Faster, Bennie! Faster! free porn video

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Unlike my last story - "Dream". This concoction is a little darker and a little more graphic! But, like "Dream", it's a love story. Here's the recipe: Take a half-pint of crossdresser in the 1950's, add in a generous heaping tablespoon of his promiscuous girlfriend, then stir to a smooth consistency until they get even with the perverted man in her life. Faster, Bennie! Faster! By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 All rights reserved "Faster, Bennie! Faster! Can't you make this thing go any faster!" It's mid-afternoon on a warm and sunny Southern California summer day! I'm tooling my 1951 MG-TD along a winding, and relatively deserted stretch of Mulholland Drive. I'm pushing the little four-banger two- seater convertible to its limit. I got the top down and the windshield folded flat against the British Racing Green hood. I'm loving the wind in my face. And, no doubt, so is Martha Benjamin. "Jesus, Marti, if I go any faster we'll wind up two hundred feet down the bottom of this canyon!" I had to yell at the top of my lungs because of all the noise ... From the throaty mufflers and from the wind. "Not only that, the wind'll rip off your clothes!" I wasn't lying, either! She was wearing one of those poodle skirts with three ... Count 'em ... Three petticoats! I knew there were three because each one was a different color. Hot Pink. Sunshine Yellow. Baby blue. The wind was rushing into the cockpit with gale-like force and her skirt and petticoats were flying high! I had a perfect shot ... A Beaver Shot, we called it back then ... Of her yellow panties, her snow-white garter belt, and her sparkly tan stockings! Back in 1957 it was every nineteen year old guy's dream come true! "I don't care about my skirt!" She yelled back at me as she ignored her ballooning skirts and the downright sinful view of her Southern hemisphere. "I just wanna go faster!" I down-shifted to third and took the next turn flawlessly then floored the little beast. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" She screeched. She placed her arm around my shoulders to give me a hug. Her other hand was stroking my thigh ... Getting real close to my pleasure spot! Even if she wanted to, she didn't have any hands left to hold down her skirts. Only another couple of miles 'til I got to the deserted spot I was heading for. The deserted spot I discovered a while back ... Right after I drained most of my savings and bought this love machine! Mulholland Drive in the 50's was pretty much uninhabited. There were a few scattered homes which only the wealthiest of the wealthy could afford. They were on large lots, spaced far apart. The rich and famous wanted their privacy, after all. And that left plenty of empty space where teens like me could take a date to do all the things horny teens like me enjoyed doing more than anything. From the second she first laid eyes on my new ride, Martha Benjamin ... Everyone calls her Marti ... The loosest girl in town ... Was all over me! She loved sports cars. She loved fast cars. And, she really LOVED guys who owned them! If you catch my drift, Daddy-O! I slid the TD into the vacant lot overlooking L.A., shifted into neutral, and shut down the engine. Marti's hand was firmly latched on to the steel-hard 'gearshift' between my legs! Her skirts had settled nicely around her upper thighs. It was one of those rare smogless days which offered a perfect view of the L.A. Basin all the way to the Pacific and clear over to Catalina Island. Almost as perfect as the view I was enjoying of Marti's gorgeous legs! "Wow! This car can really go, Bennie! I mean, it's not as fast as Billy Brown's new '57 Chevy, or anything! But this one really hums! Can you feel the way the engine vibrates right up through the seats? I sure can! And, it's making me feel sooo sexy between my legs! Feel! Right here!" She grabbed my hand and jammed it under her skirts ... Right into the saturated wet spot where the tops of her legs came together! It was squishy wet ... And hot! She mashed my hand into that forbidden treasure until my fingers began doing what fingers jammed into a spot like that do best. Then she grabbed hold of the bulge inside my Levi's to resume jacking me off. With my hand firmly planted between her legs, I leaned over and jammed my tongue between her willingly parted lips. The kiss seemed to last for hours. I was dizzy with all the unbridled passion a nineteen year old could muster! It was when Marti started trying to undo my belt and unzip me that I began to panic! It's not like I forgot what I wearing underneath. It's just that, in my wildest wet-dreams, I never thought I'd wind up making out with Marti Benjamin at this secluded spot on Mulholland Drive! I mean, we'd been friends ... Really good friends ... Forever! We'd even done a little light-hearted petting at parties and stuff. Since I got my new car she's been all over me! And now, here we were! And my 'Little' brain was in total charge of my 'Big' brain! I'd lost track! Marti was running her hand up and down my thigh ... Pausing on each upstroke to fondle my cock and struggling to undo my pants! She was milliseconds away from finding out my secret! I had to think ... And think fast! How was I gonna explain? How was I gonna keep her from blabbing it all over town? Then it was all over! She had my zipper down! I was trying desperately to keep her hand from reaching inside! But she was still rubbing her hand up and down my thigh! Marti suddenly backed away and stared at me with her patented, all- knowing, 'I gotcha' look! Then ... Just as casual as you please, she asks ... "Bennie, is this what I think it is? Garters? Are you wearing garters? Oh my! You are! Aren't you? Why?" "Hey!" I responded. "It's no big deal! And it's not what you think, either!" "Oh really?" She asks. "Then why don't you explain it!" She dared me. She was tracing the outline of the garter tab concealed by my Levi's. "It's my mother and sister! It's all their doing! Crap! I never thought I'd have to be explaining this to anyone!" "Are you telling me that your mother and sister made you wear a garter belt? I don't believe it! If it's true, it's the damndest thing I ever heard of!" She grabbed at my belt buckle and playfully tried to undo it. "Are you wearing any other Lanjooray, Bennie?" Marti considered herself something of a sophisticate, what with her father being the pastor of the largest Presbyterian Church in Southern California. She's always putting on this phony French accent whenever she thought the conversation warranted it. It was kinda cute. "C'mon, lemee see." She begged, in that same sexy sing-song voice which got me to take her for a ride in my new sports car to begin with. She was still struggling with my belt and trying to peek inside. "Cut it out, Marti! It's not my fault! I swear! Let's just head home and forget about it!" I really didn't want her to see. "NosireeBob! I wanna see what you're hiding under these Levi's!" Marti Benjamin was not the kind of girl boys said 'No' to! With one final swift, and well-practiced effort, she had my belt undone and my Levi's tugged down below my knees. And then, there I sat. Exposed! Embarrassingly exposed! There was no denying the ultra-sheer, pale-pink nylon pettipants hugging my loins. Or the hot-pink lacey and ruffled panties underneath. Or the white satin garter belt attached to a pair of fifteen denier beige nylon stockings. Even the lace trim of a pale-pink camisole was peeking out from under the hem of my black tee shirt! "Wow!" She exclaimed. "Now this is something you don't see everyday!" Marti was running her hand up and down the flimsy nylon of the pettipants which encased me from my waist all the way down to my knees. She was pulling the waistband open and peeking inside to get a good look at my panties. She playfully snapped the elastic of my garters. She lifted my tee shirt and ran her hand along the camisole, all the way up to the silky lace covering my chest! "Someone's got some explaining to do, Bennie. And, you better get started right now!" She was giggling like a kid in a candy store ... Like she had discovered the proverbial 'Pot-'O-Gold'! "Look Marti, like I said, it's no big deal. I told you it's all my mother's and sister's idea. About a week ago they caught me in my bedroom ... In bed ... With Suzie Jenkins. My sister thought it was funny and started laughing her butt off! My mother went ape! She threw Suzie out of the house and made me stay in my room the rest of the day and all the next day. She didn't even let me come out to eat! I mean, she was really pissed off!" "That still doesn't answer why you're wearing all this stuff!" I was making it all up as I went along! Of course it didn't answer anything! "Is it wearing this pretty Lanjooray that's making you so hard? Or is it me touching you here?" Jesus! She asks a lot of questions! And, she was tracing the outline of my cock which was desperately trying to bore a hole through my Lanjooray. "Lemee finish, will ya'!" Marti could be real pushy at times ... Okay, most of the time! "It's probably a little bit of both! If you gotta know! This silky stuff does feel kinda weird ... In a nice way! Anyway, when the old lady finally came to talk to me ... That is, her and my sister ... She was still ticked. Threatened to take away my car even! "She was hollering at me! 'What were you thinking? Can't you keep that disgusting thing in your pants? Dammit! You're just like your father! You'll wind up getting some poor girl pregnant! And, I'll wind up having to support the little bastard!' "Then she lowered the boom. While my sister stood by, looking all innocent and stuff, she told me, instead of taking away my wheels, she'd come up with a better way to keep me, and the little friend between my legs, under control. 'Actually, it was all Betsy's idea!' She told me. 'And, a pretty good one at that!' She bragged. "Then she lays the bad news on me! 'One sure-fire way I can guarantee you'll keep your pecker in your pants is to force you to wear something really embarrassing underneath ... Like these girly undies ... Then you wouldn't dare get naked with a girl!" "She was holding a pile of pink undies in one hand and my car keys in the other." "She says, 'It's your choice, Bennie. Wear these or I keep your keys. Make up your mind ... Right now!' "Some choice! "Betsy, my older sister, started laughing. She's turning into a bitter Old Maid like my mother. Has no use for guys. Doesn't even date! Still bitter over the old man, I guess. Any chance she gets, she takes it out on me! Catching me with Suzie gave her another perfect chance. "Anyway, I took the undies. No way I'm gonna give up this car!" Marti butted in, "So they're forcing you to wear all this ... Just so you'll keep it in your pants? I've never heard of anything so crazy- weird!" "Weird or not, they told me if I didn't put on the undies ... And keep them on, I could kiss my car goodbye. It's been a nightmare ever since! Every morning Betsy picks out this stuff and makes sure I put it on. Not only that, I have to let my mother look to make sure I'm really wearing everything Betsy picked out!" "Why don't you just change into something else after you leave the house? God Bennie, that's a no-brainer!" Marti's logic was always impeccable. "It's not that simple. Between the two of them, they check up on me a bunch of times everyday. Like today. I had to meet my mother at the City Council at ten so she could check me. Then I had to meet Betsy at the Library at lunchtime so she could check me again. And it's like that everyday! If I did something like change out of all this frilly stuff, they'd take away my car and show everyone the pictures! I'd be the butt of every joke!" "Pictures? What pictures?" "The ones they took the first time they forced me into this! A whole bunch of pics of me wearing all that stuff! Pretty much like what I'm wearing now!" All I really wanted to do was to convince Marti that I'd been 'forced' to wear all this yummy lingerie. That way, at least, she might have some sympathy for me and not blab about it to anyone. "Holy cow!" Marti mumbled. "How long are they gonna make you do this?" "So far they haven't said." I replied. "They just keep up the torture and tease me about how nice it is to have another girl in the house! I'm tellin' you, they're both nuts, if you ask me!" "Another girl? You're no girl, for heaven's sake!" To make her point, Marti continued to