Reni Downloads Bennie free porn video

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Bored on a Saturday afternoon, Bennie surfed into and looked over the categories: music, movies, software, clones, small appliances, and many others. About a year ago, he had downloaded a shareware vacuum cleaner. In retrospect, after using an assembler down at Copy Max and paying for the cost of the raw elements, it would have been cheaper to just buy a Hoover at Wal-Mart.

Here he was again, at the Napster start page a year later; Bennie clicked on "clones." The sub-menu listed sub-categories: cats, dogs, tropical birds, fish, humans. Clicking on "humans," he went another level deep. Two categories presented themselves: males, and females. Clicking on "females" presented him a page not much different from any "personals" site.

Thumbnail photos and brief profiles described each clone available for download.

#46088 was a short pudgy girl. She'd been downloaded only ten times in six years. Click.

#51840 was a tall muscular black girl with her hair all in cornrows and braids, and a defiant look in her eyes. Click.

#60107 had a hard face with big brown eyes and close-cropped black curly hair. Bennie clicked on her JPG for a closer look. Her full image showed her to have a pleasing shape. She was dressed as what an earlier age would have called a "tomboy," in loose jeans and a loose cut sweatshirt, and a bandanna around her head. Her chest was on the smallish side, but he found her oddly compelling. Reading down her profile, he stopped; she was lesbian. He briefly considered downloading her anyway, but he thought better of it; the animosity between them might become very unpleasant.

Backing out to the list page, he scanned down a few more images.

#21903 looked like a supermodel. Drop-dead beautiful, huge chest, but phony. Clicking into her profile, he wasn't surprised to see that she had been downloaded thousands of times in just a few weeks. He considered clicking on her, but wondered what sort of emotional baggage she would come with.

Bennie continued scanning down the list of available women to download and stopped at #33687, a tallish girl with brownish-blonde hair. Clicking on her, he was surprised to see that she was 6 feet tall--a good match to his spindly 5'11". Fair skinned, she had a nice shape, neither fat nor skinny. And she had a wholesome, pretty face. Her profile didn't say much about her. She had been downloaded only 42 times in five years; her appearance obviously had limited appeal. Bennie slid a blank CD-RW into his PC and clicked the "download" button without hesitation.

Thinking it to be an ad, he almost closed the pop-up window that read, "Sorry, but before you may download someone, you must first upload yourself."


A month later, Bennie was in Copy Max in New Brunswick across the street from the NJ Transit maglev station.

There were three tall glass cylindrical units in the back of the store. The matter scanner had a credit card scanner, coin-changer, and CD slot, the two assemblers/disassemblers didn't. Bennie read the instructions on the scanner, then stepped away.

Bennie ambled up and down the aisles of the small store. He almost jumped out of his shoes at the sonic boom of a passing Amtrak train speeding through the station toward Trenton.

"Damn," another customer said toward Bennie's general direction. "They ought to pass a law on how fast those trains can go through populated areas."

"Yeah," Bennie agreed half-heartedly. He stepped away from the other customer, and found himself back near the front door, and started to open it to leave. But he hesitated.

"Pardon me," an older woman said as she was leaving while carrying a translucent bag of personalized Christmas cards.

"Sorry," Bennie mumbled as he stepped away from the door back inside the store.

Bennie returned to the rear of the store where a young college-age guy in a Rutgers sweatshirt was standing in front of the hissing and buzzing assembler. The curved glass door slid open revealing a robotic vacuum cleaner. Reaching in and picking it up, the kid glanced at Bennie and said, "For the dorm. Party was googol-fredashay last night."

"Yeah, I heard Rutgers won the game yesterday. Congrats!" Bennie answered.

"Tira mah!" the kid answered and left.

Bennie returned his attention to the matter scanner. A sign read simply, "$5 to use the matter scanner."

"Oh, what the hell," Bennie muttered, and slid a $20 bill into a slot in the scanner. The machine dutifully spat out 15 Sacagawea dollar coins in change. Upon stepping inside, the curved glass door slid closed, a bright purple light flashed, and then the door opened again.

When the spots cleared from his eyes, the door opened. "What the hell?" Bennie said.

A tall, beautiful woman with short auburn hair was holding the glass door open for him. "Hello," she said.

