Shayna s Wild WeekendChapter 3 Saturday
- 3 years ago
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I looked at this since I was cast into the highlands. This was a great defensive weapon but I could not see how to use it. There were a lot of unknowns in this situation but the computer entities did not mind. It gave them something to do. One fact was made very evident, the mental powers had to be explored even more. This meant that sixth dimension and possibly others were behind all of these phenomena.
Erica was usually near to me and said verbally, "There are still some Wikki that would like to see us shackled to a factory floor so we could work for them."
"That is what I had to fight. Perhaps New Leaf will put a stop to that kind of thinking. The kids looked to be happy. I don't think they worried."
"Oh, they didn't. They liked the idea of going into the wild the way you did. They had to be taught how to survive and they even managed to go to some of their mother's villages to learn a bit more. This lasted a week then they came back and worked on making crystals once more. This did very good for your plans because a lot of youngsters want to come here to learn or possibly be with our kids."
"I heard that the Wikki stopped working on the ship during New Leaf's absence. I want to get them back to work."
"They probably will since New Leaf looks so happy. Are we going to be turned into mercenaries now?"
I said, "I want some of that experience the same as the Tomma and the Aristis love to get but I want to protect both of our worlds and assist the Wikki too. They need allies and we need them even more. Do you think the Tomma will object to fighting from ships?"
"I don't think so. Perhaps it has to be how they are approached. They may do much better with their own ships."
"I was thinking about that too. Tomma lead and crewed ships are our best option until we can get more humans into space."
"I am afraid of them getting a toehold in. Our children do very well only because of the computer monitoring and the fact that most of the rest are at least half Tomma blood."
"The ones on earth have few Tomma with them and perhaps we have to go back and show the flag so to speak. I hear that the humans are up to their old tricks again."
Erica said, "Can you blame them? Somebody shows up with all they need to know to gain the galaxy. They will try everything they can to get a piece of it."
"We can draw mercenaries from there too I think."
"You are going to have to watch them closely."
"Perhaps that is your job."
"You have a lot of responsibilities but I have many more. Betts can work with you too."
"I don't know if I can do that."
Two hours later the party got into gear. The wise men from all over had come and were now talking about what they knew of the All Mother's manifestation. The Wikki had been basically rendered unconscious apart from those that had been killed outright in the queen's chambers. Ships that came to the planet all used computers to control them. The All Mother took over the computers and sent the ships elsewhere.
The Wikki in the ships were justifiably upset and were going to go to war but there was nobody they could fight. Grotto had risen in stature by taking the All Mother's side. He had stuck his neck out a considerable amount and I was going to make sure he got something for it.
I was fully integrated once more with my computers and found that I had been subtly manipulated so that I avoided the Tomma villages. The villagers were told by the All Mother to avoid us too.
The Wikki came in mass now to the city. We provided natural food whenever possible. Chocolate was very plentiful. The Wikki were used to the synthetic variety but now we provided meat that would be eaten raw the way their queen ate it. Some was cooked over coals and this was appreciated by everybody.
New Leaf came down with twenty guards but they were told to keep their distance and let her mingle. She met my mates and my children and seemed to take pleasure in seeing them. The girls talked quickly to her and they seemed to be able to shut me out of their conversations.
New Leaf met many more Tomma, and the few humans then even met some of the Aristis including my mates and children. Vos and her sibs had grown a lot more in my absence and could now speak though they were like the children they actually were. Usually the Wikki young were not able to do this as soon as the ones I sponsored.
We all sampled food and met people. The wise men were being courted by the queen to find out what they knew. I did not think anybody was holding back but the wise men were basically simple folk that still saw the All Mother as a religious deity.
New Leaf was introduced to Wyatt later. She walked inside the structure but the crystals and substrate were hidden away behind the walls. New Leaf had a very good mind and an auxiliary computer in it. She asked a great many questions of Wyatt and he had no difficulty giving her an in-depth synopses of what she had asked.
The plans we had given the Wikki had been used to build. She saw the tools we made. It was her own people the had mainly done the tests. Our children had gone out of their way to supply the Wikki with material to test.
Grotto had a small ship that nestled inside his own ship. We had more time to work on the data the Wikki involuntarily gave us and found a way of making a faster ship that had much better shielding. We even found tweaks to make the inertial compensator work even better. It was the internal shields that made the ship so strong and light.
The compensator was actually broken up into many smaller units so that there was less turbulence. The same idea was going to be used on our ships when we built larger units.
The Wikki kids had to stay on their ship during our camping trip but the humans had found a way to talk to them and get them to make some of the components.
That night New Leaf went back to her ship with a lot of naturally derived supplies. We were going to work on a contract tomorrow before she found any opposition to our plans from her own people.
I thought that New Leaf and I were friends after our forced companionship but she bargained forcefully for everything. I figured that there were some things she knew she could not get but tried to use the position so she could gain more of what she could.
The previous agreements were ratified first with not too many problems. Our new agreements would have me counting my fingers after I finished. I guess New Leaf had to act this way if her decisions were going to be criticised by her superior.
Our gift of the information about the engines, shields and computers was just that, a gift. The missiles we made were nearly as good as our largest missiles. We traded our existing stock here and on earth to the Wikki and we would make more of the smaller and more deadly units to take their place. The Wikki would want all of these they could get.
