Runaway TrainChapter 26
- 3 years ago
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It's hard after the fact to be sure, because the memory is affected by everything else that happened. I think I expected something, or suspected something, but who could know? There was something about her, something more distant than the usual chasm, even with the little faux-sultry looks I was getting, and her use of "sweetie," and what seemed to be her almost uncontrollable laughter. Was the ground thawing at last? Judith was completely agreeable on everything, kidding about everything, laughing at everything, laughing at nothing at all. It was as though she'd suddenly feel a laugh come on and couldn't contain it, like a hiccup, looking sheepish at her newly-found hilarity, as though she were experiencing some new and overwhelming state that pulled her every way there is, so that she was forced to laugh at the idiocy of it all. And so she was.
Before she took her bath she pulled me to her and gave me a slow, sultry kiss full of lips and tongue and warm breaths, and she made a promise: "I have a surprise for you in bed." She chuckled as she walked to the bathroom.
And in bed? Here the facts are clear enough. Judith checked to make sure I was ready to accept the kind of promise a woman gives with lips and tongue and warm breaths, caressed me all the way from my balls to the tip of Big Ben, even pulled on me twice. I'm sure it was twice. Then she gave me a simple goodnight peck and, turned away, and as I was starting to protest at this playful promise break, she said in her most syrupy voice:
"I had sex with George Mathis this afternoon."
(What?) I said it milliseconds after I thought it.
"Well, I just thought you should know. Good night, sugar."
What kind of joke was this? I was sure I'd heard her right. I waited for a punch line, and when there wasn't one, I asked: "What are you talking about, Judy?"
"I told you." Her voice was still honey and cloves.
I turned on the light.
"Why are you saying that?"
"It's true."
"Sex? With George?"
"Well, what's good for the gander..."
"What in the world are you talking about?"
That's when the scene went from troubled dream to absolute nightmare. If it had been a movie, the light would have changed to something garish and eerie, and there would be strange, discordant music. Instead, it was just the two of us in our regular bed. Freddie Krueger didn't step into the scene. Everything was as ordinary as it could be except that Judith sat up and turned toward me, and her voice grew tight and thin and almost teary with anger. "I sucked him too! Do you want to know what he tastes like?"
Chew on that a while. I wasn't sure she'd actually done what she was saying, but I didn't know what to think any more than any other husband would. I had to ask one more time.
"Honey. I don't know what you're talking about. What's going on?"
"Don't you 'honey' me, you bastard! How much have you slept around? How many times have you done it? How many women have you done it with? Or have they been men? My God, you're gay! That explains it!"
"How could I have been so taken in by you? Am I that stupid?"
"And you know what else, you son-of-a-bitch? You went and got yourself infected with HIV! And now you've infected me!"
"Get out of my bed! Did you have to ruin my life? Wasn't cheating enough?" She was crying openly.
Nothing prepares you for something like that, does it? Could it? I'm not even sure what I thought at first. That she was crazy? That this was an over-the-top joke? That... what? I wasn't worried, or sad, or angry, not yet. I just didn't get it.
"Judy! What's going on? HIV? Sex with George? This doesn't make any sense!"
"Get out!"
I got off the bed.
"I don't have AIDS. I'm not gay. What are you talking about?" (Sex with George Mathis? Could she have done that? HIV? She couldn't have it. Could she?)
"I got tested today. The test was positive." She seemed to be trying to control herself.
"What? How? Why were you tested?"
"Because Dr. Schadenfreude thinks everyone should be, and he recommended it. So I got to find out that you infected me!"
"It was my regular visit! This morning! Damn it, you never pay attention to anything! All you can think about is screwing, isn't it? He has a fast test. And I'm HIV positive, you bastard! Get out! Get out! Get out!" Judith was shrill, screaming, red-faced, a banshee. I thought she was mad. Maybe I was right. I went as far as the door.
"What about George?"
"What about him?
"You sexed him? Did you really?"
"Yes. You're not the only person in this house who can get laid, you know!"
"With him?'
"Why not him? How many different ones did you do?"
"But why?"
"Get out of here!"
"There's one thing..." I had a thought. It seemed the only reasonable possibility.
"Listen first! Did it ever occur to you that your result could be a false positive?"
