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DOWNLOAD Written for Troy, by Netsylph This story was written for Fictionmania denizen Troy. We agreed to swap stories. I asked him for a few guidelines about what he likes. Here were the writing guidelines: A racial change story. With sex. No blondes. With Troy as the main character. The following is the result. Disclaimer: This is a piece of erotic adult fiction. If it is illegal for you to read this, don't. Troy was spending more time on his computer. This wasn't unusual. Lately he'd been spending more and more time there. Surfing the web was not only his hobby. It was his obsession. Normally Troy was cautious about the things he downloaded. After all, the most likely place to pick up a virus was from software downloaded off the Internet. But this little program interested him very much. He began the download and watched as his computer estimated the time to complete it. Fifteen minutes until completion. Impatiently, Troy got up from his well worn chair and stretched. A young man. Smart and good looking. Troy's computer obsession was beginning to tell in his physique. Though six feet tall, with a full head of light brown hair and striking blue eyes, Troy had let his waistline get away from him lately. He patted the stomach fed mostly on beer and tacos. "Well, if I had a reason to work it off, I would," he comforted himself. Striding to the refrigerator, he took out a bottle of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Popping off the top he took a deep gulp from it. Across the room he watched the computer screen. The blue line indicated his download was proceeding as expected. 10 minutes to completion. He walked back to the computer. Maybe he could find something on there already to distract him while the download completed. He opened a few text files he'd found on a sight of erotica. Nothing thrilled him tonight. Even his lust seemed asleep. In fact tonight he felt dead inside. This dead feeling had occurred a lot lately. Nothing seemed to make him feel really alive anymore. In more reflective moments, he thought his endless searching through the Internet was reflective of some deeper search for life... a reason to live... a deeper purpose. In lieu of all those he just sought anything intense. Whether it brought him to laughter, or tears, or hate, or love. Five minutes to completion. Troy was not happy with his life. Who he was. Where he lived. How he lived. Especially how people saw him. He knew his appearance could be neater. But the difference such improvements would make was not the difference he was looking for. He shifted in his well used chair and finished off his beer. He briefly thought about shutting down his PC and reading a book. He'd always meant to read Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment beckoned from a sense of intellectual debt. But not real desire. He sighed and watched the blue bar record the progress of his download. 2 minutes to completion. 1 minute. Less than a minute. Intensity! That's what his life lacked! Troy though to himself as he stared out his window onto the rainy street. His life was too comfortable. The comfort of everything dulled him to the pleasure of any of it. Here he was seeking comfort from a high powered electronic counting machine. Yet, if he wandered down his own block, all he would find would be vapid small talk. *Sigh* Modern America. So rich, yet so poor. *Ding* An electronic chime indicated the download was complete. The blue bar disappeared. Troy's musings evaporated as he concentrated back on his computer screen. He opened a window to view his latest download. A single executable file. Highly recommended by an online friend. Promised to be unforgettable, and unpredictable. It sounded vaguely dangerous, but he thought it would almost certainly disappoint him. He wondered if the thoughts running through his mind were like those of his parents generation as they confronted their first tab of LSD. A double-click of the mouse. The computer began churning in its comforting technologic manner. The screen went black for a moment. The program obviously wanted to run without interference from any other program on Troy's PC. After 30 seconds, Troy began to suspect the computer was frozen. He hoped the program wasn't a hoax, and especially hoped it hadn't released a virus onto his PC. Just as he was about to give up, and his hand began to move toward the power button, a window popped onto the screen. "Select destination" was all the caption of the window read. Below it was a single label, currently filled with the word "". He clicked on a small arrow to the right of the label. A list appeared beneath it. Other than "", there were several items listed. "Amsterdam," "Moscow," "Abu-Dabi," "Tijuana." Several more as well. "Great! A travel guide!," Troy said to himself, with a sarcasm no one else seemed to appreciate anymore. One that caught his eye was "Bangkok." He didn't really know why. Perhaps it was the song from the musical "Chess," that made it seem familiar. In any case he let the mouse highlight "Bangkok," and clicked it. The window on his screen disappeared leaving only a blank screen again. Suddenly.. all lights went out. Even the light that should be coming from the street. Troy found himself in total blackness. Then the lights came back up. Everything was