Junge Damen Wider Willen Teil 3 free porn video

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Junge Damen wider Willen Teil 3 von Jennyfer H. Nun ist auch der 3. Teil fertig. Leider hat es unfreiwillig etwas l?nger gedauert bis er fertig war. Der 4. Teil ist in Arbeit und wird bald fertig sein. Es ist eigentlich nicht in Worten ausdr?ckbar, wie ich mich f?hlte. Es widerte mich fast schon an, wie ich nun aussah. Meine gesamte Erscheinung deutete in keinem Punkt mehr auf meine eigentliche M?nnlichkeit hin. Tanja und ich sahen aus wie Schwester oder vielmehr wie zwei h?bsche Teenagerinnen. Auch wenn wir beide unser neues ?u?eres nicht ausstehen konnten, ?nderte es nicht daran, dass wir uns nun auf den Heimweg machten. Unterwegs zickten wir uns die meiste Zeit gegenseitig an. Wir stritten dar?ber wer nun Schuld an allem sei. Ich war der Auffassung, es sei Tanjas alleinige Schulde, da sie am Anfang absichtlich ?bertrieben hatte. Tanja wies diese Vorw?rfe aber zur?ck und versuchte mir die Schuld in die Schuhe zu schieben. Doch stichhaltige Argumente konnte sie nicht vorbringen und musste irgendwann klein beigeben. Zu Hause angekommen wurden wir von unserer Mutter ganz aufgeregt in Empfang genommen. Sie war sichtlich zufrieden und begeistert von unserem neuen Look. Mehrmals betrachtete sie uns von allen Seiten und tat ihre Begeisterung kund: "Was hab ich doch zwei h?bsche T?chter." Ich korrigierte sie: "Einen Sohn und eine Tochter!" Daraufhin lachte Tanja los und erwiderte: "Naja Schwesterchen momentan d?rfte es dir schwerfallen, jemanden davon zu ?berzeugen, dass du ein Sohn bist." Damit hatte sie allerdings recht, aber ich beharrte darauf ein Junge zu sein und kein M?dchen. "Nun bist du aber ein M?dchen und daran wird sich die n?chsten Tage vorerst auch nichts mehr ?ndern", beendete Mutter die Diskussion. Tanjas zuvor schlechte Laune hatte sich inzwischen gelegt und sie schien es zu genie?en, wie ich mich ?ber meine Zwangslage ?rgerte. Schmollend verzog ich mich auf mein Zimmer und spielte mit der Playstation. Nach einiger Zeit kam dann Mutter in mein Zimmer und wollte mit mir das weitere Vorgehen besprechen. Da sich mein Interesse daran aber in sehr geringen Bahnen hielt, h?rte ich ihr nicht wirklich zu und spielte weiter. Erst als Mutter genervt den Fernseher ausschaltete wandte ich mich ihr zu. "F?r die Feier habe ich dir entsprechende Kleidung heraus gesucht und bis dahin leiht Tanja dir ihre Sachen aus", erkl?rte sie mir. "Kann ich den nicht bis zur Feier meine normalen Sachen tragen?", flehte ich sie an. "Nein, du musst dich ja an weibliche Kleidung gew?hnen und bis dahin geh?ren Rock und Strumpfhose zu deiner normalen Bekleidung", fuhr sie fort. Egal welche Ausrede ich auch vorbrachte, es gab keinen Ausweg f?r mich. Nichts und niemanden konnte Mitter nun noch von ihrem Vorhaben abbringen. Es bestand zudem absolutes Hosenverbot f?r mich. Ich sollte mich daran gew?hnen wie es sich anf?hlt, wenn meine Beine nur mit einer d?nnen Strumpfhose bekleidet sind und man auf Abs?tzen l?uft. Dem entsprechend bema? sich auch die L?nge meiner zuk?nftig zu tragenden R?cke. Kaum einer war mehr wie knielang. Mein einziger Trost war, dass es Tanja nicht besser erging. Doch im Gegensatz zu mir scheute Tanja sich nicht daran, so auch in die ?ffentlichkeit zu gehen. Dies lag wohl auch daran, dass sie von Natur aus weiblich war und es f?r sie alles ganz normal ist. Ich hingegen vermied es mich anderen