New Leaf wanted a computer as good as Wesley or Wyatt and I amazed her by agreeing. Supplying us with enough hulls for ships was going to be hard on them. The Wikki needed all the ships they could get at the moment so all the agreements were based on how their enemies were dealt with.
The bargaining went on for five days even with the computers. Very prominent in the documents was the stipulation that New Leaf, and her alone, come to Cralto three times every standard year. She had fought this for the record but I think she was pleased.
The main contract was signed and sent off while we then went into other issues. Queen Bright Star was becoming more and more involved and I wanted some firm commitments before somebody new came on the scene. The side deals were more of the mundane agreements that made everything work.
We were going to get an influx of young Wikki. Our Star Fleet regs were altered just a bit to fit the Wikki better. Grotto and New Leaf assisted in this but without the usual intensive dickering.
Part of the Wikki fleet headed for earth to deliver some of the new missiles and pick up our old surplus ones. The humans in Star Fleet were already making the new variety. Larger missiles of the new variety were being designed. The new missiles already would have much more power and speed than any other weapon known. A way was found to make the retrofit the old missiles to bring them close to the current design. The Wikki liked all our missiles even those that had not been improved. Then again, they would throw rocks at their enemies if they had to.
The ships also took some of our children home but also fifty young Wikki. Those children of mine that had not had a chance to visit were now given their turn. At least Grotto now knew what to expect on such a trip.
New Leaf left to go back to her regional headquarters. As predicted, Queen Bright Star was not happy. New Leaf had grown up a lot in the last while and perhaps her new outlook would see her through her coming difficulties.
Two Wikki cruisers patrolled the area near Sol and another two stayed here. The major components for ships came in and they were shunted to Eito. There were lots of raw materials there and security could be much tougher. We put the first cruiser together in just two months. The Wikki were amazed at the improvements in it. The next ship would be even better again as we learned more.
Queen Bright Star reluctantly turned over to us all the information she had on her enemies. Wesley and Wyatt sent back strategies and samples of our newest weapons that made use of what the enemy had shown the Wikki when they used them. We were given all the raw data the Wikki had amassed since they started gathering scientific information. Most was old, poorly observed or incorrect for other reasons but there were a lot of weird things happening in the universe and we now wanted to find out why things happened. Wesley and Wyatt were very happy to be working on this data and only wanted more and more.
The Wikki went on the offensive with our weapons and we got the data back. The units were certainly better but not the magic bullet they were looking for. The ships we made were certainly better and the Wikki were clamouring for more.
Earth was given a contract to build ships too. This was to justify the two cruisers stationed there. They had far more humans and far fewer of my children but they did very well considering.
Doc, Irene, Gail or Haru Kazuyoshi talked to me. Usually only one of them did this at a time so we could keep our friendship going. We all had lots of work to do and not enough time to do it all. Craig and June did too but they were more involved with the fleet part of Star Fleet and I guess we could consider them married.
There was a lot of conflict on earth about us. They were voracious for information. We had brought the population partially into the ceramic age. They could make our hulls for us but they did not get the crystal information.
An orbital station was started and staffed with cadets and some other humans. We were the bus drivers and everybody landed at the academy so crystals and other pieces of equipment did not go missing. Humans were very inventive when it came to greed and they could find ways around many of our obstructions. We just had to stay ahead of them.
Four months after New Leaf left, she returned with some of the parts we needed and other supplies. Many low level techs arrived to learn and to work. The battleship was going to be built much quicker this way and the Wikki were making most of the vessel. They only brought the intricate components and the materials for making the fabricators necessary for making the large components.
New Leaf could not talk much because we both knew that the head queen would have her monitored now and when she got back.
New Leaf spent an hour trying to get me onto her ship and I followed Grotto's advice and stayed on the planet's surface. New Leaf may not like it but she may have been forced to do a lot of things she would rather not do.
She did come to the planet later. I showed her some of our missile batteries. I made a point of showing her that they were controlled by Wyatt and not the Tomma or Wikki. This let her queen know that I was not going to leave the planet alive or live for long after. One day this stipulation would be removed and I would be free to visit.
I asked when we were together, "Has your queen made any new demands other than the obvious ones?"
"She just wants more ships, more missiles and more computers."
"How is your war with the Procent going? There are reports that you have destroyed three more of their ships."
"There were seven in the last major battle. A Procent squadron came to find out what happened to some of their ships and left four more of their number. They fled with five heavily damaged ships. We are pursuing to finish the job."
"What did Bright Star think of my idea to get her enemies to fight each other instead of the Wikki?"
"Our people studied your proposal very carefully. They like the idea but do not believe they could pull this sort of operation off."
I knew that this was a method for the Wikki to get me to help so I said, "This means that she wants me to do this. I think it is important but I do not want to end up in a Wikki lab or a production facility."
"We would not do that, Wally."
"Until I am positive of that, I will just stay here. You are just going to have to try if you want to succeed."
"I felt you would say that."
The Tomma through my mates had learned of the Wikki double standard. The run-of-the-mill Wikki were simple and straightforward while the rulers were more like humans but nicer. I would not be really free unless the Tomma were very strong and able to come after me if I were taken. It was a given that the Wikki would try to do this when they have disposed of the majority of their enemies.