wrong. The lights that came back up had a seedy red glow. The room Troy gazed out upon was smaller. Just a small wooden room with a tiny bed. A small desk with a red lighted lamp. And one window with gauzy curtains, from which gaudy neon light flooded the room. Loud hip-hop music was booming through the flimsy door. Nothing was on the walls. But as Troy looked up to the ceiling, he saw a mirror. That was when he gasped. As he looked up into the mirror, he did not see his own face. Instead he saw the face of a small, pretty, heavily made up Asian girl. Troy looked away in shock. Looking for anything that would make this seem an illusion. Or a trick. As he looked away, he caught a glimpse of his arm and hand. Small. Thin. Delicate. Slightly tan in color. He continued to look down upon himself. Small, firm breasts jutted out from his chest. Smooth, bare, feminine legs ran artfully into tiny feet with painted toenails. He seemed to be wearing a slinky, spaghetti strap, burgundy silk nighty, which covered him barely past his privates. With a start, he reached down and pulled the nighty up. As he suspected. Rather than the usual bulge, only a smooth feminine mound was revealed, covered in silk bikini panties matching the nighty. In disbelief, he reached down with one of his expertly manicured fingers, barely noticing the burgundy nail polish matching his attire. He felt between his legs, giving himself an involuntary shudder. No male equipment there. Just a very sensitive female vagina. He looked back up in the mirror to study himself. He appeared to be young. Hard to tell how young. Certainly no more than 18. Possibly younger. His small firm breasts and feminine hips seemed to be perfectly proportioned, giving him a petite, but perfect feminine build. His skin was pale for an Asian girl. His eyes wider than those of a Chinese. Japanese perhaps? No that wasn't right either. He thought back to his computer. Bangkok he'd selected. Bangkok is the main city of Thailand. "Do I look Thai?" He thought as he looked into the mirror. Unsure exactly what a Thai girl looked like, he was studying the mirror intently as the door burst open. He let out a high pitched cry in surprise. The door had swung open to reveal a hulking figure in a sweat stained white oxford shirt, and a loosened yellow tie. The man looked like some American business man, cutting loose in a way he could not at home. He was slugging down a bottle of some beer with an Asian label as he stared red-eyed into the room. His eyes leered and lusted upon Troy's body, as he stood there, propping himself up in the door frame. He finished his beer with a large gulp and tossed the bottle behind him into the hall. Troy could still hear it clinking and rolling down the hallway as the man roughly shut the door behind him and stepped into the room. He stank of alcohol, sweat, and cigarettes. His day-old growth of dark hair flecked by gray did nothing to help him look distinguished. His balding, unkempt hair along with his disheveled, stained clothes made him look almost comic. In other circumstances Troy might have laughed at him. Or perhaps just silently counted himself that much superior. But in these circumstances it was different. The man towered over Troy's new body and lumbered toward him in a manner that didn't cause Troy to laugh. Troy's hands instinctively rose to protect himself as be backed against the small bed. The hulking man smiled as he saw this, but continued forward. His breath smelled of garlic and beer. His large hands clumsily reached forward and grasped Troy's arms, easily dragging them down. The man was almost drooling as his eyes drank in the sight of Troy; so much smaller, so much weaker, clad in beautiful silk bedclothes, looking up so innocently and helplessly at him. Troy looked up at the man trembling. This was all happening so fast. This was no passive thought from a comfy apartment. Here he was in a dank room, probably in Thailand. He could feel a real man's hot flesh pressing against his. He could smell his body and his breath. He could hear the music pounding outside his door. This was real. Here was intensity. Real intensity. But it was TOO intense for him. His mind reeled. The man pulled him close. His silk clad body pressed against the man's sweat dampened shirt. He looked up into the leering eyes of the man just before he forced his mouth onto Troy's. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the foul taste as the man mashed his tongue into his mouth. The man held him there for what seemed a long time. His own silk clad body being forced into that of the man by strong arms and hands. His mouth being roughly probed by an awkward yet insistent tongue. The thought of resisting flashed through Troy's mind but he immediately rejected it. In his new body, this man was clearly much stronger than him. And drunk as he was, he might easily become angry and violent. An involuntary gasp escaped Troy's lips as the man broke away his kiss. Surprisingly gentle hands now caressed Troy's breasts through the soft fabric that offered his only covering. The caress sent jolts of a previously unknown pleasure trough his body. Like electric shocks shooting from his nipples down to his new feminine sex. The drunk man liked the reaction, and expertly went about furthering it. His fingers now concentrated on the nipples. Drawing