Beatrice has her way with Bennie
- 4 years ago
- 50
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Bored on a Saturday afternoon, Bennie surfed into and looked over the categories: music, movies, software, clones, small appliances, and many others. About a year ago, he had downloaded a shareware vacuum cleaner. In retrospect, after using an assembler down at Copy Max and paying for the cost of the raw elements, it would have been cheaper to just buy a Hoover at Wal-Mart.
Here he was again, at the Napster start page a year later; Bennie clicked on "clones." The sub-menu listed sub-categories: cats, dogs, tropical birds, fish, humans. Clicking on "humans," he went another level deep. Two categories presented themselves: males, and females. Clicking on "females" presented him a page not much different from any "personals" site.
Thumbnail photos and brief profiles described each clone available for download.
#46088 was a short pudgy girl. She'd been downloaded only ten times in six years. Click.
#51840 was a tall muscular black girl with her hair all in cornrows and braids, and a defiant look in her eyes. Click.
#60107 had a hard face with big brown eyes and close-cropped black curly hair. Bennie clicked on her JPG for a closer look. Her full image showed her to have a pleasing shape. She was dressed as what an earlier age would have called a "tomboy," in loose jeans and a loose cut sweatshirt, and a bandanna around her head. Her chest was on the smallish side, but he found her oddly compelling. Reading down her profile, he stopped; she was lesbian. He briefly considered downloading her anyway, but he thought better of it; the animosity between them might become very unpleasant.
Backing out to the list page, he scanned down a few more images.
#21903 looked like a supermodel. Drop-dead beautiful, huge chest, but phony. Clicking into her profile, he wasn't surprised to see that she had been downloaded thousands of times in just a few weeks. He considered clicking on her, but wondered what sort of emotional baggage she would come with.
Bennie continued scanning down the list of available women to download and stopped at #33687, a tallish girl with brownish-blonde hair. Clicking on her, he was surprised to see that she was 6 feet tall--a good match to his spindly 5'11". Fair skinned, she had a nice shape, neither fat nor skinny. And she had a wholesome, pretty face. Her profile didn't say much about her. She had been downloaded only 42 times in five years; her appearance obviously had limited appeal. Bennie slid a blank CD-RW into his PC and clicked the "download" button without hesitation.
Thinking it to be an ad, he almost closed the pop-up window that read, "Sorry, but before you may download someone, you must first upload yourself."
A month later, Bennie was in Copy Max in New Brunswick across the street from the NJ Transit maglev station.
There were three tall glass cylindrical units in the back of the store. The matter scanner had a credit card scanner, coin-changer, and CD slot, the two assemblers/disassemblers didn't. Bennie read the instructions on the scanner, then stepped away.
Bennie ambled up and down the aisles of the small store. He almost jumped out of his shoes at the sonic boom of a passing Amtrak train speeding through the station toward Trenton.
"Damn," another customer said toward Bennie's general direction. "They ought to pass a law on how fast those trains can go through populated areas."
"Yeah," Bennie agreed half-heartedly. He stepped away from the other customer, and found himself back near the front door, and started to open it to leave. But he hesitated.
"Pardon me," an older woman said as she was leaving while carrying a translucent bag of personalized Christmas cards.
"Sorry," Bennie mumbled as he stepped away from the door back inside the store.
Bennie returned to the rear of the store where a young college-age guy in a Rutgers sweatshirt was standing in front of the hissing and buzzing assembler. The curved glass door slid open revealing a robotic vacuum cleaner. Reaching in and picking it up, the kid glanced at Bennie and said, "For the dorm. Party was googol-fredashay last night."
"Yeah, I heard Rutgers won the game yesterday. Congrats!" Bennie answered.
"Tira mah!" the kid answered and left.
Bennie returned his attention to the matter scanner. A sign read simply, "$5 to use the matter scanner."
"Oh, what the hell," Bennie muttered, and slid a $20 bill into a slot in the scanner. The machine dutifully spat out 15 Sacagawea dollar coins in change. Upon stepping inside, the curved glass door slid closed, a bright purple light flashed, and then the door opened again.
When the spots cleared from his eyes, the door opened. "What the hell?" Bennie said.
A tall, beautiful woman with short auburn hair was holding the glass door open for him. "Hello," she said.