There were ways of relieving the Wikki of the urge to kidnap me. The Wikki could give us the specifications to any new equipment and we would make it. My method also allowed us to learn about my own abilities. I would stay here on the planet and undergo tests that were monitored by the Wikki, some of my mates and Wyatt. The Wikki did not like this because we were outside their main communication area. This meant that the head queen could not take over the testing if she chose. This left unsaid that the All Mother could still protect me.
Patricia and Liza had somehow became pregnant. Paul walked around very proudly. He had worked with the cadets from earth, here and the Wikki planets to construct our first corvette. It was the best ship we could build. This vessel had good teeth with the best missiles we could put in it. So far we had made small improvements as Wyatt or Wesley came up with them. The same missiles were given to the Wikki in trade.
The ship was crewed by cadets and a good portion of them were Wikki. There was still some difficulty in interfacing all facets of the crew but time would make it work or perhaps getting the Wikki crew members at a younger age.
New Leaf was shown the ship by her proud captain and crew. I saw a lot of good points about a crew like this. New Leaf saw this too but not as strongly. I was sure her queen would be noncommittal.
Betts came into my arms with a rush. "I missed you."
"I missed you more."
Erica and Maska hugged Betts too even though they had to pull her from my arms. More of my mates came into the room. Some had come on the battleship Betts had arrived in and some had come to see those that had gone on the trip
Betts said finally, "The kids are doing great. The academy has grown again. The space station is gigantic. The high-lift platforms put another segment into orbit."
We had left earth six years ago but I had never returned. My children and my mates were not as restricted as I was. After nearly five years, the Wikki still wanted me in their clutches.
The Wikki war was still doing badly but not nearly as it would have been without us. The Procent were looking to feed elsewhere or preparing for another invasion. The rest of our enemies were simply stepping up their own aggression to counter our improved weapons. We had made steady improvements but so had the opposition.
We settled down to talk about what had changed on earth and what had not. Soon we were onto the topic of our children and what they were doing. Earth was now well defended but that did not mean impregnable. The battleship had made the trip safely between worlds. It had been barely crewed but we had made up for it by making far more of it automated. Betts talked about relations with earth on the official level then on the woman or man on the street strata.
"China had been given another of our fabrication plants. Their population growth is being vigorously monitored by their government. India, Pakistan and the countries of the Mid East are not doing anywhere near what they could to restrict population growth. There is a lot of emigration going on but many countries are not accepting people in these numbers. Our health facilities are still swamped all the time. We have not let up on the stipulation that only the responsible country's citizens can seek this aid. We have had bombings and threats.
Corrma said, "We saw families lined up for kilometres trying to get into the health centres. I wanted to help but I knew that in the end nobody would try to hold their numbers down."
Erica said, "I saw that Canada is shifting to the right. I don't know how far they will go. Welfare is much harder to get. The current leaders are considering our proposal to provide them with the means to implant contraceptives in all newborn children. I do not like the thoughts of how eugenics is implemented but I know it has a lot of benefits."
I said, "I hope we are not going the same route as the Aristis. They must have sat around just as we are now sometime in their history." A social net was necessary. Most ideas that came around were abused by humans. Too many people relied on welfare when they should be looking for alternate means of employment.
Betts said, "We study history so perhaps we can avoid the curse."
Erica said, "Did they accept the law computers?"
"Not yet. Politicians are usually lawyers and they do not want to lose their comfortable positions."
Earth had changed a lot in the last few years. They now knew that they were far from being alone in the universe. This did not change them much. They were the same people with the same goals.
We gave out contracts for equipment to the countries that curbed the excesses that humans always brought about. This provided some employment for those that may have used welfare. We also gave assistance to those that assisted us. Some of this was in technology, medicine or emergency aid as in toxic spills or in natural disasters. There were always a lot of the latter. When one of our human allies got some of our technology the rest were usually jealous about it. The allies could use their newfound knowledge to gain a better position for themselves in relation to other countries. It did not take long for some of the richer countries to see how much they were losing and how much they would have to work to catch up.
Betts said, "Earth is building a lot of ships. In fact they are building more than we can provide crystals for. They are like children when they use the high lift platforms and the shuttles."
Corrma added, "They are still trying hard to find out what they can about our technology but they only get what we allow. So far it is just students that have not officially been accepted to Star Fleet yet. A lot of people in the military are still trying to get us to accept students that will send back whatever they can find out about us. They never learn."
I said, "They will never stop. What about the habitat on the moon?"
Corrma said, "It's progressing fine. The Academy built a huge high lift platform and flew ten million tonnes of sea water to the moon and put it into one of forty large underground tanks."
I was thinking now of our island and wondered why they were taking so much water. Ten million tonnes even times forty was still a drop when compared to what earth had. "Why so much?"
Corrma smiled as if she were waiting for this. "Earth gains a lot of water every year from meteors. They wanted to see how much they could lift for one but they wanted a safe place to live beneath the moon's surface. All that water though is just a cube about three quarters of a kilometre on a side. It helped lower the water level by a tiny bit, gave the kids a worthwhile project to do for school and they have fun building homes on your moon."
I could see them having fun and showing off because I would have loved to do that, especially when I was that young. I accessed Wyatt and said, "Hi Wyatt. Can you tell me how much water Cralto has gained in the last say thousand years?"
"I would have to make an estimate, Sir. I would say around seven point two billion tonnes."
