RepercussionsChapter 14 free porn video

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Marsha was waiting for me the next morning, nervously pacing around in circles at the end of the street where Reggie lives. She's understandably afraid to go to Reggie's house alone. She asked me about her outfit, a short skirt and a semi sheer blouse.

I don't like being the one to have to tell her what she must already know from seeing the outfits Reggie make's me wear to school now. But I suppose it's in my own best interest to avoid getting the cruel bitch worked up first thing in the morning. I shook my head and said, "If Reggie sees you like that..."

I unbuttoned her blouse to below her breasts. I shook my head again and said, "Marsha! You know you can't wear a bra now! Reggie will freak out! Take it off!"

She turned bright red and stammered, "B-b-but..."

I shook my head and sternly said, "No buts! Take it off. Now!"

She already knows she has to do it. Meek as a kitten she reached under her blouse and unfastened the bra. She kept glancing around nervously as she carefully removed the bra without being too obvious. There are already kids walking past on the way to school. I reminded her that it doesn't matter. Not anymore. And she knows. She has an idea what today is going to be like for her. But she can't help being embarrassed.

She put her bra in her purse and I asked, "Are you wearing anything under your skirt?"

She must have shaken her head but I didn't see it. I can't help staring. I'm fascinated by, and very jealous of, her remarkable cleavage. She really does have sexy breasts.

I finally tore my eyes away from her breasts and repeated my question. She blushed and shook her head. I then had to tell her what I'm sure she already knows. "The skirt is too long."

She sighed and nodded. She shrugged and said, "It's the shortest one I own."

This is getting to be exasperating. Every girl knows what to do if her skirt is too long. I told her to roll the waistband under and then again when the first time didn't make it short enough.

I looked her over, shrugged and said, "Okay. It's up to her now. Let's go. I have to get changed."

Reggie yelled for us to come in when I knocked. She was frowning when we got back to her room. But she didn't say anything. She looked at Marsha's outfit and reluctantly said, "I suppose it will have to do. I guess you're going to have to earn some money so I can take you shopping."

Marsha knows what that means. It can't be coming as a huge revelation. I heard Reggie tell her about it yesterday. She knows Reggie makes me do it. Reggie intends to whore her out. She's going to make her undress under the bleachers and sell her to the boys at school for sex at lunchtime just like she does me.

I took off my normal clothes while Reggie examined Marsha. One of my new slut outfits is hanging behind her door for me. It's the wrap around dress with the belt closure. There aren't any buttons or snaps to hold it closed. There was apparently a button at the waist at one time but it either fell off or someone removed it. Now there's only the cloth belt at the waist to hold the garment together.

It's very short, of course. It's one of the few dresses Reggie thought was already short enough when they selected it for me. Or at least when I tried it on she didn't say it needs to be shortened.

The dress is tight on me. It probably doesn't overlap in front as much as the designer intended. That's a problem because aside from the possibility of the sides separating if I don't pay attention, the dress has a very deep cleavage. The front of the little dress doesn't come together until well below my breasts. I'm sure it would have been very sexy on Marsha with her well developed chest. While it's revealing on me it isn't nearly as sexy because of my small breasts.

Mr. Curry might like it because of his preference for small breasts. But I know I'm going to catch a lot of grief from the boys at school.

Reggie inspected me after I finished dressing. She smiled; no doubt in anticipation of the humiliation we all know will be heaped upon me when we reach school. We gathered our things and started walking but she has another surprise in store for Marsha before we even get to school. When we got to the intersection at the end of the street Reggie stopped and said, "I forgot to check something before we left the house."

She turned to Marsha and smiled sweetly. Then she asked, "Are you wearing underwear?"

Marsha shook her head and exclaimed, "No! You told me I couldn't!"

I don't think Marsha has any idea what's coming. Reggie sighed and said, "I don't know if I can trust you, Marsha. I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist that you prove it."

Marsha stared at Reggie as it finally sank in. She started to look around as if to make sure no one would see. She doesn't realize I've been through this several times at this intersection. The many small groups of kids who have begun to slow down around us are preparing to stop, eagerly anticipating another slutty performance.

Reggie snarled, "You don't have time for sightseeing, cunt! You look at me!"

