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It's hard after the fact to be sure, because the memory is affected by everything else that happened. I think I expected something, or suspected something, but who could know? There was something about her, something more distant than the usual chasm, even with the little faux-sultry looks I was getting, and her use of "sweetie," and what seemed to be her almost uncontrollable laughter. Was the ground thawing at last? Judith was completely agreeable on everything, kidding about everything, laughing at everything, laughing at nothing at all. It was as though she'd suddenly feel a laugh come on and couldn't contain it, like a hiccup, looking sheepish at her newly-found hilarity, as though she were experiencing some new and overwhelming state that pulled her every way there is, so that she was forced to laugh at the idiocy of it all. And so she was.

Before she took her bath she pulled me to her and gave me a slow, sultry kiss full of lips and tongue and warm breaths, and she made a promise: "I have a surprise for you in bed." She chuckled as she walked to the bathroom.

And in bed? Here the facts are clear enough. Judith checked to make sure I was ready to accept the kind of promise a woman gives with lips and tongue and warm breaths, caressed me all the way from my balls to the tip of Big Ben, even pulled on me twice. I'm sure it was twice. Then she gave me a simple goodnight peck and, turned away, and as I was starting to protest at this playful promise break, she said in her most syrupy voice:

"I had sex with George Mathis this afternoon."

(What?) I said it milliseconds after I thought it.

"Well, I just thought you should know. Good night, sugar."

What kind of joke was this? I was sure I'd heard her right. I waited for a punch line, and when there wasn't one, I asked: "What are you talking about, Judy?"

"I told you." Her voice was still honey and cloves.

I turned on the light.

"Why are you saying that?"

"It's true."

"Sex? With George?"

"Well, what's good for the gander..."

"What in the world are you talking about?"

That's when the scene went from troubled dream to absolute nightmare. If it had been a movie, the light would have changed to something garish and eerie, and there would be strange, discordant music. Instead, it was just the two of us in our regular bed. Freddie Krueger didn't step into the scene. Everything was as ordinary as it could be except that Judith sat up and turned toward me, and her voice grew tight and thin and almost teary with anger. "I sucked him too! Do you want to know what he tastes like?"

Chew on that a while. I wasn't sure she'd actually done what she was saying, but I didn't know what to think any more than any other husband would. I had to ask one more time.

"Honey. I don't know what you're talking about. What's going on?"

"Don't you 'honey' me, you bastard! How much have you slept around? How many times have you done it? How many women have you done it with? Or have they been men? My God, you're gay! That explains it!"


"How could I have been so taken in by you? Am I that stupid?"


"And you know what else, you son-of-a-bitch? You went and got yourself infected with HIV! And now you've infected me!"


"Get out of my bed! Did you have to ruin my life? Wasn't cheating enough?" She was crying openly.

Nothing prepares you for something like that, does it? Could it? I'm not even sure what I thought at first. That she was crazy? That this was an over-the-top joke? That... what? I wasn't worried, or sad, or angry, not yet. I just didn't get it.

"Judy! What's going on? HIV? Sex with George? This doesn't make any sense!"

"Get out!"

I got off the bed.

"I don't have AIDS. I'm not gay. What are you talking about?" (Sex with George Mathis? Could she have done that? HIV? She couldn't have it. Could she?)

"I got tested today. The test was positive." She seemed to be trying to control herself.

"What? How? Why were you tested?"

"Because Dr. Schadenfreude thinks everyone should be, and he recommended it. So I got to find out that you infected me!"


"It was my regular visit! This morning! Damn it, you never pay attention to anything! All you can think about is screwing, isn't it? He has a fast test. And I'm HIV positive, you bastard! Get out! Get out! Get out!" Judith was shrill, screaming, red-faced, a banshee. I thought she was mad. Maybe I was right. I went as far as the door.

"What about George?"

"What about him?

"You sexed him? Did you really?"

"Yes. You're not the only person in this house who can get laid, you know!"

"With him?'

"Why not him? How many different ones did you do?"

"But why?"

"Get out of here!"