"Hi!" Bennie answered back as he stepped out of the scanner into the aisle of the store. She was wearing a white low-cut top, bare midriff, and long white skirt. He looked around slowly as it dawned on him that this wasn't the Copy Max in New Brunswick. "Where the hell am I?"
"You're in San Diego," she said.
"California? How'd I get to California? And who are you?"
She laughed. "I downloaded you. And I'm your owner--your mistress."
"Downloaded? I didn't even upload myself yet! I just went into the scanner to make a CD of myself. I was going to upload it when I got home so I could download this girl..."
"You must have uploaded yourself, then. You were uploaded about two years ago, and your download count is pretty high."
"Two years? What year is it now?"
"My word, you ask too many questions."
"Well, it's only natural to want to know how much time has gone by..."
"If you want all your atoms to stay together, you must learn deference to me."
"Uh, yeah, sure," Bennie squeaked.
"But I'll answer your question."
He gasped when she told him. "You mean two years went by in that instant I was in the scanner? Holy crap!"
Some guy approached the assembler chamber. "Pardon me," he said to Bennie and the woman who had downloaded him.
"One moment," she said to the guy and held up some black leather strap of some kind. "Turn around."
Bennie turned around. She slid the leather collar around his neck, and he felt her buckle it from behind, then he heard a metallic snap!
She grabbed his arm and turned him to face her again. She hooked a leather leash to a ring on the front of his collar, and said, "You are my slave now. Follow me."
Slave! Oh shit! What did I do to myself?
She yanked the leash and led him through the store. Following behind her, he couldn't help notice that she had a pleasant shape. She had a fancy tattoo on the small of her back, partially hidden by her white skirt, and another small tattoo on her ankle. Maybe being her slave won't be so bad, he thought.
They exited the store. Cars, buses, and taxis whizzed by in the air lanes above the wide pedestrian walkway in front of the store.
"What was your name?" she asked.
"Was?" Bennie asked. "My name is Bennie."
"Not any more," she said in a stern voice. "Your name is now 'Girltoy'. And my name is Reni, but you'll call me Mistress Reni."
"You want me to call you 'Mistress'?"
"If you want to live past the next five minutes, you will," she growled. "Or I can go over to the counter and turn you back to your component atoms."
"Yes, Mistress Reni," he sighed.
"Good. I'm glad you understand your station. Now come along." With that, she led him to her car and motioned for him to get in.
Having never traveled far in his earlier days, Bennie gawked at the sights of San Diego as she flew over the city. During the ride, he slowly reached up and felt the heavy leather collar around his neck. That click he heard was a padlock attached to the back.
She banked onto a high-speed express lane giving him a better view of the city below from its higher altitude than the city street air lanes.
A few minutes later, she descended onto a residential street and landed on the roof of a squarish modernistic townhouse.
A small residential elevator took them down one level to the bedroom level where she led him into her bedroom.
"Undress," she said.
"Undress?" he repeated. "But we hardly know each other."
"I own you!" she scolded him. "You are my property! Undress! Now!"
"Yes Mistress Reni," he said and promptly kicked his shoes off and pulled his shirt and jeans off, standing in just his Jockeys and socks.
"Continue," she said.
Bennie pulled his socks and Jockeys off, letting his limp cock dangle for her to see.
"Not bad," she remarked. Bennie felt himself turn red in the face. "You'll get hot for me soon enough, Girltoy."
She pulled a plastic container from under her bed and removed more leather items. She then attached a pair of leather cuffs to his ankles and wrists, locking them on with yet more padlocks.
She stood back and said, "Very nice! I should have downloaded a slave years ago. This'll be so much fun!"
"I hope it'll be fun," he said.
"Oh, not for you!" she said. She grinned wide and added, "Just for me."
She pushed the container back under her bed with her foot and told him to follow her.
She led him down another flight of stairs to her contemporary-styled living room.
"Now, get on your hands and knees in front of the sofa."
He did so, and she went into her kitchen. "Wait for me," she called out.
She returned carrying a bottle of beer and sat on the sofa. She leaned back and placed her feet on his back, using his naked body as a footstool.
She reached for her phone and dialed a call.
"Hi Lyzi!"
"Yeah I have him!"
"He's my footstool right now," she giggled.
"Nope! He doesn't have a clue yet."
"Well, I just haven't had to yet," she giggled again. "He'll find out soon enough."
"Well, if he can't swallow, I'll take him back is all."