Marsha moaned under her breath and forced herself to ignore the fact that there are kids all around us. She did the same thing I did the first time Reggie put me through this. She attempted to discreetly pull up the center of her skirt in front, just enough to reveal her bare crotch.

Reggie stared at her, obviously not satisfied. But instead of ordering her to lift her skirt up around her waist the way she did me, she turned to me and ordered me to show her what's required of her.

Damn! I thought I was going to get out of it today!

I lifted my skirt up to my waist, all the way around, and stood holding it, waiting helplessly with a dark red face and neck for Reggie to give me permission to let it drop.

Marsha stared at my exposed body in shock for a moment, too stunned by what's being required of her to move.

Reggie furrowed her eyebrows and said, "You've just earned a punishment, you stupid cunt. Would you care to try for two?"

That finally got Marsha moving. She pulled her little skirt up and held it around her waist. Her face looks as red as mine feels. You might expect that I'd be accustomed to this sort of public humiliation by now. I'm not. It's almost as embarrassing this morning as it was the first time she made me do it. It doesn't seem to help that there are two of us now, either.

Reggie ordered us to turn around slowly. I tried to stare at the sidewalk as I turned around. But I couldn't avoid seeing all the kids who have seen what's going on and have come to a stop to watch Marsha and I expose our bodies from the waist down.

We were allowed to let our skirts fall back into place as soon as we were facing Reggie again. Grinning widely she turned without another word and headed toward school. We walked behind her like the docile sex slaves we are now. We walked side by side in silence until we reached the school.

As we turned into the schoolyard I watched for some sign that I'm dismissed. She never tells me in advance what her intentions are. But Reggie decided to keep me around today. The three of us made our way through the throngs of kids to the place she normally meets up with her friends. The kids who weren't at Reggie's house yesterday must have already been filled in on what they missed by Tank, Tara and Steph. They're all grinning at Reggie as we approach.

Carol looked disdainfully at Marsha, already relegating her one time friend to the status of sex slave. She turned to Reggie, grinned and eagerly exclaimed, "So! You did it again!"

Her admiration for Reggie's skills as a rapist and breaker of young girls is apparent.

Reggie smiled proudly and demonstrated her power over us by ordering both of us to once more lift our skirts and turn around slowly.

We're already attracting a lot of attention. Dozens of our classmates watched as Marsha and I bared our lower bodies and slowly turned around. Before we were permitted to lower our skirts I felt a hand on my ass and I saw Marsha jump. I glanced over my shoulder to see Matt and Kevin.

Kevin has apparently told Matt everything. He's standing behind Marsha, gripping her left ass cheek. The two boys compared our asses using the crudest terms and speaking loudly enough that everyone around us can hear them.

Kevin described in detail how tight Marsha's ass is and how much he enjoyed fucking it, after he fucked her mouth and her pussy.

We could hear the girls around us gasping or giggling, depending on their reaction and personal feelings about the things Reggie and her friends are doing to us. The boys near enough to enjoy watching have a different and pretty much universal reaction. They appreciate the display we're being forced to provide and they're jealous of Kevin.

I can look around and see the curious looks on the faces of the girls who are, or who were Marsha's friends. I know that just like my friends have done, her friends will quickly begin to shun her. I'm now the closest thing she has to a friend. And through the process of elimination she has suddenly become the closest thing I have to a friend.

Even Trish has been avoiding me lately. I don't blame her. I did, after all, recommend that she stay far away from me. But it makes me sad because she was the last of my friends to melt away and I hate it that even though she knows I'm being blackmailed and have to do these things she can't handle being seen with me.

Reggie finally let us cover up but by the time she did the damage was done. I'm starting to get used to this ... sort of. My heart still beats like crazy when I'm forced to do something like this and my skin is so red from blushing I feel it tingling almost painfully. I no longer feel like I'm going to pass out, though.

But Marsha is only just beginning to accept her new status as a sex slave. It's just starting to sink in that from this moment on, she's going to be fondled and groped and sexually harassed constantly, just the way I am. She'll probably suffer even more since she's blessed with those nice tits to draw the attention of the boys who'll soon be taking advantage of her.

Reggie ordered us to meet her under the oak tree at noon and in her own inimitable and increasingly regal way she dismissed us. The groping started as soon as we turned and began trying to make our way through the numerous small groups of kids between us and the front door of the school.