stroke my pecker through the double layer of nylon which was my panties and pettipants. It was feeling real good! "Damn, Marti, that feels real good! "Anyway, as if that's not bad enough, they make me wear a dress, or something else girly, when I'm home ... even high heels, a wig, and stuff! Hell, Betsy's even started putting make-up on me! And, it's been getting worse!" "How much worse could it get, Bennie? I mean what else can they do? If I were you, I'd go to the cops!" She idly suggested. "Cops! Are you nuts? Who do you think they'd believe? My mother's on the City Council and my Sister's a Librarian! They'd never believe me! Christ! I'd probably wind up in jail!" "The cops'd never throw you in jail, Bennie! It's no crime to wear Lanjooray! Look at me!" "Well, I'm not you! I'm a guy! And, if you keep that up, I'm gonna have a lot of explaining to do when I get home!" I was this close to blowing my load inside my sister's panties! "Can't have that, can we?" Marti cooed. "Lets' see what I can do! Besides, Lanjooray or not, it's what I came up here to do anyway!" And with that, Marti bent over my mid-section, yanked down my undies, and wrapped her lips around my rock-hard 'gearshift'! Like I said ... The loosest girl in town! Her reputation for giving world class blow jobs was unequaled! It only took a minute or two and I was unloading what seemed like a gallon of sweet, hot jism into her mouth. It was Marti's forte ... Her expertise ... Her trademark! She was known far and wide for her magnificent mouth! And, everyone knew she swallowed! Only this time she didn't swallow! This time, after draining me completely dry, she rose up and planted her mouth over mine. She forced my own spendings back into my mouth and held the seal until, for lack of air, I was forced to swallow the whole load! The whole creamy, salty- sweet, pearly-white load! I was astounded! I started sputtering and coughing! Mostly from the shock and surprise of it all. I'd never tasted anything like it! Marti just looked at me and laughed. "If you're gonna wear pretty Lanjooray, Bennie, you're gonna have to learn to swallow like a real girl!" "Ha Ha! That's so funny, I forgot to laugh!" I retorted. Anyway, it didn't taste all THAT bad. - ~ - ~ In case you haven't figured it out, I hadn't been totally honest with Marti. The real truth of the matter was that my mother and sister hadn't caught me in bed with Suzie Jenkins. I only wish that would've been true! No! The real truth, the embarrassing truth, was that they'd come home unexpectedly and found me all by myself. All by myself and dressed up in my sister's best lingerie, one of her wigs ... The teased out blond flip ... And, the voluminous hot-pink, lace covered, satin Prom dress which she had worn five years ago. Not only the dress and wig but also the pink satin three inch sandals which went with it, and the very same jewelry she had worn to that Prom. There I was putting the finishing touches on my make-up ... Using Betsy's Prom photo as a guide. The photo which is a permanent fixture on the fireplace mantel in the living room. Not only that! I'd been secretly dressing up in their clothes for the past eight or nine years. Don't ask me why. It just felt so good! Mom had gone totally bonkers because it brought back memories of the old man who, it turned out, had been cheating and lying to her for years! Getting it on with a waitress. The old man who she'd thrown out on his ear. Betsy had gone all hysterical 'cuz I was wearing her Prom dress. Said she never wanted to see it again ...That I had ruined the dress ... And all the wonderful memories she had of the Prom! The rest of it ... The made up B.S. I had babbled to Marti ... Was at least partially true! They had taken pictures ... Lots of pictures! They had been using them to more or less blackmail me! Blackmail which meant I was at their beck and call ... Whenever I was home. I was at their mercy! Every household chore imaginable was now my sole responsibility! Cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing, making beds, washing windows, marketing, and gardening. At first it was pure hell. Worrying whether or not somebody would detect my undies. After a while I got used to it ... Enjoyed it ... Became an expert at protecting my secret when I was out and about. Besides, if doing a few chores around the house meant I could wear their clothes anytime ... All the time ... It was worth it. They had me right where they wanted. And, right where I wanted to be. Betsy had even been teaching me the ins and outs of beauty care, hairstyling, manicuring, and make-up! Washing and setting my mother's and sister's hair, doing their manicures and pedicures, even doing their make-up, was now a permanent addition to my repertoire. I griped and moaned but secretly loved it all. Like I said, they had me right where I wanted. I couldn't dare tell Marti that I'd been scrounging through their closets, like I said, since I was maybe ten years old. Initially, it was coming across a pair of Betsy's panties in the laundry hamper in the bathroom we shared. What exactly drew me to take them out and fondle them ... Then put them on ... I'm not sure. Maybe it was 'cuz both of them were always walking around half-naked, kibitzing about all the new styles, make-up, wigs, and stuff. All the girly things girls gab about. All the while ignoring me ... Like I was invisible, or something. Yeah, I was jealous! Felt left out! Got me to wondering what was so mysterious and exciting and desirable about all that stuff. Whatever it was, the first time I stepped into those panties was like magic! Made me feel all warm and secure. Like I finally belonged. I ravaged their closets every chance I got. Both of them worked days and never got home before six. I had at least three hours each day to "belong"! Oh sure, there were times when they'd noticed things out of place, or wrinkled from stuffing my empty bra cups, or the straps of their bras and slips out of adjustment. They never took much notice 'cuz they were always borrowing each other's things. Everything was perfect. Perfect until that day a few weeks ago when they caught me red-handed! That was when they put two and two together and everything suddenly made sense to them. It was then that they actually snapped off a bunch of photos. And since then, I've been at their 'mercy' ... Okay, okay! So I was at their 'mercy' more or less willingly. Mom had even taken a photo of me and Betsy. I was wearing her Prom dress. Betsy was in a bridesmaid dress she had worn to her best friend's wedding. That picture sits next to Betsy's Prom photo on the mantel. Even though they made a production of 'forcing' me to dress up at home, neither would ever dare force me out in public. Their position of high standing in the community would make it way too risky. The idea of anyone knowing their brother and son was a fairy scared them to death. If you ask me, they're both afraid of their own negative feelings when it comes to men. Sometimes I even used their fears against them. Like the time they dragged me clothes shopping. I really fell in love with a new dress Saks Fifth Avenue just got in. They laughed when I asked for it. Said there's no way they'd spend that kind of money on me! Besides, why would I want something so classy to wear around the house? "Okay," I said, "I guess I'll just have to wear another dress to the church dance!" It was a simple implied threat. A threat to go out in public in a dress. Something I'd been thinking about doing for a long time. Hanging around the house in skirts made me feel like a dead atheist ... All dressed up with no place to go! It worked! They made me promise to never go out of the house in a dress. Then bought me the new dress from Saks. I couldn't tell Marti the real truth. She'd ruin me! Least ways, that's what I was thinking ... Until ... "Bennie, I don't care if you're wearing Lanjooray or not, you taste yummy!" Marti was licking the tip of her finger ... Finishing off the last drop of jism she'd swabbed off her chin. "Let's get you a little more decent." She suggested, as she used her lacey hankie to dab her lipstick stains off my cock. Then she raised my panties and pettipants to my waist in unison and gave the tip of my pecker a gentle pat. "Your Lanjooray is really pretty, you know." Her casual reaction to discovering me in lingerie left me dumbstruck. I didn't know what to think ... What to say. So, I drew her towards me and began kissing her. I ran my hand under her sweater and fondled her boobs. That felt good. But the silky feel of her bra felt even better. I loved caressing it. I ran my hand under her skirt mostly to caress the wondrous silkiness of her petticoats and her other lingerie, err ... Lanjooray! "Know what I think, Bennie? I think you'd rather be wearing my clothes than coping a feel between my legs! Am I right?" No one could pull the wool over Marti Benjamin's eyes! She was reading my mind! And she could tell from the astonished, yet very guilty, look on my face it was exactly what I was thinking. Too bad that'd never happen. Least not out here ... In the open ... In my tiny sports car ... Until ... "C'mon, Bennie. Let's switch clothes! It'll be fun! We're the same size! I could fit into your Levi's and stuff and you could fit into my things!" This chick was full of surprises! "Are you nuts?" I asked. "That's the craziest thing I ever heard! No way!" "Why not? I may be crazy ... But I'm not stupid! You do it all the time at home ... I know they force you to do it ... But still, you do it for them! Do it for me. I wanna see how you look! I bet you look so hot! Anyway, girlfriends always trade clothes with each other. C'mon! I'll be the guy and you'll be my date. I'll take you for a spin through Hollywood ... Maybe stop at Schwab's Drug Store and get a soda or banana split. Anyway, it'll be a change from doing all that girly housework, won't it?" Marti's logic always seemed so, err ... logical. She was already scootching out of her skirt, her three petticoats, her tight angora sweater. In no time at all she was sitting there in just her panties, bra, garter belt, nylons, and bobby socks. "Don't just sit there! Take off your things, Bennie! Oooh! This is gonna be so much fun!" I took a long and lingering look at the pile of petticoats. I absently ran my hand over the chiffon. I could see Marti watching the wheels turning in my head. She knew my will ... What little I had left ... Had crumbled. I don't know ... Maybe it was to rebel against my mother and sister. Maybe I wanted to put to practical use all the things they'd 'forced' me to learn. Maybe I was just sick and tired of being cooped up in the house ... Not being able to express my femininity to the world. Maybe it was because I wanted to get into Marti's pants! Who knows? Whatever the reason, in seconds I was sitting there in just my own panties, garter belt, nylons, pettipants, and camisole ... Well, my sister's, anyway. We climbed out of the car and started climbing into each others clothes. She slipped out of her garter belt and nylons and into my Levi's. Other than being a little loose in the waist, my Levi's fit her to a tee. When I went to slip her sweater over my head she stopped me. "Hold on, Bennie. Take this." She slipped off her bra and handed it to me. Now I finally knew what my mother and sister were talking about when they talked about 'Pert' boobs! Marti's boobs were definitely PERT! I slipped my cami straps off my shoulders and let it fall to my waist. I slid into her bra and hooked it in back. Marti seemed impressed by my expertise. "Here." She laughed. "Use these." She stuffed her nylons into the bullet shaped cups. They didn't fill it out the way Marti's pert boobs did. So she grabbed my white athletic socks and stuffed them into the cups. That did the trick! "You can wear my bobby socks. I'll be wearing your high-top Keds. I don't need any socks." I slipped Marti's bobby socks over my nylons and folded over the cuff. The pink hem of the cuff matched the color of her poodle skirt. Her three colorful petticoats were no problem getting into. When she stripped them off, she had taken them off all at once. They were still stacked. She's had lots of experience getting out of stuff like that! Even I was surprised that her tight sweater fit me so well. I've always been partial to the look of a pair of torpedoes mounted on a chest ... especially if it's my chest! Marti lifted her poodle skirt over my head and settled it over the stack of petti's. Her three inch wide