"There's one thing..." I had a thought. It seemed the only reasonable possibility.


"Listen first! Did it ever occur to you that your result could be a false positive?"

The tenor of the conversation changed right then. Judith stopped and looked at me for a second.

"Don't try that. You gave it to me. I've never, ever cheated!"

"Until today."

"Yes, you bastard! If I'm going to get sick because you've been screwing around, I might as well enjoy myself too!"

"Well, you didn't get it from me!"

"Are you saying you've never cheated?"

"I'm saying I'm not HIV positive. Damn it! I don't fool around." While she was thinking of how to answer, I thought again too: (George Fucking Mathis? That asshole?)

"Well, you can't get it from toilet seats, you know!" Judith doesn't do sarcasm well.

"But you can get a false positive from the test. Judy, shit! I did not infect you! Period! George Mathis?"

"I made him use a condom, which is more than you've apparently done!"

"When you gave him the blow job?"

"You can't get AIDS that way. So, yes, I sucked him, and he liked it. I swallowed it all. He really liked that and wants to get together again tomorrow. He wasn't even very clean!"

"It's not impossible to get it that way. Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus! If you're infected... but you're not because I'm not, and you've just done the stupidest thing imaginable."

"Me? I didn't infect my wife! You are an absolute bastard! You won't take responsibility even when it's obvious!"

Murky. It was murky, with strange, shifting tides of meaning. It was too much to comprehend. Any part of it could make sense. It would be bad, but it could make some sense. There was just too much, though. I had to get away from her and think. I had to get my head straight.

"Okay. Okay. This is what we're doing. We're going in to get tested together. Together! I'm going to call your doc first thing in the morning."

"And then you'll see the results of what you've done!"

She didn't sound completely convinced.

I lay awake most of the night. Judith was awake too. At one point I heard her moving around in the back of the house. I knew I couldn't be infected, could I? You can know, but you don't actually know, do you?

(Is it even possible? How could it have happened? What if she's actually got AIDS? Where else could she have gotten it? Could she be trying to shift the blame to me? Could she have become infected by another man—maybe George—and be trying to make me think I'm the cause? The best defense for her is always a good offense. Hell, she could have infected me! And she fucked and sucked George! It didn't take her any time at all. It must have been within a few hours of when she got the results. A person who could do that could do it with anyone.)

I spent most of my time thinking of Judith with George. No one could miss how he'd looked at her over the years, in the grocery, at parties, across the room. Not that he'd looked at her so much differently than he did other wives, but it was pretty obvious, and being obvious seemed to work for him. It got him divorced, and since then there had been a long string of women, most of them apparently married. Some of them had managed to save their marriages afterward.

I imagined Judith kneeling over George's penis. He'd held her head while she did it. I was certain of that. Judith would do the whole thing slowly, taking it deep and sucking especially hard as she pulled it out. How did she get George to use a condom? I'm sure he enjoyed her. I imagined him with a wide grin. Oh happiness, to have such a pleasant surprise come walking up to him! But maybe not such a surprise.

We didn't talk the next morning until Judith said, "I went on-line last night. The test is more than 99 percent accurate."

Shit. She didn't have a clue.

"But only half a percent of white women are infected. About half of all their positives are wrong! Didn't Schadenfreude say anything about that? That the fast test is just a screen?"

She stormed from the room, and we didn't talk again until it was time to go.

(So it's just a screen. So? It's still 99 percent accurate. What if Judith really is infected? What if I am? When did it happen? When for her? When for me? Could I have given it to her? How? It was impossible, wasn't it? Could I have got it from her? Questions, questions, questions.)

Then I thought again of George 's schlong and Judith's mouth. It almost pushed the thoughts of AIDS out of my head.


Dr. Schadenfreude was unctuous and non-judgmental and very careful not to be obvious that he thought I was at fault. "You probably know that almost all cases of infection come from mixing body fluids through unprotected intercourse or the sharing of intravenous needles." He seemed to fight a grin. I didn't want to be there. I could tell Judith was trying not to cry, and I felt sorry for her.