That was a lot but not when it had to cover the entire planet. An old idea came to me so I asked, "What do you see would happen if we used high lift platforms to start taking a metre of water from the surface of Cralto and drop it on Eito?"
"Is your intention to make the world habitable?"
"Yes. We will have to extract oxygen from the soil of Eito and then crack silicon to make two atoms of nitrogen."
Wyatt said, "A preliminary estimate indicates that Cralto's climate will become slightly dryer. Rainfall will decrease six percent. Land mass will increase by seventeen percent. The storm activity will decrease somewhat. Portions of the native wildlife will suffer unless they are shifted while others will thrive.
"Eito's environment would match Cralto's in forty three standard years at a minimum if an atmosphere is generated within twelve and a half years."
More data flooded into my mind. Eito already had a partial atmosphere but most of it was water. This I figured was from meteors that it had captured. The projections showed that the planet would be habitable but it would be rocked by terrific storms. It would be between thirty and forty years later that the worst would be over.
The project would make a new home for us but the main beneficiary would be Cralto. The decrease in water levels would allow construction much like the Tomma had done when at their peak. The Tomma could then travel much easier on high roads or in the necessary canals that would have to be built.
"Wyatt, look more into the implications of shipping our water to Eito. I do not want to kill off the wildlife but I want to be able to build on firm land."
"I will do as you wish, Sir."
Betts said, "You want to terraform Eito? Or should I say make it like Cralto? I like the idea but it is going to be a lot of work. Building here on Cralto is going to be even more work. Why do you want to do this?"
"I want to get more humans off of earth. They will be given a higher level of technology. This will actually be a new carrot to induce the humans to play along. The projections about the survivability of earth was pushed back nearly four decades. This new project may give us double that time. By then we will have thought of something new."
The project was left in Wyatt's hands so to speak and we talked about other ways the humans were coming around. Our single battleship seemed to do wonders at gaining more recruits for the academy. We had tried to make it the least threatening possible and did this by giving tours.
The cadets on earth and Cralto were given the plans for a new lifting platform. The frame could be built as a massive undertaking but the rest of the structure would have to be designed as we went along.
I had many ulterior motives. The engines we would need would dwarf those of the largest battleship. The inertial compensator and the reactors would have to be much larger as well. The excess water on Earth could be sent to Mars so the planet could be colonised. A more important reason was that we would be able to make a much larger ship capable of moving humanity, the Tomma, the Aristis or even the Wikki to a place of safety. The galaxy was not a safe place. We could be destroyed quite easily. The Wikki could have used the antimatter to destroy our star or a nearby planet. We would die too though some may be able to escape.
The cadets naturally liked the idea of building this big. They could see how it was actually a large ship that was made to haul a large mass. It also meant that it would have to dwarf our battleship even though that was as large as the Aristis ever built.
The Wikki did not like this construction. We were a major supplier of missiles. If we shifted production then we would not be able to build as many missiles for them.
Grotto was the closest we had to an ambassador now and he said, "Friend Wally, the war is not going well. We need all the missiles we can get from your people."
I gave him a smile and said, "Friend Grotto, I have many cadets and many in the academy. Very few can make the crystals but everybody can make the hull of the ship. The production of missiles and the research behind them will not falter."
He was invited to interface with Wyatt for a few minutes and I saw the Wikki visibly relax. "I see now your methods and also your reasons for building a ship of this size. I also see how a large volume is allotted to my race. I thank you for that."
"The Wikki are important to me as we are to the Wikki. Weapons systems are being designed that will destroy any of our enemies. This may not last for long but this ship will assist all of our races."
"I will tell my queen this news. She was quite worried."
The excess manufacturing capacity was taxed as ceramic components were made for all of our construction needs. Major ships still had to be built as well as an ever increasing supply of missiles.
The missiles effectiveness had increased because some of my children as well as other cadets flew with the Wikki. There was a lot of resistance to this even though we proved ourselves time after time.
Our own ships flew with the Wikki and then went on our own missions. We were usually more effective than when the Wikki lead.
The insect like Procent were not as willing to fight now. We had destroyed many of their ships but not without losses of our own. We had also captured nearly a hundred and seventy living beings. The officers were all dead but we did have the common sailors. They were not very intelligent and we could not get them to cooperate with us. I may get them to do just that though if they were suitably approached.
The Procent ships we captured were rebuilt if possible and we now had a fleet of seventeen hulls. The computers though were altered to follow our commands. They were even more advanced than the Aristis machines and we learned a lot by working on them.
The Chlorins and the Khartts had stepped in and escalated their attacks. The Aristis had been beaten back and had actually left three minor worlds. It was now time to see if we could foment more fighting between our enemies.
We built nearly forty thousand missiles that were as close to the best that we had seen the Procent use.
The Khartts had a major outpost nearly ninety light years away. Captain Paul Jessop flew the flagship while Chuck and Jerry flew escorts that were all designed to look like what the Procent used.
The majority of my friends went on this mission along with fifteen of my wives. They would fly to the area of space that the Procent controlled then fly toward the Khartts' outpost. Just before the battle, the Procent bodies we had gathered would be dispersed among the ships. The computers would do the fighting and the living Procent would have the opportunity to fight the Khartts to the death.
