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Seeking Enlightenment through Bondage

I am a creature of habit. I do the same thing, the same way, in the same order, every day. Well, work days, at least. When I walk out the door in the morning, I'm carrying a stuffed-full lunch bucket and a mostly-full coffee cup. The coffee cup becomes depressingly empty on the way to work and gets left in the car, but the bucket goes in with me.

When I get home in the evening, I put the half-empty bucket and the useless coffee cup on my spoiler and walk back out to the street to check the mail. I do a quick sort right there at the street, because I'm going to walk right past the trash can where I can dump most of it, before I pick up the bucket and cup on my way to my front door.

Park in the garage? That's for normal people. I've got a two-car garage, but one side is full of stuff and the other side stays empty as a kind of work area. Yeah, I pull my car in there if I'm working on it, but if it's running fine it stays out on the driveway where it belongs.

Now, there's no telling what I'll be doing a minute after I walk in my door with the few bills I couldn't throw away, but from about 7:15 in the morning, until about 4:45 in the afternoon, I do the same thing I've done every day since old man Everett caught my boss Joe buying home equipment with company funds and promoted me to IT manager on the spot.

Friday evening when I got home, my new neighbor across the street completely screwed up my routine, but I don't think I should complain. I was checking my mailbox when I realized that she had come out and was doing the same thing with hers. I looked up at a sound, and saw her walking back up her driveway, so I called out "Wait!"

She stopped and turned around, so I hurried across the street and introduced myself. "Hi! I'm Bill Adams. This is the first time I've had a chance to say 'hi' since you moved in."

She introduced herself as Shauna Bryant, and we did the small talk thing for a few minutes, mostly about how wonderful the neighborhood was. She wasn't a movie star, but she was a good ways more attractive than the people I worked with, so I enjoyed the talk. I didn't have much of a social life, and most of my attention was on not-staring at her breasts.

Soon enough, I told her I needed to see about dinner, and turned to go home. Before I'd gotten across the street, though, she called out to me "Bill!"

I stopped and turned back to look at her, and said "What?"

She seemed to hesitate, and then said "Uh, nothing, sorry" so I shrugged and went on home.

After dinner I went into the garage to do something -I have no idea what it was any more- and I opened the garage door for some fresh air. When I did, I saw Shauna standing in her driveway across the street, still holding her mail and looking like she'd been there the whole time. I waved at her and she waved back, still standing there.

So, I walked back over there and asked "Are you alright?" This conversation I remember much more clearly, because I was so confused at the time.

Shauna said "Yes ... no." so I replied "Tell me what's wrong."

She looked at me and said "I'm getting tired. How long do I have to wait out here? What am I waiting for?"

I looked right back at her and said "I dunno, what are you waiting for?"

"Well, if you don't know, why did you tell me to wait?"

"Huh? What did I tell you to wait for? When was this? I never even met you before this evening." ... and why are you waiting for me, anyway?

"When you got home, you told me to wait, just before you walked over here. I've been waiting all this time, and I'm getting tired and I'm past getting hungry."

"You mean you've been standing out here ever since we talked, because I told you to wait?"

"That's exactly what I mean."

"So why does what I said an hour ago keep you from doing what you want?"

She didn't have an answer to that, so I said "Okay, maybe asking 'why' isn't a good idea. How about asking 'what'? Do you have to do whatever I tell you to do?"

She didn't answer that, either, so I said "Jump up and down."

Shauna jumped up and down, and I admit I did stare at what her blouse was doing when she did it. When she was standing there again, I said "No, keep jumping up and down until I tell you to stop."

So, she started jumping up and down again. While she was doing that, I asked "So, do you have to do everything I tell you to do?" No answer, so "Okay, here is an order: 'Answer all of my questions as truthfully as you can.' Okay? Shauna, do you have to do everything I tell you to do?"

"I don't know. I think so."

"Okay, that's one of the things we'll test. Next, do you know why you have to obey me?"

"No, I don't."

"Okay, you can stop jumping." She looked winded when she stopped, so I asked "Do you need to go get a drink, and maybe use the bathroom, before we continue this?"

"Yes, please. Bathroom, a drink, and something to eat if I can."

"Okay. I want to know what's going on, and you NEED to know what's going on. Go do everything you need to do inside, and come knock on my door when you're ready to continue this conversation. Don't dawdle, but take care of dinner. Oh, yeah. Is it just me, or do you have to obey anyone who gives you an order?"

"I ... I don't know." From the look on her face, she hadn't thought about that yet.

"Okay then, Shauna, here's another order, but this one may be for your own good. Do not talk to ANYONE about this, and try hard to avoid any situation where someone could give you an order, until we know more. People say stupid things, and I don't want you hurt because you had to do something stupid. Are you expecting any phone calls tonight?"

"No, I'm not."

"Good. Don't make any, and don't answer the phone if it rings. I'm going home, and you're going to come see me to clear this up when you're done with dinner. Okay?"

"Okay, thanks."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"As soon as you let me, I'm going to run to the bathroom, and then I'm going to have dinner. After that I'm going to your house and knock on your door."

I smiled. "After you knock, wait for me to open the door. I'll have figured out how I want to proceed by then."

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, go on. I'll be waiting for you." I shooed her away, and she ran inside. She probably had to go pretty bad, and jumping up and down probably didn't help any. I went back home to think this over.

I sat down to check the weather and news and stuff, and of course the first thing I saw was a commercial for some fitness center that will change my life. Shit. What if she turns on the TV, and some idiot says "Come buy a new car from us right now?"

I ran back over to her house -God knows what our OTHER neighbors are thinking- and rang her doorbell. No answer. Okay, is it locked? Yes. Well, she's no dummy. I tried yelling thru it. "Shauna, this is Bill! Come to the front door and let me in!"

After a minute or two I could see her through the window, and she opened the door.

"Sorry, but I turned my TV on, and got a commercial. What would happen if you heard a guy on the TV or the radio telling you to go buy a new car right now?"

"I don't want a new car."