(She did George. She called him and went to him as soon as she found out, HIV thoughts swirling in her head, straight to the biggest horndog we know, to George, and she went right up to him and pushed her chest into his and looked him in the face and touched her tongue between her lips. That's how she'd do it. George would look her up one side and down the other, and fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck it all!)

I asked, "What's the likelihood of it being a false-positive?"

"There's always a chance. That's why we'll do a more definitive test." (Condescending bastard!)

Of course it would take several days to get the results.

Judith asked, "What do we do after we know for sure?"

"Well, let's not expect the worst. It isn't necessarily a death sentence anymore." Silence. "If the result is confirmative, I think you..." He moved a hand to indicate he meant both of us. "You need to..." he cleared his throat, "you need to alert anyone you may have been, ah, intimate with, or shared needles with, in the past decade. You should be compiling a list. Of course I would need to see it, and our office would contact the individuals. Very discreetly." Again he seemed almost gleeful.

I couldn't help it. "She's the one who needs to talk with sex partners."

I know I shouldn't have.

Judith gasped. It was the loudest thing I have ever heard. Her eyes grew round and she looked at the doctor, then at me.

"You SOB!" This was a hiss. "You cheating, lying, fornicator! You, who infected your own wife after screwing who knows how many people! You... bastard!"

"Please," said the doctor. "This isn't helpful." He touched the fingers of his two hands together in front of his chest and looked back and forth between us. "I know this is very difficult for both of you. We've found it can be helpful to have couples meet with a counselor, to work through the initial shock." This time he did smile.

"We won't need that," I said. I stood up, to be able to tower over Judith while I said it. "She wants a divorce and I'm perfectly happy with that." Then I stared down at her. "But I'm not moving from the house!" And I left.

We were moving carefully around each other. There had been no words at all from Judith when she got home. She'd been out for hours. Finally I stuck my head in the den and asked: "Been sucking George again?"

"Fuck you!"

"Mmm, good. Nothing like fresh cock..."

"Fuck you!"

"It's almost a meal in itself."

"Go do your boyfriends! I'll get you some grease!"

"Fuck you, you fucking bitch! You're the only one fucking anyone else!"

I got my jacket. As I opened the door she yelled, "Before you screw your boyfriends, be sure to warn them!"

"Fuck you!"

That day, and the next, and the next crept at their petty pace. I've talked with friends who got divorced. They had it a lot like us, though none of them faced the possibility of death. Were we going to die? That wasn't the worst thing — not right then. It was the awful problem of simply having to see each other, to acknowledge each other. At least I think it was like that with Judith. It was with me. The house was filled with frost, then suddenly we'd be excessively polite to each other. Did I want some of the leftover roast? "No. Thank you." At times I thought I couldn't breathe. I'm not being metaphorical. I couldn't. It was as though someone was squeezing me. I'd have to get outside, and then I'd go for long walks in the park, but I always came back. Where else was there to go? Whatever was, was, wherever I went.

I was ready to go to work before Judith woke up. I should have stayed in bed but I needed something to keep me occupied. I walked into the bedroom doorway, and when she saw me she stood still, a statue, her eyes looking god-awful, the eyes of someone else who had spent another night waiting for the world to end.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for what I said before." Judith stared. "It was cruel. And crude. Anyway, I'm sorry for that."

She turned her back and I went to work.

That evening the phone rang, but whoever called hung up when I answered. It did it again. The next time I grabbed it on the first ring. "Hello?" The result was the same. It rang again and I it go until Judith picked it up in the bedroom. Whoever it was didn't hang up on her.

I tiptoed down the hall as quickly as I could and stood just outside the door. She was trying to talk quietly, but she wasn't quiet enough. "No, he's still here... No!... Stop it, Mother!... Mother!... Because I'm not going to let him drive me out... I can stand it as long as he can... He can leave if he wants to... Mother!... Well just call my cell number next time..."

