Junge Damen wider Willen 2
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So liebe Freunde. Neugierig geworden wie es mit Kristina weitergeht?Viel Spaß beim Lesen.Spielschulden Teil 2Kristina erwachte erst am frühen Nachmittag. Sofort war sie mit Ihren Gedanken wieder beim gestrigen Abend. Sie verstand immer noch nicht, wie ihre Vergewaltigung, denn etwas anderes war es ja eigentlich nicht, sie so geil machen konnte. Immer wieder musste sie an den Chef der Bande, Peter Wegner, denken. Von Beginn an hatte er eine fesselnde Einwirkung auf sie gehabt. Die Art, wie er...
Eine Weile schaute ich dem Boot noch nach, bis es mit meiner Starndschönheit hinter einer Landzunge verschwand. Die Aussicht auf ein Frühstück trieb mich zurück auf den Zeltplatz. Auf dem Heimweg mußte ich schmunzeln. All das, was ich bisher erlebt hatte, erlaubte es mir, mich viel gelassener auf dem FKK-Platz zu bewegen. Wenn ich noch vor Wochen, nach dem Zusammentreffen mit ein paar Mädels auf dem Zeltplatzweg, meine Erektion mit Handtuch und schnellem Laufen verbergen mußte, so konnte ich...
Der unerwartete Besuch entpuppte sich als Freunde aus den Niederlanden, die sie schon lange kannten, aber nicht erwartet hatten. Es gab ein großes Hallo mit vielen Küssen und Umarmungen. Dies gab mir die Gelegenheit die Gäste genauer zu betrachten. John, der Vater, war ein richtiger Hüne. Er überragte sogar Onkel Willi um eine Kopflänge. Sein Körper war von einem sanften Braunton und ließ einen ehemaligen Athleten erkennen. Das Lachen und seine einnehmende Art machten ihn sogleich sympathisch....
Ich bin der Phillip, bin 18 Jahre und gehe noch zur Schule. Wohne also noch bei meinen Eltern. Bislang hatte ich mit dem anderen Geschlecht noch keine Erfahrungen gemacht gehabt, bis sich folgendes letzten Herbst ereignete:Wie so oft war ich bei meinem Besten Kumpel bis spät abends um an der PS4 zu zocken. Irgendwann drückte aber doch die Blase und ging auf's Klo. Mein Kumpel war noch mitten drin am Zocken, während mein Char im Kugelhagel abgeknallt worden war. Während ich mich erleichterte...
Ich suche wieder eine Mieterin Bezahlbarer Wohnraum war knapp. Ich wusste dies und nutzte es auch schamlos aus. Die Anzeige in der Zeitung lautete: Kleines Appartement als Einliegerwohnung ca 50qm. Stadtzentrum. miete 350.- zzgl Nebenkosten, frei ab sofort. bei Interesse Handy Nr. 12345678 Am Telefon prüfte ich schon mal die wichtigsten Dinge. Männlich? Schade, die Wohnung ist schon vergeben. Weiblich: aha, interessant Wie alt? Über 50? Nun, es gibt so viele Interssenten derzeit, ich rufe...
Einmal hatte ich auf meinem Lieblingsparkplatz bei Köln unheimliches Glück. Ca. 15 Minuten, nachdem ich dort in rosa Unterrock und Strapsen gewartet hatte, kamen zwei Gays auf mich zu und zogen mich hinter die Büsche. Einer rammte mir sofort seinen Hammer in den Mund während der zweite von hinten in mich eindrang. Während wir noch fleissig dabei waren, kam plötzlich ein dritter Mann dazu, kniete sich seitlich vor mich und verwöhnte mich oral. Zuerst spritzte der Gay, der mich von hinten fickte,...