"Sorry girlfriend, not this weekend. I want him all to myself for now."
"Let me christen him first. Why don't you and Fuschia stop by next weekend? I'll let you use him."
"Yeah, I promise."
Bennie, listening to her side of the conversation, hoped that meant when he thought--being used by two other women could only mean one thing--or so he thought. His cock got hard at the thought of that, as she crossed her legs on his back. But he also wondered what that bit was about swallowing. He knew that, as her clone, she had every right to turn him back in--to kill him--at her whim. His erection shrunk again.
The conversation ended and she reached for a magazine. After about an hour, Bennie's stomach started to growl.
She set down the magazine and said, "Yes, you must be hungry." Standing, she walked into the kitchen. "Follow me, Bennie."
In the kitchen she told him to sit at the table and then asked, "What would you like?"
"Oh, I dunno. A ham sandwich maybe."
She scowled at him."
"A ham sandwich, Mistress Reni. Please."
"Okay, but pay attention to where I keep everything. Very soon, it will be your job to wait on me," she said and made sandwiches for them and set them on the table.
Bennie was still a little self-conscious about being naked while Reni was dressed, but his hunger urged him to reach for one of the sandwiches.
After lunch, Reni had Bennie use the bathroom, then returned to the living room.
"Get down as before," she told him. This time, she sat on his back and turned on the television. The next two hours were spent watching some chick flick on The Lifetime Network.
After an interminable struggle to stay on all fours without toppling them both to the floor, the movie finally ended.
Then she switched to Oxygen TV and watched Riding in Cars with Boys for the next hour.
Finally, the show ended and Reni stood.
"Come with me," she commanded.
Bennie followed her into her home office where she told him to lay on his back on a low straight flat padded exercise bench that was placed perpendicular to her computer desk. She swung her leg over his head and sat--on his face. His nose was giving her a wedgie up her white skirt, but she was sitting a little forward so that he could breathe. Still, for a slender woman, her full weight bearing down on his face was not so slight. The crushing weight of her posterior upon his skull was downright painful. But he endured the pain, along with a certain pleasure, while she tik-takked on her computer keyboard for quite some time.
After what seemed nearly an hour, she stood and told him to follow her once again--from her office back upstairs into her bedroom.
In her bedroom, she told him once again to lay on his back on yet another low exercise bench--this one situated over a plastic liner flat on the floor.
Thus positioned, she attached additional padlocks to his shackled wrists and ankles onto the bench and buckled a set of straps tightly across his chest, belly, and legs.
Simultaneously excited and worried, Bennie forgot her earlier admonition and asked, "Why did you tie me up this time? What are you going to do to me now?"
"I have to urinate," she said.
Standing over his head looking down at him, Reni pulled her skirt up and pulled her panties down to her knees. Her loose top fluttered as she stepped forward, straddling his head while facing his feet.
"Open your mouth," she said from directly above him as he stared into her crotch and ass crack from directly between her thighs. Her skin, even that of her most private place, had a golden California tan.
Bennie swallowed and opened his mouth. Her legs bent, and her hairy pussy and ass came straight down onto his face, plunging him into darkness and leaving the blackness of her ass crack between her inner ass cheeks imprinted on his retina.
This time, he couldn't breathe with his nose buried in her ass crack and pressed slightly into her anus. Perhaps it was a good thing that he couldn't breathe.
A split second later, he felt a stream of hot salty water splash against his tongue and collect at the back of his throat.
Bennie started thrashing against his bonds with the gagging sensation. Even just knowing that someone was peeing into his mouth made him feel like puking.
Just when he thought he was about to die, she finished and lifted off him. He immediately spat her urine out of his mouth.
"Bad boy!" she screamed at him.
Reni was livid. "What a mess you made!
"It's a good thing I put that plastic down!"
"I'm sorry..."
She started to unbuckle the belts that held him in place. "Come! I'm turning your matter back in and choosing another!"
"No! Please!"
"Why should I not?" she said in anger.
"Please don't kill me! Please! I won't spit it out again! I promise!"
Reni thought for a moment. "Very well. One more chance! ONE more chance!"
Reni released him and told him to get out a mop and pail and clean his mess from under the bench.
He did so, and after putting the mop and pail away, she locked him back down to the bench. "This is where you will stay unless I need you somewhere else. If you prove you're worth keeping, you'll get more freedom."
