Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 3
- 4 years ago
- 24
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A wonderful story with a proper plot, characters, situations, conversations makes a story that long lasts in the reader’s mind. It is better than boring streaming porn content. This is one such authentic story that has all key ingredients that one will look in a heart touching sex story.
You will never forget this story. Please start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. Pooja continues narrating the story in her own words.
Me: Let us go one by one of those director’s scenes. What is the first scene?
Kishore: (With hesitation and shyness) Anni it is ‘Shirt pocket pleasure’.
Me: (I laughed) Strange and curious name, open the scene and read it, please.
Kishore: (Hesitantly) flipped the page to find the scene and started the scene as (below) from the script.
Scene Name: Shirt pocket pleasure
Scene No: 43
Cast: Kavya and Ravi
Location: Kavya’s House
Scene background/Context:
It has been six months now after Kavya and Ravi become lovers. In all these period, love and trust in each other have grown significantly high. Now Kavya trusts Ravi to the core and she loves him like anything. She is just waiting for marriage to fully surrender her to make him happy sexually.
Kavya knows that it is Ravi’s birthday today. She wants to treat him so special on this auspicious day. She wants to give him something so special that he will cherish it. Kavya makes a romantic decision in a playful mood. She clearly decides what to do.
Kavya wore a yellow colored t-shirt with pockets on both sides of her boobs. She applied mehandi to all fingers on her both hands so that she cannot use her hands. She applied nice perfume with free-flowing air and sat on the sofa waiting for Ravi to come.
She knows that he will come today and parents are not at home. The very right situation for a romantic play. Ravi enters home with a smiley face and looks at Kavya romantically. He notices that she applied mehandi on her both hands. Kavya welcomes Ravi.
Kavya: Hi Ravi, Good Morning. I love you da. Many more happy returns of the day
Ravi: Thank you, darling. Where is my birthday gift darling?
Kavya: Wait, Ravi, I applied mehandi on both of my hands. I kept your gift locked in the shelf. The key, I have kept in my t-shirt pocket. Can you please help take it and unlock the shelf? Sorry, da my hands filled with mehandi. (with a cute expression, she shows all mehandi filled hands to Ravi sitting on the sofa.
Ravi: (He gets excited as she asked him to explore her t-shirt pocket, very sensitive and happy place for any lover to do research) Hey, do you really mean it?
Kavya: Yes. (with a smile)
Ravi slowly walks to the back of the sofa while Kavya is seated. He just stands behind her on the sofa and places his both hands on her shoulder. Kavya rests her head on the sofa comfortably and raises her head to look up to Ravi with a smile on her face.
Ravi: Kavya you got two pockets, in which one you kept the key?
Kavya: (partially closed eyes with charm and squeezed her lips outside with expression) Sorry da forgot in which one. (with a smile)
Ravi understood that she is a naughty mood and she is doing it purposefully. He engages in this play and asks her
Ravi: Ok can I search both pockets at a time?
Kavya: (with a smile) Please help yourself.
Ravi rests her both hands on each of her shoulders. Kavya relaxes her body and inclines on the sofa back. Ravi slowly inches his both hands from her shoulder downwards inch by inch and slowly his fingertips enter into her pockets.
Left hand five fingertips gently enter into her left side t-shirt pockets.
Kavya had picked up a t-shirt with wider pockets. His right hand five fingers gently crawled into her right pocket. Kavya with determination and excitement with semi-closed eyes is enjoying his finger crawling. Ravi gets excited and slowly progress his fingers downwards in her pockets.
He started feeling the soft bulge. Those were like a hot baked bun very soft to feel it over the inner cloth line of her pocket. He gently caresses them and he realized that she has not worn the bra as she could feel the flesh on cloth. Ravi gets excited and inserts fingers further down.
He gets his fingers down. He almost cupped her boobs and gently caressed in terms of searching keys. He naughtily says, “Kavya I am searching for keys seriously.” (with a smile) Kavya kept quite with a smile and semi-closed eyes enjoying his touch.