"Hi!" Bennie answered back as he stepped out of the scanner into the aisle of the store. She was wearing a white low-cut top, bare midriff, and long white skirt. He looked around slowly as it dawned on him that this wasn't the Copy Max in New Brunswick. "Where the hell am I?"

"You're in San Diego," she said.

"California? How'd I get to California? And who are you?"

She laughed. "I downloaded you. And I'm your owner--your mistress."

"Downloaded? I didn't even upload myself yet! I just went into the scanner to make a CD of myself. I was going to upload it when I got home so I could download this girl..."

"You must have uploaded yourself, then. You were uploaded about two years ago, and your download count is pretty high."

"Two years? What year is it now?"

"My word, you ask too many questions."

"Well, it's only natural to want to know how much time has gone by..."

"If you want all your atoms to stay together, you must learn deference to me."

"Uh, yeah, sure," Bennie squeaked.

"But I'll answer your question."

He gasped when she told him. "You mean two years went by in that instant I was in the scanner? Holy crap!"

Some guy approached the assembler chamber. "Pardon me," he said to Bennie and the woman who had downloaded him.

"One moment," she said to the guy and held up some black leather strap of some kind. "Turn around."

Bennie turned around. She slid the leather collar around his neck, and he felt her buckle it from behind, then he heard a metallic snap!

She grabbed his arm and turned him to face her again. She hooked a leather leash to a ring on the front of his collar, and said, "You are my slave now. Follow me."

Slave! Oh shit! What did I do to myself?

She yanked the leash and led him through the store. Following behind her, he couldn't help notice that she had a pleasant shape. She had a fancy tattoo on the small of her back, partially hidden by her white skirt, and another small tattoo on her ankle. Maybe being her slave won't be so bad, he thought.

They exited the store. Cars, buses, and taxis whizzed by in the air lanes above the wide pedestrian walkway in front of the store.

"What was your name?" she asked.

"Was?" Bennie asked. "My name is Bennie."

"Not any more," she said in a stern voice. "Your name is now 'Girltoy'. And my name is Reni, but you'll call me Mistress Reni."

"You want me to call you 'Mistress'?"

"If you want to live past the next five minutes, you will," she growled. "Or I can go over to the counter and turn you back to your component atoms."

"Yes, Mistress Reni," he sighed.

"Good. I'm glad you understand your station. Now come along." With that, she led him to her car and motioned for him to get in.

Having never traveled far in his earlier days, Bennie gawked at the sights of San Diego as she flew over the city. During the ride, he slowly reached up and felt the heavy leather collar around his neck. That click he heard was a padlock attached to the back.

She banked onto a high-speed express lane giving him a better view of the city below from its higher altitude than the city street air lanes.

A few minutes later, she descended onto a residential street and landed on the roof of a squarish modernistic townhouse.

A small residential elevator took them down one level to the bedroom level where she led him into her bedroom.

"Undress," she said.

"Undress?" he repeated. "But we hardly know each other."

"I own you!" she scolded him. "You are my property! Undress! Now!"

"Yes Mistress Reni," he said and promptly kicked his shoes off and pulled his shirt and jeans off, standing in just his Jockeys and socks.

"Continue," she said.

Bennie pulled his socks and Jockeys off, letting his limp cock dangle for her to see.

"Not bad," she remarked. Bennie felt himself turn red in the face. "You'll get hot for me soon enough, Girltoy."

She pulled a plastic container from under her bed and removed more leather items. She then attached a pair of leather cuffs to his ankles and wrists, locking them on with yet more padlocks.

She stood back and said, "Very nice! I should have downloaded a slave years ago. This'll be so much fun!"

"I hope it'll be fun," he said.

"Oh, not for you!" she said. She grinned wide and added, "Just for me."

She pushed the container back under her bed with her foot and told him to follow her.

She led him down another flight of stairs to her contemporary-styled living room.

"Now, get on your hands and knees in front of the sofa."

He did so, and she went into her kitchen. "Wait for me," she called out.

She returned carrying a bottle of beer and sat on the sofa. She leaned back and placed her feet on his back, using his naked body as a footstool.

She reached for her phone and dialed a call.

"Hi Lyzi!"