"Okay, but that's not the point. Think about this: Do we know yet if you can ignore other people, or if you have to obey every order you get from everyone?"

She was silent for a moment while she thought that over. "No, we don't know yet."

"Well, apparently you still have to obey me; you came and let me in. Here's another set of orders, for your own safety. Until we figure out what's going on, do not listen to a radio, watch or listen to a TV, or read anything that might have an ad in it. God, I don't even want you reading the label on a box of food. Shauna, would you be okay with me ordering pizza delivery for us tonight?"

"Do I have any choice?"

"Well, what do you think we should do? If you prefer something else, we can do that, but I don't want you exposed to strangers until we get this figured out. Would you prefer Chinese? Or, I can go get you something if you'd be safe here."

"Why wouldn't I be safe in my own home, if you're not here ordering me around?"

"I don't know. If even you don't know who-all can give you orders, you can get in trouble pretty easily. Just off the top of my head, I can see you driving to get that new car the TV told you to go buy, then seeing a billboard that tells you to go get some Ex-Lax right now. So, you stop at a convenience store to buy that, and when you walk in some drunk stops you. You're pretty good looking. What if some drunk asshole steps in front of you and says 'Blow me for a dollar, bitch'?" You start doing that, and you'll have ten other guys around saying 'Blow me, too'. And they won't stop there, either."

She didn't say anything, but she looked pretty unhappy.

"Okay, so you don't want me ordering you around. That's cool; I wouldn't want to have me ordering me around, either. Still, I'm probably better than the next guy who accidentally gives you a stupid order and finds out that you'll do it."

We just looked at each other for a minute. I guess I hadn't given her an order, and she didn't have anything she wanted to say.

"Shauna, come here and give me a hug." She did that, and even though she felt very stiff, it was good for me.

I held her and softly said "Shauna, I don't love you, and you don't love me, but as long as you have to obey me I'll try to take care of you." She softened a little and started to feel a lot better. "Okay, I don't want you trying to cook right now, and I can't cook, and it's not safe to take you to a restaurant, so what's left?"

"Can we do a drive-thru?"

I had to think for a minute. So what, it was an excuse to keep holding her. She was beginning to feel really good, pressed up against me like that. "Tell you what. I don't think it's a good idea, but I won't veto it without discussion. Let's go inside, close the door, and sit and talk about it."

I let her go, and she led me into her den. I told her "If you're thirsty, please fix two of whatever you would fix yourself", and sat down on her couch where I could watch her. I saw an attractive black woman -probably about my age but I'm not an expert on her ethnic group- with hips wider than I would have chosen if it were up to me, her chest smaller than I would have liked -but that's really not saying anything, I would probably say that about ANY woman- and a pleasant face, now somewhat stressed by her situation.

While she was fixing the drinks -apparently she was a wine drinker- I said "Shauna, I know I'm being nosy, but we're going to be together until you beat this. If you have to do whatever I say, then I'm going to keep you pretty close to me. Of course I'll find ways to benefit from having you around, but I'll also try to protect you. We'll need to know each other pretty well so we don't annoy each other any worse than we have to."

As she handed me a wine glass and sat down beside me, I continued "Honestly, I don't think I should let you be anywhere that has other people until we know what the rules are. How do we tell, without letting someone else give you an order, whether it's just me, or everyone?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I'm not going to give you an order to figure it out. Whether that kind of order works is another question, and it's not as important as this. Okay, do you know how long you've been like this?"

"No. You told me to wait this afternoon and I was just stuck there."

"Okay, well, when was the last time you talked with anyone?"

"When I was leaving work, I talked with a co-worker in the parking lot." She laughed. "She told me to have a good weekend."

I had to laugh, too. "So, was that an order that you had to obey?"

"I don't think so. It didn't seem like it. And, it doesn't look like it's going to happen, now."

Now it looked like she was going to start crying, so I said "Come here" and pulled her onto my lap. "Yes you're attractive and yes I'm a normal guy and yes I'm going to take advantage of you, but I also want you to be happy. If we can make it a good weekend, we will."

I pulled her to me and started rubbing her back, well, yeah, I guess I was fondling her, but I can do that, right? "Okay, back to the subject at hand. You want to go to a drivethru for dinner. I want to be selfish, and keep other people from telling you what to do. It's all very well to have an attractive woman at your beck and call, but I don't want to share with anyone else."

She wasn't relaxing under my fingers, so I stopped and pushed her away so I could see her face. "You're all stressed out. Are you waiting for me to make you do horrible things?"

Shauna said "Yes. I hate not knowing what you are going to want me to do."

I pulled her back to me, and went back to rubbing her back. "Well, I'm going to want the same stuff that any man would want from you. Haven't you ever dated? The only difference is that now you actually have to do that stuff."

"I was married once. Well, I still am, but we don't ever see each other."

"Then you already know all about it. Cooking, cleaning, incredible sex, you know. The usual."

This time she pulled away to look at me. "That's all? You're not gonna make me do anything else?"

"Shauna, before the women's lib movement, that's what a marriage was. The woman left her father's house, promised to obey her husband at the wedding, and became his property. In return, he promised to cherish and take care of her. So you can think of it as an arranged marriage that surprised us both. You can even tell me I'm an idiot, if you think it's deserved, and I'll get stuffy and say 'Woman, be quiet and obey your husband'. No, that would be bad. I'd better say 'Woman, be quiet and obey me'. We don't want you obeying your husband."

"So when are you going to ask for the incredible sex?"

"Well, we'd be at it right now, but you still haven't had dinner yet. What's wrong with telling me what you want, and sending me out to get it for you?"

"Well, when you put it that way I can certainly send you after dinner."

"Right. Cooking, then cleaning, and then incredible sex. Then, you're okay with me leaving you here while I get you dinner?"

"What do you want me to be doing while you're gone?"

I smiled and moved my hands around in front, and started fondling her breasts through her blouse and bra, the first time I'd touched her anywhere 'inappropriate' since this whole thing started. "Whatever it is that women do to get ready for a dinner date with a new boyfriend, when they really want him to come back for a second date."