I went out onto the patio and stared at the evening clouds. They were peach and blue and white, and the edge of one glistened like gold leaf. You wouldn't know from them what was happening here, down below. The colors were gone long before Judith finished her conversation. Surely it hadn't taken that long to tell her mother her new theory, that I'd been getting some on the down low, and they probably shared what they'd heard on Oprah. I wondered how many people besides her mother she had told about the test. Good old queer Matt. I'm sure her family was all abuzz. I was certain she hadn't told anyone about George.

Once I had been the person Judith would whisper to over the phone.

She lived with two other girls and shared a bedroom. She told them to hold the living room phone while she ran back there, then to hang up.

"Where are you?"

"I'm sitting on the bed."

"What are you wearing?"


"Tell me."

"Shorts and a sweatshirt."

"Take off you're your shorts."

That's when Judith had begun whispering.

"I can't do that! Someone might come in!"

But she had wriggled out of them. It was the early days.

"Now touch yourself."


"Do it." She was silent. "Are you doing it?"

"Wait. Okay. Oh you're evil!"

"Are you touching yourself?"


"Now rub yourself. Do it slowly, all the way down and up."

"Okay. Uh! Okay. Uh! I'm doing it. Oh, Matt!"

There was a rustling and I heard muffled female voices. When Judith came back on she said: "Sharron almost caught me!"

"Start over."


"Do it." And she did.

"Oh! Okay. Oh! I'm doing it."

"Keep going." For a moment the only sound was Judith panting.

"I am. Oh! Matt, they'll catch me!"

"Do it faster."

"They'll hear me!"


"I am! Oh God!"


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A Fitting Mount A Fitting MountByRubberwolf Story Codes:? other/f, bd, nc, pony. Authors Comment Terry Pratchet, one of my favourite authors, once wrote of Discworld that it offered him a wide scope for storyline and characters.? Unlike other writers, if he wants to write a detective novel, a romance, a science fiction fantasy, or ghost story, all that he has do to is set it on the Disc. There he can introduce new characters, plots, or anything else, without alienating his loyal fan...

3 years ago
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My wifes first gangbang

Introduction: She was just supposed to go get laid by one stranger! To start off with I will tell you we are a married couple of 20 years and have been living this lifestyle for 19 years. I like to watch my wife Roxanne be with and fuck other men while I watch or alone and she can tell me about it when she gets home. This night Roxanne was going out by herself with the idea of finding some strange cock, and she did! She got all dressed up in black 5 high heel pumps, Cuban theigh high stockings...

4 years ago
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Runaway Pt 01

If only Josh could pass out. Or finish himself off already. I have to keep my breathing relaxed. Keep my eyes closed. Keep still in this obscene position he’s put me. Keep pretending I’m asleep. Ignore the shaking of the bed. Ignore his animalistic grunts. Ignore the sound of those fucking ice cubes, clinging against his empty glass to the rhythm of his jerking motions. I hope he doesn’t touch me tonight. I hope he doesn’t fuck me tonight. If only he could pass out. Or finish himself off...

1 year ago
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Curly watched his mother as she washed her cunt. He wanted to fuck her so badly that his dick burned. He had to have some relief. He wrapped his fist around his bulging rod and stroked it tenderly. He was careful to cup his hand so that the sensitive flesh of the of the dickhead was in constant contact with his palm. The pleasure was so intense that he thought he would pass out. His mother had no idea that he was spying on her. She had just been fucked by her boyfriend and her cunt was...

1 year ago
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The TiltTable

"You're going to have to move your legs apart a bit. The strap won't go around them if they are that close," Ethan informed me as he tightened the straps on my arms. I gritted my teeth and carefully shuffled my feet apart a few centimeters, trying to keep my knees firmly closed. It wouldn't have been a problem if, when Ethan had called me needing a guinea pig, he had informed me I would be taking part in his syncope experiment and would have to be strapped to his tilt-table. Woefully ignorant,...

Straight Sex
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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 5

I was surprised but moved over to let her join me. I put my arm around her. I quickly found out that she was naked! She rolled to me and I felt her breasts bore a pair of hot holes in my chest. She whispered, "I bet you didn't expect this!" I whispered back, "Not in my wildest dreams." She continued to whisper. "I don't want to do anything but I did want to sleep with you tonight. I want the comfort of your arms around me. You don't have to do anything but lay here and ignore me."...