"Yeah I have him!"


"He's my footstool right now," she giggled.


"Nope! He doesn't have a clue yet."


"Well, I just haven't had to yet," she giggled again. "He'll find out soon enough."


"Well, if he can't swallow, I'll take him back is all."


"Sorry girlfriend, not this weekend. I want him all to myself for now."


"Let me christen him first. Why don't you and Fuschia stop by next weekend? I'll let you use him."


"Yeah, I promise."

Bennie, listening to her side of the conversation, hoped that meant when he thought--being used by two other women could only mean one thing--or so he thought. His cock got hard at the thought of that, as she crossed her legs on his back. But he also wondered what that bit was about swallowing. He knew that, as her clone, she had every right to turn him back in--to kill him--at her whim. His erection shrunk again.

The conversation ended and she reached for a magazine. After about an hour, Bennie's stomach started to growl.

She set down the magazine and said, "Yes, you must be hungry." Standing, she walked into the kitchen. "Follow me, Bennie."

In the kitchen she told him to sit at the table and then asked, "What would you like?"

"Oh, I dunno. A ham sandwich maybe."

She scowled at him."

"A ham sandwich, Mistress Reni. Please."

"Okay, but pay attention to where I keep everything. Very soon, it will be your job to wait on me," she said and made sandwiches for them and set them on the table.

Bennie was still a little self-conscious about being naked while Reni was dressed, but his hunger urged him to reach for one of the sandwiches.

After lunch, Reni had Bennie use the bathroom, then returned to the living room.

"Get down as before," she told him. This time, she sat on his back and turned on the television. The next two hours were spent watching some chick flick on The Lifetime Network.

After an interminable struggle to stay on all fours without toppling them both to the floor, the movie finally ended.

Then she switched to Oxygen TV and watched Riding in Cars with Boys for the next hour.

Finally, the show ended and Reni stood.

"Come with me," she commanded.

Bennie followed her into her home office where she told him to lay on his back on a low straight flat padded exercise bench that was placed perpendicular to her computer desk. She swung her leg over his head and sat--on his face. His nose was giving her a wedgie up her white skirt, but she was sitting a little forward so that he could breathe. Still, for a slender woman, her full weight bearing down on his face was not so slight. The crushing weight of her posterior upon his skull was downright painful. But he endured the pain, along with a certain pleasure, while she tik-takked on her computer keyboard for quite some time.

After what seemed nearly an hour, she stood and told him to follow her once again--from her office back upstairs into her bedroom.

In her bedroom, she told him once again to lay on his back on yet another low exercise bench--this one situated over a plastic liner flat on the floor.

Thus positioned, she attached additional padlocks to his shackled wrists and ankles onto the bench and buckled a set of straps tightly across his chest, belly, and legs.

Simultaneously excited and worried, Bennie forgot her earlier admonition and asked, "Why did you tie me up this time? What are you going to do to me now?"

"I have to urinate," she said.



Standing over his head looking down at him, Reni pulled her skirt up and pulled her panties down to her knees. Her loose top fluttered as she stepped forward, straddling his head while facing his feet.

"Open your mouth," she said from directly above him as he stared into her crotch and ass crack from directly between her thighs. Her skin, even that of her most private place, had a golden California tan.

Bennie swallowed and opened his mouth. Her legs bent, and her hairy pussy and ass came straight down onto his face, plunging him into darkness and leaving the blackness of her ass crack between her inner ass cheeks imprinted on his retina.

This time, he couldn't breathe with his nose buried in her ass crack and pressed slightly into her anus. Perhaps it was a good thing that he couldn't breathe.

A split second later, he felt a stream of hot salty water splash against his tongue and collect at the back of his throat.

Bennie started thrashing against his bonds with the gagging sensation. Even just knowing that someone was peeing into his mouth made him feel like puking.

Just when he thought he was about to die, she finished and lifted off him. He immediately spat her urine out of his mouth.

"Bad boy!" she screamed at him.


Reni was livid. "What a mess you made!


"It's a good thing I put that plastic down!"

"I'm sorry..."

She started to unbuckle the belts that held him in place. "Come! I'm turning your matter back in and choosing another!"

"No! Please!"

"Why should I not?" she said in anger.