She was quiet then, and I didn't have anything to say. I was pretty well occupied playing with her tits, even with her clothes on.

All good things gotta end, though. Eventually I got tired of all the clothes and I undid one of her blouse's buttons, saying "If you don't tell me what you want for dinner soon, we're gonna be too busy and you never will get to eat."

"If you really want to, I can wait."

"What I really want is to spend the entire night with you, and have it be so good that I'll do anything to keep you. Hopefully, I'll please you enough that you want me back, too."

"Am I going to have any choice in that?"

"Well, I hope not, but we still don't know why you have to obey me. For all we know you'll wake up tomorrow and be normal again. If that happens, I want you to remember that I fed you first, and tried to please you, too. Maybe you'll just kick me out, instead of waking me up with a steak knife in my ribs."

"You think this is just temporary? I'll be okay tomorrow?"

"Shauna, I think you're just crazy, but as long as you think you have to do what I want, I'm going to take advantage of it. And, speaking of taking advantage of you, I can't stand it any more. Shauna, take your blouse off."

I took my hands off her while she was opening her blouse up, and then went back to playing while she did the contortion thing to get her arms out. When she had it off, I said "Thank you. Okay, now your bra. My hands should be warm enough" When that was out of the way I put my hands where they belonged.

From this view, Shauna's breasts were full and firm, they looked and felt great, and were plenty big enough. "Mmmm that feels good. Shauna, tell me how you like to be touched."

"I think you're doing it. My husband was never that gentle."

"Well, as much as I like to do this, it's gonna lead to other things. Shauna, we can stay here as long as you want, but when you're ready I'm going to give you another order. Have you ever given head?"

"Yes, but I'm not an expert."

"That's okay, I don't think you need to be right now. Besides, if I get my way you'll get plenty of practice." With that I started licking, sucking, and nibbling on her nipples. They hardened nicely when I did that, and before long she was squirming. Good. Let's see what she has to say...

After a few minutes of really enjoyable playing and nibbling, Shauna said "I'm ready to go to bed now, if you want."

"Nope, gotta have dinner first. I don't want you losing any weight and blaming me. However, before I go get your dinner I do want a blowjob from a beautiful naked lady. Shauna, take the rest of your clothes off."

While she was doing that, I stood up and took my shoes and pants off. Then I sat down again and said "Shauna, give me the best blowjob you know how." I put it that way mostly because I'd never had a good one, and wasn't sure how it was done.

She climbed onto the couch and showed me. I don't think I learned enough to do it myself, but I was pretty happy with the lesson. The only thing wrong with her way was that I couldn't really play with her tits while she was doing it, but I did get to play with her ass. Before long I had to grab her head and say "Don't move" while I shoved my cock down her throat and exploded. When I was done, I let go, stroked her hair, and said "That was wonderful. You know exactly what you're doing." I had to (mentally) take it back, though, because she started licking and bobbing again.

"Stop!" Again I held her head, and this time I told her "It's too sensitive for that. Just hold it." After a couple of seconds I let go and continued stroking her hair again while my woody went away.

Eventually I decided that she'd kept it warm long enough, and pulled her back up on my lap again. I hugged her as tight as I could and told her "That was incredible. After whatever it is wears off and you don't have to obey me any more, will you marry me?"

"Not if that's all you ever let me eat!" She was smiling, though. Good.

"Yeah, that's next. Okay, darling, which steakhouse do you want me to go get your lobster dinner from?"

"Why can't I go with you? You ashamed of being seen with your little black slave girl?"

"Couple of reasons. First off, I'm sure you know how simple a man's mind is. If I have to choose between letting other men see you naked, and letting you put some clothes on, that's ... difficult. So, I could leave you here naked and go out by myself, but that involves letting go of you, and leaving the house with you in here naked waiting for me, and I'm not sure I can do that, either."

"Shauna, telling you to give me the best blowjob you could was a mistake. I don't know whether to shit or wind my watch."


"That's an old George Carlin quote. You didn't listen to George Carlin growing up? We'll have to fix that. Anyway, my whole purpose in life is now centered around making sure you do that again, whenever I want, forever. What's the best way to do that? I don't know which way to go. Be nice to you so you'll like me and do it? Be mean to you so you do it out of fear? Tie you up so you can't get away? I dunno. One thing I do know is that, if you're married, your husband's an idiot."

"What? I mean, I know, but what do you mean?"

"Shauna, next year you can burn the house down, wreck the car, and accidentally poison the dog all on the same day, and I won't care as long as you tell me I still get my blowjob that night. What's wrong with you, that he doesn't feel the same way?"

"I don't know. Apparently, whatever it is, isn't wrong with his girlfriend."

"And, how did he come to be looking for a girlfriend, if he had you to come home to? Doesn't matter right now. What do you want to eat?"

"It depends. Do I get to go with you?"

"Isn't this where we started? We still don't know anything, and the question is a lot more important now."

"What question? And, can I get up now? I want to add 'stiff' and 'cold' to 'horny' and 'hungry'."

I let go of her, and she climbed off me and got to her feet. I just sat there staring at her while she stretched. When she noticed me, she turned her stretching into a show and I just sat there staring. Somehow, she looked a lot better than she had earlier. I was probably drooling.

"Do you see anything you like?"

"I want you to stay naked for the rest of your life. I want you to stay in front of me where I can watch you, for the rest of your life." I sighed. "And, I don't want any other men to ever touch you or even look at you again. I don't know how to do all that at once."

I stood up and started putting my pants back on. "Okay, I'll let you come with me, but we've got to compromise. I'll let you wear your blouse and pants, but no underwear. Whatever shoes you want, and a jacket if you want." By then I was done with my pants, and I stopped to watch her get dressed. Very depressing and unnatural.

"Shauna, here are some more orders. They are all about keeping me stable and happy, and they are forever. Stay with me. Never leave me without my express permission. Never do or say anything to let anyone know that you have this problem. Pretend that we have been dating, and you are with me because I make you happy. For my part, I'll try to make that true. And the last order for now is, ignore any order anyone else gives you. I don't know if that works, but I hope so."

