Love Will Find A Way free porn video

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‘Geez,’ thought Charlie, ‘I can’t believe I’m sitting here jealous of squirrels. Even they get more action than I do. How sad is that?’

This thought scrambled into his mind as he watched two squirrels apparently lit up with speed, bobbing and weaving near a tree. In their helter-skelter way they repeatedly approached one another, each putting it’s paws gently about the other’s neck and seemingly playfully pecking the face of the other. Squirrel love.

Charlie sighed. He just couldn’t watch anymore. What had his life become when he even envied squirrels? He stood up from the peeling park bench and began his long, lonely walk home.

He walked in a daze, his many hurts and disappointments hovering and circling about him like vengeful wraiths…taunting and humiliating him. They laughed at him…pointing out his many flaws. They reminded him of his failures with the opposite sex. They showed him mirror images of himself, reaffirming to him that he was the kind of man that didn’t get a second look from either women or men. He just floated through life not impressing anyone. Oh, sure, the wraiths jeered, you’ve got a great sense of humor, and you’re kind and giving…but who cares about that? You’re just over forty now, and all that sense of humor has gotten you is tiny wrinkles at the corners of your eyes.

Has a good joke ever won you a woman? Has your quick wit garnered you candlelit evenings? Of course not. Hell, even squirrels get more action than you, snickered the circling wraiths, repeating his own words. And look at that little spare Goodrich you’re getting. Oh, that’ll have them swooning in droves! As he walked down the busy street, alone in the mass of humanity, he forced back a tear that tried mightily to sneak out from the corner of his eye. The dizzying antics of the squirrels again entered his thoughts, and though the wraiths for the moment had floated off to prepare for their next onslaught to his ego, along with them they took his last vestiges of hope. He sighed, resigning himself to yet another empty, meaningless night.

He thought about his past relationships, those all too few and fleeting relationships, one failure after another. If a woman cared about him for more than a month it was a miracle success in his life…a milestone. Mostly, his life was a series of seemingly endless rejections. He forgot exactly at what point he had simply given up, not being able to stand another rejection. When exactly was it that he’d curled up into himself and erected his mighty wall of solitude? Was it ten years? Fifteen? More? What did it matter? And what good would that information do him anyway? It surely wouldn’t change a thing. Maybe some omnipotent power had other plans for him.

Maybe he was meant to be alone and lonely. Maybe, he thought, with another tear straining to break free, he was meant to suffer. Maybe he should just give up…resign himself to living alone for the rest of his days. What, he thought with finality, is the point of fighting it? It’s simply meant to be. The tear broke free momentarily, to be quickly swiped away by Charlie’s hand…a deft motion his hand had learned well on many a lonely night.

As Charlie shuffled toward his small apartment, he bumped into growling people who harped at the lonely man for not watching where he was going. He looked steadily at the ground before him, shoulders slumped…defeated…the walk of a hopeless man. He came to his street and turned the corner, his feet, devoid of any purpose at all, shuffling sadly along.

Suddenly, there was a flurry of movement. First, a flash of white light, then a squeal, out-of-focus items flying about, a sound of tearing paper and solid objects bounding along the street…and finally the giggles of passersby…and the inevitable, ‘What a geek.’

Charlie’s eyes slowly gained focus, the white light dulled and his head cleared. The various sounds subsided and all seemingly returned to normal. He looked ahead of himself, still trying to unravel events. As he continued to look in his usual downward direction, his eyes came to rest on the woman he’d blundered into and knocked on her keester. Expecting the usual tirade of insults, Charlie braced himself, sputtered out apologies and hurriedly began racing around for her escaping grocery items, gathering them up in his arms as the bag they were in was now just so much shredded brown paper. He continued fretting about her scattered items until he’d captured each and every one, not once stopping his copious apologizing. When he finally stood up, arms full, he saw the woman still sitting there…and, of all things, she was smiling!

Shocked by this, he could only think he’d somehow knocked her senseless. Oh, my God, he thought, I’ll need to get her to a hospital! Slowly, the woman’s hand came up.

‘Well, the least you could do, Charlie, is help me up!’

Not knowing how to accomplish this at first, he looked around for something to put the produce into, but finding nothing, he shoved it all to one side, holding onto all of it with one arm, freeing the other. He held out his hand and grasped hers, pulling her up off the dingy sidewalk. It was as he was pulling her up that he noticed two things. First, the flowery rose petal pattern of her billowy summer dress, and second…he knew her.