"Please don't kill me! Please! I won't spit it out again! I promise!"

Reni thought for a moment. "Very well. One more chance! ONE more chance!"

Reni released him and told him to get out a mop and pail and clean his mess from under the bench.

He did so, and after putting the mop and pail away, she locked him back down to the bench. "This is where you will stay unless I need you somewhere else. If you prove you're worth keeping, you'll get more freedom."


Reni left the bedroom for the rest of the day. He could hear her moving about elsewhere. Sometimes, the breeze whistled against the windowpanes. A clock somewhere unseen in the room began ticking louder and louder as the hours passed. After some time, she returned and took a shower in her bathroom. Then she went to bed, leaving Bennie strapped and shackled to the bench.

Bennie heard her get up once or twice in the middle of the night to pee in the toilet--thankfully. Yet he came down with the shakes a few times knowing that she will eventually sit on his face and pee into his mouth again, and he will have to swallow it all or be put to death. Just thinking about it made him come close to vomiting.

That time came next morning. Bennie woke to see her standing over him. She was as naked as he was, and from this vantage he was looking at her upside down into her black hairy muff and up along her belly to the undersides of her breasts and chin. Of course, he instantly got hard.

"Ah!" she said. "You like the view of me now!"

"Yes," he answered.

"If I keep you, there will be some pleasure for you too. But not today. Open your mouth."

Bennie sucked in a quick deep breath and opened his mouth. A moment later, she had stepped forward and sat on his face.

Her weight on his skull was just as great as the day before, but being the second time, he noticed things he hadn't previously. Her thick pubic hairs were tickling his cheeks and chin. Her pussy was wet and dripping down the insides of his cheeks. She squeezed his nose a few times with her anal sphincter and he vaguely smelled the odor of her shit.

Then, as the before, he felt that stream of hot salty liquid splash against his tongue and pool at the back of his throat.

Knowing he had no second chance, and that spitting it out meant death, he forced himself to swallow it after she finished relieving herself. He had to fight back a constant urge to vomit for quite a long time, but his stomach finally settled down.

She had left the room after using him, but had returned around midday, no longer naked. "Good! No mess! Are you hungry?"

"Actually, I am, but I'm afraid I'll puke if I eat anything."

"You must eat!" She unshackled him and led him into the kitchen.

"Can I just have some soda to drink? Ginger Ale or 7-Up?"

"Sure. How about a snack?"

"Sure, maybe a little snack," he said.

She made some toast and set them on a plate before him.

After he finished his snack, she said, "Come, I need to check my email."

It came as no surprised that his face became her chair once again. Like before, she spent about an hour at her computer with her ass upon his face.

Then it was footstool time while she watched another movie.

Later that night, she let him take a shower after she took hers. Then she shackled him into the bench in her bedroom and said, "I need to urinate before bed."

It was a little easier this time, but not much. The urge to vomit when she stood was weaker than before, but he still had to struggle to keep her piss down.

He thought he'd have nights to himself, but she startled him awake that night. "Wake up, Bennie. I need to urinate."

"Ohhh," he moaned.

"Mind your manners!" she scolded him and took a seat.

Half asleep, it was a greater struggle than ever to swallow her pee. Fortunately, he swallowed her pee and fell back asleep quickly after she returned to her bed.

The next morning came quickly. He didn't even realize how quickly until she woke him to pee in the morning. Her morning pee was tangier than usual, yet it was a little easier this time to swallow it and keep it down.

Before heading into her bathroom, she opened a large package of adult diapers and slowly worked one onto Bennie. "Why the diaper?" he asked.

"I'll be at work all day. I don't want any messes when I get home."

"Oh," is all that Bennie said.

She had put on a conservative gray skirt and white long-sleeve blouse. "I'm off to work, Bennie. I'll be back later."

"Wait! Reni! You can't leave me tied down all alone with no one else home! That's dangerous!"

"Bennie, I own you! It's a risk I choose to take."


"Hush! You haven't earned your freedom while I'm away yet!"

Reni huffed out to work, leaving Bennie alone with his fears for the rest of the day. Holy shit! What if there's a fire! What if there's an earthquake! Oh shit! Being shackled and strapped motionless on his back, he dozed off and on throughout the day. At least he didn't have to hold his piss in for nine hours straight.