By this time she was putting her shoes on, with her bra and panties still on the couch where she'd left them earlier. While I was putting my shoes and socks on (Why is it always said that way? Shouldn't it be 'socks and shoes'?) I asked "Do you want a jacket, or is that good enough? I think you should at least take one."

"It's not cold out. Where are we going?"

I smiled at her. "I don't know. My 'little black slave girl' hasn't told me yet where she wants to go."

"Well, where do you want to go?"

"I'm not sure I should say what I want. I don't know how this works yet, and I wonder if I tell you what I want, if it might somehow magically become what you want, too. I think you should tell me where you want to go, first."

"Well, how much money are we spending?"

"However much whatever you want costs."

"So, if I want fresh Maine lobster at Louie's that's okay?"

"After what you just did? You'll want a jacket that you don't mind having to wash. Those things are messy."

"You mean it? We can go to Louie's?"

"If that's what you want, sure. Grab a jacket and let's go."

"Should I bring my purse?"

"Yes, of course. And we need to lock up; we'll be gone for a while."

We had some confusion about whether "Never leave me" applied to leaving the room to get her jacket. I decided that, for now, it did. I told her that until I felt secure in our relationship, I didn't want her to go anywhere without me. So, I had to walk around with her while she locked up, got her purse, and selected a jacket.

After that we walked across the street to my car, but first we had to close up my house, too, because I'd left it wide open earlier. I mean, most of the doors were closed, but the garage door was still open. This time, Shauna had to walk around with me as I closed doors and locked up.

When I locked the front door on our way out, I opened the passenger door for Shauna, and closed it for her once she was in. I thought I might as well treat it like a regular date, with a guaranteed payoff at the end. Shauna wasn't acting like she could say goodnight and close the door on my face.

The drive was pretty quiet; just small talk about if she'd ever been to Louie's before (no), and then if I'd ever been (well, no, I haven't, either, but it's just another steak house, isn't it?). Dinner was very good. We both got a lobster and steak combo and spent the meal arguing about the rest of our respective orders. I had a great time, much better than most 'first dates' I had been on. Of course, both of us were on our best behavior. We both had very strong incentive to keep the other happy and calm.

Shauna likes her steaks rare, as it tastes best that way, with maybe some salt and pepper. I want mine cooked until it is dead, dead, dead, with a variety of sauces. She likes her potato with "nuthin' but butter" because, again, that's how it tastes the best. I have them put everything they can find on mine because a potato doesn't HAVE any taste; it's just an excuse to eat all the other stuff. She says I'm going to die of a heart attack before I'm 40. I say I'd better enjoy life now, since I'm 34.

We both agreed that the lobster was good. And the service was VERY good. The wait staff made suggestions when requested, but never told us what we wanted. That would have been awkward, of course, and I was becoming very sensitive to all the little things that people tell each other to do. The bill was outrageous, but with everything all together it's a great place to go to celebrate a milestone like a graduation, a birthday, a promotion, or even a new girfriend (I didn't actually say "that does what she's told and gives awesome head" but I think she heard it anyway). She got darker at that, proof that blacks can blush. Or, maybe, that their faces can flush in anger. I hoped it was a blush.

We had a glass of wine each, because I thought it would help calm us down, but Shauna reminded me that the bathroom would be awkward if she could not leave me, so we didn't have any more.

I didn't try to get serious again until we were driving back. I reached over and held her hand, and asked "How are you doing?"

"I'm a lot calmer. I think you are right; if I think about it as an old-times arranged marriage before women's lib, I'm not much worse than those people were. Worse off, I mean. And you were a very nice date. I can't remember the last time I went out with a man that he didn't try to paw me. And you paid the bill, too, without saying a word."

"Well, I asked you out. I should pay. If you ever ask me out, I'll expect you to pay for it. And, I certainly AM planning on pawing you tonight, I just didn't want to do it in front of everyone else. You look much yummier than any of those desserts, and I'm not going to wait any longer than I have to. You may as well resign yourself to getting naked as soon as we close your front door. You may well be all better in the morning, and I'm not going to kick myself for the rest of my life because I didn't do you when I had the chance."

"So, what happens if we wake up in the morning and I tell you to get out of my house?"

"You can say that right now, can't you? You just can't make it stick. You tell me to get out of your house, I tell you to get on your knees and start licking, and we'll see what happens. If you stay on your feet and slap me, we'll know you're cured."

"We'll have to see. Maybe it can be a daily ritual."

"Well, I'd certainly like that. You can try to get rid of me at any time; I will see if I can stay."

And, that ended that conversation. I left my hand on hers, though, and she didn't move away. Did that count as pawing, or was she afraid of what I'd do if she moved? I was thinking so hard about reaching into her blouse I was having trouble driving, but I wanted to be polite until we got home. If this lasted long at all, I wanted her to remember that I was nice to her when I didn't have to be.

After a few minutes she asked "Yummier?"


"Is that a word? 'Yummier'?"

"Of course it is. Yummy, yummier, yummiest. That dessert tray looked yummy. You just look yummier. I hope you don't mind."

Eventually we got home and I parked in my normal spot. I helped her out, and then realized that we should be discussing plans so I leaned against my car and asked "Shauna, I'm sure I made it obvious that I plan on us sleeping together for as long as this lasts. Can you think of any reason for it to matter whether we are in your house or mine? I've got some fish but they don't seem to notice me as long as they get fed on schedule. Do you have any pets that need attention?"

"Not yet. I was going to get a cat or dog or something as soon as I was settled in."

Something about that made me ask. "Have you ever had a dog or cat before?"

"We had a dog growing up. And, there were always cats around."

"Hmmm. I had a dog growing up, but I haven't had one since I've lived on my own. It just wouldn't be fair, since I was never home to play with it. But, if there's the two of us maybe we can. We'll have to see."