white leather cinch belt held everything together. Even her pink and white saddle shoes fit me. After I tied up the pink laces I stood and swiveled my hips so that my skirt flared and my petticoats flashed. I loved it! Marti loved it even more! Without even asking I grabbed her purse and went straight for her make-up. "Oooh! This I gotta see!" She exclaimed. "Do you really know how to use all that stuff?" "I told you Betsy's been putting make-up on me! Even makes me do it myself. Just watch." I didn't dare tell Marti the real truth ... That I was already flying solo doing make-overs for Betsy and my mother! One thing about Marti ... Actually, there's a bunch of things about her ... But the one thing that was relevant right now was ... She's a make- up freak! Even during the day she goes for the dramatic look ... I've heard some say Slutty. You never see her without a compact and a lipstick, rouge, or mascara in her hand. She's constantly fussing with her 'Look'! She's always the first to experiment with the latest fads, colors, styles! Some kids laugh at her. A lot more envy her. I know I did! Anyway, her purse was a goldmine! I rummaged through it and found her foundation. I used the rear view mirror and began patting it on my face ... my hairless face. I hadn't even started growing a beard yet! Seemed like I never would. Marti watched with what can only be described as honest-to-god admiration. "What? You think you're the only girl who knows how to paint your face?" I teased. "But you're a guy!" She moaned. "You're not supposed to know stuff like this!" "Are you sure? Sure that I'm a guy?" I challenged. Marti ran her hand under my skirts and grabbed hold of my cock. "Oh yeah, baby! I'm sure! Real sure!" I skillfully applied the Max Factor Pan Cake Foundation, then set it with a translucent powder. Just like Betsy had taught me. I used her deep red rouge to highlight my cheekbones. It was when I used her lash curler and brushed on a thick coating of mascara that she squealed with obvious delight. "Jesus, Bennie! You really do know what you're doing! This is amazing! You're amazing!" "Wait! I'm just getting started!" I smiled at her. At this point there was no reason to hide my expertise. Besides, with Marti, it all seemed so normal. I used her liquid eyeliner to draw thin black lines along my upper lids and out past the corners of my eyes. Then did the same to my lower lid, bringing it together with the liner on the upper lids in the same dramatic fashion Elizabeth Taylor was famous for. I dug around some more and found cobalt blue and pearly white eye shadows. The same colors she was wearing. When I finished Marti was just standing there ... Her jaw hanging down to her pert boobs! I smiled a knowing smile. Her cherry red lipstick was the final touch. Marti was staring at another girl! "Here, let me do your nails!" She was definitely into this obviously kinky experience. She chatted casually, as she would with a girlfriend, while she matched my nail color to my lipstick. "How often do you shave, Bennie? You know, your legs, under your arms? You're so smooth all over!" Now that was an embarrassing question! But, considering how I was dressed and all ... "I don't. I mean, I don't have anything to shave!" "You have no idea how lucky you are!" She cooed softly, in a very understanding manner. "Too bad there's no guy here for to you to wrap those sexy cocksucker lips around!" She teased. "Yeah, right! Too bad. Maybe we can pick up a guy at Schwab's!" I shot back sarcastically. If we were at home and it was nighttime it would've been called a slumber party! She took off her jewelry ... her clip-on earrings, her three rings, her four dangly bracelets, and the heavy crucifix which always nestled so teasingly between her boobs. While I put on all that, she grabbed for her purse and dug out a small jar of cold cream. 'How much stuff did she have in there, anyway?' She removed all traces of her own make-up. And there we stood. Her in my clothes and me in hers. A perfect role reversal. Perfect except for my crew-cut and her shoulder length golden blond, permanently waved hair. Marti spotted that little incongruity right away. She found the baseball cap I kept stowed in the MG's tiny jump seat and tucked her hair up inside. "What about me?" I asked. Back into her purse. "Here. Use this." She folded a pink and white silk scarf into a triangle, draped it over my head, and tied it under my chin. It wasn't as perfect as the wigs Betsy had me wearing but it went a long way to completing the illusion. Besides, what did it matter. We were all alone ... Out in the middle of nowhere. Marti cranked up the AM radio and we started dancing on the dirt lot. It might have seemed like quite a sight. Marti in my Levi's, my skin tight tee shirt under my oversized plaid flannel shirt and me in her poodle skirt and stuff. It might have seemed like quite a sight if anyone but us would've been there to see it. Marti started really coming on to me. Just like any other typical teenage guy who was dancing with his girl in a secluded Lovers' Lane. She mashed my 'boobs'. She pulled me by the ass to get me closer. She covered my mouth with hers and shoved her tongue deep inside. In truth, I felt like the sexiest bobby-soxer ever as I wantonly let her have her way with me. "Oh Baby! You're sooo hot!" She moaned, lowering her voice a couple of registers. "I wanna shove my cock deep inside your pussy! Deep inside your hot mouth!" She did have her kinky side. She undid her Levi's and lowered them. "C'mon you sexy thing! Make believe I've got a big fat cock down here! Suck on it, Baby! Suck off your handsome boyfriend!" Yeah! Definitely kinky! She laid out across the tan leather seat and spread her legs wide. I leaned into her snatch and started sucking. Her clit was swollen and red. It wasn't anything like a real cock but I pretended. After I don't know how long, Marti pushed me away. She was panting ... Trying desperately to catch her breath. "Oh Bennie! That was fantastic! You're fantastic! Oh my god! You sucked on my clit so hard! It felt just like I had a cock down there!" "I only wish you had a cock, Handsome!" I squealed back in my well- practiced soprano pitch. Yep! Betsy had been force-feeding me voice lessons. "I'd love to wrap my lips around it! I wish I had a pussy so I could feel what it's like to have a cock shoved inside me, too!" We were both totally immersed in this kinky role-play! "Do you really, Bennie? Do you really wish you could wrap your lips around a big, hot, juicy cock, you slut?" "Don't put me on, you handsome devil! Don't tease me like that!" I growled. "I'm so turned on right now, I'd suck the first cock to come along!" She had the strangest far-away look on her face. Like saying I'd suck a cock had conjured up a really unpleasant memory. I thought I'd gone too far ... Until ... "If you're really serious, Bennie, I think I can arrange it. I mean, I can arrange to get you a cock to suck." Marti was snuggling up real close ... As close as my skirt and three petticoats would permit, anyway. "You gotta be kidding! I don't know about doing something like that! What kind of girl do you think I am, anyway?" I joked. "Why not? Anyone with lips as hot as yours shouldn't let them go to waste. Your lips are made for sucking cock, Baby! Just like mine are!" "Oh yeah! And just who did you have in mind? There's no way I'll take a chance with any of the guys we know. They'd kill me if they ever found out!" I complained. But the idea of taking this charade to a whole new level had a definite appeal. Don't ask me why. Maybe it was Marti's clothes and wearing them outdoors for the first time. Maybe it was the way Marti was so casual about being my 'boyfriend' and treating me like her 'girlfriend'. Maybe it was 'cuz I'd tasted my own jiz for the first time. Maybe it was 'cuz ever since I started playing dress-up I dreamed about seducing a boy and sucking him off ... Just like girls like Marti did ... Every chance they got! Girls who did what Marti did always got their way! Why shouldn't I put my special skills to good use? "I didn't exactly have a boy in mind. I was thinking of a MAN. Not really much of man, if you ask me. But still, a MAN ... With a nice big juicy fat cock!" Now that sounded ominous. "A man? Who? Does he live around here? Do I know him?" "Yes and no." She replied, all mysterious and everything. "Bennie, I have a little secret too. Not really a little secret. It's big! And it's bad! You've shared your deep, dark secret with me. It's only fair for me to share mine with you." "Well, don't keep me in suspense, Marti! What gives?" She was sitting side-saddle in the passenger seat. I was sitting on her lap with my arm around her shoulder and she was running her hand under my skirts ... Driving me nuts! Just like I had done to her before we switched. "The man I have in mind is ... uh ... Oh god, this is so embarrassing!" "Embarrassing!" I choked. "We're sitting here in each others clothes! I've just had my face buried between your legs for a half hour! You've sucked me off and shoved my own cum down my throat! How could you possibly be embarrassed about anything at this point?" I argued. "Okay! Okay! I get it!" She was almost in tears. "It's just that I've never told anyone about this before. But somehow ... I don't know ... I feel like I can talk to you ... Right now, I feel closer to you than I've ever felt towards anyone else!" "So? What gives?" I asked quietly. I could sense how deeply she was hurting. "The man is ... He's the Son of a Bitch who calls himself my father!" She whispered those words into my ear, causing shivers to run up and down my spine. "Your FATHER!" I squealed incredulously. "Pastor Benjamin? That's the nuttiest thing I've ever heard! Why would you want me to suck your old man's cock? And why would he even let me? Why would you even suggest anything so crazy? And why're calling him a Son of a Bitch?" "Just listen to me! Let me finish! Please, Bennie. God! What's with your voice? You sound like a squeaky little girl!" "My sister's been giving me voice coaching! Okay?" I explained. I shut my mouth and let her talk. This had to be interesting. Besides, she still had her hand up my skirt. "My father!" She spit out the word like it was a vile tasting medicine. "My father's been doing stuff to me since I was ten years old! Since right after my mother died." "Stuff? What stuff?" I could be so dense sometimes. "God, Bennie! You can be so dense sometimes! He makes me ... uh, you know ... Suck him! Okay? He makes me suck his filthy, disgusting cock!" She was really crying now! "Oh sweet Jesus, Marti! That's awful! Why do you do it? Has he, you know, done anything else? You know what I'm talking about." "No! Blow jobs only! Never wanted to take the chance of getting me knocked up! Why do you think I'm so good at it? Lots of practice." She laughed a bitter laugh. "Hardly a day goes by when he doesn't force me to suck him off. Hell, he's even had me sucking him off from under his pulpit!