1 year ago
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Watching the Boys Part 6

I laid there in the hot confines of the garage rafters recovering fromthe ejaculation I had while I watched Jamal and Jonny, a boy I'd fantasizedabout for so long, get fucked on the washing machine. And the worst partabout it is that the boy begged for Jamal to fuck him. My mind swirledwith the comments I heard during the fucking. Jamal was going to go afterBen! And his best friend Jonny was going to help him! I grabbed Bryan's suitcase, what I originally came up to get, anddropped it...

1 year ago
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Ryan Part Two

You can read part one of the story here.After they finished their drinks, they left to go to a club I presumed. This was a relief to me, as I had once again gone into my fantasy mind and had him naked in my arms. I finished up my drink and headed for the doorway, grabbing my coat from the back of my stool. That's when I saw Ryan walking out of the washroom. He hadn't gone with the rest of his friends. I blushed again...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 4 The New Cheerleader Coach

The next morning I awoke to the smell of coffee brewing and the sound of eggs frying. I sleepily made my way to the kitchen to find that Kim had gotten up early and was making me breakfast. She greeted me with a kiss and said "I thought I would surprise you with a thank you breakfast." I told her that kiss alone was thanks enough. I sat down to a meal of eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. After cleaning up the kitchen Kim and I went to the school to meet with the principal to discuss how...

1 year ago
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Treasured YouthChapter 4

As they had earlier, Lacey and Alyce walk hand-in-hand tot eh stairs. This time they are headed to Lacey’s bed and hopefully into a night of torrid sex. At the bottom of the stairs they pause and kiss again. Lacey considers dropping right there to her knees and eating out the girl, but she manages to summon the willpower to wait. She leads the teenager up the stairs and into her room where she then pulls the girl’s firm body against her. She feels Alyce’s young breasts press against her and...

1 year ago
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Moms Changes Scott Gwenn Mom and I revised

Note : This story is completely fictional! So here I am, 19, having been changed into my parent's little girl, since there can only be one man in the household according to Dad. I also have just found out about the block orgy practices that where occuring right under everyones noses. Talk about having a hard time walking around the area without getting hard. Almost impossible Well back to the story, I had been on my best behaviour for the party. I did a lot of observing and a little...

4 years ago
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Taken to Heart

Walking in the brisk morning air usually isn't my idea of a good time, but hey, it seems to do wonders for my hangovers. Or maybe I just like torturing myself sometimes, sue me. The air here certainly is clear and chilly though, I'll have to remember to thank the missus later for suggesting this particular corner of dimension DXI-2037A. The lack of sentient beings at this hour is nice as well. They really can be such a drag. I mean, who in their right mind wants to deal with the average...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Apni Padosan Tasneem Ki Chudai

Hello friend mera naam kamal he kamal rana dikne me kya kahu 6.1 feet ki height he mera manhood bhi thoda usi ke hisab se he lamba 7 inch ka or mota to puchhiye mat wese meri story sirf mera ek khayal he naki ek sachi kahani me abhibhi vigin hu ye to ho gayi meri baat ab mere khayalo ki story ko age badhate he, me jaha rehta hu usme 1 aurat rehti he tasneem ,dikhne me b utnihi apne naam jesi khoobsurat 36-28-38 ka figur uski ek adat he wo ratko sote waqt bra or penty nahi pehnati aur sirf...

1 year ago
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Too Perfect to Pass Up Chapter One

After things got serious between us, Julie and I talked about it, and decided to move in together. Things were going great, and then a few months later, Julia's ex husband called complaining about Sophie. She was beginning to get rebellious, and out of control. After a long talk, we all decided it was best if Sophie came to stay with us. Since I ran my own business from home, I would be willing and able to keep an eye on Sophie while Julia was on flights, and Julia could spend time bonding...