Bennie awoke when he heard her open the door and walk in. He wasn't surprised when she walked directly into the bedroom, pulled up her skirt and took a seat on his face.

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When I was younger, I spent a few summers at an all-boys summer camp. I hated it there, but my parents made me go. The other boys would pick on me because I was so much smaller than them. They also picked on me because they caught me masturbating in bed one night and told the other counselors. I had recently started getting regular erections and had discovered masturbation within the past few weeks, and was just coming to terms with sexual thoughts. They called me a pervert and told the other...

2 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 3 A Taste Of Love

Oddly enough Jacqui's next job, allocated by the state as her last one had been, was in the office which allocated jobs to unemployed people. Her duties were to contact each employer on the first day for a new employee the office had sent and check whether they had arrived. If they had not, she reported this to her new boss, Donald Wellspring. As she was introduced to him, she was surprised to see a slim, shy boy only a few years older than her. His hair was cut very short, far too short for...

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Reaper Script

Scene 1: (Gregory forces a young couple into dark alley with a gun. He is wearing a gray hoodie and jeans. The couple are wearing a fancy clothes for a night out on the town, as well as warm coats for the cold.) Gregory: Give me your purse and don't say a word. Woman: Please just take it. (The woman hands over her purse, before the mugger shoots the man first. He turns the gun on the woman.) Woman: Please ... don't... (The mugger pulls the trigger again, and rushes off) Scene 2: (The...

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Published by luvcuntlickingsluts Two hot white b

Two hot white bi-girls sharing a BBC!!!I'd been having the wildest fantasies about getting to watch Birti and Mary sharing a massive cock while I watched and filmed ... the thought of that always made, and still makes me so horny ... So when it actually happened It drove me wild.. It was all I could do to keep from joining in right away but I knew I'd get my chance and wanted to watch for a while first. Birti's a hot sexy brunette about 5'3" tall. 38dds, 25, 36 with a beautiful bush and a cunt...

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Aunt LilithChapter 7

“Lilith? Is it supposed to mean something to me?” Clothilde demanded of Maurice, Lilith, and Ursula. “One of the sisters and wives of Adam, older than Eve. His other sister-wife was Bath-Tammuz, but she never made it into the legend, alas. Lilith was always portrayed in a negative light in the Midrash, but she is actually my ancestress ... and one of my lovers, in fact. Well, strictly speaking, my direct ancestress is Bath-Tammuz, but Lilith is her sister and thus my myriad times aunt. As...

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Always with the Jerks

Hi guys this is Katie. This is actually my first time doing anything like this, so I really hope you enjoy it! ————————————- ‘Hailey Turner.’ Looking up and realizing my name was being called I quickly got up and made my way up to the stage. Looking down at the swarm of students who were also graduating with me I realized how surreal this day seemed. It was just four years ago when I started college as a young inexperienced girl. Of course that all changed when I met Travis. Travis...

4 years ago
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Accidental Inheritance

Accidental Inheritanceby Loraspa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail.comStory Codes: F/m, M/f, Chastity, MC, BondageLittle did I know what I was in for. I do not regret it, but it was a bit of a surprise.It all started one Friday night, I had been out with a couple of girls from work. At this one bar there stood a man in his thirties waiting for a drink. He was not exactly the best looking man in the room, but he was definitely not the worst either. About 5'10" to 6' in height, a little overweight,...

3 years ago
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Inner Secrets

Part One   One morning, when I turned 16, I got the shock of my life! A large thing was pointing upwards underneath the covers of my duvet. I didn't know whether to scream out or just stay quiet and hope it, whatever it was, would just go away on its own if I'd just stayed calm. But it didn't move, it just stayed upright. I was dripping in sweat I didn't know why. I slowly brought up the courage to take the tip of the duvet in my hands and then nervously took a look to see what it was. My blue...

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Kaylees Big Interview part two

Kaylee laid on her back feeling the chill of the air on her sweaty naked body. Her hair was entirely soaked now. She put a hand between her legs and explored the sopping throbbing sensitive mess down there. She heard the door open again. She turned to see more men in bath robes filing in. There were three, five, maybe more. More surprises. Just go with it, Andrew seemed to be saying in her head again, lose yourself. They filed in one after the other. Most of them removed their robes and threw...