With much courage, Ravi further dips his fingers to end of the pocket. He got a sweet shock to find that Kavya has torn the bottom of the pockets to left it open to reach the boobs directly. Ravi’s fingers progress further torn pocket bottom. All his 5 fingers gently directly touch her boobs for the very first time.
Both of them shiver in ecstasy and pleasure of first time feeling the touch of fingers of the lover on boobs. Both enjoy this heavenly touch for the first time. All of the sudden power cut happens. Now the whole room enters the darkness and only light in the room is the candlelight on the table.
The incandescent light just shows both of their faces only and not showing a t-shirt or hero’s finger movements
Note for cameraman: Just shoot their facial expression without focusing the camera on their finger movement. We just need the romantic hero and heroine’s facial expression in such a romantic scene. We are not conveying to the audience that their pocket is open. Just indirectly, we show that he is exploring her pocket. We don’t want to show it in detail.
Instruction to Music director: Play romantic and melody fast music beats here and rhythm
Editor: Cut the scenes with lots of nature scene, like bird chipping, waves hitting shores. Lots of visuals that express happiness to express that this is such a big thing for them.
Note to Hero and Heroine: This scene will be shot in privacy except cameraman, director, hero, and heroine and no others will be in the shoot. The room will be dark. We will watch both of your facial reactions without showing any vulgarity in the scene.
So you both act boldly to excite yourself to bring emotions on the face. The scene will be shot for 3 to 6 minutes. But we will take the final perfect emotions worth of 15 seconds in the movie. So act without any guilt.
Continuation of Scene:
Ravi is mesmerized with touching her soft buns. He gently runs fingers all over her boobs softly. Kavya smiles and bites her lips in ecstasy and pleasure. Ravi uses his creativity with his fingers to excite Kavya every bit possible.
Ravi also gets excited and gives more freedom to all 10 fingers to play within it.
Ravi plays continuously for almost 5 to 6 minutes. The continuous emotion on Ravi and Kavya’s face is captured in the camera. The editing team will pick the best expressions in the face for 10 to 15 seconds.
Instruction to Ravi:
Ravi, the key motive of this scene is to show the trust and bond between lovers. A bit of naughtiness and capturing the romantic/excitement expression in the face. The scene will not be vulgar on the big screen. So please act bold and use your creativity in your fingers. We don’t want to teach you that level of details.
Your finger movements and action within her shirt pocket should induce the pleasure to her and make her emote her excitement. Your performance is key to extract the romantic and excitement from Kavya’s face. Do your best natural acting with lots of confidence in mind and excitement in your eyes and face.
Instruction to Kavya:
This scene focuses on the erotic and romantic expression on the face and not intended to show the activity inside the shirt pocket. So the fact that shirt pocket is torn inside is not conveyed to the audience. It will not be known to the audience, only the crew knows it. So please act in the scene without any guilt.
Make yourself mentally comfortable for the scene. Keep your body language in romantic and cooperating mode. When Ravi starts finger action, you lean back and raise your upper body up to indicate you trust him and ready to serve him a special feast for Ravi’s birthday.
Enjoy the pleasure by semi-opened or closed eyes deeply and naturally. Emote the feelings on your face.
Hygiene and Safety instruction to Kavya: Please ensure you don’t wear any neck ornaments like a chain, pearl garland, etc in the neck which interrupts the scene. If you plan to wear any chain/ornament, make sure it is a simple thin chain for the scene.
Ensure no sharp objects like safety pins in the chain, which can hurt Ravi’s hand. Apply jasmine fragrance on boobs. Ensure it is dry and not sticky for optimal scene performance and chemistry.
Safety instruction to Ravi: Please ensure your acting is a bit bold at the same time gentle and soft. Don’t express very violent moves that can cause any pain to Kavya. Hope you understand the situation; we need pleasure to come out of this scene and not pain. So ensure your action just causes pleasure but not pain.