As he balanced her shopping items in one arm and helped her up with the other, Charlie finally recognized Margaret…though she preferred to be called Margie. She worked in the small gift shop at his office, and he’d seen her almost every day for the past two years, though he’d always been too shy to speak to her…and she never spoke much to him, only enough to be courteous as he made his various purchases there. But she’d always smiled warmly and he had always done the same.

She was a very pretty woman, approaching forty, her face showing evidence of much laughter over the years. She was ever so slightly plump, but with her hourglass figure still intact, which Charlie had seldom failed to notice. He had always thought her a delightfully attractive woman, and her voice was sweet and sultry at the same time. He’d often considered asking her out for coffee, but his self-doubts had always ended the idea well in advance of actually carrying it out. His nagging wraiths had always talked him out of it. Another rejection, they assured him. And he’d always heeded them. When you give up on ever finding someone to love, you never again see the sense of even trying. Without hope, there is no effort.

‘My God, Margie? Is that you? I’m so sorry. I really am. I don’t know what I could’ve been daydreaming about. Are you okay?’

She laughed at his obvious discomfort with the entire situation. But she assured him, ‘I’m fine, Charlie…relax. It is Charlie, right?’

He nodded, a part of him actually sad to admit it. Margie dusted off her flowery dress and Charlie again admired it’s simple attractiveness. Even though the dress was flowing in the gentle breeze and Margie’s hands were batting at it to knock off any sidewalk contamination, Charlie could still see her pleasant shape within that billowy dress…and it brought a rare smile to his face.

‘You sure you’re ok?’ he asked, still wondering why she wasn’t more upset at being rammed by a daydreaming idiot.

‘Yes, really, I’m ok. No harm done. But I am curious to know where you were just now…Mars? Jupiter? Or maybe just somewhere in the Bahamas?’ She said all this with the most musical laughter Charlie had ever heard…and, despite himself, he actually smiled again.

Taking his cue from her delicious personality, Charlie allowed his devil-may-care humorous side to come out of hiding. He generally saved his quick wit for parties and such, but he just felt so enchanted by this lovely woman that he un- locked that door and out came his rare good humor, the humor Charlie thought had died ages ago.

‘Well, actually,’ he quipped, ‘I was out of town for a moment, but I’m back now. I’m just sorry th
at the bus had to hit you as it was pulling into the station.’

They chuckled together for a moment, and then Charlie almost lost his grip on her groceries. Getting them back under control, he said,

‘I actually think I’ve got all your items here. Sorry, but your bag is trashed.’

‘Well, then,’ Margie smiled, ‘you’ll just have to do the gentlemanly thing and carry my wares all the way to my home for me.’ she laughed that musical laugh again and added, ‘Don’t worry, kind sir, it’s not far. It’s just another half block.’

With that, she turned and began to walk. When she noticed that Charlie was still stationary, she stopped and turned back to look at him.

‘You coming, Sir Lancelot?’

Charlie blushed and looked back down at the ground. But he hurried to catch up to her all the same. He found her company delightful. Dare he hope? Should he maybe bring up the idea of them having coffee together sometime?

A single wraith circled his head, jeered and said, Oh, come now, Charlie…just because she wants you to carry her stuff home for her? Get real. You trashed the lady…she just needs you to carry her stuff. Nothing more. Get a grip.

And, with a sigh, Charlie believed…and the coffee idea was buried deep behind sad eyes.

‘Boy, once you start daydreaming you don’t ever stop, do you?’

Charlie’s head jerked up to see Margie had stopped and was holding out her hand in preparation for Charlie’s second collision of the day with her. He stopped in time to avoid accosting her attractive form yet again, and smiled sheepishly.

‘Sorry…out of town again.’

Margie smiled and replied, ‘I’m taking away your bus tickets.’

She laughed sweetly and shook her head, and Charlie permitted himself a chuckle as well.

‘Anyway, Charlie, we’re here. This is my humble abode…such as it is. Would you mind carrying my things upstairs for me? It’s the least you can do for trying to make me part of the sidewalk.’