The tenor of the conversation changed right then. Judith stopped and looked at me for a second.
"Don't try that. You gave it to me. I've never, ever cheated!"
"Until today."
"Yes, you bastard! If I'm going to get sick because you've been screwing around, I might as well enjoy myself too!"
"Well, you didn't get it from me!"
"Are you saying you've never cheated?"
"I'm saying I'm not HIV positive. Damn it! I don't fool around." While she was thinking of how to answer, I thought again too: (George Fucking Mathis? That asshole?)
"Well, you can't get it from toilet seats, you know!" Judith doesn't do sarcasm well.
"But you can get a false positive from the test. Judy, shit! I did not infect you! Period! George Mathis?"
"I made him use a condom, which is more than you've apparently done!"
"When you gave him the blow job?"
"You can't get AIDS that way. So, yes, I sucked him, and he liked it. I swallowed it all. He really liked that and wants to get together again tomorrow. He wasn't even very clean!"
"It's not impossible to get it that way. Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus! If you're infected... but you're not because I'm not, and you've just done the stupidest thing imaginable."
"Me? I didn't infect my wife! You are an absolute bastard! You won't take responsibility even when it's obvious!"
Murky. It was murky, with strange, shifting tides of meaning. It was too much to comprehend. Any part of it could make sense. It would be bad, but it could make some sense. There was just too much, though. I had to get away from her and think. I had to get my head straight.
"Okay. Okay. This is what we're doing. We're going in to get tested together. Together! I'm going to call your doc first thing in the morning."
"And then you'll see the results of what you've done!"
She didn't sound completely convinced.
I lay awake most of the night. Judith was awake too. At one point I heard her moving around in the back of the house. I knew I couldn't be infected, could I? You can know, but you don't actually know, do you?
(Is it even possible? How could it have happened? What if she's actually got AIDS? Where else could she have gotten it? Could she be trying to shift the blame to me? Could she have become infected by another man—maybe George—and be trying to make me think I'm the cause? The best defense for her is always a good offense. Hell, she could have infected me! And she fucked and sucked George! It didn't take her any time at all. It must have been within a few hours of when she got the results. A person who could do that could do it with anyone.)
I spent most of my time thinking of Judith with George. No one could miss how he'd looked at her over the years, in the grocery, at parties, across the room. Not that he'd looked at her so much differently than he did other wives, but it was pretty obvious, and being obvious seemed to work for him. It got him divorced, and since then there had been a long string of women, most of them apparently married. Some of them had managed to save their marriages afterward.
I imagined Judith kneeling over George's penis. He'd held her head while she did it. I was certain of that. Judith would do the whole thing slowly, taking it deep and sucking especially hard as she pulled it out. How did she get George to use a condom? I'm sure he enjoyed her. I imagined him with a wide grin. Oh happiness, to have such a pleasant surprise come walking up to him! But maybe not such a surprise.
We didn't talk the next morning until Judith said, "I went on-line last night. The test is more than 99 percent accurate."
Shit. She didn't have a clue.
"But only half a percent of white women are infected. About half of all their positives are wrong! Didn't Schadenfreude say anything about that? That the fast test is just a screen?"
She stormed from the room, and we didn't talk again until it was time to go.
(So it's just a screen. So? It's still 99 percent accurate. What if Judith really is infected? What if I am? When did it happen? When for her? When for me? Could I have given it to her? How? It was impossible, wasn't it? Could I have got it from her? Questions, questions, questions.)
Then I thought again of George 's schlong and Judith's mouth. It almost pushed the thoughts of AIDS out of my head.
Dr. Schadenfreude was unctuous and non-judgmental and very careful not to be obvious that he thought I was at fault. "You probably know that almost all cases of infection come from mixing body fluids through unprotected intercourse or the sharing of intravenous needles." He seemed to fight a grin. I didn't want to be there. I could tell Judith was trying not to cry, and I felt sorry for her.
(She did George. She called him and went to him as soon as she found out, HIV thoughts swirling in her head, straight to the biggest horndog we know, to George, and she went right up to him and pushed her chest into his and looked him in the face and touched her tongue between her lips. That's how she'd do it. George would look her up one side and down the other, and fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck it all!)