Scene ends….
Kishore lifted his face completed reading the entire scene detail from the script with instructions. I started feeling moist and wetness deep inside my vertical lips inside my panty. I felt thirst to drink some water hearing all such erotic explanation from the script.
I just waved the hand at him to wait and went to the kitchen to gulp water. I went to the restroom to wipe the cum from my pussy. I felt a bit relaxed and entered the living room. Kishore appears to be equally tensed and he is gulping water in the kitchen.
We came to the living room sofa and looked at each other after reading such an intimate romantic scene. I decided to break the ice by starting the conversation
Me: Interesting, very very romantic and intimate scene. But without any vulgarity on the screen. Overall presentation on the screen looks fine, but the actual shot and acting seem to be a bit sensual.
Kishore: Yes Anni, you are right. Very sensual.
I laughed and said, “Oh director put you to act in this scene during the audition?”
Kishore bent down his head and nodded yes. I felt he is very uncomfortable talking about this. I realized it, but I thought to pull his legs to make him comfortable before we start acting in this scene.
Me: Hey come on da, how you did? What mistake you did?
Kishore: (with bit fake crying tone) Anni, please don’t tease me. Consider myself as I’ve not acted at all in that scene. I screwed it up heavily. My legs, hands and every part of my body shivered. I did sweat a lot and screwed it up completely.
Me: Oh (laughed) Ok don’t want to embarrass you with the question. Leave what happen in the last shoot? How well you are mentally prepared for this scene in the next audition.
Kishore: Not much Anni. But I am artificially injecting confidence in me to do best next time during the audition.
Me: That’s the spirit! But remember there is a high chance that the director will pick this scene to act. I am concerned if you will screw up again. So I think you need to be well prepared for this scene before the audition.
Kishore kept silent for what I said with simple “mm” response. I continued, “Ok this scene is bit sensual. But if you look at this scene from the audience or romance perspective, it is really a romantic. A very natural scene explaining how romantic lovers will behave naughtily among themselves.”
Me: It also gives an opportunity to you(hero) to exhibit himself as chocolate and naughty hero. Most of the young female audience like this trait in the hero and become a fan. So in one way, this is a fantastic scene for you to show the romance, boldness, and emotions.
Me: The good thing is that this scene will not be shown explicitly on screen. Considering all these things, I believe we cannot slip or ignore this scene. I think we need to practice this scene to ensure you are fine with this scene for the audition.
Kishore looked at me with his wide-open eyes, “Ok Anni, how we can?”
Me: I understand your concern. In fact, this is a big concern for me to act in this scene. Never been like this before. But we need to remember this is a ‘do or die’ scene for you. We cannot take the risk. So keeping our personal feelings /reservations aside.
Me: We need to get into our respective characters and get into the scene as lovers and perform the scene. We should not judge each other personally, act following the instructions in the scene book, and do our best.
As this is a bit intimate scene, I need 10 minutes to get myself into the Kavya character by doing meditation and feeling as Kavya. Then only I will be able to cooperate in the scene.
Kishore: (With slightly induced confidence) Ok Anni, what you say makes sense. I will also prepare my mindset to feel myself as my character to act in this scene.
Me: Ok da let me first get ready with the costume required for this scene. Then will get into meditation. After 10 minutes of meditation, I will be ready for the scene you should also get ready for the scene. I will act as if I have mehandi on my fingers, but will not apply mehandi. Dress and other stuff I will do as requested in the script.
Kishore: Ok Anni.
I went into my room and found a t-shirt that was a tight one, which almost cups my boobs and keeps it upright. I took that t-shirt and it had two pockets. I flipped to the inside of the t-shirt and took scissors and cut the inner cloth bottom half of the pockets.