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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 3

Page had put her dressing coat back on, but it hung open in the front, a distracting display in the least with her breasts tenting out the front and her trim stomach and shaved pussy framed by the pale fabric. She was standing a few yards down the hall from the door of Lord Blackmon’s temporary bedroom. “Master Carl, can I have a moment of your time?” “Sure Page.” They began walking back towards the Great room and the fireplace, but Page did not sit down and she seemed somewhat anxious. He...

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Eat My Pussy You Prick

  Turn About Is Fair Play One of my neighbors is named Bill. Bill is not particularly good looking and a very dominating person. He is always telling his poor wife what to do how to do it. She can’t do anything without Bill getting involved. Bill is a Carpenter. I bought some pictures last summer that Jerry never got around to putting up so I asked Bill if he would come over and put them up. He said he would be over when he got time. That was Bill everything had to be done on his schedule. ...

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Chapter 1:Hi reader. My name is Jasmine. I won't tell you my age, but I bet if you pay attention you can probably make a pretty good guess, lol. I'm pretty young though. But I really am very mature for my age.As I write this, I'm imagining all the people it might reach, letting so many strangers know my secrets, knowing the things I've done. I'll go through life from now on wondering if that cashier knows... that guy on the train knows... someone in my life knows... and just like right now,...

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Tomb Raider Escape from the Temple

Lara turned around with a grin of pain. The wind was biting any exposed flesh. It was a cold, very cold night. She cursed herself for not hiring a guide to help her get across that area. It was rumored to be a cursed mountain pass, the home of many ancient treasures that were better left undisturbed. But "ancient treasures better left undisturbed" were precisely what brought her in that part of the world in the first place. Lara stumbled towards what looked like a niche in the mountain side....

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My sexy orgy

One day I left my friends house about 10 pm. I got to the top of his road going past a shop and this fat bird was walking up to me. Then she stopes so I stop and she asked me if I had a spare fag. So I said yeah hang on a sec. As I reached for my fags she asked me where I was going. I said i'm going home. All of a sudden she asked me do you find me atractive with my big tits and my fat ass. So I said yes I do. Do you find me atractive. She said yeah do you fancy a fuck. I said where shall we...

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Sex with mom

I am mahesh, age 25, staying with my mom, age 42. My father is usually travels on business trips almost 2- days a month. I always fantasized about getting sucked by mom and one day the fantasy became reality. That sunday afternoon, i was lying in my bed, naked, with cover over me. I was reading porno book and was totally engrossed in reading. Door of bedroom was not locked and i did not notice mom walking inside. I was startled when she asked, ‘mahesh, what are you reading? Some novel? Let me...

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Deflowering My Sexy Mallu Junior

Hi readers, I am Yesboy. I am a student doing my bachelors degree in Bangalore. I am 21 years old, 6 feet tall and heavily built guy. Well, I have never measured my dick size but I have heard from my junior that it’s big. I am an ISS reader since the past 4 years. After all these years of reading, I finally decided to break the ice by posting my story. This is my first post here. Kindly let me know by giving your precious feedback. To start with my story, this took place in February of this...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E09 Greta Sorenson 46 from Winchester

We fade in on our darkened set. For the ninth episode in a row that rusty old bedstead, and the ugly, dirty mattress, sits in the middle of the bare concrete floor in the middle of our studio ... We’ve seen 7 dogs and a pig in action on and around this bed, and we can see numerous stains on the mattress that have result from their ejaculations ... We don’t linger on them too long before we hear the clicking of approaching high heeled shoes, clicking along the concrete floor – and whip our...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 33

Show time "Everything is set with Viktor's connections? They've set up the website and the streaming video links, and there will be enough server capacity so it won't crash when it gets hit with a tsunami of connections?" Mike asked. "Oh, yes, no doubt. Viktor pulled out all the stops with his contact who owns a huge chunk of the network capacity in the U.S. Apparently the guy doesn't have a clue about what is going to hit the air, but Viktor's pulled a double whammy on the guy. He...

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A Dream comes True Ch9

A Dream comes True. Ch 9 by Julian Irwin. I got woken my Denise with a kiss to my cheek, saying that Aunty is wanting me. With partly opened eyes I saw the drapes had been parted to let in some unwanted early morning daylight. "Did you have a good sleep, what did you dream about?" she asked, sitting herself beside me wearing only her pretty oyster shade mid length satin nighty, while displaying a big smile. "I didn't have time for any dreams; I got woken to early by someone...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 3 Descendant of Tokyo Samurai Myoujin Yahiko

The day after Kenshin defeated the Sword-bearing Police, rumors flew and people gathered in the Kamiya Kasshin dojo. Kaoru: Wow, there's more than fifteen people here! The Kamiya Kasshin school is revived! Kenshin: This isn't good. Kaoru: Huh? Kenshin: Excuse me, everyone. I'm not originally from this school, and I'm not taking any pupils, so if you came because you saw the disturbance yesterday, I'm sorry, but please leave. (Kaoru stands staring at an empty yard.) Kenshin: Well,...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 18

APO PRIME DAY FORTY Helen tossed down the data scroll in disgust and leaned back in the chair. Her head hurt and her eyes were sore from so much reading. Dysea looked up from the pad she was reading with one hand, alternating between sips of very strong tea and rubbing the bridge of her nose. L'tian and the others were spread out in the sub level archives at small tables going through the volumes that Helen had told them to find. All of the tables were littered with coffee and tea mugs and...

3 years ago
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Betrayed used and blackmailed part 1

I turn around and go back to his house, I sense something is going on and I’m right. I recognize a car that was at the bar when I left parked right in front of his condo. I think maybe I should just go, but why would he ask me to come back, to catch him fucking another girl. So I decide to go in and have it out with him and her, I deserve better. When he answers the door a get a surprise there she is just sitting on the couch and he answers just as nothing is wrong, in his mind. He invites me...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 26

They sauntered up to the long dimly lit oak bar and climbed onto two stools, looking around all the time while trying to remain sophisticated. The barman glanced at Lauren and took a long look at Emma. "Two cokes, please!" said Lauren. The barman served them within seconds, bringing a little bowl of nuts and crackers with their drinks as he smiled at them both. Lauren asked for the dinner menu and they studied it, trying to determine from the French and Spanish descriptions exactly what...