Three hundred and twenty units after the fleet left I got word of what happened. I never felt so relieved in my life. Thirty time units later the ships came back along with a squadron of Wikki ships.
We had not suffered any deaths at all and in fact two of my wives had given birth while on this mission.
All the information was in the computers now but I listened to my friends and family describe what happened.
Wendy was the most excited and after greeting all of us, she said, "The mission did not go quite as planned. We encountered a small fleet of Procent ships."
When she paused, Betts said, "Come on, what happened then?"
"We destroyed five ships naturally then flew back along the path we had used to get there. We figured this would hide our trail. We had coasted into the corona of a star like what we planned so there would not be much to backtrack." She saw all of us waiting patiently and she said, "Chuck will tell what he did."
Chuck kissed his wife and said, "The Procent got one of our decoys but we got all of them. They were within Ultrawave range of at least one of their planets. I am sure they were as mad as hornets. We managed to drag our decoy to the nearest star to hid any evidence or at least most of it. Let Jerry tell some."
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Ma numesc Adriana , am 42 de ani si sunt o femeie plinuta . De ce aceste detalii ? Mi-am imaginat intotdeauna ca , femeile mature si grase , sunt mai greu de satisfacut . Am avut o fantezie , sexul cu mai multi barbati . Discutia cu sotul meu , a fost favorabila . Nu am sa spun , ca altii , ca a sarit in sus de bucurie , dar a acceptat ca eu sa fac sex cu mai multi barbati , iar el sa accepte statutul de cuckold . Acestea fiind spuse , a urmat partea cea mai grea . Daca ma credeti , a durat...
I got more than I bargained for at my local car boot sale. As I wandered the aisles of unwanted household items, looking at kitchen utensils for my two student flats, a young woman put a set of almost new saucepans on a tarpaulin in front of her car. She knelt to organise her display more attractively and did so in a way she was not intending. Her black shoulder-length hair hung forward, obscuring her face as she rearranged her items. Not hidden was her cleavage in her sleeveless white tank...
MatureHi friends, I am a regular reader of ISS and wanted to share my own experience with my saali. The incident happened around a year after my marriage. I work in Bangalore and my in-laws are in Chennai. My saali Neeru was studying in her final year engineering at a place 50 km from the city and used to stay in the hostel there visiting on weekends. My wife and I went to Chennai as my father-in-law was retiring and there were lot of works there which my wife wanted to help them. I took the remote...
IncestMy seventeen year old daughter Linda was a right bloody tease when her mother wasn't around, the little cow would think nothing of wandering around half naked in front of me on the pretence of doing something. If it wasn't that then she was making subtle suggestions or lewd innuendoes, other times she'd sit in such a way as to show off her legs right up to her panties or lean forward so that I could see right down into her top. I'm only human and it wasn't long before my daughter's antics...
I´m new to this and not sure how it works, but if you know, please rate my story. Bea was sexy in every way. Almost every man she met wanted to talk to her, spend time with her and more. She was 25, but nobody could guess her age. Some thought she was older, some that she was younger. She knew she could dress and act almost any age she wanted. Bea knew she had IT, not knowing exactly what IT was. She could look at someone and they directly became interested in her, she could talk to them and...
Mind ControlHey guys, to aapne padha ke Methius jung per chala gaya tha. Rajkumari Misha ko azaadi mil gayi thi mujhse sex karne ki. Aur dusri taraf Methius ki maa Mila mujhe chidha rahi thi bohut saare lund ek sath lekar. Ab Aage. Ye silsila aise hi chalta raha 15 din tak. Fir Misha ke periods miss ho gaye aur fir uski thodi tabyat kharab hui to main vaid ji ko bula laayi. Unhone usko dekhkar bola ke woh maa banne wali hai. Methius ko pata tha ke woh nahi aane wala hai abhi kuch mahine tak. To usne...
David didn’t know what had happened. One minute he was walking home from the gym and the next he was chained by the wrists to a concrete floor. Naked and shivering with fear and cold David tried to work his wrists out of the chains being held closed by a Master lock. Tears streamed down his face as he realized that he wasn’t going to be able to get free. David jerked when he heard a noise outside the door to his new prison. Two muscular men stepped in with terrifying grins...
I have been asked to recount a couple of episodes of me having fun outdoors. Over the years I have had sex or enjoyed some fooling around on many occasions outside. On beaches, in parks and woods and also whilst out shopping or traveling on buses, trains etc. The two times I am going to tell you about happened a period apart. The first one, involving me finger fucking myself on a bus was when I was with Eric. The second one happened more recently when out and about with Frank. I had been at...
A hot June sun glittered on the water’s surface, but the Pacific breeze cooled Jenna and Celeste, as they settled with their drinks at Armando’s Venice Beach cafe.“You might need something stronger than a Frappuchino to get through this afternoon,” Jenna said, and she chugged on the neck of her beer as if to reinforce the point.Celeste eyed her, sipping nervously through her straw. “You think?” She had little doubt, however, as to what had been in Tony’s mind at their meeting the previous day....
ReluctanceIf you don't remember my name is Megan and I'll admit it, I'm a voyeur. A few years ago I'd say I was ashamed of that fact, but now I feel just the opposite. It started one night when my cable was out and I could see this couple having sex by their window. It was something very new to me and I just loved it. Over the past year I've been watching them and every time I saw the man shoot his load right onto his lady. I never found out literally anything about them, I never saw them walk in or out...