As soon as his fingers are inserted into my pocket, he will feel my fresh and soft boobs on his fingers. I removed my bra, wore the t-shirt, and came to the hall. Kishore looked at me with eyes full of curiosity and looked at my t-shirt. I wore normal track pants. I looked so gorgeous in Yellow T and black pant costume.
Me: Ok da I think I prepared and wore the costume as demanded in the script. (with the reaction of as if forgot something) Ohh sorry, I forgot this. (saying this, I removed my chain from my neck which has a small pendant in its end)
Kishore is a bit stunned with the level of my dedication and preparation. I continued “Ok da, I will go for quick meditation and reciting myself to get into the character. Let us set up the cameras. One camera will focus my face, another will focus on your face, and the third camera will focus on the action area. So that we can review all three of them later for corrections. Sounds like a plan?
Kishore: (Stammered) Ok Anni.
Me: Good, let us set up the camera positions
We set up the camera positions as discussed and sat on the sofa in a Yoga position and started saying loudly with closed eyes.
Me: Ok I am not Pooja anymore. I am Kavya. I am going to do this scene because I am Kavya. The person going to touch my boobs today is Ravi. Ravi is my true divine love, he has all rights on me. I am allowing him to do this because I am Kavya and he is Ravi.
Me: I determine I will not have shyness with Ravi and fully cooperate for the scene. I am not Pooja anymore. My body is exclusively sent by God to be fondled by my true lover Ravi. Ravi got every right on every inch of my body. He can do anything to me. I am agreeing because I am Kavya, not Pooja.
I started reciting the above dialog in the pretext of preparing myself for the scene and getting into character. I in half-opened eyes noticed Kishore. He was watching my dialogs and me with a surprise, curiosity, and anxiousness. I pretended as I am slowly coming out of the meditation.
I opened my eyes and looked at him and said, “Ok da, I am mentally engaged in my character and I am ready, please go ahead with your acting. All the best for your performance.” I deeply breathed out to show I am relaxed.
I sat comfortably and laid my back on the sofa and kept my fingers widened in both hands as if I am having mehandi. I gestured to Kishore, “Ok Kishore scene starts now. My hands are with mehandi now. You may start your acting now.”
Ok readers this is Varun. Thanks for all your support for this series. Wow, couldn’t believe it went up to 12 episodes. I see a dip in the engagement of readers with this series. I love to hear detailed comments in either the comments section or email. But not seeing them as much as I like.
This indicates that this story reached a saturation point to end it. So ending this story right here. I’m so thankful for all the readers who joined this journey so far.
ISS editors who were very patient with my silly punctuation, grammar issues and who did a great work of editing this story to fit publishing format. I notice a lot of difference between the version I submitted and published. My sincere thanks to them for taking care of all this.
If you liked this series, please share it with your family members, parents, brothers and sisters and with your office colleagues and managers. (Lol some time people don’t understand what is said in fun/pun note and what is serious. So the above two lines are just for fun. Who can share this kind of story with the family members?)
Life is so beautiful. Enjoy it to the core.
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Thanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. Have you ever questioned why do we have a format of a medium called ‘sex story’ when we have a choice of seeing high-quality porn videos streaming all the fuck, lick, suck, crazy things in vivid detail? Of course, ‘sex stories’ remain alive because it is so wonderful compared to video content. A wonderfully written story can give a long-lasting effect making one recall the story and enjoy numerous times. It is a powerful way to communicate emotions,...
A wonderful story with a proper plot, characters, situations, conversations makes a story that long lasts in the reader’s mind. It is better than boring streaming porn content. This is one such authentic story that has all key ingredients that one will look in a heart touching sex story. You will never forget this story. Please start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. The next part is continued in Pooja’s words. He came forward and gently inserted his hands on my side....
IncestThanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. Have you ever questioned why do we have a format of a medium called ‘sex story’ when we have a choice of seeing high-quality porn videos streaming all the fuck, lick, suck, crazy things in vivid detail? Of course, ‘sex stories’ remain alive because it is so wonderful compared to video content. A wonderfully written story can give a long-lasting effect making one recall the story and enjoy numerous times. It is a powerful way to communicate emotions,...