Marsha jerked around like a puppet on a string at first, trying to avoid the hands of the boys who, thanks to the precedence I've already set and the obscene display orchestrated by Reggie, realize they have just been given tacit permission to explore our bodies at will. After a week of this most of them are already accustomed to groping me to their heart's content. They know from the show we were just forced to put on that Marsha is fair game now, too. Most of them don't have a clue as to why we do the things we now do. But they don't care as long as they can have their fun.

We got halfway to the door before half a dozen boys surrounded us. They're all boys who were invited to Reggie's house days earlier to rape me. This morning they concentrated most of their attention on Marsha. She's fresh meat.

I wasn't ignored. Ryan stood in front of me and looked at my dress. He reached out and slowly pulled the sides apart without untying the belt. When he was finished my entire front was exposed. The belt served only to hold my dress open for the amusement of him and all the other kids watching.

Seth and Perry, meanwhile, are devoting their attention to Marsha. I heard her sobbing quietly while Seth unbuttoned her blouse. Perry reached up under her skirt. It has to be obvious to everyone around us that he's groping her pussy.

Todd doesn't want to be left out. He reached up under the back of her skirt and began to grope her ass.

I was aware of more boys joining the group surrounding us. I saw Kevin standing off to the side. He's obviously getting a kick out of watching his classmates expose his ex girlfriend and grope her body freely. I probably shouldn't have been surprised. Not after what I've been through and what I've learned about boys in the last week. But I just can't help being astounded by how very much he obviously enjoys the humiliating things these other boys are doing to her.

There were probably thirty or forty of them around us by the time the bell finally rang. There were a few crude comments when they first started to molest us. But after that, for the next nearly ten minutes until the bell rang that large group of boys was unnervingly quiet while they stood around watching us being displayed and groped.

By the time the bell rang I was ready to start crying, too. I don't want to. I cried almost constantly the first three or four days. I'm tired of it. But more importantly I have finally come to realize that all I manage to do by crying so much is demonstrate and reinforce how weak I am to the boys who fall all over themselves for a chance to take advantage of my situation. When I do that I only empower them to humiliate and degrade me all the more.

When the other kids began filing in through the front door the boys molesting us reluctantly drifted away in twos and threes. But our ordeal didn't end with the ringing of the bell. Even as they began wandering toward the door many of the boys who have been out of reach in the back of the pack took advantage of the opportunity to reach in for a few quick feels. When the groping finally ended Marsha and I took a moment to put our clothing back in order.

Dressing in front of the school with scores of kids watching turns out to be every bit as embarrassing as you might imagine. And this isn't even the first time for me! It doesn't matter, though. It doesn't get easier. Marsha and I looked into each other's teary eyes for a few seconds. We didn't speak. There's nothing to say; no way to take away the trauma of this sort of treatment. We only sighed in resignation and turned toward the door to run the gauntlet to our lockers.

The rest of the morning passed the way all my mornings pass now. I was surprised when Reggie didn't order me to report to Mr. Curry and Mr. Perez at lunch time. But she didn't and I ended up under the bleachers again. This time Marsha joined me and because we had no choice we quickly undressed for the entertainment of a still growing number of our fellow students.

The crowd that forms to watch Reggie whore me out grows larger every day as word of our activities spread. I'm not keeping track. But it looks like there are more than fifty kids watching today. I never fail to be surprised by how many of the kids in the crowd are girls who seem more than mildly amused by the terrible things Reggie makes me, and now me and Marsha, do.

It's Marsha's first day as a prostitute. Understandably, she's really upset about it. She cried quietly for the entire hour. But she obeyed every order. She's broken now, just like me. We'll both do anything Reggie orders us to do no matter how humiliating and disgusting.

Together we made two hundred and seventy dollars for Reggie over the lunch hour. That's a pretty good income. Especially when you consider it's tax free and all Reggie has to do is stand around and watch her classmates come forward two at a time for the opportunity to rape Marsha and me.

Today the kids got a special show. When Reggie was finished pimping us out she made us eat the cum from each other's pussy before she let us get dressed.