FetishDies ist die wahre Geschichte einer Frau, die mitten unter uns lebt. Ihr Name ist Claudia, sie ist 43 Jahre alt und vergnügt sich gerne mit Männern und Frauen gleichermaßen. Sie selbst erscheint für jeden wie das perfekte Objekt seiner oder ihrer sexuellen Begierde. Sie ist so unwiderstehlich, dass jeder - selbst der mit den besten Vorsätzen – ihr umgehend verfällt und sich in dem Augenblick, in dem er sie das erste Mal sieht, mit ihr sexuell vereinen will. Dabei verhält es sich so, dass sie...
By : Navnit Rai Dosto mera naam vishal hai last month mere shath aisi ghatana ghati jisase mere aur meri family ki nazriya hi badal diya dosto pahale mai iss kahani ke kirdaar se apka ka parichya kara do mera naam vishal hai age 19 lund size 7.5 ka meri paa jinki naam sameer age 40 lund size 8.2 mom ka naam surbhi age38 size 38,30,36 rang gora meri badi behen naam dolly age 21 and size 36,28,36 rang gora aur kayamt lagati hai dosto mai kahani par aata hoon garmiyo ki chutti thi aur papa ko...
Mein Name ist Erika, und ich bin eine 42 jährige Jura-Professorin, bzw. war ich das einmal. Aber beginnen wir von vorne... Ich begann meine Karriere als Anwältin in einer kleinen Kanzlei in Berlin. Allerdings war mir eine Familie zu haben immer wichtiger. Mit 28 heiratete ich meinen Mann Paul und kurz darauf bekamen wir ein Kind. Für 12 Jahre lebten wir glücklich zusammen in einem kleinen Haus am Rande Berlins, bis mich mein Mann betrog. Darauf schmiss ich ihn sofort raus. Aber er, selbst...
BDSMEin ohrenbetörender Knall durchbrach die Stille des Chemielabors. Reflexartig zog ich meinen Kopf zurück. Meine nerdige Brille fiel in das große Becherglas, aus dem eine dichte Rauchsäule aufstieg. Beissender Qualm legte sich auf meine Atemwege, sodass ich heftig husten musste. Erschrocken zuckte Maria Stichner, meine Chemielehrerin zusammen, bevor sie zum Fenster eilte und es weit aufriss. Zum wiederholten Male schien mir ein Experiment missglückt zu sein. Zu dem pfeifenden Tinitus gesellte...
Mind ControlEine neue Geschichte, vor allem aber eine neue Art des Geschichtenerzählens. Zumindest für mich. Die Leute die meine Geschichten bisher verfolgt haben wissen das ich dazu tendiere lange Chapter zu schreiben und darauf zu achten das die Leute und die Entscheidungen nachvollziehbar sind. Das führt zu sehr langen Geschichten. Ich möchte allerdings in dieser Geschichte den Ablauf ein wenig ändern. In dieser Geschichte wird es, wie fast immer bei mir, um Gedankenkontrolle gehen und das Verderben von...
Mind ControlA Wider Sky: Beyond Eclipse Series by Talyis Bagley Ellison Chapter 7 I’m floating around my dorm room with my arms flung out like a helicopter, in circles, I’m twirling and unwinding my day of mixed emotions of complete elation and pent up fears. I made it through my first day of classes and my last class – wow! I’m completely enamored by my last class of the day, and after it wrapped, I skipped to my room so full of joy. My Human Art History class opened my eyes to something amazing. I...
A Wider Sky: Beyond Eclipse Series by Talyis Bagley Ellison Copyright first edition 2013, 2015 Chapter 2 My mouth was filled with cotton from the arid air. My eyes burned from the harsh sunlight that bounced brightly off the unnatural sleek earth. Even though there was nothing as far as my eyes could see in front of me and behind be and to my right and left I felt trapped and repeatedly attempted to swallow but my parched tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I must have been walking for...
Hallo ich heiße Kevin bin 28 und möchte euch das geilste was ich in dem letzten Jahr erlebt habe gern erzählen. Es ist nix erfunden oder so sondern eine wahre Geschichte.Es geht um meine Frau Natalie(27) die war zu dem Zeitpunkt im 6monat Schwanger. Und meine beste Freundin Nadine (26)die ich seit der Grundschule kenn.Dass ihr von den zwei ein Bild habt beschreib ich sie euch kurz. Also meine Frau ist 1.60m groß hatte zu dem Zeitpunkt wegen der Schwangerschaft 78kg.Aber davor und auch jetzt...
Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteielt.Es war schon Abend und Männe immer noch nicht zu Hause, ein kurzes Telefonat bestättigte meine Vermutung das er mal wieder in der Eckkneipe sahs und Karten spielte.Nur mit Turnschuhen, Leggins und T-Shirt bekleidet ging ich schnell rüber um Ihn zu holen.Er sahs mit 2 Typen am Ecktisch spielte 17+4 und auf dem Tisch lag eine ziemliche Menge Geld.Er fragte mich nur ob ich etwas Geld dabei hätte,da er den Einsatz nicht mehr bringen könnte, aber gerne weiterspielen...
Dies ist meine erste geschichte überhaupt. Ich hoffe sie gefällt euch. Ich heiße mike und meine freundin heißt lucy. Wir sind seit 10 Jahren zusammen und haben 2 kinder zusammen. Lucy ist eine sehr schöne frau 35 jahre wie ich Schwarze haare und ist klein. So ca 1,55. Sie ist sehr schlank 46 kg kleine Brüste kleiner arsch. Ich bin 1,78 und nomale statur. Mit meinem 17cm schwanz bin ich Mittelmaß und die Breite so um die 4,5 cm. Wir sind zwar mitte 30 aber sehen beide ziemlich Jung aus. Lucy ist...
VORSTELLUNGSGESPRÄCH der perversen ART! Teil02mit Samra - Babysitterin, 18J. jung.… mein Schwanz ist aber so was von hart, der muss weg —— ich rufe aus dem Fenster runter: „hi Samra, bin in 5min unten!“ Sie: „OK“ Ich entschliesse mich kurzer Hand mich um zu ziehen um meine Schwanz-Beule zu "zähmen". also ziehe ich statt der weiten Boxershort eine enge an,mit Schlitz und 2 Knöpfen vorne dran und wieder die Baggy darüber. Oh mann bin ich vielleicht aufgeregt und geil, dass ich es kaum aushalte …...
To The MaxCopyright by OctiliPersonen: (genauer in der Vorgeschichte)Ich selbst: 43, geschieden, sportliche Figur, Bi, freiberuflicher ProgrammiererMischa: 42, geschieden, androgyner Typ, Doktor der Medizin und Chemie, freiberuflich tätig.Jean-Paul: 35, homosexuell, Modedesigner und SchneiderHeike: 36, nicht gebunden, bi, Angestellte von J-PMischa hatte seine Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der hormonellen Geschlechtsangleichung in den letzten Monaten immer wieder verfeinert. Er war mittlerweile in...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Ich wachte spät am anderen Morgen auf. Der Himmel war regenverhangen und alles sah grauin grau aus als ich meine Augen öffnete und durch das Fenster hinaus schaute. Was war gesternalles geschehen? Ich musste erst mal meine Gedanken sammeln. Als erstes viel mir meinleicht schmerzendes Poloch auf. Trotzdem war der Abend wunderbar gewesen, zumal ja dochSachen passiert waren, an die ich im Traum vorher nicht gedacht hatte. Ich stand auf um mirzu erst mal ein gutes...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]In der Wohnung lehnte ich mich zuerst mal mit dem Rücken an die Tür, als hätte ich Angstjemand könnte mir gefolgt sein. Mir schossen tausend Gedanken durch den Kopf. Einerseitswar mir die Aktion total peinlich, andererseits fühlte ich mich hoch befriedigt. Aber wie würdees jetzt weiter gehen? Schließlich war offensichtlich, dass ich meinen Mann mit unseremSchwager betrogen hatte. Genauso offensichtlich war, dass Sven seine Frau betrogen hatte,die uns bei unserem...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Es war ein verregneter Montag im November und man hatte den Eindruck als würde es überhauptnicht hell werden. Ich war früh aufgestanden, bereits kurz nachdem mein Mann zurArbeit gegangen war. Ich hatte in der letzten Nacht nicht viel geschlafen, da mein Mann undich uns am Tag zuvor heftig gestritten hatten. So war ich aufgestanden und wischte mir dieletzten Tränen aus den Augen um mich in die Küche zu begeben und zu Frühstücken. Ich warenorm wütend auf Roland,...