IncestHi readers, this is Madhan. This is a story series ‘Sil With Her Female Doctor Friend Trapped Her Bil – Part 2’. The plot owner is Varun (Life is beautiful). He asked me to continue the story on his behalf. I’m trying to keep the pace and spice as required and described by him. My special thanks to Varun for giving me this opportunity to make me a good writer, I think. But you have to judge me finally after reading this story. Please enjoy and, as usual, send your comment and feedback to me...
IncestHi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” This is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
IncestHi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” This is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
IncestHi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
IncestHi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
IncestHi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
IncestThanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. Have you ever questioned why do we have a format of a medium called ‘sex story’ when we have a choice of seeing high-quality porn videos streaming all the fuck, lick, suck, crazy things in vivid detail? Of course, ‘sex stories’ remain alive because it is so wonderful compared to video content. A wonderfully written story can give a long-lasting effect making one recall the story and enjoy numerous times. It is a powerful way to communicate emotions,...
A wonderful story with a proper plot, characters, situations, conversations makes a story that long lasts in the reader’s mind. It is better than boring streaming porn content. This is one such authentic story that has all key ingredients that one will look in a heart touching sex story. You will never forget this story. Please start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. Pooja continues narrating the story in her own words. I woke up in the morning and came out of the bedroom....
IncestHi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
IncestA wonderful story with a proper plot, characters, situations, conversations makes a story that long lasts in the reader’s mind. It is better than boring streaming porn content. This is one such authentic story that has all key ingredients that one will look in a heart touching sex story. You will never forget this story. Please read first episode alone to decide whether you want to read this series or skip it. Start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. This is part 10 of the...
IncestA wonderful story with a proper plot, characters, situations, conversations makes a story that long lasts in the reader’s mind. It is better than boring streaming porn content. This is one such authentic story that has all key ingredients that one will look in a heart touching sex story. You will never forget this story. Please start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. Pooja continues narrating the story in her own words. Kishore, swallowed and got nervous and we started our...
IncestThanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. I will not bore you and will let Pooja continue with the next part of the story. I felt Kishore was comfortable and settled down with all his questions and thoughts. His face appeared a bit clear as he is a bit cool now. I thought to extend this conversation. I laughed and with the smiley face said “Ok Kishore. Let us start our rehearsal practice from tomorrow.” “One thing you need to remember that, you will not get better by just acting. You need...
IncestHi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
IncestThanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. Have you ever questioned why do we have a format of a medium called ‘sex story’ when we have a choice of seeing high-quality porn videos streaming all the fuck, lick, suck, crazy things in vivid detail? Of course, ‘sex stories’ remain alive because it is so wonderful compared to video content. A wonderfully written story can give a long-lasting effect making one recall the story and enjoy numerous times. It is a powerful way to communicate emotions,...
Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” This is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
IncestThanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. Have you ever questioned why do we have a format of a medium called ‘sex story’ when we have a choice of seeing high-quality porn videos streaming all the fuck, lick, suck, crazy things in vivid detail? Of course, ‘sex stories’ remain alive because it is so wonderful compared to video content. A wonderfully written story can give a long-lasting effect making one recall the story and enjoy numerous times. It is a powerful way to communicate emotions,...
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IncestHi Readers, this is Varun. Thanks for your support and energy on the series. During the time I wrote that series, I saw a few readers complained that it is going slow. I wrote this short story with an action-packed episode to console them. Later I forgot that I wrote this story. Just recently I found it. I’m posting it now. Below is the exact version of the story I wrote at that time. Please enjoy and as usual, send your comment and feedback to me at One reader pointed out that many readers...