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Letters to ColletteChapter 7

Dear Collette, You are excited about possible adventures with Carla. Well, things are picking up. Well, I went to Carla's apartment Saturday afternoon. Carla and I talked on the phone that morning and she told me to come over about 4, wear something very casual and that she would fix us some dinner. I volunteered to bring wine, which I did. I wore a New York Yankee t-shirt, white tennis shorts and some deck shoes which I kicked off as I entered the door. Carla and her daughter were there,...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 19 The Naked Cetologist

Hank kept it quiet; an unidentified cruise missile had been launched from a ship on Gulf Coast of Florida at Pensacola. It wasn't a big deal--the Pensacola Amazon Militia detected it, took control, diverted the missile to land in the Gulf Coast away from the city and near a yacht named the Wacky Wench. Colonel Charles Jackson leaned over the rail and dry heaved into the Gulf of Mexico. After gagging, Jackson raised his bloodshot eyes and stared at the American ship standing off a mere 500...

2 years ago
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Diary of a Devoted Sister

I’ve never spoken to anyone about what happened that summer, the summer in Italy . Not Cathy, my closest friend. Certainly not my family, although I tried so, so many times to find the courage to tell my sister, thinking, hoping she might understand. But she wouldn’t. My husband? No. It would kill him. It would be the end of us. Not even him. My brother… there, I said it. My brother. God, my little brother. What happened scares me. He scares me. No, that’s not right. We scare me. So it’s time...

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Scratches My Back With Pleasure

I am Asholder10,21 M,average guy but I am sure you wouldn't get disappointed by my looks. This goes back to year and half in MSU university,Baroda,Gujarat. I was busy with my life,was having fun being single. As you know being single leads to many oppurtunities,I got one too. Was doing my graduation in arts and there I met this girl Katya,she was charming and hell of a beauty. Well, in our first year I was kinda guy who wasn't as good with words as other guys are. I liked her the way she...

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Clothing Optional

I spent this weekend up in KC with my boyfriend and his friends. We had this long running joke "we will sleep our way into a hotel room, whore you out for the night" God, what a wonderful idea that was.We went and visited his friends int her hotel room six people I hadn't ever seen prior to the weekend. Well when we showed up around 6 that evening three of them were cuddled up on the bed and somebody shouted, "it's clothing optional tonight." Naturally my boyfriend shed his shirt and I...

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Signs Ch 01

This story is told in a series of flashbacks from the main character’s perspective. It could only be told in that manner, so in order to avoid confusion, I’ve used directional arrows to separate the shifts, back for the past, forward for the present. Hopefully this will help avoid confusion and make it a smooth read for everyone. Thanks as always to my editor Kev, and my friends who helped me to find the right words. A very special thanks to J for giving me permission to tell the story. She...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 322

After our daughter of fifteen years of age was moved to tears by the speech of Greta Thunberg at the UN the other day, she became angry with our generation “who had been doing nothing for thirty years.” So, we decided to help her prevent what the girl on TV announced of “massive eradication and the disappearance of entire ecosystems.” We are now committed to give our daughter a future again, by doing our part to help cool the planet four degrees. From now on she will go to school on a...

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Sex with my neighbour

My neighbours were a married couple Jim and Jo and we often visited each others bungalow fora drink and chat. Sadly, Jim was killed in a car accident a couple of years ago which made o a widow. She and I still visit each other for drinks. One sunny day I decided to clear the dead leaves from my roof gutters so I put a ladder against one of them. When I climbed up I could look over the high fence between Jo’s garden and mine. I saw Jo, stark naked, lying on a lounger, obviously sun bathing. I...

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RomanceChapter 12

Romance: Another country heard from:12. Rather than spend hours hoping to sell another knife, Kevin Pipes and John Parker loaded everything back up into their old U Haul van and followed us back to Frogmorton. "I had no idea this place was here," Kevin said. "I've seen the house on the hill when I was hiking the Trail ... but ... never ... I mean never knew there was a village here ... and there's a bank. You mean your check would have been good?" Sultry nodded. John added, as he...

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Star Trek Infiltration

Trapped in the body of Janice Lester, his real body destroyed, the Jim Kirk of the mirror universe is determined to get to the universe of the Federation to steal the body of their Jim Kirk. STAR TREK: INFILTRATION by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'Mirror Universe Turnabout' All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures - 1 - Fixing mirrors in front of treadmills has been standard...

1 year ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 15 Together Times Two

Sunday Night Drowsing in front of the television, Cutie was almost asleep. Janelle's voice interrupted her almost-dream. "My Mom and Dad are going out to the lake. If you want to know whether this is real or a dream, you can see if I am telling the truth. Just wake yourself up and go out to the lake. If you are quiet, they won't even know that you are there. Her Mom's voice interrupted her semi-dream. "Cutie! Your Dad and I are going out to dinner. Later, we may go to a movie or...

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My first sex with my collegue

Hi to ISS readers my name is subhash and im from hyd my age is 21 years and im a regular reader of iss as come to story part every day i used to see porn movies every day and my collegue is prabhavathi whos age is about 30 years and her husband has been expired and she leaves with her sister and child whos name is pravanya she is 21 years old and her child is about 1 year. I regularly see porn movies as my mother and my father will go to the office in the morning im single in the house as u all...

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Cuckolding Myself

I have always considered myself a giver. At Christmas I get more out of watching the joy on others faces as they open their gifts than I do about opening my own. When it comes to sex, my feelings are the same. I get far more enjoyment eating pussy than I do ejaculating. In addition, I am definitely not your typical alpha male. So, it came as no surprise, at least to me, that I am where I am today. And where is that, you ask? At the foot of my marriage bed, watching some young, hung, bull...