Personen zu zeigen oder sonst irgendwie von jemandem gesehen zu werden. Ich kam mir vor und f?hlte mich auch wie eine l?cherliche Tunte. Wenn einer meiner Freunde nach mir fragte, lie? ich mich verleugnen. Angeblich war ich ?ber die Ferien bei Bekannten. Eines Nachmittages klingelte es an der T?r. Mutter ?ffnete und Nadine, Tanjas beste Freundin, stand vor Ihr. "Hallo, ist Tanja zu Hause?", fragte sie. "Ja klar, komm rein", antwortete Mutter und rief nach Tanja. In dem Moment wo Nadine Tanja erblickte brach sie in lautes Lachen aus. "Was hast du? Nur weil ich einen Rock trage und etwas weiblicher als sonst ausschaue, brauchst du nicht so zu lachen", zischte Tanja sie an. Nadine fasste sich etwas und erwiderte, dass sie ?berrascht sei ?ber Tanjas pl?tzlichen Wandel und es ein ungewohnter Anblick sei. "Ungewohnt ist es f?r mich auch und unfreiwillig auch noch", fuhr Tanja fort. "Wie unfreiwillig? Ich verstehe nicht ganz", fragte Nadine nach. Daraufhin schlug Tanja vor sich ins Wohnzimmer zu setzten und sie w?rde es ihr erkl?ren. Tanja erz?hlte Nadine von Anfang an, wie es zu alle dem kam und somit berichtete sie ihr auch ausf?hrlich ?ber mich. Nadine glaubte aber nicht was Tanja ihr ?ber mich erz?hlte. Damit waren sie auch an dem Punkt angekommen, wo ich geliefert war. Denn Nadine wollte es erst glauben, wenn sie mich gesehen h?tte. Tanja kam zu mir in mein Zimmer und bat mich ihr ins Wohnzimmer zu folgen. In dem Moment wo ich das Wohnzimmer betrat blieb ich erschrocken stehen und starrte in das entsetzte Gesicht von Nadine. Es dauerte einen Moment bis wir uns beide gefasst hatten und Nadine fragte ungl?ubig, ob ich es wirklich sei. Ich bejahte es und flehte sie an niemandem davon zu erz?hlen, da ich ansonsten bis an mein Lebensende blamiert bin. "Ok aber nur unter einer Bedingung", stimmte Nadine zu. "Das ist Erpressung!", schimpfte ich. Genau in diesem Moment hatte Nadine mit ihrem Handy ein Foto von mir gemacht. "Ich kann auch allen das Foto von dir als M?dchen zeigen", zickte sie zur?ck. Da ich bef?rchtete sie w?rde ihre Drohung wahr machen, fragte ich was sie f?r eine Bedingung h?tte. Aber sie wollte es mir noch nicht verraten und es mir erst in ein paar erz?hlen. Tanja grinste nur und sagte: "Ich glaube ich kann mir denken was du vorhast." Ich fragte nat?rlich nach was sie damit meinte, aber ich erhielt nur ein "Lass dich ?berraschen", als Antwort. Ich fragte zwar noch mehrfach nach, aber weder Tanja noch Nadine r?ckten mit der Sprache heraus. F?r mich hatte es den Anschien, die Schlinge um meinen Kopf h?tte sich in diesem Moment noch weiter zugezogen. Doch ich konnte absolut nicht in Erfahrung bringen was Nadine plante. Ich ging wieder in mein Zimmer und gr?belte was sie wohl vorhaben k?nnte, doch ich kam beim besten Willen nicht drauf. Vielmehr kreisten meine Gedanken auch um die bevorstehende Feierlichkeit und meinem dortigen Auftritt als M?dchen. Mir bereitete alleine der Gedanke daran mehr Bauchschmerzen als alles andere. Eine Woche dauerte nun schon meine weibliche Zwangslage und es waren nur noch zwei Tage bis zur besagten Feier. An die Ohrringe und meine Frisur hatte ich mich inzwischen schon insoweit gew?hnt. Jedoch die Strumpfhosen bereiteten mir beim anziehen noch so ihre Probleme. Es dauerte Mutter allerdings noch zulange und sie wollte mit mir nun solange ?ben bis ich es wie eine richtige Frau beherrsche. Denn sie hatte die Bef?rchtung ich k?nnte mir auf der Feier eine