2 years ago
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Jill and Roger

We'd been married but three months. During that short time my wife, my new wife Jill, had hauled me around to at least fifty parties and nights out or so it seemed. When I say hauled me around, it was like I was a paid escort hired to drive her, buy her and her friends drinks. Get her coat, and watch her back while she flirted and danced and had a gay old time—with other men. She danced with me too, some, but I had the feeling that while she was with me on the dance floor, while we sat at the...

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Humiliation or Hot

Hi Folks,This is something that happened a couple of days ago. I have been thinking about this and to be honest, I'm not sure what happened. I will just tell you very quickly what happened and you tell me if I should read anything in to this or not.It was Wednesday mid morning. I got a text from Marcus, He said " got a 3 day load" "Now is good"So I went over and opened the shop door to see a few changes in the decor. There was now a couch / table and a new TV set. Its beginning to look more...

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All in good fun right

Over my adult years, I’ve been blessed with many things, and one of the most important ways that I’ve been blessed is with my meeting and marrying my wife.She’s amazing! Smart, beautiful, has a sense of humor, is fun to be around, loves to go out, dance and have fun. Plus, she has the most amazing natural 36DD tits that should be appreciated.I’ve always tried to be attentive to her sexual needs. But with my manhood being only 5 inches at its peak, I know that she isn’t getting what will satisfy...

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First time gay

When I was younger 18 my friends told me about getting guys to suck there cock at the cinema.So I went think this will be fun, anyway I went to the back row it was almost empty. After a while a guy came in and sat at the side of he said hi after a few minutes he opened his coat there was his cock not hard but big. I reached over and touched it, it liked the attention as it got hard it was was getting larger so I started to wank it moving up and down as I usually did with mine.It was impressive...

1 year ago
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Still Going Both WaysChapter 6

Classes and sports practice had begun. The house was once again busy with people going to work out before breakfast and between classes. Jill had probably signed up for too many hours because she wanted to try to finish early if I was going to graduate and potentially leave after the fall semester. Courtney was scheduled to be a grad staff player coach and as well as teaching two classes. Dan and Gloria our now married senior citizens were signed up for graduate classes and Dan had one more...

2 years ago
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A Trip Down Memory Lane

Susanna let out a long sigh and shook her head, damp brown hair falling into her eyes as she looked at the terracotta pot on the windowsill. The seedlings inside were wilted; their tiny, delicate leaves curled in a mockery of her tender care. She brushed the hair out of her eyes slowly and rubbed one hand across them, defeated. Plants just did not like her, she thought as she drifted out of the kitchen and went back to her computer. Sue's husband snored upstairs. He worked night shift, which...

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Quenie and Miranda

Part OneMiranda Holmes locked the door of her small grey Ford car, straightened her grey skirt and  checked her grey jacket in the reflection in the glass of the car door before she turned and walked up the short cracked and broken concrete pathway to the fading peeling blue painted door of Number Three, Alderman Lucas Drive, a boring ordinary Council house in the post war Austerity style just off the Hinksey Road on the East Canning estate.  Miranda knocked loudly, then she stood back away...

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My Hollywood Crush

Everyone had their celebrity crush. Everyone. You know that there is a million to one chance of ever meeting them, and if you were to do so, it would be a fleeting encounter, at best. My celebrity crush happens to be Kat Dennings. Yeah, she's not the greatest actress in the world, but who gives a fuck. She has these pillowy lips, gorgeous eyes, and oh my fucking god,she has such a full, bountiful rack! I'm no perv, but I've definitely spilled a few loads over pic of her, especially the "leaked"...

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First time with divorced woman

Story about first sexual experience with divorced woman First experience with divorced woman It was the time of june or july of 2015 me and my friend were sat at tea shop and having tea with sutta. While talking he asked me do you have any affair with married woman i laughed on him and said bhai ladki nahi mil rahi bhabhi kya ghanta milegi then he gave me a number of one divorced woman whose name was neeta and said whats app her she will reply it can take some time but definitely worked out. I...