Group SexWe slept until after lunch time and only lazily recaptured the kitchen in order to grab a coffee and some sandwiches. We put together a list of the information we had unearthed in Sara's memories and agreed that we had to gather a defence to protect ourselves against this guy: Shaw. There were prayers that had to be made and we both took them as seriously as had her parents. I anointed her with a mixture of oils she brought out of the kitchen cabinets, lit candles and drew symbols on her...
I could guess what the conversation would be in the house when I got into my truck and drove off. They would be saying things did not go as I wanted them to, so I ran away. I did run away. I hadn't given the real reason. I know a person is not supposed to eavesdrop, but I inadvertently had. The night I saw Brenda in bed with Charlie I could have gotten beyond what she had done. However, later that night when she woke Charlie up after sleeping several hours she had said, "Charlie, this is...
My wife Jennifer and I have been married for nearly 15 years. We have what I consider a perfect marriage. That's not to say we never have disagreements or get crabby with each other. We do, but it's generally short-lived and due to fatigue on one of our parts. Although we don't have all the same interests, we have the same core values, and I firmly believe that's what determines a couple's compatibility. I would describe our sex life as very good and I hope Jennifer would do the same. Although...
After the hate fucking session, Zayn and Rey were laying in Rey’s bed with Zayn snuggled into Rey. They were on their left sides. “There’s something else too, Rey,” Zayn asked, as she turned her face towards him. He kissed her forehead. “What is it, baby?” Rey asked as he drew a line on her skin with his right index finger, from her shoulder down to her elbow. “Well, I called you when Amin was troubling me, but you never showed up. Instead, some two guys showed up with a van and asked me to...
SCENE opens one morning as a married couple, John and Angie, have sex in their kitchen. Naked and sweaty, we watch them fuck feverishly for a few minutes against the cabinets until John cums deep inside his Angie’s mouth. She swallows his load before springing up and wrapping her arms around her husband. They seem so happy. As they wind down, Angie struts over to the freezer and grabs a pint of ice cream. This causes John to stop. He asks what she is doing and, nonchalantly, she tells him...
xmoviesforyouI gazed at my new friend and co-conspirator, Charlotte. She, unlike the rest of us, was still dressed. Or mostly dressed – I was pretty sure she was no longer wearing any panties! Charlotte was the one who had orchestrated our sexual awakening that evening. My husband, Jason, and I were being guided into new territory by Charlotte, who was pulling the strings, and her well-hung Lothario, Peter, who also happened to be my husband’s new boss.Wearing a simple, but incredibly seductive, silvery...
Bisexual‘It’s just a game right?’ I replied after being asked to attend Rob’s footy match. ‘Of course, it’s not like a hooligan riot will occur..’ laughed Rob at my sad attempt at a joke. In result I playfully punched him after he made that snide remark. Rob then wandered off into his room to gear up and leave for the championship game he basically begged me to attend. Everything about this game bothered me, the drive, the arena, the weird smell of old, and the whole damn concept of going but I...
I couldn’t believe my eyes and my luck. The gorgeous college girl my wife and I had a threesome with for the first time only earlier today was laying with her head in my wife’s lap. Both were naked with a puddle of clothes nearby. I was flooded by a mix of feelings. The first was relief. When I left earlier to finish a work project, I was pretty sure Cee and Katie would use this time to establish the agreements that would shape the journey for the three of us from here. I had no idea if...
ThreesomesBy : Shobhen After that night, our life changed (read my last story “My Friends Banged My Wife”), we started exchanging all our feeling more closely. When we go-out, if she sees any good looking man, she will hint at me, and whisper in my ear that, what a man, hope he can enter me one day. We smile at each other. All passing by keep staring at my wife. I notice all. They mainly stare at her big melons and big round ass. Nobody misses chance to feast my sexy wife. How can one be if he is not a...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I grew up in a very strict Christian home with two loving parents and a younger sister. I always saw my parents as up tight but fair. I never saw what was coming next. I came home from my last day of work before I left for college, it was about 3 pm. As I pulled into the driveway I saw my dads car sitting in the driveway. He was home early, I didn’t think much of it on a Friday. I walked in and slammed the door behind me. “I’m home” I yelled around the...
IncestAbby is on her stomach, wrists together, arms stretched out in front of her as if she's reaching for the headboard she's tied to. She is bent over a sex wedge. The firm triangle beneath her hips props her rear end up perfectly, the multiple straps on her legs keeping her in a wide kneel.She looks like she's ready to be mounted from behind and used like a sex doll. At least, that's what she's hoping will happen.She is in heaven, unable to move from her unfettered position.“What if I turn...
IncestI grew up as an only child with a single working mother, my father having died in the war. At school I suppose that I was known as a bit of a nerd, very shy & always into books. I was a year ahead of myself & confident with school work, but not with people. When I was fourteen my teacher decided that the class bully & I could learn something from each other so we were seated together. John was older than the other boys, also bigger & taller, & coloured. I think I amused him...
Ding dong, ding dong, the doorbell rang Who is there, I ask Your slave, master, the doorbell rings here, ready to serve your every whim,Enter slave, into my pad It’s been a while since I have seen you last Crawl into your dark cell Get ready for the fun to startWhat trouble, sins you bring To your master for your to sooth Go ahead tell, don’t be afraid Bring them out in the open like you did lastMaster my thoughts of you made me blush Made my nipples really hard And my pussy I could not help...