I saw the shock on Marsha's face when Reggie gave the order. She looked like she was going to be sick. I wasn't happy about it. But after a week of performing disgusting and degrading acts for the amusement of others I was less freaked out.

The kids who have been standing back watching us getting raped for money started closing in around us. I ignored them. I didn't even look up to see how many of them I know. I've learned it's best to keep my mind as blank as possible while performing for Reggie.

No one thought to provide us with a blanket today. We've been on our hands and knees in the dirt while giving out blowjob after blowjob to any boy with the cash to pay Reggie while at the same time serving as a mindless cum dump for every boy to whom she sold our pussies or asses. We were still on our hands and knees when she ordered us to clean each other. We both sat up on our heels. We both turned, ignoring the expectant looks on the faces of the kids still gathered around to watch this final humiliation to look at Reggie as if hoping she had just been joking. But we both know better.

I told Marsha to turn around and get back down on all fours. She stared at me with a blank look as if totally uncomprehending; though it's more likely she's just in denial. She looks like she's about to have a breakdown. I understand perfectly. I feel pretty close to losing it, too.

I held her cheeks in my hands and forced her to look me in the eyes. When I saw some sign that she's more or less aware I'm talking to her I whispered, "You know we have to do this. It's just cum. You've already swallowed a gallon of it. Now turn around and get back down on your hands and knees. I'll lick you clean and then you'll have to do it for me."

She looked like she was going to refuse until I whispered, "Remember that cattle prod, Marsha. If you piss Reggie off she'll zap you with that thing until she has an orgasm."

Marsha's face crumbled and the tears started again. But she slowly turned around and got back down on her hands and knees. I tried to calm my stomach as I looked at her well fucked orifices and the stream of slime that's still draining out of her. I reminded myself that I've done worse things. Then, with Tara holding the camera in my face and my classmates and dozens of kids from other classes watching closely, I bent down and began to lick up the mess between Marsha's legs.

I worked fast. I have absolutely no desire to drag this out any longer than necessary. I want to get my dress back on before the bell rings. I'm going to have to go to the girl's restroom to clean up and I prefer doing that before everyone starts streaming back inside.

I lapped up all of the mess I could. It wasn't as bad as it sounds. I've swallowed so much cum in the last week it hardly bothers me anymore. What bothers me more is the camera capturing every degrading move I make and all the kids watching, especially the kids who were once my friends.

When Marsha was as clean as I can get her with my tongue I popped her on the butt and said, "Okay. It's your turn. Hurry up and get it over with so we can go inside and clean up before the bell rings. The faster you do what she wants the faster this ordeal will come to an end."

Well, that isn't really accurate. Our ordeal won't end. It just moves on to the next phase.

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“Let’s eat,” Heather said, pulling out a chair at the table. I did the same, as did Jess, but she was stopped by Heather. “You can eat in a bit. Right now, you are going to provide the entertainment for the meal,” Heather said, sitting down. “What do you mean?” Jess asked. “Masturbate for us,” Heather said bluntly. “What?” Jess asked. “You heard me. Play with yourself. Don’t act like you never have.” If she had, she had never done it in front of me. She went to sit on the bed but was...

3 years ago
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It had begun as a game, as a flirt. As a little whim of a fellow student, a young woman with long, blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes.And she had smiled, as the steel rings closed in on my wrists with a metallic sound. And I had felt my heart hammering, where I lay on her bed, and felt the touch of the hardcuffs and the bar of cast iron in the heardboard that might keep me here forever.She had giggled as she unbuttoned my shirt, and her long, blonde hair fell over my upper body. I had been...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 47 A different culture

I wasn't sure which was the real Megan, and I would try to figure that out later. It was even possible that it was all just different facets of her personality. I just didn't know. It set me on edge. The first things that I noticed in the mining town on the Fairview side of the mountain were the iron collars. The men in iron collars were quiet, as we rode through town I didn't hear one make a sound. The second was that this town felt off. I couldn't quite place what bothered me, but...

4 years ago
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The Ark Part 2Chapter 20

Seal Team 2’s commanding officer, Lieutenant Fitz Morrison, said, “I just finished talking on the radio with Captain Charles. He directed us to deploy to Blocking Post 4 tomorrow.” Ensign Kenneth Bilart said, “Yep. When you received the written orders for Troop 2 to prepare to deploy to Post 4, we knew you and Sam would be leaving soon.” Ensign Samuel Burr said, “My time here at the Inn has been nice, guys. But, we no sooner get everything set up real nice, and I have to leave. I’m going to...