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This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
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Hello friends. This is Neville from Chennai. A couple of years back I posted one of my real stories on this site. I was caught in a police raid in a brothel and was rescued by the wife of my friend, Mohini. Today I and Mohini have been having love sessions as and when needed. I got a call from Mohini that her friend Nandita is in town to attend someone’s wedding. She would be coming to her house on Friday evening as she has a flight back to Toronto on Sunday. Nandita has insisted that she meet...
Avasaramaaga en vagupil padikum oru paiyan vanthathaal, naan nandhini aadaiyai vegamaaga aninthu vittu irunthen. Appozhuthu priya enai paarthu hey ena seithu kondu irukiraai avanai veliyil sendru ethavathu pesi sirithu neram ula varamal paarthu kol endru sonnal. Naan nandhiniyai kaama paarvaiyil paarthu konde sendren. Naan veliyil sendru, en idam thulai pesi irunthathu athil yaaruko pesuvathu pondru pose koduthu irunthen. Appozhuthu naveen vanthaan, avan ennai paarthu hey ena indru sikiram...
Suraj dubne ko tha, vukh lagi thi par ghar me na to khana tha aur na paise. Mai aur meri didi ke liye ye koi nayi bat nahi thi. Mummy hame 5 sal pahle chhod ke chali gayi, papa jo pahle se hi sharabi the aur pine lage, roj daru pite, jua khelte aur factory se kamai sare paise ek jue ke adde me gawa ke ghar ajate aur so jate.. Didi jo 22 sal ki thi,5’4” ht, gori, khubsurat, gol chehra, kandhe tak bal, chhoti ankhen,sab taraf se model. Par unki chuchi kuch jyada hi badi, dusre shadi shuda aurton...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
EK BAAR ANDHERE ME Ye baat March mahine ke aakhiri saptah ki hai. Maine aur mere chudakkad pati ne ye nischay kiya ki us raat ko ham apna manpasand chudai ka khel andhere kamre me, bina ek dusre ko dekhe huye khelenge. Ab tak unhone jab bhi mujhe choda tha ya jab bhi maine chudwaya tha, hamesha ya to raat ko poori roshni me ya din ki roshni me. Chudai karte samay roshni aur ek dusre ko dekhna ham dono ko hi bahut pasand hai. Ham dono hi andhere me chodne aur chudwane ka naya anubhav karna...
Naku job vachina 2 months tarvata, ma peddamma daggarnundi oka cal peddamma pedda koduku ki engagement ani. ma peddamma ki iddaru kodukulu. Anish, Arjun.iddaru software engineers working in pune. Peddanna Anish gurinchi ekkuva teliyadu kani, chinnanna Arjun natho friendly gane undevadu chinnappati nundi. Naku job vachina vishayam vallaku cheppagane andaru happy ga feel ayyaru. maa anna engagement function ku rendu rojula mundu nenu na close friend Manisha, city nunchi bayaluderam....
Hey everyone, I am Arshaan haling from the southern part of India, young and athletic 25 years sporting a 6-inch cock. This is going to be the first of my many adventures. This story is split into 3 parts. Part 1 being the introduction, Part 2 being the action and Part 3 being the conclusion. All of my stories are true stories and there is no fiction involved. Now, let’s get started with part 1. This incident happened 6 years ago when I was pursuing my engineering degree in one of the most...
Hi na peru nandini…Andaru nandu ani pilustaru..Nakkuda alage pilipinchukovadam istam.. Idi konchem lengthy story but na jeevitam lo jarigina nijamaina sangatanulu. Na age 23.Ma intlo 5 members. Amma,nanna, tammudu, chelli and nenu. Amma house wife, nanna gold business. Tammudu, chelli studying still. Ha height 5.5, na size 34-25-35.Nenu present bangalore lo oka mnc lo panichestunnanu. Nenu putti perigindi antha madanpalle, tirupati. Nenu 2014 lo b.Tech tirupati lo complete chesanu, naku...