I was doing my morning round, letting the dog do his little natural habits. I was nearly home when, all of a sudden the dog spotted a cat, I was not ready for it, the dog rushed off, and I did not hold the leash properly. The cat, alarmed, sprinted off, and disappeared into the nearest garden. My dog, Gordon, was not planning to wait for permission but rushed through the hedge. That was a mistake, the leash got entangled and there he was, stuck. Luckily for me, since I was not really in the...
A little about myself. I am a 31 year old Marathi guy from Mumbai. I am 6ft tall, pretty well built and been told that I am good looking. I am a pretty horny guy and though I am happlily married and enjoy sex with my wife, my mind always wanders. This is a story about a true event that happened to me earlier this week. We are settled in the US and visit India every year. While we are here, I spend most of my time at my brothers place while my wife stays at her parents. The first morning after I...
Part 5 Sunlight crept through the bedroom window onto Ron Weasleys face causing him to wake up with a start. Ron's eyes adjusted to the bright light as he took in his surroundings. He was lying in bed, Harry must have already woken up and gone for breakfast because his camp bed was empty. Checking his bed side alarm clock he realised that his first quidditch match for the Chudley Cannons youth team was in 5 hours time. Normally Ron would be forced to spend the night before matches at...
We are on the plane together — it’s a red-eye flight and the plane is silent, and all the passengers are asleep. Amazingly, we are alone in our row. You and I are cuddled under two blankets. At first, we converse and exchange simple small kisses. You nip my lower lip, and I catch my breath. You ask me my thoughts on your last presentation. Whenever I make an astute comment, you kiss me a little deeper, your tongue piercing my mouth and rubbing against me. As you slide your tongue out, I lick...
Hai this is giri, i am about to tell my mom sex journey with stranger. Our family consists of three members, dad mom and me. Dad used to work in dubai, he will hardly comes twice in a year. Coming to my mom, she is homely lady always used to wear sarees at home. She is little bit plumpy, and she is exhibitionist in nature. She always tie her saree below her navel. She always maintain around 12 to 14 inches gap between blouse and the petticoat. She is having a white skin tone. So whenever she...
IncestThe next two weeks were pretty interesting to say the least. Dee's friend Julie practically moved in with us she was here so much. She had other side issues going on at home that made her invasion very acceptable to Dee and I. Carol was becoming a regular as well, but it was no big thing. Dee seemed to have that affect on friends. In all of that however, Julie didn't lay a big sob story on us. Dee laid it out for me and Carol so when Julie got here there weren't a lot of embarrassing...
Natasha and Randy have a retirement getaway deep in the secluded woods of Tennessee. They love the view from their picture window of the small lake in front of their cabin. The sight of the rolling mountains, tall pines, along with the rustling sounds of the forest, makes communing with nature in the buff very hot, sexy, and inviting. On this winter’s day they were out playing in the snow making snow angels, and throwing snowballs. The winter’s chill lapped at them and it wasn’t long before...
Charles Dera asks his student Coco Lovelock to stay after class so he can talk to her. Charles tells her that there are some stories going around that Coco’s been letting other students look at her naked in the school bathroom. Coco doesn’t deny the accusations, but instead gets a mischievous look in her eyes and starts to get flirty with Charles. He is appalled by her flippant attitude and resolves to give her the discipline she needs. He bends Coco over his knees and spanks her...
xmoviesforyouTrue Story.How I became a sissy was from curiosity of what my step mother's pantyhose felt like around the age of 5. From that point after having felt of her leg I did not know what would a simple touch to a life long fetish. Growing up and having lived with my aunt and uncle for a stint. I had stayed home from school that day because I had been in a school yard fight. So as I sit in my room looking out the window watching everyone else going to school. I sat and smiled because I could not...
SPIRALS: PART FIVE By T-Vixen In the Colorado town of Glory Falls, Karen Derrickson, now turning into the alien hermaphrodite known long ago as Mastress Melonia, is warring against the evil in hir soul. Meanwhile events continue to expand, as the US military, guided by a behind-the-scenes group of scientists, starts to mobilize to repel an "alien invasion". What will be the outcome of this? NOTE: This is the continuation of an ongoing science-fantasy story. Please read all...
I am a young, petite, passable and enthusiastic transvestite. I’ve been crossdressing and working on improving my look and appearance ever since I was a sixteen year old boy. Now after two years of weekends dressed in public as Cari, I had developed quite an attractive look and appearance. It often seemed at times, that many a man would come my way.Because of my exotic and sexy appearance, things could get interesting at times. When you are dressed as an alluring, sensual woman in high heels,...
CrossdressingA package for Caroline. It has the Dammartin Manor crest. She takes it through to the back room and sits down in the big armchair, tucking her stockinged feet beneath her bum. She turns the stiff cardboard envelope curiously in her hands while wondering what it might contain. Finally, she decides that there's only one way to find out, and she begins to pick at the flap with her nails. When she has it open, she pulls out a wad of glossy photographs.Oh, God! Look at these! Her insides twist into...