soft circles around the quickly hardening points. Now and then stopping to gently roll the little marble sized pleasure points between his thumb and index finger. Troy's arms rose and fell helplessly at his sides. His eyes closed. He couldn't help but surrender to the delicious pleasure assaulting his senses. He was so caught up in it that he didn't even notice the man lifting the nighty off his body until it the man raised Troy's arms to lift it off. The nighty was quickly tossed aside. Troy's eyes opened at this in surprise. His arms instinctively closed to cover his chest. Only minutes ago, Troy would not feel uncomfortable without a shirt. But some new feeling... perhaps the very pleasuring he'd just experienced.... made him react with some sense of feminine modesty at the thought that his chest was exposed. The man gently reached forward and pulled Troy's arms down to his sides. Troy steeled his will to accept this, and allowed the man to position his arms in a way that provided him clear view of Troy's naked breasts. The man took a step back and let his eyes drink in the vision before him. Troy imagined what the man must see. A petite, beautiful Thai girl. Seemingly modest and innocent, which was unusual and exotic since her sexual services were obviously for sale. Her light skinned Asian body was smooth and virtually without blemish. Her large brown eyes were torn between an instinctive reluctance and passion from the experience of moments ago. Clad in nothing more than a skimpy pair of panties. Obediently standing still, allowing herself to be viewed like an item on a menu. Such a vision he must now make, thought Troy. The man now reached down to his own pants and released a large leather belt. He fumbled for the button that held his pants in place, finding and releasing it with impatient effort. He smiled stupidly as he lowered the zipper. With a single finger he beckoned Troy over to him. Troy gulped down his fear and took the few reluctant steps necessary over to the man. The man put a hand on Troy's head and gently pressed him down to his knees. He found himself kneeling, looking directly at the man's unzipped fly containing a large rod straining to be released. Troy looked up at the man helplessly. The man simply smiled down and nodded his head. Knowing the role expected of him... although he'd always been in the opposite role before .... Troy reached up and felt the man's hardness through his straining boxer shorts. He tugged the man's pants down to his knees. Then with a tiny sigh he did the same with the man's boxers. Now, barely two inches from his face, was a large, hard, excited cock. He looked up futilely, as if for some reprieve from the act he knew was expected of him. The man reached down and gently stroked his hair for a moment. Then pressed his head toward the pulsing member. Troy's lips parted, and his tongue came out. Delaying the inevitable, he delicately flicked his tongue across the tip. He immediately tasted salt from the tiny amounts of pre-cum already oozing from the tiny opening. He wrapped the fingers of his right hand gently around the hard shaft, as he continued licking along the bottom side. His eyes closed, and he tried to imagine he was licking a piece of candy. Or a popsicle. Deep soft moans came from the man's throat. But he was not to be satisfied so easily. His hand was already resting in Troy's hair. And it now began, with increasing insistence, to press Troy's mouth closer and closer to his crotch. When he couldn't avoid it anymore, Troy parted his lips wider, and wrapped them around the end of the cock. The man now let out a loud grunt of satisfaction as he quickly thrust it forward. It took Troy somewhat off guard, and made him gag as it thrust back into his mouth touching the back of his throat. Quickly trying to take control of the situation, he steadied himself by reaching up and grabbing the man around the waist. While this left Troy intimately touching the man's ass cheeks, it gave him a bit more balance. The next few thrusts did not cause him to gag. As the cock surged forward, filling Troy's mouth one moment, and emptying it the next... Troy became captured by the erotic rhythm of it all. His body responded in ways he didn't understand, becoming increasingly aroused and excited in spite of his reluctance. The thrusts were coming faster now, and the cock seemed to pulse and throb. Troy was sure the man was about to cum. But suddenly he grabbed Troy's hair and somewhat roughly yanked his head back, away from the cock. Troy looked up a bit dazed and surprised. The man was panting heavily, and sweating harder. His passion was clearly not spent yet. He released Troy's hair, and left him sitting on the floor while he reached down and finished removing his pants and boxers. He then reached up and tugged off his tie, and fumblingly, released the buttons of his shirt before tossing it aside too. The man was now naked, and reached for Troy's hand. He didn't resist. Allowing himself to be pulled to his feet, and led the short distance to the bed. The man's body wasn't ugly to him, Troy realized. Certainly not handsome. A bit fat. The skin a bit too pale. Perhaps too much body hair. But there was something else that seemed almost.. sexy about it. To Troy's alarm he realized it was simply the MALENESS of the body. His new body was shaping his