Hiii friends mor naa butu. Mu issra regular reader. Aji mu mo nijara sata story apana manaka sa share karibaku jauchi. Ye story mu au mo piusi jhia bhauni mealy ra. Mealy mo tharu 3 yr sana. Ame sabu bhai bhauni bahut misu sanga pari. Mealy dekhibaku bahut sundar 5’5″ ht medium health sete mealy ra fig 30.28.30. Ebe kintu 34 32 34 heigalani. Yee kahani 18 yr burbara jetebele mealy matric exam dei ama gharaku bulibaku asithila. Mu b inter exam pare ghare rahuthae. Mo 2 bhauni hostelre rahi...
It was now Jeff's...or as he would be known to his students as, Mr. Winger's second day of teaching. Even though Greendale was a rundown, fairly crappy joke of a community college, Jeff had to admit it had done a lot for him. Not only was he able to complete his bachelor's degree and able to actually become a lawyer, he had also gained a core group of friends that made him a much better person. Greendale wasn't done with the tall, good-looking man just yet though. After a failed attempt at...
I tried not to think too much about Gaelen’s strange behavior after he touched me. My imagination was notorious for going wild already. With a fine expert finesse, I mastered the fine art of jumping to conclusions due to living in colony. Because whatever something happened, we’d all think of the worst scenario that could happen, and when aliens were involved everyone in the colony knew even the most far fetch horrible outcome would most likely happen. So, collectively when things went wrong it...
That weekend, Linda and I went out for a walk but the weather changed and it started to rain. Linda’s house was closer so we decided to go there before we got too wet. On the way there, Linda couldn’t resist asking, “Did mummy make you be a good boy for her”? “Well do you think I was going to resist her”? I replied.Linda said there could be more fun ahead as her Uncle and Aunt would be visiting for the weekend and, as they did not come home that often, they often reverted to how things used to...
“Well, you’ve done it this time,” Emma announced, after Phil picked up the phone. “Okay, I’ll bite. What did I do this time?” “After your show at your shrink’s, the Inquirer is full of testimonials detailing what a miracle worker you are. Given so many, I doubt you can ignore the subject anymore.” “Damn! I was hoping to avoid that. I didn’t think I’d done enough to change anyone’s opinion. After all, I only took out a few from the worst cases, rather than curing the entire...
The next few weeks after the mini-orgy at Paul and Gloria's were hectic, with exams hitting all four of us hot and heavy. We still had time for sex, always have time for sex, but not much else except studying. We fucked, ate and hit the books. Soon the exams were over, very successfully for all of us and then the terrible realization hit us... school was over and we were going to be separated soon. We, of course, had to go where our job offers took us. Charley and Patty had accepted jobs in...
Disclaimer: The following dialogue is fictional. No resemblance to any person, living or dead, is intended or should be inferred. Faustus Mortal: Today I will discuss the most remarkable formula in mathematics. It is known as Euler’s formula, written as e^(i*t) = cos(t) + i*sin(t), where i = (-1)^(1/2). Above, t is any real number, e is the base of the natural logarithms, sin and cos are the trigonometric functions sine and cosine, and ‘i’ is the imaginary unit. Here, in this concise...
There was a very unpleasant surprise waiting for Kate in the stark theater, well two in fact. The first & worst was the sight of Taylor prepared on the operating table, Taylor had long been Kate's favorite, she had only been on leave for a couple of days; what could have happened! "Why, why" Kate stammered. "Oh, look its just an exploratory, nothing to fuss over" Jenna explained in a calming voice. The second shock was the identity of the other person in the theater it was that...