I asked, "What's the likelihood of it being a false-positive?"
"There's always a chance. That's why we'll do a more definitive test." (Condescending bastard!)
Of course it would take several days to get the results.
Judith asked, "What do we do after we know for sure?"
"Well, let's not expect the worst. It isn't necessarily a death sentence anymore." Silence. "If the result is confirmative, I think you..." He moved a hand to indicate he meant both of us. "You need to..." he cleared his throat, "you need to alert anyone you may have been, ah, intimate with, or shared needles with, in the past decade. You should be compiling a list. Of course I would need to see it, and our office would contact the individuals. Very discreetly." Again he seemed almost gleeful.
I couldn't help it. "She's the one who needs to talk with sex partners."
I know I shouldn't have.
Judith gasped. It was the loudest thing I have ever heard. Her eyes grew round and she looked at the doctor, then at me.
"You SOB!" This was a hiss. "You cheating, lying, fornicator! You, who infected your own wife after screwing who knows how many people! You... bastard!"
"Please," said the doctor. "This isn't helpful." He touched the fingers of his two hands together in front of his chest and looked back and forth between us. "I know this is very difficult for both of you. We've found it can be helpful to have couples meet with a counselor, to work through the initial shock." This time he did smile.
"We won't need that," I said. I stood up, to be able to tower over Judith while I said it. "She wants a divorce and I'm perfectly happy with that." Then I stared down at her. "But I'm not moving from the house!" And I left.
We were moving carefully around each other. There had been no words at all from Judith when she got home. She'd been out for hours. Finally I stuck my head in the den and asked: "Been sucking George again?"
"Fuck you!"
"Mmm, good. Nothing like fresh cock..."
"Fuck you!"
"It's almost a meal in itself."
"Go do your boyfriends! I'll get you some grease!"
"Fuck you, you fucking bitch! You're the only one fucking anyone else!"
I got my jacket. As I opened the door she yelled, "Before you screw your boyfriends, be sure to warn them!"
"Fuck you!"
That day, and the next, and the next crept at their petty pace. I've talked with friends who got divorced. They had it a lot like us, though none of them faced the possibility of death. Were we going to die? That wasn't the worst thing — not right then. It was the awful problem of simply having to see each other, to acknowledge each other. At least I think it was like that with Judith. It was with me. The house was filled with frost, then suddenly we'd be excessively polite to each other. Did I want some of the leftover roast? "No. Thank you." At times I thought I couldn't breathe. I'm not being metaphorical. I couldn't. It was as though someone was squeezing me. I'd have to get outside, and then I'd go for long walks in the park, but I always came back. Where else was there to go? Whatever was, was, wherever I went.
I was ready to go to work before Judith woke up. I should have stayed in bed but I needed something to keep me occupied. I walked into the bedroom doorway, and when she saw me she stood still, a statue, her eyes looking god-awful, the eyes of someone else who had spent another night waiting for the world to end.
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for what I said before." Judith stared. "It was cruel. And crude. Anyway, I'm sorry for that."
She turned her back and I went to work.
That evening the phone rang, but whoever called hung up when I answered. It did it again. The next time I grabbed it on the first ring. "Hello?" The result was the same. It rang again and I it go until Judith picked it up in the bedroom. Whoever it was didn't hang up on her.
I tiptoed down the hall as quickly as I could and stood just outside the door. She was trying to talk quietly, but she wasn't quiet enough. "No, he's still here... No!... Stop it, Mother!... Mother!... Because I'm not going to let him drive me out... I can stand it as long as he can... He can leave if he wants to... Mother!... Well just call my cell number next time..."
I went out onto the patio and stared at the evening clouds. They were peach and blue and white, and the edge of one glistened like gold leaf. You wouldn't know from them what was happening here, down below. The colors were gone long before Judith finished her conversation. Surely it hadn't taken that long to tell her mother her new theory, that I'd been getting some on the down low, and they probably shared what they'd heard on Oprah. I wondered how many people besides her mother she had told about the test. Good old queer Matt. I'm sure her family was all abuzz. I was certain she hadn't told anyone about George.
Once I had been the person Judith would whisper to over the phone.