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Poor Little Rich GirlsChapter 6 Second String

For a moment Sue lay there kind of in a stupor, the slimy ooze still extruding from her now empty vagina. Alice leaned over to look at her. She smiled seeing her laying there, her flawless breasts still heaving, and a near-gratified look on her lovely flushed face. As a matter of fact, Sue's entire body was blushing a deep glowing pink. "Did you like it, Sue?" "Yah, I've forgotten the beginning, and the end, thank goodness. That wasn't too great. Don't men have any consideration at...

3 years ago
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The Ice in Russia

This story is for PennLady, a supportive fan who has a crush on a certain Russian hockey player, who shall remain nameless… except that he’s the star of the story! Just like my other ‘Ice’ stories, I am not naming actual names. I’ll also restate that I don’t have any idea what these guys are like in real life and I’m merely a hockey FAN, not a know-it-all stats guru. I also know absolutely no Russian. The words that appear below are courtesy of PennLady, but there was no way I was about to...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 16 Saturday August 7 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010 “Your ability to hear thoughts should have started to emerge by now,” Jake said to the assembled class of new mind readers. “Is there anyone here who is not catching at least some thoughts from other people?” “I’m not sure that I am,” Nina said. “Then let’s test you under optimum conditions. I’ll think of a number, keeping my mind clear otherwise. If you can’t pick this up, then you aren’t yet ready for today’s lesson. Here’s the first one.” Jake pictured a die...

4 years ago
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Old mand and the girl

He was sixty five and reading a naked girl magazine and stroking his sock. At his age he still had a nice hard cock that got very hard. He loved sex and never got enough. He looked up and saw the young cleaning girl watching him and playing with her small tits. He told her "Get over here now." As she got to his bed he grabbed her arm and pulled her shirt up to expose her little tits. As he played with her tits he asked her "Do you like my nice hard cock?" She replied, "Yes I do." He liked that...

2 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 20

It had been about three days of planning and furious activity for Dale's household. After talking about it for quite sometime, Rob and Georgette decided to postpone their formal move from their house until after the new buildings were completed; however in the meantime their was plenty of room in the sleeping chambers off of the throne room. The slave women slept in their quarters unless directed to do otherwise, so even though the house was full, it wasn't overflowing. Everyone was...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Sexual Addiction

I’ve touched on this theme before, i.e., sexual addiction. You won’t like Bill very much when you first meet him but give him a chance to grow, mature and become healthy. He’s not such a bad guy after all. He gets his wakeup call from an unexpected source and turns his life around. Writing about sexual addicts allows me to include lots of really nasty and perverted sex but also the opportunity to grow the character and guide him toward redemption. * ‘Bill does that little cunt from the office...

3 years ago
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Lena the Laid Sister

Mom had died and my life changed, I was sent to live with my aunt and cousin Lena. I did not know that my aunt was my birth mother nor that Lena is really my sister. My adopted mom told me the truth as she lay dying of cancer, she was a great mom. I had to learn to call my aunt by a new name, mom and call Lena my sister, it was hard but I did it. This last year my life had changed, I moved from the suburbs to the city and life took such strange new paths. My aunt and Birth Mother had married a...

3 years ago
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The Amazing Emma Stone

My life’s pretty easy. Well as easy as it can be being a stunt man working in Hollywood. It’s even easier when you look like I do. A generic mid twenty year old with messy brown hair, clean shaven, skinny and regular blue eyes. However, the way I was currently dressed made me stand out of the crowd. I had on a Spider-man outfit, and not just a regular Spider-man outfit. A torn Spider-man outfit. I was working as Andrew Garfield’s stunt double on the new movie, The Amazing Spider-man which was a...

1 year ago
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The Dance

She swung around the pole, hiked her knee and then paused. Wearing nothing but a leather miniskirt and black high heels, she noticed with pleasure that all of the men in the room were watching, enraptured. The normal club patrons were up front hooting and hollering while the more well-to-do men were sitting in the reclining chairs in the back. She could barely see through the thick cigarette smoke, but she could tell that none of the chairs were reclined; every man, be they in business suit or...