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Girl From Down the Street Part 2

Having not showered the night before, her hair was a greasy mess. She had left it in a ponytail overnight and it was matted sideways up the side of her head where she had slept on it. Her face also felt filthy. Rubbing her eyes, Sarah turned on the water and waited for it to get to temperature. Dropping the robe and setting her glasses next to the sink, she stepped into the shower. The water was a tad too warm and she adjusted it down before directing the head to spray on her. She let the...

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Private Agatha Vega Fucked In Paradise

There’s nothing quite like the sight of Agatha Vega’s sexy body posing for a photoshoot, and that’s exactly what we have in store for you today in Private Blockbusters, Trip of My Life as this gorgeous Latina shows off her curves on the beach and gets lucky with her hung photographer, Potro. A sloppy blowjob serves as the perfect warm-up for Agatha as she kneels down and gets busy on the sand, then watch the rest of this incredible Latina in action on as she goes on to enjoy a...

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Drews Story Ch 02

‘Shit,’ Drew mumbled under his breath as he left work. Last night he had slept with Tori, his coworker and friend. It wasn’t awkward today. In fact, the two got along beautifully. Though liquor may have speed things along slightly, the affair wasn’t a drunken mistake either. Drew just couldn’t figure out how he could explain this to Katie. After all, he was still dating Katie, at least for a while. He was just supremely confident that the outgoing, bubbly Tori would be better for him than the...

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A Cats FancyChapter 4

Brock begins stroking Missy’s soft fur along her back, waking her from her slumber to stretch out, yowling. The boy smiles down at her small feline form. “While you relax, I’m going to take a shower.” Missy purrs, watching her master’s naked ass as he walks toward the bathroom. “Mind if I join you?” she asks. Spinning around, Brock feels some movement from his manhood at the sight of her slim nakedness. “I thought cats didn’t like the water.” “I did get in the hot tub with you,” she...

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Walking in Memphis sorry not to plagiarize Day o

Was at the USO in Memphis 1977- walked around downtown Memphis...saw a porn theatre, interesting posters so i went on in. with a few bucks of quarters went to the booths to see what the hoopla was all about. Watched a nice porn loop where Seka took two cocks, first DP i had ever seen. Made me so hot pulled out Mr Happy and starting to stroke. A finger appeared from a glory hole (another first) and didn't know how to act. The tongue pushed through it gave me an idea. so i offered my rock hard...

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My first experience

I had been dressing for a while but kept it very secret. I am a 5’11, 175 lb gurl who feels very sexy when I was dressed up. When I was alone in my dorm room I would put on sexy little outfits, make-up, and a wig and play with dildos that I had hidden in my dresser. No one in the dorm knew that I dressed up. I tried to keep it very secret. It was hard to do. I was on an all-male floor with a communal shower. There would sometimes be 5 or 6 guys showering at the same time. I would try to keep my...

2 years ago
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What A Wonderful Watch

What A Wonderful Watch What A Wonderful Watch ??????????? So one night, just sitting at home watching some tv, realizing just how bored i really was decided that it was time to go get a midnight snack.? i got into my truck and drove to a nearby burger joint (which was open twenty-four seven(so dang convenient)).? after getting my burger and fries i decided that it wasn?t worth it to drive and eat so i just parked in the parking lot and munched away. That?s when I noticed, there was this...

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Her Matter Of Trust

CHAPTER 1: A GAME OF CHANCEIt was a hot summer night in Philadelphia and Colin, as usual, was out with Sheryl. He probably wouldn't be home until late. With nothing better to do, Aileen went to the small alcove of their apartment where the computer was set up and signed on. Perhaps she would play a couple games of gin rummy, but what she hoped for most was that Ben would be online.Aileen Reilly had been divorced for almost ten years. Even though she hadn't had a serious relationship since her...

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Husband gets his Birthday Wish Blacken

One Saturday I was out on some errands and on my way to Lowe's and I got a call from Monique, my wife."Hello," I said."Hey babe. How long are you going to be gone?" Monique asked."Not too long. I just have to get a couple of pieces to fix the sprinklers," I replied."Well, don't be too long. I have your birthday present for you when you get home."My birthday was in a couple of days and I always tell Monique that the only thing I want is birthday sex. So maybe this is the day I will get my...

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I Think Youre Right Ch 5

Abby arrived a few minutes before Dr. Maddow. Dressed in a white blouse and black slacks, the sexy redhead shook nervously.“You’re sure this is safe?” she asked Jessica.Jessica, sporting a now preferred skirt suit, squeezed her friend’s shoulder. “Of course, Abby. I’ve been working with him for weeks and I’ve never felt better. I’m completely over the asshole.”“I’ve never been hypnotized before,” Abby said. “Will he make me bark like a dog or something?”“I can stay here the whole time if you...

Mind Control
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Mere Chudai Ke Kisse 8211 Part 6

Pichli kahani mein aapne padha tha mere aur Priya ke baare mein. Subah subah mera lund chus ke Priya be mujhe apna hi muth pilaya tha. Aage ki kahani. Hum dono naha dho ke breakfast karne room se bahar aaye. Ek chasmish ladki t-shirt aur pajama mein hall mein Swati ke sath baith ke baatein kar rahi thi. Priya: Raghu yeh Payal hai, meri roommate. Payal: Good morning, Raghu. Kal raat kaisi gayi dono ki? (Smile karte hue) Priya: Bohut achi, Raghu kafi expert hai. Main bus khada hoke smile kar...

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Daughter with my friends

Peter my friend from early times before marriage, lived with Swan, his wife, his son Jonathan & daughter Ginger while Robin my recent friends that is to be precise – after marriage friend – was still a bachelor. My wife Jenny and daughter Jasmine looked much older than they were. Jenny was the type who gets beautiful day by day after marriage making their husband look old & ugly within 2 years. Jasmine had her mothers figure with a voluptuous ass. Her ass was the most attractive feature....

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 12 Tests and Examinations on Campus

The next morning, at the gym, Lydia Von Max looked at all of their exercise programs. The dogs seemed to like her very much. Rather than sitting against the wall watching or sleeping, they sidled up to her to be petted as she observed the routines. She moved to the free weights to observe and evaluate strength. She was amazed to see Jason had at least two and a half times the strength of a very strong man. He looked well-built, but did not have the look of an extreme bodybuilder which she...