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Her old man ... The absolute pillar of the community ... The moral leader! No wonder Marti's the loosest girl in town. "When I was young ... When it all started ... He'd come into my bedroom at night. Said he missed Mom. Wanted me to hold him ... Like she used to. Then he started making me touch him ... Touch his cock! What did I know? I was only ten. Said it was our secret. Told me never to tell anyone 'cuz he'd be ruined ... Go to jail even! Then he made me do it! Suck him off. Told me how good it made him feel ... How it made him feel like Mom was still there with us! "When I got older ... You know ... When I started bleeding ... When my breasts started developing ... He started taking pictures of me. Naked pictures! Pictures of me sucking him off! Started calling me a whore, harlot, slut ... Really vile names! Told me I was going to burn in Hell! "He had me convinced no one would believe me even if I told on him. And, y'know what? He's probably right. Who'd take my word over the word of the pastor of the biggest church around? "I've been wanting to get even with him for the longest time. I dream of ways to get even with him! Up 'til now the only way I've been able to get even was to blow every guy I can. You have no idea how satisfying it can be to suck his cock right after I've blown one of the guys! To know I've slimed some other guys jism onto his filthy pecker! Now, with your help, I think I know an even more perfect way to get him ... And get him good!" "What? By me sucking his cock? I don't understand." "Bennie! Will you please let me finish!" She clenched my cock hard for emphasis. "You've heard his sermons a million times, haven't you? He's a fanatic when it comes to Homos. Right? Half his sermons are about the evils of Homosexuality. How it's gonna cause the end of civilization as we know it ... The Armageddon! Right? How every moral-thinking citizen should do everything in their power to rid the world of Homos. Right?" "Who hasn't heard him preaching about that?" I agreed. "So ... Here's my plan. I never would've thought of it if I hadn't seen you wearing all your girly stuff! But this is gonna be perfect! You just wait! "We go back to my house. He won't be home for another couple of hours. You stay dressed just the way you are. I'll leave on your stuff. He hates it when I wear Levi's. Trust me, when he sees you ... All pouffed out, and all ... He'll ignore me. "Seeing you dressed like this, believe me, he won't be able to take his eyes off you. A poodle skirt and petticoats drives him nuts! He's even tried to get into my girlfriends' panties after he's had his before- dinner glass of whiskey. He never did though. I always managed to get them out of there before he gets too pushy." "Holy cow! What a Perv!" I exclaimed. "Well this time I think we'll just let him have his way ... With you. If it works the way I think it will, I'll have him right where I want him ... Totally at my mercy! And ... As an added bonus ... " She smiled that sexy, conniving smile she has ... "You get to suck your very first cock! All you have to do is tease him a little ... Sit on his lap ... Blow in his ear! He'll do the rest!" "Oh yeah? What if he sneaks his hand under my skirt like you're doing right now? Huh? What about that?" "Just push his hand away. Tell him your having your monthlies! He won't try groping you if he thinks your bleeding! Trust me! Just tell him you know another way to make him happy. You know, smile a lot. Reach down and squeeze his cock. You can do it, Bennie. I know you can!" "How's me giving him a blow job gonna get you even with him?" This was getting me a little confused. "Because, Bennie, he's got one of those new Polaroid cameras. He loves taking pictures of me sucking his cock. Especially when he makes me wear one those little girl party dresses he's always buying me. You know, real short dresses ... All pouffed out with petticoats ... Lots of frills and lace! Ribbons in my hair! Little-girl-pink nails! Yuck! I hate them! I hate him!" "He takes pictures of you sucking him off? Just show the pictures to the cops! He'll wind up in jail for sure!" "He's too clever for that, Bennie. First of all, he keeps them locked away. He sets things up so all that shows is my mouth around his big fat cock! Never so's he could be recognized! Always threatens to show them off if I ever stop doing what he wants. Says all he has to do is tell the cops he found them locked up with my diary. Says he could have me arrested for being a prostitute! Nobody'd ever believe someone with his reputation would do anything so perverted! "Look how your mother and sister have you doing what you're doing! They threaten you with the pictures they took! Don't they? Why couldn't we do the same with my father? "Anyway, I'm thinking that if I can get a few snapshots of you, on your knees, with his cock stuffed deep down your throat ... While you're jacking your own cock! Pictures of him getting sucked off by a sissy Homo! Mmmm ... Think of what those pictures will do to him!" "It'll never work, Marti. What about my hair?" "Silly boy! Haven't you ever heard of a wig? I have a bunch of them. He bought them for me. Likes to see me looking different. A little girl one day ... A slutty whore the next ... The Perv even went and bought me one of those French maid's costumes! I told you he's a letch! By the time I get through fixing you up, he'll never know the difference. Besides, once he's had a drink or two, his cock does all his thinking!" "What do I get out of all this? Besides getting to suck my first cock, I mean!" We both started laughing at the same time. "God! You are a slut! This is the best part, Bennie! He's got lots of money ... I mean LOTS of money! I know he's been skimming off the collection plate, membership dues, and building fund forever. And, ever since he started preaching on television, the money's really rolling in! By the time we get through with him, he'll be coughing it up in spades! We could even get our own place. You could get away from your sister and mother and I could get away from him! Hell, if you wanted to, we could even be sisters ... Or kissing cousins, maybe! We'd have it made in the shade!" She started licking my ear! Oh god! What that does to me! "Sure! We'd live together, happily ever-after, as two girls! Oh yeah! That'd work!" I argued sarcastically. "Sweet Jesus, Bennie! In case you haven't noticed, you're adorable! You make an adorable girl! I'd be proud to be anywhere with you! We're old enough to get our own place. And with all that money, we could get any place we want! Say you'll do it! Please ... Pretty please!" Marti was stroking my cock furiously! I couldn't help myself! I shot another wad into my silky panties. The thought of doing in her lecherous old man combined with her magic fingers caused me to lose all control. Marti started laughing like a hyena as she licked my juice off her fingers. "You are a slut! You get off so easy! Putty in any horny guy's hands, aren't you?" She growled in her affected manly voice. I told you Marti has a way of getting anything she wants! "Okay, Okay! You win! I'll do it! Even if it doesn't work out like you say, at least I'll get to suck my first cock! Right?" "It might be your first, Bennie, but somehow I don't think it'll be your last! Don't worry your pretty little head. Don't worry! It'll work! I just know it will! C'mon, I'll drive. We'll go for a banana split some other time!" I slid off her lap and she slid in behind the wheel. It was my turn to feel the exhilaration of my skirt and petticoats flying in the breeze. Now I really understood why Marti didn't bother to try to keep them down. "Fun, isn't it!" She laughed as she tried to coordinate shifting gears while running her hand up and down my legs. I was trying to keep my scarf from flying off! - ~ - ~ We made it back to Marti's house in record time. Even counting the extra time it took to stop and pick up six packs of Polaroid film. I sat in the car and repaired my make-up while Marti went into the camera store. At Marti's house I made a quick call to Betsy's work and told her I was at a friend's house for dinner. She wasn't too thrilled about it but said it'd be okay since I'd been such a good little 'girl' all week. "Try not to let anyone see your sexy undies!" She teased. 'It's a little late for that!' I thought wistfully. I was already hard as a rock again and tried to get a little frisky with Marti. She said it'd have to wait cuz she wanted me nice and hard for the photos once the action started. "Can I at least have a clean pair of panties?" "No way, Jose!" She answered. "Just leave them off. It'll be easier to get to your cock if you don't have to fuss with them." Like I said, Marti's logic was always so logical. Marti wasted no time. She set about fitting me with one of her wigs. The one she chose was blond and curly ... A real Shirley Temple looking wig. "Damn, Marti. I look like a little kid!" I protested. "That's the whole idea, Bennie. He goes nuts when he sees me in this wig. He loves the little girl look. He'll go more nuts when he sees you! Fresh young meat and all!" Marti lifted my angora sweater and my camisole. She reached into my bra and pulled out her nylons and my socks. "These'll work much better, Bennie. Brand new stuff called Foam Rubber! The best falsies money can buy!" She showed me the falsies before she stuffed them into my bra. When she straightened out my cami and sweater I could even see the fake nipples poking out. "How am I gonna explain these falsies if he grabs my chest?" I figured it was a legitimate question. "Just tell him you're giving Mother Nature a helping hand. All the girls wear falsies. At least all the girls who need the help. It's no big deal! Where have you been, for heaven's sake!" "I'm gonna have to find some way to con Betsy into buying me a pair of these! They look like real tits, Marti!" I said, wishfully. "First of all, Missy, they're boobs ... Not tits! Only crass boys call them tits! Girls hate it when boys call them tits! Get used to it! Second, when we're through with Daddy, we'll have enough money to buy you a dozen pair! You just wait and see!!" We fussed with my make-up 'til we had just the right look to go with my wig. I couldn't have looked more than fourteen years old! Lots of pinks and baby-blue, the lightest touch of mascara, soft pink rouge, and a nice double-thick coat of cotton-candy pink lipstick and nail polish to match. Marti poured us each a small shot of the old man's best whiskey. "Just to loosen us up a bit! Our little shot of courage." She called it. We were sitting on the large couch in the living room when he got home. Marti looked manish compared to me, what with her Levi's, flannel shirt, high-top Keds, and no make-up. "Martha! I'm home." He called out. "In here Daddy. We're in the living room." Pastor Benjamin strutted in like he was the King of Kings ... All preacher-looking in his white suit. He casually threw his wallet and car keys on the coffee table. When he saw me he was a little taken aback. When he saw us sipping Kentucky's finest he was a lot taken aback! "What's going on here, girls? Martha, you know I don't approve of you drinking! And what on earth are you wearing!?" He chided, mostly for my benefit, I suppose. In truth, he loved it when Marti had a little nip. Gets her in the right mood! "Oh Daddy," Marti cooed, "Don't be such an old fuddy-dud! I just changed into something comfy to wear while I make you dinner. If you're nice, I'll change into something pretty before we eat. Say hello to my friend, Benni! It's short for Benita. Just like Marti is short for Martha. You know all my friends call me Marti. Why can't you?" "Yes, Martha. I do know it. And I don't like it one bit, either! Marti sounds like a boy's name!" He answered. "Hello Benita!" "Hi Pastor Benjamin." I cooed in my most sultry voice. The game was on! "Now Daddy. Be nice. Don't embarrass me in front of Benni. Here, I already poured you a drink!" Which she handed him while guiding him to his favorite easy chair. "Benni, entertain Daddy while I freshen up and start dinner." "Sure thing Marti. Mind if I put on some records?" I asked as I got up from the couch. I fluffed my petticoats for show. "Gosh, Pastor Benjamin! I wish I had changed before we got here. These petticoats are so hot!" I made a little frou-frou move, Can-Can fashion, for emphasis. The Perv couldn't take his eyes off me. Marti was trying desperately to stifle a giggle. I wiggled over to the phonograph and bent at the waist to gather a stack of 45's. He had to be able to see my stocking tops! I could tell he was enjoying the show. He started sputtering and coughing into his whiskey. I started the record player and began dancing by myself to a Fats Domino tune. "C'mon Marti! Dance with me!" I yelled. "Dance with Daddy!" She yelled back. "I'm busy. Daddy," She hollered, "Dance with her! Will ya'!" I strolled over to the Perv. I was swinging my hips and letting my petti's flare wildly. "C'mon Pastor Benjamin, dance with me!" I cajoled. I grabbed his empty hand and tried to take his whiskey away. "C'mon! Let's dance. I love this song!" I whined. He wouldn't let me take his drink. But, he didn't let go of my hand. For a scrawny old guy he was pretty strong. "That's the Devil's music!" He shouted. He shouted 'cuz he was trying to act all preacher-like and 'cuz he had to so he could be heard over the music. I had it cranked up pretty loud. "It should be banned! That Elvis whathisname is ruining the youth of this country!" He chided in a very Pastorly manner. "That's not Elvis, Pastor Benjamin. That's Fats Domino. All the kids dig him ... He's the most!" "Why don't you just sit here with me for a bit?" He yelled over the music as he pulled me down to the arm of his easy chair. The whiskey was already kicking in. I sat on the overstuffed arm of his chair and allowed my skirts to fan out over his lap. I coyly fussed with the hem of my skirt in a false show of modesty. But let him