Charlie’s head shot up, a look of mild hurt in his eyes. She was upset after all, he thought. But Margie laughed again and said,

‘Wow…you are way too serious. I’m just teasing you, Charlie. Loosen up. C’mon in, Mr. Space Cadet.’

And, for the first time in many years, Charlie entered a woman’s apartment.

Charlie followed Margie up the steps to her apartment, struggling to keep her groceries from bounding back down the stairs to the street. She turned the key in the lock and forced open the sticky door with a push of her shoulder. She smiled sadly. ‘Like I said, this is my place…such as it is.’

She ushered Charlie, still battling heroically with her shopping wares, into her modest living room. It was tastefully decorated, but, then, Charlie expected no less. Bright landscapes and seascapes adorned otherwise bland walls. Knickknacks abounded on shelves and end tables. Everything was neat and tidy, though the collector pack-rat in her was evident throughout the room. Tiny animal figurines, porcelain children in various acts of mayhem, and even a few humorous figures of people in different professions with exaggerated facial and body features, all dotted every available surface. But it was all arranged and organized neatly so as to not give the impression of clutter. Charlie admired them openly, and smiled yet again…and noting to himself that he did so, he wondered wryly if his face could take the strain.

‘Well,’ sighed Margie, ‘they’re not Hummels, but I like them.’

‘They’re quite nice..very humorous, too, especially the children. Very cute. You obviously have not only good taste, but a wonderful sense of humor.’

This seemed to please Margie no end and she beamed a radiant smile and thanked Charlie for saying so. They looked into each other’s eyes for a seemingly very long time, until suddenly a can of soup finally managed to escape Charlie’s desperate grasp…and it was Margie’s turn to apologize.

‘Oh, Charlie…I’m so sorry. Here I am babbling on and you’re still holding onto my things,’ she said nervously as she bent to pick up the wayward can.

‘That’s ok.’ Charlie actually permitted himself a rare laugh.

‘Bring those in here,’ said Margie, pushing her way through a swinging door to her small kitchen. She held the door for Charlie and he went through it into what proved to be a delightfully homey little kitchen. She indicated to him to put her purchases on the table and he did so, taking care not to let any more items escape.

‘Thanks, Charlie. I appreciate it.’

‘Well, it was my fault in the first place, so it’s the least I can do.’

When Margie walked over and flipped on the kitchen light, it was the first time either of them realized it was becoming darker outside. Almost as one, the two of them walked over to the kitchen window and peered out. A typical summer storm was fast approaching from the West, the clouds and the still distant rumbling becoming more ominous with each passing minute.

‘Well,’ said Charlie, reluctance and disappointment in his voice, ‘I should be leaving. I’d like to get to my place before all hell breaks loose out there.’

‘You’re not serious!,’ Margie immediately replied, ‘it’s going to come down any minute. You’ll get drenched. And the way your luck’s going today, you’ll sleepwalk your way right into a lightning bolt!’

Charlie, while chuckling at her comment, begged to differ. Smiling his best smile, he looked Margie in the eye and said, ‘Oh, I don’t know…I think my luck so far today has been just fine.’

Margie’s face flushed, but she returned his smile. And, did Charlie imagine it? Was there just a hint of a glimmer in those lovely eyes? Was it just that his comment flattered her, or…could there possibly have been something more? A pesky wraith circled above Charlie, jeering and taunting, telling him yet again to get a grip. She was flattered by a sweet comment, nothing more, it told him. But, oddly, Charlie wasn’t listening to it. A tiny ember was flickering into fragile life in Charlie’s heart. The wraith still chided him, but Charlie heard only Margie’s voice.

‘Well, I won’t have it, Charles. I can’t have you blundering into a lightning bolt and having that on my conscience the rest of my life. I would really prefer it if you stayed right here and had dinner with me tonight. You can wander around trying to get yourself fried if it’s still storming after dinner.’

Startled by her use of ‘Charles’ instead of ‘Charlie’, he looked at Margie to see her standing there with her hands on her hips in an obvious show of defiance. It was very apparent to Charlie that resistance, as they say, was futile. Dinner it was.

‘I guess you’re right. Maybe it would be better if I stayed for dinner…as long as it’s not an imposition.’

‘Oh, of course it’s not, Charlie. I’ve got plenty, and it’ll be nice to have company for dinner for a change’

Under his breath, Charlie sighed, ‘Yes, it would.’