Reni left the bedroom for the rest of the day. He could hear her moving about elsewhere. Sometimes, the breeze whistled against the windowpanes. A clock somewhere unseen in the room began ticking louder and louder as the hours passed. After some time, she returned and took a shower in her bathroom. Then she went to bed, leaving Bennie strapped and shackled to the bench.
Bennie heard her get up once or twice in the middle of the night to pee in the toilet--thankfully. Yet he came down with the shakes a few times knowing that she will eventually sit on his face and pee into his mouth again, and he will have to swallow it all or be put to death. Just thinking about it made him come close to vomiting.
That time came next morning. Bennie woke to see her standing over him. She was as naked as he was, and from this vantage he was looking at her upside down into her black hairy muff and up along her belly to the undersides of her breasts and chin. Of course, he instantly got hard.
"Ah!" she said. "You like the view of me now!"
"Yes," he answered.
"If I keep you, there will be some pleasure for you too. But not today. Open your mouth."
Bennie sucked in a quick deep breath and opened his mouth. A moment later, she had stepped forward and sat on his face.
Her weight on his skull was just as great as the day before, but being the second time, he noticed things he hadn't previously. Her thick pubic hairs were tickling his cheeks and chin. Her pussy was wet and dripping down the insides of his cheeks. She squeezed his nose a few times with her anal sphincter and he vaguely smelled the odor of her shit.
Then, as the before, he felt that stream of hot salty liquid splash against his tongue and pool at the back of his throat.
Knowing he had no second chance, and that spitting it out meant death, he forced himself to swallow it after she finished relieving herself. He had to fight back a constant urge to vomit for quite a long time, but his stomach finally settled down.
She had left the room after using him, but had returned around midday, no longer naked. "Good! No mess! Are you hungry?"
"Actually, I am, but I'm afraid I'll puke if I eat anything."
"You must eat!" She unshackled him and led him into the kitchen.
"Can I just have some soda to drink? Ginger Ale or 7-Up?"
"Sure. How about a snack?"
"Sure, maybe a little snack," he said.
She made some toast and set them on a plate before him.
After he finished his snack, she said, "Come, I need to check my email."
It came as no surprised that his face became her chair once again. Like before, she spent about an hour at her computer with her ass upon his face.
Then it was footstool time while she watched another movie.
Later that night, she let him take a shower after she took hers. Then she shackled him into the bench in her bedroom and said, "I need to urinate before bed."
It was a little easier this time, but not much. The urge to vomit when she stood was weaker than before, but he still had to struggle to keep her piss down.
He thought he'd have nights to himself, but she startled him awake that night. "Wake up, Bennie. I need to urinate."
"Ohhh," he moaned.
"Mind your manners!" she scolded him and took a seat.
Half asleep, it was a greater struggle than ever to swallow her pee. Fortunately, he swallowed her pee and fell back asleep quickly after she returned to her bed.
The next morning came quickly. He didn't even realize how quickly until she woke him to pee in the morning. Her morning pee was tangier than usual, yet it was a little easier this time to swallow it and keep it down.
Before heading into her bathroom, she opened a large package of adult diapers and slowly worked one onto Bennie. "Why the diaper?" he asked.
"I'll be at work all day. I don't want any messes when I get home."
"Oh," is all that Bennie said.
She had put on a conservative gray skirt and white long-sleeve blouse. "I'm off to work, Bennie. I'll be back later."
"Wait! Reni! You can't leave me tied down all alone with no one else home! That's dangerous!"
"Bennie, I own you! It's a risk I choose to take."
"Hush! You haven't earned your freedom while I'm away yet!"
Reni huffed out to work, leaving Bennie alone with his fears for the rest of the day. Holy shit! What if there's a fire! What if there's an earthquake! Oh shit! Being shackled and strapped motionless on his back, he dozed off and on throughout the day. At least he didn't have to hold his piss in for nine hours straight.
Bennie awoke when he heard her open the door and walk in. He wasn't surprised when she walked directly into the bedroom, pulled up her skirt and took a seat on his face.