2 years ago
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Jakes Story Chapter 4

We got lucky with Nathan being in town but after that, we had to figure out what the next step was. She agreed with me that strangers were dangerous (although I agreed to let her have one every blue moon or so) and we needed to do some research when it came to websites and swingers clubs. We looked at everything, discussed our options, and then decided to pick one website and one club. It took us a few weeks to decide on a website and months to decide on a club as there are many here in Los...

1 year ago
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Jolene Ch 03

We lay in each other’s arms, legs entwined for a couple of hours. Jolene’s tears continued, and at times she sobbed uncontrollably. Little was said. When I questioned her, she refused to talk. I was confused and more moved by Jolene’s tears than anything else. Do I love her? What the fuck is love? Why is she crying? Questions begging answers swirled around my head. We still had Vaseline smeared on our body parts, so just when Jolene calmed down, I jumped up and pulled her off the bed onto her...

3 years ago
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A Fucking good time Chapter 1

She didn't know how it started, or how it would end, but one thing she did know was that she was fucking loving it. She couldn't count how many men were simply around her, how many hands gripped her soft, pink skin. Though, if she really focused, maybe she could count how many men were inside of her. She was glad her friends managed to convince her to come to this party, it was certainly the most fun she's had in awhile.She closed her eyes, focusing on the job at hand, and in her hands. Her...

Group Sex
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cum Stains

Malissa was an attractive 21 year old who lived at home with her mom, dad and 18 year old brother. Malissa had put clean sheets on her bed before she had gone away for a week with her mates, she had also put a pair of silk PJ's on the bed ready for when she returned. A week later she arrived home from her holiday to find the house empty she went to dump her bags in her room as she entered her room she noticed that her bed was unmade, on a closer look she saw lots of stains on the sheets she was...

1 year ago
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Sororal Twins 8 Picture Perfect Bride

Please read the other parts of this story first! Sororal Twins part 8: Picture perfect I wondered how many more surprises Jenny had in store for me. Amy started on some solo pictures of the bride alone. She took pictures from various different angles and used several different backgrounds. I moved from location to location and position to position as Amy requested. Jenny adjusted my train as I moved around. I really hoped that the pictures turned out. It would be nice to have...

1 year ago
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I Met A Hot Lady

Hello guys, here I came with the story of one hot lady who got fucked by me… So let me tell you about me height 5.8″ and dick size is 6″ and big… If any spelling mistake is there then please ignore it. You can mail me on for your feedback regarding my story… I am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net. So not wasting your time anymore I’ll go throw my story. Me Ahmedabad me rehta hu mere uncle ke sath ek din unke neighbor ghar pe aaye the kuch kaam ki wajah se husband and wife dono…...

3 years ago
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A Pound of FleshChapter 2

The next day, Nicky went to work as I had instructed him and officially resigned, giving them two weeks' notice (that way, if something happened to me, he'd still have good references). His supervisor was nice enough to count the day before to his credit despite him being ill and using it as a personal day, and he also permitted Nicky to use up some vacation time that he had accrued before coming back for the final week. This meant that Nicky would have some time to get his stuff moved out...

3 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMSun Tan Lotion

“Wow, you gave me goosebumps, sir” Charity smiled as she stood up and showed me the raised bumps on her arm by my overly enthusiastic command to present her ass to me. Lucy and Simon were putting on water-proof sunscreen and getting ready to get into the pool. We all knew how to swim, so the blow-up arm floaties were Lindsay’s little joke on me. I had a single goosebump of my own - the chub of my cock from hearing Charity tell me how she was willing to rub suntan all over my back. She...

2 years ago
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Jims WorldsChapter 11

There were no questions, so Doug went on to describe the training plan. This was divided equally between physical training and shipboard combat training. For the fun of it, the team decided to call themselves "The Enforcers." The Irzons quickly learned to stay well out of the way during an Enforcer training exercise. No Irzons were hurt, but several of the stubborn ones were embarrassed when they were zapped by the stun guns: the Irzons, too, had to change clothes after being...