‘Now, you go sit in the living room. Watch the TV if you like. You can even watch a video. I don’t have many, but there should be something there you can enjoy until dinner is ready. I’ll cook us a nice hot meal and then you can go play with the lightning bolts if you feel the need to.’

Permitting himself still more laughter, Charlie boldly stated, ‘It seems I’ve already walked into one lightning bolt today.’

They smiled warmly at each other…and this time Charlie was sure there was more in that twinkle. Maybe…just maybe…

Turning to go into the quaint living room, Charlie felt a warmth come over him. He smiled continuously from the kitchen all the way to the sofa in the living room…and noted that his face held up nicely. Hope, for a long time a stranger in Charlie’s life, was fanning that struggling ember in his chest. For the first time in more years than he could remember, Charlie was truly happy. Still, a tiny part of him couldn’t help but wonder when it would end…when it would all come c
rashing down around him…when reality would shove itself in his face as it always did.

But, this time it seemed different. Even through his doubts and fears, Charlie was now listening only to himself. He was totally ignoring the pesky wraith and its occasionally circling brethren. Grumbling, snorting it’s displeasure, the annoyed wraith flew away, leaving Charlie to his own devices.

Charlie, still smiling, decided to turn on the television, ambling contentedly over to it, and then made his way back to the plush sofa. Sinking into it, he couldn’t help but reflect on all that had transpired today. From being envious of squirrel romance to sitting here in Margie’s warm apartment, about to have dinner with her and just enjoy her company. What the hell, he thought, maybe at the very least he had gained a new friend, and maybe the days and nights of his life won’t be quite so lonely anymore. That alone was enough to make him feel warm inside…dispelling a small portion of the years of empty chill.

Opting to not use the VCR but rather watch whatever tripe might be on the tube, Charlie flipped channels. What luck! An old episode of Outer Limits…one he hadn’t seen in some 20 years or more! As he watched, his nostrils occasionally catching delicious aromas from the kitchen, Charlie’s mind worked on how he might possibly make this more than just a chance meeting, how he might make it an actual friendship. His mind wouldn’t even consider the possibility of making it more than a friendship…though he wished he could. So, he had settled on the possibility of a lasting friendship with Margie. That was his goal.

Interrupting Charlie’s daydreaming yet again, Margie burst into the living room, bringing a veritable horde of wonderful scents with her from the kitchen.

‘Dinner’s cooking nicely. You ok out here?’

‘I’m fine,’ said Charlie, ‘In fact, I’ve just discovered and old Outer Limits episode on the TV. Haven’t seen it in years.’

‘Really?’ was her reply, and then she looked at the TV too. She smiled and said, ‘Are you sure that’s an Outer Limits? Looks like a Twilight Zone episode to me.’

Ecstatic that Margie even knew of his two favorite old-time sci-fi shows, he smiled brightly, but said, ‘No, I’m sure it’s an Outer Limits. Yeah…it’s a Limits.’

‘I don’t think so, Charlie…I believe that’s a Zone.’

Beaming a smile so wide that his face might indeed break, or at the very least crack slightly, Charlie laughed as he said, ‘Nope…it’s a Limits.’

‘Wrong, Charlie,’ Margie almost sang the words, ‘that’s a Zone.’

‘Limits’…’Zone’…’Limits’…’Zone.’ the battle raged, and then, both of them laughing hysterically, thinking the same thing at the same time, they said in unison, ‘Wanna see something REALLY scary?’

Margie slapped her hand towel at Charlie, still laughing and said, ‘Well, whatever…I’ve got a meal to tend to. Anything I can get for you?’

‘No, thanks, Margie. You’ve already done too much for me.’

‘No way…you enjoy the show and I’ll let you know when dinner is ready.’

She floated like a beautiful butterfly back into the kitchen. Charlie was beside himself. Apparently Margie knew her sci-fi shows…and even knew the ‘something really scary’ reference from the TZ movie. She was just such a joy to talk to. He sighed and returned his eyes to the television, but they actually saw little. His mind was light years away, racing at warp speed. A little of his old friend courage was coming back. He actually felt confidence resurfacing from years of disuse, dusting itself off and preparing itself for battle with Charlie’s self doubts.