Erotic Fiction
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Remembering Part 1

REMEMBERING, PART 1 "So, how about you let us take our chances, hey?" Bianca squinted down at what the man was offering her, struggling to make out the notes in the dim light of the alleyway. It wasn't really enough ... but she was desperate. She nodded and slipped the condoms back into her bag, trying to ignore the sniggering from the man's companion. Fifteen minutes later, she was back inside the club, all too conscious of the cum coating her mouth and streaking her stockings as...

2 years ago
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Romance On The Rails Chapter 1

I love trains. I have since I was five years old, when my grandfather took me on my first train ride. I never forgot the thrill of waiting on the train for it to start moving, the feel of the gentle side to side rocking as it went down the tracks, and the views out the windows as we rode through the countryside. It wasn't a long ride, just a day trip, but it left a hell of an impression on a young boy. Now fast forward about 30 years, and I was once again at the train station purchasing a...

Straight Sex
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Jakes Mom

It was saturday morning, after a long week at school. You've been drowned with homework and exams all week , that you haven't found the time to see and spend some time with your best friend Jake Lewis. Since you were both kids, you've been good friends. From playing together in the sandbox, to being in the same locker in High School. But for the past week, you and Jake haven't cross path or even called each other. To finally break this long silence, you decide to head to his house, which is two...

3 years ago
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A Horny Housewife Enjoyed In A Crowded Market

Hi, this is Arjun. Thank u for the amazing response on my first one on Sonam. This one is about a horny young housewife in Hyderabad. I went to Hyderabad last month for a friend’s wedding. As the wedding was the next day and none of my other friends would check-in till evening, I wanted to explore the city. I rented a self-drive SUV and hit the road. I was tasked with buying a gift for the wedding, so I went to the closest gift store using google maps. I finished with it quickly and as I was...

1 year ago
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The Holiday Part One

I sighed, stretching my arms out before me as the last customer of the day entered her pin number into the machine. It was a Sunday, and near closing time in the supermarket that I worked in. There where only 3 other workers in the shop, 2 women and a man and they too would soon be leaving. However my boyfriend, Craig, had talked me into staying for a while, and letting him pick out some underwear for me. ‘Especially for our holiday,’ he had grinned, as I reluctantly agreed, knowing he would...

1 year ago
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Holi Colored My Life

Hi all ISS readers this is Che. I met accidentally with this site. I just read the stories my gosh! What a narration. So i am here to my incident which was happened in 2006. I was 20 years in 2006. We stayed in Hyderabad in a apartment in the apartment there were only two flats per floor. We are the first comer in the entire apartment in 1999. Later on others came. There in opposite to our flat one family came in 1999 only. now we r very good family friends. They are all four members( father...

3 years ago
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A Hot And Sensational Sex Before Training Session

Once again KK here with another true incident with my staff Anamika. You can read my previous encounters in the topic of “Training session with staff”, “hot ass licked by KK” and this is another encounter with the same anamika. Apart from these two more stories are “Sanjana in pune”, first experience with girlfriend”. Whatever i narrate here are genuinely true incidents happened in my life which i have penned down, no false …… please send in your feedback to … Coming to the story, this happened...

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The First Time for a Pair of First Time Lovers

“And Luke you will be paired up with, J.C.” Mrs. Bellows said as she checked off the names from her list of Honors English students. I looked over at J.C. at her desk next to mine, smiled, and said “Alright, high five!” as we high-fived each other. I was in tenth grade at the time, 15 and feeling good about it. I was tall, about 6’1” with an athletic build because I was running on the cross-country team. I was also a little bit nerdy which is why I think I was attracted to J.C. She...

4 years ago
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Adventures of a Hot Wife

Since that wonderful night with Bill and my husband our sex life has been amazing. I've become if I say so myself a sexual hottie. Most of my friends have noticed the difference in me, the way I dress and the attitude I carry. To refresh your memory my named is Linda, I'm blonde about 5'4' 118 lbs., I wear a 34' D cup bra and I now have a completely shaven pussy. While the women say I'm much more confident, the men say I've become a fox. It was as if all the sexual repression was lifted after...