Laufmasche einfangen und m?sste meine Strumpfhose wechseln. Daher sollte ich darin ge?bt sein und es schnell gehen. So ?bte ich nun unter Mutters Anweisung etwa eine Stunde lang. Danach gab sie aber noch keine Ruhe und wollte mich unbedingt in die K?nste des Schminkens einweisen. Denn ich sollte am besagten Tag in der Lage sein mein Make up selber auffrischen zu k?nnen. Auch diese Trainingseinheit nahm reichlich Zeit in Anspruch bis ich es einigerma?en im Griff hatte. Oder hatte mich das Make up im Griff? Jedenfalls einigte ich mich mit Mutter darauf, dass ich f?r den Fall der F?lle entweder sie oder Tanja zur Unterst?tzung hinzu rufe. Abschlie?end folgten dann noch einige Ratschl?ge und hinweise im Bezug auf Verhalten und Co. Mutter wies mich insbesondere daraufhin die Damentoilette zu benutzen. Genervt h?rte ich mir alles an und nickte zustimmend mit dem Kopf. Doch damit war Mutter noch nicht am Ende. Sie nahm meine Hand und betrachtete meine Finger. "Ich frage mich wie du es schaffst, dass bei dir immer der Nagellack abgeht", n?rgelte sie. "Keine Ahnung, ist mir aber auch egal", maulte ich zur?ck. Daraufhin erwiderte Mutter: "Mir ist es aber nicht egal. Wie sieht das denn aus, besonders auf der Feier? Ich glaube wie zwei fahren gleich mal ins Nagelstudio." Bevor ich mich noch gro?artig zur Wehr setzen konnte, sa? ich schon mit Mutter um Auto. Nach ein paar Minuten erreichten wir auch ein Nagelstudio und gingen hinein. Ich f?hlte mich unwohl und unsicher als ich dort rein ging. Wir wurden freundlich von einer jungen Frau begr??t und Mutter schilderte ihr Anliegen und zu meinem Elend war auch noch ein Termin in einer halben Stunde frei. Wir sa?en im Wartebereich und ich zappelte nerv?s und ?ngstlich auf meinem Stuhl umher. Mutter stoppte mich pl?tzlich und wollte wissen warum ich so nerv?s sei. Erst als sie mir erkl?rte, wie der ungef?hre Ablauf ist, beruhigte ich mich etwas. Nun war der Moment gekommen, wo ich dran war. Ich setze mich auf den Stuhl vor dem Tisch und legte meine H?nde hin. Nachdem Mutter erkl?rt hatte was sie sich ungef?hr vorstellte legte die junge Frau los. Sie feilte erst meine N?gel und klebte mir dann lange Kunstn?gel auf, bevor ich meine H?nde unter eine Lampe legen musste. Einige Zeit sp?ter hatte ich nun lange dunkelblaue Fingern?gel. Aber sie waren nicht nur einfach dunkelblau, sondern es war auch silberner Glitter in der Farbe drin. Zudem klebte auf dem Nagel von Daumen, Zeige- und Ringfinger ein silbernes Steinchen. Es f?hlte sich ungewohnt an mit so langen N?geln und richtig greifen konnte ich damit auch nichts. Auf dem Heimweg betrachtete ich meine N?gel und wollte von Mutter wissen, wie lange der Nagellack halten w?rde bzw. wie ich ihn wieder abbekomme. Mutter begann zu lachen und antwortete: "Der geht nicht ab, die N?gel sind wie deine eigenen und m?ssen rauswachsen. In etwa 2 bis 3 Wochen musst du nochmal hin zum ausbessern und auff?llen." Es war wie ein Schlag ins Gesicht f?r mich. "Wie, was? Warum das denn? ?bermorgen ist doch alles vorbei!", giftete ich zur?ck. Mutter verbat sich meine Ton und f?gte hinzu: "Vorbei ist es f?r dich wenn die Ferien vorbei sind und du hast noch 5 Wochen Sommerferien. Solange wirst Du nicht Heiko sondern Heike sein." Mir traten die Tr?nen in die Augen als ich dies h?rte und konnte mich nicht mehr beherrschen. Was ich ihr in dieser Situation alles an den Kopf warf endete f?r mich in einer Ohrfeige. Fortsetzung folgt ...