He really liked Margie. He wanted her to be more than a friend. The ember in his chest was glowing brighter with each breath… and he could almost hear his chest crackling as the fire popped and sizzled into ever brightening life. Charlie was falling in love.

A short while later, Margie once again gracefully glided into the living room…this time to announce that dinner was ready. Just as she said so, thunder rumbled outside…and the lights flickered ominously.

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by Scarlett O'MaraAfter a ten-year friendship, and with intense interest in boys, Karen and Willie, two 18-year old high school girlfriends, surprisingly, drift into a torrid love affair, exploring and enjoying all the possibilities of fem love. Meanwhile, their interest in boys only intensifies, culminating in frequent foursomes with Tommy and Frankie, their occasional boyfriends. Readers will enjoy the author’s use of graphic images and the stimulating detail in which the story is told. The...

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Lovey came with me

Dear friends, This is a true story about a father his daughters not one or two but all there daughters he produced during 20 years of marriage bond. First let me introduce myself i am a guy of 25 years tall handsome and loveable boy and am a student of local post graduation college.Lovey eldest of all three girls along with ruby and pinky was my classmate in degree course. We use to study together in our house for which i was being paid for by three girls not sisters(two other classmates) Rs...

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Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers By Morpheus It was a nice day, with a clear blue sky, a nice warm sun and a cool breeze. It was the perfect sort of day to take a slow walk through the park and Tom Clark was not the only one to think so. Tom Clark was a fairly attractive man of 31, who was greatly enjoying his time away from his responsibilities as manager of a local retail store. And he thought, what better way to enjoy his day off than to take a nice relaxing stroll through the local...

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Willie and Jake

Willie and Jake are two guys that I knew from the hood, we often would play tag football or dodge ball together and sometimes a short game of basketball. Willie and Jake would often laugh at me cause I knew nothing about basketball. One spring evening Willie and Jake and I was hanging out at the bleachers, not the ones at the high school, but the ones at the stadium. Willie was jawing at me for not knowing any basketball players on major teams. Jake came to my defense saying '...leave David...

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Tina At The Hideaway

The Hideaway was an old bar in Redwood City. It was located between the Mexican barrio and an industrial area of mostly small shops. The owner at the time was a friendly Latino, rumored to be a gangster of sorts.The Hideaway catered to a very diverse bunch. Mostly men, though there were usually some women there. About half the patrons were Mexicans, mostly legal and mostly employed in the area. The other half were mainly Caucasian small business owners, like myself, and their employees.There...

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Mom returns from Norway

Note : This story is completely fictional! Bobbie Sue and I had had a content and fullfilling June. Sex between us was better than ever, and we both had relationships started with others. Bobbie was seeing a lot of Steven, a guy she met in college. I was seeing Mary, a friend of Bobbie's from high school, whom was also attending the same college. Mary had been very nervous the first few times we had sex, but now she has really loosened up, so to speak, and was really very comfortable to be...

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How Toby Willis Lost His Soul

Toby Willis stepped off the plain and padding his chest, he took a deep breath and smiling thought, "New Orleans, here I am at last" he managed to get through the busy airport and once out, he flaged down the first cab he saw and off he went. Toby Willis was a man on a mission. He owned his own business and had been long overdue for some R and R and was ready to make up for lost time. Toby Willis was a big man at 6’1” and he weighed in at a whopping 300lbs and counting, with fish belly white...

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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...

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Wills new old home Part 10

Introduction: So Brooks plan finally goes into action while Will has a little experience with Lynn, Amy gets a big surprise, Rachel gives Brook the photos, Will and Brook do the nasty and its probably my longest story so far… but dont be discouraged, theres lots of erotic stuff in it, and you will be happy, very happy indeed! Long, yes I know, you dont like long stories. But dont worry, youll like it, just try it! Come on? Come on? Now lets get back to the story… The night had been dramatic...

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Wills new old home Part 3

Introduction: So this ones kinda long, but it has some juicy stuff with Will, Rachel, and Pierce in it. Like I said its kinda long but dont worry, its mainly filler for the rest of the story, its pretty good, like I said before though, I want to hear form the readers, if you want something, just ask!! earlier that day…. Hi, Im Rachel Phillips, Im calling for Rev. Greene? Hold please The woman answering the phone said calmly. After a minute of waiting, the female operator picked the phone...