have a lingering gaze at my nylons. I playfully kicked my saddle shoes back and forth like any Lolitta-Like fourteen year old would and let him pull me from the arm of the chair onto his lap. The silky caress of my chiffon petti's against my naked cock had me hard as a rock! The back of my skirt and petticoats scrunched up as I landed in his lap with a loud "Ooof!" I had to wrap my arm around his shoulder to keep from sliding off and onto the floor. I wiggled in his lap and could feel a definite hardness ... Which would be his cock ... Against my butt! I stuck my finger into his whiskey then enticingly licked it clean. He took a long pull on his whiskey. He was beginning to perspire. His pasty-white face was turning red. "Here, Pastor Benjamin, let me loosen your tie. I always do that for my Daddy when he gets home from work." I whispered into his ear. I began loosening his necktie. He didn't stop me. But his hand had found my nylon-clad knee. And it was starting to move higher. Yep! He was definitely feeling the whiskey. "Behave yourself, Pastor Benjamin! I'm not that kind of girl!" I snapped. "And what kind of girl would that be, Benita?" He was starting to slur a bit. "Why, the kind of girl who would let her friend's Daddy take advantage, Silly. Like you're trying to do now! I'm not like that!" I looked him in the eye and gave him my best 'come-hither' smile. "Don't you like the way my hand feels on your legs, Child? Your legs feel nice and soft to me." He was getting a little too aggressive. In truth, his hand felt all slimy from sweat. "Well yeah, Pastor. It does feel kinda nice. But don't go any higher. I'm having my monthlies. It's kind of messy up there." I whispered as I leaned close to his cheek. His hand came out from under my skirt like a shot! I used that opportunity to get off his lap and freshen his whiskey. This time it was a triple! I minced back to the Perv. As I handed him his drink I 'accidentally' splashed a bit on his slacks. "Oh goodness! Look what clumsy lil' me went and did." I handed him the drink and began wiping his crotch with my bare hand. He sure didn't try to stop me! "Oh my! Pastor Benjamin! What have we here?" I hissed. His cock was trying to burst through. For a scrawny little guy it sure felt like he had a monster inside. "Benita, you are one wanton Harlot!" He accused. I noticed he didn't try to move my hand away. And he was definitely leering! "And you, Pastor Benjamin, are one horny Preacher!" I took a little sip from his drink. "I hope Marti doesn't come in and catch us!" His back was to the kitchen. I could see Marti standing at the doorway giving me the thumbs up. He was groping my chest. If he could tell they were foam rubber, he sure didn't seem to care. He was slopping down the whiskey like a drunken sailor! "Don't you concern yourself with Martha, Child. She's busy getting dinner ready. She won't bother us. Oh, Lord forgive me, how I'd love to get inside your panties! You're not going to leave me in this state! Are you?" He was definitely begging! And definitely drunk! "Pastor Benjamin! I already explained it's my time of the month!" I still had my hand wrapped firmly around the outline of his cock. The little whiskey I'd sipped had given me just the boost of courage I needed. "But maybe ... And I mean just maybe ... If you're a nice little Preacher ... There's another way I could make you happy!" I licked my lips seductively. Marti had the Polaroid at the ready. "You mean you'd ..." I interrupted. "You know exactly what I mean!" I parted my lips and ran my tongue all the way around. "Would you like me to do that to you now? Before Marti comes back in?" "Lord have mercy! Would I ever love that, Benita! Please! Yes!" He hissed. "Why don't you finish your drink while I put on some fresh lipstick? This'll make my lips feel so slick when I wrap them around you, Pastor Benjamin! Don't you love this color?" I hissed. I playfully dabbed a little on the tip of his nose. He chugged what remained of his drink. He looked like he was about to pass out. Getting the Perv's slacks unzipped and his cock pulled out was a whole new experience. First of all, I'd never done anything like it before. Second of all, he was so drunk by this time he was useless! No help at all! Nevertheless, I finally managed to expose him. It was cumbersome, but I managed. I knelt on the carpeted floor, between his widespread legs, and yanked his cock forward towards my virgin mouth. Oh Yes! ... It was time to gobble down his monster cock and suck him dry! My very first! I looked up at him. He wasn't looking at me. His head was tilted against the back of his easy chair. His eyes were squeezed shut. He was oblivious to everything but the feel of my hot mouth wrapped around his shaft. I was slurping, sucking, licking, and slathering for all I was worth. And I was enjoying every delightful second of it. This is what I've dreamed of ... Since I first stepped into my sister's panties! His cock was covered in cotton-candy pink! I almost choked to death when I gobbled it so far into my mouth that it hit my throat! But I kept going. If it was me getting a blow job like the one I was giving the good Pastor, I'd have shot my load by now. This old Perv had staying power! I reloaded my lipstick. It would be a nice touch to have it smeared all over his white slacks. Kind of a permanent memento. My very own personal trademark! I could hear Marti snapping off one shot after another. I don't know what made me look up at her but it's lucky I did. She was frantically motioning me to hike my skirts and expose my cock and jack it off! Oh god! I almost forgot! I slowed everything down just a bit. I concentrated on sucking his balls. I didn't want him shooting off too soon. With my free hand I reached down and scrunched up my skirts to my waist. Not a particularly easy thing to do in my position. I tucked my skirts under my elbow, at my waist, and began yanking my own stiff rod in perfect rhythm to the bobbing of my mouth. Marti gave me another thumbs up to let me know she had a perfect angle. I was really worked up! But I managed to slow down and pretty much fake it. All we really needed was a few good shots of the Pervy Pastor ... That'd be him ... Getting sucked off by a Sissy Homo ... That'd be me! That was the game plan! After that, Marti and I would have him right where I had him now ... Right by his balls! I grabbed his hands and placed them over the back of my head. After all, we did want it to look like he was forcing me! The bottle of Kentucky's finest sitting on the table next to his empty glass left no doubt that he was drunk as a skunk. I don't know how many shots Marti got but the camera sounded like the rapid fire of a snub-nose .38! The only time there was silence was when she was reloading. The Perv was so out of it he didn't hear a thing ... Or didn't care! I could feel him start to boil deep inside his loins. Unless I missed my guess I was about to experience my very first taste of another man's jism! Too bad it had to be from a Perv like Marti's old man. I started moaning. A signal to Marti he was about to unload. I was hoping she had enough film to get a good shot of her old man's juices exploding into my mouth and all over my face. She did! As soon as I felt the white hot slime hit the back of my throat I heard the rapid fire of Marti's Polaroid. I opened my mouth wide and let his jism flow out freely ... Down my chin ... Onto Mari's pretty angora sweater ... And all over her poodle skirt. I looked into the camera lens for one last shot of me licking the Perv's dribbling jism off his softening cock. Then I redid my lipstick and blotted it several times up and down the length of his fly. The coup de grace, however, came when I stood up and shoved my cock against Pastor Benjamin's gaping mouth. As drunk as he was he had no idea what I was doing. In a burst of pure inspiration, I ripped off my wig and let Marti take a couple of shots of my crew-cut. Just in case anyone had any doubts I was male. Marti got a few shots of the 'horrified' look on my face as I 'struggled' to fight off his attempt to suck me off while he had a firm hold of my cock! As a final touch Marti caught a great shot of my white-hot load spewing all over the good Pastor's shirt! All in all, the whole scenario would rival the best of the eight millimeter movies all guys bragged about watching at stag parties. - ~ - ~ The whole thing took a little over an hour! The first question out of Marti's mouth was, "So Benni, how was your first blow job? Was it as good as you thought it would be?" She was laughing. "You sure looked like you were having a good time!" I started laughing too! "Actually, I loved it! Except for the fact of who it was! He's really pretty disgusting, you know!" I commented, as I refreshed my lipstick and replaced my wig. "Tell me about it! Now you know what I've been going through for years. Well almost, anyway. At least you did it voluntarily. He's been forcing it on me all this time! Yuck! At least I'll never have to do him again! And, neither will you! You really saved me, you know! I owe you big time!" Then came the real shocker ... "Know what, Benita? I think I love you!" "What? No girl's ever said those words to me ... EVER! And, you don't have to call me Benita anymore!" I cried out. "Well no boy's ever done what you've done for me! And, I want to keep calling you Benita! I love Benita as much as I love you, Bennie! I want to keep her around for a long time!" "You want me to stay like this? I'd never get away with it! Too many people know me around here!" "Yes! Yes, I do! And you don't have to worry about sticking around here. I was thinking, we'll just find us another city ... Another big city ... Where we can live together ... As sisters or cousins or ... It doesn't matter ... Just as long as we're together! No one ever has to know! And, just think, Daddy will be footing the bill! How perfect is that? Besides, if you can live with your mother and sister as a girl, you can surely live with me as one! Right? Heck, I'll even share the housework with you!" Marti took me in her arms and kissed me deeply. The flavor of my lipstick mixed with Marti's juicy tongue went a long way to getting rid of the sour taste of her old man's jism. - ~ - ~ We were sifting through the two dozen or so photos when we heard the old man stirring in his chair. Even though they were black and white, each one was a work of art! There was no mistaking the reason for the stupefied grin on the Perv's face as he blissfully enjoyed being sucked off by what appeared to be a very young looking fourteen year old girl! My own rigid pole, clenched tightly in my fist, clearly told a different story. The pastor was dead meat! Marti had a real career ahead of her as a photog! Marti grabbed about half the photos ... The best ones really ... And scurried out to the front of the house where my MG was parked. She came back, all out of breath, and said she'd hidden them under the jump seat for safe keeping. The old man stumbled into the dining room where we had the pictures fanned out across the table. He hadn't even noticed the gooey wet stain all over his shirt or my lipstick on his slacks. "Girls," He mumbled. "Where's my dinner?" Like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Then, looking down at the table littered with Polaroid's, he growled, "How many time have I told you to keep your mitts off my camera, Martha? Can't I even take a little nap without you getting into mischief, Young Lady!" Obviously, he still thought Marti had no clue that I'd sucked him dry. Or maybe he didn't even remember it. If he'd taken the time to look down at his stained slacks and his sticky shirt he might have thought differently. "Daddy", Marti began, "You better take a closer look at these. Or better yet, take a look at your shirt and slacks. I think it's you who's been getting into mischief!" She pointed the Polaroid at him and snapped off a good shot of my lip prints on his fly. "What are you babbling on about, Child?" He said contemptuously. Then he began shuffling through the photos. The blood drained instantly from his face as they came into focus. He began shaking. Shaking even more violently then when he was really into one of his sermons! I thought he was gonna have a stroke when he looked at one picture in particular which depicted his cock in my mouth and my cock in my hand! A real 'Money Shot'! Just to drive home the point, I slowly removed my Shirley Temple wig and smiled as prettily as I knew how. He began sta