desires. His building arousal had a NEED for such a body. He felt this need more keenly than even the desire to escape. The man stopped him at the edge of the bed. His fingers casually brushed along Troy's body as they wandered down to his panties. They then proceeded to tug them down. Despite any inner voice telling him to stop, Troy found himself assisting the man. Stepping out of the panties almost eagerly to reveal a hairless female pussy. As the panties were tossed aside, the man's left hand gently parted Troy's legs and cupped his now naked womanhood as his right hand returned to pay teasing respect to his breasts nipples. The warmth of the man's hand felt good as it cupped the entire space between Troy's legs. But when the man slipped a finger into the already moist pussy, Troy's knees became weak with the pleasure it produced. The man continued, finding new and impossibly electric spots in Troy's pussy that were sometimes equal, sometimes surpassing the twin erotic zones beneath his nipples. And when the man found both at once, Troy could not help but moan and sigh. He was already panting, grinding against the man's hands, occasionally squealing in pleasure. He felt his pussy dripping wet as he danced like an X-rated puppet while this man worked his strings. With a sudden shove, Troy fell backwards onto the bed. His body immediately and alarmingly felt the lack of the delicious sensations that had been building his desire for... for how long? Troy didn't even know. The man might have been playing with him for a single minute or an hour. Time had no meaning to him now. Only his passion. His legs parted and he pressed himself back onto the bed, looking up at the man in lustful abandon. Panting, sweating... almost crying from the intensity. The man smiled at the sight and moved forward onto the bed. He crawled forward, between the widely spread legs of the horny girl before him. As he kissed Troy deeply again, and pressed his body crushingly onto him, Troy no longer tasted the garlic or the beer. His every nerve simply screamed "Touch me!." Immediately, Troy felt the man's throbbing manhood push deeply inside him. Troy was so wet, he easily thrust the full length in the very first time. Troy gasped and eyes opened wide with surprise. It felt amazingly good! He wanted it to stay there. Touching every part of the hyper-sensitive channel inside him. But the man quickly pulled it back out. Before Troy could react, he thrust it back in, eliciting another, even louder gasp. The man's rhythm quickly built. They were both almost animal in their passion now. Sweating and panting. Moaning, grunting. Where their touches had been gentle before, they were now rough. The man squeezed and twisted Troy's nipples, and mashed his breasts in hard circular motions. Where this would have brought pain before, now all sensations were pleasure. And the intensity only meant more pleasure. Troy dug his nails into the mans back and bit at his hands and arms in a desperately passionate way. A wave of incredible intensity was building in Troy's body... building to levels that made all else seem distant and small. As the man surged forward with his loudest grunt, Troy felt something hot and wet squirt deeply into him. This sent the building wave crashing through him. With a mad shriek of passion, his body exploded with pleasure. Totally mindless of all else, Troy bucked and shrieked. He clawed the man's back. Thrashed his own head against the bed. All the while his body sent wave after wave of amazing sensation crashing through him. It seemed to go on forever. He closed his eyes tightly. Riding it. Feeling it. Loving it. Slowly, gently, the waves subsided. He could still feel the man's cock inside him. It still felt good. But the uncontrollable passion was no longer building with it. The man's cock withdrew as it began to soften. Troy let out a whimper as it did. He opened his eyes to see the man tiredly walking across the room to retrieve his clothes. Troy lay on the bed with a kind of contentment he didn't think he'd ever known as he watched the man dress. The man looked comic again. Kind of dumpy. More disheveled than ever. Troy simply lay there naked but no longer feeling exposed and watched him almost lovingly. He fastened his tie and gave another look back at the beautiful young girl on the bed. Who was she, he seemed to wonder. Girls that work in places like this just don't respond like this one had. With an almost sad sigh, he tiredly shrugged his shoulders, turned away and walked out the door. As the door closed, all lights went out again. Moments later, as they came back up, Troy's eyes were greeted by the familiar sights of his own apartment. The computer screen glared back at him, no longer blank. No traces of the program he had downloaded were on it either. He got up from his chair and walked to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he saw his own face, on his own body. He looked more like the dumpy man than the beautiful Asian girl now. His bleary eyes, red from lack of sleep, stared back at him. But there was a new glimmer there. And the corners of his mouth showed a hint of a genuine smile he hadn't displayed for weeks. And as he closed his eyes he imagined himself as the beautiful Asian girl. He hugged himself tightly as he remembered. And life didn't seem so bad anymore. The End