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Homecoming Ch 06

This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Cheers again to Techsan and the wonderful editing job on this piece. I seem to be making the same editing mistakes over and over again. Hopefully, Techsan will train all of this out of me. Also, thank all of you who have read this story and made comments. It really helps me keep on track. Please continue to leave comments — good and bad....

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 34

This was what happened. When they got to the farm, everyone was tired and ready to sleep, so Winston performed his miracle. He brought out a set of folding beds and demonstrated how they turned into useful beds, complete with mattress. It only required some sheets or blankets to make the miracle complete. The beds were distributed around the house, and after a sequence of visits to the bathroom, everyone got settled for the night. Even the youngest, Adebayo, fell fast asleep at once, at the...

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Straight to bottom slut on chems

I am I straight male I have a girlfriend I have k**s and I live a normal straight life except for the weekends that I do Tina and put on a jockstrap and put my ass in the air and beg for strangers to put their cock in me. When I was 16 I would get drunk and go on craigslist and find strangers that would meet with me and suck my cock and let me come on their face . eventually I met a man that persuaded me to use toys on my little hole , he would get me high and insert a butt plug has he suck...

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55. SHERRI`S BREAKDOWN. Sherri had been off visiting her sister for a week, more duty than love, up there in Delta up in Utah, she was happy, fairly tired and hot, glad of the draft from the open topped Oldsmobile as she cruised along not a care in the world she would be home in Vegas by the end of the day home with her husband Jason. She was a sensuous 30 year old, a size 12, about 5ft 3” 38d chest and still growing, filling her tee shirt in a provocative way. Hair, well more of a deep...

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Shanthi my Sweet Neighbor

I am tempted to share all my sexual adventures with you all by the tremendous feedback I am getting from you all ISS readers. I take this opportunity to thank those who have sent mails to me to be my friend and to share “everything”.Today I have come here with what happened with the neighbor when I was working as a supervisor in the initial stage of my carrier. Her name is Shanthi and she was at her 25-26 age at that time. She had a big Boobs which any male will look twice when he happens to...

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Mrs Taylor THE MILF PART 2

I'm packed and ready to go. I woke up today at 7AM. I had to head out to the airport at 3PM. I ate breakfast then worked out in the mini gym my dad set up in the garage. As I'm finishing up my last minute check list of what I need to take to Cancun, my phone vibrates. I check and see a text from Violet. "Hey Luke. I just wanted to know if I could stop by so I could say bye before you head out to Mexico." I reply back with "of course." I finish my check list and...

3 years ago
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Why I cuckold my husband

This is a true story this is as good as I remember how it haped I still love him but don't fuck him his dick is just to small after our 4th c***d I was so horny and he just could not scratch the itch I got a vibrator and that helped. One night out I let a man chat me up and finger me me I felt his cock it was huge at the time time and I got scared and left it at that. Then two or three night later I watched a show a bout girls in the city and heard the words hot wife and cuckold looked them up...

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Daddies Double Cum

I was flesh grabbed; double daddy manhandled, body mauled, as I had never been before. Well, I suppose I’d never been explored by two guys simultaneously. Family, it’s who you are. When I was young, nuclear was the standard with two biological parents. I didn’t need a DNA test; I looked like my mum: the same chin, the exact sharpish nose, honeyed blonde hair and her sparkling light blue eyes. As a teenager, thankfully, I got her great boobs too. A nuclear family, alright, very...

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Nikkis Teen Intern Training Chapters 5 6

For chapters 1-4, click here A few weeks had gone by since the parking lot tryst between myself and Nicole, and I had promised myself I would not put myself in that precarious situation again. As a result, I had come off as an even harder scrooge who ran a tighter ship around the office. As great as it was, I had no choice but to be a puritan than risk losing my title and career for just some teen intern. I was lucky to not have been...

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How My Cousin8217s Wife Became My Wife Part 8211 1

Hello, guys, this is me again with another new story. Thanks for your support and encouragement. I reply to each and every fan mail. I even text to some readers on hangouts. I prefer feedback from female readers as I believe that women don’t get turned on easily. If my story is hot enough to turn on a girl, then it is enough to open a man’s dam. Now, let’s move on to the story. This story is about the sexual adventure between me and my cousin’s wife. My cousin and I were like cat and dog. We...

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Our Swinging Beginning

We were looking for something to add a little bit extra to our sex lives a few years ago and had been discussing several different options we might like, when I came upon several advertisements for couples parties on the Internet. We were both very excited about the idea, but more than a little apprehensive about taking this step; but I suggested we telephone and see if we could attend just as spectators to get an idea what they were actually like, and more importantly, see if this sort of...

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Meeting Robert

Robert and I met through a bisexual dating site. I guess it was a midlife crisis for me but I suddenly had a desire to get it on with a guy, preferably older. Robert was 65, retired, and married. I was 42, still working and married. When I was younger, i would play with couples and would enjoy being with both. Now, I wanted to spend more time with a guy and everyone i knew from before was either too far away or I lost touch. Robert was about 5’10”, solid build like a barrel, with silver hair...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 24 For Annie For a Hero

Gunga Din leads us off to a quiet empty spot. It is by process of elimination that I decide to start with Gunga Din. He seems to agree and we start the slow process of stripping down. With him it takes longer. He has more weapons hidden over his person. My kind of man. I am rather impressed. I am down to the boots Gwen gave me. Gunga Din is down to his small cloth. I look him over. Nice. There is a small squeak behind us and I look over at Seth. He is swallowing compulsively and licking his...

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Confessions of a bored wife

Confessions of a bored wifeDear Abhishek,I am narrating my past and present sexual relationships, which I enjoyed by different men with a heavy heart. I know that you will hate me, but I want to share my inner dark secrets with you and I don’t know how you are going to take it, maybe you will curse me or even you may even send me a divorce notice for having affairs with different men while I was still married with you and I don’t know how our k**s will take all this, all I want is they should...

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