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Lindas wider family

That weekend, Linda and I went out for a walk but the weather changed and it started to rain. Linda’s house was closer so we decided to go there before we got too wet. On the way there, Linda couldn’t resist asking, “Did mummy make you be a good boy for her”? “Well do you think I was going to resist her”? I replied.Linda said there could be more fun ahead as her Uncle and Aunt would be visiting for the weekend and, as they did not come home that often, they often reverted to how things used to...

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The Demons Within09 Dancing on a Wider Stage

“Well, you’ve done it this time,” Emma announced, after Phil picked up the phone. “Okay, I’ll bite. What did I do this time?” “After your show at your shrink’s, the Inquirer is full of testimonials detailing what a miracle worker you are. Given so many, I doubt you can ignore the subject anymore.” “Damn! I was hoping to avoid that. I didn’t think I’d done enough to change anyone’s opinion. After all, I only took out a few from the worst cases, rather than curing the entire...

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LovingChapter 7 The World Opens Wider

The next few weeks after the mini-orgy at Paul and Gloria's were hectic, with exams hitting all four of us hot and heavy. We still had time for sex, always have time for sex, but not much else except studying. We fucked, ate and hit the books. Soon the exams were over, very successfully for all of us and then the terrible realization hit us... school was over and we were going to be separated soon. We, of course, had to go where our job offers took us. Charley and Patty had accepted jobs in...

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A Fundamental Constant

Disclaimer: The following dialogue is fictional. No resemblance to any person, living or dead, is intended or should be inferred. Faustus Mortal: Today I will discuss the most remarkable formula in mathematics. It is known as Euler’s formula, written as e^(i*t) = cos(t) + i*sin(t), where i = (-1)^(1/2). Above, t is any real number, e is the base of the natural logarithms, sin and cos are the trigonometric functions sine and cosine, and ‘i’ is the imaginary unit. Here, in this concise...

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Compound X131Chapter 8 Fundamental theory

There was a very unpleasant surprise waiting for Kate in the stark theater, well two in fact. The first & worst was the sight of Taylor prepared on the operating table, Taylor had long been Kate's favorite, she had only been on leave for a couple of days; what could have happened! "Why, why" Kate stammered. "Oh, look its just an exploratory, nothing to fuss over" Jenna explained in a calming voice. The second shock was the identity of the other person in the theater it was that...

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Kingdom of LoveChapter 2

When Joan arrived at Amanda Westmore's house it was nearly dark. A thin grey light hung in the air as she stepped from her Sprite. The car gleamed whitely from a new waxing. Already bored after only two days of the summer, Joan had spent the early morning hours lavishly grooming her car. A graduation present from her parents for which she vowed to be responsible, her car was her pride and the job Amanda promised meant far more than the older woman knew. She sounded the door chimes with a...

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‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...

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The Crossing part 22

I was an escaped PoW living as a woman, and soon to be a bride. Now, with the wedding only days away, a squad of Hitler's SS had turned up at the castle. THE CROSSING - part 21 by BobH (c) 2016 - 50 - I looked at the wooden pea Helmut was holding and smiled. "I'd have thought it was obvious how it got in your study," I said. "We clearly missed one when we gathered them up last week after I dropped them on the floor of your room. It...

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Meine Feundin Bruder und ich

Ich saß im Zimmer meines Bruders und schaute heimlich seine Pornosammlung am PC an. Ich darf eigentlich nicht an seinen Rechner, aber da seiner schneller ist als meiner, schleich ich mich manchmal in sein Zimmer um zu spielen. Vor ein paar Monaten hatte ich dabei seine Pornosammlung entdeckt. Ich bin 16, meiner Bruder Joey ist 23. Joey ist ein Mädchenschwarm, athletisch, hübsches Gesicht und ein ziemlicher Draufgänger. Es war spät am Freitag Abend und ich saß wichsend vor dem PC und sah zu wie...

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Working It In Chapter Two

For two days after the wife had walked in on Tanya pulling her strap-on out of my ass and me with my jizz all over my face, it had been absolute silence in our house – a cold front of epic proportion. I buried myself in my work, even though it was kind of slow for me right now, and tried not to think about the Day of Reckoning that was surely coming. I didn’t think she’d divorce me, after 13 years of marriage, but I couldn’t be sure. The wife is a strong woman, she doesn’t suffer fools kindly,...

4 years ago
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Fringe Benefits Ch 02

Shawn yawned as he pulled his shoulder-length dreadlocks behind his neck with a thick rubber band. He studied the running toilet carefully and then went to work with his tools to put the throne back in working order. It took him only a few minutes to remove and replace the defective part. He emerged from the stall, took down the “OUT OF ORDER” sign, and hefted the strap of the tool bag over his shoulder. The restroom was practically empty as the final flights were arriving and Shawn’s second...

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A Tale of 2 Nerds Julies realization

Chapter 3 was supposed to be a follow up to 2, but I changed my mind completely and made this. This one is about how it all started - If you'll remember, Julie's the one who started this all, not Jeremy. This one tells you how Julie came to see that she wanted this. This chapter takes place BEFORE CHAPTER ONE. Just to repeat myself - This story isn't really sexual at all. Julie TRIES a few things, but I don't think anyone's gonna cum from this one. Chapter 4's in the...