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16th Birthday CUM Party

Though I will be 16 years old am still little in body type, but then again big in other areas for being a boy, my jelly Bubble Butt, (BB), evil smile, just the way I like it, am such a sissy bitch, hehehe, on the day of my 16th. Birthday something strange happen that I should had been more aware and paid more attention too, MY SURROUNDINGS, which cost me to get **** by 5 clowns, but thats just getting ahead of this story, thats for the next story, it’s very late in the afternoon, am still on my...

4 years ago
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Older Man 6 Boysrsquo Second Orgy

This story is complete without needing to read past installments (I think). It is, however, Chapter 4 of the sexual adventures started in Daddy's First Bukkake, Will Strikes Again and Mr Greig and the Boys: Part Three. I would heartily recommend reading those before continuing here.Mr Greig and the BoysChapter 4LATE TO THE BOYS’ ORGY"And I don't even know what's going on in the stockroom," my coworker Sara was droning on.I couldn't have been more annoyed. Will and his eighteen-year-old friends...

2 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 3 First Morning

Even in Dan's dreams, MzDominica continued to stimulate his sex -- insistently, relentlessly -- commanding him to serve her. He licked Dominica's boots -- up, up, up, to her soft, creamy thighs -- only to have her stop him, just as his tongue was about to touch her skin. He could smell her skin. He could smell her pussy... so close. So warm, and musky. In his sleep, he sucked on the dildo, tasting her juices, smelling her scent, imagining her cumming and squirting around the dildo, through...

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Keeping someone on the edge is an art. There needs to be a lot of chemistry. There was a guy I gave a massage to once... Craigslist, he was looking for a massage. It always seemed like craigslist was more trouble than it was worth but it was my only source. I responded to his add and he got right back to me. I am usually nervous and slow about hooking up but that night I just had it in me. It was cold and rainy. I was driving to his place within 5 minutes of my writing to him. this wasn't like...

2 years ago
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The Farmer part 4

S’s storyOur second dinner with Quin and Reenie was just as good as the previous evening. Roast lamb from the farm, home grown veg and every trimming you could think of. As we finished our coffee Reenie said the next holiday let had come forward, so this would be our only night with them. Both the girls looked quite bereft, but I couldn’t understand why. G volunteered to help clear up and Reenie told us men to go into the lounge. We wandered next door and Quin poured two large cognacs and we...

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Trible Indians fuck

This is tha tale that I read in a book. It is not real tha story goes this way. The beautiful young woman was on her way, in a coach and under military escort, to the commander of Fort Hayden in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. They were only a short distance from their destination when the small tribe of renegade Indians attacked them. There was little hope the coach could outrun the swift horses of the attackers, and there were only two soldiers and the coach driver against at least six...

1 year ago
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A long Naughty Session

We are in the play room. You have me lay on my back on a bench; You put cuffs around my ankles and tie ropes to the D rings. The Bench is placed between two posts, You thread the rope through eye hooks in the posts, lifting my legs and spreading them wide, exposing my pussy and my ass. You lube my ass lightly and then fill it with an inflatable plug. You pump it up till I whimper and then give it two more pumps. Using a light flogger and then the riding crop, You spank my pussy, making sure...