ThreesomesAll characters involved in this text are over the age of sixteen. I recently returned home to stay at my parent’s home during a three-week holiday break from my job working in an Architectural practise. My family home consisted of mum and dad, my two younger sisters; Paula; who had just turned twenty, my teenage sister Julia, and my teenage brother Thomas. I am a twenty-five years old, and had left home a fair few years ago. For the first week I enjoyed spending long lazy days hanging around...
IncestJess is a twenty-year-old who has dark brown hair and has a really slim body with 31A breasts and a nicely rounded arse. She is a cheerleader at her school for her basketball team. She has never had a massage before and is also a virgin.Jess arrives at the massage room and is shy but excited to have her first massage, she takes a seat on the table and a young man walks in and introduces himself. He askes her all the necessary questions, one of which is she on any birth control? And her answer...
First TimeStuart sat at the back of the court listening to the judge’s decision. The defendant was given a large fine, banned from driving, and a hundred hours community service. Stuart shook his head in disgust.Lily had been seven years old when this bitch had hit her on the street where Stuart lived. Another victim of drink driving, just one more statistic. And the judge had released her back into the world, instead of locking her up.There was no justice, or so it seemed.Stuart had heard the screeching...
Aurora gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She was tall and slender, blessed with the genes of a long-limbed family. Her golden skin radiated and her deep, mahogany hair was styled up in a loose bun- a few strands of her hair escaping to fall close to her neck. She didn't wear much make up, but she didn't need to either; her features were flawless. A little mascara to extend her eyelashes, and a little eyeliner to frame her eyes.Aurora cocked her head and narrowed her eyes at her image in...
Straight Sex"Captain," said Candy. "We're coming up on something. Something large." But before I could have a look the speaker blasted out. "Unidentified ship," said a female voice we both new so well. "Stand clear. Any unauthorized ship coming within 10 klick of us will be blasted. You've been warned." "That's Rachelle," said Candy. "It certainly is," I said. "Hi," I replied. "This is Starlight 299." "Captain is that you," Rachelle screeched. "Sure is Rachelle," I...
Es war eine warme Nacht in Hamburg. Katja und ihr Kollege Dirk fuhren in ihrem Streifenwagen durch ein Industriegebiet im Süden der Stadt und kämpften gegen das Einschlafen, was um 3 Uhr morgens nicht verwunderlich war. Mit ihren 26 Jahren war Polizeiobermeisterin Katja Metz eine wahre Schönheit die selbst ihre Polizeiuniform nicht verbergen konnte. Ihre festen großen Brüste brachten ihre blaue Uniformbluse nahezu zum Platzen. Ihr langes blondes Haar war zu einem Zopf zusammengebunden und die...
I eventually found my English homework. I skimmed it to see what Christina wrote before I handed it in. It went completely over my head. Either she's a better student than me, or that is literally the same BS I wrote 20 years ago. I was able to follow along with the rest of the class and it triggered long forgotten memories. I was called on once. I BS'ed something about fake culture and Holden Caufield's pessimism. It wasn't hard honestly. After all, I came from a year that society had...
I waited until she was home before I called her because the crimes I wanted to report weren't time critical. "Hi, Dot," I said when she answered my call. "Thank God," she said. "I thought after the fiasco in Greece that you'd decided to find another contact or give up on helping the authorities, period." "My problem wasn't with you, but with your boss, and I need to apologize to him through you. I threatened him, and that was unconscionable. I was at a bad point in my life, and...
"I think we're doing good work together, Severus," said Dr. Ricci, as they neared the end of their one-hour session. "How do you feel about how things are going?" As always whenever Dr. Ricci asked him a question, he considered his answer carefully. Her inquiries were never intended as mere politeness, as meaningless requests for equally polite responses. Her questions always had a purpose. In his second session with her, the doctor's skilled questioning had caused him to empty himself...
As we were tiding up after Sunday Service, Caroline was showing another lady what to do, I asked them why, she said "I'm going on holiday in a few weeks and Jean is doing my job", "Oh Ok" I said. We carried on doing our respected jobs when Caroline asked me if I wanted a cup of tea, I said I did. When we'd finished we went into the back room.Caroline was making the tea as Jean was talking to me about the church etc. She was 70 years old, widowed for six years, lived alone and the church was her...
My wife Paula and I (Dave Williams) were planning on spending the weekend at our summer cottage at the shore, which usually means we spend at least one day on our boat fishing. I knew it was time to replace some gear so I was going to go online and see what the local stores may have on sale. I really needed some additional smaller jigs as the mackerel was running and I used that for bait for larger fish like stripers. My wife Paula had her laptop out on the table as she had been looking up a...
In the year 20XX, an event, which was later recorded in history as The Leveling Day, has changed the world forever. Dozen of space-time gates appeared around the world. Governments tried to send the military in, but no one could enter the gate. After 7 days, an incident (which was later called Dungeon Break) occurred: monsters came out from the gates and slaughtered humans. These monsters had an unnatural resistance against guns and explosives. In less than a year, 30% of the population was...
I came through a small town that was clean, but did not seem exactly prosperous, but yet it had a certain appeal to me. So I drove to the next larger town and found a motel and checked in so that I could drive back to the small town, we will call it Atown, the next day. After finding a diner and having a good breakfast, I drove to Atown to look around. It was a town of about 2500 population. There was a bowling alley and a small movie theater, and a community pool. There was a beer hall...