She lived with two other girls and shared a bedroom. She told them to hold the living room phone while she ran back there, then to hang up.
"Where are you?"
"I'm sitting on the bed."
"What are you wearing?"
"Tell me."
"Shorts and a sweatshirt."
"Take off you're your shorts."
That's when Judith had begun whispering.
"I can't do that! Someone might come in!"
But she had wriggled out of them. It was the early days.
"Now touch yourself."
"Do it." She was silent. "Are you doing it?"
"Wait. Okay. Oh you're evil!"
"Are you touching yourself?"
"Now rub yourself. Do it slowly, all the way down and up."
"Okay. Uh! Okay. Uh! I'm doing it. Oh, Matt!"
There was a rustling and I heard muffled female voices. When Judith came back on she said: "Sharron almost caught me!"
"Start over."
"Do it." And she did.
"Oh! Okay. Oh! I'm doing it."
"Keep going." For a moment the only sound was Judith panting.
"I am. Oh! Matt, they'll catch me!"
"Do it faster."
"They'll hear me!"
"I am! Oh God!"
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xmoviesforyouAs a recap, My wife and I had decided to add another man to our sex life. We went about it by planning a seduction of a friend, John. The seduction succeded. John fucked Carol while I watched. We were all pleased with ourselves.John had just fucked Carol for the first time while I watched in lust.He collapsed on top of Carol. They were both glowing and panting. Carol wrapped her arms around John and trembled with her orgasm. Her hips were still humping. They shared a tender kiss. Carol...
Wife LoversI wanted to meet you after your first message on x hamster- I have an unwrapped diamond ? stud collar waiting for the likes of you! You had me at 'lady in the streets' part.... Icing on the cake was take home to momma!! Let's chat! It was such an intellectual/emotional turn-on that you watched my whole profile video, and my pussy gushed a little at Your mention of collar. Could I have met a kindred spirit? My soul mate, so to speak? I seldom respond to messages, there are so many given my...
The Seduction of Arbione This story is a tribute to a young beauty who desires to know the true touch of a gentleman….. --------------------- I do not usually kiss and tell, but Arbione is a special case. She contacted me not long ago. She had been reading my stories. She said she wanted to feel the touch of an older man who understood what it took to make a woman feel like a woman. When she said that she was 26 and had only touched a single cock in her life once, I smiled. She said it was...
"This is the life," Peggy said. "They should've started this program a long tome ago. It's a hell of a lot more fun stretched out here in the sun than it would be sitting in a classroom, huh?" "It sure is," Betty said. "I'm also glad that Julie and Kathy joined the damn thing. It's a good thing she lives on a farm and can give us some pointers. That Mister Anderson's a beautiful hunk of man, but he's even dumber than I am when it comes to animals and farming." "It's too bad...
Cindy and I met while we were both working for a small company just a couple of years out of college. She was a cute little brunette, about 5’5”, with a tight body. She had B-cup breasts and a nice little bubble butt. I was smitten quickly. Our relationship started slow, but once it got physical, it was fast and furious. We both really enjoyed sex and, although we considered ourselves open-minded, we did not push the limits of our physical relationship. We had vaginal and oral sex several...
I had a bad cold. It was just before Thanksgiving. Wearinga heavy brown flannel robe, I sat up against the headboard asMartha Jane settled near me on the bed and sat Indian-stlye. Inher hand she had a bottle of green cough syrup, a bottle of codliver oil, and a bottle of ear drops. "Okay, hon, time for dessert." "That's not dessert," I complained. "This is dessert for sick folks." She shimmied her hips intothe mattress to get comfy. "Now, let's see, what does thissay...?" She examined the label...
Hi guys and girls this Yogita again. Thanks a lot for your feedback for my earlier story. My inbox got flooded with mails. I am thankful for all those love shown by readers. Due to lot of mails I may have missed some to reply, extremely sorry for that. I kindly request readers to read my earlier story to understand the back ground. Now moving with the story. The story I am sharing is 100% true. When I wake up it was already 6 pm, I went in front of mirror and had look at my naked body and...