3 years ago
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A Week Getaway

A short story about a fantasy getaway with a special online friend….The same ‘special friend’ that suggested I check out this erotic story web site. This is for you… We have a good relationship, totally open and honest about our needs, our fantasies. He’s definitely one of my favorite fantasies. We travel a lot in our fantasies, exploring our sexuality… This one started with him renting a secluded cabin on a lake in the north woods of Canada. Since he’s from the north and I from the south, I...

4 years ago
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Satans BrideChapter 29

To her credit, while Cathy's will to resist had been broken in a little less than three hours, it took Mioki's masters almost two days. Upon arrival at the old castle, she had been introduced to her third owner, an attractive woman in her mid forties, Mistress Tanya, who immediately put whip to flesh and continued for well over an hour. The three took turns with her and were especially vicious when Mioki cried out for Darius. They assured her she would never see him again and the sooner she...

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The Beauty of Urge and Lust

It was a warm afternoon tea time--outdoor pub, the best spot for relaxing. We've promised to meet up in this exact venue. While waiting for her, I've decided to browse through the menu. While I was focusing on the menu, I smell a wonderful scent of aroma from distance. In my mind, it's smells like my girlfriend's legging that filled with floral scent, while pairing with sexy high-heel boots. From the visual of it, I could feel my bottom begins to erect enormously. Somehow I couldn't help...

4 years ago
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The light was thin and grey through the gap in the curtains. The hotel room looked wrecked, clothes thrown about, empty glasses and champagne bottles, the TV still on, ESPN buzzing away softly. I remembered us getting into the cab from Beluga for the short ride back, but little after that. You'd fallen asleep next to me on a bench in the club's porch, and I'd made our excuses and left. Somehow we had made it into bed but I knew neither of us had moved from our prone positions in the...

2 years ago
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Mom Fucks Son

It’s a story about a son and his mom, a son who turned 18 last month, and mom 38. I don’t know why this happened to me. I had born in a small town where our family, dad, mom and me lived for 13 years. But five years ago my dad and mom decides to separate out. I decided to live with mom, as she was helpless at that time. After two years of their divorce I left our town for my graduation. Up till now all the things were going normal. The relation between mom and me was same as every other mom and...

4 years ago
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El PasoChapter 24

I woke up groggily, feeling as if someone had set my nose hair on fire. I turned my head to the side and my eyes slowly started to focus. The first thing I saw was Doc Willis kneeling beside me, trying to stick his bottle of smelling salts up my nostril. I raised my hand and pushed the evil smelling bottle away. The next thing I heard was Anna Lopez’s angelic voice from right behind me. “He’s awake!” she yelled excitedly. That seemed to start about a hundred people talking at once, their...

1 year ago
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Swingers Diary 2

100% fiction 2010 May 16 – Today evening was incredible… We have come for a vacation to Goa. Asu’s sister Ria and her husband Vikas are along. We arrived at our hotel in the morning. The rooms here are fantastic. We left from Pune while it was early in the morning. I could guess Vikas’s growing lust for me while we were waiting at the airport for our flight to depart. He even went to the pains of getting me cornered in a screened off lobby while I was off to bring in some coffee for all. There...

3 years ago
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Danny and Jenny chapter nine

"Karen?""That's me, hello Danny." she reached up and kissed me on the lips."Well, Jenny certainly wasn't lying," she said mysteriously, "You really are gorgeous."Gorgeous? Shit, I've been called many things in my life, but that has never been one of them!"Danny, do you think I could perhaps come inside please?""Sorry? Oh yes excuse me, I mean, yes dease plo come in, I mean, shit, please do come in Karen, sorry I didn't mean to shay sit, I meant - ""You're gibbering Danny," came from behind me I...

2 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 14 Driving Lessons

Codes for this story:[mf, incest, brother, sister, rape] Alice Jones sat in the middle of the truck’s bench seat, next to her brother, “Let the clutch out slow.” The car lurched forward twice then died. Tim Jones brought his fists down on the steering wheel, “Gawd! I hate this truck!” Fifteen minutes of failure was taking its toll. He had recently gotten his learner’s permit, and his sister was giving him his first driving lesson. The smoke from the cigarette hanging out of Alice’s mouth...

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my 1st time with a guy

Please note this story is true, the names have, of course, been changed. Some of the finer details are a little hazy, this is all about twelve or thirteen years ago? Please comment and rate this, as it’s my first go! When I was about sixteen, I had this mate, Chris. We’d just hang around together, play Nintendo, smoke his mum’s cigarettes. She was cool, 50 ish, divorced and made the best cups of tea, ha ha. One night, it was his birthday, we went to some place for a meal, just us three....