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Connecting with Mother Ch 5

Chapter 5 “I think that’s enough Ian. I need a drink badly.” She did up her blouse and sorted her skirt. Her stockings, belt and heels were still in place so we could move fairly quickly to the aisle and up to the front office and entrance. As we rose to go there were the odd comments like: brilliant; lush; fucking gorgeous; do come again (or was it cum again?); thank you; when will you next be down? The last is one I knew not to answer. To be specific on that would have drawn crowds in...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Riley Reid Ivy Wolfe Special Delivery

A night of roleplay begins for Ivy Wolfe and her wife when Ivy receives a text. Ivy, who is lounging on her couch decked out in some sexy lingerie and a nightgown, picks up her phone to check the text. It’s from Ivy’s wife. She’s pretending that she’s stuck late at work again and won’t be home for dinner. Ivy’s wife suggests that she order in some food instead. Ivy takes the hint and plays along, calling her wife and pretending that she’s ordering...

1 year ago
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Accepting My Cuckold Role On A Houseboat Vacation

It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...

2 years ago
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Memoires of a Schoolgirl The Art of Seduction

I grew up in the 1960’s and 70’s in the townships of Yallourn, and later, Yallourn North. These towns, especially Yallourn, have etched indelible memories of my childhood and youth. One special memory in particular relates to my student days at the Yallourn High School which I still vividly remember. These memories are a recollection of events that took place in the year of 1980, my final year at high school, before going to the University of Melbourne in the following year. I feel honoured...

College Sex
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My New Happy Place

Looking down at her laying beside me gently taking my cock in and out of her mouth is such a great site, she tends to squeeze the base as she slowly works up and down. But something was different this time.We had meet for drinks and bar snacks the night before, with no real plans. We had been lovers in the past and had never explored the relationship much past the sparks portion. They say that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but in this relationship, the grass was...

1 year ago
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My neighbor Malayali aunt

Hi All, This is Ravi from Hyderabad. I am not very regular reader of stories in this section. Today I got mood and read few stories and after that decided to write mine also. This story is about my neighbor dated 2001 when I was doing my engineering. I used to live in an apartment in Chennai which has three floors and I lived on the second floor. After a weeks time, I came to know that there is a malayali family comprised of an aunt and their two kids. Aunt’s husband is working in Dubai and...

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Laid The Maid

Hi my name is luv. I m 28 yrs old married guy with athletic body.we have lady working in our factory called bano. She is 28 yrs old.she is very fair 5.6ft tall with grt boobs and complimenting ass. She is from a very poor family and was working on daily wages with us. I always wanted to lay her but never got a chance until oneday when mywife called me and told that the house maid is going on leave and i have to arrange somebody from the factory to do the chores. Bano was the obvious choice as...

2 years ago
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Fountain of Youth

FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH I would have loved the feel of his cock in me, but that was not to be. The man I had scoped out was too busy gaping at the slutty brunette on the other side of the bar. My own figure was nothing to sneeze at, but maybe he sensed the difference in me. I had a mind. That stupid cow with the balloons on her chest had nothing but a cunt. Sour grapes, I know, but hey, even smart girls want to get fucked from time-to-time. I gave up trying to draw the jerk's eye, and...

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Teenage Dreams

My friend Shawn was house sitting for his friends mom and he invited me over. I brought some beer and snacks and we were ready to chill at the house for the night. I quickly got bored watching him play video games so I began to text Katie. After a few minutes of flirting I convinced her to come over. Shawn rode with me to pick her up, on the way I described what she was like and told him how we sometimes meet up to fuck. He asked me if I was gonna hit it tonight, I told him if we're lucky we...

2 years ago
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Uski Pyas

Hi Iss ke pathak dosto aur pyari sahelio mera naam Anil hai aur meri umr 34 sal h maine it bhu se Engineering karney key bad Kanpur mein apney parivaar ke sath rah raha hu.Mujhe pichle week hi ISS ke bare me pata challa pichle 7 dino me stories padne k alawa koi ark am nahi kia.mai apni pahli story likh raha hu.Ye story ak real story h bas name me change kie h.Yad aya dosto mai pahle bi apni kahani ISS me de chukka hu.aaj bahut dino bad fir ak sachai batane ka mud hua h to mai fir apni bat kah...

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