Hello dosto ye ,mera name sanjay hai umra 30 saal aur jo kahani main suna raha hun us samay meri umra 21 saal thi, aur main apni story sunata hun, ye baat 2002 ki hai mere ghar meri bua ki ladi aaye thi summer vecation main uski umra 18 saal uska figar 32-28-36 tha aur jyada smart to nahi thi per thi sexy aur bahut achhi thi jab bhi mere ghar aati thi to bahut khyaal rakhti thi sabka ishliye hum bhi usse bahut chahte the aur chuttiyon main usko ghar le aate the ,garmi main hum sabhi log chat...
A warm hug and love to all ISS readers. I am back with another of amazing experience of mine. Let me introduce myself first of all. I am Harman from Dehradun. I am aged 31 years. I have already posted many stories of mine and as always I would like to thank all of you for your feedback and comments. Especially would like to thank ladies who mailed me and trusted me. Believe me guys I have been able to have sex with 3 ladies only because of ISS. Thanks ISS for that. It’s such a wonderful...
First of all very big thanks to ISS. I have never expected such a overwhelming response for my previous from the readers. I thought girls, ladies and men reading the stories from this sites just for time pass, no I m wrong there really people who need help are also reading irrespective of age and gender. Great work from ISS and it really helps to express the sexual view, desires and solve problems. In my previous story I had mentioned that I am open to give sexual suggestions for the people who...
Name: Vandana Age: 26 Stats: 34-30-34 (Hourglass figure) Vandana woke up by the gentle kiss from her husband on her forehead. As she opened her eyes, her husband wished her, “Good morning,” She smiled at him with love in her eyes. It was the life she dreamt of, and she is happy with where she is now. A handsome husband and a happy family. She is a simple girl who studied hard to get a good job. She knows nothing other than working hard and being successful in life. As her husband left for...
The next day Vandana was curious about how they would fuck in the storeroom today. (If you haven’t read Part -1, please read it). As usual, she followed Sneha and started to watch what would happen today from the open window. As Sneha entered the room, she started to stretch her hands and legs and sat on the chair. Rishi came after some time and asked her what had happened. Sneha informed him how she was thrown out of the class by one of our professors. Rishi smiled and said not to worry. He...
Hello everyone. Myself Rachit. I am back with my second story on Indian sex stories and with a BANG. I hope you all will enjoy this and will leave comments on Now, without wasting time I will start with the story. There is a very religious and cultural family situated in Gurugram. Everyone respected the family very much. They own a big bungalow because of their high status and money. Yes. They are the Grovers. The family consisted of a grandfather (66), father(45), mother(40) and a...
IncestHello friends, en peyar Ashok ippozhuthu thaan vayathu 20 aagugirathu, naan diploma padithu varugiren. Naan padikum kalluriyil enaku nerungiya nanban oruvan irunthaan avan peyar arun, en vayathu thaan aagugirathu. Avan thangaiyudan eppadi kama thodarbu eer patathu enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil pagirugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Oru naal engal kalluriyil stirck seithu irunthaargal, appozhuthu enaku engu selvathu endru theriya villai. Athanaal en nanban veetirku andru sendru...
Rani – College ki chuttiyon mein woh apne town chali gayi thi. Garmi ka mausam tha aur Mumbai mein paseena bohot hi pareshaan karne wali chiz hai. Main kahin bahar se ghar aa raha tha aur maine dekha ki Rani wapas aagayi hai. Woh uske kisi dost ke saath meri apartment ke bedroom window ke paas wali garden seat par baithi hai. Iss baar Rani mein kuch alag dikha mujhe. Usne ek liraght pink color ki salwar kameez pehni thi. Garmi ka asar uspe bhi horaha tha aur woh bhi pasine se latpat thi. Maine...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hi to all friends mera naam Kisshu hai aur mai Ramgarh Cantt, Jharkhand ka rahne wala hu, mai lagbhag 5 month se ISS padh raha hu aur iska bahut bada fain hu ye ek bahut hi khubsurat plateform hai apni real story ko sabke sath share karne ka. Meri umra 26 saal hai aur mai graduate hu, hight 5.7″ aur weight 60 kg hai, body gym vest hai, mai jyada fair nhi hu but nain-naksh kafi achhe hain ab mai apni story pr aata hu ye story meri aur meri buwa ki ladki (sis) Sandhya ki hai, jo ki kaafi...