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The New Family Part 2

Hello readers. I know it’s been quite some while that this part is coming out. Life had been pretty eventful past couple of months. All your suggestions and criticisms are more than welcomed at ~~~~~~~ In the morning, when he woke up and found her sleeping nude by his side, the thought crossed his mind. “Maybe i shouldn’t have done this. How am i going to keep this a secret from her. I was not that kind of a guy who would cheat like this on a girl. Or maybe, its not that bad.” It was almost...

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The warrior

It was incredibly hot! At least 95 in the shade! Ashley Gordon and her husband of two years were sitting in a grandstand watching a reenactment of a battle between U.S. soldiers and a band of warriors from the Apache tribe. Dressed in full battle regalia the Indians looked more than ferocious as they swung axes and threw spears at the blue suited infantry soldiers. For more than twenty minutes the battle raged on and the audience more than got their money's worth as the soldiers defended...

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Ebony and Ivory

I had met Chris in one of my classes while attending a local university. We'd immediately hit it off, pairing up as we'd been given an assignment and needed to do research on a study paper together. Chris was fair skinned with short dark hair closely cropped above her ears. She reminded me to some extent of an Elf with her thin features, large blue-green eyes, and a smile that could melt butter. And though I had as yet to see them, Chris likewise had what appeared to be nicely shaped...

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All characters are over 18Béa was sexy femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She raised him and together raised their feminine side to grow up as sisters into beautiful transvestites girls. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect girl life together until zombies attack the city. The girls discovered that people could be cured by having sex. Girls were on their way to inform the news star announcer Jim J.J Johns that zombies can be saved...

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One Last Kiss

Years ago, before I was married the first time, I had a great respect for the institution of marriage. I searched far and wide for the one woman I could bind myself to for life, but with little success. Ironically, about the time I turned thirty,I became acquainted with a woman who thought I was just the One for her, but for whom I felt little attraction in return.Cindy was not a beauty. She was about 5'7" or so, with rather wide shoulders, for a girl, smallish breasts and a developing spare...

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Rather be Lucky than Good

This is my first story. It’s an older fella who is enjoying life who would always RATHER BE LUCKY THAN GOOD Nice summer morning in lovely Peachtree Corners Ga. In the Atlanta area everything is Peachtree something. Gonna be another hot one, here it was just 9:30 and already 85 with 95% humidity. Just walking back up the drive from getting the mail, I saw the annual decal for my license plate was there. I like to renew by mail when I can rather than going to the tax office. Nice folks, but I...

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Whos First

I wonder who started first. Which one of us was the first to try out some strange? We met at a party that was full of sexy people wanting to fool around with other sexy people. It wasn't a swinger's party but it could have been with a slight push. The host was my closest friend who was always trying to hook me up with one of his wife's friends. His wife was very easy on the eyes, as were all their friends they had introduced to me too. This time the intro took. When I saw Jason's wife...

4 years ago
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He Removed the Rubber but Wasnt Ready for th

Absolute true story. You can see the same titled vid recently posted. I found this old vid from a few years ago after my now-wife Sophie and I just remodeled the house. On the night of this vid, I was in another marriage going southward and Sophie and I were already dating then. She was not the reason for my marriage failing in case you're wondering, but she's dangerous enough to be a reason. We we're previously friends for 2yrs before dating. Anyway, we both decided that we'd try E for the...

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Girlfriends Mom catches me jerking off

The year is 1985. I'm 22 and I'm dating this hot little 19 year old for about a month and she asks me to come to her parent's lake house in the country for the weekend. She had dark hair and a sexy body, long legs with beautiful 38dd tits. Everything on her is tight as a drum and I can't wait to get there so we can fuck out brains out. On the way up there she tells me everyone can hear everything going on in the house because it's kinda small so we won't be fucking while people are home. I'm a...

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What An Ass

What An Ass I honestly could not help myself. I was standing there in the grocery store in line at the checkout and then I looked down. The young girl standing in line in front of me was wearing a skintight pair of pink Spandex pants with an equally tight pink jogging bra made out of the same material. All I could do was whisper under my breath, “What an adorable ass.” The girl turned around, smiled at me and said, “Fifty bucks.” She went through the checkout with her bottle of...