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Late Night Shopping Part 2

This time I asked Susan to stay behind after our first encounter because I trusted her loyalty and we had grown accustomed to each other’s bodies. We were hoping for a replay of the last event but just 2 guys were waiting for the after hours service. Whilst they headed for the staff loos to undress Susan and I shrugged our shoulders, grabbed some nibbles, discarded our robes and sank our bodies into the big tub.with 4 glasses and a bottle of bubbly. When the sales rep convinced me a couple of...

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The Ass Play

I unzipped his pants and say his cute undies budging out. I opened the little flap and BOING! There it was. I had to admit to myself it was thrilling to see it so I did what came natural to me. I’ve seen porn so I knew what to do with it but was just scared. I grab it with one hand and slowly my head starts heading towards it. I open my mouth wide and take just a little but of it in. It wasn’t half bad. More and more I got into it and went down on it deeper. He...

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Cousin K Sath Sex K Mazy

Hi friends, Mera nam Vicky hai or mai Karachi ka rehny wala hn. Meri age 20 years hai. Meri height 5’6″ hai or mery “TOOL” ki lambai 7″ or motai 2.5″ hai. Ye meri ISS per 1st story hai is liay agr koi galti ho jay to us k liay I m very sorry agr app ko ye story achi lagy to mujhy mail kar k zaroor karna or koi tips deni ho to wo bhi zaroor mail kary mera email address hai” ” . To ab me apni story per ata hn ye stori meri cousin ki hai us ka nam hai iqra or us ki age 19 years hai. Us ka figure...

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Fun Before the Comedown

Sandie pokes a long stick into the fire to stoke it. She eyes Nicholas, who’s absentmindedly eyeing her ass, and I can’t tell if that’s the flames reflecting in her glassy eyes or if she’s genuinely upset. Maybe it’s because Nicholas recently transitioned and it grosses her out or simply because they're both stoned, I don’t know. But I do know he's not wrong to be staring - Sandie does have a spectacular ass. Next to Sandie is Melanie. She's got on these short shorts that really show off her...

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Twins Times Four

Bill and Bob were born a year and a half before Jill and Joan. They were all twins. Like their parents. Their mother had a twin sister and their father had a twin brother. It ran in the family. Bill and Bob were both blonde like their mother and Jill and Joan were both redheads like their father. Approaching 16, Bill and Bob were both six feet tall and 170 pounds. They were both very athletic and good students. Like their sisters. Straight A's for the Hanson kids all around. Jill and Joan were...

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Hema Soothu Sexyaaga Irunthathu

Hi friends, en peyar Gautham, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, naan Hemavai en nanban thirumanthin pozhuthu paarthen. Aval sema make up pottukonde chudithaar aninthukondu vanthu irunthaal, aval chudithaar aval mulaiyai maraikave illai. Iru mulaiyum kaiku adakamaaga sexiyaaga therinthu kondu irunthathu. Naan aval mugathai paarpatharku munathaaga aval mulaiyai thaan muthal muthalil paarthen. Haa, aval mulai azhagai rasithu irukum pozhuthu aval thirumbinaal. Appozhuthu thaan aval soothu azhagai paarthen...

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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

REPAYING A DEBT TO GODDESS DANIELLEI live on a very large and secluded estate in Costa Rica, though I can't say that my life is easy, or that I'm sitting in the sun sipping a tall cool drink.  Quite the opposite actually. I had run afoul of the IRS and was $200,000 in tax debt. I was facing heavy fines and probable jail time which I was not prepared to serve. The only choice I felt I had was to call and ask a very wealthy acquaintance named Danielle, living in Costa Rica for help. I explained...

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Life Change for sister and I pt4

Saturday morning, Clare and I had another quicky like we usually did when we woke up, then rushed out to do our usual peeing, then breakfast, then did some packing so we wouldn't have all of it to do after dinner, then we decided to just sit around camp and did some talking, and walk over to the lake and talked some more, and when we would just be talking, Clare would sit on my lap and put my dick in her pussy, since she kept me hard most of the time, due to her being so sexy looking, and even...