Same as Faster, Bennie! Faster! Videos

4 years ago
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Brandy Bennie

Bennie was without doubt, the best looking dude in our small town. He was the bar owners son, and was nineteen years old. He had curly chestnut brown hair, and stood around 6’2” tall. He was a burly boy, and had the most beautiful skin I had ever seen on a man. The skin on his face looked like it belonged to a baby, and I am sure no pimple ever dared invade his features. When he helped out at the pub, I was always memorized by his easy going manner, and sexy smile. Bennie often bragged; that he...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Besties with Bennies

I would like to enclose that this story is fictional but based off of true events. All characters are over the age of 18, and nothing written exploited any person/persons. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear some constructive criticism from you. Thank you for your time. ***** It was just a casual night with Netflix and dinner… or so I thought. I invited Michael over after work so than we could hang out a little bit and catch up. We had both just graduated and hadn’t seen each other...

1 year ago
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Days of Leisure III Benny and Carla

How do a handsome man and his beautiful daughter avoid lust on a boat? They don't. She moved like pure silk and sinew. Even at a distance, her deep, olive skin glowed as if she absorbed all sun and moonlight. Her bare thighs flexed with long, easy strides while the line of her scant cutoffs followed the rock and roll of fluid hips. Rigid tipped breasts like ripening fruit quivered against a lemon yellow tank top. Now he could see she was smiling to herself. It was one of those smiles that...

3 years ago
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Evil Benni Ch 05

Respectability is beginning to close in around Benni. He is given another task more suited to a much older and experienced specialist in the field of strategic business development. Benni’s approach is ad hoc but he does get assistance from a beautiful woman who works for the enemy – the mall. With Benni being Benni the hero is bound to pull this one off, but how? SEVENTEEN Benni ‘Mr Popularity’ James was driving to his workplace from his new apartment three weeks after his promotion, still...

3 years ago
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Evil Benni Ch 02

With one woman left in his wake yet not forgotten, Benni makes a determined effort to make his mom like him, at least a little more. It’s time to try to set himself up to make some real money so he examines what are his main interests and concludes there are only two – women and vehicles. He shrugs, thinking that’s not much to go on but it’s his own fault that he allowed his eager penis to get in the way of coming out of college with a useful degree. SEVEN Gladys James was hanging out the...

3 years ago
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Evil Benni Ch 03

Life is going smoothly for Benni, he’s sorted out his double-dipping problem and is happy that Bess seems to adore him. That’s a big improvement on her mother whose interest seemed confined to his tongue, fingers and penis, though that doesn’t necessarily indicate that daughters are more sophisticated than their mothers. Here we learn more about Benni – his childhood and more about the reason for him being booted out of college, narrowly missing jail. It just seems to drag on… TEN Bess...

1 year ago
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Evil Benni Ch 06

With Bess gone from his bed, Benni devotes himself to pulling various parties together to moving in a positive direction for parallel business development. He must win over Ralph who is holding a back-stabbing knife with Benni’s name on it. Will Bess return to Benni’s bed, or will he find someone else – the swine! Will she find someone else? This story appears to be going nowhere, but beware of illusions! TWENTYONE Benni duitifully had been making contributions to the working party’s Plan of...

2 years ago
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Evil Benni Ch 01

This is story of an erratic journey from college disaster to eventual ‘coming of age’ of a very unusual and troubled young man. Benni is not really liked by his mom, whereas a very limited number of other women are prepared to shoulder his undesirable attributes to get a piece of him. Be warned, he’s not a graduate from Sunday school nor the model family, and he doesn’t think and act like you may well do and/or expect him to. But the contention is that while Benni may frustrate and disappoint...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Episode of Benny Hill Story not my ow

This is something I pulled off one of the Yahoo club sites. It says it was written by someone named Wallace Mason. It's a dream edition of the Benny Hill Show. All I can say is, "Bravo, Wallace!"The Ultimate Benny Hill Show No. 1 by Wallace MasonIt’s the mid 1980’s. British policewomen still where the white and black caps with chequered bands and nurses still wear blue uniforms and caps. The unaired Benny Hill show is about to start. It does include some of Benny’s real sketches, some stolen...

4 years ago
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Evil Benni Ch 04

Bess is beginning to feel nesting tendencies towards Benni just at the time her dad is eager to start up an affair with the sophisticated scarlet woman, Mrs Lucas. The story crawls onwards, though without too many adulterous affairs, and the hero is given the opportunity to buy stock in the company – daddy’s little daughter’s idea to give Benni greater incentive to remain close to her side. THIRTEEN At lunch Benni said to Kevin Saunders that Marlene was acting suspiciously towards Barron who...

4 years ago
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Banged by Benny

By Jimmy (m/m oral anal 1st)[/b]=========================================================================== "Are ya tripping dude?" I asked not quite believing what I heard. I laughed and reached for the bag of weed. Benny jerked the weed away. "I ain't tripping. Fuck, if anyone's tripping it's gotta be you. I mean it Kev, no more weed, no more X, no more nothing. You're cut off man!" Benny snapped his fingers to emphasize his point. "Come off it! Ya fucking know I...

3 years ago
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BennyChapter 7

By the end of his first summer as the most desirable sex toy in town, Benny had taken to keeping all his tips in a locked box on the top shelf of his closet. He’d never deposited it because his dad reviewed the bank statements, and he would have been very curious indeed about so much money over and above what was billed suddenly popping up in his account. Benny just thought it best to keep the extra cash out of sight. He decided on the lockbox one day when he gathered up the proliferation of...

1 year ago
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BennyChapter 4

As summer progressed and his business grew, Benny found it increasingly difficult to keep up with the demands of his lawn mowing service and do justice to his growing list of needy women at the same time. If he’d been the sort of lover that was satisfied with the “Wham, bam, thank you Ma’am” approach, his efforts wouldn’t have been so time-consuming, but that wasn’t our Benny. The more he learned of the art of sex, the more he understood that it couldn’t be hurried if it was to achieve the...

3 years ago
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BennyChapter 2

Benny’s actual conscious sexual awakening came right on schedule at the age of thirteen. During the summer between the seventh and eighth grades, he grew three inches in height, he outgrew two shoe sizes, his nose got too big and, more impressively, his penis attained a length of over seven inches in its most relaxed state; not unheard of, but certainly unusual. His testicles also enlarged and hung down between his legs instead of being tucked up into his groin, and he began sprouting hair in...