Sneak Peak- By Brittney Little My friend Stacy had won tickets to a sneak peak of a movie premiere. I say, "my friend", but really I was her next door neighbor for most of my life until my family moved to the other side of the city about 45 minutes away so Dad could be closer to work. My name is Chris. I'm eighteen and so is Stacy. I wasn't boyfriend material for her, but truth be told I would like to have been. Stacy lived at home alone with her Mom. She was out of my league....
MMF, white guy with same build as me (Body builder) and same dick size as me (8.5"), shaved body hair and shaved junk.We would all meet at a hotel. Go to a non-crowded bar so we could have a few drinks and be able to talk before heading back to the room. We would all take showers and dry off. I would have you lay on the bed on your back while the other guy and I lay on either side of you and rub your legs and tits. We would then kiss around your chest and each grab a breast and start...
Bethany had never felt as innocent and pure as the night she sat in a circle with her girlfriends taking the Are YOU a Good Bad Girl? quiz. Allison Sweets had found the quiz online and read the questions and multiple choice answers out loud. The quartet of girls howled with laughter as they worked through the quiz. "Question #3: You're on a first date with that cute guy you've lusted over for months. You know the one, the guy with the big package inside the front of his pants. You have one...
417 FINDING MY MUM Now I need to tell you my name is Wooster, not Berty from the book, but Tim, Tim Wooster, my body is large, and my friends call me “big Woose” for some reason and Freddy my mate refers to me a Forrest Gump though I don’t understand that either. My mother when I was born 18 years back, had to have me adopted as she, being so young could not cope with a c***d at that time, so I have been searching for her for some time. Anyway, I had one of those “genes recalled” efforts for...
I am happily married to Priya and get the love of both my wife and her mother Raji. People say if your Dad is poor then it is fate but if your Father in law is poor then you are stupid. I will say if your mom is not a MILF then it is fate but you should really choose your MIL intelligently. First of all young girls look attractive mostly but you do not know how they will will as they get older. Just look at their mothers and yu will get an idea of how they will be when they get older. After my...
My hubby got me going so maybe when I get out of my hospital bed I,ll treat him to one of my Sarah Special Blow Jobs to celebrate as he must be bursting for a release after four months without a blow job. He hasn,t had my pussy in years as I no longer have any desire for Fuckng, but now and then feel sorry for him and suck him to keep him going. As you know I confess to having sucked about half a dozen guys off even before I met hubby Joe. He loved it when I sucked him off and swallowed his...
ANITOLE’S 1001 ARABIAN NIGHTS THE CAVE OF WONDERS To find the cave of wonders One must wander far and wide, Until they know the world afar And foretell the winds and tide. In gaining knowledge of this art, A true love you’ll acquire, And if purity of heart sustained you, Then your journey can transpire. Travel through the world you know Until the landmarks shift, Loose yourself in desert sands Until they form a rift, Beneath which lies the cave or wonders Where only sure shall...
John was my best friend. When Sam and I broke up, it was John who came by and consoled me.I have known John since middle school. We tried to date each other off and on in high school, but it just wasn’t meant to be. After high school, we lost contact for a few years while we each went our separate ways.John, I later learned, had dated several girls and even proposed to one, but the relationship fell apart as they got closer to the wedding date. According to John, they argued incessantly about...
Love StoriesMEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.Letter the First - Part 4To this purpose were the reflections of the whole day, of which every minute seemed to me a little eternity. How often did I visit the clock! nay, was tempted to advance the tedious hand, as if that would have advanced the time with it! Had those of the house had the least observations on me, they must have remarked something extraordinary from the discomposure I could not help betraying; especially when at dinner mention was made of the...
Hello dosto… me aasu aap sabko pranam karta hu, pehle aap mere aasu se neeru bana part 1, 2 n 3 padhe he, me aapko mere ware me phir se bata du me 21 saal ka odisha ke rehne wala hu, mujhe cross dressing me bada maza aata he, aur jinke ware me me batane jaa raha hu wo basu he, west bengal se, age 29, kaafi gore aur mascular he. wo mere ye story padhake mujhe mail kiye phir aage ki ghatna me aapko bata hi deta hu, agar aapko mere ye sachi ghatna pasand aaye to aap log mujhe pe mail kar sakte...