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Alls Well That Ends Well

I knock on the door jam. “Hey dad?” “What’s up?” He looks up from his model ship. “Can I ask you about something?” “Sure.” He goes back to painting a tiny turret. I walk over to his study chair and take a seat. I rubbed the palm of one hand with the thumb of the other and stared at the rows of books from his personal library. I remembered him reading to me as a kid. I would run my fingers over the spines and pick out whatever I thought looked interesting. Even if the story was boring, I...

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Stellas friend Eva

On my second visit to Stella on my own she had a visitor in the flat when I arrived. Stella introduced me to Eva, introducing me as 'her friend'. Eva was another resident of the complex who was rather older than Stella but also aparently in good health and quite fun. I was really waiting for Eva to leave so we could have our fun. After a while Stella said - 'Eva is in the same boat as me - she lost her husband 2 years ago and hasn't had a man since, I've been talking to Eva about our little...

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Meri Maa Ka Affair 8211 Part 2

Hum aage badhte hain ki kaise meri maa ka affair chal raha tha. Anjali, meri maa ek beintehaa khoobsurat mahila hai. Unki height 5’9 rang gora, lambe kaale baal. Unke Measurements 30G-24-34. Woh regularly exercise aur yoga karti thi. Iski wajah se unka shareer ekdum mazboot aur fit hai. Bilkul ek supermodel ki tarah. Unke boobs bohut bade the aur unki badi gaand hamesha matakti rehti thi jab bhi main unhe dekhta tha. Maine unn se sundar aurat kabhi na filmon main na kabhi porn filmon main dekhi...

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Julie takes control part 1

Me and Carrie got together about 4 years ago. We met each other on an adult dating site.After we both got divorced, from other people, we agreed to give it a go together.Carrie has two k**s, one lad, aged 25 and one lass, 23.The first time I met her daughter, Julie, she was a bit off hand with me, understandable as she thought I'd split her mum and dad up.All I remember from the first meeting was that Julie was slim and her perky tits showed well through her thin t-shirt. She has lovely thin...

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A Modern Day Lawyer Crucifixion

????????????????????????????????? A Modern Day Lawyer=s Crucifixion  This is a sick twisted story that is NOT based on any real persons, places or events so if they find his bloody crucified body and my sperm in his nasty wife it was NOT me.? I repeat, I am? innocent so you can suck me. ?You may read this story ONLY if you are above the age of 18, and of sound mind such that you are extremely unlikely to go kill your dirty crooked fuck-it-all-up-lawyer by absorbing a work of...

1 year ago
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The Best Weekend Ever

THE BEST WEEKEND EVER BY JANICE My name is George, I am sixteen, I am a cross dresser and I think I am gay, or at least Bi. I have a sister, Tanya, who is twelve years old and the best thing I can say about her is that she is beautiful. She is also a spoiled brat and a snob and is so into herself it is pathetic. We live with our mother, as in most families these days, our father is absent. The three of us were...

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Peggy gets her man

This story is completely fictiona! Peggy let her boyfriend remove her panties and bra. He said he would never see her again if she didn't do it. Larry was rich and handsome, she didn't want to loose him. Peggy let him suck her breasts and finger fucked her pussy. She placed her hand on his cock and moved the skin back and forth."Suck it" he groaned. Peggy sucked his prick until her mouth was filled with cum. "I love you Larry" she said softly."Next time I'm going to stick my prick in your cunt"...

2 years ago
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SwapChapter 25

"Sit down," Hank said to Sue. "There on the loveseat." "Why?" she said. "Because I have bad news, and I want you sitting when I tell you about it." Sue looked alarmed, but she didn't argue. She sat on the loveseat. Hank kneeled in front of her and took her hands in his. "There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it. Debra is dead. While she was..." Sue jerked her hands from his and jumped to her feet, nearly knocking Hank over with her sudden move. "No!" she...

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Learning my lesson

I reach up and grab your cock, pulling you towards me, but you don’t budge.  I try again pulling harder, and you laugh at me, telling me you’re not giving it to me until your good and ready to..  I narrow my eyes and roll of the bed, I stand in front of your and grab your cock again in my hands twisting, trying to force you into the bed..  You look down at me, “Like those small soft little hands of yours could actually bring me down."  I look at you and say, "fuck you” and I am determined to...