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Me Beth and Maria makes three ah Part 1

We worked together for a company in a small local town, i thought she was great we were both chippies, yes a female chippy but and why not, she was extremely fit and very sexy to. We spent many hours refurnishing a shop and we had never tried it on with each other we just wanted to remain work mates and friends that was it. We working away from home and this was the first time we had stayed wife didn't know nor did her hubby but as we have both been accused of foul play when we had no...

2 years ago
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Not Your Average escort pt1

There was a knock at the door. I got up and walked over, checked the peephole first, saw it was a woman and opened the door. She was at least six feet tall, had long raven black hair, pale skin, deep blue eyes and smallish but perky breasts. Her nipples showed some through the fabric of her short, hot pink dress. “Hello. May I please come in,” she asked with a nearly perfect smile. I stepped back, pulling the door open wide, swinging my arm in a wide arch waving her in. As she walked past I...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 4

2069 a.d. Dream Walker Tanya woke up. She was in complete darkness, lying on something soft and bony that really stank. Like badly rotted meat, the stench left a heavy greasy coating in her mouth and throat that made her want to choke with every breath she took. She tried to sit up and slipped, her head banging on a very low, concrete ceiling. Blindly feeling around her environment, she realized with some dismay that she was surrounded by low concrete walls and a concrete roof, about the...

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 4 Alive

“Nice to meet you, Sir. I have to tell you my mother is dead. She and my father were killed in a pirate attack, a little while ago.” The alien creature paid no attention to what Roy had said. “I am a very old Bellebee and I still get confused using the Avatar technology. This is why I wanted to meet you like this, young Masters. Let Cara and Ukdu talk while I show you a few magnificent sights.” Roy carefully adjusted the thrusters and slowly followed the huge being. “Alright, Mr. Moke-Die....

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Another White Wife Knocked Up

Jamal smiled when he read the personals ad:"Couple seeks attractive, virile, muscular black man.Must be 9" or greater, and have proof of vasectomy.Open minded and STD free a must."This was an offer Jamal couldn't pass up. He responded to the ad and sent a picture of himself. A week went by before he received an answer. They wanted to meet with him. They suggested a meeting at a local bar called "Snookys".Their letter asked him to bring proof of his vasectomy, and a recent SDT test. This was not...

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Ugly Sister

The Ugly Sister "Hold still," Stella said to me as she glued on massive lashes to my upper lids. She followed up with smaller lashes on the lower lash line. There was a thick black line drawn around my upper and lower lids extended at the corners. I was wriggling in my seat. Earlier, Stella had used lots of bright blue eyeshadow over my lower lid with a lighter grey on the top lid; then darkened my brows and outlined my lips into a smaller exaggerated bow in black pencil. My whole...

4 years ago
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The UnTaimed Assassins Chapter 1

My head stopped spinning when I saw a dancer in a corner. She was wearing a dark blue silk bra with matching shorts. Her ivory skin was gleaming in the lights. She had a nervous look on her face. I noticed that she was struggling with her inner self. My chain of thoughts was brought back to reality by some hustle near the entrance. Volatiz came striding in the bar. He was followed by a man and a woman. The way they were dressed, I assumed that they were his body guards. When the bartender...

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Seducing The Hot Sexy Virgin Girl Of The Society

Hey Guys. It’s the story about a girl named Vishruti (name changed). She lives in my society. Her age would be 22 and figure 36-28-36. She has the figure to die for, every guy in my colony has an eye on her luscious body. She has a totally fair complexion, white milky skin tone, cute face, cherry lips and a curvy figure. Old and young, every guy in my society wish to see her hot figure at least once in a day. She can easily make even a kid’s cock erect by her cute innocent face along with lusty...

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Graduation and Ch 13

Lois Tillman lay on her bed, her lush body quivering with unsatisfied desire, while she watched her lover, Doreen Ingalls, disrobe. Her husband, Rod, was away overnight at a coaching conference, so they didn’t have to worry about him catching them together. Lois was actually looking forward to spending the whole weekend making love with Doreen. Lois needed loving so badly! Her hand stole to her yearning pussy and she began stroking her clit. If no one else was available to satisfy her, she’d...

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