1 year ago
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BennyChapter 3

The following spring, about the time he was turning fourteen, Benny decided to start up a serious lawn mowing service. He’d been doing people’s lawns in his neighborhood since he was big enough to push a mower, but he was pretty sure that if he really put his mind to it, he could make some serious money. He and his dad built a two-wheeled utility trailer that hooked onto the back of his bicycle, and was big enough to hold a lawnmower, a trimmer and gasoline containers. They put signs on the...

2 years ago
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BennyChapter 6

That pattern pretty much defined Benny’s life all through high school. Ladies dropped out of his exclusive circle for various reasons: suspicious husbands, feelings of guilt, fear of discovery and possible prosecution for sexually abusing a minor. In three cases it was pregnancy, but Benny was never held responsible (although one of the babies was born with a remarkably long penis). Other women learned of, asked for and were favored with Benny’s therapeutic talents if he had an open slot in...

1 year ago
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Saving Benny

Benny I don’t know what made me go a different way that day, but everything changed because of it. I was something of a loner and most people in my small town high school left me alone. I was 18, with longish dark hair and a toned, muscular body. I usually wore a leather biker jacket and engineer boots and played in a rock band in my spare time. Because my house wasn’t too far away, I sometimes walked home from school, even though it was my senior year and I did have a car. It was just one of...

3 years ago
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BennyChapter 5

With the beginning of the new school year, and then a few weeks later at the end of the grass-growing season, Benny had to make some decisions about the allocation of his time. He was a good student and he had no intention of letting his grades suffer. His lawn care customers understood that he’d have to reduce the number of lawns he and his hired friends tended, and nearly all the ones he dropped when classes began asked to be included on next summer’s list. Those women who fell into the...

2 years ago
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Everything began with Benny

When Benny is walking home at night, a car swerves and leaves the roadway, hitting him and throwing him to the ground. Two busty girls by the names of Candy and Roxy get out of the car. They are completely drunk and just came back from a wet T-shirt competition. Seeing that they hit Benny and that he is lying on the ground motionless, they get anxious. "Holy shit, we're in big trouble", Candy says. She is a tall blonde woman with an athletic figure. Her large bust is obviously thanks to...

2 years ago
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Faster Peter Dont Stop

Peter – My First OrgasmI don’t know when I actually started to wank as opposed to just playing with myself but my first orgasm really sticks in my memory.In the 60s when I was 13, my family moved to a small country town. I had lost all my new secondary school friends and was desperate to find some new ones. Trouble is in a small town you have to take what you find as many of your school friends of your own age will be dotted over the countryside. In my street I became friends with two other...

1 year ago
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Faster Than a Speeding BulletChapter 3

The original starting Quarterback was still in the dog house with Coach Harkness, so the former backup Quarterback was now playing on the starting team. Unfortunately, he just was not up to the challenge, and he threw two incomplete passes before the coach decided that he had made a mistake. In a fit of desperation, he called for Tag to throw his pass to the Wide Receiver on the right side of the formation. They lined up in the Single Wing formation, but with Tag directly behind the Center....

3 years ago
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Faster Than a Speeding BulletChapter 7

Vivian asked Tag if he wanted a date for the coming Saturday, but he turned her down. There was a public dance being held in the Hawthorn Armory on that day, and Tag had already committed to taking Jane. Prior to that, though, was the upcoming game with Baylor. Hawthorn's Tigers had the home-field advantage throughout the Championships; in other words, they did not have to make any bus trips. The Baylor team showed up just after noon and were fed lunch in the Hawthorn HS cafeteria. Some of...

2 years ago
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Faster Slave

"Hey Sweet-Pea, Wake up." That's the first thing 22 year old Josily said to her slave. "We're going to school today." It was indeed Adam's first day back inside school, whereas they taught him how to be a good boy. Mistress thinks it's fine, but in reality, the scale of cruelty there is unrealistic, in attempts to break anyone who enters the place. Adam got dressed quickly, and hummed a small song, the one from his childhood -- the only thing he could remember that wasn't his Mistress. Silence...

Mind Control
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Faster Than a Speeding BulletChapter 4

Samuel Payne HS was their next football opponent. Yes, that was the one that had caused Tag's injury and strange awakening to a quicker mind. As a play on their name, everybody called Samuel Payne HS football team the "Spains." There was not a person in the stadium on this night who did not know the story of Tag's accident the previous year. Sure, Hawthorn won the game, but, without Tag, they were wiped out in the first game of the championship playoff series. Tonight, every Hawthorn...

4 years ago
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Faster Than a Speeding BulletChapter 8

The night of the game was an exciting one for the town of Hawthorn. There were reports of ticket scalping, something that was normally unheard of for one of their games. The story was that the crowd was expecting Tag to put on a passing show, and everybody wanted to be there to see it. The game was not on TV, so all one had was the radio play-by-play if you were not at the game. Ashford won the coin toss and elected to receive. Hawthorn kicked off and the ball was run back to the 31 yard...

4 years ago
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Faster Than a Speeding BulletChapter 9

Within a few weeks, the DA was back in touch with Jane about following up on the trial of Jack Upson for rape of a minor. Upson had been arrested and was due for arraignment on Monday. The DA wanted Jane to be there in court to testify, if necessary. It was highly unlikely, but it was the first case of rape of a minor by someone not a relative in the town's history, and the DA wanted every base covered. Jane showed up, escorted by Tag, and they waited in court for the arraignment. Precisely...

1 year ago
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Faster and Harder

100% fiction! It was my 18th birthday and I was having a . My parents were cooking me and my friends food. Since I was 18 they didn't care what I did. So I had a bunch of my guy friends and a few girl friend. We were in the basement that we made into a part room. We had loud music, a table for food, drinks, and a bunch of strob lights. It was like a mini club. I had let some of my parents friends come since they brought drinks for us. I had a few shots and some jello shots. I was getting a...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Again Deep Faster

So she sat in front of her bay window Cassandra overlooking the nymph sea.They were swarming around her all coupled it was like the erotic painting coming at her curves and he hit her waves.Oh her merciful boobs how he liked them they were massive his touched stretched all around from her tip of her nipples to her sides all they way down to her waist so petite like a foursome petit caviar spill. Her friend Rachel was in trouble she wanted to help her but didn't know how. She got into deep men...

2 years ago
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Tips to get pregnant faster

Once you've made up your mind about having a baby, visit a gynaecologist to get a check-up done. There's a lot you need to learn and know about pregnancy and getting your doubts cleared by an expert is a good idea. Ask your doctor about prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid, which will decrease your risk of having a baby with neural tube defects. If you have any medical problems, they need to be brought under control before you become pregnant. Familiarise yourself with your cycle. Each...

1 year ago
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Special Delivery Harder Faster

“Harder!” she urged. “Faster!” Felicia’s hands were on his buttocks, pulling him into her. Perspiration soaked his forehead as Ben tried his best to rise to his wife’s desires. It was never enough. “Harder! Faster!”Any faster and they’d have to call an ambulance. Besides, the speed at which he was going ensured that a premature conclusion was all but inevitable. With Felicia clawing at him, doing all she could to force him to give her inches he simply did not have, there was nothing he could do...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Ooh daddy fuck me faster faster

100% fiction! i have been mom's cunt. I was arosed. start wetting my panties. I wanted some too. from then I started to wear sexy out fits to grab dad's eyes. my plan worked. I saw daddy's cock lift'n when I rub my neck. one day I called dad to my bed room saying" dad,i've biology project can u come?" " ok honey" he said. as he entered I locked the door. " honey what are u do'n?" dad said he was look'n at my biology book with images of penis&vagina. he said" lovely this is. . ahh. . something"...

2 years ago
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Losing in VegasChapter 2

Krebs had one of his assistants, a stunning Asian woman with long black hair and small breasts, take us to a suite. Two more knockout women served us drinks and a meal. Eventually young men started arriving. One of the women suggested that Amanda wait until everyone was there before talking to any of them. Within half an hour there were ten guys there. They represented every ethnic group, including Asian, Hispanic, Black, Italian and white. They knew why they were there, and they all looked...

2 years ago
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A Dream Comes True ch15

A Dream Comes True. Ch 15. By Julian Irwin. It was about 3:45 when I heard the sound of a car coming up the driveway. It could only be one person, well two to be exact. I rushed downstairs ready to open the door soon as the dinky bell chimed. So excited about it all, I even forgot to leave Chrissy sitting on the bed with Shelly. Oh never mind I put her on the side table in the hallway, as Mummy had done once when I arrived. I noticed Mummy now standing behind me as I waited...

2 years ago
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Story Of Desperate Housewife Vasundhara Part 5

Hello Readers, thanks for your emails on my previous story. Without wasting any time, I will take you to the next chapter. I was disturbed by Madhan. I want to sleep with him for once in my life. To be honest, I never enjoy my sex life. I never had good foreplay and sex with my hubby. I was married too early and never taste the sex life from the heart. I had sex with my hubby for a limited time, like two to three weeks only. I sacrifice my life for my in-laws, hubby, and kids. I didn’t enjoy my...

4 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 60 A Thank You

At 5pm their room phone rang. Xena asked it they would be available for dinner with some private guests at 7pm in the private dining room. Fred replied “Yes that would be good, see you at 7pm.” Helena looked at him “What?” “We have been invited to dinner at 7pm downstairs my lady.” Fred replied smiling. Helena looked at the clock, “Good we have at least an hour, come here lover!” And they made love again... On arriving at the private restaurant they found a group of people attending...

1 year ago
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Aunt Kim s ruby kiss

..this is based on a true story. I am Mia. I was at the lake enjoying the summer sun the water dripping down me when I saw aunt kim. Watching me. Winking. My nipple glowing wet in the water. As she entered my room. My nipple hardened under my robe. And I felt her gently squeezing my breast. Slowly pulling.. and gently licking my nipple.tugging slow. As she caressed my breast in hot kisses and licks. I felt her hug me. Caresessing my breast. Licking and biting my nipple gently. Pinching my...