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Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman was a member of the JLA and the best Amazon around. She lived on an inland filled with Amazons but rarely does she get a credit she deserves. This is the day that changes. You will see a story staring the famous Wonder Woman She was now searching for an ancient artifact. It was called the eye of the Amazons. It was said to give the person who holds it ultimate power. It was hidden on a forbidden islands that took the scientist years to find. She was going to get it for her. Other...

4 years ago
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Hope something like this had happened then

All alone in his Nissan on the highway (say no.69). Eric is Bicurious. Eric is skinny, has a 6 inch cock. Eric is a laid back chill dude. Gerald 27 is also returning home from a conference. Also all alone in his Toyota on the same highway (No. 69) Gerald is Straight. Gerald is fit, has a 9 inch cock. Gerald gets angry easily but also gets suprised easily. Both of them are traveling to the same destination. They have been driving for so long. So, they were pretty tired. On the way...

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War Prisoner

Her mind was pained and on the edge of consciousness as she vainly tried to order her thought, coming slowly to. There had been a battle, she remembered, a brutal conflict between Elf and Orc, one that, she thought, they had been winning. She had been in the fray, in the thick of it, encouraging her lessers around her, a beacon of Elven beauty and ferocity, then one of her Sargents had let out a cry of fear, Shae had turned, and her world had gone black. Weakly she tried to lift her head,...

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Village Idiot

My father had called me an idiot from the day I was born. I’m not even sure that he knew my real name. The thing was that I wasn’t an idiot at all I actually got very good grades in school. I was just shy and sort of clumsy that’s all. As I hit puberty Mindy the preverbal girl next door used to tell me that my village had called and that they wanted their idiot back. That was just about the time that the Village People were singing YMCA and In The Navy. Mindy often teased me about...

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Stuck In A Virtual Reality School

STUCK IN A VIRTUAL REALITY SCHOOL STORY Frequently, my old girlfriend Mary and I would try out different virtual and alternative reality worlds for fun and adventure. One of our last adventures had however, lead to something of a rift between us. On a whim we had gone to the famous Arabian Nights world where I had managed to get the avatar of a powerful sultan. Prior to our entry I had also organized to have Mary captured and turned into a slave girl so I could acquire her for...

2 years ago
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3 Some Revenge

I stood looking at myself in the mirror, wondering if I was actually doing theright thing. Two weeks ago, I caught my boyfriend of 18 months in bed with mybest friend! There'd been lots of shouting, crying, apologising and so on, butI just couldn't forgive him - and now he was spending the weekend moving out ofour flat whilst I had booked myself into the big hotel in town (on his creditcard of course) so I didn't have to even look at him. It wasn't my plan to do anything other than perhaps...

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Dream ScapeChapter 3

I had just got up the next day and was making coffee when someone was beating on my door. It was Pete. I let him in and asked what he was doing over so early? He told me he needed to talk to me. He told me that I would never believe what happened. "Okay, Pete, what happened?" I asked. "I had a dream last night and you were in it," he said. "So, what's the big deal that you had a dream, and why the hell are you dreaming of me?" I laughed. "It's not like that, Ben. I never had a...

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Together with my boyfriend for a long time we meet, and that's like what happened to me a story. No, perhaps I'll start on another. I'm quite pretty, slender girl of 18. I just love sex, in all its manifestations. We put in the bed mass of experiments, but here's my guy once said that I was stare at girls. No, I'm not a lesbian, Slavik me completely satisfied, but madly wanted to try sex with a girl. I wanted to play the role of a guy wanted to fuck her, to hear her moans, feel what a man feels...

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The Girl I Never Met Though I Wish I Had Part 1

DISCLAIMER - Aside from my attending Job Corps in the Mid 1980s, the following story is FICTION based on an Erotic Dream I had last night. In other words - IT DID NOT HAPPEN & IS #NOT BASED ON REAL LIFE EVENTS during my stay in the Job Corps programI also posted it in my Pornhub Feed. As such, IT IS NOT STOLEN !!! ANY reports to the contrary are FALSE & UNTRUE !!!That out of the way, it all goes like this.....==============I had this VERY erotic dream last nightI dreamed of my days...

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