4 years ago
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The Secret Life of Willie Malter

Inspired by the James Thurber story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty". This may be archived/posted anywhere: just give credit where credit is due. The Secret Life of Willie Malter By Pretzelgirl Contessa Willhelmina Malter gripped the steering wheel with delicately gloved hands as her red sports car seductively caressed the dangerous curves of the stiff European mountain road. She tossed back her long raven hair haughtily and glanced at the Aston Martin still on her tail....

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Wills new old home Part 6

Introduction: So Rachel finally tells Will about Mark, Maggie comes to visit, Blanes conditon is revealed, and the good reverend and his assistant do more evil things….its getting good!! Will we dont have time to do this! Brook yelled, as Will insisted on having sex. We have thirty minutes, Brook. Weve done it in less time than that! Look. Maria had to go out for groceries, Maggie will be here in thirty minutes, I mean, really want to, since our last time was so ruddily interrupted, but we...

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Emily and Willie

In a small town, as rural as one can be and yet be defined as a town, an old flower shop sits off a side street, long forgotten but still lovingly maintained by its owner, Emily Bronson. Widowed ten years ago at age 42, she refused to abandon the small flower shop her father had opened when she was a girl. Emily’s husband had provided enough for her in his will to allow her to keep her little greenhouse behind the shop operable and to live in the residence that was part of the shop. The front...

Love Stories
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A Timely Introduction Ch 3 Little Willie and the Exhibitionist

About a week after our evening with Mark, Alicia got a call from her sister in St Louis. I was watching the baseball game when the call came and knew something was wrong by the sound of my wife’s replies. After a few moments she retreated to the bedroom with the phone and left me to watch the game. It was almost two hours later when she emerged from the bedroom and came to sit by me. “Jim left Marcie,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Why”, I asked, surprised. Alicia shrugged. “He has some bimbo...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Solo With Older Black Stud Willie

Now it was a couple of weeks ago that I had got with Ernie and his black stud friend buddy for some double team action Willie which was packing a 9'1/2 fat big dark musty black cock that invaded my mouth and butthole a couple of weeks ago...... Willie called me up a few days before the weekend....Hey you knows who dis is a voice said.......Hey Mr Willie I said how are you in a soft tone ........Doings good and yous you keeping that ass in shape for mees again he said......My ass is your sir I...

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Wills new old home Part 11

Introduction: Rachels past is revealed, Haley learns something terrible about her parents, Lynn finds Wills pubes, Sam breaks in, and what will happen to Amy Lewis? All things and more int his weeks installment of Wills New Old Home!! Sorry…I know its a cheesy opening HEY READERS!! this one is less erotic, so i you want to wait till the next chapter to read a super erotic story, then first go bust a nut, and then read this one! Or read it anyway, its whatever. Also! A revised series of the...

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Willie Wilhelmina Aurora

I heard some commotion down by the corner, so I thought I’d go check it out. I’m really glad I did. There was this girl. “Good evening, ma’am. Are you new around here?” “Kind of. First time at this dump, anyway.” “You have a name?” “Of course I do. We all do. My friends call me Willie. Wilhelmina Aurora Jackson.” “Well, Willie Jackson, what brings you out on a nice evening like this?” “Target practice.” She pulled her gun, aimed quickly and immediately fired twice. I watched two rats...

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Runaways Runaways By JensenDenmark 1. Holiday Amber met me at the park. We had left our High School separately so we could not be sighted. I rode my skateboard at the path toward the park. It was a shame that we had to keep it so secretly. Amber waited for me. She was 15 like me. ?Darling. I was afraid that your mother had picked you up.? ?No. I told her that I had to study extra for a project.? I kissed her. ?Lets go down to the creek, so we can have some undisturbed time.? The creek...

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Willows World

Willow hadn't intended for the spell to go this way. It was supposed to create a ball of sunlight, and sure enough, it did. But the spell had other effects, as she soon found out. Buffy had been staring straight into the spell for twenty minutes when Willow found her. By that time it was to late. The spell carried Willow's deepest desires with it, and in those twenty minutes Buffy went from straight to bisexual to lesbian. Willow was horrified to realize she'd turned her best friend into a...