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Am nächsten Morgen wurde ich wach weil ich etwas hörte ich bin erst erschrocken aber Angaran beruhigte mich gleich ihm ist nur eine Flasche runtergefallen. Ich war noch total verschlafen als Angaran mich küsste und anfing zu streicheln ich mag es sehr frühs so geweckt zu werden, er fing an mich zu fingern ich hab es genossen. Er legte sich auf mich und spielte mit seiner Eichel an meinen Lippen und er küsste mich dabei er wusste das mich das rasend macht. Endlich steckte er ihn rein aber was...
As usual when left on my own, I had dressed in a pair of my favourite tan, sheer to the waist pantyhose, with the gusset cut out for coolness and ease of access. I had on a loose fitting pair of trousers and a tshirt, slip on shoes and no socks. I was doing my usual tour of the local charity shops looking for pairs of pantyhose, stockings and any other suitable lingerie, either for myself or my wife. If it was for her it had to be new as she didn't like wearing cast offs. As for me I liked to...
Going to the tanning bed is my time to relax. I always wear something easy to remove as I tan naked. So I slipped on a pink dress with nothing under it and headed out the door. On the drive over thoughts of my lover raced through my mind. His smell, his taste, his touch… I entered the room and closed the door. The soft fabric felt like hands softly caressing my body as I slowly brought it up and over my head. He had never left my mind. As I lay there with the heat of the lamps and the air of...
It was a peaceful Sunday early evening when I had opened my well-rested eyes after taking a short siesta. The martini that I drank during lunch had done its job of giving me an erotic dream – that was a sexual premonition! I was still thinking about that smoky magical island place where I had gone to become a sensualist, met two handsome hunks who boasted about their equine like manhood and moaning loudly during our double penetration sex on a hammock. My moist pussy wanted some action, but my...
Lina dropped her bag and looked up at the massive building that dominated the campus before her. It was beautiful, a russet stone building that was in lovely contrast to the green foliage and greenery that encompassed the whole of the university lawns. St Bridges was one of the most prestigious schools in the country, and Lina knew exactly how lucky she was to be attending. Both she and her family would be feeling the pain of paying back university loans when this was all over. She felt her...
She grabbed her aviators as we pulled out from the house. We decided to head up to one of the beaches further north, rather than our usual hangout. As we drove and the breeze kicked her ponytail up, I just kept thinking about how insanely lucky I was to have her. When we stopped at a stop sign, she caught me looking and leaned over to give me kiss. Not just a peck, but a full on lip biting kiss. Horns blared behind us and we burst out laughing as we continued on our way. We arrived at...
Melissa: Shoe Store Owner I've been stuck in my boy clothes all week, working long hours. But I have also been planning my weekend excursion. I have found out about a shoe store in a mall across town that carries large sizes. I have been looking forward all week to Saturday to turn Melissa loose. I had to work Saturday as well, but I made my escape by 3. Home, shower and shave my legs and face. Already I felt like a new woman. First I painted my toenails a bright red. Then I pulled...
You were sitting on your couch when you heard a knock at your front door. You answered it, and there stood your best friend Niall Horan. "Hey (y/n), want to hang out?"
Time for another adventure. Here's what happened when someone persuaded me to go to the Erotica exhibition in London one year ... We spend the day at the exhibition, wandering around the stalls, you buy some DVDs, I spend some time at a fetish-clothing stand but I refuse to show you what I buy. We watch some of the stage shows and I tease you by letting my hand brush against the front of your trousers and I squeeze your cock when no one can see. I pretend to watch the action on stage, but all...
I run my own garden maintenance business on the south coast, I was doing a 3 day job for a Dutch couple Inga and Claude last month, their property is a sprawling single story villa with electric gated entrance and totally secluded gardens to the rear, they were away for a few days and happy for me to get on in their absence I had a massive area of decking to finish and they asked me to stay overnight for security .Inga had arranged for her sister to call in while they were away. Inga was around...
Hi doston main kabir wapas aaya hun apni story ki part 2 le kar. Jinhone pichla part nahi padha pls ek baar padna mijhe itna acha response mila hai ki main ye doosra part likhne ke liye majboor ho gaya hun. All comments are welcome on To doston jab maine garima ko iss tarah apni choot mein ungli krte dekha to mujhe shararat soojhi, maine socha agar ye abhi jhad gayi to shayad raat mein mujhse na chudegi to maine plan banaya kyon na usse abhi beech mein hi rok diya jaaye jisse wo unsatisfied...