1 year ago
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HerLimit Jayla De Angelis Hole Stretching

Jayla De Angelis graces the screen to explore the pleasures of gonzo anal sex. After a short introduction she pleasures that huge dick with a deep throat and facefucking. The scene features tough sex positions, but her flexibility allows every positioning to accommodate deep penetrations in the tight butthole. Her partner oils her asshole with saliva and shoves his big dick between the fine ass cheeks while her moaning fills the scene until Vince can’t hold back any longer. She gets down...

3 years ago
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Johnny QuickChapter 2

The next morning we left fer her betrothed's house after a meager breakfast. We got there jus' after noon, an' the people inside were jus' finishin' up. I knocked on the door an' a young man came ta the door. Cindy said, "Good morrow, Justin. Please tell Ephrem that I am here, an' I need ta speak ta him immediately." I wuz surprised when the Justin left us standing at the door; that jus' wuzn't polite, at all. It wuz nearly 10 minutes before an older man came ta the door—he looked...

2 years ago
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Episode 13 8211 The Risky Encounter

It was a fresh and sunny morning. Reddy’s Gym was buzzing with a lot of people, and he too was busy in assisting them, showing them some exercises, sharing tips etc. He is normally very charged up and excited every morning, and ever since he had been having this affair with Kiran, he looks more fresh and energetic. At the other hand, Kiran and Gautam were heading for the gym too. Kiran was quite tensed and nervous. During these days in her husband’s absence, she had gone quite far with Reddy...

1 year ago
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ShapeshifterChapter 9

Coach Sam Holsmer turned this game into a psychological as well as a physical war by having Billy lead off the warmups with a demonstration of drop kicking. Sam never intended for Billy to drop kick a single ball during the game, but he wanted the opposition to see what Billy could do if he were pressed. Billy consistently put the ball through the uprights with every kick, the last one being at the 50 yard line. That would have been the longest drop kick in the history of any high school if...

3 years ago
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It's day 5 of me moving into my new apartment. I didn't know anyone in the area, the days have been dragging on, and I was extremely horny. I wanted to do something i've never done before. I go on craigslist and make a post about meeting up with someone for sex, possibly a threesome. An older white male had replied. He had age spots, wrinkly skin, and a short fat cock... excatly what I like. His balls were hairy too. He said...

3 years ago
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Cheating Gashti caught in Turkey

We went to Turkey on holiday for a week a few years ago, on the plane journey there, I noticed my Gashti Ma checking her phone a lot, I didn't think much of it at the time. Once we got to the apartment, we checked in, unpacked and got ready to go out, the 1st day we went on a boat trip during the day time - a strange man kept staring at my mom as she was sunbathing and then he kept looking at his phone, once he realised I was looking at him he moved away. I thought he may have been a sleazy guy...

3 years ago
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ElenaMy Love Part 2

We arrived at the airport well ahead of our scheduled departure time, which was probably a good thing, because it seemed like we had to stand in line for hours. I guess that she could see that I was starting to get impatient, because she reached out and took hold of my hand. “Be patient, it won’t be too much longer now.” She whispered. Finally, we were able to get our luggage checked and all the necessary papers to allow us to board the plane when the time came. “We have a long flight ahead of...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Nayana Can8217t Get Enough

Relaxing over a glass of wine, Nayana awaits her boyfriend Oliver Trunk’s arrival. While she’s got some time to herself, her hands roam her curves. Her palms caress her big breasts, then lift her miniskirt to cup her pussy over her panties. Sitting down on the couch, Nayana fills her palms with her jugs and then smiles a come hither smile as Oliver arrives. Her hands are still in motion on her tits as she leans forward to start sucking Oliver off. Pressing those jugs together,...

3 years ago
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Feels Like 6 Tales and Guests

No one saw the bombshell coming from Benito. We were hanging out in Riva’s bedroom, that’s what we do. “Let’s do something special on Thursday Night. Carl dropped off the Killer-X last night,” Riva said. “I think we should invite some guests,” Benito said. “Are you crazy? Mother Fucker. We can’t bring people in on this. Don’t be a jackoff,” Kayla said vehemently. “Well, we can’t go on forever. It’ll all be different next semester, you’ll see,” Jonas defended. “Guests are not part of...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sales Training

Gary Michaels had been very successful in heating system sales during his first five years with his company, however the past two years had been very disappointing. So disappointing, in fact, that he had been called on the carpet and told to begin producing or else find another job. Gary really liked his job and felt he had really been working quite hard, but that his "luck" had just not been there. He did all the required prospecting to find out who was thinking about buying a new heating...

3 years ago
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New Neighbours Part 5 Lockdown Edition

"I don't like you going out when it's dark and icy," Sarah pouted at Mikey."I need to get the training in. We hardly leave the house because of this damn virus. The bike is my only release," Mikey explained to his wife."Well, if you stay here with me I'm sure we could find another way of giving you some release," Sarah said with a wink.Mikey laughed and kissed the top of Sarah's head. "It's cute that you worry, darling, but I'll be fine." Mikey looked across at their daughter and said, "Anyway,...

4 years ago
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Enough Chapter 9 10 11

I drove home and arrived about twenty minutes to midnight. Lynda was sleeping soundly in my mother’s bed, so I decided to go to my room and crash. I did notice that Cassie’s mother SUV was back, so I was hoping to see her in the morning. As I laid in bed that night, I struggled to keep my anger in control. As much as seeing Destin, Mark, Ted, Darren and Josh spend years in jail, I wanted to hurt them. In fact, I wanted to kill them. I’m not sure when I fell asleep, but it took a while. I...

4 years ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 23

The flight down to New Orleans was uneventful ... well, as uneventful as a flight on a luxury Lear with a Flight Attendant bent on serving excellent food, wine and caresses in the generally prescribed, 'Coffee, Tea, or Me," manner. The landing was gentle, the limo ride to the Cornsilk was exciting ... if a little dizzying ... ah ... the booze. 'Not booze ... wine. There is a difference, ' she thought. 'There's a difference between Daddy and boys, too. He's so smooth.'...

2 years ago
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I met Alison at my door one Halloween night and fell immediately in lust.I’m a confirmed bachelor. I tried marriage once and it was a disaster, so I live alone in a beach-front condo full of young married couples, most have k**s that run around the pool screaming and hollering, which makes me use the pool at night when they’re all in bed.I’m kind of obligated to observe Halloween with everyone else, so this year I bought plenty of candy, hung a skeleton on my door, and waited for the...

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Uncle Charlie and my Summer Family Ch 4

Chapter 4. Thunderstorms (4600 words) As Tess entered her third week in Arkansas the weather turned nasty. The days became exceptionally hot with heat indexes in the high 100s between 10AM and 2PM. Between that and the bugs the outdoors were nearly unbearable. Then the afternoon thunderstorms would roll in and cast severe downpours that would soak you to the bone in moments. This led to them hanging out indoors much more than they’d like. For a family that chose an outdoor lifestyle it...

4 years ago
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Anubhavam Oka Swargam

Andariki namaskaram, main ga Telugu ladies and girls evarina e stories chadive valaki. Andariki, andari beauties ki na pedha hai. Na name press age 25 hyderabad. Native vachi nizambad. B. Tech chadvataniki vacha. Manchi college lo B.Tech complete chesa and moreover nenu manchi student ni. B. Tech chadive rojulo em alvatlu, ammai la lo friends leru. Naku studies career ante bayam. B. Tech aipoyaka next emundi job hunt start chesa. Anatu marchipoya nenu mechanical engineering student ni so maku...

1 year ago
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Pinky Pyar Ya Kch Aur

Hi Friends! mera nam abhishek hai n me iss ka bhut bada fan hu yahan stories padhne k bad muje laga k me v apni story aap logon k sath share karu. ye meri first story hai to koi mistake ho to nazarandaz kijiyega n aap apne feedback muje jarur likhiye ab me sidha story pe aata hu 8 saal pehle mere mobile par ek phone aaya wo mere rum mate k liye tha ek ladki ka puchne par pta chala k wo uski dur ki relative hai n friend hai n wo apni studies k liye delhi aayi hui hai next day hum us se milkne...

4 years ago
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BhaiBahan Ka Sukh Part 8211 III

Hi dosto i m back. Main viren ap logo ko bhai-bahan ka sukh ka tisara bhag sunane ja raha hun. Jo dost is kahani ka pahle wala bhag ni pade hai wo pad le ni to utna maza ni aayega. Jo reader, anties, bhabhies mere bare me ni janti hai un logo ko apne bare me bata deta hun. Mera name viren hai aur mera height 5’8” hai rang gora pr mere lund ka rang sawla hai aur uska size hai 11” lamba aur 6” mota hai. Ha to dosto ab sidhe kahani pe ata hun. Hm dono fresh ho kr bathroom se nikale aur room me aa...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 18 Gareth Chancelor Friday Evening

For dinner on Friday we had a really nice chicken sweet-and-sour with steamed rice. Bonnie had cooked it, with a bit of help from Estelle. I thought I detected a bit of tension in the kitchen when I came home but Bonnie was standing there doing the bulk of the work and Estelle was sitting chopping vegetables and occasionally answering a question from Bonnie like “How do I know if the chicken is cooked enough?” or “How much salt should I put in?”. I sat there at dinner and thought that the...

3 years ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 19 A Big Decision

I met Harlan and Margaret Cummings at Grant and Eleanor's home. Grant made the introductions and we sat in the living room after Eleanor had served some iced tea. "Grant tells me you are exactly the type of driver I want for my private motor home, Doug. I want someone safe and reliable and willing to work. I've had the good fortune to hire an excellent young woman as my personal assistant and I'm hoping I can land an equally good driver to complement my staff. "I'm well aware of your...

3 years ago
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My Adorable Mother

During our winter vacation I and my mother went to our village for a relative marriage. My father stayed in city (Chandigarh, a city) due to his job. It was winter season and quite chilling. She bought underwear s for me (She uses to purchase all clothing for me). At night she told me to wear the underwear as she wanted to see whether size fits me. It was a black color french brief. I put on the underwear and shown to her. She said, “it looks good, today you sleep in my bed with me as it is...

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