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Willows World

Romance, CD, Dick Girl, Panty Boy, Shemale, Flashing, Upskirt, Multiple Partners, Cream Pie SexRusty and Willard had been life long friends, Rusty a football jock and Willard on the swim team. Rusty, muscular and tough, Willard, slim, shaved and long haired. Rusty was also protector and Willard the brain that helped Rusty graduate. Rusty also knew Willard was gay and cross dressed in the privacy of his own home. Rusty spent 3 years in the Army, came home suffering PTSD while Willard had became...

2 years ago
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Wills new old home Part 12

Introduction: Will cant get rid of a boner, Amys new job, Blanes fate, more embarrassment for poor Will, and Paul gets his first orgasm…also Rachel may have dropped another ball Amy walked through the halls of the UCSD Medical Center, wearing pink scrubs and white nursess shoes. Her long blond hair was tied in a bun, she had on red lipstick and black mascara, which complemented her already stunning physical appearance. Today marked a new chapter in Amys life, for though she wasnt in prison, or...

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Wills new old home ending Part 1

Introduction: Will is given an ultimatum, Rachels obsession brings about her downfall, and Brook and Rev. Greene began their Family Reunion To avoid an ending with 20 pages, I broke it into two chapters…so enjoy…….And I am so sorry its been so long!! Ive been so busy lately I barely had enough time to finish this story!! Thanks for reading guys!! And if you like the story, or have some criticism, please leave your comments bellow….Also, whether or not you liked this series, Im open to...

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Wills new old home Part 5

Introduction: So Will has an erotic dream about Brook and Pierce, Lynn and Will deal with hangovers, Amy feels regret, and Rachel, well, she is still crazy…also Blane is still in the hospital Hello, is this Mr. and or Mrs. Bailey? Yes, this is Mrs. Bailey, who is this? This is Dr. Phelps, from the UCSD Medical Center. Your son, Blane, was taken to our emergency room about five minutes ago. He has overdosed on three kinds of substances, we think its a mixture of cocaine, alcohol and another...

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Wills new old home Part 4

Introduction: So theres this party….Lynn goes wild, Will gets drunk, Blane, well hes screwed, and Brook cheats on Will….exciting stuff! Oh! and what does the reverend have to do with it?….Good read, not to much erotic stuff, but just hold on, a super erotic chapter is on the way!! BTW, Haley finds out about Amy Lewiss session with Pierce and Will…..ALSO I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF UNDER AGED DRINKING OR DRUG ABUSE!!! (I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL ESPECIALLY BY MINORs, ITS NOT...

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Wills new home Part 7

Introduction: the Farm, a Traitor, and a great handjob Will walked down stairs, still sporting an obvious boner and a grin on his face. However, as he saw the girls sitting around the kitchen table, he tucked his erection up in the waist band of his boxers, and then proceeded to enter the kitchen. Anna smiled at him seductively, and he smiled back with a face of pure pride and content, what a morning, and what an experience he had had. The morning was slow and relaxed. Maggie returned to the...

1 year ago
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Wills new old home Part 13

Introduction: so this one starts with an erotic dream, Hayden fending off a rapist, Sam secretly fingering Brook, Brook unknowingly giving Sam a handy, Amy harassing a cop, and Will…well hes pretty much asleep the whole damn time….and what is Rachel going to have to do for the cult next? a bit more erotic than my last three stories…enjoy…. Hayden stood still in the doorway, as she walked slowly into the bedroom, shedding her tight tank-top and shorts. Her c-cup breast stuck out, her light...

2 years ago
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The Farmers Widow Willow

I woke up in a crummy mood. My dream about Willow walking down the aisle didn't help. Why I would dream about my cousin was beyond my comprehension. Maybe it had something to do with her always being on my case about me fucking the widow Cece.Being called another man's name just as I unloaded in Cece's pussy didn't help either. What Cece does is Cece's business. Just don't call me someone else's name while I'm fucking you. She is a hot MILF and that's what I'm in it for, a hot piece...

First Time
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The Willow Switch Part 3b of 3

“I sort of committed you to dinner at the newlywed table tonight, Brock.”“Willow told me.”“You OK with that?”“I’m looking forward to it. Willow said that snooty girl from yesterday needs to learn some manners in the way she talks to you.”“Yeah, Joey’s been pretty snotty to both of us. She doesn’t like you and Willow together.”“You know I’m on your side, Jace, and I will try to make her apologize.”I smiled, “We only have one more day. It doesn’t matter.”“It does to Willow, so that’s all I care...