Hello everyone, Arshaan is back. Hope you guys enjoyed the first part of my . I had received many positive comments and would love to thank my readers. Read the first part here to know the entire storyline and enjoy the excitement. This story is split into 3 parts. Part 1 being the introduction, Part 2 being the action and Part 3 being the conclusion. All of my stories are true stories and there is no fiction involved. Now, let’s proceed with part 2. Time flew by whenever I was with my slutty...
For the last couple of weeks, something strange has been happening in our bedroom. My fat, the small cocked, lazy husband is getting unusually better at pleasuring me in the bed. The sex we had the other night was the best I ever had with him. The best! So much that the next afternoon when I was alone at home, I was thinking about my time with Ranbir. You’ll understand the importance of this once you know all the wild things I do with my other two husbands – my old but fit father Dharam and my...
IncestJeff, arriving home from school, found Isabel napping on the couch in the Family Room. Without waking her, he sat down to open the mail in the large over-stuffed chair nearby, affording him a view of his Grandmother’s thighs and the entrapped panties in the narrow crease between the opulent twin mounds of her bottom. She was facing the back of the couch with one leg pulled up and her short skirt hiked up over her hips. The position enhanced the beautiful curve of her hips so golden...
Hi this is Jose from Kerala and after writing my first story in ISS Love and Respect Leads to Sex) I got several responses from the readers some people asked about Reema some told me to write more about our relationship, some people asked whether I am having any other relationship like that. So I decided to answer all these questions through ISS. It was the first and last time with Reema, as I got a job in Mumbai after that incident also her husband now settled in Kerala. So this time I will...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Below a new set of real life stories about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda, nick name Peituda Safada.You can meet her at the strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba Brazil!Fernanda & Paulla entertaining a guy.I had sex 2 days ago with together another dancer from the club:An american guy wants see how 2 girls do lesbian sex.He orders us to put out all clothes, only we must wear our shoesAfter that we must kissing. He wants see how our tongue goes deep in each other mouth .We must play by...
Hi all, Raki again. Thanks for all your feedback.If you have not read my first part, please read it, else you will miss a nice background. Shall not give anymore background here, let me directly come to the story.. Rakesh was dreaming of fucking off his innocent sister like a slut. He wanted to fuck her ass in front of her mother in-law. Along with his sister, he wanted to seduce her MIL and fuck them both together. But all these were in his dream only, he was not that talented to plan...
IncestHi mera nam sandhya he. meri umar 24 sal ki he. me housewife hu. mere husband contacter he. me kafi paisevale amir ghar se hu. mere husband ka nam mehul sharma he. me unse kafi khush hu. wese mene apni verginity to college me hi gavadi thi. mehul muje satisfy bhi karte he sex me. uska lund 6 each ka he. me bhi kafi sexy hu. ham jaha jate he log muje ghurate rahte he. mere boobs bhi bade he 34 size ke. logo ki nigahe akshar uun par focus ho jati he. me bhi western cloth paherana jyada pasand...
Hi to all iss readers this is rehaan khan 4 u. Yeh kahani meri apni zindagi ki hai. Mujhe pata hai aap sochte honge ki maine apni story ka naam gaandu kyuon rakha, iska yahi jawaab hai ki mai paidaiysi gaandu hu isliye. Khair in baaton ko chotda hu aur apni kahani ya zindagi ke baare main sunata hu. Mera janam up ke meerut jile main hua tha.mera pita se meri maa ka bahoot jaldi hi taalak ho gaya tha aur main apni maa ke saath apne nani ke yaha rahta tha. Main bachpan se thoda dubla tha par pata...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...