Nova Cane is a classic horny blonde teen. As soon as she gets a moment alone, she plays with her body like its a wonderland. She sticks toys in her holes and changes positions like she just cannot get enough of her own sexuality. So, when our stud shows up and sees that there is a bejeweled buttplug in Novas tight teen ass, he understands exactly what kind of girl she is. He pulls out his throbbing prick and sticks it in her sweet, young hole. He pounds her hard and she squeals in pleasure,...
xmoviesforyouThe word causes an uncontrollable stirring, as she feels excitement & anticipation begin to seep slowly from her aching body. She bows her head subserviently as she allows his strong arms to pull her into him. He tucks a wisp of hair behind her ear before tracing a finger down her jaw line, lifting her face up to meet his gaze. He kisses her softly on the mouth, and she just melts. He places a firm hand gently upon her throat where her choker sits, bearing a daily reminder of who she...
Dear readers, I’ve received many comments via personal email about Maggie’s Story. A lot of you really connected with the characters in this story. I received many requests to continue with the lives of Maggie and her husband Drew. This time, Drew’s Story picks up about twenty years down the road. Guys, if you’re looking for one handed reading, this is not the story for you. Please, enjoy Drew’s Story. As always, your comments are welcome. Maggie heard the front door close rather abruptly,...
he loosened his grip slightly and I took the chance and pulled away but was immediately seized from behind "no into mine it seems Xasus" there was laughter amongst the small grown of legionnaires that seemed to surround me as this new man pulled me to him. His intrusive hands fondling my breasts. I stood ridged with shock unsure what to do. Two more legionaries steeped forward out of the small crowd "what about us Evander" one of them asked the man holding me "I could do with a poke...
Those words came from the mouth of a 12th grader. He and his buddies walked off laughing. Life had gone to hell in the space of two weeks. She had been the most popular girl. Everyone wanted to be her friend, everyone of the guys had wanted to get into her panties. She had been a virgin when he came. The new guy, Josh. Sweet, respectful, kind, strong, tall, handsome. He had asked her out on a date. She had said "yes". He had taken her out for coffee and then they had gone for a walk in...
Hi guys, this is Aneel and this is my first sex story in Indian Sex Stories based on my real life experience. I hope you guys like it. For any suggestions or women interested mail me at (of course it’s my secondary mail) I m Aneel from Hyderabad. I am 22 years old. I use tinder daily and gets matches but the success rate is very low.Every match I got says some excuses when I ask for a drink. But 1 month back, I got a match at 00:30(midnight). Her name is Anjali Madhavan(name changed). Her bio...
As her hands rested on the counter, Erin stared intently into the mirror. She drew a deep breath as she readied herself. “Time to put on the happy face,” Erin thought to herself as she fluffed her long black over her shoulders and adjusted the black corset that covered her large round breasts. “Here we go,” she said aloud, softly enough her words barely audible to her own ears. Erin reached for the door handle and stepped her 5’ 5” frame into the hotel room. As she did, she felt her...
My children’s reaction to Mother’s departure reflected their personalities perfectly. Ananya was saddened by the news, but held up stoically, leaving our conversation determined to make her grandmother’s last day with the family as pleasant as possible. Kirra, too young to fully understand what was happening, appeared to be mostly confused, but quickly settled into nonchalance. I reserved a chance for storminess later when realisation set in. In contrast, my second daughter’s response was...
After a week I was ready to throw in the towel. The code, and the file, had to be somewhere, they just weren't any place that I looked. I stewed about it for another few days before Irene suggested I stand the question on its head. How would the information get created and saved? Find examples, and I'd find the file. Take your average kid. Their first exposure to Claiborne was in the Orientation Class. I checked with Administration. We were due for a new crop of kids in the next few days....