Continued from Part 2They all agreed that there were no rules and Clive went to get some dice, the girls sat on the sofa in anticipation wondering how the game would go, they had never played it before but all agreed it would be a laugh.Clive returned with the dice and gave one to each of the girls, “OK, let’s do this” Clive said and they all threw a dice. Amber was lowest and Clive was highest “Truth or Dare Daddy?” Amber asked. “Truth” Clive responded, Amber thought for a moment and then...
"Mum, where the hell did that come from?" I could hardly see her through my tears of laughter, it was the most remarkable thing I'd ever seen her do! She was still shaking with laughter too, rocking back in her chair and lifting her knees up under her chin to hug herself. "For God's sake mum" I laughed, "Will you please stop flashing your pussy at me!" "Yup no problem" she said and sat upright, knees together with her hands folded demurely in her lap. "Is that better?" she...
True story...This happened a few years ago and the story still excites me. My wife was out of town for business and she was feeling good about her independence. She had been chatting and texting some guys that she had met online previously. For over a year she had her eye on this hot hung italian guy but the kept missing connections, as life got in the way. While away from home for work, she was often surrounded by several male co-workers. There were a few that made comments about her big boobs...
Mera naam raman hain aur mein delhi mein rehta hoon .mein ek gigolo hoon. Mere gigolo ban ne ki kahani bahut lambi hain.meri apni mummy aur badi massi ne mujhe gigolo banaya hain.yeh kahani bahut lambi hain is liye mein ise kai part mein likh raha hoon pehla part yeh hain.meri yeh kahaani tab ki hain jab mein 18 saal ka tha aur 12th mein padta tha.meri behan ki umar 19 saal kit hi .mein kahani shuru karta hoon. Mere papa ki umar 42 saal aur mummy ki umar 36 saal ki thi .papa mummy ki hamesh...
I needed to know, was last night real? Had I dreamt all of it? God what a wonderful dream that would have been, what a beautiful fantasy. Before fourth period I walked out into the courtyard, knowing he'd be there. My eyes scanned the many faces enjoying there lunch period. There he was, Tyler was standing with a small group of friends laughing. I smiled as my heart jumped to life. I started over to him as he turned towards me a huge smile appeared on his face. He held his arms out for a hug,...
Love StoriesThen she became aware of the white walls closed in around her. Her arms instinctively shot forward, but were quickly yanked to a stop by the shackles around her wrists. The woman gasped as a spike of fear struck her. She realized she was restrained in strange room, being held in a pod. Her dark brown eyes darted frantically around her, scanning the claustrophobic pod and the room beyond. There was little to see beyond the bright lights that hurt her eyes. Then Catalina tried to remember how...
One night my wife and I where setting watching the TV when out of the blue I asked her if she ever thought of fucking some else. She looked at me for a minute and said where did that come from? I said well you are a hot sexy little gal and I know you have to get hit on alot. She is five foot four , one hundred pounds and thirty four B tits. Her hair is a dirty blonde but she bleaches it lighter and she has beautiful blue eyes. Her legs are what trapped me , she has the sexiest legs I've ever...
--- In Plain Sight: An Escort’s Story – Part 3 --- At this point in the day I can honestly say that I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel about everything that had happened. Let me explain. I had been yelled at by my boss. I had walked in the scorching heat only to get to the owner of the ice cream parlor’s house and see him standing naked on the deck. I was then invited into his house and shown a video of me giving a blowjob to his son, my boss at the ice cream parlor and accepting money...
Oral SexMay 14, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Start talking!” Melanie demanded when I sat down in her office about an hour later. “There isn’t much to say. Katya found the information for me when I asked her to look into several things about Brandon Littleton, Kevin Lomax, and John Milton.” “Do you know more about him?” “A LOT more. I don’t think you want to know.” “Probably not, but I’m your criminal defense attorney, and even though San Antonio doesn’t have you involved in this, you know the CPD...
Now that Quick had engaged me for his 'auto'biography, The Handyman's attitude swung between enthusiasm because his own standing would benefit if the book was a success, and worry that he would be blamed if it was not. Up to now he had been called on as a chauffeur or as a troubleshooter when physical toughness, or the threat of it, was needed. Now he was expected to provide quite different services he was struggling. He had no experience of books, publishing, or management. So far his...