This is a short work of fiction, but as with all good tales, there is an element of truth in there, as well.In my mid to late twenties, I started a new job as a delivery driver for a well known company, delivering mail order items and such to customers homes. My route would take in several counties, including deliveries around my local area. I remember one evening, coming back to the depot after my deliveries, and all the drivers were laughing and guffawing away to each other.'What's so funny?'...
January 25th, 2007, Wednesday Gianetta ‘Jan’ Philouma nee Bruno “Carlos, where’s my sister-in-law?” she asked. “I believe she is ... uh... ‘patrolling the perimeter’, Senora.” “Please send someone to ... never mind. I’m sure...” “Hey, Jan,” Paula Philouma said as she walked in. “Heard you were looking for me.” Jan slowly rubbed her eyes, wishing she’d been able to sleep. “You’re sure he’s not dead?” Paula flowed into the chair next to her sister-in-law. “Positive, honey. If he was...
My girlfriend and I had a wonderful night together. We ate at our favorite restaurant, drank wine and enjoyed one another. We walked along the beach and sat on a blanket and watched the waves crash into one another. After a while, we drove back to her house. We drank more wine and continued to have a good time together. She looked and smelled amazing. We went into her bedroom where I ravished her beautiful body for many hours. I ate her sweet pussy until she came several times on my tongue. I...
Group SexIntroduction: Plantation owners family enjoys having slaves This story is about black slavery before the civil war and in a couple places it uses the N word. If this will bother you, please do not read this story. ____________________________________________________ The location is southern Georgia near the coast just before the Civil War. Horace Franklin was a successful businessman in his late thirties. He owned a small plantation where he lived. It was only about forty acres. He did not...
To all those who have voted and sent notes, thank you. I really appreciate the feedback. To the guy who’s wife couldn’t get through the story without giving him a bj, outstanding. That is the best compliment I could ever hope for. Be sure to return the favor. As for being the Steven King of erotica, that’s pushing it a bit I’m sure but thanks anyway. Please keep the comments coming. I’m going to take this in a number of different directions and have several more character I want to add. I’d be...
Gia’s been having so many problems in school lately. Falling grades, distracted attention…its’s so unlike her when she’s always been such a good student. Mr. Richards, her assistant principal, is determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. He’s always had a soft spot for Gia ever since she started school here. He feels the need to help Gia out… And when Mr. Richards finds out that Gias parents are consistently out of town, leaving their pretty young daughter all...
xmoviesforyouShe laughed naughtily as her eyes met mine. Her tongue emerged and starting at the base went up the full length of my engorged member, and traced a long slow circle around the tip. An intense shudder of pleasure rocketed through my body, and I sighed deeply. Her mouth wrapped around my cock and slipped down my shaft as her tongue kept working on my tip. She began gently massaging my balls. She stopped occasionally to stroke my cock. I thought my eyes would roll back in my head. I was grunting...
Bob knocked on the door two hours later with flowers in one hand, and a bottle of wine in the other. Mindy flew to the door and screeched, “Uncle Bob! My favorite Uncle!” Bob laughed and hugged her. “I’m your only Uncle princess.” She pressed herself against him. “I know. You smell good” she said, pushing her nose against his chest and inhaling deeply. “You smell like you’re going on a date.” “It’s just after-shave silly girl” he said. “I shaved so I wouldn’t rub your face off when I did...
A sound filtered its way into my awareness, and I opened my eyes. The morning light filtered through the blinds on both sides of the bed, giving more than enough light for me to see. I was lying on my left side, and Sharon was lying on her right side, facing me from about a foot away. She took another breath, and snored softly as she inhaled. Her hair was delightfully tousled, and her mouth was open slightly, showing her front teeth. I watched her as she slept, and the warmth in my belly...
His glasses allow him to see in the dark, see through solid objects, see if his drinks or food has been drugged and he can tell if someone is lying to him by checking his or her heart rate. The medical hologram Doc Holiday can easily cure any std's or illness he might get and heal any injuries he might sustain. The Kings plan has worked perectly, he's feared and respected by Men and lusted after by hypergamous Women that are looking for the upgrade. He's free to do whatever he wants and he...
My head whips to the side and my hand comes up to my lip where he slapped me, feeling it begin to swell. I feel something warm and sticky, and know I'm bleeding. "Don't talk back to me," he says, and I quickly nod, the stubborn look that used to be in my eyes replaced by a frightened one. Behind those eyes, there's something more, but he can't see it: Lust. -------------------------------------------------------------- It started a month or so ago. I was bored and horny, and...