You are John Doe, an ambitious young graduate about to start his own consultancy firm. You have no working experience and yet, you are confident that you will succeed. You have not spent the last three years of your life studying for your degree. Instead, you have been captivated by the erotic stories of hypnosis and mind control. You researched the topic thoroughly and after three years, you finally mastered the techniques to turn this fantasy into a reality. As you are still dreaming about...
Mind ControlI've always been infatuated with the neighbours wife, she is very attractive for her age which must be 50 something at least. She has a young face and a very curvy body. Every time I see her she never looks bad and always seems to want to look her best all the time no matter what.During the summer months here in England we can enjoy a lot of rain but on the rare occasions it decides to be sunny she is in the back garden in a tight flowery sun dress or laying on her wooden chair trying to tan in...
Civil War Reenactment When a friend at work tried to recruit me into his Civil War Reenactment Troop, I was intrigued but I wanted to check it out first. He told me to visit him that weekend at a reenactment that his group was putting on. My wife was not interested but her sister Doreen was, however her husband was not. So Doreen and I decided to go visit my friend together. That Friday Doreen was more excited than I was. As we drove to the town where the reenactment was taking...
I got home from Black Friday shopping the next afternoon and found a long florist’s box with a big red bow on the dining room table. I was just about to open it until Brandon ambled down the staircase. “That just came for you,” he said. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” I told him that I didn’t, and then he asked, “So what was that weirdness between you and Kellie’s dad about yesterday?” I couldn’t tell him that we had met and that he was an embarrassing one-night stand. I just told him...
'That's the best needle you'll ever get, you fuckin' slut.'He pulled his jeans up and looked down at her as she struggled to untie the knot her panties were getting into around her cheap and glorious fuck me stilettos.She looked up at him and stared. She did not hate them anymore, but she did not like them either. It was pure economics. She immunised herself with heroine, but she always needed more. d**gs, like sex: you always need more. That was why she was kneeling in One Lamp Alley playing...
After my shower I walked into my room wrapped in a bathtowel to give Sarah a chance. One of the few points that had brought a negative change to our lives: We had to share the bathroom among three. And girls need their time... Now I stood nude in front of my mirror and turned so that I could see my back side. Nothing to see of the injection. If I hadn't seen the empty syringe, I wouldn't have believed it. How had that gone in so easily, and practically without my feeling it? It could...
I knew Darla since first grade when I was still only five and she was six. The summer after my first year of school Darla,s father built a tree house for her in their spacious back yard in a massive oak tree which had a proper roof on it so we Didn,t get wet when it rained. We also sneaked our sleeping bags up there from time to time as we considered it our club house though all we did at that age was read comic books, eat candy and drink soda pop. By the time we were s*******n only Darla, Tom...
Case Study # 6: Juanita M. At a nice race track like Del Mar the tote board could look intrusive, out of place. It wasn’t though, gambling is the soul of the venture. My professional tote board is the fee I charge for my services. Fees are necessary to make a living, but they also establish my value, my validity, to my clients. And to insurance providers. Insurance covers most of my costs for many patients. Several of whom were similar to race track patrons. A two-minute thrill at the track...
A hotel name, a suite number, the key card at reception. The instructions were simple yet so clear. The innocuous vibration of your cell as the message arrives, your eyes only just falling upon the illuminated name that flashes up. Yet the merest of glances enough to stop in your tracks in an instance. An audible gasp and the instant flutter of butterflies in the pit of your stomach as your mind spirals off in a million directions, a heady mix of intrigue and surprise that consumes you every...
BDSMIt was well after dark when we approached the winter camp. The camp was as I remembered it the night before with several fires going but no visible sign of habitation. I had previously cautioned Iega and we approached with care. There! I saw the shadow of movement at the edge of one of the fires. A woman scout. "Hello," I called out, "It is I, Dac. Hello." Three figures darted across the opening toward us. Two to the sides and one towards the front. "Dac?" Sheel's voice, "Who is...