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In Your Dreams

This story is a fantasy. It doesn't really make them grow. On the other hand, if it isn't true, it's strange how many people seem to believe it. Surely, they can't all be wrong? Some of the things that happen in this story are pretty nauseating. If you are no older than the characters in this story, perhaps you ought to find some more suitable reading material. 1998 "Does it really make them grow, do you think?" Shireen lay on her back and rubbed the last of it into her swollen...

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Draw or Die Like a DogChapter 11

Well, it looked like Annie's guess was right: the foreman of the Circle M, Hank Bufford, was the one behind all of the trouble. Josh still needed to talk to Jim Mangrove, owner of the Lazy J, so they tied Bufford's body to his horse and took it with them as all three rode to visit Jim Mangrove. Josh introduced Jack and Bill as friends, then had a private talk with Mangrove about having him put in a good word at the bank. Mangrove promised to visit the bank on Monday and straighten matters...

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Sally LennyChapter 2

Part two. As the doors closed behind her husband, Sally could still feel her son's thick cock harder then ever. He was just coming down from his massive cum. His cock still planted deep inside his mother. "Lenny sweetheart, you're still ... your still ... uh ... still har ... still inside me." Sally whispered. She wasn't sure what to do. "I know, mom. We still have many stops before we have to get off ... the train." Lenny had only one thing on his mind at this point. As to explain...

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The Sock Sisters Chapters 912

Jeff dropped us off in front of Kim’s house around 8:30 and she met us at the door wearing one of the fluffy old robes. “I just got out of the shower girls. Come in my bedroom, we’ll change in there. Phil just left and I kind of forgot about time!” “Phil just left, huh?” I kidded. “And just what were you two up to that you lost track of time?” “We were fucking, Mar! What did you think?” Kim smiled at Beth and I and we all burst out laughing. When we got to Kim’s room, she dropped...

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Why I add People and other things

Simple. I add people that I find interesting. If they have pics and vids I wanna watch I add them. If they are a foot fetishist AND they have pics and vids I like I'll add them. Sexy women are a no brainer, duh U add women and couple that are sexy to me. I don't care about someones sexual orientation I'll add who ever I think is a cool person. but I will not add someone with nothing on their page. Sorry but why would i do that? I don't chat or cam. I'm not saying that I don't want to or that I...

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Demons to SlayChapter 8

In the following days I remembered what she said, as I had the same thoughts. I had not been looking for a new life companion, although I had not discarded the idea that someday I would meet someone. My thoughts however had not envisaged that someone coming into my life at this point. Millie had come into my life though and I would have to accept the fates that guided us together. As we spent time together I became closer to her; a rather unexpected outcome considering the friction of our...

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Layover in Canada

My name is Kristyll and I'm an average girl, not beautiful but not hard to look at either and I work for an International software company and do a lot of traveling for the company. I do software presentations and also teach classes for our buyers on the how too of using our software. I'm in Canada, having just finished giving a presentation and boarded my plane to go home. It was snowing quite a bit when I boarded at four in the afternoon and made my way to my seat. Already seated was a...

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My Friends Daughter Chapter 2

All persons in this story are over the age of 18. This story is complete and utter fiction. But please read on for your personal enjoyment.     My Friend’s Daughter Chapter 2 Just to give you a bit of history on what has happened so far. My friend Karri and her daughter Lexi had come to visit me from out of state for a couple weeks while I was between jobs. Karri had lived with me for a few months while working near my place, then had gone back home. She took a vacation and brought her...

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Baby Boomers TaleChapter 21

Over tea we discussed our plans and we decided that it was time to make our way home. School restarted in about a week and there would be work needing doing round the farm. We also discussed our long-term options and decided that completing school locally was the top priority for both Wendy and I. We all agreed that we could not carry on, sexually, at the rate we were currently enjoying, as there were other things in life that were important. It was decided that from when we got home we would...

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The story I am about to mention happened a few years ago. I had received this new offer which required me to relocate to an altogether new city to which I had to agree as the pay was good. The first day was pretty okay with lots of formalities and introduction rounds. The next few weeks were going to be of training. Initially I had trouble to look for a new house. But I soon found a two bedroom flat with an attached terrace. One month for me to settle down with all the gas and telephone...

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Having anal sexy with a buddys wife

During the third photo session, everything had gone out of my hands, since every one of my buddies had fucked my sexy wife, that had reached a tremendous state of arousal.Worst of all, were last words from my sweet Ana at the end of that meeting. She had warned the guys we would have another session; but the gangbang should be shared with another of the wives…I felt aroused when thinking the idea of having another buddy’s wife there that I could screw. It was definitely meeting my approval.Ana...

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