There's a party goin' on right here! A celebration to last throughout the years. So bring your good times, and your laughter too, We're gonna celebrate your party with you! --Celebration (Kool and the Gang) Neither Lynette nor Camille bothered putting their bathing suits back on after the midnight party. Kristen noticed them and went nude as well. I saw many of the girls shrug. I think they figured that they were already nude in front of all of us during the party, and another peep...
The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...
I walked out into the snow barefoot and naked. Kim followed me and I could hear her giggling. I know she thought this was funny, but she wasn’t the one naked. She had all her clothes on and a heavy coat. I just walked to the shop to get what was needed. Once I was at the shop, the line was pretty big and I had to wait outside for a little while in order to get into the warm building. Everyone was looking at me and I saw them pointing and laughing at me. Kim stood behind me all the time. I...
I am from Bhubaneswar(Orissa), from my child hood I spent my time with mom. As my dad was in town with his job and we spent most of time in my uncle{ mama)house with mom and other brother. When I go to college then I came to my dad’s place with mom and younger brother, mom and me and brother sleep in one room and dad sleep in another. One night when I got up see mom was not in this room. So I became curious where mom may be? When I was going out to corridor to search mom then I heard a sound...
IncestIt had been a long day.A long frustrating day.I showed houses all day and didn't even get a bite of a sale.My feet were sore and I was cranky as I got home.I was walking up the stairs to my bedroom to get out of my business wear and stockings when I heard sounds that were undeniably the sounds of sex... coming from my son's room.As I got closer to the door, I heard Nancy, my son's girlfriend, demand, "That's it baby, ream my asshole."I froze.Nancy took it in the ass?My son fucked Nancy's...
I finally understood why he was keeping me aroused when the doorbell rang. I was all set to ignore it. But I saw the look on his face and it was instantly obvious he’s expecting someone. He must have invited a friend over. I flashed back to all the times he made me do things with other men on the bus and how hot it made me. I’m more than a little uncomfortable that he’s inviting his friends to my house. But I’m not nearly as upset as I should have been. Cory pushed me out of his lap and...
Leah awoke the next morning with a hangover. She could tell she was laying in the hammock but after the night before, the person she was laying on could have been anyone. She lifted her head slowly and her eyes landed on Jake, her Luke Bryan look-a-like. She smiled and looked around. Veronica and Brantley were laying on the earth wrapped in a blanket, and Colton was passed out alone in the other hammock. Leah gently removed herself from the hammock and pulled her bathing suit on. She looked at...
Group SexAthena Faris makes her JJV debut with Manuel Ferrara! Athena’s a homegrown hottie from right here in California and is looking sexy as hell. She teases in her tiny blue bikini out by the pool, then slowly sheds her clothes to expose her perfect tits and amazing ass. This girl is really something else, I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot more of her. Athena makes her way inside where she meets Manuel and her instantly starts worshiping her body. He kisses and caresses her...
xmoviesforyouWelcome to Pictures and Prompts, a place where you can post some pictures and an accompanying prompt/idea, so people can pick them up and do some short stories with them, before posting their own combination of pictures and prompts. Some rules to make it work: 1) This is a give-and-take, so the whole concept lives from people participating. If you feel inspired by a picture and a prompt, add an chapter and write your story there. Afterwards, add another chapter, where you post your pictures and...
"Fuck it, I'll look it up on Amazon on Rick's laptop," I muttered, grabbing it. "My phone's not working," I groaned, turning it on and sitting on the couch.I waited for it to boot up, and bit down on my bottom lip. "I guess I'll just have to erase my search history; I don't want him to see the birthday gift I buy him."I brought up the internet browser. "Damn, you have many favorite buttons, dude," I muttered, before letting the cursor go over one. "Oh, porn sites, Rick. I'm not surprised, and...
InterracialThe doorbell rang at eight-thirty the next morning and Kelly went to answer it. Opening the door, she saw two beautiful young women, one with brown hair and the other with the most gorgeous auburn hair she had ever seen. The redhead extended her hand and said, "Kelly? I'm Ginger Conrad and this is Sandy Harris. We've been sent out from Los Angeles to help with a couple of things." When Kelly shook hands, she was very pleasantly surprised at the strength in the two women's grips. Just...