dosto I am Aman this is my first story .m I m 24 year old my height is 5’6”. Yeh story 4 saal pahlai ki hai jab BCA 1 st sem mai tha meri ek madam thi jo mujhai c++ padati thi mujhai jab koi parasani hoti thi to mai unsai puch laita tha .ek din bato bato mai mainai unsai pucha aap akeli rahti hai aap ko daar nahi lagta aur aap kai pati kaha hai. To unhonai kaha mai ab akeli rahti hu aur mera pati sai koi wasta nahi hai. Unka badan bahut hi sexy tha bade bade boobs aur 28 ki kamar ek din...
I met Ann online. We chatted for a while and finally decided to meet. Against all odds, we hit it off pretty well and in a matter of weeks, we became a couple. The first few months were like wedded bliss, romantic dates, and outings, doing almost everything together. And of course the sex. Sex was incredible. Well, at least as far as I could tell, being young and very inexperienced.Ann was the same age as me, but it was clear from the beginning that she had way more experience with sex. I...
BisexualHi Friends, Mera naam saurav h.aur m delhi se hu aur m 32 saal ka hu. M dikhne m smart huu..aisa sb kehte h mujhe…m noida job kr rha huye baat 0ct 2012 ki h..hmare ground floor pe ek couple rehne aaya tha..bhaiya ka naam nitin tha aur bhabi ka naam astha kya bumb piece thi…gori itni k puchho mt..Figure 32 34 36….jeans m nikal jaye to uski gand dekh k log sadak pe hi pagal ho jaye..zada tr vo suit pehnti thi…m to dekhte hi uska aashiq ho gya tha.. raat din use chodne k sapne dekha krta tha aur...
Leah Marshall was busy in the office of the motorcycle shop one Thursday afternoon, catching up with some paperwork. She would much rather have been in the back turning wrenches on one of the bikes, but sometimes paperwork takes precedence over preference! Leah had always had a love of motorcycles and started working part time at another motorcycle shop while she was in high school. Then when she graduated, she began working there full time while taking night classes in how to work on...
Still Rob. So. Lisa and I facing each other across the room – not that we were that far apart in a studio flat. After an endless silence, her face crumpled. I took a step forward, she did the same, and she was in my arms, crying. “Baby?” What am I saying? Baby? Pet names? “Rob ... I ... my Dad ... he’s ... Oh, God...” So I held her until she calmed somewhat. “Lisa, I need to sit...” “Oh! Rob! I’m sorry...” She relaxed her hold and I followed suit. “Don’t be.” I made my way to the...
I completely forgot about the principal standing next to me. I forgot that I was in my university, surrounded by a thousand giggling, gossiping students. My mind was focussed entirely on the gorgeous, dripping slit in front of me I so needed to bury my cock into. I leaned forward, guiding my throbbing manhood to the Lily’s tight, quivering opening. She gasped in the daze of her climax, her head tipping back and she gave a long, deep groan to feel my head pressing against her entrance. As I...
BDSMIntroduction Chapter 1 TRAVIS I continued to date Kim for the remainder of the school year, always accompanied by another couple. Kim insisted, from our first date, that this would be a requirement in order to protect her reputation from being thought of as just another of the girls that had slept with me. Kim made it very clear that she was not ready or willing to have sex with me, or with anyone for that matter, and made me promise to respect her wishes. You don't have any idea how...
This is a highly modified story from several authors here put together for a better story of lost love and sex. No one wins when a spouse cheats, except the lawyers.My wife Sara and I John have been married for 30 years and have been happy until my wife got a new job the few years ago. That is when she became distant and cold toward me and she stopped having sex with me. We are in our early 50's, my wife 1 1/2 years my younger. I am 6' and she is 5' 4". My wife is beautiful working out most...
He woke up in the dark, feeling warm and sleepy, but excited too.His mind woke him, yet again, with thoughts of his upcoming visit from his Mistress. He had been dreaming, dreaming of being tied and helpless, and of being touched all over with hands, stroking, caressing. He dreamed that his Mistress had given him the pleasure of being touched by so many hands, all over him, his body covered in oil, soft hands sliding on his skin. As he reached the point in his dream where he would normally have...
As it turned out, Scooter wore her Wild Wet bikini more than she expected -- she'd thought it would be only the once, to humor Michelle. It kept her covered to the point of possibly being legal if the definition -- and the suit -- were stretched a little. That was good for just lying in the sun for a little winter tanning if someone was around, for all three of them would lie out in the nude if they were alone. And yes, it did catch some attention. Over four weeks, they did more sailing than...