2 years ago
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Horney Aunt Day 02

In the morning I felt something makes me happy. I thought it was a dream. I woke up. Then I saw my aunt sucking my cock. I was about to cum. I did it in her mouth. She sucked it all and looked at me. “good morning dear, do you like your morning blowjob?”. “yes I enjoyed it”. “great, lets go and have some breakfast”. I got off the bed and tried to walk to the bathroom. Suddenly I feel down. My legs were weak. I couldn't feel them. Aunt came to the bed room and helped me up. She said “you lost...

2 years ago
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Straight Boy Bottom

Chapter 1 - The First TimeIt was all my girlfriend's fault. Before all this I was a pretty normalguy. A little on the short side at 5'7", I had dark red hair and paleskin, and bright green eyes. I was an avid runner and swimmer and so had apretty lean cut body, which was naturally pretty smooth. My cock stands atabout 6" hard, and pretty thick.Like I said, pretty normal to look at, if on the attractive side. I gotdecent grades in school, and went to college. I dated girls, and fucked alot...

3 years ago
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Kiss and Make Up

I woke up slowly and carefully untangled myself from the arms of my fellow concubines. I saw Brandy smile at me and tried to apologize to her. She continued to smile at me and said, "Frances I needed to be spanked. I'm truly beginning to understand what James meant about the hazards of being a sponsor. Even though I started out as a concubine I still find it easy to forget that you're people too." I kissed Brandy softly and said, "I don't care what you think you needed. I don't feel...

3 years ago
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Office Surprise

Joyce's assistant Loren informed Joyce that her manager Marion was waiting in her office. Marion, as usual, was dressed in an immaculate business suit. Her starched white blouse did little to conceal her magnificent 38D breasts that were held firm in her black Angels by Victoria's Secret bra. Her black skirt was cut inches above her knee showing her long and very sexy nylon clad legs. Being a Monday Marion preferred pantyhose rather than her normal stockings. Her precious love nest...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 173

Arthur and Wilma Jackson stood in the hallway for a second as the faint but distinctive sounds of the bridal march reached their ears. "Oh, crap," Arthur said as he looked at his watch, "I didn't realize it was this late. Where did the afternoon go?" "Maybe we can sneak out..." Wilma started before she remembered where they had left their vehicle. My husband seems like a new man. When we came up here, he certainly could not have walked back to our car, but he screwed me until I'm...

3 years ago
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Mountain Getaway Part 2 Midnight Visitor

The restaurant at the resort was romantic and rustic, providing a picturesque view of the mountain. Matt and Lucy were seated at a table bordered on one side by floor-to-ceiling windows with a view of the snow-covered mountain, trees lining the slopes, framed by a full moon and starlit night sky. On the other side of the table was a fireplace full of logs warming the restaurant balcony.Dinner was intimate. Lucy had sea bass accompanied by asparagus and a bed of orzo, while Matt had a venison...

2 years ago
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A Study in ScarletChapter 3

Three months had passed since John Watson moved out of their home. He had instituted divorce proceedings as he had promised and now Esther was fighting it tooth and nail, despite his warning that he would expose her infidelity with Moriarty. John discovered something about himself during this time period. He found that he just couldn't air their dirty laundry, for whatever reason. Was it because of the humiliation he would suffer, or was it that he just didn't want to smear or abase his...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Awakenings of Teenage Private Schoolgirls Part 2

Dinner with the Barkers that night was a little awkward for Kelly. She had just had oral sex and then showered with Mr Barker, her best friend Sarah's Dad. It was not something you just blurt out. Especially when Sarah's mother is away with work. If they found out, what would they think of her? Would they tell her parents? Kelly was wondering what Sarah’s surprise had been. Had she set it up for Kelly to lose her virginity to her father? Kelly had only sucked and stroked his cock. She thought...

4 years ago
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Greek Gods Zeus and Hera

Zeus had chosen his bride. The only thing was, his bride was having absolutely nothing to do with him... impetuous Goddess. Hadn't he been the only God to be able to stand against their father Cronus? Hadn't he, in fact, rescued her from the belly of their father? Wasn't he the strongest and most brilliant of all the Gods ruling on Mount Olympus?Slowly his anger turned to amusement and pleasure though; for the fact that Hera still refused to wed him despite all these things was why he loved...

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