Destiny is going to work for her first day at the Kinky Spa. Her new boss Mckenzie sits her down and goes over the basics but lets her know that she will be giving Destiny a massage to get a feel for the job. During her massage Destiny quickly realizes why it’s called Kinky Spa when Mckenzie dives into her pussy mid massage. Destiny is eager to show what she can do as well – she lays Mckenzie down and gives her the “Massage” of her life. There’s nothing like a hot...
xmoviesforyouThe truth is...I hen't been with a man in over 2 years, i've been in a lesbian relationship and Tiny is very very jeolous. She won't let me have any guy friends. So I have to hang out with guys when she's ....well let me explain.Tiny's Uncle Donald comes over often to help with things in the house that break or the car when it needs work. Her uncle Donald is about 8 years older than her. She trust me around him. He's been lusting after me since we met over a year ago. This one day Tiny and...
So again after getting fucked by my friend’s son, I was confused about what should I do? He was lying naked next to me, my hand was on his soft cock, and some cum drops were still there on my lips. Adam had feelings for me, and I was attracting to him too, which wasn’t good at all. I had tried, and I was still trying not to get closer to him, emotionally. I loved having sex with him, teasing him, and being naughty with him. I loved when he asked innocent and naughty questions, but I was also...
My name is Peter and I teach Political Science and Economics to senior high school students who have more money and technology than some Third World countries. It is hard to explain to them about Capitalism or Communism while they are texting their friends about old "Professor Pete". Recently I was drinking with a friend who is a journalist for our major daily paper and he got me to write a few pieces about the upcoming APEC conference to use as fillers in the paper. The whole city was in...
The girl with Ojibwe ethnicity along with German and Russian, kept her lipstick on, a ruby red, but tried her best to get the make up off. She was tired and didn't even change out of her outfit. A mini-skirt that was red black and white plaid, a white blouse that didn't even reach her bellybutton nor did it button up all the way due to her large round high C-cup breasts. Two arcs from her black lace G-string rose from the skimpy skirt. She had a matching plaid bra on that laced out the edge...
The sound of her heels clicking elegantly down the tiled, florescent lit hallway, Doctor Irina Motova walked briskly towards her intended room. She was a shapely woman of 35 years. Her hair, jet black and glossy, was tied in a tight bun, not a single strand loose over her forehead. She was tall, even though she was seen mostly on high heels, with particularly long legs, and had an ample set of breasts. She wore the slick attire of what could have been a lawyer or psychiatrist, a...
By Jolieanna This story begins in Southern California on a hot day in June, were school is yearlong with breaks, every three months. Roni is 9 and living with his Aunt Val and Cousin Vonnie, because of his parents move to Mexico, for work and they wanted Roni to go to a good school. Roni was kind of excited living with his older cousin Vonnie, who was in High school. Vonnie was like a Big Sister to Roni or so he thought. Starting school wasn't so bad, and Roni mad good friends with a...
Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Eight - Caputo Kaput Candi was heartbroken. She lay in bed Saturday morning and refused to answer phone calls from Michelle or John despite their insistent calling. She eventually left the receiver off the hook. She didn't get up until after twelve noon and when she saw herself in the mirror she cringed. "Fuck them! Looking good is probably the best revenge!" Candi painstakingly applied makeup and slipped into the same red...
Alan Taylor was sitting alone in his office working. He normally worked alone, he was a loner by nature. At school he was regarded as a geek. He was no good at sports or art or music, but he was good at academic subjects, maths and English were his forte. He had a few friends but none really close. At twenty seven years old he had only had two girl friends neither of whom were impressed enough to stay with him. Anyway, he had been given a company scholarship to university and had done well. He...
Still Clara; Jessica is lovely. She wouldn’t say much about Jenni except that it was through her that she met her husband, Dave. Despite her age, she still worked part-time – she’s a solicitor – even though she didn’t need to, financially. “It’s a distraction,” she said, “and fills some of the hours I would otherwise spend missing Dave.” She was, apparently, fairly wealthy in her own right, daughter of a barrister who was also minor nobility. During the day, when Jessica wasn’t working, we...