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The Willow Switch Part 2 Of 3

We woke in Belize the next morning, with only three more nights to go on the cruise. I lay next to my beautiful, sleeping bride, and thought those nights seemed to hold danger. I watched the rays shining in through the skylight, and they seemed to bring clarity. A dark fantasy didn’t seem very enticing in the light of day, and Willow’s switch of partners from the night before was flogging my ego with shame. I quickly discarded the decision I’d made in the heat of the moment.I was ready to...

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Junge Damen wider Willen 2

Junge Damen wider Willen Teil 2 Alles diskutieren half nichts. Was sich unsere Mutter in den Kopf gesetzt hatte zog sie auch konsequent durch. Sie beharrte auf dem Besuch beim Fris?r und ebenso auf dem Stechen der Ohrl?cher. Doch bevor es soweit war, stand die Frage bez?glich meiner Kleidung im Raum. Wenn es nach mir gegangen w?re, h?tt eich Jeans, T-Shirt und meine Turnschuhe angezogen. Doch davon wurde ich strikt abgehalten. Sowohl f?r meine Schwester, wie auch f?r mich bestand Roc...

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Junge Damen wider Willen Teil 3

Junge Damen wider Willen Teil 3 von Jennyfer H. Nun ist auch der 3. Teil fertig. Leider hat es unfreiwillig etwas l?nger gedauert bis er fertig war. Der 4. Teil ist in Arbeit und wird bald fertig sein. Es ist eigentlich nicht in Worten ausdr?ckbar, wie ich mich f?hlte. Es widerte mich fast schon an, wie ich nun aussah. Meine gesamte Erscheinung deutete in keinem Punkt mehr auf meine eigentliche M?nnlichkeit hin. Tanja und ich sahen aus wie Schwester oder vielmehr wie zwei h?bsche T...

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Willow and Cordy

BtVS: Willow and Cordy"Do you guys feel hypnotized? Are we supposed to feel hypnotized? Do you think we were hypnotized? 'Cause I don't feel hypnotized," rambled Willow Rosenberg.Buffy and Xander stopped walking and just stared.Willow shrugged. "I guess not.""Willow, the guy was a crock, although the monkey was kinda cool," stated Xander, "Right, Buff?""Definitely," agreed Buffy. "I'm not really one to fall for that 'Ooga wooga, you're under my control mumbo jumbo. Slaying legions of the...

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WillowChapter 10

Willow was sitting in the guest suite. It was located on the Master's side of the house and she had never been in these rooms before. With their muted tones and stained wood furnishings, it was all very masculine, like the library had been. The suite consisted of three rooms. There was a small sitting room that held a leather covered armchair, leather love seat and a small table with a reading lamp. As she sat in the chair, she could see into the bedroom area. The very large bed was covered...

2 years ago
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The Willow Switch Part 3a of 3

I woke early and alone in Cozumel and knew there were two more nights where that would happen again. It had been after 3 AM when I finally found the bed, so I didn’t expect the Painful Welt and Willow for at least a couple of hours. I was convinced that they did something much different when they found his bed.I had breakfast, checked email and the news on my phone, and downed several cups of coffee before I finally settled the argument with my conscience, which had been trying to convince me...

2 years ago
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Wills new home Part 3

Introduction: So not as much sexual content as the others, but good stuff none the less, next one will be chocked full of sex i promise! What do you think of Will? Lisa asked Brook as the three girls sat on the couch watching a movie, each curled around a pillow and wearing pajama bottoms with t-shirts on. Well, what do you mean by that Brook asked. Do you think hes cute? Anna giggled. Brook thought for a minute about Wills appearance. He was defiantly attractive, and had an athletic body. His...

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WillowChapter 7

Page was taught that good habits were important. She set about engraining good habit in Willow from the beginning of her training. Page had given Willow detailed instructions about how her morning was to proceed. She was sleeping on the floor next to Page's bed. Willow's alarm went off at 5:45am and it had to be turned off within the first 10 seconds. She then had 15 minutes to complete her assigned tasks before Page woke at 6:00. She put her blanket and thin pad away, folded neatly, in...

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